Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-0666%, QUESTIONAIRE: POSITIONS, ISSUES, PICK YOUR CANDIDATE
"Complete this short 20 question quiz to determine which 2016 Presidential Candidate would best represent your views in the White House." (^^^)
"Which 2016 Presidential Candidate Best Matches You On The Issues?" ~ Build Quorum, {Subscriber Supported Journalism}, (2016) _ BB Link/URL
< https://buildquorum.com/quiz/2016-Presidential-Candidates
>_^_ "Who is a scarier candidate for president: Donald Trump or Ted Cruz? Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, and Jimmy Dore, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss." (^^^)
"Who's More Dangerous: Trump or Cruz?” ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 03-05-16, YT, 11:10 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8gZLeA_0Q0
"30 Years of Speeches by #BernieSanders"
~ Bernie For Prez, 2016, DOZENS OF DATED VIDEOS _ Link/URL
< http://www.doovi.com/video/30-years-of-speeches-by-berniesanders/RU3NKvvxcSs
>_^_ Primary Voting Opportunities, Click Map of 50 States
"Learn how to vote in ...Select Your State ↓" (^^^)
"Will You Be Able to Vote for Bernie?" ~ Vote For Bernie (2016) _ Link/URL
< http://voteforbernie.org/
Alabama *AL, Alaska *AK, Arizona *AZ, Arkansas *AR, Colorado *CO,
Florida *FL, Georgia *GA, Idaho *ID, Kentucky *KY, Louisiana *LA,
Mississippi *MS, Missouri *MO, Montana *MT, Nebraska *NE,
New Mexico *NM, North Dakota *ND, Oklahoma *OK,
South Carolina *SC, South Dakota *SD, Tennessee *TN, Texas *TX,
Utah *UT, West Virginia *WV, Wisconsin *WI (^^^)
"Republican Poverty: 93 Of The Poorest 100 Counties In America Are In Red States" ~ Justin Rosario / Addicting Info, {Subscribe}, 12-21-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/12/21/republican-poverty-93-of-the-poorest-100-counties-in-america-are-in-red-states/
"Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy" ~ Brendan James / TPM, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-18-14 _ Link/URL
< http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/princeton-experts-say-us-no-longer-democracy
"Did Conservative Ideology Poison the People of Flint, MI" ~ thomhartmann, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 01-27-16, YT, 9:31 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8be7AWHb64
“Counting Stars” (One Republic)
~ OneRepublic, {Subscribe}, 05-31-13, YT, 4:44 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT_nvWreIhg
"The Economist: Bernie is Right, Democratic Socialist Countries Have Healthier Democracies"
~ Colin Taylor/Occupy Democrats, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-16-16 _ Link
< http://www.occupydemocrats.com/-2016/02/16/the-economist-bernie-is-right-democratic-socialist-countries-have-healthier-democracies >###(01-16)*E16/7###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-0666%A Donors,
"Establishment-bashing Ted Cruz nabs four of six top donors." (^^^)
"The POLITICO 100: Billionaires dominate 2016" ~ Kenneth P. Vogel & Isaac Arnsdorf / Politico, {Subscribe}, 02-08-16 _ Link
< http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/100-billionaires-2016-campaign-finance-218862#ixzz3ziI8zJvQ >###(02-16)*E162*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Establishment-bashing Ted Cruz nabs four of six top donors." (^^^)
"The POLITICO 100: Billionaires dominate 2016" ~ Kenneth P. Vogel & Isaac Arnsdorf / Politico, {Subscribe}, 02-08-16 _ Link
< http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/100-billionaires-2016-campaign-finance-218862#ixzz3ziI8zJvQ >###(02-16)*E162*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-0666%A LIAR
"Did Obamacare Cancel Ted Cruz’s Health Insurance?"
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 01-25-16, YT, 4:31 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tHFoGsTEF4
>###(03-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Did Obamacare Cancel Ted Cruz’s Health Insurance?"
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 01-25-16, YT, 4:31 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tHFoGsTEF4
>###(03-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-0666%A YOUTH
"Video surfaces showing Ted Cruz was irritating and horrible even at age 18" ~ David Ferguson / Raw Story, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-24-16 _ Link/URL
< http://www.rawstory.com/2016/01/video-surfaces-showing-ted-cruz-was-irritating-and-horrible-even-at-age-18/
>_^_ An Interview with 18 year old Ted Cruz sitting on his bicycle follows:
"Aspirations? is that like seat on my butt?
No. No. Oh, I see. What I want to do in life.
Well, my aspiration is to uh...
Oh, I don't know, be in a teen tit film like the guy who played Horatio.
You know, he was in ‘Malibu Bikini Beach Shop?’
Well, other than that, uh, take over the world. World domination. You know rule everything. Rich. Powerful. That sort of stuff." (^^^)
"The aspirations of 18-year old Ted Cruz" ~ Young Ted Cruz, {Subscribe}, 01-23-16, YT, 0:47 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt-vG_TdOT4&app=desktop
>_^_ CRUZ’s presidential aspirations surface just 4 months after entering the US Senate.
"Alex Wagner's panel looks at Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz's possible presidential aspirations and they size up his chances for 2016." (^^^)
"MSNBC panel Laugh at 'Birther Movement': Ted Cruz Born in Canada. Could He still Run for President?" ~ YouHotNews, {Subscribe}, 05-03-13, YT, 5:28 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOrQDiMDg4E
“Johnny Cash – God’s Gonna Cut You Down”
~ OnkelzDusiburg1990, {Subscribe}, 05-27-10, YT, 2:38 _ URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=guocvS7XQW0 >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Video surfaces showing Ted Cruz was irritating and horrible even at age 18" ~ David Ferguson / Raw Story, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-24-16 _ Link/URL
< http://www.rawstory.com/2016/01/video-surfaces-showing-ted-cruz-was-irritating-and-horrible-even-at-age-18/
>_^_ An Interview with 18 year old Ted Cruz sitting on his bicycle follows:
"Aspirations? is that like seat on my butt?
No. No. Oh, I see. What I want to do in life.
Well, my aspiration is to uh...
Oh, I don't know, be in a teen tit film like the guy who played Horatio.
You know, he was in ‘Malibu Bikini Beach Shop?’
Well, other than that, uh, take over the world. World domination. You know rule everything. Rich. Powerful. That sort of stuff." (^^^)
"The aspirations of 18-year old Ted Cruz" ~ Young Ted Cruz, {Subscribe}, 01-23-16, YT, 0:47 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt-vG_TdOT4&app=desktop
>_^_ CRUZ’s presidential aspirations surface just 4 months after entering the US Senate.
"Alex Wagner's panel looks at Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz's possible presidential aspirations and they size up his chances for 2016." (^^^)
"MSNBC panel Laugh at 'Birther Movement': Ted Cruz Born in Canada. Could He still Run for President?" ~ YouHotNews, {Subscribe}, 05-03-13, YT, 5:28 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOrQDiMDg4E
“Johnny Cash – God’s Gonna Cut You Down”
~ OnkelzDusiburg1990, {Subscribe}, 05-27-10, YT, 2:38 _ URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=guocvS7XQW0 >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-0666%A ZEALOT
"For those who think like Cruz, there is virtually no amount of data, reality checks or facts that can persuade them to give up their false ideas." (^^^)
"Ted Cruz Isn't an Idiot / He's Delusional and That's Far More Dangerous" ~ Sophia A. McClennen / AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-01-15 _ Link
< http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/ted-cruz-isnt-idiot-hes-delusional-and-thats-far-more-dangerous
"The Religious Right Is Neither" (Weaponizing Hate) ~ PsychoSuperMom, {Subscribe}, 03-12-16, YT, 2:06 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZnS9JoLPnQ
”Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Augustus Gloop”
~ ILoveWillyWonka229, {Subscribe}, 11-25-09, YT, 2:45 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdSORiSaRW8 >###(04-16)*ULRSTC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"For those who think like Cruz, there is virtually no amount of data, reality checks or facts that can persuade them to give up their false ideas." (^^^)
"Ted Cruz Isn't an Idiot / He's Delusional and That's Far More Dangerous" ~ Sophia A. McClennen / AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-01-15 _ Link
< http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/ted-cruz-isnt-idiot-hes-delusional-and-thats-far-more-dangerous
"The Religious Right Is Neither" (Weaponizing Hate) ~ PsychoSuperMom, {Subscribe}, 03-12-16, YT, 2:06 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZnS9JoLPnQ
”Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Augustus Gloop”
~ ILoveWillyWonka229, {Subscribe}, 11-25-09, YT, 2:45 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdSORiSaRW8 >###(04-16)*ULRSTC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-0666%Abc HC LIES,
"Repealing Obamacare would leave lots of people uninsured, and Cruz would help them with free-market pixie dust." (^^^)
"Ted Cruz's Health Care Deception: Asked How He'd Protect the Uninsured, He Dodges and Lies" ~ Simon Maloy / Salon / via AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 01-30-16 _ Link/URL
< http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/ted-cruzs-health-care-deception-asked-how-hed-protect-uninsured-he-dodges-and-lies
“Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory – ‘The Candy Man Can’"
~ gaz1201, {Subscribe}, 10-14-10, YT, 2:49 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78gt7pfjlCU >###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Repealing Obamacare would leave lots of people uninsured, and Cruz would help them with free-market pixie dust." (^^^)
"Ted Cruz's Health Care Deception: Asked How He'd Protect the Uninsured, He Dodges and Lies" ~ Simon Maloy / Salon / via AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 01-30-16 _ Link/URL
< http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/ted-cruzs-health-care-deception-asked-how-hed-protect-uninsured-he-dodges-and-lies
“Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory – ‘The Candy Man Can’"
~ gaz1201, {Subscribe}, 10-14-10, YT, 2:49 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78gt7pfjlCU >###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-0666%Abc HC LIES,
"A voter mailing used by the Cruz campaign employs “social pressure” tactics that have been criticized by Iowa’s secretary of state." (^^^)
"Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks” ~ Ryan Lizza / New Yorker, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-16 _ Link/URL
< http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/ted-cruzs-iowa-mailers-are-more-fraudulent-than-everyone-thinks?intcid=mod-most-popular >###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"A voter mailing used by the Cruz campaign employs “social pressure” tactics that have been criticized by Iowa’s secretary of state." (^^^)
"Ted Cruz’s Iowa Mailers Are More Fraudulent Than Everyone Thinks” ~ Ryan Lizza / New Yorker, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-16 _ Link/URL
< http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/ted-cruzs-iowa-mailers-are-more-fraudulent-than-everyone-thinks?intcid=mod-most-popular >###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-0666%Abc HC LIES,
Rep. Alan
Grayson (D*FL-8, Orlando); REMARKS, HOUSE FLOOR, HC DEBATE, 2009; ACA HC
2010; *ULDRAG; Rep. Steve King (R*IA-5) (*ULRRSK); Rep. Virginia Foxx (R*NC-5) (*ULRRVF); Rep. Paul Braun (R*GA-10) (*ULRRPB); Rep. Louie Gohmert (R*TX-1) (*ULRRLG);
{Before ACA 2010, a “private” family Health Care Policy was the equivalent of a “Mortgage Payment.” Reasonable health insurance was offered through Union Labor Bargaining Units and Big Fortune 500 Corporate Employers. Where is the freedom or benefit when insurance corporations act as mob “middle men” to increase HC costs? ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
(^^^) "Rep. Grayson - Repub HC Plan, DON’T GET SICK" ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 08-30-09, YT, 7:45 _ BB Link*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=A4fYGrD7dGM
"Alan Grayson Strikes Again -- Must See ‘Bacon’ Speech!” ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-08-09, YT, 5:33 _ BB Link*^*<
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rsh4TnnH2o0
>_^_ Knuckle Dragging Neanderthals, Rep. Joe Wilson (R*SC) (*ULRRJW);
"Rep. Grayson - GOP Are A Bunch Of Neanderthals"
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-01-09, YT 6:46 _ BB Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTyAQEAseb0
>_^_ Fox News, National Inquirer, Republican/T Party, Bully, Vilify Enemies, Distract People, Party Of NO!, Party Of Nobody; Sen. Lamar Alexander (R*TN), Crook POTUS Richard Nixon (R*CA) (*UE37), Enemies List; Enemy Of America, Enemy Of Peace; ACORN; (^^^)
"Rep. Grayson Calls Out Fox News & Republican Party” ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-23-09, YT, 6:37 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8jjgtGkjrc
"Alan Grayson Punches Republican Party In The Mouth!" ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-13-10, YT, 4:09 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whF-dX-eQgA
{BoA - a proposed bill that targets “specific” individuals or entities (affected by the bill becoming law) or a bill “inflicts punishment” on individuals or entities …no “legitimate” regulatory propose.}; Rep. Paul Braun (R*GA) (*ULRRPB); Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R*WI-5) (*ULRRJS);
{Secretly recorded visits to ACORN Offices, loaded questions, unprepared staff, and a homemade spliced sting video by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles took down ACORN with help from (employer) Andrew Breitbart, Fox News and Mainstream News. ~ I.G.R.P.P.} (^^^)
"Rep. Grayson Schools Republican Congressman in Debate" ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-22-09, YT, 9:01 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbVQr_RtUA8 >###(02-16)*EC*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{Before ACA 2010, a “private” family Health Care Policy was the equivalent of a “Mortgage Payment.” Reasonable health insurance was offered through Union Labor Bargaining Units and Big Fortune 500 Corporate Employers. Where is the freedom or benefit when insurance corporations act as mob “middle men” to increase HC costs? ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
(^^^) "Rep. Grayson - Repub HC Plan, DON’T GET SICK" ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 08-30-09, YT, 7:45 _ BB Link*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=A4fYGrD7dGM
"Alan Grayson Strikes Again -- Must See ‘Bacon’ Speech!” ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-08-09, YT, 5:33 _ BB Link*^*<
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rsh4TnnH2o0
>_^_ Knuckle Dragging Neanderthals, Rep. Joe Wilson (R*SC) (*ULRRJW);
"Rep. Grayson - GOP Are A Bunch Of Neanderthals"
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-01-09, YT 6:46 _ BB Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTyAQEAseb0
>_^_ Fox News, National Inquirer, Republican/T Party, Bully, Vilify Enemies, Distract People, Party Of NO!, Party Of Nobody; Sen. Lamar Alexander (R*TN), Crook POTUS Richard Nixon (R*CA) (*UE37), Enemies List; Enemy Of America, Enemy Of Peace; ACORN; (^^^)
"Rep. Grayson Calls Out Fox News & Republican Party” ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-23-09, YT, 6:37 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8jjgtGkjrc
"Alan Grayson Punches Republican Party In The Mouth!" ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-13-10, YT, 4:09 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whF-dX-eQgA
{BoA - a proposed bill that targets “specific” individuals or entities (affected by the bill becoming law) or a bill “inflicts punishment” on individuals or entities …no “legitimate” regulatory propose.}; Rep. Paul Braun (R*GA) (*ULRRPB); Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R*WI-5) (*ULRRJS);
{Secretly recorded visits to ACORN Offices, loaded questions, unprepared staff, and a homemade spliced sting video by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles took down ACORN with help from (employer) Andrew Breitbart, Fox News and Mainstream News. ~ I.G.R.P.P.} (^^^)
"Rep. Grayson Schools Republican Congressman in Debate" ~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-22-09, YT, 9:01 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbVQr_RtUA8 >###(02-16)*EC*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-0666%CLIMATE CHAOS,
"8 Dumb Quotes About Science From New NASA Overseer Ted Cruz" ~ Adam Clark Estes / Gismodo, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-12-15 _ Link
< http://gizmodo.com/8-dumb-quotes-about-science-from-new-nasa-overseer-ted-1678965577
"Jimi Hendrix --- Voodoo Child, Live '69"
~ 33Pictures, {Subscribe}, 01-16-14, YT, 14:10 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9irsg1vBmq0&feature=share >###(01-15)*ULRSTC### *CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"8 Dumb Quotes About Science From New NASA Overseer Ted Cruz" ~ Adam Clark Estes / Gismodo, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-12-15 _ Link
< http://gizmodo.com/8-dumb-quotes-about-science-from-new-nasa-overseer-ted-1678965577
"Jimi Hendrix --- Voodoo Child, Live '69"
~ 33Pictures, {Subscribe}, 01-16-14, YT, 14:10 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9irsg1vBmq0&feature=share >###(01-15)*ULRSTC### *CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-0666%CLIMATE CHAOS:
Republican/T Strategist, Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove, End Of The World Prediction,
2080; Earth, Fossil Fuel, 6TH Extinction; Ted Cruz, Dominionism; Voting,
Generations: Millennials, X, Baby Boomers; Bernie Sanders, Address Climate
Chaos, #1 Challenge
"Karl Rove, Republican strategist and all-around wacko, recently argued that action on climate change would be a waste of time because everyone alive right now will be dead when the climate becomes inhospitable anyway. How shortsighted can one person be?" (^^^)
"Sociopath Karl Rove Perfectly Exemplifies Republican Selfishness” ~ The Ring of Fire, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 12-17-15, YT, 5:10 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=19&v=VhecA5jFQ_s
< http://trofire.com/2016/01/28/sociopath-karl-rove-perfectly-exemplifies-republican-selfishness
"Childish Yet Hilarious: Ted Cruz’s College Roommate Can’t Stop Tweeting About Him" ~ Ring Of Fire, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 01-22-16, Video, 1:06 _ Link/URL
< http://trofire.com/2016/01/22/ted-cruzs-college-roommates-tweets-about-him-are-hilarious >##(03-16)*E6E*E163*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Karl Rove, Republican strategist and all-around wacko, recently argued that action on climate change would be a waste of time because everyone alive right now will be dead when the climate becomes inhospitable anyway. How shortsighted can one person be?" (^^^)
"Sociopath Karl Rove Perfectly Exemplifies Republican Selfishness” ~ The Ring of Fire, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 12-17-15, YT, 5:10 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=19&v=VhecA5jFQ_s
< http://trofire.com/2016/01/28/sociopath-karl-rove-perfectly-exemplifies-republican-selfishness
"Childish Yet Hilarious: Ted Cruz’s College Roommate Can’t Stop Tweeting About Him" ~ Ring Of Fire, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 01-22-16, Video, 1:06 _ Link/URL
< http://trofire.com/2016/01/22/ted-cruzs-college-roommates-tweets-about-him-are-hilarious >##(03-16)*E6E*E163*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-099ANARCHIST
"Ted Cruz Tells States to Ignore SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling” ~ David Pakman Show, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 07-04-15, YT, 3:16 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7DyZljB-tA >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Ted Cruz Tells States to Ignore SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling” ~ David Pakman Show, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 07-04-15, YT, 3:16 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7DyZljB-tA >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-099BIRTH CERT.
"‘Ted Cruz Is NOT Eligible To Be President,’ Declares Constitutional Law Expert (VIDEO)" *ULRSTC ~ Elisabeth Parker / Reverb Press, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-14-16 _ Link
< http://reverbpress.com/politics/constitutional-law-ted-cruz/ >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"‘Ted Cruz Is NOT Eligible To Be President,’ Declares Constitutional Law Expert (VIDEO)" *ULRSTC ~ Elisabeth Parker / Reverb Press, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-14-16 _ Link
< http://reverbpress.com/politics/constitutional-law-ted-cruz/ >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-099LIES
"Ted Cruz Embarrassingly Whines About Fact-Checking Site That Constantly Exposes His Lies September 15, 2014” *ULRSTC
~ Allen Clifton / Forward Progressives, {Subscribe}, 09-15-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.forwardprogressives.com/ted-cruz-embarrassingly-whines-fact-checking-site-constantly-exposes-lies/
>###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Ted Cruz Embarrassingly Whines About Fact-Checking Site That Constantly Exposes His Lies September 15, 2014” *ULRSTC
~ Allen Clifton / Forward Progressives, {Subscribe}, 09-15-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.forwardprogressives.com/ted-cruz-embarrassingly-whines-fact-checking-site-constantly-exposes-lies/
>###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-099NUTS
"Insane Conspiracy Theories Ted Cruz Actually Believes" ~ The Young Turks, {Subscribe}, 03-23-15, YT, 7:03 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8bFf7s4gE0
"Sen. Ted Cruz: George W. Bush Levels Of Hilarious And Crazy Quotes” ~ The Young Turks, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-23-15, YT, 6:54 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=annC3iZFCG4 >###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Insane Conspiracy Theories Ted Cruz Actually Believes" ~ The Young Turks, {Subscribe}, 03-23-15, YT, 7:03 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8bFf7s4gE0
"Sen. Ted Cruz: George W. Bush Levels Of Hilarious And Crazy Quotes” ~ The Young Turks, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-23-15, YT, 6:54 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=annC3iZFCG4 >###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100
"Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Stalks Ted Cruz • Triumph on Hulu” ~ Hulu, {Subscribe}, 02-12-16, YT, 6:35 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NDSIhQ4gC4 >###(02-16)*E16*ULRSTC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Stalks Ted Cruz • Triumph on Hulu” ~ Hulu, {Subscribe}, 02-12-16, YT, 6:35 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NDSIhQ4gC4 >###(02-16)*E16*ULRSTC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100aANARCHIST
{Post election 1999 (Bush v. Gore), with the presidency of the United States up in the air, Cruz called Rehnquist’s former law clerk, John Roberts to litigate Bush v. Gore in 2000. Chief Justice John Roberts, a George W. Bush appointee, guided or coached the (Corporate) Citizens United legal team to expand their lawsuit to include money as speech and corporations as people with the right to use money (attack ads) as free speech. Rehnquist lead a majority opinion accepting a Roberts sculpted argument meant for the ears and rational of the Chief Justice, whose opinions he knew well. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
"Ted Cruz is an unyielding debater—and the far right’s most formidable advocate." (^^^)
"The Absolutist"
~ Jeffrey Toobin / New Yorker, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-30-14 _ Link
< http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/06/30/the-absolutist-2
”Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - The Wonka Wash Scene”
~ wamguy, {Subscribe}, 07-22-08, YT, 2:01 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu2CUFKEMmg >###(10-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{Post election 1999 (Bush v. Gore), with the presidency of the United States up in the air, Cruz called Rehnquist’s former law clerk, John Roberts to litigate Bush v. Gore in 2000. Chief Justice John Roberts, a George W. Bush appointee, guided or coached the (Corporate) Citizens United legal team to expand their lawsuit to include money as speech and corporations as people with the right to use money (attack ads) as free speech. Rehnquist lead a majority opinion accepting a Roberts sculpted argument meant for the ears and rational of the Chief Justice, whose opinions he knew well. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
"Ted Cruz is an unyielding debater—and the far right’s most formidable advocate." (^^^)
"The Absolutist"
~ Jeffrey Toobin / New Yorker, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-30-14 _ Link
< http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/06/30/the-absolutist-2
”Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - The Wonka Wash Scene”
~ wamguy, {Subscribe}, 07-22-08, YT, 2:01 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu2CUFKEMmg >###(10-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100aANARCHIST
{US Senator Texas Ted, a Tea Party Evangelical “Cubanadian,” was born in Canada to a U.S. citizen mom and a Cuban immigrant Texas Evangelical Mega Church TV Preacher. He is a US Government “shutdown specialist” who likes to advise Tea Party House Members (but never mind “Separation of Powers” in Washington, D.C.). Shutdown over funding ACA 2010 (at a cost to U.S. Taxpayers of $24 Billion) was far more important. Because of the shutdown, US Treasury debt bonds were downgraded. That was a gift of “higher interest payments” to the plutocrats whom Ted Cruz serves. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
><> Freedom Works for Wall Street, Dick Armey – CEO(left), Former U.S. Rep. (R*TX-26) 1994-2002 (*TX); 2012 GOP Pres. Candidate - Newt Gingrich, former U.S. Rep. (R*GA-6), 1979-1999, Speaker 1995-1999 who resigned as the most heavily fined House Representative($300k); Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R*IN)
“FreedomWorks …super lobbyist Dick Armey. …left his lobbying firm after Think Progress first revealed his long history of orchestrating fake grassroots efforts on behalf of his corporate lobbying clients.”
"FreedomWorks is playing its usual role: masquerading as a grassroots group to confuse activists and help big corporations. …pushed ...bank-friendly policies to benefit Armey’s lobbying clients and other FreedomWorks board members. …(Occupy) Wall Street Protesters Should Instead Focus on the Federal Reserve …FreedomWork’s central role in promoting President Bush’s attempt to privatize Social Security." A 2005 effort to "Fair-Game" S.S. retirement by Wall St. Wolves failed miserably.
"Bank Lobbyist-Run Front Group ‘FreedomWorks’ Tries To Trick Protesters Into Only Protesting Federal Reserve"
~ Lee Fang – Think Progress, {Subscribe}, 10-06-11 _ Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/10/06/337446/occupy-wall-street-freedomworks/
>_^_ Freedom Works "...helped train activists who believe in the small-government, anti-tax mantra of the Tea Party, and was closely aligned with Tea Partiers in… Indiana (*IN)”
Freedom Works… “Its campaign arm, ‘FreedomWorks for America,’ made endorsements ...GOP …Ted Cruz for the US Senate in Texas." (*TX)
"Dick Armey resigns from Tea Party group"
~ Catalina Camia - USA TODAY, {Subscribe}, 12-04-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.usatoday.com/story/onpolitics/2012/12/04/armey-freedom-works-tea-party-resign/1745345/
>_^_ Book Review by "On The Issue" of "...A Tea Party Manifesto"
Former GOP "Rep. Dick Armey (R*TX) is a former member of the House of Representatives from the time of Newt Gingrich's chairmanship. Armey assisted Gingrich heavily in the Republican takeover of 1994. Gingrich was the face of the Republican takeover; Armey was the behind-the-scenes workhorse."
"The 'Astroturfing' narrative ...by ...economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman. On April 12, 2009, in The New York Times, he referred to FreedomWorks as the 'Armey of Darkness' behind the Tea Party movement: ...run by Richard Armey, the former House majority leader, and supported by the usual group of right-wing billionaires.'"
Book, "Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto"
~ Dick Armey, Review by “On The Issues” _ Link/URL
< http://www.ontheissues.org/Give_Us_Liberty.htm
>_^_ One FreedomWorks success story is RTW Gov. Mitch “Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R*IN) who brought the Confederacy to Indiana on a Harley Motorcycle that really impressed some working people at one point.
"Popular Republican Governor Reflects On The GOP's First 100 Days As The Opposition Party. Indiana's Gov. Mitch Daniels On Changing The 'Party Of No"
~ Live Leak, {Subscribe}, (date: begin 2009?) _ Link/URL
< http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=691_1241217539
>_^_ FreedomWorks Dick “Armey’s coup lasted 6 days, when he proved unable to run the group with 2.1 million members a $40 million budget says the report.”
“A man with a gun who didn’t identify himself to …staff, and a woman I’d never seen before said there was an announcement”
"Former Rep. Dick Armey took over FreedomWorks think tank earlier this year carrying a GUN, got $8 million for consulting, and resigned: report"
~ Stephen Brown - New York Daily News, {Subscribe), 12-26-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/dick-armey-tank-offices-gun-report-article-1.1227633
"Dick Armey" (R*TX) Bio (Political Action Committee A.L.E.C.)
~ Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported} (see Links here - SW) _ Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Dick_Armey
"Newt Gingrich" (R*GA) Bio (+Links to Articles & Video “Bonanza!”)
~ Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported} (see Links here - SW) _ Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Newt_Gingrich
"Ted Cruz’s Biography” (R*TX) (Votes, Committees, Contact Info)
~ Project Vote Smart {Subscriber Supported} _ Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/candidate/biography/135705/ted-cruz
"Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr." (R*IN) Biography (+ M.D. Articles Links)
~ Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported} (see Links here - SW) _ Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Mitch_Daniels
”Violet Beauregard blows up like a balloon, blueberry.”
~ TV, {Subscribe}, 03-16-07, YT, 01:33 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4_cf_fZDc0
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{US Senator Texas Ted, a Tea Party Evangelical “Cubanadian,” was born in Canada to a U.S. citizen mom and a Cuban immigrant Texas Evangelical Mega Church TV Preacher. He is a US Government “shutdown specialist” who likes to advise Tea Party House Members (but never mind “Separation of Powers” in Washington, D.C.). Shutdown over funding ACA 2010 (at a cost to U.S. Taxpayers of $24 Billion) was far more important. Because of the shutdown, US Treasury debt bonds were downgraded. That was a gift of “higher interest payments” to the plutocrats whom Ted Cruz serves. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
><> Freedom Works for Wall Street, Dick Armey – CEO(left), Former U.S. Rep. (R*TX-26) 1994-2002 (*TX); 2012 GOP Pres. Candidate - Newt Gingrich, former U.S. Rep. (R*GA-6), 1979-1999, Speaker 1995-1999 who resigned as the most heavily fined House Representative($300k); Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R*IN)
“FreedomWorks …super lobbyist Dick Armey. …left his lobbying firm after Think Progress first revealed his long history of orchestrating fake grassroots efforts on behalf of his corporate lobbying clients.”
"FreedomWorks is playing its usual role: masquerading as a grassroots group to confuse activists and help big corporations. …pushed ...bank-friendly policies to benefit Armey’s lobbying clients and other FreedomWorks board members. …(Occupy) Wall Street Protesters Should Instead Focus on the Federal Reserve …FreedomWork’s central role in promoting President Bush’s attempt to privatize Social Security." A 2005 effort to "Fair-Game" S.S. retirement by Wall St. Wolves failed miserably.
"Bank Lobbyist-Run Front Group ‘FreedomWorks’ Tries To Trick Protesters Into Only Protesting Federal Reserve"
~ Lee Fang – Think Progress, {Subscribe}, 10-06-11 _ Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/10/06/337446/occupy-wall-street-freedomworks/
>_^_ Freedom Works "...helped train activists who believe in the small-government, anti-tax mantra of the Tea Party, and was closely aligned with Tea Partiers in… Indiana (*IN)”
Freedom Works… “Its campaign arm, ‘FreedomWorks for America,’ made endorsements ...GOP …Ted Cruz for the US Senate in Texas." (*TX)
"Dick Armey resigns from Tea Party group"
~ Catalina Camia - USA TODAY, {Subscribe}, 12-04-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.usatoday.com/story/onpolitics/2012/12/04/armey-freedom-works-tea-party-resign/1745345/
>_^_ Book Review by "On The Issue" of "...A Tea Party Manifesto"
Former GOP "Rep. Dick Armey (R*TX) is a former member of the House of Representatives from the time of Newt Gingrich's chairmanship. Armey assisted Gingrich heavily in the Republican takeover of 1994. Gingrich was the face of the Republican takeover; Armey was the behind-the-scenes workhorse."
"The 'Astroturfing' narrative ...by ...economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman. On April 12, 2009, in The New York Times, he referred to FreedomWorks as the 'Armey of Darkness' behind the Tea Party movement: ...run by Richard Armey, the former House majority leader, and supported by the usual group of right-wing billionaires.'"
Book, "Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto"
~ Dick Armey, Review by “On The Issues” _ Link/URL
< http://www.ontheissues.org/Give_Us_Liberty.htm
>_^_ One FreedomWorks success story is RTW Gov. Mitch “Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R*IN) who brought the Confederacy to Indiana on a Harley Motorcycle that really impressed some working people at one point.
"Popular Republican Governor Reflects On The GOP's First 100 Days As The Opposition Party. Indiana's Gov. Mitch Daniels On Changing The 'Party Of No"
~ Live Leak, {Subscribe}, (date: begin 2009?) _ Link/URL
< http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=691_1241217539
>_^_ FreedomWorks Dick “Armey’s coup lasted 6 days, when he proved unable to run the group with 2.1 million members a $40 million budget says the report.”
“A man with a gun who didn’t identify himself to …staff, and a woman I’d never seen before said there was an announcement”
"Former Rep. Dick Armey took over FreedomWorks think tank earlier this year carrying a GUN, got $8 million for consulting, and resigned: report"
~ Stephen Brown - New York Daily News, {Subscribe), 12-26-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/dick-armey-tank-offices-gun-report-article-1.1227633
"Dick Armey" (R*TX) Bio (Political Action Committee A.L.E.C.)
~ Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported} (see Links here - SW) _ Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Dick_Armey
"Newt Gingrich" (R*GA) Bio (+Links to Articles & Video “Bonanza!”)
~ Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported} (see Links here - SW) _ Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Newt_Gingrich
"Ted Cruz’s Biography” (R*TX) (Votes, Committees, Contact Info)
~ Project Vote Smart {Subscriber Supported} _ Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/candidate/biography/135705/ted-cruz
"Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr." (R*IN) Biography (+ M.D. Articles Links)
~ Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported} (see Links here - SW) _ Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Mitch_Daniels
”Violet Beauregard blows up like a balloon, blueberry.”
~ TV, {Subscribe}, 03-16-07, YT, 01:33 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4_cf_fZDc0
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100aANARCHIST,
"Want to understand where the tea party champion's hardcore views come from? Meet his father, Rafael." (^^^)
"WATCH: Ted Cruz's Dad Calls US a "Christian Nation," Says Obama Should Go 'Back to Kenya'" *ULRSTC ~ David Corn / Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-30-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/10/ted-cruz-rafael-father-video-christian-tea-party
"Hozier - Take Me To Church Lyric Video"
~ Arianna Banana, {Subscribe}, 04-13-14, YT, 4:01 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0imaSCnSuA >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Want to understand where the tea party champion's hardcore views come from? Meet his father, Rafael." (^^^)
"WATCH: Ted Cruz's Dad Calls US a "Christian Nation," Says Obama Should Go 'Back to Kenya'" *ULRSTC ~ David Corn / Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-30-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/10/ted-cruz-rafael-father-video-christian-tea-party
"Hozier - Take Me To Church Lyric Video"
~ Arianna Banana, {Subscribe}, 04-13-14, YT, 4:01 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0imaSCnSuA >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100aANARCHY
(Tortilla Coast Shutdown Conspiracy, 2013, Cruz Plot (Monday night, 10-14-13) to extend US Government “Tea Party Shutdown” beyond 16 days & collapse the World Economy by Defaulting on U.S. Debt …for expenses that current and past US Congress' and Presidents approved
*TX *TX *IA *OH *AR *ID *FL *NC *MI +
"...D.C. ...a group of (U.S.) House Republicans held a secret meeting with (U.S.) Sen. Ted Cruz (GO Pee-Tea-*TX) late Monday night at Tortilla Coast... The group of 15-20 included: (these Tea Bagger 8-balls) Louie Gohmert (R*TX), Steve King (R*IA), Jim Jordan (R*OH), Tom Cotton (R*AR), Raúl R. Labrador (R*ID), Steve Southerland II (R*FL), Mark Meadows (R*NC) and Justin Amash (R*MI). ...the craziest most conservative members of the House."
Tortilla Coast Conspiracy "secret meeting was discovered by House leadership. ...(Tortilla Coast, a Mexican) restaurant basement ...spotted by leadership. Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R*CA), who was also dining there ...Sources say that he was very interested ...hope so, as these guys could really throw a wrench into current negotiations." (^^^) "Secret Meeting Between Ted Cruz And Tea Party: Will They Sabotage Bipartisan Negotiations?"
~ T. Steelman / Addicting Info, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-15-13 _ BB Link
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/10/15/secret-meeting-cruz-tea-party/
>_^_ “'Ted Cruz and his Tortilla Coast Republicans are leading us to a default,' an unnamed GOP Senate aide told Talking Points Memo." (^^^)
"Tortilla Coast: Congress’s power restaurant, with extra cheese" ~ Amy Argetsinger / Washington Post, {Subscribe}, 10-16-13 _ Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/tortilla-coast-congresss-power-restaurant-with-extra-cheese/2013/10/16/3be2d1ba-36a3-11e3-ae46-e4248e75c8ea_story.html
"The Knack - My Sharona (1979)" (w/lyrics) (DICKS!)
~ Amarchord999, {Subscribe}, 07-07-11, YT, 5:12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR2JtsVumFA&feature=kp >###(04-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(Tortilla Coast Shutdown Conspiracy, 2013, Cruz Plot (Monday night, 10-14-13) to extend US Government “Tea Party Shutdown” beyond 16 days & collapse the World Economy by Defaulting on U.S. Debt …for expenses that current and past US Congress' and Presidents approved
*TX *TX *IA *OH *AR *ID *FL *NC *MI +
"...D.C. ...a group of (U.S.) House Republicans held a secret meeting with (U.S.) Sen. Ted Cruz (GO Pee-Tea-*TX) late Monday night at Tortilla Coast... The group of 15-20 included: (these Tea Bagger 8-balls) Louie Gohmert (R*TX), Steve King (R*IA), Jim Jordan (R*OH), Tom Cotton (R*AR), Raúl R. Labrador (R*ID), Steve Southerland II (R*FL), Mark Meadows (R*NC) and Justin Amash (R*MI). ...the craziest most conservative members of the House."
Tortilla Coast Conspiracy "secret meeting was discovered by House leadership. ...(Tortilla Coast, a Mexican) restaurant basement ...spotted by leadership. Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R*CA), who was also dining there ...Sources say that he was very interested ...hope so, as these guys could really throw a wrench into current negotiations." (^^^) "Secret Meeting Between Ted Cruz And Tea Party: Will They Sabotage Bipartisan Negotiations?"
~ T. Steelman / Addicting Info, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-15-13 _ BB Link
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/10/15/secret-meeting-cruz-tea-party/
>_^_ “'Ted Cruz and his Tortilla Coast Republicans are leading us to a default,' an unnamed GOP Senate aide told Talking Points Memo." (^^^)
"Tortilla Coast: Congress’s power restaurant, with extra cheese" ~ Amy Argetsinger / Washington Post, {Subscribe}, 10-16-13 _ Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/tortilla-coast-congresss-power-restaurant-with-extra-cheese/2013/10/16/3be2d1ba-36a3-11e3-ae46-e4248e75c8ea_story.html
"The Knack - My Sharona (1979)" (w/lyrics) (DICKS!)
~ Amarchord999, {Subscribe}, 07-07-11, YT, 5:12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR2JtsVumFA&feature=kp >###(04-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100aANARCHY
Fox Newes-4-Ewes
Cruz & Hannity never say a word about the 20 times Democrats attempted to sit down and talk about the budget in the 9 months BEFORE the shut down.
“Insanity in all its layers when ‘Sean Hannity Interviews Ted Cruz on Government Shutdown, Harry Reid's Shutdown’" (^^^)
"Greta Van Susteren Interviews Ted Cruz on Harry Reid's Shutdown - 10/3/13"
~ Media Alerts, {Subscribe}, 10-03-15, YT, 7:14 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R186WKw1Z9A
"Sean Hannity Interviews Ted Cruz on Government Shutdown - (October 2, 2013)" ~ Media Alerts, {Subscribe}, 10-02-13, YT, 6:50 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc4-1pHoqOQ >###(04-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Cruz & Hannity never say a word about the 20 times Democrats attempted to sit down and talk about the budget in the 9 months BEFORE the shut down.
“Insanity in all its layers when ‘Sean Hannity Interviews Ted Cruz on Government Shutdown, Harry Reid's Shutdown’" (^^^)
"Greta Van Susteren Interviews Ted Cruz on Harry Reid's Shutdown - 10/3/13"
~ Media Alerts, {Subscribe}, 10-03-15, YT, 7:14 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R186WKw1Z9A
"Sean Hannity Interviews Ted Cruz on Government Shutdown - (October 2, 2013)" ~ Media Alerts, {Subscribe}, 10-02-13, YT, 6:50 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc4-1pHoqOQ >###(04-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100aANARCHY
Senator Ted Cruz (R*TX), Shutdown, 2013, Republican; $24 billion, Federal
Government Shutdown; Koch Brothers, Oligarchy
1. "America’s government has been ...brought to a standstill due to Republican denial they lost two presidential elections."
2. "...wealthy oligarchs, religious fanatics, and conservative extremists ...destroy America from within and transform it into a mirror image of a stone-age nation like Afghanistan under Taliban rule.
3. "…war for America has been in the planning stages for two decades…"
4. "…they use catch phrases such as the Koch brothers’ infamous “transforming America” to fit their lawless vision of a nation without rules and regulations."
5. "…staunch ally, Grover Norquist has been forthcoming that his goal is to “shrink government down to a size he can drown in a bathtub…”
6. "...Kochs and Norquist wield inordinate power and influence over a major political party, they are not elected representatives and depend on dark money and loyalty oaths to control Republicans at the state and federal level to enact their anti-government agendas."
7. "...fairly well-known that Rafael “Ted” Cruz is running the Republican Party due to being anointed the evangelical conservative messiah, and that he publicly announced the recent government shutdown and debt crisis" (^^^)
"America Has Never Faced The Threat Posed by the Koch Brothers and Congressional Republicans" ~ Rmuse / PoliticusUSA, {Subscriber Supported}, (*ULRSTC), 11-01-13_ Link
< http://www.politicususa.com/2013/11/01/america-faced-threat-posed-koch-brothers-congressional-republicans.html
>_^_ Shutdown… "it could undercut the traditional status of US Government debt as the global standard for investment safety and set off harmful financial and economic repercussions around the world." (^^^)
"Q. and A. on the Government Shutdown in the U.S."
~ New York Times / Paris, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-03-13 _ Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/03/us/politics/questions-about-the-government-shutdown-in-the-united-states.html
>_^_ "Shutdowns are a failure of governance, and even short ones weaken the legislative branch..." (^^^)
"Democracy After the Shutdown" ~ Michael P. Lynch / NY Times / Opinion , {Subscribe}, 10-15-13 _ Link/URL
< http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/10/15/democracy-after-the-shutdown/ >###(10-15)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
1. "America’s government has been ...brought to a standstill due to Republican denial they lost two presidential elections."
2. "...wealthy oligarchs, religious fanatics, and conservative extremists ...destroy America from within and transform it into a mirror image of a stone-age nation like Afghanistan under Taliban rule.
3. "…war for America has been in the planning stages for two decades…"
4. "…they use catch phrases such as the Koch brothers’ infamous “transforming America” to fit their lawless vision of a nation without rules and regulations."
5. "…staunch ally, Grover Norquist has been forthcoming that his goal is to “shrink government down to a size he can drown in a bathtub…”
6. "...Kochs and Norquist wield inordinate power and influence over a major political party, they are not elected representatives and depend on dark money and loyalty oaths to control Republicans at the state and federal level to enact their anti-government agendas."
7. "...fairly well-known that Rafael “Ted” Cruz is running the Republican Party due to being anointed the evangelical conservative messiah, and that he publicly announced the recent government shutdown and debt crisis" (^^^)
"America Has Never Faced The Threat Posed by the Koch Brothers and Congressional Republicans" ~ Rmuse / PoliticusUSA, {Subscriber Supported}, (*ULRSTC), 11-01-13_ Link
< http://www.politicususa.com/2013/11/01/america-faced-threat-posed-koch-brothers-congressional-republicans.html
>_^_ Shutdown… "it could undercut the traditional status of US Government debt as the global standard for investment safety and set off harmful financial and economic repercussions around the world." (^^^)
"Q. and A. on the Government Shutdown in the U.S."
~ New York Times / Paris, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-03-13 _ Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/03/us/politics/questions-about-the-government-shutdown-in-the-united-states.html
>_^_ "Shutdowns are a failure of governance, and even short ones weaken the legislative branch..." (^^^)
"Democracy After the Shutdown" ~ Michael P. Lynch / NY Times / Opinion , {Subscribe}, 10-15-13 _ Link/URL
< http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/10/15/democracy-after-the-shutdown/ >###(10-15)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100aDELUSION,
Cruz’ Divine Evangelical Christian Mega Church Rite, Duty, & Mission; Righteous Wealth Extraction in “The End Times” prescribed in Deuteronomy, a book of Old Testament cited and followed by Dominionists/Calvinists (^^^)
"Cruz' Father Suggests Ted Cruz Is ‘Anointed’ to Bring About The ‘End Time Transfer of Wealth’"
~ Bruce Wilson / AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported Journal}, 10-17-13 _ Link
< http://www.alternet.org/speakeasy/brucewilson/cruz-father-suggests-ted-cruz-anointed-bring-about-end-time-transfer-wealth?page=entire
>_^_ Ted Cruz Father, Texas Evangelical Christian Mega Church Pastor Rafael Cruz (05:00 min); Describing Biblical end-of-times prescriptions & a deity sanctioned wealth transfer (from non-believers to believers); Anointing a “Savior” to accomplish the biblically (bronze age book of Deuteronomy) mandated actions (^^^) "Appearance by Rafael Cruz, August 26, 2012, at the New Beginnings Church of Larry Huch, in Irving, Texas" (*ULRSTC) (*ULRSRP)
"Cruz Father: Ted Cruz 'Anointed' To 'Bring the Spoils of War to the Priests'" ~ Bruce Wilson, {Subscribe}, 10-16-13, YT, 10:53 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNa5w9js48s
>_^_ Evangelical Mega Church Rite, Blessing, & Pledge w/2 US Senators (^^^)
"The Blessing of Ted Cruz & Rand Paul" (*ULRSTC) (*ULRSRP) ~ Bruce Wilson, {Subscribe}, 10-09-13, YT, 0:52 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y26xO2_t-kM
>_^_ Faux Filibuster Fundraising Gimmick Segment from US Senate Floor produced $2 Million plus for Ted Cruz; The 16 day US Government Tea Party Shutdown (to kill ACA 2010/ObamaCare & adopt the GO Pee “Golden Shower” Republican National Convention austerity platform) cost the U.s Treasury $26 Billion or $26,000 Million and counting additional interest payments (^^^)
"Ted Cruz Reads 'Green Eggs And Ham' On The Senate Floor" (*ULRSTC)
~ Michael McAuliff / Huffington Post, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 09-24-13, AOL Video, 5:06 _ Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/24/ted-cruz-green-eggs-and-ham_n_3985336.html
“Why the Republicans Want to Stop Obamacare”
~ thomhartmann, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 09-24-13, YT, 3:45 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMBJWGMH9BU
>_^_ Ted Cruz voted for Senate Cloture to consider a bill he faux filibustered yesterday (^^^) “Caller: Blue State Senators Should be More Like Ted Cruz” (*ULRSTC) ~ ThomHartmann, {Subscribe}, 09-26-13, YT, 2:24 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoqjJeOib9Q
>_^_ Ted Cruz, Citizenship, Born in Canada, American Mother, Cuban Father (^^^)
“Is Ted Cruz a Dreamer?” ~ ThomHartmann, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 08-12-13, YT, 2:52 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMLm9cDmibM >###(04-15)*ULRSTC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Cruz’ Divine Evangelical Christian Mega Church Rite, Duty, & Mission; Righteous Wealth Extraction in “The End Times” prescribed in Deuteronomy, a book of Old Testament cited and followed by Dominionists/Calvinists (^^^)
"Cruz' Father Suggests Ted Cruz Is ‘Anointed’ to Bring About The ‘End Time Transfer of Wealth’"
~ Bruce Wilson / AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported Journal}, 10-17-13 _ Link
< http://www.alternet.org/speakeasy/brucewilson/cruz-father-suggests-ted-cruz-anointed-bring-about-end-time-transfer-wealth?page=entire
>_^_ Ted Cruz Father, Texas Evangelical Christian Mega Church Pastor Rafael Cruz (05:00 min); Describing Biblical end-of-times prescriptions & a deity sanctioned wealth transfer (from non-believers to believers); Anointing a “Savior” to accomplish the biblically (bronze age book of Deuteronomy) mandated actions (^^^) "Appearance by Rafael Cruz, August 26, 2012, at the New Beginnings Church of Larry Huch, in Irving, Texas" (*ULRSTC) (*ULRSRP)
"Cruz Father: Ted Cruz 'Anointed' To 'Bring the Spoils of War to the Priests'" ~ Bruce Wilson, {Subscribe}, 10-16-13, YT, 10:53 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNa5w9js48s
>_^_ Evangelical Mega Church Rite, Blessing, & Pledge w/2 US Senators (^^^)
"The Blessing of Ted Cruz & Rand Paul" (*ULRSTC) (*ULRSRP) ~ Bruce Wilson, {Subscribe}, 10-09-13, YT, 0:52 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y26xO2_t-kM
>_^_ Faux Filibuster Fundraising Gimmick Segment from US Senate Floor produced $2 Million plus for Ted Cruz; The 16 day US Government Tea Party Shutdown (to kill ACA 2010/ObamaCare & adopt the GO Pee “Golden Shower” Republican National Convention austerity platform) cost the U.s Treasury $26 Billion or $26,000 Million and counting additional interest payments (^^^)
"Ted Cruz Reads 'Green Eggs And Ham' On The Senate Floor" (*ULRSTC)
~ Michael McAuliff / Huffington Post, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 09-24-13, AOL Video, 5:06 _ Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/24/ted-cruz-green-eggs-and-ham_n_3985336.html
“Why the Republicans Want to Stop Obamacare”
~ thomhartmann, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 09-24-13, YT, 3:45 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMBJWGMH9BU
>_^_ Ted Cruz voted for Senate Cloture to consider a bill he faux filibustered yesterday (^^^) “Caller: Blue State Senators Should be More Like Ted Cruz” (*ULRSTC) ~ ThomHartmann, {Subscribe}, 09-26-13, YT, 2:24 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoqjJeOib9Q
>_^_ Ted Cruz, Citizenship, Born in Canada, American Mother, Cuban Father (^^^)
“Is Ted Cruz a Dreamer?” ~ ThomHartmann, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 08-12-13, YT, 2:52 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMLm9cDmibM >###(04-15)*ULRSTC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100ANARCHY
SHUTDOWN, 2015; Senator Kelly Ayote (R-NH)
"Ted Cruz Gets His A** Handed To Him By GOP Senator For Egging On Another Costly Government Shutdown” *ULRSTC ~ Stephen D Foster Jr / Addicting Info, {Subscribe}, 09-18-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/09/18/ted-cruz-gets-his-a-handed-to-him-for-egging-on-another-costly-government-shutdown/ >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Ted Cruz Gets His A** Handed To Him By GOP Senator For Egging On Another Costly Government Shutdown” *ULRSTC ~ Stephen D Foster Jr / Addicting Info, {Subscribe}, 09-18-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/09/18/ted-cruz-gets-his-a-handed-to-him-for-egging-on-another-costly-government-shutdown/ >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100aPUSSY
"Donald Trump Just Crossed a New Line in American Politics" ~ Russ Choma / Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-08-16 _ Link
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/02/so-just-happened-donald-trump-rally
"Donald Trump Calls Ted Cruz A Pussy”
~ LesGrossman2015, {Subscribe}, 02-08-16, YT, 1:55 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHcD5-TGHvY >###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Donald Trump Just Crossed a New Line in American Politics" ~ Russ Choma / Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-08-16 _ Link
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/02/so-just-happened-donald-trump-rally
"Donald Trump Calls Ted Cruz A Pussy”
~ LesGrossman2015, {Subscribe}, 02-08-16, YT, 1:55 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHcD5-TGHvY >###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"But in his career and public presentation Cruz is a stranger to most of what would generally be considered the Christian virtues: humility, mercy, compassion and grace." ~ DB
"This Trump-Cruz conservatism looks more like tribal, blood and soil European conservatism..." ~ DB (^^^)
"The Brutalism of Ted Cruz" *ULRSTC ~ David Brooks / NY Times / Opinion, {Subscribe}, 01-12-16 _ Link
< http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/12/opinion/the-brutalism-of-ted-cruz.html >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"But in his career and public presentation Cruz is a stranger to most of what would generally be considered the Christian virtues: humility, mercy, compassion and grace." ~ DB
"This Trump-Cruz conservatism looks more like tribal, blood and soil European conservatism..." ~ DB (^^^)
"The Brutalism of Ted Cruz" *ULRSTC ~ David Brooks / NY Times / Opinion, {Subscribe}, 01-12-16 _ Link
< http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/12/opinion/the-brutalism-of-ted-cruz.html >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100aWAR
"Ted Cruz's plan for ISIS is disastrously inhumane" *ULRSTC ~ Paul Waldman / MSN, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-13-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/ted-cruzs-plan-for-isis-is-disastrously-inhumane/ar-AAgeRkd >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Ted Cruz's plan for ISIS is disastrously inhumane" *ULRSTC ~ Paul Waldman / MSN, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-13-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/ted-cruzs-plan-for-isis-is-disastrously-inhumane/ar-AAgeRkd >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100BIRTH CERTIFICATE,
"Ted Cruz Gets OWNED By His Own Harvard Law Professor: Calls Cruz Clueless On Constitution (VIDEO)" *ULRSTC ~ Christian Drake / Addicting Info, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-12-16 _ Link
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2016/01/12/ted-cruz-gets-owned-by-his-own-harvard-law-professor-calls-cruz-clueless-on-constitution-video/ >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Ted Cruz Gets OWNED By His Own Harvard Law Professor: Calls Cruz Clueless On Constitution (VIDEO)" *ULRSTC ~ Christian Drake / Addicting Info, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-12-16 _ Link
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2016/01/12/ted-cruz-gets-owned-by-his-own-harvard-law-professor-calls-cruz-clueless-on-constitution-video/ >###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100DELUSION
"The real story of Ted Cruz's 'heroic' daddy" (*ULRSTC) ~ Jim Hightower, {Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 12-01-15 _ Link/URL
< http://jimhightower.com/node/8775 >###(12-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The real story of Ted Cruz's 'heroic' daddy" (*ULRSTC) ~ Jim Hightower, {Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 12-01-15 _ Link/URL
< http://jimhightower.com/node/8775 >###(12-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-100RACISM
“That’s what I said. But hey, times have changed. We got a ‘N_____’ in the Whitehouse.” (^^^)
"Exclusive: Ted Cruz calls Obama an N-word in secret audio recording"
~ James Beckingdale / The Stately Harold, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, (*ULRSTC), 06-01-15, Video, 0:10 _ Link/URL
< http://www.thestatelyharold.com/#!Exclusive-Ted-Cruz-calls-Obama-an-Nword-on-secret-audio-recording/cmbz/556c8bde0cf2312d7962f040 >###(07-15)*E16*TX###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“That’s what I said. But hey, times have changed. We got a ‘N_____’ in the Whitehouse.” (^^^)
"Exclusive: Ted Cruz calls Obama an N-word in secret audio recording"
~ James Beckingdale / The Stately Harold, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, (*ULRSTC), 06-01-15, Video, 0:10 _ Link/URL
< http://www.thestatelyharold.com/#!Exclusive-Ted-Cruz-calls-Obama-an-Nword-on-secret-audio-recording/cmbz/556c8bde0cf2312d7962f040 >###(07-15)*E16*TX###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-101C. STRATEGY
"Cruz’ islands strategy meets rough waters" ~ Will Tucker / Open Secrets, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-14-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2015/10/cruz-islands-strategy-meets-rough-waters/ >###(10-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Cruz’ islands strategy meets rough waters" ~ Will Tucker / Open Secrets, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-14-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2015/10/cruz-islands-strategy-meets-rough-waters/ >###(10-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Election’16 Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-102GAY RIGHTS
"A secret tape from a New York fundraiser could mean trouble for a candidate selling authenticity." (^^^)
"What Ted Cruz said behind closed doors" *ULRSTC ~ Mike Allen / Politico, {Subscriber Supported Journal}, 12-23-15 _ Link
< http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/ted-cruz-gay-marriage-secret-audio-217090
>_^_ Audio, 1:34 _ Link/URL< http://bcove.me/dpmpl3a6 >###(01-16)*URSTC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Republican/T POTUS Prospect02 Ted Cruz-102RELIGION, ISRAEL; CONFERENCE FOR MIDDLE EASTERN CHRISTIANS"A secret tape from a New York fundraiser could mean trouble for a candidate selling authenticity." (^^^)
"What Ted Cruz said behind closed doors" *ULRSTC ~ Mike Allen / Politico, {Subscriber Supported Journal}, 12-23-15 _ Link
< http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/ted-cruz-gay-marriage-secret-audio-217090
>_^_ Audio, 1:34 _ Link/URL< http://bcove.me/dpmpl3a6 >###(01-16)*URSTC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Ted Cruz Booed Offstage By Christians Who Had Enough" *ULRSTC
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 09-11-14, YT, 8:13 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyCnwTFGnvM
>###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 33.0Kac / 18 Pages / 74 Links
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| TED CRUZ