U.S. Foreign Policy-0000, GLOBAL POWER: Pentagon, Role Of U.S. Military
U.S. Foreign Policy-0000EB, EDWARD BERNAYS: Selling War
U.S. Foreign Policy-0001FF, FALSE FLAGS: War w/o End, Forbes 400 Kings
U.S. Foreign Policy-0003AS, CAROL QUIGLEY: New World Order, Illuminate
U.S. Foreign Policy-0004AS, ANTHONY SUTTON: NWO, Skull & Bones
U.S. Foreign Policy-0013CH, HENRY GIROUX: No Protection From Greed
U.S. Foreign Policy-0066CH: CHRIS HEDGES: Fascism, Authoritarianism
U.S. Foreign Policy-0066CH, HENRY GIROUX: Casino Capitalism
U.S. Foreign Policy-0086CIA, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: Corporate (Coup d’état) Infantry for Aristocrats (International) Coup d’états
U.S. Foreign Policy-0087JP, JOHN PERKINS: CIA Coup d’état
U.S. Foreign Policy-0104HZ, HOWARD ZINN: War, Imperialism
U.S. Foreign Policy-0105AM, ABBY MARTIN: Fascism, Empire
U.S. Foreign Policy-0106MP, MICHAEL PARENTI: Imperialism, Empire
U.S. Foreign Policy-0107NC, NOAM CHOMSKY: Imperialism, War
U.S. Foreign Policy-0108NC, NOAM CHOMSKY: Radical Christianity
U.S. Foreign Policy-0111NK: NAOMI KLEIN: Casino Capitalism, War
U.S. Foreign Policy-0113JD, JIMMY DORE: Syria, Russia, Ukraine War
U.S. Foreign Policy-0116SB, SMEDLEY BUTLER: Fascism, War
U.S. Foreign Policy-0130VET, VETERANS: Truth To Power
U.S. Foreign Policy-0131WC, WESLEY CLARK: Middle East, Bush-Cheney Wars
U.S. Foreign Policy-0170A, ARMS INDUSTRY SALES: Exporting War;
U.S. Foreign Policy-0190, PENTAGON: Imperial Privilege, Selling Wars
U.S. Foreign Policy-2001, GEORGE W. BUSH & DICK CHENEY
U.S. Foreign Policy-2016, HILLARY CLINTON
U.S. Foreign Policy-0205ERU, EUROPE: RUSSIA
U.S. Foreign Policy-0207EUK, EUROPE: UKRAINE
U.S. Foreign Policy-0210ME, MIDDLE EAST: BUSH FAMILY
U.S. Foreign Policy-0216ME, MIDDLE EAST: ISIS
U.S. Foreign Policy-0218MEI, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL
U.S. Foreign Policy-0230ME, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ
U.S. Foreign Policy-0240ME, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN
U.S. Foreign Policy-0250ME, MIDDLE EAST: SYRIA
U.S. Foreign Policy-0300ME, NORTH AFRICA: LIBIYA, ISIS
U.S. Foreign Policy-0440ME, SOUTH AMERICA: CHILE
U.S. Foreign Policy-0500SEA, SOUTHEAST ASIA
U.S. Foreign Policy-0530AEA, SOUTHEAST ASIA: CHINA
Foreign Policy-0000, GLOBAL POWER: PENTAGON, ROLE OF U.S. MILITARY; Developing
The High Tech Economy, Beating People Up, 1,000 Military Bases Around The
World, Nanny State For The Rich
“Noam Chomsky speaking at the CPE press conference about the myth of free market capitalism in the United States.” (*FP) (*W/T)
"Noam Chomsky: The Military Is Misunderstood” @noamchomskyT
~ MEFblog, {Subscribe}, 03-12-13, YT, 5:38 < https://goo.gl/X2EKY6
Decline of Empires (C. Johnson), eon3, 012208, 1:03:00 https://goo.gl/y2cLgb
Costs of War, Joe Friendly, (01-08), 122109, 58:24 https://goo.gl/nDSfgN
EMPIRE Plutocrat’s Corporate Storefront Dominance; China, India, Pakistan, Russia; Africa, South America; Tactical Nuclear Weapons, North Korea; Iran, Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone, U.S. Strategy [33:00];
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky exclusively Interviewed by Pervez Hoodbhoy (October, 2017)"
~ Philosophy Times, {Subscribe}, 10-25-17, YT, 46:04 < https://goo.gl/LnBTsv
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
WAR CRIMES: Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnsen, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama
{ “It turns out since 1945 the US has attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments. We have interfered seriously with about 30 elections. We have attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders. We have bombed more than 30 countries.” ~ William Blum, author of "Killing Hope" and "The CIA: A Forgotten History” }
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky - The Crimes of U.S. Presidents" (*POTUS) (*W/T)
~ Chomsky's Philosophy, {Subscribe}, 10-07-14, YT, 11:34 (*MSM) (*NWO)
< https://goo.gl/QRj2H1 @noamchomskyT
(^^^) "Michael Parenti: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes" (1989) (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-16-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/8snBt4
(^^^) “Seal Team 6 Tribute” (Afghanistan) song “Mad World” (Gary Jules)
~ JhonieBaag, {Subscribe}, 08-13-11, YT, 3:10 < https://goo.gl/6Zoigl
BIPARTISAN AMERICAN EMPIRE: 55 Interventions Since WW II; 5 Million Dead Humans, 4 Million Killed Directly, 1 Million Killed By Proxy
(^^^) “The American empire: denial, delusion & deception”
~ Jerry Kroth, {Subscribe}, 10-16-12, YT, 1:04:40 < https://goo.gl/FVAqGc
YouTube Channel, Jerry Kroth < https://www.youtube.com/user/jerrykroth
Vanderbilt Television News Archives < https://tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky Explains Why Muslims Hate America”
~ RethinkingLife, {Subscribe}, 05-21-17, YT, 59:52 < https://goo.gl/wDkJ5Q
CHALLENGING AUTHORITARIANISM: Dominate the World; Plutocrat’s Press
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
Best of GC, TruthStartsNow3, 03-02-15, YT, 1:02:02 < https://goo.gl/v1kTuz
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky at BBC Hard Talk”
~ Philosophy Times, {Subscribe}, 10-20-17, YT, 8:19 < https://goo.gl/8f8TZo
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Noam Chomsky speaking at the CPE press conference about the myth of free market capitalism in the United States.” (*FP) (*W/T)
"Noam Chomsky: The Military Is Misunderstood” @noamchomskyT
~ MEFblog, {Subscribe}, 03-12-13, YT, 5:38 < https://goo.gl/X2EKY6
Decline of Empires (C. Johnson), eon3, 012208, 1:03:00 https://goo.gl/y2cLgb
Costs of War, Joe Friendly, (01-08), 122109, 58:24 https://goo.gl/nDSfgN
EMPIRE Plutocrat’s Corporate Storefront Dominance; China, India, Pakistan, Russia; Africa, South America; Tactical Nuclear Weapons, North Korea; Iran, Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone, U.S. Strategy [33:00];
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky exclusively Interviewed by Pervez Hoodbhoy (October, 2017)"
~ Philosophy Times, {Subscribe}, 10-25-17, YT, 46:04 < https://goo.gl/LnBTsv
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
WAR CRIMES: Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnsen, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama
{ “It turns out since 1945 the US has attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments. We have interfered seriously with about 30 elections. We have attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders. We have bombed more than 30 countries.” ~ William Blum, author of "Killing Hope" and "The CIA: A Forgotten History” }
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky - The Crimes of U.S. Presidents" (*POTUS) (*W/T)
~ Chomsky's Philosophy, {Subscribe}, 10-07-14, YT, 11:34 (*MSM) (*NWO)
< https://goo.gl/QRj2H1 @noamchomskyT
(^^^) "Michael Parenti: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes" (1989) (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-16-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/8snBt4
(^^^) “Seal Team 6 Tribute” (Afghanistan) song “Mad World” (Gary Jules)
~ JhonieBaag, {Subscribe}, 08-13-11, YT, 3:10 < https://goo.gl/6Zoigl
BIPARTISAN AMERICAN EMPIRE: 55 Interventions Since WW II; 5 Million Dead Humans, 4 Million Killed Directly, 1 Million Killed By Proxy
(^^^) “The American empire: denial, delusion & deception”
~ Jerry Kroth, {Subscribe}, 10-16-12, YT, 1:04:40 < https://goo.gl/FVAqGc
YouTube Channel, Jerry Kroth < https://www.youtube.com/user/jerrykroth
Vanderbilt Television News Archives < https://tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky Explains Why Muslims Hate America”
~ RethinkingLife, {Subscribe}, 05-21-17, YT, 59:52 < https://goo.gl/wDkJ5Q
CHALLENGING AUTHORITARIANISM: Dominate the World; Plutocrat’s Press
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
Best of GC, TruthStartsNow3, 03-02-15, YT, 1:02:02 < https://goo.gl/v1kTuz
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky at BBC Hard Talk”
~ Philosophy Times, {Subscribe}, 10-20-17, YT, 8:19 < https://goo.gl/8f8TZo
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0000ABC, EDWARD BERNAYS: Selling
Smoking; Bacon & Eggs; 4 minute attention span; World War I, President Woodrow Wilson; Guatemalan Coup d’État, United Fruit Company, CIA, John Dulles, Allen Dulles, Communist, US Newspapers, President Arbenz, CIA junta; Master Nazi Propagandist, Joseph Goebbels
{ Jingoism (def.) - the feelings and beliefs of people who think that their country is always right and who are in favor of aggressive acts against other countries. ~ Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary }
(^^^) "Edward Bernays 2: Selling War" (*W/T)
~ Stuff T.D.W.Y.T.K./@HowStuffWorks, 11-23-12, 4:58 https://goo.gl/8J3wKi
(^^^) “Odetta - Masters of War” (Bob Dylan song/Nobel Prize-Poetry 2016)
~ hervalhavitz, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11, YT, 6:21 < https://goo.gl/yCk7np
IRAQ: Oil Privatization, 655,000 Iraqi’s Died, 185 Attacks Per Day
SUDAN: Militias, Murder, Rape, Torture, Aid Workers
BLACK OPS, CIA PRISONS: Disappeared Persons
ISRAEL MILITARY AID: Lebanon War, $2 Billion
CLIMATE CHAOS: Gov. Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington
”Chalmers Johnson: ‘Nemesis: The last Days of the American Republic”
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 02-27-07, Vid., 59:00 https://goo.gl/CTdGMW
Decline of Empires (C. Johnson), eon3, 012208, 1:03:00 https://goo.gl/y2cLgb
Chalmers Johnson, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/dg1kQE
AMERICA, ZOMBIE DEMOCRACY, PSYCHODRAMAS & BLIND SPOTS, MAIN STREAM MEDIA PROPAGANDA: American Dystopia, Ad Sponsored Selective Reality; Corporate American, Authentic News Blackout; U.S. Military Industrial Complex; Libya, Israel, Iran, Iraq; Nuclear War, Aggression; World Domination, Empire
(Stockholm syndrome news for Americans is sponsored by corporations.)
MS News Presentation Angle: “Tell me stories about things that make me angry. Don’t tell me stories about things that make me ashamed.” [34:15]
Election Year Blind Spot: “You’re living in a dream world. A dream is made up of two parts, the part that you see and the hidden part that you don’t see. Carl Jung, said something similar. He said, if you’re having a dream, sometimes the shadow, the opposite of the dream is what is true. So if we’re saying…(which presidential candidate) who are we going to get to run the show? That gives us a sense of empowerment. It’s up to us to decide. We’re choosing our next leader. It’s American democracy in action. We are empowered to do these things. If it’s not us, nobody. Well, what’s the shadow? The shadow is the opposite. You’re not empowered at all. Your hope means nothing. Your points of view mean nothing. You’re helpless and powerless. That’s the shadow.” ~ Jerry Kroth [49:05 – 50:05]
Net worth of average American family (AF) = $90,000
Net worth of the average American Congressman = $7,800,000 (86x AF)
Net worth of the average American Senator = $14,200,000 (157x AF)/The 1%
“Nothing can become law without the approval of the top 1%. …Plutocracy.”
Carley Fiorina/$51 million; Hillary Clinton/$45 million; Jeb Bush/$22 million;
“The 1% governs us in the Senate. And the 1% is going to govern us in the Presidency.” [56:40]
“So ‘eeny, meeny, mimy, moe’ changes to ‘eeny, meeny, mimy, moe’ changes to which of the American oligarchs do we choose to basically ignore us after they win the presidency?” [57:05] (George Carlin clip)
“More on propaganda and collective insanity” (*MSM)
~ Jerry Kroth, {Subscribe}, 01-03-16, YT, 1:06:13 < https://goo.gl/avGHD6
YouTube Channel, Jerry Kroth < https://www.youtube.com/user/jerrykroth
Carl Jung (Swiss psychoanalyst), @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/PqTR6H
Eeny, meeny, mimy, moe (infantile selection game) https://goo.gl/6hXcJf
(^^^) "Howard Zinn on History: American Culture, Wealth, Democracy, Hate Crimes and Education (1999)”
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 12-01-13, YT, 1:30:03 https://goo.gl/kZ0B8X
Narco-guerillas’: Alibi for Intervention, Stan Goff (U.S. Army, Special Forces)/ @newsobserver/Op, {Subscribe}, 07-29-1999 < https://goo.gl/TrAFDk
(^^^) "Why Did Howard Zinn Write A People's History? Books, Biography, Education - Interview (2002)"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 08-16-13, YT, 2:59:21 https://goo.gl/ge4JMa
How Can History Help Us…?, T.F.A., 10-24-13, 51:14 https://goo.gl/nsEqVq
(^^^) ”Chris Hedges Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over"
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 10-15-13, YT, 2:54:27 < https://goo.gl/yu850m
“I saw what happened when commodity futures were bought up by corporations, like Goldman Sachs. In wheat for instance…its price increased by 100%. I saw the human consequences of that…the children who were malnourished, even in some cases died of starvation because they couldn’t afford to eat. You know the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq have very little popular support and yet for a handful of of corporations…Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Halliburton…they’re immensely profitable as war is for a certain tiny segment of the power elite…and always has been, as Smedley Butler said you know, ‘war is a racket’ .” ~ Chris Hedges [1:01:00]
[118] Forbes 400 King’s USA Deep State’s Right-Wing Strategy and Propaganda War
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/1nl5SO
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/BZJ35C
(^^^) "State Of US Empire: Former Bush Aid Lawrence Wilkerson, Mnar Muhawesh, Rev. Antal Panel"
~ MintPressNews, {Subscribe}, 11-12-16, YT, 1:29:01 < https://goo.gl/VLoEY6
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Smoking; Bacon & Eggs; 4 minute attention span; World War I, President Woodrow Wilson; Guatemalan Coup d’État, United Fruit Company, CIA, John Dulles, Allen Dulles, Communist, US Newspapers, President Arbenz, CIA junta; Master Nazi Propagandist, Joseph Goebbels
{ Jingoism (def.) - the feelings and beliefs of people who think that their country is always right and who are in favor of aggressive acts against other countries. ~ Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary }
(^^^) "Edward Bernays 2: Selling War" (*W/T)
~ Stuff T.D.W.Y.T.K./@HowStuffWorks, 11-23-12, 4:58 https://goo.gl/8J3wKi
(^^^) “Odetta - Masters of War” (Bob Dylan song/Nobel Prize-Poetry 2016)
~ hervalhavitz, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11, YT, 6:21 < https://goo.gl/yCk7np
IRAQ: Oil Privatization, 655,000 Iraqi’s Died, 185 Attacks Per Day
SUDAN: Militias, Murder, Rape, Torture, Aid Workers
BLACK OPS, CIA PRISONS: Disappeared Persons
ISRAEL MILITARY AID: Lebanon War, $2 Billion
CLIMATE CHAOS: Gov. Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington
”Chalmers Johnson: ‘Nemesis: The last Days of the American Republic”
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 02-27-07, Vid., 59:00 https://goo.gl/CTdGMW
Decline of Empires (C. Johnson), eon3, 012208, 1:03:00 https://goo.gl/y2cLgb
Chalmers Johnson, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/dg1kQE
AMERICA, ZOMBIE DEMOCRACY, PSYCHODRAMAS & BLIND SPOTS, MAIN STREAM MEDIA PROPAGANDA: American Dystopia, Ad Sponsored Selective Reality; Corporate American, Authentic News Blackout; U.S. Military Industrial Complex; Libya, Israel, Iran, Iraq; Nuclear War, Aggression; World Domination, Empire
(Stockholm syndrome news for Americans is sponsored by corporations.)
MS News Presentation Angle: “Tell me stories about things that make me angry. Don’t tell me stories about things that make me ashamed.” [34:15]
Election Year Blind Spot: “You’re living in a dream world. A dream is made up of two parts, the part that you see and the hidden part that you don’t see. Carl Jung, said something similar. He said, if you’re having a dream, sometimes the shadow, the opposite of the dream is what is true. So if we’re saying…(which presidential candidate) who are we going to get to run the show? That gives us a sense of empowerment. It’s up to us to decide. We’re choosing our next leader. It’s American democracy in action. We are empowered to do these things. If it’s not us, nobody. Well, what’s the shadow? The shadow is the opposite. You’re not empowered at all. Your hope means nothing. Your points of view mean nothing. You’re helpless and powerless. That’s the shadow.” ~ Jerry Kroth [49:05 – 50:05]
Net worth of average American family (AF) = $90,000
Net worth of the average American Congressman = $7,800,000 (86x AF)
Net worth of the average American Senator = $14,200,000 (157x AF)/The 1%
“Nothing can become law without the approval of the top 1%. …Plutocracy.”
Carley Fiorina/$51 million; Hillary Clinton/$45 million; Jeb Bush/$22 million;
“The 1% governs us in the Senate. And the 1% is going to govern us in the Presidency.” [56:40]
“So ‘eeny, meeny, mimy, moe’ changes to ‘eeny, meeny, mimy, moe’ changes to which of the American oligarchs do we choose to basically ignore us after they win the presidency?” [57:05] (George Carlin clip)
“More on propaganda and collective insanity” (*MSM)
~ Jerry Kroth, {Subscribe}, 01-03-16, YT, 1:06:13 < https://goo.gl/avGHD6
YouTube Channel, Jerry Kroth < https://www.youtube.com/user/jerrykroth
Carl Jung (Swiss psychoanalyst), @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/PqTR6H
Eeny, meeny, mimy, moe (infantile selection game) https://goo.gl/6hXcJf
(^^^) "Howard Zinn on History: American Culture, Wealth, Democracy, Hate Crimes and Education (1999)”
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 12-01-13, YT, 1:30:03 https://goo.gl/kZ0B8X
Narco-guerillas’: Alibi for Intervention, Stan Goff (U.S. Army, Special Forces)/ @newsobserver/Op, {Subscribe}, 07-29-1999 < https://goo.gl/TrAFDk
(^^^) "Why Did Howard Zinn Write A People's History? Books, Biography, Education - Interview (2002)"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 08-16-13, YT, 2:59:21 https://goo.gl/ge4JMa
How Can History Help Us…?, T.F.A., 10-24-13, 51:14 https://goo.gl/nsEqVq
(^^^) ”Chris Hedges Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over"
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 10-15-13, YT, 2:54:27 < https://goo.gl/yu850m
“I saw what happened when commodity futures were bought up by corporations, like Goldman Sachs. In wheat for instance…its price increased by 100%. I saw the human consequences of that…the children who were malnourished, even in some cases died of starvation because they couldn’t afford to eat. You know the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq have very little popular support and yet for a handful of of corporations…Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Halliburton…they’re immensely profitable as war is for a certain tiny segment of the power elite…and always has been, as Smedley Butler said you know, ‘war is a racket’ .” ~ Chris Hedges [1:01:00]
[118] Forbes 400 King’s USA Deep State’s Right-Wing Strategy and Propaganda War
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/1nl5SO
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/BZJ35C
(^^^) "State Of US Empire: Former Bush Aid Lawrence Wilkerson, Mnar Muhawesh, Rev. Antal Panel"
~ MintPressNews, {Subscribe}, 11-12-16, YT, 1:29:01 < https://goo.gl/VLoEY6
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0000BK, PRIVATE INTL FEDERAL RESERVE CENTRAL BANK CARTEL: Corporations, Corporatocracy; The Haves &
The Have Mores;
FOOD, AGRICULTURE, MONOCULTURE: Erosion, Loss Of Topsoil, Dust Bowl, Dulles; Sustainable, Decentralized Agriculture; Wars For Resources; Seed Companies: Dupont, Monsanto, Bayer, Food Insecurity, Food Dependency, Genetically Modified Foods, Experiments, Biotechnology, Modified DNA, Pesticide Genes;
(^^^) "American Empire: An Act of Collective Madness" ~ Patrea Patrick-film
~ Colorado Public Television, 09-17-16, YT, 1:58:08 < https://goo.gl/KyzXYY
< https://www.facebook.com/American-Empire-252234718149884/
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
FOOD, AGRICULTURE, MONOCULTURE: Erosion, Loss Of Topsoil, Dust Bowl, Dulles; Sustainable, Decentralized Agriculture; Wars For Resources; Seed Companies: Dupont, Monsanto, Bayer, Food Insecurity, Food Dependency, Genetically Modified Foods, Experiments, Biotechnology, Modified DNA, Pesticide Genes;
(^^^) "American Empire: An Act of Collective Madness" ~ Patrea Patrick-film
~ Colorado Public Television, 09-17-16, YT, 1:58:08 < https://goo.gl/KyzXYY
< https://www.facebook.com/American-Empire-252234718149884/
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0001FF, FALSE FLAGS: War Without End, Banks, Corporations, Main
Stream Media, Forbes 400 Kings
SPANISH AMERICAN WAR – Cuba, The Maine Explosion;
WORLD WAR I – POTUS Woodrow Wilson, Lusitania Munitions Ship;
WORLD WAR II - Pearl Harbor, POTUS Franklin Roosevelt, Council of Foreign Relations, Washington D.C. Fore Knowledge, Conspiracy, Infamy;
VIETNAM WAR – Destroyer Supporting South’s Attack, Gulf of Tonkin, 3 Million Vietnamese Murdered, 60,000 American Soldiers Sacrificed
IRAQ WAR – Weapons of Mass Destruction, Inspectors David Kay & Scott Ritter, Yellow Cake, 500,000 People Murdered
60 Families, The Establishment - Finance, Business & Government
VOTING: Predetermined Puppet, Lesser Of Two Evils
POTUS JIMMY CARTER: David Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission
REPUBLICANS & DEMOCRATS: No Options, Tipping Point
BUSH v. KERRY: Election Fraud, Ohio Stolen, (“Don’t Tase Me Bro!”)
CFR - COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: Revolving Door, 1921, Government, Media, Education; Globalism, New World Order, Steering Nations, Controlling The World
WHISTLEBLOWER: 16 Year CFR Member, Resigned In Disgust
“Submergence of U.S. sovereignty to an all powerful one world gov’t”
~ Admiral Chester Ward Former Judge Advocate General U.S. Navy
CFR & TRILATERAL COMMISSION GOAL: Global Gov’t Institution, Political Ambition, Economic Ambition, One World Gov’t, Unrestrained Tyranny
“In the 20TH Century, six times more people were killed by their own governments than by wars.” ~ Professor Rudolph Rommel – Univ. Hawaii
Governments, Deadly Exploitation Rackets, Tyranny, Wall Street, Banks
Money Supply Manipulation, Devaluation, Federal Reserve Racket, Powerful Corporation; Janet Yellen, Quantitative Easing, Printing Money Out of Nothing, Member Bank Oligarchy, Sovereignty Surrender, Central Bank, Too Big To Fail
FEDERAL RESERVE ACT of 1913: Senator Nelson Aldrich, Nelson “Aldrich” Rockefeller, 9 Day Meeting 1910, Jekyll Island Retreat, Georgia Coast, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, The Rothschilds, Paul Warburg, Central Banks of Europe
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” ~ Amschel Mayer Rothschild
THE MONEY TRUST: Warburg, Rockefeller, Morgan, & Rothschilds
WHISTLEBLOWER: “This (Federal Reserve Bank) act established the most gigantic trust on earth….”
~ Congressman Charles Lindbergh Sr.
WHISTLEBLOWER: “It was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here, so that they might emerge as rulers of us all.”
~ Congressman Louis McFadden – Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency (1920-1931)
LEAGUE OF NATIONS: POTUS Woodrow Wilson, Versailles Treaty, Bankers
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: One World Government, Control, Supplying Cabinet Level Personnel
UNITED NATIONS: CFR Creation, Secure Peace, Military Deployment
MARSHALL PLAN: Welfare Plan, CFR, David Rockefeller, Post-WW II Control, Counterpart Funds, European Unity, European Consolidation, 1949;
BRETTON WOODS CONFERENCE/AGREEMENT: Jean Monet, Father of Europe, EU Youth Movement; Created The World Bank & The International Monetary Fund; Members Were CFR and (Yale) Skull & Bones Members; Economic Controls, Wage Controls, Industrial Agreements, Building The European Union;
VIETNAM WAR: For Profits and Control, Empire Building, Banks, Proxy Wars, Asian Pacific Sphere of Influence, U.S. Sponsored Ho Chi Min; French Pulled Out; Rules Of Engagement; Handcuffed U.S. Military; Not Fought To Win; Started In 1961, POTUS Kennedy; POTUS Johnsen, Tonkin Gulf; The Wise Men, 12/14 CFR Members & Skull & Bones Members, Globalists
DESTROYING PATRIOTISM: Burning Flags, One World Government
EUROPEAN UNION: Steps To Global Gov’t
NORTH AMERICAN UNION, FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS, TPP: Trump Constitution, “Line up regulations in countries to mesh”
PATRIOT ACT SPYING, WAR ON TERROR: “War on the Bill of Rights”
“Fear always shuts consciousness down” “Creation of a total surveillance society”
U.S. COMMISSION ON NATIONAL SECURITY 1998: Recommended National Homeland Security Agency, 9/12 Members-CFR Members, North American Union, N.A.F.T.A., Waco Meeting, Integrating 3 Countries of U.S., Mexico & Canada, Progressive Regionalization
“We cannot leap into one world government in one quick step. The precondition for genuine globalization is progressive regionalization.”
~ Brzezinski
“Populations will more readily abandon their national loyalties to a vague regional loyalty than they will for a world authority. Later the regional’s can be brought all the way into a single world dictatorship.”
~ Joseph Stalin
GOV. MITT ROMNEY & REP. PAUL RYAN INTERVIEW: Guy On Sofa, CFR Advisor, Main Stream Media, Story Control; @SpeakerRyan @PRyan
CHURCH COMMITTEE: National News Media, Controlled Medium, CIA, Steering Public Perception For Oligarchs
NEW YORK TIMES: Mind Molders, August Belmont – Rothschilds Financial Agent, J.P. Morgan, Adolph Ochs, World’s Most Powerful Newspaper, CFR Owners; Federal Reserve Bank, Paul Warburg; Pentagon Papers
The New York Times owns Boston Globe, @nytimes
The Washington Post own Newsweek
Disney owns ABC
CBS owns Simon & Schuster
Time Warner owns AOL, CNN, Time, Warner Brothers Studios, HBO, New Line Cinema, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune, Money….
News Corporation owns The Wall Street Journal, Fox Television, London’s The Times, Barron’s, Zondervan, HULU, New York Post…
BILDERBERG CONFERENCE: World’s Elite In Government, Banking, Industry & Media: Once Per Year Meetings, Closed To Public; (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
"People Who Control America ? Mind Blowing Documentary HQ"
~ Cene Kanse, {Subscribe}, 08-09-15, YT, 2:17:32 < https://goo.gl/MOSKoJ
Film: “ShadowRing” ~ Free Mind Films/freemindfilms.com
< https://goo.gl/vRvGYh
< http://freemindfilms.com/films/shadowring/ [ HD 1080P DOWNLOAD ]
“Everything is in place – after 500 years – to build a true ‘new world’ in the western hemisphere.” ~ David Rockefeller
The Rockefeller reach, Muckety, {Donate} 08-01-17 https://goo.gl/Z2VbQs
Council on Foreign Relations, @Muckety, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/EuM5GB
CFR, Jewish Community Relations Council, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/cqzMJj
Spanish American War (US fascism, 1898), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/erylvS
BANK SYSTEM MANIPULATION: J.P. Morgan Bank Panic of 1907;
SECRET 11-1910 BANKER MEETING ON JEKYLL ISLAND, GEORGIA: Plot The Federal Reserve and Draught Legislation
"Role in the history of the Federal Reserve" ~ Wikipedia
(^^^) "Jekyll Island Club" (*NWO)
~ @Wikipedia, @federalreserve, {Subscribe}, < https://goo.gl/xgX3wu
Panic of 1907 (JP Morgan, run on banks), {Donate} < https://goo.gl/pgmcsg
Aldrich-Vreeland Act (National Monetary Com.) < https://goo.gl/ubm2mq
(^^^) “The Corporation (2003)”
~ JohnXavier1975, {Subscribe}, 05-27-12, YT, 2:24:03 < https://goo.gl/Pd954A
Documentary Film: “The Corporation” < http://thecorporation.com/
Trailer, Vimeo, 3:18 < http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379225/
(^^^) “Corporate Fascism: The Destruction of America’s Middle Class”
~ OriginalIntentDoc, {Subscribe}, 08-30-11, YT, 1:41:51 https://goo.gl/OShiEF
(^^^) "1930s: Ford, GM, IBM, and the Nazis"
~ Dr Joel A Lewis, {Subscribe}, 02-17-14, YT, 43:45 < https://goo.gl/Nppekg
Great Depression, MrGartlandsClass, 101615, 44:38 < https://goo.gl/apqv4W
WORLD OLIGARCHS, CAPITALISM: Free Fascism, Fight Communism
(^^^) “Michael Parenti – The Real Causes of World War II (1 of 2)”
~ pathocrat, {Subscribe}, 01-01-11, YT, 15:00 < https://goo.gl/sIYDOZ
Part 2, pathocrat, {Subscribe}, 01-01-11, YT, 10:12 < https://goo.gl/6FPkoB
CENTRAL BANK, FEDERAL RESERVE: Control Interest , Money Supply, Money Value; Economic Fraud; Sovereignty Surrender; Federal Income Tax, Interest Paid To World Oligarchs @federalreserve (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government"
~ Great White7, {Subscribe}, 07-25-13, YT, 48:55 < https://goo.gl/PO1CO0
BANK SYSTEM MANIPULATION: J.P. Morgan Bank Panic of 1907;
SECRET 11-1910 BANKER MEETING ON JEKYLL ISLAND, GEORGIA: Plot The Federal Reserve and Draught Legislation
"Role in the history of the Federal Reserve" ~ Wikipedia
(^^^) "Jekyll Island Club" (*NWO)
~ @Wikipedia, @federalreserve, {Subscribe}, < https://goo.gl/xgX3wu
Panic of 1907 (JP Morgan, run on banks), {Donate} < https://goo.gl/pgmcsg
Aldrich-Vreeland Act (National Monetary Com.) < https://goo.gl/ubm2mq
BRETTON WOODS: IMF – International Monetary Fund, World Bank
"The Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia and Japan in the mid-20th century." ~ Wikipedia
(^^^) "The Bretton Woods System in five minutes - the University of Shed makes economics fun"
~ UniversityofShed, 12-17-11, YT, 4:58 < https://goo.gl/pZnZt4
(^^^) "Bretton Woods Then and Now"
~ Dartmouth, 06-20-13, YT, 1:24:55 < https://goo.gl/ejmupc
Bretton Woods system, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/XY1ev2
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
SPANISH AMERICAN WAR – Cuba, The Maine Explosion;
WORLD WAR I – POTUS Woodrow Wilson, Lusitania Munitions Ship;
WORLD WAR II - Pearl Harbor, POTUS Franklin Roosevelt, Council of Foreign Relations, Washington D.C. Fore Knowledge, Conspiracy, Infamy;
VIETNAM WAR – Destroyer Supporting South’s Attack, Gulf of Tonkin, 3 Million Vietnamese Murdered, 60,000 American Soldiers Sacrificed
IRAQ WAR – Weapons of Mass Destruction, Inspectors David Kay & Scott Ritter, Yellow Cake, 500,000 People Murdered
60 Families, The Establishment - Finance, Business & Government
VOTING: Predetermined Puppet, Lesser Of Two Evils
POTUS JIMMY CARTER: David Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission
REPUBLICANS & DEMOCRATS: No Options, Tipping Point
BUSH v. KERRY: Election Fraud, Ohio Stolen, (“Don’t Tase Me Bro!”)
CFR - COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: Revolving Door, 1921, Government, Media, Education; Globalism, New World Order, Steering Nations, Controlling The World
WHISTLEBLOWER: 16 Year CFR Member, Resigned In Disgust
“Submergence of U.S. sovereignty to an all powerful one world gov’t”
~ Admiral Chester Ward Former Judge Advocate General U.S. Navy
CFR & TRILATERAL COMMISSION GOAL: Global Gov’t Institution, Political Ambition, Economic Ambition, One World Gov’t, Unrestrained Tyranny
“In the 20TH Century, six times more people were killed by their own governments than by wars.” ~ Professor Rudolph Rommel – Univ. Hawaii
Governments, Deadly Exploitation Rackets, Tyranny, Wall Street, Banks
Money Supply Manipulation, Devaluation, Federal Reserve Racket, Powerful Corporation; Janet Yellen, Quantitative Easing, Printing Money Out of Nothing, Member Bank Oligarchy, Sovereignty Surrender, Central Bank, Too Big To Fail
FEDERAL RESERVE ACT of 1913: Senator Nelson Aldrich, Nelson “Aldrich” Rockefeller, 9 Day Meeting 1910, Jekyll Island Retreat, Georgia Coast, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, The Rothschilds, Paul Warburg, Central Banks of Europe
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” ~ Amschel Mayer Rothschild
THE MONEY TRUST: Warburg, Rockefeller, Morgan, & Rothschilds
WHISTLEBLOWER: “This (Federal Reserve Bank) act established the most gigantic trust on earth….”
~ Congressman Charles Lindbergh Sr.
WHISTLEBLOWER: “It was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here, so that they might emerge as rulers of us all.”
~ Congressman Louis McFadden – Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency (1920-1931)
LEAGUE OF NATIONS: POTUS Woodrow Wilson, Versailles Treaty, Bankers
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: One World Government, Control, Supplying Cabinet Level Personnel
UNITED NATIONS: CFR Creation, Secure Peace, Military Deployment
MARSHALL PLAN: Welfare Plan, CFR, David Rockefeller, Post-WW II Control, Counterpart Funds, European Unity, European Consolidation, 1949;
BRETTON WOODS CONFERENCE/AGREEMENT: Jean Monet, Father of Europe, EU Youth Movement; Created The World Bank & The International Monetary Fund; Members Were CFR and (Yale) Skull & Bones Members; Economic Controls, Wage Controls, Industrial Agreements, Building The European Union;
VIETNAM WAR: For Profits and Control, Empire Building, Banks, Proxy Wars, Asian Pacific Sphere of Influence, U.S. Sponsored Ho Chi Min; French Pulled Out; Rules Of Engagement; Handcuffed U.S. Military; Not Fought To Win; Started In 1961, POTUS Kennedy; POTUS Johnsen, Tonkin Gulf; The Wise Men, 12/14 CFR Members & Skull & Bones Members, Globalists
DESTROYING PATRIOTISM: Burning Flags, One World Government
EUROPEAN UNION: Steps To Global Gov’t
NORTH AMERICAN UNION, FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS, TPP: Trump Constitution, “Line up regulations in countries to mesh”
PATRIOT ACT SPYING, WAR ON TERROR: “War on the Bill of Rights”
“Fear always shuts consciousness down” “Creation of a total surveillance society”
U.S. COMMISSION ON NATIONAL SECURITY 1998: Recommended National Homeland Security Agency, 9/12 Members-CFR Members, North American Union, N.A.F.T.A., Waco Meeting, Integrating 3 Countries of U.S., Mexico & Canada, Progressive Regionalization
“We cannot leap into one world government in one quick step. The precondition for genuine globalization is progressive regionalization.”
~ Brzezinski
“Populations will more readily abandon their national loyalties to a vague regional loyalty than they will for a world authority. Later the regional’s can be brought all the way into a single world dictatorship.”
~ Joseph Stalin
GOV. MITT ROMNEY & REP. PAUL RYAN INTERVIEW: Guy On Sofa, CFR Advisor, Main Stream Media, Story Control; @SpeakerRyan @PRyan
CHURCH COMMITTEE: National News Media, Controlled Medium, CIA, Steering Public Perception For Oligarchs
NEW YORK TIMES: Mind Molders, August Belmont – Rothschilds Financial Agent, J.P. Morgan, Adolph Ochs, World’s Most Powerful Newspaper, CFR Owners; Federal Reserve Bank, Paul Warburg; Pentagon Papers
The New York Times owns Boston Globe, @nytimes
The Washington Post own Newsweek
Disney owns ABC
CBS owns Simon & Schuster
Time Warner owns AOL, CNN, Time, Warner Brothers Studios, HBO, New Line Cinema, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune, Money….
News Corporation owns The Wall Street Journal, Fox Television, London’s The Times, Barron’s, Zondervan, HULU, New York Post…
BILDERBERG CONFERENCE: World’s Elite In Government, Banking, Industry & Media: Once Per Year Meetings, Closed To Public; (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
"People Who Control America ? Mind Blowing Documentary HQ"
~ Cene Kanse, {Subscribe}, 08-09-15, YT, 2:17:32 < https://goo.gl/MOSKoJ
Film: “ShadowRing” ~ Free Mind Films/freemindfilms.com
< https://goo.gl/vRvGYh
< http://freemindfilms.com/films/shadowring/ [ HD 1080P DOWNLOAD ]
“Everything is in place – after 500 years – to build a true ‘new world’ in the western hemisphere.” ~ David Rockefeller
The Rockefeller reach, Muckety, {Donate} 08-01-17 https://goo.gl/Z2VbQs
Council on Foreign Relations, @Muckety, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/EuM5GB
CFR, Jewish Community Relations Council, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/cqzMJj
Spanish American War (US fascism, 1898), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/erylvS
BANK SYSTEM MANIPULATION: J.P. Morgan Bank Panic of 1907;
SECRET 11-1910 BANKER MEETING ON JEKYLL ISLAND, GEORGIA: Plot The Federal Reserve and Draught Legislation
"Role in the history of the Federal Reserve" ~ Wikipedia
(^^^) "Jekyll Island Club" (*NWO)
~ @Wikipedia, @federalreserve, {Subscribe}, < https://goo.gl/xgX3wu
Panic of 1907 (JP Morgan, run on banks), {Donate} < https://goo.gl/pgmcsg
Aldrich-Vreeland Act (National Monetary Com.) < https://goo.gl/ubm2mq
(^^^) “The Corporation (2003)”
~ JohnXavier1975, {Subscribe}, 05-27-12, YT, 2:24:03 < https://goo.gl/Pd954A
Documentary Film: “The Corporation” < http://thecorporation.com/
Trailer, Vimeo, 3:18 < http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379225/
(^^^) “Corporate Fascism: The Destruction of America’s Middle Class”
~ OriginalIntentDoc, {Subscribe}, 08-30-11, YT, 1:41:51 https://goo.gl/OShiEF
(^^^) "1930s: Ford, GM, IBM, and the Nazis"
~ Dr Joel A Lewis, {Subscribe}, 02-17-14, YT, 43:45 < https://goo.gl/Nppekg
Great Depression, MrGartlandsClass, 101615, 44:38 < https://goo.gl/apqv4W
WORLD OLIGARCHS, CAPITALISM: Free Fascism, Fight Communism
(^^^) “Michael Parenti – The Real Causes of World War II (1 of 2)”
~ pathocrat, {Subscribe}, 01-01-11, YT, 15:00 < https://goo.gl/sIYDOZ
Part 2, pathocrat, {Subscribe}, 01-01-11, YT, 10:12 < https://goo.gl/6FPkoB
CENTRAL BANK, FEDERAL RESERVE: Control Interest , Money Supply, Money Value; Economic Fraud; Sovereignty Surrender; Federal Income Tax, Interest Paid To World Oligarchs @federalreserve (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government"
~ Great White7, {Subscribe}, 07-25-13, YT, 48:55 < https://goo.gl/PO1CO0
BANK SYSTEM MANIPULATION: J.P. Morgan Bank Panic of 1907;
SECRET 11-1910 BANKER MEETING ON JEKYLL ISLAND, GEORGIA: Plot The Federal Reserve and Draught Legislation
"Role in the history of the Federal Reserve" ~ Wikipedia
(^^^) "Jekyll Island Club" (*NWO)
~ @Wikipedia, @federalreserve, {Subscribe}, < https://goo.gl/xgX3wu
Panic of 1907 (JP Morgan, run on banks), {Donate} < https://goo.gl/pgmcsg
Aldrich-Vreeland Act (National Monetary Com.) < https://goo.gl/ubm2mq
BRETTON WOODS: IMF – International Monetary Fund, World Bank
"The Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia and Japan in the mid-20th century." ~ Wikipedia
(^^^) "The Bretton Woods System in five minutes - the University of Shed makes economics fun"
~ UniversityofShed, 12-17-11, YT, 4:58 < https://goo.gl/pZnZt4
(^^^) "Bretton Woods Then and Now"
~ Dartmouth, 06-20-13, YT, 1:24:55 < https://goo.gl/ejmupc
Bretton Woods system, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/XY1ev2
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
of Nations, United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations (Rockefeller’s club),
Institute of International Affairs (aka Chatham House); Foreign Policy,
Consent, Conquest; Carroll Quigley [29:40], Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy
[30:50] :
“The secret to the power of the Council on Foreign Relations and the other round table groups wield lies in a clever application of the techniques that Bernays developed. “ [min 31:45]
1.) Creating carefully calculated associations with the subconscious fears and desires of individuals.... They target individual psychology by cultivating a sense of exclusivity and prestige which plays upon people’s desire to feel important and powerful. Like Bernays, they manipulate the public indirectly by targeting opinion leaders and authority figures. By influencing their membership, which is comprised of man and women in the highest levels of government, business and finance,
(Everything you and I do springs from two motives: the sex urge and the desire to be great. ~ Sigmund Freud)
2.) Influencing opinion leaders and perceived authority figures in to reach those who followed them…they hijack the phenomenon observed in the Milgram Authority experiments while bypassing the electoral process.
3.) Initiating the contagion of behaviors and ideas through social conformity…Most of the meetings held at the CFR are run under Chatham house rules…meaning that the ideas discussed there may be used and spread by those present but no one is allowed to mention where those ideas came from.
( CHATHAM HOUSE RULES: “Meeting is not for attribution…participants are welcomed to make use of the information received in the meeting but neither the identity of the speaker or the information received at the meeting…nor of any of the participants may be revealed…nor may one cite the council meeting as the source of the information.)
These closed door discussions and their exclusive membership process work together to engineer the phenomenon demonstrated in the Asch conformity experiments. New members must be nominated by an existing member, seconded by three members and approved by the board of directors. This process ensures that ideological continuity is maintained as social conformity brings new members into line with the group. It’s important to remember that wealth, social status and official positions of power do not reduce the effects of group psychology.”
“We get a lot of advice from the Council (of Foreign Relations) so this means I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.” ~ Hillary Clinton, (CFR meeting 2009) [33:15]
“To put it in simple terms, politicians aren’t the ones calling the shots. They’re just puppets. Voting the bums out doesn’t work, and hasn’t for a long long time. Now you know why. Even if we removed every single corrupt oligarch from the councils of government, we will end up right back in the same situation unless we deal with the psychological underpinnings of our enslavement.
But how do we do that? How do we reach the group mind and shake the crowd from its slumber? Group psychology is a weapon, and like all weapons it is capable of being used for good or for evil. For many years it has been in the wrong hands. It has been hidden from the public and used against them. It’s time for the people to pick up that weapon and use it to free themselves. It’s time to start studying. Read Gustave Le Bon’s books: “The Crowd“ and “The Psychology of Revolution”. Read Edward Bernays’ books: “Propaganda” and “Crystallizing Public Opinion”. And read Gene Sharp’s books: “From Dictatorship to Democracy” and “National Security Through Civilian-Based Defense”. Learn the theory, learn the techniques and start using them to spread the truth rather than hiding it. Start using them to prevent wars rather than start them. Start using them to stop the militarization of the police and to end the surveillance state. Use them to bring this corporate mafia to its knees.
Some of you may find this proposition frightening. This is dangerous stuff. These are ideological M-16s with boxes of ammunition. If even a few motivated individuals started using these techniques effectively, it could seriously disrupt the balance of power. But that is exactly what’s needed. I challenge you to look around. Look at the state of the world. Look at where these psychopaths are taking us. If you do not feel the imperative to change the course we are on, then you are not paying attention.” [ 33:00 – 35:05 ]
Book: “Tragedy and Hope; A History of the World in Our Time” ~ C. Quigley
“Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power - Part 1”
~ StormCloudsGathering, 01-07-14, YT, 37:24 < https://goo.gl/yDevSw
(^^^) “Storm clouds gathering” (autoplay) < https://goo.gl/yMDCBN
(^^^) “When People Know The Truth False Flags Won’t Fly”
(^^^) “From The Shadows Part 1”(Knights Templar, Freemasons, NWO--War)
~ cire85, {Subscribe}, 12-11-10, YT, 8:10 < https://goo.gl/cZBuwg
2 (Freemason & Rothschild), cire85, 12-11-10, 8:10 < https://goo.gl/G3pxRg
3 (Media & NWO), cire85, 12-11-10, YT, 8:10 < https://goo.gl/3bECg6
4 (Spying & Control), cire85, 12-11-10, YT, 8:10 < https://goo.gl/oQ1SAR
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Wiki < https://goo.gl/CqDm3p
Gustave Le Bon, @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/9E2XZn
Crystallizing Public Opinion, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/Awvv9q
Propaganda, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/YMRjYL
Edward Bernays, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/BQjgFJ
From Dictatorship to Democracy, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/Lmht2S
National Security…Defense, A. Einstein (PDF 92 pg) < https://goo.gl/jTHoFR
Gene Sharp, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/b7xUqQ
Carroll Quigley, @wikipedia, {Subscribe/Donate} < https://goo.gl/Gjh1H8
Hegelian Dialectic (The Book of Revelation), Wiki < https://goo.gl/W4vswp
Skull and Bones (Yale secret society), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/A7UHWt
Round Table movement, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/cFwT5T
Tragedy and Hope (Carroll Quigley book), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/j2biAE
The Rockefeller reach, Muckety, {Donate} 08-01-17 https://goo.gl/Z2VbQs
Council on Foreign Relations, @Muckety, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/EuM5GB
CFR, Jewish Community Relations Council, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/cqzMJj
CAPITALISM: Economic Chaos, Environmental Crisis, Shortage, Resource Wars
Book: “The New Human Rights Movement” ~ Peter Joseph @AbbyMartin
(^^^) "Empire Files: Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism"
~ @telesurenglish, {Donate}, 08-11-17, YT, 45:40 < https://goo.gl/HBFwXD
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
CAPITALISM: Wages Suppressed, Purchasing Power Decline, Borrowing, Debt;
Ownership Class, Opposite Of Democracy, Free Trade; Socialism, Worker Co-ops; Dividends, Profits, Shareholders; Inequality, Premature Death, War, 99%
"The Empire Files: Understanding Marxism and Socialism with Richard Wolff" @profwolff @demmocracyatwrk @AbbyMartin @SenSanders
~ @telesurenglish, {Donate}, 03-18-16, YT, 31:18 https://goo.gl/4chzYN
(^^^) "Do You Actually Understand What 'Socialism' Is?" @profwolff
~ @davidpakmanshow, {Donate}, 08-06-15, YT, 11:24 https://goo.gl/nStbEx
(^^^) "Who Controls the U.S. Government and the Gap Between Rich and Poor: Noam Chomsky (1995)"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 08-14-13, YT, 1:08:16 https://goo.gl/op8zdG
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“The secret to the power of the Council on Foreign Relations and the other round table groups wield lies in a clever application of the techniques that Bernays developed. “ [min 31:45]
1.) Creating carefully calculated associations with the subconscious fears and desires of individuals.... They target individual psychology by cultivating a sense of exclusivity and prestige which plays upon people’s desire to feel important and powerful. Like Bernays, they manipulate the public indirectly by targeting opinion leaders and authority figures. By influencing their membership, which is comprised of man and women in the highest levels of government, business and finance,
(Everything you and I do springs from two motives: the sex urge and the desire to be great. ~ Sigmund Freud)
2.) Influencing opinion leaders and perceived authority figures in to reach those who followed them…they hijack the phenomenon observed in the Milgram Authority experiments while bypassing the electoral process.
3.) Initiating the contagion of behaviors and ideas through social conformity…Most of the meetings held at the CFR are run under Chatham house rules…meaning that the ideas discussed there may be used and spread by those present but no one is allowed to mention where those ideas came from.
( CHATHAM HOUSE RULES: “Meeting is not for attribution…participants are welcomed to make use of the information received in the meeting but neither the identity of the speaker or the information received at the meeting…nor of any of the participants may be revealed…nor may one cite the council meeting as the source of the information.)
These closed door discussions and their exclusive membership process work together to engineer the phenomenon demonstrated in the Asch conformity experiments. New members must be nominated by an existing member, seconded by three members and approved by the board of directors. This process ensures that ideological continuity is maintained as social conformity brings new members into line with the group. It’s important to remember that wealth, social status and official positions of power do not reduce the effects of group psychology.”
“We get a lot of advice from the Council (of Foreign Relations) so this means I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.” ~ Hillary Clinton, (CFR meeting 2009) [33:15]
“To put it in simple terms, politicians aren’t the ones calling the shots. They’re just puppets. Voting the bums out doesn’t work, and hasn’t for a long long time. Now you know why. Even if we removed every single corrupt oligarch from the councils of government, we will end up right back in the same situation unless we deal with the psychological underpinnings of our enslavement.
But how do we do that? How do we reach the group mind and shake the crowd from its slumber? Group psychology is a weapon, and like all weapons it is capable of being used for good or for evil. For many years it has been in the wrong hands. It has been hidden from the public and used against them. It’s time for the people to pick up that weapon and use it to free themselves. It’s time to start studying. Read Gustave Le Bon’s books: “The Crowd“ and “The Psychology of Revolution”. Read Edward Bernays’ books: “Propaganda” and “Crystallizing Public Opinion”. And read Gene Sharp’s books: “From Dictatorship to Democracy” and “National Security Through Civilian-Based Defense”. Learn the theory, learn the techniques and start using them to spread the truth rather than hiding it. Start using them to prevent wars rather than start them. Start using them to stop the militarization of the police and to end the surveillance state. Use them to bring this corporate mafia to its knees.
Some of you may find this proposition frightening. This is dangerous stuff. These are ideological M-16s with boxes of ammunition. If even a few motivated individuals started using these techniques effectively, it could seriously disrupt the balance of power. But that is exactly what’s needed. I challenge you to look around. Look at the state of the world. Look at where these psychopaths are taking us. If you do not feel the imperative to change the course we are on, then you are not paying attention.” [ 33:00 – 35:05 ]
Book: “Tragedy and Hope; A History of the World in Our Time” ~ C. Quigley
“Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power - Part 1”
~ StormCloudsGathering, 01-07-14, YT, 37:24 < https://goo.gl/yDevSw
(^^^) “Storm clouds gathering” (autoplay) < https://goo.gl/yMDCBN
(^^^) “When People Know The Truth False Flags Won’t Fly”
(^^^) “From The Shadows Part 1”(Knights Templar, Freemasons, NWO--War)
~ cire85, {Subscribe}, 12-11-10, YT, 8:10 < https://goo.gl/cZBuwg
2 (Freemason & Rothschild), cire85, 12-11-10, 8:10 < https://goo.gl/G3pxRg
3 (Media & NWO), cire85, 12-11-10, YT, 8:10 < https://goo.gl/3bECg6
4 (Spying & Control), cire85, 12-11-10, YT, 8:10 < https://goo.gl/oQ1SAR
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Wiki < https://goo.gl/CqDm3p
Gustave Le Bon, @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/9E2XZn
Crystallizing Public Opinion, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/Awvv9q
Propaganda, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/YMRjYL
Edward Bernays, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/BQjgFJ
From Dictatorship to Democracy, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/Lmht2S
National Security…Defense, A. Einstein (PDF 92 pg) < https://goo.gl/jTHoFR
Gene Sharp, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/b7xUqQ
Carroll Quigley, @wikipedia, {Subscribe/Donate} < https://goo.gl/Gjh1H8
Hegelian Dialectic (The Book of Revelation), Wiki < https://goo.gl/W4vswp
Skull and Bones (Yale secret society), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/A7UHWt
Round Table movement, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/cFwT5T
Tragedy and Hope (Carroll Quigley book), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/j2biAE
The Rockefeller reach, Muckety, {Donate} 08-01-17 https://goo.gl/Z2VbQs
Council on Foreign Relations, @Muckety, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/EuM5GB
CFR, Jewish Community Relations Council, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/cqzMJj
CAPITALISM: Economic Chaos, Environmental Crisis, Shortage, Resource Wars
Book: “The New Human Rights Movement” ~ Peter Joseph @AbbyMartin
(^^^) "Empire Files: Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism"
~ @telesurenglish, {Donate}, 08-11-17, YT, 45:40 < https://goo.gl/HBFwXD
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
CAPITALISM: Wages Suppressed, Purchasing Power Decline, Borrowing, Debt;
Ownership Class, Opposite Of Democracy, Free Trade; Socialism, Worker Co-ops; Dividends, Profits, Shareholders; Inequality, Premature Death, War, 99%
"The Empire Files: Understanding Marxism and Socialism with Richard Wolff" @profwolff @demmocracyatwrk @AbbyMartin @SenSanders
~ @telesurenglish, {Donate}, 03-18-16, YT, 31:18 https://goo.gl/4chzYN
(^^^) "Do You Actually Understand What 'Socialism' Is?" @profwolff
~ @davidpakmanshow, {Donate}, 08-06-15, YT, 11:24 https://goo.gl/nStbEx
(^^^) "Who Controls the U.S. Government and the Gap Between Rich and Poor: Noam Chomsky (1995)"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 08-14-13, YT, 1:08:16 https://goo.gl/op8zdG
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*CFR), One World Order, Trilateral Commission, Hegelian Dialectic, Creation of
Conflict, Conflict Management;
Political and Financial Power, War, Revolution, Russian Revolution, Rise of Hitler, Wall Street, Brown Brothers Harriman, Morgan Stanley, United States, 1833
-/\/- "Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925/June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. Most importantly, he was a very respectable and intelligent human being who obviously wanted the best for mankind by exposing facts that others would rather keep hidden."
(^^^) "Antony Sutton - The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ZeroFortyFive, {Subscribe}, 03-26-16, YT, 31:57 < https://goo.gl/DUangN
(^^^) "Gary Jules - Mad World" (*W/T)
~ LHAspotter, {Subscribe}, 12-15-07, YT, 3:05 < https://goo.gl/PvbCqf
>###(02-16)*CBWS*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Political and Financial Power, War, Revolution, Russian Revolution, Rise of Hitler, Wall Street, Brown Brothers Harriman, Morgan Stanley, United States, 1833
-/\/- "Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925/June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. Most importantly, he was a very respectable and intelligent human being who obviously wanted the best for mankind by exposing facts that others would rather keep hidden."
(^^^) "Antony Sutton - The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ZeroFortyFive, {Subscribe}, 03-26-16, YT, 31:57 < https://goo.gl/DUangN
(^^^) "Gary Jules - Mad World" (*W/T)
~ LHAspotter, {Subscribe}, 12-15-07, YT, 3:05 < https://goo.gl/PvbCqf
>###(02-16)*CBWS*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0004AS, NEW WORLD ORDER, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (*CFR): Bohemian Grove, Yale Skull & Bones,
Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, International Monetary Fund (IMF),
World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), New World Order (NWO), Illuminati,
Global Government; David Gergen from the Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George
H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton Administrations
“This epic speech sealed the fate of President John F Kennedy. In it he exposes the secret societies within the American Government.”
(^^^) “John F Kennedy: Exposing Secret Societies – The Illuminati, Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, Zionism” (*CFR) (*MSM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
~ Peter Preswick, {Subscribe}, 04-27-12, YT, 10:54 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO1BD6jpBSE&ebc
-/\/- “George Bush, John Kerry, David Gergen, and many others have admitted their membership of the Skull and Bones AKA the Bohemian Grove. However, they say it's a secret and they can't talk about it. These people get together to take part in bizarre rituals worshipping a 40 foot stone owl. THIS IS FACT! Alex Jones infiltrated on the Bohemian Grove and made a documentary called ‘Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove’”
(^^^) “The Bohemian Grove Exposed”
~ Death to…New World Order!, {Subscribe}, 09-19-08, YT, 6:09 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2E_HP97Rzc
-/\/- This film exposes the Bohemian Grove secret society ties of POTUS 42 Bill Clinton, expelled/resigned/fined Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (Republican/T, Georgia/now a lobbyist) and David Gergen (top presidential advisor to: POTUS 37 Richard M. Nixon; POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan, POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush, POTUS 42 Bill Clinton), and Former Governor Haley Barber (Republican/T, Mississippi).
(^^^) "4 Videos Of Politicians Confronted About Bohemian Grove That Make You Say WTF"
~ CeoWorldTv, {Subscribe}, 01-10-14, YT, 12:20 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsbKIiU7OP0
-/\/- “Bohemian Grove exposed and the many corrupted monsters such as Presidents and other politicians that ran/run the world were/are affiliated with a very very disgusting club located in Northern California!”
(^^^) “Bohemian Grove Exposed and Explained!!! Corrupted Elites!!”
~ Mere Resistance, {Subscribe}, 05-28-13, YT, 37:51 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P91VYtuMgmg
(^^^) "Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove”
~ akrondude, {Subscribe}, 05-02-12, YT, 2:11:13 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzLjFfSmpuo
(^^^) "No One's Burning Babies At Bohemian Grove"
~ Chris O'Neill/Vice,{Donate}, 07-14-11 _
< http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/no-ones-burning-babies-at-bohemian-grove/
(^^^) “Bohemian Grove: Cult or Conspiracy” ~ Mike Hanson, 05-15-12 _
< http://bohemiangroveexposed.com/
< https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/577740.Bohemian_Grove
>###(04-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“This epic speech sealed the fate of President John F Kennedy. In it he exposes the secret societies within the American Government.”
(^^^) “John F Kennedy: Exposing Secret Societies – The Illuminati, Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, Zionism” (*CFR) (*MSM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
~ Peter Preswick, {Subscribe}, 04-27-12, YT, 10:54 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO1BD6jpBSE&ebc
-/\/- “George Bush, John Kerry, David Gergen, and many others have admitted their membership of the Skull and Bones AKA the Bohemian Grove. However, they say it's a secret and they can't talk about it. These people get together to take part in bizarre rituals worshipping a 40 foot stone owl. THIS IS FACT! Alex Jones infiltrated on the Bohemian Grove and made a documentary called ‘Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove’”
(^^^) “The Bohemian Grove Exposed”
~ Death to…New World Order!, {Subscribe}, 09-19-08, YT, 6:09 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2E_HP97Rzc
-/\/- This film exposes the Bohemian Grove secret society ties of POTUS 42 Bill Clinton, expelled/resigned/fined Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (Republican/T, Georgia/now a lobbyist) and David Gergen (top presidential advisor to: POTUS 37 Richard M. Nixon; POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan, POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush, POTUS 42 Bill Clinton), and Former Governor Haley Barber (Republican/T, Mississippi).
(^^^) "4 Videos Of Politicians Confronted About Bohemian Grove That Make You Say WTF"
~ CeoWorldTv, {Subscribe}, 01-10-14, YT, 12:20 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsbKIiU7OP0
-/\/- “Bohemian Grove exposed and the many corrupted monsters such as Presidents and other politicians that ran/run the world were/are affiliated with a very very disgusting club located in Northern California!”
(^^^) “Bohemian Grove Exposed and Explained!!! Corrupted Elites!!”
~ Mere Resistance, {Subscribe}, 05-28-13, YT, 37:51 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P91VYtuMgmg
(^^^) "Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove”
~ akrondude, {Subscribe}, 05-02-12, YT, 2:11:13 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzLjFfSmpuo
(^^^) "No One's Burning Babies At Bohemian Grove"
~ Chris O'Neill/Vice,{Donate}, 07-14-11 _
< http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/no-ones-burning-babies-at-bohemian-grove/
(^^^) “Bohemian Grove: Cult or Conspiracy” ~ Mike Hanson, 05-15-12 _
< http://bohemiangroveexposed.com/
< https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/577740.Bohemian_Grove
>###(04-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0010BK, BANKS, PRIVATE INTEL FEDERAL RESERVE: Funding War; 14
Early Warning Signs of Fascism; All in the U.S. in 2015; Money buys elections
(^^^) “To Those who are Ignorant of the Past”
~ Marion/@AddInfoOrg, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-08-11 _
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/09/08/to-those-who-are-ignorant-of-the-past/
>###(05-15)*FP*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “To Those who are Ignorant of the Past”
~ Marion/@AddInfoOrg, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-08-11 _
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/09/08/to-those-who-are-ignorant-of-the-past/
>###(05-15)*FP*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0013CH, HENRY GIROUX: No Protection
From Greed
“America is descending into madness.”
Book: “Zombie Politics & Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism” ~ H. Giroux
(^^^) "Henry Giroux on 'Zombie' Politics" @HenryGiroux
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 11-22-13, YT, 43:59 < https://goo.gl/DsEz5s
DEMOCRACY, CAPITALISM: Consumerism, Market Values "It's easier to imagine the death of the planet than it is the death of capitalism."
(^^^) "Politics in the Age of Casino Capitalism” @HenryGiroux
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 11-22-13, YT, 56:53 < https://goo.gl/PZCmJP
(^^^) “David Cay Johnston: Governmental Capture” (Fatal To Republics)
~ New Economic Thinking, 06-01-14, YT, 1:05 < https://goo.gl/CCNDus
(^^^) "Socialism For Dummies."
~ Charlie Marks, {Subscribe}, 05-17-15, YT, 49:45 < https://goo.gl/0ux7ZU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“America is descending into madness.”
Book: “Zombie Politics & Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism” ~ H. Giroux
(^^^) "Henry Giroux on 'Zombie' Politics" @HenryGiroux
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 11-22-13, YT, 43:59 < https://goo.gl/DsEz5s
DEMOCRACY, CAPITALISM: Consumerism, Market Values "It's easier to imagine the death of the planet than it is the death of capitalism."
(^^^) "Politics in the Age of Casino Capitalism” @HenryGiroux
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 11-22-13, YT, 56:53 < https://goo.gl/PZCmJP
(^^^) “David Cay Johnston: Governmental Capture” (Fatal To Republics)
~ New Economic Thinking, 06-01-14, YT, 1:05 < https://goo.gl/CCNDus
(^^^) "Socialism For Dummies."
~ Charlie Marks, {Subscribe}, 05-17-15, YT, 49:45 < https://goo.gl/0ux7ZU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The American public is so easily manipulated by forms of propaganda and by the press." ~ @ChrisLynnHedges
"We have decapitated far more people, including children, than ISIS ever has. But we don't see that. We don't see the effects of our brutality and our violence. We see the reaction to that brutality and violence. So we don't understand, in essence, how the brutalized became brutal. We don't understand that these figures are our creation" ~ @ChrisLynnHedges
"Chris Hedges: ‘We’ve decapitated more civilians than ISIS ever has’”
~ @RT_America, 11-28-14, YT, 9:48 < https://goo.gl/fgA6tk (*MSM) (*W/T)
U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: John Kerry, ISIS, Syria, Foreign Policy; @codepink
(^^^) “JohnKerry: 'Problem Is Young People Don't Want To Die Anymore'"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 12-29-16, YT, 6:16 < https://goo.gl/LaIjK6
Bernie Anti-War Dems/DNC Low Point,122916, 7:25 < https://goo.gl/sN5D1V
Neoliberal HRC vs. Populist Demagogue,122316, 13:18 https://goo.gl/l1BKNO
HILLARY CLINTON, SECRETARY OF STATE: ISIS, ISIL, Saudi Arabia (Wahhabism, Jihad), Qatar, Libya, Syria
ASSANGE: Children, United Nations, Asylum
WEST: Political Prisoners, Pretention, Persecution By U.S.
(^^^) "Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (Full Interview)" @wikileaks @johnpilger
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 11-05-16, YT, 24:52 < https://goo.gl/EwW0Pn
(^^^) "Assange: Clinton is a cog for Goldman Sachs & the Saudis (John Pilger Exclusive Video & Transcript)" @wikileaks @johnpilger
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 11-05-16 < https://goo.gl/9EnK15
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The American public is so easily manipulated by forms of propaganda and by the press." ~ @ChrisLynnHedges
"We have decapitated far more people, including children, than ISIS ever has. But we don't see that. We don't see the effects of our brutality and our violence. We see the reaction to that brutality and violence. So we don't understand, in essence, how the brutalized became brutal. We don't understand that these figures are our creation" ~ @ChrisLynnHedges
"Chris Hedges: ‘We’ve decapitated more civilians than ISIS ever has’”
~ @RT_America, 11-28-14, YT, 9:48 < https://goo.gl/fgA6tk (*MSM) (*W/T)
U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: John Kerry, ISIS, Syria, Foreign Policy; @codepink
(^^^) “JohnKerry: 'Problem Is Young People Don't Want To Die Anymore'"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 12-29-16, YT, 6:16 < https://goo.gl/LaIjK6
Bernie Anti-War Dems/DNC Low Point,122916, 7:25 < https://goo.gl/sN5D1V
Neoliberal HRC vs. Populist Demagogue,122316, 13:18 https://goo.gl/l1BKNO
HILLARY CLINTON, SECRETARY OF STATE: ISIS, ISIL, Saudi Arabia (Wahhabism, Jihad), Qatar, Libya, Syria
ASSANGE: Children, United Nations, Asylum
WEST: Political Prisoners, Pretention, Persecution By U.S.
(^^^) "Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (Full Interview)" @wikileaks @johnpilger
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 11-05-16, YT, 24:52 < https://goo.gl/EwW0Pn
(^^^) "Assange: Clinton is a cog for Goldman Sachs & the Saudis (John Pilger Exclusive Video & Transcript)" @wikileaks @johnpilger
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 11-05-16 < https://goo.gl/9EnK15
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Book: "The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government" ~ David Talbot…”about how Dulles’ time at the CIA helped shape the current national security state.”
(^^^) "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles" (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-14-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/nSEp15
CUBA, GUATAMALA: Dulles, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, Malcolm X, Harlem,
(^^^) "Inside Allan Dulles' Reign as CIA Director, from '54 Guatemala Coup to Plotting Castro's Overthrow"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-19-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/D966sH
(^^^) "‘Allen Dulles did whatever he wanted to do,’ whether presidents knew or not – David Talbot"
~ RT America, {Donate}, 11-12-15, YT, 18:49 < https://goo.gl/SvjkVv
MAIN STREAM MEDIA: William Harvey, Allan Dulles, JFK Assassination;
(^^^) "A CIA Tie to JFK Assassination? Book on Ex-Director Allen Dulles Questions Agency's Role"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-19-15, YT, 5:22 < https://goo.gl/kMkd2v
(^^^) "Allen Dulles: The Powerful, Moneyed World of International Finance & Politics (2002)"
~ The Film Archives, 08-22-15, YT, 1:00:22 < https://goo.gl/Btm5Tx
Corporate capitalism, @wikipedia, {Donate}, < https://goo.gl/82vS1y
Capitalist state (state serves capitalists), {Donate}, < https://goo.gl/kgUDqU
Corporatocracy (corp’s control state), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/2McpTx
Fascism (authoritarian nationalism), {Donate} < https://goo.gl/7Iwyz0
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Book: "The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government" ~ David Talbot…”about how Dulles’ time at the CIA helped shape the current national security state.”
(^^^) "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles" (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-14-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/nSEp15
CUBA, GUATAMALA: Dulles, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, Malcolm X, Harlem,
(^^^) "Inside Allan Dulles' Reign as CIA Director, from '54 Guatemala Coup to Plotting Castro's Overthrow"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-19-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/D966sH
(^^^) "‘Allen Dulles did whatever he wanted to do,’ whether presidents knew or not – David Talbot"
~ RT America, {Donate}, 11-12-15, YT, 18:49 < https://goo.gl/SvjkVv
MAIN STREAM MEDIA: William Harvey, Allan Dulles, JFK Assassination;
(^^^) "A CIA Tie to JFK Assassination? Book on Ex-Director Allen Dulles Questions Agency's Role"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-19-15, YT, 5:22 < https://goo.gl/kMkd2v
(^^^) "Allen Dulles: The Powerful, Moneyed World of International Finance & Politics (2002)"
~ The Film Archives, 08-22-15, YT, 1:00:22 < https://goo.gl/Btm5Tx
Corporate capitalism, @wikipedia, {Donate}, < https://goo.gl/82vS1y
Capitalist state (state serves capitalists), {Donate}, < https://goo.gl/kgUDqU
Corporatocracy (corp’s control state), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/2McpTx
Fascism (authoritarian nationalism), {Donate} < https://goo.gl/7Iwyz0
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Multinational Corporations, Covert Operations
(Minute 32:30)
(^^^) "Taking Aim Radio: Outing the Gentlemen Killers of the CIA”
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, Y1:56:28 https://goo.gl/hjCwFD
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Taking Aim Radio: Outing the Gentlemen Killers of the CIA”
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, Y1:56:28 https://goo.gl/hjCwFD
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Blacklist Journalists
US War Dept. & C.I.A. Objectives-Country, Iran & Nicaragua, Iraq
Media, Right Wing Bastardization Of Journalism, C.I.A., Presidents Ronald REAGAN’s Treason, Iran Contra, George H.W. BUSH I, George W. BUSH II
“…perception management has won out over truth.”
“How the US Press Lost its Way” (*POTUS40) (*POTUS41) (*POTUS43)
~ Robert Parry/@NMCorg/Consortium News/@AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 05-21-12 < https://goo.gl/HLsKAs
-/\/- Insider Political News, Investigative Journalist Web Site, Robert Parry _
@NMCorg/Consortium News < Consortiumnews.com
>###(11-17)*FK*FP*PJ*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
US War Dept. & C.I.A. Objectives-Country, Iran & Nicaragua, Iraq
Media, Right Wing Bastardization Of Journalism, C.I.A., Presidents Ronald REAGAN’s Treason, Iran Contra, George H.W. BUSH I, George W. BUSH II
“…perception management has won out over truth.”
“How the US Press Lost its Way” (*POTUS40) (*POTUS41) (*POTUS43)
~ Robert Parry/@NMCorg/Consortium News/@AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 05-21-12 < https://goo.gl/HLsKAs
-/\/- Insider Political News, Investigative Journalist Web Site, Robert Parry _
@NMCorg/Consortium News < Consortiumnews.com
>###(11-17)*FK*FP*PJ*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Corporate (Coup d’état) Infantry for Aristocrats (International)
(^^^) "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles" (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-14-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/LW651d
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles" (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-14-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/LW651d
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Corporate (Coup d’état) Infantry for Aristocrats (International)
(^^^) ”CIA Paid Torture Teachers More Than $80 Million:
~ @NBC News, {Subscribe}, 12-09-14, 3 Videos < https://goo.gl/zIIVJx
(^^^) “Tortured Profession: Psychologists Warned of Abusive Interrogations, They Helped Craft Them”
~ Sheri Fink/@ProPublica, {Subscribe}, 05-05-09 < https://goo.gl/E4Rf1q
(^^^) “The Most Gruesome Moments in the CIA ‘Torture Report’”
~ Tim Mak & Shane Harris/@thedailybeast, {Donate}, 12-09-14 _
< https://goo.gl/9wy4h5
TORTURE HISTORY “A country, like a person, is what it does.”
(^^^) “Torture Is Who We Are”
~ Peter Beinart/@TheAtlantic, {Subscribe}, 12-11-14 https://goo.gl/ceXOK0
“Former Vice President Dick Cheney Says CIA Torture Report is ‘Full of Crap’”
~ Devin Dwyer/@ABC News, 12-10-14, Video < https://goo.gl/TvkfG3
>###(05-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) ”CIA Paid Torture Teachers More Than $80 Million:
~ @NBC News, {Subscribe}, 12-09-14, 3 Videos < https://goo.gl/zIIVJx
(^^^) “Tortured Profession: Psychologists Warned of Abusive Interrogations, They Helped Craft Them”
~ Sheri Fink/@ProPublica, {Subscribe}, 05-05-09 < https://goo.gl/E4Rf1q
(^^^) “The Most Gruesome Moments in the CIA ‘Torture Report’”
~ Tim Mak & Shane Harris/@thedailybeast, {Donate}, 12-09-14 _
< https://goo.gl/9wy4h5
TORTURE HISTORY “A country, like a person, is what it does.”
(^^^) “Torture Is Who We Are”
~ Peter Beinart/@TheAtlantic, {Subscribe}, 12-11-14 https://goo.gl/ceXOK0
“Former Vice President Dick Cheney Says CIA Torture Report is ‘Full of Crap’”
~ Devin Dwyer/@ABC News, 12-10-14, Video < https://goo.gl/TvkfG3
>###(05-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0086JP, JOHN PERKINS: ECONOMIC HITMAN, Iraq, Oil, War, Terrorism, World
Corporatocracy, American Exceptionalism; Saudi Arabia, House of Saud, Bush
Family, Bin Laden Family, Carlyle Group, 09-11-01, Sadaam Hussein, CIA, Osama
Bin Ladin; South America, CIA Coup d’État, Missionaries, Oil Companies
Saudi Arabia’s ruling “House of Saud” was convinced to make a mutually supportive deal with U.S.. Conditions of the deal included that our petrol dollars spent in Saudi Arabia were to be loaned back to the U.S. Treasury. U.S. corporations would westernize the infrastructure of Saudi Arabia.
The U.S. needed access to Iraqi oil fields. Sadaam Hussein did not cooperate with CIA efforts to access Iraqi oil.
“Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – Part 1” @economic_hitman
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 06-21-07, YT, 53:35 < https://goo.gl/J8q3Hh
"TalkingStickTV - John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Part II"
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 08-21-07, YT, 49:02 < https://goo.gl/N5lULj
“Turmoil is creating a host of problems for people and the planet.”
“John Perkins: Transforming Turmoil into New Economy”@economic_hitman
~ bu, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:40:10 < https://goo.gl/9TWuE8
-/\/- "'Economic hit man" John Perkins tells how the U.S. Empire loots other countries using murder and the military only when economic means fail. He mentions his semi role in the assassination of Omar Trujillos of Panama."
"'Jackals Assassinate,' EHM John Perkins" @economic_hitman
~ RBoon, {Subscribe}, 07-09-06, YT, 1:44 < https://goo.gl/J3p8kN
"Apologies Of An Economic Hitman (Full Documentary Movie)"
~ TooLF8th, {Subscribe}, 03-02-12, YT, 1:29:47 < https://goo.gl/EKAK7l
”John Perkins on U.S. Foreign Policy – Pt. 1” @economic_hitman
~ F8inFreeMedia, {Subscribe}, 01-22-10, YT, 10:00 < https://goo.gl/HDq6NI
"Zeitgeist 2: Addendum (Full Movie!) - Please Share"
~ ExhumedByScryingEyes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-08, YT, 1:59:29 _**
@economic_hitman @idreamchange < https://goo.gl/eKmUK7
JOHN PERKINS DESCRIBES EMPIRE: The Corporatocracy is not a democracy.
(Starts 04:00 min)
“They all work under one premise, one single goal that drives every one of them. And that is to maximize profits regardless of the environmental and social costs. …They’re all aiming at that same goal.
These people control our main stream media. …But they control our main stream media either through direct ownership or through their advertising budgets. They control our government our politicians because no politician can be elected these days without a lot of money. And most of that money comes from one way or another through the Corporations.” (min 28:30)
Books: "The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World" 2008, & "The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" 2016
"John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire"
~ MarlboroCollege on 04-23-08, {Subscribe}, 12-18-09, YT, 1:24:24 _
@economic_hitman @idreamchange < https://goo.gl/pB9OR5
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Saudi Arabia’s ruling “House of Saud” was convinced to make a mutually supportive deal with U.S.. Conditions of the deal included that our petrol dollars spent in Saudi Arabia were to be loaned back to the U.S. Treasury. U.S. corporations would westernize the infrastructure of Saudi Arabia.
The U.S. needed access to Iraqi oil fields. Sadaam Hussein did not cooperate with CIA efforts to access Iraqi oil.
“Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – Part 1” @economic_hitman
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 06-21-07, YT, 53:35 < https://goo.gl/J8q3Hh
"TalkingStickTV - John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Part II"
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 08-21-07, YT, 49:02 < https://goo.gl/N5lULj
“Turmoil is creating a host of problems for people and the planet.”
“John Perkins: Transforming Turmoil into New Economy”@economic_hitman
~ bu, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:40:10 < https://goo.gl/9TWuE8
-/\/- "'Economic hit man" John Perkins tells how the U.S. Empire loots other countries using murder and the military only when economic means fail. He mentions his semi role in the assassination of Omar Trujillos of Panama."
"'Jackals Assassinate,' EHM John Perkins" @economic_hitman
~ RBoon, {Subscribe}, 07-09-06, YT, 1:44 < https://goo.gl/J3p8kN
"Apologies Of An Economic Hitman (Full Documentary Movie)"
~ TooLF8th, {Subscribe}, 03-02-12, YT, 1:29:47 < https://goo.gl/EKAK7l
”John Perkins on U.S. Foreign Policy – Pt. 1” @economic_hitman
~ F8inFreeMedia, {Subscribe}, 01-22-10, YT, 10:00 < https://goo.gl/HDq6NI
"Zeitgeist 2: Addendum (Full Movie!) - Please Share"
~ ExhumedByScryingEyes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-08, YT, 1:59:29 _**
@economic_hitman @idreamchange < https://goo.gl/eKmUK7
JOHN PERKINS DESCRIBES EMPIRE: The Corporatocracy is not a democracy.
(Starts 04:00 min)
“They all work under one premise, one single goal that drives every one of them. And that is to maximize profits regardless of the environmental and social costs. …They’re all aiming at that same goal.
These people control our main stream media. …But they control our main stream media either through direct ownership or through their advertising budgets. They control our government our politicians because no politician can be elected these days without a lot of money. And most of that money comes from one way or another through the Corporations.” (min 28:30)
Books: "The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World" 2008, & "The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" 2016
"John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire"
~ MarlboroCollege on 04-23-08, {Subscribe}, 12-18-09, YT, 1:24:24 _
@economic_hitman @idreamchange < https://goo.gl/pB9OR5
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0087CIA, JOHN PERKINS, CIA:
Project MK-Ultra, Mind Control, Shock Therapy,
CIA Operation Paperclip: Recruit Nazi Scientists, Post WWII
CIA Drug Trafficking: 1996, Whistleblower Gary Webb, LA, Black Community
CIA Operation Northwoods: 1962, Cuba, U.S. Terrorist Attack Plan
CIA NSA Data Collection: Edward Snowden, Online Records, James Clapper
FBI Cointelpro: Peace Activists, Communism, Left, Assassination M.L. King
Operation Snow White: Church of Scientology, Stealing Classified Records
CIA Guatemala Syphilis Study: 1946-48, John Hopkins, Rockefeller Foundation
CIA Gulf of Tonkin: False Flag, Start Vietnam War, 08-02-1964, LB Johnsen
CIA Operation Mockingbird: 1950’s, Corporate Control, U.S. Main Media
”Top 10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True”
~ Alltime10s, {Subscribe}, 07-07-15, YT, 7:29 < https://goo.gl/D0LvMe
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
CIA Operation Paperclip: Recruit Nazi Scientists, Post WWII
CIA Drug Trafficking: 1996, Whistleblower Gary Webb, LA, Black Community
CIA Operation Northwoods: 1962, Cuba, U.S. Terrorist Attack Plan
CIA NSA Data Collection: Edward Snowden, Online Records, James Clapper
FBI Cointelpro: Peace Activists, Communism, Left, Assassination M.L. King
Operation Snow White: Church of Scientology, Stealing Classified Records
CIA Guatemala Syphilis Study: 1946-48, John Hopkins, Rockefeller Foundation
CIA Gulf of Tonkin: False Flag, Start Vietnam War, 08-02-1964, LB Johnsen
CIA Operation Mockingbird: 1950’s, Corporate Control, U.S. Main Media
”Top 10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True”
~ Alltime10s, {Subscribe}, 07-07-15, YT, 7:29 < https://goo.gl/D0LvMe
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Corporate (Coup d’état) Infantry for Aristocrats (Internationals)
(^^^) "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles" (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-14-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/LW651d
IRAQ WAR: Oil, Iraq War, Pentagon, CIA, G. H. W. Bush, G. W. Bush;
A former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to poor countries to access cheap resources” @economic_hitman @idreamchange
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire" (*POTUS43) (*POTUS41)
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
-/\/- Link/URL< http://www.johnperkins.org
-/\/- Link/URL< www.zeitgeistmovie.com
ECONOMIC HITMAN: Iraq, Oil, War, Terrorism, World Corporatocracy, American Exceptionalism; Saudi Arabia, House of Saud, Bush Family, Bin Laden Family, Carlyle Group, 09-11-01, Sadaam Hussein, CIA, Osama Bin Ladin; South America, CIA Coup d’État, Missionaries, Oil Companies
Saudi Arabia’s ruling “House of Saud” was convinced to make a mutually supportive deal with U.S.. Conditions of the deal included that our petrol dollars spent in Saudi Arabia were to be loaned back to the U.S. Treasury. U.S. corporations would westernize the infrastructure of Saudi Arabia.
The U.S. needed access to Iraqi oil fields. Sadaam Hussein did not cooperate with CIA efforts to access Iraqi oil.
(^^^) “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – Part 1” @economic_hitman
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 06-21-07, YT, 53:35 < https://goo.gl/J8q3Hh
"TalkingStickTV - John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Part II"
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 08-21-07, YT, 49:02 < https://goo.gl/N5lULj
EXPLOITATION: Turmoil is creating a host of problems for people and the planet. @economic_hitman
(^^^) “John Perkins: Transforming Turmoil into New Economy”
~ bu, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:40:10 < https://goo.gl/9TWuE8
-/\/- "'Economic hit man’ John Perkins tells how the U.S. Empire loots other countries using murder and the military only when economic means fail. He mentions his semi role in the assassination of Omar Trujillos of Panama."
(^^^) "'Jackals Assassinate,' EHM John Perkins" @economic_hitman
~ RBoon, {Subscribe}, 07-09-06, YT, 1:44 < https://goo.gl/J3p8kN
(^^^) "Apologies Of An Economic Hitman (Full Documentary Movie)"
~ TooLF8th, {Subscribe}, 03-02-12, YT, 1:29:47 < https://goo.gl/EKAK7l
(^^^) ”John Perkins on U.S. Foreign Policy – Pt. 1” @economic_hitman
~ F8inFreeMedia, {Subscribe}, 01-22-10, YT, 10:00 < https://goo.gl/HDq6NI
(^^^) "Zeitgeist 2: Addendum (Full Movie!) - Please Share"
~ ExhumedByScryingEyes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-08, YT, 1:59:29 _
< https://goo.gl/eKmUK7 @economic_hitman @idreamchange
JOHN PERKINS DESCRIBES EMPIRE: The Corporatocracy is not a democracy.
(Starts 04:00 min)
“They all work under one premise, one single goal that drives every one of them. And that is to maximize profits regardless of the environmental and social costs. …They’re all aiming at that same goal.
These people control our main stream media. …But they control our main stream media either through direct ownership or through their advertising budgets. They control our government our politicians because no politician can be elected these days without a lot of money. And most of that money comes from one way or another through the Corporations.” (min 28:30)
Books: "The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World" 2008 & "The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" 2016
(^^^) "John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire"
~ MarlboroCollege on 04-23-08, {Subscribe}, 12-18-09, YT, 1:24:24 _
@economic_hitman @idreamchange < https://goo.gl/pB9OR5
"Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the World? Resistance and Ways Forward"
~ ExplodedView MEF, {Subscribe}, 11-02-12, YT, 1:02:54 _
@noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/wix15w
(^^^) "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles" (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-14-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/LW651d
U.S. MILITARY INDUSTRIAL (CONGRESSIONAL) COMPLEX: TRANS-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS, FORTUNE 500; Slavery, U.S. Prison Complex, War On Crime, War On Drugs, U.S. Prison Complex, Police State, Empowerment Zones, Developing Nations/3rd World Nations, Free Trade, N.A.F.T.A, Outsourcing, World Bank, Profit Pathology, Labor and Resources @MichaelParenti
(^^^) “Michael Parenti: The Sword & the Dollar” (*BLM) (*FP) (*TPP) (*W/T)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, YT1:00:15 https://goo.gl/LdZZkt
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
(^^^) ”Dr. Michael Parenti: SuperPatriotism” (08-1988)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, 09-19-13, YT, 57:22 < https://goo.gl/hkVV6O
CIA COVERT WARS: Galvanizing American Opinion, Glorifying War, War Conditioning, TV Programming; Rewriting History; Aggression, Economics;
USA: Gov’t Lies, Nuclear Weapons, Debt, War, Covert Action, Nation Capture, Sabotage Manuel, Assassination Manuel, Terror, Torture, Contras, Fascism, Propaganda;
Sandinistas, Nicaragua, Central America, El Salvador, Election Rigging;
CIA Drug Smuggling, Florida, Texas, Louisiana; CIA Drug Smuggling, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, GI’s, USA;
Contra Aid Bill; Low Intensity Conflicts, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Angola, Libya and Chad, Ethiopia, Kampuchea, Afghanistan; Hegemony;
Church Committee 1975, CIA, Several Thousand Covert Actions; Cold War Propaganda, Genocide; Chile, Salvador Allende’, Pinochet; Covert Actions: China, Korean War, Vietnam, Ho Chi Min;
Thailand, Taiwan, Laos, Vietnam, Congo, Honduras,; Vietnam, Congo, Cambodia, Iran, Laos, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka; Death Squads, Alliance For Progress, 1960’s; CIA Teaching Torture, Special Techniques, Devices;
{Min 50:00} Ronald Reagan, American Irrationality, Glamorizing War, Gordon Liddy, Rambo, Sylvester Stallone; Reagan Lost His Mind, Vietnam Protests, Blood Bath, Armageddon Fixation;
{Min 1:00:30} “10,000 brutal covert actions”
“over half of our taxes are going to this giant military burden we’re carrying”
“The military industrial complex makes 35% profit.”
{Min 1:05:30} 70,000 Nuclear Bombs; Numerous Accidents; 5 Nuke Submarines, Ocean Grave;
{Min 1:08:00} Fate Of The Earth, Activism:
“Honey! At Least We Tried” ~ Helen Caldecott
“Do what you are comfortable with” ~ Admiral La Roche, Defense Info
Book: “The Hidden History of the Korean War” ~ I.F. Stone
Book: “Deadly Deceits” ~ Ralph McGhee
Book: “Portrait of a Cold Warrior” ~ Joe Smith
Book: “Hidden Terrors” ~ A.J. Langdon
Book: “The Overburdened Economy” ~ Lloyd Dumas
”John Stockwell Speaks Out About CIA Atrocities and US Militarism (1987)”
~ Our Hidden History, 12-18-16, YT, 1:32:13 < https://goo.gl/FTmNkG
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles" (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-14-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/LW651d
IRAQ WAR: Oil, Iraq War, Pentagon, CIA, G. H. W. Bush, G. W. Bush;
A former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to poor countries to access cheap resources” @economic_hitman @idreamchange
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire" (*POTUS43) (*POTUS41)
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
-/\/- Link/URL< http://www.johnperkins.org
-/\/- Link/URL< www.zeitgeistmovie.com
ECONOMIC HITMAN: Iraq, Oil, War, Terrorism, World Corporatocracy, American Exceptionalism; Saudi Arabia, House of Saud, Bush Family, Bin Laden Family, Carlyle Group, 09-11-01, Sadaam Hussein, CIA, Osama Bin Ladin; South America, CIA Coup d’État, Missionaries, Oil Companies
Saudi Arabia’s ruling “House of Saud” was convinced to make a mutually supportive deal with U.S.. Conditions of the deal included that our petrol dollars spent in Saudi Arabia were to be loaned back to the U.S. Treasury. U.S. corporations would westernize the infrastructure of Saudi Arabia.
The U.S. needed access to Iraqi oil fields. Sadaam Hussein did not cooperate with CIA efforts to access Iraqi oil.
(^^^) “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – Part 1” @economic_hitman
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 06-21-07, YT, 53:35 < https://goo.gl/J8q3Hh
"TalkingStickTV - John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Part II"
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 08-21-07, YT, 49:02 < https://goo.gl/N5lULj
EXPLOITATION: Turmoil is creating a host of problems for people and the planet. @economic_hitman
(^^^) “John Perkins: Transforming Turmoil into New Economy”
~ bu, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:40:10 < https://goo.gl/9TWuE8
-/\/- "'Economic hit man’ John Perkins tells how the U.S. Empire loots other countries using murder and the military only when economic means fail. He mentions his semi role in the assassination of Omar Trujillos of Panama."
(^^^) "'Jackals Assassinate,' EHM John Perkins" @economic_hitman
~ RBoon, {Subscribe}, 07-09-06, YT, 1:44 < https://goo.gl/J3p8kN
(^^^) "Apologies Of An Economic Hitman (Full Documentary Movie)"
~ TooLF8th, {Subscribe}, 03-02-12, YT, 1:29:47 < https://goo.gl/EKAK7l
(^^^) ”John Perkins on U.S. Foreign Policy – Pt. 1” @economic_hitman
~ F8inFreeMedia, {Subscribe}, 01-22-10, YT, 10:00 < https://goo.gl/HDq6NI
(^^^) "Zeitgeist 2: Addendum (Full Movie!) - Please Share"
~ ExhumedByScryingEyes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-08, YT, 1:59:29 _
< https://goo.gl/eKmUK7 @economic_hitman @idreamchange
JOHN PERKINS DESCRIBES EMPIRE: The Corporatocracy is not a democracy.
(Starts 04:00 min)
“They all work under one premise, one single goal that drives every one of them. And that is to maximize profits regardless of the environmental and social costs. …They’re all aiming at that same goal.
These people control our main stream media. …But they control our main stream media either through direct ownership or through their advertising budgets. They control our government our politicians because no politician can be elected these days without a lot of money. And most of that money comes from one way or another through the Corporations.” (min 28:30)
Books: "The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World" 2008 & "The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" 2016
(^^^) "John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire"
~ MarlboroCollege on 04-23-08, {Subscribe}, 12-18-09, YT, 1:24:24 _
@economic_hitman @idreamchange < https://goo.gl/pB9OR5
"Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the World? Resistance and Ways Forward"
~ ExplodedView MEF, {Subscribe}, 11-02-12, YT, 1:02:54 _
@noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/wix15w
(^^^) "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles" (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-14-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/LW651d
U.S. MILITARY INDUSTRIAL (CONGRESSIONAL) COMPLEX: TRANS-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS, FORTUNE 500; Slavery, U.S. Prison Complex, War On Crime, War On Drugs, U.S. Prison Complex, Police State, Empowerment Zones, Developing Nations/3rd World Nations, Free Trade, N.A.F.T.A, Outsourcing, World Bank, Profit Pathology, Labor and Resources @MichaelParenti
(^^^) “Michael Parenti: The Sword & the Dollar” (*BLM) (*FP) (*TPP) (*W/T)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, YT1:00:15 https://goo.gl/LdZZkt
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
(^^^) ”Dr. Michael Parenti: SuperPatriotism” (08-1988)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, 09-19-13, YT, 57:22 < https://goo.gl/hkVV6O
CIA COVERT WARS: Galvanizing American Opinion, Glorifying War, War Conditioning, TV Programming; Rewriting History; Aggression, Economics;
USA: Gov’t Lies, Nuclear Weapons, Debt, War, Covert Action, Nation Capture, Sabotage Manuel, Assassination Manuel, Terror, Torture, Contras, Fascism, Propaganda;
Sandinistas, Nicaragua, Central America, El Salvador, Election Rigging;
CIA Drug Smuggling, Florida, Texas, Louisiana; CIA Drug Smuggling, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, GI’s, USA;
Contra Aid Bill; Low Intensity Conflicts, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Angola, Libya and Chad, Ethiopia, Kampuchea, Afghanistan; Hegemony;
Church Committee 1975, CIA, Several Thousand Covert Actions; Cold War Propaganda, Genocide; Chile, Salvador Allende’, Pinochet; Covert Actions: China, Korean War, Vietnam, Ho Chi Min;
Thailand, Taiwan, Laos, Vietnam, Congo, Honduras,; Vietnam, Congo, Cambodia, Iran, Laos, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka; Death Squads, Alliance For Progress, 1960’s; CIA Teaching Torture, Special Techniques, Devices;
{Min 50:00} Ronald Reagan, American Irrationality, Glamorizing War, Gordon Liddy, Rambo, Sylvester Stallone; Reagan Lost His Mind, Vietnam Protests, Blood Bath, Armageddon Fixation;
{Min 1:00:30} “10,000 brutal covert actions”
“over half of our taxes are going to this giant military burden we’re carrying”
“The military industrial complex makes 35% profit.”
{Min 1:05:30} 70,000 Nuclear Bombs; Numerous Accidents; 5 Nuke Submarines, Ocean Grave;
{Min 1:08:00} Fate Of The Earth, Activism:
“Honey! At Least We Tried” ~ Helen Caldecott
“Do what you are comfortable with” ~ Admiral La Roche, Defense Info
Book: “The Hidden History of the Korean War” ~ I.F. Stone
Book: “Deadly Deceits” ~ Ralph McGhee
Book: “Portrait of a Cold Warrior” ~ Joe Smith
Book: “Hidden Terrors” ~ A.J. Langdon
Book: “The Overburdened Economy” ~ Lloyd Dumas
”John Stockwell Speaks Out About CIA Atrocities and US Militarism (1987)”
~ Our Hidden History, 12-18-16, YT, 1:32:13 < https://goo.gl/FTmNkG
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
& Regime Change
{ John Perkins, a former economic hitman describes how multinational corporations employ the C.I.A. (with agents in the U.S. State Department and its foreign embassies) and the U.S. War Department to promote capitalism by covert means. American Exceptionalism (an absurdity in a real Democracy) is a term that describes the foreign policy of a nation-state corporatocracy (a kleptocracy) which projects and imposes Friedman Chicago School economic austerity by a method best described as “The Shock Doctrine” ~ Naomi A. Klein, 2007. It interferes with elections and propagates CIA initiated coup d’états to topple vulnerable democracies and props up totalitarian police states. This corporate state-captured democracy spreads colonialism, exploitation and central bank loans using profit-charter capitalist values and the oil dollar. ~ IGRPP } @economic_hitman @idreamchange
"John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (ex CIA *Zeitgeist Documentary Interview*)"
~ Russell Blattberg, {Subscribe}, 02-09-17, YT, 1:08:49 https://goo.gl/Z54X1y
IRAQ WAR: A former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to poor countries to access cheap resources”
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire"
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
-/\/- Link/URL< http://www.johnperkins.org
-/\/- Link/URL< www.zeitgeistmovie.com
{ John Perkins, a former economic hitman describes how multinational corporations employ the C.I.A. (with agents in the U.S. State Department and its foreign embassies) and the U.S. War Department to promote capitalism by covert means. American Exceptionalism (an absurdity in a real Democracy) is a term that describes the foreign policy of a nation-state corporatocracy (a kleptocracy) which projects and imposes Friedman Chicago School economic austerity by a method best described as “The Shock Doctrine” ~ Naomi A. Klein, 2007. It interferes with elections and propagates CIA initiated coup d’états to topple vulnerable democracies and props up totalitarian police states. This corporate state-captured democracy spreads colonialism, exploitation and central bank loans using profit-charter capitalist values and the oil dollar. ~ IGRPP } @economic_hitman @idreamchange
"John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (ex CIA *Zeitgeist Documentary Interview*)"
~ Russell Blattberg, {Subscribe}, 02-09-17, YT, 1:08:49 https://goo.gl/Z54X1y
IRAQ WAR: A former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to poor countries to access cheap resources”
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire"
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
-/\/- Link/URL< http://www.johnperkins.org
-/\/- Link/URL< www.zeitgeistmovie.com
Foreign Policy-0087JP, JOHN PERKINS: Oil, Iraq War, Pentagon, CIA, G. H. W. Bush,
G. W. Bush; “John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen,
making loans to Poor Countries to access cheap resources” @economic_hitman
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire" (*POTUS43) (*POTUS41)
~ @foratv, {Donate}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/JhZSJ8
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire" (*POTUS43) (*POTUS41)
~ @foratv, {Donate}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/JhZSJ8
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0087JP, JOHN PERKINS: Transforming Corporate,
Exploitation, People, Planet; Turmoil is creating a host of common problems for the people and the planet.
“John Perkins: Transforming Turmoil into New Economy”
~ bu, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:40:10 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WhwVrgiGnQ
-/\/- Exploitation, People, Planet
Turmoil is creating a host of problems for people and the planet.
“John Perkins: Transforming Turmoil into New Economy”
~ bu, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:40:10 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WhwVrgiGnQ
(^^^) “John Perkins - Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption"
~ phrygian20, Amy Goodman/Democracy Now!, w/John Perkins, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-11-13, YT, 43:07 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p5pXqQEGM4
"Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean - Noam Chomsky"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 06-01-12, YT, 9:41 < https://goo.gl/4tvUdK
>###(11-15)*CW*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Exploitation, People, Planet; Turmoil is creating a host of common problems for the people and the planet.
“John Perkins: Transforming Turmoil into New Economy”
~ bu, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:40:10 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WhwVrgiGnQ
-/\/- Exploitation, People, Planet
Turmoil is creating a host of problems for people and the planet.
“John Perkins: Transforming Turmoil into New Economy”
~ bu, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:40:10 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WhwVrgiGnQ
(^^^) “John Perkins - Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth about Global Corruption"
~ phrygian20, Amy Goodman/Democracy Now!, w/John Perkins, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-11-13, YT, 43:07 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p5pXqQEGM4
"Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean - Noam Chomsky"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 06-01-12, YT, 9:41 < https://goo.gl/4tvUdK
>###(11-15)*CW*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0104HZ, HOWARD ZINN: GOOD
WARS, Revolutionary, Civil, WW II; US Government Think
(^^^) "Howard Zinn - Myth Of The Good Wars (Three 'Holy' Wars)"
~ PHubb, {Subscribe}, 01-31-10, YT, 1:07:07 < https://goo.gl/HL9SjV
>###(010-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Howard Zinn - Myth Of The Good Wars (Three 'Holy' Wars)"
~ PHubb, {Subscribe}, 01-31-10, YT, 1:07:07 < https://goo.gl/HL9SjV
>###(010-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0105AM, ABBY MARTIN: Presidency,
Narco-Libertarian Capitalism
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky & Abby Martin: Electing The President of an Empire"
~ @AbbyMartin/@EmpireFiles/@telesurenglish, {Donate}, 10-24-15, YT, 25:53 @noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/BsUJHI
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky & Abby Martin: Electing The President of an Empire"
~ @AbbyMartin/@EmpireFiles/@telesurenglish, {Donate}, 10-24-15, YT, 25:53 @noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/BsUJHI
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0105AM, ABBY MARTIN: Fascism, Empire, Imperialism
"Abby Martin debuts teleSUR's The Empire Files exploring the U.S. Empire, its rise to world hegemony and its impact on people and the planet." @AbbyMartin
(^^^) "The Rise of History's Biggest Empire // Empire_File001" (*NWO)
~ @EmpireFiles, {Donate}, 09-05-15, YT, 25:17 < https://goo.gl/dTWQR4
BUSH & OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: Crackdown on Journalists & Whistleblowers
"Few journalists know the cruelty of government censorship as well as James Risen, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist at the New York Times, targeted for several major stories implicating criminality by the US war machine and its national security state."
(^^^) "NYT’s James Risen & Abby Martin on Fighting Censorship, Endless War // Empire_File032" @nytimes
~ @EmpireFiles, {Donate}, 07-02-16, YT, 26:06 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biFQgq9cRMo
>###(07-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Abby Martin debuts teleSUR's The Empire Files exploring the U.S. Empire, its rise to world hegemony and its impact on people and the planet." @AbbyMartin
(^^^) "The Rise of History's Biggest Empire // Empire_File001" (*NWO)
~ @EmpireFiles, {Donate}, 09-05-15, YT, 25:17 < https://goo.gl/dTWQR4
BUSH & OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: Crackdown on Journalists & Whistleblowers
"Few journalists know the cruelty of government censorship as well as James Risen, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist at the New York Times, targeted for several major stories implicating criminality by the US war machine and its national security state."
(^^^) "NYT’s James Risen & Abby Martin on Fighting Censorship, Endless War // Empire_File032" @nytimes
~ @EmpireFiles, {Donate}, 07-02-16, YT, 26:06 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biFQgq9cRMo
>###(07-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0106MP, MICHAEL PARENTI, ENTERTAINMENT PROPAGANDA: Imperialism, Racism, Cult of Destruction
{ The U.S.A. is Forbes 400 King’s Trigger Finger Incubator, a (military industrial complex) War Hatchery and CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats) Coup d’État Chicken Coop with coastlines. The oligarch’s pay-to-play corporate storefronts run the Federal Government like a Las Vegas Chicken Ranch (w/tax-deductible gifts to political action committees). And the culture teaches us to enjoy our “Immaculate Conception” as we have “no say” in the matters of state. And our Presidents assume the twin roles of big brother “savior” and (made in his image and likeness) skydaddie-esque Fireball-Hurling Psychopath, almost without challenge …because we are culturally brainwashed with blind-belief and flag-n-fireworks brand of dollar-store patriotism. ~ IGRPP } @MichaelParenti
(^^^) "Michael Parenti: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes" (1989) (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-16-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/8snBt4
IMPERIALISM, CAPITALISM, GLOBALIZATION, FREE TRADE: War, Violence, Resource Theft, Wage Slavery; Portugal, Nicaragua, Chile, Jamaica, Greece, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Somalia; Free Marked Neoliberalism;
POPULATION COLUMNS: A – Checks By The Pool, B – Earn Wages, C - Starving
INTERVENTIONIST POWER: Protect Investments, Create Opportunities, Take Over Resources, WTO*, NAFTA*, GATT*, Restrict Public Services, Patent Natural Plants, Monopoly Regulation, Corporate Power, Oligarch Power; Repression, Stockholm syndrome, Ignorance
(^^^) “Michael Parenti – Globalization, the New Imperialism” (1999)
~ Vladimir Pandovski, {Subscribe}, 03-18-16,51:45 https://goo.gl/9gm7Nw
World Trade Organization, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/qwQmkG
General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (1947), @wiki https://goo.gl/S7xi5m
North American Free Trade Agreement (’94), {Donate} https://goo.gl/J8UFNg
POTUS “In every President, there’s an emperor just dying to get out.” ~ MP
(^^^) ”Michael Parenti: A Critical Assessment of the New World Order”
~ Our Hidden History, 03-05-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/YnHcNk (*COL)
(^^^) "Parenti - The Empire Under Attack: From Latin America to Occupy Wall Street" @MichaelParenti @OccupyWallSt
~ clasosu, {Subscribe}, 06-03-14, YT, 1:23:33 < https://goo.gl/VuHvDI
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{ The U.S.A. is Forbes 400 King’s Trigger Finger Incubator, a (military industrial complex) War Hatchery and CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats) Coup d’État Chicken Coop with coastlines. The oligarch’s pay-to-play corporate storefronts run the Federal Government like a Las Vegas Chicken Ranch (w/tax-deductible gifts to political action committees). And the culture teaches us to enjoy our “Immaculate Conception” as we have “no say” in the matters of state. And our Presidents assume the twin roles of big brother “savior” and (made in his image and likeness) skydaddie-esque Fireball-Hurling Psychopath, almost without challenge …because we are culturally brainwashed with blind-belief and flag-n-fireworks brand of dollar-store patriotism. ~ IGRPP } @MichaelParenti
(^^^) "Michael Parenti: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes" (1989) (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-16-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/8snBt4
IMPERIALISM, CAPITALISM, GLOBALIZATION, FREE TRADE: War, Violence, Resource Theft, Wage Slavery; Portugal, Nicaragua, Chile, Jamaica, Greece, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Somalia; Free Marked Neoliberalism;
POPULATION COLUMNS: A – Checks By The Pool, B – Earn Wages, C - Starving
INTERVENTIONIST POWER: Protect Investments, Create Opportunities, Take Over Resources, WTO*, NAFTA*, GATT*, Restrict Public Services, Patent Natural Plants, Monopoly Regulation, Corporate Power, Oligarch Power; Repression, Stockholm syndrome, Ignorance
(^^^) “Michael Parenti – Globalization, the New Imperialism” (1999)
~ Vladimir Pandovski, {Subscribe}, 03-18-16,51:45 https://goo.gl/9gm7Nw
World Trade Organization, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/qwQmkG
General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (1947), @wiki https://goo.gl/S7xi5m
North American Free Trade Agreement (’94), {Donate} https://goo.gl/J8UFNg
POTUS “In every President, there’s an emperor just dying to get out.” ~ MP
(^^^) ”Michael Parenti: A Critical Assessment of the New World Order”
~ Our Hidden History, 03-05-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/YnHcNk (*COL)
(^^^) "Parenti - The Empire Under Attack: From Latin America to Occupy Wall Street" @MichaelParenti @OccupyWallSt
~ clasosu, {Subscribe}, 06-03-14, YT, 1:23:33 < https://goo.gl/VuHvDI
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
TRANS-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS, FORTUNE 500; Slavery, U.S. Prison Complex, War On Crime,
War On Drugs, U.S. Prison Complex, Police State, Empowerment Zones, Developing
Nations/3rd World Nations, Free Trade, N.A.F.T.A, Outsourcing, World
Bank, Profit Pathology, Labor and Resources
“Michael Parenti: The Sword & the Dollar” (*BLM) (*FP) (*TPP) (*W/T)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, YT1:00:15 https://goo.gl/3vPuzb
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
ENTERTAINMENT PROPAGANDA: Imperialism, Racism, Cult of Destruction
{ The U.S.A. is Forbes 400 King’s Trigger Finger Incubator, a (military industrial complex) War Hatchery and CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats) Coup d’État Chicken Coop with coastlines. The oligarch’s pay-to-play corporate storefronts run the Federal Government like a Las Vegas Chicken Ranch (w/tax-deductible gifts to political action committees). And the culture teaches us to enjoy our “Immaculate Conception” as we have “no say” in the matters of state. And our Presidents assume the twin roles of big brother “savior” and (made in his image and likeness) skydaddie-esque Fireball-Hurling Psychopath, almost without challenge …because we are culturally brainwashed with blind-belief and flag-n-fireworks brand of dollar-store patriotism. ~ IGRPP } @MichaelParenti
"Michael Parenti: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes" (1989) (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-16-16, YT54:20 https://goo.gl/kPKAQS
POTUS “In every President, there’s an emperor just dying to get out.” ~ MP
(^^^) ”Michael Parenti: A Critical Assessment of the New World Order”
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-05-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/uYSFNl
SECRETARY OF STATE, STATE DEPARTMENT: CIA Cover, Embassy Jobs, CIA Operations, Multinational Corporations, Covert Operations (Minute 32:30)
(^^^) "Taking Aim Radio: Outing the Gentlemen Killers of the CIA”
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, Y1:56:28 https://goo.gl/hjCwFD
(^^^) "Michael Parenti "Creating a Sustainable Economy" (2004)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, 06-24-16, YT, 1:14:49 < https://goo.gl/cQMFFq
>###(05-17)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Michael Parenti: The Sword & the Dollar” (*BLM) (*FP) (*TPP) (*W/T)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, YT1:00:15 https://goo.gl/3vPuzb
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
ENTERTAINMENT PROPAGANDA: Imperialism, Racism, Cult of Destruction
{ The U.S.A. is Forbes 400 King’s Trigger Finger Incubator, a (military industrial complex) War Hatchery and CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats) Coup d’État Chicken Coop with coastlines. The oligarch’s pay-to-play corporate storefronts run the Federal Government like a Las Vegas Chicken Ranch (w/tax-deductible gifts to political action committees). And the culture teaches us to enjoy our “Immaculate Conception” as we have “no say” in the matters of state. And our Presidents assume the twin roles of big brother “savior” and (made in his image and likeness) skydaddie-esque Fireball-Hurling Psychopath, almost without challenge …because we are culturally brainwashed with blind-belief and flag-n-fireworks brand of dollar-store patriotism. ~ IGRPP } @MichaelParenti
"Michael Parenti: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes" (1989) (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-16-16, YT54:20 https://goo.gl/kPKAQS
POTUS “In every President, there’s an emperor just dying to get out.” ~ MP
(^^^) ”Michael Parenti: A Critical Assessment of the New World Order”
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-05-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/uYSFNl
SECRETARY OF STATE, STATE DEPARTMENT: CIA Cover, Embassy Jobs, CIA Operations, Multinational Corporations, Covert Operations (Minute 32:30)
(^^^) "Taking Aim Radio: Outing the Gentlemen Killers of the CIA”
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, Y1:56:28 https://goo.gl/hjCwFD
(^^^) "Michael Parenti "Creating a Sustainable Economy" (2004)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, 06-24-16, YT, 1:14:49 < https://goo.gl/cQMFFq
>###(05-17)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Michael Parenti – The Face of Imperialism”
~ Pobednik1985, {Subscribe}, 02-11-12, YT, 8:40 (*W/T) _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcn5pX4dqyI
(^^^) "[119] Proof Big Banks Knew 2008 Crisis Was Coming, War Is For Corporate Gains & More"
~ @LeeCamp/@RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 10-07-16, YT, 26:46 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2CcK8cRaVc
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Michael Parenti – The Face of Imperialism”
~ Pobednik1985, {Subscribe}, 02-11-12, YT, 8:40 (*W/T) _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcn5pX4dqyI
(^^^) "[119] Proof Big Banks Knew 2008 Crisis Was Coming, War Is For Corporate Gains & More"
~ @LeeCamp/@RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 10-07-16, YT, 26:46 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2CcK8cRaVc
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0106MP, MICHAEL PARENTI: U.S.
U.S. Prison Complex, War On Crime, War On Drugs, U.S. Prison Complex, Police
State, Empowerment Zones, Developing Nations/3rd World Nations, Free
Trade, N.A.F.T.A, Outsourcing, World Bank, Profit Pathology, Labor and
“Michael Parenti: The Sword & the Dollar” (*BLM) (*FP) (*TPP) (*W/T)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, YT, 1:00:15 _
@MichaelParenti < https://goo.gl/LdZZkt
ENTERTAINMENT PROPAGANDA: Imperialism, Racism, Cult of Destruction
{ The U.S.A. is Forbes 400 King’s Trigger Finger Incubator, a (military industrial complex) War Hatchery and CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats) Coup d’État Chicken Coop with coastlines. The oligarch’s pay-to-play corporate storefronts run the Federal Government like a Las Vegas Chicken Ranch (w/tax-deductible gifts to political action committees). And the culture teaches us to enjoy our “Immaculate Conception” as we have “no say” in the matters of state. And our Presidents assume the twin roles of big brother “savior” and (made in his image and likeness) skydaddie-esque Fireball-Hurling Psychopath, almost without challenge …because we are culturally brainwashed with blind-belief and flag-n-fireworks brand of dollar-store patriotism. ~ IGRPP } @MichaelParenti
"Michael Parenti: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes" (1989) (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-16-16, YT, 54:20 _
@MichaelParenti < https://goo.gl/8snBt4
POTUS “In every President, there’s an emperor just dying to get out.” ~ MP
”Michael Parenti: A Critical Assessment of the New World Order” (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-05-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/YnHcNk
"Parenti - The Empire Under Attack: From Latin America to Occupy Wall Street" @MichaelParenti
~ clasosu, {Subscribe}, 06-03-14, YT, 1:23:33 < https://goo.gl/VuHvDI
"Michael Parenti "Creating a Sustainable Economy" (2004)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, {Subscribe}, 06-24-16, YT, 1:14:49 _
@MichaelParenti < https://goo.gl/sxSUze
"Michael Parenti: Lies, Wars, & Empire" @MichaelParenti
~ Other Voices, {Subscribe}, 12-29-14, YT, 1:20:20 < https://goo.gl/HzfPKt
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Michael Parenti: The Sword & the Dollar” (*BLM) (*FP) (*TPP) (*W/T)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, YT, 1:00:15 _
@MichaelParenti < https://goo.gl/LdZZkt
ENTERTAINMENT PROPAGANDA: Imperialism, Racism, Cult of Destruction
{ The U.S.A. is Forbes 400 King’s Trigger Finger Incubator, a (military industrial complex) War Hatchery and CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats) Coup d’État Chicken Coop with coastlines. The oligarch’s pay-to-play corporate storefronts run the Federal Government like a Las Vegas Chicken Ranch (w/tax-deductible gifts to political action committees). And the culture teaches us to enjoy our “Immaculate Conception” as we have “no say” in the matters of state. And our Presidents assume the twin roles of big brother “savior” and (made in his image and likeness) skydaddie-esque Fireball-Hurling Psychopath, almost without challenge …because we are culturally brainwashed with blind-belief and flag-n-fireworks brand of dollar-store patriotism. ~ IGRPP } @MichaelParenti
"Michael Parenti: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes" (1989) (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-16-16, YT, 54:20 _
@MichaelParenti < https://goo.gl/8snBt4
POTUS “In every President, there’s an emperor just dying to get out.” ~ MP
”Michael Parenti: A Critical Assessment of the New World Order” (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-05-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/YnHcNk
"Parenti - The Empire Under Attack: From Latin America to Occupy Wall Street" @MichaelParenti
~ clasosu, {Subscribe}, 06-03-14, YT, 1:23:33 < https://goo.gl/VuHvDI
"Michael Parenti "Creating a Sustainable Economy" (2004)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, {Subscribe}, 06-24-16, YT, 1:14:49 _
@MichaelParenti < https://goo.gl/sxSUze
"Michael Parenti: Lies, Wars, & Empire" @MichaelParenti
~ Other Voices, {Subscribe}, 12-29-14, YT, 1:20:20 < https://goo.gl/HzfPKt
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Michael Parenti "Creating a Sustainable Economy" (2004)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, {Subscribe}, 06-24-16, 1:14:49 https://goo.gl/sxSUze
(^^^) "Michael Parenti: Lies, Wars, & Empire" @MichaelParenti
~ Other Voices, {Subscribe}, 12-29-14, YT, 1:20:20 < https://goo.gl/HzfPKt
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Michael Parenti "Creating a Sustainable Economy" (2004)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, {Subscribe}, 06-24-16, 1:14:49 https://goo.gl/sxSUze
(^^^) "Michael Parenti: Lies, Wars, & Empire" @MichaelParenti
~ Other Voices, {Subscribe}, 12-29-14, YT, 1:20:20 < https://goo.gl/HzfPKt
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0106MP, PENTAGON:
(^^^) "Parenti - The Empire Under Attack: From Latin America to Occupy Wall Street" @MichaelParenti @OccupyWallSt (*W/T)
~ clasosu, {Subscribe}, 06-03-14, YT, 1:23:33 < https://goo.gl/gyanoC
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Parenti - The Empire Under Attack: From Latin America to Occupy Wall Street" @MichaelParenti @OccupyWallSt (*W/T)
~ clasosu, {Subscribe}, 06-03-14, YT, 1:23:33 < https://goo.gl/gyanoC
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107GOP, REGIME CHANGE: Stimulate
Radical Islam, Extremism & Terrorism; Saudi Arabia, Wahhabi Islam, ISIS,
CIA, Arms, Violence; Iraq, Sunni, ISIS; Syria, Assad, Climate Disaster; Libya,
Kaddafi; Yemen, Arms Sales, Saudi
Arabia; Venezuela, Haiti; Brazil, Coup d’Etat, Corruption; Honduras, Refugees;
War w/o End
GOP: DNC Neoliberal Period, Right Shift, Wage/Benefits Decline; Voting Base Insurgency: Evangelical Christians, Ultra-Nationalists, Racists, White Working Class; Increasing Mortality; Climate Change Denial, Militarization, Nuclear Weapons, Smart Nukes, Human Extinction; Cuba, Imperialism, Guantanamo
Book: “Who Rules The World” ~ Noam Chomsky
"Chomsky: Today's GOP is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History" @noamchomskyT @GOP @DNC (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 05-17-16, YT, 44:07 < https://goo.gl/wroXnE
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
GOP: DNC Neoliberal Period, Right Shift, Wage/Benefits Decline; Voting Base Insurgency: Evangelical Christians, Ultra-Nationalists, Racists, White Working Class; Increasing Mortality; Climate Change Denial, Militarization, Nuclear Weapons, Smart Nukes, Human Extinction; Cuba, Imperialism, Guantanamo
Book: “Who Rules The World” ~ Noam Chomsky
"Chomsky: Today's GOP is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History" @noamchomskyT @GOP @DNC (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 05-17-16, YT, 44:07 < https://goo.gl/wroXnE
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107NC, FOREIGN POLICY, PRESIDENTS: Obama, Bush, Clinton Corporate Owned
"The people our leaders surround themselves with say more about their policies than their rhetoric." (*CW) (*C/W) (*DNC) (*FP) (*MSM) (*W/T)
(^^^) "It Takes a Ruling-Class Village to Staff the White House"
~ Paul Street/@MoyersNews, {Donate}, 08-31-16 < https://goo.gl/8a6k2q
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky & Christopher Hitchens: US Foreign Policy” (*W/T)
~ TheEthanwashere, 02-09-13, YT, 1:54:14 < https://goo.gl/k8FQ1o
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The people our leaders surround themselves with say more about their policies than their rhetoric." (*CW) (*C/W) (*DNC) (*FP) (*MSM) (*W/T)
(^^^) "It Takes a Ruling-Class Village to Staff the White House"
~ Paul Street/@MoyersNews, {Donate}, 08-31-16 < https://goo.gl/8a6k2q
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky & Christopher Hitchens: US Foreign Policy” (*W/T)
~ TheEthanwashere, 02-09-13, YT, 1:54:14 < https://goo.gl/k8FQ1o
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the World? Resistance and Ways Forward"
~ ExplodedView MEF, {Subscribe}, 11-02-12, YT, 1:02:54 (*W/T) _
@noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/oQX30r
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky still going strong at 85 (BBC Newsnight)”
~ Philosophy Times, {Subscribe}, 10-22-17, YT, 8:19 < https://goo.gl/bV6fVk
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: New World Order, Media, Propaganda, Deregulation, Bill Clinton, 1996; Conglomerates, Censoring, Crimes, Genocide
"We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won't have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future." ~ Hillary Clinton at CFR on July 15, 2009 (*CFR) (*MSM) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton admits the CFR gives the Orders" (New World Order)
~ Freethinker2O12, {Subscribe}, 07-22-09, YT, 0:28 < https://goo.gl/o37tGR
(^^^) "MATT DAMON on ELITE & NWO - Amazing Speech On This Evil World"
~ Elite NWO Agenda, {Subscribe}, 05-20-15, YT, 4:49 < https://goo.gl/iAGWPI
"One version says that the CFR is an organization sister to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Britain), both founded in 1921 right after World War I when the League of Nations idea failed. The sole purpose of such organizations is to condition the public to accept a Global Governance which today is the United Nations. This is the true face of the so-called Globalists, and Centralized Power is what they are really after."
"Council on Foreign Relations - The Power Behind Big News”
~ Lee Soarez, {Subscribe}, 12-07-11, YT, 58:04 (*CFR) (*MSM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcA76lcXtwU
“The CFR is thought to be the most influential foreign policy Think Tank. Since its 1921 origination it has served as an intermediary between, big oil, corporate, high finance, corporate elitists and the United States Government.” (*CFR) (*MSM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
”Hillary Clinton Frankly Reveals the CFR Is Running the USA [video]"
~ Cherese Jackson/Liberty Voice, {Subscribe}, 10-02-13, Video _
< http://guardianlv.com/2013/10/hillary-clinton-frankly-reveals-the-cfr-is-running-the-usa-video/ Council on Foreign Relations
(^^^) “Seal Team 6 Tribute” (Afghanistan) song “Mad World” (Gary Jules)
~ JhonieBaag, {Subscribe}, 08-13-11, YT, 3:10 < https://goo.gl/6Zoigl
>###(11-17)*CBWS*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the World? Resistance and Ways Forward"
~ ExplodedView MEF, {Subscribe}, 11-02-12, YT, 1:02:54 (*W/T) _
@noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/oQX30r
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky still going strong at 85 (BBC Newsnight)”
~ Philosophy Times, {Subscribe}, 10-22-17, YT, 8:19 < https://goo.gl/bV6fVk
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: New World Order, Media, Propaganda, Deregulation, Bill Clinton, 1996; Conglomerates, Censoring, Crimes, Genocide
"We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won't have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future." ~ Hillary Clinton at CFR on July 15, 2009 (*CFR) (*MSM) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton admits the CFR gives the Orders" (New World Order)
~ Freethinker2O12, {Subscribe}, 07-22-09, YT, 0:28 < https://goo.gl/o37tGR
(^^^) "MATT DAMON on ELITE & NWO - Amazing Speech On This Evil World"
~ Elite NWO Agenda, {Subscribe}, 05-20-15, YT, 4:49 < https://goo.gl/iAGWPI
"One version says that the CFR is an organization sister to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Britain), both founded in 1921 right after World War I when the League of Nations idea failed. The sole purpose of such organizations is to condition the public to accept a Global Governance which today is the United Nations. This is the true face of the so-called Globalists, and Centralized Power is what they are really after."
"Council on Foreign Relations - The Power Behind Big News”
~ Lee Soarez, {Subscribe}, 12-07-11, YT, 58:04 (*CFR) (*MSM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcA76lcXtwU
“The CFR is thought to be the most influential foreign policy Think Tank. Since its 1921 origination it has served as an intermediary between, big oil, corporate, high finance, corporate elitists and the United States Government.” (*CFR) (*MSM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
”Hillary Clinton Frankly Reveals the CFR Is Running the USA [video]"
~ Cherese Jackson/Liberty Voice, {Subscribe}, 10-02-13, Video _
< http://guardianlv.com/2013/10/hillary-clinton-frankly-reveals-the-cfr-is-running-the-usa-video/ Council on Foreign Relations
(^^^) “Seal Team 6 Tribute” (Afghanistan) song “Mad World” (Gary Jules)
~ JhonieBaag, {Subscribe}, 08-13-11, YT, 3:10 < https://goo.gl/6Zoigl
>###(11-17)*CBWS*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107NC, NOAM CHOMSKY, INTERNATIONAL & DOMESTIC: Democracies;
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky & Christopher Hitchens: US Foreign Policy” (*W/T)
~ TheEthanwashere, 02-09-13, YT, 1:54:14 < https://goo.gl/k8FQ1o
ONE PERCENT’S PRESIDENTS: Obama, Bush, Clinton Corporate Owned
"The people our leaders surround themselves with say more about their policies than their rhetoric." (*CW) (*C/W) (*DNC) (*FP) (*MSM) (*W/T)
(^^^) "It Takes a Ruling-Class Village to Staff the White House"
~ Paul Street/@MoyersNews, {Donate}, 08-31-16 < https://goo.gl/8a6k2q
(^^^) “Obama: Meet the New Boss” (*DNC) (*EF) (*P2P) (*PAC) @POTUS44
~ ScreechingKettle, {Subscribe}, 04-09-11, YT, 9:28 < https://goo.gl/9NQQEP
(^^^) "How Republicans Took Over America Thomas Frank The Conservative Takeover"
~ RethinkingLife, {Subscribe}, 06-06-17, YT, 1:11:29 < https://goo.gl/27HrJM
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky & Christopher Hitchens: US Foreign Policy” (*W/T)
~ TheEthanwashere, 02-09-13, YT, 1:54:14 < https://goo.gl/k8FQ1o
ONE PERCENT’S PRESIDENTS: Obama, Bush, Clinton Corporate Owned
"The people our leaders surround themselves with say more about their policies than their rhetoric." (*CW) (*C/W) (*DNC) (*FP) (*MSM) (*W/T)
(^^^) "It Takes a Ruling-Class Village to Staff the White House"
~ Paul Street/@MoyersNews, {Donate}, 08-31-16 < https://goo.gl/8a6k2q
(^^^) “Obama: Meet the New Boss” (*DNC) (*EF) (*P2P) (*PAC) @POTUS44
~ ScreechingKettle, {Subscribe}, 04-09-11, YT, 9:28 < https://goo.gl/9NQQEP
(^^^) "How Republicans Took Over America Thomas Frank The Conservative Takeover"
~ RethinkingLife, {Subscribe}, 06-06-17, YT, 1:11:29 < https://goo.gl/27HrJM
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107NC, NOAM CHOMSKY: Banks, Financial Institutions, Class
Warfare; Constitution, Founders, Owners; Plutocracy, Radical Kleptocracy;
Public, Voters, Herd Mentality, Demoralization; Religion, Religious Extremism;
Bradley Manning; POTUS Obama, Marketing Campaign;
Chomsky Explores Illusions of Democracy
He describes activities including “…a generation of corporate bi-partisan neo-liberal assault on the population.”
Progressive Democratic Theory: “The public are ignorant and meddlesome outsiders that have to be put in their place. Decisions must be in the hands of an intelligent minority of responsible men. They have to be protected from the trampling and the roar of the bewildered herd.”
Constitutional Convention: “Power must be in the hands of the wealth of the nation. …protect the minority of the opulent from the majority.”
~ James Madison, The Federalist Papers
“The public has to remain in the dark about what’s happening to them. The herd has to remain bewildered. …Power remains strong when it remains in the dark …exposed to sunlight, it begins to evaporate.”
The Dodd-Frank Bill (2010 financial “re-regulation” post Financial Modernization Act of 1999’s obliteration of Glass-Steagall 1939) is being defanged; Its preparing the way for the next market crash;
Regulatory Capture means industries take control of regulatory apparatus;
Environmental Catastrophe: The super rich are enthusiastically marching the planet toward an unlivable climate, while indigenous populations are pushing back against exploitation;
A.L.E.C.’s education program is teaching Climate Change Denial;
Drone Strikes are a terror generating campaign;
Nuclear War: ICBM Treaty with Russia avoided repeatedly by the U.S.;
Kennedy pressed the Right of First Strike;
North Korea threatened by mock first strike nuclear war exercise;
U.S. Irrational and Vindictive international power management style;
US-Iran Policy; No Rogue Power can accept a deterrent;
China rejecting Nuclear Aircraft Carrier in surrounding water;
The Magna Carta is being dismantled by privatization and exploitation, the mechanisms of Capitalism; Renders Tragedy of the Commons inaccurate
"Noam Chomsky 'The Future of American Power'" (June, 2013) (*D-F10)
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 06-17-13, YT, 1:08:42 < https://goo.gl/wd82yS
>(04-17)*CW*CBWS*FP*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Chomsky Explores Illusions of Democracy
He describes activities including “…a generation of corporate bi-partisan neo-liberal assault on the population.”
Progressive Democratic Theory: “The public are ignorant and meddlesome outsiders that have to be put in their place. Decisions must be in the hands of an intelligent minority of responsible men. They have to be protected from the trampling and the roar of the bewildered herd.”
Constitutional Convention: “Power must be in the hands of the wealth of the nation. …protect the minority of the opulent from the majority.”
~ James Madison, The Federalist Papers
“The public has to remain in the dark about what’s happening to them. The herd has to remain bewildered. …Power remains strong when it remains in the dark …exposed to sunlight, it begins to evaporate.”
The Dodd-Frank Bill (2010 financial “re-regulation” post Financial Modernization Act of 1999’s obliteration of Glass-Steagall 1939) is being defanged; Its preparing the way for the next market crash;
Regulatory Capture means industries take control of regulatory apparatus;
Environmental Catastrophe: The super rich are enthusiastically marching the planet toward an unlivable climate, while indigenous populations are pushing back against exploitation;
A.L.E.C.’s education program is teaching Climate Change Denial;
Drone Strikes are a terror generating campaign;
Nuclear War: ICBM Treaty with Russia avoided repeatedly by the U.S.;
Kennedy pressed the Right of First Strike;
North Korea threatened by mock first strike nuclear war exercise;
U.S. Irrational and Vindictive international power management style;
US-Iran Policy; No Rogue Power can accept a deterrent;
China rejecting Nuclear Aircraft Carrier in surrounding water;
The Magna Carta is being dismantled by privatization and exploitation, the mechanisms of Capitalism; Renders Tragedy of the Commons inaccurate
"Noam Chomsky 'The Future of American Power'" (June, 2013) (*D-F10)
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 06-17-13, YT, 1:08:42 < https://goo.gl/wd82yS
>(04-17)*CW*CBWS*FP*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
U.S. Foreign Policy-0107NC, NOAM CHOMSKY:
"Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean - Noam Chomsky"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 06-01-12, YT, 9:41 < https://goo.gl/ZkqL7c
"Facebook Wesley P P Hall World banking explained in less than 2 Facebook"
~ Nils Humano, {Subscribe}, 08-29-15, YT, 1:57 < https://goo.gl/gEwxju
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean - Noam Chomsky"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 06-01-12, YT, 9:41 < https://goo.gl/ZkqL7c
"Facebook Wesley P P Hall World banking explained in less than 2 Facebook"
~ Nils Humano, {Subscribe}, 08-29-15, YT, 1:57 < https://goo.gl/gEwxju
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107NC, NOAM CHOMSKY:
"Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the World? Resistance and Ways Forward"
~ ExplodedView MEF, {Subscribe}, 11-02-12, YT, 1:02:54 _
< https://goo.gl/wix15w
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the World? Resistance and Ways Forward"
~ ExplodedView MEF, {Subscribe}, 11-02-12, YT, 1:02:54 _
< https://goo.gl/wix15w
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107NC, PENTAGON:
(^^^) "’Who does control the world?’ - Noam Chomsky - BBC interview 2003”
~ MrMarxismo, {Subscribe}, 02-15-16, YT, 18:14 < https://goo.gl/g3EAGf
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "’Who does control the world?’ - Noam Chomsky - BBC interview 2003”
~ MrMarxismo, {Subscribe}, 02-15-16, YT, 18:14 < https://goo.gl/g3EAGf
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107NC, PENTAGON:
LENINISM; CAPTIALISM; U.S. GOVERNMENT, IDEOLOGY: Control Masses; DECEPTION: CIA, Cold War, Truman Doctrine, Red Scare, Liberal Democrats, McCarthyism, Attack on Labor;
CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY, TRILATERAL COMMISSION, INTERNATIONALISTS: Subordination to Elites; Maintain Control, U.S. Media, Apathy, Obedience; U.S. INTELLECTUALS: Value Oriented, Commissars (Shills)
PLUTOCRACY: THE OPERATIVE ROLE OF “DEMOCRACY” DESCRIBED “The public has to be reduced to their proper state of apathy and obedience and driven from the public arena if Democracy is to survive.” ~ @noamchomskyT
(^^^) “Chomsky explains why Hitchens and Horowitz reversed everything they believed" (Better Title: WTF’s Wrong with American Neoliberals)
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 03-04-13, YT, 12:38 < https://goo.gl/TtYWl3
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky: Hillary Clinton Is Like Obama, Only 'More Militant'"
~ WNDTV, {Subscribe}, 06-11-15, YT, 4:26 _
@noamchomskyT < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rKcX0Z_N4Y
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
LENINISM; CAPTIALISM; U.S. GOVERNMENT, IDEOLOGY: Control Masses; DECEPTION: CIA, Cold War, Truman Doctrine, Red Scare, Liberal Democrats, McCarthyism, Attack on Labor;
CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY, TRILATERAL COMMISSION, INTERNATIONALISTS: Subordination to Elites; Maintain Control, U.S. Media, Apathy, Obedience; U.S. INTELLECTUALS: Value Oriented, Commissars (Shills)
PLUTOCRACY: THE OPERATIVE ROLE OF “DEMOCRACY” DESCRIBED “The public has to be reduced to their proper state of apathy and obedience and driven from the public arena if Democracy is to survive.” ~ @noamchomskyT
(^^^) “Chomsky explains why Hitchens and Horowitz reversed everything they believed" (Better Title: WTF’s Wrong with American Neoliberals)
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 03-04-13, YT, 12:38 < https://goo.gl/TtYWl3
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky: Hillary Clinton Is Like Obama, Only 'More Militant'"
~ WNDTV, {Subscribe}, 06-11-15, YT, 4:26 _
@noamchomskyT < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rKcX0Z_N4Y
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107NC, U.S. & ALLIES, MIDDLE EAST, REGIME CHANGE: Stimulate Radical Islam, Extremism &
Terrorism; Saudi Arabia, Wahhabi Islam, ISIS, CIA, Arms, Violence; Iraq, Sunni,
ISIS; Syria, Assad, Climate Disaster; Libya, Kaddafi; Yemen, Arms Sales, Saudi Arabia; Venezuela,
Haiti; Brazil, Coup d’Etat, Corruption; Honduras, Refugees; War w/o End
GOP: DNC Neoliberal Period, Right Shift, Wage/Benefits Decline; Voting Base Insurgency: Evangelical Christians, Ultra-Nationalists, Racists, White Working Class; Increasing Mortality; Climate Change Denial, Militarization, Nuclear Weapons, Smart Nukes, Human Extinction; Cuba, Imperialism, Guantanamo
Book: “Who Rules The World” ~ Noam Chomsky
(^^^) "Chomsky: Today's GOP is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History" @noamchomskyT @GOP @DNC (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 05-17-16, YT, 44:07 < https://goo.gl/wroXnE
REPUBLICAN FASCISTS, ACCOMPLICE DEMOCRATS: The 6th Extinction, Killing Planet Earth, GOP #SkyDaddie Works, Climate Instability, International Desperation, War Without End
(^^^) "Racing To The Precipice: Prof Noam Chomsky (March 2017)"
~ Understanding Climate Change, 04-02-17, YT1:24:22 https://goo.gl/uKJwob
(^^^) “31 – Tribute to the Fallen of Seal Team 6”
~ RandellBeck, {Subscribe}, Randall Beck – former Navy Officer (SWO), 08-14-11, YT, 4:12 < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsyQi_hZgc0
>###(06-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
GOP: DNC Neoliberal Period, Right Shift, Wage/Benefits Decline; Voting Base Insurgency: Evangelical Christians, Ultra-Nationalists, Racists, White Working Class; Increasing Mortality; Climate Change Denial, Militarization, Nuclear Weapons, Smart Nukes, Human Extinction; Cuba, Imperialism, Guantanamo
Book: “Who Rules The World” ~ Noam Chomsky
(^^^) "Chomsky: Today's GOP is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History" @noamchomskyT @GOP @DNC (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 05-17-16, YT, 44:07 < https://goo.gl/wroXnE
REPUBLICAN FASCISTS, ACCOMPLICE DEMOCRATS: The 6th Extinction, Killing Planet Earth, GOP #SkyDaddie Works, Climate Instability, International Desperation, War Without End
(^^^) "Racing To The Precipice: Prof Noam Chomsky (March 2017)"
~ Understanding Climate Change, 04-02-17, YT1:24:22 https://goo.gl/uKJwob
(^^^) “31 – Tribute to the Fallen of Seal Team 6”
~ RandellBeck, {Subscribe}, Randall Beck – former Navy Officer (SWO), 08-14-11, YT, 4:12 < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsyQi_hZgc0
>###(06-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107NCz, NOAM CHOMSKY
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky's Take on "American Sniper" @noamchomskyT
~ WGBHForum, {Subscribe}, 01-23-15, YT, 4:56 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X30Gkp9FVs
(^^^) "Real Time with Bill Maher: American Sniper Controversy (HBO)"
~ Real Time with @billmaher, {Subscribe}, 01-24-15, YT, 4:33 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a0_aaAueqQ
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky's Take on "American Sniper" @noamchomskyT
~ WGBHForum, {Subscribe}, 01-23-15, YT, 4:56 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X30Gkp9FVs
(^^^) "Real Time with Bill Maher: American Sniper Controversy (HBO)"
~ Real Time with @billmaher, {Subscribe}, 01-24-15, YT, 4:33 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a0_aaAueqQ
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107NCz, NOAM CHOMSKY
(^^^) “[111] Lesser Of Two Evils Is A Lie, Shocking Police Ignorance, Global Arms Trade” @LeeCamp (*WB) (*W/T) (*POTUS44) (*PV) (*DNC)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 08-05-16, YT, 26:48 < https://goo.gl/poQCBy
Capitalism Is In Crisis-Wolff, {Donate}, 081816, 26:05 < https://goo.gl/gq9UrS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “[111] Lesser Of Two Evils Is A Lie, Shocking Police Ignorance, Global Arms Trade” @LeeCamp (*WB) (*W/T) (*POTUS44) (*PV) (*DNC)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 08-05-16, YT, 26:48 < https://goo.gl/poQCBy
Capitalism Is In Crisis-Wolff, {Donate}, 081816, 26:05 < https://goo.gl/gq9UrS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0107NCz, NOAM CHOMSKY: BARACK
OBAMA, NEW WORLD ORDER , M.S. MEDIA; Censoring Info, Republican/T Neo-Con Hawks
For Hillary 2016,
Neo-Conservative Republican/Ts, Neo-Liberal Democrats, DC Recipe for Endless War, Interventionists, Selling Democracy, Pushing Capitalism;
Bill Krystal, Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, Fred Kagan, Kim Kagan, General David Petraeus, Iraq War; Neo-Cons Rebranded Under Obama, Clinton, Liberal Interventionists, Bill Maher, Sam Harris
“Filmmaker and Media Roots Radio co-host, Robbie Martin, recently released the epic documentary, ‘A Very Heavy Agenda’ about the neo-conservative scourge in our government that continues to push catastrophic war. This three-part, seven and half hour doc scurries all the way down the rabbit hole and then some. It's mind-blowing.” ~ Redacted
(^^^) “The Real Masters Behind Endless War - Filmmaker ROBBIE MARTIN Interview [24]" @LeeCamp (*MSM) (*W/T)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 08-11-16, YT, 26:17 https://goo.gl/H1prU9
Google Manipulation For M.S. Media, 081616, 1:10 https://goo.gl/UaBKPQ
(^^^) “DRONE STREAM” (Drone Strike Reports 2002-16), {Twitter/Follow} _
< https://twitter.com/dronestream
(^^^) “[111] Lesser Of Two Evils Is A Lie, Shocking Police Ignorance, Global Arms Trade” @LeeCamp (*WB) (*W/T) (*POTUS44) (*PV) (*DNC)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 08-05-16, YT, 26:48 < https://goo.gl/poQCBy
Capitalism Is In Crisis-Wolff, {Donate}, 081816, 26:05 < https://goo.gl/gq9UrS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Neo-Conservative Republican/Ts, Neo-Liberal Democrats, DC Recipe for Endless War, Interventionists, Selling Democracy, Pushing Capitalism;
Bill Krystal, Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, Fred Kagan, Kim Kagan, General David Petraeus, Iraq War; Neo-Cons Rebranded Under Obama, Clinton, Liberal Interventionists, Bill Maher, Sam Harris
“Filmmaker and Media Roots Radio co-host, Robbie Martin, recently released the epic documentary, ‘A Very Heavy Agenda’ about the neo-conservative scourge in our government that continues to push catastrophic war. This three-part, seven and half hour doc scurries all the way down the rabbit hole and then some. It's mind-blowing.” ~ Redacted
(^^^) “The Real Masters Behind Endless War - Filmmaker ROBBIE MARTIN Interview [24]" @LeeCamp (*MSM) (*W/T)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 08-11-16, YT, 26:17 https://goo.gl/H1prU9
Google Manipulation For M.S. Media, 081616, 1:10 https://goo.gl/UaBKPQ
(^^^) “DRONE STREAM” (Drone Strike Reports 2002-16), {Twitter/Follow} _
< https://twitter.com/dronestream
(^^^) “[111] Lesser Of Two Evils Is A Lie, Shocking Police Ignorance, Global Arms Trade” @LeeCamp (*WB) (*W/T) (*POTUS44) (*PV) (*DNC)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 08-05-16, YT, 26:48 < https://goo.gl/poQCBy
Capitalism Is In Crisis-Wolff, {Donate}, 081816, 26:05 < https://goo.gl/gq9UrS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0108NC, NOAM CHOMSKY: Radical
Christianity, Reagan
DEVIL-FEAR, MORAL-ANGST & HATE-LABELING "People suffering from Stockholm syndrome come to identify with and even care for their captors in a desperate, usually unconscious act of self-preservation." ~ Julia Layton
(^^^) "What causes Stockholm syndrome?” (*EF)(*CF) @DNC @POTUS
~ Julia Layton/@HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, (08-16) https://goo.gl/pRTG6N
(^^^) "Making Greater Possibilities Inconceivable: Another Thought or Two on the Logic of Lesser Evilism" (The Slippery Slope)
~ Alan Nasser/@NatCounterPunch, {Donate}, 07-05-16 https://goo.gl/i0iN7A
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
DEVIL-FEAR, MORAL-ANGST & HATE-LABELING "People suffering from Stockholm syndrome come to identify with and even care for their captors in a desperate, usually unconscious act of self-preservation." ~ Julia Layton
(^^^) "What causes Stockholm syndrome?” (*EF)(*CF) @DNC @POTUS
~ Julia Layton/@HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, (08-16) https://goo.gl/pRTG6N
(^^^) "Making Greater Possibilities Inconceivable: Another Thought or Two on the Logic of Lesser Evilism" (The Slippery Slope)
~ Alan Nasser/@NatCounterPunch, {Donate}, 07-05-16 https://goo.gl/i0iN7A
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0108NC, NOAM CHOMSKY: Radical
Christianity, Reagan
(^^^) "Chomsky: Christianity is a threat to civilization." @noamchomskyT
~ EngineeringMath, {Subscribe}, 05-24-13, YT, 1:39 < https://goo.gl/0q12Zi
Book: “Sex, Mom & God” ~ Frank Schaeffer
(^^^) "Papantonio: Jesus Was NOT A Republican - The Ring Of Fire"
~ @ringoffireradio, 07-14-14, YT, 10:04 < https://goo.gl/e7p4nR
Republican Racism?, ROF (w/Nations), 040714, 11:42 https://goo.gl/VTD1uG
CHRISTIAN PRESIDENTS: Terrorists, American Exceptionalism “Chomsky on religious lies and the secular religion: American exceptionalism etc.”
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky - Exposing Religious Lies" @noamchomskyT
~ Chomsky's Philosophy, {Subscribe}, 06-26-15, Y3:26 https://goo.gl/RGRAfU
(^^^) "Jenna Bush Hillary Clinton and I are 'related' through 'Uncle' Bill George W Bush's 'brother from"
~ bbc71, {Subscribe}, 10-04-13, YT, 1:26 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSDwDn8cGts
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Chomsky: Christianity is a threat to civilization." @noamchomskyT
~ EngineeringMath, {Subscribe}, 05-24-13, YT, 1:39 < https://goo.gl/0q12Zi
Book: “Sex, Mom & God” ~ Frank Schaeffer
(^^^) "Papantonio: Jesus Was NOT A Republican - The Ring Of Fire"
~ @ringoffireradio, 07-14-14, YT, 10:04 < https://goo.gl/e7p4nR
Republican Racism?, ROF (w/Nations), 040714, 11:42 https://goo.gl/VTD1uG
CHRISTIAN PRESIDENTS: Terrorists, American Exceptionalism “Chomsky on religious lies and the secular religion: American exceptionalism etc.”
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky - Exposing Religious Lies" @noamchomskyT
~ Chomsky's Philosophy, {Subscribe}, 06-26-15, Y3:26 https://goo.gl/RGRAfU
(^^^) "Jenna Bush Hillary Clinton and I are 'related' through 'Uncle' Bill George W Bush's 'brother from"
~ bbc71, {Subscribe}, 10-04-13, YT, 1:26 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSDwDn8cGts
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0108NC, NOAM CHOMSKY: Radical
Christianity, Reagan Ronald Reagan, Americanism,
Totalitarianism, Authoritarianism, Extraction
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky on Atheism, Religion, and Scientific Method”
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 02-22-13, YT, 6:34 < https://goo.gl/KXeunw
Science, Religion…, Taannhauser108, 091612, 1:07:57 < https://goo.gl/FU8ct3
Education & Econ, Taannhauser108, 091612, 56:18 < https://goo.gl/DM2oBz
Responsibility of Intellectuals, T 108, 091612, 56:17 < https://goo.gl/eVHra9
The Political System, Taannhauser108, 091612, 47:10 < https://goo.gl/nx9Fjp
International Relations, T 108, 091612, 53:41 < https://goo.gl/Ja5YGs *
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky on Atheism, Religion, and Scientific Method”
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 02-22-13, YT, 6:34 < https://goo.gl/KXeunw
Science, Religion…, Taannhauser108, 091612, 1:07:57 < https://goo.gl/FU8ct3
Education & Econ, Taannhauser108, 091612, 56:18 < https://goo.gl/DM2oBz
Responsibility of Intellectuals, T 108, 091612, 56:17 < https://goo.gl/eVHra9
The Political System, Taannhauser108, 091612, 47:10 < https://goo.gl/nx9Fjp
International Relations, T 108, 091612, 53:41 < https://goo.gl/Ja5YGs *
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0108NC, NOAM CHOMSKY: Radical
Christianity, Reagan Ronald Reagan, Totalitarian Doctrine, Terrorism,
Evangelicals, Popes, Radical Gospels, Neoliberalism, Liberation Theology,
Racism, Colonialism
(^^^) "Chomsky on Religion" @noamchomskyT
~ Travis Kitchens, {Subscribe}, 06-21-10, YT, 6:20 < https://goo.gl/rtmbSf
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Chomsky on Religion" @noamchomskyT
~ Travis Kitchens, {Subscribe}, 06-21-10, YT, 6:20 < https://goo.gl/rtmbSf
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0108NC, NOAM CHOMSKY: Radical
Christianity, Reagan Ronald Reagan, Theocratic Government, Control The World, Authoritarian
(^^^) "The Dark Side of Religion in Christian America: Chris Hedges on American Fascists (2007)"
~ The Film Archives, 11-13-13, YT, 53:47 < https://goo.gl/xZw9AG *
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Dark Side of Religion in Christian America: Chris Hedges on American Fascists (2007)"
~ The Film Archives, 11-13-13, YT, 53:47 < https://goo.gl/xZw9AG *
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0108NC, NOAM CHOMSKY: Radical
Christianity, Reagan
“It is not our role to take power; It is our role to make the powerful frightened of us! And that’s what we have forgotten.”
(Chris Hedges, a war reporter for two decades, covered Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. His books include "Days of Destruction," "Days of Revolt," "Death of the Liberal Class" & "The World as It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress")
(^^^) “Chris Hedges: Fight GOP Fascism” @ChrisLynnHedges
~ joefreindly, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:18:36 https://goo.gl/H6JI4O
DOMESTIC SPYING: Snowden, Chomsky, Greenwald, O'Connor
(^^^) "A Conversation on Privacy"
~ @theintercept, {Support}, 03-25-16, Video 1:55:13 < https://goo.gl/4Eid7R
(^^^) "Four Dead in Ohio"
~ @AlJazeeraEng, {Subscribe}, 05-05-10, YT, 22:34 < https://goo.gl/0V8g6r
>###(01-17)*FP*PM*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“It is not our role to take power; It is our role to make the powerful frightened of us! And that’s what we have forgotten.”
(Chris Hedges, a war reporter for two decades, covered Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. His books include "Days of Destruction," "Days of Revolt," "Death of the Liberal Class" & "The World as It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress")
(^^^) “Chris Hedges: Fight GOP Fascism” @ChrisLynnHedges
~ joefreindly, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:18:36 https://goo.gl/H6JI4O
DOMESTIC SPYING: Snowden, Chomsky, Greenwald, O'Connor
(^^^) "A Conversation on Privacy"
~ @theintercept, {Support}, 03-25-16, Video 1:55:13 < https://goo.gl/4Eid7R
(^^^) "Four Dead in Ohio"
~ @AlJazeeraEng, {Subscribe}, 05-05-10, YT, 22:34 < https://goo.gl/0V8g6r
>###(01-17)*FP*PM*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0108NC, NOAM CHOMSKY: Radical
Christianity, Reagan
“The Best Analogy For Religion Ever” - MOC #74
~ @LeeCamp 2, {Subscribe}, 09-09-11, YT, 2:56 < https://goo.gl/ft4SoS
>###(11-17)*FP*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“The Best Analogy For Religion Ever” - MOC #74
~ @LeeCamp 2, {Subscribe}, 09-09-11, YT, 2:56 < https://goo.gl/ft4SoS
>###(11-17)*FP*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Corporate (Coup d’état) Infantry for Aristocrats (Internationals)
U.S. Foreign Policy-MIDDLE EAST: IRAN
(*POTUS43), GWB13, Post 911 Spy Program, John Poindexter, Still Keeping Secrets, Reagan Admin. Criminal Surfaces in George “Wacky” Bush-II Administration
"… explain their decision to hire Iran-contra mastermind John Poindexter? They have employed him …to oversee one of the government’s most sensitive departments."
"Dr. Poindexter’s case (…lied to Congress and shredded official documents to conceal the Reagan administration’s conspiracy to trade arms for hostages and then use the dirty money for covert operations.)"
(^^^) "Disgraced Admiral Now a Super Spy" [Took one for “The Gipper”]
~ Joe Conason/New York Observer, {Subscribe}, 11-25-02 _
< http://observer.com/2002/11/disgraced-admiral-now-a-super-spy/
>###(08-13)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
U.S. Foreign Policy-MIDDLE EAST: IRAN
(*POTUS43), GWB13, Post 911 Spy Program, John Poindexter, Still Keeping Secrets, Reagan Admin. Criminal Surfaces in George “Wacky” Bush-II Administration
"… explain their decision to hire Iran-contra mastermind John Poindexter? They have employed him …to oversee one of the government’s most sensitive departments."
"Dr. Poindexter’s case (…lied to Congress and shredded official documents to conceal the Reagan administration’s conspiracy to trade arms for hostages and then use the dirty money for covert operations.)"
(^^^) "Disgraced Admiral Now a Super Spy" [Took one for “The Gipper”]
~ Joe Conason/New York Observer, {Subscribe}, 11-25-02 _
< http://observer.com/2002/11/disgraced-admiral-now-a-super-spy/
>###(08-13)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Corporate (Coup d’état) Infantry for Aristocrats (Internationals),
BLACK BUDGET, THE ENTERPRISE: Communism, Cold War, CIA, Covert Opps
Unauthorized wars are perpetrated under the guise of U.S. national security.
Senator John Kerry; Marine Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver North; POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; C.I.A. V.P. & POTUS 41 George H. W. Bush; Arms Sales To Iran, CIA Coups, Pentagon, National Security Council 1947, The C.I.A.
"The Enterprise" Covert Wars in South America; Iran Coup August 1953, Toppling Iran’s Elected President Mosaddeq by POTUS 34 Ike Eisenhower, Installing the puppet Shah of Iran;
Dark agenda of POTUS 35 John F. Kennedy in Vietnam with 15,000 advisors; POTUS 37 L.B.J. send a Destroyer into a known hot zone the Gulf of Tonkin to escalate the Vietnam Conflict; POTUS 37 Nixon Plumbers break in and Watergate
Grass Roots Iranian Coup of 1979, POTUS 40 Election 1980
The Reagan Campaign’s hostage negotiation tyranny defeated POTUS 39 Jimmy Carter.
Iranian arms profits supported South American Coups as did C.I.A. dealing South American cocaine for profit in America.
South Americans were slaughtered by right-wing dictators supported by the United States under the pretense of fighting Communism.
US Senator Church Committee Hearings
"The Secret Government is an interlocking network of official functionaries, spies, mercenaries, ex-generals, profiteers and superpatriots, who, for a variety of motives, operate outside the legitimate institutions of government." ~ Bill Moyers
(^^^) “The Secret Government – The Constitution In Crisis-Bill Moyers (PBS 1987)"@MoyersNews
~ Duncan Bates, {Subscribe}, 03-25-13, YT, 1:24:25 https://goo.gl/MSDRkn
Oliver North, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/ap9pBZ
(^^^) “Nixon’s Vietnam Treachery"
~ John A. Farrell/@nytimes/Op, {Subscribe}, 12-31-16 https://goo.gl/4tDP9t
(^^^) “Freemasons ★ illuminati NWO Masonic Secret Society Documentary - Skulls Bilderberg and the CFR 1" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ livingselfsufficient, {Subscribe}, 05-15-14, YT, 15:02 https://goo.gl/SDZUiw
(^^^) “Top 5 Mysterious and Powerful Secret Societies”
~ Origins Explained, {Subscribe}, 05-24-16, YT, 16:00 < https://goo.gl/9B6jvb
>#(05-17)*CW*CBWS*EPB*PI*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Unauthorized wars are perpetrated under the guise of U.S. national security.
Senator John Kerry; Marine Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver North; POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; C.I.A. V.P. & POTUS 41 George H. W. Bush; Arms Sales To Iran, CIA Coups, Pentagon, National Security Council 1947, The C.I.A.
"The Enterprise" Covert Wars in South America; Iran Coup August 1953, Toppling Iran’s Elected President Mosaddeq by POTUS 34 Ike Eisenhower, Installing the puppet Shah of Iran;
Dark agenda of POTUS 35 John F. Kennedy in Vietnam with 15,000 advisors; POTUS 37 L.B.J. send a Destroyer into a known hot zone the Gulf of Tonkin to escalate the Vietnam Conflict; POTUS 37 Nixon Plumbers break in and Watergate
Grass Roots Iranian Coup of 1979, POTUS 40 Election 1980
The Reagan Campaign’s hostage negotiation tyranny defeated POTUS 39 Jimmy Carter.
Iranian arms profits supported South American Coups as did C.I.A. dealing South American cocaine for profit in America.
South Americans were slaughtered by right-wing dictators supported by the United States under the pretense of fighting Communism.
US Senator Church Committee Hearings
"The Secret Government is an interlocking network of official functionaries, spies, mercenaries, ex-generals, profiteers and superpatriots, who, for a variety of motives, operate outside the legitimate institutions of government." ~ Bill Moyers
(^^^) “The Secret Government – The Constitution In Crisis-Bill Moyers (PBS 1987)"@MoyersNews
~ Duncan Bates, {Subscribe}, 03-25-13, YT, 1:24:25 https://goo.gl/MSDRkn
Oliver North, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/ap9pBZ
(^^^) “Nixon’s Vietnam Treachery"
~ John A. Farrell/@nytimes/Op, {Subscribe}, 12-31-16 https://goo.gl/4tDP9t
(^^^) “Freemasons ★ illuminati NWO Masonic Secret Society Documentary - Skulls Bilderberg and the CFR 1" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ livingselfsufficient, {Subscribe}, 05-15-14, YT, 15:02 https://goo.gl/SDZUiw
(^^^) “Top 5 Mysterious and Powerful Secret Societies”
~ Origins Explained, {Subscribe}, 05-24-16, YT, 16:00 < https://goo.gl/9B6jvb
>#(05-17)*CW*CBWS*EPB*PI*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0111NK, NAOMI KLEIN: Casino Capitalism, War, 2009 Documentary Film & 2007 Book
”Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism”
~ pdxjustice, {Subscribe}, 04-24-11, YT, 1:33:41 < https://goo.gl/R90GrG
Book: ”The Shock Doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism” ~ Naomi Klein, Oxford Economist, War Correspondent, Investigative Journalist, Forensic Economist; After a 4 year on-the-ground investigation, Klein authored “The Shock Doctrine” 2007. Knopf Publishing, Canada, ISBN: 978-0-676-97800-1
< http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine @NaomiAKlein
{ “The Shock Doctrine” examines the effects of U.S. foreign policy decisions, world banking institutions and loan impacts, trade agreement influences, US War Department and C.I.A. and economic policy evaluations. American Exceptionalism appears to be a U.S. corporatocracy projecting Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago-School austerity-economics (with its Shock Doctrine tool box) onto Coup d’État and bribe manufactured totalitarian states that feature colonialism and exploitation. This U.S. “value system” achieves gun-slinger dominionism and blind-belief wedded to profit-chartered nihilism. ~ IGRPP }
.... ^.... BOOK REVIEW .... ^....
Subject Matter of this Investigative Non-Fiction Work (TSD) includes:
1. Klein compares and analyzes the impact of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School Economics in a number of countries where it was practiced. Keynesian (F.D.R.), and Developmental Socialist Economics are also referenced. But TSD concentrates on the introduction and effects of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School Economics Policies;
2. TSD reveals the role of the US Government and Friedman-Chicago-School trained Economists in the decimation of Countries and the plundering of Natural Resources for the benefit of the World Banking Community and Multinational Corporations;
3. Klein conducts investigations of the ways and means of Political Dominionism and Corporate takeover of Governments of any Political Ideology whatsoever. Corruption and greed is a “Universal Plague” to all “stated” ideologies;
4. There are comparisons of the effects and intent of “Physical Shock Therapy” treatments on individuals, and an extensive log of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School “Economic Shock Treatments.” In most cases, leaders submitted their countries to the Austerity policies that were perpetrated to destabilize the country following some blind-belief blue print that touted projections of beneficial outcome. Unstable governments became shakier after they submitted to economic shock treatments in order to do the bidding of Transnational Corporations Profit-Charter;
5. TSD cites dozens of incidences of Political Coup, Assassination, Torture, Disappearance, and Outright Murder of Political Leaders, Opposition Leaders, Union Leaders, and Populist Media Figures;
6. C.I.A., Military, and Corporate Involvement in the overthrow of stable governments is revealed by open records and on-the-ground investigation by Klein. The reader is presented with an inside look into the decision making process of primarily corrupt government officials and agencies thrown into “Economic Shock” by intentional or natural disaster sudden change catalysts. It will awaken some to the realities of Rule by International Trade Agreement, Treaties, and speculative International Banking …all completely co-opted by Corporate power and greed;
7. TSD sheds light on the culpability of the winner and looser choosing Banks and Orgs like The FED/Feudal Reverse Bank, the I.M.F. – International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the U.S. Treasury, the W.T.O. – World Trade Organization, Wall Street “Velociraptor” Hedge Funds, and “Vulture/Velociraptor” Trans-National and American Corporations of the 1%;
8. And the financial and cultural devastation on a personal level, the human toll …murdered and disappeared citizens and opposition leaders, lost wages, lost unions, lost jobs, tripling unemployment, tripling the masses in desperate poverty, over doubled drug use, over doubled suicide rates, over doubling AIDS, doubling prostitution, & causing desperately poor people to sell their children into the international sex trade;
9. “The Shock Doctrine” exposes the Nuts-n-Bolts “Junk” of Stage 3 Colonial-Economic Cancer-Capitalism;
10. It’s not a “family values” investigative report. It’s a painful easy read for someone who has values. If you can read “The Shock Doctrine” and stay the same person you were before, then either you were already aware of the content, or there is a cold austere dominionist racist part of you …that you may have just become aware of.
>###(05-17)*CW*CWS*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
”Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism”
~ pdxjustice, {Subscribe}, 04-24-11, YT, 1:33:41 < https://goo.gl/R90GrG
Book: ”The Shock Doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism” ~ Naomi Klein, Oxford Economist, War Correspondent, Investigative Journalist, Forensic Economist; After a 4 year on-the-ground investigation, Klein authored “The Shock Doctrine” 2007. Knopf Publishing, Canada, ISBN: 978-0-676-97800-1
< http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine @NaomiAKlein
{ “The Shock Doctrine” examines the effects of U.S. foreign policy decisions, world banking institutions and loan impacts, trade agreement influences, US War Department and C.I.A. and economic policy evaluations. American Exceptionalism appears to be a U.S. corporatocracy projecting Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago-School austerity-economics (with its Shock Doctrine tool box) onto Coup d’État and bribe manufactured totalitarian states that feature colonialism and exploitation. This U.S. “value system” achieves gun-slinger dominionism and blind-belief wedded to profit-chartered nihilism. ~ IGRPP }
.... ^.... BOOK REVIEW .... ^....
Subject Matter of this Investigative Non-Fiction Work (TSD) includes:
1. Klein compares and analyzes the impact of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School Economics in a number of countries where it was practiced. Keynesian (F.D.R.), and Developmental Socialist Economics are also referenced. But TSD concentrates on the introduction and effects of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School Economics Policies;
2. TSD reveals the role of the US Government and Friedman-Chicago-School trained Economists in the decimation of Countries and the plundering of Natural Resources for the benefit of the World Banking Community and Multinational Corporations;
3. Klein conducts investigations of the ways and means of Political Dominionism and Corporate takeover of Governments of any Political Ideology whatsoever. Corruption and greed is a “Universal Plague” to all “stated” ideologies;
4. There are comparisons of the effects and intent of “Physical Shock Therapy” treatments on individuals, and an extensive log of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School “Economic Shock Treatments.” In most cases, leaders submitted their countries to the Austerity policies that were perpetrated to destabilize the country following some blind-belief blue print that touted projections of beneficial outcome. Unstable governments became shakier after they submitted to economic shock treatments in order to do the bidding of Transnational Corporations Profit-Charter;
5. TSD cites dozens of incidences of Political Coup, Assassination, Torture, Disappearance, and Outright Murder of Political Leaders, Opposition Leaders, Union Leaders, and Populist Media Figures;
6. C.I.A., Military, and Corporate Involvement in the overthrow of stable governments is revealed by open records and on-the-ground investigation by Klein. The reader is presented with an inside look into the decision making process of primarily corrupt government officials and agencies thrown into “Economic Shock” by intentional or natural disaster sudden change catalysts. It will awaken some to the realities of Rule by International Trade Agreement, Treaties, and speculative International Banking …all completely co-opted by Corporate power and greed;
7. TSD sheds light on the culpability of the winner and looser choosing Banks and Orgs like The FED/Feudal Reverse Bank, the I.M.F. – International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the U.S. Treasury, the W.T.O. – World Trade Organization, Wall Street “Velociraptor” Hedge Funds, and “Vulture/Velociraptor” Trans-National and American Corporations of the 1%;
8. And the financial and cultural devastation on a personal level, the human toll …murdered and disappeared citizens and opposition leaders, lost wages, lost unions, lost jobs, tripling unemployment, tripling the masses in desperate poverty, over doubled drug use, over doubled suicide rates, over doubling AIDS, doubling prostitution, & causing desperately poor people to sell their children into the international sex trade;
9. “The Shock Doctrine” exposes the Nuts-n-Bolts “Junk” of Stage 3 Colonial-Economic Cancer-Capitalism;
10. It’s not a “family values” investigative report. It’s a painful easy read for someone who has values. If you can read “The Shock Doctrine” and stay the same person you were before, then either you were already aware of the content, or there is a cold austere dominionist racist part of you …that you may have just become aware of.
>###(05-17)*CW*CWS*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0111NK: NAOMI KLEIN: Casino Capitalism, War, 2009 Documentary Film & 2007 Book
”Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism”
~ pdxjustice, {Subscribe}, 04-24-11, YT, 1:33:41 < https://goo.gl/R90GrG
Book: ”The Shock Doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism” ~ Naomi Klein, Oxford Economist, War Correspondent, Investigative Journalist, Forensic Economist; After a 4 year on-the-ground investigation, Klein authored “The Shock Doctrine” 2007. Knopf Publishing, Canada, ISBN: 978-0-676-97800-1
< http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine @NaomiAKlein
{ “The Shock Doctrine” examines the effects of U.S. foreign policy decisions, world banking institutions and loan impacts, trade agreement influences, US War Department and C.I.A. and economic policy evaluations. American Exceptionalism appears to be a U.S. corporatocracy projecting Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago-School austerity-economics (with its Shock Doctrine tool box) onto Coup d’État and bribe manufactured totalitarian states that feature colonialism and exploitation. This U.S. “value system” achieves gun-slinger dominionism and blind-belief wedded to profit-chartered nihilism. ~ IGRPP }
>(07-17)*CW*CBWS*WB*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
”Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism”
~ pdxjustice, {Subscribe}, 04-24-11, YT, 1:33:41 < https://goo.gl/R90GrG
Book: ”The Shock Doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism” ~ Naomi Klein, Oxford Economist, War Correspondent, Investigative Journalist, Forensic Economist; After a 4 year on-the-ground investigation, Klein authored “The Shock Doctrine” 2007. Knopf Publishing, Canada, ISBN: 978-0-676-97800-1
< http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine @NaomiAKlein
{ “The Shock Doctrine” examines the effects of U.S. foreign policy decisions, world banking institutions and loan impacts, trade agreement influences, US War Department and C.I.A. and economic policy evaluations. American Exceptionalism appears to be a U.S. corporatocracy projecting Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago-School austerity-economics (with its Shock Doctrine tool box) onto Coup d’État and bribe manufactured totalitarian states that feature colonialism and exploitation. This U.S. “value system” achieves gun-slinger dominionism and blind-belief wedded to profit-chartered nihilism. ~ IGRPP }
>(07-17)*CW*CBWS*WB*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0113JD, JIMMY DORE: USA, Forbes 400 King’s Trigger-Finger
Incubator & War Hatchery w/Coastlines;
They’ll bomb the peace out of you to feed current and future quarterly profits for war corporations!
(^^^) "America Can't Bomb It's Way To A Better Future" (*W/T)
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 10-06-16, YT, 6:58 < https://goo.gl/8bGmzd
Cold War 2.0-NATO (Hot Russian Front), 102816,9:27 https://goo.gl/zRLCR2
Real Reason We’re In Syria (Pipeline),102716,14:32 < https://goo.gl/iNzxdA
Hillary Wants To Make War Official, 102716, 7:28 < https://goo.gl/PWT9hS
Bernie Sanders Pleads (O’Toma DAPL),110316,10:02 https://goo.gl/njVTxo
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
They’ll bomb the peace out of you to feed current and future quarterly profits for war corporations!
(^^^) "America Can't Bomb It's Way To A Better Future" (*W/T)
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 10-06-16, YT, 6:58 < https://goo.gl/8bGmzd
Cold War 2.0-NATO (Hot Russian Front), 102816,9:27 https://goo.gl/zRLCR2
Real Reason We’re In Syria (Pipeline),102716,14:32 < https://goo.gl/iNzxdA
Hillary Wants To Make War Official, 102716, 7:28 < https://goo.gl/PWT9hS
Bernie Sanders Pleads (O’Toma DAPL),110316,10:02 https://goo.gl/njVTxo
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0116SB, SMEDLEY BUTLER: HISTORY, American Fascism, Fascist Coup d’état, J.P.
Morgan Chase Bank; Glass-Steagall Act 1933, Banking Act 1935, American Legion,
Tyranny, Industrial Military Complex, POTUS Franklin D. Roosevelt, Banking,
Plot To Force Return To Gold Standard
Book: “War is a racket” ~ Smedley Butler, U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen.
J.P. Morgan and Wall Street plutocrats plotted a fascist takeover of US Government; This was a coup d’état to remove Roosevelt and nix the New Deal programs; Rich Americans supported Nazi’s; The American Liberty League financed Hitler; Wall Street Fascist’s,
*(The Documentary “narration” eventually bashes President Obama, a globalist, but original footage from the 1940’s stands on its own.)
“Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot” (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ritmit, {Subscribe}, 08-14-11, YT, 17:57 < https://goo.gl/2TJ9eq
Smedley Butler, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/3xu65X
Business Plot (JP Morgan, 1934), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/h8rsr6
WHISTLEBLOWER: Corporate Corp D’états, Fascism, Warmongering
(^^^) “Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in US. (1934)”
~ OccultAgenda, {Subscribe}, 04-26-12, YT, 9:08 < https://goo.gl/zY5UEo
Smedley Butler, 7th Day Truth Seeker, 031316, 45:51 < https://goo.gl/dfucov
(^^^) “Dark Legacy (George Bush)” (*POTUS41) (*POTUS35)
~ XVII LXXVI, {Subscribe}, 04-29-17, YT, 1:13:32 < https://goo.gl/4sBPQM
Bush Crime Family, XVII LXXVI, 10-22-16, 45:22 < https://goo.gl/xHbdPX
Book: “War is a racket” ~ Smedley Butler, U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen.
J.P. Morgan and Wall Street plutocrats plotted a fascist takeover of US Government; This was a coup d’état to remove Roosevelt and nix the New Deal programs; Rich Americans supported Nazi’s; The American Liberty League financed Hitler; Wall Street Fascist’s,
*(The Documentary “narration” eventually bashes President Obama, a globalist, but original footage from the 1940’s stands on its own.)
“Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot” (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ritmit, {Subscribe}, 08-14-11, YT, 17:57 < https://goo.gl/2TJ9eq
Smedley Butler, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/3xu65X
Business Plot (JP Morgan, 1934), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/h8rsr6
WHISTLEBLOWER: Corporate Corp D’états, Fascism, Warmongering
(^^^) “Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in US. (1934)”
~ OccultAgenda, {Subscribe}, 04-26-12, YT, 9:08 < https://goo.gl/zY5UEo
Smedley Butler, 7th Day Truth Seeker, 031316, 45:51 < https://goo.gl/dfucov
(^^^) “Dark Legacy (George Bush)” (*POTUS41) (*POTUS35)
~ XVII LXXVI, {Subscribe}, 04-29-17, YT, 1:13:32 < https://goo.gl/4sBPQM
Bush Crime Family, XVII LXXVI, 10-22-16, 45:22 < https://goo.gl/xHbdPX
U.S. Foreign Policy-0116SB, SMEDLEY BUTLER:
HISTORY, American Fascism, Fascist Coup d’état, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank;
Glass-Steagall Act 1933, Banking Act 1935, American Legion, Tyranny, Industrial
Military Complex, POTUS Franklin D. Roosevelt, Banking, Plot To Force Return To
Gold Standard
Book: “War is a racket” ~ Smedley Butler, U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen.
J.P. Morgan and Wall Street plutocrats plotted a fascist takeover of US Government; This was a coup d’état to remove Roosevelt and nix the New Deal programs; Rich Americans supported Nazi’s; The American Liberty League financed Hitler; Wall Street Fascist’s,
*(The Documentary “narration” eventually bashes President Obama, a globalist, but original footage from the 1940’s stands on its own.)
“Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot” (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ritmit, {Subscribe}, 08-14-11, YT, 17:57 < https://goo.gl/2TJ9eq
Smedley Butler, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/3xu65X
Business Plot (JP Morgan, 1934), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/h8rsr6
WHISTLEBLOWER: Corporate Corp D’états, Fascism, Warmongering
(^^^) “Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in US. (1934)”
~ OccultAgenda, {Subscribe}, 04-26-12, YT, 9:08 < https://goo.gl/zY5UEo
Smedley Butler, 7th Day Truth Seeker, 031316, 45:51 < https://goo.gl/dfucov
(^^^) “Dark Legacy (George Bush)” (*POTUS41) (*POTUS35)
~ XVII LXXVI, {Subscribe}, 04-29-17, YT, 1:13:32 < https://goo.gl/4sBPQM
Bush Crime Family, XVII LXXVI, 10-22-16, 45:22 < https://goo.gl/xHbdPX
(^^^) “Smedley Butler's Testimony At The McCormick-Dickstein Hearing And Media Blackout”
~ James Ambas, {Subscribe}, 03-14-11, YT, 57:12 < https://goo.gl/4BF47P
(^^^) “Smedley Butler's Testimony At The McCormick-Dickstein Hearing And Media Blackout”
~ James Ambas, {Subscribe}, 03-14-11, YT, 57:12 < https://goo.gl/4BF47P
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Book: “War is a racket” ~ Smedley Butler, U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen.
J.P. Morgan and Wall Street plutocrats plotted a fascist takeover of US Government; This was a coup d’état to remove Roosevelt and nix the New Deal programs; Rich Americans supported Nazi’s; The American Liberty League financed Hitler; Wall Street Fascist’s,
*(The Documentary “narration” eventually bashes President Obama, a globalist, but original footage from the 1940’s stands on its own.)
“Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot” (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ritmit, {Subscribe}, 08-14-11, YT, 17:57 < https://goo.gl/2TJ9eq
Smedley Butler, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/3xu65X
Business Plot (JP Morgan, 1934), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/h8rsr6
WHISTLEBLOWER: Corporate Corp D’états, Fascism, Warmongering
(^^^) “Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in US. (1934)”
~ OccultAgenda, {Subscribe}, 04-26-12, YT, 9:08 < https://goo.gl/zY5UEo
Smedley Butler, 7th Day Truth Seeker, 031316, 45:51 < https://goo.gl/dfucov
(^^^) “Dark Legacy (George Bush)” (*POTUS41) (*POTUS35)
~ XVII LXXVI, {Subscribe}, 04-29-17, YT, 1:13:32 < https://goo.gl/4sBPQM
Bush Crime Family, XVII LXXVI, 10-22-16, 45:22 < https://goo.gl/xHbdPX
(^^^) “Smedley Butler's Testimony At The McCormick-Dickstein Hearing And Media Blackout”
~ James Ambas, {Subscribe}, 03-14-11, YT, 57:12 < https://goo.gl/4BF47P
(^^^) “Smedley Butler's Testimony At The McCormick-Dickstein Hearing And Media Blackout”
~ James Ambas, {Subscribe}, 03-14-11, YT, 57:12 < https://goo.gl/4BF47P
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0116SB, SMEDLEY BUTLER: HISTORY, Corporate
Corp D’états, Fascism, Warmongering
(^^^) “Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in US. (1934)”
~ OccultAgenda, {Subscribe}, 04-26-12, YT, 9:08 < https://goo.gl/zY5UEo
Smedley Butler, 7th Day Truth Seeker, 031316, 45:51 < https://goo.gl/dfucov
(^^^) “Dark Legacy (George Bush)” (*POTUS41) (*POTUS35)
~ XVII LXXVI, {Subscribe}, 04-29-17, YT, 1:13:32 < https://goo.gl/4sBPQM
Bush Crime Family, XVII LXXVI, 10-22-16, 45:22 < https://goo.gl/xHbdPX
(^^^) “Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in US. (1934)”
~ OccultAgenda, {Subscribe}, 04-26-12, YT, 9:08 < https://goo.gl/zY5UEo
Smedley Butler, 7th Day Truth Seeker, 031316, 45:51 < https://goo.gl/dfucov
(^^^) “Dark Legacy (George Bush)” (*POTUS41) (*POTUS35)
~ XVII LXXVI, {Subscribe}, 04-29-17, YT, 1:13:32 < https://goo.gl/4sBPQM
Bush Crime Family, XVII LXXVI, 10-22-16, 45:22 < https://goo.gl/xHbdPX
Foreign Policy-0116SB, SMEDLEY BUTLER: HISTORY, Wars, Central Banks; The
Currency Act, Bank of England; Bretton Woods Agreement;
“All Wars Are Bankster Wars”
The War of 1812 was fought over a Private Central Bank.
Private Banks have controlled US currency since 1913. It was the “third try” at Central Banking. World War I started the following year.
“In God We Trust” was put on private-Federal Reserve Notes in 1953.
The world is ruled by private Central Banks.
Private Central Banks issue money as a loan paid back with interest. Nations are enslaved to private central banks.
After World War II, the Bretton Woods Agreement was signed.
World currencies were tied to the Dollar.
Nixon ended Bretton Woods Agreement by removing the US form the Gold Standard. (Bretton Woods also contained limits to national borrowing …so one country would not hog up all the credit.)
The Gold Standard severely limits equitable wealth distribution in an economy. A Fiat currency, printed by independent governments, is preferred.
"Private Central Banking, rule by manufactured illusion of debt, is no more a legitimate a system of governance than rule by divine right or rule by slavery. We all need to recognize the true cause of all the pain and suffering and war. It's not the terrorists ...al Qaeda ...It's a war of banking systems with the predatory private system of central banks seeking to irradiate any nation and any ruler that would dare try to operate their economy outside the control of private central bankers. That's the real cause for the war. The common enemies of humans are private central banks." (min 41:05)
{ There is one opinion error in film where “climate cooling” is mentioned. Earth’s climate is warming drastically. Earth is (however) approaching or overdue for a 100,000 year cooling and melting period in earths “glacial cycles.” ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "Michael Rivero - All Wars Are Bankers' Wars"
~ Ron Gibson, {Subscribe}, 03-31-14, YT, 43:33 < https://goo.gl/akZAor
-/\/- Nathan Rothschild’s War of 1812 & Central Banks Plague on America:
"We Cannot Be Silent with Phil Restino and Larry Pinkney (Original Black Panther Party Member) live on Wolf Spirit Radio this 12.16.13 edition as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the creation of the privately-owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve is Peace Activist and Talk Show Host Michael Rivero." ~ WeCannotBeSilent
"Michael Rivero 'All Wars Are Bankers Wars'"
~ WeCannotBeSilent, 02-05-14, YT, 1:48:29 < https://goo.gl/UDnvAX
>##(05-17)*FK*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“All Wars Are Bankster Wars”
The War of 1812 was fought over a Private Central Bank.
Private Banks have controlled US currency since 1913. It was the “third try” at Central Banking. World War I started the following year.
“In God We Trust” was put on private-Federal Reserve Notes in 1953.
The world is ruled by private Central Banks.
Private Central Banks issue money as a loan paid back with interest. Nations are enslaved to private central banks.
After World War II, the Bretton Woods Agreement was signed.
World currencies were tied to the Dollar.
Nixon ended Bretton Woods Agreement by removing the US form the Gold Standard. (Bretton Woods also contained limits to national borrowing …so one country would not hog up all the credit.)
The Gold Standard severely limits equitable wealth distribution in an economy. A Fiat currency, printed by independent governments, is preferred.
"Private Central Banking, rule by manufactured illusion of debt, is no more a legitimate a system of governance than rule by divine right or rule by slavery. We all need to recognize the true cause of all the pain and suffering and war. It's not the terrorists ...al Qaeda ...It's a war of banking systems with the predatory private system of central banks seeking to irradiate any nation and any ruler that would dare try to operate their economy outside the control of private central bankers. That's the real cause for the war. The common enemies of humans are private central banks." (min 41:05)
{ There is one opinion error in film where “climate cooling” is mentioned. Earth’s climate is warming drastically. Earth is (however) approaching or overdue for a 100,000 year cooling and melting period in earths “glacial cycles.” ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "Michael Rivero - All Wars Are Bankers' Wars"
~ Ron Gibson, {Subscribe}, 03-31-14, YT, 43:33 < https://goo.gl/akZAor
-/\/- Nathan Rothschild’s War of 1812 & Central Banks Plague on America:
"We Cannot Be Silent with Phil Restino and Larry Pinkney (Original Black Panther Party Member) live on Wolf Spirit Radio this 12.16.13 edition as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the creation of the privately-owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve is Peace Activist and Talk Show Host Michael Rivero." ~ WeCannotBeSilent
"Michael Rivero 'All Wars Are Bankers Wars'"
~ WeCannotBeSilent, 02-05-14, YT, 1:48:29 < https://goo.gl/UDnvAX
>##(05-17)*FK*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Corporate (Coup d’état) Infantry for Aristocrats (Internationals)
U.S. Foreign Policy-000MEIRAN, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN,
U.S. Foreign Policy-000SA, SOUTH AMERICA: (*POTUS40), RR04, Ronald REAGAN Crimes US War Dept. C.I.A. Objectives, Countries: Iran & Nicaragua (*POTUS40)
GOP Pres. Ronald Reagan, Iran – Reagan’s White House exchanged military jet parts for the 1980 U.S. Embassy Hostage Taker’s fouling POTUS Jimmy Carter’s (1976-1980) chances of winning re-election and cinching his own bid;
The Reagan-Papa Bush C.I.A. Funded the Nicaraguan Contra Coup with Iran’s jet parts sale profits;
And the C.I.A. pushed plane loads of cocaine in Los Angeles’ Inner City to funnel more arms to Nicaraguan Contra forces
"it is well documented that North is a narcotics trafficker ...North did this at the very time President Reagan and Vice President Bush were leading our nation's 'War on Drugs'"
{Pres. George H.W. (Papa) Bush pardoned Oliver North}
"Oliver North's Nomination" (Virginia Congress)
~ The La Times, {Subscribe/Donate}, 06-21-94 _
< http://articles.latimes.com/1994-06-21/local/me-6492_1_costa-rica-oliver-north-s-nomination-ollie-north
-/\/- Drug Selling Presidents "...late 1980s and the early 1990s the CIA was the biggest drug kingpin in the United States. Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Oliver North were involved in getting arms to the Nicaraguan Contras and they did it through the sale of cocaine to American citizens" "Comrades in Arms"
(^^^) "CIA dealt crack in BLACK Los Angeles in early 90s"
~ habueld - HubPages, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-02-11 _
< http://habueld.hubpages.com/hub/CIA-dealt-drugs-in-South-Los-Angeles-in-early-90s
Barry Seal, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/lyXh4o
Oliver North, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/ap9pBZ
Medellin Cartel, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/ZDN2VY
Manuel Noriega, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/GRXSws
Richard Secord, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/Nb2U8q
Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/DqjVvl
“Freeway” Rick Ross, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/58LdL7
Iran—Contra affair, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/udYcyb
Contras (Nicaraguan Democratic Force/C.I.A. Covert Operations)
~ @wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/S1Q8Z
William Colby (CIA - see death), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/II7Rjy
-/\/- "staff at the White House... created a privatized contra network that attracted drug traffickers looking for cover for their operations, then turned a blind eye to repeated reports... and actively worked with known drug smugglers such as Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega to assist the (Nicaraguan Democratic Force) contras."
(^^^) "The Oliver North File: His Diaries, E-Mail, and Memos on the Kerry Report, Contras and Drugs"
~ The National Security Archive, {Subscribe}, 02-26-04 _
< http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB113/
>##(02-13)*WB(*POTUS40)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
U.S. Foreign Policy-000MEIRAN, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN,
U.S. Foreign Policy-000SA, SOUTH AMERICA: (*POTUS40), RR04, Ronald REAGAN Crimes US War Dept. C.I.A. Objectives, Countries: Iran & Nicaragua (*POTUS40)
GOP Pres. Ronald Reagan, Iran – Reagan’s White House exchanged military jet parts for the 1980 U.S. Embassy Hostage Taker’s fouling POTUS Jimmy Carter’s (1976-1980) chances of winning re-election and cinching his own bid;
The Reagan-Papa Bush C.I.A. Funded the Nicaraguan Contra Coup with Iran’s jet parts sale profits;
And the C.I.A. pushed plane loads of cocaine in Los Angeles’ Inner City to funnel more arms to Nicaraguan Contra forces
"it is well documented that North is a narcotics trafficker ...North did this at the very time President Reagan and Vice President Bush were leading our nation's 'War on Drugs'"
{Pres. George H.W. (Papa) Bush pardoned Oliver North}
"Oliver North's Nomination" (Virginia Congress)
~ The La Times, {Subscribe/Donate}, 06-21-94 _
< http://articles.latimes.com/1994-06-21/local/me-6492_1_costa-rica-oliver-north-s-nomination-ollie-north
-/\/- Drug Selling Presidents "...late 1980s and the early 1990s the CIA was the biggest drug kingpin in the United States. Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Oliver North were involved in getting arms to the Nicaraguan Contras and they did it through the sale of cocaine to American citizens" "Comrades in Arms"
(^^^) "CIA dealt crack in BLACK Los Angeles in early 90s"
~ habueld - HubPages, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-02-11 _
< http://habueld.hubpages.com/hub/CIA-dealt-drugs-in-South-Los-Angeles-in-early-90s
Barry Seal, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/lyXh4o
Oliver North, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/ap9pBZ
Medellin Cartel, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/ZDN2VY
Manuel Noriega, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/GRXSws
Richard Secord, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/Nb2U8q
Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/DqjVvl
“Freeway” Rick Ross, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/58LdL7
Iran—Contra affair, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/udYcyb
Contras (Nicaraguan Democratic Force/C.I.A. Covert Operations)
~ @wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/S1Q8Z
William Colby (CIA - see death), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/II7Rjy
-/\/- "staff at the White House... created a privatized contra network that attracted drug traffickers looking for cover for their operations, then turned a blind eye to repeated reports... and actively worked with known drug smugglers such as Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega to assist the (Nicaraguan Democratic Force) contras."
(^^^) "The Oliver North File: His Diaries, E-Mail, and Memos on the Kerry Report, Contras and Drugs"
~ The National Security Archive, {Subscribe}, 02-26-04 _
< http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB113/
>##(02-13)*WB(*POTUS40)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0130VET, VETERANS
(^^^) “Even The Troops Are Waking Up”
~ 3usall, {Subscribe}, 01-17-10, YT, 4:39 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=K-CpCUOygqU
>###(01-13)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Even The Troops Are Waking Up”
~ 3usall, {Subscribe}, 01-17-10, YT, 4:39 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=K-CpCUOygqU
>###(01-13)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0130VET, VETERANS: Iraq War Veteran Suicide Letter, Daniel
SUMMERS, with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD Victim Leaves Horrifyingly
Candid Note About Reasons For His Suicide
(^^^) "Iraq War Veteran's Suicide Letter Describes Trauma of War, Abandonment by Gov't"
~ @democracynow, {Podcasts Subscribe Donate},Gawker, 06-26-13, YT, 1:58 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZxqxVUh2RQ
>###(08-13)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
## ~ @democracynow, {Podcasts Subscribe Donate},
(^^^) "Iraq War Veteran's Suicide Letter Describes Trauma of War, Abandonment by Gov't"
~ @democracynow, {Podcasts Subscribe Donate},Gawker, 06-26-13, YT, 1:58 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZxqxVUh2RQ
>###(08-13)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
## ~ @democracynow, {Podcasts Subscribe Donate},
Foreign Policy-0130VET, VETERANS: John
Michael TURNER, Combat Hostile Actions Described At Winter Warriors Meeting
(^^^) “Iraq war: us soldier throws his medals and stars!!! And quits”
~ John Michael Turner/Iraq War Veteran, balvinLgsony, {Subscribe}, 12-05-09, YT, 9:56 _
>###(01-13)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Iraq war: us soldier throws his medals and stars!!! And quits”
~ John Michael Turner/Iraq War Veteran, balvinLgsony, {Subscribe}, 12-05-09, YT, 9:56 _
>###(01-13)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0130VET, VETERANS: Revolution,
Folk Rock
(^^^) “We Can’t Make It Here Anymore” (James Mc Murtry) (*JL) (*W/T)
~ Lame54, {Subscribe}, 06-07-06, YT, 7:10 < https://goo.gl/IWygKm
>#(07-17)*CW*WAR(*EC)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “We Can’t Make It Here Anymore” (James Mc Murtry) (*JL) (*W/T)
~ Lame54, {Subscribe}, 06-07-06, YT, 7:10 < https://goo.gl/IWygKm
>#(07-17)*CW*WAR(*EC)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0130VET, VETERANS: Dave PHILLIPS - Investigative Journalist War On
Warriors, Veterans Care Trust, Abuse
The Department of Defense discharges wounded warriors with PTSD and brain Injury and denies benefits;
Less Than Honorable discharge; Military doesn’t want to pay for care; Releases injured veterans into society; 2 million soldiers have deployed In the last 10 years; 500,000 injured
(^^^) "Other than Honorable: Army Strips Benefits of Wounded Veterans by Kicking Them Out for Misconduct"
~ @democracynow, Dave Phillips/Investigative Journalist, Author: “Lethal Warriors”/Colorado Springs Gazette, “Other Than Honorable” 3 Part Series, {Subscribe}, 05-22-13, Video, 27:00 < https://goo.gl/XXlN8X
>##(06-17)*EC*WAR##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
The Department of Defense discharges wounded warriors with PTSD and brain Injury and denies benefits;
Less Than Honorable discharge; Military doesn’t want to pay for care; Releases injured veterans into society; 2 million soldiers have deployed In the last 10 years; 500,000 injured
(^^^) "Other than Honorable: Army Strips Benefits of Wounded Veterans by Kicking Them Out for Misconduct"
~ @democracynow, Dave Phillips/Investigative Journalist, Author: “Lethal Warriors”/Colorado Springs Gazette, “Other Than Honorable” 3 Part Series, {Subscribe}, 05-22-13, Video, 27:00 < https://goo.gl/XXlN8X
>##(06-17)*EC*WAR##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0130VETS, VETERANS:
Bush, Military Sexual Assaults; Imbalance of Power In Command Of System; Remove
Command Conflict Of Interest
"Sexual assaults ...getting worse. ...physical and emotional trauma of rape, ...violated again when having to face the senior ranking officers and fellow military personnel who make them think the assault was their fault... As many as 19,000 assaults happened in the military in 2011 and ...unreported for various reasons."
(^^^) "A Soldier’s Husband Speaks Out About Her Assault: Her Commander Said She Deserved It For Wearing Running Shorts. (Video)"
~ Harlow Perkins/Political Minute, {Donate}, 11-16-13 _
< http://politicalminute.org/soldiers-husband-speaks-assault-commander-said-deserved-wearing-running-shorts-video/
-/\/- Marine Husband Testifies About His Wife's Rape & Command Retribution For Reporting Rape (To A Psychopath)
(^^^) "Ariana and Ben Klay Give Emotional Testimony at Bipartisan MJIA Press Conference"
~ Kirsten E. Gillibrand, {Subscribe}, 11-06-13, YT, 9:49 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4RxezNzeRw
-/\/- 62% of victims experienced retaliation in the military
(^^^) "Gillibrand: Military Sexual Assault Survivor Voices Will be Heard"
~ Kirsten E. Gillibrand, {Subscribe}, 11-15-13, YT, 21:17 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA74W32WGbQ
>###(12-13)*FP*WR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Sexual assaults ...getting worse. ...physical and emotional trauma of rape, ...violated again when having to face the senior ranking officers and fellow military personnel who make them think the assault was their fault... As many as 19,000 assaults happened in the military in 2011 and ...unreported for various reasons."
(^^^) "A Soldier’s Husband Speaks Out About Her Assault: Her Commander Said She Deserved It For Wearing Running Shorts. (Video)"
~ Harlow Perkins/Political Minute, {Donate}, 11-16-13 _
< http://politicalminute.org/soldiers-husband-speaks-assault-commander-said-deserved-wearing-running-shorts-video/
-/\/- Marine Husband Testifies About His Wife's Rape & Command Retribution For Reporting Rape (To A Psychopath)
(^^^) "Ariana and Ben Klay Give Emotional Testimony at Bipartisan MJIA Press Conference"
~ Kirsten E. Gillibrand, {Subscribe}, 11-06-13, YT, 9:49 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4RxezNzeRw
-/\/- 62% of victims experienced retaliation in the military
(^^^) "Gillibrand: Military Sexual Assault Survivor Voices Will be Heard"
~ Kirsten E. Gillibrand, {Subscribe}, 11-15-13, YT, 21:17 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA74W32WGbQ
>###(12-13)*FP*WR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0131WC, MIDDLE EAST, BUSH-CHENEY WARS: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan,
“Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, "Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second." I said, "Well, you're too busy." He said, "No, no." He says, "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq." This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, "We're going to war with Iraq? Why?" He said, "I don't know." He said, "I guess they don't know what else to do." So I said, "Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?" He said, "No, no." He says, "There's nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq." He said, "I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments." And he said, "I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."
So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." I said, "Is it classified?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, don't show it to me." And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?" He said, "Sir, I didn't show you that memo! I didn't show it to you!" (*FP)(*W/T)
"General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years"
~ FacelesswithEyesOpen, {Subscribe}, 09-11-11, YT, 2:12 https://goo.gl/lFZGd
PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY: Invade 7 Countries In 5 Years, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran
(Min 07:40) “This Country was taken over by a group of people with a policy Coup. Wolfowitz and Cheney and Rumsfeld and you could name a half a dozen others on the project for New American Century. They wanted us to destabilize the Middle East. Turn it upside down. Make it under our control”
~ U.S. Army retired Gen. Wesley Clark (10-03-07)
"General W. Clark tells ENTIRE truth about Middle East Uprising" @foratv
~ trangenusa, @democracynow, 07-19-13, YT, 26:27 < https://goo.gl/gJ2clP
-/\/- Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia, “Paul Wolfowitz” (Deputy Sec. of Defense Paul Wolfowitz & Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld)
"according to Kampfner, 'Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz believed (CIA & DIA)too bureaucratic... set up ...cabal ...a cell of eight or nine analysts in a new Office of Special Plans (OSP) ...was created in order to find evidence of what Wolfowitz and his boss, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, believed to be true—that Saddam Hussein had close ties to Al Qaeda... Iraq ...arsenal of chemical, biological, and possibly even nuclear weapons"
"OSP rivaled ...CIA and the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency' ...Ahmad Chalabi. According to Kampfner, the CIA had ended its funding of the I.N.C. ...doubts were cast about Chalabi’s reliability. ...administration geared up for conflict with Saddam, …Chalabi was welcomed in the inner sanctum of the Pentagon under the auspices of the OSP, and Wolfowitz did not see fit to challenge any of Chalabi’s information. ...fixing intelligence to support policy …with the aim of influencing Congress in its use of the War Powers Act."
Paul Wolfowitz “former President of the World Bank, United States Ambassador to Indonesia... did graduate work at the University of Chicago in political science..."
(^^^) Paul Wolfowitz, @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/kBmDOh
>#(06-17)*WB*(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, "Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second." I said, "Well, you're too busy." He said, "No, no." He says, "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq." This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, "We're going to war with Iraq? Why?" He said, "I don't know." He said, "I guess they don't know what else to do." So I said, "Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?" He said, "No, no." He says, "There's nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq." He said, "I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments." And he said, "I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."
So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." I said, "Is it classified?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, don't show it to me." And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?" He said, "Sir, I didn't show you that memo! I didn't show it to you!" (*FP)(*W/T)
"General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years"
~ FacelesswithEyesOpen, {Subscribe}, 09-11-11, YT, 2:12 https://goo.gl/lFZGd
PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY: Invade 7 Countries In 5 Years, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran
(Min 07:40) “This Country was taken over by a group of people with a policy Coup. Wolfowitz and Cheney and Rumsfeld and you could name a half a dozen others on the project for New American Century. They wanted us to destabilize the Middle East. Turn it upside down. Make it under our control”
~ U.S. Army retired Gen. Wesley Clark (10-03-07)
"General W. Clark tells ENTIRE truth about Middle East Uprising" @foratv
~ trangenusa, @democracynow, 07-19-13, YT, 26:27 < https://goo.gl/gJ2clP
-/\/- Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia, “Paul Wolfowitz” (Deputy Sec. of Defense Paul Wolfowitz & Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld)
"according to Kampfner, 'Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz believed (CIA & DIA)too bureaucratic... set up ...cabal ...a cell of eight or nine analysts in a new Office of Special Plans (OSP) ...was created in order to find evidence of what Wolfowitz and his boss, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, believed to be true—that Saddam Hussein had close ties to Al Qaeda... Iraq ...arsenal of chemical, biological, and possibly even nuclear weapons"
"OSP rivaled ...CIA and the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency' ...Ahmad Chalabi. According to Kampfner, the CIA had ended its funding of the I.N.C. ...doubts were cast about Chalabi’s reliability. ...administration geared up for conflict with Saddam, …Chalabi was welcomed in the inner sanctum of the Pentagon under the auspices of the OSP, and Wolfowitz did not see fit to challenge any of Chalabi’s information. ...fixing intelligence to support policy …with the aim of influencing Congress in its use of the War Powers Act."
Paul Wolfowitz “former President of the World Bank, United States Ambassador to Indonesia... did graduate work at the University of Chicago in political science..."
(^^^) Paul Wolfowitz, @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/kBmDOh
>#(06-17)*WB*(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS43), GWB03, War Criminal George W. Bush-II, US War Dept. C.I.A.,
Afghanistan, C.I.A. Documents, GOP Pres. George “W.” Bush II, Ignored 7
Warnings Of Multiple Attacks
Open Records revealing truth about Bush laxity or complicity
{His Biographer said he talked of pursuing War with Iran before he became a Presidential Candidate}
(^^^) “New CIA Docs Show Bush Ignored Seven Different Warnings About Imminent Attacks”
~ Susie Madrak/@crooksandliars, {Donate}, 06-20-12 < https://goo.gl/Ysr0pF
>#(06-17)*WB*(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Open Records revealing truth about Bush laxity or complicity
{His Biographer said he talked of pursuing War with Iran before he became a Presidential Candidate}
(^^^) “New CIA Docs Show Bush Ignored Seven Different Warnings About Imminent Attacks”
~ Susie Madrak/@crooksandliars, {Donate}, 06-20-12 < https://goo.gl/Ysr0pF
>#(06-17)*WB*(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
ARABIA, War On Terror, Military-Congressional Industrial Complex
“The Iron Triangle” is a phrase that describes the the confluence of Military, War Contractors and Politics.
"The Carlyle Group is a massive 'private equity firm,' which raises money from wealthy individuals and companies, and then reinvests the money into private defense companies with extremely high profit margins. It is made up of well known politicians such as George Bush, Sr., Colon Powell and James Baker, and it is one of the most powerful elements of the 'military industrial complex,' which is a business built around the defense industry being so large and powerful that it able to influence the politics of war."
{ Saudi Sheik (Dictator), and 2nd biggest FOX News entertainment investor, Al-Waleed Bin Talal, was also invested in “war” through the Carlyle Group. It was represented by “family friend” POTUS 41 (CIA) George H.W. Bush, on 09-11-01. It’s important to remember how Saudi National and deposed citizen, Osama Bin Laden, was credited for the attack on NY Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an airliner that plunged into a field in Pennsylvania on 09-11-01. It happened just 8 months after POTUS 43 George "W." Bush was sworn in. George W. Bush prosecuted “The War On Terror” and spent hundreds of billions with Carlyle Group corporations whose stock multiplied in value during the POTUS 43 tenure. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) “The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group”
~ noitv, {Subscribe}, 11-26-09, YT, 46:43 < https://goo.gl/9uRhLP
>###(11-17)*FP2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“The Iron Triangle” is a phrase that describes the the confluence of Military, War Contractors and Politics.
"The Carlyle Group is a massive 'private equity firm,' which raises money from wealthy individuals and companies, and then reinvests the money into private defense companies with extremely high profit margins. It is made up of well known politicians such as George Bush, Sr., Colon Powell and James Baker, and it is one of the most powerful elements of the 'military industrial complex,' which is a business built around the defense industry being so large and powerful that it able to influence the politics of war."
{ Saudi Sheik (Dictator), and 2nd biggest FOX News entertainment investor, Al-Waleed Bin Talal, was also invested in “war” through the Carlyle Group. It was represented by “family friend” POTUS 41 (CIA) George H.W. Bush, on 09-11-01. It’s important to remember how Saudi National and deposed citizen, Osama Bin Laden, was credited for the attack on NY Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an airliner that plunged into a field in Pennsylvania on 09-11-01. It happened just 8 months after POTUS 43 George "W." Bush was sworn in. George W. Bush prosecuted “The War On Terror” and spent hundreds of billions with Carlyle Group corporations whose stock multiplied in value during the POTUS 43 tenure. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) “The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group”
~ noitv, {Subscribe}, 11-26-09, YT, 46:43 < https://goo.gl/9uRhLP
>###(11-17)*FP2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0170A, ARMS INDUSTRY SALES: Exporting
War; US Weapons Industry, Foreign Sales
"Foreign sales of armaments have made the U.S. weapons industry very, very happy. In 2014, those sales jumped by 35 percent."
"Foreign sales globally have been flat, but not for the U.S. Weapons Industry"
"Is The US Weapons Industry Foreign Sales Surge Dangerous?"
~ Deborah Montesano/@ReverbPress, {Subscribe}, 12-26-15 _
< http://reverbpress.com/business/foreign-sales-u-s-weapons-industry/
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Foreign sales of armaments have made the U.S. weapons industry very, very happy. In 2014, those sales jumped by 35 percent."
"Foreign sales globally have been flat, but not for the U.S. Weapons Industry"
"Is The US Weapons Industry Foreign Sales Surge Dangerous?"
~ Deborah Montesano/@ReverbPress, {Subscribe}, 12-26-15 _
< http://reverbpress.com/business/foreign-sales-u-s-weapons-industry/
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“If there’s something controversial in a history book, better to take it out.”
“Loewen asserts that the muting of past clashes and tragedies makes history boring to students, especially groups excluded from the positive histories.”
{ NOTE: Loewen sticks up for Woodrow Wilson’s character despite the fact that he was a practicing racist. And Wilson started and then regretted pushing through the Federal Reserve Act on 1913 which promoted an international bank cartel. That was a major “sovereignty surrender” measure that Loewen does not mention. And shortly thereafter World War I evolved…another banker’s war. The Zionist Rothschild Federal Reserve continues to print “In God We Trust” holy-card oil dollars for (basically) U.S. Christian foreign wars without end. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "American History Textbooks' Lies: Everything Your Teacher Got Wrong - Myths, Education (1995)"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 06-02-14, YT, 57:02 https://goo.gl/utPFUc
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“If there’s something controversial in a history book, better to take it out.”
“Loewen asserts that the muting of past clashes and tragedies makes history boring to students, especially groups excluded from the positive histories.”
{ NOTE: Loewen sticks up for Woodrow Wilson’s character despite the fact that he was a practicing racist. And Wilson started and then regretted pushing through the Federal Reserve Act on 1913 which promoted an international bank cartel. That was a major “sovereignty surrender” measure that Loewen does not mention. And shortly thereafter World War I evolved…another banker’s war. The Zionist Rothschild Federal Reserve continues to print “In God We Trust” holy-card oil dollars for (basically) U.S. Christian foreign wars without end. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "American History Textbooks' Lies: Everything Your Teacher Got Wrong - Myths, Education (1995)"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 06-02-14, YT, 57:02 https://goo.gl/utPFUc
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0190, PENTAGON: Imperial Privilege, Selling Wars
Smoking; Bacon & Eggs; 4 minute attention span; World War I, President Woodrow Wilson; Guatemalan Coup d’État, United Fruit Company, CIA, John Dulles, Allen Dulles, Communist, US Newspapers, President Arbenz, CIA junta; Master Nazi Propagandist, Joseph Goebbels
{ Jingoism (def.) - the feelings and beliefs of people who think that their country is always right and who are in favor of aggressive acts against other countries. ~ Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary }
(^^^) "Edward Bernays 2: Selling War" (*W/T)
~ Stuff T.D.W.Y.T.K./@HowStuffWorks, 11-23-12, 4:58 https://goo.gl/8J3wKi
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) “Odetta - Masters of War” (Bob Dylan song/Nobel Prize-Poetry 2016)
~ hervalhavitz, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11, YT, 6:21 < https://goo.gl/yCk7np
[118] Oligarch’s Strategy & Propaganda/Class Warfare
https://goo.gl/1nl5SO | [003] [030] [112] |
(^^^) "State Of US Empire: Former Bush Aid Lawrence Wilkerson, Mnar Muhawesh, Rev. Antal Panel"
~ MintPressNews, {Subscribe}, 11-12-16, YT, 1:29:01 < https://goo.gl/VLoEY6
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Smoking; Bacon & Eggs; 4 minute attention span; World War I, President Woodrow Wilson; Guatemalan Coup d’État, United Fruit Company, CIA, John Dulles, Allen Dulles, Communist, US Newspapers, President Arbenz, CIA junta; Master Nazi Propagandist, Joseph Goebbels
{ Jingoism (def.) - the feelings and beliefs of people who think that their country is always right and who are in favor of aggressive acts against other countries. ~ Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary }
(^^^) "Edward Bernays 2: Selling War" (*W/T)
~ Stuff T.D.W.Y.T.K./@HowStuffWorks, 11-23-12, 4:58 https://goo.gl/8J3wKi
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) “Odetta - Masters of War” (Bob Dylan song/Nobel Prize-Poetry 2016)
~ hervalhavitz, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11, YT, 6:21 < https://goo.gl/yCk7np
[118] Oligarch’s Strategy & Propaganda/Class Warfare
https://goo.gl/1nl5SO | [003] [030] [112] |
(^^^) "State Of US Empire: Former Bush Aid Lawrence Wilkerson, Mnar Muhawesh, Rev. Antal Panel"
~ MintPressNews, {Subscribe}, 11-12-16, YT, 1:29:01 < https://goo.gl/VLoEY6
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Bush Administration's Top 40 Lies about War and Terrorism"
~ Steve Perry/Minneapolis City Pages/@commondreams, 07-30-03 _
< https://goo.gl/kwgC8u
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Bush Administration's Top 40 Lies about War and Terrorism"
~ Steve Perry/Minneapolis City Pages/@commondreams, 07-30-03 _
< https://goo.gl/kwgC8u
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
ability of the American electorate to shrug off the plight of those who suffer
as the direct result of U.S. foreign policy is so pervasive that it deserves a
name. We call it 'imperial privilege.'"
(^^^) "Imperial Privilege: On War and Violence Near and Far" (*W/T)
~ Rashna Batliwala Singh, Peter Matthews Wright/@commondreams, {Donate}, 10-14-16 < https://goo.gl/wTV0LM
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Imperial Privilege: On War and Violence Near and Far" (*W/T)
~ Rashna Batliwala Singh, Peter Matthews Wright/@commondreams, {Donate}, 10-14-16 < https://goo.gl/wTV0LM
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-02009, ARMS SALES:
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama
(^^^) “Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department" @IBTMedia
~ @david Sirota & Andrew Perez, {Donate}, 05-26-15 https://goo.gl/5d2NSE
"An investigation finds that countries that gave to the foundation saw an increase in State Department-approved arms sales." (*CF) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Oversaw US Arms Deals to Clinton Foundation Donors"
~ Bryan Schatz/@MotherJones, {Donate}, 05-28-15 < https://goo.gl/zPgbZd
WAR, ARMS “The world may be in turmoil, but the American arms industry is cashing in.”
(^^^) “The Obama Administration Has Brokered More Weapons Sales Than Any Other Administration Since World War II” (*CF)
~ William D. Hartung/@thenation, {Donate} 07-26-16 https://goo.gl/fEhDZG
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Is Pro Gun Control, But She's Also Big on Arms Deals"
~ Dieter Holger/@thehuffpost_, {Donate} 12-08-15 https://goo.gl/8WKscW
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton And Arms - She Loses Support When Voters Learn These Details" (*W/T)
~ Christine Morse/@theinquisitr, {Donate} 05-09-16 https://goo.gl/whnZRP
(^^^) "Weapons manufacturers support Hillary Clinton more than any other presidential candidate" @OpenSecretsDC (*W/T)
~ Mondoweiss, {Donate}, 02-22-16 < https://goo.gl/qDG4np
HRC’S NRA CONNECTION: Gun Sales Galore Fueling Foreign Wars
(^^^) "NRA Lobbyist Will Co-Host Hillary Clinton Fundraiser"
~ Zaid Jilani/@theintercept, {Donate} 03-01-16 < https://goo.gl/iPMAuh
(^^^) "Secretary Clinton approved a $4 million sale for Sandy Hook gun maker Remington"
~ Jeanette/@Medium, {Donate} 04-14-16 < https://goo.gl/nS2akU
(^^^) "Secretary Clinton approved a $4 million sale for Sandy Hook gun maker Remington in 2012"
~ pantsonfire/@demunderground, 04-15-16 https://goo.gl/SnBhUH
(^^^) "Assange: A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for endless, stupid war"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 02-10-16 < https://goo.gl/JsbGFD @wikileaks
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department" @IBTMedia
~ @david Sirota & Andrew Perez, {Donate}, 05-26-15 https://goo.gl/5d2NSE
"An investigation finds that countries that gave to the foundation saw an increase in State Department-approved arms sales." (*CF) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Oversaw US Arms Deals to Clinton Foundation Donors"
~ Bryan Schatz/@MotherJones, {Donate}, 05-28-15 < https://goo.gl/zPgbZd
WAR, ARMS “The world may be in turmoil, but the American arms industry is cashing in.”
(^^^) “The Obama Administration Has Brokered More Weapons Sales Than Any Other Administration Since World War II” (*CF)
~ William D. Hartung/@thenation, {Donate} 07-26-16 https://goo.gl/fEhDZG
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Is Pro Gun Control, But She's Also Big on Arms Deals"
~ Dieter Holger/@thehuffpost_, {Donate} 12-08-15 https://goo.gl/8WKscW
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton And Arms - She Loses Support When Voters Learn These Details" (*W/T)
~ Christine Morse/@theinquisitr, {Donate} 05-09-16 https://goo.gl/whnZRP
(^^^) "Weapons manufacturers support Hillary Clinton more than any other presidential candidate" @OpenSecretsDC (*W/T)
~ Mondoweiss, {Donate}, 02-22-16 < https://goo.gl/qDG4np
HRC’S NRA CONNECTION: Gun Sales Galore Fueling Foreign Wars
(^^^) "NRA Lobbyist Will Co-Host Hillary Clinton Fundraiser"
~ Zaid Jilani/@theintercept, {Donate} 03-01-16 < https://goo.gl/iPMAuh
(^^^) "Secretary Clinton approved a $4 million sale for Sandy Hook gun maker Remington"
~ Jeanette/@Medium, {Donate} 04-14-16 < https://goo.gl/nS2akU
(^^^) "Secretary Clinton approved a $4 million sale for Sandy Hook gun maker Remington in 2012"
~ pantsonfire/@demunderground, 04-15-16 https://goo.gl/SnBhUH
(^^^) "Assange: A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for endless, stupid war"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 02-10-16 < https://goo.gl/JsbGFD @wikileaks
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-02009, BARACK OBAMA
(^^^) "WOW MUST SEE Obama destroyed & called a war criminal in Irish Parliament WOW MUST SEE”
~ cips clips (1883), {Subscribe}, 06-21-13, YT, 12:07 (*W/T) _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnJCvKA-oEU&feature=youtu.be
{^^^) "'Obama hypocrite of century': Full interview with controversial Irish MP Clare Daly"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 07-13-13, YT, 26:59 (*W/T) _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsmcFfvWTCM
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "WOW MUST SEE Obama destroyed & called a war criminal in Irish Parliament WOW MUST SEE”
~ cips clips (1883), {Subscribe}, 06-21-13, YT, 12:07 (*W/T) _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnJCvKA-oEU&feature=youtu.be
{^^^) "'Obama hypocrite of century': Full interview with controversial Irish MP Clare Daly"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 07-13-13, YT, 26:59 (*W/T) _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsmcFfvWTCM
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-02009, BARACK OBAMA, CABINET:
Corporate Family Ties
(^^^) “Obama: Meet the New Boss” (*DNC) (*EF) (*P2P) (*PAC) @POTUS44
~ ScreechingKettle, {Subscribe}, 04-09-11, YT, 9:28 < https://goo.gl/9NQQEP
(^^^) "How Republicans Took Over America Thomas Frank The Conservative Takeover"
~ RethinkingLife, {Subscribe}, 06-06-17, YT, 1:11:29 < https://goo.gl/27HrJM
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Obama: Meet the New Boss” (*DNC) (*EF) (*P2P) (*PAC) @POTUS44
~ ScreechingKettle, {Subscribe}, 04-09-11, YT, 9:28 < https://goo.gl/9NQQEP
(^^^) "How Republicans Took Over America Thomas Frank The Conservative Takeover"
~ RethinkingLife, {Subscribe}, 06-06-17, YT, 1:11:29 < https://goo.gl/27HrJM
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-02009, HILLARY CLINTON, KISSINGER’S FALCON: "In lauding Henry Kissinger, the possible
Democratic presidential nominee goes far beyond her usual hawkish
rhetoric." (*W/T)
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Praises a Guy With Lots of Blood on His Hands"
~ David Corn/@MotherJones, {Donate} 09-05-14 https://goo.gl/TPAsNQ
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton reviews Henry Kissinger’s ‘World Order’" (*W/T)
~ @HillaryClinton/@washingtonpost/Op, 09-04-14 < https://goo.gl/5KgTWf
(^^^) "Flashback: Hillary Clinton Under 'Sniper Fire' In Bosnia"
~ MRCTV, {Subscribe}, 01-02-14, YT, 2:56 (*SPE) (*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZHO1vo762c
>###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Praises a Guy With Lots of Blood on His Hands"
~ David Corn/@MotherJones, {Donate} 09-05-14 https://goo.gl/TPAsNQ
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton reviews Henry Kissinger’s ‘World Order’" (*W/T)
~ @HillaryClinton/@washingtonpost/Op, 09-04-14 < https://goo.gl/5KgTWf
(^^^) "Flashback: Hillary Clinton Under 'Sniper Fire' In Bosnia"
~ MRCTV, {Subscribe}, 01-02-14, YT, 2:56 (*SPE) (*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZHO1vo762c
>###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-02009, HILLARY CLINTON: Mentor,
Dr. Death, Henry Kissinger, Kissinger’s Shadow
"Last night, Clinton once again praised a man with a lot of blood on his hands."
"Hillary Clinton’s progress as a public figure and politician can, in fact, be indexed perfectly by her relationship to Henry Kissinger."
"Kissinger continued his NAFTA advocacy with Bill Clinton. As Jeff Faux writes in his excellent The Global Class War, Kissinger was 'the perfect tutor' for Clinton, who was 'trying to convince Republicans and their business allies that they could count on him to champion Reagan’s vision.'"
(^^^) "Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton’s Tutor in War and Peace"
~ Greg Grandin/@thenation, {Donate}, 02-05-16 (*W/T) _
< http://www.thenation.com/article/henry-kissinger-hillary-clintons-tutor-in-war-and-peace/
"Examining Kissinger's own writings, as well as a wealth of newly declassified documents, Grandin reveals how Richard Nixon's top foreign policy advisor, even as he was presiding over defeat in Vietnam and a disastrous, secret, and illegal war in Cambodia, was helping to revive a militarized version of American exceptionalism centered on an imperial presidency." ~ Amazon
(^^^) "Kissinger's Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman"
~ Greg Grandin – Author, Historian/Amazon Books, (2015) (*W/T) _
< http://www.amazon.com/Kissingers-Shadow-Americas-Controversial-Statesman-ebook/dp/B00TODAAOA
(^^^) "Kissinger's Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman" (Introduction: An Obituary Foretold)
~ Greg Grandin – Author, Historian/Henry Holt and Co., (2015) (*W/T) _
< http://us.macmillan.com/excerpt?isbn=9781627794497
(^^^) “Abby Martin #NeverHillary"@HillaryClinton (*CF)(*EM)(*DNC)(*W/T)
~ TheCountryBumpkin7, {Subscribe}, 07-12-16, YT, 4:10 https://goo.gl/gzPdlV
SONG FOR A VETERAN “No More” A song for Iraq Vet Thomas Young, paralyzed in Sadr City near Fallujah, Iraq. Young passed away from complications which were a result of his military injuries.
{Private Thomas Young and so many others around the resource rich world are gone because one nation sees itself as the image and likeness of a fireball-hurling psychopath and serves the corporate storefronts of world oligarchs who like the bloody profits they can generate from resource wars. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) “Eddie Vedder - No More (video)” (*W/T)
~ Warner Bros. Records, 10-29-09, YT, 3:55 < https://goo.gl/yTYoJE
>###(03-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Last night, Clinton once again praised a man with a lot of blood on his hands."
"Hillary Clinton’s progress as a public figure and politician can, in fact, be indexed perfectly by her relationship to Henry Kissinger."
"Kissinger continued his NAFTA advocacy with Bill Clinton. As Jeff Faux writes in his excellent The Global Class War, Kissinger was 'the perfect tutor' for Clinton, who was 'trying to convince Republicans and their business allies that they could count on him to champion Reagan’s vision.'"
(^^^) "Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton’s Tutor in War and Peace"
~ Greg Grandin/@thenation, {Donate}, 02-05-16 (*W/T) _
< http://www.thenation.com/article/henry-kissinger-hillary-clintons-tutor-in-war-and-peace/
"Examining Kissinger's own writings, as well as a wealth of newly declassified documents, Grandin reveals how Richard Nixon's top foreign policy advisor, even as he was presiding over defeat in Vietnam and a disastrous, secret, and illegal war in Cambodia, was helping to revive a militarized version of American exceptionalism centered on an imperial presidency." ~ Amazon
(^^^) "Kissinger's Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman"
~ Greg Grandin – Author, Historian/Amazon Books, (2015) (*W/T) _
< http://www.amazon.com/Kissingers-Shadow-Americas-Controversial-Statesman-ebook/dp/B00TODAAOA
(^^^) "Kissinger's Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman" (Introduction: An Obituary Foretold)
~ Greg Grandin – Author, Historian/Henry Holt and Co., (2015) (*W/T) _
< http://us.macmillan.com/excerpt?isbn=9781627794497
(^^^) “Abby Martin #NeverHillary"@HillaryClinton (*CF)(*EM)(*DNC)(*W/T)
~ TheCountryBumpkin7, {Subscribe}, 07-12-16, YT, 4:10 https://goo.gl/gzPdlV
SONG FOR A VETERAN “No More” A song for Iraq Vet Thomas Young, paralyzed in Sadr City near Fallujah, Iraq. Young passed away from complications which were a result of his military injuries.
{Private Thomas Young and so many others around the resource rich world are gone because one nation sees itself as the image and likeness of a fireball-hurling psychopath and serves the corporate storefronts of world oligarchs who like the bloody profits they can generate from resource wars. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) “Eddie Vedder - No More (video)” (*W/T)
~ Warner Bros. Records, 10-29-09, YT, 3:55 < https://goo.gl/yTYoJE
>###(03-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-02009, WARS, BARACK OBAMA
{ HRC Foreign Policy is dictated by Saudi Arabia, Israel and Forbes (400 King’s) store-front profit-charter corporations including pay-to-play Clinton Foundation donors and speech recipients (especially banks, oil , coal, war and arms industries). ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton’s war crimes are unforgivable. No real progressive could ever support her."
~ Zach Cartwright/@USUncut, {Donate}, 06-03-16 < https://goo.gl/NpmFDH
(^^^) “Odetta - With God On Our Side" (Bob Dylan song)
~ zzzfabkatizzz, {Subscribe}, 07-26-11, YT, 5:16 < https://goo.gl/LVL4ol
>###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{ HRC Foreign Policy is dictated by Saudi Arabia, Israel and Forbes (400 King’s) store-front profit-charter corporations including pay-to-play Clinton Foundation donors and speech recipients (especially banks, oil , coal, war and arms industries). ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton’s war crimes are unforgivable. No real progressive could ever support her."
~ Zach Cartwright/@USUncut, {Donate}, 06-03-16 < https://goo.gl/NpmFDH
(^^^) “Odetta - With God On Our Side" (Bob Dylan song)
~ zzzfabkatizzz, {Subscribe}, 07-26-11, YT, 5:16 < https://goo.gl/LVL4ol
>###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0200E, EUROPE, WW II: Banks & Corporations, Profits;
(^^^) "1930s: Ford, GM, IBM, and the Nazis"
~ Dr Joel A Lewis, {Subscribe}, 02-17-14, YT, 43:45 < https://goo.gl/Nppekg
Great Depression, MrGartlandsClass, 101615, 44:38 < https://goo.gl/apqv4W
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "1930s: Ford, GM, IBM, and the Nazis"
~ Dr Joel A Lewis, {Subscribe}, 02-17-14, YT, 43:45 < https://goo.gl/Nppekg
Great Depression, MrGartlandsClass, 101615, 44:38 < https://goo.gl/apqv4W
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0200E, EUROPE, WW II: BANKS & CORPORATIONS; History, Doc. Film, 55
Million People Died in World War 2, Right Wing Nazi Party/National
Socialist German Workers Party
(^^^) “The Nazis, A Warning From History”
~ Top Documentary, Zushin, Videos, Films, 15:00, 16 Segments, 4 hours total
< http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-nazis-a-warning-from-history/
>###(01-13)*WAR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “The Nazis, A Warning From History”
~ Top Documentary, Zushin, Videos, Films, 15:00, 16 Segments, 4 hours total
< http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-nazis-a-warning-from-history/
>###(01-13)*WAR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0200E, EUROPE: WW II, BANKS & CORPORATIONS; FASCISM, NATIONALISM, Disinformation, Hate-Labeling;
GOP Hawks, Tea Party, Conservative, DNC Hawks
“The History The Government Hopes You DON’T Learn!”
(^^^) “The Rise of the 4TH Reich”
~ whatreallyhappened.com < https://goo.gl/QEYKwh
(^^^) “The Nazis: A Warning from History”
~ Augusto Fernandez II, YouTube, 12:08 (stack) < https://goo.gl/ApjVmk
FASCISTS: National Socialist German Workers Party/ Right Wing Nazi Party; Hitler’s Belief System, Survival of the Fittest, (Darwinism), The law of nature;
55 million people died in World War II; Jews were blamed for the World War I austerity settlement (with the victors of that war) that plunged the German economy into long term depression;
Documentary Film: “The Nazis, A Warning From History” ~ Top Documentary Films, Zushin, 1997, (4 hours), Preview Video, 48:36 < https://goo.gl/4z4LI
>###(11-17)*FP*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“The History The Government Hopes You DON’T Learn!”
(^^^) “The Rise of the 4TH Reich”
~ whatreallyhappened.com < https://goo.gl/QEYKwh
(^^^) “The Nazis: A Warning from History”
~ Augusto Fernandez II, YouTube, 12:08 (stack) < https://goo.gl/ApjVmk
FASCISTS: National Socialist German Workers Party/ Right Wing Nazi Party; Hitler’s Belief System, Survival of the Fittest, (Darwinism), The law of nature;
55 million people died in World War II; Jews were blamed for the World War I austerity settlement (with the victors of that war) that plunged the German economy into long term depression;
Documentary Film: “The Nazis, A Warning From History” ~ Top Documentary Films, Zushin, 1997, (4 hours), Preview Video, 48:36 < https://goo.gl/4z4LI
>###(11-17)*FP*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) ”Green Party's Jill Stein: What We Fear from Donald Trump, We Have Already Seen from Hillary Clinton” @RNC @DNC @
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 06-09-16, Video, 11:00,https://goo.gl/IQkrwW
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) ”Green Party's Jill Stein: What We Fear from Donald Trump, We Have Already Seen from Hillary Clinton” @RNC @DNC @
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 06-09-16, Video, 11:00,https://goo.gl/IQkrwW
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0205ERU, EUROPE: RUSSIA
(^^^) "Chomsky explains Cold War in 5 min" (*W/T)
~ mr1001nights, {Subscribe}, 11-25-10, YT, 5:24 < https://goo.gl/hr29Ta
{ The Democratic Party “cheats” in the nomination process, and now they’re igniting a cold war because someone outed their “crooked” Corporate asses? RUFKM! ~ IGRPP }
"Nearly a decade and a half after the Iraq-WMD faceplant, the American press is again asked to co-sign a dubious intelligence assessment"
(^^^) "Something About This Russia Story Stinks"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Donate}, 12-31-16 < https://goo.gl/wL3r8E
(^^^) "Why Is Obama Preparing For A Conflict With Russia Now?"
~ WeAreChange, {Subscribe}, 04-25-16, YT, 5:54 (*CF) (*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpYYnEy0Qg8
(^^^) "A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup" (*CF) (*CIA) (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 02-20-14, Video, 26:00 https://goo.gl/QwUjrA
(^^^) "Wikileaks: Clinton Foundation’s ‘Pay-To-Play’ With Ukraine Oligarch To Show Support For Coup" (*CF) (*W/T)
~ @MintPressNews, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journal}, 11-03-16 _
< http://www.mintpressnews.com/wikileaks-clinton-foundations-pay-play-ukraine-oligarch-show-support-coup/222011/
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Chomsky explains Cold War in 5 min" (*W/T)
~ mr1001nights, {Subscribe}, 11-25-10, YT, 5:24 < https://goo.gl/hr29Ta
{ The Democratic Party “cheats” in the nomination process, and now they’re igniting a cold war because someone outed their “crooked” Corporate asses? RUFKM! ~ IGRPP }
"Nearly a decade and a half after the Iraq-WMD faceplant, the American press is again asked to co-sign a dubious intelligence assessment"
(^^^) "Something About This Russia Story Stinks"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Donate}, 12-31-16 < https://goo.gl/wL3r8E
(^^^) "Why Is Obama Preparing For A Conflict With Russia Now?"
~ WeAreChange, {Subscribe}, 04-25-16, YT, 5:54 (*CF) (*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpYYnEy0Qg8
(^^^) "A New Cold War? Ukraine Violence Escalates, Leaked Tape Suggests U.S. Was Plotting Coup" (*CF) (*CIA) (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 02-20-14, Video, 26:00 https://goo.gl/QwUjrA
(^^^) "Wikileaks: Clinton Foundation’s ‘Pay-To-Play’ With Ukraine Oligarch To Show Support For Coup" (*CF) (*W/T)
~ @MintPressNews, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journal}, 11-03-16 _
< http://www.mintpressnews.com/wikileaks-clinton-foundations-pay-play-ukraine-oligarch-show-support-coup/222011/
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0205ERU, EUROPE: RUSSIA
WAR: Fireball-Hurling Psychopath’s Way/In God We Trust Holy-Card $ Profits
USA: Forbes 400 King’s Trigger-Finger Incubator & War Hatchery w/Coastlines; They’ll bomb the peace outa you to feed current and future quarterly profits for war corporations!
(^^^) "America Can't Bomb It's Way To A Better Future" (*W/T)
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 10-06-16, YT, 6:58 < https://goo.gl/8bGmzd
Cold War 2.0-NATO (Hot Russian Front), 102816,9:27 https://goo.gl/zRLCR2
Hawk HRC,102916,5:38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg5T0SYpa04
(^^^) "Why Hillary Is A Much Much Bigger Nuclear Threat Than Trump"
~ @caitoz Johnstone/Inquisitr/Op, {Donate}, 10-29-16
< https://goo.gl/spttDz
Iraq War For Petrodollars, {Donate}, 100516 < https://goo.gl/qJVWn6
(^^^) ”Hillary Clinton Threatens Military Responses Against Cyber Attacks”
~ I Bank Coin, {Subscribe}, 09-01-16, YT, 0:34 < https://goo.gl/2pPj3G
"NATO is continuing its military buildup and “exercises” on Russia’s borders, Moscow is taking “counter-measures,” while the US mainstream media remains silent." (John Batchelor Show)
(^^^) "War With Russia Without Public Debate?" (*CF) (*W/T)
~ Stephen F. Cohen/@thenation, {Subscribe}, 06-09-16, Audio, 40:04 _
< http://www.thenation.com/article/war-with-russia-without-public-debate/
Book: "The Plot To Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Russia" ~ Dan Kovalik
(^^^) "The Plot To Scapegoat Russia: New Book By Dan Kovalik"
~ Joyce Rothermel/New People Newspaper, 06-01-17 https://goo.gl/fiiDS8
(^^^) "Why Does the United States Beat Up On Capitalist Russia?"
~ W. T. Whitney/@NatCounterPunch, 05-30-17 < https://goo.gl/15ixTu
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
WAR: Fireball-Hurling Psychopath’s Way/In God We Trust Holy-Card $ Profits
USA: Forbes 400 King’s Trigger-Finger Incubator & War Hatchery w/Coastlines; They’ll bomb the peace outa you to feed current and future quarterly profits for war corporations!
(^^^) "America Can't Bomb It's Way To A Better Future" (*W/T)
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 10-06-16, YT, 6:58 < https://goo.gl/8bGmzd
Cold War 2.0-NATO (Hot Russian Front), 102816,9:27 https://goo.gl/zRLCR2
Hawk HRC,102916,5:38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg5T0SYpa04
(^^^) "Why Hillary Is A Much Much Bigger Nuclear Threat Than Trump"
~ @caitoz Johnstone/Inquisitr/Op, {Donate}, 10-29-16
< https://goo.gl/spttDz
Iraq War For Petrodollars, {Donate}, 100516 < https://goo.gl/qJVWn6
(^^^) ”Hillary Clinton Threatens Military Responses Against Cyber Attacks”
~ I Bank Coin, {Subscribe}, 09-01-16, YT, 0:34 < https://goo.gl/2pPj3G
"NATO is continuing its military buildup and “exercises” on Russia’s borders, Moscow is taking “counter-measures,” while the US mainstream media remains silent." (John Batchelor Show)
(^^^) "War With Russia Without Public Debate?" (*CF) (*W/T)
~ Stephen F. Cohen/@thenation, {Subscribe}, 06-09-16, Audio, 40:04 _
< http://www.thenation.com/article/war-with-russia-without-public-debate/
Book: "The Plot To Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Russia" ~ Dan Kovalik
(^^^) "The Plot To Scapegoat Russia: New Book By Dan Kovalik"
~ Joyce Rothermel/New People Newspaper, 06-01-17 https://goo.gl/fiiDS8
(^^^) "Why Does the United States Beat Up On Capitalist Russia?"
~ W. T. Whitney/@NatCounterPunch, 05-30-17 < https://goo.gl/15ixTu
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Two of the GOP’s most powerful figures gave a PR boost to violent neo-Nazi forces rampaging across Ukraine."
(^^^) "John McCain and Paul Ryan Hold 'Good Meeting' With Veteran Ukrainian Nazi Demagogue Andriy Parubiy"
~ Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal/@AlterNet, 06-23-17 https://goo.gl/KARgYw
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Two of the GOP’s most powerful figures gave a PR boost to violent neo-Nazi forces rampaging across Ukraine."
(^^^) "John McCain and Paul Ryan Hold 'Good Meeting' With Veteran Ukrainian Nazi Demagogue Andriy Parubiy"
~ Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal/@AlterNet, 06-23-17 https://goo.gl/KARgYw
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0207EUK, EUROPE: UKRAINE, RUSSIA,
(^^^) "John Pilger: ‘The truth is… there was no one to vote for’ (Going Underground US election special)" (*W/T)
~ Afshin Rattansi/@RT_America, {Podcasts/Subscribe }, 11-09-16, YT, 28:12 _
@johnpilger < https://goo.gl/0JvCYY
CLINTON FOUNDATION, OLIGARCHS, COUP D’ÉTAT: "The Clinton Foundation contributed to the February coup in Ukraine, having longstanding ties to Ukrainian oligarchs who pushed the country to European integration."
"Clinton’s Charity Ties With Oligarchs Behind Ukrainian Coup Revealed"
~ Ekaterina Blinova/Sputnik/A.R., {Donate}, 09-14-15 < https://goo.gl/5qXd2f
"Clinton Foundation’s Deep Financial Ties to Ukrainian Oligarch Revealed"
~ Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge, {Donate}, 03-21-15 < https://goo.gl/DlVH3l
(^^^) "STFU about World War Three Already!" (*W/T)
~ Ron Jacobs/@NatCounterPunch, {Donate}, 10-19-16 https://goo.gl/egyK7I
Russian apartment bombings, @Wikipedia, {Donate} https://goo.gl/qHCD0p
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "John Pilger: ‘The truth is… there was no one to vote for’ (Going Underground US election special)" (*W/T)
~ Afshin Rattansi/@RT_America, {Podcasts/Subscribe }, 11-09-16, YT, 28:12 _
@johnpilger < https://goo.gl/0JvCYY
CLINTON FOUNDATION, OLIGARCHS, COUP D’ÉTAT: "The Clinton Foundation contributed to the February coup in Ukraine, having longstanding ties to Ukrainian oligarchs who pushed the country to European integration."
"Clinton’s Charity Ties With Oligarchs Behind Ukrainian Coup Revealed"
~ Ekaterina Blinova/Sputnik/A.R., {Donate}, 09-14-15 < https://goo.gl/5qXd2f
"Clinton Foundation’s Deep Financial Ties to Ukrainian Oligarch Revealed"
~ Tyler Durden/Zero Hedge, {Donate}, 03-21-15 < https://goo.gl/DlVH3l
(^^^) "STFU about World War Three Already!" (*W/T)
~ Ron Jacobs/@NatCounterPunch, {Donate}, 10-19-16 https://goo.gl/egyK7I
Russian apartment bombings, @Wikipedia, {Donate} https://goo.gl/qHCD0p
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
IRAQ, Afghan Veteran, Vietnam Veteran, The Occupied People Don’t Know
What’s Going On – They Just Want Their Lives Back, VETERAN Testimony of Cpl. Rick Reyes, 04-23-09 @Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, 1971 Testimony of (Sen.) John Kerry
(^^^) “Brave Afghan Vet Demands Answers From Congress”
~ bravenewfilms, {Subscribe}, Rick Reyes –Army Retired, Senator & Secretary of State John Kerry _
< http://rethinkafghanistan.com
-/\/- 04-23-09, YT, 1:53 _**
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4jaY-K73bI
-/\/- 04-23-09, YT, 6:37 _
>###(01-13)*WAR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Brave Afghan Vet Demands Answers From Congress”
~ bravenewfilms, {Subscribe}, Rick Reyes –Army Retired, Senator & Secretary of State John Kerry _
< http://rethinkafghanistan.com
-/\/- 04-23-09, YT, 1:53 _**
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4jaY-K73bI
-/\/- 04-23-09, YT, 6:37 _
>###(01-13)*WAR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210ME, MIDDLE EAST: BUSH FAMILY,
John Perkins
"Facebook Wesley P P Hall World banking explained in less than 2 Facebook"
~ Nils Humano, {Subscribe}, 08-29-15, YT, 1:57 < https://goo.gl/BN4580
(Minute 4)
Loans made to target countries are designed to compromise them with “Debt” in order to expand International Corporate Empires;
The Infrastructure "Aid Money” actually goes to Corporations who complete just the development that accomplishes extraction of national resources;
Infrastructure “development” benefits a few rich people in the target Country;
There is more slavery in the World today;
Developing Countries “can’t” repay debt that benefited a few
…so resources and or labor are sacrificed at rock bottom prices;
Forced austerity collapses existing social programs increasing poverty and deprivation;
…by C.I.A. lead invasion to placate United Fruit Corp and big oil corporations profits;
United Fruit Corp had convinced the U.S. that President Arbenz was a Communist;
(Minute 6)*
…by C.I.A. operatives in an Airplane Crash to placate big oil corporations profits;
Roldos was the first “democratically elected” President in years;
He wanted Ecuador’s resources to benefit the people;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” the crash site;
(Minute 8)*
…by C.I.A. Operatives to placate I.T.T. - International Telephone & Telegraph Corporations profits;
Harold Janine, the C.E.O. decided to take him out;
Allende’ was a labeled a Socialist who distributed resources, and placed “price controls” on essential commodities;
(Minute 9)*
…in an Airplane Crash in order to overturn the 1976 “Panama Canal Treaty” for the U.S.;
Torrijos knew he was next to be murdered;
“A security guard handed him a tape recorder (upon boarding) that had a bomb;”
(Minute 13)*
…by U.S. INVASION in 1989;
(Noriega was a former C.I.A. Agent who fought Columbia Drug Cartels);
He refused to reverse the 1976 Panama Canal Treaty;
One aim of his ouster was to reinstate U.S. military bases in Panama;
He negotiated with the Japanese to build another canal;
The U.S. bombed and killed 2,000 - 6,000 innocent Panamanian people;
Noriega is said to have held compromising photographs from Contadora, a tropical “No Tell” playground for elites;
Panama’s National Security Building was completely destroyed;
It contained photographs of U.S. Elites in compromising positions …with George Wacky Bush’ (C.I.A. Vice President George “Papa” Bush’ son) pictures among them;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” after the firebombing;
(Minutes 16)*
…by C.I.A. Agent Kermit Roosevelt who took a few million C.I.A. dollars into Iran to fund dissidents in order to overthrow Mosaddegh;
He was removed to increase big oil corporations access and profits;
A puppet Dictator, the Shah of Iran, was installed to replace a democratically elected president;
Mosaddegh’s offense was that he had nationalized British Petroleum Corp, B.P. (formerly British Persian Oil);
(Minute 20)*
EX. 7* VENEZUELA ~ HUGO CHAVEZ – 2002 - COUP ATTEMPT by C.I.A. Operatives to placate big oil corporations profits, but CHAVEZ SURVIVED;
After 09-11-01, he noted that there was anger and resentment over the role of the U.S. in the World;
His statement was resented by the U.S.;
The success of Chavez unleashed a “populist movement” in South America – Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and many other countries held democratic elections;
There were nonviolent Democratic Revolutions;
The movement was against exploitation of resources in 80% of Latin America and threatening or bribing leaders to institute corporations power in sovereign countries;
(Minute 23)*
{…PAYING PEOPLE to take to the streets and riot. That should remind U.S. of the BUSH 2000 "Brooks Brothers" Vote Recount Riot? (Miami, Dade County); The Brooks Brothers Riot gave the Supreme Court 6 Just-aSSes the excuse, cover, or will to steal a U.S. Presidential Election.}
EX. 8* IRAQ ~ SADDAM HUSSEIN – (1937 – 2006) HUNG
…after 2003 Invasion to find Weapons of Mass Destruction and for big oil corporations and U.S. defense corporations profits;
(Hussein once worked for the C.I.A. to overthrow a predecessor in 1963);
It took 2 tries to overthrow Hussein, 1991 and 2003;
Saddam Hussein’s crime was that he wanted to sell Iraqi oil for a currency other than the U.S. dollar;
U.S. and British Oil Corporations wanted profits from easily extractible Iraqi oil;
Economic Hit Men were not successful in the 1990’s;
(Minute 27)*
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT, A Summary, may include (if necessary) :
1.) Threaten and or buy off corrupt leaders;
2.) Compromise the national economy with “break neck” loans;
{Spread rumors about the national debt or currency instability and cause currency devaluation.}
3.) Send in C.I.A. Jackals to take out leaders by funding a “home grown” Coup;
4.) Send in U.S. troops;
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT (Expanded Description)
1. Economic Hit-Men show a leader two stories …one with abundance and rewards for the family for selling out their country, and a second option with a shiny granite mausoleum and a dead family;
In the bribe option, the Countries Leaders are convinced to accept and embrace privatization/“profitization” and natural resource sales to corporations for cents-on-the-dollar of true value;
Commons Resource Extraction, Corporations Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass, and Social Services Austerity are “hallmarks” of a Corporatocracy deprived of the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economists, modern vultures, are invited to construct the economy they desire;
2. In a step by step calculated extension of Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economics, they offer a financially strapped Countries Leaders impossible loan amounts to “improve infrastructure;”
The money is applied to “infrastructure improvements” that facilitate the extraction of natural resources for a fraction of true value by corporations;
Sometimes the loan is made after the Country is intentionally destabilized by misinformation seeded in foreign or U.S. financial markets;
Receiving Countries are expected to accept Social Services Austerity and Corp Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass for its people to pay back the International Loan to:
The World Bank;
The International Monetary Fund/Bank (I.M.F.);
The World Trade Organization (W.T.O.);
The (private international plutocrat’s) Federal Reserve Bank (The FED/Feudal Reverse Bank).
3. The C.I.A./Corporations Infantry of Aristocrats either directly assassinates a leader, pays a local individual or group to take up the task, or seeds an uprising among dissidents and arms and assists in the fake “home grown” Corp;
A U.S. surrogate is installed as the new head of a “totalitarian” state;
U.S. backed Multinational Corporations are given Carte Blanche access to resources and influence;
The Local Aristocracy shares in some fraction of the profits, while freedom of the free press is non-existent as they and Union Leaders are murdered or disappeared;
4. The U.S. and or International Military invades and submits the country to corporations rule and colonization by a new more cooperative Leader;
The people are forced to accept Social Services Austerity and Corporations Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass without the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
(Minute 30)
EX. 9* WORLD – The objective of Corporations is to create or exploit Chaos and Mayhem;
Exploitation works to the advantage of big oil corporations;
General conflict between Muslim’s, Christians, and Jews and feuding sects among them are exploitable;
EX. 10* SOUTH AMERICA – The Indigenous People and the Military have united against the Corporatocracy in recent election …Ecuador, Venezuela, and Bolivia;
Their self-interest is to fight the Corporatocracy;
(Minute 30)*
EX. 11* MIDDLE EAST – Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, and Israel are in constant conflict;
Oil Corps can exploit that for power or profit;
(Minute 32)*
EX. 12* AFRICA – Corporations are destabilizing governments and conquering the dark continent while enjoying the virtual cover of a corporations media blackout in the U.S.;
There’s a “media mask” over the African Continent;
The Corporatocracy does everything it can to maintain instability;
(Minute 32)*
“Leaders are not corrupt. They are corrupted” …by multinational corporations;
(The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bank)/I.M.F., The World Bank/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bank (The Feudal Reverse Bank), & The World Trade Organization/W.T.O.);
(Minute 32)*
EX. 13* SOUTH AMERICA – Americans see migrations of South Americans to this country, but have no idea that the reason is the work of big Trans-National Corporations that we “protect”;
The U.S. invades sovereign countries, or have destroyed their economies through “free trade” agreements;
The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bank)/I.M.F., The World Bank/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bank (The Feudal Reverse Bank), The World Trade Organization/W.T.O., and the big corporations they represent have caused these immigration problems;
Immigrants don’t want to be here, but our Presidential Candidates aren’t addressing that;
(Minute 36)*
(Minute 36)
Trans-National Corporations & Politicians want to go to war;
But the top echelon military leaders don’t desire war because they recognize that “invasion creates more terrorism;”
EX. 14* VIETNAM, IRAQ – Huge Success for Big Corps;
(Minute 37)*
EX. 15* COLUMBIA – Building Dams, Pipelines, etc destroy farmland, and intrude without benefitting the common people …who were starving;
Gorilla factions objected and halted corporations resource extraction and exploitation;
Corps wanted their land and accused them of being Communists to facilitate taking it;
Gorillas turned away big corporations and turned to extortion, kidnapping, and cocaine exports to finance themselves;
Soviet Union helped to balance power;
Once they were gone, terrorism became the only option;
A “Red Scare” is a manufactured pretense to defend oil corporations;
Texaco-Chevron was guilty of intentional pollution in Ecuador at 18 times the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill …to save money; @exxonmobil
U.S. Military aid is used to defend oil corporations;
(Minute 38)*
The U.S. finds or creates these enemies …Communists, Socialists, Terrorists, etc …in order to create the chaos that allows the U.S. to exploit countries to benefit multinational corporations;
(Minute 42)
(Minute 47)
The U.S. was broke In 1971, an outcome of the trumped-up Vietnam War;
The Gold Monetary Standard was abandoned;
The House of Saud invested in US Government securities to “prop up” the dollar;
In 1973 Saudi Arabia invested in the dollar and backed the “Oil Standard” by selling oil for U.S. Dollars exclusively;
The private-international Federal Reserve Bank Dollar became the currency oil is traded in and a key back-up currency worldwide;
[The higher the price of oil, the more the “oil standard” dollar is needed]
EX. 16 IRAN – Wanted to sell oil for other currencies besides the dollar;
So the U.S. threatened them;
(EXTENSION EX. Muammar Gaddafi – (1942-2011) He wanted payment for Libyan oil in “Gold” instead of the “dollar/oil standard” – He was OVERTHROWN & ASSASSINATED by dissidents with full U.S. and Western European air force and monetary support);
(Minute 48)
The Dollar is backed by the “Oil Standard” currency status;
So the trans-national oil corporations control the US Government;
There’s no serious move to embrace alternative energy sources like Solar;
The dollar is backed by “oil demand;”
[almost every U.S. State has recently raised its speed limit to 70 m.p.h.]
oil and bio-fuels can be “centrally controlled” by Corporations;
They fit into the “desired pattern” of control by Corporatocracy;
The U.S. finds and creates enemies to destabilize people privatize/”profitize” resources for trans-national corporations. That’s what we do;
Solar Panels compete with Oil (Political Conflict), breaking an old pattern, and transforming This Empire which works to destabilize, divide, & conquer so oil corporations win;
(Minute 51)
Breaking an old pattern of Corporatocracy means making a “just world”… creating a sustainable peaceful world;
(Minute 54)
Greed is our measure of success;
Corp C.E.O.’s measure success by money;
John Perkins never met a mean C.E.O.;
Money is “how they measure success” …by bonuses and by stock value increases;
(Minute 58)
There have been several hundred years of non-sustainability;
The whole world is a community;
Joy comes from the bliss of “connectedness;”
(Minute 1:02)
Doing the “right thing” now is an investment in the future;
(Minute 1:04)
Don’t buy anything made by slaves;
Follow a passion and change;
Environmentally Sustainability creates a socially just and peaceful world;
Use one’s own passion for change
{ John Perkins, a former economic hitman describes how multinational corporations employ the C.I.A. (with agents in the U.S. State Department and its foreign embassies) and the U.S. War Department to promote capitalism by covert means. American Exceptionalism (an absurdity in a real Democracy) is a term that describes the foreign policy of a nation-state corporatocracy (a kleptocracy) which projects and imposes Friedman Chicago School economic austerity by a method best described as “The Shock Doctrine” ~ Naomi A. Klein, 2007. It interferes with elections and propagates CIA initiated coup d’états to topple vulnerable democracies and props up totalitarian police states. This corporate state-captured democracy spreads colonialism, exploitation and central bank loans using profit-charter capitalist values and the oil dollar. ~ IGRPP } @economic_hitman @idreamchange
"John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (ex CIA *Zeitgeist Documentary Interview*)"
~ Russell Blattberg, {Subscribe}, 02-09-17, YT, 1:08:49 https://goo.gl/Z54X1y
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Facebook Wesley P P Hall World banking explained in less than 2 Facebook"
~ Nils Humano, {Subscribe}, 08-29-15, YT, 1:57 < https://goo.gl/BN4580
(Minute 4)
Loans made to target countries are designed to compromise them with “Debt” in order to expand International Corporate Empires;
The Infrastructure "Aid Money” actually goes to Corporations who complete just the development that accomplishes extraction of national resources;
Infrastructure “development” benefits a few rich people in the target Country;
There is more slavery in the World today;
Developing Countries “can’t” repay debt that benefited a few
…so resources and or labor are sacrificed at rock bottom prices;
Forced austerity collapses existing social programs increasing poverty and deprivation;
…by C.I.A. lead invasion to placate United Fruit Corp and big oil corporations profits;
United Fruit Corp had convinced the U.S. that President Arbenz was a Communist;
(Minute 6)*
…by C.I.A. operatives in an Airplane Crash to placate big oil corporations profits;
Roldos was the first “democratically elected” President in years;
He wanted Ecuador’s resources to benefit the people;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” the crash site;
(Minute 8)*
…by C.I.A. Operatives to placate I.T.T. - International Telephone & Telegraph Corporations profits;
Harold Janine, the C.E.O. decided to take him out;
Allende’ was a labeled a Socialist who distributed resources, and placed “price controls” on essential commodities;
(Minute 9)*
…in an Airplane Crash in order to overturn the 1976 “Panama Canal Treaty” for the U.S.;
Torrijos knew he was next to be murdered;
“A security guard handed him a tape recorder (upon boarding) that had a bomb;”
(Minute 13)*
…by U.S. INVASION in 1989;
(Noriega was a former C.I.A. Agent who fought Columbia Drug Cartels);
He refused to reverse the 1976 Panama Canal Treaty;
One aim of his ouster was to reinstate U.S. military bases in Panama;
He negotiated with the Japanese to build another canal;
The U.S. bombed and killed 2,000 - 6,000 innocent Panamanian people;
Noriega is said to have held compromising photographs from Contadora, a tropical “No Tell” playground for elites;
Panama’s National Security Building was completely destroyed;
It contained photographs of U.S. Elites in compromising positions …with George Wacky Bush’ (C.I.A. Vice President George “Papa” Bush’ son) pictures among them;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” after the firebombing;
(Minutes 16)*
…by C.I.A. Agent Kermit Roosevelt who took a few million C.I.A. dollars into Iran to fund dissidents in order to overthrow Mosaddegh;
He was removed to increase big oil corporations access and profits;
A puppet Dictator, the Shah of Iran, was installed to replace a democratically elected president;
Mosaddegh’s offense was that he had nationalized British Petroleum Corp, B.P. (formerly British Persian Oil);
(Minute 20)*
EX. 7* VENEZUELA ~ HUGO CHAVEZ – 2002 - COUP ATTEMPT by C.I.A. Operatives to placate big oil corporations profits, but CHAVEZ SURVIVED;
After 09-11-01, he noted that there was anger and resentment over the role of the U.S. in the World;
His statement was resented by the U.S.;
The success of Chavez unleashed a “populist movement” in South America – Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and many other countries held democratic elections;
There were nonviolent Democratic Revolutions;
The movement was against exploitation of resources in 80% of Latin America and threatening or bribing leaders to institute corporations power in sovereign countries;
(Minute 23)*
{…PAYING PEOPLE to take to the streets and riot. That should remind U.S. of the BUSH 2000 "Brooks Brothers" Vote Recount Riot? (Miami, Dade County); The Brooks Brothers Riot gave the Supreme Court 6 Just-aSSes the excuse, cover, or will to steal a U.S. Presidential Election.}
EX. 8* IRAQ ~ SADDAM HUSSEIN – (1937 – 2006) HUNG
…after 2003 Invasion to find Weapons of Mass Destruction and for big oil corporations and U.S. defense corporations profits;
(Hussein once worked for the C.I.A. to overthrow a predecessor in 1963);
It took 2 tries to overthrow Hussein, 1991 and 2003;
Saddam Hussein’s crime was that he wanted to sell Iraqi oil for a currency other than the U.S. dollar;
U.S. and British Oil Corporations wanted profits from easily extractible Iraqi oil;
Economic Hit Men were not successful in the 1990’s;
(Minute 27)*
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT, A Summary, may include (if necessary) :
1.) Threaten and or buy off corrupt leaders;
2.) Compromise the national economy with “break neck” loans;
{Spread rumors about the national debt or currency instability and cause currency devaluation.}
3.) Send in C.I.A. Jackals to take out leaders by funding a “home grown” Coup;
4.) Send in U.S. troops;
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT (Expanded Description)
1. Economic Hit-Men show a leader two stories …one with abundance and rewards for the family for selling out their country, and a second option with a shiny granite mausoleum and a dead family;
In the bribe option, the Countries Leaders are convinced to accept and embrace privatization/“profitization” and natural resource sales to corporations for cents-on-the-dollar of true value;
Commons Resource Extraction, Corporations Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass, and Social Services Austerity are “hallmarks” of a Corporatocracy deprived of the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economists, modern vultures, are invited to construct the economy they desire;
2. In a step by step calculated extension of Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economics, they offer a financially strapped Countries Leaders impossible loan amounts to “improve infrastructure;”
The money is applied to “infrastructure improvements” that facilitate the extraction of natural resources for a fraction of true value by corporations;
Sometimes the loan is made after the Country is intentionally destabilized by misinformation seeded in foreign or U.S. financial markets;
Receiving Countries are expected to accept Social Services Austerity and Corp Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass for its people to pay back the International Loan to:
The World Bank;
The International Monetary Fund/Bank (I.M.F.);
The World Trade Organization (W.T.O.);
The (private international plutocrat’s) Federal Reserve Bank (The FED/Feudal Reverse Bank).
3. The C.I.A./Corporations Infantry of Aristocrats either directly assassinates a leader, pays a local individual or group to take up the task, or seeds an uprising among dissidents and arms and assists in the fake “home grown” Corp;
A U.S. surrogate is installed as the new head of a “totalitarian” state;
U.S. backed Multinational Corporations are given Carte Blanche access to resources and influence;
The Local Aristocracy shares in some fraction of the profits, while freedom of the free press is non-existent as they and Union Leaders are murdered or disappeared;
4. The U.S. and or International Military invades and submits the country to corporations rule and colonization by a new more cooperative Leader;
The people are forced to accept Social Services Austerity and Corporations Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass without the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
(Minute 30)
EX. 9* WORLD – The objective of Corporations is to create or exploit Chaos and Mayhem;
Exploitation works to the advantage of big oil corporations;
General conflict between Muslim’s, Christians, and Jews and feuding sects among them are exploitable;
EX. 10* SOUTH AMERICA – The Indigenous People and the Military have united against the Corporatocracy in recent election …Ecuador, Venezuela, and Bolivia;
Their self-interest is to fight the Corporatocracy;
(Minute 30)*
EX. 11* MIDDLE EAST – Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, and Israel are in constant conflict;
Oil Corps can exploit that for power or profit;
(Minute 32)*
EX. 12* AFRICA – Corporations are destabilizing governments and conquering the dark continent while enjoying the virtual cover of a corporations media blackout in the U.S.;
There’s a “media mask” over the African Continent;
The Corporatocracy does everything it can to maintain instability;
(Minute 32)*
“Leaders are not corrupt. They are corrupted” …by multinational corporations;
(The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bank)/I.M.F., The World Bank/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bank (The Feudal Reverse Bank), & The World Trade Organization/W.T.O.);
(Minute 32)*
EX. 13* SOUTH AMERICA – Americans see migrations of South Americans to this country, but have no idea that the reason is the work of big Trans-National Corporations that we “protect”;
The U.S. invades sovereign countries, or have destroyed their economies through “free trade” agreements;
The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bank)/I.M.F., The World Bank/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bank (The Feudal Reverse Bank), The World Trade Organization/W.T.O., and the big corporations they represent have caused these immigration problems;
Immigrants don’t want to be here, but our Presidential Candidates aren’t addressing that;
(Minute 36)*
(Minute 36)
Trans-National Corporations & Politicians want to go to war;
But the top echelon military leaders don’t desire war because they recognize that “invasion creates more terrorism;”
EX. 14* VIETNAM, IRAQ – Huge Success for Big Corps;
(Minute 37)*
EX. 15* COLUMBIA – Building Dams, Pipelines, etc destroy farmland, and intrude without benefitting the common people …who were starving;
Gorilla factions objected and halted corporations resource extraction and exploitation;
Corps wanted their land and accused them of being Communists to facilitate taking it;
Gorillas turned away big corporations and turned to extortion, kidnapping, and cocaine exports to finance themselves;
Soviet Union helped to balance power;
Once they were gone, terrorism became the only option;
A “Red Scare” is a manufactured pretense to defend oil corporations;
Texaco-Chevron was guilty of intentional pollution in Ecuador at 18 times the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill …to save money; @exxonmobil
U.S. Military aid is used to defend oil corporations;
(Minute 38)*
The U.S. finds or creates these enemies …Communists, Socialists, Terrorists, etc …in order to create the chaos that allows the U.S. to exploit countries to benefit multinational corporations;
(Minute 42)
(Minute 47)
The U.S. was broke In 1971, an outcome of the trumped-up Vietnam War;
The Gold Monetary Standard was abandoned;
The House of Saud invested in US Government securities to “prop up” the dollar;
In 1973 Saudi Arabia invested in the dollar and backed the “Oil Standard” by selling oil for U.S. Dollars exclusively;
The private-international Federal Reserve Bank Dollar became the currency oil is traded in and a key back-up currency worldwide;
[The higher the price of oil, the more the “oil standard” dollar is needed]
EX. 16 IRAN – Wanted to sell oil for other currencies besides the dollar;
So the U.S. threatened them;
(EXTENSION EX. Muammar Gaddafi – (1942-2011) He wanted payment for Libyan oil in “Gold” instead of the “dollar/oil standard” – He was OVERTHROWN & ASSASSINATED by dissidents with full U.S. and Western European air force and monetary support);
(Minute 48)
The Dollar is backed by the “Oil Standard” currency status;
So the trans-national oil corporations control the US Government;
There’s no serious move to embrace alternative energy sources like Solar;
The dollar is backed by “oil demand;”
[almost every U.S. State has recently raised its speed limit to 70 m.p.h.]
oil and bio-fuels can be “centrally controlled” by Corporations;
They fit into the “desired pattern” of control by Corporatocracy;
The U.S. finds and creates enemies to destabilize people privatize/”profitize” resources for trans-national corporations. That’s what we do;
Solar Panels compete with Oil (Political Conflict), breaking an old pattern, and transforming This Empire which works to destabilize, divide, & conquer so oil corporations win;
(Minute 51)
Breaking an old pattern of Corporatocracy means making a “just world”… creating a sustainable peaceful world;
(Minute 54)
Greed is our measure of success;
Corp C.E.O.’s measure success by money;
John Perkins never met a mean C.E.O.;
Money is “how they measure success” …by bonuses and by stock value increases;
(Minute 58)
There have been several hundred years of non-sustainability;
The whole world is a community;
Joy comes from the bliss of “connectedness;”
(Minute 1:02)
Doing the “right thing” now is an investment in the future;
(Minute 1:04)
Don’t buy anything made by slaves;
Follow a passion and change;
Environmentally Sustainability creates a socially just and peaceful world;
Use one’s own passion for change
{ John Perkins, a former economic hitman describes how multinational corporations employ the C.I.A. (with agents in the U.S. State Department and its foreign embassies) and the U.S. War Department to promote capitalism by covert means. American Exceptionalism (an absurdity in a real Democracy) is a term that describes the foreign policy of a nation-state corporatocracy (a kleptocracy) which projects and imposes Friedman Chicago School economic austerity by a method best described as “The Shock Doctrine” ~ Naomi A. Klein, 2007. It interferes with elections and propagates CIA initiated coup d’états to topple vulnerable democracies and props up totalitarian police states. This corporate state-captured democracy spreads colonialism, exploitation and central bank loans using profit-charter capitalist values and the oil dollar. ~ IGRPP } @economic_hitman @idreamchange
"John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (ex CIA *Zeitgeist Documentary Interview*)"
~ Russell Blattberg, {Subscribe}, 02-09-17, YT, 1:08:49 https://goo.gl/Z54X1y
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210ME, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Bush Family Wars
(*POTUS43), GWB09, War Criminal George W. BUSH-II; US War Dept. C.I.A., Afghanistan; Presidents Clinton-Bush-Obama, Osama Bin Laden Bush response to national security operative who hand delivered the now famous 08-06-01 memo titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” was “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now”
Bush was “not that concerned” according to the agent.
“Obama Succeeded Where Bush Failed: Osama Bin Laden Rhetoric And Reality”
~ Dan Foomkin/@thehuffpost_ Politics, {Subscribe}, 05-02-11 _**
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/02/obama-bush-bin-laden-dead_n_856428.html
>###(08-13)*FP*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS43), GWB09, War Criminal George W. BUSH-II; US War Dept. C.I.A., Afghanistan; Presidents Clinton-Bush-Obama, Osama Bin Laden Bush response to national security operative who hand delivered the now famous 08-06-01 memo titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” was “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now”
Bush was “not that concerned” according to the agent.
“Obama Succeeded Where Bush Failed: Osama Bin Laden Rhetoric And Reality”
~ Dan Foomkin/@thehuffpost_ Politics, {Subscribe}, 05-02-11 _**
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/02/obama-bush-bin-laden-dead_n_856428.html
>###(08-13)*FP*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210ME, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Bush
Family Wars
Deleted Email, Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove; George “W.” Bush II (2001-2008) Administration, Karl Rove, 2007, 22 Million Emails Deleted; (*POTUS43)
"never mind that in 2007 Karl Rove deleted 22 million emails from a private server in the Bush White House"
(^^^) "Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns"
~ Jan Ponder/Pensito Review, {Subscribe}, 03-18-15 _
< http://www.pensitoreview.com/2015/03/18/flashback-rove-erases-22-million-white-house-emails-on-private-server-at-height-of-u-s-attorney-scandal-media-yawns/
>###(01-16)*E16*FK*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Deleted Email, Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove; George “W.” Bush II (2001-2008) Administration, Karl Rove, 2007, 22 Million Emails Deleted; (*POTUS43)
"never mind that in 2007 Karl Rove deleted 22 million emails from a private server in the Bush White House"
(^^^) "Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns"
~ Jan Ponder/Pensito Review, {Subscribe}, 03-18-15 _
< http://www.pensitoreview.com/2015/03/18/flashback-rove-erases-22-million-white-house-emails-on-private-server-at-height-of-u-s-attorney-scandal-media-yawns/
>###(01-16)*E16*FK*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210ME, MIDDLE EAST: U.S. Media
Suppression, Eisenhower, Support Totalitarian Regimes, Puppet Dictators,
Colonialism, Resource Extraction, Iraq, Saddam Hussein;
Blowback, Campaign of Hatred, Islamic Terrorism; U.S. Intellectuals Support War and Colonialism; Warmongering, Rogue Nation State, Fascism, Moral Hypocrisy, U.S. Terrorism; Prosecution, International Tribunals;
Suppression of Terrorism, Patriot Act, Muting Press and Whistleblowers, Creating a Police State;
Capital Gains to Wealthy, Environmental Mayhem, Expand High Tech Industry, Pharmaceuticals, Corporate Bankruptcy Protection, Corporate Welfare, Labor Pension Raids; Nazism, Catholicism, Anti-Semitism, Atrocities, 911, Response to U.S. Power, Shared Responsibility
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky Explains Why Muslims Hate America”
~ RethinkingLife, {Subscribe}, 05-21-17, YT, 59:52 < https://goo.gl/wDkJ5Q
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Blowback, Campaign of Hatred, Islamic Terrorism; U.S. Intellectuals Support War and Colonialism; Warmongering, Rogue Nation State, Fascism, Moral Hypocrisy, U.S. Terrorism; Prosecution, International Tribunals;
Suppression of Terrorism, Patriot Act, Muting Press and Whistleblowers, Creating a Police State;
Capital Gains to Wealthy, Environmental Mayhem, Expand High Tech Industry, Pharmaceuticals, Corporate Bankruptcy Protection, Corporate Welfare, Labor Pension Raids; Nazism, Catholicism, Anti-Semitism, Atrocities, 911, Response to U.S. Power, Shared Responsibility
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky Explains Why Muslims Hate America”
~ RethinkingLife, {Subscribe}, 05-21-17, YT, 59:52 < https://goo.gl/wDkJ5Q
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Seal Team 6 Tribute” (Afghanistan) song “Mad World” (Gary Jules)
~ JhonieBaag, {Subscribe}, 08-13-11, YT, 3:10 < https://goo.gl/6Zoigl
(^^^) “Gary Jules - Mad World" (*W/T)
~ LHAspotter, {Subscribe}, 12-15-07, YT, 3:05 < https://goo.gl/PvbCqf
(^^^) “Gary Jules - Mad World (HQ)" (*CW)
~ Vassall91, {Subscribe}, 01-27-12, YT, 3:09 < https://goo.gl/0McZHp
(^^^) “Tribute to the Fallen Navy SEALs of Aug 6th 2011” (Hans Zimmer)
~ KidxNamedxTrinidad, {Subscribe}, 08-29-11, YT, 5:06 < https://goo.gl/2Ifidv
(^^^) “Navy SEAL tribute"
~ Whiskey, {Subscribe}, 03-24-15, YT, 6:45 < https://goo.gl/l46BX5
(^^^) “31 – Tribute to the Fallen of Seal Team 6” (*W/T)
~ RandellBeck, {Subscribe}, 08-14-11, YT, 4:12 < https://goo.gl/lkSHkb
Parachute Accident? < https://goo.gl/QDkrft
>###(06-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Seal Team 6 Tribute” (Afghanistan) song “Mad World” (Gary Jules)
~ JhonieBaag, {Subscribe}, 08-13-11, YT, 3:10 < https://goo.gl/6Zoigl
(^^^) “Gary Jules - Mad World" (*W/T)
~ LHAspotter, {Subscribe}, 12-15-07, YT, 3:05 < https://goo.gl/PvbCqf
(^^^) “Gary Jules - Mad World (HQ)" (*CW)
~ Vassall91, {Subscribe}, 01-27-12, YT, 3:09 < https://goo.gl/0McZHp
(^^^) “Tribute to the Fallen Navy SEALs of Aug 6th 2011” (Hans Zimmer)
~ KidxNamedxTrinidad, {Subscribe}, 08-29-11, YT, 5:06 < https://goo.gl/2Ifidv
(^^^) “Navy SEAL tribute"
~ Whiskey, {Subscribe}, 03-24-15, YT, 6:45 < https://goo.gl/l46BX5
(^^^) “31 – Tribute to the Fallen of Seal Team 6” (*W/T)
~ RandellBeck, {Subscribe}, 08-14-11, YT, 4:12 < https://goo.gl/lkSHkb
Parachute Accident? < https://goo.gl/QDkrft
>###(06-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210MEa, MIDDLE EAST: Bush Family
War Criminals, George W. Bush, VP Dick Cheney, Deputy Secretary of (War)
Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Secretary of (War) Defense Donald Rumsfeld
George W. Bush talked about attacking Iraq two years before 9/11 (before he was a candidate for the presidency) to his biographer, Mickey Herskowitz.
(^^^) “Two Years Before 9/11, Candidate Bush was Already Talking Privately About Attacking Iraq, According to His Former Ghost Writer”
~ Russ Baker/@commondreams, {Donate}, 10-28-04 < https://goo.gl/SLEAi5
WORDS OF A FASCIST "One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as commander in chief. My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it. If I have a chance to invade, if I had that much capital, I’m not going to waste it. I’m going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I’m going to have a successful presidency."
~ Gov. George W. Bush (R*TX) quoted by biographer, Mickey Herskowitz
”Bush’s Iraqi ‘freedom’: Bloody civil war” @Salon,
~ @Thom_Hartmann/@Alternet, {Donate}, 01-09-14 https://goo.gl/VXAhfO
>###(06-17)*FP*POTUS43###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
George W. Bush talked about attacking Iraq two years before 9/11 (before he was a candidate for the presidency) to his biographer, Mickey Herskowitz.
(^^^) “Two Years Before 9/11, Candidate Bush was Already Talking Privately About Attacking Iraq, According to His Former Ghost Writer”
~ Russ Baker/@commondreams, {Donate}, 10-28-04 < https://goo.gl/SLEAi5
WORDS OF A FASCIST "One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as commander in chief. My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted it. If I have a chance to invade, if I had that much capital, I’m not going to waste it. I’m going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and I’m going to have a successful presidency."
~ Gov. George W. Bush (R*TX) quoted by biographer, Mickey Herskowitz
”Bush’s Iraqi ‘freedom’: Bloody civil war” @Salon,
~ @Thom_Hartmann/@Alternet, {Donate}, 01-09-14 https://goo.gl/VXAhfO
>###(06-17)*FP*POTUS43###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210MEa, MIDDLE EAST: Bush Family
(*POTUS43), GWB05, War Criminal George W. BUSH-II; Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden US War Dept. & C.I.A.; Country “New offer on Bin Laden”
(^^^) “Minister makes secret trip to offer trial in third country”
~ Rory McCarthy/@guardian, {Donate}, 10-16-01 < https://goo.gl/RV2lE0
>##(06-17)*FP(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS43), GWB05, War Criminal George W. BUSH-II; Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden US War Dept. & C.I.A.; Country “New offer on Bin Laden”
(^^^) “Minister makes secret trip to offer trial in third country”
~ Rory McCarthy/@guardian, {Donate}, 10-16-01 < https://goo.gl/RV2lE0
>##(06-17)*FP(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210MEa, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Bush
Family Wars
(*POTUS43), GWB06, War Criminal Pres. George “W.” BUSH-II, (Republican – 2001-2008), 911
(^^^) “Evidence that George W. Bush had advanced knowledge of 9-11”
~ babylonsfalling, {Subscribe}, 07-12-07, YT, 3:42 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlWSv0NZBRw
>#(01-13)*FP*(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS43), GWB06, War Criminal Pres. George “W.” BUSH-II, (Republican – 2001-2008), 911
(^^^) “Evidence that George W. Bush had advanced knowledge of 9-11”
~ babylonsfalling, {Subscribe}, 07-12-07, YT, 3:42 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlWSv0NZBRw
>#(01-13)*FP*(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210MEa, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Bush
Family Wars
(*POTUS43), GWB08DC, Resigned, CIA Agent, Valerie PLAME, US War Dept. C.I.A. Iraq
C.I.A. Whistleblower Valerie Plame; Uncovering the false “YELLOW CAKE” Enhanced Nuclear Material transfer story embarrassing Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rummy used to start the Iraq War
Corporations Infantry of Aristocrats, GOP V. P. Dick CHENEY, Outing C.I.A. Undercover Ops Agent Valerie Plame
"An undercover CIA operative specializing in weapons of mass destruction"
"grand jury... investigation into whether White House officials illegally leaked the identity of Valerie Plame... in retaliation for public criticisms made by her husband, Joseph Wilson IV, about the Bush administration's case for invading Iraq."
“Plame sued Cheney, Rove and Libby, accusing them and other White House officials of conspiring to destroy her career.”
"Key Players in the CIA Leak Investigation"
~ Compiled by washingtonpost.com, {Subscribe/Donate}, updated 07-03-07 _
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/plame/Plame_KeyPlayers.html
-/\/- Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia, “Valerie Plame”
(Plamegate/Wilson v. Cheney)
"Joseph and Valerie Wilson filed a civil lawsuit against ROVE, LIBBY, Vice President Dick CHENEY... for their alleged role in the public disclosure of Valerie Wilson's classified CIA status"
"My name and identity were carelessly and recklessly abused by senior government officials in the White House and state department" this abuse occurred for "purely political reasons." ~ V.P.
“Libby's lawyers planned to call Karl Rove to the stand.
According to Rove's lawyer, Fitzgerald has decided against pressing charges against Rove.”
"Libby was convicted of obstruction of justice, making false statements, and two counts of perjury ...not charged for revealing Plame's CIA status. His sentence included... 30 months in prison...
On July 2, 2007, President George W. Bush commuted Libby's sentence, removing the jail term"
“Agreeing with the Bush administration, the Obama Justice Department argues the Wilsons have no legitimate grounds to sue.”
“On June 21, 2009, the US Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal.” Movie, “Fair Game” 2010
(^^^) "Valerie Plame"
~ @Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} _
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerie_Plame
>##(02-13)*FP(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS43), GWB08DC, Resigned, CIA Agent, Valerie PLAME, US War Dept. C.I.A. Iraq
C.I.A. Whistleblower Valerie Plame; Uncovering the false “YELLOW CAKE” Enhanced Nuclear Material transfer story embarrassing Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rummy used to start the Iraq War
Corporations Infantry of Aristocrats, GOP V. P. Dick CHENEY, Outing C.I.A. Undercover Ops Agent Valerie Plame
"An undercover CIA operative specializing in weapons of mass destruction"
"grand jury... investigation into whether White House officials illegally leaked the identity of Valerie Plame... in retaliation for public criticisms made by her husband, Joseph Wilson IV, about the Bush administration's case for invading Iraq."
“Plame sued Cheney, Rove and Libby, accusing them and other White House officials of conspiring to destroy her career.”
"Key Players in the CIA Leak Investigation"
~ Compiled by washingtonpost.com, {Subscribe/Donate}, updated 07-03-07 _
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/plame/Plame_KeyPlayers.html
-/\/- Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia, “Valerie Plame”
(Plamegate/Wilson v. Cheney)
"Joseph and Valerie Wilson filed a civil lawsuit against ROVE, LIBBY, Vice President Dick CHENEY... for their alleged role in the public disclosure of Valerie Wilson's classified CIA status"
"My name and identity were carelessly and recklessly abused by senior government officials in the White House and state department" this abuse occurred for "purely political reasons." ~ V.P.
“Libby's lawyers planned to call Karl Rove to the stand.
According to Rove's lawyer, Fitzgerald has decided against pressing charges against Rove.”
"Libby was convicted of obstruction of justice, making false statements, and two counts of perjury ...not charged for revealing Plame's CIA status. His sentence included... 30 months in prison...
On July 2, 2007, President George W. Bush commuted Libby's sentence, removing the jail term"
“Agreeing with the Bush administration, the Obama Justice Department argues the Wilsons have no legitimate grounds to sue.”
“On June 21, 2009, the US Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal.” Movie, “Fair Game” 2010
(^^^) "Valerie Plame"
~ @Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} _
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerie_Plame
>##(02-13)*FP(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210MEa, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Bush
Family Wars
(*POTUS43), GWB10, War Criminal George W. BUSH-II, War On Terror, Presidents Clinton-Bush Administration, Bin Laden offered to Clinton at end of his term
Gingrich criticized Clinton’s attempt to take Bin Laden; Mullah Omar offered to turn Bin Laden over to neutral Arab Country for prosecution Taliban Foreign Minister Mutah Waa-Keal’/(sounding) offered Bin Laden to Bush the 2nd time; Bin Laden offered to Bush twice
“Bush Said No Thanks…Won’t Negotiate With Terrorists!,” (Conclusion) Military wants War & a permanent strategic base in Afghanistan
“Thom Hartmann: Did the Taliban offer to turn Bin Laden in?”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Podcasts}, with Gareth Porter – Investigative (Middle East) Journalist, 05-04-11, Video, 7:33 _
< http://www.thomhartmann.com/bigpicture/thom-hartmann-did-taliban-offer-turn-bin-laden
-/\/- TheBigPictureRT, {Subscribe}, 05-04-11, YT, 7:34 _
>##(12-13)*FP(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS43), GWB10, War Criminal George W. BUSH-II, War On Terror, Presidents Clinton-Bush Administration, Bin Laden offered to Clinton at end of his term
Gingrich criticized Clinton’s attempt to take Bin Laden; Mullah Omar offered to turn Bin Laden over to neutral Arab Country for prosecution Taliban Foreign Minister Mutah Waa-Keal’/(sounding) offered Bin Laden to Bush the 2nd time; Bin Laden offered to Bush twice
“Bush Said No Thanks…Won’t Negotiate With Terrorists!,” (Conclusion) Military wants War & a permanent strategic base in Afghanistan
“Thom Hartmann: Did the Taliban offer to turn Bin Laden in?”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Podcasts}, with Gareth Porter – Investigative (Middle East) Journalist, 05-04-11, Video, 7:33 _
< http://www.thomhartmann.com/bigpicture/thom-hartmann-did-taliban-offer-turn-bin-laden
-/\/- TheBigPictureRT, {Subscribe}, 05-04-11, YT, 7:34 _
>##(12-13)*FP(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210MEa, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Bush
Family Wars
(*POTUS43), GWB12, Flynt LEVERETT - C.I.A. Agent, Exposing Bush War Crimes Iraq, a Bush/Cheney oil war; Free, War Criminal POTUS 43
C.I.A. Agent “drops the dime” on Corp war whores Bush/ Cheney/ Rove/ Rice/ Rummy; Century Foundation paper; Bush Administration fraud; Bush Whitehouse intervened in C.I.A. publication clearance/review process
After 911 the U.S. had a dialogue with Afghanistan that was extensively talked about In the Public Domain, but C.I.A. blocked Leverett’s account & its publication, noting those same events
Spring Of 2003, Iranians offered to negotiate a Peace Agreement; Bush Whitehouse wanted to sell another war to the American People – Iraq Invasion, Occupation, & Privatization/Profitization (to divide oil resources up between Multinational Oil Corporations …a long standing Cheney plan, & Bush talked about invading Iraq 2 years before 911… before he was a Candidate for President)
Book “Dealing With Tehran”
(^^^) “C.I.A. Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud”
~ Flynt Leverett, Former C.I.A. Director of for Middle East Affairs at National Security Counsil/the NSC, address at New America Foundation, RepresentativePress, {Subscribe}, 12-19-06, YT, 8:36 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a3Bfox0k4g&feature=fvwrel
{ Austerity Leads To Extended Economic Depression; Taxes = Civilization; Tax-the-Rich & Corps-R-Ppl-Too 30 - 90%/$5 Million – $5+ Billion or They Will Continue To Wage War on the Environment, Colonize Free People Through Trade Pact & Bank Loan, & Buy Democracy-&-War-4-Lose Change (Rich Reinvest & Corps Will “Break Themselves Up” when Progressively Taxed); Privatization = Profitization = Wealth Transferred Up}
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS43), GWB12, Flynt LEVERETT - C.I.A. Agent, Exposing Bush War Crimes Iraq, a Bush/Cheney oil war; Free, War Criminal POTUS 43
C.I.A. Agent “drops the dime” on Corp war whores Bush/ Cheney/ Rove/ Rice/ Rummy; Century Foundation paper; Bush Administration fraud; Bush Whitehouse intervened in C.I.A. publication clearance/review process
After 911 the U.S. had a dialogue with Afghanistan that was extensively talked about In the Public Domain, but C.I.A. blocked Leverett’s account & its publication, noting those same events
Spring Of 2003, Iranians offered to negotiate a Peace Agreement; Bush Whitehouse wanted to sell another war to the American People – Iraq Invasion, Occupation, & Privatization/Profitization (to divide oil resources up between Multinational Oil Corporations …a long standing Cheney plan, & Bush talked about invading Iraq 2 years before 911… before he was a Candidate for President)
Book “Dealing With Tehran”
(^^^) “C.I.A. Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud”
~ Flynt Leverett, Former C.I.A. Director of for Middle East Affairs at National Security Counsil/the NSC, address at New America Foundation, RepresentativePress, {Subscribe}, 12-19-06, YT, 8:36 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a3Bfox0k4g&feature=fvwrel
{ Austerity Leads To Extended Economic Depression; Taxes = Civilization; Tax-the-Rich & Corps-R-Ppl-Too 30 - 90%/$5 Million – $5+ Billion or They Will Continue To Wage War on the Environment, Colonize Free People Through Trade Pact & Bank Loan, & Buy Democracy-&-War-4-Lose Change (Rich Reinvest & Corps Will “Break Themselves Up” when Progressively Taxed); Privatization = Profitization = Wealth Transferred Up}
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210MEa, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Bush
Family Wars
(*POTUS43), GWB07, George Bush-II, Lying About Iraq, Proof of Deception “One of the hardest parts of my job is connecting Iraq to the War on Terror”
(^^^) “Good Intelligence Bush and 911”
~ dghowery, {Subscribe}, 06-23-07, YT, 1:53 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKQfZ06htjw
>##(06-12)##*WB*(*POTUS43)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS43), GWB07, George Bush-II, Lying About Iraq, Proof of Deception “One of the hardest parts of my job is connecting Iraq to the War on Terror”
(^^^) “Good Intelligence Bush and 911”
~ dghowery, {Subscribe}, 06-23-07, YT, 1:53 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKQfZ06htjw
>##(06-12)##*WB*(*POTUS43)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210MEb, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Bush
Family Wars, 10-07-02 Speech In Cincinnati …Bush reported that Saddam
Hussein was an “Imminent Threat” to this country
On 10-01-02, six days “earlier” a “Consensus Opinion” of 16 U.S. Intelligence Agencies told George Bush on page 8/91 of the Security Document …it clearly says Hussein was “Not A Threat” to this Country and that he would “only” be a threat if he feared a U.S. attack”
Bush was telling America the “Exact Opposite” of what the C.I.A. was telling him; “He took this nation to War on a lie and got over 4,000 American Service Men and Women Killed”
On 10-01-02, three days after the “Classified Report” a Smaller “Unclassified Report” intended for distribution to Congress and the American Public, called the “White Paper,” “Deleted Any Reference” to the non-threatening perception of Saddam Hussein
DOWNING STREET MEMO mentioned in passing;
On 01-31-03 Bush and Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair met in the oval office with 6 of their top aides. Present were Sec. of State Condie Rice and Blair’s Foreign Policy advisor David Manning. Manning prepared a 5 page memo that summarizes what was said at the meeting. Manning wrote that both Bush and Blair expressed doubt that any “Weapons of Mass Destruction” would ever be found in Iraq, but two months later they went to war
In the meeting Bush discussed 3 ways to provoke a confrontation with Saddam Hussein. Behind closed doors he was talking about “How to Provoke Saddam Into War… Bush had no answer for The Manning Memo… George W. Bush took this Country to war based on a LIE, and according to the laws of this country, He is Guilty of Murder.”
Innuendo and Implication, 911 and Iraq
“The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder Trailer” Democracy Now!,
~ Vincent Bugliosi/Lawyer, Author of “Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder,” Amy Goodman/ {Subscribe/Donate}; gfde08, 06-16-08, YT, 10:31 _
-/\/- gfde08, {Subscribe}, 06-16-08, YT, 10:47 _
(^^^) “The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder – Trailer”
~ ProsecutionOfGWB, 10-27-09, YT, 9:43 < https://goo.gl/IZE2cB
>###(06-17)*FP(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
On 10-01-02, six days “earlier” a “Consensus Opinion” of 16 U.S. Intelligence Agencies told George Bush on page 8/91 of the Security Document …it clearly says Hussein was “Not A Threat” to this Country and that he would “only” be a threat if he feared a U.S. attack”
Bush was telling America the “Exact Opposite” of what the C.I.A. was telling him; “He took this nation to War on a lie and got over 4,000 American Service Men and Women Killed”
On 10-01-02, three days after the “Classified Report” a Smaller “Unclassified Report” intended for distribution to Congress and the American Public, called the “White Paper,” “Deleted Any Reference” to the non-threatening perception of Saddam Hussein
DOWNING STREET MEMO mentioned in passing;
On 01-31-03 Bush and Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair met in the oval office with 6 of their top aides. Present were Sec. of State Condie Rice and Blair’s Foreign Policy advisor David Manning. Manning prepared a 5 page memo that summarizes what was said at the meeting. Manning wrote that both Bush and Blair expressed doubt that any “Weapons of Mass Destruction” would ever be found in Iraq, but two months later they went to war
In the meeting Bush discussed 3 ways to provoke a confrontation with Saddam Hussein. Behind closed doors he was talking about “How to Provoke Saddam Into War… Bush had no answer for The Manning Memo… George W. Bush took this Country to war based on a LIE, and according to the laws of this country, He is Guilty of Murder.”
Innuendo and Implication, 911 and Iraq
“The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder Trailer” Democracy Now!,
~ Vincent Bugliosi/Lawyer, Author of “Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder,” Amy Goodman/ {Subscribe/Donate}; gfde08, 06-16-08, YT, 10:31 _
-/\/- gfde08, {Subscribe}, 06-16-08, YT, 10:47 _
(^^^) “The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder – Trailer”
~ ProsecutionOfGWB, 10-27-09, YT, 9:43 < https://goo.gl/IZE2cB
>###(06-17)*FP(*POTUS43)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210MEc, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Bush
Family Wars
MIDDLE EAST: SAUDI ARABIA, Arms Industry Sales, War On Terror, Military-Congressional Industrial Complex
“The Iron Triangle” is a phrase that describes the the confluence of Military, War Contractors and Politics.
"The Carlyle Group is a massive 'private equity firm,' which raises money from wealthy individuals and companies, and then reinvests the money into private defense companies with extremely high profit margins. It is made up of well known politicians such as George Bush, Sr., Colon Powell and James Baker, and it is one of the most powerful elements of the 'military industrial complex,' which is a business built around the defense industry being so large and powerful that it able to influence the politics of war."
{ Saudi Sheik (Dictator), and 2nd biggest FOX News entertainment investor, Al-Waleed Bin Talal, was also invested in “war” through the Carlyle Group. It was represented by “family friend” POTUS 41 (CIA) George H.W. Bush, on 09-11-01. It’s important to remember how Saudi National and deposed citizen, Osama Bin Laden, was credited for the attack on NY Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an airliner that plunged into a field in Pennsylvania on 09-11-01. It happened just 8 months after POTUS 43 George "W." Bush was sworn in. George W. Bush prosecuted “The War On Terror” and spent hundreds of billions with Carlyle Group corporations whose stock multiplied in value during the POTUS 43 tenure. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) “The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group”
~ noitv, {Subscribe}, 11-26-09, YT, 46:43 < https://goo.gl/9uRhLP
>###(11-17)*FP2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
MIDDLE EAST: SAUDI ARABIA, Arms Industry Sales, War On Terror, Military-Congressional Industrial Complex
“The Iron Triangle” is a phrase that describes the the confluence of Military, War Contractors and Politics.
"The Carlyle Group is a massive 'private equity firm,' which raises money from wealthy individuals and companies, and then reinvests the money into private defense companies with extremely high profit margins. It is made up of well known politicians such as George Bush, Sr., Colon Powell and James Baker, and it is one of the most powerful elements of the 'military industrial complex,' which is a business built around the defense industry being so large and powerful that it able to influence the politics of war."
{ Saudi Sheik (Dictator), and 2nd biggest FOX News entertainment investor, Al-Waleed Bin Talal, was also invested in “war” through the Carlyle Group. It was represented by “family friend” POTUS 41 (CIA) George H.W. Bush, on 09-11-01. It’s important to remember how Saudi National and deposed citizen, Osama Bin Laden, was credited for the attack on NY Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an airliner that plunged into a field in Pennsylvania on 09-11-01. It happened just 8 months after POTUS 43 George "W." Bush was sworn in. George W. Bush prosecuted “The War On Terror” and spent hundreds of billions with Carlyle Group corporations whose stock multiplied in value during the POTUS 43 tenure. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) “The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group”
~ noitv, {Subscribe}, 11-26-09, YT, 46:43 < https://goo.gl/9uRhLP
>###(11-17)*FP2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(Republican – 2001-2008), War Criminal,
"When asked tough questions about torture and illegal, secret prisons by Matt Lauer, Bush evades the question, tries to intimidate Matt Lauer, poking his finger at him aggressively, then avoids the question and goes straight to fear mongering. It's a pathetic display: the tactics of a cheap bully, a classic authoritarian personality.
He's the President of the US, Commander in Chief of our armed forces, in the White House, surrounded by armed guards at all times, and yet he instinctively tries to physically intimidate someone who asks him a question which clearly makes him uncomfortable."
"Bush tries to intimidate Lauer when questioned on torture”
~ The New Down, {Subscribe}, 09-11-06, YT, 4:13 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrUFIDFi8is
>###(01-16)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"When asked tough questions about torture and illegal, secret prisons by Matt Lauer, Bush evades the question, tries to intimidate Matt Lauer, poking his finger at him aggressively, then avoids the question and goes straight to fear mongering. It's a pathetic display: the tactics of a cheap bully, a classic authoritarian personality.
He's the President of the US, Commander in Chief of our armed forces, in the White House, surrounded by armed guards at all times, and yet he instinctively tries to physically intimidate someone who asks him a question which clearly makes him uncomfortable."
"Bush tries to intimidate Lauer when questioned on torture”
~ The New Down, {Subscribe}, 09-11-06, YT, 4:13 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrUFIDFi8is
>###(01-16)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
IRAQ, TORTURE, GENEVA CONVENTION; (*POTUS43), War Criminal, Pres. George “W.”
BUSH-II, (Republican – 2001-2008); OBAMA
(Kangaroo) COURT, VIRGINIA: W. BUSH CIA, Death, Bombs, Destruction, Terrorism
”I Believed America Could Do No Wrong - John Kiriakou, Former CIA Official, on RAI (1/10)” @JohnKiriakou
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 04-16-15, YT, 16:38 < https://goo.gl/WFd4lp
Book: “The Reluctant Spy: My Secret Life in the CIA’s War on Terror” ~ JK(‘09)
Book: “Doing Time Like A Spy” ~ John Kiriakou, (05-15-17)
Book: “The Convenient Terrorist” (Two Whistleblowers’ Stories of Torture, Terror, Secret Wars, and CIA Lies) ~ Joseph Hickman & John Kiriakou, (2017)
John Kiriakou – Columnist, RSN, {Donate} http://readersupportednews.org/
Website: < http://www.johnkiriakou.com/ Twitter: @JohnKiriakou
Facebook: < https://www.facebook.com/DefendJohnKiriakou
US PARTNER, SAUDI ARABIA, SPONSORS TERRORISM: Sunni Islam Wahabi Brand, ISIS – Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Sponsors
(^^^) ”Former CIA Agent John Kiriakou Takes Us Inside The Saudi Terror Factory w/ Mnar Muhawesh” @JohnKiriakou
~ @MintPressNews, {Donate}, 09-23-15, YT, 19:12 < https://goo.gl/Wt3nCW
“How I Joined the CIA - John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (2/10)”
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 04-17-15, YT, 22:00 < https://goo.gl/qezJWa
NATIONAL INTERESTS, OIL: Middle East, Iraq War, Kuwaiti Oil, Saddam Hussein, Bahrain
(^^^) ”My Reports on 1995 Human Rights Abuses Were Ignored by State Department - John Kiriakou on RAI(3/10)”
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 04-22-15, YT, 13:31 < https://goo.gl/vcNHDU
IRAQ, AMERICAN PRESIDENTS: National Interest, Personality Conflict
(^^^) "The Iraqi Pissing Match - John Kiriakou on RAI (4/10)"
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 04-22-15, YT, 17:25 < https://goo.gl/A1yuxT
ATTACK WARNING: Richard Clark, FBI vs. CIA, Deaf Bush Administration, FBI Called Off Of Terrorism Watch, Condie Rice
“Bin Laden plans to attack the United States.”
(^^^)"Why Didn’t Bush/Cheney Prevent 9/11? - John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (5/10)" @JohnKiriakou
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-07-15, YT, 20:59 < https://goo.gl/F1DzKw
”A Sea of Blood – John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (6/10)”
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-07-15, YT, 28:49 < https://goo.gl/qAlBdF
(^^^) "Iraq War a War Crime - Pushed by Cheney Over Objections of Joint Chiefs – John Kiriakou on RAI(7/10)"
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-07-15, YT, 17:56 < https://goo.gl/nEh9dF
AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN, WAHABISM, TALIBAN: Protecting Pakistani Trucks Traffic, Militant Theocracy, 911 Attacks
“Pakistani intelligence services created the Taliban with Saudi money.”
(^^^) "A Tortured Truth - John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (8/10)”
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-04-15, YT, 24:37 < htthttps://goo.gl/82eEXy
TORTURE WHISTLEBLOWER: John Kiriakou; Bush, Cheney
(^^^) ”Why I Was Targeted by the CIA – John Kiriakou on RAI (9/10)”
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-06-15, YT, 26:16 < https://goo.gl/I1zjpU
US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT v. JOHN KIRIAKOU: Prosecutorial Misconduct, Eastern Virginia, 98.2% Conviction Rate
“On Reality Asserts Itself, former CIA official John Kiriakou says if they thought this would shut me up, they don't know me at all, because now I've devoted my life to fighting them”
”They Won’t Shut Me Up – John Kiriakou on RAI (10/10)” @JohnKiriakou
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-08-15, 15:48 < https://goo.gl/HZRG9O
>###(05-17)*WAR*WB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
”I Believed America Could Do No Wrong - John Kiriakou, Former CIA Official, on RAI (1/10)” @JohnKiriakou
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 04-16-15, YT, 16:38 < https://goo.gl/WFd4lp
Book: “The Reluctant Spy: My Secret Life in the CIA’s War on Terror” ~ JK(‘09)
Book: “Doing Time Like A Spy” ~ John Kiriakou, (05-15-17)
Book: “The Convenient Terrorist” (Two Whistleblowers’ Stories of Torture, Terror, Secret Wars, and CIA Lies) ~ Joseph Hickman & John Kiriakou, (2017)
John Kiriakou – Columnist, RSN, {Donate} http://readersupportednews.org/
Website: < http://www.johnkiriakou.com/ Twitter: @JohnKiriakou
Facebook: < https://www.facebook.com/DefendJohnKiriakou
US PARTNER, SAUDI ARABIA, SPONSORS TERRORISM: Sunni Islam Wahabi Brand, ISIS – Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Sponsors
(^^^) ”Former CIA Agent John Kiriakou Takes Us Inside The Saudi Terror Factory w/ Mnar Muhawesh” @JohnKiriakou
~ @MintPressNews, {Donate}, 09-23-15, YT, 19:12 < https://goo.gl/Wt3nCW
“How I Joined the CIA - John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (2/10)”
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 04-17-15, YT, 22:00 < https://goo.gl/qezJWa
NATIONAL INTERESTS, OIL: Middle East, Iraq War, Kuwaiti Oil, Saddam Hussein, Bahrain
(^^^) ”My Reports on 1995 Human Rights Abuses Were Ignored by State Department - John Kiriakou on RAI(3/10)”
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 04-22-15, YT, 13:31 < https://goo.gl/vcNHDU
IRAQ, AMERICAN PRESIDENTS: National Interest, Personality Conflict
(^^^) "The Iraqi Pissing Match - John Kiriakou on RAI (4/10)"
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 04-22-15, YT, 17:25 < https://goo.gl/A1yuxT
ATTACK WARNING: Richard Clark, FBI vs. CIA, Deaf Bush Administration, FBI Called Off Of Terrorism Watch, Condie Rice
“Bin Laden plans to attack the United States.”
(^^^)"Why Didn’t Bush/Cheney Prevent 9/11? - John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (5/10)" @JohnKiriakou
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-07-15, YT, 20:59 < https://goo.gl/F1DzKw
”A Sea of Blood – John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (6/10)”
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-07-15, YT, 28:49 < https://goo.gl/qAlBdF
(^^^) "Iraq War a War Crime - Pushed by Cheney Over Objections of Joint Chiefs – John Kiriakou on RAI(7/10)"
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-07-15, YT, 17:56 < https://goo.gl/nEh9dF
AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN, WAHABISM, TALIBAN: Protecting Pakistani Trucks Traffic, Militant Theocracy, 911 Attacks
“Pakistani intelligence services created the Taliban with Saudi money.”
(^^^) "A Tortured Truth - John Kiriakou on Reality Asserts Itself (8/10)”
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-04-15, YT, 24:37 < htthttps://goo.gl/82eEXy
TORTURE WHISTLEBLOWER: John Kiriakou; Bush, Cheney
(^^^) ”Why I Was Targeted by the CIA – John Kiriakou on RAI (9/10)”
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-06-15, YT, 26:16 < https://goo.gl/I1zjpU
US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT v. JOHN KIRIAKOU: Prosecutorial Misconduct, Eastern Virginia, 98.2% Conviction Rate
“On Reality Asserts Itself, former CIA official John Kiriakou says if they thought this would shut me up, they don't know me at all, because now I've devoted my life to fighting them”
”They Won’t Shut Me Up – John Kiriakou on RAI (10/10)” @JohnKiriakou
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 05-08-15, 15:48 < https://goo.gl/HZRG9O
>###(05-17)*WAR*WB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0210MEt, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, OBAMA,
John Kiriakou - C.I.A. Agent, Exposing Bush War Crimes; Torture-Water
Boarding, Geneva Convention Violations;
(C.I.A.- Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats)
“This (water-boarding/use of torture) is something about which we should be having a National Debate. And frankly, I have a 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech. Writing an Op Ed (cleared by C.I.A.) is not against the law. Writing about the Arab Spring or about torture is not against the law. I felt that I didn't want to be 'cowed.' I didn't want to be frightened into silence."
~ John Kiriakou, Charged with Espionage
"Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Sentenced to Prison While Torturers He Exposed Walk Free"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-30-13, YT, 17:21 < https://goo.gl/8nHmi5
PLEA DEAL "I admitting to confirming the name of a former Colleague to a journalist who was looking for as a C.I.A. Former C.I.A. officers to interview for a book. The Justice Department used that to prosecute me."
~ John Kiriakou
Accused of Violating Espionage Act "A lot of people who were whistleblowers, in fact 6 of them have been charged under the Espionage Act, which is a antiquated World War 1 Act meant to go after spies, not Whistleblowers. And being charged under it means you revealed national defense information with the intent to harm the United States or benefit a foreign nation." ~ Jesselyn Radack – Defense Atty.
"CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou Torture was official US policy"
~ Jaqueline Pereira, 01-31-13, YT, 14:47 < ACCOUNT TERMINATED
(^^^) “Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Interview on Democracy Now! (Clip 1)”
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-31-13, YT, 5:23 < https://goo.gl/nBnKvY
"Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Interviewed on Democracy Now! (Clip 2)"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-31-13, YT, 2:21 < https://goo.gl/m1lGVv
(^^^) “Jesselyn Radack on Case of Anti-torture CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou on Democracy Now! (Clip 1)"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-31-13, YT, 1:18 < https://goo.gl/xF86LR
(^^^) “Jesselyn Radack on Case of Anti-torture CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou on Democracy Now! (Clip 2)"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-31-13, YT, 1:18 < https://goo.gl/wCcuKO
(^^^) “Obama Promised Transparency!"
~ @RT_America News, {Donate}, 01-30-13, YT, 1:27 < https://goo.gl/5v16va
Torture was official US policy, {Donate}, 013113, 14:46 https://goo.gl/UOb4Ll
Wake up, you’re next, Abby Martin, 022415, 11:56 < https://goo.gl/1n5FMt
(^^^) “Pardon Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou"
~ FiredoglakeTV, {Subscribe}, 01-30-13, YT, 0:35 < https://goo.gl/vVbL2K
CIA JOHN BRENNAN: John Kiriakou says that C.I.A. head, John Brennan is a torture culture graduate.
{ Book: “The Shock Doctrine” ~ Naomi Klein, 2007, Pg. 406 }
"Whistleblower John Kiriakou: Brennan's Embrace of Torture Makes Him a ‘Terrible Choice’ to Lead CIA"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 02-01-13, YT, 0:51 < https://goo.gl/rxB0ra
>###(05-17)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“This (water-boarding/use of torture) is something about which we should be having a National Debate. And frankly, I have a 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech. Writing an Op Ed (cleared by C.I.A.) is not against the law. Writing about the Arab Spring or about torture is not against the law. I felt that I didn't want to be 'cowed.' I didn't want to be frightened into silence."
~ John Kiriakou, Charged with Espionage
"Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Sentenced to Prison While Torturers He Exposed Walk Free"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-30-13, YT, 17:21 < https://goo.gl/8nHmi5
PLEA DEAL "I admitting to confirming the name of a former Colleague to a journalist who was looking for as a C.I.A. Former C.I.A. officers to interview for a book. The Justice Department used that to prosecute me."
~ John Kiriakou
Accused of Violating Espionage Act "A lot of people who were whistleblowers, in fact 6 of them have been charged under the Espionage Act, which is a antiquated World War 1 Act meant to go after spies, not Whistleblowers. And being charged under it means you revealed national defense information with the intent to harm the United States or benefit a foreign nation." ~ Jesselyn Radack – Defense Atty.
"CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou Torture was official US policy"
~ Jaqueline Pereira, 01-31-13, YT, 14:47 < ACCOUNT TERMINATED
(^^^) “Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Interview on Democracy Now! (Clip 1)”
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-31-13, YT, 5:23 < https://goo.gl/nBnKvY
"Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Interviewed on Democracy Now! (Clip 2)"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-31-13, YT, 2:21 < https://goo.gl/m1lGVv
(^^^) “Jesselyn Radack on Case of Anti-torture CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou on Democracy Now! (Clip 1)"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-31-13, YT, 1:18 < https://goo.gl/xF86LR
(^^^) “Jesselyn Radack on Case of Anti-torture CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou on Democracy Now! (Clip 2)"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-31-13, YT, 1:18 < https://goo.gl/wCcuKO
(^^^) “Obama Promised Transparency!"
~ @RT_America News, {Donate}, 01-30-13, YT, 1:27 < https://goo.gl/5v16va
Torture was official US policy, {Donate}, 013113, 14:46 https://goo.gl/UOb4Ll
Wake up, you’re next, Abby Martin, 022415, 11:56 < https://goo.gl/1n5FMt
(^^^) “Pardon Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou"
~ FiredoglakeTV, {Subscribe}, 01-30-13, YT, 0:35 < https://goo.gl/vVbL2K
CIA JOHN BRENNAN: John Kiriakou says that C.I.A. head, John Brennan is a torture culture graduate.
{ Book: “The Shock Doctrine” ~ Naomi Klein, 2007, Pg. 406 }
"Whistleblower John Kiriakou: Brennan's Embrace of Torture Makes Him a ‘Terrible Choice’ to Lead CIA"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 02-01-13, YT, 0:51 < https://goo.gl/rxB0ra
>###(05-17)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0213HRC, CLINTON HAWK HISTORY "Hillary Clinton is a warmonger
and a war profiteer. Video covers her vote for the Iraq War, her support for
violent regime changes in Libya, her orchestration of the secret CIA war in
Syria and her weapons sale approval to Saudi Arabia which fueled their attack
on Yemen."
{ Jingoism (def.) - the feelings and beliefs of people who think that their country is always right and who are in favor of aggressive acts against other countries. ~ Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary }
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton is a Warmonger" (X-Min. 3:09-> Graphic Image-X)
~ Jeanette Johnson-Jing, 04-10-16, YT, 8:20 < https://goo.gl/tfNdRU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{ Jingoism (def.) - the feelings and beliefs of people who think that their country is always right and who are in favor of aggressive acts against other countries. ~ Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary }
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton is a Warmonger" (X-Min. 3:09-> Graphic Image-X)
~ Jeanette Johnson-Jing, 04-10-16, YT, 8:20 < https://goo.gl/tfNdRU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Who is more fascistic: Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?"
~ Victor Tiffany/Syracuse Progressive/@ExaminerOnline, 12-12-15 _
< http://www.examiner.com/article/who-is-more-fascistic-donald-trump-or-hillary-clinton
-/\/- "The main argument and definition of fascism is taken from Roger Griffin's work."
(^^^) "Know Your Fascism"
~ David Landon Cole, {Subscribe}, 07-18-10, YT, 5:55 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Wfb-C_MK4
>###(03-16)*E162###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Who is more fascistic: Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?"
~ Victor Tiffany/Syracuse Progressive/@ExaminerOnline, 12-12-15 _
< http://www.examiner.com/article/who-is-more-fascistic-donald-trump-or-hillary-clinton
-/\/- "The main argument and definition of fascism is taken from Roger Griffin's work."
(^^^) "Know Your Fascism"
~ David Landon Cole, {Subscribe}, 07-18-10, YT, 5:55 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Wfb-C_MK4
>###(03-16)*E162###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0213HRC, HILLARY CLINTON
(^^^) "Are you SERIOUSLY 'Ready for Hillary'?!”
~ TRUTHstreammedia, {Subscribe}, 07-12-14, YT, 18:33 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYJ-yfnj-OE
(^^^) "Abby Martin Speaks To Joe Rogan About Hillary Clinton”
~ Desibeatnik, {Subscribe}, 04-17-15, YT, 6:56 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCFo0t-ajeY
(^^^) "Jackson Browne - Lives in the Balance"
~ Mark Bilk, {Subscribe}, 04-30-13, YT, 4:10 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms5J2U_ySdI
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Are you SERIOUSLY 'Ready for Hillary'?!”
~ TRUTHstreammedia, {Subscribe}, 07-12-14, YT, 18:33 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYJ-yfnj-OE
(^^^) "Abby Martin Speaks To Joe Rogan About Hillary Clinton”
~ Desibeatnik, {Subscribe}, 04-17-15, YT, 6:56 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCFo0t-ajeY
(^^^) "Jackson Browne - Lives in the Balance"
~ Mark Bilk, {Subscribe}, 04-30-13, YT, 4:10 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms5J2U_ySdI
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0213HRC, HILLARY CLINTON, CIA TERRORIST: Mike Morrell, Russia, Iran, Syria
(^^^) ”Terrorist Endorses Hillary Clinton”
~ Chris Ernesto/RINF, {Donate}, 08-17-16 (*W/T) _
< http://rinf.com/alt-news/editorials/terrorist-endorses-hillary-clinton/
(^^^) "Was America Ever Great?"
~ Charity Croff, {Subscribe}, 07-27-16, YT, 5:31 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1STOyE9mJ-U
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E33VfDNFFM8
"The Daily Show - Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump: Two Very Lucky Nominees"
~ @TheDailyShow, with Trevor Noah, {Subscribe}, 07-07-16, YT, 7:23 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YunIdTQ4HS8
DT/HC,061616,10:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMQSk9Q65ew
P/Spat,092616,13:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUbzT25kZ6s
VP/Spat,100516,11:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPtcDrbUa1A
DT/GOP,032416,8:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aJ1f1i2JZI
DT/Protests,31516,9:16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuB9B4Z9l1o
< http://reellie.com/v/yt/YunIdTQ4HS8
[117] PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS: Like Shooting Fish In A Barrel
(Word Press B/W Live-Link Blog) https://goo.gl/JPSXFP
(Google Link-Share Blog/color) https://goo.gl/DPkfc8
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) ”Terrorist Endorses Hillary Clinton”
~ Chris Ernesto/RINF, {Donate}, 08-17-16 (*W/T) _
< http://rinf.com/alt-news/editorials/terrorist-endorses-hillary-clinton/
(^^^) "Was America Ever Great?"
~ Charity Croff, {Subscribe}, 07-27-16, YT, 5:31 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1STOyE9mJ-U
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E33VfDNFFM8
"The Daily Show - Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump: Two Very Lucky Nominees"
~ @TheDailyShow, with Trevor Noah, {Subscribe}, 07-07-16, YT, 7:23 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YunIdTQ4HS8
DT/HC,061616,10:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMQSk9Q65ew
P/Spat,092616,13:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUbzT25kZ6s
VP/Spat,100516,11:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPtcDrbUa1A
DT/GOP,032416,8:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aJ1f1i2JZI
DT/Protests,31516,9:16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuB9B4Z9l1o
< http://reellie.com/v/yt/YunIdTQ4HS8
[117] PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS: Like Shooting Fish In A Barrel
(Word Press B/W Live-Link Blog) https://goo.gl/JPSXFP
(Google Link-Share Blog/color) https://goo.gl/DPkfc8
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0213HRC, HILLARY CLINTON: WAR, Ukraine, Iran, China, Mini
Nuclear Bomb, National Security Council
"In the last eighteen months, the greatest build-up of military forces since World War Two – led by the United States – is taking place along Russia’s western frontier."
"John Pilger: Why Hillary Clinton Is More Dangerous Than Donald Trump"
~ @johnpilger/New Matilda, {Donate}, 03-23-16 (*W/T) _
@HillaryClinton @ClintonFdn @BillClinton @DNC < https://goo.gl/ORhMgW
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"In the last eighteen months, the greatest build-up of military forces since World War Two – led by the United States – is taking place along Russia’s western frontier."
"John Pilger: Why Hillary Clinton Is More Dangerous Than Donald Trump"
~ @johnpilger/New Matilda, {Donate}, 03-23-16 (*W/T) _
@HillaryClinton @ClintonFdn @BillClinton @DNC < https://goo.gl/ORhMgW
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
WAR: Ukraine, Iran, China, Mini Nuclear Bomb, National Security Council
"In the last eighteen months, the greatest build-up of military forces since World War Two – led by the United States – is taking place along Russia’s western frontier."
"John Pilger: Why Hillary Clinton Is More Dangerous Than Donald Trump"
~ @johnpilger/New Matilda, {Donate}, 03-23-16 (*W/T) _
@HillaryClinton @ClintonFdn @BillClinton @DNC < https://goo.gl/ORhMgW
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
WAR: Ukraine, Iran, China, Mini Nuclear Bomb, National Security Council
"In the last eighteen months, the greatest build-up of military forces since World War Two – led by the United States – is taking place along Russia’s western frontier."
"John Pilger: Why Hillary Clinton Is More Dangerous Than Donald Trump"
~ @johnpilger/New Matilda, {Donate}, 03-23-16 (*W/T) _
@HillaryClinton @ClintonFdn @BillClinton @DNC < https://goo.gl/ORhMgW
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Glenn Greenwald: Clinton Believes Obama Has Not Been Militaristic Enough" @ggreenwald @TheIntercept @HillaryClinton (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-31-16, YT, 4:36 < https://goo.gl/21lkMX
Rt-Wing Hawk, 032416,8:40 @HillaryClinton < https://goo.gl/KEr5Oe
"Hillary has nothing to brag about: Her foreign policy record is a disaster"
~ @adamjohnsonNYC/@AlterNet/@Salon, {Subscribe/Support Journals}, 01-23-16 < https://goo.gl/KXP0Yj
(^^^) ”A Hillary Presidency Sustains The Neoliberal Nightmare – Or Does It?”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 09-29-16, YT, 22:55 https://goo.gl/GqVb4T
*W/T MO, 102016, 6:13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTTl-CNGUxo
(^^^) "Vijay Prashad: Hillary Clinton Shows Dangerous Tendency to Go to War No Matter the Consequences" (“The Death of the Nation” ~ V.P.)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-26-16, Video, 1:40 _ (*W/T)
Syria bms,82616,53:03 http://www.democracynow.org/shows/2016/8/26
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Glenn Greenwald: Clinton Believes Obama Has Not Been Militaristic Enough" @ggreenwald @TheIntercept @HillaryClinton (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-31-16, YT, 4:36 < https://goo.gl/21lkMX
Rt-Wing Hawk, 032416,8:40 @HillaryClinton < https://goo.gl/KEr5Oe
"Hillary has nothing to brag about: Her foreign policy record is a disaster"
~ @adamjohnsonNYC/@AlterNet/@Salon, {Subscribe/Support Journals}, 01-23-16 < https://goo.gl/KXP0Yj
(^^^) ”A Hillary Presidency Sustains The Neoliberal Nightmare – Or Does It?”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 09-29-16, YT, 22:55 https://goo.gl/GqVb4T
*W/T MO, 102016, 6:13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTTl-CNGUxo
(^^^) "Vijay Prashad: Hillary Clinton Shows Dangerous Tendency to Go to War No Matter the Consequences" (“The Death of the Nation” ~ V.P.)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-26-16, Video, 1:40 _ (*W/T)
Syria bms,82616,53:03 http://www.democracynow.org/shows/2016/8/26
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0213HRC, HILLARY CLINTON: UNRECONSTRUCTED HAWK "In the Democratic presidential race, Senator Bernie
Sanders has often clashed with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about
U.S. policy in the Middle East. At one debate, he accused Clinton of being
"too much into regime change." We ask military historian Andrew
Bacevich for his assessment."
(^^^) "Military Historian Agrees with Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton is an Unreconstructed Hawk"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 04-08-16, YT, 6:18 < https://goo.gl/kzFSCc
(^^^) "Abby Martin on Hillary Clinton’s Hunger for Endless Wars"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 05-02-16, YT, 9:75 < https://goo.gl/NHQIhc
Abby Martin-Arrest at DNC, TeleSUR E, 072716, 3:47 < https://goo.gl/ni9Ahi
(^^^) "Rania Khalek Asks Is Hillary Really the Lesser Evil when Compared To Trump"
~ @BenjaminPDixon Show, {Donate}, 04-16-16, YT9:57 https://goo.gl/hSrRSy
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Criminal Warmonger" (X-Min.1:05 Graphic/Warning)
~ PeaceAndJustice, {Subscribe}, 03-11-16, YT, 3:52 < https://goo.gl/FaseHa
(^^^) ”Augustus Gloop”
~ wonkafreed90, {Subscribe}, 08-09-10, YT, 2:32 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoyL_TGnuAs
>###(03-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Military Historian Agrees with Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton is an Unreconstructed Hawk"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 04-08-16, YT, 6:18 < https://goo.gl/kzFSCc
(^^^) "Abby Martin on Hillary Clinton’s Hunger for Endless Wars"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 05-02-16, YT, 9:75 < https://goo.gl/NHQIhc
Abby Martin-Arrest at DNC, TeleSUR E, 072716, 3:47 < https://goo.gl/ni9Ahi
(^^^) "Rania Khalek Asks Is Hillary Really the Lesser Evil when Compared To Trump"
~ @BenjaminPDixon Show, {Donate}, 04-16-16, YT9:57 https://goo.gl/hSrRSy
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Criminal Warmonger" (X-Min.1:05 Graphic/Warning)
~ PeaceAndJustice, {Subscribe}, 03-11-16, YT, 3:52 < https://goo.gl/FaseHa
(^^^) ”Augustus Gloop”
~ wonkafreed90, {Subscribe}, 08-09-10, YT, 2:32 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoyL_TGnuAs
>###(03-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia. Russia, China, Venezuela, Yugoslavia;
Forbes Empire Builder
(^^^) "A Dangerous Diplomatic Proposal" ~ Op Ed News, (*FP) (*W/T)
~ Conn Hallinan/Dispatches Form…Edge, 10-03-16 < https://goo.gl/9kxAjh
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "A Dangerous Diplomatic Proposal" ~ Op Ed News, (*FP) (*W/T)
~ Conn Hallinan/Dispatches Form…Edge, 10-03-16 < https://goo.gl/9kxAjh
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Tribute to American Troops who died on 08-06-11 US Navy Seals”
~ American Texanguy, {Subscribe}, 08-07-11, YT, 5:10 _
>###(08-13)*WAR*ZM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Tribute to American Troops who died on 08-06-11 US Navy Seals”
~ American Texanguy, {Subscribe}, 08-07-11, YT, 5:10 _
>###(08-13)*WAR*ZM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“People seem to believe newsreaders more so than a friend or loved one even if the information is identical. Here you will hear some startling admissions from Hillary Clinton herself, telling it clear as crystal that the CIA (American Government) founded and funded the very terrorist organizations that continuously go to battle against and use to instill fear in much of the world.” ~ Time To Wake Up
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton ADMITS The CIA Started & Funded Al Qaeda"
~ Time To Wake Up, {Subscribe}, 06-22-14, YT, 4:04 < https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PJLR1LhxiN0
>###(01-16)*E16*WAR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“People seem to believe newsreaders more so than a friend or loved one even if the information is identical. Here you will hear some startling admissions from Hillary Clinton herself, telling it clear as crystal that the CIA (American Government) founded and funded the very terrorist organizations that continuously go to battle against and use to instill fear in much of the world.” ~ Time To Wake Up
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton ADMITS The CIA Started & Funded Al Qaeda"
~ Time To Wake Up, {Subscribe}, 06-22-14, YT, 4:04 < https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PJLR1LhxiN0
>###(01-16)*E16*WAR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0213ME, MIDDLE EAST: CLINTON
Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Mena, Arkansas; Barry Seal,
Cocaine; Boys On The Tracks
(^^^) “The Clinton Conspiracy – Must Watch”
~ Howard Nema, {Subscribe}, 10-26-14, YT, 1:41:10 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8B43JOshC4
>##(04-15)*FK*E16##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “The Clinton Conspiracy – Must Watch”
~ Howard Nema, {Subscribe}, 10-26-14, YT, 1:41:10 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8B43JOshC4
>##(04-15)*FK*E16##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0213ME, MIDDLE EAST: CLINTON
(^^^) "Julian Assange Special: Do Wikileaks have the email that'll put Clinton in Prison? (EP 376)" @wikileaks
~ Going Underground/@RT_America, {Donate}, 08-06-16, YT, 27:54 _
< https://goo.gl/8N9QQH
(^^^) "WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary’s Stunning Connection to ISIS — Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues"
~ Jay Syrmopoulos/@TFTPROJECT/Anonymous, {Subscribe}, (08-16)
< http://www.anonews.co/hillary-isis-connection/
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Julian Assange Special: Do Wikileaks have the email that'll put Clinton in Prison? (EP 376)" @wikileaks
~ Going Underground/@RT_America, {Donate}, 08-06-16, YT, 27:54 _
< https://goo.gl/8N9QQH
(^^^) "WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary’s Stunning Connection to ISIS — Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues"
~ Jay Syrmopoulos/@TFTPROJECT/Anonymous, {Subscribe}, (08-16)
< http://www.anonews.co/hillary-isis-connection/
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0213ME, MIDDLE EAST: HILLARY
IRAN, LIBYA, IRAQ, SYRIA, HONDOURAS: Military Industrial Complex
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton 2016: A Recipe for Endless War" (Ring of Fire)
~ @AbbyMartin/breakingtheset, 06-03-14, YT, 5:19 < https://goo.gl/3mc598
Abby Martin-Arrest at DNC, TeleSUR E, 072716, 3:47 < https://goo.gl/ni9Ahi
"Investigative reporter and Foreign Policy expert Gareth Porter delves into the longest running scan of humankind: The War Machine."
ELECTION FRAUD: DNC, National Security Probe, Hacking Voting Machines, Democratic Exit Polls Way Off, Primary Stolen From Bernie Sanders. 40 States, Electronic Voting Machines 10 Years Old, Easily Hackable,
“Hillary did better in areas without paper trails.” ~ Lee Camp
“The State of Infinite War Will Not Stop - Gareth Porter Talks w/ Lee Camp [26]" @LeeCamp
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 08-25-16, YT, 25:58 < https://goo.gl/DF0obe
-/\/- "As Secretary of State her aggressiveness and poor judgment led her to the White House where, sweeping aside the strong objections of Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, she persuaded President Obama to bomb Libya and topple its dictatorial regime."
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Sugarcoating Her Disastrous Record"
~ @RalphNader /The Blog/@thehuffpost_, 02-12-16 < https://goo.gl/OdzS1P
WAR VOTE "Hillary Clinton's speech regarding how she will vote about the Iraq war in October of 2002."
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Iraq War Full Speech 10/10/02 Part 1"
~ janetrogers6, {Subscribe}, 10-06-02, YT, 9:59 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wyCBF5CsCA
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
IRAN, LIBYA, IRAQ, SYRIA, HONDOURAS: Military Industrial Complex
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton 2016: A Recipe for Endless War" (Ring of Fire)
~ @AbbyMartin/breakingtheset, 06-03-14, YT, 5:19 < https://goo.gl/3mc598
Abby Martin-Arrest at DNC, TeleSUR E, 072716, 3:47 < https://goo.gl/ni9Ahi
"Investigative reporter and Foreign Policy expert Gareth Porter delves into the longest running scan of humankind: The War Machine."
ELECTION FRAUD: DNC, National Security Probe, Hacking Voting Machines, Democratic Exit Polls Way Off, Primary Stolen From Bernie Sanders. 40 States, Electronic Voting Machines 10 Years Old, Easily Hackable,
“Hillary did better in areas without paper trails.” ~ Lee Camp
“The State of Infinite War Will Not Stop - Gareth Porter Talks w/ Lee Camp [26]" @LeeCamp
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 08-25-16, YT, 25:58 < https://goo.gl/DF0obe
-/\/- "As Secretary of State her aggressiveness and poor judgment led her to the White House where, sweeping aside the strong objections of Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, she persuaded President Obama to bomb Libya and topple its dictatorial regime."
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Sugarcoating Her Disastrous Record"
~ @RalphNader /The Blog/@thehuffpost_, 02-12-16 < https://goo.gl/OdzS1P
WAR VOTE "Hillary Clinton's speech regarding how she will vote about the Iraq war in October of 2002."
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Iraq War Full Speech 10/10/02 Part 1"
~ janetrogers6, {Subscribe}, 10-06-02, YT, 9:59 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wyCBF5CsCA
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary’s Stunning Connection to ISIS — Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues"
~ Jay Syrmopoulos/@TFTPROJECT/Anonymous, {Subscribe}, (08-16)
< http://www.anonews.co/hillary-isis-connection/
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary’s Stunning Connection to ISIS — Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues"
~ Jay Syrmopoulos/@TFTPROJECT/Anonymous, {Subscribe}, (08-16)
< http://www.anonews.co/hillary-isis-connection/
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0213ME, MIDDLE EAST: ISIS,
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Exposed Part 2 – Clinton Foundation Took Millions From Countries That Also Fund ISIS"
~ Michael Krieger/Liberty Blitzkreig, {Subscribe}, 02-26-15 (*W/T) _
< https://goo.gl/GcmPQ8
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Exposed Part 2 – Clinton Foundation Took Millions From Countries That Also Fund ISIS"
~ Michael Krieger/Liberty Blitzkreig, {Subscribe}, 02-26-15 (*W/T) _
< https://goo.gl/GcmPQ8
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
LOCKSTEP MARCH TO WAR “2014 - Hillary Clinton laughs about
the ‘hard choices’ of sending US soldiers to the Middle East, while admitting
she made a mistake voting to authorize the Iraq War.”
(^^^) "Newly surfaced footage of Hillary Clinton could damage her on ISIS/Terror/Iraq" (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
~ Maurice Lawerence, {Subscribe}, 12-25-15, YT, 3:26 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr-TJTisSbc&feature=youtu.be
Alt. Source < http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=beb_1453603706
(^^^) "Julian Assange Special: Do Wikileaks have the email that'll put Clinton in Prison? (EP 376)" @wikileaks
~ goingundergroundRT, {Subscribe}, 08-06-16, YT, 27:54 _
< https://goo.gl/VFILtQ
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Newly surfaced footage of Hillary Clinton could damage her on ISIS/Terror/Iraq" (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
~ Maurice Lawerence, {Subscribe}, 12-25-15, YT, 3:26 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr-TJTisSbc&feature=youtu.be
Alt. Source < http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=beb_1453603706
(^^^) "Julian Assange Special: Do Wikileaks have the email that'll put Clinton in Prison? (EP 376)" @wikileaks
~ goingundergroundRT, {Subscribe}, 08-06-16, YT, 27:54 _
< https://goo.gl/VFILtQ
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
CNN – CLINTON NEWS NETWORK "A CNN pundit brought out a Bernie Sanders supporter who is #BernieOrBust and tried to talk down to her and convince her to support Hillary. Little did they know they would get owned."
"Bernie Sanders Supporter SLAYS Condescending CNN Pundit With Facts"
~ @HumanistReport, {Donate}, 05-04-16, YT, 12:27 @HillaryClinton @DNC (*MSM) XXXX XXX XX X 2 GRAPHIC 4 FACEBOOK https://goo.gl/0697Cl
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
CNN – CLINTON NEWS NETWORK "A CNN pundit brought out a Bernie Sanders supporter who is #BernieOrBust and tried to talk down to her and convince her to support Hillary. Little did they know they would get owned."
"Bernie Sanders Supporter SLAYS Condescending CNN Pundit With Facts"
~ @HumanistReport, {Donate}, 05-04-16, YT, 12:27 @HillaryClinton @DNC (*MSM) XXXX XXX XX X 2 GRAPHIC 4 FACEBOOK https://goo.gl/0697Cl
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Saudi Arms Deal Exposes Obama Administration’s Jaw Dropping”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 05-25-17, YT, 17:37 < https://goo.gl/RLFbQ0
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Saudi Arms Deal Exposes Obama Administration’s Jaw Dropping”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 05-25-17, YT, 17:37 < https://goo.gl/RLFbQ0
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
BIN LADEN, “Oper. Cyclone” Russian Occupied Afghanistan, Open Records
(^^^) “Biography.com” {Donate}, _
< http://www.biography.com/people/osama-bin-laden-37172?page=2
>##(01-13)*WB(*POTUS40)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
BIN LADEN, “Oper. Cyclone” Russian Occupied Afghanistan, Open Records
(^^^) “Biography.com” {Donate}, _
< http://www.biography.com/people/osama-bin-laden-37172?page=2
>##(01-13)*WB(*POTUS40)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Book: “Playing to the Edge” ~ Michael Hayden
"’Playing to the Edge’ offers readers a glimpse into the U.S. government's support for brutal Middle East dictators”
(^^^) "'Oil for security': Ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden describes cozy U.S. relationship with Saudi dictatorship in new book"
~ Ben Norton/@Salon, {Subscribe}, 02-26-16 < https://goo.gl/B1uwy4
Michael Hayden (Director CIA), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/k4z8Zl
>###(05-17)*CBWS*EC*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Book: “Playing to the Edge” ~ Michael Hayden
"’Playing to the Edge’ offers readers a glimpse into the U.S. government's support for brutal Middle East dictators”
(^^^) "'Oil for security': Ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden describes cozy U.S. relationship with Saudi dictatorship in new book"
~ Ben Norton/@Salon, {Subscribe}, 02-26-16 < https://goo.gl/B1uwy4
Michael Hayden (Director CIA), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/k4z8Zl
>###(05-17)*CBWS*EC*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS43), GWB04, 911 Warning MEMO delivered to POTUS George W. Bush-II of the 911 Attack
The "MEMO” For the President Only 6 August 2001" that Condoleezza Rice of N.S.A. [National Security Agency] couldn't remember immediately when asked in a Congressional Hearing if the George W. Bush administration was ever "WARNED" of an attack by al-Qaeda
The Bottom of the 08-06-01 FBI MEMO
“…FBI information since that time indicates patters of suspicious activity in this consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.
The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full field investigations throughout the US that it considers Bin Ladin-related. CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our Embassy in the UAE in May Saying that a group of Bin Ladin Supporters was in the US planning attacks with explosives.”
"Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US" (PDF)
~ Declassified & Approved for Release, (04-10-04) < https://goo.gl/7cZLlg
>###(06-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS43), GWB04, 911 Warning MEMO delivered to POTUS George W. Bush-II of the 911 Attack
The "MEMO” For the President Only 6 August 2001" that Condoleezza Rice of N.S.A. [National Security Agency] couldn't remember immediately when asked in a Congressional Hearing if the George W. Bush administration was ever "WARNED" of an attack by al-Qaeda
The Bottom of the 08-06-01 FBI MEMO
“…FBI information since that time indicates patters of suspicious activity in this consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.
The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full field investigations throughout the US that it considers Bin Ladin-related. CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our Embassy in the UAE in May Saying that a group of Bin Ladin Supporters was in the US planning attacks with explosives.”
"Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US" (PDF)
~ Declassified & Approved for Release, (04-10-04) < https://goo.gl/7cZLlg
>###(06-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Saudi Arms Deal Exposes Obama Administration’s Jaw Dropping”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 05-25-17, YT, 17:37 < https://goo.gl/RLFbQ0
(^^^) "The Bush Administration's Top 40 Lies about War and Terrorism"
~ Steve Perry/Minneapolis City Pages/@commondreams, 07-30-03 _
< https://goo.gl/kwgC8u
(^^^) "The Mind-Blowing Truth About War With Syria - MOC #259 [clean version] via @LeeCamp” (General Wesley Clark clip) (*FP) (*W/T)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 03-03-13, YT, 5:16 < https://goo.gl/zM2ptb
(^^^) "Wesley Clark on CNN: Why and who created ISIS'"
~ lebinfo, {Subscribe}, 02-20-15, YT, 1:41 < https://goo.gl/b5WQKG
HEXBOLLAH, SHIA MUSLIM/ISLAMIST: paramilitary org., Palestine, Lebanon, Syria & Iran (*FP) (*W/T)
(^^^) Hezbollah, @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/e0Y0nE
(^^^) Wahhabism, @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/BGSWoS
(^^^) "Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If Leak Occurred Earlier?" (*CF) (*EF) (*EM) (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-12-16, YT, 16:26 < https://goo.gl/qfw77J
Syria,101116,15:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSwc5ovMQSE
Yemen,101116,12:31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnsLJqh3tXU
Corrupt,101416,11:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAMnOwQja3I
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Saudi Arms Deal Exposes Obama Administration’s Jaw Dropping”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 05-25-17, YT, 17:37 < https://goo.gl/RLFbQ0
(^^^) "The Bush Administration's Top 40 Lies about War and Terrorism"
~ Steve Perry/Minneapolis City Pages/@commondreams, 07-30-03 _
< https://goo.gl/kwgC8u
(^^^) "The Mind-Blowing Truth About War With Syria - MOC #259 [clean version] via @LeeCamp” (General Wesley Clark clip) (*FP) (*W/T)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 03-03-13, YT, 5:16 < https://goo.gl/zM2ptb
(^^^) "Wesley Clark on CNN: Why and who created ISIS'"
~ lebinfo, {Subscribe}, 02-20-15, YT, 1:41 < https://goo.gl/b5WQKG
HEXBOLLAH, SHIA MUSLIM/ISLAMIST: paramilitary org., Palestine, Lebanon, Syria & Iran (*FP) (*W/T)
(^^^) Hezbollah, @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/e0Y0nE
(^^^) Wahhabism, @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/BGSWoS
(^^^) "Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If Leak Occurred Earlier?" (*CF) (*EF) (*EM) (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-12-16, YT, 16:26 < https://goo.gl/qfw77J
Syria,101116,15:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSwc5ovMQSE
Yemen,101116,12:31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnsLJqh3tXU
Corrupt,101416,11:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAMnOwQja3I
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0215MESA, MIDDLE EAST: SAUDI
Book: “Playing to the Edge” ~ Michael Hayden
"’Playing to the Edge’ offers readers a glimpse into the U.S. government's support for brutal Middle East dictators”
(^^^) "'Oil for security': Ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden describes cozy U.S. relationship with Saudi dictatorship in new book"
~ Ben Norton/@Salon, {Subscribe}, 02-26-16 < https://goo.gl/B1uwy4
Michael Hayden (Director CIA), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/k4z8Zl
>###(05-17)*CBWS*EC*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Book: “Playing to the Edge” ~ Michael Hayden
"’Playing to the Edge’ offers readers a glimpse into the U.S. government's support for brutal Middle East dictators”
(^^^) "'Oil for security': Ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden describes cozy U.S. relationship with Saudi dictatorship in new book"
~ Ben Norton/@Salon, {Subscribe}, 02-26-16 < https://goo.gl/B1uwy4
Michael Hayden (Director CIA), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/k4z8Zl
>###(05-17)*CBWS*EC*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0215MESA, MIDDLE EAST: SAUDI
(^^^) “’This is Our War & It is Shameful:’ Journalist Andrew Cockburn on the U.S. Role in the War in Yemen” (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-22-16, Video, 22:30
< http://www.democracynow.org/2016/8/22/this_is_our_war_it_is
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “’This is Our War & It is Shameful:’ Journalist Andrew Cockburn on the U.S. Role in the War in Yemen” (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-22-16, Video, 22:30
< http://www.democracynow.org/2016/8/22/this_is_our_war_it_is
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The American public is so easily manipulated by forms of propaganda and by the press." ~ @ChrisLynnHedges
"We have decapitated far more people, including children, than ISIS ever has. But we don't see that. We don't see the effects of our brutality and our violence. We see the reaction to that brutality and violence. So we don't understand, in essence, how the brutalized became brutal. We don't understand that these figures are our creation" ~ @ChrisLynnHedges
"Chris Hedges: ‘We’ve decapitated more civilians than ISIS ever has’”
~ @RT_America, 11-28-14, YT, 9:48 < https://goo.gl/fgA6tk (*MSM) (*W/T)
U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: John Kerry, ISIS, Syria, Foreign Policy; @codepink
(^^^) “JohnKerry: 'Problem Is Young People Don't Want To Die Anymore'"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 12-29-16, YT, 6:16 < https://goo.gl/LaIjK6
Bernie Anti-War Dems/DNC Low Point,122916, 7:25 < https://goo.gl/sN5D1V
Neoliberal HRC vs. Populist Demagogue,122316, 13:18 https://goo.gl/l1BKNO
HILLARY CLINTON, SECRETARY OF STATE: ISIS, ISIL, Saudi Arabia (Wahhabism, Jihad), Qatar, Libya, Syria
ASSANGE: Children, United Nations, Asylum
WEST: Political Prisoners, Pretention, Persecution By U.S.
(^^^) "Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (Full Interview)" @wikileaks @johnpilger
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 11-05-16, YT, 24:52 < https://goo.gl/EwW0Pn
(^^^) "Assange: Clinton is a cog for Goldman Sachs & the Saudis (John Pilger Exclusive Video & Transcript)" @wikileaks @johnpilger
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 11-05-16 < https://goo.gl/9EnK15
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The American public is so easily manipulated by forms of propaganda and by the press." ~ @ChrisLynnHedges
"We have decapitated far more people, including children, than ISIS ever has. But we don't see that. We don't see the effects of our brutality and our violence. We see the reaction to that brutality and violence. So we don't understand, in essence, how the brutalized became brutal. We don't understand that these figures are our creation" ~ @ChrisLynnHedges
"Chris Hedges: ‘We’ve decapitated more civilians than ISIS ever has’”
~ @RT_America, 11-28-14, YT, 9:48 < https://goo.gl/fgA6tk (*MSM) (*W/T)
U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: John Kerry, ISIS, Syria, Foreign Policy; @codepink
(^^^) “JohnKerry: 'Problem Is Young People Don't Want To Die Anymore'"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 12-29-16, YT, 6:16 < https://goo.gl/LaIjK6
Bernie Anti-War Dems/DNC Low Point,122916, 7:25 < https://goo.gl/sN5D1V
Neoliberal HRC vs. Populist Demagogue,122316, 13:18 https://goo.gl/l1BKNO
HILLARY CLINTON, SECRETARY OF STATE: ISIS, ISIL, Saudi Arabia (Wahhabism, Jihad), Qatar, Libya, Syria
ASSANGE: Children, United Nations, Asylum
WEST: Political Prisoners, Pretention, Persecution By U.S.
(^^^) "Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (Full Interview)" @wikileaks @johnpilger
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 11-05-16, YT, 24:52 < https://goo.gl/EwW0Pn
(^^^) "Assange: Clinton is a cog for Goldman Sachs & the Saudis (John Pilger Exclusive Video & Transcript)" @wikileaks @johnpilger
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 11-05-16 < https://goo.gl/9EnK15
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
ZIONISM, 1917, ROTHSCHILD, Weizmann, Zionist Movement
"Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel ! 2017 Interview"
~ Conspiracy Zone, 03-01-17, YT, 6:15 < https://goo.gl/rYXZcz
(Long Version), 03-15-17, YT, 15:56 < https://goo.gl/rb78Pz
Balfour Declaration (11-02-1917 Zionism), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/JI5hY1
ISRAELI 1967 MIDDLE EAST WAR: Strategic U.S. Asset
(^^^) “Why American Jews Embraced Israel After the June 1967 War"
~ TheRealNews, {Donate}, 06-05-17, YT, 20:42 < https://goo.gl/FCtSzN
Pt 1: https://youtu.be/Pjq5YC5JzEw Pt 3: https://youtu.be/ECA4IwdI_Hc
ISRAEL: Ginning, Fear Mongering, Pre-emptive War
“U.S. Neocons Aim Fear-Mongering At Americans To Incite An Iran Frenzy”
Israeli billionaire’s documentary ginning up war; Aggression against Iran;
(^^^) “Iran War Propaganda”
~ Open Your Mind, @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 12-21-11, YT, 12:17 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5ahjoM8ORk
>##(11-15)*CW*WAR##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel ! 2017 Interview"
~ Conspiracy Zone, 03-01-17, YT, 6:15 < https://goo.gl/rYXZcz
(Long Version), 03-15-17, YT, 15:56 < https://goo.gl/rb78Pz
Balfour Declaration (11-02-1917 Zionism), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/JI5hY1
ISRAELI 1967 MIDDLE EAST WAR: Strategic U.S. Asset
(^^^) “Why American Jews Embraced Israel After the June 1967 War"
~ TheRealNews, {Donate}, 06-05-17, YT, 20:42 < https://goo.gl/FCtSzN
Pt 1: https://youtu.be/Pjq5YC5JzEw Pt 3: https://youtu.be/ECA4IwdI_Hc
ISRAEL: Ginning, Fear Mongering, Pre-emptive War
“U.S. Neocons Aim Fear-Mongering At Americans To Incite An Iran Frenzy”
Israeli billionaire’s documentary ginning up war; Aggression against Iran;
(^^^) “Iran War Propaganda”
~ Open Your Mind, @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 12-21-11, YT, 12:17 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5ahjoM8ORk
>##(11-15)*CW*WAR##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0217MEIa, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL, ZIONIST DIRECTED CHRISTIAN WAR W/O END, American Exceptionalism, Next Cold War, Deep
State Control, Media Orchestration, Fascism, Terrorism
(^^^) "Brilliant Ken O'Keefe Lecture Lays Out the Future Agenda"
~ Zohar E. Group, {Subscribe}, 08-08-17, YT, 1:44:38 < https://goo.gl/ngY63S
(^^^) "The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event" (Trump errantly described Muslims dancing after 911.)
~ Loo Cipher, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, YT, 6:51 < https://goo.gl/5JmBg9
(^^^) “Abby Martin ‘Exposes’ Zionism & Israel”
~ Zionist Report, {Subscribe}, 08-17-17, YT, 25:10 < https://goo.gl/ZFfXbR
(^^^) "US Army Are Waking Up To The TRUTH! (WAKE UP AMERICA!!!)"
~ Kevin Joseph, {Subscribe}, 02-18-12, YT, 11:41 < https://goo.gl/jscnRU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Brilliant Ken O'Keefe Lecture Lays Out the Future Agenda"
~ Zohar E. Group, {Subscribe}, 08-08-17, YT, 1:44:38 < https://goo.gl/ngY63S
(^^^) "The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event" (Trump errantly described Muslims dancing after 911.)
~ Loo Cipher, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, YT, 6:51 < https://goo.gl/5JmBg9
(^^^) “Abby Martin ‘Exposes’ Zionism & Israel”
~ Zionist Report, {Subscribe}, 08-17-17, YT, 25:10 < https://goo.gl/ZFfXbR
(^^^) "US Army Are Waking Up To The TRUTH! (WAKE UP AMERICA!!!)"
~ Kevin Joseph, {Subscribe}, 02-18-12, YT, 11:41 < https://goo.gl/jscnRU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0218MEI, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky - Why Does the U.S. Support Israel?"
~ Chomsky's Philosophy, 07-02-16, YT, 7:40 < https://goo.gl/kMFxG6
(^^^) "Chomsky: Hillary Clinton Fears BDS Because It Counters Decades of US Support for Israeli Aggression" (Boycott Divestment Sanctions)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 05-16-16, YT, 13:45 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dXnOajMbBQ
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky - Hillary Clinton and her Extreme View of Israel"
~ PeoplePowerTelevision, {Subscribe}, 05-24-16, YT, 13:36 _
@noamchomskyT < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bYbunH-BZc
(^^^) "Christopher Hitchens -- Speaking Honestly About Hillary Clinton”
~ Space Ghost, {Subscribe}, 08-25-15, YT, 7:42 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE8PG2mpo58
(^^^) "Abby Martin on Hillary Clinton’s Hunger for Endless Wars"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 05-02-16, YT, 9:75 < https://goo.gl/NHQIhc
Abby Martin-Arrest at DNC, TeleSUR E, 072716, 3:47 < https://goo.gl/ni9Ahi
CLINTON QUOTE: “It's time for the United States to start thinking of Iraq as a business opportunity" ~ Hillary Clinton
(^^^) "Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton Pitched Iraq As 'A Business Opportunity' For US Corporations"
~ @davidsirota & Andrew Perez/@IBTMedia, 09-30-15 https://goo.gl/txeiwU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky - Why Does the U.S. Support Israel?"
~ Chomsky's Philosophy, 07-02-16, YT, 7:40 < https://goo.gl/kMFxG6
(^^^) "Chomsky: Hillary Clinton Fears BDS Because It Counters Decades of US Support for Israeli Aggression" (Boycott Divestment Sanctions)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 05-16-16, YT, 13:45 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dXnOajMbBQ
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky - Hillary Clinton and her Extreme View of Israel"
~ PeoplePowerTelevision, {Subscribe}, 05-24-16, YT, 13:36 _
@noamchomskyT < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bYbunH-BZc
(^^^) "Christopher Hitchens -- Speaking Honestly About Hillary Clinton”
~ Space Ghost, {Subscribe}, 08-25-15, YT, 7:42 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE8PG2mpo58
(^^^) "Abby Martin on Hillary Clinton’s Hunger for Endless Wars"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 05-02-16, YT, 9:75 < https://goo.gl/NHQIhc
Abby Martin-Arrest at DNC, TeleSUR E, 072716, 3:47 < https://goo.gl/ni9Ahi
CLINTON QUOTE: “It's time for the United States to start thinking of Iraq as a business opportunity" ~ Hillary Clinton
(^^^) "Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton Pitched Iraq As 'A Business Opportunity' For US Corporations"
~ @davidsirota & Andrew Perez/@IBTMedia, 09-30-15 https://goo.gl/txeiwU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0218MEI, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL
[009] Rothschilds’ Federal Reserve Bank War & Oil Dollar Syndicate
https://goo.gl/yDAw5I [003][007][010][018][022][028][120][121][024][131]
PNAC PROJECT For The NEW AMERICAN CENTURY: “In the summer of 2000, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neo-conservative think tank riddled with soon to be Bush administration officials and advisors, issued a document calling for the radical restructuring of U.S. government and military policies. It advocated the massive expansion of defense spending, the re-invasion of Iraq, the military and economic securing of Afghanistan and Central Asia, increased centralized power and funds for the CIA, FBI, and NSA, among a slew of other policies that would, in the near future, be enacted upon their ascension to power. In the same document, they cite a potential problem with their plan. Referring to the goals of transforming the U.S. and global power structure, the paper states that because of the American Public's slant toward ideas of democracy and freedom, "this process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." ~ Zig Zag
"JEB BUSH Sept 11 2001 Project for NEW AMERICAN CENTURY - The New Pearl Harbor WTC 9/11" (*FP)
~ ZIG ZAG, {Subscribe}, 09-09-15, YT, 1:55:06 < https://goo.gl/QPC11I
WORLD SUPREMASISTS: Being Led Down A Path By World Oligarchs
AMERICAN IMPERIALISM, IRAQ: Nuke Foreign Policy, US Vet Suicide Watch
1982 Oded Yinon’s “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”
U.S. CONGRESS, BANKS, ISRAEL: Sampson Option, Nuke You All
“Ken O’Keefe in Berkley March 2016 ‘Jewish Power’ & World Citizen Solutions” (*FP)
~ Hamza H. Green, {Subscribe}, 06-17-16, YT, 1:52:50 https://goo.gl/AGT4fP
(^^^) “Talmudic” (Orthodox/Extremist Authoritarian Stone Age Judaism)
~ The Free Dictionary, {Subscribe} < https://goo.gl/5K4d9c
(^^^) "New revelations in attack on American spy ship" (USS Liberty 1967)
~ John Crewdson/@chicagotribune, 10-02-07 < https://goo.gl/nX5b22
(^^^) “Israel attacks aid ship, kills at least 10 civilians” (Turkish Gaza Aid)
~ @ggreenwald/@Salon, {Donate} 05-31-10 < https://goo.gl/H7g3X7
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
[009] Rothschilds’ Federal Reserve Bank War & Oil Dollar Syndicate
https://goo.gl/yDAw5I [003][007][010][018][022][028][120][121][024][131]
PNAC PROJECT For The NEW AMERICAN CENTURY: “In the summer of 2000, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neo-conservative think tank riddled with soon to be Bush administration officials and advisors, issued a document calling for the radical restructuring of U.S. government and military policies. It advocated the massive expansion of defense spending, the re-invasion of Iraq, the military and economic securing of Afghanistan and Central Asia, increased centralized power and funds for the CIA, FBI, and NSA, among a slew of other policies that would, in the near future, be enacted upon their ascension to power. In the same document, they cite a potential problem with their plan. Referring to the goals of transforming the U.S. and global power structure, the paper states that because of the American Public's slant toward ideas of democracy and freedom, "this process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." ~ Zig Zag
"JEB BUSH Sept 11 2001 Project for NEW AMERICAN CENTURY - The New Pearl Harbor WTC 9/11" (*FP)
~ ZIG ZAG, {Subscribe}, 09-09-15, YT, 1:55:06 < https://goo.gl/QPC11I
WORLD SUPREMASISTS: Being Led Down A Path By World Oligarchs
AMERICAN IMPERIALISM, IRAQ: Nuke Foreign Policy, US Vet Suicide Watch
1982 Oded Yinon’s “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”
U.S. CONGRESS, BANKS, ISRAEL: Sampson Option, Nuke You All
“Ken O’Keefe in Berkley March 2016 ‘Jewish Power’ & World Citizen Solutions” (*FP)
~ Hamza H. Green, {Subscribe}, 06-17-16, YT, 1:52:50 https://goo.gl/AGT4fP
(^^^) “Talmudic” (Orthodox/Extremist Authoritarian Stone Age Judaism)
~ The Free Dictionary, {Subscribe} < https://goo.gl/5K4d9c
(^^^) "New revelations in attack on American spy ship" (USS Liberty 1967)
~ John Crewdson/@chicagotribune, 10-02-07 < https://goo.gl/nX5b22
(^^^) “Israel attacks aid ship, kills at least 10 civilians” (Turkish Gaza Aid)
~ @ggreenwald/@Salon, {Donate} 05-31-10 < https://goo.gl/H7g3X7
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0218MEI, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL
CONSPIRACY: Karl Rove meeting with Randy Scheunemann in Crimea
Ahmad Chalabi, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq;
Project for the New American Century; George W. Bush;
Defense and Foreign Policy Coordinator for John McCain 2000
(^^^) "Randy Scheunemann"
~ @sourcewatch, {Donate}, (00-00) < https://goo.gl/eXMW0J
CONSPIRACY: "Scheunemann was a core participant in the lobbying, plotting and organized campaigns of deception that led America to war in Iraq. He was a close collaborator with Ahmad Chalabi through the 1990s."
(^^^) "Do Your Job: Stop Ignoring Scheunemann's Past" (*POTUS43)
~ Josh Marshall/@TPM, {Donate}, 07-14-08 < https://goo.gl/qp6N1B
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
CONSPIRACY: Karl Rove meeting with Randy Scheunemann in Crimea
Ahmad Chalabi, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq;
Project for the New American Century; George W. Bush;
Defense and Foreign Policy Coordinator for John McCain 2000
(^^^) "Randy Scheunemann"
~ @sourcewatch, {Donate}, (00-00) < https://goo.gl/eXMW0J
CONSPIRACY: "Scheunemann was a core participant in the lobbying, plotting and organized campaigns of deception that led America to war in Iraq. He was a close collaborator with Ahmad Chalabi through the 1990s."
(^^^) "Do Your Job: Stop Ignoring Scheunemann's Past" (*POTUS43)
~ Josh Marshall/@TPM, {Donate}, 07-14-08 < https://goo.gl/qp6N1B
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0218MEI, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL,
FORMER U.S. MARINE, KEN O’KEEFE, False Flag, U.S., Syria, War w/o End; Greater
Israel Project, Expansion; 3RD World War
“Are you a patriot or are you not?” ~ Ken O’Keefe
(^^^) "Breaking News Must Watch Ex Marine Goes Crazy Blows Whistle On Syrian False Flag And Real Agenda"
~ Jay Mee, {Subscribe}, 09-09-16, YT, 9:00 (*W/T) _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peLiYscopg4
SYRIA: Former Marine, Center For American Progress
GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT: Expansion, Keep Middle-East In Chaos, US Wars
(^^^) "Syria War of deception - Ken O'Keefe" (*W/T)
~ Tena, {Subscribe}, 08-29-13, YT, 21:09 < https://goo.gl/SC1Kze
PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY – THINK TANK: Paul Wolfowitz & Douglas J. Feith, Worked for Israel’s Netanyahu, 17 Members, Jeb Bush
GOALS: US Military Domination, Squash Rogue Regimes, Resource Capture;
Nuclear Missile Placement, Afghanistan
"David Swanson: PNAC calls for the assertion of American military might around the globe" Book: “War is a Lie” ~ David Swanson @davidcnswanson
(^^^) "Project for the New American Century" (09-16) (*W/T)
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 11-22-10, YT, 8:20 https://goo.gl/rNBipa
“…agitating since its inception for a war with Iraq”
"PNAC's policy document, "Rebuilding America's Defenses," openly advocated for total global military domination. Many PNAC members held highest-level positions in the George W. Bush administration."
"The report struck a prescient note when it observed that 'the process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event--like a new Pearl Harbor.'"
(^^^) "Project for the New American Century" (*W/T)
~ @sourcewatch, {Donate}, (00-00) < https://goo.gl/6qptgR
WOLFOWITZ: PNAC, Project for the New American Century
“Iraq was all about oil.”
"Lawrence Wilkerson Pt5: Cheney and his team saw 9/11 as an opportunity to advance their real agenda"
(^^^) "Cheney, 9/11 and The New American Century" (*W/T)
~ @PaulJay_TRNN/@TheRealNews w/Lawrence Wilkerson, {Donate}, 06-11-11, YT, 17:32 < https://goo.gl/R652bN
(^^^) "Joe Rogan - American War Machine"
~ PowerfulJRE, {Subscribe}, 09-05-14, YT, 9:36 < https://goo.gl/9ZCRbt
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Are you a patriot or are you not?” ~ Ken O’Keefe
(^^^) "Breaking News Must Watch Ex Marine Goes Crazy Blows Whistle On Syrian False Flag And Real Agenda"
~ Jay Mee, {Subscribe}, 09-09-16, YT, 9:00 (*W/T) _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peLiYscopg4
SYRIA: Former Marine, Center For American Progress
GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT: Expansion, Keep Middle-East In Chaos, US Wars
(^^^) "Syria War of deception - Ken O'Keefe" (*W/T)
~ Tena, {Subscribe}, 08-29-13, YT, 21:09 < https://goo.gl/SC1Kze
PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY – THINK TANK: Paul Wolfowitz & Douglas J. Feith, Worked for Israel’s Netanyahu, 17 Members, Jeb Bush
GOALS: US Military Domination, Squash Rogue Regimes, Resource Capture;
Nuclear Missile Placement, Afghanistan
"David Swanson: PNAC calls for the assertion of American military might around the globe" Book: “War is a Lie” ~ David Swanson @davidcnswanson
(^^^) "Project for the New American Century" (09-16) (*W/T)
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 11-22-10, YT, 8:20 https://goo.gl/rNBipa
“…agitating since its inception for a war with Iraq”
"PNAC's policy document, "Rebuilding America's Defenses," openly advocated for total global military domination. Many PNAC members held highest-level positions in the George W. Bush administration."
"The report struck a prescient note when it observed that 'the process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event--like a new Pearl Harbor.'"
(^^^) "Project for the New American Century" (*W/T)
~ @sourcewatch, {Donate}, (00-00) < https://goo.gl/6qptgR
WOLFOWITZ: PNAC, Project for the New American Century
“Iraq was all about oil.”
"Lawrence Wilkerson Pt5: Cheney and his team saw 9/11 as an opportunity to advance their real agenda"
(^^^) "Cheney, 9/11 and The New American Century" (*W/T)
~ @PaulJay_TRNN/@TheRealNews w/Lawrence Wilkerson, {Donate}, 06-11-11, YT, 17:32 < https://goo.gl/R652bN
(^^^) "Joe Rogan - American War Machine"
~ PowerfulJRE, {Subscribe}, 09-05-14, YT, 9:36 < https://goo.gl/9ZCRbt
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0218MEI, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL,
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Pledges to Defend Israeli Apartheid and Fight BDS Movement in Letter to Mega-Donor"
~ Kevin Gosztola/Fire Dog Lake/@commondreams, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 07-07-15 _
< http://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/07/07/hillary-clinton-pledges-defend-israeli-apartheid-and-fight-bds-movement-letter-mega
(^^^) "John Mellencamp - Peaceful World"
~ JohnMellencampVEVO, {Subscribe}, 10-29-09, YT, 3:59 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL28-RVO0_E
>###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Pledges to Defend Israeli Apartheid and Fight BDS Movement in Letter to Mega-Donor"
~ Kevin Gosztola/Fire Dog Lake/@commondreams, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 07-07-15 _
< http://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/07/07/hillary-clinton-pledges-defend-israeli-apartheid-and-fight-bds-movement-letter-mega
(^^^) "John Mellencamp - Peaceful World"
~ JohnMellencampVEVO, {Subscribe}, 10-29-09, YT, 3:59 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL28-RVO0_E
>###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0218MEI, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL, Hillary Clinton, Right Wing Hawk
(^^^) "Glenn Greenwald: Clinton Believes Obama Has Not Been Militaristic Enough" @ggreenwald @TheIntercept @HillaryClinton (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-31-16, YT, 4:36 < https://goo.gl/21lkMX
Rt-Wing Hawk, 032416,8:40 @HillaryClinton < https://goo.gl/KEr5Oe
"Hillary has nothing to brag about: Her foreign policy record is a disaster"
~ @adamjohnsonNYC/@AlterNet/@Salon, {Subscribe/Support Journals}, 01-23-16 < https://goo.gl/KXP0Yj
(^^^) ”A Hillary Presidency Sustains The Neoliberal Nightmare – Or Does It?”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 09-29-16, YT, 22:55 https://goo.gl/GqVb4T
*W/T MO, 102016, 6:13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTTl-CNGUxo
(^^^) "Vijay Prashad: Hillary Clinton Shows Dangerous Tendency to Go to War No Matter the Consequences" (“The Death of the Nation” ~ V.P.)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-26-16, Video, 1:40 _ (*W/T)
Syria bms,82616,53:03 http://www.democracynow.org/shows/2016/8/26
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Glenn Greenwald: Clinton Believes Obama Has Not Been Militaristic Enough" @ggreenwald @TheIntercept @HillaryClinton (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-31-16, YT, 4:36 < https://goo.gl/21lkMX
Rt-Wing Hawk, 032416,8:40 @HillaryClinton < https://goo.gl/KEr5Oe
"Hillary has nothing to brag about: Her foreign policy record is a disaster"
~ @adamjohnsonNYC/@AlterNet/@Salon, {Subscribe/Support Journals}, 01-23-16 < https://goo.gl/KXP0Yj
(^^^) ”A Hillary Presidency Sustains The Neoliberal Nightmare – Or Does It?”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 09-29-16, YT, 22:55 https://goo.gl/GqVb4T
*W/T MO, 102016, 6:13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTTl-CNGUxo
(^^^) "Vijay Prashad: Hillary Clinton Shows Dangerous Tendency to Go to War No Matter the Consequences" (“The Death of the Nation” ~ V.P.)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-26-16, Video, 1:40 _ (*W/T)
Syria bms,82616,53:03 http://www.democracynow.org/shows/2016/8/26
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Bush, Kennedy, Johnsen, Vietnam, Israel, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria; Interventionism,
Terrorism; WWI, WW II, Blowback; Democracy, Expansionism, Military Industrial
Complex, Cultural DNA; PAX Americana, New World Order; Free Press (*FP) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Joe Rogan and Thaddeus Russell on US Foreign Policy, ISIS, Military Industrial Complex" @joerogan @JREpodcast @ThaddeusRussell
~ American Underdog, 06-15-15, YT, 43:22 < https://goo.gl/UMVsev
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Joe Rogan and Thaddeus Russell on US Foreign Policy, ISIS, Military Industrial Complex" @joerogan @JREpodcast @ThaddeusRussell
~ American Underdog, 06-15-15, YT, 43:22 < https://goo.gl/UMVsev
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
NSA, Booze Allen Hamilton; Whistleblower, Bradley Birkenfeld, 2007 Justice Department Notification of Terrorist Funding; Terrorist Threats; Scott Bennett, July 15, 2012 Notification of Terrorist Funding to Congressional Committees, Multiple Pentagon Recipients and Multiple U.S. News Recipients; Book, Shell Game
“Project Camelot: Scott Bennett: CIA, Swiss Banks Fund ISIS”
~ Project Camelot, {Subscribe}, 10-02-14, YT, 3:07:38 (*FP) (*W/T) _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo8Xm46s62I
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
NSA, Booze Allen Hamilton; Whistleblower, Bradley Birkenfeld, 2007 Justice Department Notification of Terrorist Funding; Terrorist Threats; Scott Bennett, July 15, 2012 Notification of Terrorist Funding to Congressional Committees, Multiple Pentagon Recipients and Multiple U.S. News Recipients; Book, Shell Game
“Project Camelot: Scott Bennett: CIA, Swiss Banks Fund ISIS”
~ Project Camelot, {Subscribe}, 10-02-14, YT, 3:07:38 (*FP) (*W/T) _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo8Xm46s62I
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0218MEI, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL,
ZIONISM, IRAN, WARMONGERING; Bernard Marcus - Home Depot, Paul Singer - hedge
fund billionaire, Sheldon Adelson, the Vegas-Macau casino kingpin
(^^^) "Did We Vote for War?"
~ Patrick J. Buchanan/Lew Rockwell, 11-19-14 < https://goo.gl/PlPffA
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Did We Vote for War?"
~ Patrick J. Buchanan/Lew Rockwell, 11-19-14 < https://goo.gl/PlPffA
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0218MEIa, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL, ZIONIST DIRECTED CHRISTIAN WAR W/O END, American Exceptionalism,
Next Cold War, Deep State Control, Media Orchestration, Fascism, Terrorism
(^^^) "Brilliant Ken O'Keefe Lecture Lays Out the Future Agenda"
~ Zohar E. Group, {Subscribe}, 08-08-17, YT, 1:44:38 https://goo.gl/ngY63S
(^^^) "The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event" (Trump errantly described Muslims dancing after 911.)
~ Loo Cipher, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, YT, 6:51 < https://goo.gl/5JmBg9
(^^^) “Abby Martin ‘Exposes’ Zionism & Israel”
~ Zionist Report, {Subscribe}, 08-17-17, YT, 25:10 < https://goo.gl/ZFfXbR
(^^^) "US Army Are Waking Up To The TRUTH! (WAKE UP AMERICA!!!)"
~ Kevin Joseph, {Subscribe}, 02-18-12, YT, 11:41 < https://goo.gl/jscnRU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Brilliant Ken O'Keefe Lecture Lays Out the Future Agenda"
~ Zohar E. Group, {Subscribe}, 08-08-17, YT, 1:44:38 https://goo.gl/ngY63S
(^^^) "The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event" (Trump errantly described Muslims dancing after 911.)
~ Loo Cipher, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, YT, 6:51 < https://goo.gl/5JmBg9
(^^^) “Abby Martin ‘Exposes’ Zionism & Israel”
~ Zionist Report, {Subscribe}, 08-17-17, YT, 25:10 < https://goo.gl/ZFfXbR
(^^^) "US Army Are Waking Up To The TRUTH! (WAKE UP AMERICA!!!)"
~ Kevin Joseph, {Subscribe}, 02-18-12, YT, 11:41 < https://goo.gl/jscnRU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky - The Jewish Lobby” @noamchomskyT
~ Chomsky's Philosophy, 07-20-16, YT, 5:46 https://goo.gl/kJcJ1w
@northropgrumman @Raytheon @BoeingDefense @OneCarlisle
>###(02-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky - The Jewish Lobby” @noamchomskyT
~ Chomsky's Philosophy, 07-20-16, YT, 5:46 https://goo.gl/kJcJ1w
@northropgrumman @Raytheon @BoeingDefense @OneCarlisle
>###(02-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0218MEId, MIDDLE EAST: ISRAEL,
“Nader says Democrats are weak because their most powerful, progressive voices are afraid to challenge the corporate-dominated centrists of the party”
(^^^) “Ripe for Leftist Challenge, Nader Describes Clinton as 'Poster Child for Military-Industrial Complex'” @RalphNader
~ Jacob Chamberlain/@commondreams, 07-30-13 < https://goo.gl/ikjmoU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Nader says Democrats are weak because their most powerful, progressive voices are afraid to challenge the corporate-dominated centrists of the party”
(^^^) “Ripe for Leftist Challenge, Nader Describes Clinton as 'Poster Child for Military-Industrial Complex'” @RalphNader
~ Jacob Chamberlain/@commondreams, 07-30-13 < https://goo.gl/ikjmoU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0230, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ
U.S. Foreign Policy-MIDDLE EAST: IRAN
1963 Iraqi Coup d’État American regime change in Iran for Oil Corporations access by C.I.A. - Corp Infantry of Aristocrats; Roots of 911, the Afghan, Iraq & Iran War-of-Terror for Oil Corporations
"The Iraqi Baathists and the CIA ...common interest in getting rid of pro-Soviet Qassim." "...evidence ...CIA were involved in the 1963 and 1968 coups. After backing Iraq during the war against Iran (1980-88) - whilst also secretly supplying Iran with arms ... the Iran Contra affair -(POTUS 40 President Ronald Reagan - 81-89) the U.S. would finally fall out with Hussein following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990."
"CIA coups in Iraq in 1963 & 1968 helped put Saddam Hussein in power"
~ Sean Mac Mathuna/Flame, {Donate}, _
< http://www.fantompowa.org/cia_coups_iraq.htm
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
U.S. Foreign Policy-MIDDLE EAST: IRAN
1963 Iraqi Coup d’État American regime change in Iran for Oil Corporations access by C.I.A. - Corp Infantry of Aristocrats; Roots of 911, the Afghan, Iraq & Iran War-of-Terror for Oil Corporations
"The Iraqi Baathists and the CIA ...common interest in getting rid of pro-Soviet Qassim." "...evidence ...CIA were involved in the 1963 and 1968 coups. After backing Iraq during the war against Iran (1980-88) - whilst also secretly supplying Iran with arms ... the Iran Contra affair -(POTUS 40 President Ronald Reagan - 81-89) the U.S. would finally fall out with Hussein following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990."
"CIA coups in Iraq in 1963 & 1968 helped put Saddam Hussein in power"
~ Sean Mac Mathuna/Flame, {Donate}, _
< http://www.fantompowa.org/cia_coups_iraq.htm
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0230ME, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Oil
War, Pentagon, CIA, G. H. W. Bush, G. W. Bush;
A former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to poor countries to access cheap resources” @economic_hitman @idreamchange
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire" (*POTUS43) (*POTUS41)
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
[009] Rothschilds’ Federal Reserve Bank War & Oil Dollar Syndicate
>##(07-17)*CBWS*PI*WAR##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
A former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to poor countries to access cheap resources” @economic_hitman @idreamchange
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire" (*POTUS43) (*POTUS41)
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
[009] Rothschilds’ Federal Reserve Bank War & Oil Dollar Syndicate
>##(07-17)*CBWS*PI*WAR##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0230ME, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ,
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton: 'Start Thinking Of Iraq As A Business Opportunity'"
~ @SecularTalk, {Donate}, 10-01-15, YT, 5:21 < https://goo.gl/Yms8Vv
Clinton Admitted Her Syria Policy, 101116, 7:57 < https://goo.gl/fkzpVE
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton: 'Start Thinking Of Iraq As A Business Opportunity'"
~ @SecularTalk, {Donate}, 10-01-15, YT, 5:21 < https://goo.gl/Yms8Vv
Clinton Admitted Her Syria Policy, 101116, 7:57 < https://goo.gl/fkzpVE
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0230MEIR, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ "Christopher Hitchens and
Michael Parenti debated at Wesleyan University on April 18, 2005."
(^^^) "Christopher Hitchens vs Michael Parenti - Iraq and the future of US foreign policy [2005]"
~ CaNANDian, {Subscribe}, 07-19-12, YT, 1:57:01 _ @MichaelParenti
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nik0273l8K4
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Christopher Hitchens vs Michael Parenti - Iraq and the future of US foreign policy [2005]"
~ CaNANDian, {Subscribe}, 07-19-12, YT, 1:57:01 _ @MichaelParenti
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nik0273l8K4
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0230MEIR, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ
(^^^) "’What Would She Do in Iraq?’: As Clinton Slams Trump for ISIS Speech, We Look at Her Own Positions"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-16-19, Video, 8:00 (*W/T)
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "’What Would She Do in Iraq?’: As Clinton Slams Trump for ISIS Speech, We Look at Her Own Positions"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-16-19, Video, 8:00 (*W/T)
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0230MEIR, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ
(^^^) “The Shock Doctrine [2009] Documentary by Naomi Klein"
~ L33T GUY, {Subscribe}, 01-24-17, YT, 1:18:58 < https://goo.gl/R6uagM
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “The Shock Doctrine [2009] Documentary by Naomi Klein"
~ L33T GUY, {Subscribe}, 01-24-17, YT, 1:18:58 < https://goo.gl/R6uagM
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0230MEIR, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, A
former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to poor countries to access cheap resources”
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire"
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to poor countries to access cheap resources”
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire"
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0230MEIR, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, COL.
(^^^) "Ex-Bush Official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: ‘I am Willing to Testify’ If Dick Cheney is Put on Trial"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-30-11, Video, 20:20 < https://goo.gl/iEZq1v
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Ex-Bush Official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: ‘I am Willing to Testify’ If Dick Cheney is Put on Trial"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-30-11, Video, 20:20 < https://goo.gl/iEZq1v
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0230MEIR, MIDDLE EAST: IRAQ, Oil,
Iraq War, Pentagon, CIA, G. H. W. Bush, G. W. Bush;
A former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to poor countries to access cheap resources” @economic_hitman @idreamchange
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire" (*POTUS43) (*POTUS41)
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
[009] Rothschilds’ Federal Reserve Bank War & Oil Dollar Syndicate
>##(07-17)*CBWS*PI*WAR##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
A former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to poor countries to access cheap resources” @economic_hitman @idreamchange
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire" (*POTUS43) (*POTUS41)
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
[009] Rothschilds’ Federal Reserve Bank War & Oil Dollar Syndicate
>##(07-17)*CBWS*PI*WAR##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0230MEIR, MIDDLE EAST: Iraq, Syria,
Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran
“Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, "Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second." I said, "Well, you're too busy." He said, "No, no." He says, "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq." This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, "We're going to war with Iraq? Why?" He said, "I don't know." He said, "I guess they don't know what else to do." So I said, "Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?" He said, "No, no." He says, "There's nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq." He said, "I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments." And he said, "I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."
So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." I said, "Is it classified?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, don't show it to me." And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?" He said, "Sir, I didn't show you that memo! I didn't show it to you!" (*FP)(*W/T)
"General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years"
~ FacelesswithEyesOpen, {Subscribe}, 09-11-11, YT, 2:12 https://goo.gl/lFZGd
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, "Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second." I said, "Well, you're too busy." He said, "No, no." He says, "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq." This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, "We're going to war with Iraq? Why?" He said, "I don't know." He said, "I guess they don't know what else to do." So I said, "Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?" He said, "No, no." He says, "There's nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq." He said, "I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments." And he said, "I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."
So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." I said, "Is it classified?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, don't show it to me." And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?" He said, "Sir, I didn't show you that memo! I didn't show it to you!" (*FP)(*W/T)
"General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years"
~ FacelesswithEyesOpen, {Subscribe}, 09-11-11, YT, 2:12 https://goo.gl/lFZGd
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Purpose, Permanent Military Presence in Asia
“A base, a foothold on the Asian sub-continent aimed at China …A future oriented deployment” “You have vested interests, and those vested interests: the U.S. Military Industrial Complex, big oil, Wall Street finance …define U.S. foreign policy since the end of 1945,” “Militarization of everything everywhere and that’s a megalomaniac maniacal agenda …It’s absurd.”
(^^^) “Why is the USA in Afghanistan?”
~ Paul Jay/@TheRealNews, William Engdahl – Economist & Author, {Donate}, 12-09-09, YT, 14:35 < https://goo.gl/ur455V
>###(09-17)*E6E*WAR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“A base, a foothold on the Asian sub-continent aimed at China …A future oriented deployment” “You have vested interests, and those vested interests: the U.S. Military Industrial Complex, big oil, Wall Street finance …define U.S. foreign policy since the end of 1945,” “Militarization of everything everywhere and that’s a megalomaniac maniacal agenda …It’s absurd.”
(^^^) “Why is the USA in Afghanistan?”
~ Paul Jay/@TheRealNews, William Engdahl – Economist & Author, {Donate}, 12-09-09, YT, 14:35 < https://goo.gl/ur455V
>###(09-17)*E6E*WAR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240ME, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN, Early
C.I.A. History & Coups
The attack on Pearl Harbor prompted formation of Office of Strategic Services - O.S.S. to coordinate Intelligence gathering to prevent such disasters. It was disbanded by Truman then revived as the C.I.A. during the cold war with Russia.
Iran's President Mohammad Mosaddegh was overthrown by CIA 1953 using agent Kermit Roosevelt (FDR'S Grandson) because he proposed nationalizing B.P. British Petroleum (formerly British Persian) Oil Corp
President of Guatemala Arbenz was overthrown because he legalized the Communist Party, nationalized United Fruit Corp, and proposed land reform (reversing feudalism by elites).
(^^^) "CIA: 50 years or spying"
~ danielsss259, {Subscribe}, Mike Wallace - The 20th Century, 01-29-07, YT, 10:56 < https://goo.gl/t5ywXF
(^^^) "John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (ex CIA *Zeitgeist Documentary Interview*)"
~ Russell Blattberg, {Subscribe}, 02-09-17, YT, 1:08:49 https://goo.gl/Z54X1y
(^^^) “Zeitgeist 2: Addendum (Full Movie!) - Please Share"
~ ExhumedByScryingEyes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-08, YT, 1:59:29 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gKX9TWRyfs
>###(07-17)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
The attack on Pearl Harbor prompted formation of Office of Strategic Services - O.S.S. to coordinate Intelligence gathering to prevent such disasters. It was disbanded by Truman then revived as the C.I.A. during the cold war with Russia.
Iran's President Mohammad Mosaddegh was overthrown by CIA 1953 using agent Kermit Roosevelt (FDR'S Grandson) because he proposed nationalizing B.P. British Petroleum (formerly British Persian) Oil Corp
President of Guatemala Arbenz was overthrown because he legalized the Communist Party, nationalized United Fruit Corp, and proposed land reform (reversing feudalism by elites).
(^^^) "CIA: 50 years or spying"
~ danielsss259, {Subscribe}, Mike Wallace - The 20th Century, 01-29-07, YT, 10:56 < https://goo.gl/t5ywXF
(^^^) "John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (ex CIA *Zeitgeist Documentary Interview*)"
~ Russell Blattberg, {Subscribe}, 02-09-17, YT, 1:08:49 https://goo.gl/Z54X1y
(^^^) “Zeitgeist 2: Addendum (Full Movie!) - Please Share"
~ ExhumedByScryingEyes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-08, YT, 1:59:29 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gKX9TWRyfs
>###(07-17)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240ME, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN, Pres.
Ronald Reagan Corruption, CIA Warfare, Reagan’s Firsts
James Watt – Sec. of Interior, Edwin Meese III – Atty. General, The Iran-Contra Scandal, Casper Weinberger – Sec. of Defense, Raymon Donovan – Sec. of Labor, Elliot Abrams – State Dept., Robert C. McFarlane – Nat. Security Advisor, Oliver North – C.I.A. Drug Runner, John Poindexter – Nat. Security Advisor, Alan D. Fiers – C.I.A. Central American Task Force, Clair George – C.I.A. Covert Operations, Duane R. Clarridge –C.I.A., E.P.A. Favoring Polluters, Neglected Nuclear Safety, Savings & Loan Bail-out, Thomas C. Reed – Insider Trading, etc
(^^^) “The massive (but under-reported) Reagan Administration corruption”
~ Liberal-Insights . org, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/iQGTX3
>#(11-17)#*PM*WB(*POTUS40)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
James Watt – Sec. of Interior, Edwin Meese III – Atty. General, The Iran-Contra Scandal, Casper Weinberger – Sec. of Defense, Raymon Donovan – Sec. of Labor, Elliot Abrams – State Dept., Robert C. McFarlane – Nat. Security Advisor, Oliver North – C.I.A. Drug Runner, John Poindexter – Nat. Security Advisor, Alan D. Fiers – C.I.A. Central American Task Force, Clair George – C.I.A. Covert Operations, Duane R. Clarridge –C.I.A., E.P.A. Favoring Polluters, Neglected Nuclear Safety, Savings & Loan Bail-out, Thomas C. Reed – Insider Trading, etc
(^^^) “The massive (but under-reported) Reagan Administration corruption”
~ Liberal-Insights . org, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/iQGTX3
>#(11-17)#*PM*WB(*POTUS40)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240MEIRa, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN, Attacking
IRAN, Surveillance, Phone & Email Tapped, US War Dept. C.I.A., Class Warfare, Corporate
Forces will never permit political reform
F.I.S.A. COURT – FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT of 1978 COURT, National Security Agency – NSA Spying Approval Court [Chief Just-ice “CorpCitizensUnited Against U.s” John Roberts handpicked members of the F.I.S.A. “Spy” COURT]
“Dictate Events Through Force” Romney banging the drum of war - a draft dodger & French “Chateau” Missionary who counter-protested “For” Vietnam War
“Chris Hedges ..Folly of Attacking Iran” @ChrisLynnHedges
~ @ChrisLynnHedges - Reporter for two decades on wars in Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. His recent books are "Days of Destruction," "Days of Revolt," "Death of the Liberal Class," & "The World as It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress;" Mustaqel, {Subscribe}, 05-03-10, Part 1, YT, 10:01 _**
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulk9omojT9g
(^^^) “Chris Hedges .. Folly of Attacking Iran 2," YT, 10:00 _
@ChrisLynnHedges < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxzzpLAsNiw
(^^^) “Chris Hedges .. Folly of Attacking Iran 3," YT, 9:46 _
@ChrisLynnHedges < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teXGf7L1qJk
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
F.I.S.A. COURT – FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT of 1978 COURT, National Security Agency – NSA Spying Approval Court [Chief Just-ice “CorpCitizensUnited Against U.s” John Roberts handpicked members of the F.I.S.A. “Spy” COURT]
“Dictate Events Through Force” Romney banging the drum of war - a draft dodger & French “Chateau” Missionary who counter-protested “For” Vietnam War
“Chris Hedges ..Folly of Attacking Iran” @ChrisLynnHedges
~ @ChrisLynnHedges - Reporter for two decades on wars in Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. His recent books are "Days of Destruction," "Days of Revolt," "Death of the Liberal Class," & "The World as It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress;" Mustaqel, {Subscribe}, 05-03-10, Part 1, YT, 10:01 _**
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulk9omojT9g
(^^^) “Chris Hedges .. Folly of Attacking Iran 2," YT, 10:00 _
@ChrisLynnHedges < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxzzpLAsNiw
(^^^) “Chris Hedges .. Folly of Attacking Iran 3," YT, 9:46 _
@ChrisLynnHedges < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teXGf7L1qJk
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240MEIRAN, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN
(^^^) “The TRUTH About War With Iran – M.O.C. #102
~ @LeeCamp 2, {Subscribe}, 12-21-11, YT, 3:25 < https://goo.gl/N5BkAr
>###(11-17)*FP*PF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “The TRUTH About War With Iran – M.O.C. #102
~ @LeeCamp 2, {Subscribe}, 12-21-11, YT, 3:25 < https://goo.gl/N5BkAr
>###(11-17)*FP*PF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240MEIRAN, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN
"’CIA are drug smugglers.’ - Head of DEA said this too late for Gary Webb"
~ michaellevine53, {Subscribe}, 02-18-11, YT, 2:16 < https://goo.gl/vTjzWB
(^^^) “How Crack Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996)"
~ The Film Archives, 08-25-13, YT, 25:54 < https://goo.gl/2bXkPk
MAIN STREAM MEDIA, CIA DRUG SALES: Freeway Rickey Ross, Gary Webb
"'Bush, Reagan let drugs flow free to US from Nicaragua' - ex-dealer"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 01-15-11, YT, 11:07 https://goo.gl/t8VWTW
(^^^) “Iran-Contra Affair Scandal Explained: US History Review"
~ Keith Hughes, 03-18-13, YT, 13:38 _< https://goo.gl/VCyjGJ
Hip Hughes History channel < https://www.youtube.com/user/hughesDV
DARK ALLIANCE: Investigative Journalist Gary Webb
CIA Selling Crack in LA, NY, Atlanta to finance Nicaraguan Contra Rebels backed by POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; “Shadows of Liberty”
This rotten to the core country sold crack to inner city residents.
“’Kill the Messenger’ Resurrects Gary Webb, Maligned for Exposing CIA Ties to Crack”
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-09-14, Vid, 19:00 https://goo.gl/KKe6Rw
Assassinated drug smuggler, Barry Steel, was gunned down before he could testify AGAINST Vice President George H. W. Bush, a former CIA agent.
"Barry Seal was a legendary CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot who had literally worked for the Agency since he was a teenage pilot prodigy in the late 1950’s."
{“(Sarah) McLendon had asked (George H.W.) Bush: ‘What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?’”}
{"George Herbert Walker Bush: ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street & lynch us.’”}
"Jeb Bush, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986”
~ RobertMorrowTexas/@dailykos, {Donate}, 04-03-13 https://goo.gl/dDjTwN
(^^^) “Bill Simpich: Secret Operations in the USA and their Effects (2017)"
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-14-17, YT,1:04:11 https://goo.gl/51QGp
>###(05-17)*CW*CBWS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"’CIA are drug smugglers.’ - Head of DEA said this too late for Gary Webb"
~ michaellevine53, {Subscribe}, 02-18-11, YT, 2:16 < https://goo.gl/vTjzWB
(^^^) “How Crack Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996)"
~ The Film Archives, 08-25-13, YT, 25:54 < https://goo.gl/2bXkPk
MAIN STREAM MEDIA, CIA DRUG SALES: Freeway Rickey Ross, Gary Webb
"'Bush, Reagan let drugs flow free to US from Nicaragua' - ex-dealer"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 01-15-11, YT, 11:07 https://goo.gl/t8VWTW
(^^^) “Iran-Contra Affair Scandal Explained: US History Review"
~ Keith Hughes, 03-18-13, YT, 13:38 _< https://goo.gl/VCyjGJ
Hip Hughes History channel < https://www.youtube.com/user/hughesDV
DARK ALLIANCE: Investigative Journalist Gary Webb
CIA Selling Crack in LA, NY, Atlanta to finance Nicaraguan Contra Rebels backed by POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; “Shadows of Liberty”
This rotten to the core country sold crack to inner city residents.
“’Kill the Messenger’ Resurrects Gary Webb, Maligned for Exposing CIA Ties to Crack”
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-09-14, Vid, 19:00 https://goo.gl/KKe6Rw
Assassinated drug smuggler, Barry Steel, was gunned down before he could testify AGAINST Vice President George H. W. Bush, a former CIA agent.
"Barry Seal was a legendary CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot who had literally worked for the Agency since he was a teenage pilot prodigy in the late 1950’s."
{“(Sarah) McLendon had asked (George H.W.) Bush: ‘What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?’”}
{"George Herbert Walker Bush: ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street & lynch us.’”}
"Jeb Bush, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986”
~ RobertMorrowTexas/@dailykos, {Donate}, 04-03-13 https://goo.gl/dDjTwN
(^^^) “Bill Simpich: Secret Operations in the USA and their Effects (2017)"
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-14-17, YT,1:04:11 https://goo.gl/51QGp
>###(05-17)*CW*CBWS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240MEIRAN, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN
BLACK BUDGET, THE ENTERPRISE: Communism, Cold War, CIA, Covert Opps
Unauthorized wars are perpetrated under the guise of U.S. national security.
Senator John Kerry; Marine Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver North; POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; C.I.A. V.P. & POTUS 41 George H. W. Bush; Arms Sales To Iran, CIA Coups, Pentagon, National Security Council 1947, The C.I.A.
"The Enterprise" Covert Wars in South America; Iran Coup August 1953, Toppling Iran’s Elected President Mosaddeq by POTUS 34 Ike Eisenhower, Installing the puppet Shah of Iran;
Dark agenda of POTUS 35 John F. Kennedy in Vietnam with 15,000 advisors; POTUS 37 L.B.J. send a Destroyer into a known hot zone the Gulf of Tonkin to escalate the Vietnam Conflict; POTUS 37 Nixon Plumbers break in and Watergate
Grass Roots Iranian Coup of 1979, POTUS 40 Election 1980
The Reagan Campaign’s hostage negotiation tyranny defeated POTUS 39 Jimmy Carter.
Iranian arms profits supported South American Coups as did C.I.A. dealing South American cocaine for profit in America.
South Americans were slaughtered by right-wing dictators supported by the United States under the pretense of fighting Communism.
US Senator Church Committee Hearings
"The Secret Government is an interlocking network of official functionaries, spies, mercenaries, ex-generals, profiteers and superpatriots, who, for a variety of motives, operate outside the legitimate institutions of government." ~ Bill Moyers
(^^^) “The Secret Government – The Constitution In Crisis-Bill Moyers (PBS 1987)"@MoyersNews
~ Duncan Bates, {Subscribe}, 03-25-13, YT, 1:24:25 https://goo.gl/MSDRkn
Oliver North, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/ap9pBZ
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
BLACK BUDGET, THE ENTERPRISE: Communism, Cold War, CIA, Covert Opps
Unauthorized wars are perpetrated under the guise of U.S. national security.
Senator John Kerry; Marine Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver North; POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; C.I.A. V.P. & POTUS 41 George H. W. Bush; Arms Sales To Iran, CIA Coups, Pentagon, National Security Council 1947, The C.I.A.
"The Enterprise" Covert Wars in South America; Iran Coup August 1953, Toppling Iran’s Elected President Mosaddeq by POTUS 34 Ike Eisenhower, Installing the puppet Shah of Iran;
Dark agenda of POTUS 35 John F. Kennedy in Vietnam with 15,000 advisors; POTUS 37 L.B.J. send a Destroyer into a known hot zone the Gulf of Tonkin to escalate the Vietnam Conflict; POTUS 37 Nixon Plumbers break in and Watergate
Grass Roots Iranian Coup of 1979, POTUS 40 Election 1980
The Reagan Campaign’s hostage negotiation tyranny defeated POTUS 39 Jimmy Carter.
Iranian arms profits supported South American Coups as did C.I.A. dealing South American cocaine for profit in America.
South Americans were slaughtered by right-wing dictators supported by the United States under the pretense of fighting Communism.
US Senator Church Committee Hearings
"The Secret Government is an interlocking network of official functionaries, spies, mercenaries, ex-generals, profiteers and superpatriots, who, for a variety of motives, operate outside the legitimate institutions of government." ~ Bill Moyers
(^^^) “The Secret Government – The Constitution In Crisis-Bill Moyers (PBS 1987)"@MoyersNews
~ Duncan Bates, {Subscribe}, 03-25-13, YT, 1:24:25 https://goo.gl/MSDRkn
Oliver North, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/ap9pBZ
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240MEIRAN, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN, (*POTUS43),
GWB51VET, War Criminal George W. BUSH-II, Military Spending
(^^^) “Map of US Bases Surrounding The Iranian Threat”
~ War on Error/@dailykos, {Donate}, 12-10-11 _
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/12/10/1044031/-Map-of-US-Bases-Surrounding-The-Iranian-Threat
>###(01-13)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Map of US Bases Surrounding The Iranian Threat”
~ War on Error/@dailykos, {Donate}, 12-10-11 _
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/12/10/1044031/-Map-of-US-Bases-Surrounding-The-Iranian-Threat
>###(01-13)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240MEIRAN, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN, 1953 Iranian Coup “Operation AJAX”
American regime change in Iran for Oil Corporations access by C.I.A. - Corp Infantry of Aristocrats; Roots of the Oil War-Of-Terror, WAR w/IRAN
Orchestrated by Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. (1916 – 2000) - C.I.A., Operation Ajax to remove an Iranian Head of State in 1953;
"political action officer of the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Directorate of Plans who coordinated the Operation Ajax, which aimed to orchestrate a Coup d’État against Iran's prime minister, Mohammed Mosaddeq, and return Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, to Iran's Peacock Throne in August 1953.”
UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES – POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan and 32 Years of “Trickle Down” Economics, class warfare against working Americans, bashing the poor, labor unions, and thrifty not-for-profit government services; In 1980 Reagan negotiated with Iranian Embassy hostage takers, as a Presidential Candidate vs. President Jimmy Carter. He forestalled U.S. hostage release until after the election …which the race baiting McCarthy communist witch trials warlock Reagan won handily. Hostages, taken to prevent the return (from cancer treatment in the U.S.) of the U.S. puppet Shah of Iran, were released on the day of Reagan’s inauguration. He later sold arms to Iran and took the funds to arm Nicaraguan Contra Rebels reign of bloodshed and terror.
“Kermit Roosevelt, Jr.”
~ @Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} _
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kermit_Roosevelt%2C_Jr
(^^^) “Zeitgeist 2: Addendum (Full Movie!) - Please Share"
~ ExhumedByScryingEyes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-08, YT, 1:59:29 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gKX9TWRyfs
>###(09-12)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
American regime change in Iran for Oil Corporations access by C.I.A. - Corp Infantry of Aristocrats; Roots of the Oil War-Of-Terror, WAR w/IRAN
Orchestrated by Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. (1916 – 2000) - C.I.A., Operation Ajax to remove an Iranian Head of State in 1953;
"political action officer of the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Directorate of Plans who coordinated the Operation Ajax, which aimed to orchestrate a Coup d’État against Iran's prime minister, Mohammed Mosaddeq, and return Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, to Iran's Peacock Throne in August 1953.”
UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES – POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan and 32 Years of “Trickle Down” Economics, class warfare against working Americans, bashing the poor, labor unions, and thrifty not-for-profit government services; In 1980 Reagan negotiated with Iranian Embassy hostage takers, as a Presidential Candidate vs. President Jimmy Carter. He forestalled U.S. hostage release until after the election …which the race baiting McCarthy communist witch trials warlock Reagan won handily. Hostages, taken to prevent the return (from cancer treatment in the U.S.) of the U.S. puppet Shah of Iran, were released on the day of Reagan’s inauguration. He later sold arms to Iran and took the funds to arm Nicaraguan Contra Rebels reign of bloodshed and terror.
“Kermit Roosevelt, Jr.”
~ @Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} _
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kermit_Roosevelt%2C_Jr
(^^^) “Zeitgeist 2: Addendum (Full Movie!) - Please Share"
~ ExhumedByScryingEyes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-08, YT, 1:59:29 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gKX9TWRyfs
>###(09-12)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240MEIRAN, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN, Speaker
Newt Gingrich
WAR ON TERROR: Christopher Hitchens, “Theocratic Fascism”; Newt Gingrich, “Reactionary Islam”; (07-18-02) (*POTUS43)
{ Newt Gingrich was beating the drum for war with Iran in 2002. He and five members of the George W. Bush administration were beating the drum for war against Saddam Hussein in Iraq. They include: Pres. George “W.” Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condie Rice. ~ IGRPP }
“Christopher Hitchens & Newt Gingrich: What kind of war are we fighting?”
~ HooverInstitution, {Subscribe}, 12-17-11, YT, 26:56 _https://goo.gl/fSMFzs
>###(08-17)*RA*UE42###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
WAR ON TERROR: Christopher Hitchens, “Theocratic Fascism”; Newt Gingrich, “Reactionary Islam”; (07-18-02) (*POTUS43)
{ Newt Gingrich was beating the drum for war with Iran in 2002. He and five members of the George W. Bush administration were beating the drum for war against Saddam Hussein in Iraq. They include: Pres. George “W.” Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condie Rice. ~ IGRPP }
“Christopher Hitchens & Newt Gingrich: What kind of war are we fighting?”
~ HooverInstitution, {Subscribe}, 12-17-11, YT, 26:56 _https://goo.gl/fSMFzs
>###(08-17)*RA*UE42###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240MEIRAN, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN, WAR,
VENEZUELA, PROPAGANDA, ISRAEL: Ginning, Fear Mongering, Pre-emptive
“U.S. Neocons Aim Fear-Mongering At Americans To Incite An Iran Frenzy”
Israeli billionaire’s documentary ginning up war; Aggression against Iran;
(^^^) “Iran War Propaganda”
~ Open Your Mind, @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 12-21-11, YT, 12:17 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5ahjoM8ORk
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“U.S. Neocons Aim Fear-Mongering At Americans To Incite An Iran Frenzy”
Israeli billionaire’s documentary ginning up war; Aggression against Iran;
(^^^) “Iran War Propaganda”
~ Open Your Mind, @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 12-21-11, YT, 12:17 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5ahjoM8ORk
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240MEIRANa, MIDDLE EAST:
IRAN, CIA COUPS, Allen Dulles
-/\/- Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia, “Allen Dulles” Biography
"…the first civilian and the longest-serving (1953–1961) Director of Central Intelligence and a member of the Warren Commission. ...a corporate lawyer"
"... legal adviser to the delegation on arms limitation at the League of Nations. (met) Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini..."
"…an outspoken interventionist"..."1948 Presidential election, Dulles was chief advisor to Republican nominee Thomas E. Dewey."
"CIA career: The Office of Strategic Services was dissolved in October 1945 ...The [C.I.A.] Central Intelligence Agency was created ...[N.S.A.] National Security Act of 1947… by President Harry S. Truman."
"… CIA created MK-Ultra, a top secret mind control research project which was managed by Sidney Gottlieb. Dulles ...oversaw Operation Mockingbird ...influenced foreign and domestic media companies."
"Dulles' involvement in the Bay of Pigs endeavor gained him Enough ill repute to be fired from the CIA during Kennedy's administration, ...Somehow he found himself reinstated …to serve on the commission to investigate the murder of the very man who fired him."
"Involvement in COUPS against governments of Iran and Guatemala:
In 1953 ...in Operation Ajax, the covert operation that led to the removal of Mohammad Mosaddeq, prime minister of Iran, and his replacement with Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran. Rumors of a Soviet takeover …surfaced due to the nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. British diplomat ...pitched the idea of a Coup d’État to President Eisenhower to try to regain British control of the oil company. ...'decided to emphasize the communist threat' to Iran."
[In this period the C.I.A. had gone rogue, and it is not known how much or when President Eisenhower learned of the operations. He was under pressure from hawks in the Military Industrial Complex he warned about.]
“President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman of Guatemala was removed in 1954 in a CIA-led coup …code name Operation PBSUCCESS. Dulles was on the board of trustees of the United Fruit Company, which stood to lose farmland to expropriation under proposed land reforms."
[Dulles was also implicated in the assassination or POTUS 35 J.F.K. ]
(^^^) "Allen Dulles"
~ @Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} _
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Dulles
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky: U.S. Has Been "Torturing" Iran for 60 Years, Since 1953 CIA-Led Coup"
~ @democracynow/ with Noam Chomsky, {Donate}, 09-11-13, YT, 12:55 _
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
-/\/- Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia, “Allen Dulles” Biography
"…the first civilian and the longest-serving (1953–1961) Director of Central Intelligence and a member of the Warren Commission. ...a corporate lawyer"
"... legal adviser to the delegation on arms limitation at the League of Nations. (met) Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini..."
"…an outspoken interventionist"..."1948 Presidential election, Dulles was chief advisor to Republican nominee Thomas E. Dewey."
"CIA career: The Office of Strategic Services was dissolved in October 1945 ...The [C.I.A.] Central Intelligence Agency was created ...[N.S.A.] National Security Act of 1947… by President Harry S. Truman."
"… CIA created MK-Ultra, a top secret mind control research project which was managed by Sidney Gottlieb. Dulles ...oversaw Operation Mockingbird ...influenced foreign and domestic media companies."
"Dulles' involvement in the Bay of Pigs endeavor gained him Enough ill repute to be fired from the CIA during Kennedy's administration, ...Somehow he found himself reinstated …to serve on the commission to investigate the murder of the very man who fired him."
"Involvement in COUPS against governments of Iran and Guatemala:
In 1953 ...in Operation Ajax, the covert operation that led to the removal of Mohammad Mosaddeq, prime minister of Iran, and his replacement with Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran. Rumors of a Soviet takeover …surfaced due to the nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. British diplomat ...pitched the idea of a Coup d’État to President Eisenhower to try to regain British control of the oil company. ...'decided to emphasize the communist threat' to Iran."
[In this period the C.I.A. had gone rogue, and it is not known how much or when President Eisenhower learned of the operations. He was under pressure from hawks in the Military Industrial Complex he warned about.]
“President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman of Guatemala was removed in 1954 in a CIA-led coup …code name Operation PBSUCCESS. Dulles was on the board of trustees of the United Fruit Company, which stood to lose farmland to expropriation under proposed land reforms."
[Dulles was also implicated in the assassination or POTUS 35 J.F.K. ]
(^^^) "Allen Dulles"
~ @Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} _
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Dulles
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky: U.S. Has Been "Torturing" Iran for 60 Years, Since 1953 CIA-Led Coup"
~ @democracynow/ with Noam Chomsky, {Donate}, 09-11-13, YT, 12:55 _
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0240MEIRANa, MIDDLE EAST: IRAN, Ronald REAGAN Interfered With Negotiations to
Free American Embassy Hostages in Iran, Tyranny
"hostage commission set up in Prime Minister Muhammad Ali Rajai's office appears to be convinced of American good intentions, it finds it difficult to grasp that certain elements of the conditions are legally, at the least, extremely difficult to fulfill. Diplomats in Tehran…"
"question on the minds of diplomats and political analysts here in the Iranian capital is whether the US hostage crisis will be resolved before or immediately after the inauguration of President-elect Ronald Reagan."
"* Iran sees as beneficial a resolution of the hostage crisis during the interim because it will bind both the outgoing Carter administration and the incoming Reagan government."
"'Reagan is one of the stubborn opponents of the policy of softness and flexibility toward Iran. . . . However ...The future will show us that Reagan's presidency may be more useful for the Islamic revolution. . . .'"
[+CSM~"Former hostages start putting ordeal behind them in Wiesbaden"]
"US hostages: Iran may opt to wait for Reagan"
~ James Dorsey - Special correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor, {Subscribe/Donate}, 11-19-1980 _
< http://www.csmonitor.com/1980/1119/111943.html
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky: U.S. Has Been "Torturing" Iran for 60 Years, Since 1953 CIA-Led Coup"
~ DemocracyNow, {Donate}, 09-11-13, YT, 12:55 _
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"hostage commission set up in Prime Minister Muhammad Ali Rajai's office appears to be convinced of American good intentions, it finds it difficult to grasp that certain elements of the conditions are legally, at the least, extremely difficult to fulfill. Diplomats in Tehran…"
"question on the minds of diplomats and political analysts here in the Iranian capital is whether the US hostage crisis will be resolved before or immediately after the inauguration of President-elect Ronald Reagan."
"* Iran sees as beneficial a resolution of the hostage crisis during the interim because it will bind both the outgoing Carter administration and the incoming Reagan government."
"'Reagan is one of the stubborn opponents of the policy of softness and flexibility toward Iran. . . . However ...The future will show us that Reagan's presidency may be more useful for the Islamic revolution. . . .'"
[+CSM~"Former hostages start putting ordeal behind them in Wiesbaden"]
"US hostages: Iran may opt to wait for Reagan"
~ James Dorsey - Special correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor, {Subscribe/Donate}, 11-19-1980 _
< http://www.csmonitor.com/1980/1119/111943.html
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky: U.S. Has Been "Torturing" Iran for 60 Years, Since 1953 CIA-Led Coup"
~ DemocracyNow, {Donate}, 09-11-13, YT, 12:55 _
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST: SYRIA
(^^^) "The Mind-Blowing Truth About War With Syria - MOC #259 [clean version] via @LeeCamp” (General Wesley Clark clip) (*FP) (*W/T)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 03-03-13, YT, 5:16 < https://goo.gl/zM2ptb
(^^^) "Wesley Clark on CNN: Why and who created ISIS'"
~ lebinfo, {Subscribe}, 02-20-15, YT, 1:41 < https://goo.gl/b5WQKG
HEXBOLLAH, SHIA MUSLIM/ISLAMIST: paramilitary org., Palestine, Lebanon, Syria & Iran (*FP) (*W/T)
(^^^) Hezbollah, @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/e0Y0nE
(^^^) Wahhabism, @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/BGSWoS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Mind-Blowing Truth About War With Syria - MOC #259 [clean version] via @LeeCamp” (General Wesley Clark clip) (*FP) (*W/T)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 03-03-13, YT, 5:16 < https://goo.gl/zM2ptb
(^^^) "Wesley Clark on CNN: Why and who created ISIS'"
~ lebinfo, {Subscribe}, 02-20-15, YT, 1:41 < https://goo.gl/b5WQKG
HEXBOLLAH, SHIA MUSLIM/ISLAMIST: paramilitary org., Palestine, Lebanon, Syria & Iran (*FP) (*W/T)
(^^^) Hezbollah, @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/e0Y0nE
(^^^) Wahhabism, @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/BGSWoS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST: SYRIA
(^^^) "The Mind-Blowing Truth About War With Syria - MOC #259 [clean version] via @LeeCamp” (General Wesley Clark clip) (*FP) (*W/T)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 03-03-13, YT, 5:16 < https://goo.gl/zM2ptb
(^^^) "The CIA Is Shooting At The PENTAGON In The Middle East - I Wish I Were Kidding" @LeeCamp
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 04-02-16, YT, 4:27 < https://goo.gl/b5VErf
World Bank Whistle-blower, 101217, YT, 30:15 < https://goo.gl/V4BXe9
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Mind-Blowing Truth About War With Syria - MOC #259 [clean version] via @LeeCamp” (General Wesley Clark clip) (*FP) (*W/T)
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 03-03-13, YT, 5:16 < https://goo.gl/zM2ptb
(^^^) "The CIA Is Shooting At The PENTAGON In The Middle East - I Wish I Were Kidding" @LeeCamp
~ @RedactedTonight,{Donate}, 04-02-16, YT, 4:27 < https://goo.gl/b5VErf
World Bank Whistle-blower, 101217, YT, 30:15 < https://goo.gl/V4BXe9
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST:
"In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA"
~ Nabih Bulos, W.J. Hennigan and Brian Bennett/@latimes, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 03-27-16 _
< http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-cia-pentagon-isis-20160327-story.html
>###(04-16)*WAR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"In Syria, militias armed by the Pentagon fight those armed by the CIA"
~ Nabih Bulos, W.J. Hennigan and Brian Bennett/@latimes, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 03-27-16 _
< http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-cia-pentagon-isis-20160327-story.html
>###(04-16)*WAR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST: SYRIA
{ USA WAR – (def.) Following the ways of a mythical Roman Empire invented Fireball-Hurling Psychopath to “IN GOD(‘s banksters of inside-jobs & dead president pics)WE TRUST” holy-card dollar profits; Smell the blood money
USA – (def.) Forbes 400 King’s Trigger-Finger and Bomb-Button-Thumb Incubator, a Red State (birth control & Planned Parenthood vacant) Cracker-Oven and Warrior Mill; Home to the CIA - Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats Coup d’État Chicken Coop and 4TH Of July War Hatchery w/Coastlines
DESCRIPTION: Land of the Free and Home of the Evangelical Immaculate Conception …where the sheeple are getting f**ked and they rarely notice or they just really like surprises; The Las Vegas Chicken Ranch Nation
USA PATRIOT – (def.) a culture, sports and media groomed dolt and victim of an internationally controlled Nation-State who will:
One, shoot and bomb the peace outa you to feed current and future quarterly profits for war corporations;
Two, hold a hand over the heart while listening to a “war glory” Anthem;
Three, pledge a flag 2,000+ times without feeling like fodder for a nation-state led by a Forbes selected POTUS Psychopath; and
Four, take their kids to “war acclimatization” every goo-eye candy bomb-boom 4TH of July and plant expectations of future glory. ~ IGRPP }
"Syria Becomes the 7th Predominantly Muslim Country Bombed by 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate"
~ @ggreenwald/@theintercept, {Donate}, 09-23-14 < https://goo.gl/EuTZ5x
SYRIAN WAR: Regime Change; Qatar to Bulgaria Pipeline Through Sovereign Russian Ally;
SAUDI ARABIA, OIL DOLLAR: U.S. Backing Wahhabism & ISIS Wing Terrorism
U.S. MAIN STREAM MEDIA: Bullsh*t, Failed State Terrorism, War w/o End
(^^^) "You're Being Lied To On Syria | United States The Real Terrorists"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 12-16-16, YT, 8:01 < https://goo.gl/1ZSh7a
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{ USA WAR – (def.) Following the ways of a mythical Roman Empire invented Fireball-Hurling Psychopath to “IN GOD(‘s banksters of inside-jobs & dead president pics)WE TRUST” holy-card dollar profits; Smell the blood money
USA – (def.) Forbes 400 King’s Trigger-Finger and Bomb-Button-Thumb Incubator, a Red State (birth control & Planned Parenthood vacant) Cracker-Oven and Warrior Mill; Home to the CIA - Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats Coup d’État Chicken Coop and 4TH Of July War Hatchery w/Coastlines
DESCRIPTION: Land of the Free and Home of the Evangelical Immaculate Conception …where the sheeple are getting f**ked and they rarely notice or they just really like surprises; The Las Vegas Chicken Ranch Nation
USA PATRIOT – (def.) a culture, sports and media groomed dolt and victim of an internationally controlled Nation-State who will:
One, shoot and bomb the peace outa you to feed current and future quarterly profits for war corporations;
Two, hold a hand over the heart while listening to a “war glory” Anthem;
Three, pledge a flag 2,000+ times without feeling like fodder for a nation-state led by a Forbes selected POTUS Psychopath; and
Four, take their kids to “war acclimatization” every goo-eye candy bomb-boom 4TH of July and plant expectations of future glory. ~ IGRPP }
"Syria Becomes the 7th Predominantly Muslim Country Bombed by 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate"
~ @ggreenwald/@theintercept, {Donate}, 09-23-14 < https://goo.gl/EuTZ5x
SYRIAN WAR: Regime Change; Qatar to Bulgaria Pipeline Through Sovereign Russian Ally;
SAUDI ARABIA, OIL DOLLAR: U.S. Backing Wahhabism & ISIS Wing Terrorism
U.S. MAIN STREAM MEDIA: Bullsh*t, Failed State Terrorism, War w/o End
(^^^) "You're Being Lied To On Syria | United States The Real Terrorists"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 12-16-16, YT, 8:01 < https://goo.gl/1ZSh7a
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST: SYRIA
VOTE: MIDDLE EAST, IRAQ; AL QAEDA, ISIS, Terrorism, Climate Chaos
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders: 'Climate Change Is Directly Related To The Growth Of Terrorism”
~ tpmtv, @TPM, {Subscribe}, 11-14-15, YT, 1:54 < https://goo.gl/ZbSBdv
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
VOTE: MIDDLE EAST, IRAQ; AL QAEDA, ISIS, Terrorism, Climate Chaos
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders: 'Climate Change Is Directly Related To The Growth Of Terrorism”
~ tpmtv, @TPM, {Subscribe}, 11-14-15, YT, 1:54 < https://goo.gl/ZbSBdv
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST:
"Someone used chemical weapons in Syria on Wednesday, August 21st (2013)...Secretary of State John Kerry argued ...Syrian government was not allowing access to the site by U.N. inspectors ...not requested access to the site until Saturday, 8/24 and the Syrian government granted the request the next day."
"photos ...appear to document chemical weapons in the hands of the rebel forces."
"the U.S. is supporting the al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels... (Former U.S Rep. Ohio & Presidential Candidate 2008) Dennis Kucinich said this week that U.S. airstrikes on Syria would turn the U.S. military into 'al Qaeda’s air force.'"
"a (proposed 3 phase of a middle-east) pipeline (through Syria) would bypass Russia’s current stranglehold on gas supplies to Europe ...explains their unwillingness to go along with the U.S. ouster of Assad."
Syria does not possess much oil, but it is strategically located as a vector for regional oil delivery.
"role of energy in the geo-political landscape. ZeroHedge ...pipeline politics are behind the sudden escalation in Syria ...Afghanistan."
"Obama administration tries running Bush’s WMD play to beat war drums"
~ Brynn Jacobs/Dangerous Intersection, 08-31-13 < https://goo.gl/9n2fsa
>###(05-17)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Someone used chemical weapons in Syria on Wednesday, August 21st (2013)...Secretary of State John Kerry argued ...Syrian government was not allowing access to the site by U.N. inspectors ...not requested access to the site until Saturday, 8/24 and the Syrian government granted the request the next day."
"photos ...appear to document chemical weapons in the hands of the rebel forces."
"the U.S. is supporting the al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels... (Former U.S Rep. Ohio & Presidential Candidate 2008) Dennis Kucinich said this week that U.S. airstrikes on Syria would turn the U.S. military into 'al Qaeda’s air force.'"
"a (proposed 3 phase of a middle-east) pipeline (through Syria) would bypass Russia’s current stranglehold on gas supplies to Europe ...explains their unwillingness to go along with the U.S. ouster of Assad."
Syria does not possess much oil, but it is strategically located as a vector for regional oil delivery.
"role of energy in the geo-political landscape. ZeroHedge ...pipeline politics are behind the sudden escalation in Syria ...Afghanistan."
"Obama administration tries running Bush’s WMD play to beat war drums"
~ Brynn Jacobs/Dangerous Intersection, 08-31-13 < https://goo.gl/9n2fsa
>###(05-17)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST:
(^^^) "Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If Leak Occurred Earlier?" (*CF) (*EF) (*EM) (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-12-16, YT, 16:26 < https://goo.gl/qfw77J
Syria,101116,15:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSwc5ovMQSE
Yemen,101116,12:31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnsLJqh3tXU
Corrupt,101416,11:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAMnOwQja3I
OUTSIDE FORCES: Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, U.S., Israel (*EM) (*W/T)
"Syria War Propaganda Drumming Up Hard, Corporate Media is LYING Again"
~ @saneprogressive, {Donate}, 10-04-16, YT, 36:20 < https://goo.gl/0x16e9
Syria No Fly Zone-WWIII w/Russia,100616,44:06 https://goo.gl/227Pkv
Syria War Propaganda-Corp Media Lies, 100416,36:20 https://goo.gl/0x16e9
Clinton-ElevatingTrump-WikiLeaks,101016,42:57 https://goo.gl/6Jsqu7
Clinton Will Be Installed-Neoliberals/MIC.,100116,24:45 https://goo.gl/8zrFyr
Corp Media-Clinton-Election Fraud,101916,39:05 https://goo.gl/3AwHpH
US Russian Cyber-Election-Corruption.,101516,23:47 https://goo.gl/KNvlpz
James Comey-Clinton Defense-FBI,092816,49:40 https://goo.gl/BBkT3x
FBI Comey-Clinton Investigation,101816,18:10 https://goo.gl/CEdtTZ
Obama-truth test for media-Orwellian,102016,7:20 https://goo.gl/Sht63W
Wikileaks-Journalist Arrest-Oil Protest,101416,43:21 https://goo.gl/j75wWk
"Rep. Gabbard Explains Why “No Fly Zone” Over Syria Would be Disastrous"
~ Tulsi Gabbard, {Subscribe}, 12-18-15, YT, 3:24 < https://goo.gl/ibGTxX
(^^^) "In Secret Goldman Sachs Speech, Hillary Clinton Admitted No-Fly Zone Would “Kill a Lot of Syrians” (*EM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
~ Zaid Jilani/@theintercept, {Subscriber Supported Journalism},10-10-16 _
< https://goo.gl/fp5bLq
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Admitted Her Syria Policy Would ‘Kill A Lot O Syrians’”
~ @SecularTalk, {Donate}, 10-11-16, YT, 7:57
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7cUuNwfQpU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If Leak Occurred Earlier?" (*CF) (*EF) (*EM) (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-12-16, YT, 16:26 < https://goo.gl/qfw77J
Syria,101116,15:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSwc5ovMQSE
Yemen,101116,12:31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnsLJqh3tXU
Corrupt,101416,11:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAMnOwQja3I
OUTSIDE FORCES: Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, U.S., Israel (*EM) (*W/T)
"Syria War Propaganda Drumming Up Hard, Corporate Media is LYING Again"
~ @saneprogressive, {Donate}, 10-04-16, YT, 36:20 < https://goo.gl/0x16e9
Syria No Fly Zone-WWIII w/Russia,100616,44:06 https://goo.gl/227Pkv
Syria War Propaganda-Corp Media Lies, 100416,36:20 https://goo.gl/0x16e9
Clinton-ElevatingTrump-WikiLeaks,101016,42:57 https://goo.gl/6Jsqu7
Clinton Will Be Installed-Neoliberals/MIC.,100116,24:45 https://goo.gl/8zrFyr
Corp Media-Clinton-Election Fraud,101916,39:05 https://goo.gl/3AwHpH
US Russian Cyber-Election-Corruption.,101516,23:47 https://goo.gl/KNvlpz
James Comey-Clinton Defense-FBI,092816,49:40 https://goo.gl/BBkT3x
FBI Comey-Clinton Investigation,101816,18:10 https://goo.gl/CEdtTZ
Obama-truth test for media-Orwellian,102016,7:20 https://goo.gl/Sht63W
Wikileaks-Journalist Arrest-Oil Protest,101416,43:21 https://goo.gl/j75wWk
"Rep. Gabbard Explains Why “No Fly Zone” Over Syria Would be Disastrous"
~ Tulsi Gabbard, {Subscribe}, 12-18-15, YT, 3:24 < https://goo.gl/ibGTxX
(^^^) "In Secret Goldman Sachs Speech, Hillary Clinton Admitted No-Fly Zone Would “Kill a Lot of Syrians” (*EM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
~ Zaid Jilani/@theintercept, {Subscriber Supported Journalism},10-10-16 _
< https://goo.gl/fp5bLq
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Admitted Her Syria Policy Would ‘Kill A Lot O Syrians’”
~ @SecularTalk, {Donate}, 10-11-16, YT, 7:57
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7cUuNwfQpU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
OUTSIDE FORCES: Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, U.S., Israel (*EM) (*W/T)
"Syria War Propaganda Drumming Up Hard, Corporate Media is LYING Again"
~ @saneprogressive, {Donate}, 10-04-16, YT, 36:20 < https://goo.gl/0x16e9
Syria No Fly Zone-WWIII w/Russia,100616,44:06 https://goo.gl/227Pkv
Syria War Propaganda-Corp Media Lies, 100416,36:20 https://goo.gl/0x16e9
Clinton-ElevatingTrump-WikiLeaks,101016,42:57 https://goo.gl/6Jsqu7
Clinton Will Be Installed-Neoliberals/MIC.,100116,24:45 https://goo.gl/8zrFyr
Corp Media-Clinton-Election Fraud,101916,39:05 https://goo.gl/3AwHpH
US Russian Cyber-Election-Corruption.,101516,23:47 https://goo.gl/KNvlpz
James Comey-Clinton Defense-FBI,092816,49:40 https://goo.gl/BBkT3x
FBI Comey-Clinton Investigation,101816,18:10 https://goo.gl/CEdtTZ
Obama-truth test for media-Orwellian,102016,7:20 https://goo.gl/Sht63W
Wikileaks-Journalist Arrest-Oil Protest,101416,43:21 https://goo.gl/j75wWk
"Rep. Gabbard Explains Why “No Fly Zone” Over Syria Would be Disastrous"
~ Tulsi Gabbard, {Subscribe}, 12-18-15, YT, 3:24 < https://goo.gl/ibGTxX
"In Secret Goldman Sachs Speech, Hillary Clinton Admitted No-Fly Zone Would “Kill a Lot of Syrians” (*EM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
~ Zaid Jilani/@theintercept, {Subscriber Supported Journalism},10-10-16 _
< https://goo.gl/fp5bLq
Walmart/Wages, 101216 https://theintercept.com/2016/10/12/hacked-emails-show-hillary-clinton-repeatedly-praised-wal-mart-in-paid-speeches/
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Admitted Her Syria Policy Would ‘Kill A Lot O Syrians’”
~ @SecularTalk, {Donate}, 10-11-16, YT, 7:57
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7cUuNwfQpU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
OUTSIDE FORCES: Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, U.S., Israel (*EM) (*W/T)
"Syria War Propaganda Drumming Up Hard, Corporate Media is LYING Again"
~ @saneprogressive, {Donate}, 10-04-16, YT, 36:20 < https://goo.gl/0x16e9
Syria No Fly Zone-WWIII w/Russia,100616,44:06 https://goo.gl/227Pkv
Syria War Propaganda-Corp Media Lies, 100416,36:20 https://goo.gl/0x16e9
Clinton-ElevatingTrump-WikiLeaks,101016,42:57 https://goo.gl/6Jsqu7
Clinton Will Be Installed-Neoliberals/MIC.,100116,24:45 https://goo.gl/8zrFyr
Corp Media-Clinton-Election Fraud,101916,39:05 https://goo.gl/3AwHpH
US Russian Cyber-Election-Corruption.,101516,23:47 https://goo.gl/KNvlpz
James Comey-Clinton Defense-FBI,092816,49:40 https://goo.gl/BBkT3x
FBI Comey-Clinton Investigation,101816,18:10 https://goo.gl/CEdtTZ
Obama-truth test for media-Orwellian,102016,7:20 https://goo.gl/Sht63W
Wikileaks-Journalist Arrest-Oil Protest,101416,43:21 https://goo.gl/j75wWk
"Rep. Gabbard Explains Why “No Fly Zone” Over Syria Would be Disastrous"
~ Tulsi Gabbard, {Subscribe}, 12-18-15, YT, 3:24 < https://goo.gl/ibGTxX
"In Secret Goldman Sachs Speech, Hillary Clinton Admitted No-Fly Zone Would “Kill a Lot of Syrians” (*EM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
~ Zaid Jilani/@theintercept, {Subscriber Supported Journalism},10-10-16 _
< https://goo.gl/fp5bLq
Walmart/Wages, 101216 https://theintercept.com/2016/10/12/hacked-emails-show-hillary-clinton-repeatedly-praised-wal-mart-in-paid-speeches/
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Admitted Her Syria Policy Would ‘Kill A Lot O Syrians’”
~ @SecularTalk, {Donate}, 10-11-16, YT, 7:57
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7cUuNwfQpU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST: SYRIA, IRAQ,
AL QAEDA, ISIS, Terrorism, Climate Chaos
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders: 'Climate Change Is Directly Related To The Growth Of Terrorism”
~ tpmtv, @TPM, {Subscribe}, 11-14-15, YT, 1:54 < https://goo.gl/ZbSBdv
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders: 'Climate Change Is Directly Related To The Growth Of Terrorism”
~ tpmtv, @TPM, {Subscribe}, 11-14-15, YT, 1:54 < https://goo.gl/ZbSBdv
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST:
SYRIA, US Gov’t Agency-
CIA/NSA-Pentagon-War Dept-Middle East-Africa-101, Syria, WAR WITH SYRIA,
CHEMICAL WEAPONS USE: VIETMAN, IRAQ, USA Rogue Military State, Self-Immunized
From International Law, Mafia System
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 09-11-13, YT, 13:00 < https://goo.gl/6u3GqD
-/\/- 911; Wars in Chile, Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria & Drones
"Chomsky: Instead of "Illegal" Threat to Syria, U.S. Should Back Chemical Weapons Ban in All Nations" @noamchomskyT
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 09-11-13, YT, 32:00 < https://goo.gl/8uK4xW
>###(05-17)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 09-11-13, YT, 13:00 < https://goo.gl/6u3GqD
-/\/- 911; Wars in Chile, Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria & Drones
"Chomsky: Instead of "Illegal" Threat to Syria, U.S. Should Back Chemical Weapons Ban in All Nations" @noamchomskyT
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 09-11-13, YT, 32:00 < https://goo.gl/8uK4xW
>###(05-17)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST:
SYRIA,U.S. Congress,
Addicted To War, Militarism, Unjust Wars; Saudi Arabia, Sec. of State, Hillary
Clinton, John Kerry; Bombs, Yemen @davidcnswanson
(^^^) "David Swanson of WorldBeyondWar.org Discusses Film 'War Dogs'"
~ ConspiracyScope, {Subscribe}, 09-06-16, YT, 37:05 < https://goo.gl/PgGhBX
< http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2005151/
(^^^) ”David Swanson – War is a Lie: What Your Tax Dollars Buy”
~ Other Voices, Other Choices, 04-25-16, YT, 1:03:05 < https://goo.gl/9q72dR
>###(02-17)*TS###CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "David Swanson of WorldBeyondWar.org Discusses Film 'War Dogs'"
~ ConspiracyScope, {Subscribe}, 09-06-16, YT, 37:05 < https://goo.gl/PgGhBX
< http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2005151/
(^^^) ”David Swanson – War is a Lie: What Your Tax Dollars Buy”
~ Other Voices, Other Choices, 04-25-16, YT, 1:03:05 < https://goo.gl/9q72dR
>###(02-17)*TS###CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0250MESY, MIDDLE EAST: SYRIA;
Wikileaks, 2006 Classified Document, Ambassador to Syria, William Roebuck;
GCC – Gulf Corporation Council: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain;
Arab League, 22 members: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria (suspended since 2011 Civil War);
(^^^) “’Deliberate Destabilization of Syria’ by Sheila Coombes”
~ Frome Stop War, 11-12-16, YT, 33:43 < https://goo.gl/HRzQJN
Gulf Corporation Council, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/HT7u6S
Arab League, < https://goo.gl/97wJ1p
Frome Stop War, Fbk Group/Public, {Share} < https://goo.gl/4RFNCL
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
GCC – Gulf Corporation Council: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain;
Arab League, 22 members: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria (suspended since 2011 Civil War);
(^^^) “’Deliberate Destabilization of Syria’ by Sheila Coombes”
~ Frome Stop War, 11-12-16, YT, 33:43 < https://goo.gl/HRzQJN
Gulf Corporation Council, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/HT7u6S
Arab League, < https://goo.gl/97wJ1p
Frome Stop War, Fbk Group/Public, {Share} < https://goo.gl/4RFNCL
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
OBJECTIVE: Regime Change; Building a Qatar to Bulgaria pipeline through a
sovereign Russian allies territory
SAUDI ARABIA, OIL DOLLAR: U.S. Backing Wahhabism & ISIS Wing Terrorism
U.S. MAIN STREAM MEDIA: Bullsh*t, Failed State Terrorism, War w/o End
(^^^) "You're Being Lied To On Syria | United States The Real Terrorists"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 12-16-16, YT, 8:01 < https://goo.gl/dFHUoS
(^^^) "Syria: Another Pipeline War"
~ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr./@EcoWatch, 02-25-16 < https://goo.gl/U8KWpw
"U.S. Military Warns of Climate-Driven ‘Instability on an International Scale’"
~ Alex Kirby/@ClimateNewsDay/@Truthdig, 09-22-16 https://goo.gl/ybdDfH
SARIN GAS, SYRIAN REBELS: CIA Supplied Gaddafi/Libyan Sarin Gas to Syrian Rebels for Secretary of State Clinton and President Barack Obama;
Gas Attack Genocide used to promote Syrian War to U.S. and Europeans
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton: Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Says Presidential Candidate Approved Sending Sarin Gas To Syrian Rebels"
~ Patricia Ramirez/@theinquisitr, {Donate} 05-03-16 < https://goo.gl/YLNJnv
(^^^) "Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist: Hillary Approved Sending Sarin Gas to Rebels to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War"
~ Matt Agorist/DC Cloths Line, {Donate} 05-03-16 < https://goo.gl/z2YHwC
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
SAUDI ARABIA, OIL DOLLAR: U.S. Backing Wahhabism & ISIS Wing Terrorism
U.S. MAIN STREAM MEDIA: Bullsh*t, Failed State Terrorism, War w/o End
(^^^) "You're Being Lied To On Syria | United States The Real Terrorists"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 12-16-16, YT, 8:01 < https://goo.gl/dFHUoS
(^^^) "Syria: Another Pipeline War"
~ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr./@EcoWatch, 02-25-16 < https://goo.gl/U8KWpw
"U.S. Military Warns of Climate-Driven ‘Instability on an International Scale’"
~ Alex Kirby/@ClimateNewsDay/@Truthdig, 09-22-16 https://goo.gl/ybdDfH
SARIN GAS, SYRIAN REBELS: CIA Supplied Gaddafi/Libyan Sarin Gas to Syrian Rebels for Secretary of State Clinton and President Barack Obama;
Gas Attack Genocide used to promote Syrian War to U.S. and Europeans
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton: Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Says Presidential Candidate Approved Sending Sarin Gas To Syrian Rebels"
~ Patricia Ramirez/@theinquisitr, {Donate} 05-03-16 < https://goo.gl/YLNJnv
(^^^) "Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist: Hillary Approved Sending Sarin Gas to Rebels to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War"
~ Matt Agorist/DC Cloths Line, {Donate} 05-03-16 < https://goo.gl/z2YHwC
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0260NAL, NORTH AFRICA: LIBIYA ,
ISIS "President Obama just authorized air strikes in Libya
to combat ISIS, making it the fourth country that the United States is bombing
in its unofficial, undeclared War on Terror - and the media barely reported
(^^^) "Obama just started bombing a new country, no one noticed” (*W/T)
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 08-12-16, YT, 2:36 < https://goo.gl/5891KS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Obama just started bombing a new country, no one noticed” (*W/T)
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 08-12-16, YT, 2:36 < https://goo.gl/5891KS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0260NAL, NORTH AFRICA: LIBIYA,
Middle East, World War III, Hillary
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton’s Likely Pentagon Chief Already Advocating for More Bombing and Intervention" (*W/T)
~ @ggreenwald/@theintercept, {Donate}, 06-22-16 https://goo.gl/1McCtU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton’s Likely Pentagon Chief Already Advocating for More Bombing and Intervention" (*W/T)
~ @ggreenwald/@theintercept, {Donate}, 06-22-16 https://goo.gl/1McCtU
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Libya Gamble: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Push for War & the Making of a Failed State"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 03-03-16, YT, 18:15 (*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aLjvJbnY0c
LIBIYA , ISIS "President Obama just authorized air strikes in Libya to combat ISIS, making it the fourth country that the United States is bombing in its unofficial, undeclared War on Terror - and the media barely reported it."
(^^^) "Obama just started bombing a new country, no one noticed” (*W/T)
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 08-12-16, YT, 2:36 < https://goo.gl/5891KS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Libya Gamble: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Push for War & the Making of a Failed State"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 03-03-16, YT, 18:15 (*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aLjvJbnY0c
LIBIYA , ISIS "President Obama just authorized air strikes in Libya to combat ISIS, making it the fourth country that the United States is bombing in its unofficial, undeclared War on Terror - and the media barely reported it."
(^^^) "Obama just started bombing a new country, no one noticed” (*W/T)
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 08-12-16, YT, 2:36 < https://goo.gl/5891KS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0300NAL, NORTH AFRICA: LIBYA "The Obama administration said it was just trying to protect
civilians. Its actions reveal it was looking for regime change."
(^^^) "‘The Big Lie About the Libyan War"
~ Micah Zenko/Foreign Policy, {Subscribe}, 03-22-16 < https://goo.gl/vBxeKY
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "‘The Big Lie About the Libyan War"
~ Micah Zenko/Foreign Policy, {Subscribe}, 03-22-16 < https://goo.gl/vBxeKY
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0300NAL, NORTH AFRICA: LIBYA
(^^^) "Jill Stein Slams Hillary Clinton's 'Disturbing' Laughter at Lynching of African Ruler" (*DJS) (*FP) (*SPE) (*W/T)
~ AfriSynergyNews, {Subscribe}, 10-24-16, YT, 24:24 < https://goo.gl/CUur23
(^^^) “Jill Stein leaves Clinton Supporters speechless” (*DJS) (*FP) (*W/T)
~ Poetic Freedom, {Donate}, 10-17-16, YT, 3:52 < https://goo.gl/vTUDyK
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Jill Stein Slams Hillary Clinton's 'Disturbing' Laughter at Lynching of African Ruler" (*DJS) (*FP) (*SPE) (*W/T)
~ AfriSynergyNews, {Subscribe}, 10-24-16, YT, 24:24 < https://goo.gl/CUur23
(^^^) “Jill Stein leaves Clinton Supporters speechless” (*DJS) (*FP) (*W/T)
~ Poetic Freedom, {Donate}, 10-17-16, YT, 3:52 < https://goo.gl/vTUDyK
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0300NAL, NORTH AFRICA: LIBYA
"Hillary’s email revelation: France & US killed Qaddafi for his gold & oil"
~ Bob Fitrakis/Free Press, {Donate}, 03-31-16 < https://goo.gl/8F8YNB
BENGHAZI: Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D*OH), Senator Rand Paul (R*KY), Rep. Trey Gowdy (R*SC), Carly Fiorina (R*CA POTUS Candidate)
{ The presence of Al-Qaida terrorists in Benghazi Libya was well known. Their declared attack targets were the British, the Red Cross, and finally the US. Three attacks followed, over a several month period, in exactly that order. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "The Benghazi Cover-up" (*ULDRKD) (*ULRRTG) (*ULRRRP)
~ James Roguski, {Subscribe}, 10-25-15, YT, 50:29 < https://goo.gl/2O747Z
IRAN, LIBYA, IRAQ, SYRIA, HONDOURAS: Military Industrial Complex
(^^^) "Impassioned Plea for Bernie Sanders by Oliver Stone: ‘Hillary Clinton Has Effectively Closed the Door on Peace’”
~ Oliver Stone/Fantastic Word, {Subscribe}, 04-01-16 https://goo.gl/nNo85P
(^^^) "The Important Geopolitical News That You're Not Being Told"
~ WeAreChange, {Subscribe}, 05-15-16, YT, 8:21 < https://goo.gl/XDXSeD
(^^^) "Kent State, May 4, 1970: America Kills Its Children"
~ Wally Wynn, {Subscribe}, 04-26-10, YT, 6:17 < https://goo.gl/q6avUc
>##(05-17)*CBWS*EC*WB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Hillary’s email revelation: France & US killed Qaddafi for his gold & oil"
~ Bob Fitrakis/Free Press, {Donate}, 03-31-16 < https://goo.gl/8F8YNB
BENGHAZI: Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D*OH), Senator Rand Paul (R*KY), Rep. Trey Gowdy (R*SC), Carly Fiorina (R*CA POTUS Candidate)
{ The presence of Al-Qaida terrorists in Benghazi Libya was well known. Their declared attack targets were the British, the Red Cross, and finally the US. Three attacks followed, over a several month period, in exactly that order. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "The Benghazi Cover-up" (*ULDRKD) (*ULRRTG) (*ULRRRP)
~ James Roguski, {Subscribe}, 10-25-15, YT, 50:29 < https://goo.gl/2O747Z
IRAN, LIBYA, IRAQ, SYRIA, HONDOURAS: Military Industrial Complex
(^^^) "Impassioned Plea for Bernie Sanders by Oliver Stone: ‘Hillary Clinton Has Effectively Closed the Door on Peace’”
~ Oliver Stone/Fantastic Word, {Subscribe}, 04-01-16 https://goo.gl/nNo85P
(^^^) "The Important Geopolitical News That You're Not Being Told"
~ WeAreChange, {Subscribe}, 05-15-16, YT, 8:21 < https://goo.gl/XDXSeD
(^^^) "Kent State, May 4, 1970: America Kills Its Children"
~ Wally Wynn, {Subscribe}, 04-26-10, YT, 6:17 < https://goo.gl/q6avUc
>##(05-17)*CBWS*EC*WB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0300NAL, NORTH AFRICA: LIBYA, WAR
(^^^) "The Libya Gamble: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Push for War & the Making of a Failed State"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 03-03-16, YT, 18:15 (*DNC)(*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aLjvJbnY0c
“Tribute to the Fallen Navy SEALs of Aug 6th 2011” (*WAR)
~ KidxNamedxTrinidad, {Subscribe}, 08-29-11, YT, 5:06 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrK4wA_uRh0
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Libya Gamble: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Push for War & the Making of a Failed State"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 03-03-16, YT, 18:15 (*DNC)(*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aLjvJbnY0c
“Tribute to the Fallen Navy SEALs of Aug 6th 2011” (*WAR)
~ KidxNamedxTrinidad, {Subscribe}, 08-29-11, YT, 5:06 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrK4wA_uRh0
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Libya Gamble: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Push for War & the Making of a Failed State"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 03-03-16, YT, 18:15 (*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aLjvJbnY0c
LIBIYA , ISIS "President Obama just authorized air strikes in Libya to combat ISIS, making it the fourth country that the United States is bombing in its unofficial, undeclared War on Terror - and the media barely reported it."
(^^^) "Obama just started bombing a new country, no one noticed” (*W/T)
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 08-12-16, YT, 2:36 < https://goo.gl/5891KS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "The Libya Gamble: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Push for War & the Making of a Failed State"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 03-03-16, YT, 18:15 (*W/T)
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aLjvJbnY0c
LIBIYA , ISIS "President Obama just authorized air strikes in Libya to combat ISIS, making it the fourth country that the United States is bombing in its unofficial, undeclared War on Terror - and the media barely reported it."
(^^^) "Obama just started bombing a new country, no one noticed” (*W/T)
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 08-12-16, YT, 2:36 < https://goo.gl/5891KS
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{Think you know your government? Really?}
(Minute 4)
Loans made to target countries are designed to compromise them with “Debt” in order to expand International Corporate Empires;
The Infrastructure "Aid Money” actually goes to Corporations who complete just the development that accomplishes extraction of national resources;
Infrastructure “development” benefits a few rich people in the target Country;
There is more slavery in the World today;
Developing Countries “can’t” repay debt that benefited a few
…so resources and or labor are sacrificed at rock bottom prices;
Forced austerity collapses existing social programs increasing poverty and deprivation;
…by C.I.A. lead invasion to placate United Fruit Corp and big oil corporations profits;
United Fruit Corp had convinced the U.S. that President Arbenz was a Communist;
(Minute 6)*
…by C.I.A. operatives in an Airplane Crash to placate big oil corporations profits;
Roldos was the first “democratically elected” President in years;
He wanted Ecuador’s resources to benefit the people;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” the crash site;
(Minute 8)*
…by C.I.A. Operatives to placate I.T.T. - International Telephone & Telegraph Corporations profits;
Harold Janine, the C.E.O. decided to take him out;
Allende’ was a labeled a Socialist who distributed resources, and placed “price controls” on essential commodities;
(Minute 9)*
…in an Airplane Crash in order to overturn the 1976 “Panama Canal Treaty” for the U.S.;
Torrijos knew he was next to be murdered;
“A security guard handed him a tape recorder (upon boarding) that had a bomb;”
(Minute 13)*
…by U.S. INVASION in 1989;
(Noriega was a former C.I.A. Agent who fought Columbia Drug Cartels);
He refused to reverse the 1976 Panama Canal Treaty;
One aim of his ouster was to reinstate U.S. military bases in Panama;
He negotiated with the Japanese to build another canal;
The U.S. bombed and killed 2,000 - 6,000 innocent Panamanian people;
Noriega is said to have held compromising photographs from Contadora, a tropical “No Tell” playground for elites;
Panama’s National Security Building was completely destroyed;
It contained photographs of U.S. Elites in compromising positions …with George Wacky Bush’ (C.I.A. Vice President George “Papa” Bush’ son) pictures among them;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” after the firebombing;
(Minutes 16)*
…by C.I.A. Agent Kermit Roosevelt who took a few million C.I.A. dollars into Iran to fund dissidents in order to overthrow Mosaddegh;
He was removed to increase big oil corporations access and profits;
A puppet Dictator, the Shah of Iran, was installed to replace a democratically elected president;
Mosaddegh’s offense was that he had nationalized British Petroleum Corp, B.P. (formerly British Persian Oil);
(Minute 20)*
EX. 7* VENEZUELA ~ HUGO CHAVEZ – 2002 - COUP ATTEMPT by C.I.A. Operatives to placate big oil corporations profits, but CHAVEZ SURVIVED;
After 09-11-01, he noted that there was anger and resentment over the role of the U.S. in the World;
His statement was resented by the U.S.;
The success of Chavez unleashed a “populist movement” in South America – Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and many other countries held democratic elections;
There were nonviolent Democratic Revolutions;
The movement was against exploitation of resources in 80% of Latin America and threatening or bribing leaders to institute corporations power in sovereign countries;
(Minute 23)*
{…PAYING PEOPLE to take to the streets and riot. That should remind U.S. of the BUSH 2000 "Brooks Brothers" Vote Recount Riot? (Miami, Dade County); The Brooks Brothers Riot gave the Supreme Court 6 Just-aSSes the excuse, cover, or will to steal a U.S. Presidential Election.}
EX. 8* IRAQ ~ SADDAM HUSSEIN – (1937 – 2006) HUNG
…after 2003 Invasion to find Weapons of Mass Destruction and for big oil corporations and U.S. defense corporations profits;
(Hussein once worked for the C.I.A. to overthrow a predecessor in 1963);
It took 2 tries to overthrow Hussein, 1991 and 2003;
Saddam Hussein’s crime was that he wanted to sell Iraqi oil for a currency other than the U.S. dollar;
U.S. and British Oil Corporations wanted profits from easily extractible Iraqi oil;
Economic Hit Men were not successful in the 1990’s;
(Minute 27)*
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT, A Summary, may include (if necessary) :
1.) Threaten and or buy off corrupt leaders;
2.) Compromise the national economy with “break neck” loans;
{Spread rumors about the national debt or currency instability and cause currency devaluation.}
3.) Send in C.I.A. Jackals to take out leaders by funding a “home grown” Coup;
4.) Send in U.S. troops;
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT (Expanded Description)
1. Economic Hit-Men show a leader two stories …one with abundance and rewards for the family for selling out their country, and a second option with a shiny granite mausoleum and a dead family;
In the bribe option, the Countries Leaders are convinced to accept and embrace privatization/“profitization” and natural resource sales to corporations for cents-on-the-dollar of true value;
Commons Resource Extraction, Corporations Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass, and Social Services Austerity are “hallmarks” of a Corporatocracy deprived of the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economists, modern vultures, are invited to construct the economy they desire;
2. In a step by step calculated extension of Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economics, they offer a financially strapped Countries Leaders impossible loan amounts to “improve infrastructure;”
The money is applied to “infrastructure improvements” that facilitate the extraction of natural resources for a fraction of true value by corporations;
Sometimes the loan is made after the Country is intentionally destabilized by misinformation seeded in foreign or U.S. financial markets;
Receiving Countries are expected to accept Social Services Austerity and Corp Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass for its people to pay back the International Loan to:
The World Bank;
The International Monetary Fund/Bank (I.M.F.);
The World Trade Organization (W.T.O.);
The (private international plutocrat’s) Federal Reserve Bank (The FED/Feudal Reverse Bank).
3. The C.I.A./Corporations Infantry of Aristocrats either directly assassinates a leader, pays a local individual or group to take up the task, or seeds an uprising among dissidents and arms and assists in the fake “home grown” Corp;
A U.S. surrogate is installed as the new head of a “totalitarian” state;
U.S. backed Multinational Corporations are given Carte Blanche access to resources and influence;
The Local Aristocracy shares in some fraction of the profits, while freedom of the free press is non-existent as they and Union Leaders are murdered or disappeared;
4. The U.S. and or International Military invades and submits the country to corporations rule and colonization by a new more cooperative Leader;
The people are forced to accept Social Services Austerity and Corporations Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass without the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
(Minute 30)
EX. 9* WORLD – The objective of Corporations is to create or exploit Chaos and Mayhem;
Exploitation works to the advantage of big oil corporations;
General conflict between Muslim’s, Christians, and Jews and feuding sects among them are exploitable;
EX. 10* SOUTH AMERICA – The Indigenous People and the Military have united against the Corporatocracy in recent election …Ecuador, Venezuela, and Bolivia;
Their self-interest is to fight the Corporatocracy;
(Minute 30)*
EX. 11* MIDDLE EAST – Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, and Israel are in constant conflict;
Oil Corps can exploit that for power or profit;
(Minute 32)*
EX. 12* AFRICA – Corporations are destabilizing governments and conquering the dark continent while enjoying the virtual cover of a corporations media blackout in the U.S.;
There’s a “media mask” over the African Continent;
The Corporatocracy does everything it can to maintain instability;
(Minute 32)*
“Leaders are not corrupt. They are corrupted” …by multinational corporations;
(The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bank)/I.M.F., The World Bank/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bank (The Feudal Reverse Bank), & The World Trade Organization/W.T.O.);
(Minute 32)*
EX. 13* SOUTH AMERICA – Americans see migrations of South Americans to this country, but have no idea that the reason is the work of big Trans-National Corporations that we “protect”;
The U.S. invades sovereign countries, or have destroyed their economies through “free trade” agreements;
The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bank)/I.M.F., The World Bank/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bank (The Feudal Reverse Bank), The World Trade Organization/W.T.O., and the big corporations they represent have caused these immigration problems;
Immigrants don’t want to be here, but our Presidential Candidates aren’t addressing that;
(Minute 36)*
(Minute 36)
Trans-National Corporations & Politicians want to go to war;
But the top echelon military leaders don’t desire war because they recognize that “invasion creates more terrorism;”
EX. 14* VIETNAM, IRAQ – Huge Success for Big Corps;
(Minute 37)*
EX. 15* COLUMBIA – Building Dams, Pipelines, etc destroy farmland, and intrude without benefitting the common people …who were starving;
Gorilla factions objected and halted corporations resource extraction and exploitation;
Corps wanted their land and accused them of being Communists to facilitate taking it;
Gorillas turned away big corporations and turned to extortion, kidnapping, and cocaine exports to finance themselves;
Soviet Union helped to balance power;
Once they were gone, terrorism became the only option;
A “Red Scare” is a manufactured pretense to defend oil corporations;
Texaco-Chevron was guilty of intentional pollution in Ecuador at 18 times the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill …to save money;
U.S. Military aid is used to defend oil corporations;
(Minute 38)*
The U.S. finds or creates these enemies …Communists, Socialists, Terrorists, etc …in order to create the chaos that allows the U.S. to exploit countries to benefit multinational corporations;
(Minute 42)
(Minute 47)
The U.S. was broke In 1971, an outcome of the trumped-up Vietnam War;
The Gold Monetary Standard was abandoned;
The House of Saud invested in US Government securities to “prop up” the dollar;
In 1973 Saudi Arabia invested in the dollar and backed the “Oil Standard” by selling oil for U.S. Dollars exclusively;
The private-international Federal Reserve Bank Dollar became the currency oil is traded in and a key back-up currency worldwide;
[The higher the price of oil, the more the “oil standard” dollar is needed]
EX. 16 IRAN – Wanted to sell oil for other currencies besides the dollar;
So the U.S. threatened them;
(EXTENSION EX. Muammar Gaddafi – (1942-2011) He wanted payment for Libyan oil in “Gold” instead of the “dollar/oil standard” – He was OVERTHROWN & ASSASSINATED by dissidents with full U.S. and Western European air force and monetary support);
(Minute 48)
The Dollar is backed by the “Oil Standard” currency status;
So the trans-national oil corporations control the US Government;
There’s no serious move to embrace alternative energy sources like Solar;
The dollar is backed by “oil demand;”
[almost every U.S. State has recently raised its speed limit to 70 m.p.h.]
oil and bio-fuels can be “centrally controlled” by Corporations;
They fit into the “desired pattern” of control by Corporatocracy;
The U.S. finds and creates enemies to destabilize people privatize/”profitize” resources for trans-national corporations. That’s what we do;
Solar Panels compete with Oil (Political Conflict), breaking an old pattern, and transforming This Empire which works to destabilize, divide, & conquer so oil corporations win;
(Minute 51)
Breaking an old pattern of Corporatocracy means making a “just world”… creating a sustainable peaceful world;
(Minute 54)
Greed is our measure of success;
Corp C.E.O.’s measure success by money;
John Perkins never met a mean C.E.O.;
Money is “how they measure success” …by bonuses and by stock value increases;
(Minute 58)
There have been several hundred years of non-sustainability;
The whole world is a community;
Joy comes from the bliss of “connectedness;”
(Minute 1:02)
Doing the “right thing” now is an investment in the future;
(Minute 1:04)
Don’t buy anything made by slaves;
Follow a passion and change;
Environmentally Sustainability creates a socially just and peaceful world;
Use one’s own passion for change
{ John Perkins, a former economic hitman describes how multinational corporations employ the C.I.A. (with agents in the U.S. State Department and its foreign embassies) and the U.S. War Department to promote capitalism by covert means. American Exceptionalism (an absurdity in a real Democracy) is a term that describes the foreign policy of a nation-state corporatocracy (a kleptocracy) which projects and imposes Friedman Chicago School economic austerity by a method best described as “The Shock Doctrine” ~ Naomi A. Klein, 2007. It interferes with elections and propagates CIA initiated coup d’états to topple vulnerable democracies and props up totalitarian police states. This corporate state-captured democracy spreads colonialism, exploitation and central bank loans using profit-charter capitalist values and the oil dollar. ~ IGRPP } @economic_hitman @idreamchange
"John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (ex CIA *Zeitgeist Documentary Interview*)"
~ Russell Blattberg, {Subscribe}, 02-09-17, YT, 1:08:49 https://goo.gl/Z54X1y
INDUSTRIAL MILITARY COMPLEX, FASCISM: Stopping War, Stopping Tyranny, Smashing the War Racket
(^^^) “War is a Racket by Smedley Butler” [Theatrical Dramatization]
~ numoleen, {Subscribe}, 03-11-09, YT, 8:56 < https://goo.gl/gBIs7L
HISTORY: American Fascism, Fascist Coup d’état, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank;
Glass-Steagall Act 1933, Banking Act 1935, American Legion, Tyranny, Industrial Military Complex, POTUS Franklin D. Roosevelt, Banking, Plot To Force Return To Gold Standard
Book: “War is a racket” ~ Smedley Butler, U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen.
J.P. Morgan and Wall Street plutocrats plotted a fascist takeover of US Government; This was a coup d’état to remove Roosevelt and nix the New Deal programs; Rich Americans supported Nazi’s; The American Liberty League financed Hitler; Wall Street Fascist’s,
*(The Documentary “narration” eventually bashes President Obama, a globalist, but original footage from the 1940’s stands on its own.)
“Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot” (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ritmit, {Subscribe}, 08-14-11, YT, 17:57 < https://goo.gl/2TJ9eq
Smedley Butler, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/3xu65X
Business Plot (JP Morgan, 1934), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/h8rsr6
WHISTLEBLOWER: Corporate Corp D’états, Fascism, Warmongering
(^^^) “Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in US. (1934)”
~ OccultAgenda, {Subscribe}, 04-26-12, YT, 9:08 < https://goo.gl/zY5UEo
Smedley Butler, 7th Day Truth Seeker, 031316, 45:51 < https://goo.gl/dfucov
(^^^) “Dark Legacy (George Bush)” (*POTUS41) (*POTUS35)
~ XVII LXXVI, {Subscribe}, 04-29-17, YT, 1:13:32 < https://goo.gl/4sBPQM
Bush Crime Family, XVII LXXVI, 10-22-16, 45:22 < https://goo.gl/xHbdPX
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{Think you know your government? Really?}
(Minute 4)
Loans made to target countries are designed to compromise them with “Debt” in order to expand International Corporate Empires;
The Infrastructure "Aid Money” actually goes to Corporations who complete just the development that accomplishes extraction of national resources;
Infrastructure “development” benefits a few rich people in the target Country;
There is more slavery in the World today;
Developing Countries “can’t” repay debt that benefited a few
…so resources and or labor are sacrificed at rock bottom prices;
Forced austerity collapses existing social programs increasing poverty and deprivation;
…by C.I.A. lead invasion to placate United Fruit Corp and big oil corporations profits;
United Fruit Corp had convinced the U.S. that President Arbenz was a Communist;
(Minute 6)*
…by C.I.A. operatives in an Airplane Crash to placate big oil corporations profits;
Roldos was the first “democratically elected” President in years;
He wanted Ecuador’s resources to benefit the people;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” the crash site;
(Minute 8)*
…by C.I.A. Operatives to placate I.T.T. - International Telephone & Telegraph Corporations profits;
Harold Janine, the C.E.O. decided to take him out;
Allende’ was a labeled a Socialist who distributed resources, and placed “price controls” on essential commodities;
(Minute 9)*
…in an Airplane Crash in order to overturn the 1976 “Panama Canal Treaty” for the U.S.;
Torrijos knew he was next to be murdered;
“A security guard handed him a tape recorder (upon boarding) that had a bomb;”
(Minute 13)*
…by U.S. INVASION in 1989;
(Noriega was a former C.I.A. Agent who fought Columbia Drug Cartels);
He refused to reverse the 1976 Panama Canal Treaty;
One aim of his ouster was to reinstate U.S. military bases in Panama;
He negotiated with the Japanese to build another canal;
The U.S. bombed and killed 2,000 - 6,000 innocent Panamanian people;
Noriega is said to have held compromising photographs from Contadora, a tropical “No Tell” playground for elites;
Panama’s National Security Building was completely destroyed;
It contained photographs of U.S. Elites in compromising positions …with George Wacky Bush’ (C.I.A. Vice President George “Papa” Bush’ son) pictures among them;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” after the firebombing;
(Minutes 16)*
…by C.I.A. Agent Kermit Roosevelt who took a few million C.I.A. dollars into Iran to fund dissidents in order to overthrow Mosaddegh;
He was removed to increase big oil corporations access and profits;
A puppet Dictator, the Shah of Iran, was installed to replace a democratically elected president;
Mosaddegh’s offense was that he had nationalized British Petroleum Corp, B.P. (formerly British Persian Oil);
(Minute 20)*
EX. 7* VENEZUELA ~ HUGO CHAVEZ – 2002 - COUP ATTEMPT by C.I.A. Operatives to placate big oil corporations profits, but CHAVEZ SURVIVED;
After 09-11-01, he noted that there was anger and resentment over the role of the U.S. in the World;
His statement was resented by the U.S.;
The success of Chavez unleashed a “populist movement” in South America – Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and many other countries held democratic elections;
There were nonviolent Democratic Revolutions;
The movement was against exploitation of resources in 80% of Latin America and threatening or bribing leaders to institute corporations power in sovereign countries;
(Minute 23)*
{…PAYING PEOPLE to take to the streets and riot. That should remind U.S. of the BUSH 2000 "Brooks Brothers" Vote Recount Riot? (Miami, Dade County); The Brooks Brothers Riot gave the Supreme Court 6 Just-aSSes the excuse, cover, or will to steal a U.S. Presidential Election.}
EX. 8* IRAQ ~ SADDAM HUSSEIN – (1937 – 2006) HUNG
…after 2003 Invasion to find Weapons of Mass Destruction and for big oil corporations and U.S. defense corporations profits;
(Hussein once worked for the C.I.A. to overthrow a predecessor in 1963);
It took 2 tries to overthrow Hussein, 1991 and 2003;
Saddam Hussein’s crime was that he wanted to sell Iraqi oil for a currency other than the U.S. dollar;
U.S. and British Oil Corporations wanted profits from easily extractible Iraqi oil;
Economic Hit Men were not successful in the 1990’s;
(Minute 27)*
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT, A Summary, may include (if necessary) :
1.) Threaten and or buy off corrupt leaders;
2.) Compromise the national economy with “break neck” loans;
{Spread rumors about the national debt or currency instability and cause currency devaluation.}
3.) Send in C.I.A. Jackals to take out leaders by funding a “home grown” Coup;
4.) Send in U.S. troops;
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT (Expanded Description)
1. Economic Hit-Men show a leader two stories …one with abundance and rewards for the family for selling out their country, and a second option with a shiny granite mausoleum and a dead family;
In the bribe option, the Countries Leaders are convinced to accept and embrace privatization/“profitization” and natural resource sales to corporations for cents-on-the-dollar of true value;
Commons Resource Extraction, Corporations Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass, and Social Services Austerity are “hallmarks” of a Corporatocracy deprived of the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economists, modern vultures, are invited to construct the economy they desire;
2. In a step by step calculated extension of Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economics, they offer a financially strapped Countries Leaders impossible loan amounts to “improve infrastructure;”
The money is applied to “infrastructure improvements” that facilitate the extraction of natural resources for a fraction of true value by corporations;
Sometimes the loan is made after the Country is intentionally destabilized by misinformation seeded in foreign or U.S. financial markets;
Receiving Countries are expected to accept Social Services Austerity and Corp Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass for its people to pay back the International Loan to:
The World Bank;
The International Monetary Fund/Bank (I.M.F.);
The World Trade Organization (W.T.O.);
The (private international plutocrat’s) Federal Reserve Bank (The FED/Feudal Reverse Bank).
3. The C.I.A./Corporations Infantry of Aristocrats either directly assassinates a leader, pays a local individual or group to take up the task, or seeds an uprising among dissidents and arms and assists in the fake “home grown” Corp;
A U.S. surrogate is installed as the new head of a “totalitarian” state;
U.S. backed Multinational Corporations are given Carte Blanche access to resources and influence;
The Local Aristocracy shares in some fraction of the profits, while freedom of the free press is non-existent as they and Union Leaders are murdered or disappeared;
4. The U.S. and or International Military invades and submits the country to corporations rule and colonization by a new more cooperative Leader;
The people are forced to accept Social Services Austerity and Corporations Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass without the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
(Minute 30)
EX. 9* WORLD – The objective of Corporations is to create or exploit Chaos and Mayhem;
Exploitation works to the advantage of big oil corporations;
General conflict between Muslim’s, Christians, and Jews and feuding sects among them are exploitable;
EX. 10* SOUTH AMERICA – The Indigenous People and the Military have united against the Corporatocracy in recent election …Ecuador, Venezuela, and Bolivia;
Their self-interest is to fight the Corporatocracy;
(Minute 30)*
EX. 11* MIDDLE EAST – Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, and Israel are in constant conflict;
Oil Corps can exploit that for power or profit;
(Minute 32)*
EX. 12* AFRICA – Corporations are destabilizing governments and conquering the dark continent while enjoying the virtual cover of a corporations media blackout in the U.S.;
There’s a “media mask” over the African Continent;
The Corporatocracy does everything it can to maintain instability;
(Minute 32)*
“Leaders are not corrupt. They are corrupted” …by multinational corporations;
(The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bank)/I.M.F., The World Bank/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bank (The Feudal Reverse Bank), & The World Trade Organization/W.T.O.);
(Minute 32)*
EX. 13* SOUTH AMERICA – Americans see migrations of South Americans to this country, but have no idea that the reason is the work of big Trans-National Corporations that we “protect”;
The U.S. invades sovereign countries, or have destroyed their economies through “free trade” agreements;
The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bank)/I.M.F., The World Bank/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bank (The Feudal Reverse Bank), The World Trade Organization/W.T.O., and the big corporations they represent have caused these immigration problems;
Immigrants don’t want to be here, but our Presidential Candidates aren’t addressing that;
(Minute 36)*
(Minute 36)
Trans-National Corporations & Politicians want to go to war;
But the top echelon military leaders don’t desire war because they recognize that “invasion creates more terrorism;”
EX. 14* VIETNAM, IRAQ – Huge Success for Big Corps;
(Minute 37)*
EX. 15* COLUMBIA – Building Dams, Pipelines, etc destroy farmland, and intrude without benefitting the common people …who were starving;
Gorilla factions objected and halted corporations resource extraction and exploitation;
Corps wanted their land and accused them of being Communists to facilitate taking it;
Gorillas turned away big corporations and turned to extortion, kidnapping, and cocaine exports to finance themselves;
Soviet Union helped to balance power;
Once they were gone, terrorism became the only option;
A “Red Scare” is a manufactured pretense to defend oil corporations;
Texaco-Chevron was guilty of intentional pollution in Ecuador at 18 times the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill …to save money;
U.S. Military aid is used to defend oil corporations;
(Minute 38)*
The U.S. finds or creates these enemies …Communists, Socialists, Terrorists, etc …in order to create the chaos that allows the U.S. to exploit countries to benefit multinational corporations;
(Minute 42)
(Minute 47)
The U.S. was broke In 1971, an outcome of the trumped-up Vietnam War;
The Gold Monetary Standard was abandoned;
The House of Saud invested in US Government securities to “prop up” the dollar;
In 1973 Saudi Arabia invested in the dollar and backed the “Oil Standard” by selling oil for U.S. Dollars exclusively;
The private-international Federal Reserve Bank Dollar became the currency oil is traded in and a key back-up currency worldwide;
[The higher the price of oil, the more the “oil standard” dollar is needed]
EX. 16 IRAN – Wanted to sell oil for other currencies besides the dollar;
So the U.S. threatened them;
(EXTENSION EX. Muammar Gaddafi – (1942-2011) He wanted payment for Libyan oil in “Gold” instead of the “dollar/oil standard” – He was OVERTHROWN & ASSASSINATED by dissidents with full U.S. and Western European air force and monetary support);
(Minute 48)
The Dollar is backed by the “Oil Standard” currency status;
So the trans-national oil corporations control the US Government;
There’s no serious move to embrace alternative energy sources like Solar;
The dollar is backed by “oil demand;”
[almost every U.S. State has recently raised its speed limit to 70 m.p.h.]
oil and bio-fuels can be “centrally controlled” by Corporations;
They fit into the “desired pattern” of control by Corporatocracy;
The U.S. finds and creates enemies to destabilize people privatize/”profitize” resources for trans-national corporations. That’s what we do;
Solar Panels compete with Oil (Political Conflict), breaking an old pattern, and transforming This Empire which works to destabilize, divide, & conquer so oil corporations win;
(Minute 51)
Breaking an old pattern of Corporatocracy means making a “just world”… creating a sustainable peaceful world;
(Minute 54)
Greed is our measure of success;
Corp C.E.O.’s measure success by money;
John Perkins never met a mean C.E.O.;
Money is “how they measure success” …by bonuses and by stock value increases;
(Minute 58)
There have been several hundred years of non-sustainability;
The whole world is a community;
Joy comes from the bliss of “connectedness;”
(Minute 1:02)
Doing the “right thing” now is an investment in the future;
(Minute 1:04)
Don’t buy anything made by slaves;
Follow a passion and change;
Environmentally Sustainability creates a socially just and peaceful world;
Use one’s own passion for change
{ John Perkins, a former economic hitman describes how multinational corporations employ the C.I.A. (with agents in the U.S. State Department and its foreign embassies) and the U.S. War Department to promote capitalism by covert means. American Exceptionalism (an absurdity in a real Democracy) is a term that describes the foreign policy of a nation-state corporatocracy (a kleptocracy) which projects and imposes Friedman Chicago School economic austerity by a method best described as “The Shock Doctrine” ~ Naomi A. Klein, 2007. It interferes with elections and propagates CIA initiated coup d’états to topple vulnerable democracies and props up totalitarian police states. This corporate state-captured democracy spreads colonialism, exploitation and central bank loans using profit-charter capitalist values and the oil dollar. ~ IGRPP } @economic_hitman @idreamchange
"John Perkins - Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (ex CIA *Zeitgeist Documentary Interview*)"
~ Russell Blattberg, {Subscribe}, 02-09-17, YT, 1:08:49 https://goo.gl/Z54X1y
INDUSTRIAL MILITARY COMPLEX, FASCISM: Stopping War, Stopping Tyranny, Smashing the War Racket
(^^^) “War is a Racket by Smedley Butler” [Theatrical Dramatization]
~ numoleen, {Subscribe}, 03-11-09, YT, 8:56 < https://goo.gl/gBIs7L
HISTORY: American Fascism, Fascist Coup d’état, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank;
Glass-Steagall Act 1933, Banking Act 1935, American Legion, Tyranny, Industrial Military Complex, POTUS Franklin D. Roosevelt, Banking, Plot To Force Return To Gold Standard
Book: “War is a racket” ~ Smedley Butler, U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen.
J.P. Morgan and Wall Street plutocrats plotted a fascist takeover of US Government; This was a coup d’état to remove Roosevelt and nix the New Deal programs; Rich Americans supported Nazi’s; The American Liberty League financed Hitler; Wall Street Fascist’s,
*(The Documentary “narration” eventually bashes President Obama, a globalist, but original footage from the 1940’s stands on its own.)
“Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot” (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ritmit, {Subscribe}, 08-14-11, YT, 17:57 < https://goo.gl/2TJ9eq
Smedley Butler, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/3xu65X
Business Plot (JP Morgan, 1934), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/h8rsr6
WHISTLEBLOWER: Corporate Corp D’états, Fascism, Warmongering
(^^^) “Major General Smedley D. Butler Expose Fascist Coup in US. (1934)”
~ OccultAgenda, {Subscribe}, 04-26-12, YT, 9:08 < https://goo.gl/zY5UEo
Smedley Butler, 7th Day Truth Seeker, 031316, 45:51 < https://goo.gl/dfucov
(^^^) “Dark Legacy (George Bush)” (*POTUS41) (*POTUS35)
~ XVII LXXVI, {Subscribe}, 04-29-17, YT, 1:13:32 < https://goo.gl/4sBPQM
Bush Crime Family, XVII LXXVI, 10-22-16, 45:22 < https://goo.gl/xHbdPX
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Gonzalez: Hillary Clinton's policy was a Latin American crime story”
~ Juan Gonzalez/NY Daily News, {Donate}, 04-12-16
< http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/gonzalez-clinton-policy-latin-american-crime-story-article-1.2598456
(^^^) "Blazing Saddles 1974 Ping Pong”
~ MeadowsRay's channel, {Subscribe}, 07-27-12, YT, 3:26 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XfqlbFvGN8&ebc
>###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Gonzalez: Hillary Clinton's policy was a Latin American crime story”
~ Juan Gonzalez/NY Daily News, {Donate}, 04-12-16
< http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/gonzalez-clinton-policy-latin-american-crime-story-article-1.2598456
(^^^) "Blazing Saddles 1974 Ping Pong”
~ MeadowsRay's channel, {Subscribe}, 07-27-12, YT, 3:26 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XfqlbFvGN8&ebc
>###(01-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0420SAH, SOUTH
“In a recent op-ed in The Washington Post, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a review of Henry Kissinger’s latest book, ‘World Order,’ to lay out her vision for ‘sustaining America’s leadership in the world.’”
"Clinton’s embrace of far-right narrative on Latin America is part of electoral strategy" @washingtonpost
"Hard choices: Hillary Clinton admits role in Honduran coup aftermath"
~ Mark Weisbrot/@Aljazeera America, 09-29-14 < https://goo.gl/5ZTCBx
(^^^) "'She’s Baldly Lying': Dana Frank Responds to Hillary Clinton’s Defense of Her Role in Honduras Coup"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 04-13-16, YT, 17:04 < https://goo.gl/Drr6CU
(^^^) "Hear Hillary Clinton Defend Her Role in Honduras Coup When Questioned by Juan González"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 04-13-16, YT, 6:11 < https://goo.gl/b4aZg5
SECRETARY BACKED HONDURAN CORP: Lawlessness Creates Refugees
(^^^) "Before Her Assassination, Berta Cáceres Singled Out Hillary Clinton for Backing Honduran Coup"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 03-11-16, YT, 5:04 < https://goo.gl/8KRlo1
(^^^) “Odetta - Masters of War” (Bob Dylan song/Nobel Prize-Poetry 2016)
~ hervalhavitz, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11, YT, 6:21 < https://goo.gl/yCk7np
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Cries Crocodile Tears for Latin American Immigrants"
~ Meleiza Figueroa/@Truthdig, {Donate}, 02-19-16 https://goo.gl/x4BwPb
(^^^) "Brave | Hillary Clinton"
~ Hillary Clinton, {Subscribe}, 02-18-16, YT, 1:00 < https://goo.gl/issFq6
(^^^) “Odetta - Masters of War” (Bob Dylan song/Nobel Prize-Poetry 2016)
~ hervalhavitz, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11, YT, 6:21 < https://goo.gl/yCk7np
>###(05-17)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“In a recent op-ed in The Washington Post, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a review of Henry Kissinger’s latest book, ‘World Order,’ to lay out her vision for ‘sustaining America’s leadership in the world.’”
"Clinton’s embrace of far-right narrative on Latin America is part of electoral strategy" @washingtonpost
"Hard choices: Hillary Clinton admits role in Honduran coup aftermath"
~ Mark Weisbrot/@Aljazeera America, 09-29-14 < https://goo.gl/5ZTCBx
(^^^) "'She’s Baldly Lying': Dana Frank Responds to Hillary Clinton’s Defense of Her Role in Honduras Coup"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 04-13-16, YT, 17:04 < https://goo.gl/Drr6CU
(^^^) "Hear Hillary Clinton Defend Her Role in Honduras Coup When Questioned by Juan González"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 04-13-16, YT, 6:11 < https://goo.gl/b4aZg5
SECRETARY BACKED HONDURAN CORP: Lawlessness Creates Refugees
(^^^) "Before Her Assassination, Berta Cáceres Singled Out Hillary Clinton for Backing Honduran Coup"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 03-11-16, YT, 5:04 < https://goo.gl/8KRlo1
(^^^) “Odetta - Masters of War” (Bob Dylan song/Nobel Prize-Poetry 2016)
~ hervalhavitz, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11, YT, 6:21 < https://goo.gl/yCk7np
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton Cries Crocodile Tears for Latin American Immigrants"
~ Meleiza Figueroa/@Truthdig, {Donate}, 02-19-16 https://goo.gl/x4BwPb
(^^^) "Brave | Hillary Clinton"
~ Hillary Clinton, {Subscribe}, 02-18-16, YT, 1:00 < https://goo.gl/issFq6
(^^^) “Odetta - Masters of War” (Bob Dylan song/Nobel Prize-Poetry 2016)
~ hervalhavitz, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11, YT, 6:21 < https://goo.gl/yCk7np
>###(05-17)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0440SAC, SOUTH AMERICA: CHILE, (*POTUS37,
NIXON, Henry Kissinger, I.T.T. (Telephone) Corp, Removing Chilean President
Allende by Coup, Installed U.S. Puppet Pinochet
"The Pinochet File: How U.S. Politicians, Banks and Corporations Aided Chilean Coup, Dictatorship"
~ @democracynow, w/Spanish lawyer Juan Garcés, a former personal adviser to ousted Chilean President Salvador Allende, and Peter Kornbluh, {Podcasts/ Subscribe/Donate}, 09-10-13, YT, 39:07 _
>###(09-13)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The Pinochet File: How U.S. Politicians, Banks and Corporations Aided Chilean Coup, Dictatorship"
~ @democracynow, w/Spanish lawyer Juan Garcés, a former personal adviser to ousted Chilean President Salvador Allende, and Peter Kornbluh, {Podcasts/ Subscribe/Donate}, 09-10-13, YT, 39:07 _
>###(09-13)*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"'Economic hit man" John Perkins tells how the U.S. Empire loots other countries using murder and the military only when economic means fail. He mentions his semi role in the assassination of Omar Trujillos of Panama."
"'Jackals Assassinate,' EHM John Perkins" @economic_hitman
~ RBoon, {Subscribe}, 07-09-06, YT, 1:44 < https://goo.gl/J3p8kN
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"'Economic hit man" John Perkins tells how the U.S. Empire loots other countries using murder and the military only when economic means fail. He mentions his semi role in the assassination of Omar Trujillos of Panama."
"'Jackals Assassinate,' EHM John Perkins" @economic_hitman
~ RBoon, {Subscribe}, 07-09-06, YT, 1:44 < https://goo.gl/J3p8kN
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Nixon’s Vietnam Treachery"
~ John A. Farrell/@nytimes/Op, {Subscribe}, 12-31-16 https://goo.gl/4tDP9t
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Nixon’s Vietnam Treachery"
~ John A. Farrell/@nytimes/Op, {Subscribe}, 12-31-16 https://goo.gl/4tDP9t
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Richard Nixon (Republican – 1969-74), Nixon Treason,
GOP Corruption; Corp War On Communism
Conversation between “lame duck” President LBJ and Senator Everett Dirksen describing candidate Richard Nixon’s intervention in the Vietnam war peace process by advising South Vietnam to “avoid” peace talks until Nixon’s election; (20,000 more Americans Soldiers died/100,000+ wounded as Vietnam War continued 3 more years ~ Thom Hartman - Radio Host, Historian, Well Traveled Author, Political Researcher) Nixon defeated V.P. (Sen.) Hubert Humphrey (MN) in 11-05-68 Presidential Election
"Dirksen LBJ VN68"
~ President Lyndon B. Johnson & Senator Everett Dirksen-IL Audio 1968, kcjohnson9, {Subscribe}, 01-17-09, YT, 4:09 _**
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeHeAWN-nos&feature=relmfu
(^^^) “LBJ accused Nixon of treason"
~ @TheRealNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, 12-20-08, YT, 10:34 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3suucO6pOc
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Conversation between “lame duck” President LBJ and Senator Everett Dirksen describing candidate Richard Nixon’s intervention in the Vietnam war peace process by advising South Vietnam to “avoid” peace talks until Nixon’s election; (20,000 more Americans Soldiers died/100,000+ wounded as Vietnam War continued 3 more years ~ Thom Hartman - Radio Host, Historian, Well Traveled Author, Political Researcher) Nixon defeated V.P. (Sen.) Hubert Humphrey (MN) in 11-05-68 Presidential Election
"Dirksen LBJ VN68"
~ President Lyndon B. Johnson & Senator Everett Dirksen-IL Audio 1968, kcjohnson9, {Subscribe}, 01-17-09, YT, 4:09 _**
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeHeAWN-nos&feature=relmfu
(^^^) “LBJ accused Nixon of treason"
~ @TheRealNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, 12-20-08, YT, 10:34 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3suucO6pOc
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Vietnam Veterans remembered Born In The USA"
~ Kevin Muir, {Subscribe}, 09-14-08, YT, 5:30 < https://goo.gl/wmZQvi
(^^^) “Vietnam War-House of the Rising Sun"
~ toby099, {Subscribe}, 10-31-09, YT, 4:44 < https://goo.gl/ftslWW
{ The work of peace is spiritual. It will resist profit-charter generated war until blind believers wake up. America is controlled by devil-fear, moral-angst, and hate-labeling that is sanctified by religious sadomasochism. Friends and acquaintances lost in useless wars, and those who still suffer deserve our greatest efforts at understanding the true causes of war.~ IGRPP}
(^^^) "Kent State Shootings - Ohio - Neil Young (1970)"
~ bels59, {Subscribe}, 01-12-11, YT, 5:36 < https://goo.gl/gd6sgS
>###(04-17)*E16*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Vietnam Veterans remembered Born In The USA"
~ Kevin Muir, {Subscribe}, 09-14-08, YT, 5:30 < https://goo.gl/wmZQvi
(^^^) “Vietnam War-House of the Rising Sun"
~ toby099, {Subscribe}, 10-31-09, YT, 4:44 < https://goo.gl/ftslWW
{ The work of peace is spiritual. It will resist profit-charter generated war until blind believers wake up. America is controlled by devil-fear, moral-angst, and hate-labeling that is sanctified by religious sadomasochism. Friends and acquaintances lost in useless wars, and those who still suffer deserve our greatest efforts at understanding the true causes of war.~ IGRPP}
(^^^) "Kent State Shootings - Ohio - Neil Young (1970)"
~ bels59, {Subscribe}, 01-12-11, YT, 5:36 < https://goo.gl/gd6sgS
>###(04-17)*E16*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Foreign Policy-0520SEAVc, SOUTHEAST ASIA: VIETNAM, Corporate War On
Kent State War Protest Massacre May 4, 1970, 12:22 PM;
{ Never forget the many terrible sacrifices of the troops who served and families gripped in the main stream media-hyped U.S. invasion and occupation of Vietnam …or those few who died bringing our emotionally wounded soldier friends and family home. At Kent State, Allison Krause, Jeffery Miller, Sandra Scherer, William Schroeder were killed and 12 others shot by distant nervous Ohio National Guardsman during a Vietnam War protest rally. R.I.P. Mike Biedron and Bobby Reiplinger of Schererville, IN who died for Roman Empire colonialism and Military Industrial Complex profits. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) “ohio- neil young" (*W/T)
~ mi55cptnM0, {Subscribe}, 01-21-10, YT, 2:59 < https://goo.gl/kvfnvu
(^^^) “Ohio CSNY (got audio back) – Kent State Massacre Montage”
~ jetsandmets93, {Subscribe}, 03-22-09, YT, 3:08 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI7-m919ynU&feature=share
(^^^) “Kent State, May 4, 1970: America Kills Its Children"
~ Wally Wynn, {Subscribe}, 04-26-10, YT, 6:17 < https://goo.gl/q6avUc
(^^^) RIP: Michael Peter Biedron, 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam,
Killed 01-28-69, VV Memorial Panel 33W – Line 5 _
< http://thewall-usa.com/info.asp?recid=3918
(^^^) RIP: Robert Lee Reiplinger, 25th Infantry Division, Vietnam,
Killed 10-22-69, VV Memorial Panel 17W – Line 106 _
< http://thewall-usa.com/info.asp?recid=42888
>###(05-16)*FP*ZM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Kent State War Protest Massacre May 4, 1970, 12:22 PM;
{ Never forget the many terrible sacrifices of the troops who served and families gripped in the main stream media-hyped U.S. invasion and occupation of Vietnam …or those few who died bringing our emotionally wounded soldier friends and family home. At Kent State, Allison Krause, Jeffery Miller, Sandra Scherer, William Schroeder were killed and 12 others shot by distant nervous Ohio National Guardsman during a Vietnam War protest rally. R.I.P. Mike Biedron and Bobby Reiplinger of Schererville, IN who died for Roman Empire colonialism and Military Industrial Complex profits. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) “ohio- neil young" (*W/T)
~ mi55cptnM0, {Subscribe}, 01-21-10, YT, 2:59 < https://goo.gl/kvfnvu
(^^^) “Ohio CSNY (got audio back) – Kent State Massacre Montage”
~ jetsandmets93, {Subscribe}, 03-22-09, YT, 3:08 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI7-m919ynU&feature=share
(^^^) “Kent State, May 4, 1970: America Kills Its Children"
~ Wally Wynn, {Subscribe}, 04-26-10, YT, 6:17 < https://goo.gl/q6avUc
(^^^) RIP: Michael Peter Biedron, 9th Infantry Division, Vietnam,
Killed 01-28-69, VV Memorial Panel 33W – Line 5 _
< http://thewall-usa.com/info.asp?recid=3918
(^^^) RIP: Robert Lee Reiplinger, 25th Infantry Division, Vietnam,
Killed 10-22-69, VV Memorial Panel 17W – Line 106 _
< http://thewall-usa.com/info.asp?recid=42888
>###(05-16)*FP*ZM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
U.S. Foreign Policy-0530SEAC, SOUTHEAST ASIA: CHINA, COLD WAR, MAIN STREAM MEDIA: Silence, U.S. Caging China
IRAQ INVASION: 1 million lives, 4 million displaced
Bretton Woods Agreement Central Banking & Gunboat U.S. Foreign Policy
AFRICA: U.S. Military Presence
NUCLEAR WAR DENIAL: 10 years of no food production
(^^^) "The Coming War On China" (with doc. filmmaker @johnpilger)
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_com, {Donate}, 12-09-16, YT, 28:05
< https://goo.gl/YGMXgf
>###(11-17)*FP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|