Class Warfare-0333a, AMERICA: The
Zombie Democracy
"The government caters to the affluent few and organized interest groups, the researchers find, while the average citizen's influence on policy is 'near zero.'" ~ @Princeton; @BillClinton #DLC #3RDWay @johnpodesta @POTUS43
“Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy”
~ Brendan James/@TPM, {Donate}, 04-18-14 < https://goo.gl/nfjHBP
@POTUS @HouseFloor @SenateFloor @DNC @RNC @USSupremeCourt
Michael Parenti-White Trash, Tom Huck, 071612, 0:53 https://goo.gl/YKu53x
(^^^) "Michael Parenti The 1% Pathology and the Myth of Capitalism"
~ The Philosophy Of Tool, {Subscribe}, 01-09-17, YT, 1:13:02
< https://goo.gl/y82ez2 @MichaelParenti
(^^^) "Scholar Behind Viral 'Oligarchy' Study Tells You What It Means"
~ Sahil Kapur/@TPM, {Donate}, 04-22-14 < https://goo.gl/qe2Rmc
(^^^) “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens" @Princeton, (PDF, 14 Pages)
~ Martin Gilens & Benjamin I. Page, {Share}, (2014) < https://goo.gl/xdpmFl
(^^^) "The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index 2015"
~ The Economist Intelligence Unit, {Subscribe}, (2015) https://goo.gl/BqavLd
US Downgraded To “Flawed” < http://www.eiu.com/topic/democracy-index
(^^^) "Michael Parenti on imperialism, wars, crisis, politics and bailouts”
~ Debates And Lectures, 03-01-12, YT, 52:42 https://goo.gl/wYsUAV
(^^^) “We Can’t Make It Here Anymore” (James Mc Murtry) (*JL) (*W/T)
~ Lame54, {Subscribe}, 06-07-06, YT, 7:10 < https://goo.gl/IWygKm
EFFECTS OF DEEP STATE MEDIA PROPAGANDA: Citizens (Corp’s & Billionaires) United & McCutcheon (Corp’s & Rich Pricks free-speech unlimited attack ad speech) vs. FEC, Scare Tactics; Trickle-Down Economics, Gerrymandering, Koch Crosscheck, Class Warfare, Rigged Elections, Stockholm syndrome; Dem POTUS Candidates Obama & Clinton pilfering DNC and States Dem party funds
(^^^) "The Republican domination of state legislatures, in 2 maps"
~ Aaron Blake/@TheFix, {Donate}, 05-16-16 @DNC < https://goo.gl/wSwCIS
STS: GOP best position since Great Depression,120914 https://goo.gl/EhB0mi
@POTUS44 @HillaryClinton @GOP @POTUS @SenateMajLdr @SpeakerRyan
Alabama *AL, Alaska *AK, Arizona *AZ, Arkansas *AR, Colorado *CO,
Florida *FL, Georgia *GA, Idaho *ID, Kentucky *KY, Louisiana *LA,
Mississippi *MS, Missouri *MO, Montana *MT, Nebraska *NE,
New Mexico *NM, North Dakota *ND, Oklahoma *OK,
South Carolina *SC, South Dakota *SD, Tennessee *TN, Texas *TX,
Utah *UT, West Virginia *WV, Wisconsin *WI
(^^^) “Republican Poverty: 93 Of The Poorest 100 Counties In America Are In Red States"
~ Walt Dismay/@AddInfoOrg, {Donate}, 12-21-15 < https://goo.gl/iaENOZ
2016 Election Will Be Stolen-G. Palast, 031016, 26:03 https://goo.gl/QHxqgZ
"It's hard to beat a fundamentalist party that controls the media, suppresses the vote and has all the money"
Quote "...
1) Misinformation, Misrepresentation, and Defamation...
2) Money Talks...
3) Faithful Fundamentalist Following...
4) Voter Suppression...
5) Voter Apathy..." End Quote
(^^^) "Five Reasons Republicans will Win the Midterm Elections"
~ Chad R. MacDonald/Progressive Spring, 04-05-14 < https://goo.gl/nn5H79
[027] Election Fraud: Koch Crosscheck, A.L.E.C. Voter ID, Gerrymandering & E.V. Machine Hacks
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/DzJrTJ
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/wp3fLD
KOCH TAKEOVER, REPUBLICAN/T PARTY: Koch Tea Party, Karl Rove, Governor Scott Walker, Wall Street Democrats, Blue-Dogs, Right To Work, Taft-Hartley; Populist, Pro-Labor, New Deal Democrats, Wall Street Financiers, Oligarchs, Control Presidency;
Governor Villains; Republican/T Shutdown, Austerity, National Bankruptcy; Walker, Kasich, Snyder, Brownback, Economic Populism v. Cultural Populism, Strategy; Federal Subsidy; Iowa, Senator Joanie Ernst, Plain Folks Technique; Scott Brown, Pickup Truck, Volker Rule, Dodd-Frank 2010; Elizabeth Warren; Permanent Republican/T, Austerity Dictatorship, Christian Fundamentalists, Holy Rollers, Southerners, Confederate States of America Nostalgics;
Republican/T Warmongers, Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Kelly Ayotte; {Arrest McCain For Funding ISIS} United Front Radio;
Republican/T Tax Reform, (tax cuts for the rich), Deregulation, Abolish Nation Labor Regulations Board, Cut Civil Rights Act of 1960’s, Election Laws, Voter I.D., Eliminate Early Voting, Harass Voters; Supreme Court Control, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Texas Voter Suppression Law, Racist Law; Trade Unions, Counter Koch Machine;
Citizens (Corporate Citizens) United, Foreign Money, Export Import Bank; Fascists, Wisconsin, Governor Walker, Gangs, Terror, Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder, American Fascism; Obama, Weak President, Caving, Austerity, Foreign War, Permanent Austerity Dictatorship, Endless War, Reactionary Republican;
Divided Government, Seizing the Fed, Corporations, Tentacles of Wall Street, Henry Ford, Supporting Hitler; Koch Brothers, Low Wage Economy, Underbid China; High Value Economy; Extractive Industries, Low Wage; Reactionary Republican/T Party; Political Oligarchy, Oligarchic Southern Mind, Rush Limbaugh, Hatred, Fear, Radicalism, Anti-Obama, Anti-Immigrant; Party of National Sabotage; Privatization, Predatory Use;
Minimum Wage Ballot Initiatives; “The economic point of agreement is well to the left of the Democratic Party”; Economic Populism;
Militant Reactionaries, Fred Koch, Mussolini, John Birch, Mormon Church
{This audio is explains the 2014 status of the Republican/T Party and the Democratic Party. Tarpley apparently does not comprehend the urgency of responding to impending climate disaster, the 6TH Extinction. ~ IGRPP }
"Webster Griffin Tarpley (born 1946) is an American author, historian, economist, journalist and lecturer. He is not a member of any political party and a former member of the U.S. Labor Party."
"Webster Tarpley on Koch controlled Republican Party"
~ mengutimur, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 58:13 < https://goo.gl/ylguEi
[123] Koch-ALEC NRA RTW Slave-Catcher’s Fly-Over Plantation Deep State
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/Em39jf
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/kLMfmn
TRUMP 2017 NEW YEARS PROMISE: Trickle-Down Econ, Tax Cuts For The Rich
(^^^) "Donald Trump Tells Rich Revelers at NYE Bash That He’ll Lower Their Taxes, Kill Obamacare" @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
~ Janet Shan/@hinterland_s Gazette, 01-02-17, Video https://goo.gl/rpth4m
(^^^) "The Trump Administration Is Filling Up With Koch Allies"
~ Ben Jervey/@DeSmogBlog, {Donate}, 12-19-16 < https://goo.gl/jK9pSX
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders Exposes Koch Brothers' Goals" (*DNC) @SenSanders
~ Karoli Kuns/@crooksandliars,{Support}, 04-12-14 < https://goo.gl/IAX2UL
(^^^) "Charles Koch: (Having) No Minimum Wage will Help the Poor”
~ @Thom_Hartmann, {Subscribe}, 07-11-13, YT, 7:53< https://goo.gl/l737aT
BERNIE SANDERS: Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage, Forbes 400 Kings Koch Brothers, Billionaire Agenda Against America
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders Goes off on Charles Koch"
~ @Thom_Hartmann, {Donate}, 07-12-13, YT, 5:24 < https://goo.gl/hn5amr
-/\/- "Republicans have a strangle hold on state governments throughout the south. Because of this, they have been able to implement all sorts of policies that would make Ayn Rand weep with joy. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio talks about the new Ayn Rand paradise in the south with investigative journalist Rick Outzen."
"Papantonio: Southern States Become Ayn Rand Paradise"
@americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio, @ringoffire w/@routzen, Journalist - Pensacola, FL, {Donate}, 05-03-13, YT, 12:38 https://goo.gl/QHt2P0
SOUTHERN STRATEGY, LEE ATWATER, RACISM, DIVIDE & CONQUER, RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: (Former/Deposed) House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R*GA), (Former) Gov. Mitt Romney (R*MA), (Former) Senator Rick Santorum (R*PA)
Evangelical Vote, Structure and Order, Simplified Ideology, Authoritarian Power, Dominionism, Submissive Followers
STUDY: “The south reads and comprehends on less than a 6th grade level according to the latest studies in statistics.”
“This study came out. And it says that people who are less educated, people who score low on I.Q. Tests in childhood, they develop, those are the people who develop prejudice. They’re more likely to develop that aspect of hate. And they’re socially conservative in politics when they become adults….
(Gingrich) He’s playing to the ‘Southern Strategy’ where you have the southern voter gravitating towards this socially conservative ideology. And here’s how they explain it. …They say this, structure and order is what these folks are after. They can’t really comprehend that complicated world that falls outside of structure and order. So what do you do? You demagogue them to death. The less cognitive capacity you have, the more they are attracted they are to simplified ideology.”
~ Mike Papantonio/@ringoffireradio & Environmental and Class Action Atty.
“Papantonio: Newt’s New Southern Strategy” @NewswithEd @RT_America
~ @americaslawyer, {Donate}, 02-06-12, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/6h99q8
SOUTHERN STRATEGY: Ken Mehlman, Chairman RNC - Republican National Committee, Racial Division, White Resentment
(^^^) "An Empty Apology"
~ Bob Herbert/@nytimes/Op, {Subscribe}, 07-18-05 < https://goo.gl/ieC4WS
(^^^) "MADtv Darlene McBride- Take Back America Tour"
~ aleciousboi, {Subscribe}, 05-09-06, YT, 3:24 < https://goo.gl/AVbRQp
(^^^) "GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics" @GOP
~ Richard Benedetto/@USATODAY, 07-14-05 < https://goo.gl/FsENEk
(^^^) "Chomsky on Religion" (liberation theology-power) @noamchomskyT
~ Travis Kitchens, {Subscribe}, 06-21-10, YT, 6:20 < https://goo.gl/rtmbSf
(^^^) "Chomsky: Christianity is a threat to civilization." @noamchomskyT
~ EngineeringMath, {Subscribe}, 05-24-13, YT, 1:39 < https://goo.gl/0q12Zi
(^^^) “Odetta - With God On Our Side" (Bob Dylan song)
~ zzzfabkatizzz, {Subscribe}, 07-26-11, YT, 5:16 < https://goo.gl/LVL4ol
FLY-OVER AMERICA, RURAL VALUES: Right-To-Work (as a minimum wage slave) Confederate Rebel Dixie, N.A.F.T.A. Free-Trade Rust-Belt, and Blind-Belief and Freedom-From-Reason Prairie; Trickle-Down GOP Economics, Lies, Deceit, Inequality, Bigotry, Racism
{ Stockholm syndrome – helping one’s physical or psychological Captors }
"In deep-red white America, the white Christian God is king."
(^^^) “An Insider's View: The Dark Rigidity of Fundamentalist Rural America"
~ Forsetti's Justice/@AlterNet, {Donate}, 03-13-17 < https://goo.gl/DD67zn
(^^^) "Trump Supporters Are Beyond Reason, New Polls Suggest"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 07-24-17, YT, 4:05 < https://goo.gl/HHRRfg
[118] Forbes 400 King’s USA Deep State’s Right-Wing Strategy and Propaganda War
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/1nl5SO
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/BZJ35C
(^^^) "The Global Corporate Coup And Why The Media Supports It”
~ @RedactedTonight, {Subscribe}, 08-05-16, YT, 9:45 < https://goo.gl/pxvOlA
@LeeCamp @POTUS @MSNBC @realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton @EPA
[137] POTUS Bill Clinton’s DLC and 3RD Way Wall Street DINO’s
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/9dXp6k
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/3p4vWC
DISASTER CAPITALISM, AUTHORITARINISM: 2006, Rich Left Us Behind, Austerity, Tax Cuts = Civilization Cuts;
Book: “Austerity: The History of a Bad Idea” ~ Mark Blyth @MarkBlyth
(^^^) "On Contact: The Cost of Austerity with MarkBlyth"@ChrisLynnHedges
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 09-10-16, YT, 26:22 < https://goo.gl/QGyfHA
(^^^) "GOP Prepares to Make Case That Poor People Must Sacrifice So Rich Can Get Tax Cuts” @commondreams
~ Ed Kilgore/NY Magazine, {Donate}, 05-16-17 < https://goo.gl/nGDVE0
TRUMP ELECTORATE: Americans With Authoritarian Inclinations
"The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter ...And it’s not gender, age, income, race or religion.” @POTUS @GOP @SenateGOP
~ Matthew MacWilliams/@politico,{Donate}, 01-17-16 https://goo.gl/h5JXwI
ECONOMIC FARCE: Trickle-Down Voodoo, Supply-Side Economics, Reaganomics, Republican Budget, Rep. Paul Ryan, POTUS Bill Clinton;
Koch Brothers, Tea Party, AFP – Americans For (Koch & Billionaire) Prosperity, Dick Armey, Freedom Partners, Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings, Anarchy; Jude Wanniski, Republican Strategist, Economic Hoax
“Thom Hartmann: Secrets the Rich don’t Want You to Know”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Donate}, 04-15-11, YT, 10:25 < https://goo.gl/fV6S7m
(^^^) "Rachel Maddow on Ronald Reagan's Failed Trickle Down Voodoo Economics"
~ Licentiathe8th, {Subscribe}, 11-23-11, YT, 8:26 < https://goo.gl/CZM7mr
New Deal: Social Security,Medicare,S.D.,101513,10:56 https://goo.gl/rT5TMr
Carter: GOP/Religious Right, SuchIsLife…,091611,7:59 https://goo.gl/V4C6zf
TRICKLE-DOWN ECONOMICS: Cartoon Depiction, The Voodoo of GOPee
"Once Upon a Trickle Down: The Rise and Fall of Supply Side Economics"
~ seeprogress, {Subscribe}, 07-31-12, YT, 2:21 < https://goo.gl/Ay5ZrA
DECREASED GDP "an increase in the income share of the wealthiest people actually leads to a decrease in GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth."
“we should instead focus on raising the income of the poor and the middle class.”
(^^^) "Trickle-down economics is wrong, says IMF"
~ Gabriel Fisher/Quartz/@qz, {Subscribe}, 06-16-15 < https://goo.gl/llV193
NEGATIVE BENEFIT: Tax cuts for the rich don't pay for themselves in higher tax revenue, (8:45); Republicans are blocking small business lending.
(^^^) "That Voodoo That You Do"
~ Rachel @maddow/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 07-19-10, Video, 10:15 _
< https://goo.gl/WCQoCg
[106] Libertarian Anarchist’s Trickle-Down Golden-Shower Economics
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/apzh9e
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/dw7qUw
OCCUPY WALL STREET: Verizon, Collective Bargaining; Corporate Tax Rates, Billionaire Tax Rates
"The Enemy Is The Ruling Class | American Autumn Excerpt" @OccupyWallSt
~ @AcronymTV1, {Subscribe}, 06-16-14, YT, 6:46 < https://goo.gl/3b48p2
2 JUSTICE SYSTEMS: One For Corp’s & The Rich, & One For Everyone Else
"Senator Elizabeth Warren Makes GREAT Speech On America's BROKEN Criminal Justice System!"@SenWarren @SenateFloor @HouseFloor #SCOTUS
~ @MOXNews, {Donate}, 020316, YT, 9:14 https://goo.gl/87UW7W
DEMOCRATS: Bailouts, Corp Welfare, Election Fraud, Military, Arms Deals
"Insatiable: the Democrats Must Attack Democracy to Serve Corporate Power" (*CF) (*DNC) (*EF) (*EM) (*MSM)
~ Richard Moser/@NatCounterPunch, 09-15-16 < https://goo.gl/k50qwv
[122] NWO Zionist Rothschild Christian War-Without-End Deep State
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) http://wp.me/p2YrR0-BT
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/tsmdu1
>###(08-17)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The government caters to the affluent few and organized interest groups, the researchers find, while the average citizen's influence on policy is 'near zero.'" ~ @Princeton; @BillClinton #DLC #3RDWay @johnpodesta @POTUS43
“Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy”
~ Brendan James/@TPM, {Donate}, 04-18-14 < https://goo.gl/nfjHBP
@POTUS @HouseFloor @SenateFloor @DNC @RNC @USSupremeCourt
Michael Parenti-White Trash, Tom Huck, 071612, 0:53 https://goo.gl/YKu53x
(^^^) "Michael Parenti The 1% Pathology and the Myth of Capitalism"
~ The Philosophy Of Tool, {Subscribe}, 01-09-17, YT, 1:13:02
< https://goo.gl/y82ez2 @MichaelParenti
(^^^) "Scholar Behind Viral 'Oligarchy' Study Tells You What It Means"
~ Sahil Kapur/@TPM, {Donate}, 04-22-14 < https://goo.gl/qe2Rmc
(^^^) “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens" @Princeton, (PDF, 14 Pages)
~ Martin Gilens & Benjamin I. Page, {Share}, (2014) < https://goo.gl/xdpmFl
(^^^) "The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index 2015"
~ The Economist Intelligence Unit, {Subscribe}, (2015) https://goo.gl/BqavLd
US Downgraded To “Flawed” < http://www.eiu.com/topic/democracy-index
(^^^) "Michael Parenti on imperialism, wars, crisis, politics and bailouts”
~ Debates And Lectures, 03-01-12, YT, 52:42 https://goo.gl/wYsUAV
(^^^) “We Can’t Make It Here Anymore” (James Mc Murtry) (*JL) (*W/T)
~ Lame54, {Subscribe}, 06-07-06, YT, 7:10 < https://goo.gl/IWygKm
EFFECTS OF DEEP STATE MEDIA PROPAGANDA: Citizens (Corp’s & Billionaires) United & McCutcheon (Corp’s & Rich Pricks free-speech unlimited attack ad speech) vs. FEC, Scare Tactics; Trickle-Down Economics, Gerrymandering, Koch Crosscheck, Class Warfare, Rigged Elections, Stockholm syndrome; Dem POTUS Candidates Obama & Clinton pilfering DNC and States Dem party funds
(^^^) "The Republican domination of state legislatures, in 2 maps"
~ Aaron Blake/@TheFix, {Donate}, 05-16-16 @DNC < https://goo.gl/wSwCIS
STS: GOP best position since Great Depression,120914 https://goo.gl/EhB0mi
@POTUS44 @HillaryClinton @GOP @POTUS @SenateMajLdr @SpeakerRyan
Alabama *AL, Alaska *AK, Arizona *AZ, Arkansas *AR, Colorado *CO,
Florida *FL, Georgia *GA, Idaho *ID, Kentucky *KY, Louisiana *LA,
Mississippi *MS, Missouri *MO, Montana *MT, Nebraska *NE,
New Mexico *NM, North Dakota *ND, Oklahoma *OK,
South Carolina *SC, South Dakota *SD, Tennessee *TN, Texas *TX,
Utah *UT, West Virginia *WV, Wisconsin *WI
(^^^) “Republican Poverty: 93 Of The Poorest 100 Counties In America Are In Red States"
~ Walt Dismay/@AddInfoOrg, {Donate}, 12-21-15 < https://goo.gl/iaENOZ
2016 Election Will Be Stolen-G. Palast, 031016, 26:03 https://goo.gl/QHxqgZ
"It's hard to beat a fundamentalist party that controls the media, suppresses the vote and has all the money"
Quote "...
1) Misinformation, Misrepresentation, and Defamation...
2) Money Talks...
3) Faithful Fundamentalist Following...
4) Voter Suppression...
5) Voter Apathy..." End Quote
(^^^) "Five Reasons Republicans will Win the Midterm Elections"
~ Chad R. MacDonald/Progressive Spring, 04-05-14 < https://goo.gl/nn5H79
[027] Election Fraud: Koch Crosscheck, A.L.E.C. Voter ID, Gerrymandering & E.V. Machine Hacks
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/DzJrTJ
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/wp3fLD
KOCH TAKEOVER, REPUBLICAN/T PARTY: Koch Tea Party, Karl Rove, Governor Scott Walker, Wall Street Democrats, Blue-Dogs, Right To Work, Taft-Hartley; Populist, Pro-Labor, New Deal Democrats, Wall Street Financiers, Oligarchs, Control Presidency;
Governor Villains; Republican/T Shutdown, Austerity, National Bankruptcy; Walker, Kasich, Snyder, Brownback, Economic Populism v. Cultural Populism, Strategy; Federal Subsidy; Iowa, Senator Joanie Ernst, Plain Folks Technique; Scott Brown, Pickup Truck, Volker Rule, Dodd-Frank 2010; Elizabeth Warren; Permanent Republican/T, Austerity Dictatorship, Christian Fundamentalists, Holy Rollers, Southerners, Confederate States of America Nostalgics;
Republican/T Warmongers, Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Kelly Ayotte; {Arrest McCain For Funding ISIS} United Front Radio;
Republican/T Tax Reform, (tax cuts for the rich), Deregulation, Abolish Nation Labor Regulations Board, Cut Civil Rights Act of 1960’s, Election Laws, Voter I.D., Eliminate Early Voting, Harass Voters; Supreme Court Control, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Texas Voter Suppression Law, Racist Law; Trade Unions, Counter Koch Machine;
Citizens (Corporate Citizens) United, Foreign Money, Export Import Bank; Fascists, Wisconsin, Governor Walker, Gangs, Terror, Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder, American Fascism; Obama, Weak President, Caving, Austerity, Foreign War, Permanent Austerity Dictatorship, Endless War, Reactionary Republican;
Divided Government, Seizing the Fed, Corporations, Tentacles of Wall Street, Henry Ford, Supporting Hitler; Koch Brothers, Low Wage Economy, Underbid China; High Value Economy; Extractive Industries, Low Wage; Reactionary Republican/T Party; Political Oligarchy, Oligarchic Southern Mind, Rush Limbaugh, Hatred, Fear, Radicalism, Anti-Obama, Anti-Immigrant; Party of National Sabotage; Privatization, Predatory Use;
Minimum Wage Ballot Initiatives; “The economic point of agreement is well to the left of the Democratic Party”; Economic Populism;
Militant Reactionaries, Fred Koch, Mussolini, John Birch, Mormon Church
{This audio is explains the 2014 status of the Republican/T Party and the Democratic Party. Tarpley apparently does not comprehend the urgency of responding to impending climate disaster, the 6TH Extinction. ~ IGRPP }
"Webster Griffin Tarpley (born 1946) is an American author, historian, economist, journalist and lecturer. He is not a member of any political party and a former member of the U.S. Labor Party."
"Webster Tarpley on Koch controlled Republican Party"
~ mengutimur, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 58:13 < https://goo.gl/ylguEi
[123] Koch-ALEC NRA RTW Slave-Catcher’s Fly-Over Plantation Deep State
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/Em39jf
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/kLMfmn
TRUMP 2017 NEW YEARS PROMISE: Trickle-Down Econ, Tax Cuts For The Rich
(^^^) "Donald Trump Tells Rich Revelers at NYE Bash That He’ll Lower Their Taxes, Kill Obamacare" @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
~ Janet Shan/@hinterland_s Gazette, 01-02-17, Video https://goo.gl/rpth4m
(^^^) "The Trump Administration Is Filling Up With Koch Allies"
~ Ben Jervey/@DeSmogBlog, {Donate}, 12-19-16 < https://goo.gl/jK9pSX
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders Exposes Koch Brothers' Goals" (*DNC) @SenSanders
~ Karoli Kuns/@crooksandliars,{Support}, 04-12-14 < https://goo.gl/IAX2UL
(^^^) "Charles Koch: (Having) No Minimum Wage will Help the Poor”
~ @Thom_Hartmann, {Subscribe}, 07-11-13, YT, 7:53< https://goo.gl/l737aT
BERNIE SANDERS: Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage, Forbes 400 Kings Koch Brothers, Billionaire Agenda Against America
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders Goes off on Charles Koch"
~ @Thom_Hartmann, {Donate}, 07-12-13, YT, 5:24 < https://goo.gl/hn5amr
-/\/- "Republicans have a strangle hold on state governments throughout the south. Because of this, they have been able to implement all sorts of policies that would make Ayn Rand weep with joy. Ring of Fire host Mike Papantonio talks about the new Ayn Rand paradise in the south with investigative journalist Rick Outzen."
"Papantonio: Southern States Become Ayn Rand Paradise"
@americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio, @ringoffire w/@routzen, Journalist - Pensacola, FL, {Donate}, 05-03-13, YT, 12:38 https://goo.gl/QHt2P0
SOUTHERN STRATEGY, LEE ATWATER, RACISM, DIVIDE & CONQUER, RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: (Former/Deposed) House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R*GA), (Former) Gov. Mitt Romney (R*MA), (Former) Senator Rick Santorum (R*PA)
Evangelical Vote, Structure and Order, Simplified Ideology, Authoritarian Power, Dominionism, Submissive Followers
STUDY: “The south reads and comprehends on less than a 6th grade level according to the latest studies in statistics.”
“This study came out. And it says that people who are less educated, people who score low on I.Q. Tests in childhood, they develop, those are the people who develop prejudice. They’re more likely to develop that aspect of hate. And they’re socially conservative in politics when they become adults….
(Gingrich) He’s playing to the ‘Southern Strategy’ where you have the southern voter gravitating towards this socially conservative ideology. And here’s how they explain it. …They say this, structure and order is what these folks are after. They can’t really comprehend that complicated world that falls outside of structure and order. So what do you do? You demagogue them to death. The less cognitive capacity you have, the more they are attracted they are to simplified ideology.”
~ Mike Papantonio/@ringoffireradio & Environmental and Class Action Atty.
“Papantonio: Newt’s New Southern Strategy” @NewswithEd @RT_America
~ @americaslawyer, {Donate}, 02-06-12, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/6h99q8
SOUTHERN STRATEGY: Ken Mehlman, Chairman RNC - Republican National Committee, Racial Division, White Resentment
(^^^) "An Empty Apology"
~ Bob Herbert/@nytimes/Op, {Subscribe}, 07-18-05 < https://goo.gl/ieC4WS
(^^^) "MADtv Darlene McBride- Take Back America Tour"
~ aleciousboi, {Subscribe}, 05-09-06, YT, 3:24 < https://goo.gl/AVbRQp
(^^^) "GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics" @GOP
~ Richard Benedetto/@USATODAY, 07-14-05 < https://goo.gl/FsENEk
(^^^) "Chomsky on Religion" (liberation theology-power) @noamchomskyT
~ Travis Kitchens, {Subscribe}, 06-21-10, YT, 6:20 < https://goo.gl/rtmbSf
(^^^) "Chomsky: Christianity is a threat to civilization." @noamchomskyT
~ EngineeringMath, {Subscribe}, 05-24-13, YT, 1:39 < https://goo.gl/0q12Zi
(^^^) “Odetta - With God On Our Side" (Bob Dylan song)
~ zzzfabkatizzz, {Subscribe}, 07-26-11, YT, 5:16 < https://goo.gl/LVL4ol
FLY-OVER AMERICA, RURAL VALUES: Right-To-Work (as a minimum wage slave) Confederate Rebel Dixie, N.A.F.T.A. Free-Trade Rust-Belt, and Blind-Belief and Freedom-From-Reason Prairie; Trickle-Down GOP Economics, Lies, Deceit, Inequality, Bigotry, Racism
{ Stockholm syndrome – helping one’s physical or psychological Captors }
"In deep-red white America, the white Christian God is king."
(^^^) “An Insider's View: The Dark Rigidity of Fundamentalist Rural America"
~ Forsetti's Justice/@AlterNet, {Donate}, 03-13-17 < https://goo.gl/DD67zn
(^^^) "Trump Supporters Are Beyond Reason, New Polls Suggest"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 07-24-17, YT, 4:05 < https://goo.gl/HHRRfg
[118] Forbes 400 King’s USA Deep State’s Right-Wing Strategy and Propaganda War
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/1nl5SO
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/BZJ35C
(^^^) "The Global Corporate Coup And Why The Media Supports It”
~ @RedactedTonight, {Subscribe}, 08-05-16, YT, 9:45 < https://goo.gl/pxvOlA
@LeeCamp @POTUS @MSNBC @realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton @EPA
[137] POTUS Bill Clinton’s DLC and 3RD Way Wall Street DINO’s
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/9dXp6k
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/3p4vWC
DISASTER CAPITALISM, AUTHORITARINISM: 2006, Rich Left Us Behind, Austerity, Tax Cuts = Civilization Cuts;
Book: “Austerity: The History of a Bad Idea” ~ Mark Blyth @MarkBlyth
(^^^) "On Contact: The Cost of Austerity with MarkBlyth"@ChrisLynnHedges
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 09-10-16, YT, 26:22 < https://goo.gl/QGyfHA
(^^^) "GOP Prepares to Make Case That Poor People Must Sacrifice So Rich Can Get Tax Cuts” @commondreams
~ Ed Kilgore/NY Magazine, {Donate}, 05-16-17 < https://goo.gl/nGDVE0
TRUMP ELECTORATE: Americans With Authoritarian Inclinations
"The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter ...And it’s not gender, age, income, race or religion.” @POTUS @GOP @SenateGOP
~ Matthew MacWilliams/@politico,{Donate}, 01-17-16 https://goo.gl/h5JXwI
ECONOMIC FARCE: Trickle-Down Voodoo, Supply-Side Economics, Reaganomics, Republican Budget, Rep. Paul Ryan, POTUS Bill Clinton;
Koch Brothers, Tea Party, AFP – Americans For (Koch & Billionaire) Prosperity, Dick Armey, Freedom Partners, Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings, Anarchy; Jude Wanniski, Republican Strategist, Economic Hoax
“Thom Hartmann: Secrets the Rich don’t Want You to Know”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Donate}, 04-15-11, YT, 10:25 < https://goo.gl/fV6S7m
(^^^) "Rachel Maddow on Ronald Reagan's Failed Trickle Down Voodoo Economics"
~ Licentiathe8th, {Subscribe}, 11-23-11, YT, 8:26 < https://goo.gl/CZM7mr
New Deal: Social Security,Medicare,S.D.,101513,10:56 https://goo.gl/rT5TMr
Carter: GOP/Religious Right, SuchIsLife…,091611,7:59 https://goo.gl/V4C6zf
TRICKLE-DOWN ECONOMICS: Cartoon Depiction, The Voodoo of GOPee
"Once Upon a Trickle Down: The Rise and Fall of Supply Side Economics"
~ seeprogress, {Subscribe}, 07-31-12, YT, 2:21 < https://goo.gl/Ay5ZrA
DECREASED GDP "an increase in the income share of the wealthiest people actually leads to a decrease in GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth."
“we should instead focus on raising the income of the poor and the middle class.”
(^^^) "Trickle-down economics is wrong, says IMF"
~ Gabriel Fisher/Quartz/@qz, {Subscribe}, 06-16-15 < https://goo.gl/llV193
NEGATIVE BENEFIT: Tax cuts for the rich don't pay for themselves in higher tax revenue, (8:45); Republicans are blocking small business lending.
(^^^) "That Voodoo That You Do"
~ Rachel @maddow/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 07-19-10, Video, 10:15 _
< https://goo.gl/WCQoCg
[106] Libertarian Anarchist’s Trickle-Down Golden-Shower Economics
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/apzh9e
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/dw7qUw
OCCUPY WALL STREET: Verizon, Collective Bargaining; Corporate Tax Rates, Billionaire Tax Rates
"The Enemy Is The Ruling Class | American Autumn Excerpt" @OccupyWallSt
~ @AcronymTV1, {Subscribe}, 06-16-14, YT, 6:46 < https://goo.gl/3b48p2
2 JUSTICE SYSTEMS: One For Corp’s & The Rich, & One For Everyone Else
"Senator Elizabeth Warren Makes GREAT Speech On America's BROKEN Criminal Justice System!"@SenWarren @SenateFloor @HouseFloor #SCOTUS
~ @MOXNews, {Donate}, 020316, YT, 9:14 https://goo.gl/87UW7W
DEMOCRATS: Bailouts, Corp Welfare, Election Fraud, Military, Arms Deals
"Insatiable: the Democrats Must Attack Democracy to Serve Corporate Power" (*CF) (*DNC) (*EF) (*EM) (*MSM)
~ Richard Moser/@NatCounterPunch, 09-15-16 < https://goo.gl/k50qwv
[122] NWO Zionist Rothschild Christian War-Without-End Deep State
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) http://wp.me/p2YrR0-BT
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/tsmdu1
>###(08-17)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Warfare-0333a, AMERICA: The Zombie Democracy,
MAIN STREAM MEDIA PROPAGANDA: American Dystopia, Ad Sponsored Selective Reality, Blind Spots; Corporate American News Blackout; U.S. Military Industrial Complex; Libya, Israel, Iran, Iraq; Nuclear War, Aggression; World Domination, Empire
(Stockholm syndrome news for Americans is sponsored by corporations.)
MS News Presentation Angle: “Tell me stories about things that make me angry. Don’t tell me stories about things that make me ashamed.” [34:15]
Election Year Blind Spot: “You’re living in a dream world. A dream is made up of two parts, the part that you see and the hidden part that you don’t see. Carl Jung, said something similar. He said, if you’re having a dream, sometimes the shadow, the opposite of the dream is what is true. So if we’re saying…(which presidential candidate) who are we going to get to run the show? That gives us a sense of empowerment. It’s up to us to decide. We’re choosing our next leader. It’s American democracy in action. We are empowered to do these things. If it’s not us, nobody. Well, what’s the shadow? The shadow is the opposite. You’re not empowered at all. Your hope means nothing. Your points of view mean nothing. You’re helpless and powerless. That’s the shadow.” ~ Jerry Kroth [49:05 – 50:05]
Net worth of average American family (AF) = $90,000
Net worth of the average American Congressman = $7,800,000 (86x AF)
Net worth of the average American Senator = $14,200,000 (157x AF)/The 1%
“Nothing can become law without the approval of the top 1%. …Plutocracy.”
Carley Fiorina/$51 million; Hillary Clinton/$45 million; Jeb Bush/$22 million;
“The 1% governs us in the Senate. And the 1% is going to govern us in the Presidency.” [56:40]
“So ‘eeny, meeny, mimy, moe’ changes to ‘eeny, meeny, mimy, moe’ changes to which of the American oligarchs do we choose to basically ignore us after they win the presidency?” [57:05] (George Carlin clip)
“More on propaganda and collective insanity” (*MSM)
~ Jerry Kroth, {Subscribe}, 01-03-16, YT, 1:06:13 < https://goo.gl/avGHD6
YouTube Channel, Jerry Kroth < https://www.youtube.com/user/jerrykroth
Carl Jung (Swiss psychoanalyst), @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/PqTR6H
Eeny, meeny, mimy, moe (infantile selection game) https://goo.gl/6hXcJf
US Legislator---(R) Robert W. “Bob” Ney (R*OH-18, 94-06)
Book: “Sideswiped: Lessons Learned Courtesy of the Hit Men of Capitol Hill”
~ Bob Ney (R*OH-18, 94-06)
An inside look at Capitol Hill during the Clinton and W. Bush Presidencies;
"no surprise that former Rep. Bob Ney has written a memoir. ...unsparing profile of Speaker John Boehner"
"Former Rep. Bob Ney skewers John Boehner: ‘I don’t hate him now’"
~ Roxanne Roberts/@washingtonpost, 03-05-13 < https://goo.gl/cGGStx
WEALTH CULTURE, DC BELTWAY: Dystopian Capitalism, Self-Perpetuation
Book: “This Town” ~ Mark Leibovich
(^^^) “Mark Leibovich on Glitz and Greed In Washington” (*DC)
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 08-23-13, YT, 49:10 < https://goo.gl/X3Mck9
Zombie Politics, @HenryGiroux ,11-22-13, YT, 43:59 < https://goo.gl/xN7XD1
(^^^) “David Cay Johnston: Governmental Capture” (Fatal To Republics)
~ New Economic Thinking, 06-01-14, YT, 1:05 < https://goo.gl/CCNDus
BELTWAY TRIBE, PATOMICLAND: DC Warriors, Bipartisanship, Blood Sacrifice, Amazons, A-Team GOP, B-Team Democrats, DC Reporter’s Greek Chorus; Deep State Flying Monkeys, Revolving Door, Legendary Lobbyists
Book: “Homo Politicus” ~ Dana Milbank, (2008)
(^^^) “The Strange and Scary Tribes that Run Our Government"
~ The Film Archives, 05-28-17, YT, 57:53 < https://goo.gl/GwOSBt
Book: “The Wish For Kings” ~ Lewis Lapman
(^^^) "The U.S. Is Run by a Financial Oligarchy: The Ruling Elite, Money & the Illusion of Progress (1993)"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 04-28-14, YT, 57:11 < https://goo.gl/mFGS2T
US SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN (D*MA), The Warren Wing, John Stewart
"to make sure that the tender fannies of the rich and the powerful are always carefully protected."
"’The wind only blows from one direction’ Warren said. ‘It only blows from the direction of those who have money.’"
"Elizabeth Warren explains the real way corruption in Washington works"
~ Matthew Yglesias/@voxdotcom, {Subscribe}, 04-10-15, Video, 05:52 _
< https://goo.gl/cAy1WM
(^^^) "The Courtiers and the Tyrants" (*CW) (*DNC) (*MSM) (*W/T)
~ @ChrisLynnHedges/@Truthdig, {Donate}, 09-18-16 https://goo.gl/x5jVOM
DEMOCRACY, CAPITALISM, COSUMERISM, MARKET VALUES: "It's easier to imagine the death of the planet than it is the death of capitalism."
(^^^) "Politics in the Age of Casino Capitalism” @HenryGiroux
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 11-22-13, YT, 56:53 < https://goo.gl/PZCmJP
(^^^) “Legalized Corruption of Government Exposed by Abramoff”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 11-07-11, YT, 6:11 < https://goo.gl/oZYyeb
>###(05-17)*CW*ULRRJB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
MAIN STREAM MEDIA PROPAGANDA: American Dystopia, Ad Sponsored Selective Reality, Blind Spots; Corporate American News Blackout; U.S. Military Industrial Complex; Libya, Israel, Iran, Iraq; Nuclear War, Aggression; World Domination, Empire
(Stockholm syndrome news for Americans is sponsored by corporations.)
MS News Presentation Angle: “Tell me stories about things that make me angry. Don’t tell me stories about things that make me ashamed.” [34:15]
Election Year Blind Spot: “You’re living in a dream world. A dream is made up of two parts, the part that you see and the hidden part that you don’t see. Carl Jung, said something similar. He said, if you’re having a dream, sometimes the shadow, the opposite of the dream is what is true. So if we’re saying…(which presidential candidate) who are we going to get to run the show? That gives us a sense of empowerment. It’s up to us to decide. We’re choosing our next leader. It’s American democracy in action. We are empowered to do these things. If it’s not us, nobody. Well, what’s the shadow? The shadow is the opposite. You’re not empowered at all. Your hope means nothing. Your points of view mean nothing. You’re helpless and powerless. That’s the shadow.” ~ Jerry Kroth [49:05 – 50:05]
Net worth of average American family (AF) = $90,000
Net worth of the average American Congressman = $7,800,000 (86x AF)
Net worth of the average American Senator = $14,200,000 (157x AF)/The 1%
“Nothing can become law without the approval of the top 1%. …Plutocracy.”
Carley Fiorina/$51 million; Hillary Clinton/$45 million; Jeb Bush/$22 million;
“The 1% governs us in the Senate. And the 1% is going to govern us in the Presidency.” [56:40]
“So ‘eeny, meeny, mimy, moe’ changes to ‘eeny, meeny, mimy, moe’ changes to which of the American oligarchs do we choose to basically ignore us after they win the presidency?” [57:05] (George Carlin clip)
“More on propaganda and collective insanity” (*MSM)
~ Jerry Kroth, {Subscribe}, 01-03-16, YT, 1:06:13 < https://goo.gl/avGHD6
YouTube Channel, Jerry Kroth < https://www.youtube.com/user/jerrykroth
Carl Jung (Swiss psychoanalyst), @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/PqTR6H
Eeny, meeny, mimy, moe (infantile selection game) https://goo.gl/6hXcJf
US Legislator---(R) Robert W. “Bob” Ney (R*OH-18, 94-06)
Book: “Sideswiped: Lessons Learned Courtesy of the Hit Men of Capitol Hill”
~ Bob Ney (R*OH-18, 94-06)
An inside look at Capitol Hill during the Clinton and W. Bush Presidencies;
"no surprise that former Rep. Bob Ney has written a memoir. ...unsparing profile of Speaker John Boehner"
"Former Rep. Bob Ney skewers John Boehner: ‘I don’t hate him now’"
~ Roxanne Roberts/@washingtonpost, 03-05-13 < https://goo.gl/cGGStx
WEALTH CULTURE, DC BELTWAY: Dystopian Capitalism, Self-Perpetuation
Book: “This Town” ~ Mark Leibovich
(^^^) “Mark Leibovich on Glitz and Greed In Washington” (*DC)
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 08-23-13, YT, 49:10 < https://goo.gl/X3Mck9
Zombie Politics, @HenryGiroux ,11-22-13, YT, 43:59 < https://goo.gl/xN7XD1
(^^^) “David Cay Johnston: Governmental Capture” (Fatal To Republics)
~ New Economic Thinking, 06-01-14, YT, 1:05 < https://goo.gl/CCNDus
BELTWAY TRIBE, PATOMICLAND: DC Warriors, Bipartisanship, Blood Sacrifice, Amazons, A-Team GOP, B-Team Democrats, DC Reporter’s Greek Chorus; Deep State Flying Monkeys, Revolving Door, Legendary Lobbyists
Book: “Homo Politicus” ~ Dana Milbank, (2008)
(^^^) “The Strange and Scary Tribes that Run Our Government"
~ The Film Archives, 05-28-17, YT, 57:53 < https://goo.gl/GwOSBt
Book: “The Wish For Kings” ~ Lewis Lapman
(^^^) "The U.S. Is Run by a Financial Oligarchy: The Ruling Elite, Money & the Illusion of Progress (1993)"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 04-28-14, YT, 57:11 < https://goo.gl/mFGS2T
US SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN (D*MA), The Warren Wing, John Stewart
"to make sure that the tender fannies of the rich and the powerful are always carefully protected."
"’The wind only blows from one direction’ Warren said. ‘It only blows from the direction of those who have money.’"
"Elizabeth Warren explains the real way corruption in Washington works"
~ Matthew Yglesias/@voxdotcom, {Subscribe}, 04-10-15, Video, 05:52 _
< https://goo.gl/cAy1WM
(^^^) "The Courtiers and the Tyrants" (*CW) (*DNC) (*MSM) (*W/T)
~ @ChrisLynnHedges/@Truthdig, {Donate}, 09-18-16 https://goo.gl/x5jVOM
DEMOCRACY, CAPITALISM, COSUMERISM, MARKET VALUES: "It's easier to imagine the death of the planet than it is the death of capitalism."
(^^^) "Politics in the Age of Casino Capitalism” @HenryGiroux
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 11-22-13, YT, 56:53 < https://goo.gl/PZCmJP
(^^^) “Legalized Corruption of Government Exposed by Abramoff”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 11-07-11, YT, 6:11 < https://goo.gl/oZYyeb
>###(05-17)*CW*ULRRJB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Warfare-0333a, PARTY CAPTURE, OBAMA: Fired Howard Dean,
Appointed Debbie-Wasserman-Schultz, DNC; Cannibalized DNC Resources; Organizing
For America, Obama Re-election; Cleared Elizabeth Warren, Consumer Protection
Bureau; Stopped Biden @JordanChariton
(^^^) “Why President Obama Helped CREATE President Trump" (*DNC)
~ @TYTPolitics, {Donate}, 11-11-16, YT, 36:21< https://goo.gl/Y742fJ
(^^^) “Was The Democratic Party Destroyed Under Barack Obama?"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 12-28-16, YT, 20:11 < https://goo.gl/S50z31
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky & Chris Hedges On Barack Obama Being A Fraud”
~ The Great Work, {Subscribe}, 10-26-15, YT, 39:02 < https://goo.gl/xpIwO2
CORPORATE POLITICAL ZOMBIES: Dark Money, Obama Legacy, Robert’s Supreme Court, Citizens (Corporations) United v. F.E.C., Koch Deep State
"Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. That's some legacy." ~ Rory Cooper
{ To cite the primary multiple causes of Democratic Part decline combine:
ONE, Supreme Court Chief Justice “I’ll Call Balls-&-Strikes” (Indiana) John Roberts’ (A.L.E.C. corporations’ and billionaires’ “photo Voter I.D.” requirement/Law) Crawford v. Marion County (Indiana) Election Board decision, 04-28-08;
TWO, the Roberts “designed” (unlimited corporate free-speech) “Citizens United” decision v. F.E.C., 01-21-10 (for IndyBama’s James Bopp) infusing Forbes 400 Kings and their corporate store-front attack ad cash into the American political system;
THREE, a conservative corporate Nixonian pro-drone and Syrian war, sovereignty surrendering free-trade TPP, and tax cuts for the rich focused Blue-Dog DINO Obama presidency;
FOUR, robbing Democratic National Committee resources to finance three presidential campaigns while down ballot candidates races were poorly funded.
FIVE, the Robert’s Court’s gutting the 1965 Voting Rights Act in 2013 which magnified Republican/T voter suppression expansion;
SIX, the Republican/T Communications Act of 1996, signed by 3rd Way DLC POTUS 42 Bill Clinton, allowed Forbes 400 Kings to buy up/own a 90% share and saturate print, radio and TV markets in America with propaganda.
SEVEN, the success of Republican/T Fox News dolt-whispering snakes spewing fear and hate (1996 to present) free on cable venues in all American cable markets since 1996. ~ IGRPP }
"Don’t believe the Democratic Party is in crisis? Then read this tweet."
~ Ezra Klein/@voxdotcom, {donate}, 11-04-15 < https://goo.gl/isXWCL
@FoxNews @GOP @DNC @POTUS @POTUS44 @BillClinton
ALEC Voter ID/C. v. Marion Co, @Wikipedia,042808 https://goo.gl/JG5SMC
OBAMA CAMPAIGN: Mothballed Activism, Corporate @DNC @POTUS44
"He built a grassroots machine of two million supporters eager to fight for change. Then he let it die. This is the untold story of Obama’s biggest mistake—and how it paved the way for Trump." ~ Micah L. Sifry
“Our party became a national movement focused on general elections, and we lost touch with nonurban, non-coastal communities." ~ Michael Slaby
"Obama’s Lost Army" @POTUS44 @DNC @johnpodesta @BillClinton
~ Micah L. Sifry/@NewRepublic, {Donate},02-09-17 < https://goo.gl/nccWVq
(^^^) "Was The Democratic Party Destroyed Under Barack Obama?"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 12-28-16, YT, 20:11 < https://goo.gl/S50z31
(^^^) “Keith Ellison Blames Obama For Democratic Party Collapse”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate), 04-23-17, YT 10:31 https://goo.gl/UY42Ix
(^^^) "Michael Moore Puts Obama’s Legacy In Sad, Simple Terms” (*DNC)
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 09-13-14, YT, 6:41 < https://goo.gl/H3JHJe
(^^^) “The Story of Citizens United V. F.E.C.(Decision 01-21-10)“ (*SCOTUS)
~ The Story of Stuff Project, {Subscribe}, (2015), V8:40 https://goo.gl/uDSqNg
Dump Citizens United, @AcronymTV1, 012114, 6:49 https://goo.gl/VnnKMP
EFFECTS OF FORBES 400 KING’S KOCH-A.L.E.C. PAC DEEP STATE: Citizens United & MC CUTCHEON (Corp’s & Rich Pricks free-speech unlimited attack ad speech) v. FEC, Scare Tactics, Trickle-Down Economics, Gerrymandering, Koch Crosscheck, Rigged Elections; Dem POTUS Candidates Obama & Clinton pilfering DNC and States Dem party funds, Stockholm syndrome
"The Republican domination of state legislatures, in 2 maps" @POTUS44
~ Aaron Blake/@TheFix, {Donate}, 05-16-16 @DNC < https://goo.gl/wSwCIS
STS: GOP best position since Great Depression,120914 https://goo.gl/EhB0mi
@HillaryClinton @GOP @POTUS @SenateMajLdr @SpeakerRyan
[137] POTUS Bill Clinton’s DLC and 3RD Way Wall Street DINO’s
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/9dXp6k
(Google Dead-Link-Share Blog/color) https://goo.gl/3p4vWC
5 KINGS RULE AMERICA: Conservative Supreme Court, Robert’s Court, Money Is Speech, Tillman Act, Thomas Jefferson, Judicial Review, Despotic Branch
"America does not belong to Kings - she belongs to the people. It's time for Congress and our President to step up and put the Supreme Court back on equal footing with the rest of our branches of government."
(^^^) “Thom Hartmann: The story of the 5 Kings who rule America”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Donate}, 06-29-11, YT, 9:39
@GOP @POTUS @DNC @POTUS44 @FoxNews < https://goo.gl/q4O3yo
(^^^) “How The Most Corrupt Judges Rise To The Supreme Court"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 07-02-16, YT, 2:07 < https://goo.gl/cYW4u6
SUPREME COURT: @POTUS44 Obama (2009—01-17), Citizens United, 2010
(^^^) "Obama Criticizes Supreme Court in State of the Union Address"
~ bobmofo1011, {Subscribe}, 01-28-10, YT, 1:03 < https://goo.gl/K0F8bK
[012] US Supreme Court dec. (Corp’s) Citizens United, McCutcheon, Etc
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/OvKaXc
(Google Dead-Link-Share Blog/color) https://goo.gl/w2iDi5
POTUS 39 J.C.: "The 39th president said the 'Citizens United' ruling 'violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system"
(^^^) “Jimmy Carter: U.S. Is an 'Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery'”
~ Daniel Kreps/@RollingStone, {Subscriber}, 07-31-15 https://goo.gl/Mo8LSR
Carter-Oligarchy, @Thom_Hartmann, 072815, 1:26 < https://goo.gl/MTFPjs
CITIZENS UNITED REDRESS: Sen. John Mc Cain (R*AZ), President Obama
(^^^) "Love Obama? This Will Piss You Off (But You Need To Hear It) “
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 06-06-12, YT, 7:54 < https://goo.gl/AoYdkd
(*ULRSJM) @POTUS44 @DNC @SenJohnMcCain
DEMOCRATS STRATEGY: Winning Presidential Elections, Autopsy
BILL CLINTON’S 5 BIG ACHIEVEMENTS: N.A.F.TA. – North American Free Trade Agreement (exported jobs), Crime Bill 1994 (mandatory sentencing), Deregulation of Banks (Gramm-Leach Bliley 1999/Financial Modernization Act), Deregulation of Telecoms (Communications Act of 1999); Welfare Reform, Balanced Budget Amendment (ALL REPUBLICAN OBJECTIVES)
Bill Clinton and Barack Obama served wall street. Neoliberalism is collapsing worldwide.
“Special guest Thomas Frank explains how the Democratic Party started to betray its base during the presidency of Bill Clinton.”
Books: "Listen Liberal" “What's The Matter With Kansas"
~ Thomas Frank, New York Times Best Selling Author
(^^^) ”How The Democratic Party BETRAYED Workers & Its Base - THOMAS FRANK Interview Part 1" @nytimes
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 01-25-17, YT, 23:48 https://goo.gl/16ChjG
NEOLIBERAL MAIN STREAM MEDIA: Tools For Propaganda, Forbes 400 Kings
BARACK OBAMA: Bank Crime, Bonuses, Bigger Banks, No Jail, Too Big To Fail, Progressive Belly Flop @POTUS44
{ A Citibank executive selected most of the Obama cabinet. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "Exactly Why Democrats Got Wiped Out At Every Level Of Gov. -THOMAS FRANK Interview Part 2" @DNC
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 01-25-17, 28:18 < https://goo.gl/XTTwzu
CORPORATE DEMOCRATS: Elites’ Neoliberalism “Special guest Thomas Frank explains what lead to Donald Trump's election. Jimmy Dore breaks it down.”
(^^^) “EXACTLY How We Got Trump-Not What You Think! - THOMAS FRANK Interview Part 3"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 01-25-17, YT,23:25 https://goo.gl/3ISk5o
CORPORATE DEMOCRATS: TRUMPED! “Special guest Thomas Frank explains the need to get rid of corporate democrats.”
"How To Wake The Corporate Democrats - THOMAS FRANK Interview Part 4"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 01-25-17, YT, 8:10 https://goo.gl/tRFLx3
DIRECTION: Democratic Party, 1970's, Professional Class
(^^^) "Thomas Frank: How The Media 'Exterminated' Bernie Sanders And 'Real Reform'"
~ Thomas Frank/@Harpers/WBUR, 10-18-16 < https://goo.gl/eQgcz1
>###(07-17)*E16*DEF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “Why President Obama Helped CREATE President Trump" (*DNC)
~ @TYTPolitics, {Donate}, 11-11-16, YT, 36:21< https://goo.gl/Y742fJ
(^^^) “Was The Democratic Party Destroyed Under Barack Obama?"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 12-28-16, YT, 20:11 < https://goo.gl/S50z31
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky & Chris Hedges On Barack Obama Being A Fraud”
~ The Great Work, {Subscribe}, 10-26-15, YT, 39:02 < https://goo.gl/xpIwO2
CORPORATE POLITICAL ZOMBIES: Dark Money, Obama Legacy, Robert’s Supreme Court, Citizens (Corporations) United v. F.E.C., Koch Deep State
"Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. That's some legacy." ~ Rory Cooper
{ To cite the primary multiple causes of Democratic Part decline combine:
ONE, Supreme Court Chief Justice “I’ll Call Balls-&-Strikes” (Indiana) John Roberts’ (A.L.E.C. corporations’ and billionaires’ “photo Voter I.D.” requirement/Law) Crawford v. Marion County (Indiana) Election Board decision, 04-28-08;
TWO, the Roberts “designed” (unlimited corporate free-speech) “Citizens United” decision v. F.E.C., 01-21-10 (for IndyBama’s James Bopp) infusing Forbes 400 Kings and their corporate store-front attack ad cash into the American political system;
THREE, a conservative corporate Nixonian pro-drone and Syrian war, sovereignty surrendering free-trade TPP, and tax cuts for the rich focused Blue-Dog DINO Obama presidency;
FOUR, robbing Democratic National Committee resources to finance three presidential campaigns while down ballot candidates races were poorly funded.
FIVE, the Robert’s Court’s gutting the 1965 Voting Rights Act in 2013 which magnified Republican/T voter suppression expansion;
SIX, the Republican/T Communications Act of 1996, signed by 3rd Way DLC POTUS 42 Bill Clinton, allowed Forbes 400 Kings to buy up/own a 90% share and saturate print, radio and TV markets in America with propaganda.
SEVEN, the success of Republican/T Fox News dolt-whispering snakes spewing fear and hate (1996 to present) free on cable venues in all American cable markets since 1996. ~ IGRPP }
"Don’t believe the Democratic Party is in crisis? Then read this tweet."
~ Ezra Klein/@voxdotcom, {donate}, 11-04-15 < https://goo.gl/isXWCL
@FoxNews @GOP @DNC @POTUS @POTUS44 @BillClinton
ALEC Voter ID/C. v. Marion Co, @Wikipedia,042808 https://goo.gl/JG5SMC
OBAMA CAMPAIGN: Mothballed Activism, Corporate @DNC @POTUS44
"He built a grassroots machine of two million supporters eager to fight for change. Then he let it die. This is the untold story of Obama’s biggest mistake—and how it paved the way for Trump." ~ Micah L. Sifry
“Our party became a national movement focused on general elections, and we lost touch with nonurban, non-coastal communities." ~ Michael Slaby
"Obama’s Lost Army" @POTUS44 @DNC @johnpodesta @BillClinton
~ Micah L. Sifry/@NewRepublic, {Donate},02-09-17 < https://goo.gl/nccWVq
(^^^) "Was The Democratic Party Destroyed Under Barack Obama?"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 12-28-16, YT, 20:11 < https://goo.gl/S50z31
(^^^) “Keith Ellison Blames Obama For Democratic Party Collapse”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate), 04-23-17, YT 10:31 https://goo.gl/UY42Ix
(^^^) "Michael Moore Puts Obama’s Legacy In Sad, Simple Terms” (*DNC)
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 09-13-14, YT, 6:41 < https://goo.gl/H3JHJe
(^^^) “The Story of Citizens United V. F.E.C.(Decision 01-21-10)“ (*SCOTUS)
~ The Story of Stuff Project, {Subscribe}, (2015), V8:40 https://goo.gl/uDSqNg
Dump Citizens United, @AcronymTV1, 012114, 6:49 https://goo.gl/VnnKMP
EFFECTS OF FORBES 400 KING’S KOCH-A.L.E.C. PAC DEEP STATE: Citizens United & MC CUTCHEON (Corp’s & Rich Pricks free-speech unlimited attack ad speech) v. FEC, Scare Tactics, Trickle-Down Economics, Gerrymandering, Koch Crosscheck, Rigged Elections; Dem POTUS Candidates Obama & Clinton pilfering DNC and States Dem party funds, Stockholm syndrome
"The Republican domination of state legislatures, in 2 maps" @POTUS44
~ Aaron Blake/@TheFix, {Donate}, 05-16-16 @DNC < https://goo.gl/wSwCIS
STS: GOP best position since Great Depression,120914 https://goo.gl/EhB0mi
@HillaryClinton @GOP @POTUS @SenateMajLdr @SpeakerRyan
[137] POTUS Bill Clinton’s DLC and 3RD Way Wall Street DINO’s
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/9dXp6k
(Google Dead-Link-Share Blog/color) https://goo.gl/3p4vWC
5 KINGS RULE AMERICA: Conservative Supreme Court, Robert’s Court, Money Is Speech, Tillman Act, Thomas Jefferson, Judicial Review, Despotic Branch
"America does not belong to Kings - she belongs to the people. It's time for Congress and our President to step up and put the Supreme Court back on equal footing with the rest of our branches of government."
(^^^) “Thom Hartmann: The story of the 5 Kings who rule America”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Donate}, 06-29-11, YT, 9:39
@GOP @POTUS @DNC @POTUS44 @FoxNews < https://goo.gl/q4O3yo
(^^^) “How The Most Corrupt Judges Rise To The Supreme Court"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 07-02-16, YT, 2:07 < https://goo.gl/cYW4u6
SUPREME COURT: @POTUS44 Obama (2009—01-17), Citizens United, 2010
(^^^) "Obama Criticizes Supreme Court in State of the Union Address"
~ bobmofo1011, {Subscribe}, 01-28-10, YT, 1:03 < https://goo.gl/K0F8bK
[012] US Supreme Court dec. (Corp’s) Citizens United, McCutcheon, Etc
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/OvKaXc
(Google Dead-Link-Share Blog/color) https://goo.gl/w2iDi5
POTUS 39 J.C.: "The 39th president said the 'Citizens United' ruling 'violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system"
(^^^) “Jimmy Carter: U.S. Is an 'Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery'”
~ Daniel Kreps/@RollingStone, {Subscriber}, 07-31-15 https://goo.gl/Mo8LSR
Carter-Oligarchy, @Thom_Hartmann, 072815, 1:26 < https://goo.gl/MTFPjs
CITIZENS UNITED REDRESS: Sen. John Mc Cain (R*AZ), President Obama
(^^^) "Love Obama? This Will Piss You Off (But You Need To Hear It) “
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 06-06-12, YT, 7:54 < https://goo.gl/AoYdkd
(*ULRSJM) @POTUS44 @DNC @SenJohnMcCain
DEMOCRATS STRATEGY: Winning Presidential Elections, Autopsy
BILL CLINTON’S 5 BIG ACHIEVEMENTS: N.A.F.TA. – North American Free Trade Agreement (exported jobs), Crime Bill 1994 (mandatory sentencing), Deregulation of Banks (Gramm-Leach Bliley 1999/Financial Modernization Act), Deregulation of Telecoms (Communications Act of 1999); Welfare Reform, Balanced Budget Amendment (ALL REPUBLICAN OBJECTIVES)
Bill Clinton and Barack Obama served wall street. Neoliberalism is collapsing worldwide.
“Special guest Thomas Frank explains how the Democratic Party started to betray its base during the presidency of Bill Clinton.”
Books: "Listen Liberal" “What's The Matter With Kansas"
~ Thomas Frank, New York Times Best Selling Author
(^^^) ”How The Democratic Party BETRAYED Workers & Its Base - THOMAS FRANK Interview Part 1" @nytimes
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 01-25-17, YT, 23:48 https://goo.gl/16ChjG
NEOLIBERAL MAIN STREAM MEDIA: Tools For Propaganda, Forbes 400 Kings
BARACK OBAMA: Bank Crime, Bonuses, Bigger Banks, No Jail, Too Big To Fail, Progressive Belly Flop @POTUS44
{ A Citibank executive selected most of the Obama cabinet. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "Exactly Why Democrats Got Wiped Out At Every Level Of Gov. -THOMAS FRANK Interview Part 2" @DNC
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 01-25-17, 28:18 < https://goo.gl/XTTwzu
CORPORATE DEMOCRATS: Elites’ Neoliberalism “Special guest Thomas Frank explains what lead to Donald Trump's election. Jimmy Dore breaks it down.”
(^^^) “EXACTLY How We Got Trump-Not What You Think! - THOMAS FRANK Interview Part 3"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 01-25-17, YT,23:25 https://goo.gl/3ISk5o
CORPORATE DEMOCRATS: TRUMPED! “Special guest Thomas Frank explains the need to get rid of corporate democrats.”
"How To Wake The Corporate Democrats - THOMAS FRANK Interview Part 4"
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 01-25-17, YT, 8:10 https://goo.gl/tRFLx3
DIRECTION: Democratic Party, 1970's, Professional Class
(^^^) "Thomas Frank: How The Media 'Exterminated' Bernie Sanders And 'Real Reform'"
~ Thomas Frank/@Harpers/WBUR, 10-18-16 < https://goo.gl/eQgcz1
>###(07-17)*E16*DEF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Class Warfare-0333b, CLASS WAR: Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings;
"Noam Chomsky (2017) "The History of Neo-Liberalism" [NEW]" [min 7:15]
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 07-17-17, YT, 1:16:50 < https://goo.gl/EBY5ZS
(^^^) "The 'Class War' Speech by Prof. Noam Chomsky Subs" *POTUS40
~ Vicente Diaz, {Subscribe}, 09-17-12, YT, 52:41 < https://goo.gl/t7NO1d
LIBERTARIANISM: Tyranny “Here Libertarian means extreme advocate of total tyranny. …It means power ought to be given into the hands of private unaccountable tyrannies, even worse than state tyrannies, because there the public has some kind of role. The corporate system, especially as its evolved in the 20th century is pure tyranny…completely unaccountable, you’re inside one of these institutions you take orders from above, you hand it down below. If you’re outside one of these institutions there’s nothing you can say. Tyrannies do what they feel like. They’re global in scale.” [min 4:10]
“Markets are supposed to be systems in which informed consumers make rational choices. You know? I’m sure every one of you has turned on a television set. What do you see when you turn on a television set? You see that there’s a huge industry, public relations industry which began in the United States and Britain, incidentally. Huge industry which is designed to undermine markets. Every add is an attempt to create an uninformed consumer who will make and irrational choice. Right?...huge effort on the part of the business world to undermine markets, but to keep the aspect that’s useful for profit and power…that means separating people from one another, focusing on individual choices, not working with your neighbor.”
[min 9:40]
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky Destroys Libertarianism”
~ RethinkingLife, {Subscribe}, 06-05-17, YT, 17:29 < https://goo.gl/9HMA8N
BANK & CORPORATE BAILOUTS & WELFARE: Austerity @noamchomskyT
"Noam Chomsky, talks about the current state of the economy, the assault on social welfare programs and the prospects for resistance and hope in the years ahead."
"Noam Chomsky - Global Hegemony: the Facts, the Images, April 20, 2011."
~ pdxjustice, {Subscribe}, 04-26-11, YT, 1:22:57 < https://goo.gl/C6pMJC
>###(07-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Noam Chomsky (2017) "The History of Neo-Liberalism" [NEW]" [min 7:15]
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 07-17-17, YT, 1:16:50 < https://goo.gl/EBY5ZS
(^^^) "The 'Class War' Speech by Prof. Noam Chomsky Subs" *POTUS40
~ Vicente Diaz, {Subscribe}, 09-17-12, YT, 52:41 < https://goo.gl/t7NO1d
LIBERTARIANISM: Tyranny “Here Libertarian means extreme advocate of total tyranny. …It means power ought to be given into the hands of private unaccountable tyrannies, even worse than state tyrannies, because there the public has some kind of role. The corporate system, especially as its evolved in the 20th century is pure tyranny…completely unaccountable, you’re inside one of these institutions you take orders from above, you hand it down below. If you’re outside one of these institutions there’s nothing you can say. Tyrannies do what they feel like. They’re global in scale.” [min 4:10]
“Markets are supposed to be systems in which informed consumers make rational choices. You know? I’m sure every one of you has turned on a television set. What do you see when you turn on a television set? You see that there’s a huge industry, public relations industry which began in the United States and Britain, incidentally. Huge industry which is designed to undermine markets. Every add is an attempt to create an uninformed consumer who will make and irrational choice. Right?...huge effort on the part of the business world to undermine markets, but to keep the aspect that’s useful for profit and power…that means separating people from one another, focusing on individual choices, not working with your neighbor.”
[min 9:40]
(^^^) “Noam Chomsky Destroys Libertarianism”
~ RethinkingLife, {Subscribe}, 06-05-17, YT, 17:29 < https://goo.gl/9HMA8N
BANK & CORPORATE BAILOUTS & WELFARE: Austerity @noamchomskyT
"Noam Chomsky, talks about the current state of the economy, the assault on social welfare programs and the prospects for resistance and hope in the years ahead."
"Noam Chomsky - Global Hegemony: the Facts, the Images, April 20, 2011."
~ pdxjustice, {Subscribe}, 04-26-11, YT, 1:22:57 < https://goo.gl/C6pMJC
>###(07-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Class Warfare-0333c, AMERICA: The
Zombie Democracy
PRINCETON STUDY: Suicide Rate, Death Rate, 1999-2013, Dr. Ann Case, Dr. Angus Deaton; Middle-Aged, White Americans, 35-64
“The major causes of the excess deaths are suicides, drug abuse and alcoholism.” ~ Gina Kolatanov
"The death rate of middle aged white American men without a college degree, men born between 1945 and 1965, has increased sharply over the last decade. That's according to new research by a husband and wife team - including 2015 Nobel Laureate in Economics Angus Deaton."
~ @Thom_Hartmann
(^^^) "More White People Die From Suicide and Substance Abuse: Why?"
~ Gina Kolatanov/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 11-03-15 < https://goo.gl/rtJT9y
-/\/- “The mortality rate for whites 45 to 54 years old with no more than a high school education increased by 134 deaths per 100,000 people from 1999 to 2014.”
(^^^) "Death Rates Rising for Middle-Aged White Americans, Study Finds"
~ Gina Kolatanov/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 11-02-15 < https://goo.gl/8cgCgR
(^^^) "johnny cash - hurt (lyrics)"
~ v94j, {Subscribe}, 04-21-15, YT, 3:40 < https://goo.gl/MFJLxQ
(^^^) "Suicide rates increases on white men between ages 35-64"
~ James Turnage /Liberty Voice, {Donate} 05-03-13 < https://goo.gl/O8xs5y
DEATH RATE: WHITE MEN The Death Rate among white American men, aged 35-54, is increasing. Since 1999, the Mortality Rate of 45-54 year olds increased markedly. ~ (Washington Post, NY Times and @guardian articles)
{Notes from the Thom Hartmann Radio Show 11-15:
The causes of the rise in early deaths were suicide, alcohol, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs (mostly heroin), not diseases.
High Fructose Corn Syrup consumption is upsetting fat and sugar metabolism.
In 1987, “Third Way” political strategist, Al From asked Governor Bill Clinton (D*AR) to join him and push through NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), promising to make him President.
The “social cause” of the pain that caused an increase in the death rate was probably the NAFTA trade agreement that exported good paying manufacturing jobs starting in 1999. “Most Favored Nation” trade status with China exported more good paying jobs.
From the year 2000 to today (11-2015), the US has lost 60,000 factories (of 500 workers or more). Most of the job losses are due to the passage of NAFTA and free trade with China.
The average manufacturing job (1999) would be worth $58,000 today. Half a million white men were likely the victims of the manufacturing job losses.
NAFTA and free trade with China are forces of destruction for the white middle class. }
"Drinking, drugs and suicide are offsetting declines in other major causes of death in midlife, such as lung cancer" ~ @Thom_Hartmann
"Death rate is rising for middle-aged white Americans" @nytimes
~ @MarketWatch, {Subscribe}, 11-03-15 < https://goo.gl/dwhBvJ
(^^^) “News Clips: PNAS Study by Anne Case and Angus Deaton"
~ @Princeton, {Subscribe}, 11-09-15 < https://goo.gl/z0dpLx
(^^^) "What Drives Trump Supporters?: Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild on Anger & Mourning of the Right" (Professor Univ. California, Berkley)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 09-28-16, 15:53 https://goo.gl/lpqnMq
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger &…, 092916, 16:54 https://goo.gl/N37JgG
Michael Parenti-White Trash, Tom Huck, 071612, 0:53 https://goo.gl/YKu53x
USA = Forbes 400 King’s Trigger-Finger Incubator & War Hatchery w/Coastlines; They’ll bomb the peace outa you to feed current and future quarterly profits for war corporations!
(^^^) "America Can't Bomb It's Way To A Better Future" (*W/T)
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 10-06-16, YT, 6:58 < https://goo.gl/8bGmzd
Laughing Over Human Rights Abuse, 092716, 7:50 < https://goo.gl/LhUSm8
MSM Censorship, War, Syria, Aleppo 123116,17:57 https://goo.gl/XaOQQU
(^^^) “Eddie Vedder - Hurt (live, 2008) HQ” (*RX)
~ Sasho K, {Subscribe}, 06-16-13, YT, 4:30 < https://goo.gl/fMyc2E
INVERTED TOTALITARIANISM: Corporate State, Police State, Surveillance State, Corporate Cabal, Hegelian Dialectic, #NoDAPL, Neo-Liberalism, Privatization, Austerity; Globalization, Phase-4 Capitalism, Penny Capitalism, Regional Capitalism, Global Corporate Capitalism;
“It’s corporate capitalism taking over the system so that government accelerates the assault… not only on working men and women, the poor and now the middle class but of course we can’t forget the ecosystem itself. …It’s the commodification of everything and they will do what they do, which is they will exploit, whether it’s the natural world or human capital until exhaustion or collapse. And now there are no impediments left.” ~ @ChrisLynnHedges
"Has The Corporate State Taken Over? – Chris Hedges Joins Lee Camp [29]"
~ @LeeCamp/@RedactedTonight, {Subscribe}, 09-22-16, YT, 25:55 (*EF) (*EM) (*MSM) https://goo.gl/AVdYXH @ChrisLynnHedges
Capitalism is in Crisis-Richard Wolff, 081816,26:05 https://goo.gl/gq9UrS
Jesse Ventura Grilled By Lee Camp, 030516, 14:57 https://goo.gl/Bvugks
2016 Election Will Be Stolen-G. Palast, 031016, 26:03 https://goo.gl/QHxqgZ
BANKS, TPP, TTIP: Inequality, Populism, Anti-Globalization, Nationalism
"In the US, the median real income for full-time male workers is now lower than it was four decades ago: the income of the bottom 90% of the population has stagnated for over 30 years."
"As Thomas Piketty has shown, in the absence of countervailing pressures, capitalism naturally gravitates towards increasing inequality." (*FP) (*W/T)
(^^^) "The death of neoliberalism and the crisis in western politics"
~ Martin Jacques/@guardian, {Donate}, 08-21-16 < https://goo.gl/gg81z2
(^^^) “’Money’- Pink Floyd HD (Studio Version)” (*CW)
~ Arturo, {Subscribe}, 08-20-09, YT, 6:32 < https://goo.gl/91XwLE
>###(08-17)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
PRINCETON STUDY: Suicide Rate, Death Rate, 1999-2013, Dr. Ann Case, Dr. Angus Deaton; Middle-Aged, White Americans, 35-64
“The major causes of the excess deaths are suicides, drug abuse and alcoholism.” ~ Gina Kolatanov
"The death rate of middle aged white American men without a college degree, men born between 1945 and 1965, has increased sharply over the last decade. That's according to new research by a husband and wife team - including 2015 Nobel Laureate in Economics Angus Deaton."
~ @Thom_Hartmann
(^^^) "More White People Die From Suicide and Substance Abuse: Why?"
~ Gina Kolatanov/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 11-03-15 < https://goo.gl/rtJT9y
-/\/- “The mortality rate for whites 45 to 54 years old with no more than a high school education increased by 134 deaths per 100,000 people from 1999 to 2014.”
(^^^) "Death Rates Rising for Middle-Aged White Americans, Study Finds"
~ Gina Kolatanov/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 11-02-15 < https://goo.gl/8cgCgR
(^^^) "johnny cash - hurt (lyrics)"
~ v94j, {Subscribe}, 04-21-15, YT, 3:40 < https://goo.gl/MFJLxQ
(^^^) "Suicide rates increases on white men between ages 35-64"
~ James Turnage /Liberty Voice, {Donate} 05-03-13 < https://goo.gl/O8xs5y
DEATH RATE: WHITE MEN The Death Rate among white American men, aged 35-54, is increasing. Since 1999, the Mortality Rate of 45-54 year olds increased markedly. ~ (Washington Post, NY Times and @guardian articles)
{Notes from the Thom Hartmann Radio Show 11-15:
The causes of the rise in early deaths were suicide, alcohol, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs (mostly heroin), not diseases.
High Fructose Corn Syrup consumption is upsetting fat and sugar metabolism.
In 1987, “Third Way” political strategist, Al From asked Governor Bill Clinton (D*AR) to join him and push through NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), promising to make him President.
The “social cause” of the pain that caused an increase in the death rate was probably the NAFTA trade agreement that exported good paying manufacturing jobs starting in 1999. “Most Favored Nation” trade status with China exported more good paying jobs.
From the year 2000 to today (11-2015), the US has lost 60,000 factories (of 500 workers or more). Most of the job losses are due to the passage of NAFTA and free trade with China.
The average manufacturing job (1999) would be worth $58,000 today. Half a million white men were likely the victims of the manufacturing job losses.
NAFTA and free trade with China are forces of destruction for the white middle class. }
"Drinking, drugs and suicide are offsetting declines in other major causes of death in midlife, such as lung cancer" ~ @Thom_Hartmann
"Death rate is rising for middle-aged white Americans" @nytimes
~ @MarketWatch, {Subscribe}, 11-03-15 < https://goo.gl/dwhBvJ
(^^^) “News Clips: PNAS Study by Anne Case and Angus Deaton"
~ @Princeton, {Subscribe}, 11-09-15 < https://goo.gl/z0dpLx
(^^^) "What Drives Trump Supporters?: Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild on Anger & Mourning of the Right" (Professor Univ. California, Berkley)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 09-28-16, 15:53 https://goo.gl/lpqnMq
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger &…, 092916, 16:54 https://goo.gl/N37JgG
Michael Parenti-White Trash, Tom Huck, 071612, 0:53 https://goo.gl/YKu53x
USA = Forbes 400 King’s Trigger-Finger Incubator & War Hatchery w/Coastlines; They’ll bomb the peace outa you to feed current and future quarterly profits for war corporations!
(^^^) "America Can't Bomb It's Way To A Better Future" (*W/T)
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 10-06-16, YT, 6:58 < https://goo.gl/8bGmzd
Laughing Over Human Rights Abuse, 092716, 7:50 < https://goo.gl/LhUSm8
MSM Censorship, War, Syria, Aleppo 123116,17:57 https://goo.gl/XaOQQU
(^^^) “Eddie Vedder - Hurt (live, 2008) HQ” (*RX)
~ Sasho K, {Subscribe}, 06-16-13, YT, 4:30 < https://goo.gl/fMyc2E
INVERTED TOTALITARIANISM: Corporate State, Police State, Surveillance State, Corporate Cabal, Hegelian Dialectic, #NoDAPL, Neo-Liberalism, Privatization, Austerity; Globalization, Phase-4 Capitalism, Penny Capitalism, Regional Capitalism, Global Corporate Capitalism;
“It’s corporate capitalism taking over the system so that government accelerates the assault… not only on working men and women, the poor and now the middle class but of course we can’t forget the ecosystem itself. …It’s the commodification of everything and they will do what they do, which is they will exploit, whether it’s the natural world or human capital until exhaustion or collapse. And now there are no impediments left.” ~ @ChrisLynnHedges
"Has The Corporate State Taken Over? – Chris Hedges Joins Lee Camp [29]"
~ @LeeCamp/@RedactedTonight, {Subscribe}, 09-22-16, YT, 25:55 (*EF) (*EM) (*MSM) https://goo.gl/AVdYXH @ChrisLynnHedges
Capitalism is in Crisis-Richard Wolff, 081816,26:05 https://goo.gl/gq9UrS
Jesse Ventura Grilled By Lee Camp, 030516, 14:57 https://goo.gl/Bvugks
2016 Election Will Be Stolen-G. Palast, 031016, 26:03 https://goo.gl/QHxqgZ
BANKS, TPP, TTIP: Inequality, Populism, Anti-Globalization, Nationalism
"In the US, the median real income for full-time male workers is now lower than it was four decades ago: the income of the bottom 90% of the population has stagnated for over 30 years."
"As Thomas Piketty has shown, in the absence of countervailing pressures, capitalism naturally gravitates towards increasing inequality." (*FP) (*W/T)
(^^^) "The death of neoliberalism and the crisis in western politics"
~ Martin Jacques/@guardian, {Donate}, 08-21-16 < https://goo.gl/gg81z2
(^^^) “’Money’- Pink Floyd HD (Studio Version)” (*CW)
~ Arturo, {Subscribe}, 08-20-09, YT, 6:32 < https://goo.gl/91XwLE
>###(08-17)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
FACTORS: Megatrends,
Dystopia Index
1.) Natural Disasters; 2.) Empire overextended; 3.) Disintegrating family; 4.) Bizarre & perverse entertainment; 5.) Parasitic elite;
6.) War, violence crime; 7.) Debt ~ Jerry Kroth,
(^^^) "Is America on the brink?”
~ Jerry Kroth, {Subscribe}, 04-19-16, YT, 41:05 < https://goo.gl/FXGUdU
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
CHARACTERISTICS OF A FAILED STATE: Economist, Paul Craig Roberts, Reagan Administration; Goldman Sachs, Revolving Door, Economic Policy, Banks Succeed, Economy Fails; American Political System, Organized Interest Groups; $18 Trillion National Debt
Characteristics of a failed state according to Paul Craig Roberts include:
1. Cannot finance its own government;
2. Dependent of foreign creditors and on money creation;
3. Extraordinary inequality in income distribution (OECD Report);
4. Crooks are inside the government operating against the people …not on the outside operating against the government; and
5. Banks succeed while the economy fails.
"The priorities are to see that the banks succeed while the economy fails."
"Former employees of Goldman Sachs control the treasury. They control economic policy. One has recently been appointed CEO of the Securities and Exchange Commission." ~ Paul Craig Roberts
"I think it’s the fault of the American political system because the organized interest groups, who fund the political campaigns …they end up controlling the government. And in the United States, that's the Financial Sector. That's the Military Security Complex." ~ Paul Craig Roberts
(^^^) "Is the U.S. a failed state?" @PaulCraigRoberts
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 10-26-09, YT, 4:23 < https://goo.gl/LXsgbe
10. Spain; 9. North Korea; 8. Belgium; 7. China; 6. Iraq; 5. Libya; 4. The Islamic State; 3. United Kingdom; 2. United States; 1. Maldives
"10 Countries That May Not Survive The Next 20 Years - The future is uncertain, some countries may not survive another two decades. Join us on our speculative list of 10 countries most likely to collapse within 20 years. *REMEMBER* this list is speculative, and just because a country may collapse in 20 years, doesn't mean that it will, or that we want it to. With that out of the way, enjoy!"
(^^^) "10 Countries That May Not Survive The Next 20 Years"
~ Top Lists, {Subscribe}, 05-07-15, YT, 7:27 < https://goo.gl/VqnxZS
"Noam Chomsky & Abby Martin: Electing The President of an Empire"
~ @AbbyMartin/@EmpireFiles/@telesurenglish, {Donate}, 10-24-15, YT, 25:53 < https://goo.gl/BsUJHI @noamchomskyT
NEOLIBERALISM, AUSTERITY: Control "Financial meltdown, environmental disaster and even the rise of Donald Trump – neoliberalism has played its part in them all. Why has the left failed to come up with an alternative?"
"Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems” (*DNC)(*W/T)
~ George Monbiot/@guardian, { Subscriber Supported Journal},04-15-16 _
< https://goo.gl/pl8V7z
DEMOCRACY, 167 WORLD COUNTRIES: Full Democracies, Flawed Democracies, Hybrid Regimes, Authoritarian Regimes
"The Economist recently released their 2015 Democracy Index, ranking the nations of the world on the health of their political systems ...strong case for adopting some form of Nordic-style democratic socialism while issuing a strong indictment against the current status quo of the American democracy."
(^^^) "The Economist: Bernie is Right, Democratic Socialist Countries Have Healthier Democracies"
~ Colin Taylor/@OccupyDemocrats, 02-16-16 < https://goo.gl/aQhTwp
>###(08-17)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
1.) Natural Disasters; 2.) Empire overextended; 3.) Disintegrating family; 4.) Bizarre & perverse entertainment; 5.) Parasitic elite;
6.) War, violence crime; 7.) Debt ~ Jerry Kroth,
(^^^) "Is America on the brink?”
~ Jerry Kroth, {Subscribe}, 04-19-16, YT, 41:05 < https://goo.gl/FXGUdU
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
CHARACTERISTICS OF A FAILED STATE: Economist, Paul Craig Roberts, Reagan Administration; Goldman Sachs, Revolving Door, Economic Policy, Banks Succeed, Economy Fails; American Political System, Organized Interest Groups; $18 Trillion National Debt
Characteristics of a failed state according to Paul Craig Roberts include:
1. Cannot finance its own government;
2. Dependent of foreign creditors and on money creation;
3. Extraordinary inequality in income distribution (OECD Report);
4. Crooks are inside the government operating against the people …not on the outside operating against the government; and
5. Banks succeed while the economy fails.
"The priorities are to see that the banks succeed while the economy fails."
"Former employees of Goldman Sachs control the treasury. They control economic policy. One has recently been appointed CEO of the Securities and Exchange Commission." ~ Paul Craig Roberts
"I think it’s the fault of the American political system because the organized interest groups, who fund the political campaigns …they end up controlling the government. And in the United States, that's the Financial Sector. That's the Military Security Complex." ~ Paul Craig Roberts
(^^^) "Is the U.S. a failed state?" @PaulCraigRoberts
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 10-26-09, YT, 4:23 < https://goo.gl/LXsgbe
10. Spain; 9. North Korea; 8. Belgium; 7. China; 6. Iraq; 5. Libya; 4. The Islamic State; 3. United Kingdom; 2. United States; 1. Maldives
"10 Countries That May Not Survive The Next 20 Years - The future is uncertain, some countries may not survive another two decades. Join us on our speculative list of 10 countries most likely to collapse within 20 years. *REMEMBER* this list is speculative, and just because a country may collapse in 20 years, doesn't mean that it will, or that we want it to. With that out of the way, enjoy!"
(^^^) "10 Countries That May Not Survive The Next 20 Years"
~ Top Lists, {Subscribe}, 05-07-15, YT, 7:27 < https://goo.gl/VqnxZS
"Noam Chomsky & Abby Martin: Electing The President of an Empire"
~ @AbbyMartin/@EmpireFiles/@telesurenglish, {Donate}, 10-24-15, YT, 25:53 < https://goo.gl/BsUJHI @noamchomskyT
NEOLIBERALISM, AUSTERITY: Control "Financial meltdown, environmental disaster and even the rise of Donald Trump – neoliberalism has played its part in them all. Why has the left failed to come up with an alternative?"
"Neoliberalism – the ideology at the root of all our problems” (*DNC)(*W/T)
~ George Monbiot/@guardian, { Subscriber Supported Journal},04-15-16 _
< https://goo.gl/pl8V7z
DEMOCRACY, 167 WORLD COUNTRIES: Full Democracies, Flawed Democracies, Hybrid Regimes, Authoritarian Regimes
"The Economist recently released their 2015 Democracy Index, ranking the nations of the world on the health of their political systems ...strong case for adopting some form of Nordic-style democratic socialism while issuing a strong indictment against the current status quo of the American democracy."
(^^^) "The Economist: Bernie is Right, Democratic Socialist Countries Have Healthier Democracies"
~ Colin Taylor/@OccupyDemocrats, 02-16-16 < https://goo.gl/aQhTwp
>###(08-17)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Class Warfare-0333c, WEALTH INEQUITY, AMERICA, 1% OWN
"9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact"
"Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers. The reality is often not what we think it is."
(^^^) "Wealth in America"
~ politizane, {Subscribe}, 11-20-12, YT, 6:23 < https://goo.gl/VLtgGk
"Wealth in America" (Share) < https://goo.gl/xd5DLB
"Oxfam has begun warning that an increasing wealth disparity between the super-rich and the rest of us"
(^^^) "Richest 1% Will Own More Than Half of All Wealth on Earth by 2016"
~ Discose TV, {Donate}, 02-23-15 < https://goo.gl/Jr5ilz
>###(05-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact"
"Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers. The reality is often not what we think it is."
(^^^) "Wealth in America"
~ politizane, {Subscribe}, 11-20-12, YT, 6:23 < https://goo.gl/VLtgGk
"Wealth in America" (Share) < https://goo.gl/xd5DLB
"Oxfam has begun warning that an increasing wealth disparity between the super-rich and the rest of us"
(^^^) "Richest 1% Will Own More Than Half of All Wealth on Earth by 2016"
~ Discose TV, {Donate}, 02-23-15 < https://goo.gl/Jr5ilz
>###(05-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Class Warfare-0333d, INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT:
Plutocracy/Plutocrats, Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings; Dark Money;
Social Engineering, Capitalism, Debt, Austerity
BASIC HUMAN NEEDS: Nutrition and Basic Medical Care; Water and Sanitation; Shelter; Personal Safety
FOUNDATIONS OF WELLBEING: Access to Basic Knowledge; Access to Information and Communication; Health and Wellness, Ecosystem Sustainability
OPPORTUNITY: Personal Rights; Personal Freedom and Choice; Tolerance and Inclusion; Access to Advanced Education
(^^^) "Enjoying the Low Life?"
~ Nicholas Kristof/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 04-09-15 https://goo.gl/4UMLqW
Democracy Index, (USA/Flawed Democracy), wiki… https://goo.gl/D4iEMc
(^^^) "Michael Green: What the Social Progress Index can reveal about your country" @tednews
~ TEDGlobal 2014, {Subscribe}, 10-14, Video, 14:56 < https://goo.gl/gAIKdI
(^^^) Social Progress Index 2017, SPI {Donate}, < https://goo.gl/Pb183g
(^^^) Bio: Michael Green/Social progress expert < https://goo.gl/32D4pw
Gross domestic product (GDP/year), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/3kQrsk
(^^^) “Which country does the most good for the world?”
~ Simon Anholt/@Ted Talks, {Donate} 06-14, V, 17:54 https://goo.gl/ZmA8Tx
(^^^) “How we can make the world a better place by 2030”
~ Michael Green/@Ted Talks, {Donate} 09-17, V14:39 https://goo.gl/VRC11B
(^^^) “What is the GPI/Genuine Progress Indicator?”
~ DNR Maryland < https://goo.gl/Az26BT
>###(07-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
BASIC HUMAN NEEDS: Nutrition and Basic Medical Care; Water and Sanitation; Shelter; Personal Safety
FOUNDATIONS OF WELLBEING: Access to Basic Knowledge; Access to Information and Communication; Health and Wellness, Ecosystem Sustainability
OPPORTUNITY: Personal Rights; Personal Freedom and Choice; Tolerance and Inclusion; Access to Advanced Education
(^^^) "Enjoying the Low Life?"
~ Nicholas Kristof/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 04-09-15 https://goo.gl/4UMLqW
Democracy Index, (USA/Flawed Democracy), wiki… https://goo.gl/D4iEMc
(^^^) "Michael Green: What the Social Progress Index can reveal about your country" @tednews
~ TEDGlobal 2014, {Subscribe}, 10-14, Video, 14:56 < https://goo.gl/gAIKdI
(^^^) Social Progress Index 2017, SPI {Donate}, < https://goo.gl/Pb183g
(^^^) Bio: Michael Green/Social progress expert < https://goo.gl/32D4pw
Gross domestic product (GDP/year), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/3kQrsk
(^^^) “Which country does the most good for the world?”
~ Simon Anholt/@Ted Talks, {Donate} 06-14, V, 17:54 https://goo.gl/ZmA8Tx
(^^^) “How we can make the world a better place by 2030”
~ Michael Green/@Ted Talks, {Donate} 09-17, V14:39 https://goo.gl/VRC11B
(^^^) “What is the GPI/Genuine Progress Indicator?”
~ DNR Maryland < https://goo.gl/Az26BT
>###(07-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Class Warfare-0333d, INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT:
Plutocracy/Plutocrats, Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings; Dark Money; World
Bank, Corporations; Growing Inequality, Trade Rules
“the richest 2% have more wealth than half of the rest of the world.”
“the richest 1% has 43% of the world’s wealth”
“the bottom 80% …has just 6% (of the world’s wealth) between them.”
“the richest 300 people …have the same wealth as the poorest 3 Billion.”
1814 “rich countries were 3 times richer than poor countries”
1960’s “…they (rich countries) were 35 times richer.”
2013 “…they’re (rich countries) about 80 times richer.”
$2 Trillion per year extracted from Poorer Countries
"Global Wealth Inequality - What you never knew you never knew"
~ TheRulesOrg, {Subscribe}, 04-03-13, YT, 3:50 < https://goo.gl/9VgddH
INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT: Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Dark Money
Book: “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” ~ Thomas Piketty
"Economist Paul Krugman explains how the United States is becoming an oligarchy - the very system our founders revolted against."
(^^^) "What the 1% Don't Want You to Know" @paulkrugman
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 04-18-14, YT, 24:30 < https://goo.gl/JN6KoF
-/\/- "Right now, millions of people are being thrown off their land because large corporations are being given special rights. The World Bank is driving this trend with its Doing Business rankings"
(^^^) "Our Land, Our Business (English)"
~ TheRulesOrg, {Subscribe}, 03-27-14, YT, 1:42 < https://goo.gl/RSV7aI
-/\/- TheRules, {Subscribe}, 03-27-14, Videos ↑ < www.therules.org
>###(08-15)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“the richest 2% have more wealth than half of the rest of the world.”
“the richest 1% has 43% of the world’s wealth”
“the bottom 80% …has just 6% (of the world’s wealth) between them.”
“the richest 300 people …have the same wealth as the poorest 3 Billion.”
1814 “rich countries were 3 times richer than poor countries”
1960’s “…they (rich countries) were 35 times richer.”
2013 “…they’re (rich countries) about 80 times richer.”
$2 Trillion per year extracted from Poorer Countries
"Global Wealth Inequality - What you never knew you never knew"
~ TheRulesOrg, {Subscribe}, 04-03-13, YT, 3:50 < https://goo.gl/9VgddH
INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT: Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Dark Money
Book: “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” ~ Thomas Piketty
"Economist Paul Krugman explains how the United States is becoming an oligarchy - the very system our founders revolted against."
(^^^) "What the 1% Don't Want You to Know" @paulkrugman
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 04-18-14, YT, 24:30 < https://goo.gl/JN6KoF
-/\/- "Right now, millions of people are being thrown off their land because large corporations are being given special rights. The World Bank is driving this trend with its Doing Business rankings"
(^^^) "Our Land, Our Business (English)"
~ TheRulesOrg, {Subscribe}, 03-27-14, YT, 1:42 < https://goo.gl/RSV7aI
-/\/- TheRules, {Subscribe}, 03-27-14, Videos ↑ < www.therules.org
>###(08-15)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Warfare-0333e, AMERICA: The Zombie Democracy, Inverted
BIPARTISAN AMERICAN EMPIRE: 55 Interventions Since WW II; 5 Million Dead Humans, 4 Million Killed Directly, 1 Million Killed By Proxy
(^^^) “The American empire: denial, delusion & deception”
~ Jerry Kroth, {Subscribe}, 10-16-12, YT, 1:04:40 < https://goo.gl/FVAqGc
YouTube Channel, Jerry Kroth < https://www.youtube.com/user/jerrykroth
Vanderbilt Television News Archives < https://tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT: Iraq, Israel, Project For A New American Century
(^^^) ”Ken O’Keefe Exposes the Zionist Plan for the Middle East”
~ Hamaza H. Green, {Subscribe}, 08-12-15, YT, 7:42 < https://goo.gl/xGts7H
The Truth About ISIS, SoundoReason, 120615, 7:42 < https://goo.gl/VKBG5Z
Greater Israel Project, MahealaniP…, 081614, 19:58 < https://goo.gl/9bmFfD
(^^^) "1930s: Ford, GM, IBM, and the Nazis"
~ Dr Joel A Lewis, {Subscribe}, 02-17-14, YT, 43:45 < https://goo.gl/Nppekg
(^^^) “Howard Zinn’s ‘Three Holy Wars’” (Revolutionary, Civil, WW II)
~ @TheRealNews, {Subscribe}, 05-16-09, YT, 36:49 < https://goo.gl/PPmaoX
IMPERIALISM, MILITARISM: $1.6 Trillion Military Budget, Empire
Book: “Death of the Liberal Class” ~ Chris Hedges
(^^^) "Chris Hedges On The Fall Of America and Bernie Sanders”
~ @TZHRJ, {Donate}, 11-10-15, YT, 17:32 < https://goo.gl/SZR6Ek
@SenSanders @ChrisLynnHedges @Truthdig @CornelWest
Fall of America (backup), Sheena She, 052617, 17:32 https://goo.gl/mE4ynQ
(^^^) "AP's story declaring Clinton the nominee 'part of a pattern' - Chris Hedges" (AP & Reuters: NWO Rothschild’s Warmonger Main Stream Media)
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 06-09-16, YT, 5:01 < https://goo.gl/4S1hTo
American Empire, Matrix D..., (12-10), 091715,1:30:40 https://goo.gl/Ng7ZJm
(^^^) “Inverted Totalitarianism” (Sheldon Wolin, political theorist)
~ Sheldon Wolin/@thenation, {Donate}, 05-01-03 < https://goo.gl/eGUUtv
Sheldon Wolin, @wikipedia,{Donate} < https://goo.gl/cAzoaJ
Wendell Berry (activist, writer, homesteader),{Donate} https://goo.gl/rDtgE8
Book: “Dreaming War: Blood for Oil and the Cheney-Bush Junta” ~ Gore Vidal
“Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution says that only congress can declare war. The congress surrendered that great power to the president in 1950 and has never taken it back. As ex. Senator Simpson, (he was one of my favorite clowns), said so cheerily on TV the other evening, ‘the people of the United States don’t declare war, the commander in chief does.’ So in great matters we are not guided by law, but by faith in the president, whose powerful Christian beliefs preach real faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
“In response to things not seen, the USA Patriot Act was rushed through congress 45 days after 911. We’re expected to believe that carefully crafted 342 pages were written in that short time. Actually it reads like a continuation of Clinton’s post-Oklahoma City anti-terrorist act. The Patriot Act makes it possible for government agents to break into anyone’s home when they’re away, conduct a search, and keep the citizen indefinitely from finding out that a warrant was issued or not. They can oblige librarians to tell them what books anyone has withdrawn. If the librarian refuses, he or she can be criminally charged. They can also collect your credit reports and other sensitive information without judicial approval or the citizen’s consent.”
“Finally, all this unconstitutional activity need not have the slightest connection with terrorism. Early last month the Justice Department leaked Patriot Act II, known as the Domestic Security Enhancement Act. As of January 9, 2003, it has not yet gone to Congress, but it has certainly been leaked, from what I saw, (parts of it). Here’s a provision, ‘If an American citizen, a born American citizen, has been accused of supporting an organization labeled as terrorist by the government, he can be deprived of this citizenship, even if he had no idea the organization had any link to terrorism. Provision 2 is also made for more searches and wiretaps without warrant, as well as section 201, ‘Secret Arrests.’ …Anyway, that’s how you get rid of the Bill Of Rights in one big sweep.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 18:20 – 20:40]
(^^^) “Gore Vidal Destroying the Lies of the American Empire 2003”
~ Info public/@thenation, 06-23-16, YT, 1:11:49 < https://goo.gl/qGbbwu
G.V.-Dreaming of War, Film Archives, 100613, 1:11:04 https://goo.gl/ESkwXD
Gore Vidal, (writer, intellectual), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/oQswEC
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
REGIME CHANGE AUSTRALIA: CIA, MI6, 11-11-75, Gough Whitlam
(^^^) “Why Everyone On Earth Should be Loudly Opinionated About US Politics” @caitoz
~ @Medium, {Donate}, 07-13-17 < https://goo.gl/CnkQSr
POTUS “In every President, there’s an emperor just dying to get out.” ~ MP
(^^^) ”Michael Parenti: A Critical Assessment of the New World Order”
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-05-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/YnHcNk
US PRESIDENCY: “Economics affairs are decided by the corporate ownership of the country and their congress. But in foreign affairs he is preeminent. And it has been our presidents, since 1800, who have kept us on the move and more often than not, at war. ” [min 3:10]
Commander In Chief, Dictator, Military Necessity, Economic Necessity; Ships, Military, Empire, Emperor; Nobel Peace Prize, Scandinavian Witt; Manifest Destiny, Egalitarianism, Smedley Butler, Gangster For Capitalism, Monroe Doctrine Shredded; Depression, New Deal; Our Hemisphere, War Economy, Communism, Cold War, National Security State 1947, CIA, Draft, Taxes, NATO, Regime Change, Militarized Economy, JFK’s Vietnam, Dream, All American Globe, Presidential Vanity, Suicidal, Genocide, Defense, Stop Communism Central America, Enemy of the Month Club
“Gore Vidal – American Presidency” (2000)
~ wilton warlock, {Subscribe}, 08-17-13, YT, 1:14:09 < https://goo.gl/LLB23A
JFK, DISASTER PRESIDENT: Vietnam War; Gore Vidal, Inequality; Revolution
“The founding fathers were not interested in democracy. In fact, in a country of 3,250,000, which is what we were at the time of separation for England, ahh, only 700,000 people could vote…white males with property. So it’s never been terribly, ahh ahh, democratic. George Washington was a famous general who never won a battle. He was our first millionaire; and he believed in property and the dignity of those who held it. And they put together a constitution to protect property for all time…no nonsense about Democracy.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 37:00]
“Gore is someone who’s always at war to save the republic and defeat ‘The Empire.’” ~ Narrator [min 38:15]
“Gore suggests that Franklin Roosevelt was, in some way, complicit in the Japanese attack (the aerial bombing of Pearl Harbor Naval Station). Now that’s been expressed by Gore in a number of essays and interviews and in one whole novel.”
~ Christopher Hitchens [min 39:25]
“Harry Truman puts is military conscription of every man in the country …something that is practically unconstitutional…and unheard of in peace time. And were the masters of the world. I mean this is the greatest con trick ever done. So Truman militarized the entire society…everything, everybody. We became a national security state. And that changed everything. Men are in Europe forever on the march. Stop godless and Atheists Communism from dominating the earth. So it was pursuit of empire really. And that’s the division in the country, between those who believe in it and think it’s a wonderful thing and those who regard it as a menace.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 39:55]
“I say they don’t have to conspire, because they all think alike. The president of General Motors and the president of Chase Manhattan Bank are not going to disagree on much of anything.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 40:30]
Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan; Israel, Religion In America
“Islam, Christendom, Judaism are the three great evils that have befallen the world.” ~ Gore Vidal [min 43:30]
“In the classical world, Greece, Rome, for intelligent people you had philosophy which is about as high brow as you could get. For the superstitious, you had local gods to whom they prayed…and their prayers, took fairly seriously. But they weren’t maniacs, as they are today.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 43:40]
“The lies which our poor people have been exposed to, in my lifetime, are just beyond anything that you think reasonable people could accept…but they did. And that…that is when I became, Instinctively, a correction-ist.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 45:55]
“Corporations must pay tax. They’re not speaking for you, the representatives. They aren’t speaking for me. They’re speaking or ARCO, for Mobil Oil, for Northrop, for Boeing for all the people that sent them to Washington. They’ve been put there by the rich. And this is a country of the rich, for the rich, and by the rich. And you have a society that is constantly at war with everybody on earth…that doesn’t give a god damn about people who live in this society…that doesn’t give god damn about education. ”
~ Gore Vidal [min 46:55]
“What we have achieved in the United States is Socialism for the rich, and free enterprise for the poor. …The rich are actually living off of the Federal Government in the forms of contracts and tax breaks and so on.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 47:15]
“A writer must always tell the truth as he sees it, and a politician must never give the game away.” ~ Gore Vidal quote
“For much of my lifetime the American media has been tightly controlled by a handful of Corporations, whose main task since 1945 was to terrify Americans into believing that Russians were coming; and so we needed ever more missiles and nuclear warheads and submarines. They have had decades to create a false reality for a citizenry largely uneducated by public schools…that teach conformity with an advanced degree, and consumerism. What then is a true political party? Well…one that has a base firmly in the interests of a class, be it workers or fox hunters. Officially we have two parties which are in fact wings of a common party of property with two right wings. It’s as if a prosperous nation, which we were, had been bitten by a werewolf, the werewolf of Empire…and so became rabid…and then gone mad before our eyes, to the horror of our friends, and of considerable anxiety even to foes.” ~ Gore Vidal [min 51:05 – 52:05]
Gore Vidal & Mikhail Gorbachev meeting
“The sense of ir-reality is too powerful in the United States. …I’m pessimistic for the time being. Because whenever I’m wondering what the United States is up to, I look into my own black heart.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 53:00]
“We now assume that anything that happens in the world affects American Interests. Well practically nothing does. When Bush (H.W.) speaks of the New World Order, he speaks of the American Empire.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 54:20]
“You must remember that since 1985, we have fought about 30 wars. Covert, overt, hot, cold…everywhere from Guatemala to Grenada to our big victories in Panama…not to mention Vietnam and Korea which we obviously lost. I think what we have done is united the Moslem world totally against the United States in particular and the white race, if we can call ourselves that, in general. By the year 2000, the white race will be only 18% of the world’s population. We’ve made a lot of trouble for ourselves. This is only the beginning. We will wish that we had not done this.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 54:50]
911 World Trade Center Attack Commentary – Chris Matthews
“You’ve mentioned already, over 200 military strikes; I didn’t include the CIA…the Bay of Pigs and so on…against other countries without provocation. When you start doing that arbitrarily around the world, people get very grumpy at you. And sooner or later, I thought, well somebody, as it turned out, it was Saudi Arabia struck at us. So I think we had that coming, to the extent that we had been provocative.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 54:50]
“For reasons that I leave to the higher psychiatry, Junior (George W. Bush, POTUS 43) wanted a war in Iraq. (Questioner: Was it oil?) Yes, of course it was. And then certainly his boss Cheney did. But at the same time, Junior is really pretty vague…I mean, you know he just wanted to go bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. (mimicking Bush here) We gotta stand tall, ya know. We can’t cut and run. Yeah, you know what I mean. We’ve had bad presidents in the past, but we’ve never had a god damn fool.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 56:45]
“They used this catastrophe as a.. or a coup d’état. This is a well thought out coup d’état. They already had contingency plans ready, in case of terrorism, violence whatever, which they had inherited from Clinton, who put together some terrible legislation after Timothy McVey blew up the (Murrah Federal) building in Oklahoma City. It was really made for him (Bush) to call an emergency and pretend it was wartime. You know, the war on terrorism is a metaphor, and terrorism is an abstract noun. It’s like a war on dandruff. There’s no such thing, you know. It isn’t war! But using the slogan, they got through the U.S.A. Patriot Act (2001), which removes many of our liberties. Nobody made a sound when we lost Habeas Corpus, due process of law. And suddenly Bush managed to get rid of it! Where was a voice on television, aside from mine, that spoke out against this? Where are all those noble jurists, those great lawyers, those lovers of liberty, where the hell were they? They were nowhere! Now we have a totalitarian government. And the totalitarian government wants to watch everybody…total surveillance of everyone. They listen to the telephone conversations. They look at your credit cards. They look where you travel. We’re totally policed…which is contrary to everything in our Constitution!
~ Gore Vidal [min 56:55 – 58:21]
Book: “Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace” ~ Gore Vidal
“Gore Vidal The United States of Amnesia full movie” (doc. by IFC Films)
~ Sara Tancredi, {Subscribe}, 02-15-17, YT, 1:08:07 < https://goo.gl/XmyvwP
Gore Vidal The United States of Amnesia (2013), Wiki < https://goo.gl/sgjLp6
Gore Vidal (writer/intellectual), @wikipedia, {Donate} https://goo.gl/agvnXR
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (04-19-95), Wiki < https://goo.gl/DUrGHi
(^^^) “ Americans Your Lack Of Education Is The Joke Of The World Gore Vidal” ~ maakus81, {Subscribe}, 11-14-09, YT, 10:38 < https://goo.gl/xyf9hZ
FUTURE OF AMERICAN EMPIRE: Marshall Law; Volunteer Army, Bribed Army
"Gore Vidal Explains how the pillars of the constitution are GONE & they're gone forever until we force a revolution. There has been a coup in America. In 1 decade we witnessed the destruction of the constitution & due process of law. The fall of our republic will be followed by a police state, Marshall law, rationing & 3rd world status."
(^^^) "Gore Vidal - American Empire"
~ Sgentlemanjack, {Subscribe}, 11-09-09, YT, 9:56 < https://goo.gl/A7uLvr
US PATRIOT ACT: No Debate, Global War w/o End
“Could the tragedy of September 11 be setting into motion a set of events even more ominous than the attacks themselves?
After retaliating against the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban, the Bush Administration speaks of bringing justice to an Axis of Evil countries not involved in the 911 attacks. All while Osama Ben Laden and company escaped. Afghanistan has been bombed into near rubble. Countless civilians have been killed. And millions of Afghans live in refugee camps. Meanwhile the Middle East teeters on the brink of a major war, as innocent Israelis and Palestinians continue to be killed. World leaders view U.S. military intervention with increasing alarm. And international opinion indicates that the U.S. government is more hated than ever.” [min 3:45 -4:45]
“On the domestic front Congress has passed a feeding frenzy of corporate welfare, pork measures and attacks on civil liberties as special interest stampede to profit from the current crisis. For example the new U.S. Patriot Act authorizes police and intelligence agencies to spy on any American. The Act was passed by Congress before it was even completely written…meaning of course that no one ever read it when it was passed. Fearful of being viewed as unpatriotic, the Senate passed the Act with only one dissenting voice.
Compounding the absence of political debate, government officials have intimidated those in the public who’ve tried to raise questions. Hence there’s been virtually no public debate. In effect officialdom apparently believes the public should not be allowed to discuss these measures, to know what is really going on or to question government authority. As a result the Washington unilaterally declares that the new terrorist war must be a global war without end. With no clear up of objectives, no enemy to be found who is clearly existing, no specified geographical area, and no clear strategy….And since we are now all under government surveillance, apparently it could be any of us.
James Madison, the master builder of the U.S. Constitution noted in 1795, quote, ‘Of all the enemies of public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops to the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies. From these proceed debt and taxes. And armies, debt and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the dominion of the few. No nation could preserve its freedom on the midst of continual warfare.’” [min 4:55 – 7:05]
"Renowned author Gore Vidal rejects the blind 'patriotism' expected by government officials and the mainstream media, and investigates U.S. foreign policy throughout recent history, showing how it has contributed to the terrorist crisis. With his famous wit and insight, Vidal also demonstrates the ways in which the ‘War on Terrorism' is being used to curtail civil liberties and shred the Bill of Rights."
"Gore Vidal on Understanding America's Terrorist Crisis" (04-18-02)
~ Independent Institute, 08-09-12, YT, 1:37:52 < https://goo.gl/94ZHHM
On Power, The Independent Institute | Home < http://www.onpower.org/
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
THE GREAT DEPRESSION: Politicians Lie and Birds Sing
(^^^) "Interview with Gore Vidal for 'The Great Depression'" (04-92)
~ wufilmarchives, {Subscribe}, 12-23-13, YT, 55:58 < https://goo.gl/9mNuuF
(^^^) "The Economist: Bernie is Right, Democratic Socialist Countries Have Healthier Democracies" @SenSanders
~ Colin Taylor/@OccupyDemocrats, 02-16-16 < https://goo.gl/qaN3FZ
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders Defines ‘Democratic Socialism’"
~ @MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 02-18-16, YT, 1:40 < https://goo.gl/EY28xw
(^^^) "Do You Actually Understand What 'Socialism' Is?" @profwolff
~ @davidpakmanshow, {Donate}, 08-06-15, YT, 11:24 https://goo.gl/nStbEx
>###(07-17)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
BIPARTISAN AMERICAN EMPIRE: 55 Interventions Since WW II; 5 Million Dead Humans, 4 Million Killed Directly, 1 Million Killed By Proxy
(^^^) “The American empire: denial, delusion & deception”
~ Jerry Kroth, {Subscribe}, 10-16-12, YT, 1:04:40 < https://goo.gl/FVAqGc
YouTube Channel, Jerry Kroth < https://www.youtube.com/user/jerrykroth
Vanderbilt Television News Archives < https://tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT: Iraq, Israel, Project For A New American Century
(^^^) ”Ken O’Keefe Exposes the Zionist Plan for the Middle East”
~ Hamaza H. Green, {Subscribe}, 08-12-15, YT, 7:42 < https://goo.gl/xGts7H
The Truth About ISIS, SoundoReason, 120615, 7:42 < https://goo.gl/VKBG5Z
Greater Israel Project, MahealaniP…, 081614, 19:58 < https://goo.gl/9bmFfD
(^^^) "1930s: Ford, GM, IBM, and the Nazis"
~ Dr Joel A Lewis, {Subscribe}, 02-17-14, YT, 43:45 < https://goo.gl/Nppekg
(^^^) “Howard Zinn’s ‘Three Holy Wars’” (Revolutionary, Civil, WW II)
~ @TheRealNews, {Subscribe}, 05-16-09, YT, 36:49 < https://goo.gl/PPmaoX
IMPERIALISM, MILITARISM: $1.6 Trillion Military Budget, Empire
Book: “Death of the Liberal Class” ~ Chris Hedges
(^^^) "Chris Hedges On The Fall Of America and Bernie Sanders”
~ @TZHRJ, {Donate}, 11-10-15, YT, 17:32 < https://goo.gl/SZR6Ek
@SenSanders @ChrisLynnHedges @Truthdig @CornelWest
Fall of America (backup), Sheena She, 052617, 17:32 https://goo.gl/mE4ynQ
(^^^) "AP's story declaring Clinton the nominee 'part of a pattern' - Chris Hedges" (AP & Reuters: NWO Rothschild’s Warmonger Main Stream Media)
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 06-09-16, YT, 5:01 < https://goo.gl/4S1hTo
American Empire, Matrix D..., (12-10), 091715,1:30:40 https://goo.gl/Ng7ZJm
(^^^) “Inverted Totalitarianism” (Sheldon Wolin, political theorist)
~ Sheldon Wolin/@thenation, {Donate}, 05-01-03 < https://goo.gl/eGUUtv
Sheldon Wolin, @wikipedia,{Donate} < https://goo.gl/cAzoaJ
Wendell Berry (activist, writer, homesteader),{Donate} https://goo.gl/rDtgE8
Book: “Dreaming War: Blood for Oil and the Cheney-Bush Junta” ~ Gore Vidal
“Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution says that only congress can declare war. The congress surrendered that great power to the president in 1950 and has never taken it back. As ex. Senator Simpson, (he was one of my favorite clowns), said so cheerily on TV the other evening, ‘the people of the United States don’t declare war, the commander in chief does.’ So in great matters we are not guided by law, but by faith in the president, whose powerful Christian beliefs preach real faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
“In response to things not seen, the USA Patriot Act was rushed through congress 45 days after 911. We’re expected to believe that carefully crafted 342 pages were written in that short time. Actually it reads like a continuation of Clinton’s post-Oklahoma City anti-terrorist act. The Patriot Act makes it possible for government agents to break into anyone’s home when they’re away, conduct a search, and keep the citizen indefinitely from finding out that a warrant was issued or not. They can oblige librarians to tell them what books anyone has withdrawn. If the librarian refuses, he or she can be criminally charged. They can also collect your credit reports and other sensitive information without judicial approval or the citizen’s consent.”
“Finally, all this unconstitutional activity need not have the slightest connection with terrorism. Early last month the Justice Department leaked Patriot Act II, known as the Domestic Security Enhancement Act. As of January 9, 2003, it has not yet gone to Congress, but it has certainly been leaked, from what I saw, (parts of it). Here’s a provision, ‘If an American citizen, a born American citizen, has been accused of supporting an organization labeled as terrorist by the government, he can be deprived of this citizenship, even if he had no idea the organization had any link to terrorism. Provision 2 is also made for more searches and wiretaps without warrant, as well as section 201, ‘Secret Arrests.’ …Anyway, that’s how you get rid of the Bill Of Rights in one big sweep.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 18:20 – 20:40]
(^^^) “Gore Vidal Destroying the Lies of the American Empire 2003”
~ Info public/@thenation, 06-23-16, YT, 1:11:49 < https://goo.gl/qGbbwu
G.V.-Dreaming of War, Film Archives, 100613, 1:11:04 https://goo.gl/ESkwXD
Gore Vidal, (writer, intellectual), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/oQswEC
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
REGIME CHANGE AUSTRALIA: CIA, MI6, 11-11-75, Gough Whitlam
(^^^) “Why Everyone On Earth Should be Loudly Opinionated About US Politics” @caitoz
~ @Medium, {Donate}, 07-13-17 < https://goo.gl/CnkQSr
POTUS “In every President, there’s an emperor just dying to get out.” ~ MP
(^^^) ”Michael Parenti: A Critical Assessment of the New World Order”
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-05-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/YnHcNk
US PRESIDENCY: “Economics affairs are decided by the corporate ownership of the country and their congress. But in foreign affairs he is preeminent. And it has been our presidents, since 1800, who have kept us on the move and more often than not, at war. ” [min 3:10]
Commander In Chief, Dictator, Military Necessity, Economic Necessity; Ships, Military, Empire, Emperor; Nobel Peace Prize, Scandinavian Witt; Manifest Destiny, Egalitarianism, Smedley Butler, Gangster For Capitalism, Monroe Doctrine Shredded; Depression, New Deal; Our Hemisphere, War Economy, Communism, Cold War, National Security State 1947, CIA, Draft, Taxes, NATO, Regime Change, Militarized Economy, JFK’s Vietnam, Dream, All American Globe, Presidential Vanity, Suicidal, Genocide, Defense, Stop Communism Central America, Enemy of the Month Club
“Gore Vidal – American Presidency” (2000)
~ wilton warlock, {Subscribe}, 08-17-13, YT, 1:14:09 < https://goo.gl/LLB23A
JFK, DISASTER PRESIDENT: Vietnam War; Gore Vidal, Inequality; Revolution
“The founding fathers were not interested in democracy. In fact, in a country of 3,250,000, which is what we were at the time of separation for England, ahh, only 700,000 people could vote…white males with property. So it’s never been terribly, ahh ahh, democratic. George Washington was a famous general who never won a battle. He was our first millionaire; and he believed in property and the dignity of those who held it. And they put together a constitution to protect property for all time…no nonsense about Democracy.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 37:00]
“Gore is someone who’s always at war to save the republic and defeat ‘The Empire.’” ~ Narrator [min 38:15]
“Gore suggests that Franklin Roosevelt was, in some way, complicit in the Japanese attack (the aerial bombing of Pearl Harbor Naval Station). Now that’s been expressed by Gore in a number of essays and interviews and in one whole novel.”
~ Christopher Hitchens [min 39:25]
“Harry Truman puts is military conscription of every man in the country …something that is practically unconstitutional…and unheard of in peace time. And were the masters of the world. I mean this is the greatest con trick ever done. So Truman militarized the entire society…everything, everybody. We became a national security state. And that changed everything. Men are in Europe forever on the march. Stop godless and Atheists Communism from dominating the earth. So it was pursuit of empire really. And that’s the division in the country, between those who believe in it and think it’s a wonderful thing and those who regard it as a menace.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 39:55]
“I say they don’t have to conspire, because they all think alike. The president of General Motors and the president of Chase Manhattan Bank are not going to disagree on much of anything.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 40:30]
Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan; Israel, Religion In America
“Islam, Christendom, Judaism are the three great evils that have befallen the world.” ~ Gore Vidal [min 43:30]
“In the classical world, Greece, Rome, for intelligent people you had philosophy which is about as high brow as you could get. For the superstitious, you had local gods to whom they prayed…and their prayers, took fairly seriously. But they weren’t maniacs, as they are today.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 43:40]
“The lies which our poor people have been exposed to, in my lifetime, are just beyond anything that you think reasonable people could accept…but they did. And that…that is when I became, Instinctively, a correction-ist.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 45:55]
“Corporations must pay tax. They’re not speaking for you, the representatives. They aren’t speaking for me. They’re speaking or ARCO, for Mobil Oil, for Northrop, for Boeing for all the people that sent them to Washington. They’ve been put there by the rich. And this is a country of the rich, for the rich, and by the rich. And you have a society that is constantly at war with everybody on earth…that doesn’t give a god damn about people who live in this society…that doesn’t give god damn about education. ”
~ Gore Vidal [min 46:55]
“What we have achieved in the United States is Socialism for the rich, and free enterprise for the poor. …The rich are actually living off of the Federal Government in the forms of contracts and tax breaks and so on.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 47:15]
“A writer must always tell the truth as he sees it, and a politician must never give the game away.” ~ Gore Vidal quote
“For much of my lifetime the American media has been tightly controlled by a handful of Corporations, whose main task since 1945 was to terrify Americans into believing that Russians were coming; and so we needed ever more missiles and nuclear warheads and submarines. They have had decades to create a false reality for a citizenry largely uneducated by public schools…that teach conformity with an advanced degree, and consumerism. What then is a true political party? Well…one that has a base firmly in the interests of a class, be it workers or fox hunters. Officially we have two parties which are in fact wings of a common party of property with two right wings. It’s as if a prosperous nation, which we were, had been bitten by a werewolf, the werewolf of Empire…and so became rabid…and then gone mad before our eyes, to the horror of our friends, and of considerable anxiety even to foes.” ~ Gore Vidal [min 51:05 – 52:05]
Gore Vidal & Mikhail Gorbachev meeting
“The sense of ir-reality is too powerful in the United States. …I’m pessimistic for the time being. Because whenever I’m wondering what the United States is up to, I look into my own black heart.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 53:00]
“We now assume that anything that happens in the world affects American Interests. Well practically nothing does. When Bush (H.W.) speaks of the New World Order, he speaks of the American Empire.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 54:20]
“You must remember that since 1985, we have fought about 30 wars. Covert, overt, hot, cold…everywhere from Guatemala to Grenada to our big victories in Panama…not to mention Vietnam and Korea which we obviously lost. I think what we have done is united the Moslem world totally against the United States in particular and the white race, if we can call ourselves that, in general. By the year 2000, the white race will be only 18% of the world’s population. We’ve made a lot of trouble for ourselves. This is only the beginning. We will wish that we had not done this.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 54:50]
911 World Trade Center Attack Commentary – Chris Matthews
“You’ve mentioned already, over 200 military strikes; I didn’t include the CIA…the Bay of Pigs and so on…against other countries without provocation. When you start doing that arbitrarily around the world, people get very grumpy at you. And sooner or later, I thought, well somebody, as it turned out, it was Saudi Arabia struck at us. So I think we had that coming, to the extent that we had been provocative.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 54:50]
“For reasons that I leave to the higher psychiatry, Junior (George W. Bush, POTUS 43) wanted a war in Iraq. (Questioner: Was it oil?) Yes, of course it was. And then certainly his boss Cheney did. But at the same time, Junior is really pretty vague…I mean, you know he just wanted to go bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. (mimicking Bush here) We gotta stand tall, ya know. We can’t cut and run. Yeah, you know what I mean. We’ve had bad presidents in the past, but we’ve never had a god damn fool.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 56:45]
“They used this catastrophe as a.. or a coup d’état. This is a well thought out coup d’état. They already had contingency plans ready, in case of terrorism, violence whatever, which they had inherited from Clinton, who put together some terrible legislation after Timothy McVey blew up the (Murrah Federal) building in Oklahoma City. It was really made for him (Bush) to call an emergency and pretend it was wartime. You know, the war on terrorism is a metaphor, and terrorism is an abstract noun. It’s like a war on dandruff. There’s no such thing, you know. It isn’t war! But using the slogan, they got through the U.S.A. Patriot Act (2001), which removes many of our liberties. Nobody made a sound when we lost Habeas Corpus, due process of law. And suddenly Bush managed to get rid of it! Where was a voice on television, aside from mine, that spoke out against this? Where are all those noble jurists, those great lawyers, those lovers of liberty, where the hell were they? They were nowhere! Now we have a totalitarian government. And the totalitarian government wants to watch everybody…total surveillance of everyone. They listen to the telephone conversations. They look at your credit cards. They look where you travel. We’re totally policed…which is contrary to everything in our Constitution!
~ Gore Vidal [min 56:55 – 58:21]
Book: “Perpetual War For Perpetual Peace” ~ Gore Vidal
“Gore Vidal The United States of Amnesia full movie” (doc. by IFC Films)
~ Sara Tancredi, {Subscribe}, 02-15-17, YT, 1:08:07 < https://goo.gl/XmyvwP
Gore Vidal The United States of Amnesia (2013), Wiki < https://goo.gl/sgjLp6
Gore Vidal (writer/intellectual), @wikipedia, {Donate} https://goo.gl/agvnXR
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (04-19-95), Wiki < https://goo.gl/DUrGHi
(^^^) “ Americans Your Lack Of Education Is The Joke Of The World Gore Vidal” ~ maakus81, {Subscribe}, 11-14-09, YT, 10:38 < https://goo.gl/xyf9hZ
FUTURE OF AMERICAN EMPIRE: Marshall Law; Volunteer Army, Bribed Army
"Gore Vidal Explains how the pillars of the constitution are GONE & they're gone forever until we force a revolution. There has been a coup in America. In 1 decade we witnessed the destruction of the constitution & due process of law. The fall of our republic will be followed by a police state, Marshall law, rationing & 3rd world status."
(^^^) "Gore Vidal - American Empire"
~ Sgentlemanjack, {Subscribe}, 11-09-09, YT, 9:56 < https://goo.gl/A7uLvr
US PATRIOT ACT: No Debate, Global War w/o End
“Could the tragedy of September 11 be setting into motion a set of events even more ominous than the attacks themselves?
After retaliating against the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban, the Bush Administration speaks of bringing justice to an Axis of Evil countries not involved in the 911 attacks. All while Osama Ben Laden and company escaped. Afghanistan has been bombed into near rubble. Countless civilians have been killed. And millions of Afghans live in refugee camps. Meanwhile the Middle East teeters on the brink of a major war, as innocent Israelis and Palestinians continue to be killed. World leaders view U.S. military intervention with increasing alarm. And international opinion indicates that the U.S. government is more hated than ever.” [min 3:45 -4:45]
“On the domestic front Congress has passed a feeding frenzy of corporate welfare, pork measures and attacks on civil liberties as special interest stampede to profit from the current crisis. For example the new U.S. Patriot Act authorizes police and intelligence agencies to spy on any American. The Act was passed by Congress before it was even completely written…meaning of course that no one ever read it when it was passed. Fearful of being viewed as unpatriotic, the Senate passed the Act with only one dissenting voice.
Compounding the absence of political debate, government officials have intimidated those in the public who’ve tried to raise questions. Hence there’s been virtually no public debate. In effect officialdom apparently believes the public should not be allowed to discuss these measures, to know what is really going on or to question government authority. As a result the Washington unilaterally declares that the new terrorist war must be a global war without end. With no clear up of objectives, no enemy to be found who is clearly existing, no specified geographical area, and no clear strategy….And since we are now all under government surveillance, apparently it could be any of us.
James Madison, the master builder of the U.S. Constitution noted in 1795, quote, ‘Of all the enemies of public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops to the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies. From these proceed debt and taxes. And armies, debt and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the dominion of the few. No nation could preserve its freedom on the midst of continual warfare.’” [min 4:55 – 7:05]
"Renowned author Gore Vidal rejects the blind 'patriotism' expected by government officials and the mainstream media, and investigates U.S. foreign policy throughout recent history, showing how it has contributed to the terrorist crisis. With his famous wit and insight, Vidal also demonstrates the ways in which the ‘War on Terrorism' is being used to curtail civil liberties and shred the Bill of Rights."
"Gore Vidal on Understanding America's Terrorist Crisis" (04-18-02)
~ Independent Institute, 08-09-12, YT, 1:37:52 < https://goo.gl/94ZHHM
On Power, The Independent Institute | Home < http://www.onpower.org/
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
THE GREAT DEPRESSION: Politicians Lie and Birds Sing
(^^^) "Interview with Gore Vidal for 'The Great Depression'" (04-92)
~ wufilmarchives, {Subscribe}, 12-23-13, YT, 55:58 < https://goo.gl/9mNuuF
(^^^) "The Economist: Bernie is Right, Democratic Socialist Countries Have Healthier Democracies" @SenSanders
~ Colin Taylor/@OccupyDemocrats, 02-16-16 < https://goo.gl/qaN3FZ
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders Defines ‘Democratic Socialism’"
~ @MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 02-18-16, YT, 1:40 < https://goo.gl/EY28xw
(^^^) "Do You Actually Understand What 'Socialism' Is?" @profwolff
~ @davidpakmanshow, {Donate}, 08-06-15, YT, 11:24 https://goo.gl/nStbEx
>###(07-17)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Class Warfare-0333f, CAPITALISM vs. DEMOCRACY: Twin
Peaks, Mountain of Debt, Mountain of Unused Cash; Conflict: Political Sphere,
Economic Sphere; Matrix Dystopia
(^^^) "Why Capitalism Will Eat Democracy" (Geneva, 12-15)
~ Yanis Varoufakis/Social Europe, 01-27-16, Vid, 19:51 https://goo.gl/pzfcau
FASCISM, DEBT: Economist, Antonio Gramsci, William Robinson
"The global economic crisis and the attack on immigrant rights are bound together in a web of 21st century fascism."
(^^^) "Global capitalism and 21st century fascism"
~ William I. Robinson, Professor of Sociology, Univ. Cal.,/@AlJazeera, {Donate}, 05-08-11 < https://goo.gl/G8Cxpd
"200 people currently contribute 85% of all the money put into Super PACS. We should be furious about that."
(^^^) "Where’s the Public Outrage About Big Money in Politics?"
~ @americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio/@ringoffireradio, @AlterNet, {Podcasts/ Subscriber Supported Journal}, 07-07-14 < https://goo.gl/MZJ0JH
>###(05-17)*CW*FK##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Why Capitalism Will Eat Democracy" (Geneva, 12-15)
~ Yanis Varoufakis/Social Europe, 01-27-16, Vid, 19:51 https://goo.gl/pzfcau
FASCISM, DEBT: Economist, Antonio Gramsci, William Robinson
"The global economic crisis and the attack on immigrant rights are bound together in a web of 21st century fascism."
(^^^) "Global capitalism and 21st century fascism"
~ William I. Robinson, Professor of Sociology, Univ. Cal.,/@AlJazeera, {Donate}, 05-08-11 < https://goo.gl/G8Cxpd
"200 people currently contribute 85% of all the money put into Super PACS. We should be furious about that."
(^^^) "Where’s the Public Outrage About Big Money in Politics?"
~ @americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio/@ringoffireradio, @AlterNet, {Podcasts/ Subscriber Supported Journal}, 07-07-14 < https://goo.gl/MZJ0JH
>###(05-17)*CW*FK##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
$1.6 Trillion Military Budget, Empire
(^^^) "Chris Hedges On The Fall Of America and Bernie Sanders”
~ @TZHRJ, {Donate}, 11-10-15, YT, 17:32 < https://goo.gl/SZR6Ek
@SenSanders @ChrisLynnHedges @Truthdig @CornelWest
Fall of America (backup), Sheena She, 052617, 17:32 https://goo.gl/mE4ynQ
(^^^) "AP's story declaring Clinton the nominee 'part of a pattern' - Chris Hedges" (AP & Reuters: NWO Rothschild’s Warmonger Main Stream Media)
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 06-09-16, YT, 5:01 < https://goo.gl/4S1hTo
American Empire, Matrix D..., (12-10), 091715,1:30:40 https://goo.gl/Ng7ZJm
Book: “Dreaming War: Blood for Oil and the Cheney-Bush Junta” ~ Gore Vidal
“Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution says that only congress can declare war. The congress surrendered that great power to the president in 1950 and has never taken it back. As ex. Senator Simpson, (he was one of my favorite clowns), said so cheerily on TV the other evening, ‘the people of the United States don’t declare war, the commander in chief does.’ So in great matters we are not guided by law, but by faith in the president, whose powerful Christian beliefs preach real faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
In response to things not seen, the USA Patriot Act was rushed through congress 45 days after 911. We’re expected to believe that carefully crafted 342 pages were written in that short time. Actually it reads like a continuation of Clinton’s post-Oklahoma City anti-terrorist act. The Patriot Act makes it possible for government agents to break into anyone’s home when they’re away, conduct a search, and keep the citizen indefinitely from finding out that a warrant was issued or not. They can oblige librarians to tell them what books anyone has withdrawn. If the librarian refuses, he or she can be criminally charged. They can also collect your credit reports and other sensitive information without judicial approval or the citizen’s consent.
Finally, all this unconstitutional activity need not have the slightest connection with terrorism. Early last month the Justice Department leaked Patriot Act II, known as the Domestic Security Enhancement Act. As of January 9, 2003, it has not yet gone to Congress, but it has certainly been leaked, from what I saw, (parts of it). Here’s a provision, ‘If an American citizen, a born American citizen, has been accused of supporting an organization labeled as terrorist by the government, he can be deprived of this citizenship, even if he had no idea the organization had any link to terrorism. Provision 2 is also made for more searches and wiretaps without warrant, as well as section 201, ‘Secret Arrests.’ …Anyway, that’s how you get rid of the Bill Of Rights in one big sweep.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 18:20 – 20:40]
(^^^) “Gore Vidal Destroying the Lies of the American Empire 2003”
~ Info public/@thenation, 06-23-16, YT, 1:11:49 < https://goo.gl/qGbbwu
Gore Vidal, (writer, intellectual), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/oQswEC
You Think You Know Someone, and Then He Gets on a Stage and Blows Your Mind, (Zinn/Damon), thisiszion42303, 112513, 5:05 < https://goo.gl/yMAQ5b
Corruption is Legal, @RepresentDotUs, 043015, 5:50 < https://goo.gl/s2stbv
What corruption really costs, {Donate}, 011217, 1:44 < https://goo.gl/E576yp
Fix America’s Corrupt Political System, 112016, 5:28 https://goo.gl/eTWD8t
The Daily Represent Us, @RepresentDotUs, {Donate} < https://represent.us/
Defend The Republic, @RepresentDotUs, 021414, 3:27 https://goo.gl/ZiK9bx
The American Anti-Corruption Act, 111212 , 2:28 https://goo.gl/HWOaYQ
Money Out of Politics, @MotherJones, 111312, Vid https://goo.gl/lQ4wqH
>###(08-17)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Chris Hedges On The Fall Of America and Bernie Sanders”
~ @TZHRJ, {Donate}, 11-10-15, YT, 17:32 < https://goo.gl/SZR6Ek
@SenSanders @ChrisLynnHedges @Truthdig @CornelWest
Fall of America (backup), Sheena She, 052617, 17:32 https://goo.gl/mE4ynQ
(^^^) "AP's story declaring Clinton the nominee 'part of a pattern' - Chris Hedges" (AP & Reuters: NWO Rothschild’s Warmonger Main Stream Media)
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 06-09-16, YT, 5:01 < https://goo.gl/4S1hTo
American Empire, Matrix D..., (12-10), 091715,1:30:40 https://goo.gl/Ng7ZJm
Book: “Dreaming War: Blood for Oil and the Cheney-Bush Junta” ~ Gore Vidal
“Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution says that only congress can declare war. The congress surrendered that great power to the president in 1950 and has never taken it back. As ex. Senator Simpson, (he was one of my favorite clowns), said so cheerily on TV the other evening, ‘the people of the United States don’t declare war, the commander in chief does.’ So in great matters we are not guided by law, but by faith in the president, whose powerful Christian beliefs preach real faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
In response to things not seen, the USA Patriot Act was rushed through congress 45 days after 911. We’re expected to believe that carefully crafted 342 pages were written in that short time. Actually it reads like a continuation of Clinton’s post-Oklahoma City anti-terrorist act. The Patriot Act makes it possible for government agents to break into anyone’s home when they’re away, conduct a search, and keep the citizen indefinitely from finding out that a warrant was issued or not. They can oblige librarians to tell them what books anyone has withdrawn. If the librarian refuses, he or she can be criminally charged. They can also collect your credit reports and other sensitive information without judicial approval or the citizen’s consent.
Finally, all this unconstitutional activity need not have the slightest connection with terrorism. Early last month the Justice Department leaked Patriot Act II, known as the Domestic Security Enhancement Act. As of January 9, 2003, it has not yet gone to Congress, but it has certainly been leaked, from what I saw, (parts of it). Here’s a provision, ‘If an American citizen, a born American citizen, has been accused of supporting an organization labeled as terrorist by the government, he can be deprived of this citizenship, even if he had no idea the organization had any link to terrorism. Provision 2 is also made for more searches and wiretaps without warrant, as well as section 201, ‘Secret Arrests.’ …Anyway, that’s how you get rid of the Bill Of Rights in one big sweep.”
~ Gore Vidal [min 18:20 – 20:40]
(^^^) “Gore Vidal Destroying the Lies of the American Empire 2003”
~ Info public/@thenation, 06-23-16, YT, 1:11:49 < https://goo.gl/qGbbwu
Gore Vidal, (writer, intellectual), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/oQswEC
You Think You Know Someone, and Then He Gets on a Stage and Blows Your Mind, (Zinn/Damon), thisiszion42303, 112513, 5:05 < https://goo.gl/yMAQ5b
Corruption is Legal, @RepresentDotUs, 043015, 5:50 < https://goo.gl/s2stbv
What corruption really costs, {Donate}, 011217, 1:44 < https://goo.gl/E576yp
Fix America’s Corrupt Political System, 112016, 5:28 https://goo.gl/eTWD8t
The Daily Represent Us, @RepresentDotUs, {Donate} < https://represent.us/
Defend The Republic, @RepresentDotUs, 021414, 3:27 https://goo.gl/ZiK9bx
The American Anti-Corruption Act, 111212 , 2:28 https://goo.gl/HWOaYQ
Money Out of Politics, @MotherJones, 111312, Vid https://goo.gl/lQ4wqH
>###(08-17)*CW*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Class Warfare-0333h, INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT:
Plutocracy/Plutocrats, Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings; Dark Money;
Richest 1/10th of 1%, Cancer Capitalism, Corporate Fascism
Corporatocracy is multinational corporations controlling government as “The Invisible 4th Branch.” 85% of stock is owned by the top 5%;
The 1% prey upon American blind-believers and clannish team jingoes.
{3 “Visible” Branches are: Executive/State Governor & U.S. President; Legislative/St. Legislatures & US Congress …House & Senate; Judicial/St. & US/Federal Courts back-stopped by 50 St. & 1 US/Fed Supreme Ct.};
"Edward Bernays, the founder of the modern propaganda industry, described the process:
Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of ... in almost every act of our lives ...we are dominated by ...persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns.... It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind."
"A substantial majority in the US have been so overwhelmed by the consumer/celebrity culture that distracts from the real situation that they are now fearful of harboring a critical thought, let alone speaking critically about the surrender of democracy to the wealthy elite."
(^^^) "Class Warfare, the Final Chapter"
~ Michael Pirsch/@truthout, {Donate}, 03-15-11< https://goo.gl/3jJgLz
>###(05-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Corporatocracy is multinational corporations controlling government as “The Invisible 4th Branch.” 85% of stock is owned by the top 5%;
The 1% prey upon American blind-believers and clannish team jingoes.
{3 “Visible” Branches are: Executive/State Governor & U.S. President; Legislative/St. Legislatures & US Congress …House & Senate; Judicial/St. & US/Federal Courts back-stopped by 50 St. & 1 US/Fed Supreme Ct.};
"Edward Bernays, the founder of the modern propaganda industry, described the process:
Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never heard of ... in almost every act of our lives ...we are dominated by ...persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns.... It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind."
"A substantial majority in the US have been so overwhelmed by the consumer/celebrity culture that distracts from the real situation that they are now fearful of harboring a critical thought, let alone speaking critically about the surrender of democracy to the wealthy elite."
(^^^) "Class Warfare, the Final Chapter"
~ Michael Pirsch/@truthout, {Donate}, 03-15-11< https://goo.gl/3jJgLz
>###(05-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Class Warfare-0333i,INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT: Plutocracy/Plutocrats,
Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings
(^^^) "The super-rich are taking us for a ride: The obscene concentration of wealth at the top"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/@AlterNet/@Salon, 06-09-15 < https://goo.gl/z59nA9
INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT: Plutocracy/Plutocrats, Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings; American Dream, Rigged Deal
(^^^) “Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream – Why”
~ The Why, {Subscribe}, 01-05-13, YT, 59:03 < https://goo.gl/zFQHX7
(^^^) DOWNLOAD pdf, 126 Pages:
“The Great American Adventure: Secrets of America” includes “The Bankruptcy of America – 1933” (Political history of government & law)
~ Judge Dale, retired < https://goo.gl/mQSMMj
(^^^) DOWNLOAD pdf: "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" is a highly recommended companion to “The Great American Adventure.” It can be downloaded for free at < www.anticorruptionsociety.com
< https://goo.gl/ddMwJx > Download
>###(05-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Class Warfare-0333k, AMERICA:
The Zombie Democracy, (^^^) "The super-rich are taking us for a ride: The obscene concentration of wealth at the top"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/@AlterNet/@Salon, 06-09-15 < https://goo.gl/z59nA9
INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT: Plutocracy/Plutocrats, Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings; American Dream, Rigged Deal
(^^^) “Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream – Why”
~ The Why, {Subscribe}, 01-05-13, YT, 59:03 < https://goo.gl/zFQHX7
(^^^) DOWNLOAD pdf, 126 Pages:
“The Great American Adventure: Secrets of America” includes “The Bankruptcy of America – 1933” (Political history of government & law)
~ Judge Dale, retired < https://goo.gl/mQSMMj
(^^^) DOWNLOAD pdf: "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" is a highly recommended companion to “The Great American Adventure.” It can be downloaded for free at < www.anticorruptionsociety.com
< https://goo.gl/ddMwJx > Download
>###(05-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT: Plutocracy/Plutocrats, Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings; Dark Money; Bank Deregulation, Chris Hedges, Power, Corporate Headquarters, Iraq, ISIS, Global Warming
(^^^) "Power does not reside in the White House; it resides in corporate headquarters – Chris Hedges" @ChrisLynnHedges
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 07-01-15, YT, 11:35 https://goo.gl/HuNfpR
(^^^) "The 1 percent plays us for suckers: There is no meritocracy and they’ve strangled the American dream"
~ Jay Baron Nicorvo/@Salon, {Donate}, 04-19-15 https://goo.gl/Eezk9m
CAPITALISM: Economic Chaos, Environmental Crisis, Shortage, Resource Wars
Book: “The New Human Rights Movement” ~ Peter Joseph @AbbyMartin
(^^^) "Empire Files: Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism"
~ @telesurenglish, {Donate}, 08-11-17, YT, 45:40 < https://goo.gl/HBFwXD
CAPITALISM: Wages Suppressed, Purchasing Power Decline, Borrowing, Debt;
Ownership Class, Opposite Of Democracy, Free Trade; Socialism, Worker Co-ops; Dividends, Profits, Shareholders; Inequality, Premature Death, War, 99%
"The Empire Files: Understanding Marxism and Socialism with Richard Wolff" @profwolff @demmocracyatwrk @AbbyMartin @SenSanders
~ @telesurenglish, {Donate}, 03-18-16, YT, 31:18 https://goo.gl/4chzYN
(^^^) "Do You Actually Understand What 'Socialism' Is?" @profwolff
~ @davidpakmanshow, {Donate}, 08-06-15, YT, 11:24 https://goo.gl/nStbEx
>###(08-17)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
[140] CLASS WARFARE, RULING CLASS WINS: America’s Not A Democracy
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[140] CLASS WARFARE, RULING CLASS WINS: America’s Not A Democracy
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[140] CLASS WARFARE, RULING CLASS WINS: America’s Not A Democracy
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