Except for the odd experience* here and there, the Men and Women in Blue respect the 1st Amendment in Indiana in 397/405 stops made so far, since 04-26-14. *(the Rent-a-Deputy Sheriff at Lucas Oil Stadium, one Kentland Police Sargeant or Chief, enforcement of a Paoli Protest Registry Ordinance [illegal by the 1st Amendment], a prohibition against being 2’ on State Capital Property, an Omen against protesting before or during church in Brownstown, and enforcement a Local Sign Ordinance [illegal according to the First Amendment] in Nashville).
As of 09-10-15, I give Indiana Police Officers, as a whole, an “B+ Rating” on the First Amendment and respectful behavior toward a civil protester standing on the curb right-of-way. Some will be shills for local business people, who are ignorant about the First Amendment, and they call the police. (It’s helpful to greet an Officer, avoid “Furtive”(fast and suspect) actions, have hands visible and keep harmful words under wraps). The Golden Rule lives when talking with Officers and anyone else really. If you nod in approval (or in intent listening) it works to reassure. Few serious people are offended by a counter comment here and there, and they’ll talk a little more when some indication of “openness” is expressed.
Normally, squad cars pass and officers casually checks out a protestor without stopping. About one in ten times they’ll stop and talk or want a Driver’s License I.D. or a “verbally” conveyed Name & Address supplied.
In none of the Police Officer chats, where A.L.E.C. or the protest was included in the discussion, had any ever heard about this Corporate Cabal or the activities of the 24 confirmed Indiana ALEC Judas Legislators (of which 23 are Republican/T Party members), along with Governor Pence. But there was time and allowance to tell over 30 Officers about A.L.E.C.
In the following Indiana towns and cities Police Officers checked me out at some “casual” level or ran my driver’s license with the state records file:
↑ October 11, 2014 Carmel, Indiana Renaissance Tea Party Activist Training by:
A.F.P. -- Americans For (1% Koch Billionaire) Prosteri-TEA ↓
The "Hoosier Free-Dumb Snake Pit" was sponsored by:
A.F.P. -- Americans For Prosperi-TEA.
Koch Tea Party activists were recruited by this Libertarian Think Tank to stalk/hunt the middle class.
Blind-Belief means that "you don't care to know" that righteous propaganda makes you stupid, even rabidly un-American. A Christian religious background teaches followers to "Hate" an imaginary "Devil" that no one ever saw. So Right-Wing Nut-Job Think-Tanks, Hate-Talkers. and Puppet-Politicians have "no challenge whatever" in getting room temp political I.Q. Americans to hate "Labeled" groups and "Labeled" individuals. All it takes is pariah speakers with a preacher's certainty, and tone and cadence that conveys sincerity and conviction. Their carefully field-tested rhetorical "Pistol-Whip Sound-Bites" have a message that sinks in quick, and uses Christian language and meme to drive home propaganda.
12-11-15 IGRPP Evansville Indiana; 02:50--04:20 pm [90m];
[…a 40-something man in an ‘89 Cranberry and Silver Side GMC Pickup honked and waved as he headed north …a relative had the exact same truck and the silver paint was no good after just a few years on it too.
…a couple other honk honks that I couldn’t identify in traffic.] ::
[…a 40-something man in an ‘89 Cranberry and Silver Side GMC Pickup honked and waved as he headed north …a relative had the exact same truck and the silver paint was no good after just a few years on it too.
…a couple other honk honks that I couldn’t identify in traffic.] ::
12-11-15 IGRPP Evansville Indiana; 07:50 am--01:50 pm [360m];
St. Joseph Ave & Lloyds Expresswy by Meade Johnsen Nutrition, Tire Sales
[…a 30-something man in a Metalic Blue Silver Toyota Sedan honk honked on the way past;
…a White Chevy Work Van with a Tool Cage honk honked as the right turned passed;
…a 40-something man in a White 4x4 Pickup with 2x4x10’s popped up over the tailgate stuck his arm out the window as he headed north under the Mead Johnsen building connector ramp and gave a fist pump;
…a 20-something man in a Cranberry Full Size Sedan turning left (with the window down) said “God bless you and Merry Christmas!” …responded, “Merry Christmas!”
…20-something man in a huge Brown 4x4 Pickup turning left said, “What does your sign say?” …but I knew he couldn’t hear me under the roar of his accelerating engine, so I just looked over.
…a 50-something man in a Black VW Hatchback headed north on St. Joseph had his window down a bid with his middle finger hugging the top of the door to the roof. I said, “I see that I.Q. sign over there!” He withdrew it without looking and rolled up the window;
…a 50-something business interested person said the owner of a nearby property asked if I could stand on one of the other 3 corners …that my standing on that corner was driving away business and reflecting bad on it. I said, I was practicing the First Amendment, I wasn’t protesting any particular business, nor was I wearing one of their company logo shirts… and it was ridiculous for anyone to connect my protest with any business in that area.
…a 60-something driver (with passenger) in the left turn lane enthusiastically said they knew about the information on the sign… I said they should share it with others …but they seemed content to just know about it themselves …like the cat that swallowed the canary;
…shortly after that conversation, an Evansville Police Canine Truck rounded the corner right turning headed south and “on cue” …the German Shepard “barked through the cage window” as it passed in front of me …I laughed real big. That was a first. So I guess the business owner called the Evansville Police and they knew the First Amendment, and decided to “let their police dog practice it too!” …charmed;
…a few other honk honks that I couldn’t identify in traffic.] ::
## *15 – I.G.R.P.P. info share;]
##000,441 *Officer_ 1 (*/71/0047); I.D. Check N/A;
[…a 30-something man in a Metalic Blue Silver Toyota Sedan honk honked on the way past;
…a White Chevy Work Van with a Tool Cage honk honked as the right turned passed;
…a 40-something man in a White 4x4 Pickup with 2x4x10’s popped up over the tailgate stuck his arm out the window as he headed north under the Mead Johnsen building connector ramp and gave a fist pump;
…a 20-something man in a Cranberry Full Size Sedan turning left (with the window down) said “God bless you and Merry Christmas!” …responded, “Merry Christmas!”
…20-something man in a huge Brown 4x4 Pickup turning left said, “What does your sign say?” …but I knew he couldn’t hear me under the roar of his accelerating engine, so I just looked over.
…a 50-something man in a Black VW Hatchback headed north on St. Joseph had his window down a bid with his middle finger hugging the top of the door to the roof. I said, “I see that I.Q. sign over there!” He withdrew it without looking and rolled up the window;
…a 50-something business interested person said the owner of a nearby property asked if I could stand on one of the other 3 corners …that my standing on that corner was driving away business and reflecting bad on it. I said, I was practicing the First Amendment, I wasn’t protesting any particular business, nor was I wearing one of their company logo shirts… and it was ridiculous for anyone to connect my protest with any business in that area.
…a 60-something driver (with passenger) in the left turn lane enthusiastically said they knew about the information on the sign… I said they should share it with others …but they seemed content to just know about it themselves …like the cat that swallowed the canary;
…shortly after that conversation, an Evansville Police Canine Truck rounded the corner right turning headed south and “on cue” …the German Shepard “barked through the cage window” as it passed in front of me …I laughed real big. That was a first. So I guess the business owner called the Evansville Police and they knew the First Amendment, and decided to “let their police dog practice it too!” …charmed;
…a few other honk honks that I couldn’t identify in traffic.] ::
## *15 – I.G.R.P.P. info share;]
##000,441 *Officer_ 1 (*/71/0047); I.D. Check N/A;
12-10-15 IGRPP Princeton Indiana; 01:05--04:25 pm [200m];
[…a 50-something person asked about the sign that was covered …the one with Mike Pence’ name on it and education …told them about A.L.E.C. and the Indiana Republican/T party privatizing education and pay-to-play deals that enriched his friends …they responded that …Pence had done “a hundred years worth of damage to education in Indiana.”
…a 30-something person from the County Court House was wondering what the protest was about …told them about A.L.E.C. running Indiana and all 30 Red States through the Republican/T Party for this cabal of billionaires and wall street hell-boys. …said I passed on information through the protest persona and this was the third time in Princeton;
…a 40-something person got out of a Dark Cranberry Jeep Command Center or Hummer Box 4x4 and went into the business they parked in front of …the head was covered …when they came out an hour and a half later …the truck was started and they pulled away …only to come back in a minute after turning around) and blow the coddamn diesel truck horn right in front of the business they had exited and me. …guess it could be assumed that they hated the service that created a pile of burnt orange frizz, or me …and I’ll never know which.
…saw an Old Metalic Aqua Ford Bronco 4x4 with a White Cap …that’s pretty rare.] ::
## *Talked to – 2/3 – I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 50-something person asked about the sign that was covered …the one with Mike Pence’ name on it and education …told them about A.L.E.C. and the Indiana Republican/T party privatizing education and pay-to-play deals that enriched his friends …they responded that …Pence had done “a hundred years worth of damage to education in Indiana.”
…a 30-something person from the County Court House was wondering what the protest was about …told them about A.L.E.C. running Indiana and all 30 Red States through the Republican/T Party for this cabal of billionaires and wall street hell-boys. …said I passed on information through the protest persona and this was the third time in Princeton;
…a 40-something person got out of a Dark Cranberry Jeep Command Center or Hummer Box 4x4 and went into the business they parked in front of …the head was covered …when they came out an hour and a half later …the truck was started and they pulled away …only to come back in a minute after turning around) and blow the coddamn diesel truck horn right in front of the business they had exited and me. …guess it could be assumed that they hated the service that created a pile of burnt orange frizz, or me …and I’ll never know which.
…saw an Old Metalic Aqua Ford Bronco 4x4 with a White Cap …that’s pretty rare.] ::
## *Talked to – 2/3 – I.G.R.P.P. info share;
12-10-15 IGRPP Petersburg Indiana; 11:30 am--01:20 pm [110m];
[…a 20-something man in a Cranberry or Brown 4x4 Pickup left turning away from the square north said something enthusiastically that agreed with my sign …think it was the TPP sign;
…a 30-something man in a Brown 4x4 Pickup with a long white antenna bowing down from back to front of the bed honk honked.] ::
[…a 20-something man in a Cranberry or Brown 4x4 Pickup left turning away from the square north said something enthusiastically that agreed with my sign …think it was the TPP sign;
…a 30-something man in a Brown 4x4 Pickup with a long white antenna bowing down from back to front of the bed honk honked.] ::
12-05-15 IGRPP Huntington Indiana;* 04:25--05:35 pm [70m];
N. Jefferson St (X) & MacGahan & Home St; by Huntington Plaza, CVS
& Walgreen’s; 36 Degrees,
sunny, no wind;
[…a couple honk honks from vehicles headed south;
…a pair of people one with a military service record stopped to talk …told them about A.L.E.C. State Capital Legislators passing corporate laws …they said both parties were compromised …I agreed that the Republican/T Party is all for corporate interests, while only about 25% of the democrats were corporate controlled;
…this is the 3rd party I talked to this year, (with a military background), who cautioned about preparing for civil unrest spilling out all over (Nashville, Versailles & now Huntington).] ::
## *Talked to – 2/2 – I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a couple honk honks from vehicles headed south;
…a pair of people one with a military service record stopped to talk …told them about A.L.E.C. State Capital Legislators passing corporate laws …they said both parties were compromised …I agreed that the Republican/T Party is all for corporate interests, while only about 25% of the democrats were corporate controlled;
…this is the 3rd party I talked to this year, (with a military background), who cautioned about preparing for civil unrest spilling out all over (Nashville, Versailles & now Huntington).] ::
## *Talked to – 2/2 – I.G.R.P.P. info share;
12-05-15 IGRPP Bluffton Indiana;* 02:25--03:45 pm [80m];
Main St, IN1, IN116 & Wabash St; by Hardee’s & the Park by a bridge; 34 Degrees, sunny, no wind ::
12-05-15 IGRPP Portland Indiana;* 11:15--01:05 am [110m];
Meridian St, US27, IN67 & Votaw St, IN26, IN67, by Walgreen’s & Subway;
32 Degrees, sunny, no wind;
[…a 40-something male passenger in a Dark Blue Pickup headed north rolled down the window and said, “Good luck my brother!”
…a 30-something male in a Light Blue Metalic Sedan headed north honk honked;
…a small Dark Green Metalic SUV drove past with a car load of 20-30-somehtings yelling… one called out, “You fagot!”
…a 60-something man in a White 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup w/a Sand Colored Cap (and a 12’ extension ladder popping out over top the tailgate) rolled by right turning north said, “If you want to protest something, why don’t you protest that rag-head in the White House!” …response, “That’s idiocy!” …so that man was an out and out Racist.] ::
[…a 40-something male passenger in a Dark Blue Pickup headed north rolled down the window and said, “Good luck my brother!”
…a 30-something male in a Light Blue Metalic Sedan headed north honk honked;
…a small Dark Green Metalic SUV drove past with a car load of 20-30-somehtings yelling… one called out, “You fagot!”
…a 60-something man in a White 4x4 Crew Cab Pickup w/a Sand Colored Cap (and a 12’ extension ladder popping out over top the tailgate) rolled by right turning north said, “If you want to protest something, why don’t you protest that rag-head in the White House!” …response, “That’s idiocy!” …so that man was an out and out Racist.] ::
12-05-15 IGRPP Winchester Indiana;* 09:15--10:20 am [70m];
US27 & IN32 Washington St; by El Carreton, Aldi, near Walmart; 27 Degrees, wind still with some
[…2 - 20-40-something men in a Local Delivery Cube Truck turning north honked 6 times and waved;
…a Silver 4x4 headed north honked 5-6 times and waved;
…saw the 2 - 20-40-something men in a Local Delivery Cube Truck as they entered the highway to the north (after a drop off) and I honked and waved at them out the window …they waved back.] ::
[…2 - 20-40-something men in a Local Delivery Cube Truck turning north honked 6 times and waved;
…a Silver 4x4 headed north honked 5-6 times and waved;
…saw the 2 - 20-40-something men in a Local Delivery Cube Truck as they entered the highway to the north (after a drop off) and I honked and waved at them out the window …they waved back.] ::
12-04-15 Richmond Indiana;* 02:00--05:20 pm [200m];
Elks Country Club Road, South 37th St & US40, National Road; by
Kroger Plaza; 36 Degrees, wind
[…a 20-something man in a Yellow Service Van gave a thumbs up;
…a 40-something man in a Cranberry Pickup headed east gave a honk honk;
…a 40-something man in a Faded Medium Blue Old Ford Pickup gave a honk honk and a thumbs up;
…an unseen man in a right turning from to east White Escalade or Suburban said, “Get a life! …I said, “You too idiot!”
…a 20-30-something female in a Black Toyota Compact Car headed north gave a friendly honk honk;
…a young male in a Black SUV left turning to the west rolled down a window, said “Fuck you!” and flashed the bird or his I.Q. sign;
…a Sand Colored Pickup with 2 in the cab right turning to the East gave a honk honk;
…a 40-something female driver of a Compact Car making a right turn to the east had her 20-something female passenger roll down the window …the driver said, “Don’t I know you?” I replied, “Oh Yeah! IGRPP protests A.L.E.C.” …the passenger had an awkward moment …said, “Google it; I inform people”;
…to a 20-something male passenger in a right turning White Pickup w/a Ladder Rack, I said I like the leaf print design on the Truck …he said, “What’s this all about” …said, “Google, IGRPP. I inform people about what’s going on in this state and country;
…a 40-something woman driver making a right turn to the east asked, “What’s that (sign) say?” …said, “Google, IGRPP. I just inform people about what’s going on.] ::
## *3x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 20-something man in a Yellow Service Van gave a thumbs up;
…a 40-something man in a Cranberry Pickup headed east gave a honk honk;
…a 40-something man in a Faded Medium Blue Old Ford Pickup gave a honk honk and a thumbs up;
…an unseen man in a right turning from to east White Escalade or Suburban said, “Get a life! …I said, “You too idiot!”
…a 20-30-something female in a Black Toyota Compact Car headed north gave a friendly honk honk;
…a young male in a Black SUV left turning to the west rolled down a window, said “Fuck you!” and flashed the bird or his I.Q. sign;
…a Sand Colored Pickup with 2 in the cab right turning to the East gave a honk honk;
…a 40-something female driver of a Compact Car making a right turn to the east had her 20-something female passenger roll down the window …the driver said, “Don’t I know you?” I replied, “Oh Yeah! IGRPP protests A.L.E.C.” …the passenger had an awkward moment …said, “Google it; I inform people”;
…to a 20-something male passenger in a right turning White Pickup w/a Ladder Rack, I said I like the leaf print design on the Truck …he said, “What’s this all about” …said, “Google, IGRPP. I inform people about what’s going on in this state and country;
…a 40-something woman driver making a right turn to the east asked, “What’s that (sign) say?” …said, “Google, IGRPP. I just inform people about what’s going on.] ::
## *3x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
12-04-15 IGRPP Richmond Indiana;* 11:10 am--01:00 pm [110m];
& US40, National Road; by Starbucks, Lowes; 32 Degrees, wind was still;
[…a 30-something passenger person getting out and into Starbucks said, “Good for you!” …thanked them for the support.] ::
## *1x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 30-something passenger person getting out and into Starbucks said, “Good for you!” …thanked them for the support.] ::
## *1x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
12-04-15 IGRPP Liberty Indiana;* 08:20--09:50 am [90m];
US27, IN44, IN101 & Union St, US27, IN44, on Union County Courthouse Square,
NW, by the canon on the corner, across from Woodruff’s Supermarket & Bertch
& Son Hardware Store; 29
degrees, wind at 6 mph, 2 - I.G.R.P.P.;
[…2 - 20-30-something men in a Black Compact Pickup gave an excited thumbs up;
…a 40-something man in a Red Ford Pickup gave a honk honk and a thumbs up] ::
## *3x – I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…2 - 20-30-something men in a Black Compact Pickup gave an excited thumbs up;
…a 40-something man in a Red Ford Pickup gave a honk honk and a thumbs up] ::
## *3x – I.G.R.P.P. info share;
12-03-15 IGRPP Richmond Indiana;* 10:15am--05:25 pm [430m];
Chester Blvd, (N. Tenth St), US27, IN227 & N. J Street, IN227, by Kawasaki
Dealer, Fresnius Dialysis; 40
Degrees, wind at 10 mph;
[…a Sand Pickup headed north honk honked;
…a 20-something man left turning and headed north gave a thumbs up;
…a 20-40-something tweezer junk jiggling driver of a Teal 4x4 Pickup headed north decided to coal roll past 2 the auto dealers for a total of 70 yards;
…a near-40-something person parked a Blue Van in the car dealer and inquired …I told them about A.L.E.C. running all 30 red states …they asked if I had encountered this particular ideology …said it held little logic and was the major reason that billionaires could run America with impunity …they said they appreciated my effort to inform people and knew my heart was in the right place;
…a 40-something parked Blue Car in the car dealer and I told them all about A.L.E.C. running all 30 red states …mentioned the Koch Brothers pledge of $889 million to the 2016 elections backing Libertarians, Tea Party, and Republican/Ts …said it was Forbes 400 Kings retail outreach division;
…a 30-40-something parked in the Blue Truck at the auto dealer and I told them about A.L.E.C. running all 30 red states …told them about the TPP Trade Deal set to export more jobs and give up American sovereignty …said Tea Party people might get their Representatives to vote against ObamaTrade if they got wind of it …they said they hated Obama;
…the near-40 person who parked a Blue Van met (previously) walked over with a box opened it up and invited me to have a large rectangle of pepperoni pizza …which I did …thanked them for it and gave the passenger in the van a thumbs up to which they responded with a smile and a wave;
…a near 20 young passenger in a Black SUV rolled down a window and said, “God bless you!” ::
## *Talked to – 3/3 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a Sand Pickup headed north honk honked;
…a 20-something man left turning and headed north gave a thumbs up;
…a 20-40-something tweezer junk jiggling driver of a Teal 4x4 Pickup headed north decided to coal roll past 2 the auto dealers for a total of 70 yards;
…a near-40-something person parked a Blue Van in the car dealer and inquired …I told them about A.L.E.C. running all 30 red states …they asked if I had encountered this particular ideology …said it held little logic and was the major reason that billionaires could run America with impunity …they said they appreciated my effort to inform people and knew my heart was in the right place;
…a 40-something parked Blue Car in the car dealer and I told them all about A.L.E.C. running all 30 red states …mentioned the Koch Brothers pledge of $889 million to the 2016 elections backing Libertarians, Tea Party, and Republican/Ts …said it was Forbes 400 Kings retail outreach division;
…a 30-40-something parked in the Blue Truck at the auto dealer and I told them about A.L.E.C. running all 30 red states …told them about the TPP Trade Deal set to export more jobs and give up American sovereignty …said Tea Party people might get their Representatives to vote against ObamaTrade if they got wind of it …they said they hated Obama;
…the near-40 person who parked a Blue Van met (previously) walked over with a box opened it up and invited me to have a large rectangle of pepperoni pizza …which I did …thanked them for it and gave the passenger in the van a thumbs up to which they responded with a smile and a wave;
…a near 20 young passenger in a Black SUV rolled down a window and said, “God bless you!” ::
## *Talked to – 3/3 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
11-25-15 IGRPP Fishers Indiana;* 03:00--05:40 pm [160m];
Commercial Dr & 116th St, by McDonald’s, Mexican Restaurant
& small shopping area;
[…a 20-something woman in a Silver Chrysler PT Cruiser gave a honk honk;
…a 30-something man in a Silver Truck with a chrome box in the bed gave a honk honk.] ::
[…a 20-something woman in a Silver Chrysler PT Cruiser gave a honk honk;
…a 30-something man in a Silver Truck with a chrome box in the bed gave a honk honk.] ::
11-25-15 IGRPP Noblesville Indiana;* 12:10--02:10 pm [120m];
IN37 & Town & Country Blvd. by Wendy’s, Walmart, Kohl’s;
[…a 30-something guy in a Black SUV said, “Get a life you prick!” …I said, “Bullshit!”
…a 30-something guy in a sedan headed west said, “Do you hate George Soros too?/I thought so.”
…a man in a Pearl White Suburban or Expedition said, “Prick!”
…a 60-something guy in a Service Truck …thumbs up.] ::
[…a 30-something guy in a Black SUV said, “Get a life you prick!” …I said, “Bullshit!”
…a 30-something guy in a sedan headed west said, “Do you hate George Soros too?/I thought so.”
…a man in a Pearl White Suburban or Expedition said, “Prick!”
…a 60-something guy in a Service Truck …thumbs up.] ::
11-25-15 IGRPP Noblesville Indiana;* 09:30--11:30 am [120m];
Tenth St & Connor St, IN32, IN38, on Hamilton County Courthouse, SW;
[…a 60-some guy in a south bound Pickup gave a thumbs up;
…a 50-some person in an air force cap said STFU as I identified the protest …I pretended I didn’t hear it through my ear muffs
…a 40-something person with a soft drink cup said, “I talk about this stuff on the internet all the time.”] ::
## *Talked to – 1/*5x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 60-some guy in a south bound Pickup gave a thumbs up;
…a 50-some person in an air force cap said STFU as I identified the protest …I pretended I didn’t hear it through my ear muffs
…a 40-something person with a soft drink cup said, “I talk about this stuff on the internet all the time.”] ::
## *Talked to – 1/*5x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
11-19-15 IGRPP Lafayette Indiana;* 11:55am--03:40 pm [225m];
Sagamore Pkwy & South St, IN26, by CVS, Home Depot, Vitamin Shop &
[…a barely 20 Purdue political science student walked up and asked about the protest …they recognized A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers on the signs …I told them about the 20-some A.L.E.C. operatives in the Indiana State Capital. …the person gave a name and that they were a future senator …I said that was fantastic …told them about the protest and information sharing therein …and shook hands as they departed;
…a 20-something female passenger headed east in a Toyota Sienna Van w/a bike rack gave a shout out.]::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a barely 20 Purdue political science student walked up and asked about the protest …they recognized A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers on the signs …I told them about the 20-some A.L.E.C. operatives in the Indiana State Capital. …the person gave a name and that they were a future senator …I said that was fantastic …told them about the protest and information sharing therein …and shook hands as they departed;
…a 20-something female passenger headed east in a Toyota Sienna Van w/a bike rack gave a shout out.]::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
11-06-15 IGRPP Logansport Indiana;* 12:50--06:00 pm [300m];
IN17 & Broadway St, IN25, by Logan Square Office Bldg, U.S. Senator Joe
Donnelly’s District Office;
[…a 30-something woman in a Maroon Car headed south gave a thumbs up;
…a 30-something female head south in a White Chevy Sedan took a Smart Phone Pic;
…a 20-something man in a Maroon Van headed east gave a shout out;
…a 30-something person took a Smart Phone Pic;
…a 70-something person walking a dog (spoken to before) said, “Things are getting worse!”
…a person in a south bound Blue SUV shouted out something and gave a 5 second blast honk;
…a 40-something male who was south bound shouted something, but I was listening to 102FM;
…there were several friendly honk honks.] ::
## *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code; *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 30-something woman in a Maroon Car headed south gave a thumbs up;
…a 30-something female head south in a White Chevy Sedan took a Smart Phone Pic;
…a 20-something man in a Maroon Van headed east gave a shout out;
…a 30-something person took a Smart Phone Pic;
…a 70-something person walking a dog (spoken to before) said, “Things are getting worse!”
…a person in a south bound Blue SUV shouted out something and gave a 5 second blast honk;
…a 40-something male who was south bound shouted something, but I was listening to 102FM;
…there were several friendly honk honks.] ::
## *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code; *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
11-05-15 IGRPP Kokomo Indiana;* 12:40--05:40 pm [300m];
Dixon Rd & Sycamore St;
[a 30-something person asked about the protest and took Smart Phone pictures of the QR Codes for future reference …told them about ALEC blocking climate debate and running Indybama and all 30 Republican/T red states like a Las Vegas chicken ranch;
…a 50-something man pulled over in back asked about the protest …said he was social media active but nobody listens to reason …shared what I do and invited them to pass on the information;
…a person in who was left turning to the south in a Silver Chrysler held up the victory sign;
…a White Old Chevy Truck gave us a honk honk;
…a 30-something man right turning in a Blue Compact Convertible jumped up 18 inches onto the curb eventually and missed my sign by inches …the tire an rear shock made a clunk as it left off the curb back to the street …the deranged idiot got out of his car on the other side of the gas station and went around back and side of the car to see if he had done any damage. A 30-something guy who was pumping gas saw it all… I asked him, “Did you see that?” …he said, “Yeah!”
…a 50-something man pulled in back and asked about the protest …he advised me to watch the cars on that corner because 2 pedestrians were killed close to where I was standing] ::
## *PIC -- 4 w/Large QR Code; *Talked to – 3/3 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[a 30-something person asked about the protest and took Smart Phone pictures of the QR Codes for future reference …told them about ALEC blocking climate debate and running Indybama and all 30 Republican/T red states like a Las Vegas chicken ranch;
…a 50-something man pulled over in back asked about the protest …said he was social media active but nobody listens to reason …shared what I do and invited them to pass on the information;
…a person in who was left turning to the south in a Silver Chrysler held up the victory sign;
…a White Old Chevy Truck gave us a honk honk;
…a 30-something man right turning in a Blue Compact Convertible jumped up 18 inches onto the curb eventually and missed my sign by inches …the tire an rear shock made a clunk as it left off the curb back to the street …the deranged idiot got out of his car on the other side of the gas station and went around back and side of the car to see if he had done any damage. A 30-something guy who was pumping gas saw it all… I asked him, “Did you see that?” …he said, “Yeah!”
…a 50-something man pulled in back and asked about the protest …he advised me to watch the cars on that corner because 2 pedestrians were killed close to where I was standing] ::
## *PIC -- 4 w/Large QR Code; *Talked to – 3/3 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
10-02-15* IGRPP
Greensburg Indiana;* 05:30--06:30 pm [60m]; (Tree
City), Broadway St & Main St, US421, IN46, by Taft Furniture Store, on
Decatur County Courthouse Square, SW; Wind speed 18 mph, Started Raining at 6:30 pm;
[…a 60-something guy in a Flower Delivery Truck waved;
…an around 30-something Officer walked north up the street from the police department and asked about the protest …he seemed to know that I had no obligation to identify myself …and he was just interested to hear about the reasons for the protest. So we had a citizen to citizen talk …and he shared that he had served in the armed forces and wanted to maintain American civil freedoms like I was using;
…a 30-something guy in a Conversion Van headed south honked and waved.] ::
##000,424 *Officer_ 1 (*/#70/0047), *A.L.E.C. Informed (#0047); *Citizen to Citizen Talk; I.D. Check N/A;
[…a 60-something guy in a Flower Delivery Truck waved;
…an around 30-something Officer walked north up the street from the police department and asked about the protest …he seemed to know that I had no obligation to identify myself …and he was just interested to hear about the reasons for the protest. So we had a citizen to citizen talk …and he shared that he had served in the armed forces and wanted to maintain American civil freedoms like I was using;
…a 30-something guy in a Conversion Van headed south honked and waved.] ::
##000,424 *Officer_ 1 (*/#70/0047), *A.L.E.C. Informed (#0047); *Citizen to Citizen Talk; I.D. Check N/A;
10-02-15* IGRPP
Batesville Indiana;* 02:25--04:45 pm [120m]; IN46
(X) & IN229; by CVS, Country Club;
[…the wind was blowing at 22 mph …and that was about the limit for holding 3-40x30” signs …one lashed to my waist …there was a wind jam of a Welcome to Batesville Sign with shrubs behind me or protest would have been far more difficult;
…a 50 and a 70-something person stopped …the 50-something person said they were a Batesville Town Official …I told them about the protest of A.L.E.C. running Indiana with the help of 20-some A.L.E.C. Republican/T state capital legislators, just like they do all 30 red states …and I mentioned that the Koch Brothers pledged $889 million to the 2016 elections to back Libertarian, Tea Party, and Republican/T candidates.
…the Town Official voiced a concern that Democrats just like to “give away free stuff” …I identified that statement as Fox News flash card …and that the owner of the media corporation was an Australian psychopath that did not care about this country.
…the person said that if I have so much important information to share, why don’t I go down to the local newspaper and share a story with them …I said, “I don’t do that. This is what I do, but I have given information freely to around a dozen media people who asked why I was protesting in the community.” …said, “This is my 425th stop in Indiana and I protest all over the state.”
…he became a little disturbed and asked what I do for a living …said I was a retired teacher …he concluded that I was “living off of the public dole” from an (entitlement) public retirement account …I told him that’s another Fox News “flash card” that is used to divide people.
…the person became a little more disturbed and asked where I was parked and where I came from. …the two persons left in a huff and mentioned that they were going to send the police …I said, “If you get me thrown in jail, I’ll sue this town for $20 million. So go ahead, call the police, I know my rights under the First Amendment.”;
…a 40-something woman, who was stopped at the light heading north, took a Smart Phone pic of the 3 of us talking in the wind, and others were pretty much blocking the signs;
…a 50-something Officer, who said he was the Batesville Police Chief, stopped within about 5 minutes …I said I was unarmed, and I was protesting A.L.E.C. …mentioned that protesters are not obligated to identify themselves …a protection of the First Amendment …he asked if I would voluntarily provide I.D.;
…and I said if he was interested in hearing about the protest for a minute, I’d be glad to …because there is no reason to conceal my identity …after the show and tell involving my signs ...I carefully pulled the wallet out and the officer called the license number and name in on his radio. …the Batesville Officer, like all the others, knew nothing about A.L.E.C.;
…the person who identified as a Town Official came back a bit later, and I said jokingly… ”So you needed to have another go at it?” …and they said they had a change of heart and would rather talk, because it is rare that people with different points of view can have a discussion …I agreed with the person …and then I mentioned the regret that they held a retirement income against any retired person …they shared that independent business people have to provide for their own retirement …so I got it.
…in another thread, I mentioned that there will always be 1 to 2% who will “game the system” ...but that’s no reason to throw deserving people under the bus and deny them Social Security, Disability, Medicare, or Unemployment benefits that they paid into in every pay check.] ::
## *Talked to – 2
##000,423 *Officer_ 1 (*/69/0046), *A.L.E.C. Informed (#0046); *I.D. CHECK #024/Driver’s License;
[…the wind was blowing at 22 mph …and that was about the limit for holding 3-40x30” signs …one lashed to my waist …there was a wind jam of a Welcome to Batesville Sign with shrubs behind me or protest would have been far more difficult;
…a 50 and a 70-something person stopped …the 50-something person said they were a Batesville Town Official …I told them about the protest of A.L.E.C. running Indiana with the help of 20-some A.L.E.C. Republican/T state capital legislators, just like they do all 30 red states …and I mentioned that the Koch Brothers pledged $889 million to the 2016 elections to back Libertarian, Tea Party, and Republican/T candidates.
…the Town Official voiced a concern that Democrats just like to “give away free stuff” …I identified that statement as Fox News flash card …and that the owner of the media corporation was an Australian psychopath that did not care about this country.
…the person said that if I have so much important information to share, why don’t I go down to the local newspaper and share a story with them …I said, “I don’t do that. This is what I do, but I have given information freely to around a dozen media people who asked why I was protesting in the community.” …said, “This is my 425th stop in Indiana and I protest all over the state.”
…he became a little disturbed and asked what I do for a living …said I was a retired teacher …he concluded that I was “living off of the public dole” from an (entitlement) public retirement account …I told him that’s another Fox News “flash card” that is used to divide people.
…the person became a little more disturbed and asked where I was parked and where I came from. …the two persons left in a huff and mentioned that they were going to send the police …I said, “If you get me thrown in jail, I’ll sue this town for $20 million. So go ahead, call the police, I know my rights under the First Amendment.”;
…a 40-something woman, who was stopped at the light heading north, took a Smart Phone pic of the 3 of us talking in the wind, and others were pretty much blocking the signs;
…a 50-something Officer, who said he was the Batesville Police Chief, stopped within about 5 minutes …I said I was unarmed, and I was protesting A.L.E.C. …mentioned that protesters are not obligated to identify themselves …a protection of the First Amendment …he asked if I would voluntarily provide I.D.;
…and I said if he was interested in hearing about the protest for a minute, I’d be glad to …because there is no reason to conceal my identity …after the show and tell involving my signs ...I carefully pulled the wallet out and the officer called the license number and name in on his radio. …the Batesville Officer, like all the others, knew nothing about A.L.E.C.;
…the person who identified as a Town Official came back a bit later, and I said jokingly… ”So you needed to have another go at it?” …and they said they had a change of heart and would rather talk, because it is rare that people with different points of view can have a discussion …I agreed with the person …and then I mentioned the regret that they held a retirement income against any retired person …they shared that independent business people have to provide for their own retirement …so I got it.
…in another thread, I mentioned that there will always be 1 to 2% who will “game the system” ...but that’s no reason to throw deserving people under the bus and deny them Social Security, Disability, Medicare, or Unemployment benefits that they paid into in every pay check.] ::
## *Talked to – 2
##000,423 *Officer_ 1 (*/69/0046), *A.L.E.C. Informed (#0046); *I.D. CHECK #024/Driver’s License;
10-02-15 IGRPP Brookville Indiana;* 11:10 am--01:10 pm [120m];
Main St, US52, IN1, IN101 & St Mary’s Road, E. Sixth St, US52, by liquor
store couple blocks N of Franklin County Courthouse;
[…a Kmart worker stopped and they were informed about A.L.E.C. state capital legislators passing corporate sponsored bills and talked about their job of 30 years paying about as much as entry level workers make …they were facing a serious operation;
…a 40-something business oriented person talked about the nearest Walmart store wiping out main street businesses in the past few years.] ::
## *Talked to – 2/2 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a Kmart worker stopped and they were informed about A.L.E.C. state capital legislators passing corporate sponsored bills and talked about their job of 30 years paying about as much as entry level workers make …they were facing a serious operation;
…a 40-something business oriented person talked about the nearest Walmart store wiping out main street businesses in the past few years.] ::
## *Talked to – 2/2 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
10-02-15 IGRPP Liberty Indiana;* 08:20--10:20 pm [120m];
US27, IN44, IN101 & Union St, US27, IN44, on Union County Courthouse
Square, NW, by the canon on the corner, across from Woodruff’s Supermarket
& Bertch & Son Hardware Store; (Union County Days – First Weekend in October);
[…a 50-something person walked over and they were informed about the 20-some A.L.E.C. State Capital Legislators passing corporate laws …they said they were more familiar with Ohio politics as it was their home state …and got their news from MSNBC.] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 50-something person walked over and they were informed about the 20-some A.L.E.C. State Capital Legislators passing corporate laws …they said they were more familiar with Ohio politics as it was their home state …and got their news from MSNBC.] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
10-01-15 IGRPP Connorsville Indiana;* 05:50--07:50 pm [120m];
N. Grand Ave & W. 30th St; by McDonalds, Kroger, Shell; Wind speed was 18 mph, gusting to 22
[…a Meth-impaired couple in Blue SUV spent 30 minutes airing up a front passenger tire in a wicked wind …they got in the car and warmed up and looked at my signs for 10 minutes …then got back on to the same tire again for another 12 minutes.] ::
[…a Meth-impaired couple in Blue SUV spent 30 minutes airing up a front passenger tire in a wicked wind …they got in the car and warmed up and looked at my signs for 10 minutes …then got back on to the same tire again for another 12 minutes.] ::
10-01-15 IGRPP Rushville Indiana;* 03:45--04:45 pm [60m];
Main St, US52, IN3 & First St, IN44, on Rush County Courthouse Square, SW; Wind speed 18 mph;
[…40-something business person walked up and asked about the protest …and they were informed about the 20-some A.L.E.C. State Capital Legislators passing corporate laws.] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…40-something business person walked up and asked about the protest …and they were informed about the 20-some A.L.E.C. State Capital Legislators passing corporate laws.] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
10-01-15 IGRPP Rushville Indiana;* 02:45--03:35 pm [50m];
Main St, US52, IN3 & Fourth St, a couple blocks N of Rush County Courthouse
Square; (Wendell Wilkie Days 3rd Weekend in
September); Wind speed
18 mph;
[…60-something local area town affiliated person…
…60-something business person…
…60-something business person… and they were all informed about the 20-some A.L.E.C. State Capital Legislators passing corporate laws;
…the second one wanted to know if I was going to block the side walk …said, “That’s the last thing I want to do!”] ::
## *Talked to – 3;
[…60-something local area town affiliated person…
…60-something business person…
…60-something business person… and they were all informed about the 20-some A.L.E.C. State Capital Legislators passing corporate laws;
…the second one wanted to know if I was going to block the side walk …said, “That’s the last thing I want to do!”] ::
## *Talked to – 3;
10-01-15 IGRPP Shelbyville Indiana;* 12:25--02:10 pm [115m];
Harrison St, IN9 & Broadway St, IN44, Shelby County Courthouse Square, NW,
by CVS;
[…talked to a 50-something person who had a 7 month struggle with a disease spread by a bug bite that took 21 Doctors to diagnose …they experienced heart problems, early retirement, and no access to disability …Mike Pence’s H.I.P. Health Care was going to cost $300 more per month than their work referred Cobra Plan …that’s a ridiculous proposition;
…talked to a 60-something veteran;
…a 40-something female driver took a (white) Smart Phone Pic from kitty corner across the intersection;
…a Vacuum Truck headed south gave a big honk honk] ::
## *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code; *Talked to – 2/*1 + 3x – I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…talked to a 50-something person who had a 7 month struggle with a disease spread by a bug bite that took 21 Doctors to diagnose …they experienced heart problems, early retirement, and no access to disability …Mike Pence’s H.I.P. Health Care was going to cost $300 more per month than their work referred Cobra Plan …that’s a ridiculous proposition;
…talked to a 60-something veteran;
…a 40-something female driver took a (white) Smart Phone Pic from kitty corner across the intersection;
…a Vacuum Truck headed south gave a big honk honk] ::
## *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code; *Talked to – 2/*1 + 3x – I.G.R.P.P. info share;
09-19-15 IGRPP Attica Indiana;* 06:05--07:05 pm [60m];
Jackson St, US41, IN28 & Perry St, by Davis Drugs, Downtown;
[…a 50-something pair from Chicago were told about the A.L.E.C. protest …one of them knew about A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers] ::
## *A.L.E.C._ 1 Person Knew #000,050/@30 Stops; *2 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 50-something pair from Chicago were told about the A.L.E.C. protest …one of them knew about A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers] ::
## *A.L.E.C._ 1 Person Knew #000,050/@30 Stops; *2 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
09-19-15 IGRPP Rockville Indiana;* 01:25--02:55 pm [90m];
US 41 & US 36, by CVS, Dollar General, Burger King and Napa Repair Station;
[…a 50-something person stopped to learn about A.L.E.C.] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 50-something person stopped to learn about A.L.E.C.] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
09-18-15 IGRPP Sullivan Indiana;* 06:05--08:05 pm [120m];
N. Section St & Wolf St; by Casey’s, Sullivan High School Football Field;
[…40-something man in a 4x4 Pickup Truck asked about the protest…
…a 40-something person walked up and asked, “What’s that mean?” …told them both about the protest and where to get more information …Google I.G.R.P.P. for info.] ::
## *Talked to – 2/2 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…40-something man in a 4x4 Pickup Truck asked about the protest…
…a 40-something person walked up and asked, “What’s that mean?” …told them both about the protest and where to get more information …Google I.G.R.P.P. for info.] ::
## *Talked to – 2/2 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
09-18-15 IGRPP Vincennes Indiana; 05:05--05:20 pm [15m];
xxx & Sixth St, by Dollar
General and a shopping plaza to the Southeast;
[…it seemed like a good light until a stream of factory traffic from the south stopped flowing …then the light didn’t stop traffic, so I left] ::
[…it seemed like a good light until a stream of factory traffic from the south stopped flowing …then the light didn’t stop traffic, so I left] ::
09-18-15 IGRPP Princeton Indiana;* 01:05--02:35pm [90m];
Broadway & E. Water St, on Gibson County Courthouse Square, SE;
[…a 40-something person stopped and commented about government corruption;] ::
## *6x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 40-something person stopped and commented about government corruption;] ::
## *6x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
09-18-15* IGRPP
Petersburg Indiana;* 12:00--01:00 pm [60m]; IN61
(X) & IN57, by Pike County Courthouse Square, NE, by a Law Office and
Baseball Hall of Famer Gil Hodges Mural;
[…a 40-something Petersburg Police Chief stopped for an informal inquiry into the protest
…he shared that protesters were seen in mass when he broke into the D.C. Police Force in the Nation’s Capital years earlier …he said that public discourse was a good thing that might be lacking …I shared the saying on one the signs that was hiding below the other …Ducks face 3-Shots (He knew about the plugged shotguns, of course.) …Cops, Kids and Us face 100-Shot AR’s …Long Live Ducks!] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
##000,411 *Officer_ 1 (*/68/0045), *A.L.E.C. Informed (#0045); Citizen to Citizen Talk; I.D. Check N/A;
[…a 40-something Petersburg Police Chief stopped for an informal inquiry into the protest
…he shared that protesters were seen in mass when he broke into the D.C. Police Force in the Nation’s Capital years earlier …he said that public discourse was a good thing that might be lacking …I shared the saying on one the signs that was hiding below the other …Ducks face 3-Shots (He knew about the plugged shotguns, of course.) …Cops, Kids and Us face 100-Shot AR’s …Long Live Ducks!] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
##000,411 *Officer_ 1 (*/68/0045), *A.L.E.C. Informed (#0045); Citizen to Citizen Talk; I.D. Check N/A;
09-18-15 IGRPP Washington Indiana; 09:00--10:30 am [90m];
IN57 & xxx by
CVS, K Gas and Certified Auto Exchange;
[…a 40-something newspaper person stopped to inquire …told them about A.L.E.C. Billionaire Regional Warlords and Wall Street Hell-Boys running the Indiana Statehouse through Governor Pence and 23 or 24 A.L.E.C. legislators …informed them that if Duke Energy was a newspaper sponsor then they would not want to report my activity …I said Duke Energy was an A.L.E.C. member fighting renewable energy tooth and nail and passed A.L.E.C. legislation to limit home and business owners installing their own energy capturing and generation …said all the big energy corporations were members of A.L.E.C. and wanted to profit off of the two thirds of the fissile fuel carbon that was left in the ground …energy corp’s didn’t care if the atmosphere turned from warm to crispy] ::
## *Press Talk: Pic
[…a 40-something newspaper person stopped to inquire …told them about A.L.E.C. Billionaire Regional Warlords and Wall Street Hell-Boys running the Indiana Statehouse through Governor Pence and 23 or 24 A.L.E.C. legislators …informed them that if Duke Energy was a newspaper sponsor then they would not want to report my activity …I said Duke Energy was an A.L.E.C. member fighting renewable energy tooth and nail and passed A.L.E.C. legislation to limit home and business owners installing their own energy capturing and generation …said all the big energy corporations were members of A.L.E.C. and wanted to profit off of the two thirds of the fissile fuel carbon that was left in the ground …energy corp’s didn’t care if the atmosphere turned from warm to crispy] ::
## *Press Talk: Pic
09-17-15 IGRPP Vincennes Indiana;* 05:55--08:15 pm [140m];
Hart St & Bierhaus Blvd; by Applebee’s, KFC, shopping plaza and Walmart;
[…a 20-something male passenger in a Red Compact Sedan right turning from North to West asked “What’s this mean?” …they were gone before I could answer;
…a 20-something man passenger in a SUV or Truck Load of folks left turning from west to north asked “Why should I Google all that?” …had laryngitis, so I couldn’t answer;
…a 20 to 30-something woman with a passenger left turning from west to north asked, “What are you saying?” …said, “Google IGRPP and I’ll inform you” …had to say it twice because they had the music on the first time and turned it down to hear the reply] ::
## *1x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 20-something male passenger in a Red Compact Sedan right turning from North to West asked “What’s this mean?” …they were gone before I could answer;
…a 20-something man passenger in a SUV or Truck Load of folks left turning from west to north asked “Why should I Google all that?” …had laryngitis, so I couldn’t answer;
…a 20 to 30-something woman with a passenger left turning from west to north asked, “What are you saying?” …said, “Google IGRPP and I’ll inform you” …had to say it twice because they had the music on the first time and turned it down to hear the reply] ::
## *1x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
09-17-15 IGRPP Sullivan Indiana;* 03:50--04:20 pm [30m];
Section St & Washington St, one block West of the Sullivan County
Courthouse Square ::
09-17-15 IGRPP Terre Haute Indiana;* 01:45--02:45 pm [60m];
Third St, US41, US150 & Johnson St, by Gander Mountain and a shopping plaza,
near Burlington Coat Factory;
[…a 50-something person protesting economic injustice asked me to find another corner as I got set up on that one …said I wouldn’t bother them and it was my First Amendment right as much as it was theirs to stand on the corner …a little later they suggested I climb up on the billboard across the street and protest …I laughed
…occupants of a Silver Chrysler Van headed north honked and waved …whistled them a report] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 50-something person protesting economic injustice asked me to find another corner as I got set up on that one …said I wouldn’t bother them and it was my First Amendment right as much as it was theirs to stand on the corner …a little later they suggested I climb up on the billboard across the street and protest …I laughed
…occupants of a Silver Chrysler Van headed north honked and waved …whistled them a report] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
09-17-15 IGRPP Terre Haute Indiana;* 12:20--01:20 pm [60m];
Third St, US41, US150 & Margaret Ave, by Starbucks, Fasoli’s &
[…two 20-something guys in a Cranberry Dodge Stratus honked and waved as they headed south] ::
[…two 20-something guys in a Cranberry Dodge Stratus honked and waved as they headed south] ::
09-10-15 IGRPP Logansport Indiana;* 03:20--07:00 pm (less 50m) [170m]; Third St, IN17 & Broadway St, IN25, by
Logan Square Office Bldg, U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly’s District Office;
[…a 70-something person stopped …they were informed about A.L.E.C. running the Republican/T party in all 26 Red and Confederate States including Indiana …they were not surprised and added that the Republican/T’s ran this city and that some lumber yard billionaire (Regional Economic Warlord) had lots of influence in the county;
…a 30-something male driver headed south gave a lit cigarette fist pump
…a pair of 30 to 40 something men, a driver and passenger, headed east honked, waved and yelled “How you do’en?”] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a 70-something person stopped …they were informed about A.L.E.C. running the Republican/T party in all 26 Red and Confederate States including Indiana …they were not surprised and added that the Republican/T’s ran this city and that some lumber yard billionaire (Regional Economic Warlord) had lots of influence in the county;
…a 30-something male driver headed south gave a lit cigarette fist pump
…a pair of 30 to 40 something men, a driver and passenger, headed east honked, waved and yelled “How you do’en?”] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
09-04-15 IGRPP Huntington Indiana;* 03:00--03:40 pm [40m];
N. Jefferson St (X) & MacGahan & Home St, by Huntington Plaza, CVS
& Walgreen’s;
[…an 18-wheeler (turning from W. MacGahan to S. on Jefferson) almost took out a SW corner traffic light pole, my signs, and me (if I had been sleeping);
…after a steering correction, his back tires eventually went over the entire area where I “was” standing;
…but as the back wheels approached from my left, I took 2 steps back (and watched from the grass);
…he almost took out the protruding 24” x 24” high aluminum sign (up 9’ which the trailer was bending slightly) on a metal traffic light pole and a walk button below that;
…thankfully the driver stopped and looked back though the jack-knife as I pointed up at the sign;
…a Huntington Policeman was there “really quick” and parked his squad car in the intersection;
…the Officer assist allowed the 18-wheeler to back up the truck (as nearby cars had given his rig more room) …so he could clear the pole …and just barely;
(Note: moral of story is look at those “black marks” on the concrete or those “tire tread marks” in the gravel to know what is possible (when protesting on the bend of a traffic light curb);
…and listen for diesel engines while glancing for their right turn flashers;
…I specifically remember such turning truck tire track cautions from Officers in Kentland, Shelbyville, and LaPorte; …well done, Officers! Your reminders worked!)] ::
## *2x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…an 18-wheeler (turning from W. MacGahan to S. on Jefferson) almost took out a SW corner traffic light pole, my signs, and me (if I had been sleeping);
…after a steering correction, his back tires eventually went over the entire area where I “was” standing;
…but as the back wheels approached from my left, I took 2 steps back (and watched from the grass);
…he almost took out the protruding 24” x 24” high aluminum sign (up 9’ which the trailer was bending slightly) on a metal traffic light pole and a walk button below that;
…thankfully the driver stopped and looked back though the jack-knife as I pointed up at the sign;
…a Huntington Policeman was there “really quick” and parked his squad car in the intersection;
…the Officer assist allowed the 18-wheeler to back up the truck (as nearby cars had given his rig more room) …so he could clear the pole …and just barely;
(Note: moral of story is look at those “black marks” on the concrete or those “tire tread marks” in the gravel to know what is possible (when protesting on the bend of a traffic light curb);
…and listen for diesel engines while glancing for their right turn flashers;
…I specifically remember such turning truck tire track cautions from Officers in Kentland, Shelbyville, and LaPorte; …well done, Officers! Your reminders worked!)] ::
## *2x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
09-04-15 IGRPP Decatur Indiana;* 11:55--12:35 pm [40m];
Thirteenth St, US27, US33 & Nuttman Ave, by McDonald’s, Burger King,
Wendy’s & Marathon; (90o hot)
(……After the protest here, I was seated in the vehicle …and about ready to pull off, but I needed a moment and some water …looking to the curb side, I observed three 20-&-30-something people breaking into their own house by a low front window …they explained …and I said, “I understand …did the same thing myself” …on person was standing unsteadily in a weave seated lawn chair …the other two flanking …a shove and a barrel roll did the trick …it should have been on YouTube) ::
(……After the protest here, I was seated in the vehicle …and about ready to pull off, but I needed a moment and some water …looking to the curb side, I observed three 20-&-30-something people breaking into their own house by a low front window …they explained …and I said, “I understand …did the same thing myself” …on person was standing unsteadily in a weave seated lawn chair …the other two flanking …a shove and a barrel roll did the trick …it should have been on YouTube) ::
09-04-15 IGRPP Decatur Indiana;* 10:30--11:40 am [70m];
Thirteenth St, US27, US33 & Monroe St, US224, by Edie Video, Myer’s
Furniture, Aunt Bee’s, CVS, Walgreen’s & Hardees’s;
[…a 20-something female in a Dark Blue Chevy Impala took a (pink) Smart Phone Pic from about 50 yards to the North while headed in the turn lane East toward Ohio;
…told a 60-something person about A.L.E.C., it’s 26 Confederate Red State corporate shill Republican/T legislature and Gov. Pence’ agenda …they mentioned a good light by McDonald’s] ::
## *Talked to – 2; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code
[…a 20-something female in a Dark Blue Chevy Impala took a (pink) Smart Phone Pic from about 50 yards to the North while headed in the turn lane East toward Ohio;
…told a 60-something person about A.L.E.C., it’s 26 Confederate Red State corporate shill Republican/T legislature and Gov. Pence’ agenda …they mentioned a good light by McDonald’s] ::
## *Talked to – 2; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code
09-04-15 IGRPP Berne Indiana;* 09:15--09:45 am [30m];
US27, IN100 & Main St, IN218, by First Mennonite Church, Subway &
Munsterberg Plaza;
[…talked to a 40-something person who equated Union’s political contributions to those of A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers …I said, “ALEC, Think Tanks and Billionaires contribute well over 10 times what Unions do;
…and the person was godsmack anti-choice;
…I mentioned that the lord snuffs out 39% of fertilized eggs, and fetuses, and no one calls him a psychopath for that;
…I added that, “When Mr. ‘I Love You, Honey!’ says ‘WTF, you’re pregnant! Whose is it?’ …that guy’s name is not daddy.” …and a woman should be able to choose according to what her life circumstances dictate; …and a pregnancy is a serious medical condition for well over a year, during which economic activity is severely limited;
…they said the First Mennonite Church across the street had volunteer families who take in pregnant women, see to their needs even when family has rejected them;
…I commended that work for its humanitarian aspect …but added that this country was little more than Forbes 400 King’s personal Trigger-Finger Incubator complete with Red State Cracker-Ovens …a War Hatchery with Coastlines;
…I said, the Roman Empire rolled out Ascension Cards so fallen soldiers and their families would only be parted for a few decades …until everlasting life became available to survivors;
…the Romans created Christianity to calm down the feisty Jews …and they destroyed all the copies of the Torah except for the one in temple at Babylon …Roman “Think-Tankers” ciphered its composition secrets and created the Jesus persona well after his alleged crucifixion;
…the person said, I had gotten my history wrong;
…I mentioned that in 239 years of post-1776 history the U.S. has been in a war, occupation, or a CIA imitated conflict during 222 years …described it as the Roman Empire;
…they mentioned that World War II seemed like a “just” war, but not Vietnam …I mentioned that Corporations and Bankers supplied both sides of World War II …or it would not have been possible to finance the war;
…told them I didn’t want to go to heaven and spend forever with a fireball-hurling psychopath whose bag of tricks includes surprising virgins, crucifying his son, turning women into salt licks, of unleashing baskets of dolt-whispering-snakes into the trees;
…said I wasn’t very impressed by his masochist son who lured 12 mostly married men away from their wives and families to drink unlimited amounts of Wedding-at-Cana Wine and have supper and whatever for “13”
…the person met and trusts the local conservative state representatives (who follow the A.L.E.C. Agenda if they’re Republican/Ts …I told them that Republicans all vote the A.L.E.C. corporate agenda …and they thought god was going to take care of everything] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…talked to a 40-something person who equated Union’s political contributions to those of A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers …I said, “ALEC, Think Tanks and Billionaires contribute well over 10 times what Unions do;
…and the person was godsmack anti-choice;
…I mentioned that the lord snuffs out 39% of fertilized eggs, and fetuses, and no one calls him a psychopath for that;
…I added that, “When Mr. ‘I Love You, Honey!’ says ‘WTF, you’re pregnant! Whose is it?’ …that guy’s name is not daddy.” …and a woman should be able to choose according to what her life circumstances dictate; …and a pregnancy is a serious medical condition for well over a year, during which economic activity is severely limited;
…they said the First Mennonite Church across the street had volunteer families who take in pregnant women, see to their needs even when family has rejected them;
…I commended that work for its humanitarian aspect …but added that this country was little more than Forbes 400 King’s personal Trigger-Finger Incubator complete with Red State Cracker-Ovens …a War Hatchery with Coastlines;
…I said, the Roman Empire rolled out Ascension Cards so fallen soldiers and their families would only be parted for a few decades …until everlasting life became available to survivors;
…the Romans created Christianity to calm down the feisty Jews …and they destroyed all the copies of the Torah except for the one in temple at Babylon …Roman “Think-Tankers” ciphered its composition secrets and created the Jesus persona well after his alleged crucifixion;
…the person said, I had gotten my history wrong;
…I mentioned that in 239 years of post-1776 history the U.S. has been in a war, occupation, or a CIA imitated conflict during 222 years …described it as the Roman Empire;
…they mentioned that World War II seemed like a “just” war, but not Vietnam …I mentioned that Corporations and Bankers supplied both sides of World War II …or it would not have been possible to finance the war;
…told them I didn’t want to go to heaven and spend forever with a fireball-hurling psychopath whose bag of tricks includes surprising virgins, crucifying his son, turning women into salt licks, of unleashing baskets of dolt-whispering-snakes into the trees;
…said I wasn’t very impressed by his masochist son who lured 12 mostly married men away from their wives and families to drink unlimited amounts of Wedding-at-Cana Wine and have supper and whatever for “13”
…the person met and trusts the local conservative state representatives (who follow the A.L.E.C. Agenda if they’re Republican/Ts …I told them that Republicans all vote the A.L.E.C. corporate agenda …and they thought god was going to take care of everything] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
09-03-15 IGRPP Portland Indiana;* 06:25--08:25 pm [120m];
Meridian St, US27, IN67 & Votaw St, IN26, IN67, by Walgreen’s & Subway;
[…a near-20 year old person wished me well after hearing the A.L.E.C. & Indiana scoop …they thought wars were all about profits and power for billionaires and psychopaths] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…a near-20 year old person wished me well after hearing the A.L.E.C. & Indiana scoop …they thought wars were all about profits and power for billionaires and psychopaths] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
09-03-15 IGRPP Winchester Indiana;* 04:15--05:35 pm [80m];
Main St & Washington St, IN32, on Randolph
County Courthouse Square, NW, by Haines Hallmark Card Store, Old National Bank
& First Mercantile Bank;
[…stock car rally this weekend;
…a late-20-30-something business oriented person gave me an 32 oz ice water …it sure hit the spot at 90o and humid;
…shared the A.L.E.C. & Indiana scoop …they knew of the Koch Brothers and A.L.E.C. from John Stewart …who just retired …to their dismay] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share; *A.L.E.C._ 1 Person Knew #000,049/@29 Stops;
[…stock car rally this weekend;
…a late-20-30-something business oriented person gave me an 32 oz ice water …it sure hit the spot at 90o and humid;
…shared the A.L.E.C. & Indiana scoop …they knew of the Koch Brothers and A.L.E.C. from John Stewart …who just retired …to their dismay] ::
## *Talked to – 1/1 -- I.G.R.P.P. info share; *A.L.E.C._ 1 Person Knew #000,049/@29 Stops;
09-03-15 IGRPP New Castle Indiana;* 02:10--3:00 pm [50m];
Main St & Broad St, IN38, on Henry County Square;
[…a White Jeep with Black Top honk honked heading East;
…a 50-something person listened to the A.L.E.C., Indiana legislative scoop and they said “The Lord and Master” would take care of everything like he took care of the speaker;
…and they were anti-choice;
…I mentioned that the lord snuffs out 39% of fertilized eggs, implanted eggs, embryos and fetuses, and no one calls him a psychopath for that;
…I added that, “When Mr. ‘I Love You, Honey!’ says ‘WTF, you’re pregnant! Whose is it?’ …that guy’s name is not daddy.” …and a woman should be able to choose what her personal circumstances dictate;
…told them I didn’t want to go to heaven and spend forever with a fireball-hurling psychopath whose bag of tricks includes surprising virgins, crucifying his son, turning women into salt licks, or unleashing baskets of dolt-whispering-snakes into the trees;
…said I wasn’t very impressed by his masochist son who lured 12 mostly (married men) away from their wives and families to drink unlimited amounts of Wedding-at-Cana Wine and have supper and whatever for “13”
## *Talked to – 1;
[…a White Jeep with Black Top honk honked heading East;
…a 50-something person listened to the A.L.E.C., Indiana legislative scoop and they said “The Lord and Master” would take care of everything like he took care of the speaker;
…and they were anti-choice;
…I mentioned that the lord snuffs out 39% of fertilized eggs, implanted eggs, embryos and fetuses, and no one calls him a psychopath for that;
…I added that, “When Mr. ‘I Love You, Honey!’ says ‘WTF, you’re pregnant! Whose is it?’ …that guy’s name is not daddy.” …and a woman should be able to choose what her personal circumstances dictate;
…told them I didn’t want to go to heaven and spend forever with a fireball-hurling psychopath whose bag of tricks includes surprising virgins, crucifying his son, turning women into salt licks, or unleashing baskets of dolt-whispering-snakes into the trees;
…said I wasn’t very impressed by his masochist son who lured 12 mostly (married men) away from their wives and families to drink unlimited amounts of Wedding-at-Cana Wine and have supper and whatever for “13”
## *Talked to – 1;
09-03-15 IGRPP New Castle Indiana;* 12:55--01:55 pm [60m];
Memorial Dr & Broad St, IN38, by Walgreen’s & Car Dealer;
[… a 40-something female in a Dark Green BMW Sedan left turning from East to South got a (silver) Smart Phone Pic …I waved an hope for QR code transfer] ::
## *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
[… a 40-something female in a Dark Green BMW Sedan left turning from East to South got a (silver) Smart Phone Pic …I waved an hope for QR code transfer] ::
## *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
09-03-15 IGRPP Pendleton Indiana;* 11:20 am--12:10 pm [50m];
US36, IN67 & E. State St, IN38, by CVS ::
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| AUGUST 2015
16,645min.|396Stops|4-14 to 8-15|42 min. ave. |Stayed =10-350min.|Temp=16-990|Wind↓14mph
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| AUGUST 2015
16,645min.|396Stops|4-14 to 8-15|42 min. ave. |Stayed =10-350min.|Temp=16-990|Wind↓14mph
08-29-15 IGRPP Greencastle Indiana;* 05:20 – 06:10 pm [50m];
US231 & Veterans Memorial Pkwy ::
## *1x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
## *1x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
08-29-15 IGRPP Ellettsville Indiana;* 03:40--04:10 pm [30m];
Sales St, IN46 (X)
& W. Temperance St, by Library & Shell ::
08-29-15 IGRPP Bloomington Indiana;* 01:10--03:10 pm [120m];
Third St & IN46, by CVS, Starbucks & Shell;
[…few honks and waves …8 emergency vehicles …and one vocal idiot;
…helped a Chinese student push the walk button …must be an automatic system by their home] ::
## *10x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
[…few honks and waves …8 emergency vehicles …and one vocal idiot;
…helped a Chinese student push the walk button …must be an automatic system by their home] ::
## *10x -- I.G.R.P.P. info share;
08-29-15 IGRPP Bedford Indiana;* 09:50--11:50 pm [120m];
IN37 & Sixteenth St, by Wendy’s, Long John Silver’s & Lowe’s ::
08-28-15 IGRPP
Indiana;* 06:00--07:20 pm [80m] + (plus) 07:45--08:35
pm [50m] = [130m]TOTAL; N. Main St, IN135
& Hackberry St, by Papa John’s, Sunoco & CVS;
[…a 30-something person in a Blue Truck stopped to inquire about the McCutcheon vs. F.E.C. part of the sign …they knew someone named McCutcheon;
…told them that the five Conservatives Catholic Men on the Supreme Court were selected by A.L.E.C. Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys …shared the scoop on Citizen’s United decision overturning democracy altogether when combined with McCutcheon;
…a 20-something employee of a local business stopped to get the A.L.E.C. and Indiana Republican scoop;] ::
## *Talked to -- 2;
[…a 30-something person in a Blue Truck stopped to inquire about the McCutcheon vs. F.E.C. part of the sign …they knew someone named McCutcheon;
…told them that the five Conservatives Catholic Men on the Supreme Court were selected by A.L.E.C. Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys …shared the scoop on Citizen’s United decision overturning democracy altogether when combined with McCutcheon;
…a 20-something employee of a local business stopped to get the A.L.E.C. and Indiana Republican scoop;] ::
## *Talked to -- 2;
08-28-15* IGRPP Corydon Indiana;* 04:15--04:45 pm [30m];
Capital Ave & Walnut St, by Frederick’s Café & The Corydon Democrat
Newspaper, near the Original Indiana Capital;
[…a business person called a 20-something officer to come tell me that they didn’t want me to stand on their grass;
…I told the officer to tell the business person to get legal help understanding the First Amendment; …and everything I was doing is legal;
…we reviewed the fact that the property lines of businesses go to the center of the road and beside the road there is easement and access is granted to the public;
…I declared that the First Amendment could be practiced from the vertical edge of the street curb and the next 14 feet in toward the improved property structure …and that includes the grass and sidewalk (and more grass on the other side);
…the officer had reservations about that …mentioning an 11’ road lane and easement;] ::
##000,390 *Officer_ 1 (*/67/0044), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0044); Citizen to Citizen Talk; *I.D. CHECK #023/First Name & Ran License Plate;
[…a business person called a 20-something officer to come tell me that they didn’t want me to stand on their grass;
…I told the officer to tell the business person to get legal help understanding the First Amendment; …and everything I was doing is legal;
…we reviewed the fact that the property lines of businesses go to the center of the road and beside the road there is easement and access is granted to the public;
…I declared that the First Amendment could be practiced from the vertical edge of the street curb and the next 14 feet in toward the improved property structure …and that includes the grass and sidewalk (and more grass on the other side);
…the officer had reservations about that …mentioning an 11’ road lane and easement;] ::
##000,390 *Officer_ 1 (*/67/0044), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0044); Citizen to Citizen Talk; *I.D. CHECK #023/First Name & Ran License Plate;
08-28-15 IGRPP Corydon Indiana;* 03:40--04:10 pm [30m];
Capital Ave & Chestnut St, by Library, Downtown;
[…talked to a 20-something person about A.L.E.C. and Indiana Republican legislators being shills for corporations just like the 20-some State Capital A.L.E.C. Legislators and Governor Pence;
…they had some knowledge about the (European) Bilderberg’s and Rothschilds;] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…talked to a 20-something person about A.L.E.C. and Indiana Republican legislators being shills for corporations just like the 20-some State Capital A.L.E.C. Legislators and Governor Pence;
…they had some knowledge about the (European) Bilderberg’s and Rothschilds;] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
08-28-15 IGRPP New Albany Indiana;* 01:20--02:50 pm [90m];
State St (X) & Spring St, by Your Community Bank, Shell, Main Source Bank,
PNC Bank & Chase Bank;
[…a 40-something person listened to the A.L.E.C. Indiana Republican legislator scoop;] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…a 40-something person listened to the A.L.E.C. Indiana Republican legislator scoop;] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
08-28-15 IGRPP Jeffersonville Indiana;* 10:20--12:20 pm [120m];
Spring St (X) Tenth St, by Walgreen’s & CVS;
[…an interested 30-something local business person listened to the whole scoop as I went through the signs explaining them;
…another 40-something person stopped to hear the A.L.E.C. Republican legislator agenda;] ::
## *Talked to – 2;
[…an interested 30-something local business person listened to the whole scoop as I went through the signs explaining them;
…another 40-something person stopped to hear the A.L.E.C. Republican legislator agenda;] ::
## *Talked to – 2;
08-27-15 IGRPP Charlestown Indiana;* 07:55--08:50 pm [55m];
Market St, IN3 (X) IN403, by Rite Aid & K-Gas;
[…a 70-something person stopped …initially they respected my right to protest …they later developed some grave reservations after hearing about A.L.E.C. Billionaire and Wall Street Hell-Boys running Indiana and 25 other Red States, through the Republican Party;
…I said, Libertarian Billionaires are planning to steal the election in 2016 with the $889 Million pledged by the Koch Brothers and A.L.E.C. out in a Koch Industries Palm Springs meeting on 01-24-15;
…I said, Republicans have been stealing elections for 10 years with voting machines that can be programmed to switch the totals. …I mentioned that the most “hackable” of all Tandy (Radio Shack) Epsom Computer Chips from the 1980’s was used in electronic voting machines;
…in the end …the only thing we agreed on was that there should be paper ballots so crooks can’t steal the elections;
…I said, A.L.E.C. Billionaires and Wall Streeter’s nominate Conservative Judges to State and US Supreme Court positions …if they let corporations alone to do what they please;
…person said they maintained the Presidential Yacht for both Nixon and LBJ …said LBJ was testy and mean, but they “liked” Nixon;
…told the person that Congressional Republicans wanted to raise the retirement age to 70, and then gut the Social Security Trust by handing it over to the Wall Street Casino;
…person said, “Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme” …they only got $600 a month from Social Security and would have been better off if it had not been taken out of their pay for 40 years …they said Social Security fund was bankrupt;
…and I told them that assessment was an inaccuracy and a Fox News Flash Card;
…they purported to listen to all but left wing news …but accused CNN of being lefty news;
…the person said, that Medicaid was bankrupt because most of the people on it did not need it and should not qualify;
…they (pretended) ownership of a 100 unit apartment complex of section 8 housing in the 1990’s …and declared that only 2 tenants were “really disabled” and all the rest were lazy or on drugs;
…I complimented the person on that great Fox News Flash Card;
…I said 2 unnecessary George Bush Wars and 10 years of tax cuts for the rich bankrupted the U.S. Treasury …and Medicaid recipients were the least of our financial burden …I said Bush had 50 warnings of 911 from the international intelligence community …and to attend an event in the Mediterranean, he had to sleep on a destroyer off the coast of Italy early in his administration …because they thought terrorists might fly a plane into his hotel;
…person responded that “Al Gore would have been worse!”
…person said they used to be a Democrat, but changed to the Republican Party; (yeah bull shift!)
…the person spouted Fox Flash-Card lies one after another …with some grand embellishments and Bible thump on the way;
…told them I didn’t want to go to heaven and spend forever with a fireball-hurling psychopath whose bag of tricks includes surprising virgins, crucifying his son, turning women into salt licks, of unleashing baskets of dolt-whispering-snakes into the trees;
…said I wasn’t very impressed by his masochist son who lured 12 (mostly married) men away from their wives and families to drink unlimited amounts of Wedding-at-Cana Wine and have supper and whatever for “13”
…I asked “If the Roman Empire really wanted people to understand the bible, why wouldn’t it be the size of a girl scout manual?”
…the person said, “You’re a progressive!/ You’re a Communist aren’t you?”
…they asked, “Did you serve in the Armed Forces?”
…I queried, “What difference does that make?”
…the person declared that “Only someone who picks up a gun and puts on a uniform is a patriot!”
…I said, ”So if I didn’t fight in a war for corporate greed …I’m not a patriot? …hmm!”
...and then they had to leave ::
…a couple 20-something people stopped to hear about A.L.E.C. running Indiana
…one took a Smart Phone Pic and left sooner that the other who partially walked me back to the vehicle;] ::
## *Talked to – 3; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
[…a 70-something person stopped …initially they respected my right to protest …they later developed some grave reservations after hearing about A.L.E.C. Billionaire and Wall Street Hell-Boys running Indiana and 25 other Red States, through the Republican Party;
…I said, Libertarian Billionaires are planning to steal the election in 2016 with the $889 Million pledged by the Koch Brothers and A.L.E.C. out in a Koch Industries Palm Springs meeting on 01-24-15;
…I said, Republicans have been stealing elections for 10 years with voting machines that can be programmed to switch the totals. …I mentioned that the most “hackable” of all Tandy (Radio Shack) Epsom Computer Chips from the 1980’s was used in electronic voting machines;
…in the end …the only thing we agreed on was that there should be paper ballots so crooks can’t steal the elections;
…I said, A.L.E.C. Billionaires and Wall Streeter’s nominate Conservative Judges to State and US Supreme Court positions …if they let corporations alone to do what they please;
…person said they maintained the Presidential Yacht for both Nixon and LBJ …said LBJ was testy and mean, but they “liked” Nixon;
…told the person that Congressional Republicans wanted to raise the retirement age to 70, and then gut the Social Security Trust by handing it over to the Wall Street Casino;
…person said, “Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme” …they only got $600 a month from Social Security and would have been better off if it had not been taken out of their pay for 40 years …they said Social Security fund was bankrupt;
…and I told them that assessment was an inaccuracy and a Fox News Flash Card;
…they purported to listen to all but left wing news …but accused CNN of being lefty news;
…the person said, that Medicaid was bankrupt because most of the people on it did not need it and should not qualify;
…they (pretended) ownership of a 100 unit apartment complex of section 8 housing in the 1990’s …and declared that only 2 tenants were “really disabled” and all the rest were lazy or on drugs;
…I complimented the person on that great Fox News Flash Card;
…I said 2 unnecessary George Bush Wars and 10 years of tax cuts for the rich bankrupted the U.S. Treasury …and Medicaid recipients were the least of our financial burden …I said Bush had 50 warnings of 911 from the international intelligence community …and to attend an event in the Mediterranean, he had to sleep on a destroyer off the coast of Italy early in his administration …because they thought terrorists might fly a plane into his hotel;
…person responded that “Al Gore would have been worse!”
…person said they used to be a Democrat, but changed to the Republican Party; (yeah bull shift!)
…the person spouted Fox Flash-Card lies one after another …with some grand embellishments and Bible thump on the way;
…told them I didn’t want to go to heaven and spend forever with a fireball-hurling psychopath whose bag of tricks includes surprising virgins, crucifying his son, turning women into salt licks, of unleashing baskets of dolt-whispering-snakes into the trees;
…said I wasn’t very impressed by his masochist son who lured 12 (mostly married) men away from their wives and families to drink unlimited amounts of Wedding-at-Cana Wine and have supper and whatever for “13”
…I asked “If the Roman Empire really wanted people to understand the bible, why wouldn’t it be the size of a girl scout manual?”
…the person said, “You’re a progressive!/ You’re a Communist aren’t you?”
…they asked, “Did you serve in the Armed Forces?”
…I queried, “What difference does that make?”
…the person declared that “Only someone who picks up a gun and puts on a uniform is a patriot!”
…I said, ”So if I didn’t fight in a war for corporate greed …I’m not a patriot? …hmm!”
...and then they had to leave ::
…a couple 20-something people stopped to hear about A.L.E.C. running Indiana
…one took a Smart Phone Pic and left sooner that the other who partially walked me back to the vehicle;] ::
## *Talked to – 3; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
08-27-15 IGRPP Scottsburg Indiana;* 06:40--07:15 pm [35m];
Gardener St, US31 & McClain Ave, IN56, by Ace Hardware, CVS & Sunoco ::
08-27-15 IGRPP Seymour Indiana;* 05:30--06:00 pm [30m];
Agrica Lane & Tipton St, US50, by Applebee’s & Steak ‘n Shake; (stoplight didn’t stop much
traffic) ::
08-27-15 IGRPP Seymour Indiana;* 03:45--05:00 pm [75m];
O’Brien St, Tipton St, US50, by Jackson County Veterans Memorial ::
08-27-15 IGRPP Seymour Indiana;* 02:40--03:20 pm [40m];
Broadway St, IN11 (X) Tipton St, US50, by Family Video, Sunoco, CVS &
[…a 40-something person stopped to hear the A.L.E.C. Indiana Republican legislative scoop;
…they mentioned the Carnegie’s and Rothschilds;
…50-something guy in a Pickup Truck left turning South said, “Hey keep it up! You’re right.”] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…a 40-something person stopped to hear the A.L.E.C. Indiana Republican legislative scoop;
…they mentioned the Carnegie’s and Rothschilds;
…50-something guy in a Pickup Truck left turning South said, “Hey keep it up! You’re right.”] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
08-27-15 IGRPP Columbus Indiana;** 12:55--01:40 pm [45m];
Jonathan Moore Pike, by Walgreen’s, Auto Zone & Centra Credit Union ::
08-15-15 IGRPP LaPorte Indiana;* 05:20--06:20 pm [60m];
Indiana Ave, US35, IN39 (X) Lincolnway, IN2, on LaPorte
County Courthouse Square, SW ::
08-15-15 IGRPP South Bend Indiana;* 04:05--05:05 pm [60m];
Michigan St & Cleveland Road, by Starbucks ::
08-15-15 IGRPP Mishawaka Indiana;* 02:10--03:10pm [60m];
Grape Rd & University Blvd, by Wendy’s, Olive Garden & University Park
[…a 40-something guy in a Green Club Cab Pickup with an appliance box in back said something like “You’re Right!” as he right-turned North] ::
[…a 40-something guy in a Green Club Cab Pickup with an appliance box in back said something like “You’re Right!” as he right-turned North] ::
08-15-15 IGRPP Mishawaka Indiana;* 12:50--01:50 pm [60m];
Grape Rd & Douglas St, by Hobby Lobby, Steak ‘n Shake & Book Warehouse;
[…4 to 5 friendly honks] ::
[…4 to 5 friendly honks] ::
08-13-15 IGRPP West Lafayette Indiana;* 03:40--06:10 pm [150m];
N. Salisbury St & Sagamore Pkwy W., by Walgreen, Taco Bell, CVS &
[…after identifying myself and talking about A.L.E.C. running Indiana …a near-20 student added that “Capitalism is the problem!”
…after the brief introduction and A.L.E.C. revelation …an affable 20-something health care worker talked about abysmal treatment of people in nursing homes …they added the fact that some veterans with PTSD come home to jobs policing the streets …lending a police state demeanor to the streets of America;
…I said, almost every Republican U.S. Senator or Congressman was for dropping the minimum wage and raising the retirement age to age 70;
…added that “my dad died on the job at age 60 of a massive heart attack and he was doing hard physical work” …said “if they raise the retirement age, many workers in construction, manufacturing trades and trucking will not live to retire at all”
…a 30-something TV commentator stopped and asked if I wanted to share anything with the Lafayette community;
…he took Five or Six 40 second clips, I guess;
…I mentioned that, A.L.E.C. ran Indiana and had bought 20-plus State Senators and Representatives;
…I said, “The Koch Brothers pledged $889 million to buy the 2016 elections for State and U.S. Senators, Representatives, and the Presidency in Palm Springs, California on 01-24-15”
…I told him that, “A.L.E.C. Billionaires, CEO’s, Lobbyists and Wall Street Hell-boys nominated the 5 Conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court”
…I noted that, “A.L.E.C. was started by the Koch Brothers the year I graduated from Purdue Ag School in 1973;
…told him “I have stopped in the area about 18-20 times” …which maybe an exaggeration now that I checked… its only 13 visits here, but 18 if you include nearby Delphi;
…he asked how people received the protest and I said “I just got some positive feedback”
…a 40-something woman in a car rolled past turning right and asked, “Are you for the Koch Brothers or against them” …to which I quipped, “I hate the Koch Brothers!” She responded “Alright!” …and she returned a few minutes later headed back the other direction, honked and shouted a “Thank you for protesting!”
…in response to the question, Why do I protest? …I said that “Most Americans are busy with jobs, and are under-informed, or distracted” …and don’t take or have time to access the information I share;
…I noted that, the protest was strictly about sharing information, and it was self-funded;
…said this was my 368th stop in Indiana
…I have been all over the state from Jeffersonville, Corydon, Evansville, to Albion, South Bend, Crown and 60-some county seats in between.] ::
## *Talked to – 3; *Press Talk: Video;
[…after identifying myself and talking about A.L.E.C. running Indiana …a near-20 student added that “Capitalism is the problem!”
…after the brief introduction and A.L.E.C. revelation …an affable 20-something health care worker talked about abysmal treatment of people in nursing homes …they added the fact that some veterans with PTSD come home to jobs policing the streets …lending a police state demeanor to the streets of America;
…I said, almost every Republican U.S. Senator or Congressman was for dropping the minimum wage and raising the retirement age to age 70;
…added that “my dad died on the job at age 60 of a massive heart attack and he was doing hard physical work” …said “if they raise the retirement age, many workers in construction, manufacturing trades and trucking will not live to retire at all”
…a 30-something TV commentator stopped and asked if I wanted to share anything with the Lafayette community;
…he took Five or Six 40 second clips, I guess;
…I mentioned that, A.L.E.C. ran Indiana and had bought 20-plus State Senators and Representatives;
…I said, “The Koch Brothers pledged $889 million to buy the 2016 elections for State and U.S. Senators, Representatives, and the Presidency in Palm Springs, California on 01-24-15”
…I told him that, “A.L.E.C. Billionaires, CEO’s, Lobbyists and Wall Street Hell-boys nominated the 5 Conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court”
…I noted that, “A.L.E.C. was started by the Koch Brothers the year I graduated from Purdue Ag School in 1973;
…told him “I have stopped in the area about 18-20 times” …which maybe an exaggeration now that I checked… its only 13 visits here, but 18 if you include nearby Delphi;
…he asked how people received the protest and I said “I just got some positive feedback”
…a 40-something woman in a car rolled past turning right and asked, “Are you for the Koch Brothers or against them” …to which I quipped, “I hate the Koch Brothers!” She responded “Alright!” …and she returned a few minutes later headed back the other direction, honked and shouted a “Thank you for protesting!”
…in response to the question, Why do I protest? …I said that “Most Americans are busy with jobs, and are under-informed, or distracted” …and don’t take or have time to access the information I share;
…I noted that, the protest was strictly about sharing information, and it was self-funded;
…said this was my 368th stop in Indiana
…I have been all over the state from Jeffersonville, Corydon, Evansville, to Albion, South Bend, Crown and 60-some county seats in between.] ::
## *Talked to – 3; *Press Talk: Video;
08-13-15 IGRPP Lafayette Indiana;* 01:55--02:55pm [60m];
Sagamore Pkwy & South St, IN26, by CVS, Home Depot, Vitamin Shop &
[…a black SUV with a Purdue Sticker on the back glass headed East on South St. honk honked] ::
[…a black SUV with a Purdue Sticker on the back glass headed East on South St. honk honked] ::
08-05-15 IGRPP Delphi Indiana;* 08:40--09:40 pm [60m];
Washington Street, US 421, IN18, IN39 (X) & Main St, on Carroll County
Courthouse Square;
[…there was a festival on County Square with a really great band playing …singer hit every note
a restaurant was almost open behind me …don’t think they had quite hit the grand opening yet;
…after identifying my protest persona and the A.L.E.C. Cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys a 50-something person stopped and asked if I had protested there in the fall?
…said, “That was me; I’ve been here a few times, and I’ll be back again” …made 360-some stops all over Indiana trying to wake up folks and pass on information that Forbes 400 King’s media was playing down;
…a 70-something (business) interested party stopped and told me I was wasting my time standing there protesting billionaires taking over Indiana …said, “You might as well go fly a kite.” …told them I was going to keep doing what I had to do and wake people up to what the psychopaths were up to;
…on the way back to the vehicle three around-20-something folks wanted to know what I was up to; …they were told about A.L.E.C. Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys running Indiana and all 26 Red States;
…I mentioned the Koch Brothers promising to buy the 2016 election for Libertarian, Republican, and Tea Party Candidates with $889 million in campaign cash from A.L.E.C. Psychopaths …told them that A.L.E.C. fossil fuel corporations were not going to allow Americans to address the 6TH Extinction in time to save their children’s futures …and it was important that young people get politically active, vote, and vote for Democrats or now and Greens after the state turns blue;
…they took a Smart Phone Pic (and I was so tired, I forgot to ask them to get a QR Code from the sign so information could easily transfer to their friends);
…asked them to Google A.L.E.C. and The Koch Brothers and inform friends;
…a 40 something (business) interested party later told me I couldn’t stop and talk to customers seated outside; I told them that the 3 customers had asked to talk to me (as I returned to the vehicle) and that no one could take our First Amendment Rights away on that public sidewalk, and I had every right to be there talking to whomever wanted to strike up a conversation;
…told the person that anyway, the 3 I talked to had brought their food from across the street;
…told them I would stand on that corner with signs for 5 hours if I wanted to …said they had better consult a lawyer before they called the police or harassed me …because they didn’t know anything about the First Amendment …said if they “find some reason to get me put in jail, I’ll own that restaurant.”] ::
## *Talked to – 4; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
[…there was a festival on County Square with a really great band playing …singer hit every note
a restaurant was almost open behind me …don’t think they had quite hit the grand opening yet;
…after identifying my protest persona and the A.L.E.C. Cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys a 50-something person stopped and asked if I had protested there in the fall?
…said, “That was me; I’ve been here a few times, and I’ll be back again” …made 360-some stops all over Indiana trying to wake up folks and pass on information that Forbes 400 King’s media was playing down;
…a 70-something (business) interested party stopped and told me I was wasting my time standing there protesting billionaires taking over Indiana …said, “You might as well go fly a kite.” …told them I was going to keep doing what I had to do and wake people up to what the psychopaths were up to;
…on the way back to the vehicle three around-20-something folks wanted to know what I was up to; …they were told about A.L.E.C. Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys running Indiana and all 26 Red States;
…I mentioned the Koch Brothers promising to buy the 2016 election for Libertarian, Republican, and Tea Party Candidates with $889 million in campaign cash from A.L.E.C. Psychopaths …told them that A.L.E.C. fossil fuel corporations were not going to allow Americans to address the 6TH Extinction in time to save their children’s futures …and it was important that young people get politically active, vote, and vote for Democrats or now and Greens after the state turns blue;
…they took a Smart Phone Pic (and I was so tired, I forgot to ask them to get a QR Code from the sign so information could easily transfer to their friends);
…asked them to Google A.L.E.C. and The Koch Brothers and inform friends;
…a 40 something (business) interested party later told me I couldn’t stop and talk to customers seated outside; I told them that the 3 customers had asked to talk to me (as I returned to the vehicle) and that no one could take our First Amendment Rights away on that public sidewalk, and I had every right to be there talking to whomever wanted to strike up a conversation;
…told the person that anyway, the 3 I talked to had brought their food from across the street;
…told them I would stand on that corner with signs for 5 hours if I wanted to …said they had better consult a lawyer before they called the police or harassed me …because they didn’t know anything about the First Amendment …said if they “find some reason to get me put in jail, I’ll own that restaurant.”] ::
## *Talked to – 4; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
08-05-15 IGRPP Frankfort Indiana;* 07:10--07:55 pm [45m];
Jackson St, IN39, IN75 & Walnut St, IN 28, US
421, by CVS & Ivy Tech, 1 block South of Clinton County Courthouse Square ::
08-01-15 IGRPP Knox Indiana;* 05:55--06:25 pm [30m];
Heaton St, US35, IN8 & E. Culver Rd, by Ace Hardware & Five Star
[…a light colored compact sedan full of near 20-somethings passed on the way past headed West …a driver side backseat male passenger yelled, “What’s that say?”
…replied, “Google IGRPP, and I’ll tell you all about it!”] ::
[…a light colored compact sedan full of near 20-somethings passed on the way past headed West …a driver side backseat male passenger yelled, “What’s that say?”
…replied, “Google IGRPP, and I’ll tell you all about it!”] ::
08-01-15 IGRPP Plymouth Indiana;* 03:50--04:50 pm [60m];
Michigan St, IN17, IN25, & (Drive), by Walgreen’s, McDonald’s, Kroger,
Pizza Hut, shopping plaza;
[…a 60-something woman pulling out of the Plaza said, “I saw you in South Bend. You changed your signs”
…replied, I had painted all new signs about 6 months ago;
…she asked, “Who are you with and why are you doing this?”
…replied, “I’m telling folks about billionaires stealing your grand kids futures.”
…a 40-something woman passed from the plaza in a Silver Chevy Van saying “I agree with you 100%!”] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…a 60-something woman pulling out of the Plaza said, “I saw you in South Bend. You changed your signs”
…replied, I had painted all new signs about 6 months ago;
…she asked, “Who are you with and why are you doing this?”
…replied, “I’m telling folks about billionaires stealing your grand kids futures.”
…a 40-something woman passed from the plaza in a Silver Chevy Van saying “I agree with you 100%!”] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
08-01-15 IGRPP Warsaw Indiana;* 01:50--02:50 pm [60m];
S. Buffalo St, IN15 & E. Winona Ave, IN15, IN25, by Marsh & Little
08-01-15 IGRPP
Goshen Indiana;* 09:50 am--12:20 pm [150m]; S.
Main St, IN15 & College Ave, County Rd36, by Natural Foods Coop, CVS, Chase
Bank & Funeral Home;
[…a 40-something former radio host, (who mentioned a book with “Matrix” in the title), made a YouTube Video on a Smart Phone about the protest and the information I was sharing;
...a 20-something guy passenger in a Black Ford Pickup with 2 American Flags in the bed yelled, “Yeah!” and gave a fist pump;
…a utility worker came to spray paint the curb I was standing on …they later offer me a bottled water from the window;
…said, “I got plenty of water and you’re going to need that today.” …it was going to get humid again;
…a 40-something person stopped and they were introduced to the protest, A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers running Indiana and all 26 Red States …told them that in 1776 there was a Revolution to throw out 1 King George III and since then we’ve been adding 2 Kings a year to reach a grand total of Forbes 400 Kings;
…a 20-something male back passenger on a Small Motorcycle yelled, “Yeah!” with a fist pump] ::
## *Talked to -- 2; *Free Lance: YouTube Video; *A.L.E.C._ 1 Person Knew #000,048/@28 Stops;
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| JULY 2015
[…a 40-something former radio host, (who mentioned a book with “Matrix” in the title), made a YouTube Video on a Smart Phone about the protest and the information I was sharing;
...a 20-something guy passenger in a Black Ford Pickup with 2 American Flags in the bed yelled, “Yeah!” and gave a fist pump;
…a utility worker came to spray paint the curb I was standing on …they later offer me a bottled water from the window;
…said, “I got plenty of water and you’re going to need that today.” …it was going to get humid again;
…a 40-something person stopped and they were introduced to the protest, A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers running Indiana and all 26 Red States …told them that in 1776 there was a Revolution to throw out 1 King George III and since then we’ve been adding 2 Kings a year to reach a grand total of Forbes 400 Kings;
…a 20-something male back passenger on a Small Motorcycle yelled, “Yeah!” with a fist pump] ::
## *Talked to -- 2; *Free Lance: YouTube Video; *A.L.E.C._ 1 Person Knew #000,048/@28 Stops;
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| JULY 2015
07-31-15 IGRPP
Goshen Indiana;* 04:25--08:05 pm [220m]; S.
Main St, IN15 & College Ave, County Rd36, by Natural Foods Coop, CVS, Chase
Bank & Funeral Home;
[…a tweezer-nuts coal-roller in a Green Chevy with a chrome barrel smoked his little dick wagon;
…large confederate flag flapping in back of a pickup;
…a 40-something couple crossing the street heard the A.L.E.C. call out and announced that I was preaching to the choir …they knew about A.L.E.C.;
…small confederate flag flapping outside a beat up Blue SUV;
…pickup with a confederate flag and stars & stripes mounted in the bed] ::
## *A.L.E.C._ 2 Persons Knew #000,046 & #000,047/@27 Stops;
[…a tweezer-nuts coal-roller in a Green Chevy with a chrome barrel smoked his little dick wagon;
…large confederate flag flapping in back of a pickup;
…a 40-something couple crossing the street heard the A.L.E.C. call out and announced that I was preaching to the choir …they knew about A.L.E.C.;
…small confederate flag flapping outside a beat up Blue SUV;
…pickup with a confederate flag and stars & stripes mounted in the bed] ::
## *A.L.E.C._ 2 Persons Knew #000,046 & #000,047/@27 Stops;
07-31-15* IGRPP Elkhart Indiana;* 12:20--01:05 pm [45m];
Johnston St & Kranes St, by Martin’s Plaza;
[…a 40-something Police Officer stopped and said a local property owner wanted to make sure I wasn’t blocking the sidewalk or getting in the road;
...told him I was protesting A.L.E.C. Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys running all 26 Red States; …he told me I was blocking the sidewalk for the wheel chair that had just pulled up behind me;
…said, “If I wasn’t distracted talking here, I would have moved out of their way.” …assured him I wouldn’t block the sidewalk …and “I do look out for pedestrians …folding my signs whenever they are crossing the street near me, so that right turning cars can see them standing or walking”] ::
##000,367 *Officer_ 1 (*/66/0043), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0043); I.D. Check N/A; *Moved 2’ Over
[…a 40-something Police Officer stopped and said a local property owner wanted to make sure I wasn’t blocking the sidewalk or getting in the road;
...told him I was protesting A.L.E.C. Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys running all 26 Red States; …he told me I was blocking the sidewalk for the wheel chair that had just pulled up behind me;
…said, “If I wasn’t distracted talking here, I would have moved out of their way.” …assured him I wouldn’t block the sidewalk …and “I do look out for pedestrians …folding my signs whenever they are crossing the street near me, so that right turning cars can see them standing or walking”] ::
##000,367 *Officer_ 1 (*/66/0043), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0043); I.D. Check N/A; *Moved 2’ Over
07-31-15 IGRPP Elkhart Indiana;* 10:45--12:00 noon [75m];
Johnston St & Beardsley Ave, by Kroger & St. Joe River Bridge;
[…a 50-something person who appreciated “The Grateful Dead” stopped to hear the A.L.E.C. scoop;
…a 40-something person heard the A.L.E.C. and Indiana legislative download and asked to take a four minute long video interview and put it on YouTube “UFOLMTC”] ::
## *Talked to – 2; *Free Lance: YouTube Video;
[…a 50-something person who appreciated “The Grateful Dead” stopped to hear the A.L.E.C. scoop;
…a 40-something person heard the A.L.E.C. and Indiana legislative download and asked to take a four minute long video interview and put it on YouTube “UFOLMTC”] ::
## *Talked to – 2; *Free Lance: YouTube Video;
07-31-15 IGRPP Elkhart Indiana;* 09:30--10:15 am [45m];
Cassopolis St & Bristol St, by Walgreen’s & Gas Station;
[…talked to a 20-something person about A.L.E.C. running Indiana;
…they were from Kentucky, and they told me about the dangers of moonshine consumption;
…they found that religion counteracted the addiction, but it couldn’t counteract family baggage] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…talked to a 20-something person about A.L.E.C. running Indiana;
…they were from Kentucky, and they told me about the dangers of moonshine consumption;
…they found that religion counteracted the addiction, but it couldn’t counteract family baggage] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
07-24-15 IGRPP Monticello Indiana;* 06:45--07:15 pm [30m];
N. Main St & Fisher St, by Kroger, Admiral, Dollar Store & State “Hate”
Farm (A.L.E.C. member Corp)
[…one of two 30-something guys said, “Didn’t anybody tell you the North won the war!”
…he didn’t take time to read the signs …a confederate flag controversy was brewing at the time] ::
[…one of two 30-something guys said, “Didn’t anybody tell you the North won the war!”
…he didn’t take time to read the signs …a confederate flag controversy was brewing at the time] ::
07-24-15 IGRPP Logansport Indiana;* 04:50--05:50 pm [60m];
Third St, IN17 & Broadway St, IN25, by Logan Square Office Bldg, U.S.
Senator Joe Donnelly’s District Office;
[…a White Chevy pencil dicked Coal Roller right turned South over the bridge;
…a Black Chevy honked as they headed South;
…a Gray SUV honked and stuck a hand up through the sun roof as they headed South;
…a 60-something female right turning North stopped in the lane and asked “Hey, what’s this?”
…a 30-something person did the same …told them both to “Google IGRPP”
…an almost-20 person riding a skateboard fast turned the blind corner;
…about a minute later 2 guys, who seemed to be looking for someone, followed the first person] ::
[…a White Chevy pencil dicked Coal Roller right turned South over the bridge;
…a Black Chevy honked as they headed South;
…a Gray SUV honked and stuck a hand up through the sun roof as they headed South;
…a 60-something female right turning North stopped in the lane and asked “Hey, what’s this?”
…a 30-something person did the same …told them both to “Google IGRPP”
…an almost-20 person riding a skateboard fast turned the blind corner;
…about a minute later 2 guys, who seemed to be looking for someone, followed the first person] ::
07-24-15 IGRPP Peru Indiana;* 02:50--03:35 pm [45m];
Broadway St, IN19, IN21 & Main St, Buis US 24, IN19, on Miami County
Courthouse Square, by CVS ::
07-24-15 IGRPP Marion Indiana;* 12:35 – 1:35 pm [60m];
S. Western Ave, IN9, IN15, IN37 & W. 32nd St, by Taco Bell,
Sirloin Stockade, Wal-Mart & O’Reilly’s ::
07-24-15 IGRPP Marion Indiana;* 11:30 am--12:05 pm [35m];
Adams St & Fourth St, on Bradford County Square, SE; (Intersection does not stop
scant traffic)
[…Eight 18-Wheelers trucking pigs to Delphi;
…a hawk or a falcon was nesting in the Bradford County Square] ::
[…Eight 18-Wheelers trucking pigs to Delphi;
…a hawk or a falcon was nesting in the Bradford County Square] ::
07-24-15 IGRPP Hartford City Indiana;* 09:25--10:25 am [60m];
Walnut St, IN3 & Washington St, IN26, by Marathon & Village Pantry;
[…an around-40 person stopped to hear that A.L.E.C. runs Indiana and all the Red States
…I mentioned the RIFRA law signed by Pence as one example;
…they said, “I don’t vote for abortion or against the death penalty” before moving on;
…they sent an older child over to announce, “My dad said to tell you he supports Governor Pence voting for the RIFRA Law!”
…I showed them the 6th Extinction Sign after they returned to the car parked in a fuel bay;
…the same 40-something person paused to knock redistribution of wealth …I said, “Well, Billionaires can pass all the laws they would like to then.”
…a 20-something person asked about the protest from his car …gave them the A.L.E.C. Red State Republican scoop …and Google IGRPP for more info] ::
## *Talked to – 2;
[…an around-40 person stopped to hear that A.L.E.C. runs Indiana and all the Red States
…I mentioned the RIFRA law signed by Pence as one example;
…they said, “I don’t vote for abortion or against the death penalty” before moving on;
…they sent an older child over to announce, “My dad said to tell you he supports Governor Pence voting for the RIFRA Law!”
…I showed them the 6th Extinction Sign after they returned to the car parked in a fuel bay;
…the same 40-something person paused to knock redistribution of wealth …I said, “Well, Billionaires can pass all the laws they would like to then.”
…a 20-something person asked about the protest from his car …gave them the A.L.E.C. Red State Republican scoop …and Google IGRPP for more info] ::
## *Talked to – 2;
07-23-15 IGRPP Muncie Indiana;* 08:05--09:25 pm [80m];
Chadam Lane & Mc Galliard Rd, IN332,
by Prime Trust Financial, McDonald’s & IHOP;
[…a 20-something female in a White SUV headed North honked and waved] ::
[…a 20-something female in a White SUV headed North honked and waved] ::
07-23-15 IGRPP Muncie Indiana;* 07:05--07:35 pm [30m];
N. Morrison Rd & Mc Galliard Rd, IN332, by Walmart, Walgreen’s, Marathon
& Taco Bell;
[…4 guys in a Jeep, one yells out, “What the fu*k are you doing, buddy?”
…I replied, “Protesting Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys running this state though the Republican/T Party!”] ::
[…4 guys in a Jeep, one yells out, “What the fu*k are you doing, buddy?”
…I replied, “Protesting Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys running this state though the Republican/T Party!”] ::
07-23-15 IGRPP Anderson Indiana;* 05:00--05:45 pm [45m];
Scatterfield Rd, IN9 & University Blvd, by J.D. Ryder Auto Sales, Walgreen’s
& CVS;
[…a New White Jeep Patriot was rear end tapped by a White Sedan as both right turn yielded] ::
[…a New White Jeep Patriot was rear end tapped by a White Sedan as both right turn yielded] ::
07-23-15 IGRPP Anderson Indiana;* 02:55--03:55 pm [60m];
Scatterfield Road IN9 & Mounds Rd, by AutoZone, Immedia Dental, Economy Inn
& Madison County Recycling;
[…a 40-something guy in a Pickup said, “Hi” as a Police Officer seated in the LT lane was checking me out;
…a 30-something person dropped off a water bottle from Papa John’s and listened to the A.L.E.C. Indiana Red State Republican scoop …appreciated the water and the thought] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…a 40-something guy in a Pickup said, “Hi” as a Police Officer seated in the LT lane was checking me out;
…a 30-something person dropped off a water bottle from Papa John’s and listened to the A.L.E.C. Indiana Red State Republican scoop …appreciated the water and the thought] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
07-23-15 IGRPP Noblesville Indiana;* 12:55--01:40 pm [45m];
IN 37 & 146th St, by CVS;
[…a 20-something passenger in a Black Ford SUV said, “Yeah!” and gave a fist-pump;
…two 20-something guys in a Black Acura headed East honk honked] ::
[…a 20-something passenger in a Black Ford SUV said, “Yeah!” and gave a fist-pump;
…two 20-something guys in a Black Acura headed East honk honked] ::
07-23-15 IGRPP Zionsville Indiana;* 11:35 am--12:20 pm [45m];
Hazel Dell Pkwy & 146th St, by Plaza, 5TH Third Bank
& River View Health Park;
[…a 30-something guy in a Dodge Pickup loaded with wood and headed East honk honked;
…several friendly honks] ::
[…a 30-something guy in a Dodge Pickup loaded with wood and headed East honk honked;
…several friendly honks] ::
07-23-15 IGRPP South Bend Indiana;* 09:05--11:05 am [120m];
Miami St & Ireland Rd, by Speedway, JR Fox & Walgreen’s ::
07-10-15 IGRPP Plymouth Indiana;* 06:55--08:55 pm [120m];
Michigan St, IN17, IN25, & (Drive), by Walgreen’s, McDonald’s, Kroger,
Pizza Hut, shopping plaza;
[…a 20-something female in a Black Van left turning to the West said “ You’re doing a good job buddy!”
…a hand full of friendly honk honks] ::
[…a 20-something female in a Black Van left turning to the West said “ You’re doing a good job buddy!”
…a hand full of friendly honk honks] ::
07-10-15 IGRPP Warsaw Indiana;* 04:35--05:35 pm [60m];
S. Buffalo St, IN15 & E. Winona Ave, IN15, IN25, by Marsh & Little
[…a 20-something female right turning from South to East said, “I don’t understand, do you like the Confederate flag?”
…I replied, “No, but Google IGRPP to find out more info;
…a passenger in a Black Pickup headed East fist pumped on the way by] ::
[…a 20-something female right turning from South to East said, “I don’t understand, do you like the Confederate flag?”
…I replied, “No, but Google IGRPP to find out more info;
…a passenger in a Black Pickup headed East fist pumped on the way by] ::
07-10-15 IGRPP Warsaw Indiana;* 2:00--03:30 pm [90m];
S. Buffalo St, IN15 & E. Winona Ave, IN15, IN25, by Marsh & Little
[…a very informed 20-something male in an SUV yelled out in response to my TPP sign, “That’s Obama’s Baby!”
…once in a while, it appears that citizens are making connections with real information] ::
[…a very informed 20-something male in an SUV yelled out in response to my TPP sign, “That’s Obama’s Baby!”
…once in a while, it appears that citizens are making connections with real information] ::
07-10-15 IGRPP Wabash Indiana;* 11:25 am--12:45 pm [80m];
Cass St, Buis US24 & IN15 by CVS, Walgreen’s & Marathon, (an ideal
[…same Red Jeep from yesterday …a 20-something male shouted out “Grim Reaper!”
…a 50-something man headed East said, “I agree with your sign!”
…a just barely 40-something person walked up and asked where I was from …they said a close relative resided in Westville …not too far away …told them all about A.L.E.C. running 26 Red and Confederate States;
…a 40-something woman is an SUV with a (pink) Smart Phone took a pic of the protest and or signs;
…there were 2 or 3 Tablet Pics taken of the protest;
…and I have no idea if QR Codes are viable when taken with a Tablet Device] ::
## *Talked to -- 1; *PIC -- 2-3 w/Large QR Code;
[…same Red Jeep from yesterday …a 20-something male shouted out “Grim Reaper!”
…a 50-something man headed East said, “I agree with your sign!”
…a just barely 40-something person walked up and asked where I was from …they said a close relative resided in Westville …not too far away …told them all about A.L.E.C. running 26 Red and Confederate States;
…a 40-something woman is an SUV with a (pink) Smart Phone took a pic of the protest and or signs;
…there were 2 or 3 Tablet Pics taken of the protest;
…and I have no idea if QR Codes are viable when taken with a Tablet Device] ::
## *Talked to -- 1; *PIC -- 2-3 w/Large QR Code;
07-10-15 IGRPP Wabash Indiana;* 10:00--10:45 pm [45m];
Cass St, IN 15 & US 24, by Tractor Supply, Ponderosa & Harley Davidson;
[…a Ford White Topped SUV honk honked heading East] ::
[…a Ford White Topped SUV honk honked heading East] ::
07-09-15 IGRPP Wabash Indiana;* 08:20--09:20 pm [60m];
Cass St, Buis US24 & IN15 by CVS, Walgreen’s & Marathon, (an ideal light);
[…two around-20 year old people walked up from the gas station across the street …told them about A.L.E.C. Cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys running the Republican Party in Indiana and all 26 Red Confederate States;
…one mentioned that they knew about the 2008 economic meltdown from grade school; …told them the story a 40-something woman had related to me at Occupy Chicago …about the grass roots Tea Party movement being taken over by Dick Army, Freedom Works, the Koch Brothers and Fox News;
…a Red Jeep headed South honked as did a Sand SUV headed East …couple more friendly honks] ::
## *Talked to -- 2;
[…two around-20 year old people walked up from the gas station across the street …told them about A.L.E.C. Cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys running the Republican Party in Indiana and all 26 Red Confederate States;
…one mentioned that they knew about the 2008 economic meltdown from grade school; …told them the story a 40-something woman had related to me at Occupy Chicago …about the grass roots Tea Party movement being taken over by Dick Army, Freedom Works, the Koch Brothers and Fox News;
…a Red Jeep headed South honked as did a Sand SUV headed East …couple more friendly honks] ::
## *Talked to -- 2;
07-09-15 IGRPP Peru Indiana;* 06:35--07:20 pm [45m]; Broadway St, IN19, IN21 & Main St, Buis
US 24, IN19, on Miami County Courthouse Square, by CVS;
[…a pair or 20-something folks stopped and asked about the protest as did a pair of near-20 teens who walked from the community activity center just off the square facing CVS …told them all about A.L.E.C. and the Republican Party they possessed] ::
## *Talked to – 2;
[…a pair or 20-something folks stopped and asked about the protest as did a pair of near-20 teens who walked from the community activity center just off the square facing CVS …told them all about A.L.E.C. and the Republican Party they possessed] ::
## *Talked to – 2;
07-09-15 IGRPP Kokomo Indiana;* 04:25--05:35 pm [60m];
Buis US31 & Sycamore St, by Aldi, Gas America, Car Dealer & (closed)
[…a 30-something business type person stopped to inquire about the protest and info-share;
…told them about A.L.E.C. running the Republican Party in all 26 Red States and passing Corporate written Legislation for this Cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys;
…mentioned that, A.L.E.C. founder Koch Brothers and the $889 Million pledge to buy Republican, Tea Party, and Libertarian Candidates in the 216 Election …senators, representatives, governors and the presidency;
…told them I was a non-violent retired science teacher and I wasn’t going cause any problems] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…a 30-something business type person stopped to inquire about the protest and info-share;
…told them about A.L.E.C. running the Republican Party in all 26 Red States and passing Corporate written Legislation for this Cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys;
…mentioned that, A.L.E.C. founder Koch Brothers and the $889 Million pledge to buy Republican, Tea Party, and Libertarian Candidates in the 216 Election …senators, representatives, governors and the presidency;
…told them I was a non-violent retired science teacher and I wasn’t going cause any problems] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
07-09-15* IGRPP Zionsville Indiana;* 12:35--01:35 pm [60m];
Ford Rd & Oak St, by Walgreen’s, Speedway, PNC Bank & Chase Bank;
[… a late-20 or early 30-something Police Officer pulled up in a cruiser;
….said “some people called us, and they’re upset about you being here …could you move on?” (on the curb in front of Walgreen’s);
…told him I have a First Amendment right to be here …and I am protesting A.L.E.C., a Cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys that run all 26 Red States through the Republican/T Party;
…told him that the people of Zionsville should inform themselves about this group;
…and he could google IGRPP, a protest persona, to find out about A.L.E.C. member’s anti-citizen activity;
…he said he didn’t have time to worry about that, but …could I move on?; …told him I have plans to leave at 1:35 …he looked at his watch and said it was 1:37 …my phone alarm had just gone off] ::
##000,343 *Officer_ 1 (*/65/0042), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0042); I.D. Check N/A; Asked to move on;
[… a late-20 or early 30-something Police Officer pulled up in a cruiser;
….said “some people called us, and they’re upset about you being here …could you move on?” (on the curb in front of Walgreen’s);
…told him I have a First Amendment right to be here …and I am protesting A.L.E.C., a Cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys that run all 26 Red States through the Republican/T Party;
…told him that the people of Zionsville should inform themselves about this group;
…and he could google IGRPP, a protest persona, to find out about A.L.E.C. member’s anti-citizen activity;
…he said he didn’t have time to worry about that, but …could I move on?; …told him I have plans to leave at 1:35 …he looked at his watch and said it was 1:37 …my phone alarm had just gone off] ::
##000,343 *Officer_ 1 (*/65/0042), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0042); I.D. Check N/A; Asked to move on;
07-03-15 IGRPP Indianapolis Indiana;* 05:45--06:45 pm [60m];
Michigan St, US421 & 86th Ave, by Walgreen’s ::
07-03-15 IGRPP Noblesville Indiana;* 03:35--04:45 pm [70m];
Tenth St & Connor St, IN32, IN38, on Hamilton County Courthouse, SW;
[…a 20-something male rear passenger went “Tosh” on me from the window and asked if I like the Confederate Flag. I said, “It’s a rag, wipe your ass with it.”
…sitting the vehicle getting ready to leave 3 pickups rolled by. The first two had Confederate flags (20-30 something males) and the last displayed 2 Old Glories (20-30 something female)] ::
[…a 20-something male rear passenger went “Tosh” on me from the window and asked if I like the Confederate Flag. I said, “It’s a rag, wipe your ass with it.”
…sitting the vehicle getting ready to leave 3 pickups rolled by. The first two had Confederate flags (20-30 something males) and the last displayed 2 Old Glories (20-30 something female)] ::
07-03-15 IGRPP Westfield Indiana;* 02:20--03:05 pm [45m];
Carey Rd & IN32, by Walgreen’s & CVS;
[…20-something pedestrian heard the A.L.E.C. message plus “Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70. Some workers have hard physical jobs;
…they replied, “I know, my dad is a construction worker.”] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…20-something pedestrian heard the A.L.E.C. message plus “Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70. Some workers have hard physical jobs;
…they replied, “I know, my dad is a construction worker.”] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
07-02-15 IGRPP Lawrence Area of Indianapolis Indiana;* 07:45
– 09:30 pm [105m]; N. Shadeland Ave
(Oaklandon Rd) & E. Pendleton Pkwy, by Taco Bell, Burger King, Shell, CVS,
Huntington Bank & Family Leisure;
[…a Maroon Chrysler Van heading West to CVS honk honked;
…a 30-something person stopped and listened to the A.L.E.C. Cabal & Indiana legislature download;
…a 40-something person stopped …they were not as interested in the Reaper Protest as they were concerned about spending taxpayer money on the intersection and not marking the crosswalks properly …the intersection is a “tight X” configuration so the light poles were situated on Concrete Islands, (to facilitate a shorter line-span with heavy stop lights hanging on them) …there were rolling right turn lane separating pole from the curb on East and West side of Pendleton Parkway;
…a Gray Mercury Marquis, with two 20 & 30 something women in it, stalled at the light;
…Lawrence Police facilitated an assist by a 30-something male friend to jump the battery of the disabled car after circling around the front …with both hoods opened, he gawked over at my signs quizzically for a bit as the battery was charging …in disbelief I guess] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…a Maroon Chrysler Van heading West to CVS honk honked;
…a 30-something person stopped and listened to the A.L.E.C. Cabal & Indiana legislature download;
…a 40-something person stopped …they were not as interested in the Reaper Protest as they were concerned about spending taxpayer money on the intersection and not marking the crosswalks properly …the intersection is a “tight X” configuration so the light poles were situated on Concrete Islands, (to facilitate a shorter line-span with heavy stop lights hanging on them) …there were rolling right turn lane separating pole from the curb on East and West side of Pendleton Parkway;
…a Gray Mercury Marquis, with two 20 & 30 something women in it, stalled at the light;
…Lawrence Police facilitated an assist by a 30-something male friend to jump the battery of the disabled car after circling around the front …with both hoods opened, he gawked over at my signs quizzically for a bit as the battery was charging …in disbelief I guess] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
07-02-15 IGRPP Fishers Indiana;* 04:45--06:45 pm [120m];
Commercial Dr & 116th St, by McDonald’s, Mexican Restaurant &
small shopping area;
[…a 20-something female in a Charcoal Gray Toyota subcompact headed East said something positive out the window that I couldn’t hear very well;
…so I just said “Google IGRPP and I’ll tell you all about the protest, OK?”
…a Black 4x4 Pickup headed South to I-465 honk honked;
…a Black SUV head South to I-465 honk honked;
…a United Van Lines 18 wheeler honk honked;
…a black Toyota Camry headed South to I-465, then West, honk honked;
…a Red 4x4 Landscape Truck hauling a White Enclosed Trailer honk honked;
…a classic Maroon Volvo or Mercedes Benz head South to I-465 then West honk honked;
…the first of 2 identical Plumber’s Box Trucks honk honked;
…a driver and 20-30-something female passenger in a White BMW SUV headed South honk honked & waved;
…a 40-something male in a Red Sedan headed North said something positive out his open window from 3 lanes over;
…I said, “Google IGRPP”
…a Sedan driven by a 40-something man had just gotten a rabbit start through the green light headed South toward I-465, when a 20-something woman in the Sedan ahead, (who rabbit started too), slowed for backed up traffic …he burned rubber for 12 feet trying to stop (I got the drift);
…and he did stop in time, just before the Speed Limit 40 sign …on her bumper at about 5 m.p.h.;
…it probably creased or dinged both bumpers and did no damage to the bumper covers] ::
[…a 20-something female in a Charcoal Gray Toyota subcompact headed East said something positive out the window that I couldn’t hear very well;
…so I just said “Google IGRPP and I’ll tell you all about the protest, OK?”
…a Black 4x4 Pickup headed South to I-465 honk honked;
…a Black SUV head South to I-465 honk honked;
…a United Van Lines 18 wheeler honk honked;
…a black Toyota Camry headed South to I-465, then West, honk honked;
…a Red 4x4 Landscape Truck hauling a White Enclosed Trailer honk honked;
…a classic Maroon Volvo or Mercedes Benz head South to I-465 then West honk honked;
…the first of 2 identical Plumber’s Box Trucks honk honked;
…a driver and 20-30-something female passenger in a White BMW SUV headed South honk honked & waved;
…a 40-something male in a Red Sedan headed North said something positive out his open window from 3 lanes over;
…I said, “Google IGRPP”
…a Sedan driven by a 40-something man had just gotten a rabbit start through the green light headed South toward I-465, when a 20-something woman in the Sedan ahead, (who rabbit started too), slowed for backed up traffic …he burned rubber for 12 feet trying to stop (I got the drift);
…and he did stop in time, just before the Speed Limit 40 sign …on her bumper at about 5 m.p.h.;
…it probably creased or dinged both bumpers and did no damage to the bumper covers] ::
07-02-15 IGRPP Noblesville Indiana;* 02:40--04:10 pm [90m];
IN37 & 146th St, by CVS;
[…a 20-something female in a new Orange Mustang pulled up 10 feet away, directly in front of me and the signs, waiting to turn in right (after traffic from the West passed);
…the windows were down and I said (with a smirk and a chuckle) “You’re harsh’en my view!”
…she said, “Do you fly the Confederate Flag.”
…I said, “No, I’m the IGRPP and I just protest billionaires running this state.”
…she said, “Oh, OK!”] ::
[…a 20-something female in a new Orange Mustang pulled up 10 feet away, directly in front of me and the signs, waiting to turn in right (after traffic from the West passed);
…the windows were down and I said (with a smirk and a chuckle) “You’re harsh’en my view!”
…she said, “Do you fly the Confederate Flag.”
…I said, “No, I’m the IGRPP and I just protest billionaires running this state.”
…she said, “Oh, OK!”] ::
07-02-15 IGRPP Carmel Indiana;* 12:50--01:50 pm [60m];
Clay Terrace Blvd, Western Dr & 146th St, by Whole Foods,
Sprint, Red Robin;
[…a 30-something male passenger in a Sedan took (white) Smart Phone Pics right turning East and the QR codes had to transfer as he held the phone up for about 90 seconds or so;
…a 20-something female passenger in a SUV took (plugged in and charging …black) Smart Phone Pics right turning East and the QR codes had to transfer as he held the phone up steady for a bit] ::
## *PIC -- 2 w/Large QR Code;
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| JUNE 2015
[…a 30-something male passenger in a Sedan took (white) Smart Phone Pics right turning East and the QR codes had to transfer as he held the phone up for about 90 seconds or so;
…a 20-something female passenger in a SUV took (plugged in and charging …black) Smart Phone Pics right turning East and the QR codes had to transfer as he held the phone up steady for a bit] ::
## *PIC -- 2 w/Large QR Code;
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| JUNE 2015
06-30-15* IGRPP Brownsburg Indiana;* 07:25--09:25 pm [120m];
N. Green St, IN267 & Northfield Dr, by Chase Bank, Big Red Liquors, Kmart,
Walmart & Kroger;
[…a 30-something woman right turning East said, “Thank you for the info. I’ll look it up!”
…a 20-something man right turning South in a Black Van said, “Alright!” and gave a fist pump;
…a 40-something in a Gold Impala turning North gave a honk honk honk and a thumbs up;
…a near 60-something male passenger in a Red Ford 4x4 said, “What the hell!” as the vehicle stopped in the right turn lane;
…a couple of men in different cars asked questions I could barely hear;
…one said, “I don’t get it!”
…I said “Google IGRPP, and I tell you everything I know”
…the one ahead of him said, “Why are you shouting?” (most people can’t hear you inside a vehicle);
…a 20-something Officer Grant A. stopped and asked about the protest;
…very affable even charismatic …asked spot-on questions ;
…and I never met a better or more “engaged listener” (Police Officer or Citizen);
…told him that, the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 …and on 01-24-15 they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million;
…the U.S. was no longer a Democracy …so I was sharing that and more information;
…saying, “We have not had a non-1% selected POTUS since Jimmy Carter in 1976.”] ::
##000,335 *Officer_ 1 (*/64/0041), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0041); Citizen to Citizen Talk; I.D. Check N/A;
[…a 30-something woman right turning East said, “Thank you for the info. I’ll look it up!”
…a 20-something man right turning South in a Black Van said, “Alright!” and gave a fist pump;
…a 40-something in a Gold Impala turning North gave a honk honk honk and a thumbs up;
…a near 60-something male passenger in a Red Ford 4x4 said, “What the hell!” as the vehicle stopped in the right turn lane;
…a couple of men in different cars asked questions I could barely hear;
…one said, “I don’t get it!”
…I said “Google IGRPP, and I tell you everything I know”
…the one ahead of him said, “Why are you shouting?” (most people can’t hear you inside a vehicle);
…a 20-something Officer Grant A. stopped and asked about the protest;
…very affable even charismatic …asked spot-on questions ;
…and I never met a better or more “engaged listener” (Police Officer or Citizen);
…told him that, the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 …and on 01-24-15 they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million;
…the U.S. was no longer a Democracy …so I was sharing that and more information;
…saying, “We have not had a non-1% selected POTUS since Jimmy Carter in 1976.”] ::
##000,335 *Officer_ 1 (*/64/0041), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0041); Citizen to Citizen Talk; I.D. Check N/A;
06-29-15 IGRPP LaPorte Indiana;* 02:25--03:55 pm [90m];
Indiana Ave, US35, IN39 (X) Lincolnway, IN2, on LaPorte
County Courthouse Square;
[…a 40-something male in a Black Sedan headed North honk honked and a thumbs up;
…a 40-something male in a Gold Sedan left turned East honk honked;
…a 40-something woman in a Red Monte Carlo headed North gave a honk honk and a wave;
…a 40-something man right turning passenger said, “Your signs are confusing, I can’t understand them.” …I said, “Google it.”
…a 30-something woman in a Gold Van gave thumbs up and a honk honk as she right turned North;
…a 40-something male in a Pickup left turning to the East hollered out the window that he loved the Koch Brothers] ::
[…a 40-something male in a Black Sedan headed North honk honked and a thumbs up;
…a 40-something male in a Gold Sedan left turned East honk honked;
…a 40-something woman in a Red Monte Carlo headed North gave a honk honk and a wave;
…a 40-something man right turning passenger said, “Your signs are confusing, I can’t understand them.” …I said, “Google it.”
…a 30-something woman in a Gold Van gave thumbs up and a honk honk as she right turned North;
…a 40-something male in a Pickup left turning to the East hollered out the window that he loved the Koch Brothers] ::
06-29-15 IGRPP South Bend Indiana;* 01:10--02:10 pm [60m];
Michigan St & Cleveland Road, by Starbucks;
[…a 40-something man in a Red & White Ford Pickup, headed West, gave a honk honk and a fist-pump] ::
[…a 40-something man in a Red & White Ford Pickup, headed West, gave a honk honk and a fist-pump] ::
06-29-15 IGRPP
South Bend Indiana;* 11:35 am--12:25 pm [50m]; Leary
Dr & E. Angela Blvd, South of Notre Dame Football Stadium;
[…a 20-something worker in the restaurant behind me asked about the protest;
…told them that the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 …and on 01-24-15 they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million …the U.S. was no longer a Democracy;
…so, I was sharing that and more information;
…said, we have not had a non-1% selected POTUS since Jimmy Carter in 1976;
…a 30 or barely-40 something person from a local business asked me about the protest …I repeated the same thing as above …the person asked me about presidential candidates that I deemed worthy of consideration;
…I mentioned U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley] ::
## *Talked to -- 2;
[…a 20-something worker in the restaurant behind me asked about the protest;
…told them that the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 …and on 01-24-15 they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million …the U.S. was no longer a Democracy;
…so, I was sharing that and more information;
…said, we have not had a non-1% selected POTUS since Jimmy Carter in 1976;
…a 30 or barely-40 something person from a local business asked me about the protest …I repeated the same thing as above …the person asked me about presidential candidates that I deemed worthy of consideration;
…I mentioned U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley] ::
## *Talked to -- 2;
06-29-15 IGRPP South Bend Indiana;* 10:10--11:10 pm [60m];
Michigan St, US31 & Ireland Rd, by Auto Zone, Aldi, Marathon, Chick Fillet,
(closed) Chinese Restaurant;
06-27-15* IGRPP Michigan City Indiana;* 02:45--03:45 pm [60m];
US 421 & US 20, by Speedway, White Castle, Burger King & Walgreen’s;
[…a 30-something person claimed he owned the Speedway-White Castle and told me I had to leave their property;
…I said, “I have the right to be here according to the First Amendment.”
…the person said they were going to call the police;
…I said, “Go ahead! If you find a way to get me arrested, I’ll own that business!”
…in about 5-7 minutes a 50-something Officer Miller and a 20-something female officer approached; …I told them, “I’m not armed officers.” Officer Miller replied, “Well we are.”
…I said, “Yeah but I hardly notice anymore because I just look at your eyes.”
…He asked why I was here …I told them I was using my First Amendment Rights to inform fellow Americans about the stark realities of our time …told them that the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 …and on 01-24-15 they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million; …the U.S. was no longer a Democracy …so I was sharing that and more information;
…”I have shared that and more with at least 42 Police Officers in this state in my 323 stops”
…Officer Miller said the the owner wanted me to leave;
…he asked if I would move over to the vacant corner;
…and I said, “There are obstruction on that corner so I can’t, and the First Amendment says I don’t need to”
…I asked him to call a shift supervisor;
…he said, “I am the supervisor.”
…and so, I told him that I studied surveying at Purdue University …and said most property owners don’t know that the property line technically goes to the middle of the street, the median of U.S. 421 …and the easement I was standing on was where a sidewalk would be;
…I said, “In 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that I and anyone had the right to be on this 14’ easement in back of the street curb, with signs” (where an 8’ wide vehicle could pull off and open doors on either side to get around it 4’ plus 4’) …(in the area where they put the utility poles, and bury sewer and street drainage tile);
…continuing I said, “Technically by the First Amendment officers actually have no right to even ask my name.”
…Officer Miller said, “If we come back we are going to need you identification.”
…as the officers were walking back to talk to the business owner, I said, “If I am arrested, I will own that business.”] ::
##000,330 *Officer_ 2 (*/63/0040), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0039, ##0040); I.D. Check N/A;
[…a 30-something person claimed he owned the Speedway-White Castle and told me I had to leave their property;
…I said, “I have the right to be here according to the First Amendment.”
…the person said they were going to call the police;
…I said, “Go ahead! If you find a way to get me arrested, I’ll own that business!”
…in about 5-7 minutes a 50-something Officer Miller and a 20-something female officer approached; …I told them, “I’m not armed officers.” Officer Miller replied, “Well we are.”
…I said, “Yeah but I hardly notice anymore because I just look at your eyes.”
…He asked why I was here …I told them I was using my First Amendment Rights to inform fellow Americans about the stark realities of our time …told them that the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 …and on 01-24-15 they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million; …the U.S. was no longer a Democracy …so I was sharing that and more information;
…”I have shared that and more with at least 42 Police Officers in this state in my 323 stops”
…Officer Miller said the the owner wanted me to leave;
…he asked if I would move over to the vacant corner;
…and I said, “There are obstruction on that corner so I can’t, and the First Amendment says I don’t need to”
…I asked him to call a shift supervisor;
…he said, “I am the supervisor.”
…and so, I told him that I studied surveying at Purdue University …and said most property owners don’t know that the property line technically goes to the middle of the street, the median of U.S. 421 …and the easement I was standing on was where a sidewalk would be;
…I said, “In 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that I and anyone had the right to be on this 14’ easement in back of the street curb, with signs” (where an 8’ wide vehicle could pull off and open doors on either side to get around it 4’ plus 4’) …(in the area where they put the utility poles, and bury sewer and street drainage tile);
…continuing I said, “Technically by the First Amendment officers actually have no right to even ask my name.”
…Officer Miller said, “If we come back we are going to need you identification.”
…as the officers were walking back to talk to the business owner, I said, “If I am arrested, I will own that business.”] ::
##000,330 *Officer_ 2 (*/63/0040), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0039, ##0040); I.D. Check N/A;
06-25-15 IGRPP Monticello Indiana;* 05:35--06:35 pm [60m];
N. Main St & Fisher St, by Kroger, Admiral, Dollar Store & State “Hate”
Farm (A.L.E.C. member Corp) ::
06-25-15 IGRPP Delphi Indiana;* 04:00--05:00 pm [60m];
Washington Street, US 421, IN18, IN39 (X) & Main St, on Carroll County
Courthouse Square;
[…2 young people stopped;
…a 20-something person stopped briefly …asked them to Google I.G.R. for more info] ::
[…2 young people stopped;
…a 20-something person stopped briefly …asked them to Google I.G.R. for more info] ::
06-25-15 IGRPP Frankfort Indiana;* 02:00--03:00 pm [60m];
Jackson St, IN39, IN75 & Walnut St, IN 28, US
421, by CVS & Ivy Tech, 1 block South of Clinton County Courthouse Square
## *PIC -- 3 to 4 w/Large QR Code;
## *PIC -- 3 to 4 w/Large QR Code;
06-25-15 IGRPP Lebanon Indiana;* 12:25--01:25 pm [60m];
Meridian St & South St, on Boone County Courthouse Square, SW;
[…a 60-something person said, “Are you a Democrat? You voted for Obama didn’t you?”
…I told them, “You hate, therefore you are a Republican!”
…a 70-something stopped to look at the signs;
…I said, “The Koch Brothers have pledged $889 million dollars to buy the 2016 election for Republicans.”
…they replied that, “George Soros is going to buy the election for Democrats.”
…I said, “That’s completely bogus.”
…they said, “Are you a Communist?”
…I said, “I’m an American. Do you listen to Fox News a lot?”
…they said no, they “stopped listening to Fox News 4 years ago” …and that they now “listened to Alex Jones.”
…I said, “Well he’s right about half of the time, but he is funded and controlled by A.L.E.C.”
…they said Alex Jones says, “Obama was raised by Communists.”
…I said, “No, Obama was raised by two white Republicans in Kansas.” And “You hate, therefore you are a Republican.”
…they walked away swearing and holding the hand of a pre-grade school child.] ::
## *Talked to -- 2;
[…a 60-something person said, “Are you a Democrat? You voted for Obama didn’t you?”
…I told them, “You hate, therefore you are a Republican!”
…a 70-something stopped to look at the signs;
…I said, “The Koch Brothers have pledged $889 million dollars to buy the 2016 election for Republicans.”
…they replied that, “George Soros is going to buy the election for Democrats.”
…I said, “That’s completely bogus.”
…they said, “Are you a Communist?”
…I said, “I’m an American. Do you listen to Fox News a lot?”
…they said no, they “stopped listening to Fox News 4 years ago” …and that they now “listened to Alex Jones.”
…I said, “Well he’s right about half of the time, but he is funded and controlled by A.L.E.C.”
…they said Alex Jones says, “Obama was raised by Communists.”
…I said, “No, Obama was raised by two white Republicans in Kansas.” And “You hate, therefore you are a Republican.”
…they walked away swearing and holding the hand of a pre-grade school child.] ::
## *Talked to -- 2;
06-13-15 IGRPP Lafayette Indiana;* 06:30--07:05 pm [35m];
Sagamore Pkwy & South St, IN26, by CVS, Home Depot, Vitamin Shop &
[…talked to a near-20 year old person;
…told them that the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 …and on 01-24-15 they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million …the U.S. was no longer a Democracy …the 5 Corporate Catholic men on the Supreme Court destroyed it with Citzens United and McCutcheon vs. F.E.C. decisions] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
[…talked to a near-20 year old person;
…told them that the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 …and on 01-24-15 they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million …the U.S. was no longer a Democracy …the 5 Corporate Catholic men on the Supreme Court destroyed it with Citzens United and McCutcheon vs. F.E.C. decisions] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
06-13-15 IGRPP Danville Indiana;* 04:45--05:30 pm [45m];
Jefferson St & Main St, US36, IN39, by
Hendrix County Courthouse Square NE, two doors down from
the Mayberry Café and the Black ‘59 Ford Police Cruiser parked out front;
06-13-15 IGRPP Martinsville Indiana;* 02:20--03:05 pm [45m];
Main St & Morgan St, on Morgan County Courthouse Square; (Hot! 90o) ::
06-13-15* IGRPP Nashville Indiana;* 09:30 am--01:20 pm [230m];
Van Buren St, IN135 & Main St, by Brown County Square;
[…a 60-something person with an accent told me I was blocking the sidewalk
…told them I wasn’t;
…a 40-something person said they agreed with my sign, but felt I was blocking the sidewalk even though the person passed by me twice without having to take a step out of the way;
…a 30-something Brown County Policeman stopped his SUV (unit 92 or 93) to advise me to move back a few feet onto the County Courthouse property and off of the sidewalk easement;
…that’s what I did …move deeper into the shade of a big oak tree;
…told the Officer I was going to report his directive and the Nashville Sign Ordinance to the ACLU;
…a 60-something Democrat stopped to talk about TPP, the person knew about A.L.E.C. Billionaire and Wall Street Hellboy Cabal, and the Koch Brothers …and gave me a tasty brownie they had purchased in a local bakery;
…a group of 12-13 mature people got off a bus (this was a bus stop/alleluia) and one person in the lead made some Fox News patented comment;
…and I told them. to loosen the Fox Noose Hate-Gulping Shock-Collar;
…a pair of friends 60-something and 70-something stopped to tell me that the TPP Bill had been stopped in the U.S. House of Representatives;
…told them that was the best news I heard in a long time;
…a pair of 30 to barely 40-something working guys stopped to say, “Thank you”] ::
## *Talked to – 6; *A.L.E.C._ 1 Person Knew #000,045/@26 Stops;
##000,322 *Officer_ 1 (*/61/), *Moved 8’ Back; I.D. Check N/A;
[…a 60-something person with an accent told me I was blocking the sidewalk
…told them I wasn’t;
…a 40-something person said they agreed with my sign, but felt I was blocking the sidewalk even though the person passed by me twice without having to take a step out of the way;
…a 30-something Brown County Policeman stopped his SUV (unit 92 or 93) to advise me to move back a few feet onto the County Courthouse property and off of the sidewalk easement;
…that’s what I did …move deeper into the shade of a big oak tree;
…told the Officer I was going to report his directive and the Nashville Sign Ordinance to the ACLU;
…a 60-something Democrat stopped to talk about TPP, the person knew about A.L.E.C. Billionaire and Wall Street Hellboy Cabal, and the Koch Brothers …and gave me a tasty brownie they had purchased in a local bakery;
…a group of 12-13 mature people got off a bus (this was a bus stop/alleluia) and one person in the lead made some Fox News patented comment;
…and I told them. to loosen the Fox Noose Hate-Gulping Shock-Collar;
…a pair of friends 60-something and 70-something stopped to tell me that the TPP Bill had been stopped in the U.S. House of Representatives;
…told them that was the best news I heard in a long time;
…a pair of 30 to barely 40-something working guys stopped to say, “Thank you”] ::
## *Talked to – 6; *A.L.E.C._ 1 Person Knew #000,045/@26 Stops;
##000,322 *Officer_ 1 (*/61/), *Moved 8’ Back; I.D. Check N/A;
06-13-15* IGRPP Nashville Indiana;* 08:10--09:10 am [60m];
Buren St, IN135 & IN 46, by CVS & Hoosier Buddy Liquors;
[…a 50-something female driver stopped and asked, “What can we do?” …told them to vote for a democrat and tell everyone they knew to share political information;
…a 20-something Nashville Officer stopped to tell me there was a complaint about my blocking the sidewalk or protesting in front of CVS;
…he said the town had passed an ordinance that required the pre-approval of signs and limited the size;
…I told him that, it was a completely illegal protest …the U.S. Supreme Court had upheld the right to stand on a sidewalk with signs in impromptu protest;
…I said, it was illegal for the Town of Nashville to pass the City Sign and Protest Ordinance …and I would report the offensive ordinance to the A.C.L.U. immediately;
…he was a very affable Officer who listened to the reason for my protest just as the last Nashville Officer had in the fall of 2014;
…told Officer (Schroder?) about the voter I.D. Law that fouled Indiana Politics …the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 …and on 01-24-15 they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republican/Ts with $889 Million;
…the U.S. was no longer a Democracy …the 5 Corporate Catholic men on the Supreme Court destroyed it with Citzens United and McCutcheon vs. F.E.C. decisions] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
##000,321 *Officer_ 1 (*/60/0038), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0038), Citizen to Citizen Talk; I.D. Check N/A; *Advised to Move (Better Corner)
[…a 50-something female driver stopped and asked, “What can we do?” …told them to vote for a democrat and tell everyone they knew to share political information;
…a 20-something Nashville Officer stopped to tell me there was a complaint about my blocking the sidewalk or protesting in front of CVS;
…he said the town had passed an ordinance that required the pre-approval of signs and limited the size;
…I told him that, it was a completely illegal protest …the U.S. Supreme Court had upheld the right to stand on a sidewalk with signs in impromptu protest;
…I said, it was illegal for the Town of Nashville to pass the City Sign and Protest Ordinance …and I would report the offensive ordinance to the A.C.L.U. immediately;
…he was a very affable Officer who listened to the reason for my protest just as the last Nashville Officer had in the fall of 2014;
…told Officer (Schroder?) about the voter I.D. Law that fouled Indiana Politics …the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 …and on 01-24-15 they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republican/Ts with $889 Million;
…the U.S. was no longer a Democracy …the 5 Corporate Catholic men on the Supreme Court destroyed it with Citzens United and McCutcheon vs. F.E.C. decisions] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
##000,321 *Officer_ 1 (*/60/0038), *A.L.E.C. Informed (##0038), Citizen to Citizen Talk; I.D. Check N/A; *Advised to Move (Better Corner)
06-12-15 IGRPP Brownstown Indiana;* 08:00--08:30 pm [30m];
S. Main St & E. Commerce St, IN39, IN250, by CVS, Shell & Church; (It got really stormy and I
barely got out of there before the worst of the torrential rains.) ::
06-12-15 IGRPP
Scottsburg Indiana;* 05:45--07:00 pm [75m]; Gardener
St, US31 & McClain Ave, IN56, by Ace Hardware, CVS & Sunoco;
[…a 70-something male driver in the left turn land yelled “What about Clinton Foundation money and George Soros?”
…told him, “That’s all Fox News crap!”
…a 40-something stopped …the person knew all about the Koch Brothers and A.L.E.C. from watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC …they noted that all my signs were spot on …person said, “Thank you for all you do.”
…a 30-something person from a business in back of me wanted to advise me that I was on their property and that I should watch myself;
…I told them that, I was practicing the First Amendment and that I had every right to be on the street easement and sidewalk according to the U.S. Supreme Court;
…the person just said, “Ok, watch yourself,” and walked away;
…I informed a 30-something worker at the garden center that a 5 gallon bucket lid and plastic bottle were blocking the street drain …they obligingly removed it;
…a couple of 40-somethings stopped and they were informed about Red States being bought out by A.L.E.C. and the Koch Bothers and asked to Google IGRPP for more information] ::
## *Talked to – 4; *A.L.E.C._ 1 Person Knew #000,044/@25 Stops;
[…a 70-something male driver in the left turn land yelled “What about Clinton Foundation money and George Soros?”
…told him, “That’s all Fox News crap!”
…a 40-something stopped …the person knew all about the Koch Brothers and A.L.E.C. from watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC …they noted that all my signs were spot on …person said, “Thank you for all you do.”
…a 30-something person from a business in back of me wanted to advise me that I was on their property and that I should watch myself;
…I told them that, I was practicing the First Amendment and that I had every right to be on the street easement and sidewalk according to the U.S. Supreme Court;
…the person just said, “Ok, watch yourself,” and walked away;
…I informed a 30-something worker at the garden center that a 5 gallon bucket lid and plastic bottle were blocking the street drain …they obligingly removed it;
…a couple of 40-somethings stopped and they were informed about Red States being bought out by A.L.E.C. and the Koch Bothers and asked to Google IGRPP for more information] ::
## *Talked to – 4; *A.L.E.C._ 1 Person Knew #000,044/@25 Stops;
06-12-15 IGRPP
Madison Indiana;* 03:15--04:25 pm [70m]; Walnut
St & E. Main St, US421, IN56, by Fire Station;
[…a 40-something person said, “Thanks for all you do.”
…they wondered if Fox News viewers knew anything about TPP] ::
[…a 40-something person said, “Thanks for all you do.”
…they wondered if Fox News viewers knew anything about TPP] ::
06-12-15 IGRPP Vevay Indiana;** 12:40--02:10 pm [90m];
(Jefferson St & Second St), Downtown; (99o )
[…talked to a 50-something person about TPP;
…they had a relative who was a local politician …they took Smart Phone Pics in which my head was blocked out by a sign, but the QR Codes were visible;
…talked to a 40-something librarian about the “Google” prompt on top of my signs …that was suggested to me by a 30-something Williamsport Police Officer …they agreed that it was a good idea;
…a group of 6 visitors talked and listened about the TPP trade deal;
…a 40-something Redneck Republican/T dolt in a Red 4x4 Pickup Truck told me to “stop standing on a street corner and get a job”
…he had seen my “Confederacy Called …It wants Pence-T Back” sign;
…a 40-something person (who looked like a relative of a person who had previously stopped) brought me a frosty cold bottle of water;
…thanked them so much (I don’t carry water) …it hit the spot;
(When I got back to the car to check the temperature it was 99o in town.] ::
## *Talked to – 4; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
[…talked to a 50-something person about TPP;
…they had a relative who was a local politician …they took Smart Phone Pics in which my head was blocked out by a sign, but the QR Codes were visible;
…talked to a 40-something librarian about the “Google” prompt on top of my signs …that was suggested to me by a 30-something Williamsport Police Officer …they agreed that it was a good idea;
…a group of 6 visitors talked and listened about the TPP trade deal;
…a 40-something Redneck Republican/T dolt in a Red 4x4 Pickup Truck told me to “stop standing on a street corner and get a job”
…he had seen my “Confederacy Called …It wants Pence-T Back” sign;
…a 40-something person (who looked like a relative of a person who had previously stopped) brought me a frosty cold bottle of water;
…thanked them so much (I don’t carry water) …it hit the spot;
(When I got back to the car to check the temperature it was 99o in town.] ::
## *Talked to – 4; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
06-12-15 Rising Sun, Indiana;* (so hot the town was inside and no intersection
(I stopped at this county seat to find almost no traffic and no light or stop sign that would yield any form of communication. I didn’t bother to produce a sign, but I did find a signature tree fountain by the Ohio River …and looking down the river saw a Casino River Boat parked on the Rising Sun side about a half mile to the left of this public river park I was standing in.
From there I must have listened to the GPS wrong. But I ended up on Harris or Harrison Ridge(?) (between Rising Sun and Vevay). There in this beautiful green rural winding road country, on the Right side, situated in the landscape, where these 30” painted ornamental concrete figures of black man holding a fishing pole and black servant holding a lantern. I stopped and took half a dozen pictures. I thought at the time, the only thing missing was a Confederate Flag.
And a few days later, the Charleston Church Massacre occurred. There’s lots of racial hate in Indiana. I see the Army of Northern Virginia Confederate Flag and the Tea Party Snake Flag quite often in my travels. In the early 1900’s Indiana was a KKK hotbed in which the governor slept, I think.
A little ways down the road, I took a pic of a water tower in some unknown 3-store and a Dollar-General town that said “PATRIOT WATER.” And I wondered if I was in the town of “Patriot,” or this town had sold its water supply to a damn corporation that was poised to raise their water prices at the whim of some C.E.O. and “this quarter’s” profit projections. I’d been seeing “American Water” a couple of times in Central IndyBama, and I know that is a sleeper name for a money thirsty Corporation if I ever heard one. Town, City and County Politicians are being bribed to turn over water supplies to Corporations just like Detroit was forced to by its Fascist Republican Governor Snyder. And the money vacuum sucking the middle class dry for Corporate Living Job-Creator God-Saviors rolls on. Their 5-20% cut per year for the CEO, Board, and Shareholders (from wherever) is not any kind of efficiency that can replace Not-For-Profit local government managed efficiency. But Dolt-Whispering-Snakes have taken over a blind-believing (blindfolded hellven piñata-whacker) dominated IndyBama.)
(I stopped at this county seat to find almost no traffic and no light or stop sign that would yield any form of communication. I didn’t bother to produce a sign, but I did find a signature tree fountain by the Ohio River …and looking down the river saw a Casino River Boat parked on the Rising Sun side about a half mile to the left of this public river park I was standing in.
From there I must have listened to the GPS wrong. But I ended up on Harris or Harrison Ridge(?) (between Rising Sun and Vevay). There in this beautiful green rural winding road country, on the Right side, situated in the landscape, where these 30” painted ornamental concrete figures of black man holding a fishing pole and black servant holding a lantern. I stopped and took half a dozen pictures. I thought at the time, the only thing missing was a Confederate Flag.
And a few days later, the Charleston Church Massacre occurred. There’s lots of racial hate in Indiana. I see the Army of Northern Virginia Confederate Flag and the Tea Party Snake Flag quite often in my travels. In the early 1900’s Indiana was a KKK hotbed in which the governor slept, I think.
A little ways down the road, I took a pic of a water tower in some unknown 3-store and a Dollar-General town that said “PATRIOT WATER.” And I wondered if I was in the town of “Patriot,” or this town had sold its water supply to a damn corporation that was poised to raise their water prices at the whim of some C.E.O. and “this quarter’s” profit projections. I’d been seeing “American Water” a couple of times in Central IndyBama, and I know that is a sleeper name for a money thirsty Corporation if I ever heard one. Town, City and County Politicians are being bribed to turn over water supplies to Corporations just like Detroit was forced to by its Fascist Republican Governor Snyder. And the money vacuum sucking the middle class dry for Corporate Living Job-Creator God-Saviors rolls on. Their 5-20% cut per year for the CEO, Board, and Shareholders (from wherever) is not any kind of efficiency that can replace Not-For-Profit local government managed efficiency. But Dolt-Whispering-Snakes have taken over a blind-believing (blindfolded hellven piñata-whacker) dominated IndyBama.)
06-12-15 IGRPP Lawrenceburg Indiana;* 08:55--10:55 am [120m];
Walnut St & W. Eads Pkwy, US50, by St. Lawrence Church & Football
[…a 50-something male truck driver in a white 18-wheeler honk honked and waved at the TPP Sign;
…a 40-something male stopped briefly …told him to “Google IGRPP” for more info;]
(…..This was a welcome shady place for much of the morning, next to an under the intersection cross walk. The bend in the road meant all the North bound traffic had to turn in front of the signs.) ::
[…a 50-something male truck driver in a white 18-wheeler honk honked and waved at the TPP Sign;
…a 40-something male stopped briefly …told him to “Google IGRPP” for more info;]
(…..This was a welcome shady place for much of the morning, next to an under the intersection cross walk. The bend in the road meant all the North bound traffic had to turn in front of the signs.) ::
06-12-15 IGRPP Aurora Indiana;* 08:35--09:20 pm [45m];
Green Blvd & Westside Dr, by Shell;
[…a 40-something female in a Suzuki SUV said, “What’s this all about.”
…told her it’s about the Koch brothers and A.L.E.C. Corp’s buying Red State Republican Legislators;]
(…..The Kroger and McDonald’s intersection looked good for later in the day) ::
## *Talked to – 1;
[…a 40-something female in a Suzuki SUV said, “What’s this all about.”
…told her it’s about the Koch brothers and A.L.E.C. Corp’s buying Red State Republican Legislators;]
(…..The Kroger and McDonald’s intersection looked good for later in the day) ::
## *Talked to – 1;
06-11-15 IGRPP Aurora Indiana;* 08:00--08:20 pm [20m];
Green Blvd, US50, & Sunnyside Ave, by CVS;
[…a 40-something person driving down a garage sale sign talked to me and asked about the protest …they said that the class warfare I was talking about was covered in a college class they had recently taken
…they shared that their spouse knew more about Indiana and National Politics than they did
…they were invited to “Google IGRPP” for more info on politics] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
[…a 40-something person driving down a garage sale sign talked to me and asked about the protest …they said that the class warfare I was talking about was covered in a college class they had recently taken
…they shared that their spouse knew more about Indiana and National Politics than they did
…they were invited to “Google IGRPP” for more info on politics] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
06-11-15 IGRPP Versailles Indiana;* 05:25--06:55 pm [90m];
Perry St, US50, US421, IN29 & Adams St, by McDonalds,
Marathon & Flagpole Liquors;
[…a 50-60-something veteran stopped;
…and I talked about the Koch Brothers and A.L.E.C. …suggested a Radio Host, Thom Hartman, agreed with his prediction of an economic crash in the near future;
…a 40-something Local Newspaper Reporter for the “Versailles Republican” stopped to talk and take a few Digital Camera Pics;
…told her about the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 and, on 01-24-15, they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million;
…she asked when and where all I protested and I said, “In the whole State of Indiana; 3 days a week from Thursday to Monday;
…told the reporter I had made about 300 stops in Indiana …from the closest county to Chicago, retired teacher, self-funded and she could “Google IGRPP, a protest persona …for more information”
…talked to a 50-something couple in passing after the interview with the reporter …they wished me well;]
(……Versailles was a steamy hot 96o. The liquor store looked pretty inviting …just guzzled water.) ::
## *Talked to – 4; *Press Talk: Audio; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
[…a 50-60-something veteran stopped;
…and I talked about the Koch Brothers and A.L.E.C. …suggested a Radio Host, Thom Hartman, agreed with his prediction of an economic crash in the near future;
…a 40-something Local Newspaper Reporter for the “Versailles Republican” stopped to talk and take a few Digital Camera Pics;
…told her about the Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 and, on 01-24-15, they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million;
…she asked when and where all I protested and I said, “In the whole State of Indiana; 3 days a week from Thursday to Monday;
…told the reporter I had made about 300 stops in Indiana …from the closest county to Chicago, retired teacher, self-funded and she could “Google IGRPP, a protest persona …for more information”
…talked to a 50-something couple in passing after the interview with the reporter …they wished me well;]
(……Versailles was a steamy hot 96o. The liquor store looked pretty inviting …just guzzled water.) ::
## *Talked to – 4; *Press Talk: Audio; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
06-11-15 IGRPP Greensburg Indiana;* 03:15--04:25 pm [70m];
(Tree City), Broadway St & Main St, US421, IN46, by Taft Furniture Store,
on Decatur County Courthouse Square, SW;
[…a barely 20-something person stopped by;
…and I talked about the Koch Brothers and A.L.E.C.;
…a 20-something Local Newspaper Reporter stopped to ask about the protest after taking Digital Camera Pics from kitty corner across and down the street;
…he was informed about A.L.E.C., the Koch Brothers buying the 2016 election for $889 million, A.L.E.C. nominated Supreme Court Republican/Ts;
…a truck hauling a trailer with a loader or forklift passed headed East and a passenger yelled and waved approvingly]::
## *Talked to – 2; *Press Talk; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
[…a barely 20-something person stopped by;
…and I talked about the Koch Brothers and A.L.E.C.;
…a 20-something Local Newspaper Reporter stopped to ask about the protest after taking Digital Camera Pics from kitty corner across and down the street;
…he was informed about A.L.E.C., the Koch Brothers buying the 2016 election for $889 million, A.L.E.C. nominated Supreme Court Republican/Ts;
…a truck hauling a trailer with a loader or forklift passed headed East and a passenger yelled and waved approvingly]::
## *Talked to – 2; *Press Talk; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
06-11-15 IGRPP Greensburg Indiana;* 02:40--03:00 pm [20m];
IN3 & Freeland Road, by Chili’s, Walgreen’s, Marathon; (Stoplight didn’t stop traffic
for very long);
[…a 70-something guy came out of Chili’s and walked around my car] ::
[…a 70-something guy came out of Chili’s and walked around my car] ::
06-11-15 IGRPP Shelbyville Indiana;* 12:20--01:50 pm [90m];
Harrison St, IN9 & Broadway St, IN44, Shelby County Courthouse Square, NW,
by CVS;
[…told a 30-something couple (headed to a doctor’s visit) to watch out for A.L.E.C. and register to vote for a Democrat, because all of the Republicans are corrupt;
…one said that the problem is “not enough poor and rural voters” turned out for the 2014 election;
…a 20-something person parked in a the CVS parking lot came over and gave me a bottle of water;
…I suggested they “Google IGRPP” for more info;
…a 20-something person passed by and I mentioned A.L.E.C. Billionaires taking all the 26 Red States …the person said, “I’m a Catholic and a Republican.”
…I said, “Almost all Catholic women use birth control at some point in their lives.”
…talked to a 40-something local Radio Host, Johnny McCrorey
…he stayed to conduct a full Recorded Interview about the protest and took 2-3 Smart Phone Pics of the signs and QR Codes] ::
## *Talked to – 4; *Press Talk: Audio Recording; *PIC -- 3 w/Large QR Code;
[…told a 30-something couple (headed to a doctor’s visit) to watch out for A.L.E.C. and register to vote for a Democrat, because all of the Republicans are corrupt;
…one said that the problem is “not enough poor and rural voters” turned out for the 2014 election;
…a 20-something person parked in a the CVS parking lot came over and gave me a bottle of water;
…I suggested they “Google IGRPP” for more info;
…a 20-something person passed by and I mentioned A.L.E.C. Billionaires taking all the 26 Red States …the person said, “I’m a Catholic and a Republican.”
…I said, “Almost all Catholic women use birth control at some point in their lives.”
…talked to a 40-something local Radio Host, Johnny McCrorey
…he stayed to conduct a full Recorded Interview about the protest and took 2-3 Smart Phone Pics of the signs and QR Codes] ::
## *Talked to – 4; *Press Talk: Audio Recording; *PIC -- 3 w/Large QR Code;
06-09-15 IGRPP Indianapolis Indiana;* 06:35--09:05 pm [150m];
Michigan St, US421 & 86th Ave, by Walgreen’s;
[…a 60-something person stopped …told them about Billionaires and Corporations of A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers running Indiana …tell everyone you know about them;
…they were a Democrat and only “talk to one Republican, who hates Obama.”] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
[…a 60-something person stopped …told them about Billionaires and Corporations of A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers running Indiana …tell everyone you know about them;
…they were a Democrat and only “talk to one Republican, who hates Obama.”] ::
## *Talked to -- 1;
06-08-15 IGRPP Crawfordsville Indiana;* 07:05--08:25 pm [80m];
Washington St, US231, IN32, IN47 & Market St, US136, by CVS, Walgreen’s & Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office;
[…a 20-something guy stopped at the light asked about the protest;
…I said, “Google I.G.R. and I’ll tell you about the A.L.E.C. Billionaires who run all the 26 red states] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
[…a 20-something guy stopped at the light asked about the protest;
…I said, “Google I.G.R. and I’ll tell you about the A.L.E.C. Billionaires who run all the 26 red states] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
06-08-15 IGRPP Attica Indiana;* 05:35--06:05 pm [30m];
Jackson St, US41, IN28 & Perry St, by Davis Drugs, Downtown;
[…honk honk from a Yellow Jeep w/Black Top headed South;
…a 40-something person asked about the protest;
…they were informed about A.L.E.C., the Koch Brothers buying the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 million, A.L.E.C. nominated Supreme Court Republican/T s …they asked about presidential picks …I mentioned Sen. Bernie Sanders and Gov. Martin O’Malley] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
[…honk honk from a Yellow Jeep w/Black Top headed South;
…a 40-something person asked about the protest;
…they were informed about A.L.E.C., the Koch Brothers buying the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 million, A.L.E.C. nominated Supreme Court Republican/T s …they asked about presidential picks …I mentioned Sen. Bernie Sanders and Gov. Martin O’Malley] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
06-08-15 IGRPP Williamsport Indiana;* 04:15--05:15 pm [60m];
Monroe St & Second St, IN28, on Warren County Courthouse Square (by the
flashing 4-way stop light);
[…talked to a 20-something Corey B. about A.L.E.C., the Koch Brothers buying the 2016 election for $889 million, A.L.E.C. nominated Supreme Court Republican/Ts;
…shout out from 20-something female passenger in the packed cab of a White Dodge Pickup] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
[…talked to a 20-something Corey B. about A.L.E.C., the Koch Brothers buying the 2016 election for $889 million, A.L.E.C. nominated Supreme Court Republican/Ts;
…shout out from 20-something female passenger in the packed cab of a White Dodge Pickup] ::
## *Talked to – 1;
06-08-15 IGRPP Kentland Indiana;* 01:15--02:00 pm [45m];
Seventh St, US41 & Seymour St, US24, US52, by Marathon ::
06-01-15 IGRPP Kokomo Indiana;* 06:50--08:10 pm [80m];
Dixon Rd & Sycamore St;
[…a 40-something guy stopped in SUV with his family to check out the protest;
…told them that Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 and, on 01-24-15, they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million;
…the man said, “Keep up the good work!”
…a 20-something guy stopped as I was loading signs in the car …suggested they “Google IGRPP” for all the information I collected”] ::
## *Talked to – 5;
[…a 40-something guy stopped in SUV with his family to check out the protest;
…told them that Koch Brothers founded A.L.E.C. in 1973 and, on 01-24-15, they pledged to buy the 2016 election for Republicans with $889 Million;
…the man said, “Keep up the good work!”
…a 20-something guy stopped as I was loading signs in the car …suggested they “Google IGRPP” for all the information I collected”] ::
## *Talked to – 5;
06-01-15 IGRPP Kokomo Indiana;* 05:45--06:30 pm [45m];
Washington St, IN22 & Sycamore St by Subway w/Giant Praying Mantis Yard
[…a 20-something Mitchell and friend stopped to get the info on A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers
…a 30-something female took a (metallic medium blue) Smart Phone Pic off the left side …QR code might have transferred] ::
## *Talked to – 2; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
[…a 20-something Mitchell and friend stopped to get the info on A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers
…a 30-something female took a (metallic medium blue) Smart Phone Pic off the left side …QR code might have transferred] ::
## *Talked to – 2; *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
06-01-15 IGRPP Rochester Indiana;* 03:25--04:25 pm [60m];
Main St, IN25 & E. 18th St, IN14, by
Rochester Plaza & AutoZone ::
[…a 30-something female right turner took a Digital Camera Pic over my left shoulder] ::
## *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
[…a 30-something female right turner took a Digital Camera Pic over my left shoulder] ::
## *PIC -- 1 w/Large QR Code;
06-01-15 IGRPP Warsaw Indiana;* 11:25 am--02:05 pm [160m];
S. Buffalo St, IN15 & E. Winona Ave, IN15, IN25, by Marsh & Little
[…a 20-something guy gave a thumbs up in a Red Toyota Rave and stopped at the bank across the clover field …where I was watching for honey bees;
…a 40-something person Left turning South in a Black Club Cab Pickup honk honked and waved;
…later on the road I passed a sign that noted the “Mentone Egg Festival June 4-6”] ::
[…a 20-something guy gave a thumbs up in a Red Toyota Rave and stopped at the bank across the clover field …where I was watching for honey bees;
…a 40-something person Left turning South in a Black Club Cab Pickup honk honked and waved;
…later on the road I passed a sign that noted the “Mentone Egg Festival June 4-6”] ::
06-01-15 IGRPP Warsaw Indiana;* 09:15--11:00 am [105m];
Detroit St, IN15 & Buffalo St, on Kosciusko County Courthouse Square, SE;
[…a 50-something person knew the Koch Brothers, but not A.L.E.C. …asked them to Google I.G.R. and I’d tell them all about A.L.E.C.;
…a 40-something self-employed person stopped and I asked them to Google I.G.R. for more info;
…a 50-something said, “Whatever guy is in, I vote for the other side. Both parties are corrupt.”
…I said, “So you’re an EeeKneeMeeKneeMyKneeMOW Independent!”
…told them that “Republicans and Tea Party are complete sellouts to Billionaires and Wall Street”] ::
## *Talked to – 3;
[…a 50-something person knew the Koch Brothers, but not A.L.E.C. …asked them to Google I.G.R. and I’d tell them all about A.L.E.C.;
…a 40-something self-employed person stopped and I asked them to Google I.G.R. for more info;
…a 50-something said, “Whatever guy is in, I vote for the other side. Both parties are corrupt.”
…I said, “So you’re an EeeKneeMeeKneeMyKneeMOW Independent!”
…told them that “Republicans and Tea Party are complete sellouts to Billionaires and Wall Street”] ::
## *Talked to – 3;
06-01-15 IGRPP Warsaw Indiana;* 07:50--08:50 am [60m]; Detroit St, IN15 & Jalynn St, by Walmart,
Toyota, Lowes;
[…started the day out at Taco Bell noticing all the Blue Herons lumbering past in a straight line to a nearby lake …noticed them all day in Warsaw] ::
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| MAY 2015
[…started the day out at Taco Bell noticing all the Blue Herons lumbering past in a straight line to a nearby lake …noticed them all day in Warsaw] ::
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| MAY 2015
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| FIRST
Except for the odd experience* here and there, the Men and Women in Blue respect the 1st Amendment in Indiana in 397/404 stops made so far, since 04-26-14. (the Rent-a-Deputy Sheriff at Lucas Oil Stadium, one Kentland Police Sargeant or Chief, enforcement of a Paoli Protest Registry Ordinance [illegal by the 1st A.], a prohibition against being 2’ on State Capital Property, an Omen against protesting before or during church in Brownstown, and enforcement a local sign ordinance [illegal according to the First A.] in Nashville)*.
As of 09-05-15, I give Indiana Police Officers, as a whole, an “B+ Rating” on the First Amendment and respectful behavior toward a civil protester standing on the curb right-of-way. Some will be shills for local businesses who are ignorant about the First Amendment. (It’s helpful to greet an Officer, avoid “Furtive”(fast and suspect) actions, have hands visible and keep harmful words under wraps). The Golden Rule lives when talking with Officers and anyone else really. If you nod in approval (or in intent listening) it works to reassure. Few serious people are offended by a counter comment here and there, and they’ll talk a little more when some indication of “openness” is expressed.
Normally, squad cars pass and officers casually checks out a protestor without stopping. About one in ten times they’ll stop and talk or want a Driver’s License I.D. or a “verbally” conveyed Name & Address supplied.
In none of the Police Officer chats, where A.L.E.C. or the protest was included in the discussion, had any ever heard about this Corporate Cabal or the activities of the 24 confirmed Indiana ALEC Judas Legislators (of which 23 are Republican/T Party members), along with Governor Pence. But there was time and allowance to tell over 30 Officers about A.L.E.C.
In the following Indiana towns and cities Police Officers checked me out at some “casual” level or ran my driver’s license with the state records file:
Except for the odd experience* here and there, the Men and Women in Blue respect the 1st Amendment in Indiana in 397/404 stops made so far, since 04-26-14. (the Rent-a-Deputy Sheriff at Lucas Oil Stadium, one Kentland Police Sargeant or Chief, enforcement of a Paoli Protest Registry Ordinance [illegal by the 1st A.], a prohibition against being 2’ on State Capital Property, an Omen against protesting before or during church in Brownstown, and enforcement a local sign ordinance [illegal according to the First A.] in Nashville)*.
As of 09-05-15, I give Indiana Police Officers, as a whole, an “B+ Rating” on the First Amendment and respectful behavior toward a civil protester standing on the curb right-of-way. Some will be shills for local businesses who are ignorant about the First Amendment. (It’s helpful to greet an Officer, avoid “Furtive”(fast and suspect) actions, have hands visible and keep harmful words under wraps). The Golden Rule lives when talking with Officers and anyone else really. If you nod in approval (or in intent listening) it works to reassure. Few serious people are offended by a counter comment here and there, and they’ll talk a little more when some indication of “openness” is expressed.
Normally, squad cars pass and officers casually checks out a protestor without stopping. About one in ten times they’ll stop and talk or want a Driver’s License I.D. or a “verbally” conveyed Name & Address supplied.
In none of the Police Officer chats, where A.L.E.C. or the protest was included in the discussion, had any ever heard about this Corporate Cabal or the activities of the 24 confirmed Indiana ALEC Judas Legislators (of which 23 are Republican/T Party members), along with Governor Pence. But there was time and allowance to tell over 30 Officers about A.L.E.C.
In the following Indiana towns and cities Police Officers checked me out at some “casual” level or ran my driver’s license with the state records file:
#01_ 05-22-14 Danville, Indiana: 1
Hendricks County Sheriff
……Official inquiry and friendly enough solo chat (without any I.D. request) …he didn’t like ObamaCare though; Health Care Bill & A.L.E.C.* Governor discussed;
><> #1 Officer encountered / #1 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and friendly enough solo chat (without any I.D. request) …he didn’t like ObamaCare though; Health Care Bill & A.L.E.C.* Governor discussed;
><> #1 Officer encountered / #1 Informed of Protest
#02_ 05-29-14 Indianapolis, Indiana: 1 (uniformed)
…unofficial, voluntary and very friendly solo chat …Officer approached me on the at the Indy Capital by General Morton (first step), and said (the police) “we are on your side and we have your back”…said I appreciated the understanding; No discussion about A.L.E.C.;
><> #2 Officers Encountered
…unofficial, voluntary and very friendly solo chat …Officer approached me on the at the Indy Capital by General Morton (first step), and said (the police) “we are on your side and we have your back”…said I appreciated the understanding; No discussion about A.L.E.C.;
><> #2 Officers Encountered
#03_ 05-30-14 Indianapolis, Indiana: 3 Indianapolis
Bankers Life Fieldhouse Event Officers
…unofficial and voluntary chat …stopped voluntarily near 3-4 Officers for 20 seconds …offered an explanation of my message about Health Care Bill Medicaid Fund rejection by Republican/T s, on the way to a curb location;
><> #6 Officers Encountered / #4 Informed of Protest
…unofficial and voluntary chat …stopped voluntarily near 3-4 Officers for 20 seconds …offered an explanation of my message about Health Care Bill Medicaid Fund rejection by Republican/T s, on the way to a curb location;
><> #6 Officers Encountered / #4 Informed of Protest
#04_ 06-05-14 Indianapolis, Indiana: 2
Capital Police Officers
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with back-up on my left wing …told me I had to vacate the first step off of the sidewalk in front of the statue of General Morton or be considered to be trespassing …directed me to move 30’ to either side of the Capitals East Entrance; No discussion;*
><> MOVE OVER THERE #8 Officers Encountered
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with back-up on my left wing …told me I had to vacate the first step off of the sidewalk in front of the statue of General Morton or be considered to be trespassing …directed me to move 30’ to either side of the Capitals East Entrance; No discussion;*
><> MOVE OVER THERE #8 Officers Encountered
#05_ 06-15-14 Lowell, Indiana: 2 Lowell
…unofficial, voluntary and very friendly chat with 2 Officers seated in a rolling squad and the light changed …quick info share on Health Care Bill and Medicaid Funds rejection by Republican/T s mentioned;
><> #10 Officers Encountered / #6 Informed of Protest
…unofficial, voluntary and very friendly chat with 2 Officers seated in a rolling squad and the light changed …quick info share on Health Care Bill and Medicaid Funds rejection by Republican/T s mentioned;
><> #10 Officers Encountered / #6 Informed of Protest
#06_ 06-19-14 Danville, Indiana: 1
Danville Parking
Enforcement Officer
…unofficial, voluntary and friendly solo chat …Officer was close by where I was protesting, so we chatted for a minute about A.L.E.C.* and I encouraged her to take a Smart Phone Pic of the QR code on the sign to find out more about the Cabal of Billionaire Regional Warlords and Wall Street Hell-Boys;
><> #11 Officers Encountered / #7 Informed of Protest
…unofficial, voluntary and friendly solo chat …Officer was close by where I was protesting, so we chatted for a minute about A.L.E.C.* and I encouraged her to take a Smart Phone Pic of the QR code on the sign to find out more about the Cabal of Billionaire Regional Warlords and Wall Street Hell-Boys;
><> #11 Officers Encountered / #7 Informed of Protest
#07*_ 06-19-14 Rockville, Indiana:
1 Rockville Code Enforcement Officer
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police – solo …officer was not friendly at all …I was handed a code information paper and asked to read it …so there’s 2 hour parking, period; No discussion;*
><> #12 Officers Encountered
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police – solo …officer was not friendly at all …I was handed a code information paper and asked to read it …so there’s 2 hour parking, period; No discussion;*
><> #12 Officers Encountered
#08_ 07-12-14 Lafayette, Indiana: 1 Lafayette
Officer (in the police station)
…took the Police Report and Driver’s License Information, for the 2 stolen Protest Signs …one themed Health Care Death Panels, and one themed Veterans Plight …sure like to have the First Amendment Right to those signs back; Brief mention about Health Care and A.L.E.C.*;
><> #13 Officers Encountered / #8 Informed of Protest
…took the Police Report and Driver’s License Information, for the 2 stolen Protest Signs …one themed Health Care Death Panels, and one themed Veterans Plight …sure like to have the First Amendment Right to those signs back; Brief mention about Health Care and A.L.E.C.*;
><> #13 Officers Encountered / #8 Informed of Protest
#09_ 07-26-14 Goshen, Indiana: 4
Elkhart County Fair Traffic Detail Officers
…unofficial and voluntarily chat to 4 Officers (directing 4-H Fair traffic) for 20 seconds …offered an explanation of my message on the way to a curb location; 20 second A.L.E.C.* discussion and note that a local State Senator “Yoder” was an A.L.E.C. member;
><> #17 Officers Encountered / #12 Informed of Protest
…unofficial and voluntarily chat to 4 Officers (directing 4-H Fair traffic) for 20 seconds …offered an explanation of my message on the way to a curb location; 20 second A.L.E.C.* discussion and note that a local State Senator “Yoder” was an A.L.E.C. member;
><> #17 Officers Encountered / #12 Informed of Protest
#10_ 07-27-14 Chesterton, Indiana: 1 Indiana
Dunes Park Manager
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police …I went to the office for a chat with Assistant Park Manager of Indiana Dune State Park about protesting and info sharing in the park. I was initially approved… then denied access citing a particular general statute that applied to large groups displaying signs, but it was friendly chat and info share about A.L.E.C.* and Health Care Insurance Fund refusal by Gov. Pence;
><> #18 Officers Encountered / #13 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police …I went to the office for a chat with Assistant Park Manager of Indiana Dune State Park about protesting and info sharing in the park. I was initially approved… then denied access citing a particular general statute that applied to large groups displaying signs, but it was friendly chat and info share about A.L.E.C.* and Health Care Insurance Fund refusal by Gov. Pence;
><> #18 Officers Encountered / #13 Informed of Protest
#11_ 08-09-14 Elkhart, Indiana: 2 Elkhart
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with back-up on his wing …negotiated me leaving “a whole 15 minutes early” to appease ruffled event attendees (six officers within 10 yards); Brief discussion about A.L.E.C.* and the local A.L.E.C. member, Tim Wesco – a State Representative;
><> #20 Officers Encountered / #15 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with back-up on his wing …negotiated me leaving “a whole 15 minutes early” to appease ruffled event attendees (six officers within 10 yards); Brief discussion about A.L.E.C.* and the local A.L.E.C. member, Tim Wesco – a State Representative;
><> #20 Officers Encountered / #15 Informed of Protest
#12_ 08-15-14 Attica, Indiana: 1 Attica
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police and a very friendly solo chat …and A.L.E.C.* info share, and discussion of failure to pass Health Care Insurance Extension in Indiana;
><> #21 Officers Encountered / #16 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police and a very friendly solo chat …and A.L.E.C.* info share, and discussion of failure to pass Health Care Insurance Extension in Indiana;
><> #21 Officers Encountered / #16 Informed of Protest
#13_ 08-30-14 Muncie, Indiana: 1 Muncie Officer
…voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with 4 other Stadium Traffic Detail Officers in the area, …but eventually I had to move 80’ to the East curb to avoid “distracting traffic” (a legitimate concern, in my opinion …too many people were crossing at random points);
><> MOVE OVER THERE / #22 Officers Encountered
…voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with 4 other Stadium Traffic Detail Officers in the area, …but eventually I had to move 80’ to the East curb to avoid “distracting traffic” (a legitimate concern, in my opinion …too many people were crossing at random points);
><> MOVE OVER THERE / #22 Officers Encountered
#14_ 08-30-14 Muncie, Indiana: 2 Ball State Scheumann Stadium
Security Officers
…unofficial and voluntary Driver’s License Check …2 Security Officers waved me over to their marked SUV as I was walking to the car, very friendly chat and info share, including and Indiana Legislator and A.L.E.C.* discussion #15;
><> #24 Officers Encountered / #18 Informed of Protest
…unofficial and voluntary Driver’s License Check …2 Security Officers waved me over to their marked SUV as I was walking to the car, very friendly chat and info share, including and Indiana Legislator and A.L.E.C.* discussion #15;
><> #24 Officers Encountered / #18 Informed of Protest
#15_ 09-06-14 South Bend
Indiana: 4 South Bend Officers
…unofficial and informal brief chat with 4 traffic control officers on the way to the selected corner …said I was “protesting A.L.E.C.” and no further discussion;
><> #28 Officers Encountered / #22 Informed of Protest
…unofficial and informal brief chat with 4 traffic control officers on the way to the selected corner …said I was “protesting A.L.E.C.” and no further discussion;
><> #28 Officers Encountered / #22 Informed of Protest
#16_ 09-12-14 Pendleton,
Indiana: 1 (affable) Pendleton Officer
……Official inquiry and voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police and a “very cordial” solo chat and info share about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana through the Republican/T Party;
><> #29 Officers Encountered / #23 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police and a “very cordial” solo chat and info share about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana through the Republican/T Party;
><> #29 Officers Encountered / #23 Informed of Protest
#17_ 09-13-14 Indianapolis, Indiana: 1 Indianapolis
…officer directing traffic said I couldn’t stand in W. South Street & Capital Ave. NE Corner across from Lucas Oil Stadium …so I moved 80’ closer to the Lucas Oil and kitty corner from there. (It later turned out that, the corner he moved me off of got “far too busy” with foot traffic to accommodate a person standing with signs.); No discussion about A.L.E.C.;
><> MOVE ON / #30 Officers Encountered
…officer directing traffic said I couldn’t stand in W. South Street & Capital Ave. NE Corner across from Lucas Oil Stadium …so I moved 80’ closer to the Lucas Oil and kitty corner from there. (It later turned out that, the corner he moved me off of got “far too busy” with foot traffic to accommodate a person standing with signs.); No discussion about A.L.E.C.;
><> MOVE ON / #30 Officers Encountered
#18*_ 09-13-14 Indianapolis, Indiana: 1 Lucas
Oil Stadium Officer w/a Marion County Deputy Sheriff ……Official inquiry and from Deputy with Uniform (no name tag and no badge), told me I was on Lucas Oil
Stadium Property on the curb at W. South Street & Capital Ave. SW
Corner, the owners didn’t want me here, and
that I had to leave; No discussion about A.L.E.C.;
><> MOVE ON / #31 Officers Encountered
><> MOVE ON / #31 Officers Encountered
#19_ 09-21-14 Brownstown,
Indiana: 1 Brownstown Officer & 1 County Officer
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with County back-up on his wing …officer advised against being in front of the CVS across from Happy Holler Church when services began at 12:30 pm; (A preacher, whom I observed earlier, had obviously called to clear me out by the beginning of church.) …Officer and County Police back-up listened Brief discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #18 MOVE ON / #33 Officers Encountered / #25 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with County back-up on his wing …officer advised against being in front of the CVS across from Happy Holler Church when services began at 12:30 pm; (A preacher, whom I observed earlier, had obviously called to clear me out by the beginning of church.) …Officer and County Police back-up listened Brief discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #18 MOVE ON / #33 Officers Encountered / #25 Informed of Protest
#20_ 09-21-14 Paoli,
Indiana: 1 Paoli Officer & 1 Trainee
…Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with back-up/partner, semi-eject caused by town ordinance requiring registration (next time), the time I had allotted for the stop expired (cell phone alarm) during our friendly chat and info share, including a 2-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #35 Officers Encountered / #27 Informed of Protest
…Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with back-up/partner, semi-eject caused by town ordinance requiring registration (next time), the time I had allotted for the stop expired (cell phone alarm) during our friendly chat and info share, including a 2-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #35 Officers Encountered / #27 Informed of Protest
#21_ 09-28-14 Kentland, Indiana: 1 Newton County & 1 Kentland Officer
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with and Kentland back-up …said First Amendment, but “Not Here” in the grass median of a U.S. Highway and “not” on “any of the adjacent curbs!”) …protesting in the “private” abandoned gas station property was recommended by the Kentland off-duty Officer; A 1-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> MOVE ON / #36 Officers Encountered / #29 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with and Kentland back-up …said First Amendment, but “Not Here” in the grass median of a U.S. Highway and “not” on “any of the adjacent curbs!”) …protesting in the “private” abandoned gas station property was recommended by the Kentland off-duty Officer; A 1-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> MOVE ON / #36 Officers Encountered / #29 Informed of Protest
#22_ 09-29-14 Clinton,
Indiana: 1 Clinton Officer & 1 County Officer
……Official inquiry and voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with back-up on his wing …officer offered safety tips and cautioned against entering street and a very friendly chat and info share, a 1-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #38 Officers Encountered / #30 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police with back-up on his wing …officer offered safety tips and cautioned against entering street and a very friendly chat and info share, a 1-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #38 Officers Encountered / #30 Informed of Protest
#23_ 09-29-14 Vincennes,
Indiana: 1 University Campus Officer/2 University Deans
…informal citizen to citizen, very friendly solo chat;
…20 minutes later one Deans eject was almost immediately rescinded (90 seconds) by another/actually both Deans …an application, with an “office based” …Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police, was submitted to resume protest in front of the Student Union …invited back when office is open or apply in advance for a day permit (Excellent); A 1-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #39 Officers Encountered / #31 Informed of Protest (& 2 Deans)
…informal citizen to citizen, very friendly solo chat;
…20 minutes later one Deans eject was almost immediately rescinded (90 seconds) by another/actually both Deans …an application, with an “office based” …Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police, was submitted to resume protest in front of the Student Union …invited back when office is open or apply in advance for a day permit (Excellent); A 1-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #39 Officers Encountered / #31 Informed of Protest (& 2 Deans)
#24_ 10-17-14 Shelbyville,
Indiana: 2 Shelbyville Officers
……Official inquiry and voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police and very friendly chat with back-up on his wing …was offered safety tips on dangerous intersection truck turns and offered a bottle of water to cope with the heat; A 1-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana #27;
><> #40 Officers Encountered / #33 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police and very friendly chat with back-up on his wing …was offered safety tips on dangerous intersection truck turns and offered a bottle of water to cope with the heat; A 1-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana #27;
><> #40 Officers Encountered / #33 Informed of Protest
#25_ 10-18-14 Nashville,
Indiana: 1 (affable) Nashville Officer
…Official inquiry and voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police, a very cordial solo chat and info share, including a 2-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana #28;
><> #41 Officers Encountered / #34 Informed of Protest
…Official inquiry and voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police, a very cordial solo chat and info share, including a 2-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana #28;
><> #41 Officers Encountered / #34 Informed of Protest
#26_ 10-19-14 Rockville, Indiana: 1
Rockville Code Enforcement Officer
…drive by Smart Phone Pic of signs and protest …the same rusty white code enforcement Officer and Jeep rolled slow by with a smart phone, and took pictures of me and the signs …I waved and said, “hello Officer” …but he didn’t respond; No discussion again;
><> #42 Officers Encountered
…drive by Smart Phone Pic of signs and protest …the same rusty white code enforcement Officer and Jeep rolled slow by with a smart phone, and took pictures of me and the signs …I waved and said, “hello Officer” …but he didn’t respond; No discussion again;
><> #42 Officers Encountered
#27_ 10-24-14 Noblesville,
Indiana: 1 Noblesville Officer
……Official inquiry and asked to volunteer my Name & Address and “a postponed” Call-In to State Police (THIS OFFICER KNEW THE FIRST AMENDMENT WELL!) …just jotted data off the license for later reference, very friendly chat and info share including a 1-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #43 Officers Encountered / #35 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and asked to volunteer my Name & Address and “a postponed” Call-In to State Police (THIS OFFICER KNEW THE FIRST AMENDMENT WELL!) …just jotted data off the license for later reference, very friendly chat and info share including a 1-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #43 Officers Encountered / #35 Informed of Protest
#28_ 10-26-14 Syracuse,
Indiana: 2 (cordial) Northern Indiana Officers
…unofficial and informal citizen to citizen chat …seated on lunch break from out of the area, very cordial info share, including a 2-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #45 Officers Encountered / #37 Informed of Protest
…unofficial and informal citizen to citizen chat …seated on lunch break from out of the area, very cordial info share, including a 2-minute discussion about A.L.E.C.* running Indiana;
><> #45 Officers Encountered / #37 Informed of Protest
#29_ 12-13-14 A Crown Point, Indiana: 1 Crown
Point Officer
……Official inquiry and “called” to inquire if any of the 5 guns, stolen in 2001, had shown up …mainly the 2 they had the serial numbers on, a Smith & Wesson 357 and a Bersa 380. (The Ruger Single-Six I bought from a Griffith Police Officer had been recovered years earlier in a ditch in central Indiana). I assured her they hadn’t. There was another chance to apologized for having handguns (even though they were locked in a cheap metal gun safe); She said, guns are just commonly stolen; In parting, I told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #46 Officers Encountered / #38 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and “called” to inquire if any of the 5 guns, stolen in 2001, had shown up …mainly the 2 they had the serial numbers on, a Smith & Wesson 357 and a Bersa 380. (The Ruger Single-Six I bought from a Griffith Police Officer had been recovered years earlier in a ditch in central Indiana). I assured her they hadn’t. There was another chance to apologized for having handguns (even though they were locked in a cheap metal gun safe); She said, guns are just commonly stolen; In parting, I told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #46 Officers Encountered / #38 Informed of Protest
#30*_ 12-11-14 Bremen, Indiana: 1 Bremen Officer
…informal chat …just asked from the squad car stopped at the light, “Is anyone was bothering you?” ...very friendly, no info shared; No discussion;
><> #47 Officers Encountered
…informal chat …just asked from the squad car stopped at the light, “Is anyone was bothering you?” ...very friendly, no info shared; No discussion;
><> #47 Officers Encountered
#31_ 02-26-15 New Castle, Indiana:
1 New Castle Officer
…informal greeting on the way to the corner selected …no discussion of A.L.E.C.;
><> #49 Officers Encountered
…informal greeting on the way to the corner selected …no discussion of A.L.E.C.;
><> #49 Officers Encountered
#33_ 02-26-15 New Castle, Indiana: 3 New Castle Officers
…Official Inquiry with Name & Address requested and given to 3 Officers …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest, explained 5 of my signs, and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana; I offered to move to an adjacent corner to solve the problem …which actually was that they didn’t know the First Amendment that well; It’s not unusual;
><> #52 Officers Encountered / #41 Informed of Protest
…Official Inquiry with Name & Address requested and given to 3 Officers …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest, explained 5 of my signs, and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana; I offered to move to an adjacent corner to solve the problem …which actually was that they didn’t know the First Amendment that well; It’s not unusual;
><> #52 Officers Encountered / #41 Informed of Protest
#33_ 02-27-15 New Castle,
Indiana: 1 New Castle Officer
……Official inquiry and volunteered Name & Address in a informal chat …a 30-something Officer safety check someone had called to report a scary person by the courthouse …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #53 Officers Encountered / #42 Informed of Protest
……Official inquiry and volunteered Name & Address in a informal chat …a 30-something Officer safety check someone had called to report a scary person by the courthouse …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #53 Officers Encountered / #42 Informed of Protest
#34_ 03-07-15 Covington,
Indiana: 1 Covington Officer
…Official inquiry and voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police …a 50-something Officer wanted to do a safety check …asked for my I.D. …I mentioned, “It’s actually optional for demonstrators to supply I.D. under the First Amendment.” I told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #54 Officers Encountered / #43 Informed of Protest
…Official inquiry and voluntary Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police …a 50-something Officer wanted to do a safety check …asked for my I.D. …I mentioned, “It’s actually optional for demonstrators to supply I.D. under the First Amendment.” I told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #54 Officers Encountered / #43 Informed of Protest
#35_ 03-07-15 Williamsport,
Indiana: 1 Warren County Officer
…informal, very friendly chat, volunteered Name & Address (without request) …a 30-something County Officer stopped to simply ask about the signs …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana; Officer suggested I, “work on my signs messaging” …his relative would probably suggest that I put “Google ALEC” on the sign he was referring to.
(So I put “GOOGLE:” on top of 3 signs. ”Google:” is actually “a suggestion” that people may need to “research” the new, unfamiliar, or somewhat foreign information introduced on the signs. And that’s perfect! After all, I’m not promoting topics of misunderstanding [but it’s opposite] to people who are interested and “thus invited” to research it themselves. I can’t thank this Williamsport Officer enough! Kudos to the most helpful Police Officer I have met so far …in 284 stops throughout Indiana);
><> #55 Officers Encountered / #44 Informed of Protest
…informal, very friendly chat, volunteered Name & Address (without request) …a 30-something County Officer stopped to simply ask about the signs …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana; Officer suggested I, “work on my signs messaging” …his relative would probably suggest that I put “Google ALEC” on the sign he was referring to.
(So I put “GOOGLE:” on top of 3 signs. ”Google:” is actually “a suggestion” that people may need to “research” the new, unfamiliar, or somewhat foreign information introduced on the signs. And that’s perfect! After all, I’m not promoting topics of misunderstanding [but it’s opposite] to people who are interested and “thus invited” to research it themselves. I can’t thank this Williamsport Officer enough! Kudos to the most helpful Police Officer I have met so far …in 284 stops throughout Indiana);
><> #55 Officers Encountered / #44 Informed of Protest
#36_ 03-12-15 Monticello,
Indiana: 1 Monticello Officer
…Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police …a 30-something Officer stopped …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #56 Officers Encountered / #45 Informed of Protest
…Official inquiry and Driver’s License Check & Call-In to State Police …a 30-something Officer stopped …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #56 Officers Encountered / #45 Informed of Protest
#37_ 03-26-15 Greenfield,
Indiana: 1 Greenfield Officer
…Official inquiry with Name & Address requested and given & Call-In to State Police …30-something Officer asked for a name, birthday and town because I was standing in front of their Municipal Building …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #57 Officers Encountered / #46 Informed of Protest
…Official inquiry with Name & Address requested and given & Call-In to State Police …30-something Officer asked for a name, birthday and town because I was standing in front of their Municipal Building …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #57 Officers Encountered / #46 Informed of Protest
#38_ 03-28-15 Muncie,
Indiana: 2 Muncie Officers
…Official inquiry with Name & Address requested and given & Call-In to State Police …said I’ll be getting a “Cease and Desist Order” not to trespass on McDonalds property from protesting on the easement; 1 Officers asked for my name, and birthday as the other jotted down my license plate number; I told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #59 Officers Encountered / #47 Informed of Protest
…Official inquiry with Name & Address requested and given & Call-In to State Police …said I’ll be getting a “Cease and Desist Order” not to trespass on McDonalds property from protesting on the easement; 1 Officers asked for my name, and birthday as the other jotted down my license plate number; I told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #59 Officers Encountered / #47 Informed of Protest
#39_ 06-13-15 Nashville, Indiana: 1 (affable) Nashville Officer
…Official inquiry and statement that I may be in violation of a new sign ordinance that requires pre-approval before displaying the sign …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #60 Officers Encountered / #48 Informed of Protest
…Official inquiry and statement that I may be in violation of a new sign ordinance that requires pre-approval before displaying the sign …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran Indiana;
><> #60 Officers Encountered / #48 Informed of Protest
#40_ 06-13-15 Nashville, Indiana: 1 Brown County Officer
…Official inquiry and statement that I was blocking the sidewalk when I was clearly not doing that
…the officer directed me onto the County Courthouse property a few feet in back;
…no discussion of A.L.E.C.
><> #61 Officers Encountered
…Official inquiry and statement that I was blocking the sidewalk when I was clearly not doing that
…the officer directed me onto the County Courthouse property a few feet in back;
…no discussion of A.L.E.C.
><> #61 Officers Encountered
#41_ 06-27-15 Michigan City, Indiana: 2 Michigan City Officers
…Official inquiry and statement that my presence was not acceptable in front of Speedway-White Castle per so-called owners assertion …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran 26 Red States;
><> #63 Officers Encountered / #50 Informed of Protest
…Official inquiry and statement that my presence was not acceptable in front of Speedway-White Castle per so-called owners assertion …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran 26 Red States;
><> #63 Officers Encountered / #50 Informed of Protest
#42_ 06-30-15 Brownsburg,
Indiana: 1 (affable) Brownsburg Officer
…informal, very affable officer, volunteered Name & Town …a 20-something Brownsburg Officer stopped to simply ask about the signs …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran 26 Red States;
><> #64 Officers Encountered / #51 Informed of Protest / # Informed about A.L.E.C.
…informal, very affable officer, volunteered Name & Town …a 20-something Brownsburg Officer stopped to simply ask about the signs …told the Officer about the A.L.E.C.* protest and how this cabal of Billionaires and Wall Street Hell-Boys ran 26 Red States;
><> #64 Officers Encountered / #51 Informed of Protest / # Informed about A.L.E.C.
#43_ Elkhart,
#44_ Corydon
#51 Officers Informed about protest; 26 D. License & Name/Address Checks; 327 Stops; 10 Moves & Ejects, since 04-26-14)
#51 Officers Informed about protest; 26 D. License & Name/Address Checks; 327 Stops; 10 Moves & Ejects, since 04-26-14)
#43_ 00-00-15
><> #65 Officers Encountered
#44_ 00-00-15…
><> #65 Officers Encountered
#_ _ A.L.E.C. Chats w/Officers; 26 D. License & Name/Address Checks; 000 Stops; 10 Moves & Ejects; 14 months) ::
><> 19,753 ac 07-02-15 XXX
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| ↑ ↑☻
<> 245,551k ac ↑ Edited 06-25-17
[102] IGRPP - Indiana Green Revolution and Plutocracy Protest informs Anderson, Angola, Attica, Auburn, Aurora, Batesville, Bedford, Berne, Bloomington, Bluffton, Bremen, Brookville, Brownsburg, Brownstown, Carmel, Charlestown, Chesterton, Clarksville, Clinton, Cloverdale, Columbia City, Columbus, Connorsville, Corydon, Covington, Crawfordsville, Crown Point, Danville, Decatur, Delphi, Demotte, Dunlop, Elkhart, Ellettsville, Evansville, Fishers, Floyds Knobs, Fort Wayne, Frankfort, Franklin, Goshen, Granger, Greencastle, Greenfield, Greensburg, Hartford City, Hebron, Huntington, Indianapolis, Jeffersonville, Kendallville, Kentland, Knox, Kokomo, LaGrange, Lafayette, LaPorte, Lawrence, Lawrenceburg, Lebanon, Liberty, Ligonier, Logansport, Lowell, Madison, Marion, Martinsville, Michigan City, Mishawaka, Monticello, Mooresville, Mt. Vernon, Muncie, Nappanee, Nashville, New Albany, New Castle, Noblesville, Paoli, Pendleton, Peru, Petersburg, Plymouth, Portland, Princeton, Rensselaer, Richmond, Rochester, Rockville, Rushville, Salem, Scottsburg, Seymour, Shelbyville, Shipshewana, South Bend, Spencer, Sullivan, Syracuse, Terre Haute, Tipton, Valparaiso, Versailles, Vevay, Vincennes, Wabash, Warsaw, Washington, West Lafayette, Westfield, Williamsport, Winamac, Winchester, and Zionsville
Purpose ONE:
Expose Forbes 400 King’s 4th Branch of Government focusing on the Koch brothers cabal and the corporate “serf-capture” outreach program named A.L.E.C., The (un)AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE (Judas) EXCHANGE COUNCIL whose activities include:
FIRST, this IRS 501 tax free charity is a not-for-profit “social good” organization. It operates on untaxed or “gross” corporate profits and “pre-tax” personal billionaire and millionaire income. Since its founding by a Koch brother in 1973, A.L.E.C. recruits, nominates, and funds neo-conservative and neo-fascist State and U.S. Legislators, State and U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and Government Chief Executives and staffs including:
Governors and Presidents;
Cabinet Members and Administrators;
Attorney Generals and Prosecutors (who determine which state laws to enforce and which cases to dismiss); and
Secretaries of State (who control voter registration, disbursement of and sometimes “tampering” with electronic voting machines, and purging voters they don’t like …for “billionaires they do like.”)
A.L.E.C. chooses Corporatocracy and Billionaire “friendly” Judicial members and hometown country club lawyers from the U.S. court system. It “nominates corporate friendly” (or favorable case ruling) neo-fascist* State and Federal Supreme Court Justices for Republican/T Governors and Presidents. And here’s an afterthought …the US incarceration rate (in our public and private prisons) is 7 to 8 times that of the other 34 developed country average.
(Notes: *Fascism is the marriage of profit-charter Corporations, and State and/or Federal Government, which produces a Corporatocracy. *Neo means “new,” a contemporary time frame.)
SECOND, A.L.E.C., the founder and fearless leader Koch Brothers, and (their private corporate conglomerate) Koch Industries throws grand weekend parties at lavish hotels and resorts. They entertain multi-levels of right-wing Conservative government officials who rub shoulders with Lobbyists, Regional (economic) Warlord Billionaires, and Wall Street Hell-Boy CEO’s and Board Members. A.L.E.C. “helps” government officials explore “personal” opportunities for advancement. Legislators are handed “corporate written bills” and given campaign funding assurances based on performance. And A.L.E.C. keeps on churning their State and U.S. Legislator, Chief Executive (Governor and President), and State and U.S. Supreme Court Justice “nomination mill” for cancer capitalism, (spanning 43 years in 2016).
THIRD, A.L.E.C., and the subversive and secretive 4TH Branch of Government, is the gatekeeper at the “revolving door” in a “devolving” pay-to-play Democracy, a.k.a. …a Corporatocracy. A.L.E.C. “operatives” move from business, financial and legal professions into government, corporate board rooms, and lucrative lobbying groups and to (dolt-whispering-snake) think-tank and foundation cartels. And they move back around, recycling as needed through the revolving door of “The Corporatocracy” that phase-4 cancer-capitalism, nihilistic human greed, culturally designed blind-belief, wanton ignorance and team-jingo politics “built.”
FOURTH, A.L.E.C. corporate cookie cutter bills (that are “corporate written” for state capitals) which become “state laws” are the dirty deeds that are worthy of daily street level protest and social media activism.
FITH, the ultimate goal of IGRPP - Indiana Green Revolution & Plutocracy Protest is to banish A.L.E.C. (and Forbes 400 King’s) 4TH Branch of Government activity from Indiana, while exposing any legislator or executive who “acts like” and thus “votes with” the 20-some “confirmed” A.L.E.C. 4th Branch Members in the Indiana statehouse, including A.L.E.C. operative Governor Pence (and meeting attendee Dr. John Greg). That group (which “votes in lockstep with” the 20-some shills-4-billionaires) includes “all the current” Republican/T House Reps and Senators (2015), and Governor Pence. They vote for A.L.E.C. corporate cookie-cutter bills passed into “law” and tax cuts for rich anarchists and corporations. An identical corporate shill “bill mill” exists in about 30 red Confederate-Dixie, Rust-Belt and Prairie-Rural red states.
Purpose TWO:
Hold the mesmerizing cultural “shiny-watch” still for a few seconds in street protest, (for busy and working fellow Americans who are going and coming). The protest aims to “initiate a questioning process” for passersby, to begin seeing the “unfamiliar names” of those who want nothing to do with a socially responsible Democracy run by the people. It beckons fellow citizens to begin conversations and web searches about A.L.E.C. corporate legislation and the “secretive” 4TH Branch of Government. It’s just the main one (of a couple hundred) of Forbes 400 King’s power-brokering Political Action Committee and Big Corp “retail outlets.”
A.L.E.C. is a Wall Street Hell-Boy and Billionaire Regional Economic Warlord Cabal that I had zero knowledge of in 2008. I never quit looking for clues to their “4TH Branch of Government” activity since January 2010. That’s when the A.L.E.C. “nominated” Supreme Court decided the 5-4 Citizens (Corp’s & Billionaires) United decision vs. Federal Election Commission, on 01-21-10. It launched an era of unlimited hate-speech attack ads against the opponents of right-wing extremists. The candidate who has the most money spent on their behalf wins the election 94% of the time.
The A.L.E.C. “selected” Supreme Court 5 neo-fascists are “Charles Dickens World” Dominionist-Catholic Corporate Rent-Boy JustaSSes. On 04-04-14, the day McCutcheon [i.e.: spawn regional warlord’s unlimited “direct” campaign contributions and media hate-speech] vs. F.E.C. ruling came down, I decided that “frequent” street protest was necessary until “both” of these constitution twerking rulings (that overturned 100 years of decided law) are reversed. A.L.E.C.’s corporate judge and justice mill, which produced the 5 black-robed democracy hangmen, must be stopped!
Purpose THREE:
Investigate productive public protest communication methods including the oral and visual aspects of protest activism. Experiment with effective sign composition (size, letter, color, contrast, wording, etc) and weather-proof physical construction methods. The focus is on producing and displaying durable and controllable signs that throw a message across a 150’ diagonal 8-lane intersection. (Blog Entry 111]…signs, protesting, etc)
Purpose FOUR:
Demonstrate thinly disguised “employment preserving” public protest techniques to passersby, the Millennial Generation, and to Indiana’s children. Their future is in the hands of A.L.E.C. and similar corporate profit-charter cabals of the 4th Branch. Corporate and wealthy Anarchist’s “interests” are inaccurately conflated and described (by shill right-wing Conservative talkers, strategists, pundits, preachers, and politicians) as “American interests.” Paradoxically, American’s real interests are unabashedly not “corporate interests.” But American fascists, who have disabled the real function of government for multinational corporations, would have us think so.
Purpose FIVE:
Test the function and effectiveness of the First Amendment as a lone protester on Indiana public street corners, around the magnificent county courthouse squares (with sobering war memorials), near universities, in front of big-box low-wage retail commercial corridors, at events that draw fellow Hoosiers and the A.L.E.C. owned and operated Republican/T stronghold in the Indiana State Capital.
The assumption is that Indiana Officers respect and uphold the First Amendment guarantee of free speech. The A.C.L.U. – American Civil Liberties Union is still protecting the right to free speech in Federal Court. And as community representatives, police officers may well “pass the word” about the anti-Hoosier lawmaking activity of corporate shills in Indiana, a state that joined the “Neo-Confederacy” with the passage of the “A.L.E.C. written” 2006 Voter I.D. Law. The A.L.E.C. owned and operated “Republican/T Statehouse Trifecta” (house, senate, and governor) will continue through 2018. But A.L.E.C.’s “poster child” Governor then Vice President Pence, an Evangelical dolt-whispering snake, is one step away from the presidency.
Some notes of caution and perspective on The First Amendment require a citizen activist’s attention. It didn’t work so well for the “unarmed” grassroots “Occupy Movement” which was crushed nationwide in 3 days by POTUS 44 Obama’s Justice Department, in the FBI and Homeland Security coordinated police attacks.
The First Amendment and “armed resistance” was fairly “effective” for Nevada range-grass thief Cliven Bundy and supportive Oath Keepers and for that matter the Bundy Trigger-Finger Bunch at the Oregon Wildlife Refuge siege. It worked for armed Koch Tea Party “dollar-store patriots” threatening U.S. Congressman’s district-level public Health Care Law discussions in 2009 and 2010. Those periods of armed resistance were encouraged by the Koch Brothers, A.L.E.C., A.F.P., other corporate sponsors of Fox News, and the Republican/T Party. Fascists sponsor and/or benefit from the actions and the voting records of “shock-collared Americans” who gulp down devil-fear, moral-angst and hate-label propaganda that divides them from other groups of fellow Americans.
Forbes 400 King’s media which airs Fox Newes-4-Ewes, neo-fascist stochastic terrorist talkers, pundits, political hacks and think tanks is a problem that must be addressed in a peaceful manner. Being armed with signs and some knowledge, just off the curb and around the sidewalk, is the only way to “talk outside the circle” of personal or social media acquaintances and “over the heads” of Forbes 400 King’s corporate media (propaganda). ::
(10,865ac 03-13-17 01:14 pm EST)
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↑ These two signs were stolen by two 20 year olds at the Lafayette Street gathering on 07-16-14. (Here's that entry, below.)

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