A 4th Branch of Government Controlling the Indiana Capital Since 2006
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties"
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
FIND CORP’s that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corp’s who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking operations, “by proxy.”
“A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write & promote “Boutique” Industry Laws)
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/19VvwkC
>_^_ CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators;
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/OnXVMP
“A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; Model Legislation & Corporate Members/Sponsors List; A.L.E.C. Cookie Cutter Bills, Industry Designed Laws Shoved Down Our Throats; Boiler Plate Bills bound for Red State Legislatures; The Corp’s that steal Democracy for Profit-Charter Psychopaths ::
"Limited Government, Free Market, Federalism"
[i.e. Privatization, "Profitization," Class Warfare, No Social Safety Net, and Corporate Dominionism, a country managed like a Las Vegas Chicken for Forbes 400 Kings]
Keyword Tag, Search of A.L.E.C. Model Legislation
"ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Home :: Link/URL
*NOTE: Indiana Has An “Acute Legislative Problem” Described Below:
When RepublicanT A.L.E.C. members “introduce A.L.E.C. legislation” in the House and Senate, the bill receives a near 100% “lock-step approval” vote from fellow RepublicanT’s who are yet “undiscovered” to be A.L.E.C. members. Therefore, considering every RepublicanT Indiana House Member to have A.L.E.C. affiliation, sympathies or a dominionist team-jingo philosophy (that is so easily converted to chief bottle washer and fireball hurler) is not an unreasonable assumption. Lock-step leads to a “win.” Thinking gets a RepublicanT shunned, excluded or replaced. (That’s called a “loss.”)
This trend has continued since 2006 when the Supreme Court’s approval the A.L.E.C. Voter I.D. Law (which produced Bush Budget “Mayhem and Malware” Deputy Director Mitch Daniels …minus $6.6 trillion and counting) and (after the 2010 census) Indiana A.L.E.C. Agenda Gerrymandered Districts in 2011. To “trust” a RepublicanT is a fatalistic exercise of blind-belief in the “charity” of 1% greedy psychopaths and profit-charter nihilist corp’s.
Refraining from wildly popular vapid ignorance and finding some political big-boy pants is an idea whose time has come. (I got mine and “they fit!”).
*RT D RACE ‘14= Race w/Democratic Challenger
*D RT RACE ‘14 = Race w/RepublicanT Challenger
*UNOP/WRIT N = Unopposed/Write In a Democrat, etc w/Anti-ALEC mind
*RET = Retiring or Retired
*Off Yr = Off Election Year for Senator
SOURCE WATCH found paperwork “confirming” just the above INDIANA A.L.E.C. State Legislators & Mike Pence attended one A.L.E.C. Conference (noted in article links below from a few Investigative Journalism Sources; {SourceWatch is Subscriber Funded Investigative Journalism} :: Link/URL
A 4th Branch of Government Controlling the Indiana Capital Since 2006
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties"
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
FIND CORP’s that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corp’s who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking operations, “by proxy.”
“A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write & promote “Boutique” Industry Laws)
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/19VvwkC
>_^_ CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators;
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/OnXVMP
“A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; Model Legislation & Corporate Members/Sponsors List; A.L.E.C. Cookie Cutter Bills, Industry Designed Laws Shoved Down Our Throats; Boiler Plate Bills bound for Red State Legislatures; The Corp’s that steal Democracy for Profit-Charter Psychopaths ::
"Limited Government, Free Market, Federalism"
[i.e. Privatization, "Profitization," Class Warfare, No Social Safety Net, and Corporate Dominionism, a country managed like a Las Vegas Chicken for Forbes 400 Kings]
Keyword Tag, Search of A.L.E.C. Model Legislation
"ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Home :: Link/URL
INDIANA HOUSE REPS with ties to A.L.E.C.
IN-HD-16 2014 Rep. Douglas Gutwein (R-16) ALEC MEMBER *RT D RACE ‘14
INDIANA HOUSE REPS with ties to A.L.E.C.
IN-HD-16 2014 Rep. Douglas Gutwein (R-16) ALEC MEMBER *RT D RACE ‘14
IN-HD-18 2014 - Rep. David Wolkins (R-18) ALEC MEMBER *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-HD-21 2014 - Rep. Tim Wesco (R-21) ALEC MEMBER *RT D RACE ‘14
IN-HD-23 2014 - Rep. William C. Friend (R-23) ALEC MEMB *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-HD-32 2014 - Rep. P. Eric Turner (R-32) ALEC MEMBER *RT D RACE ‘14
IN-HD-33 2014 - Rep. Bill J. Davis (R-33) ALEC MEMBER *RT D RACE ‘14
IN-HD-38 2014 - Rep. Heath VanNatter (R-38) ALEC MEMB *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-HD-41 2014 - Rep. Timothy Brown (R-41) ALEC MEMBER*UNOP/WRIT N
IN-HD-54 2014 - Rep. Thomas E. Saunders (R-54) ALEC ME *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-HD-58 2014 - Rep. C. Woody Burton (R-58) ALEC MEMR *UNOP/WRIT N
<> [ K 9 ]
<> [ K 9 ]
IN-HD-65 2014 - Rep. Eric Koch (R-65) ALEC MEMBER *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-HD-85 2014 - Rep. Phyllis J. Pond (R-85) ALEC MEMBER *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-HD-88 2014 - Rep. Brian Bosma (R-88) ALEC MEMBER *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-HD-90 2014 - Rep. Mike Speedy (R-90) ALEC MEMBER *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-HD-91 2014 - Rep. Robert Behning (R-91) ALEC MEMBER *RT D RACE ‘14
IN-HD-93 2014 - Rep. David Frizzell (R-93) ALEC MEMBER *RT D RACE ‘14
ties to A.L.E.C.
IN-SD-01 2014 Sen. Frank Mrvan, Jr. (D-1) ALEC MEMBER
IN-SD-01 2014 Sen. Frank Mrvan, Jr. (D-1) ALEC MEMBER
IN-SD-06 2014 Sen. Sue Landske (R-6) ALEC MEMBER *RET *RDDR
IN-SD-07 2014 Sen. Brandt Hershman (R-7) ALEC MEMBER *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-SD-12 2014 Sen. Carlin J. Yoder (R-12) ALEC MEMBER *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-SD-17 2014 Sen. Jim Banks (R-17) ALEC MEMBER *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-SD-20 2014 Sen. Luke Kenley (R-20) ALEC MEMBER *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-SD-21 2014 Sen. Jim Buck (R-21) ALEC MEMBER *UNOP/WRIT N
IN-SD-32 2014 Sen. Pat Miller (R-32) ALEC MEMBER *Off Yr
IN-SD-42 2014 Sen. Jean Leising (R-42) ALEC MEMBER *Off Yr<>
*NOTE: Indiana Has An “Acute Legislative Problem” Described Below:
When RepublicanT A.L.E.C. members “introduce A.L.E.C. legislation” in the House and Senate, the bill receives a near 100% “lock-step approval” vote from fellow RepublicanT’s who are yet “undiscovered” to be A.L.E.C. members. Therefore, considering every RepublicanT Indiana House Member to have A.L.E.C. affiliation, sympathies or a dominionist team-jingo philosophy (that is so easily converted to chief bottle washer and fireball hurler) is not an unreasonable assumption. Lock-step leads to a “win.” Thinking gets a RepublicanT shunned, excluded or replaced. (That’s called a “loss.”)
This trend has continued since 2006 when the Supreme Court’s approval the A.L.E.C. Voter I.D. Law (which produced Bush Budget “Mayhem and Malware” Deputy Director Mitch Daniels …minus $6.6 trillion and counting) and (after the 2010 census) Indiana A.L.E.C. Agenda Gerrymandered Districts in 2011. To “trust” a RepublicanT is a fatalistic exercise of blind-belief in the “charity” of 1% greedy psychopaths and profit-charter nihilist corp’s.
Refraining from wildly popular vapid ignorance and finding some political big-boy pants is an idea whose time has come. (I got mine and “they fit!”).
*RT D RACE ‘14= Race w/Democratic Challenger
*D RT RACE ‘14 = Race w/RepublicanT Challenger
*UNOP/WRIT N = Unopposed/Write In a Democrat, etc w/Anti-ALEC mind
*RET = Retiring or Retired
*Off Yr = Off Election Year for Senator
SOURCE WATCH found paperwork “confirming” just the above INDIANA A.L.E.C. State Legislators & Mike Pence attended one A.L.E.C. Conference (noted in article links below from a few Investigative Journalism Sources; {SourceWatch is Subscriber Funded Investigative Journalism} :: Link/URL
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C15, “Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Brothers Founded & Funded the (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil, Founded Tea Party
“The Truth About A.L.E.C.”
~ Mike Papantonio & Cliff Schecter-Author,, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 06-27-11, Video, 11:36 min :: BB Link/URL
> ####(06-01-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C15, “Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Brothers Founded & Funded the (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil, Founded Tea Party
“The Truth About A.L.E.C.”
~ Mike Papantonio & Cliff Schecter-Author,, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 06-27-11, Video, 11:36 min :: BB Link/URL
> ####(06-01-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-20666A10,
“A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; (^^^)
{ActBlue Account}, via S SWIDTM S, {Subscribe}, 08-28-11, Link/
>##(03-17-13)*CWP*ED###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{ActBlue Account}, via S SWIDTM S, {Subscribe}, 08-28-11, Link/
>##(03-17-13)*CWP*ED###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Friends in Conference w/A.L.E.C.
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C16, “Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names ::
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?” ::
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R-*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R-*SC) and Tom Coburn (R-*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R-*IN), Tom Price (R-*GA), and Paul Ryan (R-*WI), Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
“Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ Huffington Post, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-28-11 :: Link/URL
>#(03-15-13)*CWP*(UJSC)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C16, “Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names ::
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?” ::
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R-*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R-*SC) and Tom Coburn (R-*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R-*IN), Tom Price (R-*GA), and Paul Ryan (R-*WI), Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
“Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ Huffington Post, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-28-11 :: Link/URL
>#(03-15-13)*CWP*(UJSC)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C21,
“Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Libertarian
Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Cabal; Guests include: Rep. Paul
Rayn (R-*WI), Rep. Mike Pence (R-*IN), Sen. Jim DeMint (R-*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn
(R-*OK), Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas, Rush
Limbaugh, Glenn Beck;
{GOP-Libertariayn-Rand-Anarchist-Chaos-Religious Tribalism}, Transcript, GOP, Audio
“Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar”
~ Brad Friedman - Mother Jones article, {Subscribe}, 09-06-11 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Million Dollar Donors Red Aloud, Charles Koch’s Remarks, 06-26-11, Audio, 04:00 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ ”In our exclusive recordings, David Koch introduces the New Jersey governor as ‘my kind of guy’ and ‘a true political hero.’” :: Top Secret Trip
“Audio: Gov. Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab”
~ Brad Friedman, via Mother Jones article, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-07-11, Short Gov. C.C. Audio >> listen close :: Link/URL
>(03-15-13)*CWP(UJSC)(*NJ)Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{GOP-Libertariayn-Rand-Anarchist-Chaos-Religious Tribalism}, Transcript, GOP, Audio
“Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar”
~ Brad Friedman - Mother Jones article, {Subscribe}, 09-06-11 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Million Dollar Donors Red Aloud, Charles Koch’s Remarks, 06-26-11, Audio, 04:00 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ ”In our exclusive recordings, David Koch introduces the New Jersey governor as ‘my kind of guy’ and ‘a true political hero.’” :: Top Secret Trip
“Audio: Gov. Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab”
~ Brad Friedman, via Mother Jones article, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-07-11, Short Gov. C.C. Audio >> listen close :: Link/URL
>(03-15-13)*CWP(UJSC)(*NJ)Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C22,
“Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Astroturf
Tea Party Movement ::
Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”::
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Gov. Haley Barbour (R-*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R-*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R-*OK), Rep. Mike Pence (R-*IN), Rep Tom Price (R-*GA), GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R-*WI),
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia; Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO, Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks ::
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom”
~ Keith Olbermann – MSNBC Countdown, {Subscribe}, Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, Author ~ “Griftopia” ’09 financial crash causes & Tea Party Origins; via tigerone1970,{Subscribe}, 10-25-12, YT/06:59 min::BB Link/URL
>_^_ Duplicate, Backup
”Olbermann: The Kochtopus”
~ MSNBC, via,{Subscribe},10-20-10, V06:59 min::BB Link/URL
>_^_ Duplicate, Backup
“Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda”
~ MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via VRAdmin, 10-21-10, YouTube, 07:05 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Koch Watch, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP(SEG)(*IN)(*LA)(*SC)(*GA)(*MS)(*OK)(*WI)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”::
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Gov. Haley Barbour (R-*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R-*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R-*OK), Rep. Mike Pence (R-*IN), Rep Tom Price (R-*GA), GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R-*WI),
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia; Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO, Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks ::
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom”
~ Keith Olbermann – MSNBC Countdown, {Subscribe}, Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, Author ~ “Griftopia” ’09 financial crash causes & Tea Party Origins; via tigerone1970,{Subscribe}, 10-25-12, YT/06:59 min::BB Link/URL
>_^_ Duplicate, Backup
”Olbermann: The Kochtopus”
~ MSNBC, via,{Subscribe},10-20-10, V06:59 min::BB Link/URL
>_^_ Duplicate, Backup
“Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda”
~ MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via VRAdmin, 10-21-10, YouTube, 07:05 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Koch Watch, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP(SEG)(*IN)(*LA)(*SC)(*GA)(*MS)(*OK)(*WI)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Times of Bad Behavior”
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C20, “Koch” Qaeda “Bros” Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Citizens United Conspiracy, Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia ::
Ginni Thomas – wife of Clarence Thomas works at Right Wing P.A.C. Liberty Central, “Koch” Qaeda “Bros” Teahad & Billionaire Cabal ::
Multi-Billionaires & Silver Sperm Psychopath Meetings, Supreme Court Influence; An anti-government cabal, rigging elections, plotting secret strategy ::
Libertarian Tea Party planning “The Path To Prosperity” for the 1% at twice yearly Koch Meetings, a swap meet where Big Corp’s Boards meet 501 & 527 not-for-profit Shadow Groups & Think Tanks & pledge or contribute untaxed Corp Money to Political Action Committees/P.A.C.s
“A Citizens United Conspiracy, Complete With Two Supremes”
~ Jimmy Zuma, Open Salon, via Smart V. Stupid, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-22-10 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>##(08-04-13)*CWP*UJSC#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C20, “Koch” Qaeda “Bros” Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Citizens United Conspiracy, Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia ::
Ginni Thomas – wife of Clarence Thomas works at Right Wing P.A.C. Liberty Central, “Koch” Qaeda “Bros” Teahad & Billionaire Cabal ::
Multi-Billionaires & Silver Sperm Psychopath Meetings, Supreme Court Influence; An anti-government cabal, rigging elections, plotting secret strategy ::
Libertarian Tea Party planning “The Path To Prosperity” for the 1% at twice yearly Koch Meetings, a swap meet where Big Corp’s Boards meet 501 & 527 not-for-profit Shadow Groups & Think Tanks & pledge or contribute untaxed Corp Money to Political Action Committees/P.A.C.s
“A Citizens United Conspiracy, Complete With Two Supremes”
~ Jimmy Zuma, Open Salon, via Smart V. Stupid, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-22-10 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>##(08-04-13)*CWP*UJSC#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
INDUSTRIES CONGLOMERATE – The 2nd Largest Private Corporation in
THEY LAUNCHED A.L.E.C. to Corrupt Democracy & Steal the Proceeds
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666A09, “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; Koch Tea Party Brothers, Koch Industries, and A.L.E.C. ::
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]::
[Rich Psychopaths who bought Democracy, and continue to spend their loose “chump change” buying Legislation for Pay-2-Play from Tea GOP.]
Koch Brothers Exposed, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
>##(03-15-13)*CWP*ZM##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
THEY LAUNCHED A.L.E.C. to Corrupt Democracy & Steal the Proceeds
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666A09, “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; Koch Tea Party Brothers, Koch Industries, and A.L.E.C. ::
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]::
[Rich Psychopaths who bought Democracy, and continue to spend their loose “chump change” buying Legislation for Pay-2-Play from Tea GOP.]
Koch Brothers Exposed, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
>##(03-15-13)*CWP*ZM##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C11,
“Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, 32
Millionaires & Billionaires Attending a Libertarian Republican Cabal
Who Want To Buy Politicians & Reduce Their Taxes, Destroy Our Civilization
& Environment
“Koch Brothers Caught On Tape – Obama & Osama Compared”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 09-07-11, YouTube, 05:30 min :: Link/URL
> ####(06-09-12)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Koch Brothers Caught On Tape – Obama & Osama Compared”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 09-07-11, YouTube, 05:30 min :: Link/URL
> ####(06-09-12)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Indiana State Republican Party Candidates; VoteSmart :: Link/URL
Indiana State Republican Party Candidates; VoteSmart :: Link/URL
Indiana State
Democratic Party Candidates; VoteSmart :: Link/URL
Project Vote Smart, 2014 All Key
Votes | State | Issue | Year | Keyword Search |
VS notes the votes, bills & issues on the record. You decide who votes for you from an informed point of view; {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
VS notes the votes, bills & issues on the record. You decide who votes for you from an informed point of view; {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
Indiana’s 100 HOUSE Districts: Issues, District Maps & Info; Ballot Pedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
Indiana 50 SENATE Districts: Issues, Maps, Info; Issues, District Maps & Info; Ballot Pedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
Redistricting in Indiana; Ballot Pedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
Indiana’s 100 HOUSE Districts: Issues, District Maps & Info; Ballot Pedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
Indiana 50 SENATE Districts: Issues, Maps, Info; Issues, District Maps & Info; Ballot Pedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
Redistricting in Indiana; Ballot Pedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
THIS IS A.L.E.C. and
A.L.E.C. is composed of politically active Multi-National Corp’s, Corp’s Lawyers, Corp’s Lobbyists, and a Billionaire Cabal of Libertarians and Social Neo-Conservative “Sharia Values” Corporate Dominionists, a who’s who of Forbes 400 Kings, Regional Warlords and Wall Street Hellboys. They believe their role is to re-educate Neo-Conservative Legislators and Neo-Conservative Judges. (The U.S. incarceration rate is already 7-8 times that of the group of 34 “other” Developed Countries.)
A.L.E.C.’s goal is to effect the privatization, “profitization” of government services, and force a “fire sale” on publically owned assets. A.L.E.C. Corp’s favor raising the price of formerly “not-for-profit” services 5-20% per year and breaking fair wage collective bargaining units, under the guise of “Prosperity.” Their goals are accomplished through “Pay-2-Play Politics,” questionably legal or unverifiable bribery.
A.L.E.C. plays an increasingly major role in the nomination of Republican Supreme Court Judges and has since it’s foundation in 1973. Due “in total” to their Supreme Court Justice nominations, Billionaire Money has “no limits” on buying the U.S. Political System for just “the loose change” in their pockets. Citizens [Corp’s Free-Unlimited Pistol-Whipping Ad-Speech] United v. Federal Election Commission dec. 01-21-10 and [Spawn Libertarian Anarchy] McCutcheon v. F.E.C. 04-04-14 insured that Rich Psychopaths have a path forward to ruling America as Kings, Warlords, and Wall Street Hell-boys.
{So either “their taxes need to be quadrupled” in order to “limit” the unlimited speech or the U.S. Constitution needs to be Amended. There is a petition door-to-door ballot initiative and a Wolf PAC call legislators and friends to demand a limited state constitutional convention to declare that 1.) Money is not speech; 2.) Corp’s are not people; and 3.) The public will finance elections. …for the price of a bowl of cat food per day.}
The only party that has shown any interest in raising taxes on the politically militant Rich and Corp’s is the Democratic Party with influence from organized fair wage labor, environmentalists, liberals, social (conscience) democrats, progressives, and independents. ::
A.L.E.C. is composed of politically active Multi-National Corp’s, Corp’s Lawyers, Corp’s Lobbyists, and a Billionaire Cabal of Libertarians and Social Neo-Conservative “Sharia Values” Corporate Dominionists, a who’s who of Forbes 400 Kings, Regional Warlords and Wall Street Hellboys. They believe their role is to re-educate Neo-Conservative Legislators and Neo-Conservative Judges. (The U.S. incarceration rate is already 7-8 times that of the group of 34 “other” Developed Countries.)
A.L.E.C.’s goal is to effect the privatization, “profitization” of government services, and force a “fire sale” on publically owned assets. A.L.E.C. Corp’s favor raising the price of formerly “not-for-profit” services 5-20% per year and breaking fair wage collective bargaining units, under the guise of “Prosperity.” Their goals are accomplished through “Pay-2-Play Politics,” questionably legal or unverifiable bribery.
A.L.E.C. plays an increasingly major role in the nomination of Republican Supreme Court Judges and has since it’s foundation in 1973. Due “in total” to their Supreme Court Justice nominations, Billionaire Money has “no limits” on buying the U.S. Political System for just “the loose change” in their pockets. Citizens [Corp’s Free-Unlimited Pistol-Whipping Ad-Speech] United v. Federal Election Commission dec. 01-21-10 and [Spawn Libertarian Anarchy] McCutcheon v. F.E.C. 04-04-14 insured that Rich Psychopaths have a path forward to ruling America as Kings, Warlords, and Wall Street Hell-boys.
{So either “their taxes need to be quadrupled” in order to “limit” the unlimited speech or the U.S. Constitution needs to be Amended. There is a petition door-to-door ballot initiative and a Wolf PAC call legislators and friends to demand a limited state constitutional convention to declare that 1.) Money is not speech; 2.) Corp’s are not people; and 3.) The public will finance elections. …for the price of a bowl of cat food per day.}
The only party that has shown any interest in raising taxes on the politically militant Rich and Corp’s is the Democratic Party with influence from organized fair wage labor, environmentalists, liberals, social (conscience) democrats, progressives, and independents. ::
Introduced of Passed New and Old Red Confederate States by A.L.E.C.
The [un]American Legislative [Judas]Exchange Council
Women's Rights-101, A.L.E.C. Boiler Plate Legislation, Indiana Ultrasound Probe ::
At Vote Smart’s “Interactive” Web Site:
Click -- State (Indiana);
Click – Health;
Click -- 2013 ::
{Facts and Opinion:
The RepublicanT’s in the Indiana Legislature, like the other 30-some Red Confederate Leaning States, require an A.L.E.C. Ultrasound Probe by a Wind-Up Talkie Doc, and a “Stirrup Movie” prior to a women’s personal and legal choice of the abortion option,
…as if Hoosier Women and their Doctors needed “help” from A.L.E.C. or Dominionists Christian Sharia Laws to evaluate personal ability or desire to complete a pregnancy (when 39% of fertilized eggs and fetuses are “naturally” aborted). And what happens when Mr. “I luv you, honey …says WTF! You’re pregnant! Whose is it?” 19 years of carrying and raising a “Tall Glass of Lemonade” for a reluctant sperm donor is a daunting task, under any circumstance.
*(Raising children has been made more difficult by wage inequality and 33 years of shipping jobs overseas to totalitarian slave-w/a-night-pass, 23 cents/hour wage Countries by the private non-government affiliated U.S. Chamber of Commerce… also a prominent A.L.E.C. Member.)}
"SB 371 - Requires an Ultrasound Prior to the Prescription of an Abortion-Inducing Drug - Voting Record Indiana Senate"
"See the voting record" Vote Smart, {Subscribe}, 04-11-13 :: Link/URL
(^^^) "SB 371 - Requires an Ultrasound Prior to the Prescription of an Abortion-Inducing Drug - Voting Record Indiana House"
"See the voting record" Vote Smart, {Subscribe}, 04-02-13 :: Link/URL
Introduced of Passed New and Old Red Confederate States by A.L.E.C.
The [un]American Legislative [Judas]Exchange Council
Women's Rights-101, A.L.E.C. Boiler Plate Legislation, Indiana Ultrasound Probe ::
At Vote Smart’s “Interactive” Web Site:
Click -- State (Indiana);
Click – Health;
Click -- 2013 ::
{Facts and Opinion:
The RepublicanT’s in the Indiana Legislature, like the other 30-some Red Confederate Leaning States, require an A.L.E.C. Ultrasound Probe by a Wind-Up Talkie Doc, and a “Stirrup Movie” prior to a women’s personal and legal choice of the abortion option,
…as if Hoosier Women and their Doctors needed “help” from A.L.E.C. or Dominionists Christian Sharia Laws to evaluate personal ability or desire to complete a pregnancy (when 39% of fertilized eggs and fetuses are “naturally” aborted). And what happens when Mr. “I luv you, honey …says WTF! You’re pregnant! Whose is it?” 19 years of carrying and raising a “Tall Glass of Lemonade” for a reluctant sperm donor is a daunting task, under any circumstance.
*(Raising children has been made more difficult by wage inequality and 33 years of shipping jobs overseas to totalitarian slave-w/a-night-pass, 23 cents/hour wage Countries by the private non-government affiliated U.S. Chamber of Commerce… also a prominent A.L.E.C. Member.)}
"SB 371 - Requires an Ultrasound Prior to the Prescription of an Abortion-Inducing Drug - Voting Record Indiana Senate"
"See the voting record" Vote Smart, {Subscribe}, 04-11-13 :: Link/URL
(^^^) "SB 371 - Requires an Ultrasound Prior to the Prescription of an Abortion-Inducing Drug - Voting Record Indiana House"
"See the voting record" Vote Smart, {Subscribe}, 04-02-13 :: Link/URL
Guns-101, A.L.E.C. & NRA
Legislation Passed in Indiana ::
At Vote Smart’s “Interactive” Web Site:
Check -- State (Indiana), Check -- Gun, Check -- 2013 ::
"Prohibits the destruction of firearms obtained from a 'firearm buyback program' ... Prohibits a law enforcement agency from conducting a 'firearm buyback program'”
"SB 229 - Amends Firearm Buy-Back Program Laws - Key Vote" (IN Senate)
Vote Smart, {Subscriber Supported Info}, 07-28-14 :: Link/URL
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| 20.0K ac ↑
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| INDIANA RACES↓ 59Kac
At Vote Smart’s “Interactive” Web Site:
Check -- State (Indiana), Check -- Gun, Check -- 2013 ::
"Prohibits the destruction of firearms obtained from a 'firearm buyback program' ... Prohibits a law enforcement agency from conducting a 'firearm buyback program'”
"SB 229 - Amends Firearm Buy-Back Program Laws - Key Vote" (IN Senate)
Vote Smart, {Subscriber Supported Info}, 07-28-14 :: Link/URL
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| 20.0K ac ↑
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| INDIANA RACES↓ 59Kac
INDIANA 2014 November 4, State Senate
Candidates, Incumbents, and A.L.E.C. Members Noted
INDIANA’S 50 SENATE DISTRICT Maps, IN State Gov. Info. :: Link/URL
INDIANA 2014 November 4, State Representative Races:
Candidates, Incumbents, and A.L.E.C. Members Noted
INDIANA’S 100 HOUSE DISTRICT Maps, Indiana House Democrats :: Link/URL
Voting in Indiana November 4, 2014 Election, BallotPedia :: Link/URL
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| INDIANA HOUSE RACES↓
Candidates, Incumbents, and A.L.E.C. Members Noted
INDIANA’S 50 SENATE DISTRICT Maps, IN State Gov. Info. :: Link/URL
INDIANA 2014 November 4, State Representative Races:
Candidates, Incumbents, and A.L.E.C. Members Noted
INDIANA’S 100 HOUSE DISTRICT Maps, Indiana House Democrats :: Link/URL
Voting in Indiana November 4, 2014 Election, BallotPedia :: Link/URL
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| INDIANA HOUSE RACES↓
IN-HD-02 2014 – D* Earl Harris [INCU] 90% v. 10% Jayson Reeves
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: East Chicago & Gary (NW) to just south of Ridge Rd; BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-02 2014 – D* Earl Harris [INCU] 90% v. 10% Jayson Reeves
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: East Chicago & Gary (NW) to just south of Ridge Rd; BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-04 2014 D Debora Porter 45% v. 55% R-T Edmond Soliday [INCU]
[ B 5 ]
*** *** *** *** RD MAP
District Map: IN 49 Corridor Rural South of Chesterton, Valparaiso East and West down US 30 Corridor, includes Wheeler, NE & SW of Valpo; Routes: I-80-90, IN 49, US 6, IN 130, IN 149, US 30, IN 2;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-04 2014 D Debora Porter 45% v. 55% R-T Edmond Soliday [INCU]
[ B 5 ]
*** *** *** *** RD MAP
District Map: IN 49 Corridor Rural South of Chesterton, Valparaiso East and West down US 30 Corridor, includes Wheeler, NE & SW of Valpo; Routes: I-80-90, IN 49, US 6, IN 130, IN 149, US 30, IN 2;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-10 2014 D* Charles Moseley [INCU] 57% v. 43% R-T - John Johnston
[ B 5 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Portage, South Haven Woodland Park, Chesterton (West), Dunes Highway, West of South Haven, North of Wheeler; Routes: US 12, US 20, IN 249, IN 149, I-94, I-80-90, US 6;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-10 2014 D* Charles Moseley [INCU] 57% v. 43% R-T - John Johnston
[ B 5 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Portage, South Haven Woodland Park, Chesterton (West), Dunes Highway, West of South Haven, North of Wheeler; Routes: US 12, US 20, IN 249, IN 149, I-94, I-80-90, US 6;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-11 2014 D J Metro 43% v. 57% [N/INCU] v. R-T* M. Aylesworth
[ C 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Illinois Line, (South of) Schererville, St. John, Lowell, Crown Point (Rural W), Cedar Lake(NW & S), Rural North of Lake Village & De Motte, Hebron to near US 421; Routes: US 41, IN 55, IN 2, US 231, IN 8;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-11 2014 D J Metro 43% v. 57% [N/INCU] v. R-T* M. Aylesworth
[ C 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Illinois Line, (South of) Schererville, St. John, Lowell, Crown Point (Rural W), Cedar Lake(NW & S), Rural North of Lake Village & De Motte, Hebron to near US 421; Routes: US 41, IN 55, IN 2, US 231, IN 8;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-12 2014 D Mara C. Reardon [INCU] 49% v. 51% R-T* William Fine
[ B 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Munster to Briar Ridge CC, Hammond (SW), Highland to Hoosier Prairie SNP, Griffith; Routes: I-80, I-94, US 41, US 6, IN 912;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-12 2014 D Mara C. Reardon [INCU] 49% v. 51% R-T* William Fine
[ B 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Munster to Briar Ridge CC, Hammond (SW), Highland to Hoosier Prairie SNP, Griffith; Routes: I-80, I-94, US 41, US 6, IN 912;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-15 2014 D Jim Wieser 41% v. 59% R-T* Hal Slager [INCU]
[ B 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Dyer, Schererville, Griffith South & Central; Routes: US 41, US 30;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-15 2014 D Jim Wieser 41% v. 59% R-T* Hal Slager [INCU]
[ B 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Dyer, Schererville, Griffith South & Central; Routes: US 41, US 30;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-16 2014 D Rich Ludington 36% v. 64% ALEC – R-T* Rep. Douglas L. Gutwein ALEC MEMBER [INCU]
[D 6 ]
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Lake Village, Fair Oaks, De Motte, Jasper Pulaski NR, North Judson, Tippecanoe River SP, Winamac; Route: US 41, I-65, IN 10, US 231, IN 114, IN 49, US 421, IN 14, IN 39, US 35, IN 119, IN 23, IN 8;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-16 2014 D Rich Ludington 36% v. 64% ALEC – R-T* Rep. Douglas L. Gutwein ALEC MEMBER [INCU]
[D 6 ]
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Lake Village, Fair Oaks, De Motte, Jasper Pulaski NR, North Judson, Tippecanoe River SP, Winamac; Route: US 41, I-65, IN 10, US 231, IN 114, IN 49, US 421, IN 14, IN 39, US 35, IN 119, IN 23, IN 8;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-19 2014 D Rochelle VanDenburgh [INCU] 49% v. 51% R-T* Julie Olthoff
[ B 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Hobart South & East plus Rural, Crown Point, Cedar Lake East, Winfield, Lakes of Four Seasons; Routes: IN 130, I-65, US 30, IN 53, US 231, IN 2;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-19 2014 D Rochelle VanDenburgh [INCU] 49% v. 51% R-T* Julie Olthoff
[ B 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Hobart South & East plus Rural, Crown Point, Cedar Lake East, Winfield, Lakes of Four Seasons; Routes: IN 130, I-65, US 30, IN 53, US 231, IN 2;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-21 2014 D Jodi Buoscio 33% v. 67% ALEC – R-T* Rep. Tim Wesco ALEC MEMBER [INCU]
[ B 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Southeast of Granger, East of Mishawaka, Oceola, Elkhart Central and South Rural, Dunlap, Rural West of Goshen, Wakarusa; Routes: I-80-90, US 20, IN 19, US 33;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-21 2014 D Jodi Buoscio 33% v. 67% ALEC – R-T* Rep. Tim Wesco ALEC MEMBER [INCU]
[ B 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Southeast of Granger, East of Mishawaka, Oceola, Elkhart Central and South Rural, Dunlap, Rural West of Goshen, Wakarusa; Routes: I-80-90, US 20, IN 19, US 33;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-22 2014 D David Kolbe 24% v. 71% R-T* Curt Nisly v. Independent – Michael Stinfer 5% [N/INCU]
[ B 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Nappanee, Syracuse, Warsaw W N S; Routes: US 6, IN 19, IN 15, IN 13 US 30, IN 25;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-22 2014 D David Kolbe 24% v. 71% R-T* Curt Nisly v. Independent – Michael Stinfer 5% [N/INCU]
[ B 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Nappanee, Syracuse, Warsaw W N S; Routes: US 6, IN 19, IN 15, IN 13 US 30, IN 25;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-25 2014 D Maurice Fuller 29% v. 71% R-T* Donald Lehe [INCU]
[ F 6 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Monticello, Delphi, Rural Lafayette East, Rural West of Frankfort, Rural Logansport North & East; Routes: IN 16, IN 39, US 421, US 24, IN 17, IN 43, IN 18, IN 28, IN 258, IN 26, IN 25, I-65;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-25 2014 D Maurice Fuller 29% v. 71% R-T* Donald Lehe [INCU]
[ F 6 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Monticello, Delphi, Rural Lafayette East, Rural West of Frankfort, Rural Logansport North & East; Routes: IN 16, IN 39, US 421, US 24, IN 17, IN 43, IN 18, IN 28, IN 258, IN 26, IN 25, I-65;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-27 2014 D* Sheila Klinker [INCU] 52% v. 48% R-T Chuck Hockema
[ G 6 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: West Lafayette East N S, Lafayette, Lafayette and Rural; Routes: I-65, IN 25, US 52, IN 26, IN 38;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-27 2014 D* Sheila Klinker [INCU] 52% v. 48% R-T Chuck Hockema
[ G 6 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: West Lafayette East N S, Lafayette, Lafayette and Rural; Routes: I-65, IN 25, US 52, IN 26, IN 38;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-28 2014 D Sean Shanley 17% v. 83% R-T* Jeffrey Thompson [INCU]
[ J 8 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Rural West of Zionsville, Brownsburg Central and
North & West Rural, Danville, Rural West of Mooresville; Routes: I-65, US
136, IN 75, IN 39, IN 75, US 40, IN 39, I-70;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber
Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-29 2014 D Joe Marcum 24% v. 74% R-T* Kathy K. Richardson [INCU]
[ I 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: East of Cicero, Noblesville, North of Fishers; Routes: IN 213, IN 37, IN 38, IN 32;[I9]
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-29 2014 D Joe Marcum 24% v. 74% R-T* Kathy K. Richardson [INCU]
[ I 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: East of Cicero, Noblesville, North of Fishers; Routes: IN 213, IN 37, IN 38, IN 32;[I9]
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-30 2014 D Chuck Sosbe 42% v. 58% R-T* Mike Karickhoff [INCU]
[ G 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Kokomo Central, East & South, Rural East of Kokomo, West of Marion, West of Gas City; Routes: US 31, IN 231, IN 18, IN 13, IN 19, IN 22, IN 37, IN 26;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-30 2014 D Chuck Sosbe 42% v. 58% R-T* Mike Karickhoff [INCU]
[ G 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Kokomo Central, East & South, Rural East of Kokomo, West of Marion, West of Gas City; Routes: US 31, IN 231, IN 18, IN 13, IN 19, IN 22, IN 37, IN 26;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-32 2014 D Bob Ashley 37% v. 63% ALEC – R-T* Eric Turner ALEC MEMBER [INCU]
[ H 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Kokomo Rural South and East, to North Side of Westfield, Cicero, Tipton, West Side of Gas City, Fairmont, Upland South; Routes: US 31, IN 38, IN 28, IN 19, IN 213, IN 13, IN 37, IN 26, IN 9, I-69;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-32 2014 D Bob Ashley 37% v. 63% ALEC – R-T* Eric Turner ALEC MEMBER [INCU]
[ H 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Kokomo Rural South and East, to North Side of Westfield, Cicero, Tipton, West Side of Gas City, Fairmont, Upland South; Routes: US 31, IN 38, IN 28, IN 19, IN 213, IN 13, IN 37, IN 26, IN 9, I-69;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-33 2014 D Shon Byrum 36% v. 60% R-T* Greg Beumer [INCU]
[ALEC RETIRED - Rep. Bill J. Davis ALEC MEMBER] Lb Zeb Sutton 4%
[ H 12 ]
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Ohio Line, Portland, Dunkirk, Albany, West & South of Muncie, Winchester, West Side of Union City; Routes: US 27, IN 26, IN 18, IN 67, IN 1, IN 28, IN 32, US 35, US 36;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-33 2014 D Shon Byrum 36% v. 60% R-T* Greg Beumer [INCU]
[ALEC RETIRED - Rep. Bill J. Davis ALEC MEMBER] Lb Zeb Sutton 4%
[ H 12 ]
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Ohio Line, Portland, Dunkirk, Albany, West & South of Muncie, Winchester, West Side of Union City; Routes: US 27, IN 26, IN 18, IN 67, IN 1, IN 28, IN 32, US 35, US 36;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-34 2014 D* Sue Errington [INCU] 66% v. 34% R-T Stuart Keenan
[ H 11 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Muncie; Routes: IN 32, IN 67, IN 3, US 35;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-34 2014 D* Sue Errington [INCU] 66% v. 34% R-T Stuart Keenan
[ H 11 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Muncie; Routes: IN 32, IN 67, IN 3, US 35;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-35 2014 D* Melanie Wright 51% v. 49% R-T Jack Lutz [INCU]
[ H 10 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Elwood, Alexandria, Yorktown, North of Anderson, North West & South of Muncie; Routes: IN 13, IN 28, IN 9, IN 67, IN 32, I-69;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-35 2014 D* Melanie Wright 51% v. 49% R-T Jack Lutz [INCU]
[ H 10 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Elwood, Alexandria, Yorktown, North of Anderson, North West & South of Muncie; Routes: IN 13, IN 28, IN 9, IN 67, IN 32, I-69;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-36 2014 D* Terri Austin [INCU] 61% v. 39% R-T James Shelton, Jr.
[ I 10 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Anderson and Rural South & East, East of Falls Park, Mounds SP; Routes: I-69, IN 109, IN 9, US 36, IN 67;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-36 2014 D* Terri Austin [INCU] 61% v. 39% R-T James Shelton, Jr.
[ I 10 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Anderson and Rural South & East, East of Falls Park, Mounds SP; Routes: I-69, IN 109, IN 9, US 36, IN 67;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-39 2014 D David Russ 27% v. 73% R-T* Gerald Torr [INCU]
[ I 8 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Carmel, North West Town Run Trail Park; US 31, Meridian St., I-465, US 52;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-39 2014 D David Russ 27% v. 73% R-T* Gerald Torr [INCU]
[ I 8 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Carmel, North West Town Run Trail Park; US 31, Meridian St., I-465, US 52;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-42 2014 D Mark Spelbring 44% v. 56% R-T* Alan Morrison [INCU]
[ J 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Covington, Clinton, Shades SP; Rockville, Turkey Run SP, Rural North & East of Terre Haute; Routes: I-74, US 36, I-70, IN 63, IN 234, US 41, IN 59, IN 340;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-42 2014 D Mark Spelbring 44% v. 56% R-T* Alan Morrison [INCU]
[ J 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Covington, Clinton, Shades SP; Rockville, Turkey Run SP, Rural North & East of Terre Haute; Routes: I-74, US 36, I-70, IN 63, IN 234, US 41, IN 59, IN 340;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-45 2014 D Bionca Gambill 43% v. 57% R-T* Bruce Borders
[ N 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *
District Map: Illinois Line, Rural South Terre Haute, Sullivan, Rural West of Linton, Central North & East Vincennes; Routes: IN 150, IN 154, IN 550, US 50, IN 67, IN 61;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-45 2014 D Bionca Gambill 43% v. 57% R-T* Bruce Borders
[ N 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *
District Map: Illinois Line, Rural South Terre Haute, Sullivan, Rural West of Linton, Central North & East Vincennes; Routes: IN 150, IN 154, IN 550, US 50, IN 67, IN 61;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-46 2014 D James Mann II 38% v. 77% R-T* Bob Heaton [INCU]
[ M 5 ]
*** *** *** ***
District Map: South East Terre Haute, Owen-Putnam State Forest, Spencer, Freedom, Ellettsville, Rural North East Bloomington; Routes: I-70, US 41, IN 150, IN 59, IN 46, IN 246, IN 157, US 231;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-46 2014 D James Mann II 38% v. 77% R-T* Bob Heaton [INCU]
[ M 5 ]
*** *** *** ***
District Map: South East Terre Haute, Owen-Putnam State Forest, Spencer, Freedom, Ellettsville, Rural North East Bloomington; Routes: I-70, US 41, IN 150, IN 59, IN 46, IN 246, IN 157, US 231;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-47 2014 D Michael Reddick 23% v. 62% R-T* John Price [INCU]
[ L 8 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Rural Southeast of Mooresville, Rural South of New Whiteland, Franklin, Rural North and West of Allendale Camp, Edinburgh, Rural West of Mt. Auburn; Routes: IN 37, IN 44, IN 252, US 31, I-65;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-47 2014 D Michael Reddick 23% v. 62% R-T* John Price [INCU]
[ L 8 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Rural Southeast of Mooresville, Rural South of New Whiteland, Franklin, Rural North and West of Allendale Camp, Edinburgh, Rural West of Mt. Auburn; Routes: IN 37, IN 44, IN 252, US 31, I-65;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-52 2014 D Charlie Odier 25% v. 75% R-T* Ben Smaltz [INCU]
[ B 13 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Rural North Fort Wayne, Laoeto, Garrett, Auburn, Butler, Spencerville; Routes: I-69, US 6, IN 1, IN 8, IN 3;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-52 2014 D Charlie Odier 25% v. 75% R-T* Ben Smaltz [INCU]
[ B 13 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Rural North Fort Wayne, Laoeto, Garrett, Auburn, Butler, Spencerville; Routes: I-69, US 6, IN 1, IN 8, IN 3;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-55 2014 D Glenn Bailey 29% v. 71% R-T* Cindy Ziemke [INCU]
[ K 11 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Manlove Park, Central North & South Rushville, Connersville, East of Waldron, Adams, Greensburg, Batesville; Routes: I-74, IN 1, IN 44, US 52, IN 121, IN 244, IN 3, IN 46;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-55 2014 D Glenn Bailey 29% v. 71% R-T* Cindy Ziemke [INCU]
[ K 11 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Manlove Park, Central North & South Rushville, Connersville, East of Waldron, Adams, Greensburg, Batesville; Routes: I-74, IN 1, IN 44, US 52, IN 121, IN 244, IN 3, IN 46;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-56 2014 D Phillip Pflum 33% v. 59% R-T* Dick Hamm [INCU] Lb 7%
[ J 13 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Ohio Line, Richmond, Rural North and East of Manlove Park; Routes: I-70, US 35, US 27, US 40, IN 1, IN 122, IN 227; {Q2 SE}
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-56 2014 D Phillip Pflum 33% v. 59% R-T* Dick Hamm [INCU] Lb 7%
[ J 13 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Ohio Line, Richmond, Rural North and East of Manlove Park; Routes: I-70, US 35, US 27, US 40, IN 1, IN 122, IN 227; {Q2 SE}
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-59 2014 D Zack Ellison 40% v. 60% R-T* Milo Smith [INCU]
[ M 9 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Edinburgh South and Rural, Columbus and West and South Rural Routes: I-65, US 31, IN 46, IN 58, IN 11;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-59 2014 D Zack Ellison 40% v. 60% R-T* Milo Smith [INCU]
[ M 9 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Edinburgh South and Rural, Columbus and West and South Rural Routes: I-65, US 31, IN 46, IN 58, IN 11;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-60 2014 D Daymon Brodhacker 35% v. 65% R-T* Peggy Mayfield [INCU]
[ L 7 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Mooresville, Martinsville, Central Southeast Bloomington, Morgan-Monroe SF, West of Yellowwood SF; Routes: IN 37, IN 67, IN 39, IN 46, IN 446;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-60 2014 D Daymon Brodhacker 35% v. 65% R-T* Peggy Mayfield [INCU]
[ L 7 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Mooresville, Martinsville, Central Southeast Bloomington, Morgan-Monroe SF, West of Yellowwood SF; Routes: IN 37, IN 67, IN 39, IN 46, IN 446;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-62 2014 D Jeff Sparks 40% v. 56% R-T* Matt Ubelhor [INCU]
[ N 6 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Linton, Bloomfield, Rural Bloomington South West; Routes: US 231, IN 57, IN 54, IN 67, IN 43, IN 445, I-69, IN 45, US 50;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-62 2014 D Jeff Sparks 40% v. 56% R-T* Matt Ubelhor [INCU]
[ N 6 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Linton, Bloomfield, Rural Bloomington South West; Routes: US 231, IN 57, IN 54, IN 67, IN 43, IN 445, I-69, IN 45, US 50;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-66 2014 D* Terry Goodin [INCU] 59% v. 41% R-T Lisa Shadday
[ Q 11 ]
*** *** *** *** **DR MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Austin, Scottsburg, Hanover, Medrian, Lexington, Underwood, Nabb, Charleston; Routes: I-65, US 31, IN 203, IN 256, IN 56, IN 62, IN 356;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-66 2014 D* Terry Goodin [INCU] 59% v. 41% R-T Lisa Shadday
[ Q 11 ]
*** *** *** *** **DR MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Austin, Scottsburg, Hanover, Medrian, Lexington, Underwood, Nabb, Charleston; Routes: I-65, US 31, IN 203, IN 256, IN 56, IN 62, IN 356;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-68 2014 D Rick Gill 30% v. 70% R-T* Jud McMillin [INCU]
[ L 13 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Ohio Line, Rural East & South of Connersville, Brookville Lake, Mounds SRA, Brookville, Bright, Greendale, Lawrenceburg, Rural North East of Aurora; Routes: I-74, IN 227, IN 101, IN 1, US 52, IN 350;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-68 2014 D Rick Gill 30% v. 70% R-T* Jud McMillin [INCU]
[ L 13 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Ohio Line, Rural East & South of Connersville, Brookville Lake, Mounds SRA, Brookville, Bright, Greendale, Lawrenceburg, Rural North East of Aurora; Routes: I-74, IN 227, IN 101, IN 1, US 52, IN 350;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-70 2014 D Heidi Sellers 41% v. 59% R-T* Rhonda Rhoads [INCU]
[ Q 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Surrounds New Albany (across from Louisville, KY), Sellersburg, Harrison-Crawford State Forest, Corydon, NW N & NE of Bradenburg; Routes: I-64, IN 60, IN 150, IN 135, IN 62, IN 337, IN 11;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-70 2014 D Heidi Sellers 41% v. 59% R-T* Rhonda Rhoads [INCU]
[ Q 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Surrounds New Albany (across from Louisville, KY), Sellersburg, Harrison-Crawford State Forest, Corydon, NW N & NE of Bradenburg; Routes: I-64, IN 60, IN 150, IN 135, IN 62, IN 337, IN 11;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-72 2014 D Kevin Bailey 43% v. 57% R-T* Edward Clere [INCU]
[ R 10 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, New Albany; Surrounded by District 70; Routes: I-64, I-265, IN 150, IN 64, IN 111, IN 62, IN 311;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-72 2014 D Kevin Bailey 43% v. 57% R-T* Edward Clere [INCU]
[ R 10 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, New Albany; Surrounded by District 70; Routes: I-64, I-265, IN 150, IN 64, IN 111, IN 62, IN 311;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-73 2014 D Doug Leatherbury 30% v. 70% R-T* Steve Davisson [INCU]
[ P 8 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Mitchell, Spring Mill SP, Brownstown, Starve-Hollow SRA, Salem, Paoli, Clark SF; Routes: US 50, IN 37, IN 150, IN 56, IN 135, IN 60, IN 160, IN 256, IN 39;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-73 2014 D Doug Leatherbury 30% v. 70% R-T* Steve Davisson [INCU]
[ P 8 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Mitchell, Spring Mill SP, Brownstown, Starve-Hollow SRA, Salem, Paoli, Clark SF; Routes: US 50, IN 37, IN 150, IN 56, IN 135, IN 60, IN 160, IN 256, IN 39;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-74 2014 D Chris Coyle 39% v. 61% R-T* Lloyd Arnold [INCU]
[ R 6 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, French Lick, Patoka Lake, Hoosier National Forest, Huntingburg, Ferdinand, Ferdinand SF, St. Meinrad, Lincoln SP, Tell City, Harrison-Crawford SF; Routes: I-64, US 150, US 231, IN 56, IN 145, IN 37, IN 237, IN 137, IN 145, IN 245, IN 64, IN 162, IN 62, IN 70, IN 66;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-74 2014 D Chris Coyle 39% v. 61% R-T* Lloyd Arnold [INCU]
[ R 6 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, French Lick, Patoka Lake, Hoosier National Forest, Huntingburg, Ferdinand, Ferdinand SF, St. Meinrad, Lincoln SP, Tell City, Harrison-Crawford SF; Routes: I-64, US 150, US 231, IN 56, IN 145, IN 37, IN 237, IN 137, IN 145, IN 245, IN 64, IN 162, IN 62, IN 70, IN 66;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-75 2014 D Steve Spinks 33% v. 67% R-T Ron Bacon [INCU]
[ R 5 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Rural Evansville NE E SE, Rural South of Petersburg, Rural East of Oakland City, Chandler, Boonville, Rural West of Lincoln SP, Kentucky Line, Ohio River; Routes, I-69, IN 57, IN 61, IN 64, IN 257, IN 68, IN 62, IN 261, IN 66, IN 161, US 231;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-75 2014 D Steve Spinks 33% v. 67% R-T Ron Bacon [INCU]
[ R 5 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Rural Evansville NE E SE, Rural South of Petersburg, Rural East of Oakland City, Chandler, Boonville, Rural West of Lincoln SP, Kentucky Line, Ohio River; Routes, I-69, IN 57, IN 61, IN 64, IN 257, IN 68, IN 62, IN 261, IN 66, IN 161, US 231;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-76 2014 D Tony Goben 37% v. 63% R-T* Wendy McNamara [INCU]
[ S 3 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Ohio River, Wabash River, Wadesville, Harmonie SP, Mt. Vernon, West Evansville, Burdege Park; Routes: IN 68, IN 69, IN 62;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-76 2014 D Tony Goben 37% v. 63% R-T* Wendy McNamara [INCU]
[ S 3 ]
*** *** *** *** **RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Ohio River, Wabash River, Wadesville, Harmonie SP, Mt. Vernon, West Evansville, Burdege Park; Routes: IN 68, IN 69, IN 62;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-77 2014 D* Gail Riecken [INCU] 62% v. 38% R-T Jeremy Heath
[ S 3 ]
*** *** *** *** **DR MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Fulton Park, Evansville North East South, Kentucky Line, Ohio River Routes: I-164, IN 66, US 41, IN 62;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-77 2014 D* Gail Riecken [INCU] 62% v. 38% R-T Jeremy Heath
[ S 3 ]
*** *** *** *** **DR MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Fulton Park, Evansville North East South, Kentucky Line, Ohio River Routes: I-164, IN 66, US 41, IN 62;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-78 2014 D Stephen Melcher 36% v. 64% R-T* Holli Sullivan [INCU]
[ S 3 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Ohio River; Evansville North East & East, Routes: I-164, US 41, IN 62, IN 66, IN 662;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-78 2014 D Stephen Melcher 36% v. 64% R-T* Holli Sullivan [INCU]
[ S 3 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Ohio River; Evansville North East & East, Routes: I-164, US 41, IN 62, IN 66, IN 662;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-81 2014 D Thad Gerardot 40% v. 60% R-T* Martin Carbaugh [INCU]
[ D 12 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Fort Wayne Central North & Near West: Routes: I-69, US 33, 30, US 24, IN 3, IN 1, IN 930, US 27;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-81 2014 D Thad Gerardot 40% v. 60% R-T* Martin Carbaugh [INCU]
[ D 12 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Fort Wayne Central North & Near West: Routes: I-69, US 33, 30, US 24, IN 3, IN 1, IN 930, US 27;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-82 2014 D Mike Wilber 23% v. 77% R-T* David Ober [INCU]
[ B 11 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Rural SE Goshen, Ligonier, Syracuse North, Albion, Kendallville, Rural North East of Fort Wayne, West Lagoto; Routes: IN 9, US 6, IN 13, US 33, IN 5, US 30, IN 205, IN 57, IN 3;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-82 2014 D Mike Wilber 23% v. 77% R-T* David Ober [INCU]
[ B 11 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Rural SE Goshen, Ligonier, Syracuse North, Albion, Kendallville, Rural North East of Fort Wayne, West Lagoto; Routes: IN 9, US 6, IN 13, US 33, IN 5, US 30, IN 205, IN 57, IN 3;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-84 2014 D Fred Haigh 33% v. 67% R-T* Bob Morris [INCU]
[ D 13 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Ohio Line, North East Fort Wayne; Routes: I-69, I-469, US 30, IN 1, US 24;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-84 2014 D Fred Haigh 33% v. 67% R-T* Bob Morris [INCU]
[ D 13 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Ohio Line, North East Fort Wayne; Routes: I-69, I-469, US 30, IN 1, US 24;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-87 2014 D* Christina Hale [INCU] 52% v. 48% R-T Michael Friedman
[ J 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Indianapolis North East, Washington Township, Riverwood Park; Routes, I-465, I-69, US 421, US 31, US 431, IN 37;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-87 2014 D* Christina Hale [INCU] 52% v. 48% R-T Michael Friedman
[ J 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Indianapolis North East, Washington Township, Riverwood Park; Routes, I-465, I-69, US 421, US 31, US 431, IN 37;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-89 2014 D* Debra Jenkins 59% v. 41% R-T Cindy Kirchhofer [INCU]
[ J 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRDRDR MAP
District Map: Outer East & South East Indianapolis; Routes: I-65, I-465, US 421, IN 67, US 40, US 36;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-89 2014 D* Debra Jenkins 59% v. 41% R-T Cindy Kirchhofer [INCU]
[ J 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRDRDR MAP
District Map: Outer East & South East Indianapolis; Routes: I-65, I-465, US 421, IN 67, US 40, US 36;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-91 2014 D Patrick Lockhart 33% v. 67% ALEC – R-T* Rep. Robert Behning ALEC MEMBER [INCU]
[ K 8 ]A
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Outer South East Indianapolis; Routes: I-70, I-465, US 40, IN 67, IN 267, IN 37, IN 32, US 31;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-91 2014 D Patrick Lockhart 33% v. 67% ALEC – R-T* Rep. Robert Behning ALEC MEMBER [INCU]
[ K 8 ]A
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Outer South East Indianapolis; Routes: I-70, I-465, US 40, IN 67, IN 267, IN 37, IN 32, US 31;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-92 2014 D* Karlee Macer 51% v. 46% R-T Bradford Moulton v. Independent John Couch 3% [N/INCU]
[ J 8 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Outer East Indianapolis; Routes: I-64, I-465, I-74, US 36, US 136, IN 114;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-92 2014 D* Karlee Macer 51% v. 46% R-T Bradford Moulton v. Independent John Couch 3% [N/INCU]
[ J 8 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Outer East Indianapolis; Routes: I-64, I-465, I-74, US 36, US 136, IN 114;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-93 2014 D Ryan Guillory 28% v. 72% ALEC – R-T* Rep. David Frizzell ALEC MEMBER [INCU]
[ K 8 ]A
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Outer South Indianapolis; Routes: US 31, IN 37, US 37, IN 135;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-93 2014 D Ryan Guillory 28% v. 72% ALEC – R-T* Rep. David Frizzell ALEC MEMBER [INCU]
[ K 8 ]A
*** *** *** *** *4TH BARD MAP
District Map: Outer South Indianapolis; Routes: US 31, IN 37, US 37, IN 135;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-96 2014 D* Gregory Porter [INCU] 84% v. 16% R-T Margaret Jones
[ J 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Central-East & North Indianapolis, Keystone; Routes: I-65, I-70, US 31;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-HD-96 2014 D* Gregory Porter [INCU] 84% v. 16% R-T Margaret Jones
[ J 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Central-East & North Indianapolis, Keystone; Routes: I-65, I-70, US 31;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-06 2014 D Roxanna Hanford 32% v. 68% R-T* Rick Niemeyer [N/INCU] RETIRING ALEC Sen. Sue Landske IN-SD-06 2014 -- Sen. Sue Landske ALEC MEMBER
[ D 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *4TH BA DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
Illinois State Line N-S: Schererville, Dyer, Crown Point, Lowell, W. of Hebron, mostly W. of I-65, Kentland, to Rural NW of Lafayette, and North of Attica; Routes: US 231, IN 10, US 41, IN 14, IN 114, IN 24, IN 52;
District Map: BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-06 2014 D Roxanna Hanford 32% v. 68% R-T* Rick Niemeyer [N/INCU] RETIRING ALEC Sen. Sue Landske IN-SD-06 2014 -- Sen. Sue Landske ALEC MEMBER
[ D 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *4TH BA DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
Illinois State Line N-S: Schererville, Dyer, Crown Point, Lowell, W. of Hebron, mostly W. of I-65, Kentland, to Rural NW of Lafayette, and North of Attica; Routes: US 231, IN 10, US 41, IN 14, IN 114, IN 24, IN 52;
District Map: BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-15 2014 D Jack Morris 41% v. 59% R-T* Liz Brown [N/INCU]
[ D 12 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: North Central South Fort Wayne, Routes: I-69, I-469, IN 1, US 24, US 30, 930, US 33;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-15 2014 D Jack Morris 41% v. 59% R-T* Liz Brown [N/INCU]
[ D 12 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: North Central South Fort Wayne, Routes: I-69, I-469, IN 1, US 24, US 30, 930, US 33;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-23 2014 D Bob Burkett 33% v. 67% R-T* Phil Boots [INCU]
[ I 5 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Attica, Covington, Crawfordsville, Shades SP, Clinton, Lebanon; Routes: I-74, I-65, US 41, IN 263, IN 136, IN 63, IN 36, IN 59, IN 47, US 231, IN 32, US 52;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-23 2014 D Bob Burkett 33% v. 67% R-T* Phil Boots [INCU]
[ I 5 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Attica, Covington, Crawfordsville, Shades SP, Clinton, Lebanon; Routes: I-74, I-65, US 41, IN 263, IN 136, IN 63, IN 36, IN 59, IN 47, US 231, IN 32, US 52;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-27 2014 D Jerome Hoog 25% v. 65% R-T* Jeff Raatz [N/INCU] Lb 10%
[ J 13 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Ohio Line, Winchester, Richmond, NE Connorsville, Routes: I-70, I-74, US 27, US 35, 28, US 27, IN 227;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-27 2014 D Jerome Hoog 25% v. 65% R-T* Jeff Raatz [N/INCU] Lb 10%
[ J 13 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Ohio Line, Winchester, Richmond, NE Connorsville, Routes: I-70, I-74, US 27, US 35, 28, US 27, IN 227;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-29 2014 D J.D. Ford 46% v. 54% R-T* Mike Delph [INCU]
[ J 8 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Zionsville, (West) Carmel, Indianapolis North East, Pike Township, Wayne; Routes: I-465, I-65, I-74, US 421, US 31, US 136, US 36;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-29 2014 D J.D. Ford 46% v. 54% R-T* Mike Delph [INCU]
[ J 8 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Zionsville, (West) Carmel, Indianapolis North East, Pike Township, Wayne; Routes: I-465, I-65, I-74, US 421, US 31, US 136, US 36;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-38 2014 D Timothy Skinner [INCU] 48% v. 52% R-T* Jon Ford
[ L 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Terre Haute and surrounding area, Brazil; Routes: I-70, US 41, IN 63, IN 340, US 40, IN 243, US 150, IN 42;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-38 2014 D Timothy Skinner [INCU] 48% v. 52% R-T* Jon Ford
[ L 4 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Illinois Line, Terre Haute and surrounding area, Brazil; Routes: I-70, US 41, IN 63, IN 340, US 40, IN 243, US 150, IN 42;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-39 2014 D Steve Lindsey 39% v. 61% R-T* Eric Bassler [N/INCU]
[ N 5 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Illinois Line, Rural South and SW of Terre Haute, Sullivan, Spencer, West Side of Ellettsville, Linton, Bloomfield, Rural West of Bloomington, Washington, Loogootee, Martin SF; Routes: IN 59, IN 46, IN 154, IN 150, IN 157, IN 67, IN 58, IN 57, US 231, 154, US 50, IN 550, US 150, IN 445, IN 45;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-39 2014 D Steve Lindsey 39% v. 61% R-T* Eric Bassler [N/INCU]
[ N 5 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Illinois Line, Rural South and SW of Terre Haute, Sullivan, Spencer, West Side of Ellettsville, Linton, Bloomfield, Rural West of Bloomington, Washington, Loogootee, Martin SF; Routes: IN 59, IN 46, IN 154, IN 150, IN 157, IN 67, IN 58, IN 57, US 231, 154, US 50, IN 550, US 150, IN 445, IN 45;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-41 2014 D Andy Talarzyk 24% v. 72% R-T* Greg Walker [INCU] Lb 4%
[ L 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Rural South Indianapolis, Greenwood, Franklin, Allendale Camp, Edinburgh, Columbus North and Rural; Routes: I-65, US 31, IN 252, IN 44;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-41 2014 D Andy Talarzyk 24% v. 72% R-T* Greg Walker [INCU] Lb 4%
[ L 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Rural South Indianapolis, Greenwood, Franklin, Allendale Camp, Edinburgh, Columbus North and Rural; Routes: I-65, US 31, IN 252, IN 44;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-43 2014 D Rudy Howard 28% v. 72% R-T* Chip Perfect [N/INCU]
[ M 12 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Adams, Greenburg, North Vernon, Aurora, Big Oaks National WR; Routes: I-74, US 421, IN 9, 46, IN 3, IN 350, US 50, IN 1;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-43 2014 D Rudy Howard 28% v. 72% R-T* Chip Perfect [N/INCU]
[ M 12 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Adams, Greenburg, North Vernon, Aurora, Big Oaks National WR; Routes: I-74, US 421, IN 9, 46, IN 3, IN 350, US 50, IN 1;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-45 2014 D Julie Berry 46% v. 54% R-T* Jim Smith [INCU]
[ O 11 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Austin, Scottsburg, Underwood, Lexington, Nabb, Hanover, Charleston, Sellersburg; Routes: I-65, IN 256, IN 203, IN 62, 60, IN 42, US 421, IN 250, IN 56, IN 250, IN 129;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-45 2014 D Julie Berry 46% v. 54% R-T* Jim Smith [INCU]
[ O 11 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Austin, Scottsburg, Underwood, Lexington, Nabb, Hanover, Charleston, Sellersburg; Routes: I-65, IN 256, IN 203, IN 62, 60, IN 42, US 421, IN 250, IN 56, IN 250, IN 129;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-46 2014 D Chuck Freiberger 44% v. 56% R-T* Ron Grooms [INCU]
[ Q 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Ohio River, Floyds Knobs, Georgetown, Clarksville; Routes: I-64, I-265, I-65, US 150, IN 64, IN 62, US 31, IN 111, IN 265;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-46 2014 D Chuck Freiberger 44% v. 56% R-T* Ron Grooms [INCU]
[ Q 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *RD MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Ohio River, Floyds Knobs, Georgetown, Clarksville; Routes: I-64, I-265, I-65, US 150, IN 64, IN 62, US 31, IN 111, IN 265;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-47 2014 D Richard Young, Jr. [INCU] 42% v. 58% R-T* Erin Houchin
[ Q 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Ohio River, Rural North East of Clarksville, Paoli, Salem, Tel City, Corydon; Routes: I-64, US 150, IN 37, IN 145, IN 135, IN 237, IN 150, IN 66;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
148S_ IN-SD-47 2014 D Richard Young, Jr. [INCU] 42% v. 58% R-T* Erin Houchin
[ Q 9 ]
*** *** *** *** *DR MAP
District Map: Kentucky Line, Ohio River, Rural North East of Clarksville, Paoli, Salem, Tel City, Corydon; Routes: I-64, US 150, IN 37, IN 145, IN 135, IN 237, IN 150, IN 66;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
IN-SD-48 2014 D Larry Vollmer 34% v. 66% R-T Mark Messmer [N/INCU]
[ Q 5 ]
*** *** *** *** *DRRD MAP – NO INCUMBENT
District Map: Rural North & East Evansville, Kentucky Line, Ohio River, Vincennes, (East) Mt. Carmel, Princeton, Jasper, Huntingburg, Boonville, Lincoln SP; Routes: I-64, I-164, IN 61, US 41, IN 57, US 231, US 60, IN 162, IN 257;
BallotPedia[.]org Map, {Subscriber Supported Info} :: Link/URL
<> Edited 11-09-14
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| INDIANA SENATE Races↑
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| *Edited 11-09-14
ActBlue Directory,
Committees or organizations found.
Groups and Funds: |Ballot Initiatives |Candidate | Draft Funds | Independent Expenditure | Committees | Joint Committees |Organizations |Party Committees | Recount Funds|
Candidates For: |State Executive |State Senate |State House |Governor | U.S. House |U.S. Senate | President |
*AK; *AL; *AR; *AS; *AZ; *CA; *CO; *CT; *DC; *DE; *FL; *GA; *HI; *IA; *ID; *IL; *IN; *KS; *KY; *LA; *MA; *MD; *ME; *MI; *MN; *MO; *MP; *MS; *MT; *NC; *ND; *NE; *NH; *NJ; *NM; *NV; *NY; *OH; *OK; *OR; *PA; *PR; *RI; *SC; *SD; *TN; *TX; *UT; *VA; *VI; *VT; *WA; *WI; *WV; *WY;
>_^_ Candidates for Indiana State Senate
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||59K ac ↑
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| 20.4K ac ↓
Groups and Funds: |Ballot Initiatives |Candidate | Draft Funds | Independent Expenditure | Committees | Joint Committees |Organizations |Party Committees | Recount Funds|
Candidates For: |State Executive |State Senate |State House |Governor | U.S. House |U.S. Senate | President |
*AK; *AL; *AR; *AS; *AZ; *CA; *CO; *CT; *DC; *DE; *FL; *GA; *HI; *IA; *ID; *IL; *IN; *KS; *KY; *LA; *MA; *MD; *ME; *MI; *MN; *MO; *MP; *MS; *MT; *NC; *ND; *NE; *NH; *NJ; *NM; *NV; *NY; *OH; *OK; *OR; *PA; *PR; *RI; *SC; *SD; *TN; *TX; *UT; *VA; *VI; *VT; *WA; *WI; *WV; *WY;
>_^_ Candidates for Indiana State Senate
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||59K ac ↑
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| 20.4K ac ↓
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-20666A11, “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; A.L.E.C. Uses Religion, Spiritual Warfare, Loves White Republican Jesus ::
“The Grand Old Party is more religious cult than political organization.”
~ Pres. of the Alamo City Republican Women’s Club, 1993
(^^^)“The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party” “Taking Over the Republican Party”
~ Theocracy Watch, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
>#(03-17-13)*CWP*RE*TX*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-20666A11, “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; A.L.E.C. Uses Religion, Spiritual Warfare, Loves White Republican Jesus ::
“The Grand Old Party is more religious cult than political organization.”
~ Pres. of the Alamo City Republican Women’s Club, 1993
(^^^)“The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party” “Taking Over the Republican Party”
~ Theocracy Watch, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
>#(03-17-13)*CWP*RE*TX*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety
Interactive 50 State Map – CLICK a State to view statistics of Uninsured Americans age 19 – 64 ::
"The 26 Republican-dominated states not participating in an expansion of Medicaid are home to a disproportionate share of the nation’s poorest uninsured residents. Eight million will be stranded without insurance."
"Where Poor and Uninsured Americans Live"
~ Robert Gebeloff, Haeyoun Park, Matthew Bloch, & Matthew Ericson - The New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-02-13 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ "national effort to extend health coverage to millions of Americans will leave out two-thirds of the poor blacks and single mothers and more than half of the low-wage workers who do not have insurance ...according to an analysis of census data by The New York Times." ::
"they live in states largely controlled by Republicans that have declined to participate in a vast expansion of Medicaid, the medical insurance program for the poor ...8 million Americans ...impoverished, uninsured and ineligible for help. The federal government will pay for the expansion through 2016 and no less than 90 percent of costs in later years."
"Millions of Poor Are Left Uncovered by Health Law"
~ Sabrina Tavernise & Robert Gebeloff - New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-02-13 :: Link/URL
>_^_ 2 Page "FILE DOWNLOAD" MEDICAID Participation Stats of 50 States;
STATES "Not Participating" in Medicaid Expansion as of 09-30-13 are:
*AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY
"State Medicaid and CHIP Income Eligibility Standards Effective January 1, 2014(*1) (For MAGI Groups, based on state decisions as of September 30, 2013)"
~ CMS - Center For Medicare & Medicaid Services - Center For Medicaid & Chip Services, 09-30-13 :: Link/URL 2 Page FILE DOWNLOAD
> ####(09-30-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Interactive 50 State Map – CLICK a State to view statistics of Uninsured Americans age 19 – 64 ::
"The 26 Republican-dominated states not participating in an expansion of Medicaid are home to a disproportionate share of the nation’s poorest uninsured residents. Eight million will be stranded without insurance."
"Where Poor and Uninsured Americans Live"
~ Robert Gebeloff, Haeyoun Park, Matthew Bloch, & Matthew Ericson - The New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-02-13 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ "national effort to extend health coverage to millions of Americans will leave out two-thirds of the poor blacks and single mothers and more than half of the low-wage workers who do not have insurance ...according to an analysis of census data by The New York Times." ::
"they live in states largely controlled by Republicans that have declined to participate in a vast expansion of Medicaid, the medical insurance program for the poor ...8 million Americans ...impoverished, uninsured and ineligible for help. The federal government will pay for the expansion through 2016 and no less than 90 percent of costs in later years."
"Millions of Poor Are Left Uncovered by Health Law"
~ Sabrina Tavernise & Robert Gebeloff - New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-02-13 :: Link/URL
>_^_ 2 Page "FILE DOWNLOAD" MEDICAID Participation Stats of 50 States;
STATES "Not Participating" in Medicaid Expansion as of 09-30-13 are:
*AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY
"State Medicaid and CHIP Income Eligibility Standards Effective January 1, 2014(*1) (For MAGI Groups, based on state decisions as of September 30, 2013)"
~ CMS - Center For Medicare & Medicaid Services - Center For Medicaid & Chip Services, 09-30-13 :: Link/URL 2 Page FILE DOWNLOAD
> ####(09-30-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety
Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-01D, HealthCare &
Medicare Expansion ::
"…Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act, Medicaid eligibility will be extended to all individuals with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level beginning in 2014—$26,347 for a family of three and $15,417 for an individual. ...will cover all families and individuals below this income level, including groups …such as low-income, able-bodied parents, low-income adults without children, and many …with chronic mental illness or disabilities, who struggle to maintain well-paid jobs but don’t currently meet disability standards for Medicaid."
"10 Frequently Asked Questions About Medicaid Expansion"
~ Sarah Baron - Center for American Progress - Health Care, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-02-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-30-13)*ECHC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"…Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act, Medicaid eligibility will be extended to all individuals with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level beginning in 2014—$26,347 for a family of three and $15,417 for an individual. ...will cover all families and individuals below this income level, including groups …such as low-income, able-bodied parents, low-income adults without children, and many …with chronic mental illness or disabilities, who struggle to maintain well-paid jobs but don’t currently meet disability standards for Medicaid."
"10 Frequently Asked Questions About Medicaid Expansion"
~ Sarah Baron - Center for American Progress - Health Care, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-02-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-30-13)*ECHC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety
“Health Insurance Coverage in All 50 States” Interactive Map/Click your State to determine status of:
1. State Participation to cover dozens of thousands of State Residents or Non-Participation in Expanded Medicaid
2. State Health Insurance Exchanges or (in defaulting red states) the U.S. Government Sponsored Exchange
STATES "Not Participating" in Medicaid Expansion as of 09-30-13 are:
*AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY
*States that did not create a health insurance exchange will not get expanded Medicaid in 2014 :: Link/URL
>####(09-29-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Health Insurance Coverage in All 50 States” Interactive Map/Click your State to determine status of:
1. State Participation to cover dozens of thousands of State Residents or Non-Participation in Expanded Medicaid
2. State Health Insurance Exchanges or (in defaulting red states) the U.S. Government Sponsored Exchange
STATES "Not Participating" in Medicaid Expansion as of 09-30-13 are:
*AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY
*States that did not create a health insurance exchange will not get expanded Medicaid in 2014 :: Link/URL
>####(09-29-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
State-*IN_ Indiana-0666—WOMEN02, Gov.
Mitch “Mickey/EasyRider RentBoy” Daniels (R-*IN), Indiana
Republicans Assault Planned Parenthood;
{Bill was subsequently Signed by Mitch Daniels “to prove his Conservative chops” for a Presidential Run, & Later Thrown Out By Judicial Review… after scoring Political Points for the Extremist Big Government Tea Party & Dominionist Evangelicals} :: Points for the Extremist Big Government Tea Party & Dominionist Evangelicals} ::
“on a Federal Level P.P. just survived a massive assault, led by Rep. Mike Pence (R-*IN)” (IN Gov, Candidate) & Tea Party House of Reps
“Social Truce Faces Test Over Planned Parenthood Vote”
~ Melissa Jeltsen – TPMMuckraker, {Subscribe}, 04-28-11 :: Link/URL*^*<" _defunde.php
> ####(07-17-12)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{Bill was subsequently Signed by Mitch Daniels “to prove his Conservative chops” for a Presidential Run, & Later Thrown Out By Judicial Review… after scoring Political Points for the Extremist Big Government Tea Party & Dominionist Evangelicals} :: Points for the Extremist Big Government Tea Party & Dominionist Evangelicals} ::
“on a Federal Level P.P. just survived a massive assault, led by Rep. Mike Pence (R-*IN)” (IN Gov, Candidate) & Tea Party House of Reps
“Social Truce Faces Test Over Planned Parenthood Vote”
~ Melissa Jeltsen – TPMMuckraker, {Subscribe}, 04-28-11 :: Link/URL*^*<" _defunde.php
> ####(07-17-12)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C.
Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Walmart Welfare Queens-06, Law-Gun, 23 Stand Your Ground States;
*AL, *AZ, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN^, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MS, *MT, *NV, *NC, *OK, *OR, *SC^, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WA, *WV^ (^ No Duty To Retreat from a confrontation); Corp Wall Street Deregulation; In 2004, the Ban on Assault Weapon Sales to the Public was Lifted by Republicans and BlueDogs serving A.L.E.C., the N.R.A/National Rifle Association owned by Gun Manuf’ers, and the Biggest Gun Retailer, Walmart ::
A.L.E.C. works for all of them to pass State Laws favoring Big Corp’s & Special Interest Groups :: Wayne LaPierre – NRA - C.E.O. – Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins :: Gun Manuf’ng Lobby, NRA, Corp Wolf P.A.C. gun industry profits, pistol-whipping legislators ::
[Walmart Store social safety net subsidy to workers, figured by the Congressional Budget Office for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 Million/Store/Year. This anti-union anti-living wage Walton family has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 Million in 2013.]
“23 States with ‘Stand Your Ground’ Gun Laws like Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free”
~ Cora Currier-ProPublica, via Alternet,{Subscribe},03-25-12::Link/URL*^*< _gun_laws_like_the_one_that_let_trayvon_martin%27s_killer_go_free/?page=entire
>##(03-20-13)*CWP2*ULG#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
*AL, *AZ, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN^, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MS, *MT, *NV, *NC, *OK, *OR, *SC^, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WA, *WV^ (^ No Duty To Retreat from a confrontation); Corp Wall Street Deregulation; In 2004, the Ban on Assault Weapon Sales to the Public was Lifted by Republicans and BlueDogs serving A.L.E.C., the N.R.A/National Rifle Association owned by Gun Manuf’ers, and the Biggest Gun Retailer, Walmart ::
A.L.E.C. works for all of them to pass State Laws favoring Big Corp’s & Special Interest Groups :: Wayne LaPierre – NRA - C.E.O. – Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins :: Gun Manuf’ng Lobby, NRA, Corp Wolf P.A.C. gun industry profits, pistol-whipping legislators ::
[Walmart Store social safety net subsidy to workers, figured by the Congressional Budget Office for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 Million/Store/Year. This anti-union anti-living wage Walton family has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 Million in 2013.]
“23 States with ‘Stand Your Ground’ Gun Laws like Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free”
~ Cora Currier-ProPublica, via Alternet,{Subscribe},03-25-12::Link/URL*^*< _gun_laws_like_the_one_that_let_trayvon_martin%27s_killer_go_free/?page=entire
>##(03-20-13)*CWP2*ULG#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-20666A12,
“A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council
(^^^)“The Secret World of ALEC’S Hacks”
~ Jesse Zwick - The Washington Ind, {Subscribe}, 10-12-10 :: Link/URL
> ####(03-17-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(^^^)“The Secret World of ALEC’S Hacks”
~ Jesse Zwick - The Washington Ind, {Subscribe}, 10-12-10 :: Link/URL
> ####(03-17-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C12,
“Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, (Multi-Billionaires),
Corporatocracy, Class Warfare; Education Influence
Disclosure Book ::
Koch Brothers funding 150 University Economics Positions at state universities in the U.S.; “Affront to academic freedom” ::
{Koch Brothers selecting free market like Friedman “Chicago School” Economics textbooks and controlling what is taught; Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”} ::
Charles Koch pledged $1.5 million for (2 faculty) positions at Florida State::
Jennifer Washburn, author “University Inc” reviewed dozens of University Donor Contracts, commented on the FSU’s with Koch Saying ~
“This is an egregious example of a public university being willing to sell itself for next to nothing.”
“Billionaire’s role in hiring decisions at State University raises questions”
~ Kris Hundley – Tampa Bay Times, {Subscribe}, 05-10-11 :: Link/URL
>##(09-17-13)*CCW*ECED#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Koch Brothers funding 150 University Economics Positions at state universities in the U.S.; “Affront to academic freedom” ::
{Koch Brothers selecting free market like Friedman “Chicago School” Economics textbooks and controlling what is taught; Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”} ::
Charles Koch pledged $1.5 million for (2 faculty) positions at Florida State::
Jennifer Washburn, author “University Inc” reviewed dozens of University Donor Contracts, commented on the FSU’s with Koch Saying ~
“This is an egregious example of a public university being willing to sell itself for next to nothing.”
“Billionaire’s role in hiring decisions at State University raises questions”
~ Kris Hundley – Tampa Bay Times, {Subscribe}, 05-10-11 :: Link/URL
>##(09-17-13)*CCW*ECED#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C13,
“Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire
Meeting; Governor Chris Christie’s
(R-*NJ) Secret Trip
“Christie for President”
~ Aaron Ross - Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-07-11 :: Link/URL
> ####(03-15-13)CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Christie for President”
~ Aaron Ross - Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-07-11 :: Link/URL
> ####(03-15-13)CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C14,
“Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Koch
Industries Manipulating Oil Prices
“Koch Industries Lackeys Admit to Manipulating Oil Prices …And Gloat About It, Too”
~ Yasha Levine - The Exiled, {Subscribe}, 04-15-11 :: BB Link/URL
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP*ENO*PMF(EC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Koch Industries Lackeys Admit to Manipulating Oil Prices …And Gloat About It, Too”
~ Yasha Levine - The Exiled, {Subscribe}, 04-15-11 :: BB Link/URL
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP*ENO*PMF(EC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666UFRS01A,
Multiple, Paul Weyrich, The Father of Modern Conservatism, Founded A.L.E.C. –
(un)American Legislative Council, Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute ::
{P.A.C.’s - Political Action Committees Funded by:
Corp "Gross" Profit i.e. ...Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Tax-Deductible "1% Charity" Dollars Personal "Gross" Income i.e. ...Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Tax-Deductible "1% Charity" Dollars} :: The Christian Right Addressed ::
{Video clip from a Weyrich speech delivered in a Dallas Texas Church in 1980/The Beginning of Success in the Modern Conservative Movement & Class Warfare lead by 1% Psychopaths}
“Major Doc Drop: All ALEC Model Legislation Leaked”
~ Daily Kos, {Subscriber Supported}, via ManfromMiddletown, {Subscribe}, 07-13-11, Paul Weyrich, YouTube, 00:30 sec :: Link/URL
>#(03-17-13)*CWP*EF*RC#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{P.A.C.’s - Political Action Committees Funded by:
Corp "Gross" Profit i.e. ...Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Tax-Deductible "1% Charity" Dollars Personal "Gross" Income i.e. ...Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Tax-Deductible "1% Charity" Dollars} :: The Christian Right Addressed ::
{Video clip from a Weyrich speech delivered in a Dallas Texas Church in 1980/The Beginning of Success in the Modern Conservative Movement & Class Warfare lead by 1% Psychopaths}
“Major Doc Drop: All ALEC Model Legislation Leaked”
~ Daily Kos, {Subscriber Supported}, via ManfromMiddletown, {Subscribe}, 07-13-11, Paul Weyrich, YouTube, 00:30 sec :: Link/URL
>#(03-17-13)*CWP*EF*RC#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666UFRS01B,
Multiple, 2010 Elections with Citizens {Corp’s} United Money Promoted the
Ryan-GOP Austerity Budget, Killing Medicare, Cutting VA Benefits, &
Attacking Collective Bargaining Unions ::
60 Plus Association - $800,000 Campaign backing Rep. Paul Ryan’s GOP austerity budget, movement to kill Medicare, blocking cheaper drugs from Canada for seniors, source of funds is Drug Corp’s ::
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity - $400,000 Corp funded ads supporting Paul Ryan GOP austerity budget, founded by Koch brother (18th richest man in the world) ::
“American Cross Roads” - Karl Rove - “Crossroads GPS” (No disclosure) - $750,000 going after Union Rights, money from a few billionaires ::
"Freedom Works;” “Heritage Action For America” (Heritage Foundation) distributing pro Paul Ryan budget talking points ::
“American Action Network” run by Wall Street Executives trying to dismantle Wall Street Reform Law ::
[Democrats produced $106,000 from 2 groups]
“As a result of Citizens {Corp’s} United, what can now happen, is that Billionaires and Corporations can provide hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars into campaigns… Radio ads, Television ads. And as you’ve just indicated they do it in secret. What the Ryan Budget is about is the most radical right wing extremist budget ever passed in the history of the U.S. Congress. This would transform America by giving a $1 Trillion more in tax breaks to the richest people in this country …already doing phenomenally well.” ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders
"Rachel Maddow Bitchslaps the gop - April 2011"
~ Rachel Maddow - MSNBC, {Subscriber Supported}, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), via mccainisthroughX,{Subscribe}, 05-01-11, YT/15:24 min::Link/URL
> ####(09-27-13)*CWP*ECSSN*UJSC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
60 Plus Association - $800,000 Campaign backing Rep. Paul Ryan’s GOP austerity budget, movement to kill Medicare, blocking cheaper drugs from Canada for seniors, source of funds is Drug Corp’s ::
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity - $400,000 Corp funded ads supporting Paul Ryan GOP austerity budget, founded by Koch brother (18th richest man in the world) ::
“American Cross Roads” - Karl Rove - “Crossroads GPS” (No disclosure) - $750,000 going after Union Rights, money from a few billionaires ::
"Freedom Works;” “Heritage Action For America” (Heritage Foundation) distributing pro Paul Ryan budget talking points ::
“American Action Network” run by Wall Street Executives trying to dismantle Wall Street Reform Law ::
[Democrats produced $106,000 from 2 groups]
“As a result of Citizens {Corp’s} United, what can now happen, is that Billionaires and Corporations can provide hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars into campaigns… Radio ads, Television ads. And as you’ve just indicated they do it in secret. What the Ryan Budget is about is the most radical right wing extremist budget ever passed in the history of the U.S. Congress. This would transform America by giving a $1 Trillion more in tax breaks to the richest people in this country …already doing phenomenally well.” ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders
"Rachel Maddow Bitchslaps the gop - April 2011"
~ Rachel Maddow - MSNBC, {Subscriber Supported}, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), via mccainisthroughX,{Subscribe}, 05-01-11, YT/15:24 min::Link/URL
> ####(09-27-13)*CWP*ECSSN*UJSC###*
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Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-20666A13,
“A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; Fight Health Care Mandate, 44 States Announced A.L.E.C. Legislation,
Freedom of Choice In Health Care Act, 26 States Suing the Federal Government ::
[ALEC is Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist’s who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy, from “The 4TH Branch” Warlords, Hell-boys or Psychopaths] ::
“ALEC Launches ‘States Triumph over Federal Mandate’”
~ benzinga, via EWIRE.COM, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-29-11 :: (#statestriumph" push against healthcare reform) :: Link/URL
>#(03-17-13)*CWP*SSNHC*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
[ALEC is Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist’s who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy, from “The 4TH Branch” Warlords, Hell-boys or Psychopaths] ::
“ALEC Launches ‘States Triumph over Federal Mandate’”
~ benzinga, via EWIRE.COM, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-29-11 :: (#statestriumph" push against healthcare reform) :: Link/URL
>#(03-17-13)*CWP*SSNHC*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Blog Post with Expansive Links to the Neo-Conservative Agenda
S-Court 5 NeoCon Corp RentBoy JustaSSes Bang Armani Suits: for Forbes 400 Silver Sperm King Pimps …who Love Election Fraud
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
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Blog Post with Expansive Links to the Neo-Conservative Agenda
S-Court 5 NeoCon Corp RentBoy JustaSSes Bang Armani Suits: for Forbes 400 Silver Sperm King Pimps …who Love Election Fraud
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-07-14*
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Corp Wolf P.A.C.’s of Libertarian Anarchist D.C. Think-Tanks and Regional Warlords
♠♠ (GOOGLE Version 100K ac file)
Political Action Committee, ALEC (Part 1), Americans For Prosperity, Donors Trust, Fix The Debt, Peter Peterson, State Policy Network, SPN, Heritage Foundation, Heartland Institute, Cato Institute, FreedomWorks, Art Pope, Liberty Central, Ginni Thomas
♣♣ (WORD PRESS Version 300K ac - Corp Wolf P.A.C. file w/Corp Bank Wall Street Hellboys)
A.L.E.C.. ALEC, Americans For Prosperity, Americans For Tax Reform, Art Pope, Astroturf Tea Party, Ayn Rand, Bank of America, Bradley Foundation, Cato Institute, Charles Koch, Citigroup, Crossroads GPS, David Koch, Donors Trust, Federal Reserve Bank, Fix The Debt, FreedomWorks, Ginni Thomas, Goldman Sachs, Grover Norquist, Heartland Institute, Heritage Foundation, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Karl Rove, Koch Brothers, Koch Industries, Libertarian, Libertarian Think Tanks, Liberty Central, MacIver Institute, Monsanto, National Rifle Association, NRA, Peter Peterson, Political Action Committee, Republican, SPN, State Policy Network, Tea Bagger, Walmart, Walton’s, Wells Fargo
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-27-14*
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☻☼☺ IN_ Indiana Political "Baseball Cards" w/a GO Pee Trickle-Down Golden-Shower
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 06-24-14
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Corp Wolf P.A.C.’s of Libertarian Anarchist D.C. Think-Tanks and Regional Warlords
♠♠ (GOOGLE Version 100K ac file)
Political Action Committee, ALEC (Part 1), Americans For Prosperity, Donors Trust, Fix The Debt, Peter Peterson, State Policy Network, SPN, Heritage Foundation, Heartland Institute, Cato Institute, FreedomWorks, Art Pope, Liberty Central, Ginni Thomas
♣♣ (WORD PRESS Version 300K ac - Corp Wolf P.A.C. file w/Corp Bank Wall Street Hellboys)
A.L.E.C.. ALEC, Americans For Prosperity, Americans For Tax Reform, Art Pope, Astroturf Tea Party, Ayn Rand, Bank of America, Bradley Foundation, Cato Institute, Charles Koch, Citigroup, Crossroads GPS, David Koch, Donors Trust, Federal Reserve Bank, Fix The Debt, FreedomWorks, Ginni Thomas, Goldman Sachs, Grover Norquist, Heartland Institute, Heritage Foundation, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Karl Rove, Koch Brothers, Koch Industries, Libertarian, Libertarian Think Tanks, Liberty Central, MacIver Institute, Monsanto, National Rifle Association, NRA, Peter Peterson, Political Action Committee, Republican, SPN, State Policy Network, Tea Bagger, Walmart, Walton’s, Wells Fargo
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-27-14*
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Public Comment On: Twitter, Fbk or Spam Filter @greenEnvSciThr
☻☼☺ IN_ Indiana Political "Baseball Cards" w/a GO Pee Trickle-Down Golden-Shower
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 06-24-14
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Koch Broz Chucky-n-Davie and Assorted Tart Rent-Boyz:
S-Court-5, FRight Talk Rodeo Clowns, and Corp's A.L.E.C. Legislators
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-06-14
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Koch Broz Chucky-n-Davie and Assorted Tart Rent-Boyz:
S-Court-5, FRight Talk Rodeo Clowns, and Corp's A.L.E.C. Legislators
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-06-14
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U.S. Issue-Based Talk Radio and Apps On Demand: Streaming Smart Phone, Tablet and PC w/Grass Roots Fact Based Discussion
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 06-07-14*
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Google Blog Limit = 100,000 ac / Word Press Blog = Near Infinite
U.S. Issue-Based Talk Radio and Apps On Demand: Streaming Smart Phone, Tablet and PC w/Grass Roots Fact Based Discussion
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 06-07-14*
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Indiana Grim Reaper Protest Persona and Indianapolis Capital Anti-Koch-A.L.E.C. 4TH Branch Town Crier: Delphi, Monticello, Winamac, Granger, Mishawaka, Nappanee, Syracuse, Ligonier, Kendallville, Auburn, Fort Wayne, Portland, Winchester, Muncie, Anderson, Pendleton, Noblesville, Westfield, Zionsville, Lebanon, Rockville, Spencer, Bloomington, Nashville, Columbus, Greensburg, Brookville, Liberty, Connorsville, Rushville, Shelbyville, Franklin, Martinsville, Mooresville, Fishers, Carmel, Brownsburg, Valparaiso, South Bend, Kokomo, Tipton, Evansville, Mt. Vernon, Princeton, Vincennes University, Sullivan, Terre Haute, Clinton, Attica, Kentland , Scottsburg, Clarksville, Jeffersonville, New Albany, Floyds Knobs, Corydon, Paoli, Salem, Brownstown, Franklin, State Capital Moral Monday Rally, Lucas Oil Stadium--Indy, Ball State Scheumann Stadium--Muncie, Richmond, Hebron, Elkhart, La Grange, Shipshewana, Angola, Ellettsville, Crawfordsville, Chesterton, La Porte, Lowell, Danville, Peru, Rochester, Goshen, West Lafayette, Lafayette, Crown Point, Frankfort, Bankers Life Fieldhouse--Indy :: greenEnvSciThr
13/144 Indiana visits where a citizen knew of A.L.E.C. Corp’s Agenda
↑ 21 Chats|14 D.L. Cks w/Officers about A.L.E.C. (4 ejects/1 move)
↑ 03 Visits where the “First Amendment, but Not Here” rule applies
Purpose One:
Expose A.L.E.C., the [UN] AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE [and Judicial “Judas”] EXCHANGE COUNCIL. A.L.E.C. recruits Neo-Conservative State and U.S. Senators and House Reps. It recruits State and U.S. Government Executives (Presidents, Governors, Cabinets and Administrators). A.L.E.C. vets corporatocracy and oligarchy “friendly” judicial members and lawyers in the court system; and it “nominates” Neo-Con State and Federal Judges, and Neo-Con State and Federal Supreme Court Justices for RepublicanT Governors and Presidents. A.L.E.C. conducts “re-education forums” while facilitating campaign funding, and churning their legislator, executive, and judge and justice nomination mill. And A.L.E.C., the subversive 4TH Branch of Government, is the gatekeeper at the revolving door in a devolving democracy.
Expose A.L.E.C. Legislators, A.L.E.C. Governors, A.L.E.C. Cabinet Members and Administrators, A.L.E.C. Federal Circuit Court & District Court Judges, A.L.E.C. State Supreme Court Justices, A.L.E.C. U.S. Supreme Court Justices and the A.L.E.C. Corp’s Cookie Cutter Bills (“corporate written” red and purple state laws) through daily street level protest and social media activism.
Purpose Two:
Hold the mesmerizing cultural shiny-watch “still” for a few seconds in street protest, (for working fellow Americans), in order to “initiate a questioning process” for passersby; and to begin street conversations or web searches about A.L.E.C. Legislation and this “secretive” half of the 4TH Branch of Government.
It’s a Corp’s Wall Street Hell-boy and Billionaire Regional Economic Warlord Cabal that I had zero knowledge of in 2008. But I never quit looking for clues to their “4TH Branch” activity since 2010. A.L.E.C. Nominated Supreme Court decided the 5-4 Citizens [Corp’s Free-Unlimited Pistol-Whipping Hate Ad-Speech] United decision v. Federal Election Commission 01-21-10. A.L.E.C. “selected” Supreme Court 5 Neo-Conservatives are Charles Dickens World Dominionist-Catholic Corp’s Rent-Boy Justasses. And on 04-04-14, the day Spawn McCutcheon [Regional Warlord’s “Unlimited Direct Campaign Contribution” Speech] v. F.E.C. came down, I decided that frequent street protest was necessary until both these constitution twerking rulings, that overturned 100 years of decided law, are reversed.
Purpose 3:
Investigate productive public protest communication methods …oral and visual. Explore and experiment with effective sign composition (size, color, wording & lettering) and weather proof physical construction methods …signs that will throw out a message across a 150’ diagonal 6-lane intersection.
Purpose 4:
Demonstrate purposely disguised “employment preserving” public protest techniques to passersby …to the Millennial Generation, to Indiana’s children, and even to the Chinese Students at Purdue, who can’t protest in their totalitarian “capitalist” country (alas, their fathers are members of the ruling “Politburo” anyway).
Purpose 5:
Test the function and effectiveness of the First Amendment as a lone protester on Indiana public street corners …around county courthouse squares, near universities, big-box retail corridors and at events that draw Hoosiers.
The assumption is that Indiana Officers respect the 1ST Amendment, possibly due to the work of the A.C.L.U. in protecting it for several decades in federal court. And as community reps, officers may well “pass the word” about the anti-Hoosier lawmaking activity of Corporate shills in the Indybama (A.L.E.C. owned and operated) RepublicanT trifecta statehouse.
(The First Amendment didn’t work so well for the unarmed “Occupy Movement,” which was crushed nationwide in 3 days by Justice Department, FBI and Homeland Security coordinated police attacks. But armed resistance was fairly effective for Nevada range-grass thief Cliven Bundy as well as armed Tea Party “Patridiots” threatening Congressman’s district-level public Health Care Law discussions in 2009 and 2010 …coordinated by FOX and the RepublicanT Party. These revolts where emboldened and or endorsed by A.L.E.C. Corp’s and Koch Brothers who sponsor FOX shock-collar hate-gulping Newes-4-Ewes, and stochastic terrorist RWNJ – Right Wing Nut Job talker media.)
Purpose 6:
Banish A.L.E.C. (and Forbes 400 King’s) 4TH Branch of Government activity from Indiana, while exposing any legislator or executive who “acts like” or “votes with” the 26 confirmed ALEC 4th Branch Members. That includes “all the current” RepublicanT House Reps and Senators, and Governor Pence, who vote for A.L.E.C. Cookie Cutter Bills passed in most of the other Red “Confederate” States.
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 10-29-14
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Public Comment On: Twitter, Fbk or Spam Filter @greenEnvSciThr
Facebook Page: Indiana Grim Reaper Protest Persona
Indiana Grim Reaper Protest Persona and Indianapolis Capital Anti-Koch-A.L.E.C. 4TH Branch Town Crier: Delphi, Monticello, Winamac, Granger, Mishawaka, Nappanee, Syracuse, Ligonier, Kendallville, Auburn, Fort Wayne, Portland, Winchester, Muncie, Anderson, Pendleton, Noblesville, Westfield, Zionsville, Lebanon, Rockville, Spencer, Bloomington, Nashville, Columbus, Greensburg, Brookville, Liberty, Connorsville, Rushville, Shelbyville, Franklin, Martinsville, Mooresville, Fishers, Carmel, Brownsburg, Valparaiso, South Bend, Kokomo, Tipton, Evansville, Mt. Vernon, Princeton, Vincennes University, Sullivan, Terre Haute, Clinton, Attica, Kentland , Scottsburg, Clarksville, Jeffersonville, New Albany, Floyds Knobs, Corydon, Paoli, Salem, Brownstown, Franklin, State Capital Moral Monday Rally, Lucas Oil Stadium--Indy, Ball State Scheumann Stadium--Muncie, Richmond, Hebron, Elkhart, La Grange, Shipshewana, Angola, Ellettsville, Crawfordsville, Chesterton, La Porte, Lowell, Danville, Peru, Rochester, Goshen, West Lafayette, Lafayette, Crown Point, Frankfort, Bankers Life Fieldhouse--Indy :: greenEnvSciThr
13/144 Indiana visits where a citizen knew of A.L.E.C. Corp’s Agenda
↑ 21 Chats|14 D.L. Cks w/Officers about A.L.E.C. (4 ejects/1 move)
↑ 03 Visits where the “First Amendment, but Not Here” rule applies
Purpose One:
Expose A.L.E.C., the [UN] AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE [and Judicial “Judas”] EXCHANGE COUNCIL. A.L.E.C. recruits Neo-Conservative State and U.S. Senators and House Reps. It recruits State and U.S. Government Executives (Presidents, Governors, Cabinets and Administrators). A.L.E.C. vets corporatocracy and oligarchy “friendly” judicial members and lawyers in the court system; and it “nominates” Neo-Con State and Federal Judges, and Neo-Con State and Federal Supreme Court Justices for RepublicanT Governors and Presidents. A.L.E.C. conducts “re-education forums” while facilitating campaign funding, and churning their legislator, executive, and judge and justice nomination mill. And A.L.E.C., the subversive 4TH Branch of Government, is the gatekeeper at the revolving door in a devolving democracy.
Expose A.L.E.C. Legislators, A.L.E.C. Governors, A.L.E.C. Cabinet Members and Administrators, A.L.E.C. Federal Circuit Court & District Court Judges, A.L.E.C. State Supreme Court Justices, A.L.E.C. U.S. Supreme Court Justices and the A.L.E.C. Corp’s Cookie Cutter Bills (“corporate written” red and purple state laws) through daily street level protest and social media activism.
Purpose Two:
Hold the mesmerizing cultural shiny-watch “still” for a few seconds in street protest, (for working fellow Americans), in order to “initiate a questioning process” for passersby; and to begin street conversations or web searches about A.L.E.C. Legislation and this “secretive” half of the 4TH Branch of Government.
It’s a Corp’s Wall Street Hell-boy and Billionaire Regional Economic Warlord Cabal that I had zero knowledge of in 2008. But I never quit looking for clues to their “4TH Branch” activity since 2010. A.L.E.C. Nominated Supreme Court decided the 5-4 Citizens [Corp’s Free-Unlimited Pistol-Whipping Hate Ad-Speech] United decision v. Federal Election Commission 01-21-10. A.L.E.C. “selected” Supreme Court 5 Neo-Conservatives are Charles Dickens World Dominionist-Catholic Corp’s Rent-Boy Justasses. And on 04-04-14, the day Spawn McCutcheon [Regional Warlord’s “Unlimited Direct Campaign Contribution” Speech] v. F.E.C. came down, I decided that frequent street protest was necessary until both these constitution twerking rulings, that overturned 100 years of decided law, are reversed.
Purpose 3:
Investigate productive public protest communication methods …oral and visual. Explore and experiment with effective sign composition (size, color, wording & lettering) and weather proof physical construction methods …signs that will throw out a message across a 150’ diagonal 6-lane intersection.
Purpose 4:
Demonstrate purposely disguised “employment preserving” public protest techniques to passersby …to the Millennial Generation, to Indiana’s children, and even to the Chinese Students at Purdue, who can’t protest in their totalitarian “capitalist” country (alas, their fathers are members of the ruling “Politburo” anyway).
Purpose 5:
Test the function and effectiveness of the First Amendment as a lone protester on Indiana public street corners …around county courthouse squares, near universities, big-box retail corridors and at events that draw Hoosiers.
The assumption is that Indiana Officers respect the 1ST Amendment, possibly due to the work of the A.C.L.U. in protecting it for several decades in federal court. And as community reps, officers may well “pass the word” about the anti-Hoosier lawmaking activity of Corporate shills in the Indybama (A.L.E.C. owned and operated) RepublicanT trifecta statehouse.
(The First Amendment didn’t work so well for the unarmed “Occupy Movement,” which was crushed nationwide in 3 days by Justice Department, FBI and Homeland Security coordinated police attacks. But armed resistance was fairly effective for Nevada range-grass thief Cliven Bundy as well as armed Tea Party “Patridiots” threatening Congressman’s district-level public Health Care Law discussions in 2009 and 2010 …coordinated by FOX and the RepublicanT Party. These revolts where emboldened and or endorsed by A.L.E.C. Corp’s and Koch Brothers who sponsor FOX shock-collar hate-gulping Newes-4-Ewes, and stochastic terrorist RWNJ – Right Wing Nut Job talker media.)
Purpose 6:
Banish A.L.E.C. (and Forbes 400 King’s) 4TH Branch of Government activity from Indiana, while exposing any legislator or executive who “acts like” or “votes with” the 26 confirmed ALEC 4th Branch Members. That includes “all the current” RepublicanT House Reps and Senators, and Governor Pence, who vote for A.L.E.C. Cookie Cutter Bills passed in most of the other Red “Confederate” States.
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 10-29-14
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Facebook Page: Indiana Grim Reaper Protest Persona
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Google Blog Limit = 100,000 ac / Word Press Blog = Near Infinite
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