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[122] NWO Zionist Rothschild Christian War-Without-End Deep State
USA political education by investigative journalists, talk hosts & activists
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[122] NWO Zionist Rothschild Christian War-Without-End Deep State
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/tsmdu1
(Word Press shorter link) http://wp.me/p2YrR0-BT
♣ Google blog: better “Link Activation” W.P. blog ↑|Updated: 08-16-17
[122] NWO Zionist Rothschild Christian War-Without-End Deep State
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) http://wp.me/p2YrR0-BT
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/tsmdu1
138.2K ac/65Pages/310Links
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) http://wp.me/p2YrR0-BT
[122] NWO Zionist Rothschild Christian War-Without-End Deep State
USA political education by investigative journalists, talk hosts & activists
Creative Commons referenced news journal articles, opinions & podcasts
♣ Word Press blog ↓ wp.me/goo.gl Short-links | Related blog links ↓ |
[122] NWO Zionist Rothschild Christian War-Without-End Deep State
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/tsmdu1
(Word Press shorter link) http://wp.me/p2YrR0-BT
♣ Google blog: better “Link Activation” W.P. blog ↑|Updated: 08-16-17
[122] NWO Zionist Rothschild Christian War-Without-End Deep State
(Word Press b\w live-link-share Blog) http://wp.me/p2YrR0-BT
(Google color dead-link-share Blog) https://goo.gl/tsmdu1
138.2K ac/65Pages/310Links
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666 NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD:
Private Federal Reserve U.S. Central
Bank Tyranny
{ The two Forbes 400 King-controlled “deep states” exert absolute control over the U.S. Government. The one that gained strength after World War II is the New World Order Fed Bank-Rothschild-Bilderberg-Trilateral Commission-Council on Foreign Relations-Davos International Billionaire (free-trade) Cabal…and their troop of flying monkeys that includes Nixon, HW Bush, Clinton, W Bush, Obama, Boehner and HR Clinton…a GOP and DLC engineered 3RD Way wall street bipartisan shit-storm.
So Forbes 400 Kings, an invisible cabal of international oligarchs, run the country with the aid of “untaxed profits” (plowed into political campaigns, two parties and alphabet news) from their corporate storefronts. Corporations groom and generate revolving door actors who move from industry to government management to lobbyist. They vet future Judges and Supreme Court Justices in the court system where corporate lawyers do the selecting. The Kings exploit Congress-approved IRS not-for-profit status of certain Political Action Committees who press deep state sponsor’s interests. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) “Lord Jacob Rothschild Confronted"
~ WeAreChange, {Subscribe}, 05-31-12, YT, 1:47 < https://goo.gl/1dhXhO
History of the Federal Reserve System, @wikipedia https://goo.gl/R8gfxc
(^^^) “The Aristocrats: The Rothschilds”
~ Rich cook, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 47:31 < https://goo.gl/z0JuQJ
(^^^) “The Dynasty of Rothschild | The Only Trillionaires in the World - Full Documentary"
~ Sish Advexon, 05-08-14, YT, 55:50 < https://goo.gl/eW3sCs
(^^^) "’Who does control the world?’ - Noam Chomsky - BBC interview 2003”
~ MrMarxismo, {Subscribe}, 02-15-16, YT, 18:14 < https://goo.gl/g3EAGf
"Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel ! 2017 Interview"
~ Conspiracy Zone, {Subscribe}, 03-01-17, YT, 6:15 < https://goo.gl/rYXZcz
(Longer Version), 03-15-17, YT, 15:56 < https://goo.gl/rb78Pz
Balfour Declaration (11-02-1917 Zionism), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/JI5hY1
JEWISH DOMINATED MEDIA: CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Time, Warner Brothers, Newsweek, NY Times, US News & World Report
ROTHSCHILD ZIONISM: Political System, Racism,
(^^^) "Jews Against Zionism And Rothschilds"
~ Jeremy Kilroy, {Subscribe}, 11-23-12, YT, 14:43 < https://goo.gl/R4nQXp
(^^^) "Senators Promise to Amend Israel Boycott Bill After Backlash"
~ Ryan Grim/@theintercept, {Donate}, 07-25-17 < https://goo.gl/GAJz3w
(^^^) "Famous People React To Jewish Zionism (full length version)"
~ Rick Heskey, {Subscribe}, 01-27-17, YT, 1:38: 01 < https://goo.gl/BdqgHK
(^^^) "The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…" @Reuters @AP (*MSM) (*W/T)
~ to be free, {Subscribe}, 05-10-10 < https://goo.gl/KAKuct
(^^^) “The Rothschilds Controls The Gold Market! Criminal Manipulation”
~ Goldtothemoon 2.0, {Subscribe}, 10-04-11, YT, 3:17 < https://goo.gl/vs3u5H
"Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel ! 2017 Interview"
~ Conspiracy Zone, {Subscribe}, 03-01-17, YT, 6:15 < https://goo.gl/rYXZcz
(Longer Version), 03-15-17, YT, 15:56 < https://goo.gl/rb78Pz
Balfour Declaration (11-02-1917 Zionism), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/JI5hY1
GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT: Iraq, Israel, Project For A New American Century
(^^^) ”Ken O’Keefe Exposes the Zionist Plan for the Middle East”
~ Hamaza H. Green, {Subscribe}, 08-12-15, YT, 7:42 < https://goo.gl/xGts7H
The Truth About ISIS, SoundoReason, 120615, 7:42 < https://goo.gl/VKBG5Z
Greater Israel Project, MahealaniP…, 081614, 19:58 < https://goo.gl/9bmFfD
JEWISH DOMINATED MEDIA: CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Time, Warner Brothers, Newsweek, NY Times, US News & World Report
ROTHSCHILD ZIONISM: Political System, Racism,
(^^^) "Jews Against Zionism And Rothschilds"
~ Jeremy Kilroy, {Subscribe}, 11-23-12, YT, 14:43 < https://goo.gl/R4nQXp
(^^^) "Senators Promise to Amend Israel Boycott Bill After Backlash"
~ Ryan Grim/@theintercept, {Donate}, 07-25-17 < https://goo.gl/GAJz3w
(^^^) "Famous People React To Jewish Zionism (full length version)"
~ Rick Heskey, {Subscribe}, 01-27-17, YT, 1:38: 01 < https://goo.gl/BdqgHK
(^^^) ”Ken O’Keefe Names The Jew American uncensored version”
~ Tim Phonics, {Subscribe}, 01-27-17, YT, 7:21 https://goo.gl/bB3jZN
ISRAELI 1967 MIDDLE EAST WAR: Strategic U.S. Asset
(^^^) “Why American Jews Embraced Israel After the June 1967 War"
~ TheRealNews, {Donate}, 06-05-17, YT, 20:42 < https://goo.gl/FCtSzN
Pt 1: https://youtu.be/Pjq5YC5JzEw Pt 3: https://youtu.be/ECA4IwdI_Hc
(^^^) ”The Aristocrats: The Rothschilds”
~ Rich cook, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 47:31 < https://goo.gl/z0JuQJ
FORBES 400 KINGS: Oligarchs, The Deep State Movers And Shakers
(^^^) "The Forbes 400, The Richest People In America"
~ @Forbes, {Subscribe}, < https://goo.gl/BVAQPr
(^^^) “World’s Most Powerful People” “The 70 Who Matter”
~ Nicole Perlroth & Michael Noer/@Forbes < https://goo.gl/QbYvok
>###(05-17)*FK2*EF*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{ The two Forbes 400 King-controlled “deep states” exert absolute control over the U.S. Government. The one that gained strength after World War II is the New World Order Fed Bank-Rothschild-Bilderberg-Trilateral Commission-Council on Foreign Relations-Davos International Billionaire (free-trade) Cabal…and their troop of flying monkeys that includes Nixon, HW Bush, Clinton, W Bush, Obama, Boehner and HR Clinton…a GOP and DLC engineered 3RD Way wall street bipartisan shit-storm.
So Forbes 400 Kings, an invisible cabal of international oligarchs, run the country with the aid of “untaxed profits” (plowed into political campaigns, two parties and alphabet news) from their corporate storefronts. Corporations groom and generate revolving door actors who move from industry to government management to lobbyist. They vet future Judges and Supreme Court Justices in the court system where corporate lawyers do the selecting. The Kings exploit Congress-approved IRS not-for-profit status of certain Political Action Committees who press deep state sponsor’s interests. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) “Lord Jacob Rothschild Confronted"
~ WeAreChange, {Subscribe}, 05-31-12, YT, 1:47 < https://goo.gl/1dhXhO
History of the Federal Reserve System, @wikipedia https://goo.gl/R8gfxc
(^^^) “The Aristocrats: The Rothschilds”
~ Rich cook, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 47:31 < https://goo.gl/z0JuQJ
(^^^) “The Dynasty of Rothschild | The Only Trillionaires in the World - Full Documentary"
~ Sish Advexon, 05-08-14, YT, 55:50 < https://goo.gl/eW3sCs
(^^^) "’Who does control the world?’ - Noam Chomsky - BBC interview 2003”
~ MrMarxismo, {Subscribe}, 02-15-16, YT, 18:14 < https://goo.gl/g3EAGf
"Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel ! 2017 Interview"
~ Conspiracy Zone, {Subscribe}, 03-01-17, YT, 6:15 < https://goo.gl/rYXZcz
(Longer Version), 03-15-17, YT, 15:56 < https://goo.gl/rb78Pz
Balfour Declaration (11-02-1917 Zionism), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/JI5hY1
JEWISH DOMINATED MEDIA: CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Time, Warner Brothers, Newsweek, NY Times, US News & World Report
ROTHSCHILD ZIONISM: Political System, Racism,
(^^^) "Jews Against Zionism And Rothschilds"
~ Jeremy Kilroy, {Subscribe}, 11-23-12, YT, 14:43 < https://goo.gl/R4nQXp
(^^^) "Senators Promise to Amend Israel Boycott Bill After Backlash"
~ Ryan Grim/@theintercept, {Donate}, 07-25-17 < https://goo.gl/GAJz3w
(^^^) "Famous People React To Jewish Zionism (full length version)"
~ Rick Heskey, {Subscribe}, 01-27-17, YT, 1:38: 01 < https://goo.gl/BdqgHK
(^^^) "The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…" @Reuters @AP (*MSM) (*W/T)
~ to be free, {Subscribe}, 05-10-10 < https://goo.gl/KAKuct
(^^^) “The Rothschilds Controls The Gold Market! Criminal Manipulation”
~ Goldtothemoon 2.0, {Subscribe}, 10-04-11, YT, 3:17 < https://goo.gl/vs3u5H
"Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel ! 2017 Interview"
~ Conspiracy Zone, {Subscribe}, 03-01-17, YT, 6:15 < https://goo.gl/rYXZcz
(Longer Version), 03-15-17, YT, 15:56 < https://goo.gl/rb78Pz
Balfour Declaration (11-02-1917 Zionism), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/JI5hY1
GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT: Iraq, Israel, Project For A New American Century
(^^^) ”Ken O’Keefe Exposes the Zionist Plan for the Middle East”
~ Hamaza H. Green, {Subscribe}, 08-12-15, YT, 7:42 < https://goo.gl/xGts7H
The Truth About ISIS, SoundoReason, 120615, 7:42 < https://goo.gl/VKBG5Z
Greater Israel Project, MahealaniP…, 081614, 19:58 < https://goo.gl/9bmFfD
JEWISH DOMINATED MEDIA: CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Time, Warner Brothers, Newsweek, NY Times, US News & World Report
ROTHSCHILD ZIONISM: Political System, Racism,
(^^^) "Jews Against Zionism And Rothschilds"
~ Jeremy Kilroy, {Subscribe}, 11-23-12, YT, 14:43 < https://goo.gl/R4nQXp
(^^^) "Senators Promise to Amend Israel Boycott Bill After Backlash"
~ Ryan Grim/@theintercept, {Donate}, 07-25-17 < https://goo.gl/GAJz3w
(^^^) "Famous People React To Jewish Zionism (full length version)"
~ Rick Heskey, {Subscribe}, 01-27-17, YT, 1:38: 01 < https://goo.gl/BdqgHK
(^^^) ”Ken O’Keefe Names The Jew American uncensored version”
~ Tim Phonics, {Subscribe}, 01-27-17, YT, 7:21 https://goo.gl/bB3jZN
ISRAELI 1967 MIDDLE EAST WAR: Strategic U.S. Asset
(^^^) “Why American Jews Embraced Israel After the June 1967 War"
~ TheRealNews, {Donate}, 06-05-17, YT, 20:42 < https://goo.gl/FCtSzN
Pt 1: https://youtu.be/Pjq5YC5JzEw Pt 3: https://youtu.be/ECA4IwdI_Hc
(^^^) ”The Aristocrats: The Rothschilds”
~ Rich cook, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 47:31 < https://goo.gl/z0JuQJ
FORBES 400 KINGS: Oligarchs, The Deep State Movers And Shakers
(^^^) "The Forbes 400, The Richest People In America"
~ @Forbes, {Subscribe}, < https://goo.gl/BVAQPr
(^^^) “World’s Most Powerful People” “The 70 Who Matter”
~ Nicole Perlroth & Michael Noer/@Forbes < https://goo.gl/QbYvok
>###(05-17)*FK2*EF*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666 NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD:
Private Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER
"If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts." ~ George H.W. Bush
(^^^) “The New World Order Timeline” (*CFR) (*MSM) (*W/T)
~ Three World Wars, {Subscribe}, (01-17) < https://goo.gl/KJ55cD
(^^^) “2017 New World Order Mentioned Over The Years"
~ Light of Life Productions, 01-08-17, YT, 18:54 < https://goo.gl/PQrXjd
(^^^) “A Chronological History of the New World Order”
~ D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D. & John Loeffler/Constitution Society, 07-12-98 _
< https://goo.gl/R3pgDR
GEORGE H.W. BUSH: *POTUS41, Former Vice President (*POTUS40), (Ronald Reagan, 8 years) CFR, Co-Owner Carlyle Group – Arms Corp Fund
(^^^) "ONE WORLD ORDER (September 11, 1991 - September 11, 2001)”
~ Mike Fulmer, {Subscribe}, 03-26-11, YT, 2:17 https://goo.gl/YxUBKh
GARY HART: Co-Chair of the CFR, Former Senator of Colorado (D), Presidential Candidate
(^^^) "NWO-Finally Someone Says it Straight-Gary Hart after 9/11 Accuses Bush of NWO Plan"
~ FaceOfGod2, {Subscribe}, 11-30-08, YT, 0:36 https://goo.gl/zJNCCn
DAN QUAYLE: CFR, Bilderberg Group & Former Vice President (*POTUS41)
(^^^) "Dan Quayle (VP under GHWB) on the 'New World Order' (CNN)"
~ Doc…Archive, {Subscribe}, 12-26-15, YT, 0:44 https://goo.gl/M0Q58i
Pres. George H.W. (Papa) Bush I-103, (Republican – 1989-1992, x-C.I.A.), New World Order
(^^^) “George Bush New World Order”
~ nwokiller, {Subscribe}, 06-25-06, YT, 0:33 < https://goo.gl/eJWom2
(^^^) "Bush Admits Guilt in the JFK Assassination”
~ TrunksXV, {Subscribe}, 01-28-13, YT, 6:21 < https://goo.gl/Zmy8VX
(^^^) “Bush Confesses to killing JFK.”
~ paul8kangas, {Subscribe}, 08-16-12, YT, 8:21 < https://goo.gl/WkqjY8
DEEP STATE: Shadow Gov’t, New World Order, CIA, NSA, FBI, U.S. Military
”Disturbing Message To All Americans From Ex Defense Minister Of Canada”
~ That Is Impossible, 03-17-17, YT, 32:14 < https://goo.gl/CTZ6UI
(^^^) ”Clinton FBI Files Literally Mention The Shadow Government At The State Dept, Wow”
~ UFOmania, {Subscribe}, 10-19-16, YT, 1:29 < https://goo.gl/ZFnJve
(^^^) “America! – Will Your Next President Be A Jesuit? Trump Vs Clinton (2016)” (Catholic Al Smith Presidential Election Year Dinner)
~ Run2Chirst, {Subscribe}, 10-22-16, YT, 31:50 < https://goo.gl/dREZEH
(^^^) Council on Foreign Relations, Home < http://www.cfr.org/
(^^^) “The New World Order Video Index”
~ Information Clearing House < https://goo.gl/W9qc4g
>###(01-17)*CW*USA*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts." ~ George H.W. Bush
(^^^) “The New World Order Timeline” (*CFR) (*MSM) (*W/T)
~ Three World Wars, {Subscribe}, (01-17) < https://goo.gl/KJ55cD
(^^^) “2017 New World Order Mentioned Over The Years"
~ Light of Life Productions, 01-08-17, YT, 18:54 < https://goo.gl/PQrXjd
(^^^) “A Chronological History of the New World Order”
~ D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D. & John Loeffler/Constitution Society, 07-12-98 _
< https://goo.gl/R3pgDR
GEORGE H.W. BUSH: *POTUS41, Former Vice President (*POTUS40), (Ronald Reagan, 8 years) CFR, Co-Owner Carlyle Group – Arms Corp Fund
(^^^) "ONE WORLD ORDER (September 11, 1991 - September 11, 2001)”
~ Mike Fulmer, {Subscribe}, 03-26-11, YT, 2:17 https://goo.gl/YxUBKh
GARY HART: Co-Chair of the CFR, Former Senator of Colorado (D), Presidential Candidate
(^^^) "NWO-Finally Someone Says it Straight-Gary Hart after 9/11 Accuses Bush of NWO Plan"
~ FaceOfGod2, {Subscribe}, 11-30-08, YT, 0:36 https://goo.gl/zJNCCn
DAN QUAYLE: CFR, Bilderberg Group & Former Vice President (*POTUS41)
(^^^) "Dan Quayle (VP under GHWB) on the 'New World Order' (CNN)"
~ Doc…Archive, {Subscribe}, 12-26-15, YT, 0:44 https://goo.gl/M0Q58i
Pres. George H.W. (Papa) Bush I-103, (Republican – 1989-1992, x-C.I.A.), New World Order
(^^^) “George Bush New World Order”
~ nwokiller, {Subscribe}, 06-25-06, YT, 0:33 < https://goo.gl/eJWom2
(^^^) "Bush Admits Guilt in the JFK Assassination”
~ TrunksXV, {Subscribe}, 01-28-13, YT, 6:21 < https://goo.gl/Zmy8VX
(^^^) “Bush Confesses to killing JFK.”
~ paul8kangas, {Subscribe}, 08-16-12, YT, 8:21 < https://goo.gl/WkqjY8
DEEP STATE: Shadow Gov’t, New World Order, CIA, NSA, FBI, U.S. Military
”Disturbing Message To All Americans From Ex Defense Minister Of Canada”
~ That Is Impossible, 03-17-17, YT, 32:14 < https://goo.gl/CTZ6UI
(^^^) ”Clinton FBI Files Literally Mention The Shadow Government At The State Dept, Wow”
~ UFOmania, {Subscribe}, 10-19-16, YT, 1:29 < https://goo.gl/ZFnJve
(^^^) “America! – Will Your Next President Be A Jesuit? Trump Vs Clinton (2016)” (Catholic Al Smith Presidential Election Year Dinner)
~ Run2Chirst, {Subscribe}, 10-22-16, YT, 31:50 < https://goo.gl/dREZEH
(^^^) Council on Foreign Relations, Home < http://www.cfr.org/
(^^^) “The New World Order Video Index”
~ Information Clearing House < https://goo.gl/W9qc4g
>###(01-17)*CW*USA*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666 NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD:
Private Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
WESTERN CIVILIZATION, HISTORY, DEMOCRACY, ECONOMICS: Greece, Spain, France; Secret Societies; Rhodes Round Table, Rhodes Scholars; The Illuminate`; The Jacobeans; McMillan Publishing
Book: “Tragedy and Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time”
~ Carroll Quigley, 1966, former teacher of President Bill Clinton
“Evolution of Civilization”
Democratic National Convention Speech
(^^^) "Tragedy and Hope: Professor Carroll Quigley and the 'Article that Said Too Little' by Kevin Cole" (Princeton, Harvard & Georgetown University)
~ TragedyandHopeMag, 01-19-14, YT, 23:49 < https://goo.gl/WWocP3
NEW WORLD ORDER, CENTRAL BANKS, FEUDALISM "The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences..."
"The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations..." ~ C.Q.
(^^^) “Rare Carroll Quigley interview - 1974 (Full Interview)”
~ Where Truth is still Valued, 06-21-11, YT, 48:32 < https://goo.gl/TKubCr
(^^^) "Rare Carroll Quigley interview - 1974 (Full Interview)" (Duplicate)
~ axis4peace4, {Subscribe}, 06-21-11, YT, 48:32 < https://goo.gl/wuPV1E
Carroll Quigley, @wikipedia, {Subscribe/Donate} < https://goo.gl/Gjh1H8
Hegelian Dialectic (The Book of Revelation), Wiki < https://goo.gl/W4vswp
Skull and Bones (Yale secret society), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/A7UHWt
Round Table movement, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/cFwT5T
Tragedy and Hope (Carroll Quigley book), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/j2biAE
>###(07-17)*CW*DS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
WESTERN CIVILIZATION, HISTORY, DEMOCRACY, ECONOMICS: Greece, Spain, France; Secret Societies; Rhodes Round Table, Rhodes Scholars; The Illuminate`; The Jacobeans; McMillan Publishing
Book: “Tragedy and Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time”
~ Carroll Quigley, 1966, former teacher of President Bill Clinton
“Evolution of Civilization”
Democratic National Convention Speech
(^^^) "Tragedy and Hope: Professor Carroll Quigley and the 'Article that Said Too Little' by Kevin Cole" (Princeton, Harvard & Georgetown University)
~ TragedyandHopeMag, 01-19-14, YT, 23:49 < https://goo.gl/WWocP3
NEW WORLD ORDER, CENTRAL BANKS, FEUDALISM "The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences..."
"The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations..." ~ C.Q.
(^^^) “Rare Carroll Quigley interview - 1974 (Full Interview)”
~ Where Truth is still Valued, 06-21-11, YT, 48:32 < https://goo.gl/TKubCr
(^^^) "Rare Carroll Quigley interview - 1974 (Full Interview)" (Duplicate)
~ axis4peace4, {Subscribe}, 06-21-11, YT, 48:32 < https://goo.gl/wuPV1E
Carroll Quigley, @wikipedia, {Subscribe/Donate} < https://goo.gl/Gjh1H8
Hegelian Dialectic (The Book of Revelation), Wiki < https://goo.gl/W4vswp
Skull and Bones (Yale secret society), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/A7UHWt
Round Table movement, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/cFwT5T
Tragedy and Hope (Carroll Quigley book), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/j2biAE
>###(07-17)*CW*DS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666 NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD:
Private Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky full length interview: Who rules the world now?"
~ Channel 4 News, {Subscribe}, 05-14-16, YT, 17:13 < https://goo.gl/3PVNVN
(^^^) "2014 'Noam Chomsky': Why you cannot have a Capitalist Democracy!"
~ LeighaCohen, {Subscribe}, 10-05-14, YT, 17:46 < https://goo.gl/8SQhAZ
>###(05-17)*E6E*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky full length interview: Who rules the world now?"
~ Channel 4 News, {Subscribe}, 05-14-16, YT, 17:13 < https://goo.gl/3PVNVN
(^^^) "2014 'Noam Chomsky': Why you cannot have a Capitalist Democracy!"
~ LeighaCohen, {Subscribe}, 10-05-14, YT, 17:46 < https://goo.gl/8SQhAZ
>###(05-17)*E6E*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666 NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD:
Private Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
OWNERS, BIG BANKS, KEY CORPORATIONS: Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of Mellon; State Street Corporation, Black Rock, Vanguard, Fidelity
(^^^) “The Families that rule the world”
~ Real News 24, {Donate}, 11-09-11 < https://goo.gl/6VDMlK
>###(05-17)*CBWS*DS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
OWNERS, BIG BANKS, KEY CORPORATIONS: Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of Mellon; State Street Corporation, Black Rock, Vanguard, Fidelity
(^^^) “The Families that rule the world”
~ Real News 24, {Donate}, 11-09-11 < https://goo.gl/6VDMlK
>###(05-17)*CBWS*DS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666 NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD:
Private Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
FEDERAL RESERVE (PRIVATE) CENTRAL BANK, DEEP STATE, CFR, CORPORATIONS, NWO: James Warburg, Paul Warburg, Rothschild, League of Nations, United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations (Rockefeller’s club), Institute of International Affairs (aka Chatham House); Foreign Policy, Consent, Conquest; Carroll Quigley [29:40], Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy [30:50] :
“The secret to the power of the Council on Foreign Relations and the other round table groups wield lies in a clever application of the techniques that Bernays developed. “ [min 31:45]
1.) Creating carefully calculated associations with the subconscious fears and desires of individuals.... They target individual psychology by cultivating a sense of exclusivity and prestige which plays upon people’s desire to feel important and powerful. Like Bernays, they manipulate the public indirectly by targeting opinion leaders and authority figures. By influencing their membership, which is comprised of man and women in the highest levels of government, business and finance,
(Everything you and I do springs from two motives: the sex urge and the desire to be great. ~ Sigmund Freud)
2.) Influencing opinion leaders and perceived authority figures in to reach those who followed them…they hijack the phenomenon observed in the Milgram Authority experiments while bypassing the electoral process.
3.) Initiating the contagion of behaviors and ideas through social conformity…Most of the meetings held at the CFR are run under Chatham house rules…meaning that the ideas discussed there may be used and spread by those present but no one is allowed to mention where those ideas came from.
(CHATHAM HOUSE RULES: Meeting is not for attribution…participants are welcomed to make use of the information received in the meeting but neither the identity of the speaker or the information received at the meeting…nor of any of the participants may be revealed…nor may one cite the council meeting as the source of the information.)
These closed door discussions and their exclusive membership process work together to engineer the phenomenon demonstrated in the Asch conformity experiments. New members must be nominated by an existing member, seconded by three members and approved by the board of directors. This process ensures that ideological continuity is maintained as social conformity brings new members into line with the group. It’s important to remember that wealth, social status and official positions of power do not reduce the effects of group psychology.
“We get a lot of advice from the Council (of Foreign Relations) so this means I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.” ~ Hillary Clinton, (CFR meeting 2009) [33:15]
“To put it in simple terms, politicians aren’t the ones calling the shots. They’re just puppets. Voting the bums out doesn’t work, and hasn’t for a long long time. Now you know why. Even if we removed every single corrupt oligarch from the councils of government, we will end up right back in the same situation unless we deal with the psychological underpinnings of our enslavement.
But how do we do that? How do we reach the group mind and shake the crowd from its slumber? Group psychology is a weapon, and like all weapons it is capable of being used for good or for evil. For many years it has been in the wrong hands. It has been hidden from the public and used against them. It’s time for the people to pick up that weapon and use it to free themselves. It’s time to start studying. Read Gustave Le Bon’s books: “The Crowd“ and “The Psychology of Revolution”. Read Edward Bernays’ books: “Propaganda” and “Crystallizing Public Opinion”. And read Gene Sharp’s books: “From Dictatorship to Democracy” and “National Security Through Civilian-Based Defense”. Learn the theory, learn the techniques and start using them to spread the truth rather than hiding it. Start using them to prevent wars rather than start them. Start using them to stop the militarization of the police and to end the surveillance state. Use them to bring this corporate mafia to its knees.
Some of you may find this proposition frightening. This is dangerous stuff. These are ideological M-16s with boxes of ammunition. If even a few motivated individuals started using these techniques effectively, it could seriously disrupt the balance of power. But that is exactly what’s needed. I challenge you to look around. Look at the state of the world. Look at where these psychopaths are taking us. If you do not feel the imperative to change the course we are on, then you are not paying attention.” [ 33:00 – 35:05 ]
Book: “Tragedy and Hope; A History of the World in Our Time” ~ C. Quigley
“Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power - Part 1”
~ StormCloudsGathering, 01-07-14, YT, 37:24 < https://goo.gl/yDevSw
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Wiki < https://goo.gl/CqDm3p
Gustave Le Bon, @wikipedia,< https://goo.gl/9E2XZn
Crystallizing Public Opinion, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/Awvv9q
Propaganda, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/YMRjYL
Edward Bernays, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/BQjgFJ
From Dictatorship to Democracy, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/Lmht2S
National Security…Defense, A. Einstein (PDF 92 pg) < https://goo.gl/jTHoFR
Gene Sharp, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/b7xUqQ
Carroll Quigley, @wikipedia, {Subscribe/Donate} < https://goo.gl/Gjh1H8
Hegelian Dialectic (The Book of Revelation), Wiki < https://goo.gl/W4vswp
Skull and Bones (Yale secret society), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/A7UHWt
Round Table movement, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/cFwT5T
Tragedy and Hope (Carroll Quigley book), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/j2biAE
The Rockefeller reach, Muckety, {Donate} 08-01-17 https://goo.gl/Z2VbQs
Council on Foreign Relations, @Muckety, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/EuM5GB
CFR, Jewish Community Relations Council, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/cqzMJj
CAPITALISM: Economic Chaos, Environmental Crisis, Shortage, Resource Wars
Book: “The New Human Rights Movement” ~ Peter Joseph @AbbyMartin
(^^^) "Empire Files: Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism"
~ @telesurenglish, {Donate}, 08-11-17, YT, 45:40 < https://goo.gl/HBFwXD
CAPITALISM: Wages Suppressed, Purchasing Power Decline, Borrowing, Debt;
Ownership Class, Opposite Of Democracy, Free Trade; Socialism, Worker Co-ops; Dividends, Profits, Shareholders; Inequality, Premature Death, War, 99%
"The Empire Files: Understanding Marxism and Socialism with Richard Wolff" @profwolff @demmocracyatwrk @AbbyMartin @SenSanders
~ @telesurenglish, {Donate}, 03-18-16, YT, 31:18 https://goo.gl/4chzYN
(^^^) "Do You Actually Understand What 'Socialism' Is?" @profwolff
~ @davidpakmanshow, {Donate}, 08-06-15, YT, 11:24 https://goo.gl/nStbEx
(^^^) "Who Controls the U.S. Government and the Gap Between Rich and Poor: Noam Chomsky (1995)"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 08-14-13, YT, 1:08:16 https://goo.gl/op8zdG
INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT: Plutocracy/Plutocrats, Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings; American Dream, Meritocracy
(^^^) "The 1 percent plays us for suckers: There is no meritocracy and they’ve strangled the American dream"
~ Jay Baron Nicorvo/@Salon, {Donate}, 04-19-15 < https://goo.gl/Eezk9m
>###(07-17)*DS*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
FEDERAL RESERVE (PRIVATE) CENTRAL BANK, DEEP STATE, CFR, CORPORATIONS, NWO: James Warburg, Paul Warburg, Rothschild, League of Nations, United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations (Rockefeller’s club), Institute of International Affairs (aka Chatham House); Foreign Policy, Consent, Conquest; Carroll Quigley [29:40], Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy [30:50] :
“The secret to the power of the Council on Foreign Relations and the other round table groups wield lies in a clever application of the techniques that Bernays developed. “ [min 31:45]
1.) Creating carefully calculated associations with the subconscious fears and desires of individuals.... They target individual psychology by cultivating a sense of exclusivity and prestige which plays upon people’s desire to feel important and powerful. Like Bernays, they manipulate the public indirectly by targeting opinion leaders and authority figures. By influencing their membership, which is comprised of man and women in the highest levels of government, business and finance,
(Everything you and I do springs from two motives: the sex urge and the desire to be great. ~ Sigmund Freud)
2.) Influencing opinion leaders and perceived authority figures in to reach those who followed them…they hijack the phenomenon observed in the Milgram Authority experiments while bypassing the electoral process.
3.) Initiating the contagion of behaviors and ideas through social conformity…Most of the meetings held at the CFR are run under Chatham house rules…meaning that the ideas discussed there may be used and spread by those present but no one is allowed to mention where those ideas came from.
(CHATHAM HOUSE RULES: Meeting is not for attribution…participants are welcomed to make use of the information received in the meeting but neither the identity of the speaker or the information received at the meeting…nor of any of the participants may be revealed…nor may one cite the council meeting as the source of the information.)
These closed door discussions and their exclusive membership process work together to engineer the phenomenon demonstrated in the Asch conformity experiments. New members must be nominated by an existing member, seconded by three members and approved by the board of directors. This process ensures that ideological continuity is maintained as social conformity brings new members into line with the group. It’s important to remember that wealth, social status and official positions of power do not reduce the effects of group psychology.
“We get a lot of advice from the Council (of Foreign Relations) so this means I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.” ~ Hillary Clinton, (CFR meeting 2009) [33:15]
“To put it in simple terms, politicians aren’t the ones calling the shots. They’re just puppets. Voting the bums out doesn’t work, and hasn’t for a long long time. Now you know why. Even if we removed every single corrupt oligarch from the councils of government, we will end up right back in the same situation unless we deal with the psychological underpinnings of our enslavement.
But how do we do that? How do we reach the group mind and shake the crowd from its slumber? Group psychology is a weapon, and like all weapons it is capable of being used for good or for evil. For many years it has been in the wrong hands. It has been hidden from the public and used against them. It’s time for the people to pick up that weapon and use it to free themselves. It’s time to start studying. Read Gustave Le Bon’s books: “The Crowd“ and “The Psychology of Revolution”. Read Edward Bernays’ books: “Propaganda” and “Crystallizing Public Opinion”. And read Gene Sharp’s books: “From Dictatorship to Democracy” and “National Security Through Civilian-Based Defense”. Learn the theory, learn the techniques and start using them to spread the truth rather than hiding it. Start using them to prevent wars rather than start them. Start using them to stop the militarization of the police and to end the surveillance state. Use them to bring this corporate mafia to its knees.
Some of you may find this proposition frightening. This is dangerous stuff. These are ideological M-16s with boxes of ammunition. If even a few motivated individuals started using these techniques effectively, it could seriously disrupt the balance of power. But that is exactly what’s needed. I challenge you to look around. Look at the state of the world. Look at where these psychopaths are taking us. If you do not feel the imperative to change the course we are on, then you are not paying attention.” [ 33:00 – 35:05 ]
Book: “Tragedy and Hope; A History of the World in Our Time” ~ C. Quigley
“Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power - Part 1”
~ StormCloudsGathering, 01-07-14, YT, 37:24 < https://goo.gl/yDevSw
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Wiki < https://goo.gl/CqDm3p
Gustave Le Bon, @wikipedia,< https://goo.gl/9E2XZn
Crystallizing Public Opinion, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/Awvv9q
Propaganda, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/YMRjYL
Edward Bernays, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/BQjgFJ
From Dictatorship to Democracy, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/Lmht2S
National Security…Defense, A. Einstein (PDF 92 pg) < https://goo.gl/jTHoFR
Gene Sharp, @wikipedia, < https://goo.gl/b7xUqQ
Carroll Quigley, @wikipedia, {Subscribe/Donate} < https://goo.gl/Gjh1H8
Hegelian Dialectic (The Book of Revelation), Wiki < https://goo.gl/W4vswp
Skull and Bones (Yale secret society), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/A7UHWt
Round Table movement, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/cFwT5T
Tragedy and Hope (Carroll Quigley book), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/j2biAE
The Rockefeller reach, Muckety, {Donate} 08-01-17 https://goo.gl/Z2VbQs
Council on Foreign Relations, @Muckety, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/EuM5GB
CFR, Jewish Community Relations Council, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/cqzMJj
CAPITALISM: Economic Chaos, Environmental Crisis, Shortage, Resource Wars
Book: “The New Human Rights Movement” ~ Peter Joseph @AbbyMartin
(^^^) "Empire Files: Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism"
~ @telesurenglish, {Donate}, 08-11-17, YT, 45:40 < https://goo.gl/HBFwXD
CAPITALISM: Wages Suppressed, Purchasing Power Decline, Borrowing, Debt;
Ownership Class, Opposite Of Democracy, Free Trade; Socialism, Worker Co-ops; Dividends, Profits, Shareholders; Inequality, Premature Death, War, 99%
"The Empire Files: Understanding Marxism and Socialism with Richard Wolff" @profwolff @demmocracyatwrk @AbbyMartin @SenSanders
~ @telesurenglish, {Donate}, 03-18-16, YT, 31:18 https://goo.gl/4chzYN
(^^^) "Do You Actually Understand What 'Socialism' Is?" @profwolff
~ @davidpakmanshow, {Donate}, 08-06-15, YT, 11:24 https://goo.gl/nStbEx
(^^^) "Who Controls the U.S. Government and the Gap Between Rich and Poor: Noam Chomsky (1995)"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 08-14-13, YT, 1:08:16 https://goo.gl/op8zdG
INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT: Plutocracy/Plutocrats, Oligarchy/Oligarchs, Forbes 400 Kings; American Dream, Meritocracy
(^^^) "The 1 percent plays us for suckers: There is no meritocracy and they’ve strangled the American dream"
~ Jay Baron Nicorvo/@Salon, {Donate}, 04-19-15 < https://goo.gl/Eezk9m
>###(07-17)*DS*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666 NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD:
Private Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
CENTRAL BANKS: History of the Rothschilds
"The Dynasty of Rothschild | The Only Trillionaires in the World - Full Documentary"
~ Sish Advexon, {Subscribe}, 05-08-14, YT, 55:50 < https://goo.gl/1bmDGd
(^^^) “A Document - The Rothschilds Dynasty"
~ BastiaanV2, {Subscribe}, 08-11-11, YT, 8:52 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtG83hsFces
(^^^) “Only Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank”
~ syyenergy7, {Subscribe}, 03-07-13, YT, 5:27 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-4Jd0o-Emw
-/\/- 3 Countries Remain w/o a Central Bank… Cuba, North Korea & Iran
"The Rothschilds 500 TRILLION DOLLARS"
~ v realfreeworld316,11-03-13, YT, 2:28 < https://goo.gl/8XOn6U
>##(05-17)*CFR*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
CENTRAL BANKS: History of the Rothschilds
"The Dynasty of Rothschild | The Only Trillionaires in the World - Full Documentary"
~ Sish Advexon, {Subscribe}, 05-08-14, YT, 55:50 < https://goo.gl/1bmDGd
(^^^) “A Document - The Rothschilds Dynasty"
~ BastiaanV2, {Subscribe}, 08-11-11, YT, 8:52 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtG83hsFces
(^^^) “Only Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank”
~ syyenergy7, {Subscribe}, 03-07-13, YT, 5:27 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-4Jd0o-Emw
-/\/- 3 Countries Remain w/o a Central Bank… Cuba, North Korea & Iran
"The Rothschilds 500 TRILLION DOLLARS"
~ v realfreeworld316,11-03-13, YT, 2:28 < https://goo.gl/8XOn6U
>##(05-17)*CFR*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666 NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD:
Private Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
"An ethical person - like a politician, banker or lawyer - may know right from wrong, but unlike many of them, a moral person lives it. An Americanist first already knows that. Bankers and their government agents will always act in their own best interests. Any residual benefit flowing down to the citizens by happenstance will just be litter." ~ Charleston Voice
Flow Chart: "Click image to expand to a MUCH larger view!"
"Rothschild Governance Graphic Chart - Who They Own, Who They Control"
~ Charleston Voice, {Donate}, 12-04-14 < https://goo.gl/HPxtpr
>###(05-17)*DS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"An ethical person - like a politician, banker or lawyer - may know right from wrong, but unlike many of them, a moral person lives it. An Americanist first already knows that. Bankers and their government agents will always act in their own best interests. Any residual benefit flowing down to the citizens by happenstance will just be litter." ~ Charleston Voice
Flow Chart: "Click image to expand to a MUCH larger view!"
"Rothschild Governance Graphic Chart - Who They Own, Who They Control"
~ Charleston Voice, {Donate}, 12-04-14 < https://goo.gl/HPxtpr
>###(05-17)*DS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 Hoarding Anarchists-666 NWO Zionist Rothschild
pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD: Private Federal Reserve U.S.
Central Bank Tyranny
“State capture” or nation capture is Rothschilds business model.
“Bought Reuters News Service in the 1800’s”
"It's All About Money Creation People. ‘Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws’ — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild... It's How They Control U."
(^^^) “$500 Trillion! And Not On Forbes Richest People List? The Rothschilds..." @Forbes (*MSM) (*W/T)
~ firstflyover, {Subscribe}, 03-20-13, YT, 3:18 < https://goo.gl/4wbyKK
(^^^) "Why 500 TRILLION $ Rich Rothschilds are NOT on Forbes Richest People List?" (*MSM)
~ Mick Silver/Gold Silver, {Subscribe}, 01-04-14, Vid. < https://goo.gl/2sfeFn
(^^^) "The Richest People On The Planet 2013" (*MSM)
~ @Forbes, {Subscribe}, 2013 < https://goo.gl/N7M5e8
>###(07-17)*DS*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“State capture” or nation capture is Rothschilds business model.
“Bought Reuters News Service in the 1800’s”
"It's All About Money Creation People. ‘Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws’ — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild... It's How They Control U."
(^^^) “$500 Trillion! And Not On Forbes Richest People List? The Rothschilds..." @Forbes (*MSM) (*W/T)
~ firstflyover, {Subscribe}, 03-20-13, YT, 3:18 < https://goo.gl/4wbyKK
(^^^) "Why 500 TRILLION $ Rich Rothschilds are NOT on Forbes Richest People List?" (*MSM)
~ Mick Silver/Gold Silver, {Subscribe}, 01-04-14, Vid. < https://goo.gl/2sfeFn
(^^^) "The Richest People On The Planet 2013" (*MSM)
~ @Forbes, {Subscribe}, 2013 < https://goo.gl/N7M5e8
>###(07-17)*DS*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666a
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD: Private
Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
World’s Richest 2% have more wealth than the other 98%;
There is $223 Trillion in World Wealth;
1% own 43% of the Worlds Wealth;
9/10 people share 6% of the Worlds Wealth;
The Richest 300 People have as much Wealth as 3 Billion people.
Growing gap between rich countries and poor;
“200 Years ago rich countries were only 3X Richer that poor countries;”
By the 1960’s rich countries were 35X Richer;
Today they’re about 80 X Richer
Trade mispricing removes $900 Billion per year;
Poor Countries also pay $600 Billion in debt service to rich countries on loans that have already been paid off many times over;
Poor countries lose $500 Billion per year through trade rules that favor Rich Countries to access resources and cheap Labor;
That totals to about $2 Billion a year that flows from the poorest countries to the richest
(^^^) "There's around $223 Trillion in the world. Here's who owns most of it."
~ Femi Oke/Upworthy, {Subscribe}, Video, 3:51 < https://goo.gl/UZprss
>###(05-17)*CW*NWO###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
World’s Richest 2% have more wealth than the other 98%;
There is $223 Trillion in World Wealth;
1% own 43% of the Worlds Wealth;
9/10 people share 6% of the Worlds Wealth;
The Richest 300 People have as much Wealth as 3 Billion people.
Growing gap between rich countries and poor;
“200 Years ago rich countries were only 3X Richer that poor countries;”
By the 1960’s rich countries were 35X Richer;
Today they’re about 80 X Richer
Trade mispricing removes $900 Billion per year;
Poor Countries also pay $600 Billion in debt service to rich countries on loans that have already been paid off many times over;
Poor countries lose $500 Billion per year through trade rules that favor Rich Countries to access resources and cheap Labor;
That totals to about $2 Billion a year that flows from the poorest countries to the richest
(^^^) "There's around $223 Trillion in the world. Here's who owns most of it."
~ Femi Oke/Upworthy, {Subscribe}, Video, 3:51 < https://goo.gl/UZprss
>###(05-17)*CW*NWO###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666a
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD: Private
Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
GEORGE H.W. BUSH, (*POTUS41), Money, War, Control Media
NWO Narrative: Time Cube Connecting Past & Present
NWO Narrative: Time Cube Connecting Past & Present
"a detailed and complete 6000 year history of the New World Order and the Illuminati. (The Documentary) includes the history of the Secret Societies, Ancient Beliefs and the Matrix of Control that has shaped human history for thousands of years. Also includes for the first time, a documented history of the true birth of the Illuminati and finally, its affect on the world today."
"UFOTV® Presents: THE NEW WORLD ORDER - A 6000 Year History - HD FEATURE FILM"
~ UFOTVstudios, {Subscribe}, 10-02-13, YT, 1:42:07 < https://goo.gl/g7f9Ft
>##(05-17)*CFR*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
GEORGE H.W. BUSH, (*POTUS41), Money, War, Control Media
NWO Narrative: Time Cube Connecting Past & Present
NWO Narrative: Time Cube Connecting Past & Present
"a detailed and complete 6000 year history of the New World Order and the Illuminati. (The Documentary) includes the history of the Secret Societies, Ancient Beliefs and the Matrix of Control that has shaped human history for thousands of years. Also includes for the first time, a documented history of the true birth of the Illuminati and finally, its affect on the world today."
"UFOTV® Presents: THE NEW WORLD ORDER - A 6000 Year History - HD FEATURE FILM"
~ UFOTVstudios, {Subscribe}, 10-02-13, YT, 1:42:07 < https://goo.gl/g7f9Ft
>##(05-17)*CFR*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666a
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD: Private
Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
Whistleblower-0666, (*POTUS37-RN01, Free, War Criminal POTUS Richard M. NIXON, (Republican – 1969-74), REPUBLICAN/T STOLEN ELECTIONS: Republican Treason, Last 5 Illegitimate Republican Presidents
UE 37 Pres. Richard M. Nixon (Republican-*CA – 1969-74), Vietnam War Extension – Nixon 1968, October Surprise 1968, defeated V.P (Sen.) Hubert Humphrey (D*MN) 11-1968;
UE 38 President Gerald R. Ford granted amnesty to Nixon;
UE40 Pres. Ronald Reagan (Republican-*CA - 1981-1989), Reagan Iranian Hostage Negation For Weapons Deal w/U.S. Embassy Hostage Takers, Unseated UE36 President Jimmy Carter (D*GA) 11-1980;
UE41 Pres. George “H. W.” Bush I (Republican-*TX – 1989-1992), C.I.A.;
UE43 Pres. George “W.” Bush II (Republican-*TX – 2001-2008), Counting Votes “Constitutes Irreparable Harm” To George W. Bushs’ Election (Just-aSS Antonin Scalia’s Opinion), Stolen Florida Election 1-2001, S-Court-5 Corp RentBoy Just-aSSes;
5 Republican Presidents Crippling America With Treason & Fraud
“Thom Hartmann: Can Republican get elected without fraud & treason?”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Donate}, 07-19-11, YT, 9:10
< https://goo.gl/pGHUxf
>#(05-17)*CW*CBWS*EPB*PI*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Whistleblower-0666, (*POTUS37-RN01, Free, War Criminal POTUS Richard M. NIXON, (Republican – 1969-74), REPUBLICAN/T STOLEN ELECTIONS: Republican Treason, Last 5 Illegitimate Republican Presidents
UE 37 Pres. Richard M. Nixon (Republican-*CA – 1969-74), Vietnam War Extension – Nixon 1968, October Surprise 1968, defeated V.P (Sen.) Hubert Humphrey (D*MN) 11-1968;
UE 38 President Gerald R. Ford granted amnesty to Nixon;
UE40 Pres. Ronald Reagan (Republican-*CA - 1981-1989), Reagan Iranian Hostage Negation For Weapons Deal w/U.S. Embassy Hostage Takers, Unseated UE36 President Jimmy Carter (D*GA) 11-1980;
UE41 Pres. George “H. W.” Bush I (Republican-*TX – 1989-1992), C.I.A.;
UE43 Pres. George “W.” Bush II (Republican-*TX – 2001-2008), Counting Votes “Constitutes Irreparable Harm” To George W. Bushs’ Election (Just-aSS Antonin Scalia’s Opinion), Stolen Florida Election 1-2001, S-Court-5 Corp RentBoy Just-aSSes;
5 Republican Presidents Crippling America With Treason & Fraud
“Thom Hartmann: Can Republican get elected without fraud & treason?”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Donate}, 07-19-11, YT, 9:10
< https://goo.gl/pGHUxf
>#(05-17)*CW*CBWS*EPB*PI*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 Hoarding Anarchists-666aa NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank
Deep State/ROTHSCHILD: Private Federal Reserve U.S.
Central Bank Tyranny
(^^^) “5 MOST POWERFUL Families That SECRETLY Rule The World | Top 5 Countdown"
~ Top 5 Countdown, {Subscribe}, 04-11-12, YT, 3:34 < https://goo.gl/qeDx1w
(^^^) “13 Families Rule Our Planet Earth"
~ John Doe, {Subscribe}, 01-08-15, YT, 7:06 < https://goo.gl/Sx1Ps4
(^^^) “Finally Exposed: The 13 Families That Are Secretly Ruling The World"
~ Mysterious Earth, {Subscriber}, 08-15-16 < https://goo.gl/H3yiXF
>###(08-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “5 MOST POWERFUL Families That SECRETLY Rule The World | Top 5 Countdown"
~ Top 5 Countdown, {Subscribe}, 04-11-12, YT, 3:34 < https://goo.gl/qeDx1w
(^^^) “13 Families Rule Our Planet Earth"
~ John Doe, {Subscribe}, 01-08-15, YT, 7:06 < https://goo.gl/Sx1Ps4
(^^^) “Finally Exposed: The 13 Families That Are Secretly Ruling The World"
~ Mysterious Earth, {Subscriber}, 08-15-16 < https://goo.gl/H3yiXF
>###(08-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666aw
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD: Private
Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
Wealth Distribution
(^^^) "Viral video shows how wealth is really distributed"
~ Tami Luhby/@CNN, {Subscribe}, 03-08-13 < https://goo.gl/wMU2Lp
>###(07-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Wealth Distribution
(^^^) "Viral video shows how wealth is really distributed"
~ Tami Luhby/@CNN, {Subscribe}, 03-08-13 < https://goo.gl/wMU2Lp
>###(07-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666aw
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD: Private
Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
Forbes 400 Kings by-and-large, have “little interest in future generations” on planet earth, or their own descendants, for that matter.
"...economic inequality, says writer Chrystia Freeland. In an impassioned talk, she charts the rise of a new class of plutocrats (those who are extremely powerful because they are extremely wealthy), and suggests that globalization and new technology are actually fueling, rather than closing, the global income gap." “Global Plutocracy …boiled frog phenomenon”
(min 03:45) 3 Reasons include: "Political …lower taxes, deregulation particularly of financial services, privatization, weaker legal protections for trade unions ...crony capitalism. …Getting rid of crony capitalism is particularly difficult."
(min 05:40) “Globalization & the Technology Revolution, the twin economic transformations... powering the rise of the super-rich."
(min 08:40) problem is "…Meritocratic Plutocracy can become Crony Plutocracy. Amazon, Apple, Google, Starbucks ...adept at working the international tax system so as to lower their tax bill very-very significantly. And why stop... change the rules of the game in your own favor. ...Russian Oligarchs did... sale of the century privatization of Russia's Natural Resources.”
(min 10:15) “It's one way of describing what happened with the deregulation of financial services in the U.S. and the U.K."
(min 11:05) “The Great Gatsby Curve …as income inequality increases, social mobility decreases. The Plutocracy may be a Meritocracy but you have to be born on the top rung. …3rd thing …forces driving the global plutocracy… hollowing out the middle class in western industrialized economies. …no economic rule which automatically translates increased economic growth into widely shared prosperity. …Since the late 1990’s, increases in productivity have been ‘decoupled’ from increases in wages and employment.”
(min 15:15) “…We need a new ‘New Deal.’”
(^^^) "Chrystia Freeland: The rise of the new global super-rich"
~ TEDx Talks/@tednews, {Subscribe}, 09-05-13, 15:25 https://goo.gl/rWZ91C
>###(07-17)*CW*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 Kings by-and-large, have “little interest in future generations” on planet earth, or their own descendants, for that matter.
"...economic inequality, says writer Chrystia Freeland. In an impassioned talk, she charts the rise of a new class of plutocrats (those who are extremely powerful because they are extremely wealthy), and suggests that globalization and new technology are actually fueling, rather than closing, the global income gap." “Global Plutocracy …boiled frog phenomenon”
(min 03:45) 3 Reasons include: "Political …lower taxes, deregulation particularly of financial services, privatization, weaker legal protections for trade unions ...crony capitalism. …Getting rid of crony capitalism is particularly difficult."
(min 05:40) “Globalization & the Technology Revolution, the twin economic transformations... powering the rise of the super-rich."
(min 08:40) problem is "…Meritocratic Plutocracy can become Crony Plutocracy. Amazon, Apple, Google, Starbucks ...adept at working the international tax system so as to lower their tax bill very-very significantly. And why stop... change the rules of the game in your own favor. ...Russian Oligarchs did... sale of the century privatization of Russia's Natural Resources.”
(min 10:15) “It's one way of describing what happened with the deregulation of financial services in the U.S. and the U.K."
(min 11:05) “The Great Gatsby Curve …as income inequality increases, social mobility decreases. The Plutocracy may be a Meritocracy but you have to be born on the top rung. …3rd thing …forces driving the global plutocracy… hollowing out the middle class in western industrialized economies. …no economic rule which automatically translates increased economic growth into widely shared prosperity. …Since the late 1990’s, increases in productivity have been ‘decoupled’ from increases in wages and employment.”
(min 15:15) “…We need a new ‘New Deal.’”
(^^^) "Chrystia Freeland: The rise of the new global super-rich"
~ TEDx Talks/@tednews, {Subscribe}, 09-05-13, 15:25 https://goo.gl/rWZ91C
>###(07-17)*CW*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666cia NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/CIA OPS
Unauthorized wars are perpetrated under the guise of U.S. national security.
Senator John Kerry; Marine Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver North; POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; C.I.A. V.P. & POTUS 41 George H. W. Bush; Arms Sales To Iran, CIA Coups, Pentagon, National Security Council 1947, The C.I.A.
"The Enterprise" Covert Wars in South America; Iran Coup August 1953, Toppling Iran’s Elected President Mosaddeq by POTUS 34 Ike Eisenhower, Installing the puppet Shah of Iran;
Dark agenda of POTUS 35 John F. Kennedy in Vietnam with 15,000 advisors; POTUS 37 L.B.J. send a Destroyer into a known hot zone the Gulf of Tonkin to escalate the Vietnam Conflict; POTUS 37 Nixon Plumbers break in and Watergate
Grass Roots Iranian Coup of 1979, POTUS 40 Election 1980
The Reagan Campaign’s hostage negotiation tyranny defeated POTUS 39 Jimmy Carter.
Iranian arms profits supported South American Coups as did C.I.A. dealing South American cocaine for profit in America.
South Americans were slaughtered by right-wing dictators supported by the United States under the pretense of fighting Communism.
US Senator Church Committee Hearings
“Moyers: The Secret Government is an interlocking network of official functionaries, spies, mercenaries, ex-generals, profiteers and superpatriots, who, for a variety of motives, operate outside the legitimate institutions of government.” ~ ConspiracyScope
(^^^) “The Secret Government: Bill Moyers (1987)"@MoyersNews
~ ConspiracyScope, {Subscribe}, 08-04-12, YT, 1:26:29 https://goo.gl/A0Y0eB
Iran-Contra, Hearings (1987), Iran Hostages, Contra Terrorists, Sandinista Government, Nicaragua; The Secret Government, Colonel Oliver North, POTUS Ronald Reagan (R*CA), CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats), Israel, William Casey-CIA Director; Saudi Arabia, Brunei; The Enterprise, General Richard V. Secord, Military Sales, Shah of Iran, Albert Hakim, Ayatollah Khomeini, Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, Joseph Coors (beer), Missiles, Iran-Iraq War, Contra War, Nicaraguan Terrorists, Adolfo Calero, Robert Owen, Covert Operations; Analysis, Senator John Kerry;
The Cold War, Permanent War, National Act of 1947, National Security State, National Security Council, Admiral Gene La Rocque, CIA, Covert Operations, Notre Dame All American, Ralph McGehee; Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddegh (07-21-1952 to 08-18-1953); British Petroleum, Nationalize Oil Refineries; Alan Dulles, POTUS Ike Eisenhower (*POTUS34), Regime Change, CIA, Genocide, Theft, Brutality, Dictatorship; Guatemala, President Arbenz, Land Reform, United Fruit Company, Dulles, Communism Label, Hegemony, Carlos Castillo Armas; Hoover Report, 1954 (min 39:40); Cuba, CIA, Mafia;
South Vietnam, President Kennedy; LBJ, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, April 1965, Operation Phoenix, Ralph McGehee, CIA, Remorse; Laos, Hmong Tribesmen, Mountain People; Cold War Morality; The Constitution, “Blood On The Wall”;
National Security State, Forbidden by Constitution; Church Committee, Exposure; Nixon, Chile, Salvador Allende, CIA, Assassination; CIA Domestic Operations: Chaos, Cable Splicer, Garden Plot and Leprechaun; Contempt for the Constitution;
POTUS Richard Nixon (R*CA), Watergate, (1973), Secret Police, The Plumbers: Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell, Dean; Political Enemies; Reagan and Casey, Admiral Poindexter, McFarland, U.S. Army Major General John Singlaub, 50 Covert Operations; Drugs For Sale; Oliver North; The Boys, CIA;
“And a drill instructor told us something before we were to graduate. ‘What you’re fighting for might be wrong or right. Nobody really knows. But he said, ‘There’s a constitution that allows those people to be out on the streets protesting.’ He said, ‘That’s what’s worth fighting for. That’s what the Constitution is.’ He said, ‘That’s what you took an oath to. When you put those bars on as a Second Lieutenant, you better remember that.’ I don’t think Oliver North had that drill instructor.” ~ Robert Colclasure, Former Captain, U.S.M.C.
-/\/- "San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s."
(^^^) "The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations"
~ National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2/The George Washington University, (00-00) < https://goo.gl/ddGXjr
IRAN-CONTRA, CIA: Drug Smuggling, Weapons, Iran, Nicaragua
"’CIA are drug smugglers.’ - Head of DEA said this too late for Gary Webb"
~ michaellevine53, {Subscribe}, 02-18-11, YT, 2:16 < https://goo.gl/vTjzWB
(^^^) “How Crack Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996)"
~ The Film Archives, 08-25-13, YT, 25:54 < https://goo.gl/2bXkPk
Dark Alliance, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/Kh0HF6
Oliver North (ran for Senate), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/ap9pBZ
Bill Casey (CIA - stroke, tumor, death), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/HIlvW2
Richard Secord, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/Nb2U8q
John Poindexter (Admiral), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/o76Jd4
Medellin (Columbian Drug) Cartel, @wikipedia https://goo.gl/ZDN2VY
Contras (Nicaragua), (Right-Wing) @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/5mFlES
Sandinista National Liberation Front, (Left-Wing) < https://goo.gl/Dm7yCm
Barry Seal (assassinated), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/lyXh4o
Manuel Noriega (CIA - captured-prison), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/GRXSws
Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/DqjVvl
“Freeway” Rick Ross, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/58LdL7
Iran—Contra affair, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/udYcyb
William Colby (CIA - assassinated), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/II7Rjy
Gary Webb (Investigative Journalist), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/zdcW7b
Gary Webb, @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} < https://goo.gl/sLcpyP
MAIN STREAM MEDIA, CIA DRUG SALES: Freeway Rickey Ross, Gary Webb
"'Bush, Reagan let drugs flow free to US from Nicaragua' - ex-dealer"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 01-15-11, YT, 11:07 https://goo.gl/t8VWTW
(^^^) “Iran-Contra Affair Scandal Explained: US History Review"
~ Keith Hughes, 03-18-13, YT, 13:38 _< https://goo.gl/VCyjGJ
Hip Hughes History channel < https://www.youtube.com/user/hughesDV
GEORGE H.W. BUSH: CIA INVESTIGATION, Felix Rodriguez, Major General Richard V. Secord-USAF, Oliver North, The Enterprise, Medellin Cartel, Panama, Manuel Noriega, Sandinistas, Honduras
(^^^) ”The Dirty Secrets of George Bush”
~ The Film Archives, 06-22-12, YT, 53:53 < https://goo.gl/D9GSsN
DARK ALLIANCE: Investigative Journalist Gary Webb
CIA Selling Crack in LA, NY, Atlanta to finance Nicaraguan Contra Rebels backed by POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; “Shadows of Liberty”
This rotten to the core country sold crack to inner city residents.
“’Kill the Messenger’ Resurrects Gary Webb, Maligned for Exposing CIA Ties to Crack”
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-09-14, Vid, 19:00 https://goo.gl/KKe6Rw
Assassinated drug smuggler, Barry Steel, was gunned down before he could testify AGAINST Vice President George H. W. Bush, a former CIA agent.
"Barry Seal was a legendary CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot who had literally worked for the Agency since he was a teenage pilot prodigy in the late 1950’s."
{“(Sarah) McLendon had asked (George H.W.) Bush: ‘What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?’”}
{"George Herbert Walker Bush: ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street & lynch us.’”}
"Jeb Bush, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986”
~ RobertMorrowTexas/@dailykos, {Donate}, 04-03-13 https://goo.gl/dDjTwN
(^^^) “Bill Simpich: Secret Operations in the USA and their Effects (2017)"
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-14-17, YT,1:04:11 https://goo.gl/51QGp
>##(05-17)*CW*CBWS*FK*PI*#CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Unauthorized wars are perpetrated under the guise of U.S. national security.
Senator John Kerry; Marine Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver North; POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; C.I.A. V.P. & POTUS 41 George H. W. Bush; Arms Sales To Iran, CIA Coups, Pentagon, National Security Council 1947, The C.I.A.
"The Enterprise" Covert Wars in South America; Iran Coup August 1953, Toppling Iran’s Elected President Mosaddeq by POTUS 34 Ike Eisenhower, Installing the puppet Shah of Iran;
Dark agenda of POTUS 35 John F. Kennedy in Vietnam with 15,000 advisors; POTUS 37 L.B.J. send a Destroyer into a known hot zone the Gulf of Tonkin to escalate the Vietnam Conflict; POTUS 37 Nixon Plumbers break in and Watergate
Grass Roots Iranian Coup of 1979, POTUS 40 Election 1980
The Reagan Campaign’s hostage negotiation tyranny defeated POTUS 39 Jimmy Carter.
Iranian arms profits supported South American Coups as did C.I.A. dealing South American cocaine for profit in America.
South Americans were slaughtered by right-wing dictators supported by the United States under the pretense of fighting Communism.
US Senator Church Committee Hearings
“Moyers: The Secret Government is an interlocking network of official functionaries, spies, mercenaries, ex-generals, profiteers and superpatriots, who, for a variety of motives, operate outside the legitimate institutions of government.” ~ ConspiracyScope
(^^^) “The Secret Government: Bill Moyers (1987)"@MoyersNews
~ ConspiracyScope, {Subscribe}, 08-04-12, YT, 1:26:29 https://goo.gl/A0Y0eB
Iran-Contra, Hearings (1987), Iran Hostages, Contra Terrorists, Sandinista Government, Nicaragua; The Secret Government, Colonel Oliver North, POTUS Ronald Reagan (R*CA), CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats), Israel, William Casey-CIA Director; Saudi Arabia, Brunei; The Enterprise, General Richard V. Secord, Military Sales, Shah of Iran, Albert Hakim, Ayatollah Khomeini, Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, Joseph Coors (beer), Missiles, Iran-Iraq War, Contra War, Nicaraguan Terrorists, Adolfo Calero, Robert Owen, Covert Operations; Analysis, Senator John Kerry;
The Cold War, Permanent War, National Act of 1947, National Security State, National Security Council, Admiral Gene La Rocque, CIA, Covert Operations, Notre Dame All American, Ralph McGehee; Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddegh (07-21-1952 to 08-18-1953); British Petroleum, Nationalize Oil Refineries; Alan Dulles, POTUS Ike Eisenhower (*POTUS34), Regime Change, CIA, Genocide, Theft, Brutality, Dictatorship; Guatemala, President Arbenz, Land Reform, United Fruit Company, Dulles, Communism Label, Hegemony, Carlos Castillo Armas; Hoover Report, 1954 (min 39:40); Cuba, CIA, Mafia;
South Vietnam, President Kennedy; LBJ, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, April 1965, Operation Phoenix, Ralph McGehee, CIA, Remorse; Laos, Hmong Tribesmen, Mountain People; Cold War Morality; The Constitution, “Blood On The Wall”;
National Security State, Forbidden by Constitution; Church Committee, Exposure; Nixon, Chile, Salvador Allende, CIA, Assassination; CIA Domestic Operations: Chaos, Cable Splicer, Garden Plot and Leprechaun; Contempt for the Constitution;
POTUS Richard Nixon (R*CA), Watergate, (1973), Secret Police, The Plumbers: Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell, Dean; Political Enemies; Reagan and Casey, Admiral Poindexter, McFarland, U.S. Army Major General John Singlaub, 50 Covert Operations; Drugs For Sale; Oliver North; The Boys, CIA;
“And a drill instructor told us something before we were to graduate. ‘What you’re fighting for might be wrong or right. Nobody really knows. But he said, ‘There’s a constitution that allows those people to be out on the streets protesting.’ He said, ‘That’s what’s worth fighting for. That’s what the Constitution is.’ He said, ‘That’s what you took an oath to. When you put those bars on as a Second Lieutenant, you better remember that.’ I don’t think Oliver North had that drill instructor.” ~ Robert Colclasure, Former Captain, U.S.M.C.
-/\/- "San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s."
(^^^) "The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations"
~ National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2/The George Washington University, (00-00) < https://goo.gl/ddGXjr
IRAN-CONTRA, CIA: Drug Smuggling, Weapons, Iran, Nicaragua
"’CIA are drug smugglers.’ - Head of DEA said this too late for Gary Webb"
~ michaellevine53, {Subscribe}, 02-18-11, YT, 2:16 < https://goo.gl/vTjzWB
(^^^) “How Crack Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996)"
~ The Film Archives, 08-25-13, YT, 25:54 < https://goo.gl/2bXkPk
Dark Alliance, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/Kh0HF6
Oliver North (ran for Senate), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/ap9pBZ
Bill Casey (CIA - stroke, tumor, death), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/HIlvW2
Richard Secord, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/Nb2U8q
John Poindexter (Admiral), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/o76Jd4
Medellin (Columbian Drug) Cartel, @wikipedia https://goo.gl/ZDN2VY
Contras (Nicaragua), (Right-Wing) @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/5mFlES
Sandinista National Liberation Front, (Left-Wing) < https://goo.gl/Dm7yCm
Barry Seal (assassinated), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/lyXh4o
Manuel Noriega (CIA - captured-prison), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/GRXSws
Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/DqjVvl
“Freeway” Rick Ross, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/58LdL7
Iran—Contra affair, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/udYcyb
William Colby (CIA - assassinated), @wikipedia https://goo.gl/II7Rjy
Gary Webb (Investigative Journalist), @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/zdcW7b
Gary Webb, @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} < https://goo.gl/sLcpyP
MAIN STREAM MEDIA, CIA DRUG SALES: Freeway Rickey Ross, Gary Webb
"'Bush, Reagan let drugs flow free to US from Nicaragua' - ex-dealer"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 01-15-11, YT, 11:07 https://goo.gl/t8VWTW
(^^^) “Iran-Contra Affair Scandal Explained: US History Review"
~ Keith Hughes, 03-18-13, YT, 13:38 _< https://goo.gl/VCyjGJ
Hip Hughes History channel < https://www.youtube.com/user/hughesDV
GEORGE H.W. BUSH: CIA INVESTIGATION, Felix Rodriguez, Major General Richard V. Secord-USAF, Oliver North, The Enterprise, Medellin Cartel, Panama, Manuel Noriega, Sandinistas, Honduras
(^^^) ”The Dirty Secrets of George Bush”
~ The Film Archives, 06-22-12, YT, 53:53 < https://goo.gl/D9GSsN
DARK ALLIANCE: Investigative Journalist Gary Webb
CIA Selling Crack in LA, NY, Atlanta to finance Nicaraguan Contra Rebels backed by POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; “Shadows of Liberty”
This rotten to the core country sold crack to inner city residents.
“’Kill the Messenger’ Resurrects Gary Webb, Maligned for Exposing CIA Ties to Crack”
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-09-14, Vid, 19:00 https://goo.gl/KKe6Rw
Assassinated drug smuggler, Barry Steel, was gunned down before he could testify AGAINST Vice President George H. W. Bush, a former CIA agent.
"Barry Seal was a legendary CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot who had literally worked for the Agency since he was a teenage pilot prodigy in the late 1950’s."
{“(Sarah) McLendon had asked (George H.W.) Bush: ‘What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?’”}
{"George Herbert Walker Bush: ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street & lynch us.’”}
"Jeb Bush, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986”
~ RobertMorrowTexas/@dailykos, {Donate}, 04-03-13 https://goo.gl/dDjTwN
(^^^) “Bill Simpich: Secret Operations in the USA and their Effects (2017)"
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-14-17, YT,1:04:11 https://goo.gl/51QGp
>##(05-17)*CW*CBWS*FK*PI*#CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666cia NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/CIA OPS
{ A former economic hitman describes how multinational corporations employ the C.I.A. (the U.S. State Department and its foreign embassies) and the U.S. War Department to promote capitalism. American Exceptionalism (an absurdity in a Democracy) is a term that describes the foreign policy of a nation-state corporatocracy which projects and imposes Friedman Chicago School economic austerity by a method best described as “The Shock Doctrine.” It topples vulnerable democracies and props up totalitarian police states, while it spreads colonialism, exploitation and central bank loans using profit-charter capitalist values and the oil dollar. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "CONSPIRACY of disaster - Confessions of an Economic Hitman - Extended Interview - MUST see !" (John Perkins – Economic Hitman)
~ Conspiracy News Channel, {Subscribe}, 10-03-14, YT, 1:08:38 _**
< https://goo.gl/WSsoVv @economic_hitman @idreamchange
IRAQ WAR: A former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to Poor Countries to access cheap resources”
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire"
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
-/\/- Link/URL< http://www.johnperkins.org
-/\/- Link/URL< www.zeitgeistmovie.com
ECONOMIC HITMAN: Iraq, Oil, War, Terrorism, World Corporatocracy, American Exceptionalism; Saudi Arabia, House of Saud, Bush Family, Bin Laden Family, Carlyle Group, 09-11-01, Sadaam Hussein, CIA, Osama Bin Ladin; South America, CIA Coup d’État, Missionaries, Oil Companies
Saudi Arabia’s ruling “House of Saud” was convinced to make a mutually supportive deal with U.S.. Conditions of the deal included that our petrol dollars spent in Saudi Arabia were to be loaned back to the U.S. Treasury. U.S. corporations would westernize the infrastructure of Saudi Arabia.
The U.S. needed access to Iraqi oil fields. Sadaam Hussein did not cooperate with CIA efforts to access Iraqi oil.
(^^^) “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – Part 1” @economic_hitman
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 06-21-07, YT, 53:35 < https://goo.gl/J8q3Hh
"TalkingStickTV - John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Part II"
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 08-21-07, YT, 49:02 < https://goo.gl/N5lULj
Turmoil is creating a host of problems for people and the planet.
(^^^) “John Perkins: Transforming Turmoil into New Economy”
~ bu, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:40:10 < https://goo.gl/9TWuE8
-/\/- "'Economic hit man" John Perkins tells how the U.S. Empire loots other countries using murder and the military only when economic means fail. He mentions his semi role in the assassination of Omar Trujillos of Panama."
(^^^) "'Jackals Assassinate,' EHM John Perkins" @economic_hitman
~ RBoon, {Subscribe}, 07-09-06, YT, 1:44 < https://goo.gl/J3p8kN
(^^^) "Apologies Of An Economic Hitman (Full Documentary Movie)"
~ TooLF8th, {Subscribe}, 03-02-12, YT, 1:29:47 < https://goo.gl/EKAK7l
(^^^) ”John Perkins on U.S. Foreign Policy – Pt. 1” @economic_hitman
~ F8inFreeMedia, {Subscribe}, 01-22-10, YT, 10:00 < https://goo.gl/HDq6NI
(^^^) "Zeitgeist 2: Addendum (Full Movie!) - Please Share"
~ ExhumedByScryingEyes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-08, YT, 1:59:29 _**
@economic_hitman @idreamchange < https://goo.gl/eKmUK7
JOHN PERKINS DESCRIBES EMPIRE: The Corporatocracy is not a democracy.
(Starts 04:00 min)
“They all work under one premise, one single goal that drives every one of them. And that is to maximize profits regardless of the environmental and social costs. …They’re all aiming at that same goal.
These people control our main stream media. …But they control our main stream media either through direct ownership or through their advertising budgets. They control our government our politicians because no politician can be elected these days without a lot of money. And most of that money comes from one way or another through the Corporations.” (min 28:30)
Books: "The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World" 2008, & "The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" 2016
(^^^) "John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire"
~ MarlboroCollege on 04-23-08, {Subscribe}, 12-18-09, YT, 1:24:24 _
@economic_hitman @idreamchange < https://goo.gl/pB9OR5
"Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the World? Resistance and Ways Forward"
~ ExplodedView MEF, {Subscribe}, 11-02-12, YT, 1:02:54 _
@noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/wix15w
(^^^) "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles" (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-14-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/LW651d
U.S. MILITARY INDUSTRIAL (CONGRESSIONAL) COMPLEX, TRANS-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS, FORTUNE 500: Slavery, U.S. Prison Complex, War On Crime, War On Drugs, U.S. Prison Complex, Police State, Empowerment Zones, Developing Nations/3rd World Nations, Free Trade, N.A.F.T.A, Outsourcing, World Bank, Profit Pathology, Labor and Resources @MichaelParenti
(^^^) “Michael Parenti: The Sword & the Dollar” (*BLM) (*FP) (*TPP) (*W/T)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, YT1:00:15 https://goo.gl/LdZZkt
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
(^^^) ”Dr. Michael Parenti: SuperPatriotism” (08-1988)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, 09-19-13, YT, 57:22 < https://goo.gl/hkVV6O
CIA COVERT WARS: Galvanizing American Opinion, Glorifying War, War Conditioning, TV Programming; Rewriting History; Aggression, Economics;
USA: Gov’t Lies, Nuclear Weapons, Debt, War, Covert Action, Nation Capture, Sabotage Manuel, Assassination Manuel, Terror, Torture, Contras, Fascism, Propaganda;
Sandinistas, Nicaragua, Central America, El Salvador, Election Rigging;
CIA Drug Smuggling, Florida, Texas, Louisiana; CIA Drug Smuggling, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, GI’s, USA;
Contra Aid Bill; Low Intensity Conflicts, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Angola, Libya and Chad, Ethiopia, Kampuchea, Afghanistan; Hegemony;
Church Committee 1975, CIA, Several Thousand Covert Actions; Cold War Propaganda, Genocide; Chile, Salvador Allende’, Pinochet; Covert Actions: China, Korean War, Vietnam, Ho Chi Min;
Thailand, Taiwan, Laos, Vietnam, Congo, Honduras,; Vietnam, Congo, Cambodia, Iran, Laos, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka; Death Squads, Alliance For Progress, 1960’s; CIA Teaching Torture, Special Techniques, Devices;
{Min 50:00} Ronald Reagan, American Irrationality, Glamorizing War, Gordon Liddy, Rambo, Sylvester Stallone; Reagan Lost His Mind, Vietnam Protests, Blood Bath, Armageddon Fixation;
{Min 1:00:30} “10,000 brutal covert actions”
“over half of our taxes are going to this giant military burden we’re carrying”
“The military industrial complex makes 35% profit.”
{Min 1:05:30} 70,000 Nuclear Bombs; Numerous Accidents; 5 Nuke Submarines, Ocean Grave;
{Min 1:08:00} Fate Of The Earth, Activism:
“Honey! At Least We Tried” ~ Helen Caldecott
“Do what you are comfortable with” ~ Admiral La Roche, Defense Info
Book: “The Hidden History of the Korean War” ~ I.F. Stone
Book: “Deadly Deceits” ~ Ralph McGhee
Book: “Portrait of a Cold Warrior” ~ Joe Smith
Book: “Hidden Terrors” ~ A.J. Langdon
Book: “The Overburdened Economy” ~ Lloyd Dumas
”John Stockwell Speaks Out About CIA Atrocities and US Militarism (1987)”
~ Our Hidden History, 12-18-16, YT, 1:32:13 < https://goo.gl/FTmNkG
ENTERTAINMENT PROPAGANDA: Imperialism, Racism, Cult of Destruction
{The U.S.A. is Forbes 400 King’s Trigger Finger Incubator, a (military industrial complex) War Hatchery and CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats) Coup d’État Chicken Coop with coastlines. The oligarch’s pay-to-play corporate storefronts run the Federal Government like a Las Vegas Chicken Ranch (w/tax-deductible gifts to political action committees). And the culture teaches us to enjoy our “Immaculate Conception” as we have “no say” in the matters of state. And our Presidents assume the twin roles of big brother “savior” and (made in his image and likeness) skydaddie-esque Fireball-Hurling Psychopath, almost without challenge …because we are culturally brainwashed with blind-belief and flag-n-fireworks brand of dollar-store patriotism. ~ IGRPP } @MichaelParenti
(^^^) "Michael Parenti: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes" (1989) (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-16-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/8snBt4
IMPERIALISM, CAPITALISM, GLOBALIZATION, FREE TRADE: War, Violence, Resource Theft, Wage Slavery; Portugal, Nicaragua, Chile, Jamaica, Greece, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Somalia; Free Marked Neoliberalism;
POPULATION COLUMNS: A – Checks By The Pool, B – Earn Wages, C - Starving
INTERVENTIONIST POWER: Protect Investments, Create Opportunities, Take Over Resources, WTO*, NAFTA*, GATT*, Restrict Public Services, Patent Natural Plants, Monopoly Regulation, Corporate Power, Oligarch Power; Repression, Stockholm syndrome, Ignorance
(^^^) “Michael Parenti – Globalization, the New Imperialism” (1999)
~ Vladimir Pandovski, {Subscribe}, 03-18-16,51:45 https://goo.gl/9gm7Nw
World Trade Organization, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/qwQmkG
General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (1947), @wiki https://goo.gl/S7xi5m
North American Free Trade Agreement (’94), {Donate} https://goo.gl/J8UFNg
POTUS “In every President, there’s an emperor just dying to get out.” ~ MP
(^^^) ”Michael Parenti: A Critical Assessment of the New World Order”
~ Our Hidden History, 03-05-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/YnHcNk (*COL)
(^^^) "Parenti - The Empire Under Attack: From Latin America to Occupy Wall Street" @MichaelParenti @OccupyWallSt
~ clasosu, {Subscribe}, 06-03-14, YT, 1:23:33 < https://goo.gl/VuHvDI
SECRETARY OF STATE, STATE DEPARTMENT: CIA Cover, Embassy Jobs, CIA Operations, Multinational Corporations, Covert Operations (Minute 32:30)
(^^^) "Taking Aim Radio: Outing the Gentlemen Killers of the CIA”
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, Y1:56:28 https://goo.gl/hjCwFD
(^^^) "Michael Parenti "Creating a Sustainable Economy" (2004)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, {Subscribe}, 06-24-16, 1:14:49 https://goo.gl/sxSUze
(^^^) "Michael Parenti: Lies, Wars, & Empire" @MichaelParenti
~ Other Voices, {Subscribe}, 12-29-14, YT, 1:20:20 < https://goo.gl/HzfPKt
"Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean - Noam Chomsky"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 06-01-12, YT, 9:41 < https://goo.gl/ZkqL7c
"Facebook Wesley P P Hall World banking explained in less than 2 Facebook"
~ Nils Humano, {Subscribe}, 08-29-15, YT, 1:57 < https://goo.gl/gEwxju
CRITIQUE ON: Supply Side Economics, Libertarian Ideology, Drug War
(^^^) "David Simon on America as a Horror Show" @AoDespair
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 07-31-14, YT, 26:46 < https://goo.gl/JqT0hY
AUTHORITARINISM, CAPITALISM: 2006, Rich Left Us Behind, Austerity, Tax Cuts = Civilization Cuts; Book: “Austerity: The History of a Bad Idea”
~ Mark Blyth @MarkBlyth @ChrisLynnHedges @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
(^^^) "On Contact: The Cost of Austerity with MarkBlyth"
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 09-10-16, YT, 26:22 < https://goo.gl/QGyfHA
TRUMP ELECTORATE: Americans With Authoritarian Inclinations
(^^^) "The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter ...And it’s not gender, age, income, race or religion.” @POTUS
~ Matthew MacWilliams/@politico,{Donate}, 01-17-16 https://goo.gl/h5JXwI
NO PROTECTION FROM GREED “America is descending into madness.”
(^^^) "Henry Giroux on 'Zombie' Politics" @HenryGiroux @USSupremeCourt
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 11-22-13, YT, 43:59 < https://goo.gl/xN7XD1
(^^^) “David Cay Johnston: Governmental Capture” (Fatal To Republics)
~ New Economic Thinking, 06-01-14, YT, 1:05 < https://goo.gl/CCNDus
DEMOCRACY, CAPITALISM, COSUMERISM, MARKET VALUES: "It's easier to imagine the death of the planet than it is the death of capitalism."
(^^^) "Politics in the Age of Casino Capitalism” @HenryGiroux
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 11-22-13, YT, 56:53 < https://goo.gl/PZCmJP
(^^^) "Socialism For Dummies."
~ Charlie Marks, {Subscribe}, 05-17-15, YT, 49:45 < https://goo.gl/0ux7ZU
>#(01-17)*CW*E16*EC*WB#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{ A former economic hitman describes how multinational corporations employ the C.I.A. (the U.S. State Department and its foreign embassies) and the U.S. War Department to promote capitalism. American Exceptionalism (an absurdity in a Democracy) is a term that describes the foreign policy of a nation-state corporatocracy which projects and imposes Friedman Chicago School economic austerity by a method best described as “The Shock Doctrine.” It topples vulnerable democracies and props up totalitarian police states, while it spreads colonialism, exploitation and central bank loans using profit-charter capitalist values and the oil dollar. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "CONSPIRACY of disaster - Confessions of an Economic Hitman - Extended Interview - MUST see !" (John Perkins – Economic Hitman)
~ Conspiracy News Channel, {Subscribe}, 10-03-14, YT, 1:08:38 _**
< https://goo.gl/WSsoVv @economic_hitman @idreamchange
IRAQ WAR: A former economic hitman explains the Iraq oil war & recounts CIA history.
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to Poor Countries to access cheap resources”
(^^^) "John Perkins - America's Secret Empire"
~ @foratv, {Subscribe}, 08-13-07, YT, 5:31 < https://goo.gl/DgFpkr
-/\/- Link/URL< http://www.johnperkins.org
-/\/- Link/URL< www.zeitgeistmovie.com
ECONOMIC HITMAN: Iraq, Oil, War, Terrorism, World Corporatocracy, American Exceptionalism; Saudi Arabia, House of Saud, Bush Family, Bin Laden Family, Carlyle Group, 09-11-01, Sadaam Hussein, CIA, Osama Bin Ladin; South America, CIA Coup d’État, Missionaries, Oil Companies
Saudi Arabia’s ruling “House of Saud” was convinced to make a mutually supportive deal with U.S.. Conditions of the deal included that our petrol dollars spent in Saudi Arabia were to be loaned back to the U.S. Treasury. U.S. corporations would westernize the infrastructure of Saudi Arabia.
The U.S. needed access to Iraqi oil fields. Sadaam Hussein did not cooperate with CIA efforts to access Iraqi oil.
(^^^) “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – Part 1” @economic_hitman
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 06-21-07, YT, 53:35 < https://goo.gl/J8q3Hh
"TalkingStickTV - John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Part II"
~ @TalkingStickTV, {Subscribe}, 08-21-07, YT, 49:02 < https://goo.gl/N5lULj
Turmoil is creating a host of problems for people and the planet.
(^^^) “John Perkins: Transforming Turmoil into New Economy”
~ bu, {Subscribe}, 04-10-10, YT, 1:40:10 < https://goo.gl/9TWuE8
-/\/- "'Economic hit man" John Perkins tells how the U.S. Empire loots other countries using murder and the military only when economic means fail. He mentions his semi role in the assassination of Omar Trujillos of Panama."
(^^^) "'Jackals Assassinate,' EHM John Perkins" @economic_hitman
~ RBoon, {Subscribe}, 07-09-06, YT, 1:44 < https://goo.gl/J3p8kN
(^^^) "Apologies Of An Economic Hitman (Full Documentary Movie)"
~ TooLF8th, {Subscribe}, 03-02-12, YT, 1:29:47 < https://goo.gl/EKAK7l
(^^^) ”John Perkins on U.S. Foreign Policy – Pt. 1” @economic_hitman
~ F8inFreeMedia, {Subscribe}, 01-22-10, YT, 10:00 < https://goo.gl/HDq6NI
(^^^) "Zeitgeist 2: Addendum (Full Movie!) - Please Share"
~ ExhumedByScryingEyes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-08, YT, 1:59:29 _**
@economic_hitman @idreamchange < https://goo.gl/eKmUK7
JOHN PERKINS DESCRIBES EMPIRE: The Corporatocracy is not a democracy.
(Starts 04:00 min)
“They all work under one premise, one single goal that drives every one of them. And that is to maximize profits regardless of the environmental and social costs. …They’re all aiming at that same goal.
These people control our main stream media. …But they control our main stream media either through direct ownership or through their advertising budgets. They control our government our politicians because no politician can be elected these days without a lot of money. And most of that money comes from one way or another through the Corporations.” (min 28:30)
Books: "The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World" 2008, & "The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" 2016
(^^^) "John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire"
~ MarlboroCollege on 04-23-08, {Subscribe}, 12-18-09, YT, 1:24:24 _
@economic_hitman @idreamchange < https://goo.gl/pB9OR5
"Noam Chomsky: Who Owns the World? Resistance and Ways Forward"
~ ExplodedView MEF, {Subscribe}, 11-02-12, YT, 1:02:54 _
@noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/wix15w
(^^^) "The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles" (*W/T)
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-14-15, YT, 9:58 < https://goo.gl/LW651d
U.S. MILITARY INDUSTRIAL (CONGRESSIONAL) COMPLEX, TRANS-NATIONAL CORPORATIONS, FORTUNE 500: Slavery, U.S. Prison Complex, War On Crime, War On Drugs, U.S. Prison Complex, Police State, Empowerment Zones, Developing Nations/3rd World Nations, Free Trade, N.A.F.T.A, Outsourcing, World Bank, Profit Pathology, Labor and Resources @MichaelParenti
(^^^) “Michael Parenti: The Sword & the Dollar” (*BLM) (*FP) (*TPP) (*W/T)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, YT1:00:15 https://goo.gl/LdZZkt
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
(^^^) ”Dr. Michael Parenti: SuperPatriotism” (08-1988)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, 09-19-13, YT, 57:22 < https://goo.gl/hkVV6O
CIA COVERT WARS: Galvanizing American Opinion, Glorifying War, War Conditioning, TV Programming; Rewriting History; Aggression, Economics;
USA: Gov’t Lies, Nuclear Weapons, Debt, War, Covert Action, Nation Capture, Sabotage Manuel, Assassination Manuel, Terror, Torture, Contras, Fascism, Propaganda;
Sandinistas, Nicaragua, Central America, El Salvador, Election Rigging;
CIA Drug Smuggling, Florida, Texas, Louisiana; CIA Drug Smuggling, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, GI’s, USA;
Contra Aid Bill; Low Intensity Conflicts, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Angola, Libya and Chad, Ethiopia, Kampuchea, Afghanistan; Hegemony;
Church Committee 1975, CIA, Several Thousand Covert Actions; Cold War Propaganda, Genocide; Chile, Salvador Allende’, Pinochet; Covert Actions: China, Korean War, Vietnam, Ho Chi Min;
Thailand, Taiwan, Laos, Vietnam, Congo, Honduras,; Vietnam, Congo, Cambodia, Iran, Laos, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka; Death Squads, Alliance For Progress, 1960’s; CIA Teaching Torture, Special Techniques, Devices;
{Min 50:00} Ronald Reagan, American Irrationality, Glamorizing War, Gordon Liddy, Rambo, Sylvester Stallone; Reagan Lost His Mind, Vietnam Protests, Blood Bath, Armageddon Fixation;
{Min 1:00:30} “10,000 brutal covert actions”
“over half of our taxes are going to this giant military burden we’re carrying”
“The military industrial complex makes 35% profit.”
{Min 1:05:30} 70,000 Nuclear Bombs; Numerous Accidents; 5 Nuke Submarines, Ocean Grave;
{Min 1:08:00} Fate Of The Earth, Activism:
“Honey! At Least We Tried” ~ Helen Caldecott
“Do what you are comfortable with” ~ Admiral La Roche, Defense Info
Book: “The Hidden History of the Korean War” ~ I.F. Stone
Book: “Deadly Deceits” ~ Ralph McGhee
Book: “Portrait of a Cold Warrior” ~ Joe Smith
Book: “Hidden Terrors” ~ A.J. Langdon
Book: “The Overburdened Economy” ~ Lloyd Dumas
”John Stockwell Speaks Out About CIA Atrocities and US Militarism (1987)”
~ Our Hidden History, 12-18-16, YT, 1:32:13 < https://goo.gl/FTmNkG
ENTERTAINMENT PROPAGANDA: Imperialism, Racism, Cult of Destruction
{The U.S.A. is Forbes 400 King’s Trigger Finger Incubator, a (military industrial complex) War Hatchery and CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats) Coup d’État Chicken Coop with coastlines. The oligarch’s pay-to-play corporate storefronts run the Federal Government like a Las Vegas Chicken Ranch (w/tax-deductible gifts to political action committees). And the culture teaches us to enjoy our “Immaculate Conception” as we have “no say” in the matters of state. And our Presidents assume the twin roles of big brother “savior” and (made in his image and likeness) skydaddie-esque Fireball-Hurling Psychopath, almost without challenge …because we are culturally brainwashed with blind-belief and flag-n-fireworks brand of dollar-store patriotism. ~ IGRPP } @MichaelParenti
(^^^) "Michael Parenti: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes" (1989) (*COL)
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 03-16-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/8snBt4
IMPERIALISM, CAPITALISM, GLOBALIZATION, FREE TRADE: War, Violence, Resource Theft, Wage Slavery; Portugal, Nicaragua, Chile, Jamaica, Greece, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Somalia; Free Marked Neoliberalism;
POPULATION COLUMNS: A – Checks By The Pool, B – Earn Wages, C - Starving
INTERVENTIONIST POWER: Protect Investments, Create Opportunities, Take Over Resources, WTO*, NAFTA*, GATT*, Restrict Public Services, Patent Natural Plants, Monopoly Regulation, Corporate Power, Oligarch Power; Repression, Stockholm syndrome, Ignorance
(^^^) “Michael Parenti – Globalization, the New Imperialism” (1999)
~ Vladimir Pandovski, {Subscribe}, 03-18-16,51:45 https://goo.gl/9gm7Nw
World Trade Organization, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/qwQmkG
General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (1947), @wiki https://goo.gl/S7xi5m
North American Free Trade Agreement (’94), {Donate} https://goo.gl/J8UFNg
POTUS “In every President, there’s an emperor just dying to get out.” ~ MP
(^^^) ”Michael Parenti: A Critical Assessment of the New World Order”
~ Our Hidden History, 03-05-16, YT, 54:20 https://goo.gl/YnHcNk (*COL)
(^^^) "Parenti - The Empire Under Attack: From Latin America to Occupy Wall Street" @MichaelParenti @OccupyWallSt
~ clasosu, {Subscribe}, 06-03-14, YT, 1:23:33 < https://goo.gl/VuHvDI
SECRETARY OF STATE, STATE DEPARTMENT: CIA Cover, Embassy Jobs, CIA Operations, Multinational Corporations, Covert Operations (Minute 32:30)
(^^^) "Taking Aim Radio: Outing the Gentlemen Killers of the CIA”
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-10-16, Y1:56:28 https://goo.gl/hjCwFD
(^^^) "Michael Parenti "Creating a Sustainable Economy" (2004)
~ ThePublicMindDenver, {Subscribe}, 06-24-16, 1:14:49 https://goo.gl/sxSUze
(^^^) "Michael Parenti: Lies, Wars, & Empire" @MichaelParenti
~ Other Voices, {Subscribe}, 12-29-14, YT, 1:20:20 < https://goo.gl/HzfPKt
"Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean - Noam Chomsky"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 06-01-12, YT, 9:41 < https://goo.gl/ZkqL7c
"Facebook Wesley P P Hall World banking explained in less than 2 Facebook"
~ Nils Humano, {Subscribe}, 08-29-15, YT, 1:57 < https://goo.gl/gEwxju
CRITIQUE ON: Supply Side Economics, Libertarian Ideology, Drug War
(^^^) "David Simon on America as a Horror Show" @AoDespair
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 07-31-14, YT, 26:46 < https://goo.gl/JqT0hY
AUTHORITARINISM, CAPITALISM: 2006, Rich Left Us Behind, Austerity, Tax Cuts = Civilization Cuts; Book: “Austerity: The History of a Bad Idea”
~ Mark Blyth @MarkBlyth @ChrisLynnHedges @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
(^^^) "On Contact: The Cost of Austerity with MarkBlyth"
~ @RT_America, {Subscribe}, 09-10-16, YT, 26:22 < https://goo.gl/QGyfHA
TRUMP ELECTORATE: Americans With Authoritarian Inclinations
(^^^) "The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter ...And it’s not gender, age, income, race or religion.” @POTUS
~ Matthew MacWilliams/@politico,{Donate}, 01-17-16 https://goo.gl/h5JXwI
NO PROTECTION FROM GREED “America is descending into madness.”
(^^^) "Henry Giroux on 'Zombie' Politics" @HenryGiroux @USSupremeCourt
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 11-22-13, YT, 43:59 < https://goo.gl/xN7XD1
(^^^) “David Cay Johnston: Governmental Capture” (Fatal To Republics)
~ New Economic Thinking, 06-01-14, YT, 1:05 < https://goo.gl/CCNDus
DEMOCRACY, CAPITALISM, COSUMERISM, MARKET VALUES: "It's easier to imagine the death of the planet than it is the death of capitalism."
(^^^) "Politics in the Age of Casino Capitalism” @HenryGiroux
~ @MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 11-22-13, YT, 56:53 < https://goo.gl/PZCmJP
(^^^) "Socialism For Dummies."
~ Charlie Marks, {Subscribe}, 05-17-15, YT, 49:45 < https://goo.gl/0ux7ZU
>#(01-17)*CW*E16*EC*WB#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666cia NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/CIA OPS
(*POTUS41), Criminal POTUS 41 George H.W. BUSH; War, Fascism, Coup d’État, Colonization, C.I.A., Corporations Infantry of Aristocrats, US War Department; Failed Banks, Savings & Loans, Deregulation 1982, Mafia Looting S&L’s; Drugs and Guns Traded, Money Laundering; American Exceptionalism (*POTUS41)
"Pete Brewton teaches journalism and law at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. The author of the bestseller The Mafia, CIA and George Bush, he is an award-winning journalist with 15 years reporting experience at the Houston Chronicle and the Houston Post. He practiced law in Houston for five years."
Book: “The Mafia, CIA, & George Bush I” ~ Pete Brewton, (1992)
(^^^) “Alternative Views #483,484_The Mafia, The CIA and George”
~ Frank Morrow/Archive, {Subscribe}, (1992), V, 59:01 https://goo.gl/tZ3eME
>##(08-17)*CBWS*WB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS41), Criminal POTUS 41 George H.W. BUSH; War, Fascism, Coup d’État, Colonization, C.I.A., Corporations Infantry of Aristocrats, US War Department; Failed Banks, Savings & Loans, Deregulation 1982, Mafia Looting S&L’s; Drugs and Guns Traded, Money Laundering; American Exceptionalism (*POTUS41)
"Pete Brewton teaches journalism and law at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. The author of the bestseller The Mafia, CIA and George Bush, he is an award-winning journalist with 15 years reporting experience at the Houston Chronicle and the Houston Post. He practiced law in Houston for five years."
Book: “The Mafia, CIA, & George Bush I” ~ Pete Brewton, (1992)
(^^^) “Alternative Views #483,484_The Mafia, The CIA and George”
~ Frank Morrow/Archive, {Subscribe}, (1992), V, 59:01 https://goo.gl/tZ3eME
>##(08-17)*CBWS*WB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666cia NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/CIA OPS
CIA Project MK-Ultra: Mind Control, Shock Therapy,
CIA Operation Paperclip: Recruit Nazi Scientists, Post WWII
CIA Drug Trafficking: 1996, Whistleblower Gary Webb, LA, Black Community
CIA Operation Northwoods: 1962, Cuba, U.S. Terrorist Attack Plan
CIA NSA Data Collection: Edward Snowden, Online Records, James Clapper
FBI Cointelpro: Peace Activists, Communism, Left, Assassination M.L. King
Operation Snow White: Church of Scientology, Stealing Classified Records
CIA Guatemala Syphilis Study: 1946-48, John Hopkins, Rockefeller Foundation
CIA Gulf of Tonkin: False Flag, Start Vietnam War, 08-02-1964, LB Johnsen
CIA Operation Mockingbird: 1950’s, Corporate Control, U.S. Main Media
”Top 10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True”
~ Alltime10s, {Subscribe}, 07-07-15, YT, 7:29 < https://goo.gl/D0LvMe
"’CIA are drug smugglers.’ - Head of DEA said this too late for Gary Webb"
~ michaellevine53, {Subscribe}, 02-18-11, YT, 2:16 < https://goo.gl/vTjzWB
(^^^) “How Crack Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996)"
~ The Film Archives, 08-25-13, YT, 25:54 < https://goo.gl/2bXkPk
MAIN STREAM MEDIA, CIA DRUG SALES: Freeway Rickey Ross, Gary Webb
"'Bush, Reagan let drugs flow free to US from Nicaragua' - ex-dealer"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 01-15-11, YT, 11:07 https://goo.gl/t8VWTW
(^^^) “Iran-Contra Affair Scandal Explained: US History Review"
~ Keith Hughes, 03-18-13, YT, 13:38 _< https://goo.gl/VCyjGJ
Hip Hughes History channel < https://www.youtube.com/user/hughesDV
DARK ALLIANCE: Investigative Journalist Gary Webb
CIA Selling Crack in LA, NY, Atlanta to finance Nicaraguan Contra Rebels backed by POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; “Shadows of Liberty”
This rotten to the core country sold crack to inner city residents.
“’Kill the Messenger’ Resurrects Gary Webb, Maligned for Exposing CIA Ties to Crack”
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-09-14, Vid, 19:00 https://goo.gl/KKe6Rw
Assassinated drug smuggler, Barry Steel, was gunned down before he could testify AGAINST Vice President George H. W. Bush, a former CIA agent.
"Barry Seal was a legendary CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot who had literally worked for the Agency since he was a teenage pilot prodigy in the late 1950’s."
{“(Sarah) McLendon had asked (George H.W.) Bush: ‘What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?’”}
{"George Herbert Walker Bush: ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street & lynch us.’”}
"Jeb Bush, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986”
~ RobertMorrowTexas/@dailykos, {Donate}, 04-03-13 https://goo.gl/dDjTwN
(^^^) “Bill Simpich: Secret Operations in the USA and their Effects (2017)"
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-14-17, YT,1:04:11 https://goo.gl/51QGp
>###(05-17)*CW*CBWS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
CIA Project MK-Ultra: Mind Control, Shock Therapy,
CIA Operation Paperclip: Recruit Nazi Scientists, Post WWII
CIA Drug Trafficking: 1996, Whistleblower Gary Webb, LA, Black Community
CIA Operation Northwoods: 1962, Cuba, U.S. Terrorist Attack Plan
CIA NSA Data Collection: Edward Snowden, Online Records, James Clapper
FBI Cointelpro: Peace Activists, Communism, Left, Assassination M.L. King
Operation Snow White: Church of Scientology, Stealing Classified Records
CIA Guatemala Syphilis Study: 1946-48, John Hopkins, Rockefeller Foundation
CIA Gulf of Tonkin: False Flag, Start Vietnam War, 08-02-1964, LB Johnsen
CIA Operation Mockingbird: 1950’s, Corporate Control, U.S. Main Media
”Top 10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True”
~ Alltime10s, {Subscribe}, 07-07-15, YT, 7:29 < https://goo.gl/D0LvMe
"’CIA are drug smugglers.’ - Head of DEA said this too late for Gary Webb"
~ michaellevine53, {Subscribe}, 02-18-11, YT, 2:16 < https://goo.gl/vTjzWB
(^^^) “How Crack Funded a CIA War: Gary Webb Interview on the Contras and Ronald Reagan (1996)"
~ The Film Archives, 08-25-13, YT, 25:54 < https://goo.gl/2bXkPk
MAIN STREAM MEDIA, CIA DRUG SALES: Freeway Rickey Ross, Gary Webb
"'Bush, Reagan let drugs flow free to US from Nicaragua' - ex-dealer"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 01-15-11, YT, 11:07 https://goo.gl/t8VWTW
(^^^) “Iran-Contra Affair Scandal Explained: US History Review"
~ Keith Hughes, 03-18-13, YT, 13:38 _< https://goo.gl/VCyjGJ
Hip Hughes History channel < https://www.youtube.com/user/hughesDV
DARK ALLIANCE: Investigative Journalist Gary Webb
CIA Selling Crack in LA, NY, Atlanta to finance Nicaraguan Contra Rebels backed by POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan; “Shadows of Liberty”
This rotten to the core country sold crack to inner city residents.
“’Kill the Messenger’ Resurrects Gary Webb, Maligned for Exposing CIA Ties to Crack”
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 10-09-14, Vid, 19:00 https://goo.gl/KKe6Rw
Assassinated drug smuggler, Barry Steel, was gunned down before he could testify AGAINST Vice President George H. W. Bush, a former CIA agent.
"Barry Seal was a legendary CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot who had literally worked for the Agency since he was a teenage pilot prodigy in the late 1950’s."
{“(Sarah) McLendon had asked (George H.W.) Bush: ‘What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?’”}
{"George Herbert Walker Bush: ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street & lynch us.’”}
"Jeb Bush, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986”
~ RobertMorrowTexas/@dailykos, {Donate}, 04-03-13 https://goo.gl/dDjTwN
(^^^) “Bill Simpich: Secret Operations in the USA and their Effects (2017)"
~ Our Hidden History, {Subscribe}, 05-14-17, YT,1:04:11 https://goo.gl/51QGp
>###(05-17)*CW*CBWS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666ft NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/FREE TRADE: NAFTA
(*POTUS42), Bill CLINTON, Ross PEROT’s N.A.F.T.A.
There was a 1992 warning about job losses due to the North American Free Trade Agreement from Independent Presidential Candidate, Ross Perot.
“We have got to stop sending jobs overseas. …there will be a giant sucking sound going south.”
(^^^) “Giant Sucking Sound – Ross Perot 1992 Presidential Debate.flv”
~ TheFedBites, {Subscribe}, 12-06-09, YT, 2:35 < https://goo.gl/4JGPA1
-/\/- “See the link to the chart for the results of trade with Mexico. The year NAFTA was ratified, America had a $1 billion trade surplus with Mexico. By 1995, America had a $16 billion trade deficit with Mexico. Today, America's trade deficit with Mexico is $74 billion. The facts in the chart make President Clinton, Vice President Gore and all the newspaper editors who wrote editorials supporting NAFTA look like complete idiots or worse. Ross Perot was absolutely right even though he was not effective in the debate. Again, no matter what your views are on NAFTA, the chart (link below) speaks for itself.” ~ naftafailure,
“Lessons learned: Any time your government tries to sell you on a free trade deal with another country that has disparate living and environmental standards, don't believe it. President Bill Clinton also made similar claims about free trade with Communist China when he signed a free trade agreement with that country in 1999. Today, the US has lost countless jobs to Communist China and suffers a staggering and unsustainable $250 billion annual trade deficit with that country.”
(^^^) ”NAFTA: Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993” (*DNC) (*TPP)
~ naftafailure, {Subscribe}, 02-23-08, YT, 9:00 < https://goo.gl/tVve1i
-/\/- COMMENTARY/F.Y.I.: Trade Agreements effectively “Backwards Engineer” all City, County, State, and National Laws… rescinding any and all of a nations laws, work agreements, and environmental standards.
All “Partner Nations” operate under threat of significant punitive Trade Sanction and Penalty paid to any Multinational Corporations or Partner Country who feels their Free-Trade Profit-Rights have been violated (so much for clinging to the prudent ways of protecting critical resources and assets from exploitation, planning for the future, or just maintaining “Nostalgic Democracy” or Civilization).
Free Trade gives parasitic Multinationals unequivocal free reign to colonize all Partner Countries for short-term profits and long-term resource and social decimation. “FREE (but-highly-subsidized) TRADE is an Oligarch orchestrated “Cultural Limbo Contests” to determine the people who can survive on slave rations, w/o benefit of Taxes. The absence of funding for Civilization, Law Enforcement, Social Services, and Protections from Environmental Cataclysm is assumed to serve the pursuits of Corporations Profit-Charter Nihilism.
A Rule by Corporatocracy outcome is entirely predictable from 1913 forward. That’s when World Oligarchs bought 40% of Congress and set-up The Federal Reserve Monopoly Money and U.S. Currency Printing Franchise. The 1% continues to issue a “Fractional Reserve” platinum charge card and encourage deficit spending to seal the Colonization, Austerity, Privatization and Profitization deal and direct the Wall Street Casino to benefit the owners.
In Late December 1913, 20 some percent of the Lawmakers had gone home for Christmas Break when that Tyrannical Fed Law passed, Institutionalizing American Serfdom. The 1% Rich have owned U.s & led U.s to War for conquest and profit ever since. They just have to create new demons for dominionist blind-believers to hate.
1% B.F.s Ruffle-the-Red-Cape, and pledgeiplegic patridiot gun-slinging habituated Fools-Rush-In. The 1% eats steak.
>###(08-17)*JL*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS42), Bill CLINTON, Ross PEROT’s N.A.F.T.A.
There was a 1992 warning about job losses due to the North American Free Trade Agreement from Independent Presidential Candidate, Ross Perot.
“We have got to stop sending jobs overseas. …there will be a giant sucking sound going south.”
(^^^) “Giant Sucking Sound – Ross Perot 1992 Presidential Debate.flv”
~ TheFedBites, {Subscribe}, 12-06-09, YT, 2:35 < https://goo.gl/4JGPA1
-/\/- “See the link to the chart for the results of trade with Mexico. The year NAFTA was ratified, America had a $1 billion trade surplus with Mexico. By 1995, America had a $16 billion trade deficit with Mexico. Today, America's trade deficit with Mexico is $74 billion. The facts in the chart make President Clinton, Vice President Gore and all the newspaper editors who wrote editorials supporting NAFTA look like complete idiots or worse. Ross Perot was absolutely right even though he was not effective in the debate. Again, no matter what your views are on NAFTA, the chart (link below) speaks for itself.” ~ naftafailure,
“Lessons learned: Any time your government tries to sell you on a free trade deal with another country that has disparate living and environmental standards, don't believe it. President Bill Clinton also made similar claims about free trade with Communist China when he signed a free trade agreement with that country in 1999. Today, the US has lost countless jobs to Communist China and suffers a staggering and unsustainable $250 billion annual trade deficit with that country.”
(^^^) ”NAFTA: Ross Perot and Al Gore Debate 1993” (*DNC) (*TPP)
~ naftafailure, {Subscribe}, 02-23-08, YT, 9:00 < https://goo.gl/tVve1i
-/\/- COMMENTARY/F.Y.I.: Trade Agreements effectively “Backwards Engineer” all City, County, State, and National Laws… rescinding any and all of a nations laws, work agreements, and environmental standards.
All “Partner Nations” operate under threat of significant punitive Trade Sanction and Penalty paid to any Multinational Corporations or Partner Country who feels their Free-Trade Profit-Rights have been violated (so much for clinging to the prudent ways of protecting critical resources and assets from exploitation, planning for the future, or just maintaining “Nostalgic Democracy” or Civilization).
Free Trade gives parasitic Multinationals unequivocal free reign to colonize all Partner Countries for short-term profits and long-term resource and social decimation. “FREE (but-highly-subsidized) TRADE is an Oligarch orchestrated “Cultural Limbo Contests” to determine the people who can survive on slave rations, w/o benefit of Taxes. The absence of funding for Civilization, Law Enforcement, Social Services, and Protections from Environmental Cataclysm is assumed to serve the pursuits of Corporations Profit-Charter Nihilism.
A Rule by Corporatocracy outcome is entirely predictable from 1913 forward. That’s when World Oligarchs bought 40% of Congress and set-up The Federal Reserve Monopoly Money and U.S. Currency Printing Franchise. The 1% continues to issue a “Fractional Reserve” platinum charge card and encourage deficit spending to seal the Colonization, Austerity, Privatization and Profitization deal and direct the Wall Street Casino to benefit the owners.
In Late December 1913, 20 some percent of the Lawmakers had gone home for Christmas Break when that Tyrannical Fed Law passed, Institutionalizing American Serfdom. The 1% Rich have owned U.s & led U.s to War for conquest and profit ever since. They just have to create new demons for dominionist blind-believers to hate.
1% B.F.s Ruffle-the-Red-Cape, and pledgeiplegic patridiot gun-slinging habituated Fools-Rush-In. The 1% eats steak.
>###(08-17)*JL*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 Hoarding Anarchists-666hd NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank
Deep State/HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Secret Societies, War w/o
End Christians
Bush …Yale Scull & Bones Secret Society, War; Du Pont …War, GMO; Morgan …Banks, Wars; Rockefeller …United Nations, Bilderberg; Rothschilds …Federal Reserve (@AP & @Reuters)
"Illuminati confirmed? From Rothschild to Bush, meet the 5 most powerful families that control America and the world in 2015."
(^^^) “5 Most Powerful Families That Secretly Control The World" (*MSM)
~ Dark5, {Subscribe}, 02-14-15, YT, 5:39 < https://goo.gl/NREqXg
The Rockefeller reach, Muckety, {Donate} 08-01-17 https://goo.gl/Z2VbQs
Council on Foreign Relations, @Muckety, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/EuM5GB
CFR, Jewish Community Relations Council, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/cqzMJj
YALE SCULL & BONES SECRET SOCIETY, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (*CFR): One World Order, Trilateral Commission, Hegelian Dialectic, Creation of Conflict, Conflict Management;
Political and Financial Power, War, Revolution, Russian Revolution, Rise of Hitler, Wall Street, Brown Brothers Harriman, Morgan Stanley, United States, 1833
-/\/- "Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925/June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. Most importantly, he was a very respectable and intelligent human being who obviously wanted the best for mankind by exposing facts that others would rather keep hidden."
(^^^) "Antony Sutton - The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ZeroFortyFive, {Subscribe}, 03-26-16, YT, 31:57 < https://goo.gl/DUangN
(^^^) "Gary Jules - Mad World" (*W/T)
~ LHAspotter, {Subscribe}, 12-15-07, YT, 3:05 < https://goo.gl/PvbCqf
>###(08-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Bush …Yale Scull & Bones Secret Society, War; Du Pont …War, GMO; Morgan …Banks, Wars; Rockefeller …United Nations, Bilderberg; Rothschilds …Federal Reserve (@AP & @Reuters)
"Illuminati confirmed? From Rothschild to Bush, meet the 5 most powerful families that control America and the world in 2015."
(^^^) “5 Most Powerful Families That Secretly Control The World" (*MSM)
~ Dark5, {Subscribe}, 02-14-15, YT, 5:39 < https://goo.gl/NREqXg
The Rockefeller reach, Muckety, {Donate} 08-01-17 https://goo.gl/Z2VbQs
Council on Foreign Relations, @Muckety, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/EuM5GB
CFR, Jewish Community Relations Council, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/cqzMJj
YALE SCULL & BONES SECRET SOCIETY, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (*CFR): One World Order, Trilateral Commission, Hegelian Dialectic, Creation of Conflict, Conflict Management;
Political and Financial Power, War, Revolution, Russian Revolution, Rise of Hitler, Wall Street, Brown Brothers Harriman, Morgan Stanley, United States, 1833
-/\/- "Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925/June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. Most importantly, he was a very respectable and intelligent human being who obviously wanted the best for mankind by exposing facts that others would rather keep hidden."
(^^^) "Antony Sutton - The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ZeroFortyFive, {Subscribe}, 03-26-16, YT, 31:57 < https://goo.gl/DUangN
(^^^) "Gary Jules - Mad World" (*W/T)
~ LHAspotter, {Subscribe}, 12-15-07, YT, 3:05 < https://goo.gl/PvbCqf
>###(08-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 Hoarding Anarchists-666hd NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank
Deep State/HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Secret Societies, War w/o
End Christians
NWO Zionist Rothschild-Fed Bank-Goldman Sachs-Morgan-Rockefeller-Council on Foreign Relations-Bilderberg-Trilateral Commission-DAVOS Billionaire Deep State
HEGELIAN DIALECTIC IDEOLOGY: Drives US Foreign Policy, Peace Through War; American (Gov’t) Interests = Corporate Interests
CIA: Corporate (Corp d’état) Infantry for (International) Aristocrats
"It’s been a highly effective deadly game formula of deceit that the ruling elite has perpetrated on the people to fool and entice them into blindly accepting greater centralized control and authority."
(^^^) “Authoritarian Control and Mass Murder in America the Hegelian Dialectic Way" (*MSM)
~ Joachim Hagopian/Lew Rockwell, {Donate}, 06-16-16 https://goo.gl/EUsCYr
(^^^) “Jesse Ventura Gets A Visit From The CIA" (Independent Gov., MN)
~ Kenny C, {Subscribe}, 02-12-09, YT, 5:55 < https://goo.gl/JTCU5M
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
NWO Zionist Rothschild-Fed Bank-Goldman Sachs-Morgan-Rockefeller-Council on Foreign Relations-Bilderberg-Trilateral Commission-DAVOS Billionaire Deep State
HEGELIAN DIALECTIC IDEOLOGY: Drives US Foreign Policy, Peace Through War; American (Gov’t) Interests = Corporate Interests
CIA: Corporate (Corp d’état) Infantry for (International) Aristocrats
"It’s been a highly effective deadly game formula of deceit that the ruling elite has perpetrated on the people to fool and entice them into blindly accepting greater centralized control and authority."
(^^^) “Authoritarian Control and Mass Murder in America the Hegelian Dialectic Way" (*MSM)
~ Joachim Hagopian/Lew Rockwell, {Donate}, 06-16-16 https://goo.gl/EUsCYr
(^^^) “Jesse Ventura Gets A Visit From The CIA" (Independent Gov., MN)
~ Kenny C, {Subscribe}, 02-12-09, YT, 5:55 < https://goo.gl/JTCU5M
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 Hoarding Anarchists-666hd NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank
Deep State/HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Secret Societies, War w/o
End Christians
WAR, FASCISM, CIA: Coup d’Etat & Colonization; Drug Smuggling, Vietnam War, World War II; CIA, President George H.W. Bush, POTUS 41; President Bill Clinton, POTUS 42; President George W. Bush, POTUS 43; POTUS Ronald Reagan 40
Turkey to China Opium Trade; US War on Drugs & Distribution;
U.S. Police State; N.W.O. – New World Order, Illuminati
Occupy Movement Smashed Nationwide By (German Namesake) Homeland Security
Yale Skull and Bones Secret Society Alumni include:
Prescott Bush (Nazi banker and sympathizer was Dad & Grandfather to); POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush I;
POTUS 43 George W. Bush II;
John Kerry Presidential Candidate 2004/POTUS Obama’s Secretary of State
Skull and Bones has about 100 active and 500 living members
"Elihu Yale ...educated in London …served with the British East India Co."
"...relationship between Yale & the ‘Intelligence Community’ …unique."
"In 1823, Samuel Russell established Russell and Company ...acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling it to China. ...became the primary American opium smuggler. ...American and European fortunes were built on the 'China'(opium) trade."
"Fifteen juniors are ‘tapped’ each year ...initiated into next year's group."
William Howard Taft ('87) ...both President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
"Many researchers contend that George (POTUS 41 H.W.) Bush has been with CIA since the early 1950s ...to consolidate and co-ordinate the worldwide narcotics industry, the largest industry on Earth. ...the Vietnam 'Police Action' ...cover for the consolidation of the 'Golden Triangle'."
"In July, 1985, the suppressed GAO paper …'no benefits from the National Narcotics Border Interdiction System, directed by George Bush.'..."
"10. Skull & Bones = Illuminati? ...Could we have in the United States a secret society that has used the 'National Security State' as a cover…?"
Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry is a Skull and Bones member
"The Order of the Skull and Bones: Everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask" (*POTUS41) (*POTUS43) (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ Kris Millegan/Conspiracy Theory Research List < https://goo.gl/WqaXG3
>#(05-17)*CW*CBWS*EPB*PI*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
WAR, FASCISM, CIA: Coup d’Etat & Colonization; Drug Smuggling, Vietnam War, World War II; CIA, President George H.W. Bush, POTUS 41; President Bill Clinton, POTUS 42; President George W. Bush, POTUS 43; POTUS Ronald Reagan 40
Turkey to China Opium Trade; US War on Drugs & Distribution;
U.S. Police State; N.W.O. – New World Order, Illuminati
Occupy Movement Smashed Nationwide By (German Namesake) Homeland Security
Yale Skull and Bones Secret Society Alumni include:
Prescott Bush (Nazi banker and sympathizer was Dad & Grandfather to); POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush I;
POTUS 43 George W. Bush II;
John Kerry Presidential Candidate 2004/POTUS Obama’s Secretary of State
Skull and Bones has about 100 active and 500 living members
"Elihu Yale ...educated in London …served with the British East India Co."
"...relationship between Yale & the ‘Intelligence Community’ …unique."
"In 1823, Samuel Russell established Russell and Company ...acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling it to China. ...became the primary American opium smuggler. ...American and European fortunes were built on the 'China'(opium) trade."
"Fifteen juniors are ‘tapped’ each year ...initiated into next year's group."
William Howard Taft ('87) ...both President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
"Many researchers contend that George (POTUS 41 H.W.) Bush has been with CIA since the early 1950s ...to consolidate and co-ordinate the worldwide narcotics industry, the largest industry on Earth. ...the Vietnam 'Police Action' ...cover for the consolidation of the 'Golden Triangle'."
"In July, 1985, the suppressed GAO paper …'no benefits from the National Narcotics Border Interdiction System, directed by George Bush.'..."
"10. Skull & Bones = Illuminati? ...Could we have in the United States a secret society that has used the 'National Security State' as a cover…?"
Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry is a Skull and Bones member
"The Order of the Skull and Bones: Everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask" (*POTUS41) (*POTUS43) (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ Kris Millegan/Conspiracy Theory Research List < https://goo.gl/WqaXG3
>#(05-17)*CW*CBWS*EPB*PI*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 Hoarding Anarchists-666hd NWO Zionist Rothschild
pvt Fed Bank Deep State/HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Secret Societies,
War w/o End Christians
Colonization, War, Election Fraud, Corruption;
Yale Skull and Bones Secret Society Alumni include:
Prescott Bush (Nazi banker and sympathizer was Dad & Grandfather to); POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush I;
POTUS 43 George W. Bush II;
John Kerry Presidential Candidate 2004/POTUS Obama’s Secretary of State
Skull and Bones has about 100 active and 500 living members
“You both were members of Skull & Bones, a Secret Society at Yale. What does that tell us?”
Secretary of State John Kerry: “Not much because it’s a secret.”
(as he smiles & laughs)
Election Fraud: Jeb Bush’ Florida Bush Gore ‘00 & Bush Kerry Election ’04
"Don't Taze Me Bro: What Really Happened?" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ UndergroundGonzo, 12-01-10, YT, 8:22 < hhttps://goo.gl/bqWSpx
(^^^) "skulls and bones yale secret society"
~ Bryan Pender, {Subscribe}, 02-28-13, YT, 0:30 < https://goo.gl/vQUkQN
(^^^) "Don't Tase Me Bro on the Today Show"
~ Tim Wilmath, {Subscribe}, 11-01-07, YT, 5:23 < https://goo.gl/2gVNAE
(^^^) "'Don't Tase Me, Bro!' (UF Student Tasered Remix)"
~ Tobuscus, {Subscribe}, 09-17-07, YT, 0:45 < https://goo.gl/B2449E
YALE SCULL & BONES SECRET SOCIETY, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (*CFR): One World Order, Trilateral Commission, Hegelian Dialectic, Creation of Conflict, Conflict Management;
Political and Financial Power, War, Revolution, Russian Revolution, Rise of Hitler, Wall Street, Brown Brothers Harriman, Morgan Stanley, United States, 1833
-/\/- "Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925/June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. Most importantly, he was a very respectable and intelligent human being who obviously wanted the best for mankind by exposing facts that others would rather keep hidden."
(^^^) "Antony Sutton - The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ZeroFortyFive, {Subscribe}, 03-26-16, YT, 31:57 < https://goo.gl/DUangN
(^^^) "Gary Jules - Mad World" (*W/T)
~ LHAspotter, {Subscribe}, 12-15-07, YT, 3:05 < https://goo.gl/PvbCqf
(^^^) "Authoritarian Control and Mass Murder in America the Hegelian Dialectic Way"
~ Joachim Hagopian/Lew Rockwell, 06-16-16 < https://goo.gl/lGvO2C
(^^^) "Antony Sutton-1976 Lecture (Full Length)"
~ ConspiracyScope, {Subscribe}, 07-01-11, YT, 44:39 < https://goo.gl/dTu5QN
-/\/- "...Hegel was a statist who believed the individual existed for the state – a view contrary to the vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States."
(^^^) "Hegelian Dialectic"
~ Believe All Things, {Subscribe}, 11-23-08 < https://goo.gl/aWieiU
-/\/- American Corporations - Ford, GE, Standard Oil, ITT;
(min 10:00) American Companies, through their subsidiaries, helped Hitler; The Transferred technology (*POTUS41)(*POTUS43)(*POTUS44)
Book: “National Suicide” ~ Antony Sutton
(^^^) "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - An Interview with Professor Antony C. Sutton 480p"
~ Cliff Rockafella, {Subscribe}, 08-27-12, YT, 53:03 < https://goo.gl/p3mgb8
(^^^) “A 1980 Interview Professor Anthony C Sutton | Zionist Jew conspiracy, financial background”
~ Houston pujol, 03-28-17, YT, 1:18:27 < https://goo.gl/gEBQxt
(^^^) "Antony Sutton - Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution Part 1.flv"
~ Healingitnow1, {Subscribe}, 03-09-10, YT, 8:06 < https://goo.gl/PuCM2o
>###(07-17)*DS*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Colonization, War, Election Fraud, Corruption;
Yale Skull and Bones Secret Society Alumni include:
Prescott Bush (Nazi banker and sympathizer was Dad & Grandfather to); POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush I;
POTUS 43 George W. Bush II;
John Kerry Presidential Candidate 2004/POTUS Obama’s Secretary of State
Skull and Bones has about 100 active and 500 living members
“You both were members of Skull & Bones, a Secret Society at Yale. What does that tell us?”
Secretary of State John Kerry: “Not much because it’s a secret.”
(as he smiles & laughs)
Election Fraud: Jeb Bush’ Florida Bush Gore ‘00 & Bush Kerry Election ’04
"Don't Taze Me Bro: What Really Happened?" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ UndergroundGonzo, 12-01-10, YT, 8:22 < hhttps://goo.gl/bqWSpx
(^^^) "skulls and bones yale secret society"
~ Bryan Pender, {Subscribe}, 02-28-13, YT, 0:30 < https://goo.gl/vQUkQN
(^^^) "Don't Tase Me Bro on the Today Show"
~ Tim Wilmath, {Subscribe}, 11-01-07, YT, 5:23 < https://goo.gl/2gVNAE
(^^^) "'Don't Tase Me, Bro!' (UF Student Tasered Remix)"
~ Tobuscus, {Subscribe}, 09-17-07, YT, 0:45 < https://goo.gl/B2449E
YALE SCULL & BONES SECRET SOCIETY, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (*CFR): One World Order, Trilateral Commission, Hegelian Dialectic, Creation of Conflict, Conflict Management;
Political and Financial Power, War, Revolution, Russian Revolution, Rise of Hitler, Wall Street, Brown Brothers Harriman, Morgan Stanley, United States, 1833
-/\/- "Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925/June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. Most importantly, he was a very respectable and intelligent human being who obviously wanted the best for mankind by exposing facts that others would rather keep hidden."
(^^^) "Antony Sutton - The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ ZeroFortyFive, {Subscribe}, 03-26-16, YT, 31:57 < https://goo.gl/DUangN
(^^^) "Gary Jules - Mad World" (*W/T)
~ LHAspotter, {Subscribe}, 12-15-07, YT, 3:05 < https://goo.gl/PvbCqf
(^^^) "Authoritarian Control and Mass Murder in America the Hegelian Dialectic Way"
~ Joachim Hagopian/Lew Rockwell, 06-16-16 < https://goo.gl/lGvO2C
(^^^) "Antony Sutton-1976 Lecture (Full Length)"
~ ConspiracyScope, {Subscribe}, 07-01-11, YT, 44:39 < https://goo.gl/dTu5QN
-/\/- "...Hegel was a statist who believed the individual existed for the state – a view contrary to the vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States."
(^^^) "Hegelian Dialectic"
~ Believe All Things, {Subscribe}, 11-23-08 < https://goo.gl/aWieiU
-/\/- American Corporations - Ford, GE, Standard Oil, ITT;
(min 10:00) American Companies, through their subsidiaries, helped Hitler; The Transferred technology (*POTUS41)(*POTUS43)(*POTUS44)
Book: “National Suicide” ~ Antony Sutton
(^^^) "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - An Interview with Professor Antony C. Sutton 480p"
~ Cliff Rockafella, {Subscribe}, 08-27-12, YT, 53:03 < https://goo.gl/p3mgb8
(^^^) “A 1980 Interview Professor Anthony C Sutton | Zionist Jew conspiracy, financial background”
~ Houston pujol, 03-28-17, YT, 1:18:27 < https://goo.gl/gEBQxt
(^^^) "Antony Sutton - Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution Part 1.flv"
~ Healingitnow1, {Subscribe}, 03-09-10, YT, 8:06 < https://goo.gl/PuCM2o
>###(07-17)*DS*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666hd
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/HEGELIAN DIALECTIC:
Secret Societies, War w/o End Christians
(^^^) “Freemasons ★ illuminati NWO Masonic Secret
Society Documentary - Skulls Bilderberg and the CFR 1" (*MSM) (*NWO) (*W/T)
~ livingselfsufficient, {Subscribe}, 05-15-14, YT, 15:02 https://goo.gl/SDZUiw
(^^^) “Top 5 Mysterious and Powerful Secret Societies”
~ Origins Explained, {Subscribe}, 05-24-16, YT, 16:00 < https://goo.gl/9B6jvb
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
~ livingselfsufficient, {Subscribe}, 05-15-14, YT, 15:02 https://goo.gl/SDZUiw
(^^^) “Top 5 Mysterious and Powerful Secret Societies”
~ Origins Explained, {Subscribe}, 05-24-16, YT, 16:00 < https://goo.gl/9B6jvb
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666ms NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/MAIN STREAM
MEDIA: Shills For Billionaires & Storefront Corp’s
A.P. & Reuters (& The Fed Bank)
“At the heart of the network, Hudes said, are 147 financial institutions and central banks — especially the Federal Reserve, which was created by Congress but is owned by essentially a cartel of private banks.”
"World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption, Federal Reserve" (*MSM)
~ Alex Newman/Foreign Correspondent/New American, {Donate}, 05-22-13, < https://goo.gl/koyWGf {see “Related Articles” below}**
(^^^) "The AP Announcing Clinton's 'Victory' Was an Embarrassment to Journalism and U.S. Politics" @AP @Reuters (*EF) (*MSM)
~ Shane Ryan/Paste Studio, {Donate}, 06-07-16 < https://goo.gl/xXuLD9
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
A.P. & Reuters (& The Fed Bank)
“At the heart of the network, Hudes said, are 147 financial institutions and central banks — especially the Federal Reserve, which was created by Congress but is owned by essentially a cartel of private banks.”
"World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption, Federal Reserve" (*MSM)
~ Alex Newman/Foreign Correspondent/New American, {Donate}, 05-22-13, < https://goo.gl/koyWGf {see “Related Articles” below}**
(^^^) "The AP Announcing Clinton's 'Victory' Was an Embarrassment to Journalism and U.S. Politics" @AP @Reuters (*EF) (*MSM)
~ Shane Ryan/Paste Studio, {Donate}, 06-07-16 < https://goo.gl/xXuLD9
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666ms NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/MAIN STREAM
MEDIA: Shills, Billionaires, Storefront Corp’s
Book: “Manufacturing Consent: Political Economy of the Mass Media”
~ Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky, (1988)
U.S. MEDIA: Deep State Agenda, Consumerism, Distraction, War w/o End
The US is manufacturing consent for the wealth agenda, propaganda and voter control by Oligarchs. @noamchomskyT
(^^^) "Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the Media"
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 02-24-13, YT, 2:40:24 < https://goo.gl/ueiSP4
Manufacturing Consent, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/PNfhB4
Media of the United States, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/sTRMkf
Media conglomerate, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/Fm2N5e
Concentration of media ownership, @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/hFQVL6
Deregulation, @wikipedia, {Subscribe/Donate} < https://goo.gl/RPhgMH
(^^^) ”6 Corporations That Control Your Perception | Think Tank”
~ @breakingtheset/@AbbyMartin, 06-06-13, YT, 7:35 https://goo.gl/MeIQ8Q
>###(08-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Book: “Manufacturing Consent: Political Economy of the Mass Media”
~ Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky, (1988)
U.S. MEDIA: Deep State Agenda, Consumerism, Distraction, War w/o End
The US is manufacturing consent for the wealth agenda, propaganda and voter control by Oligarchs. @noamchomskyT
(^^^) "Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the Media"
~ Noam Chomsky Videos, 02-24-13, YT, 2:40:24 < https://goo.gl/ueiSP4
Manufacturing Consent, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/PNfhB4
Media of the United States, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/sTRMkf
Media conglomerate, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/Fm2N5e
Concentration of media ownership, @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/hFQVL6
Deregulation, @wikipedia, {Subscribe/Donate} < https://goo.gl/RPhgMH
(^^^) ”6 Corporations That Control Your Perception | Think Tank”
~ @breakingtheset/@AbbyMartin, 06-06-13, YT, 7:35 https://goo.gl/MeIQ8Q
>###(08-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666ms NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/MAIN STREAM
MEDIA: Shills For Billionaires & Storefront Corp’s
MEDIA CENSORING INFO: Google Search Engine, Monopoly, Clinton Fdn
(^^^) "Julian Assange Unleashed: Hillary Clinton Is A Threat, Google Is A Monopoly And Should Be Broken Up, BoA Data Taken By Ex-Employee"
~ @Forbes, {Subscribe}, 12-15-14 < https://goo.gl/L1QTAY
GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE, WEB BIAS, WEB PROPAGANDA: YouTube, Invisible Influence, Dr. Robert Epstein, Presidential Campaign, Voter Manipulation, Vote Shifting; Hillary’s Chief Technology Officer, Former Google Executive, The Ground Work (to put Hillary Clinton in office)
“Google Rankings affect thinking by causing people to trust the top ranked item.”
“The people who are somewhat decided (on an issue) are easiest to shift.”
“Well we’re built to pay attention to just the short term consequences of our actions, not the long term consequences. …What you have to do is make a bridge from the future to the present. In other words, you have to keep showing people over and over again, you know, how bad this planet is gonna look. And you have to show it to them. It has to be right in front of their faces. So it can be done. But you’re fighting human nature. Human nature just looks at immediate consequences, not long term delay consequences.
~ Dr. Robert Epstein @Google
Book: “The New Mind Control” ~ Dr. Robert Epstein (future release) (*MSM)
"Google Will Steal This Election & How - Dr. Robert Epstein Interview [7]”
~ @RedactedTonight, {Donate}, 04-07-16, YT, 25:55 < https://goo.gl/PKDsGt
WEB SEARCH ALGORITHM, GOOGLE: "The technology has made possible undetectable and untraceable manipulations of entire populations that are beyond the scope of existing regulations and laws" ~ Robert Epstein
"The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do"
"The new mind control" @Google (*MSM)
~ Robert Epstein/Aeon, {Subscribe}, (2016) < https://goo.gl/ZZdTH9
>###(07-17)*DS*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
MEDIA CENSORING INFO: Google Search Engine, Monopoly, Clinton Fdn
(^^^) "Julian Assange Unleashed: Hillary Clinton Is A Threat, Google Is A Monopoly And Should Be Broken Up, BoA Data Taken By Ex-Employee"
~ @Forbes, {Subscribe}, 12-15-14 < https://goo.gl/L1QTAY
GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE, WEB BIAS, WEB PROPAGANDA: YouTube, Invisible Influence, Dr. Robert Epstein, Presidential Campaign, Voter Manipulation, Vote Shifting; Hillary’s Chief Technology Officer, Former Google Executive, The Ground Work (to put Hillary Clinton in office)
“Google Rankings affect thinking by causing people to trust the top ranked item.”
“The people who are somewhat decided (on an issue) are easiest to shift.”
“Well we’re built to pay attention to just the short term consequences of our actions, not the long term consequences. …What you have to do is make a bridge from the future to the present. In other words, you have to keep showing people over and over again, you know, how bad this planet is gonna look. And you have to show it to them. It has to be right in front of their faces. So it can be done. But you’re fighting human nature. Human nature just looks at immediate consequences, not long term delay consequences.
~ Dr. Robert Epstein @Google
Book: “The New Mind Control” ~ Dr. Robert Epstein (future release) (*MSM)
"Google Will Steal This Election & How - Dr. Robert Epstein Interview [7]”
~ @RedactedTonight, {Donate}, 04-07-16, YT, 25:55 < https://goo.gl/PKDsGt
WEB SEARCH ALGORITHM, GOOGLE: "The technology has made possible undetectable and untraceable manipulations of entire populations that are beyond the scope of existing regulations and laws" ~ Robert Epstein
"The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do"
"The new mind control" @Google (*MSM)
~ Robert Epstein/Aeon, {Subscribe}, (2016) < https://goo.gl/ZZdTH9
>###(07-17)*DS*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666msm NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/MAIN STREAM
MEDIA: Shills, Billionaires, Storefront Corp’s
JEWISH DOMINATED MEDIA: CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Time, Warner Brothers, Newsweek, NY Times, US News & World Report
ROTHSCHILD ZIONISM: Political System, Racism,
(^^^) "Jews Against Zionism And Rothschilds"
~ Jeremy Kilroy, {Subscribe}, 11-23-12, YT, 14:43 < https://goo.gl/R4nQXp
The right of return of the Jews to their homeland.
"Miko Peled was born in Jerusalem into a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of which Miko also served his time. When Miko's niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers, you may have expected the family to put Palestinians at fault, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel, and their violent torturing and persecution for driving people to such sadness that they would take their own lives." ~ Muslims and the World
"An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel"
~ Lemming Daycare, 11-27-16, YT, 1:08:30 < https://goo.gl/4bG3ej
>###(08-17)*DS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
JEWISH DOMINATED MEDIA: CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Time, Warner Brothers, Newsweek, NY Times, US News & World Report
ROTHSCHILD ZIONISM: Political System, Racism,
(^^^) "Jews Against Zionism And Rothschilds"
~ Jeremy Kilroy, {Subscribe}, 11-23-12, YT, 14:43 < https://goo.gl/R4nQXp
The right of return of the Jews to their homeland.
"Miko Peled was born in Jerusalem into a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of which Miko also served his time. When Miko's niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers, you may have expected the family to put Palestinians at fault, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel, and their violent torturing and persecution for driving people to such sadness that they would take their own lives." ~ Muslims and the World
"An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel"
~ Lemming Daycare, 11-27-16, YT, 1:08:30 < https://goo.gl/4bG3ej
>###(08-17)*DS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666pnac NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/PNAC: Project for a New American Century
Paul Wolfowitz & Douglas J. Feith, Worked for Israel’s Netanyahu, 17 Members, Jeb Bush
GOALS: US Military Domination, Squash Rogue Regimes, Resource Capture;
Nuclear Missile Placement, Afghanistan
"David Swanson: PNAC calls for the assertion of American military might around the globe" Book: “War is a Lie” ~ David Swanson @davidcnswanson
(^^^) "Project for the New American Century" (09-16) (*W/T)
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 11-22-10, YT, 8:20 https://goo.gl/rNBipa
VOTE: MIDDLE EAST, IRAQ; AL QAEDA, ISIS, Terrorism, Climate Chaos
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders: 'Climate Change Is Directly Related To The Growth Of Terrorism”
~ tpmtv, @TPM, {Subscribe}, 11-14-15, YT, 1:54 < https://goo.gl/ZbSBdv
PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY: Whistleblowers, U.S. Foreign Policy, ISIS, Obama, Clinton, Bush, Kennedy, Johnsen, Vietnam, Israel, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria; Interventionism, Terrorism; WWI, WW II, Blowback; Democracy, Expansionism, Military Industrial Complex, Cultural DNA; PAX Americana, New World Order; Free Press (*FP) (*W/T)
"Joe Rogan and Thaddeus Russell on US Foreign Policy, ISIS, Military Industrial Complex" @joerogan @JREpodcast @ThaddeusRussell
~ American Underdog, 06-15-15, YT, 43:22 < https://goo.gl/UMVsev
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
PNAC PROJECT For The NEW AMERICAN CENTURY: “In the summer of 2000, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neo-conservative think tank riddled with soon to be Bush administration officials and advisors, issued a document calling for the radical restructuring of U.S. government and military policies. It advocated the massive expansion of defense spending, the re-invasion of Iraq, the military and economic securing of Afghanistan and Central Asia, increased centralized power and funds for the CIA, FBI, and NSA, among a slew of other policies that would, in the near future, be enacted upon their ascension to power. In the same document, they cite a potential problem with their plan. Referring to the goals of transforming the U.S. and global power structure, the paper states that because of the American Public's slant toward ideas of democracy and freedom, "this process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." ~ Zig Zag
"JEB BUSH Sept 11 2001 Project for NEW AMERICAN CENTURY - The New Pearl Harbor WTC 9/11" (*FP)
~ ZIG ZAG, {Subscribe}, 09-09-15, YT, 1:55:06 < https://goo.gl/QPC11I
(^^^) ”Aaron Russo: Rockefeller knew about 9/11 well in advance”
~ acrobat741, 11-12-07, YT, 3:51 < https://goo.gl/0FFA1T
ISRAEL, IRAN, PALESTINE, BIBI NETANYAHU: Game Plan. Easily Manipulates Americans
(^^^) "Netanyahu filmé en caméra cachée"
~ Janya Zen, {Subscribe}, 07-15-14, YT, 3:40 < https://goo.gl/CKcr5d
(^^^) "Sanders on Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress"
~ Bernie Sanders, {Subscribe}, 03-04-15, YT, 5:54 < https://goo.gl/yKeZjC
(^^^) ”Panetta admits Iran not developing nukes”
~ Stephen C. Webster/@RawStory, 01-09-12 < https://goo.gl/5fvQ9z
IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL: Israel, Gary Samore, United Against Nuclear Iran, Joe Lieberman
"Head of Group Opposing Iran Accord Quits Post, Saying He Backs Deal"
~ Michael Gordon/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 08-11-15 < https://goo.gl/biXPJa
(^^^) "Schmuck Schumer is a Lying, Devious Embarrassment for Dem Leadership Structure"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 08-09-15 < https://goo.gl/mWTXpH
ISRAEL, BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Senator Lindsey Graham (R*SC), Senator Tom Cotton (R*AR)
"We got a great treaty today with the Iranians. We’re going to end their nuclear weapons program for ten years, with continual inspections for verification. Right-wingers predictably decried the deal as “a historic mistake.” TYT host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. ...Republican lawmakers unanimously denounced an historic agreement between Iran, the U.S. and five world powers on Tuesday, promising to fight the accord tooth and nail once a congressional review period ends later this year." ~ TYT
(^^^) "Right Wing Politicians Furious Over Iran Nuke Deal" @SenTomCotton
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 07-14-15, YT, 17:00 < https://goo.gl/hSWnDA
IRAN, U.S. EXCEPTIONALISM, UNILATERAL MILITARY ACTION: Uninhibited Access, Key Markets, Key Resources. Saudi Arabia, Sunni Islam, Wahhabi-Safafi Doctrines, Wahhabisation
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky: The United States, Not Iran, Poses Greatest Threat to World Peace" @noamchomskyT
~ @democracynow, {Subscribe}, 09-22-15, Vid, 33:27 https://goo.gl/iHqU94
NETANYAHU SPEECH TO CONGRESS: Before Iran Nuclear Arms Freeze Agreement; Speaker John Boehner (R*OH)
"House Speaker John Boehner committed a crime when he invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress, and now he is freely admitting that he not only did so behind President Obama’s back, he did so to sabotage delicate peace talks with Iran."
"Boehner Confesses: I Invited Netanyahu Secretly To Stab President Obama In The Back And Sabotage Peace Talks (VIDEO)"
~ Stephen D Foster Jr/@AddictingInfo, 02-16-15 < https://goo.gl/v3ikAh
(^^^) ”Ken O’Keefe Names The Jew American uncensored version”
~ Tim Phonics, {Subscribe}, 01-27-17, YT, 7:21 https://goo.gl/bB3jZN
{ RepublicanSenators wrote Iran to threaten to blow-up a nuclear non-proliferation treaty in a US Foreign Policy Coup d’État, after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a House war drumming and full-frontal junk-wagon show. ~ IGRPP }
"Yes, he is a pompous ass for penning that letter to the Iranian leadership. …he met with a group of defense contractors the next day after penning that mutinous letter?"
“Tehran Tom” Cotton*AR @SenTomCotton, Boozman*AR, McCain*AZ,
Sessions*AL, Shelby*AL, Sullivan*AK, Gardner*CO, Rubio*FL,
Isakson*GA, Perdue*GA, Crapo*ID, Risch*ID, Ernst*IA, Grassley*IA.
Kirk*IL, Moran*KS, Roberts*KS, McConnell*KY, Paul*KY,
Cassidy*LA, Vitter*LA, Blunt*MO, Daines*MT, Wicker*MS, Ayotte*NH,
Burr*NC, Tillis*NC, Fischer*NE, Sasse*NE, Heller*NV, Hoeven*ND,
Inhofe*OK @JimInhofe @InhofePress, Lankford*OK, Portman*OH, Toomey*PA,
Graham*SC, Scott*SC, Rounds*SD, Thune*SD, Cornyn*TX, Cruz*TX,
Hatch*UT, Lee*UT, Johnson*WI, Capito*WV, Barrasso*WY, Enzi*WY
If your U.S. Senator is on this list of signers who wrote to Iran, (a US Foreign Policy Coup d’État), please write to them and express your disgust! Then copy and paste this list and ask others to do what you did. And thank those uppity warmongering Forbes 400 King’s “Purse-Dog” Senators!
"Tom Cotton Is A Pompous Ass, One Scared SOB And Very Frightening"
~ Samuel Warde, {Donate},03-19-15 _
@SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP @USAGSessions @jeffsessions
@senategopfloor @SenateFloor @SenTomCotton < https://goo.gl/MhQA4K
"There are those in the Intelligence Corps whose views on the nuclear agreement are at odds with Netanyahu's position. their opinions are being kept from the public".
"Netanyahu Must Stop Silencing Intel Chiefs Who Find Iran Deal Acceptable"
~ Amir Oren, {Subscribe}, 08-10-15 < https://goo.gl/roikkM
ISRAEL, IRAN, U.S. FOREIGN POLICY: Paul E. Singer Foundation, Paul Singer’s Elliott Management Hedge Fund The Philos Project, Michelle Packman.
Dan Senor, Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq;
“Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle” ~ Dan Senor. Bill Kristol, Foreign Policy Initiative.
"Project for a New American Century (PNAC), which did so much to promote the Iraq invasion (and indirectly to create the CPA)."
Paul E. Singer Foundation, Republican Jewish Coalition, Foundation for Defense of Democracies; American Enterprise Institute, Richard Perle Danielle Pletka; Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, Michael Makovsky
(^^^) "The Jewish Billionaire Behind a New Christian Anti-Iran Group"
~ Eli Clifton/LobeLog/Foreign Policy, 03-06-15 < https://goo.gl/CeqTqX
PALESTINE, APARTHEID: Israel, Settlements
"Former President Jimmy Carter, author of a new book, ‘Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid’, is interviewed from his home in Plains, Georgia. He responds to a caller who asks questions concerning pressure put on the US political system and the resulting support of Israel."
BOOK: “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid” ~ President Jimmy Carter
"Jimmy Carter unveils truth about Israel"
~ New Media (7), {Donate}, 02-25-09, YT, 4:26 < https://goo.gl/lwfuOZ
IRAN, IRAQ, SYRIA, ISIS, ISRAEL: Middle East, News, National Security, Iran Deal, Bibi Netanyahu, NSA Eavesdropping, Spying
"NSA’s targeting of Israeli leaders swept up the content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers"
(^^^) "U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress"
~ Adam Entous & Danny Yadron/WSJ, 12-29-15 < https://goo.gl/246NEi
(^^^) "Netanyahu Busted On Tape Bargaining To Hobble Paper's Competition In Deal For Reelection Help"
~ David/@crooksandliars, 01-08-17 < https://goo.gl/HfDWgJ
"Elizabeth Warren Finally Speaks on Israel/Gaza, Sounds Like Netanyahu"
~ @ggreenwald/@theintercept, 08-28-14 < https://goo.gl/oDZCVv
FYI-101, Genius, Smartest People in the World. “Press Room VIP” list below:
01. Christopher Langan/Montana, autodidact (self-taught).
02. Terence Tao/Chinese-American, mathematician, autistic savant.
03. Marilyn Vos Savant/columnist.
04. Chris Hirata – (NASA), physics and astronomy professor.
05. Kim Ung-yong/Korean, civil engineer.
06. Neil deGrasse Tyson/US, astrophysicist and cosmologist.
07. Evangelos Katsioulis/Greek, doctor.
08. Richard Rosner/US, TV writer and producer.
09. Garry Kasparov/Russian, chess, political activist.
10. Saul Kripke – US, Professor, philosophy.
11. Ruth Lawrence/Jerusalem, Mathematics.
12. Philip Emeagwali – Nigerian, computing field.
13. James Woods/US, Actor.
14. Steven Pinker/Canadian-American, psychologist Harvard University.
15. Benjamin Netanyahu/prime minister of Israel.
16. Magnus Carlsen/Norwegian.
17. John Sununu/US Politician.
18. Judit Polgár/Hungary, chess.
19. Manahel Thabet/Yemeni economist and scientist.
20. Stephen Hawking/theoretical physics and cosmology.
21. Noam Chomsky/linguist, philosopher, political commentator. @noamchomskyT
"Who is the Smartest Man in the World?"
(^^^) "21 Smartest People in the World"
~ Dan Clavin/Press Room VIP, {Subscribe}, 04-17-15 < https://goo.gl/ytJqYm
ISRAEL, IRAN, HEXBOLLAH: Netanyahu Interview
"It's between us and Iran" @billmaher
"Bill Maher - Love this guy _ Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Israel"
~ Julie Partney, {Subscribe}, 03-18-13, YT, 15:42 < https://goo.gl/o5Zcr1
MAIN STREAM MEDIA: Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu; Palestinians, Bombs; David Gregory, NBC
(^^^) "Worst Piece of Journalism" @NBCNews @NBC
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 08-04-14, YT, 18:52 https://goo.gl/sFd9MF
(^^^) "American Jews overwhelmingly SUPPORT Iran deal, despite all-out assault by Netanyahu & AIPAC"
~ David H. Gershon/@dailykos, {Donate}, 07-23-15 https://goo.gl/G9ToFb
WORLD SUPREMASISTS: Being Led Down A Path By World Oligarchs
AMERICAN IMPERIALISM, IRAQ: Nuke Foreign Policy, US Vet Suicide Watch
1982 Oded Yinon’s “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”
U.S. CONGRESS, BANKS, ISRAEL: Sampson Option, Nuke You All
“Ken O’Keefe in Berkley March 2016 ‘Jewish Power’ & World Citizen Solutions” (*FP)
~ Hamza H. Green, {Subscribe}, 06-17-16, YT, 1:52:50 https://goo.gl/AGT4fP
(^^^) “Talmudic” (Orthodox/Extremist Authoritarian Stone Age Judaism)
~ The Free Dictionary, {Subscribe} < https://goo.gl/5K4d9c
(^^^) "New revelations in attack on American spy ship" (USS Liberty 1967)
~ John Crewdson/@chicagotribune, 10-02-07 < https://goo.gl/nX5b22
(^^^) “Israel attacks aid ship, kills at least 10 civilians” (Turkish Gaza Aid)
~ @ggreenwald/@Salon, {Donate} 05-31-10 < https://goo.gl/H7g3X7
Sheldon (Casino Con) Adelson” is the voice of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and warmongering neo-fascism in the Middle East. Adleson likes for GOPee POTUS Candidates to kiss his o-ring to obtain dark money funding for their campaigns.
“It’s the most extreme and most addictive form of gambling — because there’s no turning it off.”
~ Les Bernal, national director of Stop Predatory Gambling
"States are moving to legalize online gambling, long barred by state and federal laws. New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware have begun licensing Internet casinos, and seven other states are debating the issue."
"Lindsey Graham, Sheldon Adelson and a colorful cast of characters jockey over regulation"
"Casinos and offshore companies battle for billions in online gambling push"
~ Nicholas Kusnetz/@Publici, {Subscribe}, 04-14-14 < https://goo.gl/t3gMEY
(^^^) “Sheldon Adelson - news and investigations"
~ @Publici/The Center for Public Integrity, {Subscribe} https://goo.gl/Nvuu66
CLINTON FOUNDATION DONORS: Foreign Governments, Corporations
(^^^) "Clinton’s shocking bedfellows, Bayer infects thousands with HIV, Netanyahu’s cartoon lies" (Abby Martin/@ringoffireradio)
~ Abby Martin/@RT_America, 02-24-15, SC, 29:08 < https://goo.gl/g3zM5k
Abby Martin’s DNC arrest, {Donate}, 072716,3:47 < https://goo.gl/ni9Ahi
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
(^^^) "1930s: Ford, GM, IBM, and the Nazis"
~ Dr Joel A Lewis, {Subscribe}, 02-17-14, YT, 43:45 < https://goo.gl/Nppekg
“…agitating since its inception for a war with Iraq”
"PNAC's policy document, "Rebuilding America's Defenses," openly advocated for total global military domination. Many PNAC members held highest-level positions in the George W. Bush administration."
(^^^) "Project for the New American Century"
~ @sourcewatch, {Donate}, (00-00) < https://goo.gl/6qptgR
WOLFOWITZ: PNAC, Project for the New American Century
“Iraq was all about oil.”
"Lawrence Wilkerson Pt5: Cheney and his team saw 9/11 as an opportunity to advance their real agenda"
(^^^) "Cheney, 9/11 and The New American Century" (*W/T)
~ @PaulJay_TRNN/@TheRealNews w/Lawrence Wilkerson, {Donate}, 06-11-11, YT, 17:32 < https://goo.gl/R652bN
(^^^) "Ex-Bush Official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: ‘I am Willing to Testify’ If Dick Cheney is Put on Trial"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-30-11, Video, 20:20 < https://goo.gl/iEZq1v
CONSPIRACY: Karl Rove meeting with Randy Scheunemann in Crimea
Ahmad Chalabi, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq;
Project for the New American Century; George W. Bush;
Defense and Foreign Policy Coordinator for John McCain 2000
(^^^) "Randy Scheunemann"
~ @sourcewatch, {Donate}, (00-00) < https://goo.gl/eXMW0J
CONSPIRACY: "Scheunemann was a core participant in the lobbying, plotting and organized campaigns of deception that led America to war in Iraq. He was a close collaborator with Ahmad Chalabi through the 1990s."
(^^^) "Do Your Job: Stop Ignoring Scheunemann's Past" (*POTUS43)
~ Josh Marshall/@TPM, {Donate}, 07-14-08 < https://goo.gl/qp6N1B
>###(05-17)*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Paul Wolfowitz & Douglas J. Feith, Worked for Israel’s Netanyahu, 17 Members, Jeb Bush
GOALS: US Military Domination, Squash Rogue Regimes, Resource Capture;
Nuclear Missile Placement, Afghanistan
"David Swanson: PNAC calls for the assertion of American military might around the globe" Book: “War is a Lie” ~ David Swanson @davidcnswanson
(^^^) "Project for the New American Century" (09-16) (*W/T)
~ @TheRealNews, {Donate}, 11-22-10, YT, 8:20 https://goo.gl/rNBipa
VOTE: MIDDLE EAST, IRAQ; AL QAEDA, ISIS, Terrorism, Climate Chaos
(^^^) "Bernie Sanders: 'Climate Change Is Directly Related To The Growth Of Terrorism”
~ tpmtv, @TPM, {Subscribe}, 11-14-15, YT, 1:54 < https://goo.gl/ZbSBdv
PROJECT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CENTURY: Whistleblowers, U.S. Foreign Policy, ISIS, Obama, Clinton, Bush, Kennedy, Johnsen, Vietnam, Israel, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria; Interventionism, Terrorism; WWI, WW II, Blowback; Democracy, Expansionism, Military Industrial Complex, Cultural DNA; PAX Americana, New World Order; Free Press (*FP) (*W/T)
"Joe Rogan and Thaddeus Russell on US Foreign Policy, ISIS, Military Industrial Complex" @joerogan @JREpodcast @ThaddeusRussell
~ American Underdog, 06-15-15, YT, 43:22 < https://goo.gl/UMVsev
List of wars involving the U.S., @wikipedia {Donate} https://goo.gl/RkWTex
PNAC PROJECT For The NEW AMERICAN CENTURY: “In the summer of 2000, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neo-conservative think tank riddled with soon to be Bush administration officials and advisors, issued a document calling for the radical restructuring of U.S. government and military policies. It advocated the massive expansion of defense spending, the re-invasion of Iraq, the military and economic securing of Afghanistan and Central Asia, increased centralized power and funds for the CIA, FBI, and NSA, among a slew of other policies that would, in the near future, be enacted upon their ascension to power. In the same document, they cite a potential problem with their plan. Referring to the goals of transforming the U.S. and global power structure, the paper states that because of the American Public's slant toward ideas of democracy and freedom, "this process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." ~ Zig Zag
"JEB BUSH Sept 11 2001 Project for NEW AMERICAN CENTURY - The New Pearl Harbor WTC 9/11" (*FP)
~ ZIG ZAG, {Subscribe}, 09-09-15, YT, 1:55:06 < https://goo.gl/QPC11I
(^^^) ”Aaron Russo: Rockefeller knew about 9/11 well in advance”
~ acrobat741, 11-12-07, YT, 3:51 < https://goo.gl/0FFA1T
ISRAEL, IRAN, PALESTINE, BIBI NETANYAHU: Game Plan. Easily Manipulates Americans
(^^^) "Netanyahu filmé en caméra cachée"
~ Janya Zen, {Subscribe}, 07-15-14, YT, 3:40 < https://goo.gl/CKcr5d
(^^^) "Sanders on Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress"
~ Bernie Sanders, {Subscribe}, 03-04-15, YT, 5:54 < https://goo.gl/yKeZjC
(^^^) ”Panetta admits Iran not developing nukes”
~ Stephen C. Webster/@RawStory, 01-09-12 < https://goo.gl/5fvQ9z
IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL: Israel, Gary Samore, United Against Nuclear Iran, Joe Lieberman
"Head of Group Opposing Iran Accord Quits Post, Saying He Backs Deal"
~ Michael Gordon/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 08-11-15 < https://goo.gl/biXPJa
(^^^) "Schmuck Schumer is a Lying, Devious Embarrassment for Dem Leadership Structure"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 08-09-15 < https://goo.gl/mWTXpH
ISRAEL, BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Senator Lindsey Graham (R*SC), Senator Tom Cotton (R*AR)
"We got a great treaty today with the Iranians. We’re going to end their nuclear weapons program for ten years, with continual inspections for verification. Right-wingers predictably decried the deal as “a historic mistake.” TYT host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. ...Republican lawmakers unanimously denounced an historic agreement between Iran, the U.S. and five world powers on Tuesday, promising to fight the accord tooth and nail once a congressional review period ends later this year." ~ TYT
(^^^) "Right Wing Politicians Furious Over Iran Nuke Deal" @SenTomCotton
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 07-14-15, YT, 17:00 < https://goo.gl/hSWnDA
IRAN, U.S. EXCEPTIONALISM, UNILATERAL MILITARY ACTION: Uninhibited Access, Key Markets, Key Resources. Saudi Arabia, Sunni Islam, Wahhabi-Safafi Doctrines, Wahhabisation
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky: The United States, Not Iran, Poses Greatest Threat to World Peace" @noamchomskyT
~ @democracynow, {Subscribe}, 09-22-15, Vid, 33:27 https://goo.gl/iHqU94
NETANYAHU SPEECH TO CONGRESS: Before Iran Nuclear Arms Freeze Agreement; Speaker John Boehner (R*OH)
"House Speaker John Boehner committed a crime when he invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress, and now he is freely admitting that he not only did so behind President Obama’s back, he did so to sabotage delicate peace talks with Iran."
"Boehner Confesses: I Invited Netanyahu Secretly To Stab President Obama In The Back And Sabotage Peace Talks (VIDEO)"
~ Stephen D Foster Jr/@AddictingInfo, 02-16-15 < https://goo.gl/v3ikAh
(^^^) ”Ken O’Keefe Names The Jew American uncensored version”
~ Tim Phonics, {Subscribe}, 01-27-17, YT, 7:21 https://goo.gl/bB3jZN
{ RepublicanSenators wrote Iran to threaten to blow-up a nuclear non-proliferation treaty in a US Foreign Policy Coup d’État, after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a House war drumming and full-frontal junk-wagon show. ~ IGRPP }
"Yes, he is a pompous ass for penning that letter to the Iranian leadership. …he met with a group of defense contractors the next day after penning that mutinous letter?"
“Tehran Tom” Cotton*AR @SenTomCotton, Boozman*AR, McCain*AZ,
Sessions*AL, Shelby*AL, Sullivan*AK, Gardner*CO, Rubio*FL,
Isakson*GA, Perdue*GA, Crapo*ID, Risch*ID, Ernst*IA, Grassley*IA.
Kirk*IL, Moran*KS, Roberts*KS, McConnell*KY, Paul*KY,
Cassidy*LA, Vitter*LA, Blunt*MO, Daines*MT, Wicker*MS, Ayotte*NH,
Burr*NC, Tillis*NC, Fischer*NE, Sasse*NE, Heller*NV, Hoeven*ND,
Inhofe*OK @JimInhofe @InhofePress, Lankford*OK, Portman*OH, Toomey*PA,
Graham*SC, Scott*SC, Rounds*SD, Thune*SD, Cornyn*TX, Cruz*TX,
Hatch*UT, Lee*UT, Johnson*WI, Capito*WV, Barrasso*WY, Enzi*WY
If your U.S. Senator is on this list of signers who wrote to Iran, (a US Foreign Policy Coup d’État), please write to them and express your disgust! Then copy and paste this list and ask others to do what you did. And thank those uppity warmongering Forbes 400 King’s “Purse-Dog” Senators!
"Tom Cotton Is A Pompous Ass, One Scared SOB And Very Frightening"
~ Samuel Warde, {Donate},03-19-15 _
@SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP @USAGSessions @jeffsessions
@senategopfloor @SenateFloor @SenTomCotton < https://goo.gl/MhQA4K
"There are those in the Intelligence Corps whose views on the nuclear agreement are at odds with Netanyahu's position. their opinions are being kept from the public".
"Netanyahu Must Stop Silencing Intel Chiefs Who Find Iran Deal Acceptable"
~ Amir Oren, {Subscribe}, 08-10-15 < https://goo.gl/roikkM
ISRAEL, IRAN, U.S. FOREIGN POLICY: Paul E. Singer Foundation, Paul Singer’s Elliott Management Hedge Fund The Philos Project, Michelle Packman.
Dan Senor, Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq;
“Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle” ~ Dan Senor. Bill Kristol, Foreign Policy Initiative.
"Project for a New American Century (PNAC), which did so much to promote the Iraq invasion (and indirectly to create the CPA)."
Paul E. Singer Foundation, Republican Jewish Coalition, Foundation for Defense of Democracies; American Enterprise Institute, Richard Perle Danielle Pletka; Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, Michael Makovsky
(^^^) "The Jewish Billionaire Behind a New Christian Anti-Iran Group"
~ Eli Clifton/LobeLog/Foreign Policy, 03-06-15 < https://goo.gl/CeqTqX
PALESTINE, APARTHEID: Israel, Settlements
"Former President Jimmy Carter, author of a new book, ‘Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid’, is interviewed from his home in Plains, Georgia. He responds to a caller who asks questions concerning pressure put on the US political system and the resulting support of Israel."
BOOK: “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid” ~ President Jimmy Carter
"Jimmy Carter unveils truth about Israel"
~ New Media (7), {Donate}, 02-25-09, YT, 4:26 < https://goo.gl/lwfuOZ
IRAN, IRAQ, SYRIA, ISIS, ISRAEL: Middle East, News, National Security, Iran Deal, Bibi Netanyahu, NSA Eavesdropping, Spying
"NSA’s targeting of Israeli leaders swept up the content of private conversations with U.S. lawmakers"
(^^^) "U.S. Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress"
~ Adam Entous & Danny Yadron/WSJ, 12-29-15 < https://goo.gl/246NEi
(^^^) "Netanyahu Busted On Tape Bargaining To Hobble Paper's Competition In Deal For Reelection Help"
~ David/@crooksandliars, 01-08-17 < https://goo.gl/HfDWgJ
"Elizabeth Warren Finally Speaks on Israel/Gaza, Sounds Like Netanyahu"
~ @ggreenwald/@theintercept, 08-28-14 < https://goo.gl/oDZCVv
FYI-101, Genius, Smartest People in the World. “Press Room VIP” list below:
01. Christopher Langan/Montana, autodidact (self-taught).
02. Terence Tao/Chinese-American, mathematician, autistic savant.
03. Marilyn Vos Savant/columnist.
04. Chris Hirata – (NASA), physics and astronomy professor.
05. Kim Ung-yong/Korean, civil engineer.
06. Neil deGrasse Tyson/US, astrophysicist and cosmologist.
07. Evangelos Katsioulis/Greek, doctor.
08. Richard Rosner/US, TV writer and producer.
09. Garry Kasparov/Russian, chess, political activist.
10. Saul Kripke – US, Professor, philosophy.
11. Ruth Lawrence/Jerusalem, Mathematics.
12. Philip Emeagwali – Nigerian, computing field.
13. James Woods/US, Actor.
14. Steven Pinker/Canadian-American, psychologist Harvard University.
15. Benjamin Netanyahu/prime minister of Israel.
16. Magnus Carlsen/Norwegian.
17. John Sununu/US Politician.
18. Judit Polgár/Hungary, chess.
19. Manahel Thabet/Yemeni economist and scientist.
20. Stephen Hawking/theoretical physics and cosmology.
21. Noam Chomsky/linguist, philosopher, political commentator. @noamchomskyT
"Who is the Smartest Man in the World?"
(^^^) "21 Smartest People in the World"
~ Dan Clavin/Press Room VIP, {Subscribe}, 04-17-15 < https://goo.gl/ytJqYm
ISRAEL, IRAN, HEXBOLLAH: Netanyahu Interview
"It's between us and Iran" @billmaher
"Bill Maher - Love this guy _ Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Israel"
~ Julie Partney, {Subscribe}, 03-18-13, YT, 15:42 < https://goo.gl/o5Zcr1
MAIN STREAM MEDIA: Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu; Palestinians, Bombs; David Gregory, NBC
(^^^) "Worst Piece of Journalism" @NBCNews @NBC
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 08-04-14, YT, 18:52 https://goo.gl/sFd9MF
(^^^) "American Jews overwhelmingly SUPPORT Iran deal, despite all-out assault by Netanyahu & AIPAC"
~ David H. Gershon/@dailykos, {Donate}, 07-23-15 https://goo.gl/G9ToFb
WORLD SUPREMASISTS: Being Led Down A Path By World Oligarchs
AMERICAN IMPERIALISM, IRAQ: Nuke Foreign Policy, US Vet Suicide Watch
1982 Oded Yinon’s “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”
U.S. CONGRESS, BANKS, ISRAEL: Sampson Option, Nuke You All
“Ken O’Keefe in Berkley March 2016 ‘Jewish Power’ & World Citizen Solutions” (*FP)
~ Hamza H. Green, {Subscribe}, 06-17-16, YT, 1:52:50 https://goo.gl/AGT4fP
(^^^) “Talmudic” (Orthodox/Extremist Authoritarian Stone Age Judaism)
~ The Free Dictionary, {Subscribe} < https://goo.gl/5K4d9c
(^^^) "New revelations in attack on American spy ship" (USS Liberty 1967)
~ John Crewdson/@chicagotribune, 10-02-07 < https://goo.gl/nX5b22
(^^^) “Israel attacks aid ship, kills at least 10 civilians” (Turkish Gaza Aid)
~ @ggreenwald/@Salon, {Donate} 05-31-10 < https://goo.gl/H7g3X7
Sheldon (Casino Con) Adelson” is the voice of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and warmongering neo-fascism in the Middle East. Adleson likes for GOPee POTUS Candidates to kiss his o-ring to obtain dark money funding for their campaigns.
“It’s the most extreme and most addictive form of gambling — because there’s no turning it off.”
~ Les Bernal, national director of Stop Predatory Gambling
"States are moving to legalize online gambling, long barred by state and federal laws. New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware have begun licensing Internet casinos, and seven other states are debating the issue."
"Lindsey Graham, Sheldon Adelson and a colorful cast of characters jockey over regulation"
"Casinos and offshore companies battle for billions in online gambling push"
~ Nicholas Kusnetz/@Publici, {Subscribe}, 04-14-14 < https://goo.gl/t3gMEY
(^^^) “Sheldon Adelson - news and investigations"
~ @Publici/The Center for Public Integrity, {Subscribe} https://goo.gl/Nvuu66
CLINTON FOUNDATION DONORS: Foreign Governments, Corporations
(^^^) "Clinton’s shocking bedfellows, Bayer infects thousands with HIV, Netanyahu’s cartoon lies" (Abby Martin/@ringoffireradio)
~ Abby Martin/@RT_America, 02-24-15, SC, 29:08 < https://goo.gl/g3zM5k
Abby Martin’s DNC arrest, {Donate}, 072716,3:47 < https://goo.gl/ni9Ahi
(^^^) "George Carlin: The Illusion Of Choice" (*EF) (*MSM) (*W/T) (*POTUS)
~ gotknowledge1, {Subscribe}, 05-16-10, YT, 5:47 < https://goo.gl/fsUKuf
(^^^) "1930s: Ford, GM, IBM, and the Nazis"
~ Dr Joel A Lewis, {Subscribe}, 02-17-14, YT, 43:45 < https://goo.gl/Nppekg
“…agitating since its inception for a war with Iraq”
"PNAC's policy document, "Rebuilding America's Defenses," openly advocated for total global military domination. Many PNAC members held highest-level positions in the George W. Bush administration."
(^^^) "Project for the New American Century"
~ @sourcewatch, {Donate}, (00-00) < https://goo.gl/6qptgR
WOLFOWITZ: PNAC, Project for the New American Century
“Iraq was all about oil.”
"Lawrence Wilkerson Pt5: Cheney and his team saw 9/11 as an opportunity to advance their real agenda"
(^^^) "Cheney, 9/11 and The New American Century" (*W/T)
~ @PaulJay_TRNN/@TheRealNews w/Lawrence Wilkerson, {Donate}, 06-11-11, YT, 17:32 < https://goo.gl/R652bN
(^^^) "Ex-Bush Official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: ‘I am Willing to Testify’ If Dick Cheney is Put on Trial"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 08-30-11, Video, 20:20 < https://goo.gl/iEZq1v
CONSPIRACY: Karl Rove meeting with Randy Scheunemann in Crimea
Ahmad Chalabi, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq;
Project for the New American Century; George W. Bush;
Defense and Foreign Policy Coordinator for John McCain 2000
(^^^) "Randy Scheunemann"
~ @sourcewatch, {Donate}, (00-00) < https://goo.gl/eXMW0J
CONSPIRACY: "Scheunemann was a core participant in the lobbying, plotting and organized campaigns of deception that led America to war in Iraq. He was a close collaborator with Ahmad Chalabi through the 1990s."
(^^^) "Do Your Job: Stop Ignoring Scheunemann's Past" (*POTUS43)
~ Josh Marshall/@TPM, {Donate}, 07-14-08 < https://goo.gl/qp6N1B
>###(05-17)*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 Hoarding Anarchists-666Sb NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank
Deep State/BILDERBERG: International Billionaire’s Group
(^^^) “What We Saw At The Insane Bilderberg Group Meeting" (*MSM)
~ Luke Rudkowski/Next News Network, {Subscribe}, 06-10-16, YT, 7:06 _
< https://goo.gl/rBBfKL
1. Roger C. Altman... 2. Sam Altman... 3. William J Burns... 4. David Cote... 5. Roger Ferguson... 6. James A Johnson... 7. Klaus Kleinfeld... 8. Craig Mundie... 9. David Petraeus... 10. Eric Schmidt... Groundwork ...technological tools and infrastructure used by the Clinton campaign.
(^^^) "Meet the Clinton insiders who attended Bilderberg this weekend"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 06-13-16 < https://goo.gl/jQPyJd (*MSM)
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) “What We Saw At The Insane Bilderberg Group Meeting" (*MSM)
~ Luke Rudkowski/Next News Network, {Subscribe}, 06-10-16, YT, 7:06 _
< https://goo.gl/rBBfKL
1. Roger C. Altman... 2. Sam Altman... 3. William J Burns... 4. David Cote... 5. Roger Ferguson... 6. James A Johnson... 7. Klaus Kleinfeld... 8. Craig Mundie... 9. David Petraeus... 10. Eric Schmidt... Groundwork ...technological tools and infrastructure used by the Clinton campaign.
(^^^) "Meet the Clinton insiders who attended Bilderberg this weekend"
~ @RT_America, {Donate}, 06-13-16 < https://goo.gl/jQPyJd (*MSM)
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666Sb
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/BILDERBERG:
International Billionaire’s Group
Bilderberg Group
~ @Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} _
< https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_Group
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Bilderberg Group
~ @Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} _
< https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_Group
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666Sb
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/BILDERBERG:
International Billionaire’s Group
BILDERBERG GROUP, WORLDS POWERFUL: Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R*IN); D.C. Area Bilderberg Conference, Westfields Marriott (*NJ); Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Richard Perle-neo-conservative scholar, Peter Thiel, Roger Altman-financier, Kenneth M. Jacobs-chairman-CEO of Lazard
"Is Bilderberg a conference on world affairs or a powerful global cabal? Depends on who you ask."
~ Annie Gowen/@washingtonpost, 06-01-12 < https://goo.gl/eGU0t3
>###(07-17)*FK(*IN)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
BILDERBERG GROUP, WORLDS POWERFUL: Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R*IN); D.C. Area Bilderberg Conference, Westfields Marriott (*NJ); Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Richard Perle-neo-conservative scholar, Peter Thiel, Roger Altman-financier, Kenneth M. Jacobs-chairman-CEO of Lazard
"Is Bilderberg a conference on world affairs or a powerful global cabal? Depends on who you ask."
~ Annie Gowen/@washingtonpost, 06-01-12 < https://goo.gl/eGU0t3
>###(07-17)*FK(*IN)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666Sb
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/BILDERBERG GROUP
Bilderberg Group Chart
{These kings, by-and-large have, “little interest in future generations” on planet earth, or their own descendants, for that matter. Pragmatic nihilist’s and politically active psychopath’s goals are reduced to just these two which include:
One, Stacking “IN GOD(‘s banksters of inside-jobs)WE TRUST” dollar holy-card crack to the moon; and
Two, Taking “a satisfying smirk” to a shiny granite mausoleum. The earth their leadership destroys already has one and its granite too!}
(^^^) “This Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World”
~ Ashley Lutz/@businessinsider,{Subscribe}, 06-12-12 https://goo.gl/Gcy6Pc
>###(07-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Bilderberg Group Chart
{These kings, by-and-large have, “little interest in future generations” on planet earth, or their own descendants, for that matter. Pragmatic nihilist’s and politically active psychopath’s goals are reduced to just these two which include:
One, Stacking “IN GOD(‘s banksters of inside-jobs)WE TRUST” dollar holy-card crack to the moon; and
Two, Taking “a satisfying smirk” to a shiny granite mausoleum. The earth their leadership destroys already has one and its granite too!}
(^^^) “This Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World”
~ Ashley Lutz/@businessinsider,{Subscribe}, 06-12-12 https://goo.gl/Gcy6Pc
>###(07-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666Sb
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/BILDERBERG:
International Billionaire’s Group
Financial Markets
"Global Power Project: Bilderberg Group and Its Link to World Financial Markets"
~ Andrew Gavin Marshall/Occupy (.) com, 12-03-14 < https://goo.gl/YDuhsi
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Financial Markets
"Global Power Project: Bilderberg Group and Its Link to World Financial Markets"
~ Andrew Gavin Marshall/Occupy (.) com, 12-03-14 < https://goo.gl/YDuhsi
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666Sb
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/BILDERBERG:
International Billionaire’s Group
(*POTUS42), Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, POTUS 40 REAGAN, POTUS 41 H.W. Bush, Pathological liars; New World Order Advocates; Council On Foreign Relations
Corbett Report Investigation Notes & Quotes
(min 09:00) “Team Clinton” Bilderberg Group Meetings ‘91, 6/06, ‘08;
(min 18:00) Documentary “The Mena Connection” Mena Arkansas Cocaine Import Air Base; Adler Barryman Seal – CIA; assassinated in Baton Rouge, LA 2 - 1986; “…that Trafficking in cocaine is justified in the pursuit of national security and foreign policy”
(min 22:00) Sarah McClendon; Clinton obstructing investigation of Mena, Arkansas Cocaine Base; Charles Black Polk County AR - Prosecutor investigation of Mena activities was stopped by AR Gov. Bill Clinton
(min 25:00) William Duncan - F.B.I. Investigator, Mena C.I.A. activity; “The Arkansas Committee” - Citizens Group tried to investigate Mena
(min 26:30) “…X-CIA Director, William Casey, began using the CIA to illegally conduct secret foreign policy.” Iran-Contra
(min 28:00) Money laundering “Arkansas Development Finance Authority”
“best kept secret in Arkansas” “Bill Clinton’s Political Machine”
(min 30:20) “At the end of the month they Zero Balanced. They were laundering Drug Money. There were a $100 Million a month in cocaine coming in and out of Mena Arkansas.”
(min 31:00) The money trail.
(min 32:00) Carol Quigley; Georgetown; Subsuming Sovereignty; Central Banks; Rhodes Scholar; (Forbidden Knowledge dot com); Cecil Rhodes; Oxford; World Government Movement; Rothschilds
(min 47:15) Washington insider from Johnsen and Nixon administration, Dr. Roger Morris’ book “Partners In Power” on the Clintons; “It is that they have no conviction, no ideology, no guiding purpose. Driven by raw ambition, they will make any compromise necessary to advance their interests.
(min 49:45) “…commitment to globalism.” “…the Rothschilds have been very much in the Clinton’s corner for a long time.” Oxford
“Shameless liars. Committed globalists. Inveterate womanizers. Unrepentant drug runners. Unconvicted money launderers. Fake humanitarians. And two of the most popular politicians in America. Meet the Clintons.”
"Meet The Clintons" (by James Corbett)
~ corbettreport, {Subscribe}, 10-10-12, YT, 57:17 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8BiEnZel4Q
>##(05-15)*CW*CBWS#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(*POTUS42), Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, POTUS 40 REAGAN, POTUS 41 H.W. Bush, Pathological liars; New World Order Advocates; Council On Foreign Relations
Corbett Report Investigation Notes & Quotes
(min 09:00) “Team Clinton” Bilderberg Group Meetings ‘91, 6/06, ‘08;
(min 18:00) Documentary “The Mena Connection” Mena Arkansas Cocaine Import Air Base; Adler Barryman Seal – CIA; assassinated in Baton Rouge, LA 2 - 1986; “…that Trafficking in cocaine is justified in the pursuit of national security and foreign policy”
(min 22:00) Sarah McClendon; Clinton obstructing investigation of Mena, Arkansas Cocaine Base; Charles Black Polk County AR - Prosecutor investigation of Mena activities was stopped by AR Gov. Bill Clinton
(min 25:00) William Duncan - F.B.I. Investigator, Mena C.I.A. activity; “The Arkansas Committee” - Citizens Group tried to investigate Mena
(min 26:30) “…X-CIA Director, William Casey, began using the CIA to illegally conduct secret foreign policy.” Iran-Contra
(min 28:00) Money laundering “Arkansas Development Finance Authority”
“best kept secret in Arkansas” “Bill Clinton’s Political Machine”
(min 30:20) “At the end of the month they Zero Balanced. They were laundering Drug Money. There were a $100 Million a month in cocaine coming in and out of Mena Arkansas.”
(min 31:00) The money trail.
(min 32:00) Carol Quigley; Georgetown; Subsuming Sovereignty; Central Banks; Rhodes Scholar; (Forbidden Knowledge dot com); Cecil Rhodes; Oxford; World Government Movement; Rothschilds
(min 47:15) Washington insider from Johnsen and Nixon administration, Dr. Roger Morris’ book “Partners In Power” on the Clintons; “It is that they have no conviction, no ideology, no guiding purpose. Driven by raw ambition, they will make any compromise necessary to advance their interests.
(min 49:45) “…commitment to globalism.” “…the Rothschilds have been very much in the Clinton’s corner for a long time.” Oxford
“Shameless liars. Committed globalists. Inveterate womanizers. Unrepentant drug runners. Unconvicted money launderers. Fake humanitarians. And two of the most popular politicians in America. Meet the Clintons.”
"Meet The Clintons" (by James Corbett)
~ corbettreport, {Subscribe}, 10-10-12, YT, 57:17 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8BiEnZel4Q
>##(05-15)*CW*CBWS#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666Scfr
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/CFR – COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS:
Rockefeller Group
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: New World Order, Media, Propaganda, Deregulation, Bill Clinton, 1996; Conglomerates, Censoring, Crimes, Genocide
"We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won't have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future." ~ Hillary Clinton at CFR on July 15, 2009 (*CFR) (*MSM) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton admits the CFR gives the Orders" (New World Order)
~ Freethinker2O12, {Subscribe}, 07-22-09, YT, 0:28 < https://goo.gl/o37tGR
(^^^) "People Who Control America ? Mind Blowing Documentary HQ"
~ Cene Kanse, 08-09-15, YT, 2:17:32 https://goo.gl/MOSKoJ (*NWO) (*MSM)
The Rockefeller reach, Muckety, {Donate} 08-01-17 https://goo.gl/Z2VbQs
Council on Foreign Relations, @Muckety, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/EuM5GB
CFR, Jewish Community Relations Council, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/cqzMJj
GARY HART: Co-Chair of the CFR, Former Senator of Colorado (D), Presidential Candidate
(^^^) "NWO-Finally Someone Says it Straight-Gary Hart after 9/11 Accuses Bush of NWO Plan"
~ FaceOfGod2, {Subscribe}, 11-30-08, YT, 0:36 https://goo.gl/zJNCCn
>###(01-17)*CW*USA*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: New World Order, Media, Propaganda, Deregulation, Bill Clinton, 1996; Conglomerates, Censoring, Crimes, Genocide
"We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won't have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future." ~ Hillary Clinton at CFR on July 15, 2009 (*CFR) (*MSM) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton admits the CFR gives the Orders" (New World Order)
~ Freethinker2O12, {Subscribe}, 07-22-09, YT, 0:28 < https://goo.gl/o37tGR
(^^^) "People Who Control America ? Mind Blowing Documentary HQ"
~ Cene Kanse, 08-09-15, YT, 2:17:32 https://goo.gl/MOSKoJ (*NWO) (*MSM)
The Rockefeller reach, Muckety, {Donate} 08-01-17 https://goo.gl/Z2VbQs
Council on Foreign Relations, @Muckety, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/EuM5GB
CFR, Jewish Community Relations Council, 02-19-17 https://goo.gl/cqzMJj
GARY HART: Co-Chair of the CFR, Former Senator of Colorado (D), Presidential Candidate
(^^^) "NWO-Finally Someone Says it Straight-Gary Hart after 9/11 Accuses Bush of NWO Plan"
~ FaceOfGod2, {Subscribe}, 11-30-08, YT, 0:36 https://goo.gl/zJNCCn
>###(01-17)*CW*USA*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666Scfr
NWO Zionist
Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/CFR – COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS:
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: New World Order, Media, Propaganda, Deregulation, Bill Clinton, 1996; Conglomerates, Censoring, Crimes, Genocide
"We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won't have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future." ~ Hillary Clinton at CFR on July 15, 2009 (*CFR) (*MSM) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton admits the CFR gives the Orders" (New World Order)
~ Freethinker2O12, {Subscribe}, 07-22-09, YT, 0:28 < https://goo.gl/o37tGR
(^^^) "MATT DAMON on ELITE & NWO - Amazing Speech On This Evil World"
~ Elite NWO Agenda, {Subscribe}, 05-20-15, YT, 4:49 < https://goo.gl/iAGWPI
"One version says that the CFR is an organization sister to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Britain), both founded in 1921 right after World War I when the League of Nations idea failed. The sole purpose of such organizations is to condition the public to accept a Global Governance which today is the United Nations. This is the true face of the so-called Globalists, and Centralized Power is what they are really after." (*CFR) (*MSM) (*W/T)
"Council on Foreign Relations - The Power Behind Big News”
~ Lee Soarez, {Subscribe}, 12-07-11, YT, 58:04 < https://goo.gl/TbDMTa
“The CFR is thought to be the most influential foreign policy Think Tank. Since its 1921 origination it has served as an intermediary between, big oil, corporate, high finance, corporate elitists and the United States Government.” (*CFR) (*MSM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
”Hillary Clinton Frankly Reveals the CFR Is Running the USA [video]"
~ Cherese Jackson/Liberty Voice, 10-02-13, Video < https://goo.gl/VMHmUk
(^^^) “Seal Team 6 Tribute” (Afghanistan) “Mad World” ~ Gary Jules
~ JhonieBaag, {Subscribe}, 08-13-11, YT, 3:10 < https://goo.gl/6Zoigl
>###(07-17)*E16*DEF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: New World Order, Media, Propaganda, Deregulation, Bill Clinton, 1996; Conglomerates, Censoring, Crimes, Genocide
"We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won't have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future." ~ Hillary Clinton at CFR on July 15, 2009 (*CFR) (*MSM) (*W/T)
(^^^) "Hillary Clinton admits the CFR gives the Orders" (New World Order)
~ Freethinker2O12, {Subscribe}, 07-22-09, YT, 0:28 < https://goo.gl/o37tGR
(^^^) "MATT DAMON on ELITE & NWO - Amazing Speech On This Evil World"
~ Elite NWO Agenda, {Subscribe}, 05-20-15, YT, 4:49 < https://goo.gl/iAGWPI
"One version says that the CFR is an organization sister to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Britain), both founded in 1921 right after World War I when the League of Nations idea failed. The sole purpose of such organizations is to condition the public to accept a Global Governance which today is the United Nations. This is the true face of the so-called Globalists, and Centralized Power is what they are really after." (*CFR) (*MSM) (*W/T)
"Council on Foreign Relations - The Power Behind Big News”
~ Lee Soarez, {Subscribe}, 12-07-11, YT, 58:04 < https://goo.gl/TbDMTa
“The CFR is thought to be the most influential foreign policy Think Tank. Since its 1921 origination it has served as an intermediary between, big oil, corporate, high finance, corporate elitists and the United States Government.” (*CFR) (*MSM) (*SPE) (*W/T)
”Hillary Clinton Frankly Reveals the CFR Is Running the USA [video]"
~ Cherese Jackson/Liberty Voice, 10-02-13, Video < https://goo.gl/VMHmUk
(^^^) “Seal Team 6 Tribute” (Afghanistan) “Mad World” ~ Gary Jules
~ JhonieBaag, {Subscribe}, 08-13-11, YT, 3:10 < https://goo.gl/6Zoigl
>###(07-17)*E16*DEF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666Si NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ILLUMINATI
Bavarian, Adam Weishaupt, 05-01-1776; Free Masons; Council on
Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission; Globalization,
Shadowy Elite; Imperialism,
(^^^) ”The Illuminati: Part 2 | CLASSIC”
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know – HowStuffWorks, 04-24-13, YT, 3:59
< https://goo.gl/tqYZhP
The Illuminati: Part 3, 042613, 3:56 < https://goo.gl/ocBJvJ
The Illuminati: Part 1, 042213, 2:28 < https://goo.gl/rv4rcA
(^^^) ”HISTORY OF ILLUMINATI - Full Documentary HD” (Start 1776)
~ Sish Advexon, {Subscribe}, 10-19-16, YT, 1:13:35 < https://goo.gl/5JBJ4r
(^^^) ”Malcolm X speaks out against Illuminati”
~ 1TheRevolutionIs Now, 05-03-12, YT, 1:28 < https://goo.gl/Q8PLSU
>###(08-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) ”The Illuminati: Part 2 | CLASSIC”
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know – HowStuffWorks, 04-24-13, YT, 3:59
< https://goo.gl/tqYZhP
The Illuminati: Part 3, 042613, 3:56 < https://goo.gl/ocBJvJ
The Illuminati: Part 1, 042213, 2:28 < https://goo.gl/rv4rcA
(^^^) ”HISTORY OF ILLUMINATI - Full Documentary HD” (Start 1776)
~ Sish Advexon, {Subscribe}, 10-19-16, YT, 1:13:35 < https://goo.gl/5JBJ4r
(^^^) ”Malcolm X speaks out against Illuminati”
~ 1TheRevolutionIs Now, 05-03-12, YT, 1:28 < https://goo.gl/Q8PLSU
>###(08-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666Si NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ILLUMINATI
“The Iron Triangle” is a phrase that describes the the confluence of Military, War Contractors and Politics.
"The Carlyle Group is a massive 'private equity firm,' which raises money from wealthy individuals and companies, and then reinvests the money into private defense companies with extremely high profit margins. It is made up of well known politicians such as George Bush, Sr., Colon Powell and James Baker, and it is one of the most powerful elements of the 'military industrial complex,' which is a business built around the defense industry being so large and powerful that it able to influence the politics of war."
{ Saudi Sheik (Dictator), and 2nd biggest FOX News entertainment investor, Al-Waleed Bin Talal, was also invested in “war” through the Carlyle Group. It was represented by “family friend” POTUS 41 (CIA) George H.W. Bush, on 09-11-01. It’s important to remember how Saudi National and deposed citizen, Osama Bin Laden, was credited for the attack on NY Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an airliner that plunged into a field in Pennsylvania on 09-11-01. It happened just 8 months after POTUS 43 George "W." Bush was sworn in. George W. Bush prosecuted “The War On Terror” and spent hundreds of billions with Carlyle Group corporations whose stock multiplied in value during the POTUS 43 tenure. ~ IGRPP }
“The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group” (*POTUS41) (*POTUS43)
~ noitv, {Subscribe}, 11-26-09, YT, 46:43 < https://goo.gl/9uRhLP
Book: “Playing to the Edge” ~ Michael Hayden
"’Playing to the Edge’ offers readers a glimpse into the U.S. government's support for brutal Middle East dictators”
"'Oil for security': Ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden describes cozy U.S. relationship with Saudi dictatorship in new book"
~ Ben Norton/@Salon, {Subscribe}, 02-26-16 < https://goo.gl/B1uwy4
Michael Hayden (Director CIA), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/k4z8Zl
>###(08-17)*CBWS*EC*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“The Iron Triangle” is a phrase that describes the the confluence of Military, War Contractors and Politics.
"The Carlyle Group is a massive 'private equity firm,' which raises money from wealthy individuals and companies, and then reinvests the money into private defense companies with extremely high profit margins. It is made up of well known politicians such as George Bush, Sr., Colon Powell and James Baker, and it is one of the most powerful elements of the 'military industrial complex,' which is a business built around the defense industry being so large and powerful that it able to influence the politics of war."
{ Saudi Sheik (Dictator), and 2nd biggest FOX News entertainment investor, Al-Waleed Bin Talal, was also invested in “war” through the Carlyle Group. It was represented by “family friend” POTUS 41 (CIA) George H.W. Bush, on 09-11-01. It’s important to remember how Saudi National and deposed citizen, Osama Bin Laden, was credited for the attack on NY Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an airliner that plunged into a field in Pennsylvania on 09-11-01. It happened just 8 months after POTUS 43 George "W." Bush was sworn in. George W. Bush prosecuted “The War On Terror” and spent hundreds of billions with Carlyle Group corporations whose stock multiplied in value during the POTUS 43 tenure. ~ IGRPP }
“The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group” (*POTUS41) (*POTUS43)
~ noitv, {Subscribe}, 11-26-09, YT, 46:43 < https://goo.gl/9uRhLP
Book: “Playing to the Edge” ~ Michael Hayden
"’Playing to the Edge’ offers readers a glimpse into the U.S. government's support for brutal Middle East dictators”
"'Oil for security': Ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden describes cozy U.S. relationship with Saudi dictatorship in new book"
~ Ben Norton/@Salon, {Subscribe}, 02-26-16 < https://goo.gl/B1uwy4
Michael Hayden (Director CIA), @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/k4z8Zl
>###(08-17)*CBWS*EC*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666y NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD,
Private Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
(^^^) "25 Signs That The Global Elite’s Ship Is About To Sink"
~ The Mind Unleashed, {Donate}, 07-15-15 < https://goo.gl/4sWi9s
>###(08-17)*NWO###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^) "25 Signs That The Global Elite’s Ship Is About To Sink"
~ The Mind Unleashed, {Donate}, 07-15-15 < https://goo.gl/4sWi9s
>###(08-17)*NWO###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-666zz NWO Zionist Rothschild pvt Fed Bank Deep State/ROTHSCHILD:
Private Federal Reserve U.S. Central Bank Tyranny
{ The two Forbes 400 King-controlled “deep states” exert absolute control over the U.S. Government. The rising star deep state has been metastasizing since the 1971 Louis “Powell Memo” to POTUS Richard Nixon. (It was a soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice engineering the corporate takeover of America, the dumbing of its education system, and blasting the citizenry with corporate, think tank and political action committee sponsored propaganda). It’s the Red-State Koch Plantation(Right-To-Work-for peanuts and Right-To-dictate an-American-mother and father’s-Life)-Federalist-American Legislative(& Judicial Judas)Exchange Council w/War-Oil-Coal-Pharma-Insurance Corp’s and CEO's, NRA (Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins), Private/Intl. US Chamber of Commerce and USA Oligarchs (regional economic warlord billionaires and millionaires) Cabal…and their flying monkeys Reagan, Trump, Pence, McConnell, Ryan and the white gun-slinger Tea Party piss stream.
So Forbes 400 Kings, an invisible cabal of international oligarchs, run the country with the aid of “untaxed profits” (plowed into political campaigns, two parties and alphabet news) from their corporate storefronts. Corporations groom and generate revolving door actors who move from industry to government management to lobbyist. They vet future Judges and Supreme Court Justices in the court system where corporate lawyers do the selecting. The Kings exploit Congress-approved IRS not-for-profit status of certain Political Action Committees who press deep state sponsor’s interests. ~ IGRPP }
{ The two Forbes 400 King-controlled “deep states” exert absolute control over the U.S. Government. The rising star deep state has been metastasizing since the 1971 Louis “Powell Memo” to POTUS Richard Nixon. (It was a soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice engineering the corporate takeover of America, the dumbing of its education system, and blasting the citizenry with corporate, think tank and political action committee sponsored propaganda). It’s the Red-State Koch Plantation(Right-To-Work-for peanuts and Right-To-dictate an-American-mother and father’s-Life)-Federalist-American Legislative(& Judicial Judas)Exchange Council w/War-Oil-Coal-Pharma-Insurance Corp’s and CEO's, NRA (Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins), Private/Intl. US Chamber of Commerce and USA Oligarchs (regional economic warlord billionaires and millionaires) Cabal…and their flying monkeys Reagan, Trump, Pence, McConnell, Ryan and the white gun-slinger Tea Party piss stream.
So Forbes 400 Kings, an invisible cabal of international oligarchs, run the country with the aid of “untaxed profits” (plowed into political campaigns, two parties and alphabet news) from their corporate storefronts. Corporations groom and generate revolving door actors who move from industry to government management to lobbyist. They vet future Judges and Supreme Court Justices in the court system where corporate lawyers do the selecting. The Kings exploit Congress-approved IRS not-for-profit status of certain Political Action Committees who press deep state sponsor’s interests. ~ IGRPP }
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666a KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
Political Action Committee funds are sourced from foreign governments, multinational corporations, speculating hedge funds, wealthiest international 1%, and publically traded “common stock” shareholder’s confiscated Wall Street returns …corporate (management) boards, C.F.O’s (corporate Chief Financial Officers) and C.E.O.’s (corporate Chief Executive Officers). Politically active large corporations and oligarchs (the rich who by-and-large own large corporations) fund mostly U.S. right-wing Libertarian Anarcho-Capitalist Political Action Committees - P.A.C.’s.
Forbes 400 Kings (wealthy oligarchs or plutocrats) select and finance neo-conservative U.S. and State candidates (even local) and politicians who are expected to enact favorable legislation for the 1%.
Federal and State tax codes are riddled with a labyrinth of customized laws written by and for multinational corporations and the oligarchs. The spare pocket change invested in “customizing” democracy produces a rogue fascist Corporatocracy and not a “socially involved” democratic republic form of government.
Multinational corporations and the oligarchs who own them influence the selection of U.S. District, Circuit and Supreme Court Judiciary (judicial branch of gov’t) nominees by “hand picking” and endorsing Presidents and Governors (executive branch of gov’t) and U.S. and State Senators (legislative branch of gov’t) who choose or “block” judicial nominees. (That might explain why the U.S.A. has an incarceration rate which is 7-8 times that of the other 34 “developed” countries.)
Forbes 400 Kings media is full of ad-supported propaganda aimed at influencing program content (encouraging and discouraging subject matter) and prostituting voter values to “help” establish corporate profit-charter dominance and control of the US Government …in phase 4 cancer-capitalism or fascism. Politically influenced programming and legislative activity amounts to “government Munchhausen by proxy” using program content, neo-conservative legislators and attack-ad sound-bites pistol-whipping voters. Forbes media plays a crucial role in de-motivating half of the voters and activating neo-conservatives who respond to fear and hate by voting against their own interests. The U.S. is 137th in the world in voting. (Communications consolidation was legalized in stages by laws passed and signed by Ronald Reagan in 1986 and Bill Clinton in 1996.)
Not-For-Profit IRS CATEGORY GROUPS include:
(1.) IRS 501(c)(3) qualified organizations are churches which are designated as “apolitical” by law, a condition of their tax exempt status. But some Washington D.C. “C-Street” religious fundamentalist organizations offer conservative US Legislators reduced rate housing (in D.C. ), while others church denominations and individual preachers “activate” neo-conservative voters from the pulpit. Many evangelical churches openly violate their “IRS status” by “coaching the flock” to vote for or against a particular political party or candidate based on a single emotional issue. (Thus they should be fully taxed. But pragmatism rules and they are not sanctioned because the party that proposed such an action to preserve democracy assumes that it would be punished at the polls by “sheeple,” who are already well-trained blind-believing single-issue voters).
(2.) IRS 501(c)(4) qualified organizations are “Exclusively” or Primarily “social good” organizations with “no donor disclosure” requirement.
501(c)4 applicant groups created a 2013 controversy. Tea Party, Occupy, and Progressive self-named groups were discovered by IRS “word search” in order to scrutinize the potentially “disqualifying political nature” of applicant organizations. The wording in “the federal law” said (says) “exclusively” social good organization. The IRS itself “illegally” changed the “instruction to agents” to read “primarily” social good organization in 1959. This created vague terminology and a legal contention of “reasonable doubt” that is effectively used to camouflage and comingle social good activities (as low as 51%) with political attack activity (as high as 49%) …all financed by the Federal tax code. The “illegal wording change” resulted in completely “subjective” oversight, as well as arguable IRS Category qualification standards.
(3.) IRS 527 Political Groups who must “disclose donors” also accept donations from IRS 501(c)4 organizations who “do not disclose” donors. This “complicates oversight” significantly, often placing judgment calls in the courts of Conservative Judges, who comprise about 70%* of the combined Federal District, Circuit, & Supreme Court Judges. *(The imbalance of conservative Judges and Justices is due primarily to Republican/Ts “blocking” Democratic Judicial nominations… i.e. US Senate Republican stalling and “Cloture” vote. (60 votes were required to bring a bill or action to the Senate floor pre-December 2013. An exception was made for Judicial nominees).
The objectives of Forbes 400 King’s pay-to-play activities is tax-avoidance, industry deregulation, reduced competition and privatization (profitization) of thrifty not-for-profit government services. This results in market monopolies, free-trade treasury-raids, corporate law suit protection, shifting the tax burden for infrastructure improvements (needed by corporations) to tax-payers, and spare funds to seed voter ignorance and apathy.
(Corporate) Citizens United decision v. Federal Election Commission 01-21-10 by the US Supreme Court Fascist Republicans emboldened wealth hoarding “democracy hating” rich psychopaths. They wield the power of free unlimited ad-speech and “charity money bombs” aimed at democracy’s demise to please themselves, Anarcho-Libertarian Capitalists.
501 & 527 Political Action Committees SPECIFIC FUNDING SOURCES include:
1.) Personal "Gross" Income contributions originate from pre-taxed un-taxed IRS tax-deductible “charity" dollars …primarily from the rich;
2.) Corporate "Gross-Profit” contributions (that shave stockholder dividends) originate from pre-taxed un-taxed IRS tax-deductible “charity" dollars. (85% of the shares of publically traded corporations are held by individuals with income in the top 5%);
3.) Corporate industry “professional trade organization” dues and contributions (that result from shaving stockholder dividends) originate from pre-taxed un-taxed IRS designated tax-deductible “charity" dollars. “Comingling funds” of big corporations obscures individual activity of contributors in a “money pool/money bomb.” Contributions to “professional” organizations have the effect of “laundering” any single corporations role in passing anti-American pro-industry pay-to-play fascist legislation;
4.) A single source wealth “Foundation,” one rich guy’s Political Action Committee, contributions originate from pre-taxed un-taxed IRS designated tax-deductible “charity" dollars. The slush funds are used in direct action for “self-interest,” and also by “gifting” to other “Foundations” and P.A.C.s, with intent to “comingle funds” and “obscure” pay-to-play activity from the public;
5.) “Collector” Foundations, a bunch of rich folks, profit-charter corporations and political actions committees who “professionally comingle gifts” in a “money pool” laundering money from any single individual, corporation, organization, or foundation (“all-of-the-above”) sources. The “collector foundation” effectively obscures political activity.
Examples: Donors Trust, and A.L.E.C. – un-American Legislative Exchange Council;
Ginning up "fear and hate" surrounding the “National Debt” (which they don’t want to pay a fair share of) and legitimate popular “Entitlement” Insurance Programs (like Social Security, Unemployment, and Medicaid paid for w/every pay check) in Americans who “don’t understand” corporation’s & oligarch’s propaganda or motives.
Right-wing forces have been working to roll back the post-depression “New Deal” social equality and “social democratic” revolution of POTUS F.D.R. The right-wing oligarch and shills-for-billionaires lost more ground in the early-1960’s when slain POTUS Kennedy passed his social reform movement to his successor and POTUS L.B.J. era legislators. Right-Wing fascist’s goal is to destroy pre-paid insurance programs …like Medicare, Social Security and Unemployment by "break-fixing" the entire Social Safety Net. (These funds were borrowed for tax-breaks for the rich and corporations during the Reagan administration. And $1.1 Trillion of the $2.6 Trillion was used to finance George W. Bush administration wars).
Forbes 400 Kings skillfully elect conservative blind-believing idiots who hire administrative dolts. Together they aim to underfund and break previously successful not-for-profit government programs. It’s done to scare the American people to pragmatically back a forced sell-off, privatization, or "profitization" of not-for-profit government assets, utilities, and services. (examples: pay-to-play Charter Schools without unions; and attacks on the Constitutionally instituted U.S. Postal Service by Federal Express and United Parcel Service – U.P.S. who only cover 75% of U.S. Post Office routes. FedEx & UPS fund U.S Congressmen because Anarcho-Libertarian Capitalists want to break Unions, crush collective bargaining, reinstate slavery-w/a-night-pass wages, and maximize profits for monopolies.)
High National Debt was brought on by:
(1.) POTUS 43 George W. Bush administration budget deputy Mitch Daniel’s “imitative” to fund 2 wars off the books, borrow $1.1 Trillion from Social Security Insurance Trust Funds and pass an unfunded Medicare-D full price drug program, a law that was written by a drug-corp lobbyist;
(2.) Dropping the capital gains tax rates on corporations and oligarchs (15% before deductions versus working person’s wage tax rate of 39%) to the historically lowest levels in 95 years. (25% of the largest multinational corporations pay nothing.)
(3.) Participation in a series of Free-Trade “Treasury-Raid” Agreements (not endorsed by U.S. skilled trade unions) and lowering tariffs to the lowest percentage levels in the nation’s 200 year history;
(Since N.A.F.T.A., the North American Free Trade Agreement, was signed by POTUS Bill Clinton, $10 Trillion in debt was taken on to the U.S. Treasury in what Steel Workers President Leo Gerard describes as “the U.S. State Department’s geopolitical agenda.”);
(4.) Repeated U.S. stock market bubbles and crashes due to the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act of 1935, and replacement by the Republican Gramm-Leach-Bliley Commodities “Modernization” Act of 1999 (which deregulated of big banks, combining real estate mortgage banks and speculative investment banks in the Wall Street Casino …encouraging monumental risk and unlimited speculation in derivative bets-on-bets);
(5.) Tripling the funding of U.S. Military, since 1990, for a task that amounts to empire building, colonization of sovereign countries, and making the world safe for multinational corporation’s resource extraction and access to foreign slave labor;
(6.) Lowering wages to compete with populous slave labor countries to maximize profit-charter benefits to those who are already rich;
No Social Safety Net including 70+ government programs:
1.) No Social Security Insurance;
2.) No Medicare Retirement Health Insurance;
3.) No Medicaid Program;
4.) No S.N.A.P. Food Assistance;
5.) No Unemployment Insurance;
Generally minimize the size, role, and scope of (“big”) government & thrifty-not-for-profit government services;
Privatize/"profitize" education at all levels;
No regulation of corporations;
No E.P.A. - Environmental Protection Agency;
No global disaster/global warming response;
Privatize disaster areas... coastlines, farms etc;
No disaster relief or F.E.M.A. funding;
No civilization supporting taxes;
Privatization of all thrifty-not-for-profit government services;
Privatization of all publicly held energy and water utilities, etc;
Privatization of all publicly held real estate assets – buildings, roads, bridges, public land, and parks, etc;
No public or private employee unions/break all collective bargaining agreements;
Dissolve the concept of the minimum wage allowing the international market slave-wage to prevail;
Fill private prisons using laws penned by the private prison industry and enforced by 70% neo-conservative Republican/T judges and justices;
No funding civilization except courts, police and military complexes;
*NOTE: Privatization Means increase the price of services 3% - 20% a year
Political Action Committee funds are sourced from foreign governments, multinational corporations, speculating hedge funds, wealthiest international 1%, and publically traded “common stock” shareholder’s confiscated Wall Street returns …corporate (management) boards, C.F.O’s (corporate Chief Financial Officers) and C.E.O.’s (corporate Chief Executive Officers). Politically active large corporations and oligarchs (the rich who by-and-large own large corporations) fund mostly U.S. right-wing Libertarian Anarcho-Capitalist Political Action Committees - P.A.C.’s.
Forbes 400 Kings (wealthy oligarchs or plutocrats) select and finance neo-conservative U.S. and State candidates (even local) and politicians who are expected to enact favorable legislation for the 1%.
Federal and State tax codes are riddled with a labyrinth of customized laws written by and for multinational corporations and the oligarchs. The spare pocket change invested in “customizing” democracy produces a rogue fascist Corporatocracy and not a “socially involved” democratic republic form of government.
Multinational corporations and the oligarchs who own them influence the selection of U.S. District, Circuit and Supreme Court Judiciary (judicial branch of gov’t) nominees by “hand picking” and endorsing Presidents and Governors (executive branch of gov’t) and U.S. and State Senators (legislative branch of gov’t) who choose or “block” judicial nominees. (That might explain why the U.S.A. has an incarceration rate which is 7-8 times that of the other 34 “developed” countries.)
Forbes 400 Kings media is full of ad-supported propaganda aimed at influencing program content (encouraging and discouraging subject matter) and prostituting voter values to “help” establish corporate profit-charter dominance and control of the US Government …in phase 4 cancer-capitalism or fascism. Politically influenced programming and legislative activity amounts to “government Munchhausen by proxy” using program content, neo-conservative legislators and attack-ad sound-bites pistol-whipping voters. Forbes media plays a crucial role in de-motivating half of the voters and activating neo-conservatives who respond to fear and hate by voting against their own interests. The U.S. is 137th in the world in voting. (Communications consolidation was legalized in stages by laws passed and signed by Ronald Reagan in 1986 and Bill Clinton in 1996.)
Not-For-Profit IRS CATEGORY GROUPS include:
(1.) IRS 501(c)(3) qualified organizations are churches which are designated as “apolitical” by law, a condition of their tax exempt status. But some Washington D.C. “C-Street” religious fundamentalist organizations offer conservative US Legislators reduced rate housing (in D.C. ), while others church denominations and individual preachers “activate” neo-conservative voters from the pulpit. Many evangelical churches openly violate their “IRS status” by “coaching the flock” to vote for or against a particular political party or candidate based on a single emotional issue. (Thus they should be fully taxed. But pragmatism rules and they are not sanctioned because the party that proposed such an action to preserve democracy assumes that it would be punished at the polls by “sheeple,” who are already well-trained blind-believing single-issue voters).
(2.) IRS 501(c)(4) qualified organizations are “Exclusively” or Primarily “social good” organizations with “no donor disclosure” requirement.
501(c)4 applicant groups created a 2013 controversy. Tea Party, Occupy, and Progressive self-named groups were discovered by IRS “word search” in order to scrutinize the potentially “disqualifying political nature” of applicant organizations. The wording in “the federal law” said (says) “exclusively” social good organization. The IRS itself “illegally” changed the “instruction to agents” to read “primarily” social good organization in 1959. This created vague terminology and a legal contention of “reasonable doubt” that is effectively used to camouflage and comingle social good activities (as low as 51%) with political attack activity (as high as 49%) …all financed by the Federal tax code. The “illegal wording change” resulted in completely “subjective” oversight, as well as arguable IRS Category qualification standards.
(3.) IRS 527 Political Groups who must “disclose donors” also accept donations from IRS 501(c)4 organizations who “do not disclose” donors. This “complicates oversight” significantly, often placing judgment calls in the courts of Conservative Judges, who comprise about 70%* of the combined Federal District, Circuit, & Supreme Court Judges. *(The imbalance of conservative Judges and Justices is due primarily to Republican/Ts “blocking” Democratic Judicial nominations… i.e. US Senate Republican stalling and “Cloture” vote. (60 votes were required to bring a bill or action to the Senate floor pre-December 2013. An exception was made for Judicial nominees).
The objectives of Forbes 400 King’s pay-to-play activities is tax-avoidance, industry deregulation, reduced competition and privatization (profitization) of thrifty not-for-profit government services. This results in market monopolies, free-trade treasury-raids, corporate law suit protection, shifting the tax burden for infrastructure improvements (needed by corporations) to tax-payers, and spare funds to seed voter ignorance and apathy.
(Corporate) Citizens United decision v. Federal Election Commission 01-21-10 by the US Supreme Court Fascist Republicans emboldened wealth hoarding “democracy hating” rich psychopaths. They wield the power of free unlimited ad-speech and “charity money bombs” aimed at democracy’s demise to please themselves, Anarcho-Libertarian Capitalists.
501 & 527 Political Action Committees SPECIFIC FUNDING SOURCES include:
1.) Personal "Gross" Income contributions originate from pre-taxed un-taxed IRS tax-deductible “charity" dollars …primarily from the rich;
2.) Corporate "Gross-Profit” contributions (that shave stockholder dividends) originate from pre-taxed un-taxed IRS tax-deductible “charity" dollars. (85% of the shares of publically traded corporations are held by individuals with income in the top 5%);
3.) Corporate industry “professional trade organization” dues and contributions (that result from shaving stockholder dividends) originate from pre-taxed un-taxed IRS designated tax-deductible “charity" dollars. “Comingling funds” of big corporations obscures individual activity of contributors in a “money pool/money bomb.” Contributions to “professional” organizations have the effect of “laundering” any single corporations role in passing anti-American pro-industry pay-to-play fascist legislation;
4.) A single source wealth “Foundation,” one rich guy’s Political Action Committee, contributions originate from pre-taxed un-taxed IRS designated tax-deductible “charity" dollars. The slush funds are used in direct action for “self-interest,” and also by “gifting” to other “Foundations” and P.A.C.s, with intent to “comingle funds” and “obscure” pay-to-play activity from the public;
5.) “Collector” Foundations, a bunch of rich folks, profit-charter corporations and political actions committees who “professionally comingle gifts” in a “money pool” laundering money from any single individual, corporation, organization, or foundation (“all-of-the-above”) sources. The “collector foundation” effectively obscures political activity.
Examples: Donors Trust, and A.L.E.C. – un-American Legislative Exchange Council;
Ginning up "fear and hate" surrounding the “National Debt” (which they don’t want to pay a fair share of) and legitimate popular “Entitlement” Insurance Programs (like Social Security, Unemployment, and Medicaid paid for w/every pay check) in Americans who “don’t understand” corporation’s & oligarch’s propaganda or motives.
Right-wing forces have been working to roll back the post-depression “New Deal” social equality and “social democratic” revolution of POTUS F.D.R. The right-wing oligarch and shills-for-billionaires lost more ground in the early-1960’s when slain POTUS Kennedy passed his social reform movement to his successor and POTUS L.B.J. era legislators. Right-Wing fascist’s goal is to destroy pre-paid insurance programs …like Medicare, Social Security and Unemployment by "break-fixing" the entire Social Safety Net. (These funds were borrowed for tax-breaks for the rich and corporations during the Reagan administration. And $1.1 Trillion of the $2.6 Trillion was used to finance George W. Bush administration wars).
Forbes 400 Kings skillfully elect conservative blind-believing idiots who hire administrative dolts. Together they aim to underfund and break previously successful not-for-profit government programs. It’s done to scare the American people to pragmatically back a forced sell-off, privatization, or "profitization" of not-for-profit government assets, utilities, and services. (examples: pay-to-play Charter Schools without unions; and attacks on the Constitutionally instituted U.S. Postal Service by Federal Express and United Parcel Service – U.P.S. who only cover 75% of U.S. Post Office routes. FedEx & UPS fund U.S Congressmen because Anarcho-Libertarian Capitalists want to break Unions, crush collective bargaining, reinstate slavery-w/a-night-pass wages, and maximize profits for monopolies.)
High National Debt was brought on by:
(1.) POTUS 43 George W. Bush administration budget deputy Mitch Daniel’s “imitative” to fund 2 wars off the books, borrow $1.1 Trillion from Social Security Insurance Trust Funds and pass an unfunded Medicare-D full price drug program, a law that was written by a drug-corp lobbyist;
(2.) Dropping the capital gains tax rates on corporations and oligarchs (15% before deductions versus working person’s wage tax rate of 39%) to the historically lowest levels in 95 years. (25% of the largest multinational corporations pay nothing.)
(3.) Participation in a series of Free-Trade “Treasury-Raid” Agreements (not endorsed by U.S. skilled trade unions) and lowering tariffs to the lowest percentage levels in the nation’s 200 year history;
(Since N.A.F.T.A., the North American Free Trade Agreement, was signed by POTUS Bill Clinton, $10 Trillion in debt was taken on to the U.S. Treasury in what Steel Workers President Leo Gerard describes as “the U.S. State Department’s geopolitical agenda.”);
(4.) Repeated U.S. stock market bubbles and crashes due to the repeal of Glass-Steagall Act of 1935, and replacement by the Republican Gramm-Leach-Bliley Commodities “Modernization” Act of 1999 (which deregulated of big banks, combining real estate mortgage banks and speculative investment banks in the Wall Street Casino …encouraging monumental risk and unlimited speculation in derivative bets-on-bets);
(5.) Tripling the funding of U.S. Military, since 1990, for a task that amounts to empire building, colonization of sovereign countries, and making the world safe for multinational corporation’s resource extraction and access to foreign slave labor;
(6.) Lowering wages to compete with populous slave labor countries to maximize profit-charter benefits to those who are already rich;
No Social Safety Net including 70+ government programs:
1.) No Social Security Insurance;
2.) No Medicare Retirement Health Insurance;
3.) No Medicaid Program;
4.) No S.N.A.P. Food Assistance;
5.) No Unemployment Insurance;
Generally minimize the size, role, and scope of (“big”) government & thrifty-not-for-profit government services;
Privatize/"profitize" education at all levels;
No regulation of corporations;
No E.P.A. - Environmental Protection Agency;
No global disaster/global warming response;
Privatize disaster areas... coastlines, farms etc;
No disaster relief or F.E.M.A. funding;
No civilization supporting taxes;
Privatization of all thrifty-not-for-profit government services;
Privatization of all publicly held energy and water utilities, etc;
Privatization of all publicly held real estate assets – buildings, roads, bridges, public land, and parks, etc;
No public or private employee unions/break all collective bargaining agreements;
Dissolve the concept of the minimum wage allowing the international market slave-wage to prevail;
Fill private prisons using laws penned by the private prison industry and enforced by 70% neo-conservative Republican/T judges and justices;
No funding civilization except courts, police and military complexes;
*NOTE: Privatization Means increase the price of services 3% - 20% a year
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666b KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES 527 & 501(c) Org’s: Deep State Legislation; Tax Cuts For Oligarchs and Corporate Storefronts
527 Groups are described as, delimited, or required to:
1.) “U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527)"
2.) “created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."
3.) “almost all political committees, including state, local, and federal candidate committees, traditional political action committees, 'Super PACs', and political parties are '527s'"
4.) “no upper limits on contributions to 527s"
5.) “no restrictions on who may contribute"
6.) “must register with the IRS, publicly disclose their donors and file periodic reports of contributions and expenditures"
(^^^) “527 Organizations” ~ @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/YYnPQG
501(c) Groups are described as, delimited, or required to:
1.) “a tax-exempt nonprofit organization in the United States. Section 501(c) of the United States Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(c))"
2.) “can receive unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations, and unions"
3ab.) “501(c)(4) & 501(c)(6) categories are for politically active nonprofit"
3c.) “most common type 501(c)(3), charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering amateur sports competition, or preventing cruelty to children or animals"
(^^^) "501(c) organization" ~ @Wikipedia, {Donate} https://goo.gl/Hw2ek5
POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE: IRS 501(c)4, Anonymous, Social Welfare, Civic League Organizations, Not Organized For Profit
In 2010, IRS word search criteria targeting Tea Party, (and later Progressive, Occupy) and other not-for-profit organization applications for “tax exempt” status. The IRS word search ”targeting” scandal on Category 501(c)4 - Social Good Organizations uncovered and IRS instruction change;
A self-described “Conservative” IRS supervisor used programmed "search terms" to ferret out and disqualify applications of groups with “political goals” in the IRS 501(c)4 qualification “screening” process. They Included “search terms” such as: Progressive, Blue, Tea Party, Patriot and Occupy …which were all used to “scrutinize” the authenticity of “social welfare” groups …defined as non-political not-for-profit organizations.
(^^^) "Why the real IRS scandal "
~ @Lawrence O 'Donnell/@MSNBC, 05-13-13, V15:34 https://goo.gl/o4rTmZ
(^^^) "Why the real IRS scandal happened in 1959" ↑
~ Evan Puschak – MSNBC, 05-13-13 (updated 03-05-14)
DARK MONEY: The Center for Responsive Politics; 501(c)(4), $3 million in 2004, $86 million in 2008, $250 million in 2012
(^^^) "Ruth Marcus: Shedding light on dark money"
~ Ruth Marcus/@washingtonpost, 05-20-14 https://goo.gl/Fe1RjZ
DARK MONEY PETITION: View the unsuccessful “Petition” to change an “illegally modified” and ambiguous “instruction” to I.R.S. Agents that muddied interpretation of a US law covering I.R.S. 501(c)4 social-good civic league organizations and their tax exempt "without donor disclosure" status;
I.R.S. 501(c)4 tax exempt category has been abused by those who have a political agenda because it requires no disclosure of donors;
Web Site: “we petition the Obama Administration to:
issue an Executive Order nullifying IRS "regulation" re: 501(c)4's and mandating the original statute be enforced."
Petitions, Whitehouse < REMOVED
Political Action Committees
Law Governing “Civic Leagues” 501(c)4’s “Illegally Changed” by the IRS
Wording in the Law governing, interpreting, determining, and authorizing of 501(c)4 Not-For-Profit Social Good Org Status was changed by the IRS from “Exclusively” in the Law to “Primarily” in the wording of IRS instructions in 1959.
The IRS “illegally” took upon itself the authority to change the law by substituting (expanding) the word “primarily” for “exclusively” in 1959.
The word “exclusively” is objective and clear by nature, while the term “primarily” is a subjective word by nature and magnitudes more vague.
“Primarily” is subject to human interpretation, dispute, and argument, but “exclusively” is clear cut and definitive.
The word “exclusively” in the U.S. “Law” was replaced by “Primarily” in “IRS instruction” to IRS enforcement agents reviewing 501(c)4 tax exempt (social welfare) civic organization applicants. UNBELIEVABLE!
US Senator Carl Levin and U.S. Rep. Sander Levin – Minority Leader – House Ways & Means Committee both “get it” that a US Law has been “Illegally Changed” by the IRS. Next committee meeting is 05-17-13;
“For 54 years, the IRS has gotten away with the crime of changing the word ‘exclusively’ to ‘primarily’”
"Speaker John Boehner wants to know who's going to jail over the "scandal" at the I.R.S., and MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell called that the "stupidest thing" the Speaker's ever said. He has more in his latest Rewrite."
(^^^) "Rewriting Washington on the I.R.S."
~ @Lawrence O’Donnell/@MSNBC, 05-16-13, V, 8:37 https://goo.gl/qNoKTz
-/\/- Benghazi Attack, Investigation, Email Release, Congressional Intelligence Committees; IRS Review, Tea Party, 501(c)4, Tax Exempt, (Social Welfare) Civic Organization, Applicants; AP, Phone Records, Subpoena Investigation
“IRS agents did nothing wrong” ~ Lawrence O’Donnell
"After President Obama released the Benghazi emails and got rid of the acting head of the IRS, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, Krystal Ball and Richard Wolff weigh in on President Obama taking action and attempting to contain the IRS and Benghazi email..."
(^^^) "Determining scandals from facts" @profwolff @demmocracyatwrk
~ @Lawrence O’Donnell/@MSNBC, 05-15-13, 11:50 https://goo.gl/uwDw9H
>##(08-17)*FK*POTUS44(*EF)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES 527 & 501(c) Org’s: Deep State Legislation; Tax Cuts For Oligarchs and Corporate Storefronts
527 Groups are described as, delimited, or required to:
1.) “U.S. tax-exempt organization organized under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 527)"
2.) “created primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office."
3.) “almost all political committees, including state, local, and federal candidate committees, traditional political action committees, 'Super PACs', and political parties are '527s'"
4.) “no upper limits on contributions to 527s"
5.) “no restrictions on who may contribute"
6.) “must register with the IRS, publicly disclose their donors and file periodic reports of contributions and expenditures"
(^^^) “527 Organizations” ~ @Wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/YYnPQG
501(c) Groups are described as, delimited, or required to:
1.) “a tax-exempt nonprofit organization in the United States. Section 501(c) of the United States Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(c))"
2.) “can receive unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations, and unions"
3ab.) “501(c)(4) & 501(c)(6) categories are for politically active nonprofit"
3c.) “most common type 501(c)(3), charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering amateur sports competition, or preventing cruelty to children or animals"
(^^^) "501(c) organization" ~ @Wikipedia, {Donate} https://goo.gl/Hw2ek5
POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE: IRS 501(c)4, Anonymous, Social Welfare, Civic League Organizations, Not Organized For Profit
In 2010, IRS word search criteria targeting Tea Party, (and later Progressive, Occupy) and other not-for-profit organization applications for “tax exempt” status. The IRS word search ”targeting” scandal on Category 501(c)4 - Social Good Organizations uncovered and IRS instruction change;
A self-described “Conservative” IRS supervisor used programmed "search terms" to ferret out and disqualify applications of groups with “political goals” in the IRS 501(c)4 qualification “screening” process. They Included “search terms” such as: Progressive, Blue, Tea Party, Patriot and Occupy …which were all used to “scrutinize” the authenticity of “social welfare” groups …defined as non-political not-for-profit organizations.
(^^^) "Why the real IRS scandal "
~ @Lawrence O 'Donnell/@MSNBC, 05-13-13, V15:34 https://goo.gl/o4rTmZ
(^^^) "Why the real IRS scandal happened in 1959" ↑
~ Evan Puschak – MSNBC, 05-13-13 (updated 03-05-14)
DARK MONEY: The Center for Responsive Politics; 501(c)(4), $3 million in 2004, $86 million in 2008, $250 million in 2012
(^^^) "Ruth Marcus: Shedding light on dark money"
~ Ruth Marcus/@washingtonpost, 05-20-14 https://goo.gl/Fe1RjZ
DARK MONEY PETITION: View the unsuccessful “Petition” to change an “illegally modified” and ambiguous “instruction” to I.R.S. Agents that muddied interpretation of a US law covering I.R.S. 501(c)4 social-good civic league organizations and their tax exempt "without donor disclosure" status;
I.R.S. 501(c)4 tax exempt category has been abused by those who have a political agenda because it requires no disclosure of donors;
Web Site: “we petition the Obama Administration to:
issue an Executive Order nullifying IRS "regulation" re: 501(c)4's and mandating the original statute be enforced."
Petitions, Whitehouse < REMOVED
Political Action Committees
Law Governing “Civic Leagues” 501(c)4’s “Illegally Changed” by the IRS
Wording in the Law governing, interpreting, determining, and authorizing of 501(c)4 Not-For-Profit Social Good Org Status was changed by the IRS from “Exclusively” in the Law to “Primarily” in the wording of IRS instructions in 1959.
The IRS “illegally” took upon itself the authority to change the law by substituting (expanding) the word “primarily” for “exclusively” in 1959.
The word “exclusively” is objective and clear by nature, while the term “primarily” is a subjective word by nature and magnitudes more vague.
“Primarily” is subject to human interpretation, dispute, and argument, but “exclusively” is clear cut and definitive.
The word “exclusively” in the U.S. “Law” was replaced by “Primarily” in “IRS instruction” to IRS enforcement agents reviewing 501(c)4 tax exempt (social welfare) civic organization applicants. UNBELIEVABLE!
US Senator Carl Levin and U.S. Rep. Sander Levin – Minority Leader – House Ways & Means Committee both “get it” that a US Law has been “Illegally Changed” by the IRS. Next committee meeting is 05-17-13;
“For 54 years, the IRS has gotten away with the crime of changing the word ‘exclusively’ to ‘primarily’”
"Speaker John Boehner wants to know who's going to jail over the "scandal" at the I.R.S., and MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell called that the "stupidest thing" the Speaker's ever said. He has more in his latest Rewrite."
(^^^) "Rewriting Washington on the I.R.S."
~ @Lawrence O’Donnell/@MSNBC, 05-16-13, V, 8:37 https://goo.gl/qNoKTz
-/\/- Benghazi Attack, Investigation, Email Release, Congressional Intelligence Committees; IRS Review, Tea Party, 501(c)4, Tax Exempt, (Social Welfare) Civic Organization, Applicants; AP, Phone Records, Subpoena Investigation
“IRS agents did nothing wrong” ~ Lawrence O’Donnell
"After President Obama released the Benghazi emails and got rid of the acting head of the IRS, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, Krystal Ball and Richard Wolff weigh in on President Obama taking action and attempting to contain the IRS and Benghazi email..."
(^^^) "Determining scandals from facts" @profwolff @demmocracyatwrk
~ @Lawrence O’Donnell/@MSNBC, 05-15-13, 11:50 https://goo.gl/uwDw9H
>##(08-17)*FK*POTUS44(*EF)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666b KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
Political Action Committees
Funding for “political speech” by Forbes 400 Kings and their multinational corporate media and message was made possible by five neo-fascist conservatives on the US Supreme Court. Conservative Justices were pitched to Republican/T Presidents by two activist think-tanks, the Federalist Society and A.L.E.C. – the American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council.
The S-Court-5 corporate-attorney Constitution-twerking Catholic-male rent-boy “JustaSSes” bent over backwards to please Forbes 400 Kings by twerking the Constitution to meet the objectives of wealth. Their overtly “fascist” rulings included:
One, (Corporate) Citizens United vs. F.E.C. – Federal Election Commission on 01-21-10 (The ruling effectively said multinational corporation’s untaxed gross profits, international billionaire’s pocket change, and foreign nation donor’s “money is (free) speech” and “corporations are people,” with rights accorded to them by the U.S. Constitution.
Two, (Billionaire) McCutcheon vs. F.E.C. on 04-04-14 (Billionaires can buy congress members, mayors, or county commissioners and spawn more regional warlords united against us.); and
Three, Gutting the Voting Rights Act of 1965 on 06-25-13 (It allows red state Republican/Ts to steal elections without court supervision in the future).
Political Action Committees
Funding for “political speech” by Forbes 400 Kings and their multinational corporate media and message was made possible by five neo-fascist conservatives on the US Supreme Court. Conservative Justices were pitched to Republican/T Presidents by two activist think-tanks, the Federalist Society and A.L.E.C. – the American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council.
The S-Court-5 corporate-attorney Constitution-twerking Catholic-male rent-boy “JustaSSes” bent over backwards to please Forbes 400 Kings by twerking the Constitution to meet the objectives of wealth. Their overtly “fascist” rulings included:
One, (Corporate) Citizens United vs. F.E.C. – Federal Election Commission on 01-21-10 (The ruling effectively said multinational corporation’s untaxed gross profits, international billionaire’s pocket change, and foreign nation donor’s “money is (free) speech” and “corporations are people,” with rights accorded to them by the U.S. Constitution.
Two, (Billionaire) McCutcheon vs. F.E.C. on 04-04-14 (Billionaires can buy congress members, mayors, or county commissioners and spawn more regional warlords united against us.); and
Three, Gutting the Voting Rights Act of 1965 on 06-25-13 (It allows red state Republican/Ts to steal elections without court supervision in the future).
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666c KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
The candidate who spends the most wins 94% of the time. The Supreme Court decided that money is speech and corporations are people. Oligarchs are special people who may speak more.
Citizens (Corporations) United v. Federal Election Commission, 01-21-10
McCutcheon (Oligarchs United) v. Federal Election Commission, 04-04-14
“Report: Voluntary Corporate Political Spending Disclosure Does Not Work”
~ @CREW, {Subscribe/Donate}, 04-15-14 < https://goo.gl/cfq2Gu
"Here are the secret ways super PACs and campaigns can work together"
~ Matea Gold/@washingtonpost, 07-06-15 < https://goo.gl/uhHgPZ
>(08-17)*CWS*E16*EF*SC*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
The candidate who spends the most wins 94% of the time. The Supreme Court decided that money is speech and corporations are people. Oligarchs are special people who may speak more.
Citizens (Corporations) United v. Federal Election Commission, 01-21-10
McCutcheon (Oligarchs United) v. Federal Election Commission, 04-04-14
“Report: Voluntary Corporate Political Spending Disclosure Does Not Work”
~ @CREW, {Subscribe/Donate}, 04-15-14 < https://goo.gl/cfq2Gu
"Here are the secret ways super PACs and campaigns can work together"
~ Matea Gold/@washingtonpost, 07-06-15 < https://goo.gl/uhHgPZ
>(08-17)*CWS*E16*EF*SC*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666e KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
"Funds allocated to organizations lobbying against Obama’s climate bill and working to undermine rules to reduce carbon pollution, tax records show"
CLIMATE SCHEPTIC FUNDING: Climate Chaos, Droughts, Floods, 6TH Extinction
Franklin Center, Federalist Society, State Policy Network, Hudson Institute, Mercatus Center, American Enterprise Institute, GMU Foundation, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, (Koch Brothers) Americans for Prosperity Foundation, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Judicial Education Institute, Heartland Institute, Discovery Institute, Americans for Limited Government Research Foundation
(Source: Guardian Data from US tax returns)
“The conservative think-tanks are really the spearhead of the conservative assault on climate change,” said Riley Dunlap, a sociologist at Oklahoma State University who studies environmental politics
"Secretive donors gave US climate denial groups $125m over three years"
~ Suzanne Goldenberg and Helena Bengtsson/@guardian, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 06-09-15 < https://goo.gl/b13HGz
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 < https://goo.gl/2fJV2e
(^^^) "Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" @billmckibben @350 @350action (avoid hell & high water disasters)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 < https://goo.gl/tEUfjd
>###(08-17)*FK(*E6E)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Funds allocated to organizations lobbying against Obama’s climate bill and working to undermine rules to reduce carbon pollution, tax records show"
CLIMATE SCHEPTIC FUNDING: Climate Chaos, Droughts, Floods, 6TH Extinction
Franklin Center, Federalist Society, State Policy Network, Hudson Institute, Mercatus Center, American Enterprise Institute, GMU Foundation, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, (Koch Brothers) Americans for Prosperity Foundation, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Judicial Education Institute, Heartland Institute, Discovery Institute, Americans for Limited Government Research Foundation
(Source: Guardian Data from US tax returns)
“The conservative think-tanks are really the spearhead of the conservative assault on climate change,” said Riley Dunlap, a sociologist at Oklahoma State University who studies environmental politics
"Secretive donors gave US climate denial groups $125m over three years"
~ Suzanne Goldenberg and Helena Bengtsson/@guardian, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 06-09-15 < https://goo.gl/b13HGz
(^^^) "Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 < https://goo.gl/2fJV2e
(^^^) "Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" @billmckibben @350 @350action (avoid hell & high water disasters)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 < https://goo.gl/tEUfjd
>###(08-17)*FK(*E6E)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666l KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
Sourcing Legislation: Lobbyist, Corporate, Think Tanks, Political Action Committees; Septic Laws are “tracked to the source” by text algorithm.
The L.I.D. – Legislative Influence Detector software program from the University of Chicago uncovers the source or the special interest “creators” of legislation by sifting all character text for matches to previously sourced bills. {And this offering came from the University that propelled (Chicago School) Economist Milton Friedman to power and influence that killed millions of human beings on all continents (except Australia) through clean slate, shock doctrine, economic austerity, Coup d’État, and War.}
"We use the Smith-Waterman local-alignment algorithm to find matching text across documents. This algorithm grabs pieces of text from each document and compares each word, adding points for matches and subtracting points for mismatches." ~ DSSG
(^^^) “Legislative Influence Detector (LID)”
~ Data Science for Social Good, {Subscribe} < http://dssg.uchicago.edu/lid/
TRANSPARENCY: Big Data "Big data is helping to bring transparency to the darker corners of politics."
(^^^) "When Lobbyists Write Legislation, This Data Mining Tool Traces The Paper Trail"
~ Jessica Leber/Fast Coexist, {Subscribe}, 10-26-15 < https://goo.gl/CjEDnv
(^^^) "DSSG: Abortion Bill Text Reuse"
~ Computation Institute, 07-23-15, YT, 0:08 https://goo.gl/QAiHmn
>###(08-17)*FK*ULC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sourcing Legislation: Lobbyist, Corporate, Think Tanks, Political Action Committees; Septic Laws are “tracked to the source” by text algorithm.
The L.I.D. – Legislative Influence Detector software program from the University of Chicago uncovers the source or the special interest “creators” of legislation by sifting all character text for matches to previously sourced bills. {And this offering came from the University that propelled (Chicago School) Economist Milton Friedman to power and influence that killed millions of human beings on all continents (except Australia) through clean slate, shock doctrine, economic austerity, Coup d’État, and War.}
"We use the Smith-Waterman local-alignment algorithm to find matching text across documents. This algorithm grabs pieces of text from each document and compares each word, adding points for matches and subtracting points for mismatches." ~ DSSG
(^^^) “Legislative Influence Detector (LID)”
~ Data Science for Social Good, {Subscribe} < http://dssg.uchicago.edu/lid/
TRANSPARENCY: Big Data "Big data is helping to bring transparency to the darker corners of politics."
(^^^) "When Lobbyists Write Legislation, This Data Mining Tool Traces The Paper Trail"
~ Jessica Leber/Fast Coexist, {Subscribe}, 10-26-15 < https://goo.gl/CjEDnv
(^^^) "DSSG: Abortion Bill Text Reuse"
~ Computation Institute, 07-23-15, YT, 0:08 https://goo.gl/QAiHmn
>###(08-17)*FK*ULC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666l KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $$
US Senate , US Tax Policy, Tax Cuts; Glass-Steagall, Deregulation; Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Derivatives, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Commodity Futures Modernization Act, (Corporate) Citizens United;
*POTUS39 Jimmy Carter *POTUS40 Ronald Reagan *POTUS43 George W Bush
American Action Network, Fred Malek; US Chamber of Commerce; American Crossroads, Karl Rove, Crossroads GPS;
"Creating a country of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich."
Watchdog: Center for Responsive Politics
"In 1978, the Carter administration and Congress took a red pen to the tax code, slashing the top rate of the capital gains tax from 48% to 28%—an enormous boon for wealthy Americans."
(^^^) "How the Oligarchs Took America"
~ Andy Kroll/@MotherJones, {Donate} 12-02-10 < https://goo.gl/DQGfbR
>###(07-17)*FK*EC*SC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
US Senate , US Tax Policy, Tax Cuts; Glass-Steagall, Deregulation; Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Derivatives, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Commodity Futures Modernization Act, (Corporate) Citizens United;
*POTUS39 Jimmy Carter *POTUS40 Ronald Reagan *POTUS43 George W Bush
American Action Network, Fred Malek; US Chamber of Commerce; American Crossroads, Karl Rove, Crossroads GPS;
"Creating a country of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich."
Watchdog: Center for Responsive Politics
"In 1978, the Carter administration and Congress took a red pen to the tax code, slashing the top rate of the capital gains tax from 48% to 28%—an enormous boon for wealthy Americans."
(^^^) "How the Oligarchs Took America"
~ Andy Kroll/@MotherJones, {Donate} 12-02-10 < https://goo.gl/DQGfbR
>###(07-17)*FK*EC*SC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666t KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Shadow Sovereigns, Global Corporations, Banks, Wall Street, Transnational Corporations, CEO, Board, 4th Branch of Government, No Sovereignty, Trade Treaties, Secret Negotiations
"Transnational corporations are demanding the right to what they call 'competitiveness': lower taxes, control over lawmaking, and the right to sue governments for affecting profits. In her new book, Shadow Sovereigns: How Global Corporations are Seizing Power, Susan George shines a light on the secret corporate coalitions that are influencing critical government decisions and posing a direct threat to democracy.!"
"The Rise of the Illegitimate Authority of Transnational Corporations"
~ Susan George/Polity Books/via Truth Out, {Subscribe}, 12-03-15
< https://goo.gl/Lc3TCk
GLOBAL ELITES: Oxfam America, Global Inequity, 62 People, Global Financial System, Tax Havens, Caymen Islands, Global Elites, DAVOS Conference
(^^^) "The 1% Economy: The World's Richest 62 People Now Have as Much as Poorest 3.6 Billion"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-21-16 < https://goo.gl/DpV5cB
(^^^) "Tax Havens • Explained With Maps”
~ Explained With Maps, {Subscribe}, 01-10-15, Y5:07 https://goo.gl/EAuUHD
>###(01-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: Shadow Sovereigns, Global Corporations, Banks, Wall Street, Transnational Corporations, CEO, Board, 4th Branch of Government, No Sovereignty, Trade Treaties, Secret Negotiations
"Transnational corporations are demanding the right to what they call 'competitiveness': lower taxes, control over lawmaking, and the right to sue governments for affecting profits. In her new book, Shadow Sovereigns: How Global Corporations are Seizing Power, Susan George shines a light on the secret corporate coalitions that are influencing critical government decisions and posing a direct threat to democracy.!"
"The Rise of the Illegitimate Authority of Transnational Corporations"
~ Susan George/Polity Books/via Truth Out, {Subscribe}, 12-03-15
< https://goo.gl/Lc3TCk
GLOBAL ELITES: Oxfam America, Global Inequity, 62 People, Global Financial System, Tax Havens, Caymen Islands, Global Elites, DAVOS Conference
(^^^) "The 1% Economy: The World's Richest 62 People Now Have as Much as Poorest 3.6 Billion"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 01-21-16 < https://goo.gl/DpV5cB
(^^^) "Tax Havens • Explained With Maps”
~ Explained With Maps, {Subscribe}, 01-10-15, Y5:07 https://goo.gl/EAuUHD
>###(01-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666t KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
83 publically traded corporations shifted $90 billion per year
4,000 rich Americans evade taxation by setting up empty “shell companies” and fake corporate fronts in Caribbean banks.
"In an extended essay, Bill shares striking extremes of wealth and poverty
across the country." Moyers discusses “wealth extraction” from the U.S.
(^^^) "Bill Moyers Essay: The United States of Inequality"
~ @MoyersNews/@commondreams, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 04-12-13, Video, 13:33 < https://goo.gl/NWZCtF
OLIGARCH TAX HAVENS: Off-Shoring, Tax Havens, 2.5 Million Records
"A trove of leaked documents 160 times the size of Wikileaks’ cache ...vast global web of tax havens ...the world’s wealthiest hide their fortunes ...15-mo. investigation ...International Consortium of Investigative Journalists"
"UPDATED: 2.5 million records expose hidden dealings, 22,000-plus companies using sham directors"
(^^^) "Largest ever leak reveals vast tax evasion web"
~ Natasha Lennard/@Salon {Donate}, 04-04-13 < https://goo.gl/3b1vTA
UBS, CREDIT SUISSE & GOLDMAN SACHS: Off Shore Tax Havens, Super-Rich Hiding Trillions From Taxation
(^^^) "STUDY: Super-Rich Hiding At Least $21 Trillion In Tax Havens"
~ Steven Perlberg/@thinkprogress, {Donate}, 07-23-12 https://goo.gl/62h3Zg
(^^^) “US Corporations are Hiding $21 Trillion Overseas”
~ @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 10-06-15 < https://goo.gl/OlMa81
(^^^) "Tax Havens • Explained With Maps”
~ Explained With Maps, {Subscribe}, 01-10-15, Y5:07 https://goo.gl/EAuUHD
(^^^) "Exposed...Walmart's Secret Tax Havens"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Donate}, 06-19-15, YT, 6:25
@Walmart < https://goo.gl/K6cgkY
-/\/- "Corporate criminals have overrun the Government." ~ Ralph Nader
BOOK: "Told You So" ~ Ralph Nader, Consumer Advocate, Green Party
Corporations are above the law. They pay a small fine compared to profit realized and no one goes to jail and no corporate charters are pulled.
Apple avoided paying $44 Million in U.S. Taxes; Apple Computer is using tax havens to hide income. Tim Cook is Apple’s CEO.
"American Fascism... It's the control of government by big business ...subsidies, handouts, give a ways, deferred prosecutions, non-prosecutions"
"We have the lowest minimum wage in the western world. ...greatest amount of consumer debt. ...highest child poverty, the highest adult poverty, huge under-employment, a crumbling public works, but huge multi-billionaires, and hugely profitable corporations."
(^^^) "American Fascism: Ralph Nader Decries How Big Business Has Taken Control of the US Government" @RalphNader
~ @democracynow, { Donate}, 06-04-13, Vid., 21:00 https://goo.gl/qWdq8M
-/\/- The TPP corporate written “Trade Deal” is being negotiated by multi- millionaire U.S. Trade Representative, Mike Froman, who has a (tax haven) Caribbean bank account. He was previously an assistant to the POTUS 44, Barack Obama.
Multi-Billionaire and Chicagoan Penny Pritzker of the Hyatt Hotel fortune was “confirmed” as U.S. Commerce Secretary. Pritzker recruited big money millionaire and billionaire donors to back *IL Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy after serving a mere 1.5 years.
“Obama rounds out economic team with commerce, trade picks”
~ Jeff Mason & Doug Palmer/@Reuters, WKZO, {Subscribe}, 05-02-13 _
< https://goo.gl/WxyCjR
AMERICAN OLIGARCHS, INTERNATIONAL TAX EVASTION: WHISTLEBLOWER JAILED! USB Whistleblower, Bradley Birkenfeld, Jailed, Federal Penitentiary; District Court, Judge William Zloch, Notre Dame Alumni
{FYI: 5 Corporate Catholic Rent-Boy Just-asses are on the Supreme Court.}
BOOK: “LUCIFERS BANKER” ~ Bradley Birkenfeld, Bank Whistleblower
{A United Bank of Switzerland AG (Zurich, Switzerland) banker exposed the secret Swiss Bank accounts of U.S. Billionaires involved in tax evasion and was imprisoned for his service. (Crooked) U.S. District Court Federal Judge, a Notre Dame graduate, used “harsh methods” to protect the rich American tax-dodging oligarchs (and for the sake of GOP “trickle-down” golden-shower economics). ~ IGRPP }
United Bank of Switzerland (USB Whistleblower) “Bradley Birkenfeld... headed for prison even though he blew the whistle on a multibillion-dollar international U.S. tax fraud conspiracy. Birkenfeld’s information let the U.S. pierce Swiss bank secrecy laws as never before possible."
"...Birkenfeld sentence (40 months) stands as an insult to any claim that the government wants Whistleblowers to step up."
U.S. tax scofflaws and USB conspirators all got far less time in Federal Prison or probation.
"U.S. District Judge William Zloch (of Southern District of Florida, a Ronald Reagan Appointee, and a Notre Dame Law School Graduate) offered no explanation…" ~ Ann Woolner/Bloomberg News
(^^^) "UBS Whistleblower Gets Rewarded With Prison Time: Ann Woolner"
~ Ann Woolner/Bloomberg @business, {Subscribe}, 08-25-09 (*WB) _**
@UBS @LucifersBanker < https://goo.gl/KYZfq7
(^^^) "UBS Whistle-Blower Secures $104 Million Award From IRS"
~ Tom Schoenberg & David Voreacos/Bloomberg @business, 09-11-12 _
@UBS @LucifersBanker < https://goo.gl/8rZZcX
(^^^) “USB Whistle-Blower Birkenfeld Allowed to Testify in France”
~ David Voreacos/Bloomberg Tech @business, {Subscribe}, 02-17-15 _
@UBS @LucifersBanker < https://goo.gl/iupYAI
WHISTLEBLOWER LAW: US Legislative House Majority Attempting To Overturn Whistleblower Protection Law Adopted By POTUS Lincoln; Republicans & Blue-Dogs Can't Be Trusted
"Mike Papantonio and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. discuss the history of Qui Tam (also known as False Claims or Whistleblower Lawsuits) and how courageous corporate insiders have come forward to expose the rampant corruption of major corporations, and how that corruption is helping to undermine our democracy."
(^^^) "Papantonio & Kennedy on Corporate Corruption & Fraud - Pt. 1/4"
~ @americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio, @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe}, 07-19-12, YT, 8-41 < https://goo.gl/WH4E3n (*ULC)
Pt. 2, @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 07-19-12, YT, 6:36 < https://goo.gl/BKRZlV
Pt. 3, @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 07-19-12, YT, 9:34 < https://goo.gl/THiEZD
Pt. 4, @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 07-19-12, YT, 12:53 https://goo.gl/hU7AdX
>###(08-17)*CW*E162*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
83 publically traded corporations shifted $90 billion per year
4,000 rich Americans evade taxation by setting up empty “shell companies” and fake corporate fronts in Caribbean banks.
"In an extended essay, Bill shares striking extremes of wealth and poverty
across the country." Moyers discusses “wealth extraction” from the U.S.
(^^^) "Bill Moyers Essay: The United States of Inequality"
~ @MoyersNews/@commondreams, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 04-12-13, Video, 13:33 < https://goo.gl/NWZCtF
OLIGARCH TAX HAVENS: Off-Shoring, Tax Havens, 2.5 Million Records
"A trove of leaked documents 160 times the size of Wikileaks’ cache ...vast global web of tax havens ...the world’s wealthiest hide their fortunes ...15-mo. investigation ...International Consortium of Investigative Journalists"
"UPDATED: 2.5 million records expose hidden dealings, 22,000-plus companies using sham directors"
(^^^) "Largest ever leak reveals vast tax evasion web"
~ Natasha Lennard/@Salon {Donate}, 04-04-13 < https://goo.gl/3b1vTA
UBS, CREDIT SUISSE & GOLDMAN SACHS: Off Shore Tax Havens, Super-Rich Hiding Trillions From Taxation
(^^^) "STUDY: Super-Rich Hiding At Least $21 Trillion In Tax Havens"
~ Steven Perlberg/@thinkprogress, {Donate}, 07-23-12 https://goo.gl/62h3Zg
(^^^) “US Corporations are Hiding $21 Trillion Overseas”
~ @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 10-06-15 < https://goo.gl/OlMa81
(^^^) "Tax Havens • Explained With Maps”
~ Explained With Maps, {Subscribe}, 01-10-15, Y5:07 https://goo.gl/EAuUHD
(^^^) "Exposed...Walmart's Secret Tax Havens"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Donate}, 06-19-15, YT, 6:25
@Walmart < https://goo.gl/K6cgkY
-/\/- "Corporate criminals have overrun the Government." ~ Ralph Nader
BOOK: "Told You So" ~ Ralph Nader, Consumer Advocate, Green Party
Corporations are above the law. They pay a small fine compared to profit realized and no one goes to jail and no corporate charters are pulled.
Apple avoided paying $44 Million in U.S. Taxes; Apple Computer is using tax havens to hide income. Tim Cook is Apple’s CEO.
"American Fascism... It's the control of government by big business ...subsidies, handouts, give a ways, deferred prosecutions, non-prosecutions"
"We have the lowest minimum wage in the western world. ...greatest amount of consumer debt. ...highest child poverty, the highest adult poverty, huge under-employment, a crumbling public works, but huge multi-billionaires, and hugely profitable corporations."
(^^^) "American Fascism: Ralph Nader Decries How Big Business Has Taken Control of the US Government" @RalphNader
~ @democracynow, { Donate}, 06-04-13, Vid., 21:00 https://goo.gl/qWdq8M
-/\/- The TPP corporate written “Trade Deal” is being negotiated by multi- millionaire U.S. Trade Representative, Mike Froman, who has a (tax haven) Caribbean bank account. He was previously an assistant to the POTUS 44, Barack Obama.
Multi-Billionaire and Chicagoan Penny Pritzker of the Hyatt Hotel fortune was “confirmed” as U.S. Commerce Secretary. Pritzker recruited big money millionaire and billionaire donors to back *IL Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy after serving a mere 1.5 years.
“Obama rounds out economic team with commerce, trade picks”
~ Jeff Mason & Doug Palmer/@Reuters, WKZO, {Subscribe}, 05-02-13 _
< https://goo.gl/WxyCjR
AMERICAN OLIGARCHS, INTERNATIONAL TAX EVASTION: WHISTLEBLOWER JAILED! USB Whistleblower, Bradley Birkenfeld, Jailed, Federal Penitentiary; District Court, Judge William Zloch, Notre Dame Alumni
{FYI: 5 Corporate Catholic Rent-Boy Just-asses are on the Supreme Court.}
BOOK: “LUCIFERS BANKER” ~ Bradley Birkenfeld, Bank Whistleblower
{A United Bank of Switzerland AG (Zurich, Switzerland) banker exposed the secret Swiss Bank accounts of U.S. Billionaires involved in tax evasion and was imprisoned for his service. (Crooked) U.S. District Court Federal Judge, a Notre Dame graduate, used “harsh methods” to protect the rich American tax-dodging oligarchs (and for the sake of GOP “trickle-down” golden-shower economics). ~ IGRPP }
United Bank of Switzerland (USB Whistleblower) “Bradley Birkenfeld... headed for prison even though he blew the whistle on a multibillion-dollar international U.S. tax fraud conspiracy. Birkenfeld’s information let the U.S. pierce Swiss bank secrecy laws as never before possible."
"...Birkenfeld sentence (40 months) stands as an insult to any claim that the government wants Whistleblowers to step up."
U.S. tax scofflaws and USB conspirators all got far less time in Federal Prison or probation.
"U.S. District Judge William Zloch (of Southern District of Florida, a Ronald Reagan Appointee, and a Notre Dame Law School Graduate) offered no explanation…" ~ Ann Woolner/Bloomberg News
(^^^) "UBS Whistleblower Gets Rewarded With Prison Time: Ann Woolner"
~ Ann Woolner/Bloomberg @business, {Subscribe}, 08-25-09 (*WB) _**
@UBS @LucifersBanker < https://goo.gl/KYZfq7
(^^^) "UBS Whistle-Blower Secures $104 Million Award From IRS"
~ Tom Schoenberg & David Voreacos/Bloomberg @business, 09-11-12 _
@UBS @LucifersBanker < https://goo.gl/8rZZcX
(^^^) “USB Whistle-Blower Birkenfeld Allowed to Testify in France”
~ David Voreacos/Bloomberg Tech @business, {Subscribe}, 02-17-15 _
@UBS @LucifersBanker < https://goo.gl/iupYAI
WHISTLEBLOWER LAW: US Legislative House Majority Attempting To Overturn Whistleblower Protection Law Adopted By POTUS Lincoln; Republicans & Blue-Dogs Can't Be Trusted
"Mike Papantonio and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. discuss the history of Qui Tam (also known as False Claims or Whistleblower Lawsuits) and how courageous corporate insiders have come forward to expose the rampant corruption of major corporations, and how that corruption is helping to undermine our democracy."
(^^^) "Papantonio & Kennedy on Corporate Corruption & Fraud - Pt. 1/4"
~ @americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio, @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe}, 07-19-12, YT, 8-41 < https://goo.gl/WH4E3n (*ULC)
Pt. 2, @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 07-19-12, YT, 6:36 < https://goo.gl/BKRZlV
Pt. 3, @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 07-19-12, YT, 9:34 < https://goo.gl/THiEZD
Pt. 4, @ringoffireradio, {Donate}, 07-19-12, YT, 12:53 https://goo.gl/hU7AdX
>###(08-17)*CW*E162*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666t KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
"Hedge Fund Regulation, Fund Managers Panel - House Oversight Committee …on Government Reform and Oversight. Hedge Fund Managers and financial experts testified about federal regulation of financial markets, operation of hedge funds, and the recent global financial crisis. The hearing focused on several issues including executive compensation, proposed regulations and tax reforms, and the nature of risk within financial markets."
(^^^) "Hedge Fund Regulation, Fund Managers Panel"
~ House (.) Resource (.) Org, 12-27-10, YT, 2:06:14 < https://goo.gl/MvwACS
>###(08-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Hedge Fund Regulation, Fund Managers Panel - House Oversight Committee …on Government Reform and Oversight. Hedge Fund Managers and financial experts testified about federal regulation of financial markets, operation of hedge funds, and the recent global financial crisis. The hearing focused on several issues including executive compensation, proposed regulations and tax reforms, and the nature of risk within financial markets."
(^^^) "Hedge Fund Regulation, Fund Managers Panel"
~ House (.) Resource (.) Org, 12-27-10, YT, 2:06:14 < https://goo.gl/MvwACS
>###(08-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666t KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
"global corporate control has a distinct bow-tie shape, with a dominant core of 147 firms radiating out ...Each ...own interlocking stakes of one another and together they control 40% of the wealth in the network. A total of 737 control 80% of it all. ...the first map of the structure of global corporate control."
{ Multinational corporations are capitalist’s profit-charter store-fronts that disguise oligarch’s greed, power, money laundering and influence peddling operations while advocating for coup d’état, war, colonization, nation and slave capture, treasury and resource plunder, cultural reformation and “Russian Doll” consumer training. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "The 147 Companies That Control Everything"
~ Bruce Upbin/@Forbes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-11 < https://goo.gl/a963yb
-/\/- “The top 50 of the 147 superconnected companies” Listed
"Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world"
~ Andy Coghlan & Debora MacKenzie/NewScientist, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 10-24-11 < https://goo.gl/6iHZF2
"When we talk about two things that should never be combined, government and Corporatism is one of them. The massive power held by U.S. global corporations and the rich and powerful has the ability to do irreparable damage to America."
(^^^) "Government and Corporate America: A Marriage Made in Hell"
~ Michael Payne/@NationofChange/Op, 05-25-15 < https://goo.gl/8wSmoF
>#(08-17)*CW*CBWS*FK*ST#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"global corporate control has a distinct bow-tie shape, with a dominant core of 147 firms radiating out ...Each ...own interlocking stakes of one another and together they control 40% of the wealth in the network. A total of 737 control 80% of it all. ...the first map of the structure of global corporate control."
{ Multinational corporations are capitalist’s profit-charter store-fronts that disguise oligarch’s greed, power, money laundering and influence peddling operations while advocating for coup d’état, war, colonization, nation and slave capture, treasury and resource plunder, cultural reformation and “Russian Doll” consumer training. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "The 147 Companies That Control Everything"
~ Bruce Upbin/@Forbes, {Subscribe}, 10-22-11 < https://goo.gl/a963yb
-/\/- “The top 50 of the 147 superconnected companies” Listed
"Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world"
~ Andy Coghlan & Debora MacKenzie/NewScientist, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 10-24-11 < https://goo.gl/6iHZF2
"When we talk about two things that should never be combined, government and Corporatism is one of them. The massive power held by U.S. global corporations and the rich and powerful has the ability to do irreparable damage to America."
(^^^) "Government and Corporate America: A Marriage Made in Hell"
~ Michael Payne/@NationofChange/Op, 05-25-15 < https://goo.gl/8wSmoF
>#(08-17)*CW*CBWS*FK*ST#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 Hoarding Anarchists-1666z KLEPTOCRACY:
Gov’t Capture, Dark $
Wealth Hoarding, Monopoly, Addictions, Societal Outcomes
(^^^) "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Release | 2011"
~ TZMOfficialChannel, {Subscribe}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:41:25 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9WVZddH9w
>###(08-17)*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Wealth Hoarding, Monopoly, Addictions, Societal Outcomes
(^^^) "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Release | 2011"
~ TZMOfficialChannel, {Subscribe}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:41:25 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9WVZddH9w
>###(08-17)*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Manahel Thabet PhDThabet yemeni economist is the Founder and President of SmartTips Consultants, President (Middle East and North Africa/MENA) of The Brain Trust Foundation, president of the world IQ Foundation, Vice President of the World Intelligence Network (WIN), Deputy Director of the Institute for Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition and Vice-Chancellor of The Gifted Academy.