![]() |
118 ♠♣♠ Forbes 400 King’s USA Right-Wing Strategy and Propaganda War …that turned the USA into an Authoritarian-Worshiping Billionaire-Operated Trigger-Finger Incubator and RTW #RedState War-Hatchery with coastlines
USA political education by investigative journalists, talk hosts & activists
Creative Commons referenced news journal articles, opinions & podcasts
♣♣ Word Press blog -- 22ac ↓ wp.me Short-link | Related blog links |
http://wp.me/p2YrR0-yP > | |
♣♣ Google blog: better “Link Activation” in W.P. blog ↑|Update: 06-27-16
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01A, DIVIDE & RULE, DIVIDE & CONQUER STRATEGY, HOLLYWOOD WHISTLE BLOWERS EXPOSING THE MATRIX: Activists John Carpenter & George A. Romero
Rupert Murdock’s Fox & Main Stream Media;
Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs;
Bilderberg Conferences, A.L.E.C. Conferences;
Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission;
{ U.S. culture is programmed and citizens are conditioned by Forbes 400 King psychopaths. Fox News has operated since 1996, when U.S. media was deregulated by Bill Clinton, Blue-Dog Dem’s and Republican/Ts who passed a corporate written Communications Act. Large Corporations are Forbes 400 King’s storefronts and essentially untaxed contributors to political action committees who distribute funds or pay for ads to support cooperative “Judas” politicians. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
"They Live Sunglasses” (Obey!)
~ Stoolie33, {Subscribe}, 08-13-12, YT, 3:38 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI8AMRbqY6w
"They Live Montage" (Obey!)
~ Christian Alexei Kunimi, {Subscribe}, 05-21-09, YT, 9:51 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0BtLmit4N4
"They Live : John Carpenter World Message of Zionism [film analysis]"
~ Libertas Bell, {Subscribe}, 08-03-14, YT, 51:24 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXGajwqvntY
"The Moment of Revelation - They Live 2015" (Obey!)
~ unenslaved2012, {Subscribe}, 05-10-13, YT, 4:59 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVgl1HOxpj8
"THEY LIVE 2015 Trailer!" (Obey!)
~ The Alex Jones Channel, {Subscribe}, 05-07-14, YT, 4:18 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hbtKYEnyYo
>###(06-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01A, PROPAGANDA
"Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean - Noam Chomsky"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 06-01-12, YT, 9:41 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmoXze-Higc
>###(06-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Propaganda Terms in the Media and What They Mean - Noam Chomsky"
~ The Film Archives, {Subscribe}, 06-01-12, YT, 9:41 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmoXze-Higc
>###(06-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01A, FATHER
Edward Bernays, the “father of modern propaganda” …mind manipulation
"Edward Bernays 1: Torches of Freedom"
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, 11-16-12, YT, 4:42 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=druOAHVKHCQ
>_^_ Sold Smoking; Sold Bacon & Eggs; 4 minute attention span; Sold World War I, President Woodrow Wilson; Sold Guatemalan Coup d’état, United Fruit Company, CIA, John Dulles, Allen Dulles, Communist, US Newspapers, President Arbenz, CIA junta; Joseph Goebbels
"Edward Bernays 2: Selling War"
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, 11-23-12, YT, 4:58 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQZFTbPh4jM
>_^_ "An Iraq War Veteran confronted former advisor, Karl Rove, during a talk at University of Connecticut and asked him to apologize for his role in facilitating the nonsensical war. How did Rove respond? John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz and Steven Oh filling in for Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks."
"Karl Rove Is A Dick To Iraq War Veteran"
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 04-03-15, YT, 9:30 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efAe_lnv3Co
"Edward Bernays 3: The Legacy"
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, 11-30-12, YT, 5:06 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSPRKL0xzVg
>###(01-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Edward Bernays, the “father of modern propaganda” …mind manipulation
"Edward Bernays 1: Torches of Freedom"
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, 11-16-12, YT, 4:42 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=druOAHVKHCQ
>_^_ Sold Smoking; Sold Bacon & Eggs; 4 minute attention span; Sold World War I, President Woodrow Wilson; Sold Guatemalan Coup d’état, United Fruit Company, CIA, John Dulles, Allen Dulles, Communist, US Newspapers, President Arbenz, CIA junta; Joseph Goebbels
"Edward Bernays 2: Selling War"
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, 11-23-12, YT, 4:58 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQZFTbPh4jM
>_^_ "An Iraq War Veteran confronted former advisor, Karl Rove, during a talk at University of Connecticut and asked him to apologize for his role in facilitating the nonsensical war. How did Rove respond? John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz and Steven Oh filling in for Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks."
"Karl Rove Is A Dick To Iraq War Veteran"
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 04-03-15, YT, 9:30 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efAe_lnv3Co
"Edward Bernays 3: The Legacy"
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, 11-30-12, YT, 5:06 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSPRKL0xzVg
>###(01-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01bw, BRAINWASH;
“Astroturfers question those who question authority.”
"Investigative Journalist For CBS News Exposes How Mainstream Media Brainwashes The Public"
~ Amanda Froelich / Activist Post, {Subscribe}, 11-30-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.activistpost.com/2015/11/investigative-journalist-for-cbs-news-exposes-how-mainstream-media-brainwashes-the-public.html
>_^_ "In this eye-opening talk, veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson shows how astroturf, or fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages."
"Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada"
~ TEDx Talks, Sharyl Attkisson, {Subscribe}, 02-06-15, YT, 10:36 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bYAQ-ZZtEU
>###(01-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Astroturfers question those who question authority.”
"Investigative Journalist For CBS News Exposes How Mainstream Media Brainwashes The Public"
~ Amanda Froelich / Activist Post, {Subscribe}, 11-30-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.activistpost.com/2015/11/investigative-journalist-for-cbs-news-exposes-how-mainstream-media-brainwashes-the-public.html
>_^_ "In this eye-opening talk, veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson shows how astroturf, or fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages."
"Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada"
~ TEDx Talks, Sharyl Attkisson, {Subscribe}, 02-06-15, YT, 10:36 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bYAQ-ZZtEU
>###(01-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01bw, BRAINWASH;
Corporate Fascism - corporations controlling government and victimizing citizens.
"According to a college professor, Dr. Lawrence Britt (expert on Fascist Regimes & author of "Fascism Anyone?"), there are 14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism:
1. Powerful & Continuing Nationalism.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights.
3. Identifying Enemies or Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause.
4. Supremacy of The Military.
5. Rampant Sexism.
6. Controlled Mass-Media.
7. Obsession with National Security.
8. Religion & Government Our Intertwined.
9. Corporate Power is Protected.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals & The Arts.
12. Obsession with Crime & Punishment.
13. Rampant Cronyism & Corruption.
14. Fraudulent Elections." ~ (List By) Eric Blumrich
"14 signs of fascism-The USA turning into a fascist country?"
~ AboveTopSecretDotCom, 05-03-08, (Audio from) Mike Malloy Radio Show, {Subscriber Supported}, YT, 2:42 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJOD9nbDU1I&feature=youtu.be
>##(10-15)*FK*CBWS*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Corporate Fascism - corporations controlling government and victimizing citizens.
"According to a college professor, Dr. Lawrence Britt (expert on Fascist Regimes & author of "Fascism Anyone?"), there are 14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism:
1. Powerful & Continuing Nationalism.
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights.
3. Identifying Enemies or Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause.
4. Supremacy of The Military.
5. Rampant Sexism.
6. Controlled Mass-Media.
7. Obsession with National Security.
8. Religion & Government Our Intertwined.
9. Corporate Power is Protected.
10. Labor Power is Suppressed.
11. Disdain for Intellectuals & The Arts.
12. Obsession with Crime & Punishment.
13. Rampant Cronyism & Corruption.
14. Fraudulent Elections." ~ (List By) Eric Blumrich
"14 signs of fascism-The USA turning into a fascist country?"
~ AboveTopSecretDotCom, 05-03-08, (Audio from) Mike Malloy Radio Show, {Subscriber Supported}, YT, 2:42 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJOD9nbDU1I&feature=youtu.be
>##(10-15)*FK*CBWS*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01bw, BRAINWASH;
Commitment, Prosecutorial Discretion, Police Misconduct, Neglect Due Process;
Political Shenanigans, Election Fraud
"Noble cause corruption is corruption caused by the adherence to a teleological ethical system, suggesting that persons ‘will utilize unethical, and sometimes illegal, means to obtain a desired result,’ a result which appears to benefit the greater good." ~ Wikipedia
"Noble cause corruption"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported}, (00-00) _ BB Link
< https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noble_cause_corruption
>###(02-16)**FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Noble cause corruption is corruption caused by the adherence to a teleological ethical system, suggesting that persons ‘will utilize unethical, and sometimes illegal, means to obtain a desired result,’ a result which appears to benefit the greater good." ~ Wikipedia
"Noble cause corruption"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported}, (00-00) _ BB Link
< https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noble_cause_corruption
>###(02-16)**FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01d, PATTERNS OF DECEPTION; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA
“Patterns of Deception”
~ Flack Check / Annenberg Classroom, {Subscribe}, (00-00) _ Link/URL
< http://www.flackcheck.org/patterns-of-deception/
>###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Patterns of Deception”
~ Flack Check / Annenberg Classroom, {Subscribe}, (00-00) _ Link/URL
< http://www.flackcheck.org/patterns-of-deception/
>###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01dc, DIVIED
"Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government"
~ Great White7, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-25-13, YT, 48:55 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKwO1onXAaI
>###(02-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government"
~ Great White7, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-25-13, YT, 48:55 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKwO1onXAaI
>###(02-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01Fmm, FOX
Labeling, Moral Angst
"The onetime Nixon operative has created the most profitable propaganda machine in history. Inside America's Unfair and Imbalanced Network"
"How Roger Ailes Built the Fox News Fear Factory"
~ Tim Dickinson / Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-25-11 _ BB Link
~ http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-roger-ailes-built-the-fox-news-fear-factory-20110525
>###(02-16)*FK*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The onetime Nixon operative has created the most profitable propaganda machine in history. Inside America's Unfair and Imbalanced Network"
"How Roger Ailes Built the Fox News Fear Factory"
~ Tim Dickinson / Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-25-11 _ BB Link
~ http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-roger-ailes-built-the-fox-news-fear-factory-20110525
>###(02-16)*FK*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01Fmm, FOX
Strategist Frank Luntz
“It’s Official: Watching Fox Makes You Stupider”
~ Ben Adler / The Nation, {Subscribe}, 05-21-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.thenation.com/blog/167999/its-official-watching-fox-makes-you-stupider
>###(01-15)*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“It’s Official: Watching Fox Makes You Stupider”
~ Ben Adler / The Nation, {Subscribe}, 05-21-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.thenation.com/blog/167999/its-official-watching-fox-makes-you-stupider
>###(01-15)*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01Fmm, FOX
& CORRUPTION: A.L.E.C., CEO’s, Billionaires
“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (Judas) Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s legislative bill-mill.
States Ethics Panel; Speakers of the House; (Rotunda Ruby Slippers)
"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: State Legislatures and ALEC (HBO)”
~ LastWeekTonight, {Subscribe}, 11-02-14, YT, 17:17 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIMgfBZrrZ8
>###(02-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (Judas) Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s legislative bill-mill.
States Ethics Panel; Speakers of the House; (Rotunda Ruby Slippers)
"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: State Legislatures and ALEC (HBO)”
~ LastWeekTonight, {Subscribe}, 11-02-14, YT, 17:17 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIMgfBZrrZ8
>###(02-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01Fmm, FOX
1. Panic Mongering. 2. Character Assassination. 3. Projection/Flipping.
4. Rewriting History. 5. Scapegoating. 6. Conflating Violence with Power and Opposition to Violence with Weakness. 7. Bullying. 8. Confusion.
9. Populism. 10. Invoking the Christian God. 11. Saturation.
12. Disparaging Education. 13. Guilt by Association. 14. Diversion.
"Fourteen Propaganda Techniques Fox "News" Uses to Brainwash Americans"
~ Dr Cynthia Boaz / Truthout, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-02-11 _ Link
< http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/1964:fourteen-propaganda-techniques-fox-news-uses-to-brainwash-americans
>###(01-16)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
1. Panic Mongering. 2. Character Assassination. 3. Projection/Flipping.
4. Rewriting History. 5. Scapegoating. 6. Conflating Violence with Power and Opposition to Violence with Weakness. 7. Bullying. 8. Confusion.
9. Populism. 10. Invoking the Christian God. 11. Saturation.
12. Disparaging Education. 13. Guilt by Association. 14. Diversion.
"Fourteen Propaganda Techniques Fox "News" Uses to Brainwash Americans"
~ Dr Cynthia Boaz / Truthout, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-02-11 _ Link
< http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/1964:fourteen-propaganda-techniques-fox-news-uses-to-brainwash-americans
>###(01-16)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01Fmm, ZEALOTRY,
RIGHT: Jesus, Savior
Cults, Research, Mythical People, 2 Centuries B.C. – Euhemerization, Forgeries
and Fakers
{Euhemerize, Euhemerized – stories created placing a savior on earth with other historical figures}
Dying-and-rising savior gods that pre-date Jesus include: Osiris, Adonis, Romulus, Zalmoxis and Inanna.
From the Mediterranean area sprang many personal savior god myths.
Paul’s cosmic Jesus of revelation scripture was turned into a historical figure in Mark’s gospel parables.
"Richard Carrier – 'Did Jesus Even Exist?'"
~ Atheists United, {Subscribe}, 03-30-15, YT, 1:09:58 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUYRoYl7i6U
"Did Jesus Exist? Dr. Robert M Price, Dr. Richard Carrier, David Fitzgerald Interview Part 1"
~ SanJoseAtheists, {Subscribe}, 05-22-15, YT, 1:08:33 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPZ39rqaIZ0
"Did Jesus Exist? Dr. Robert M Price, Dr. Richard Carrier, David Fitzgerald Interview Part 2 Q&A"
~ SanJoseAtheists, {Subscribe}, 05-29-15, YT, 37:51 _ Link/URL
< http://bit.ly/1qeYGLi
>###(04-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{Euhemerize, Euhemerized – stories created placing a savior on earth with other historical figures}
Dying-and-rising savior gods that pre-date Jesus include: Osiris, Adonis, Romulus, Zalmoxis and Inanna.
From the Mediterranean area sprang many personal savior god myths.
Paul’s cosmic Jesus of revelation scripture was turned into a historical figure in Mark’s gospel parables.
"Richard Carrier – 'Did Jesus Even Exist?'"
~ Atheists United, {Subscribe}, 03-30-15, YT, 1:09:58 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUYRoYl7i6U
"Did Jesus Exist? Dr. Robert M Price, Dr. Richard Carrier, David Fitzgerald Interview Part 1"
~ SanJoseAtheists, {Subscribe}, 05-22-15, YT, 1:08:33 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPZ39rqaIZ0
"Did Jesus Exist? Dr. Robert M Price, Dr. Richard Carrier, David Fitzgerald Interview Part 2 Q&A"
~ SanJoseAtheists, {Subscribe}, 05-29-15, YT, 37:51 _ Link/URL
< http://bit.ly/1qeYGLi
>###(04-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01Fmm, ZEALOTRY,
"Wall Street and religious right were a winning team — for the rich. Now evangelicals want their share. Look out!"
"Reactionary businessmen loathed business regulation and taxation... in 1951, a wealthy young writer ...William F. Buckley, Jr. advanced the idea that unfettered capitalism and Christianity should be considered fundamental American values that could not be questioned."
"Bobby Jindal just splintered the GOP: The unholy alliance between Fox News and the 1 percent can no longer stand"
~ Heather Cox Richardson / Salon, {Subscribe}, 04-26-15 _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.salon.com/2015/04/26/bobby_jindal_just_splintered_the_gop_the_unholy_alliance_between_fox_news_and_the_1_percent_can_no_longer_stand/
>_^_ Corporate Invention of Religion, Profit-Charter Coup, Business Crusade, Prosperity Theology, Right Wing Christianity, Honors The Rich
"How one reverend’s big business-backed crusade altered the political landscape."
"How Corporate America Invented Christian America"
~ Kevin Kruse / Basic Books, via AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 04-21-15 _ Link/URL
< http://w.w.alternet.org/belief/how-corporate-america-invented-christian-america
''Religious fundamentalists believe end times are upon us. It's no wonder they're so desperate to cling to power"
"Why millions of Christian evangelicals oppose Obamacare and civil rights"
~ Daniel Silliman, via Salon, {Subscribe}, 12-10-14 _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.salon.com/2014/12/10/why_millions_of_christian_evangelicals_oppose_obamacare_and_civil_rights_partner/
"2010 census data, of the largest religious groups in each county of the U.S."
"This Map Shows The Dominant Religious Group In Every US County"
~ Michael Kelley / Business Insider, {Subscribe}, 12-06-13 _ Link/URL
< http://www.businessinsider.com/the-religious-makeup-of-america-2013-12
>_^_ Republican/T, American Calvinists, Conservative Political Ideology, Culture Wars, Capitalism, Christian Right: James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson
"Republicans Aren't Christians"
~ Bob Burnett / HuffPost, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-07-13 _ Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bob-burnett/republicans-arent-christi_b_3292022.html
>###(04-16)*E162*PM*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Wall Street and religious right were a winning team — for the rich. Now evangelicals want their share. Look out!"
"Reactionary businessmen loathed business regulation and taxation... in 1951, a wealthy young writer ...William F. Buckley, Jr. advanced the idea that unfettered capitalism and Christianity should be considered fundamental American values that could not be questioned."
"Bobby Jindal just splintered the GOP: The unholy alliance between Fox News and the 1 percent can no longer stand"
~ Heather Cox Richardson / Salon, {Subscribe}, 04-26-15 _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.salon.com/2015/04/26/bobby_jindal_just_splintered_the_gop_the_unholy_alliance_between_fox_news_and_the_1_percent_can_no_longer_stand/
>_^_ Corporate Invention of Religion, Profit-Charter Coup, Business Crusade, Prosperity Theology, Right Wing Christianity, Honors The Rich
"How one reverend’s big business-backed crusade altered the political landscape."
"How Corporate America Invented Christian America"
~ Kevin Kruse / Basic Books, via AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 04-21-15 _ Link/URL
< http://w.w.alternet.org/belief/how-corporate-america-invented-christian-america
''Religious fundamentalists believe end times are upon us. It's no wonder they're so desperate to cling to power"
"Why millions of Christian evangelicals oppose Obamacare and civil rights"
~ Daniel Silliman, via Salon, {Subscribe}, 12-10-14 _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.salon.com/2014/12/10/why_millions_of_christian_evangelicals_oppose_obamacare_and_civil_rights_partner/
"2010 census data, of the largest religious groups in each county of the U.S."
"This Map Shows The Dominant Religious Group In Every US County"
~ Michael Kelley / Business Insider, {Subscribe}, 12-06-13 _ Link/URL
< http://www.businessinsider.com/the-religious-makeup-of-america-2013-12
>_^_ Republican/T, American Calvinists, Conservative Political Ideology, Culture Wars, Capitalism, Christian Right: James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson
"Republicans Aren't Christians"
~ Bob Burnett / HuffPost, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-07-13 _ Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bob-burnett/republicans-arent-christi_b_3292022.html
>###(04-16)*E162*PM*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01kr, KARL
1. Take the Offensive. 2. Attack Your Opponent’s Strengths.
3. Accuse Your Opponent of What He/She is Going to Accuse You Of.
4. Go Negative, Then Cry Foul. 5. The “Big Lie”. 6. Appeal to Moral Values. 7. Sell the (Bush) Persona. 8. Sell an Adolescent Worldview.
9. Exploit the Media. 10. Create Straw Issues. 11. Employ Surrogates.
12. Use Emotional Appeals. 13. Rely on Expert Testimonials.
14. Rhetorical Devices. 15. Use of Language ~ TheDuckManCometh
"Karl Rove's Handbook" (*UE43)
~ TheDuckManCometh / Daily Kos, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-08-12 _ Link
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/10/8/1141830/-Karl-Rove-s-Handbook
>###(12-15)*CW*FK(*AL)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
1. Take the Offensive. 2. Attack Your Opponent’s Strengths.
3. Accuse Your Opponent of What He/She is Going to Accuse You Of.
4. Go Negative, Then Cry Foul. 5. The “Big Lie”. 6. Appeal to Moral Values. 7. Sell the (Bush) Persona. 8. Sell an Adolescent Worldview.
9. Exploit the Media. 10. Create Straw Issues. 11. Employ Surrogates.
12. Use Emotional Appeals. 13. Rely on Expert Testimonials.
14. Rhetorical Devices. 15. Use of Language ~ TheDuckManCometh
"Karl Rove's Handbook" (*UE43)
~ TheDuckManCometh / Daily Kos, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-08-12 _ Link
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/10/8/1141830/-Karl-Rove-s-Handbook
>###(12-15)*CW*FK(*AL)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01mm, CENSORED
"Top 25 Censored Stories from the Mainstream Media"
~ RT America, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-11-14, YT, 5:14 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONQDn9gbiY4
>###(01-15)*C###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Top 25 Censored Stories from the Mainstream Media"
~ RT America, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 10-11-14, YT, 5:14 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONQDn9gbiY4
>###(01-15)*C###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01mm, MAINSTREAM MEDIA; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA &
CORRUPTION: Dolt-Whispering-Snakes, Arming Zombies, Political Work
1. Name Calling (stereotyping to facilitate dismissal of people or ideas);
2. Virtue Words (espousing values or morals; references to abstract positive or patriotic concepts like liberty, freedom);
3. Testimonial (profession of like for or disdain of);
4. Transfer (Association);
5. The Bandwagon (everybody or smart people like him/her/it);
6. Plain Folks (espouse a common man’s understanding and taste);
7. Dress Like An Expert (assigns expertise to the paid actor/speaker);
"7 Propaganda Techniques Used on You Every Day" (HowStuffWorks)
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know, {Subscribe}, 10-15-14, YT, 6:21 _ Link
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8R9MDt4jEc
(^^^) “Stuff They Don't Want You To Know – HowStuffWorks” Channel _ L
< https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrOic-og4HzhleZqOq4L-A
>###(01-16)**FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
1. Name Calling (stereotyping to facilitate dismissal of people or ideas);
2. Virtue Words (espousing values or morals; references to abstract positive or patriotic concepts like liberty, freedom);
3. Testimonial (profession of like for or disdain of);
4. Transfer (Association);
5. The Bandwagon (everybody or smart people like him/her/it);
6. Plain Folks (espouse a common man’s understanding and taste);
7. Dress Like An Expert (assigns expertise to the paid actor/speaker);
"7 Propaganda Techniques Used on You Every Day" (HowStuffWorks)
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know, {Subscribe}, 10-15-14, YT, 6:21 _ Link
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8R9MDt4jEc
(^^^) “Stuff They Don't Want You To Know – HowStuffWorks” Channel _ L
< https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrOic-og4HzhleZqOq4L-A
>###(01-16)**FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-01sw, SHINY
{The Sports Industrial Complex makes American taxpayers pay for sports stadiums. It fills their brains with statistical sports bullsh*t, as sports minimize the impact of conflict, prepares initiators for war through physical and psychological conditioning, and leads others to contrive fantasies. And the spectacle provides an excellent gene pool runway. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
"The way the system is set up, there is virtually nothing people can do anyway to influence the real world."
"Noam Chomsky: Why Americans Know So Much About Sports But So Little About World Affairs"
~ Noam Chomsky / via Alternet, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-15-14 _ Link
< http://www.alternet.org/noam-chomsky-why-americans-know-so-much-about-sports-so-little-about-world-affairs
>###(02-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{The Sports Industrial Complex makes American taxpayers pay for sports stadiums. It fills their brains with statistical sports bullsh*t, as sports minimize the impact of conflict, prepares initiators for war through physical and psychological conditioning, and leads others to contrive fantasies. And the spectacle provides an excellent gene pool runway. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
"The way the system is set up, there is virtually nothing people can do anyway to influence the real world."
"Noam Chomsky: Why Americans Know So Much About Sports But So Little About World Affairs"
~ Noam Chomsky / via Alternet, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-15-14 _ Link
< http://www.alternet.org/noam-chomsky-why-americans-know-so-much-about-sports-so-little-about-world-affairs
>###(02-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-02dc, DIVIDE
{Government Munchhausen; Make government programs sick or dysfunctional by mismanagement or underfunding, and privatize them out of “created” necessity. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
“1. Divide and conquer; 2. Running down public services; 3. Ignore people power; 4. Naomi Klein is right …We can organize alliances among constituencies that up until now have been easily divided.”
"1 percent has recently been winning the class war in the United States because it is more powerful, with its control of the mass media, ownership of the major parties and command of the means of repression."
"Strategies of the 1 Percent Revealed!"
~ George Lakey / Nation of Change, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-18-15 _ Link
< http://www.nationofchange.org/2015/03/18/strategies-of-the--1-percent-revealed/
>(03-15)*CW*FK*PM#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{Government Munchhausen; Make government programs sick or dysfunctional by mismanagement or underfunding, and privatize them out of “created” necessity. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
“1. Divide and conquer; 2. Running down public services; 3. Ignore people power; 4. Naomi Klein is right …We can organize alliances among constituencies that up until now have been easily divided.”
"1 percent has recently been winning the class war in the United States because it is more powerful, with its control of the mass media, ownership of the major parties and command of the means of repression."
"Strategies of the 1 Percent Revealed!"
~ George Lakey / Nation of Change, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-18-15 _ Link
< http://www.nationofchange.org/2015/03/18/strategies-of-the--1-percent-revealed/
>(03-15)*CW*FK*PM#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-02dc, DIVIDE
& CONQUER, RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: Republican/T, Hate Labels, Demonization, Racism, Race War, Vietnam, Protesters; President
Richard M. Nixon (R*CA), War On Drugs
"Top Nixon Aide Admits 'War on Drugs' was Excuse to Target Blacks and Hippies"
~ ericlewis0 / Daily Kos, 03-22-16 _ Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/3/22/1505025/-Top-Nixon-Aide-Admits-War-on-Drugs-was-Excuse-to-Target-Blacks-and-Hippies
>(03-15)*CW*FK*PM#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Top Nixon Aide Admits 'War on Drugs' was Excuse to Target Blacks and Hippies"
~ ericlewis0 / Daily Kos, 03-22-16 _ Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/3/22/1505025/-Top-Nixon-Aide-Admits-War-on-Drugs-was-Excuse-to-Target-Blacks-and-Hippies
>(03-15)*CW*FK*PM#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-02dc, DIVIDE
& CONQUER, RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: Republican/T, Hate Labels, Demonization, Racism, Race War, War On Drugs,
Vietnam, Protesters, President Richard M. Nixon (R*CA), War On Drugs, 40 Years
Richard Nixon pursued a strategy to associate hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. Groups of Americans and both drugs were demonized by association.
"President Nixon saw it as a way to hit back against pot-smoking Vietnam protesters, and presidents since have feared being smeared as 'soft on drugs.'"
"Richard Nixon's Vengeful War on Marijuana" (*UE37)
~ William John Cox / Consortium News, via Alter Net, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 09-16-10 _ Link*^*< http://www.alternet.org/story/148204/richard_nixon's_vengeful_war_on_marijuana
"'Noam Chomsky - Why Marijuana is Illegal and Tobacco is Legal"
~ Were We Lied To, {Subscribe}, 02-07-13, YT, 2:38 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B34Egdg2_dM
>###(12-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Richard Nixon pursued a strategy to associate hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. Groups of Americans and both drugs were demonized by association.
"President Nixon saw it as a way to hit back against pot-smoking Vietnam protesters, and presidents since have feared being smeared as 'soft on drugs.'"
"Richard Nixon's Vengeful War on Marijuana" (*UE37)
~ William John Cox / Consortium News, via Alter Net, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 09-16-10 _ Link*^*< http://www.alternet.org/story/148204/richard_nixon's_vengeful_war_on_marijuana
"'Noam Chomsky - Why Marijuana is Illegal and Tobacco is Legal"
~ Were We Lied To, {Subscribe}, 02-07-13, YT, 2:38 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B34Egdg2_dM
>###(12-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-02jm, RIGHT
"Jane Mayer, Investigative Reporter & New Yorker staff writer since 1995 / author of several books, latest is Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right"
"How Billionaires Built The Radical Right!"
~ ThomHartmann, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 01-26-16, YT, 20:13 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO0a9WURuvo&feature=share
>###(02-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Jane Mayer, Investigative Reporter & New Yorker staff writer since 1995 / author of several books, latest is Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right"
"How Billionaires Built The Radical Right!"
~ ThomHartmann, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 01-26-16, YT, 20:13 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO0a9WURuvo&feature=share
>###(02-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-03a, RACISM,
Race Baiting, Poor Children, (Former) House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R*GA)
“Papantonio: Gingrich Tries His Hand At Race Baiting”
~ Ring of Fire Radio, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 12-04-11, YT, 9:03 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHBHgbIWYiQ&feature=relmfu
>###(05-12)*E12###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Race Baiting, Poor Children, (Former) House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R*GA)
“Papantonio: Gingrich Tries His Hand At Race Baiting”
~ Ring of Fire Radio, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 12-04-11, YT, 9:03 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHBHgbIWYiQ&feature=relmfu
>###(05-12)*E12###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-03r, RACE
CORRUPTION: Fueling bigotry in America is a Forbes 400 King’s “divide and conquer”
FOX is nailed by Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, and Jayar Jackson.
"Blame Black People On National TV"
Four Elements of the hit job on Black Americans include:
1.) Blame black people using a stereotype;
2.) Attack civil rights groups;
3.) Protect corporations;
4.) Use black men as proxy for these attacks;
(min 03:50) "As they're in the middle of a segment ...shifting blame ...you say ...oh, you see that ...civil rights leaders and black people are shifting blame. It's amazing, and they're amazingly talented at doing this. They do it over and over again. ... It's not like they're trying to help the black Community. It's not like Fox News has this huge black viewer base ...no, this is directed at their white audience. So they can go ...oh yeah those black kids wasting their money on the $300 sneakers. Now look we found an honest one and he says it's all their fault. The crime is their fault. The schools are their fault. " ~ Cenk Uygur
"Fox News Blames Black People (For Everything)"
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 08-25-12, YT, 7:02 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9xEGbYwIYQ
>_^_ Support The Young Turks by Subscribing _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/user/TheYoungTurks
"Talk Show Host Says Kill Blacks" (Neil Boortz)
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 06-17-11, YT, 5:09 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HI-4wY9ZOL8&ebc
>###(03-16)*FK*JL*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
FOX is nailed by Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, and Jayar Jackson.
"Blame Black People On National TV"
Four Elements of the hit job on Black Americans include:
1.) Blame black people using a stereotype;
2.) Attack civil rights groups;
3.) Protect corporations;
4.) Use black men as proxy for these attacks;
(min 03:50) "As they're in the middle of a segment ...shifting blame ...you say ...oh, you see that ...civil rights leaders and black people are shifting blame. It's amazing, and they're amazingly talented at doing this. They do it over and over again. ... It's not like they're trying to help the black Community. It's not like Fox News has this huge black viewer base ...no, this is directed at their white audience. So they can go ...oh yeah those black kids wasting their money on the $300 sneakers. Now look we found an honest one and he says it's all their fault. The crime is their fault. The schools are their fault. " ~ Cenk Uygur
"Fox News Blames Black People (For Everything)"
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 08-25-12, YT, 7:02 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9xEGbYwIYQ
>_^_ Support The Young Turks by Subscribing _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/user/TheYoungTurks
"Talk Show Host Says Kill Blacks" (Neil Boortz)
~ The Young Turks, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 06-17-11, YT, 5:09 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HI-4wY9ZOL8&ebc
>###(03-16)*FK*JL*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-03r, RACE
“The elite, the royals, the bankers and their minions prosper while we, like sheep to slaughter, attack the foreigner, the immigrant, or anyone different, without understanding that we suffer alike.”
"Elites Royals Bankers Divide and Conquer by Racism Black White"
~ phoneyid, {Subscribe}, 06-02-09, YT, 9:31 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpU_sglS4_8
>###(04-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“The elite, the royals, the bankers and their minions prosper while we, like sheep to slaughter, attack the foreigner, the immigrant, or anyone different, without understanding that we suffer alike.”
"Elites Royals Bankers Divide and Conquer by Racism Black White"
~ phoneyid, {Subscribe}, 06-02-09, YT, 9:31 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpU_sglS4_8
>###(04-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-03r, RACISM,
Activism, Push Back, Riots, Looting
{Blame the victim of low tariffs, (no import VAT’s - Value Added Taxes), off-shoring of free trade manufacturing jobs (to totalitarian slave nations) for their state of mind that results in unethical, immoral or illegal conduct and even violent gang activity. Assign fault to the casualties a corporate bought congress’ job exports. Incarcerate the injured persons for lack of opportunity that results in ‘survival inspired’ participation in black market activities and illegal revenue streams. Point the finger at the victims of a tax-supported American education system deficiencies and deficient job training programs. And engineer attitudes in the main stream media so the benefits of ‘white privilege’ fail to trickle down. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
"this is about institutionalized corruption and the death of representative government." ~ David DeGraw
"Police Vs African Americans – Divide & Conquer Policy"
~ David DeGraw, {Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 04-28-15 _ Link/URL
< http://daviddegraw.org/police-vs-african-americans-divide-conquer-policy/
>###(08-15)*CW*RACE###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Activism, Push Back, Riots, Looting
{Blame the victim of low tariffs, (no import VAT’s - Value Added Taxes), off-shoring of free trade manufacturing jobs (to totalitarian slave nations) for their state of mind that results in unethical, immoral or illegal conduct and even violent gang activity. Assign fault to the casualties a corporate bought congress’ job exports. Incarcerate the injured persons for lack of opportunity that results in ‘survival inspired’ participation in black market activities and illegal revenue streams. Point the finger at the victims of a tax-supported American education system deficiencies and deficient job training programs. And engineer attitudes in the main stream media so the benefits of ‘white privilege’ fail to trickle down. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
"this is about institutionalized corruption and the death of representative government." ~ David DeGraw
"Police Vs African Americans – Divide & Conquer Policy"
~ David DeGraw, {Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 04-28-15 _ Link/URL
< http://daviddegraw.org/police-vs-african-americans-divide-conquer-policy/
>###(08-15)*CW*RACE###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-03rb, RACE
PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: Welfare Queen, Racism, Black, Inner City,
“Those People”
These tactics exemplify Republican/T candidate’s campaign strategies, 1980-2016. POTUS Ronald Reagan (R*CA) lied and race baited, as he raised American’s taxes 11 times …while giving tax cuts to the rich and their corporations.
“Food Stamp President” ~ POTUS Candidate Newt Gingrich (R*GA);
“We don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money” ~ POTUS Candidate Rick Santorum (R*PA);
“Entitlement Society” ~ POTUS Cand., Bishop Willard Mitt Romney (R*MA);
“President Reagan’s ‘Welfare Queen’ is still shaping U.S. politics, but did she exist and why has her story remained so potent?”
{If people, who are encouraged to blind-believe, can “hate” an imaginary devil at any point in life, the psychological circuitry exists to summarily join in the demonization of innocent individuals or groups of fellow Americans. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
“Return of the ‘Welfare Queen’“
“The ghost of the Welfare Queen is still Lurking” (*RACE) (*UE40)
~ John Blake / CNN, {Cable Subscriber Supported}, 01-23-12 _ BB Link
< http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/23/politics/weflare-queen/index.html
>#(11-15)*CW*PM*UE40#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
These tactics exemplify Republican/T candidate’s campaign strategies, 1980-2016. POTUS Ronald Reagan (R*CA) lied and race baited, as he raised American’s taxes 11 times …while giving tax cuts to the rich and their corporations.
“Food Stamp President” ~ POTUS Candidate Newt Gingrich (R*GA);
“We don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money” ~ POTUS Candidate Rick Santorum (R*PA);
“Entitlement Society” ~ POTUS Cand., Bishop Willard Mitt Romney (R*MA);
“President Reagan’s ‘Welfare Queen’ is still shaping U.S. politics, but did she exist and why has her story remained so potent?”
{If people, who are encouraged to blind-believe, can “hate” an imaginary devil at any point in life, the psychological circuitry exists to summarily join in the demonization of innocent individuals or groups of fellow Americans. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
“Return of the ‘Welfare Queen’“
“The ghost of the Welfare Queen is still Lurking” (*RACE) (*UE40)
~ John Blake / CNN, {Cable Subscriber Supported}, 01-23-12 _ BB Link
< http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/23/politics/weflare-queen/index.html
>#(11-15)*CW*PM*UE40#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-03rb, RACE
40 Ronald Reagan, POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush-I
Candidate Ronald Reagan’s first campaign stop was in Philadelphia Mississippi where 3 Civil Rights activists were murdered in the 1960’s.
"As a young congressman, (Trent) Lott was among those who urged Reagan to deliver his first major campaign speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence."
"support for "states' rights" — a code word for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southern voters."
"Republican heroes as, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon or George Bush the elder… used coded racial messages to lure disaffected blue collar and Southern white voters away from the Democrats."
"Reagan, who set a standard for exploiting white anger and resentment rarely seen since George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door"
"Lott, Reagan and Republican Racism" (*UE40)(*UE41)(*MS)
~ Jack White - Time, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-14-02 _ Link/URL
< http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,399921,00.html
>###(11-15)*CW*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Candidate Ronald Reagan’s first campaign stop was in Philadelphia Mississippi where 3 Civil Rights activists were murdered in the 1960’s.
"As a young congressman, (Trent) Lott was among those who urged Reagan to deliver his first major campaign speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence."
"support for "states' rights" — a code word for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southern voters."
"Republican heroes as, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon or George Bush the elder… used coded racial messages to lure disaffected blue collar and Southern white voters away from the Democrats."
"Reagan, who set a standard for exploiting white anger and resentment rarely seen since George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door"
"Lott, Reagan and Republican Racism" (*UE40)(*UE41)(*MS)
~ Jack White - Time, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-14-02 _ Link/URL
< http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,399921,00.html
>###(11-15)*CW*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-03rb, RACE
1981-1989*CA), POTUS George H.W. Bush-I (R*ME)
Candidate Ronald Reagan’s first campaign stop was in Philadelphia Mississippi where three Civil Rights Activists were murdered in the 1960’s.
"As a young congressman, (Trent) Lott was among those who urged Reagan to deliver his first major campaign speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence."
"support for "states' rights" — a code word for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southern voters."
"Republican heroes as, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon or George Bush the elder… used coded racial messages to lure disaffected blue collar and Southern white voters away from the Democrats."
"Reagan, who set a standard for exploiting white anger and resentment rarely seen since George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door"
"Lott, Reagan and Republican Racism" (*UE40)(*UE41)(*MS)
~ Jack White - Time, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-14-02 _ Link
< http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,399921,00.html
>###(11-15)*CW*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Candidate Ronald Reagan’s first campaign stop was in Philadelphia Mississippi where three Civil Rights Activists were murdered in the 1960’s.
"As a young congressman, (Trent) Lott was among those who urged Reagan to deliver his first major campaign speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence."
"support for "states' rights" — a code word for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southern voters."
"Republican heroes as, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon or George Bush the elder… used coded racial messages to lure disaffected blue collar and Southern white voters away from the Democrats."
"Reagan, who set a standard for exploiting white anger and resentment rarely seen since George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door"
"Lott, Reagan and Republican Racism" (*UE40)(*UE41)(*MS)
~ Jack White - Time, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-14-02 _ Link
< http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,399921,00.html
>###(11-15)*CW*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-03rb, RACE
Southern Strategy, Food Stamps. Racism, Ronald Reagan, Welfare Queen; Newt
Gingrich, Food Stamp President
"Gingrich OWNS Chris Matthews...asks him 'ARE YOU A RACIST?'"
~ UFPnews, {Subscribe}, (*UE40), 08-28-12, YT, 1:47 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kigxLHT16r0
>###(12-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Gingrich OWNS Chris Matthews...asks him 'ARE YOU A RACIST?'"
~ UFPnews, {Subscribe}, (*UE40), 08-28-12, YT, 1:47 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kigxLHT16r0
>###(12-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-03ss, RACISM,
Newt Gingrich (R*GA), (Former) Gov. Mitt Romney (R*MA), (Former) Senator Rick Santorum (R*PA)
Southern Voters, Structure and Order; Simplified Ideology
“Papantonio: Newt’s New Southern Strategy”
~ Mike Papantonio – Ring of Fire Radio, FL Environmental and Consumer Protection Attorney, 02-06-12, YT, 9:58 _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w8gJu_fK3A&feature=player_embedded
>###(07-15)*E12###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Southern Voters, Structure and Order; Simplified Ideology
“Papantonio: Newt’s New Southern Strategy”
~ Mike Papantonio – Ring of Fire Radio, FL Environmental and Consumer Protection Attorney, 02-06-12, YT, 9:58 _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w8gJu_fK3A&feature=player_embedded
>###(07-15)*E12###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-03ss, SOUTHERN
POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush, POTUS 43 George W. Bush, Karl Rove,
Strategist Lee Atwater Describes the Rhetorical Nuances of Racist Republican "Dog-Whistle" Politics of His "Southern Strategy" to elect GOP candidates; Ran the POTUS 40 Reagan Campaign; The Strategy and Interference in Iran Hostage Crisis won him the election
"Lee Atwater secured the elections of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, mentored Karl Rove and George W. Bush, and made the GOP a Southern party, transforming the way media covers elections as the godfather of modern negative campaigning." ~ warnervod, YouTube
"here's how I would quote ...you say stuff like...uh forced-busing, states' rights, and all that stuff, and you getting so abstract now you're talking about cutting taxes, and all of these thing you talking about are totally economic things & the byproduct of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites.
...that abstract and that coded ...we're doing away with the racial problem one way or the other...uh you follow me? ...we want to cut taxes, ...is much more abstract than even the busing thing. ...any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner." ~ (Atwater’s words) CultOfMilitarism
"Lee Atwater's 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy"
~ CultOfMilitarism, {Subscribe}, 11-16-12, YT, 1:39 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT2fsv7xt4E
"MSNBC: Stefan Forbes discusses Boogie Man on Morning Joe"
~ InterPositive, {Subscribe}, 03-12-10, YT, 4:22 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXZn-Vafi8Q
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 1"
~ At the Coolidge, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YT, 7:30 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyY37COSrc
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 2"
~ At the Coolidge, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YT, 9:15 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om0B513cQq0
>#(11-15)*CW*EF*FK*WB#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Strategist Lee Atwater Describes the Rhetorical Nuances of Racist Republican "Dog-Whistle" Politics of His "Southern Strategy" to elect GOP candidates; Ran the POTUS 40 Reagan Campaign; The Strategy and Interference in Iran Hostage Crisis won him the election
"Lee Atwater secured the elections of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, mentored Karl Rove and George W. Bush, and made the GOP a Southern party, transforming the way media covers elections as the godfather of modern negative campaigning." ~ warnervod, YouTube
"here's how I would quote ...you say stuff like...uh forced-busing, states' rights, and all that stuff, and you getting so abstract now you're talking about cutting taxes, and all of these thing you talking about are totally economic things & the byproduct of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites.
...that abstract and that coded ...we're doing away with the racial problem one way or the other...uh you follow me? ...we want to cut taxes, ...is much more abstract than even the busing thing. ...any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner." ~ (Atwater’s words) CultOfMilitarism
"Lee Atwater's 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy"
~ CultOfMilitarism, {Subscribe}, 11-16-12, YT, 1:39 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT2fsv7xt4E
"MSNBC: Stefan Forbes discusses Boogie Man on Morning Joe"
~ InterPositive, {Subscribe}, 03-12-10, YT, 4:22 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXZn-Vafi8Q
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 1"
~ At the Coolidge, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YT, 7:30 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyY37COSrc
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 2"
~ At the Coolidge, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YT, 9:15 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om0B513cQq0
>#(11-15)*CW*EF*FK*WB#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-04evm, STOLEN ELECTIONS; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES,
PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: Electronic Voting Machines, Red Shift
Bush v. Kerry Election Stolen 2004, Election Fraud, OH; Electronic Voting Machines, Ohio Presidential Stolen Election 2004, Kerry/Bush “Red Shift” 7 million Votes 2004;
11 Swing States; “Red Shift” Even Made Red Counties Reder Than Before
"analysis by Jonathan Simon and Ron Baiman examined the red shift. The final exit polls, posted at 12:23 a.m. on Wednesday morning, November 3, predicted Kerry with 50.8% of the national vote and Bush with 48.2% of the national vote – a difference of 2.6%....
State …… Exit poll result ….….… Official vote count ….. Red shift
*NH………… Kerry by 10.8% ........ Kerry by 1.3% ....... 9.5%
*OH………… Kerry by 4.2% ......... Bush by 2.5% ........ 6.7%
*PA………… Kerry by 8.7% .......... Kerry by 2.2% …….. 6.5%
*MN………… Kerry by 9.0% ......... Kerry by 3.5% …….. 5.5%
*FL……….… Bush by 0.1% .......... Bush by 5.0% …….. 4.9%
*NV……..… Kerry by 1.3% .......... Bush by 2.6% …….. 3.9%
*NM……..… Kerry by 2.6% ......... Bush by 1.1% ……… 3.7%
*CO……..… Bush by 1.8% .......... Bush by 5.2% ……… 3.4%
*IA ………… Kerry by 1.3% ………… Bush by 0.9% ………. 2.2%
*MI ……….. Kerry by 5.0% ………… Kerry by 3.4% …….. 1.6%
...if the official vote count had approximated the exit poll findings, Kerry would have won not only the national popular vote"
“Reasons for discrepancies between exit polls and official vote counts... When exit polls differ substantially from official election results, there can be only three reasons (or combination thereof): 1. Random error or chance; 2. Biased exit polls; 3. Impaired election integrity”
“Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen Too?”
~ Democratic Underground, {Subscribe}, 06-28-12 _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=874782
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Bush v. Kerry Election Stolen 2004, Election Fraud, OH; Electronic Voting Machines, Ohio Presidential Stolen Election 2004, Kerry/Bush “Red Shift” 7 million Votes 2004;
11 Swing States; “Red Shift” Even Made Red Counties Reder Than Before
"analysis by Jonathan Simon and Ron Baiman examined the red shift. The final exit polls, posted at 12:23 a.m. on Wednesday morning, November 3, predicted Kerry with 50.8% of the national vote and Bush with 48.2% of the national vote – a difference of 2.6%....
State …… Exit poll result ….….… Official vote count ….. Red shift
*NH………… Kerry by 10.8% ........ Kerry by 1.3% ....... 9.5%
*OH………… Kerry by 4.2% ......... Bush by 2.5% ........ 6.7%
*PA………… Kerry by 8.7% .......... Kerry by 2.2% …….. 6.5%
*MN………… Kerry by 9.0% ......... Kerry by 3.5% …….. 5.5%
*FL……….… Bush by 0.1% .......... Bush by 5.0% …….. 4.9%
*NV……..… Kerry by 1.3% .......... Bush by 2.6% …….. 3.9%
*NM……..… Kerry by 2.6% ......... Bush by 1.1% ……… 3.7%
*CO……..… Bush by 1.8% .......... Bush by 5.2% ……… 3.4%
*IA ………… Kerry by 1.3% ………… Bush by 0.9% ………. 2.2%
*MI ……….. Kerry by 5.0% ………… Kerry by 3.4% …….. 1.6%
...if the official vote count had approximated the exit poll findings, Kerry would have won not only the national popular vote"
“Reasons for discrepancies between exit polls and official vote counts... When exit polls differ substantially from official election results, there can be only three reasons (or combination thereof): 1. Random error or chance; 2. Biased exit polls; 3. Impaired election integrity”
“Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen Too?”
~ Democratic Underground, {Subscribe}, 06-28-12 _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=874782
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Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-04vp, STOLEN
Electronic Voting Machines, Purging Voters, Right-Wing Supreme Court
US Judicial Branch-Supreme Court Election Fraud, Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, & Anthony Kennedy
“Secretary of State Katharine Harris-R scrubbed the voter list of thousands of supposed ex-felons, people where were entitled to vote & who were disproportionately African-American,” Bush Campaign Organized A RedPussLieCon Mob To Protest The Miami Dade Recount, Appointee President George W. Bush
{Charge Thomas, Scalia - Conflicts of Interest Affecting Neutrality}
~ Janette Rainwater - Progressive Politics, {Subscribe} _ Link/URL
< http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/GoreWon.htm
>_^_ Shorter Version “GORE WON”_ Link/URL
< http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/short.htm
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
US Judicial Branch-Supreme Court Election Fraud, Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, & Anthony Kennedy
“Secretary of State Katharine Harris-R scrubbed the voter list of thousands of supposed ex-felons, people where were entitled to vote & who were disproportionately African-American,” Bush Campaign Organized A RedPussLieCon Mob To Protest The Miami Dade Recount, Appointee President George W. Bush
{Charge Thomas, Scalia - Conflicts of Interest Affecting Neutrality}
~ Janette Rainwater - Progressive Politics, {Subscribe} _ Link/URL
< http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/GoreWon.htm
>_^_ Shorter Version “GORE WON”_ Link/URL
< http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/short.htm
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-04vp, STOLEN ELECTIONS; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES,
PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: Electronic Voting Machines, Purging Voters,
Right-Wing Supreme Court
Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corporation was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” Names of Florida Voters with National Felons, (57,700 Names – 90.2% Wrong) but Not-Paid-To-Verify Any Names/DBT Warns of Miss-association and it does not matter!
Black Americans 1000 TIMES More Likely To Have Vote Thrown Out
“Theft of the Presidency” (*WB)(*OH)(*UE43)(*UJSC)
~ Greg Palast / Investigative Journalist, Author (Vultures Picnic), theateroforcruelty, {Subscribe}, 09-12-06, YT, 9:52 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-zYfO5gBo&feature=relmfu
>###(04-12)*EF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corporation was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” Names of Florida Voters with National Felons, (57,700 Names – 90.2% Wrong) but Not-Paid-To-Verify Any Names/DBT Warns of Miss-association and it does not matter!
Black Americans 1000 TIMES More Likely To Have Vote Thrown Out
“Theft of the Presidency” (*WB)(*OH)(*UE43)(*UJSC)
~ Greg Palast / Investigative Journalist, Author (Vultures Picnic), theateroforcruelty, {Subscribe}, 09-12-06, YT, 9:52 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-zYfO5gBo&feature=relmfu
>###(04-12)*EF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-04vp, STOLEN
Electronic Voting Machines, Voter Purge, Right-Wing Supreme Court
Bush v. Gore Election Stolen 2000, FLORIDA; Electronic Voting Machines
GOP Pres. George “W.” Bush II, Corruption, {A Greg Palast Investigation}
Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Palm Beach voting machines misread 27,000 ballots; In Gadsden, machines failed to count 1 of every 8 ballots
Katherine Harris stopped the hand count which cost Al Gore over 700 votes; The margin of the Bush win in Florida was 537 votes
{Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corp was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” names of FL voters with national felons registry (57,700 names associated with Florida voters – 90.2% were wrong associations); DBT Choice Point Corp was Not paid to verify any names; DBT warned of miss-association and it does not matter! In the ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000, Black Americans were 1000 TIMES more likely to have their vote thrown out}
“How George W. Bush Stole His Election – BBC (Part 1 of 2)”
~ Greg Palast - BBC, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, WeArePatriots, 07-10-08, YT, 9:58 URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0grkxe5uPk
>_^_ Part 2, YT, 9:58 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4kdJEH2aT0
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Bush v. Gore Election Stolen 2000, FLORIDA; Electronic Voting Machines
GOP Pres. George “W.” Bush II, Corruption, {A Greg Palast Investigation}
Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Palm Beach voting machines misread 27,000 ballots; In Gadsden, machines failed to count 1 of every 8 ballots
Katherine Harris stopped the hand count which cost Al Gore over 700 votes; The margin of the Bush win in Florida was 537 votes
{Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corp was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” names of FL voters with national felons registry (57,700 names associated with Florida voters – 90.2% were wrong associations); DBT Choice Point Corp was Not paid to verify any names; DBT warned of miss-association and it does not matter! In the ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000, Black Americans were 1000 TIMES more likely to have their vote thrown out}
“How George W. Bush Stole His Election – BBC (Part 1 of 2)”
~ Greg Palast - BBC, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, WeArePatriots, 07-10-08, YT, 9:58 URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0grkxe5uPk
>_^_ Part 2, YT, 9:58 _ Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4kdJEH2aT0
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-04vp, VOTER PURGE; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA &
CORRUPTION: Exclusion, Crosscheck, Common
They challenged up to 7 million voters in 2014, making them re-register.
Greg Palast "...ripped the lid off 'Interstate Crosscheck' ...system used by 27 states, almost all under Republican control ...find illegal 'double voters'" "most-read story ever on Al Jazeera America’s website."
"6,951,484 names on the target list of the 28 states ...suspected double voter whose registration …subject to challenge and removal."
"Georgia, Virginia and Washington ...released their lists ...a total of just over 2 million names."
*AK, *AZ, *AR, *CO, *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *IA, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MI, *MS, *MO, *NE, *NV, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PE, *SD, *SC, *TN, *VA, *WV
"JIM CROW RETURNS: Millions of Minority Voters Threatened by Electoral Purge"
~ Greg Palast - Al Jazeera America, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 10-29-14 _ Link/URL
< http://projects.aljazeera.com/2014/double-voters/
"Look up your Name on the Crosscheck Voter Purge-List"
~ Greg Palast, {Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 10-30-14 _ Link/URL
< http://www.gregpalast.com/look-up-your-name-on-the-crosscheck-voter-purge-list/
>###(11-14)*CW*EF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
They challenged up to 7 million voters in 2014, making them re-register.
Greg Palast "...ripped the lid off 'Interstate Crosscheck' ...system used by 27 states, almost all under Republican control ...find illegal 'double voters'" "most-read story ever on Al Jazeera America’s website."
"6,951,484 names on the target list of the 28 states ...suspected double voter whose registration …subject to challenge and removal."
"Georgia, Virginia and Washington ...released their lists ...a total of just over 2 million names."
*AK, *AZ, *AR, *CO, *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *IA, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MI, *MS, *MO, *NE, *NV, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PE, *SD, *SC, *TN, *VA, *WV
"JIM CROW RETURNS: Millions of Minority Voters Threatened by Electoral Purge"
~ Greg Palast - Al Jazeera America, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 10-29-14 _ Link/URL
< http://projects.aljazeera.com/2014/double-voters/
"Look up your Name on the Crosscheck Voter Purge-List"
~ Greg Palast, {Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 10-30-14 _ Link/URL
< http://www.gregpalast.com/look-up-your-name-on-the-crosscheck-voter-purge-list/
>###(11-14)*CW*EF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-04vp, VOTER
CROSSCHECK: Kris Kobach - Secretary of State, Kansas *KS, uses a
nationwide voter database to remove repeated “common names” from the state’s
voter rolls on the “chance” that someone could vote in 2 states. The data base and practice are shared among
around 30 red states.
"Voter purges alter US political map"
~ Greg Palast / Aljazeera, {Subscriber Supported}, 11-14-14 _ Link/URL
< http://america.aljazeera.com/blogs/scrutineer/2014/11/14/voter-purges-alteruspoliticalmap.html
"The 2016 Election WILL Be Stolen - Here's How (with Greg Palast) [ep 3]"
~ Redacted Tonight, {Subscribe}, 03-10-16, YT, 26:03 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MUxPXld_hA
>###(02-16)*EF*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Voter purges alter US political map"
~ Greg Palast / Aljazeera, {Subscriber Supported}, 11-14-14 _ Link/URL
< http://america.aljazeera.com/blogs/scrutineer/2014/11/14/voter-purges-alteruspoliticalmap.html
"The 2016 Election WILL Be Stolen - Here's How (with Greg Palast) [ep 3]"
~ Redacted Tonight, {Subscribe}, 03-10-16, YT, 26:03 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MUxPXld_hA
>###(02-16)*EF*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-05a, ELECTION
ADS; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: Voter Suppression, Republican Mentality
"It's hard to beat a fundamentalist party that controls the media, suppresses the vote and has all the money"
Quote "...
1) Misinformation, Misrepresentation, and Defamation...
2) Money Talks...
3) Faithful Fundamentalist Following...
4) Voter Suppression...
5) Voter Apathy..." End Quote
"Five Reasons Republicans will Win the Midterm Elections"
~ Chad R. MacDonald / Quiet Mike, {Subscribe}, 04-05-14 _ BB Link/URL
< http://quietmike.org/2014/04/05/reasons-republicans-win-midterm-elections/
>###(11-15)*CW*EF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"It's hard to beat a fundamentalist party that controls the media, suppresses the vote and has all the money"
Quote "...
1) Misinformation, Misrepresentation, and Defamation...
2) Money Talks...
3) Faithful Fundamentalist Following...
4) Voter Suppression...
5) Voter Apathy..." End Quote
"Five Reasons Republicans will Win the Midterm Elections"
~ Chad R. MacDonald / Quiet Mike, {Subscribe}, 04-05-14 _ BB Link/URL
< http://quietmike.org/2014/04/05/reasons-republicans-win-midterm-elections/
>###(11-15)*CW*EF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-05b, ELECTIONEERING, RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA &
"The Time Gloria Steinem Made Bernie Sanders an 'Honorary Woman'"
~ Tim Murphy / Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-20-16 _ Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2016/01/time-bernie-sanders-became-honorary-woman
>_^_ "During the congressman's 1996 re-election campaign, feminist writer Gloria Steinem traveled to Burlington to endorse Sanders and declare him an 'honorary woman.'"
"Gloria Steinem endorses Bernie Sanders"
~ Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-20-16, YT, 31:15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2016/01/time-bernie-sanders-became-honorary-woman
>###(02-16)*EF*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The Time Gloria Steinem Made Bernie Sanders an 'Honorary Woman'"
~ Tim Murphy / Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-20-16 _ Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2016/01/time-bernie-sanders-became-honorary-woman
>_^_ "During the congressman's 1996 re-election campaign, feminist writer Gloria Steinem traveled to Burlington to endorse Sanders and declare him an 'honorary woman.'"
"Gloria Steinem endorses Bernie Sanders"
~ Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-20-16, YT, 31:15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2016/01/time-bernie-sanders-became-honorary-woman
>###(02-16)*EF*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-06a
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-400|Dr. Evil “Rick Berman” (President of Berman & Company, Inc)
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-400|Dr. Evil “Rick Berman” (President of Berman & Company, Inc)
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-06a, ASTROTURF
Libertarian Koch-Tea Party, Tobacco Lobby Playbook
"...the billionaire Koch brothers planned the formation of the Tea Party movement more than a decade before it exploded onto the U.S. political scene."
“…astroturf effort was curated by wealthy industrialist’s years in advance.” The purpose of forming the Tea Party is to “evade accountability for the fossil fuel industry's role in driving climate disruption.”
"Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco & Billionaire Koch Brothers"
~ Brendan DeMelle / Huff Post, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-11-13 _ Link
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brendan-demelle/study-confirms-tea-party-_b_2663125.html
>##(11-15)*CW*FK*PI#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"...the billionaire Koch brothers planned the formation of the Tea Party movement more than a decade before it exploded onto the U.S. political scene."
“…astroturf effort was curated by wealthy industrialist’s years in advance.” The purpose of forming the Tea Party is to “evade accountability for the fossil fuel industry's role in driving climate disruption.”
"Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco & Billionaire Koch Brothers"
~ Brendan DeMelle / Huff Post, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-11-13 _ Link
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brendan-demelle/study-confirms-tea-party-_b_2663125.html
>##(11-15)*CW*FK*PI#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-06c, ASTROTURF
"If it were in the interest of the ruling oligarchs to convince a majority of the public that the earth is flat, could they succeed?"
"Shameless GOP Lies: Is There Any Limit to What Republicans Will Say / And What People Will Believe?"
~ Ernest Partridge / Crisis Papers, via AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 04-20-11 _ Link*^*< http://www.alternet.org/story/150693/shameless_gop_lies:_is_there_any_limit_to_what_republicans_will_say_--_and_what_people_will_believe
>###(10-15)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"If it were in the interest of the ruling oligarchs to convince a majority of the public that the earth is flat, could they succeed?"
"Shameless GOP Lies: Is There Any Limit to What Republicans Will Say / And What People Will Believe?"
~ Ernest Partridge / Crisis Papers, via AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 04-20-11 _ Link*^*< http://www.alternet.org/story/150693/shameless_gop_lies:_is_there_any_limit_to_what_republicans_will_say_--_and_what_people_will_believe
>###(10-15)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-06usg, US
"Is the US using propaganda on its own citizens?"
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, 10-18-14, YT, 3:46 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqpZkO6TXF0
>###(01-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Is the US using propaganda on its own citizens?"
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, 10-18-14, YT, 3:46 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqpZkO6TXF0
>###(01-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-07a, CIA
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-07fm, FEAR
"Secrets of the right-wing brain: New study proves it — conservatives see a different, hostile world"
"Phony WMD, Benghazi, birthers, truthers / turns out there's a scientific explanation for deniers and Tea Partyers"
~ Paul Rosenberg / Salon, {Subscribe}, 07-29-14 _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.salon.com/2014/07/29/secrets_of_the_right_wing_brain_new_study_proves_it_conservatives_see_a_different_hostile_world/
>###(04-15)*PSY###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Secrets of the right-wing brain: New study proves it — conservatives see a different, hostile world"
"Phony WMD, Benghazi, birthers, truthers / turns out there's a scientific explanation for deniers and Tea Partyers"
~ Paul Rosenberg / Salon, {Subscribe}, 07-29-14 _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.salon.com/2014/07/29/secrets_of_the_right_wing_brain_new_study_proves_it_conservatives_see_a_different_hostile_world/
>###(04-15)*PSY###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-07fm, RIGHT
Arun Kundnani
A country can’t be “held together” if it does not have a common enemy.
Book: "The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror" ~ Dr. Arun Kundnani
{The global think tank, Project for a New American Century, determined that “the new common enemy” (for America to be a successful country) should be Muslims.}
{If a "common enemy" is an imaginary devil, the psychological circuitry & groundwork is present to insert another.}
"Boris Johnson's Radicalization Myth-Making"
~ Arun Kundnani, Adjunct Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York Univ., Huffington Post, 04-04-14 _ Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/arun-kundnani/boris-johnsons-radicalisation_b_4896120.html
>_^_ Dr. Arun Kundnani, on race, culture, and empire _ Link/URL
< http://www.kundnani.org/
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arun-kundnani/
>###(01-16)*E16*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
A country can’t be “held together” if it does not have a common enemy.
Book: "The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror" ~ Dr. Arun Kundnani
{The global think tank, Project for a New American Century, determined that “the new common enemy” (for America to be a successful country) should be Muslims.}
{If a "common enemy" is an imaginary devil, the psychological circuitry & groundwork is present to insert another.}
"Boris Johnson's Radicalization Myth-Making"
~ Arun Kundnani, Adjunct Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York Univ., Huffington Post, 04-04-14 _ Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/arun-kundnani/boris-johnsons-radicalisation_b_4896120.html
>_^_ Dr. Arun Kundnani, on race, culture, and empire _ Link/URL
< http://www.kundnani.org/
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arun-kundnani/
>###(01-16)*E16*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-08c, DETROIT AUSTERITY
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-08jw, CON
Two Santa Clause Strategy, 1974;
Supply Side Economics, Trickle Down Economics, Reaganomics, Voodoo Economics, 1976; (These are different names for the same evil policy. The “Starve The Beast” Strategy is the next step.)
{Republican/T Presidents give tax cuts to the rich and corporations. They run up debt, and deficits playing “Good Santa Claus.” Then Republican/T’s blame “Bad Santa Claus,” Democratic Presidents, for the debt when occupancy of the Whitehouse changes. Repeat propaganda (a lie) often enough and voters won’t remember the truth. (The Democrats did it!/Repeat). Then to pretend to be “responsible adults” and address the “most urgent” budget deficit, Republican/T’s and Blue-Dog Corporate Congressmen whittle away at the Social Security Insurance Trust, Disability Insurance, Veterans Benefits, Medicaid Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Welfare programs, SNAP food assistance. And they raise the retirement age.
Supply Side Economics “theory” works like this …enrich “Job-Creators” (god-savior surrogates, if you can “read the subliminal” messaging) and wildcat capitalists with tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Wait for their spending to stimulate the economy and produce more jobs. But the wealthy are “prolific hoarders.” CEO’s buy up their own stock, raise its price then cash in their shares. (The rich and corp’s buy politicians, media propaganda and legislation with their spare change.) And they take currency out of the money supply. It’s even hidden in offshore bank accounts (where the “looking the other way” USA forbids anyone to search under threat of prison). ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
Two Santa Clause Strategy, 1974;
Supply Side Economics, Trickle Down Economics, Reaganomics, Voodoo Economics, 1976; (These are different names for the same evil policy. The “Starve The Beast” Strategy is the next step.)
{Republican/T Presidents give tax cuts to the rich and corporations. They run up debt, and deficits playing “Good Santa Claus.” Then Republican/T’s blame “Bad Santa Claus,” Democratic Presidents, for the debt when occupancy of the Whitehouse changes. Repeat propaganda (a lie) often enough and voters won’t remember the truth. (The Democrats did it!/Repeat). Then to pretend to be “responsible adults” and address the “most urgent” budget deficit, Republican/T’s and Blue-Dog Corporate Congressmen whittle away at the Social Security Insurance Trust, Disability Insurance, Veterans Benefits, Medicaid Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Welfare programs, SNAP food assistance. And they raise the retirement age.
Supply Side Economics “theory” works like this …enrich “Job-Creators” (god-savior surrogates, if you can “read the subliminal” messaging) and wildcat capitalists with tax cuts for the rich and corporations. Wait for their spending to stimulate the economy and produce more jobs. But the wealthy are “prolific hoarders.” CEO’s buy up their own stock, raise its price then cash in their shares. (The rich and corp’s buy politicians, media propaganda and legislation with their spare change.) And they take currency out of the money supply. It’s even hidden in offshore bank accounts (where the “looking the other way” USA forbids anyone to search under threat of prison). ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-08jw, JUDE WANNISKI; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES,
Two Santa Clause Strategy, 1974;
Supply Side Economics, Trickle Down Economics, Reaganomics, Voodoo Economics, 1976; (These are several names for the same evil policy. The “Starve The Beast” Strategy is the next step …a.k.a. austerity.)
“Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years”
~ Thom Hartmann - RT, Free Speech TV, Radio Talk Streaming Wcpt 820am, {Podcasts/Subscribe} / Common Dreams, {Subscribe}, 01-26-09 _ BB Link
< http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/01/26-0
>_^_ TABLE: National Debt x Presidential Term, 1945 - 2009 _ Link/URL*^* http://indiedesign.typepad.com/2010_images/ipd_2010/graphs_charts/national-debt-by-presidential-tenure.png
>_^_ LINE GRAPH: National Debt Compared to G.D.P. - Gross Domestic Product U.S., President By President, 1940 – 2007+
“The national Debt as a Percent of Gross Domestic Product”
~ zFacts.com, {Subscriber Supported} _ Link/URL
< http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/National-Debt-GDP-L.gif
>_^_ LINE GRAPH: U.S. National Debt by President as Percentage of G.D.P. – 1929 to 09-30-12, Republican Debt vs. Democrat Debt Comparison
“Budget Line Graph 1929 to 2012”
~ zfacts.com, {Subscriber Supported} _ Link/URL
< http://zfacts.com/p/318.html
>_^_ LINE GRAPH & TABLE: Reagan, H.W. Bush & W. Bush National Debt; GOP Presidents accrued $12 trillion in debt in the past 31 Years.
“Complete Proof of the $12 Trillion GOP Debt”
~ zfacts.com, {Subscriber Supported} _ Link/URL
< http://zfacts.com/p/1170.html
>_^_ LINE GRAPH Categories w/Shading: Pres. George “W.” Bush I, Cheney Deficits, Origins of U.S. Fiscal Trajectory; Problem from George W. Bush-Era Policies;
“Tax cuts to the rich and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan left the U.S. Treasury poised for a huge hit when the financial crisis and economic downturn of 2008 further eroded Fed Revenues.”
“CHART: Bush Policies Dominant Cause Of National Debt”
~ Brian Beutler – TPMDC, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-25-11 _ Link/URL
< http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/05/chart-bush-policies-dominant-cause-of-debt.php
>_^_ GOP Corruption, Republican/T Treason and Stolen Elections
Five Republican/T Presidents crippled America.
UE 37 Pres. Richard M. Nixon (Republican, *CA, 1969-74), Vietnam War Extension – Nixon 1968, October Surprise 1968, defeated V.P (Sen.) Hubert Humphrey (D*MN) 11-1968;
UE 38 Pres. Gerald R. Ford (R*MI) granted amnesty to (crook) Dick Nixon;
UE40 Pres. Ronald Reagan (Republican, *CA, 1981-1989), Reagan Iranian Hostage Negation For Weapons Deal w/U.S. Embassy Hostage Takers, Unseated UE36 President Jimmy Carter (D*GA) 11-1980;
UE41 Pres. George “H. W.” Bush I (Republican, *TX, 1989-1992), C.I.A.;
UE43 Pres. George “W.” Bush II (Republican, *TX, 2001-2008), Counting Votes “Constitutes Irreparable Harm” to George W. Bushs’ Election; a Stolen Florida Election 1-2001; S-Court-5 Corporate RentBoy JustaSSes;
“Thom Hartmann: Can Republican get elected without fraud & treason?”
~ The Big Picture RT, Thom Hartmann, Free Speech TV, Radio Talk Streaming Wcpt 820am, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 07-19-11, YT, 9:10 _ BB Link
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UM-hAbfOkA&feature=share
>_^_ (GOOGLE THIS) Iran-Contra, Hearings (1987), Iran Hostages, Contra Terrorists, Sandinista Government, Nicaragua; The Secret Government, Colonel Oliver North, POTUS Ronald Reagan (R*CA), CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats), Israel, William Casey-CIA Director; Saudi Arabia, Brunei; The Enterprise, General Richard V. Secord, Military Sales, Shah of Iran, Albert Hakim, Ayatollah Khomeini, Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, Joseph Coors (beer), Missiles, Iran-Iraq War, Contra War, Nicaraguan Terrorists, Adolfo Calero, Robert Owen, Covert Operations; Analysis, Senator John Kerry;
The Cold War, Permanent War, National Act of 1947, National Security State, National Security Council, Admiral Gene La Rocque, CIA, Covert Operations, Notre Dame All American, Ralph McGehee; Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddegh (07-21-1952 to 08-18-1953); British Petroleum, Nationalize Oil Refineries; Alan Dulles, POTUS Ike Eisenhower (*UE34), Regime Change, CIA, Genocide, Theft, Brutality, Dictatorship; Guatemala, President Arbenz, Land Reform, United Fruit Company, Dulles, Communism Label, Hegemony, Carlos Castillo Armas; Hoover Report, 1954 (min 39:40); Cuba, CIA, Mafia;
South Vietnam, President Kennedy; LBJ, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, April 1965, Operation Phoenix, Ralph McGehee, CIA, Remorse; Laos, Hmong Tribesmen, Mountain People; Cold War Morality; The Constitution, “Blood On The Wall”;
National Security State, Forbidden by Constitution; Church Committee, Exposure; Nixon, Chile, Salvador Allende, CIA, Assassination; CIA Domestic Operations: Chaos, Cable Splicer, Garden Plot and Leprechaun; Contempt for the Constitution;
POTUS Richard Nixon (R*CA), Watergate, (1973), Secret Police, The Plumbers: Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell, Dean; Political Enemies; Reagan and Casey, Admiral Poindexter, McFarland, U.S. Army Major General John Singlaub, 50 Covert Operations; Drugs For Sale; Oliver North; The Boys, CIA;
“And a drill instructor told us something before we were to graduate. ‘What you’re fighting for might be wrong or right. Nobody really knows. But he said, ‘There’s a constitution that allows those people to be out on the streets protesting.’ He said, ‘That’s what’s worth fighting for. That’s what the Constitution is.’ He said, ‘That’s what you took an oath to. When you put those bars on as a Second Lieutenant, you better remember that.’ I don’t think Oliver North had that drill instructor.” ~ Robert Colclasure, Former Captain, U.S.M.C.
“Moyers: The Secret Government is an interlocking network of official functionaries, spies, mercenaries, ex-generals, profiteers and superpatriots, who, for a variety of motives, operate outside the legitimate institutions of government.” ~ ConspiracyScope,
"The Secret Government: Bill Moyers (1987)" (*UE40) (*UE41)
~ ConspiracyScope, {Subscribe}, 08-04-12, YT, 1:26:29 _ BB Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28K2CO-khdY
>_^_ "San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s."
"The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations"
~ National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2 / The George Washington University, (00-00) _ Link/URL
< http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB2/
"Freemasons ★ illuminati NWO Masonic Secret Society Documentary - Skulls Bilderberg and the CFR 1"
~ livingselfsufficient, {Subscribe}, 01-15-14, YT, 14:55 _ BB Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKrUpDQd8wY
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Two Santa Clause Strategy, 1974;
Supply Side Economics, Trickle Down Economics, Reaganomics, Voodoo Economics, 1976; (These are several names for the same evil policy. The “Starve The Beast” Strategy is the next step …a.k.a. austerity.)
“Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years”
~ Thom Hartmann - RT, Free Speech TV, Radio Talk Streaming Wcpt 820am, {Podcasts/Subscribe} / Common Dreams, {Subscribe}, 01-26-09 _ BB Link
< http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/01/26-0
>_^_ TABLE: National Debt x Presidential Term, 1945 - 2009 _ Link/URL*^* http://indiedesign.typepad.com/2010_images/ipd_2010/graphs_charts/national-debt-by-presidential-tenure.png
>_^_ LINE GRAPH: National Debt Compared to G.D.P. - Gross Domestic Product U.S., President By President, 1940 – 2007+
“The national Debt as a Percent of Gross Domestic Product”
~ zFacts.com, {Subscriber Supported} _ Link/URL
< http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/National-Debt-GDP-L.gif
>_^_ LINE GRAPH: U.S. National Debt by President as Percentage of G.D.P. – 1929 to 09-30-12, Republican Debt vs. Democrat Debt Comparison
“Budget Line Graph 1929 to 2012”
~ zfacts.com, {Subscriber Supported} _ Link/URL
< http://zfacts.com/p/318.html
>_^_ LINE GRAPH & TABLE: Reagan, H.W. Bush & W. Bush National Debt; GOP Presidents accrued $12 trillion in debt in the past 31 Years.
“Complete Proof of the $12 Trillion GOP Debt”
~ zfacts.com, {Subscriber Supported} _ Link/URL
< http://zfacts.com/p/1170.html
>_^_ LINE GRAPH Categories w/Shading: Pres. George “W.” Bush I, Cheney Deficits, Origins of U.S. Fiscal Trajectory; Problem from George W. Bush-Era Policies;
“Tax cuts to the rich and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan left the U.S. Treasury poised for a huge hit when the financial crisis and economic downturn of 2008 further eroded Fed Revenues.”
“CHART: Bush Policies Dominant Cause Of National Debt”
~ Brian Beutler – TPMDC, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-25-11 _ Link/URL
< http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/05/chart-bush-policies-dominant-cause-of-debt.php
>_^_ GOP Corruption, Republican/T Treason and Stolen Elections
Five Republican/T Presidents crippled America.
UE 37 Pres. Richard M. Nixon (Republican, *CA, 1969-74), Vietnam War Extension – Nixon 1968, October Surprise 1968, defeated V.P (Sen.) Hubert Humphrey (D*MN) 11-1968;
UE 38 Pres. Gerald R. Ford (R*MI) granted amnesty to (crook) Dick Nixon;
UE40 Pres. Ronald Reagan (Republican, *CA, 1981-1989), Reagan Iranian Hostage Negation For Weapons Deal w/U.S. Embassy Hostage Takers, Unseated UE36 President Jimmy Carter (D*GA) 11-1980;
UE41 Pres. George “H. W.” Bush I (Republican, *TX, 1989-1992), C.I.A.;
UE43 Pres. George “W.” Bush II (Republican, *TX, 2001-2008), Counting Votes “Constitutes Irreparable Harm” to George W. Bushs’ Election; a Stolen Florida Election 1-2001; S-Court-5 Corporate RentBoy JustaSSes;
“Thom Hartmann: Can Republican get elected without fraud & treason?”
~ The Big Picture RT, Thom Hartmann, Free Speech TV, Radio Talk Streaming Wcpt 820am, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 07-19-11, YT, 9:10 _ BB Link
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UM-hAbfOkA&feature=share
>_^_ (GOOGLE THIS) Iran-Contra, Hearings (1987), Iran Hostages, Contra Terrorists, Sandinista Government, Nicaragua; The Secret Government, Colonel Oliver North, POTUS Ronald Reagan (R*CA), CIA (Corporate Infantry for Aristocrats), Israel, William Casey-CIA Director; Saudi Arabia, Brunei; The Enterprise, General Richard V. Secord, Military Sales, Shah of Iran, Albert Hakim, Ayatollah Khomeini, Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, Joseph Coors (beer), Missiles, Iran-Iraq War, Contra War, Nicaraguan Terrorists, Adolfo Calero, Robert Owen, Covert Operations; Analysis, Senator John Kerry;
The Cold War, Permanent War, National Act of 1947, National Security State, National Security Council, Admiral Gene La Rocque, CIA, Covert Operations, Notre Dame All American, Ralph McGehee; Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddegh (07-21-1952 to 08-18-1953); British Petroleum, Nationalize Oil Refineries; Alan Dulles, POTUS Ike Eisenhower (*UE34), Regime Change, CIA, Genocide, Theft, Brutality, Dictatorship; Guatemala, President Arbenz, Land Reform, United Fruit Company, Dulles, Communism Label, Hegemony, Carlos Castillo Armas; Hoover Report, 1954 (min 39:40); Cuba, CIA, Mafia;
South Vietnam, President Kennedy; LBJ, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, April 1965, Operation Phoenix, Ralph McGehee, CIA, Remorse; Laos, Hmong Tribesmen, Mountain People; Cold War Morality; The Constitution, “Blood On The Wall”;
National Security State, Forbidden by Constitution; Church Committee, Exposure; Nixon, Chile, Salvador Allende, CIA, Assassination; CIA Domestic Operations: Chaos, Cable Splicer, Garden Plot and Leprechaun; Contempt for the Constitution;
POTUS Richard Nixon (R*CA), Watergate, (1973), Secret Police, The Plumbers: Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell, Dean; Political Enemies; Reagan and Casey, Admiral Poindexter, McFarland, U.S. Army Major General John Singlaub, 50 Covert Operations; Drugs For Sale; Oliver North; The Boys, CIA;
“And a drill instructor told us something before we were to graduate. ‘What you’re fighting for might be wrong or right. Nobody really knows. But he said, ‘There’s a constitution that allows those people to be out on the streets protesting.’ He said, ‘That’s what’s worth fighting for. That’s what the Constitution is.’ He said, ‘That’s what you took an oath to. When you put those bars on as a Second Lieutenant, you better remember that.’ I don’t think Oliver North had that drill instructor.” ~ Robert Colclasure, Former Captain, U.S.M.C.
“Moyers: The Secret Government is an interlocking network of official functionaries, spies, mercenaries, ex-generals, profiteers and superpatriots, who, for a variety of motives, operate outside the legitimate institutions of government.” ~ ConspiracyScope,
"The Secret Government: Bill Moyers (1987)" (*UE40) (*UE41)
~ ConspiracyScope, {Subscribe}, 08-04-12, YT, 1:26:29 _ BB Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28K2CO-khdY
>_^_ "San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s."
"The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations"
~ National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2 / The George Washington University, (00-00) _ Link/URL
< http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB2/
"Freemasons ★ illuminati NWO Masonic Secret Society Documentary - Skulls Bilderberg and the CFR 1"
~ livingselfsufficient, {Subscribe}, 01-15-14, YT, 14:55 _ BB Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKrUpDQd8wY
*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Increase Deficit, Institute Austerity Measures: Kill Social Programs, Destroy the Social Safety Net, Recall FDR’s New Deal, Kill Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, SNAP Food Assistance; Keep Military, Police & Courts
"Starve The Beast: Republican Deficit Crisis By Design”
~ MrLespunk, {Subscribe}, 05-21-11, YT, 9:31 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZrOGpFAZoM
>###(01-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Increase Deficit, Institute Austerity Measures: Kill Social Programs, Destroy the Social Safety Net, Recall FDR’s New Deal, Kill Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, SNAP Food Assistance; Keep Military, Police & Courts
"Starve The Beast: Republican Deficit Crisis By Design”
~ MrLespunk, {Subscribe}, 05-21-11, YT, 9:31 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZrOGpFAZoM
>###(01-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-08stb, STARVE THE BEAST; RIGHT WING
Norquist, Primarying Non-Signers of his Tax Pledge
60 Minutes Interview:
As a 12 Year Old Sitting on a Short School Bus, Grovie, then shadowing his father as an activist in the Nixon Presidential Campaign 1971, thought of a “No-Fail Strategy” For RepubLieCons to win all future elections. His plan was for the GOP to Pledge to “NEVER RAISE TAXES” under ANY circumstance …come war, budget deficit, natural disaster, whatever. Since Pres. Reagan (1981-89) encouraged Grovie and his Neo-Con/Neo-Lib Ilk, the U.S Treasury was raided by the 1% for 31 Years. Trans-National Corporations got Tax Cuts and Deregulation. The 1% Oligarchs “Manufactured Consent” using media for numerous wealth generating Coup de tas and 2 Wars along with Global Disaster Denial (as U.S. debt soared to over $16 Trillion).
Grovie holds GOP Politicians Accountable by Primarying them with a Radical-Right opponent in the Next Election for the crime of “Thinking Beyond the Capacity Of A 12 YEAR OLD!” His rhetorical balloon animal voodoo, “Raising Taxes,” fools Room Temp I.Q.’s who don’t seem to realize that taxes finance civilization. Grovie deliberately comingles the ideas of “Raising Taxes on the Working Class” with “Raising Taxes on the 1%.” He demonizes the federal government and encourages voters to demand “tax cuts for everyone.” And the resulting “Trickle-Down Economics” hurts 98% and grows the debt. Thus the rich are able to avoid paying a “fair share” tax rate like the “Buffett Rule” or Better and U.S. debt grows exponentially out of control. (And the rich fully expect to buy up government assets and services for cents on the dollar.)
Grovie Controls 276 US Senators and House Reps out of 535 along with Over 1200 State Legislators. His Thought Provoking Quotes are: “Shrink Government So Small You Could Drown It In The Bath Tub” and “To Voters, Having A Legislator Raise Their Taxes Is Like Finding A Rat Head In A Half-Drunk Coke Bottle” …(a rat head won’t fit in a coke bottle, Grovie …just sayen). But the 1500+ U.S & State Legislative Room Temp I.Q.’s who listen to Grovie can’t think for themselves, can they?
“The Pledge: Grover Norquist’s hold on the GOP”
~ Steve Kroft / CBS, with Grover Norquist, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 11-20-11, 60 Minutes Video _ BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ CBS NEWS _ Link/URL< http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/the-pledge-grover-norquists-hold-on-the-gop/
>_^_ Transcript: Steve Kroft, w/Grover Norquist, 60 Minutes _ Link/URL
< http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18560_162-57327816/grover-norquist/?tag=currentVideoInfo;videoMetaInfo
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
60 Minutes Interview:
As a 12 Year Old Sitting on a Short School Bus, Grovie, then shadowing his father as an activist in the Nixon Presidential Campaign 1971, thought of a “No-Fail Strategy” For RepubLieCons to win all future elections. His plan was for the GOP to Pledge to “NEVER RAISE TAXES” under ANY circumstance …come war, budget deficit, natural disaster, whatever. Since Pres. Reagan (1981-89) encouraged Grovie and his Neo-Con/Neo-Lib Ilk, the U.S Treasury was raided by the 1% for 31 Years. Trans-National Corporations got Tax Cuts and Deregulation. The 1% Oligarchs “Manufactured Consent” using media for numerous wealth generating Coup de tas and 2 Wars along with Global Disaster Denial (as U.S. debt soared to over $16 Trillion).
Grovie holds GOP Politicians Accountable by Primarying them with a Radical-Right opponent in the Next Election for the crime of “Thinking Beyond the Capacity Of A 12 YEAR OLD!” His rhetorical balloon animal voodoo, “Raising Taxes,” fools Room Temp I.Q.’s who don’t seem to realize that taxes finance civilization. Grovie deliberately comingles the ideas of “Raising Taxes on the Working Class” with “Raising Taxes on the 1%.” He demonizes the federal government and encourages voters to demand “tax cuts for everyone.” And the resulting “Trickle-Down Economics” hurts 98% and grows the debt. Thus the rich are able to avoid paying a “fair share” tax rate like the “Buffett Rule” or Better and U.S. debt grows exponentially out of control. (And the rich fully expect to buy up government assets and services for cents on the dollar.)
Grovie Controls 276 US Senators and House Reps out of 535 along with Over 1200 State Legislators. His Thought Provoking Quotes are: “Shrink Government So Small You Could Drown It In The Bath Tub” and “To Voters, Having A Legislator Raise Their Taxes Is Like Finding A Rat Head In A Half-Drunk Coke Bottle” …(a rat head won’t fit in a coke bottle, Grovie …just sayen). But the 1500+ U.S & State Legislative Room Temp I.Q.’s who listen to Grovie can’t think for themselves, can they?
“The Pledge: Grover Norquist’s hold on the GOP”
~ Steve Kroft / CBS, with Grover Norquist, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 11-20-11, 60 Minutes Video _ BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ CBS NEWS _ Link/URL< http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/the-pledge-grover-norquists-hold-on-the-gop/
>_^_ Transcript: Steve Kroft, w/Grover Norquist, 60 Minutes _ Link/URL
< http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18560_162-57327816/grover-norquist/?tag=currentVideoInfo;videoMetaInfo
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-08stb, STARVE THE BEAST, RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: State,
"Did Conservative Ideology Poison the People of Flint, MI"
~ thomhartmann, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 01-27-16, YT, 9:31 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8be7AWHb64
>###(02-15)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Did Conservative Ideology Poison the People of Flint, MI"
~ thomhartmann, {Podcasts/Subscribe}, 01-27-16, YT, 9:31 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8be7AWHb64
>###(02-15)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-08tsc, TWO SANTA CLAUS; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES,
PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: GOP Budget Austerity, Economist David Stockman, GOP Pres. Nixon, Reagan, Bush II, 40 Years of Trickle Down Economics;
A wish not a reality
“Starve the Beast” Strategy; Reagan Administration Economist Notes “Misapplied” Theories of Austrian Economist Friederich von Hayek (i.e. Milton Friedman – Chicago School – Austerity – Union Busting)
“Lower taxes can’t generate more revenue. Lower taxes generate deficits.” ~ David Stockman
“Four Deformations of the Apocalypse:
1.) Default on obligations under 1944 Bretton Woods agreement to balance our accounts with the world;
2.) Shrugging off public debt;
3.) Deregulation of financial markets and government’s complete abandonment of oversight for the largest ponzi-scheming institutions in the nation’s (and the world’s) history – on taxpayers’ backs;
4.) The off-shoring of high-value jobs in trades, transportation, technology and professions, a sector that’s shrunk from 77 million to 68 million jobs… gain of low-paying jobs.”
“Taking Stockman: How Nixon, Reagan, Bush and their GOP Demolished the Economy” (*UE37) (*UE40) (*UE41) (*UE43)
~ David Stockman - Reagan’s Director of Management & Budget / FlaglerLive.com, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-01-10 _ Link/URL
< http://flaglerlive.com/8577/david-stockman-reagan-nixon-bush-trickledown
>###(02-16)*EC*FK ###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Starve the Beast” Strategy; Reagan Administration Economist Notes “Misapplied” Theories of Austrian Economist Friederich von Hayek (i.e. Milton Friedman – Chicago School – Austerity – Union Busting)
“Lower taxes can’t generate more revenue. Lower taxes generate deficits.” ~ David Stockman
“Four Deformations of the Apocalypse:
1.) Default on obligations under 1944 Bretton Woods agreement to balance our accounts with the world;
2.) Shrugging off public debt;
3.) Deregulation of financial markets and government’s complete abandonment of oversight for the largest ponzi-scheming institutions in the nation’s (and the world’s) history – on taxpayers’ backs;
4.) The off-shoring of high-value jobs in trades, transportation, technology and professions, a sector that’s shrunk from 77 million to 68 million jobs… gain of low-paying jobs.”
“Taking Stockman: How Nixon, Reagan, Bush and their GOP Demolished the Economy” (*UE37) (*UE40) (*UE41) (*UE43)
~ David Stockman - Reagan’s Director of Management & Budget / FlaglerLive.com, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-01-10 _ Link/URL
< http://flaglerlive.com/8577/david-stockman-reagan-nixon-bush-trickledown
>###(02-16)*EC*FK ###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-09c, CONSPIRACY, SABOTAGE; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: Tea Party
Caucus Room Conspiracy, Economic and Legislative Sabotage, 01-20-09, Inauguration Day
{The “Koch Brother’s” Astroturf Tea Party was set up (using the Tobacco Lobbies’ Astroturf Movement as a model) to practice economic sabotage in Red States and the Federal Government, with the ultimate aim of privatizing not-for-profit services and asset infrastructure. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
Book: "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House Of Representatives" ~ Robert Draper, 04-24-12
"Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy: Plot To Sabotage US Economy with Frank Luntz"
~ keepemhonest / Daily Koz, {Subscribe}, 06-06-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/06/08/1098434/-Eric-Cantor-Paul-Ryan-Kevin-McCarthy-Plot-To-Sabotage-US-Economy-with-Frank-Luntz
“Tell Sen. Reid: Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy Literally Plotted To Sabotage US Economy” (Caucus Room Conspirators)
~ keepemhonest / Daily Koz, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/06/06/1097928/-Tell-Sen-Reid-Eric-Cantor-Paul-Ryan-Kevin-McCarthy-Literally-Plotted-To-Sabotage-US-Economy#
GOP Strategist Frank Luntz, Sean Hannity
“It’s Official: Watching Fox Makes You Stupider”
~ Ben Adler / The Nation, {Subscribe}, 05-21-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.thenation.com/blog/167999/its-official-watching-fox-makes-you-stupider
“The Nation” Search Results: Frank Luntz Political Advisor _ Link/URL
< http://www.thenation.com/search/apachesolr_search/Frank%20Luntz
OpenCongress, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23)
< http://www.opencongress.org/people/show/412190_Kevin_McCarthy
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
{The “Koch Brother’s” Astroturf Tea Party was set up (using the Tobacco Lobbies’ Astroturf Movement as a model) to practice economic sabotage in Red States and the Federal Government, with the ultimate aim of privatizing not-for-profit services and asset infrastructure. ~ I.G.R.P.P.}
Book: "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House Of Representatives" ~ Robert Draper, 04-24-12
"Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy: Plot To Sabotage US Economy with Frank Luntz"
~ keepemhonest / Daily Koz, {Subscribe}, 06-06-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/06/08/1098434/-Eric-Cantor-Paul-Ryan-Kevin-McCarthy-Plot-To-Sabotage-US-Economy-with-Frank-Luntz
“Tell Sen. Reid: Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy Literally Plotted To Sabotage US Economy” (Caucus Room Conspirators)
~ keepemhonest / Daily Koz, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/06/06/1097928/-Tell-Sen-Reid-Eric-Cantor-Paul-Ryan-Kevin-McCarthy-Literally-Plotted-To-Sabotage-US-Economy#
GOP Strategist Frank Luntz, Sean Hannity
“It’s Official: Watching Fox Makes You Stupider”
~ Ben Adler / The Nation, {Subscribe}, 05-21-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.thenation.com/blog/167999/its-official-watching-fox-makes-you-stupider
“The Nation” Search Results: Frank Luntz Political Advisor _ Link/URL
< http://www.thenation.com/search/apachesolr_search/Frank%20Luntz
OpenCongress, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23)
< http://www.opencongress.org/people/show/412190_Kevin_McCarthy
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-09gop, ASTROTURF MOVEMENT; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: Congress,
Sabotage Everything
“Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Caucus Room Conspirators; Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage / 01-20-09
GOP planned the sabotage of the entire American Economy for 4 years; Legislative obstruction of the Obama Presidency began on Inauguration Night in a restaurant meeting of 15+ GOP Tea Operatives including:
(8 GOP US House Reps) (5 GOP US Senators) (2 Strategists)
*Eric Cantor (R*VA, 7), GOP Tea House Majority Leader; due to Gerrymandering by State Houses GOP won in 2010 Citizens (Corp Free-Unlimited Speech) United Attack-Ad Election; Dem Reps beaten by 1.1 Million Votes; GOP Koch-Tea House got a 33 vote majority/435 members
*Paul Ryan (*WI, 1), Candidate for V.P. 2012 & GOP Austerity Koch Budget;
*Kevin McCarthy (R*CA, 22), House Majority Whip;
*Pete Sessions (R*TX, 32); *Jeb Hensarling (R*TX, 5);
[Election Losses 2012 - Pete Hoekstra (R*MI) & *Dan Lungren (R*CA, 3)];
*Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK) & *Sen. Bob Corker (R*TN);
{*Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC) ”Break Him” retired 2012 to be C.E.O. of Heritage Foundation Think-Tank & Political Action Committee for the 1%;
*Sen. Jon Kyl (R*AZ) 2012 retired conspirator; *Sen. John Ensign (R*CO Resigned, Sex Scandal}
None of them voted for legislation POTUS Obama wanted to sign and Blocked 300 Bills
Non-Lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich, & Frank Luntz, “the long-Time Republican Wordsmith” (a.k.a …a Think-Tanker); Newt Gingrich (R*GA Former Speaker "deposed by his colleagues," paid highest fine for corruption in House history, initiator of smash-mouth lie brand of Beltway Politics in the 90’s, conducted House impeachment of POTUS Clinton while sleeping around with his now 3rd wife
NO House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R*OH), & NO Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R*KY) ”One Term President” …both hated Frank Luntz
“Plotted ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama’s legislative agenda”
Meeting “GOP’s Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night of Inauguration”
~ Sam Stein, Huffington Post; excerpts from Robert Draper’s 2012 Book
“Robert Draper Book: GOP’s Anti Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration”
~ Sam Stein – Huffington Post, {Subscribe}; Book: “Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the US House of Representatives,” 04-25-11; [Al Sharpton - MSNBC, with Rep. Jim McDermott (D *WA, 7) & Van Jones {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 53 sec. Video Imbedded] _ BB Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/25/robert-draper-anti-obama-campaign_n_1452899.html
Fbk ACTIVE_ POL_ 21,763 _ Link/URL
< https://www.facebook.com/kevinomccarthy
>_^_ ACTIVE _ G.O._ 34,761 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/CongressmanKevinMcCarthy
>_^_ CONTACT Us _ Link/URL*^*< http://kevinmccarthy.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; McCarthy - 54% P.A.C./1% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL*^*<
ACTIVE_ P.F._ 17,486 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/teamcoburn
>_^_ CONTACT Us _ Link/URL
< http://coburn.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/officelocations
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Coburn - 38% P.A.C./5% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00005601&cycle=2012
Fbk COMMENT_ G.O._ 3,238 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/bobcorker?v=wall
>_^_ Fbk ACTIVE_ POL_ 5,151 _ Link/URL
< https://www.facebook.com/CorkerforTN
>_^_ CONTACT_ Us _ Link/URL
< http://corker.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=OfficeLocations
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Corker - 20% P.A.C./2% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ TX-Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R*TN, 5) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR;
Fbk COMMENT_ G.O._ 3,904 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/RepHensarling?v=wall
>_^_ CONTACT Us _ Link/URL
< http://hensarling.house.gov/
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Hensarling - 45% P.A.C./3% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00024922
>_^_ TX-Rep. Pete Sessions (R*TX, 32) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR; Tea Party Caucus; Fbk COMMENT_ G.O._ 1,520 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/petesessions?v=wall
>_^_ COMMENT_ POL_ 1,977 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/sessionsforcongress
>_^_ CONTACT Us _ Link/URL
< http://sessions.house.gov/
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Sessions - 56% P.A.C./1% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00005681&cycle=2012
>_^_ U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor (R*VA ,7) Tea Party DEFEATED CONSPIRATOR (2014); A.L.E.C. Legislator, HOUSE MAJORITY WHIP;
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Cantor - 33% P.A.C./6% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00013131
>_^_ U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R*WI, 1) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR; [GOP V. P. Candidate]; Fbk ACTIVE_G.O._96,086 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/reppaulryan?v=wall
>_^_ Fbk COMMENT_POL_10,765 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/pages/Paul-Ryan/89309491492?v=wall
>_^_ CONTACT Us _ Link/URL
< http://paulryan.house.gov/Contact/
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Ryan - 22% P.A.C./19% Small Individual Contributions, {Subscriber Supported} _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00004357&cycle=2012
>###(04-15)*FK*ULC##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Caucus Room Conspirators; Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage / 01-20-09
GOP planned the sabotage of the entire American Economy for 4 years; Legislative obstruction of the Obama Presidency began on Inauguration Night in a restaurant meeting of 15+ GOP Tea Operatives including:
(8 GOP US House Reps) (5 GOP US Senators) (2 Strategists)
*Eric Cantor (R*VA, 7), GOP Tea House Majority Leader; due to Gerrymandering by State Houses GOP won in 2010 Citizens (Corp Free-Unlimited Speech) United Attack-Ad Election; Dem Reps beaten by 1.1 Million Votes; GOP Koch-Tea House got a 33 vote majority/435 members
*Paul Ryan (*WI, 1), Candidate for V.P. 2012 & GOP Austerity Koch Budget;
*Kevin McCarthy (R*CA, 22), House Majority Whip;
*Pete Sessions (R*TX, 32); *Jeb Hensarling (R*TX, 5);
[Election Losses 2012 - Pete Hoekstra (R*MI) & *Dan Lungren (R*CA, 3)];
*Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK) & *Sen. Bob Corker (R*TN);
{*Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC) ”Break Him” retired 2012 to be C.E.O. of Heritage Foundation Think-Tank & Political Action Committee for the 1%;
*Sen. Jon Kyl (R*AZ) 2012 retired conspirator; *Sen. John Ensign (R*CO Resigned, Sex Scandal}
None of them voted for legislation POTUS Obama wanted to sign and Blocked 300 Bills
Non-Lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich, & Frank Luntz, “the long-Time Republican Wordsmith” (a.k.a …a Think-Tanker); Newt Gingrich (R*GA Former Speaker "deposed by his colleagues," paid highest fine for corruption in House history, initiator of smash-mouth lie brand of Beltway Politics in the 90’s, conducted House impeachment of POTUS Clinton while sleeping around with his now 3rd wife
NO House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R*OH), & NO Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R*KY) ”One Term President” …both hated Frank Luntz
“Plotted ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama’s legislative agenda”
Meeting “GOP’s Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night of Inauguration”
~ Sam Stein, Huffington Post; excerpts from Robert Draper’s 2012 Book
“Robert Draper Book: GOP’s Anti Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration”
~ Sam Stein – Huffington Post, {Subscribe}; Book: “Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the US House of Representatives,” 04-25-11; [Al Sharpton - MSNBC, with Rep. Jim McDermott (D *WA, 7) & Van Jones {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 53 sec. Video Imbedded] _ BB Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/25/robert-draper-anti-obama-campaign_n_1452899.html
Fbk ACTIVE_ POL_ 21,763 _ Link/URL
< https://www.facebook.com/kevinomccarthy
>_^_ ACTIVE _ G.O._ 34,761 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/CongressmanKevinMcCarthy
>_^_ CONTACT Us _ Link/URL*^*< http://kevinmccarthy.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; McCarthy - 54% P.A.C./1% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL*^*<
ACTIVE_ P.F._ 17,486 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/teamcoburn
>_^_ CONTACT Us _ Link/URL
< http://coburn.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/officelocations
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Coburn - 38% P.A.C./5% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00005601&cycle=2012
Fbk COMMENT_ G.O._ 3,238 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/bobcorker?v=wall
>_^_ Fbk ACTIVE_ POL_ 5,151 _ Link/URL
< https://www.facebook.com/CorkerforTN
>_^_ CONTACT_ Us _ Link/URL
< http://corker.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=OfficeLocations
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Corker - 20% P.A.C./2% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ TX-Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R*TN, 5) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR;
Fbk COMMENT_ G.O._ 3,904 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/RepHensarling?v=wall
>_^_ CONTACT Us _ Link/URL
< http://hensarling.house.gov/
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Hensarling - 45% P.A.C./3% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00024922
>_^_ TX-Rep. Pete Sessions (R*TX, 32) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR; Tea Party Caucus; Fbk COMMENT_ G.O._ 1,520 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/petesessions?v=wall
>_^_ COMMENT_ POL_ 1,977 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/sessionsforcongress
>_^_ CONTACT Us _ Link/URL
< http://sessions.house.gov/
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Sessions - 56% P.A.C./1% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00005681&cycle=2012
>_^_ U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor (R*VA ,7) Tea Party DEFEATED CONSPIRATOR (2014); A.L.E.C. Legislator, HOUSE MAJORITY WHIP;
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Cantor - 33% P.A.C./6% Small Individual Contributions _ Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00013131
>_^_ U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R*WI, 1) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR; [GOP V. P. Candidate]; Fbk ACTIVE_G.O._96,086 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/reppaulryan?v=wall
>_^_ Fbk COMMENT_POL_10,765 _ Link/URL
< http://www.facebook.com/pages/Paul-Ryan/89309491492?v=wall
>_^_ CONTACT Us _ Link/URL
< http://paulryan.house.gov/Contact/
>_^_ OpenSecrets.org Tracking Money; Ryan - 22% P.A.C./19% Small Individual Contributions, {Subscriber Supported} _ Link/URL*^*< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00004357&cycle=2012
>###(04-15)*FK*ULC##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-09gop, OBSTRUCTION; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: Super-Majority,
Republican Strategy, Lie, Obstruct, Stonewall, Delay
Rachel details the history of Republicans in Congress treating Obama as the enemy (no news there). Finally, Rachel highlights a Democratic presidential candidate who has the "balls" (and experience) to return the favor and let the Republicans know that two can play that game.
"Maddow - Finally, A Democrat Who Knows The Enemy!"
~ incitebytes, {Subscribe}, 10-14-15, YT, 12:25 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAXTtdO3VZU
>###(02-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Rachel details the history of Republicans in Congress treating Obama as the enemy (no news there). Finally, Rachel highlights a Democratic presidential candidate who has the "balls" (and experience) to return the favor and let the Republicans know that two can play that game.
"Maddow - Finally, A Democrat Who Knows The Enemy!"
~ incitebytes, {Subscribe}, 10-14-15, YT, 12:25 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAXTtdO3VZU
>###(02-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Congressional Republican/Ts, Blocking
Legislation, Senate Cloture
The slave term “breaking him” (Pres. Obama) was used by US Senator Jim DeMint (R*SC) as a political strategy. “Make him (Pres. Obama) a one term President” was the goal of Mitch McConnell (R*KY), the US Senate minority leader.
Blocked bills included: Political Ad Disclosure; Immigration Reform; Oil Spill Liability; Wall Street Reform; Benefits for homeless Veterans; Tax on Companies that ship jobs overseas; Anti-Rape Amendment for Military Contractor Employees; Fair Pay Act; Affordable Health Care; Jobs; Repeal D.A.D.T.; Small Business Jobs
“Bills Republicans Have Blocked” (*UE44)
~ Matthew Desmond / Addicting Info, {Subscribe}, 01-03-11 _ BB Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/01/03/bills-republicans-have-blocked/
>(11-15)*CW*E6E*ULRSMM#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
The slave term “breaking him” (Pres. Obama) was used by US Senator Jim DeMint (R*SC) as a political strategy. “Make him (Pres. Obama) a one term President” was the goal of Mitch McConnell (R*KY), the US Senate minority leader.
Blocked bills included: Political Ad Disclosure; Immigration Reform; Oil Spill Liability; Wall Street Reform; Benefits for homeless Veterans; Tax on Companies that ship jobs overseas; Anti-Rape Amendment for Military Contractor Employees; Fair Pay Act; Affordable Health Care; Jobs; Repeal D.A.D.T.; Small Business Jobs
“Bills Republicans Have Blocked” (*UE44)
~ Matthew Desmond / Addicting Info, {Subscribe}, 01-03-11 _ BB Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/01/03/bills-republicans-have-blocked/
>(11-15)*CW*E6E*ULRSMM#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-10a, RELIGION;
“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (Judas) Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s legislative bill-mill; Voter Suppression, Voter Exclusion
Paul Weyrich founded the Heritage Foundation, the (Koch) Cato Institute and co-founded the (Koch) A.L.E.C. – un-American Legislative Exchange Council with David Koch.
Weyrich developed a “Republican Strategy” for using Christian Dominionist’s as voting rubes for a party run by billionaires and corporations. They gave financial support to Calvinist Evangelical Churches.
Heritage Foundation President, Jim DeMint (R*SC, U.S. Rep. D4 99-05/US Senator 06-12), is famous for slave language “Break Him,” which was prescribed to colleagues for POTUS Obama.
{This video clip is from a Weyrich speech delivered in a Dallas Texas church in 1980. It marked the beginning of the success in the modern Conservative Movement and class warfare lead by corporate and billionaire psychos.}
“I don’t want everybody to vote” (Goo Goo)
~ peoplefor, {Subscribe}, 06-08-07, YT, 0:32 _ BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw&feature=share
>###(01-16)*FK2*EF*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (Judas) Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s legislative bill-mill; Voter Suppression, Voter Exclusion
Paul Weyrich founded the Heritage Foundation, the (Koch) Cato Institute and co-founded the (Koch) A.L.E.C. – un-American Legislative Exchange Council with David Koch.
Weyrich developed a “Republican Strategy” for using Christian Dominionist’s as voting rubes for a party run by billionaires and corporations. They gave financial support to Calvinist Evangelical Churches.
Heritage Foundation President, Jim DeMint (R*SC, U.S. Rep. D4 99-05/US Senator 06-12), is famous for slave language “Break Him,” which was prescribed to colleagues for POTUS Obama.
{This video clip is from a Weyrich speech delivered in a Dallas Texas church in 1980. It marked the beginning of the success in the modern Conservative Movement and class warfare lead by corporate and billionaire psychos.}
“I don’t want everybody to vote” (Goo Goo)
~ peoplefor, {Subscribe}, 06-08-07, YT, 0:32 _ BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw&feature=share
>###(01-16)*FK2*EF*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-10a, RELIGION; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA
Frank Vandersloot, National Finance Chair, Mitt Romney Campaign
"Rachel Maddow The Next Right Wing Conspiracy From Fox News”
~ Rachel Madddow Show, 10-14-15, YT, 21:26 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YEMcOtv9Hc
>###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Frank Vandersloot, National Finance Chair, Mitt Romney Campaign
"Rachel Maddow The Next Right Wing Conspiracy From Fox News”
~ Rachel Madddow Show, 10-14-15, YT, 21:26 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YEMcOtv9Hc
>###(02-16)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-11 FED LIES
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-11, HATE LABELING; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES,
Richard Nixon
(Republican - 1969-74), GOP Corruption, Nixon’s 5 Wars
“Why Was Watergate?”…Answer: “a lust for political power” …”Blinded them to ethical considerations and legal requirements, to Aristotle’s aphorism that… The Good of Man Must Be the End of Politics”
(1) The Anti-War Movement; (2) News Media;
(3) Against Democrats; (4) Justice ; (5) History (rewrite)
“Watergate 40 Years Later: Nixon Waged Five Wars”
~ Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein / The Washington Post, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-11-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2012/06/11/Watergate-40-Years-Later-Nixon-Waged-Five-Wars.aspx#page1
>##(08-13)*WB(*UE37)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(Republican - 1969-74), GOP Corruption, Nixon’s 5 Wars
“Why Was Watergate?”…Answer: “a lust for political power” …”Blinded them to ethical considerations and legal requirements, to Aristotle’s aphorism that… The Good of Man Must Be the End of Politics”
(1) The Anti-War Movement; (2) News Media;
(3) Against Democrats; (4) Justice ; (5) History (rewrite)
“Watergate 40 Years Later: Nixon Waged Five Wars”
~ Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein / The Washington Post, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-11-12 _ Link/URL
< http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2012/06/11/Watergate-40-Years-Later-Nixon-Waged-Five-Wars.aspx#page1
>##(08-13)*WB(*UE37)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-11bl, BLACK
US War Dept. & C.I.A. Objectives-Country, Iran & Nicaragua, Iraq
Media, Right Wing Bastardization Of Journalism, C.I.A., Presidents Ronald REAGAN’s Treason, Iran Contra, George H.W. BUSH I, George W. BUSH II
“…perception management has won out over truth.”
“How the US Press Lost its Way” (*UE40) (*UE41) (*UE43)
~ Robert Parry/Consortium News / via AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 05-21-12 _ BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Insider Political News, Investigative Journalist Web Site, Robert Parry _ Link/URL
< Consortiumnews.com
>###(04-13)*FK*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
US War Dept. & C.I.A. Objectives-Country, Iran & Nicaragua, Iraq
Media, Right Wing Bastardization Of Journalism, C.I.A., Presidents Ronald REAGAN’s Treason, Iran Contra, George H.W. BUSH I, George W. BUSH II
“…perception management has won out over truth.”
“How the US Press Lost its Way” (*UE40) (*UE41) (*UE43)
~ Robert Parry/Consortium News / via AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 05-21-12 _ BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Insider Political News, Investigative Journalist Web Site, Robert Parry _ Link/URL
< Consortiumnews.com
>###(04-13)*FK*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-11fl, FED
Asset Relief Program, Federal Reserve, Money Supply, Big Banks, Free
Trade, Labor Force, Middle Class, Outsourcing
St. Louis US Federal Reserve Website - FRED
"Who's blowtorching American jobs?"
~ BestEvidence, {Subscribe}, 02-25-15, YT, 8:39 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfTfsWhZi5E
>_^_ Excess Reserves, Federal Reserve, Money Supply, Big Banks; Main Street; Treasuries, Mortgage Backed Securities, Fanny May; Exit Strategy, Double Monetary Base; Financial Crimes, Fraud, Criminal Welfare
"Fed Audit Shocker: They Come from Planet Klepto"
~ BestEvidence, {Subscribe}, 09-14-15, YT, 19:49 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt377DV2BKs
>###(02-16)*CBWS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
St. Louis US Federal Reserve Website - FRED
"Who's blowtorching American jobs?"
~ BestEvidence, {Subscribe}, 02-25-15, YT, 8:39 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfTfsWhZi5E
>_^_ Excess Reserves, Federal Reserve, Money Supply, Big Banks; Main Street; Treasuries, Mortgage Backed Securities, Fanny May; Exit Strategy, Double Monetary Base; Financial Crimes, Fraud, Criminal Welfare
"Fed Audit Shocker: They Come from Planet Klepto"
~ BestEvidence, {Subscribe}, 09-14-15, YT, 19:49 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt377DV2BKs
>###(02-16)*CBWS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-11sc, COURT CONSPIRACY, RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA & CORRUPTION: Supreme
Court, Chief Justice Lewis Powell; President Richard M.
Nixon (Republican – 1969-74); Powell Memo, August 23, 1971; U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, Eugene Sydnor; Education; Corporate Influence, Think Tanks,
Political Action Committees, Corporatocracy; Judicial Activism, Citizens
(Corp’s) United
"The Lewis Powell Memo - Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy"
~ Charlie Cray / Greenpeace, via Common Dreams, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 08-25-11 _ BB Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/views/2011/08/25/lewis-powell-memo-corporate-blueprint-dominate-democracy
>_^_ "Lewis F. Powell, then a corporate lawyer and member of the boards of eleven corporations, wrote a memo to his friend Eugene Sydnor, Jr., the director of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce..."
After receiving the memo, Nixon nominated Powell to Supreme Court. Powell continued his plot to hand power to corporations as Chief Justice.
"40 Years Since 'Powell Memo' Laid out Corporate Agenda" (*UE37),
~ Common Dreams - IPA, {Subscribe}, 08-30-11 _ BB Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2011/08/30/40-years-powell-memo-laid-out-corporate-agenda
>_^_ Powell Manifesto “dated August 23, 1971, two months prior to Powell’s nomination by President Nixon to the US Supreme Court";
"Powell did embrace expansion of corporate privilege and wrote the majority opinion in First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, a 1978 decision that effectively invented a First Amendment “right” for corporations to influence ballot questions."
"The memo influenced or inspired the creation of the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the Cato Institute, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Accuracy in Academe, and other powerful organizations. Their long-term focus began paying off handsomely in the 1980s, in coordination with the Reagan Admin’s ‘hands-off business’ philosophy."
"The Powell Memo (also known as the Powell Manifesto)" (*UE37)
~ Reclaim Democracy, {Subscribe}, (00-00) _ BB Link/URL
< http://reclaimdemocracy.org/powell_memo_lewis/
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"The Lewis Powell Memo - Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy"
~ Charlie Cray / Greenpeace, via Common Dreams, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 08-25-11 _ BB Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/views/2011/08/25/lewis-powell-memo-corporate-blueprint-dominate-democracy
>_^_ "Lewis F. Powell, then a corporate lawyer and member of the boards of eleven corporations, wrote a memo to his friend Eugene Sydnor, Jr., the director of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce..."
After receiving the memo, Nixon nominated Powell to Supreme Court. Powell continued his plot to hand power to corporations as Chief Justice.
"40 Years Since 'Powell Memo' Laid out Corporate Agenda" (*UE37),
~ Common Dreams - IPA, {Subscribe}, 08-30-11 _ BB Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2011/08/30/40-years-powell-memo-laid-out-corporate-agenda
>_^_ Powell Manifesto “dated August 23, 1971, two months prior to Powell’s nomination by President Nixon to the US Supreme Court";
"Powell did embrace expansion of corporate privilege and wrote the majority opinion in First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, a 1978 decision that effectively invented a First Amendment “right” for corporations to influence ballot questions."
"The memo influenced or inspired the creation of the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the Cato Institute, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Accuracy in Academe, and other powerful organizations. Their long-term focus began paying off handsomely in the 1980s, in coordination with the Reagan Admin’s ‘hands-off business’ philosophy."
"The Powell Memo (also known as the Powell Manifesto)" (*UE37)
~ Reclaim Democracy, {Subscribe}, (00-00) _ BB Link/URL
< http://reclaimdemocracy.org/powell_memo_lewis/
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Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-13, WHITE PRIVILEGE, RIGHT WING STRATEGIES,
“Explaining White Privilege To A Broke White Person…”
~ Gina Crosley-Corcoran / Occupy Wall St, {Subscribe}, (Date?) _ Link/URL
< http://occupywallstreet.net/story/explaining-white-privilege-broke-white-person
>###(03-15)*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Explaining White Privilege To A Broke White Person…”
~ Gina Crosley-Corcoran / Occupy Wall St, {Subscribe}, (Date?) _ Link/URL
< http://occupywallstreet.net/story/explaining-white-privilege-broke-white-person
>###(03-15)*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-15, VOTER EXCLUSION; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES,
COURT RULING, Voter Exclusion, Voting
Rights Act of 1965 (June 2013)
[It struck down critical Section 5 normalizing the status of States who had multiple offenses, even in recent years, on a 5-4 vote.]
Review of the Voting Rights Act which stops States from erecting impediments to voting; Voting Rights Act 1965 Extended Numerous Times by Congress …in 2006 nearly unanimous;
In 1964, civil rights activists Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman were murdered in Philadelphia, MS for registering black voters
Selma Alabama to Montgomery 50 mile march, met on bridge with tear gas, house mounted police, and Billy Clubs; 17 bloody marchers were hospitalized including Rep. John Lewis (D*GA), Sunday in Selma AL; Lyndon B. Johnson; Antonin Scalia
“Racial Entitlement”
~ Maddow Show – MSNBC, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-27-13, MSNBC Video, 14:36 _ Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/#50982276
>_^_ The Selma March, “Bloody Sunday”
“Rep. John Lewis: Were Not There Yet”
~ Maddow Show – MSNBC, Rep. John Lewis (D*GA), {Subscriber Supported}, 02-27-13, MSNBC Video, 7:30 _ Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/#50982350
>###(08-13)*EF*UJSC##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
[It struck down critical Section 5 normalizing the status of States who had multiple offenses, even in recent years, on a 5-4 vote.]
Review of the Voting Rights Act which stops States from erecting impediments to voting; Voting Rights Act 1965 Extended Numerous Times by Congress …in 2006 nearly unanimous;
In 1964, civil rights activists Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman were murdered in Philadelphia, MS for registering black voters
Selma Alabama to Montgomery 50 mile march, met on bridge with tear gas, house mounted police, and Billy Clubs; 17 bloody marchers were hospitalized including Rep. John Lewis (D*GA), Sunday in Selma AL; Lyndon B. Johnson; Antonin Scalia
“Racial Entitlement”
~ Maddow Show – MSNBC, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-27-13, MSNBC Video, 14:36 _ Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/#50982276
>_^_ The Selma March, “Bloody Sunday”
“Rep. John Lewis: Were Not There Yet”
~ Maddow Show – MSNBC, Rep. John Lewis (D*GA), {Subscriber Supported}, 02-27-13, MSNBC Video, 7:30 _ Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/#50982350
>###(08-13)*EF*UJSC##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-25, ONLINE TROLLS; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES,
"The internet has revolutionized numerous disciplines, and propaganda is no exception. How can you know who's saying what / and why / online? Join Ben, Matt, and special guest Joe to learn more about the future of online manipulation."
1. Sock Puppets
2. Meat Puppets
2. Bots (programs)
3. Government
4. Tactics Evolving
"5 Things Shills Don't Want You To Know"
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, 01-16-16, YT, 18:52 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS9olPA2BK0
>###(01-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The internet has revolutionized numerous disciplines, and propaganda is no exception. How can you know who's saying what / and why / online? Join Ben, Matt, and special guest Joe to learn more about the future of online manipulation."
1. Sock Puppets
2. Meat Puppets
2. Bots (programs)
3. Government
4. Tactics Evolving
"5 Things Shills Don't Want You To Know"
~ Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - HowStuffWorks, {Subscribe}, 01-16-16, YT, 18:52 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS9olPA2BK0
>###(01-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-25, THREAD TROLLS; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA
& CORRUPTION: Insults, Emotions,
Despair, Disgust
"...psychological theory of motivated reasoning ...The emotions come faster than the “rational” thoughts—and also shape the retrieval of those thoughts from memory. Therefore, if reading insults activates one’s emotions, the 'thinking' process may be more likely to be defensive in nature, and focused on preserving one’s identity and preexisting beliefs."
"How Trolls Ruin Your Ability to Reason"
~ Good German / Disinformation, {Subscribe}, 05-17-13 _ Link/URL
< http://disinfo.com/2013/05/how-trolls-ruin-your-ability-to-reason/
>_^_ "The online peanut gallery can get you so riled up that your ability to reason goes out the window, a new study finds."
"The Science of Why Comment Trolls Suck"
~ Chris Mooney - Mother Jones, {Subscribe}, 01-10-13 _ Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/Earth/2013/01/you-idiot-course-trolls-comments-make-you-believe-science-less
>###(03-14)*FK*PSY###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666 S&P-40, THINK TANKS; RIGHT WING STRATEGIES, PROPAGANDA &
CORRUPTION: Lobbyist, Legislation,
Corporate Bills, Political Action Committees"...psychological theory of motivated reasoning ...The emotions come faster than the “rational” thoughts—and also shape the retrieval of those thoughts from memory. Therefore, if reading insults activates one’s emotions, the 'thinking' process may be more likely to be defensive in nature, and focused on preserving one’s identity and preexisting beliefs."
"How Trolls Ruin Your Ability to Reason"
~ Good German / Disinformation, {Subscribe}, 05-17-13 _ Link/URL
< http://disinfo.com/2013/05/how-trolls-ruin-your-ability-to-reason/
>_^_ "The online peanut gallery can get you so riled up that your ability to reason goes out the window, a new study finds."
"The Science of Why Comment Trolls Suck"
~ Chris Mooney - Mother Jones, {Subscribe}, 01-10-13 _ Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/Earth/2013/01/you-idiot-course-trolls-comments-make-you-believe-science-less
>###(03-14)*FK*PSY###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Septic Laws are tracked to the source.
"We use the Smith-Waterman local-alignment algorithm to find matching text across documents. This algorithm grabs pieces of text from each document and compares each word, adding points for matches and subtracting points for mismatches." ~ DSSG
“Legislative Influence Detector (LID)”
~ Data Science for Social Good, {Subscribe} _ Link/URL
< http://dssg.uchicago.edu/lid/
>_^_ "Big data is helping to bring transparency to the darker corners of politics. "
"When Lobbyists Write Legislation, This Data Mining Tool Traces The Paper Trail"
~ Jessica Leber / Fast Coexist, {Subscribe}, 10-26-15 _ Link/URL
< http://www.fastcoexist.com/3051823/when-lobbyists-write-legislation-this-data-mining-tool-traces-the-paper-trail
"DSSG: Abortion Bill Text Reuse"
~ Computation Institute, {Subscribe}, 07-23-15, YT, 0:08 _ Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SABKCC747AQ
>###(11-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
## 76.6Kac/41Pages/130Links
118 ♠♣♠ Forbes 400 King’s USA Right-Wing Strategy and Propaganda War …that turned the USA into an Authoritarian-Worshiping Billionaire-Operated Trigger-Finger Incubator and RTW #RedState War-Hatchery with coastlines
USA political education by investigative journalists, talk hosts & activists
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♣♣ Word Press blog -- 22ac ↓ wp.me Short-link | Related blog links |
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♣♣ Google blog: better “Link Activation” in W.P. blog ↑|Update: 06-27-16
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