MUCKETY is the "Best Of" Website for "Graphically" outing Right Wing Activists and D.C. Think-Tank Wolf PAC's Cabal, as this prime example of their work illustrates;
{Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}
68 RIGHT-WING PAC’s & WARLORDS {Alphabetical Listing}
America’s Future Foundation
Action Institute for the study of Religion & Liberty
American Legislative Exchange Council
Americans for Limited Government
Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Tax Reform
(Grover Norquist - Taxpayer Pledge …to the Uber Rich)
Atlantic Legal Foundation
Bill of Rights Institute
Cato Institute
Center for Security Policy {TOP}
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
Citizens for a Sound Economy
Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Council for National Policy
David H Koch Charitable Foundation
Donors Capital Fund
Donors Trust
Exxon Mobil Corp.
Fred C. & Mary R. Koch Foundation
Free Congress Foundation
George Mason University Foundation
Goldwater Institute
Heritage Action for America
Heritage Foundation
Independence Institute
Independent Women’s Forum
Institute for Justice
Intercollegiate Studies Institute {TOP}
Knowledge and Progress Fund
Koch Industries
Koch Industries annual conference
Leadership Institute
Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation {TOP}
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Mercatus Center
Mont Pelerin Society
Mountain States Legal Foundation {TOP}
National Center for Policy Analysis {TOP}
National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility & Reform
National Taxpayers Union
Pacific Research Institute
Person A/ Dick Armey
Person B/ William Bennett – Frmr POTUS Reagan Ed Secretary (R)
Person C/ Thomas A Coburn – U.S. Senator ALABAMA, *AL
Person D/ James W. DeMint – C.E.O. Heritage Foundation,
Former U.S. Senator (R-*SC), SOUTH CAROLINA,
Person J/ Bobby Jindal – LOUISIANA Governor, *LA,
Person K/ Charles G. Koch
Person K/ David H. Koch
Person K/ Fred C. Koch
Person P/ J. Arthur Pope – (R), NORTH CAROLINA Billionaire, *NC {TOP}
Person P/ Mike Pence – INDIANA Governor (2012 - Now),
Former U.S. Rep. (R-*IN),
Person S/ Antonin Scalia – Supreme Court Justice
Person S/ Richard Mellon Scaife
Person T/ Clarence Thomas – Supreme Court Justice
Person T/ Virginia L. Thomas
(Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife, Liberty Central)
Person W/ Paul M. Weyrich
Reason Foundation
Republican Study Committee
Roe Foundation
Sarah Scaife Foundation
Searle Freedom Trust
State Policy Network {TOP}
Tax Foundation
William E. Simon Foundation
Young America’s Foundation




[005] Forbes 400 King’s and Koch’s Political Action Committees
(a Word Press Link-Share Blog)
[005] THE KOCH-RED STATE PLANTATION - ALEC, AFP, NRA Affiliated PAC’s, Oil, Coal, Utility, Pharma, Insurance, Tobacco, Ag, Food and War Profiteer Corp’s, CEO’s and Billionaire’s Deep State
[GOOGLE Version: Political Action Committee, ALEC (Part 1), Americans For Prosperity, Donors Trust, Fix The Debt, Peter Peterson, State Policy Network, SPN, Heritage Foundation, Heartland Institute, Cato Institute, FreedomWorks, Art Pope, Liberty Central, Ginni Thomas]
USA political education by investigative journalists, talk hosts & activists
Creative Commons referenced news journal articles, opinions & podcasts
[WORD PRESS Version: A.L.E.C.. ALEC, Americans For Prosperity, Americans For Tax Reform, Art Pope, Astroturf Tea Party, Ayn Rand, Bank of America, Bradley Foundation, Cato Institute, Charles Koch, Citigroup, Crossroads GPS, David Koch, Donors Trust, Federal Reserve Bank, Fix The Debt, FreedomWorks, Ginni Thomas, Goldman Sachs, Grover Norquist, Heartland Institute, Heritage Foundation, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Karl Rove, Koch Brothers, Koch Industries, Libertarian, Libertarian Think Tanks, Liberty Central, MacIver Institute, Monsanto, National Rifle Association, NRA, Peter Peterson, Political Action Committee, Republican, SPN, State Policy Network, Tea Bagger, Walmart, Walton’s, Wells Fargo]
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Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-102|“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s legislative bill-mill.
States Ethics Panel; Speakers of the House; (Rotunda Ruby Slippers)
"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: State Legislatures and ALEC (HBO)”
~ @LastWeekTonight, {Subscribe}, 11-02-14, YT, 17:17 _ @iamjohnoliver
WIND ENERGY HARPOONED: Capitalism, Corporations, Billionaires, Political Action Committees; Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Industry, Propaganda, Attacking Renewable Wind Turbines, Corp Movement Protesting Wind Farms
“Shocking New Oil Propaganda Plan To Fool Americans”
~ Shawn Lawrence Otto/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 05-08-12 _
>###(04-17)*EF*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-102|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill; Voter Suppression, Voter Exclusion
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-013 USA KOCH-A.L.E.C. Deep State
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-013 USA KOCH-A.L.E.C. Deep State
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-102|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill. “State Policy Network” for Tea Anarchy is a
faux-academic network. ALEC’s state capitol “rotunda ruby slippers.”
Civitas Institute in North Carolina (*NC), Goldwater Institute in Arizona (*AZ), Maine's Heritage Policy Center (*ME), Kentucky's Bluegrass Institute (*KY)
"The State Policy Network (SPN) is a network of state-branded groups ...which appear to be independent yet actually are operating from the same national playbook. "SPN plays a key role in driving the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) agenda, particularly by providing academic-like cover for ALEC's corporate-friendly policies."
"How SPN "Think Tanks" Will Spin ALEC's 2016 Agenda"
~ Brendan Fischer/@prwatch, {Subscribe}, 09-30-15 _
-/\/- SPN Budget Proposals (2013), Original Doc. (PDF) (via @guardian)
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" ~ State Policy Network, 07-29-13
Alabama *AL (p.7), Alabama Policy Institute;
Arkansas *AR (p.8), Advance Arkansas Institute;
Arizona *AZ (p.9), Goldwater Institute for Public Policy;
Colorado *CO (p.10), Independence Institute;
Delaware *DE (p.11), Caesar Rodney Institute;
Florida *FL (p.12), James Madison Institute;
Georgia *GA (p.13), Georgia Center for Opportunity;
Illinois *IL (p.15), Illinois Policy Institute;
Kansas *KS (p.16), Kansas Policy Institute;
Kentucky *KY (p.17), Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Massachusetts *MA (p.18), Beacon Hill Institute;
Maryland *MD (p.20), Maryland Public Policy Institute;
Maine *ME (p.21), Maine Heritage Policy Center;
Michigan *MI (p.22), Mackinac Center for Public Policy;
Minnesota *MN (p.23), Center for the American Experiment;
Missouri *MO (p.24), Show-me Institute;
Mississippi *MS (p.25), Mississippi Center for Public Policy;
North Carolina *NC (p.26), John Locke Foundation;
Nebraska *NE (p.28), Platte Institute for Economic Research;
New Hampshire *NH (p.29), Joshua Bartlett Center for Public Policy;
New Jersey *NJ (p.30), Common Sense Institute of New Jersey;
New Mexico *NM (p.31), Rio Grande Foundation;
Nevada *NV (p.32), Nevada Policy Institute;
New York *NY (p.33), Empire Center for New York State Policy;
Ohio *OH (p.34), Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Oklahoma (p.36), Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs;
Oregon *OR (p.37), Cascade Policy Institute;
Pennsylvania *PA (p.38), Commonwealth Foundation;
South Carolina *SC (p.39), South Carolina Policy Council;
Tennessee *TN (p.40), Beacon Center Tennessee;
Texas *TX (p.41), Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute;
Utah *UT (p.43), Sutherland Institute;
Virginia *VA (p.44), Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy;
Washington *WA (p.45), Freedom Foundation;
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" (PDF 07-29-13)
~ @guardian, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} _
>###(07-16)*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Civitas Institute in North Carolina (*NC), Goldwater Institute in Arizona (*AZ), Maine's Heritage Policy Center (*ME), Kentucky's Bluegrass Institute (*KY)
"The State Policy Network (SPN) is a network of state-branded groups ...which appear to be independent yet actually are operating from the same national playbook. "SPN plays a key role in driving the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) agenda, particularly by providing academic-like cover for ALEC's corporate-friendly policies."
"How SPN "Think Tanks" Will Spin ALEC's 2016 Agenda"
~ Brendan Fischer/@prwatch, {Subscribe}, 09-30-15 _
-/\/- SPN Budget Proposals (2013), Original Doc. (PDF) (via @guardian)
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" ~ State Policy Network, 07-29-13
Alabama *AL (p.7), Alabama Policy Institute;
Arkansas *AR (p.8), Advance Arkansas Institute;
Arizona *AZ (p.9), Goldwater Institute for Public Policy;
Colorado *CO (p.10), Independence Institute;
Delaware *DE (p.11), Caesar Rodney Institute;
Florida *FL (p.12), James Madison Institute;
Georgia *GA (p.13), Georgia Center for Opportunity;
Illinois *IL (p.15), Illinois Policy Institute;
Kansas *KS (p.16), Kansas Policy Institute;
Kentucky *KY (p.17), Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Massachusetts *MA (p.18), Beacon Hill Institute;
Maryland *MD (p.20), Maryland Public Policy Institute;
Maine *ME (p.21), Maine Heritage Policy Center;
Michigan *MI (p.22), Mackinac Center for Public Policy;
Minnesota *MN (p.23), Center for the American Experiment;
Missouri *MO (p.24), Show-me Institute;
Mississippi *MS (p.25), Mississippi Center for Public Policy;
North Carolina *NC (p.26), John Locke Foundation;
Nebraska *NE (p.28), Platte Institute for Economic Research;
New Hampshire *NH (p.29), Joshua Bartlett Center for Public Policy;
New Jersey *NJ (p.30), Common Sense Institute of New Jersey;
New Mexico *NM (p.31), Rio Grande Foundation;
Nevada *NV (p.32), Nevada Policy Institute;
New York *NY (p.33), Empire Center for New York State Policy;
Ohio *OH (p.34), Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Oklahoma (p.36), Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs;
Oregon *OR (p.37), Cascade Policy Institute;
Pennsylvania *PA (p.38), Commonwealth Foundation;
South Carolina *SC (p.39), South Carolina Policy Council;
Tennessee *TN (p.40), Beacon Center Tennessee;
Texas *TX (p.41), Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute;
Utah *UT (p.43), Sutherland Institute;
Virginia *VA (p.44), Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy;
Washington *WA (p.45), Freedom Foundation;
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" (PDF 07-29-13)
~ @guardian, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} _
>###(07-16)*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-103|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill.
OHIO, Gov. John Kasich (R*OH), Trickle-Up $4 Billion; Reverse Rob’en Hood Republican/T’s
"The pattern is simple but takes place over a long period of time: shift tax burden, create deficit, blame government, defund government, repeat. And unfortunately, it's a story that's not just happening in Ohio, but at a national level and in many states across the nation because it's being pushed by influential corporate groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)." ~ David Akadjian
{That authoritarian Republican/T “shining light on a hill” metaphor is used as “magical” window dressing. Real fireball-hurling psychopath “imitators” burning down governments and civilization with “tax cuts” for the corporate “job-creators” and rich “saviors, accompanied by tax or service fee “increases” on ordinary red state citizens. Republican/T’s underfund not-for-profit government programs, effectively “breaking” them with one purpose. Then they fix the now dysfunctional programs with fire-sale privatization (profitization by oligarch’s store-front corporations) and pay-to-play payments to political operatives, friendly Republican/T’s. Privatization adds 5 - 20% to the costs in the form of compensation for the CEO, Board, Shareholders and pay-to-play pay-offs…increasing costs to citizens or pushing the services out of reach. When reduced tax revenues impact state budgets, state real estate asset sales are common ways to “plug the gap” (as opposed to shifting tax collection revenues from one area to another). State land and building fire-sales benefit the rich and their store-front corp’s who have been backing the candidacy of the legislators (pay-to-play) whose legislation “broke the budget” in the first place. Tax cuts are generally civilization cuts or burden shifts. ~ IGRPP }
"How Ohio Pulled $4 Billion+ from Communities and Redistributed It Upwards"
~ David Akadjian/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 02-26-14 _
>###(01-17)*EC*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
OHIO, Gov. John Kasich (R*OH), Trickle-Up $4 Billion; Reverse Rob’en Hood Republican/T’s
"The pattern is simple but takes place over a long period of time: shift tax burden, create deficit, blame government, defund government, repeat. And unfortunately, it's a story that's not just happening in Ohio, but at a national level and in many states across the nation because it's being pushed by influential corporate groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)." ~ David Akadjian
{That authoritarian Republican/T “shining light on a hill” metaphor is used as “magical” window dressing. Real fireball-hurling psychopath “imitators” burning down governments and civilization with “tax cuts” for the corporate “job-creators” and rich “saviors, accompanied by tax or service fee “increases” on ordinary red state citizens. Republican/T’s underfund not-for-profit government programs, effectively “breaking” them with one purpose. Then they fix the now dysfunctional programs with fire-sale privatization (profitization by oligarch’s store-front corporations) and pay-to-play payments to political operatives, friendly Republican/T’s. Privatization adds 5 - 20% to the costs in the form of compensation for the CEO, Board, Shareholders and pay-to-play pay-offs…increasing costs to citizens or pushing the services out of reach. When reduced tax revenues impact state budgets, state real estate asset sales are common ways to “plug the gap” (as opposed to shifting tax collection revenues from one area to another). State land and building fire-sales benefit the rich and their store-front corp’s who have been backing the candidacy of the legislators (pay-to-play) whose legislation “broke the budget” in the first place. Tax cuts are generally civilization cuts or burden shifts. ~ IGRPP }
"How Ohio Pulled $4 Billion+ from Communities and Redistributed It Upwards"
~ David Akadjian/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 02-26-14 _
>###(01-17)*EC*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-103|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill.
Georgia Legislation, Lobbyists, Corporations, Lawmakers:
"The 11Alive Investigators caught legislators and lobbyists meeting behind closed doors in an investigation that has been seen by millions nationwide."
"Now, the organization that put the corporations and lawmakers together at a Savannah resort is responding."
"ALEC responds to 11Alive Investigators report"
~ Brendan Keefe & Michael King/WXIA-TV Atlanta, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 06-02-15, Video, 06:03 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Georgia Legislation, Lobbyists, Corporations, Lawmakers:
"The 11Alive Investigators caught legislators and lobbyists meeting behind closed doors in an investigation that has been seen by millions nationwide."
"Now, the organization that put the corporations and lawmakers together at a Savannah resort is responding."
"ALEC responds to 11Alive Investigators report"
~ Brendan Keefe & Michael King/WXIA-TV Atlanta, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 06-02-15, Video, 06:03 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-104|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill.
Legislators, Resort, Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia:
"The Investigators: ALEC - The Backroom Where Laws Are Born"
~ BrendanKeefeMMJ, {Subscribe}, 05-20-15, YT, 06:31 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Legislators, Resort, Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia:
"The Investigators: ALEC - The Backroom Where Laws Are Born"
~ BrendanKeefeMMJ, {Subscribe}, 05-20-15, YT, 06:31 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-105|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Right-Wing Donors, Buying Red State Capitals:
VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: ALEC – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council
"Pence has been a long-time supporter of ALEC, joking that he was for it before it was cool." @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN
(^^^) "Gov. Pence speaks at ALEC meeting in Indianapolis" (*EC)
~ Katie Heinz/The Indy Channel, 07-29-16, Vid., 1:38 <
American Legislative Exchange Council, @wikipedia
[005] Forbes 400 King’s and Koch’s Political Action Committees
(^^^) "Mitch McConnell Faces Backlash After Audio Leaked From Secret Koch Meeting"
~ Scott Gaudinier/Liberty Voice, {Subscribe}, 09-02-14 < @SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP
Merrick B. Garland, @wikipedia, {Donate} <
-/\/- "At a secret strategy meeting for millionaire and billionaire donors hosted by the Koch brothers, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) outlines his agenda should Republicans take control of the Senate in November."
(^^^) "EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Mitch McConnell's Senate Agenda”
~ The Undercurrent, {Subscribe}, 08-26-14, YT, 1:32 _
@SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP <
Mitch McConnell-Koch Donor Summit, 082614, 23:11
(^^^) "Obama Just Singled Out Mitch McConnell As The Culprit of 'Do-Nothing' Congress"
~ Lou Colagiovanni/@OccupyDemocrats, 10-04-16 <
KOCH’S Tea Party billionaire cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Keith Olbermann/@MSNBC Countdown and Matt Taibbi/@RollingStone, Author, Book: “Griftopia” ’09 (covers financial crash causes & Koch Tea Party origins);
Koch Brother’s Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Philip Anschutz (Justice Neil Gorsuch backer);
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia;
Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN;
Rep Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice;
GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan;
David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Stephen Bechtel;
Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK);
Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO; Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks;
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom” @FoxNews
(^^^) "Koch-Topus" @mtaibbi @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFP
~ tigerone1970, {Subscribe}, 10-25-10, YT, 6:59 <
(^^^) ”Olbermann: The Kochtopus” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ videosift(.)com, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, Video, 6:59 <
(^^^) “Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ Velvet Revolution, {Subscribe}, 10-21-10, YT, 7:04
Koch Watch, {Subscribe/Donate} <
-/\/- “Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Palm Springs Koch Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending
“To encourage new participants, Mr. Koch offers to waive the $1,500 registration fee. And he notes that previous guests have included Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, Gov. Haley Barbour and Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, and Representatives Mike Pence (@VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN), Tom Price (@RepTomPrice), and Paul D. Ryan (@SpeakerRyan @PRyan).”
“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names;
Letter From Charles Koch, Climate Change Alarmism, Gov’t Growth
"a presentations on 'microtargeting' to identify like-minded [idiot] voters ...featuring Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity, the political action group founded by the Kochs in 2004..."
Attendees and Presenters include: Glenn Beck, John Childs, Cliff Asness, Steve Schwarzman, Ken Griffin, Phil Anschutz, Rich DeVos…Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos, Steve Bechtel, Kenneth Langone, Foster Friess, Fred Malek and former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and "Nancy Pfotenhauer and Annie Dickerson, who also runs a foundation for Paul Singer, a hedge fund executive..."
"Koch Industries, a Wichita-based energy and manufacturing conglomerate run by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, operates a foundation that finances political advocacy groups, but tax law protects those groups from having to disclose much about what they do and who contributes."
(^^^) "Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead" @Koch_Industries
~ Kate Zernike/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 <
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?”
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R*SC) and Tom Coburn (R*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice, and Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
(^^^) “Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ @thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-28-11 _
@Koch_Industries <
"The news that justices Scalia and Thomas have attended Koch strategy sessions is adding to the growing buzz over a planned demonstration against the billionaires."
(^^^) "Koch Brothers Feel the Heat In DC, as Broad Coalition Readies Creative Action to Quarantine the Billionaires Gathering in California Desert"
~ Don Hazen/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-26-11 _
(^^^) "Alito, Thomas Headlined Political Fundraisers Chaired By Leading Right-Wing Donor Paul Singer"
~ @lhfang/Center For American Progress/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-26-11 <
(^^^) "At a right-wing political fundraiser, Alito says SOTU is too 'political'"
~ TP Clips 6, {Subscribe}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:51
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
(^^^) "The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 <
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
(^^^) “Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
(^^^) "The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>#(04-17)*EC*FK3*IN*PI*TS#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Right-Wing Donors, Buying Red State Capitals:
VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: ALEC – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council
"Pence has been a long-time supporter of ALEC, joking that he was for it before it was cool." @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN
(^^^) "Gov. Pence speaks at ALEC meeting in Indianapolis" (*EC)
~ Katie Heinz/The Indy Channel, 07-29-16, Vid., 1:38 <
American Legislative Exchange Council, @wikipedia
[005] Forbes 400 King’s and Koch’s Political Action Committees
(^^^) "Mitch McConnell Faces Backlash After Audio Leaked From Secret Koch Meeting"
~ Scott Gaudinier/Liberty Voice, {Subscribe}, 09-02-14 < @SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP
Merrick B. Garland, @wikipedia, {Donate} <
-/\/- "At a secret strategy meeting for millionaire and billionaire donors hosted by the Koch brothers, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) outlines his agenda should Republicans take control of the Senate in November."
(^^^) "EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Mitch McConnell's Senate Agenda”
~ The Undercurrent, {Subscribe}, 08-26-14, YT, 1:32 _
@SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP <
Mitch McConnell-Koch Donor Summit, 082614, 23:11
(^^^) "Obama Just Singled Out Mitch McConnell As The Culprit of 'Do-Nothing' Congress"
~ Lou Colagiovanni/@OccupyDemocrats, 10-04-16 <
KOCH’S Tea Party billionaire cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Keith Olbermann/@MSNBC Countdown and Matt Taibbi/@RollingStone, Author, Book: “Griftopia” ’09 (covers financial crash causes & Koch Tea Party origins);
Koch Brother’s Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Philip Anschutz (Justice Neil Gorsuch backer);
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia;
Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN;
Rep Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice;
GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan;
David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Stephen Bechtel;
Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK);
Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO; Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks;
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom” @FoxNews
(^^^) "Koch-Topus" @mtaibbi @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFP
~ tigerone1970, {Subscribe}, 10-25-10, YT, 6:59 <
(^^^) ”Olbermann: The Kochtopus” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ videosift(.)com, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, Video, 6:59 <
(^^^) “Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ Velvet Revolution, {Subscribe}, 10-21-10, YT, 7:04
Koch Watch, {Subscribe/Donate} <
-/\/- “Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Palm Springs Koch Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending
“To encourage new participants, Mr. Koch offers to waive the $1,500 registration fee. And he notes that previous guests have included Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, Gov. Haley Barbour and Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, and Representatives Mike Pence (@VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN), Tom Price (@RepTomPrice), and Paul D. Ryan (@SpeakerRyan @PRyan).”
“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names;
Letter From Charles Koch, Climate Change Alarmism, Gov’t Growth
"a presentations on 'microtargeting' to identify like-minded [idiot] voters ...featuring Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity, the political action group founded by the Kochs in 2004..."
Attendees and Presenters include: Glenn Beck, John Childs, Cliff Asness, Steve Schwarzman, Ken Griffin, Phil Anschutz, Rich DeVos…Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos, Steve Bechtel, Kenneth Langone, Foster Friess, Fred Malek and former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and "Nancy Pfotenhauer and Annie Dickerson, who also runs a foundation for Paul Singer, a hedge fund executive..."
"Koch Industries, a Wichita-based energy and manufacturing conglomerate run by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, operates a foundation that finances political advocacy groups, but tax law protects those groups from having to disclose much about what they do and who contributes."
(^^^) "Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead" @Koch_Industries
~ Kate Zernike/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 <
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?”
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R*SC) and Tom Coburn (R*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice, and Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
(^^^) “Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ @thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-28-11 _
@Koch_Industries <
"The news that justices Scalia and Thomas have attended Koch strategy sessions is adding to the growing buzz over a planned demonstration against the billionaires."
(^^^) "Koch Brothers Feel the Heat In DC, as Broad Coalition Readies Creative Action to Quarantine the Billionaires Gathering in California Desert"
~ Don Hazen/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-26-11 _
(^^^) "Alito, Thomas Headlined Political Fundraisers Chaired By Leading Right-Wing Donor Paul Singer"
~ @lhfang/Center For American Progress/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-26-11 <
(^^^) "At a right-wing political fundraiser, Alito says SOTU is too 'political'"
~ TP Clips 6, {Subscribe}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:51
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
(^^^) "The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 <
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
(^^^) “Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
(^^^) "The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>#(04-17)*EC*FK3*IN*PI*TS#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-105|DEEP STATE: KOCH,
“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council”|
Right-Wing Donors, Buying Red State Capitals:
THE AMERICAN AUDCITY List of Billionaires Against Obama:
(Pictured) Harold Simmons, Sheldon Adelson, David and Charles Koch, Rupert Murdoch, Steve Schwarzman, Donald Trump, Bob J. Perry, (Ron's Paul's Money Man) Peter Thiel, (Santo's Money Man) Foster Friess (Pic)
<<>> (Listed)
Ken Langone (Home Depot);
Charles Koch (@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute - Oil/Gas, refineries, etc);
David Koch (@Koch_Industries @AFP –Oil/Gas, refineries, Manufacturing);
Phil Anschutz (Ent., Staples Cntr, Oil, railroads); Justice Neil Gorsuch backer
Rich Devos (Amway); Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos
Foster Friess (Investment Fund Manager, Real Estate);
Jon Huntsman Sr. (Chemicals, Manufacturing);
Ken Griffin (Citadel, Hedge Funds), Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Cohort;
Harold Simmons (Texas Corporate Raider);
Jerry Perenchio (Real Estate, Sold Univision);
Robert Rowling (Oil, Hotels, Investments);
Bradley Hughes (Self Storage King);
Rupert Murdoch (Fox News, Wall Street Journal);
Donald Trump (Real Estate);
Trevor Rees-Jones (Shale Oil & Gas);
Sam Wyly (Oil, Mining, Michaels Stores);
Ross Perot (Investments);
T Boone Pickens (Oil/Gas, Hedge Funds);
John Paulson (Hedge Funds);
J.W. Marriott Jr (Hotels);
Meg Whitman (HP …Computer, former CEO);
Sheldon Adelson (Casinos, Real Estate, Investments);
Peter Thiel (PayPal, Hedge Funds); @peterthiel
Bob Perry (Texas Home Builder);
Dawn Arnall (Ameriquest);
Alex Spanos (Real Estate);
Alice Walton (Walmart, Horse Racing);
John T. Walton (Walmart);
Jay Van Andel (Amway);
Robert C. McNair (Oil, gas, Biotech, Horse Racing, Houston Oilers);
Carl Lindner Jr. (American Fin. Group, Chiquita Bananas, Cinci Reds);
Aubrey McClendon (Chesapeake Energy Corp., Oklahoma Investments);
<<>> Other Big Super PAC Donors:
Dick Farmer/Cintas Corporation $2,079,291;
John Childs/J.W. Childs and Associates $2,016,350;
Stan and Karen Hubbard/Hubbard Broadcasting $1,383,720;
John and Joan Hotchkis/Ramajal LLC $1,083,555;
Jack and Rose Marie Anderson/Culver Corp. $1,078,930;
Fred and Marlene Malek/Thayer Capital Partners $1,034,380;
Ken and Anne Griffin/Citadel Investment Group $877,210;
Jim and Dorothy Patterson/Gulf Stream Petroleum $839,580;
<<>> Million Plus Donors To GOP Super PAC’s
Lewis Eisenberg (Goldman Sachs partner) ;
Woody Johnson (New York Jets owner) ;
Wayne Berman (Ogilvy Government Relations Chairman) ;
Paul Singer (Elliott Management hedge fund);
Donald and Muffy Miller;
Stephen Ross;
Anthony Scaramucci (Skybridge Capital founder); @Scaramucci
David and Ginny Knott (Hedge funders) ;
Patrick Durkin (Bush Ranger) ;
Richard Breeden (Former Securities & Exchange Commission Chairman)
"GOP Right Wing Billionaires At War With President Obama”
~ The American Audacity: An American Politics and Foreign Policy Political Blog, {Subscribe/Donate}, 03-18-14 <
>###(04-17)*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council”|
Right-Wing Donors, Buying Red State Capitals:
THE AMERICAN AUDCITY List of Billionaires Against Obama:
(Pictured) Harold Simmons, Sheldon Adelson, David and Charles Koch, Rupert Murdoch, Steve Schwarzman, Donald Trump, Bob J. Perry, (Ron's Paul's Money Man) Peter Thiel, (Santo's Money Man) Foster Friess (Pic)
<<>> (Listed)
Ken Langone (Home Depot);
Charles Koch (@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute - Oil/Gas, refineries, etc);
David Koch (@Koch_Industries @AFP –Oil/Gas, refineries, Manufacturing);
Phil Anschutz (Ent., Staples Cntr, Oil, railroads); Justice Neil Gorsuch backer
Rich Devos (Amway); Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos
Foster Friess (Investment Fund Manager, Real Estate);
Jon Huntsman Sr. (Chemicals, Manufacturing);
Ken Griffin (Citadel, Hedge Funds), Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Cohort;
Harold Simmons (Texas Corporate Raider);
Jerry Perenchio (Real Estate, Sold Univision);
Robert Rowling (Oil, Hotels, Investments);
Bradley Hughes (Self Storage King);
Rupert Murdoch (Fox News, Wall Street Journal);
Donald Trump (Real Estate);
Trevor Rees-Jones (Shale Oil & Gas);
Sam Wyly (Oil, Mining, Michaels Stores);
Ross Perot (Investments);
T Boone Pickens (Oil/Gas, Hedge Funds);
John Paulson (Hedge Funds);
J.W. Marriott Jr (Hotels);
Meg Whitman (HP …Computer, former CEO);
Sheldon Adelson (Casinos, Real Estate, Investments);
Peter Thiel (PayPal, Hedge Funds); @peterthiel
Bob Perry (Texas Home Builder);
Dawn Arnall (Ameriquest);
Alex Spanos (Real Estate);
Alice Walton (Walmart, Horse Racing);
John T. Walton (Walmart);
Jay Van Andel (Amway);
Robert C. McNair (Oil, gas, Biotech, Horse Racing, Houston Oilers);
Carl Lindner Jr. (American Fin. Group, Chiquita Bananas, Cinci Reds);
Aubrey McClendon (Chesapeake Energy Corp., Oklahoma Investments);
<<>> Other Big Super PAC Donors:
Dick Farmer/Cintas Corporation $2,079,291;
John Childs/J.W. Childs and Associates $2,016,350;
Stan and Karen Hubbard/Hubbard Broadcasting $1,383,720;
John and Joan Hotchkis/Ramajal LLC $1,083,555;
Jack and Rose Marie Anderson/Culver Corp. $1,078,930;
Fred and Marlene Malek/Thayer Capital Partners $1,034,380;
Ken and Anne Griffin/Citadel Investment Group $877,210;
Jim and Dorothy Patterson/Gulf Stream Petroleum $839,580;
<<>> Million Plus Donors To GOP Super PAC’s
Lewis Eisenberg (Goldman Sachs partner) ;
Woody Johnson (New York Jets owner) ;
Wayne Berman (Ogilvy Government Relations Chairman) ;
Paul Singer (Elliott Management hedge fund);
Donald and Muffy Miller;
Stephen Ross;
Anthony Scaramucci (Skybridge Capital founder); @Scaramucci
David and Ginny Knott (Hedge funders) ;
Patrick Durkin (Bush Ranger) ;
Richard Breeden (Former Securities & Exchange Commission Chairman)
"GOP Right Wing Billionaires At War With President Obama”
~ The American Audacity: An American Politics and Foreign Policy Political Blog, {Subscribe/Donate}, 03-18-14 <
>###(04-17)*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-106|“A.L.E.C.” the
un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”| State Legislatures,
Politicians & Lobbyists; Model Corporate Legislation; Connections
Academy; American Bail Coalition; New Orleans A.L.E.C. Convention 2011; Photo
I.D. Laws; Wisconsin Professor Joel Rogers *WI*TN*NC*FL*AZ
Around 1,000 boilerplate bills are introduced each year and up to 200 bills pass red state legislatures.
A.L.E.C. is outed by Center For Media & Democracy, a political watch dog.
A.L.E.C. has eight corporate task forces. A.L.E.C.
Eight of ten Republican Governors elected in 2010 were A.L.E.C. members.
The Koch Brothers, Gov. Scott Walker and Diane Hendricks rescinded 50 years of collective bargaining laws.
A.L.I.C.E. – American Legislative Issue Campaign Exchange is a web based library of model progressive laws.
(^^^) “United States of ALEC” (Bill Moyers & Company) @MoyersNews
~ @prwatch, @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Subscriber Supported Journalism/Donate}, 10-01-12, YT, 31:54 <
(^^^) “Thom Hartmann: The Secrets of ALEC Exposed”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Pods}, w/Lisa Graves/@ALEC Exposed @prwatch, (Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 07-21-11, YT, 10:08 <
A.L.E.C. the un-American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council
GOP Corruption Since 1973, 300+ Corporations Buying State Legislators
A.L.E.C. Pushed 826 Bills Introduced in 2009/115 Enacted Into Law, Filling Private Prisons, CCA Corporation
(^^^) “Democracy For Sale” @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute #ALEC
~ @Lawrence O 'Donnell/@MSNBC with Andrew Gill/P.F.A.W./@peoplefor, {Subscribe}, 05-17-11, Video, 6:11 <
A.L.E.C.: Model Corporate Legislation Written For State Legislators
(^^^) “Inside ALEC, The Koch-Funded Group Behind Right-Wing State Laws”
~ Beau Hodai/@AlterNet, {Support}, 07-13-11 <
(^^^) “This shadowy organization has played and extraordinary role in shaping pro-corporate legislation in a number of states.”
~ Bill Berkowitz/@AlterNet, {Support}, 03-31-11 <
(^^^) "Corporations Which Have Cut Ties to ALEC" @ALECexposed
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Subscribe} __
American Legislative Exchange Council, @wikipedia
>###(05-17)*FK3*ED*EF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Around 1,000 boilerplate bills are introduced each year and up to 200 bills pass red state legislatures.
A.L.E.C. is outed by Center For Media & Democracy, a political watch dog.
A.L.E.C. has eight corporate task forces. A.L.E.C.
Eight of ten Republican Governors elected in 2010 were A.L.E.C. members.
The Koch Brothers, Gov. Scott Walker and Diane Hendricks rescinded 50 years of collective bargaining laws.
A.L.I.C.E. – American Legislative Issue Campaign Exchange is a web based library of model progressive laws.
(^^^) “United States of ALEC” (Bill Moyers & Company) @MoyersNews
~ @prwatch, @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Subscriber Supported Journalism/Donate}, 10-01-12, YT, 31:54 <
(^^^) “Thom Hartmann: The Secrets of ALEC Exposed”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Pods}, w/Lisa Graves/@ALEC Exposed @prwatch, (Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 07-21-11, YT, 10:08 <
A.L.E.C. the un-American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council
GOP Corruption Since 1973, 300+ Corporations Buying State Legislators
A.L.E.C. Pushed 826 Bills Introduced in 2009/115 Enacted Into Law, Filling Private Prisons, CCA Corporation
(^^^) “Democracy For Sale” @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute #ALEC
~ @Lawrence O 'Donnell/@MSNBC with Andrew Gill/P.F.A.W./@peoplefor, {Subscribe}, 05-17-11, Video, 6:11 <
A.L.E.C.: Model Corporate Legislation Written For State Legislators
(^^^) “Inside ALEC, The Koch-Funded Group Behind Right-Wing State Laws”
~ Beau Hodai/@AlterNet, {Support}, 07-13-11 <
(^^^) “This shadowy organization has played and extraordinary role in shaping pro-corporate legislation in a number of states.”
~ Bill Berkowitz/@AlterNet, {Support}, 03-31-11 <
(^^^) "Corporations Which Have Cut Ties to ALEC" @ALECexposed
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Subscribe} __
American Legislative Exchange Council, @wikipedia
>###(05-17)*FK3*ED*EF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-107|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill.
State Legislature, Local Level; Blocking: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Sustainable Energy, U.S. EPA; Fracking, GMO; Kansas*KS
"While most of the news media is focused on the horse race of presidential politics, corporate lobbying groups like ALEC have been operating in the shadows to erode your rights at the state level. They are making the wish lists of the billionaire class become a reality. …America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, and attorney David Haynes discuss the effect this is having on the states." ~ ROF
"Republican Governors Fulfill Billionaire Wishlist"
~ @americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio, @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-15-15, YT, 8:28 _**
"Republican Governors Fulfill Billionaire Wishlist"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 07-15-15 _
"Blazing Saddles 1974 Ping Pong”
~ MeadowsRay's channel, {Subscribe}, 07-27-12, YT, 3:26 _
>##(08-15)*E6E*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
State Legislature, Local Level; Blocking: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Sustainable Energy, U.S. EPA; Fracking, GMO; Kansas*KS
"While most of the news media is focused on the horse race of presidential politics, corporate lobbying groups like ALEC have been operating in the shadows to erode your rights at the state level. They are making the wish lists of the billionaire class become a reality. …America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, and attorney David Haynes discuss the effect this is having on the states." ~ ROF
"Republican Governors Fulfill Billionaire Wishlist"
~ @americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio, @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-15-15, YT, 8:28 _**
"Republican Governors Fulfill Billionaire Wishlist"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 07-15-15 _
"Blazing Saddles 1974 Ping Pong”
~ MeadowsRay's channel, {Subscribe}, 07-27-12, YT, 3:26 _
>##(08-15)*E6E*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-108|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill.
"Four Ways ALEC Tried to Ruin Your State This Year"
~ @prwatch, {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-07-15 <
>###(08-15)*FK(*ST)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Four Ways ALEC Tried to Ruin Your State This Year"
~ @prwatch, {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-07-15 <
>###(08-15)*FK(*ST)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-109|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”| A.C.C.E. – American City County Exchange; An ALEC
spinoff buying local governments.
“Amid Protests A.L.E.C. Launches New Spinoff…”
~ Candice Bernd/Bill Moyers & Co., {Subscribe/Donate}, 08-04-14 _
-/\/- "American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) begins its expansion into local municipalities and counties with its new arm, the American City County Exchange (ACCE)"
"Can a New 'Progressive ALEC' Advance Effective Police Reform Through Municipal Governments?"
~ Candice Bernd/@truthout, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-12-14 _
>###(04-17)*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Amid Protests A.L.E.C. Launches New Spinoff…”
~ Candice Bernd/Bill Moyers & Co., {Subscribe/Donate}, 08-04-14 _
-/\/- "American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) begins its expansion into local municipalities and counties with its new arm, the American City County Exchange (ACCE)"
"Can a New 'Progressive ALEC' Advance Effective Police Reform Through Municipal Governments?"
~ Candice Bernd/@truthout, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-12-14 _
>###(04-17)*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-110|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Climate Legislation, Anti-EPA, Access To Almost 2,000 State Legislators
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“State Legislatures Pile Onto Anti-EPA Climate Rule”
~ Christa Marshall /ClimateWire/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 04-01-11 _**
>##(04-17)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Climate Legislation, Anti-EPA, Access To Almost 2,000 State Legislators
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“State Legislatures Pile Onto Anti-EPA Climate Rule”
~ Christa Marshall /ClimateWire/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 04-01-11 _**
>##(04-17)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-111|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Climate Legislation, Anti-EPA, Keystone XL
"TPP, Keystone XL, Fast Tracking and ALEC"
~ Bob Sloan/ DailyKos, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-22-15 _
>##(04-17)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Climate Legislation, Anti-EPA, Keystone XL
"TPP, Keystone XL, Fast Tracking and ALEC"
~ Bob Sloan/ DailyKos, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-22-15 _
>##(04-17)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-112|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
IRS Legal Trouble For A.L.E.C.
(1) Lobbying (prohibited for 501(c)3 “Charity”);
(2) Private Benefit To Corps Members;
(3) Excessive Private Benefit To State Legislators;
(4) Excessive Private Benefit To The Republican Party;
(5) Pattern Of Filing Multiple Inaccurate Forms 990 – Lying About Lobbyists They Hired & Registered When IRS Rules Allow NONE
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“Violations of the Internal Revenue Laws by the American Legislative Exchange Counsil”
~ Marcus S. Owens – Director, Exempt Organizations Division, Internal Revenue Service, 1990-2000 - Voters Legislative Transparency Project,, {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-02-12 _
>###(04-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
IRS Legal Trouble For A.L.E.C.
(1) Lobbying (prohibited for 501(c)3 “Charity”);
(2) Private Benefit To Corps Members;
(3) Excessive Private Benefit To State Legislators;
(4) Excessive Private Benefit To The Republican Party;
(5) Pattern Of Filing Multiple Inaccurate Forms 990 – Lying About Lobbyists They Hired & Registered When IRS Rules Allow NONE
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“Violations of the Internal Revenue Laws by the American Legislative Exchange Counsil”
~ Marcus S. Owens – Director, Exempt Organizations Division, Internal Revenue Service, 1990-2000 - Voters Legislative Transparency Project,, {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-02-12 _
>###(04-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-113|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
ALEC, SPN - State Policy Network, Jim DeMint – Heritage Foundation, Grover Norquist – Americans For Tax Reform, American Enterprise Institute
"ALEC, State Policy Network groups provide an ideological veil for big businesses seeking to advance radical deregulatory policy goals."
"Media-savvy conservative think tanks take aim and fire at progressive power bases in the states."
"The Right Leans In"
~ @lhfang/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-26-13 _
>###(04-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
ALEC, SPN - State Policy Network, Jim DeMint – Heritage Foundation, Grover Norquist – Americans For Tax Reform, American Enterprise Institute
"ALEC, State Policy Network groups provide an ideological veil for big businesses seeking to advance radical deregulatory policy goals."
"Media-savvy conservative think tanks take aim and fire at progressive power bases in the states."
"The Right Leans In"
~ @lhfang/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-26-13 _
>###(04-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-114|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Bill Moyers
“United States of A.L.E.C. – a Follow-Up”
~ Bill Moyers/@MoyersNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, 06-21-13, Vimeo, 56:46 _
>###(04-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Bill Moyers
“United States of A.L.E.C. – a Follow-Up”
~ Bill Moyers/@MoyersNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, 06-21-13, Vimeo, 56:46 _
>###(04-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-115 |“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Lists of A.L.E.C. - STATE - U.S. - Legislators & Corp Sponsors
Multiple P.A.C., Art Pope - North Carolina Billionaire
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy "...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc
"Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
>###(05-13)*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Lists of A.L.E.C. - STATE - U.S. - Legislators & Corp Sponsors
Multiple P.A.C., Art Pope - North Carolina Billionaire
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy "...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc
"Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
>###(05-13)*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-116 |“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Koch Tea Party, Koch Industries; Washington D.C. Convention
“The Secret ALEC Conference You Don’t Know About”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/The Big Picture RT, w/Jane Carter, American Fed. of State, County &Municipal Employees (AFSCME), {Subscribe}, 12-04-14, YT, 8:21 _
>###(01-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Koch Tea Party, Koch Industries; Washington D.C. Convention
“The Secret ALEC Conference You Don’t Know About”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/The Big Picture RT, w/Jane Carter, American Fed. of State, County &Municipal Employees (AFSCME), {Subscribe}, 12-04-14, YT, 8:21 _
>###(01-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-117 |“Koch Brothers”
Voter Data Base, Koch Brothers, I 360
"Koch brothers ...unleashing about a half dozen major projects that take advantage of advanced database technologies to manage campaigns and target voters..."
"Kochs help Republicans catch up on technology"
~ Peter Henderson/@Reuters, {Subscribe}, 05-17-12 _
"The Koch Brothers And Republican Party Have Just Joined Forces To Track Voters"
~ Josh Israel/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-28-14 _
>###(12-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Koch brothers ...unleashing about a half dozen major projects that take advantage of advanced database technologies to manage campaigns and target voters..."
"Kochs help Republicans catch up on technology"
~ Peter Henderson/@Reuters, {Subscribe}, 05-17-12 _
"The Koch Brothers And Republican Party Have Just Joined Forces To Track Voters"
~ Josh Israel/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-28-14 _
>###(12-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-118 |“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Koch Industries, and A.L.E.C.
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
[Rich Psychopaths who bought Democracy, and continue to spend their loose “chump change” buying Legislation from Republican/T’s]
Koch Brothers Exposed, {Subscribe/Donate} _
@Koch_Industries, <
>###(12-16)*FK*ZM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Koch Industries, and A.L.E.C.
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
[Rich Psychopaths who bought Democracy, and continue to spend their loose “chump change” buying Legislation from Republican/T’s]
Koch Brothers Exposed, {Subscribe/Donate} _
@Koch_Industries, <
>###(12-16)*FK*ZM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-119|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
"the corporate members of the American Legislative Exchange Council are demanding that state legislators preserve their 'right' to anonymously spend money on politics and curry favor with elected officials" @Koch_Industries
"ALEC Fumes: Transparency Threatens Corporate Free Speech!"
~ Brendan Fischer/@prwatch, {Donate}, 12-05-14 <
>###(05-17)*FK*UJSC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"the corporate members of the American Legislative Exchange Council are demanding that state legislators preserve their 'right' to anonymously spend money on politics and curry favor with elected officials" @Koch_Industries
"ALEC Fumes: Transparency Threatens Corporate Free Speech!"
~ Brendan Fischer/@prwatch, {Donate}, 12-05-14 <
>###(05-17)*FK*UJSC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-120|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Law-Gun, 23 Stand Your Ground States
A.L.E.C., NRA, Walmart, Gun Manufacturer’s Law/Stand Your Ground, (armed and shoot) in 23 States – *AL, *AZ, *FL (Jeb Bush), *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN^, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MS, *MT, *NV, *NC, *OK, *OR, *SC^, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WA, *WV^ (^ No Duty To Retreat from a confrontation); Deregulation
In 2004, the ban on “Assault Weapon Sales” to the public was lifted by Republicans and BlueDogs serving the N.R.A/National Rifle Association (Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins) which is owned and operated by Gun Manufacturers and Walmart, the biggest gun retailer; Wayne LaPierre/NRA/C.E.O./Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is an A.L.E.C. member;
A.L.E.C. works bill magic in all Red Confederate States to promote laws favoring big corporations and special interest groups, like religious extremist;
{ The Walmart Store social safety net subsidy to workers, figured by the Congressional Budget Office for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 Million/Store/Year. This anti-union anti-living wage Walton family has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 Million in 2013. }
“23 States with ‘Stand Your Ground’ Gun Laws like Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free”
~ Cora Currier/@ProPublica/@AlterNet, 03-25-12
“23 Other States Have ‘Stand Your Ground Laws, Too”
~ Cora Currier/@ProPublica/Atlantic Wire, 03-14-12 <
"Another look at the group behind ‘Stand Your Ground’" *
~ Laurie Bennett/@Muckety, {Donate}, 07-14-13 <
>###(01-17)*FK3####*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Law-Gun, 23 Stand Your Ground States
A.L.E.C., NRA, Walmart, Gun Manufacturer’s Law/Stand Your Ground, (armed and shoot) in 23 States – *AL, *AZ, *FL (Jeb Bush), *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN^, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MS, *MT, *NV, *NC, *OK, *OR, *SC^, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WA, *WV^ (^ No Duty To Retreat from a confrontation); Deregulation
In 2004, the ban on “Assault Weapon Sales” to the public was lifted by Republicans and BlueDogs serving the N.R.A/National Rifle Association (Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins) which is owned and operated by Gun Manufacturers and Walmart, the biggest gun retailer; Wayne LaPierre/NRA/C.E.O./Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is an A.L.E.C. member;
A.L.E.C. works bill magic in all Red Confederate States to promote laws favoring big corporations and special interest groups, like religious extremist;
{ The Walmart Store social safety net subsidy to workers, figured by the Congressional Budget Office for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 Million/Store/Year. This anti-union anti-living wage Walton family has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 Million in 2013. }
“23 States with ‘Stand Your Ground’ Gun Laws like Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free”
~ Cora Currier/@ProPublica/@AlterNet, 03-25-12
“23 Other States Have ‘Stand Your Ground Laws, Too”
~ Cora Currier/@ProPublica/Atlantic Wire, 03-14-12 <
"Another look at the group behind ‘Stand Your Ground’" *
~ Laurie Bennett/@Muckety, {Donate}, 07-14-13 <
>###(01-17)*FK3####*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-121|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill.
"ALEC Admits School Vouchers Are for Kids in Suburbia"
~ Jonas Persson/@prwatch, {Subscribe/Donate} 07-23-15 _
>###(12-16)*ED*FK ###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"ALEC Admits School Vouchers Are for Kids in Suburbia"
~ Jonas Persson/@prwatch, {Subscribe/Donate} 07-23-15 _
>###(12-16)*ED*FK ###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-122|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”
Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), RTW & Beg State: (*IN)(*MI)(*WI)(*OH)(*IL)
“RTW laws require unions to provide the same representation and workplace services to all workers …contributing to the cost of that representation optional. …smaller, weaker unions and lower worker wages and benefits. …Wisconsin (RTW) bill was taken almost word for word from the American Legislative Exchange Council –model ‘bill.’”
"Cookie-Cutter ALEC Right-to-Work Bills Pop in Multiple States"
~ Jody Knauss/@prwatch, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-11-15 _
>###(07-16)*FK*E12*JL###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), RTW & Beg State: (*IN)(*MI)(*WI)(*OH)(*IL)
“RTW laws require unions to provide the same representation and workplace services to all workers …contributing to the cost of that representation optional. …smaller, weaker unions and lower worker wages and benefits. …Wisconsin (RTW) bill was taken almost word for word from the American Legislative Exchange Council –model ‘bill.’”
"Cookie-Cutter ALEC Right-to-Work Bills Pop in Multiple States"
~ Jody Knauss/@prwatch, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-11-15 _
>###(07-16)*FK*E12*JL###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-123|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill.
"ALEC Crawls Out From Under Its Rock To Declare War On The Rest Of Us"
~ Dartagnan/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-03-15 _
>###(12-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"ALEC Crawls Out From Under Its Rock To Declare War On The Rest Of Us"
~ Dartagnan/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-03-15 _
>###(12-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-125|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
“Robert Greenwald discusses the personal attacks waged against him by the Koch brothers. Greenwald also talks about how the Kochs' are the worst of the 1%.”
“Robert Greenwald on the Ed Schultz Show: Not Backing Down from the Kochs” @NewswithEd @RT_America
~ @BraveNewFound, { Subscribe/Support}, 04-06-12, YT, 8:30 _
>###(07-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Robert Greenwald discusses the personal attacks waged against him by the Koch brothers. Greenwald also talks about how the Kochs' are the worst of the 1%.”
“Robert Greenwald on the Ed Schultz Show: Not Backing Down from the Kochs” @NewswithEd @RT_America
~ @BraveNewFound, { Subscribe/Support}, 04-06-12, YT, 8:30 _
>###(07-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-126|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Florida Legislator Introduces A.L.E.C. Bill, “Boilerplate Paragraph,” A.L.E.C.’s Adherence To Free Market Principles & Ltd Govt, Florida Rep. Rachel Burgin (R*FL-56), One Third of Legislators are A.L.E.C. Owned
“A.L.E.C. Exposed, for 24 Hours”
~ Nick Surgey/Common Cause/@prwatch, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-31-12 _
>###(01-17)*FK(*FL)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Florida Legislator Introduces A.L.E.C. Bill, “Boilerplate Paragraph,” A.L.E.C.’s Adherence To Free Market Principles & Ltd Govt, Florida Rep. Rachel Burgin (R*FL-56), One Third of Legislators are A.L.E.C. Owned
“A.L.E.C. Exposed, for 24 Hours”
~ Nick Surgey/Common Cause/@prwatch, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-31-12 _
>###(01-17)*FK(*FL)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-132|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Whistleblower, Gary Null – Alternative Healing, Health and Nutrition; Medical Doctor, Lawyer, and Nutrition Expert Testimonials;
Food & Drug Administration (Fraud and Death Administration), Medical Industrial Complex; FDA attempting to “limit” access to nutrition;
“Only an FDA approved legal Pharmaceutical Drug can cure a disease.”
~ …FDA
Monsanto has 40 former executives in the FDA and USDA;
A.L.E.C. – American Legislative Exchange Council is actively narrowing health options and passing state level legislation to limit wrongful death settlements for toxic drugs and faulty medical devices …nationwide;
Bush Medicare D “full price” Drug Law, a giveaway for Drug Industry; Conventional U.S. Health Care System and Pharmaceutical Industry is rewarded and profiting off of disease;
“That is a nation of medical parasites.”
(min 16:45) Natural supplements… Vitex 750, Squaw Vine, Passion Flower, and Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) for Hot Flashes;
Food Safety and Modernization Act
FDA, a rogue agency, receives 40% of their budget from Drug Companies;
English Law, 1546 Herbalist’s Charter, tradition of healing with herbs and nutrition; Laws were adopted by the U.S. Constitution unless modified;
U.S. “Rockefeller Medicine closed down other schools …promoted surgery, drugs, and radiation” …FDA started 1930’s;
“0 deaths from supplements as long as the CDC has been keeping track”; Dietary Health and Supplement Act 1994, grandfathered all that existed;
New World Order, Codex Alemantarius – International Food Code
“What has interested me over the years, in attending Codex meetings, is the FDA is one of the major controllers of policy.”
“Whatever the U.S. wants, pretty much Codex goes along with. And what does the U.S. want. The U.S. wants what Big-Agri, Big-Chem, Big-Pharma, Big-Biotech, and Big-Medica want.”
(min 1:18:00) Codex Ailmentarius: Worldwide “Trade Restrictions” on Nutritional Supplements; WTO World Trade Org. enforces Codex Rules:
SPS - Sanitary Phyto-Sanitary Measures;
GATT – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947;
(Technical Barriers To Trade Agreement);
CAFTA - Central American Free Trade Agreement;
NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement; RTSs;
FTAA - Free Trade Area of the Americas;
(TRIPS – Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights)
“The Union of Concerned Scientists did a survey of scientists at the FDA, and 40% said that they were afraid to warn the public about public health hazards due to fear of retaliation.”
(min 1:36:00) FDA, Dr. Graham Congressional Committee Testimony****
G.E. Whistleblower Fired – Eva Czerska, M.D. (General Electric Employee) knew of a Dangerous G.E. medical device; She contacted Congress, Office of Special Council, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg on private email;
(min 1:39:45) “Drug companies are not here to bring us health but to scam us for vast amounts of money, by treating symptoms and not addressing the cause.” ~ Sir William Oster, M.D. (1849 – 1919) [END OF NARRATIVE]
[A.L.E.C. sponsors Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for fireballer-imitating dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” …Regional Economic Warlords, Wall Street Hell-Boys, and the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
"WAR ON HEALTH The FDA's Cult of Tyranny" @drgarynull,
~ David Wayne, {Subscribe}, 07-05-12, YT, 2:05:13 _
< REMOVED For Copyright Infringement/See “Narrative & Notes” (above)
"War on Health - Gary Null's documentary exposing the FDA" (w/o)
~ TheHealthRanger, {Subscribe}, 07-10-12, YT, 1:37:41 _
@drgarynull <
(^^^) "The Greatest Medical Fraud in History - The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS"
~ Gary Null, {Subscribe}, 11-30-11, YT, 2:00:02 _
>#(09-15)*FK*HH*WB#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Whistleblower, Gary Null – Alternative Healing, Health and Nutrition; Medical Doctor, Lawyer, and Nutrition Expert Testimonials;
Food & Drug Administration (Fraud and Death Administration), Medical Industrial Complex; FDA attempting to “limit” access to nutrition;
“Only an FDA approved legal Pharmaceutical Drug can cure a disease.”
~ …FDA
Monsanto has 40 former executives in the FDA and USDA;
A.L.E.C. – American Legislative Exchange Council is actively narrowing health options and passing state level legislation to limit wrongful death settlements for toxic drugs and faulty medical devices …nationwide;
Bush Medicare D “full price” Drug Law, a giveaway for Drug Industry; Conventional U.S. Health Care System and Pharmaceutical Industry is rewarded and profiting off of disease;
“That is a nation of medical parasites.”
(min 16:45) Natural supplements… Vitex 750, Squaw Vine, Passion Flower, and Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) for Hot Flashes;
Food Safety and Modernization Act
FDA, a rogue agency, receives 40% of their budget from Drug Companies;
English Law, 1546 Herbalist’s Charter, tradition of healing with herbs and nutrition; Laws were adopted by the U.S. Constitution unless modified;
U.S. “Rockefeller Medicine closed down other schools …promoted surgery, drugs, and radiation” …FDA started 1930’s;
“0 deaths from supplements as long as the CDC has been keeping track”; Dietary Health and Supplement Act 1994, grandfathered all that existed;
New World Order, Codex Alemantarius – International Food Code
“What has interested me over the years, in attending Codex meetings, is the FDA is one of the major controllers of policy.”
“Whatever the U.S. wants, pretty much Codex goes along with. And what does the U.S. want. The U.S. wants what Big-Agri, Big-Chem, Big-Pharma, Big-Biotech, and Big-Medica want.”
(min 1:18:00) Codex Ailmentarius: Worldwide “Trade Restrictions” on Nutritional Supplements; WTO World Trade Org. enforces Codex Rules:
SPS - Sanitary Phyto-Sanitary Measures;
GATT – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947;
(Technical Barriers To Trade Agreement);
CAFTA - Central American Free Trade Agreement;
NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement; RTSs;
FTAA - Free Trade Area of the Americas;
(TRIPS – Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights)
“The Union of Concerned Scientists did a survey of scientists at the FDA, and 40% said that they were afraid to warn the public about public health hazards due to fear of retaliation.”
(min 1:36:00) FDA, Dr. Graham Congressional Committee Testimony****
G.E. Whistleblower Fired – Eva Czerska, M.D. (General Electric Employee) knew of a Dangerous G.E. medical device; She contacted Congress, Office of Special Council, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg on private email;
(min 1:39:45) “Drug companies are not here to bring us health but to scam us for vast amounts of money, by treating symptoms and not addressing the cause.” ~ Sir William Oster, M.D. (1849 – 1919) [END OF NARRATIVE]
[A.L.E.C. sponsors Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for fireballer-imitating dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” …Regional Economic Warlords, Wall Street Hell-Boys, and the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
"WAR ON HEALTH The FDA's Cult of Tyranny" @drgarynull,
~ David Wayne, {Subscribe}, 07-05-12, YT, 2:05:13 _
< REMOVED For Copyright Infringement/See “Narrative & Notes” (above)
"War on Health - Gary Null's documentary exposing the FDA" (w/o)
~ TheHealthRanger, {Subscribe}, 07-10-12, YT, 1:37:41 _
@drgarynull <
(^^^) "The Greatest Medical Fraud in History - The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS"
~ Gary Null, {Subscribe}, 11-30-11, YT, 2:00:02 _
>#(09-15)*FK*HH*WB#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-133|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
(Private) CCA - Corrections Corporation of America, Arizona Immigration Law, Private Corporations Writing Laws to Lock Up People, Russell Pearce-AZ (ALEC loves Big Prison)
“Prison Economics Help Drive Ariz. Immigration Law”
~ Laura Sullivan/@NPR, {Subscribe}, 11-18-11, Audio, 07:46 _
>###(03-13)*FK*PR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(Private) CCA - Corrections Corporation of America, Arizona Immigration Law, Private Corporations Writing Laws to Lock Up People, Russell Pearce-AZ (ALEC loves Big Prison)
“Prison Economics Help Drive Ariz. Immigration Law”
~ Laura Sullivan/@NPR, {Subscribe}, 11-18-11, Audio, 07:46 _
>###(03-13)*FK*PR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-134|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
{ActBlue Account}, S SWIDTM S, {Subscribe}, 08-28-11, YT,
(^^^) "ALEC should be required to register as a lobbyist"
~ Cap Times/Editorial, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-17-12 _
>###(04-15)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
{ActBlue Account}, S SWIDTM S, {Subscribe}, 08-28-11, YT,
(^^^) "ALEC should be required to register as a lobbyist"
~ Cap Times/Editorial, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-17-12 _
>###(04-15)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-134|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
A.L.E.C. Uses Religion, Spiritual Warfare, Loves White Republican Jesus: “The Grand Old Party is more religious cult than political organization.”
~ Pres. of the Alamo City Republican Women’s Club, 1993
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
(^^^)“The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party” “Taking Over the Republican Party”
~ Theocracy Watch, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>##(03-13)*FK*R*TX##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
A.L.E.C. Uses Religion, Spiritual Warfare, Loves White Republican Jesus: “The Grand Old Party is more religious cult than political organization.”
~ Pres. of the Alamo City Republican Women’s Club, 1993
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
(^^^)“The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party” “Taking Over the Republican Party”
~ Theocracy Watch, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>##(03-13)*FK*R*TX##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-136|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
(^^^)“The Secret World of ALEC’S Hacks”
~ Jesse Zwick - The Washington Ind, {Subscribe}, 10-12-10 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(^^^)“The Secret World of ALEC’S Hacks”
~ Jesse Zwick - The Washington Ind, {Subscribe}, 10-12-10 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-136|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
*OH Ohio Gov. John "Kasich is no moderate, but a hit man for the rich."
"10 Reasons Why John Kasich Is As Rabidly Right-Wing as the Rest of the GOP Presidential Candidate Pack"
~ Robert Fitrakis/Free Press/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate}, 08-07-15 _
>###(11-15)*FK*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
*OH Ohio Gov. John "Kasich is no moderate, but a hit man for the rich."
"10 Reasons Why John Kasich Is As Rabidly Right-Wing as the Rest of the GOP Presidential Candidate Pack"
~ Robert Fitrakis/Free Press/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate}, 08-07-15 _
>###(11-15)*FK*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-137|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
*UT_Utah, Legislation, H.B. 612, State Rep. Carl Wimmer Criminalizing Abortion, “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; Fighting The “Demographic Shift”
"...Wimmer’s most recent attempt to weaken Roe v. Wade. ...the new law criminalizes choice. ...goal ...spread this legislation across the country through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), he said in an interview with Rose Aguilar on The Smirking Chimp blog."
(^^^) “Criminalized Abortion: Coming to a State Near You”
~ Carol King/ Magazine, {Donate}, 03-14-10 <
-/\/- State Law "...make it a crime for a woman to have a miscarriage, and make induced abortion a crime in some instances."
(^^^) "Utah Bill Criminalizes Miscarriage"
~ Rachel Larris/RH Reality Check, {Donate}, 02-20-10 <
>###(06-17)*FK*WR*UT###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
*UT_Utah, Legislation, H.B. 612, State Rep. Carl Wimmer Criminalizing Abortion, “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; Fighting The “Demographic Shift”
"...Wimmer’s most recent attempt to weaken Roe v. Wade. ...the new law criminalizes choice. ...goal ...spread this legislation across the country through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), he said in an interview with Rose Aguilar on The Smirking Chimp blog."
(^^^) “Criminalized Abortion: Coming to a State Near You”
~ Carol King/ Magazine, {Donate}, 03-14-10 <
-/\/- State Law "...make it a crime for a woman to have a miscarriage, and make induced abortion a crime in some instances."
(^^^) "Utah Bill Criminalizes Miscarriage"
~ Rachel Larris/RH Reality Check, {Donate}, 02-20-10 <
>###(06-17)*FK*WR*UT###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-138|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Fight Health Care Mandate, 44 States Announced A.L.E.C. Legislation, Freedom of Choice In Health Care Act, 26 States Suing the Federal Government
“ALEC Launches ‘States Triumph over Federal Mandate’”
~ benzinga, EWIRE.COM, {Subscribe/Donate}, 03-29-11 (#statestriumph" push against healthcare reform) _
>##(03-13)*FK*EC##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Fight Health Care Mandate, 44 States Announced A.L.E.C. Legislation, Freedom of Choice In Health Care Act, 26 States Suing the Federal Government
“ALEC Launches ‘States Triumph over Federal Mandate’”
~ benzinga, EWIRE.COM, {Subscribe/Donate}, 03-29-11 (#statestriumph" push against healthcare reform) _
>##(03-13)*FK*EC##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-139|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
TWITTER HASHTAGS/tweetpals (hijack these on twitter) #StatesTriumph #ObamaCare #repeal #budgets #healthcare #hcr #jobs #tcot #p2 @GOPleader @ALEC_Triumphs
>###(03-13)*FK### *CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
TWITTER HASHTAGS/tweetpals (hijack these on twitter) #StatesTriumph #ObamaCare #repeal #budgets #healthcare #hcr #jobs #tcot #p2 @GOPleader @ALEC_Triumphs
>###(03-13)*FK### *CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-140|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Thou Art Pope of North Carolina, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 Prosperity:
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
-/\/- “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_, Politics, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
>##(04-15)*FK3*NC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Thou Art Pope of North Carolina, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 Prosperity:
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
-/\/- “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_, Politics, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
>##(04-15)*FK3*NC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-141|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Wisconsin Health Bills
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“Vital Signs: State GOP health bills mirror model ALEC Legislation”
~ Shawn Doherty - The Cap Times, {Subscribe}, 03-27-11 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*WI)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Wisconsin Health Bills
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“Vital Signs: State GOP health bills mirror model ALEC Legislation”
~ Shawn Doherty - The Cap Times, {Subscribe}, 03-27-11 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*WI)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-142|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Model Legislation, Bill Text Download
“Tracking A.L.E.C. ‘model legislation’ through real legislatures: how to obtain copies of ALEC model legislation”
~ D.B.A. PRESS, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Model Legislation, Bill Text Download
“Tracking A.L.E.C. ‘model legislation’ through real legislatures: how to obtain copies of ALEC model legislation”
~ D.B.A. PRESS, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-143|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
“Shaping State Laws with Little Scrutiny”
~ Laura Sullivan/@NPR, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-29-10 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Shaping State Laws with Little Scrutiny”
~ Laura Sullivan/@NPR, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-29-10 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-144|“A.L.E.C.” the
un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Koch Billionaire Convention, Scottsdale, Arizona, Militant Police:
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“Inside ALEC: Naked Contempt for the Press and Public in Scottsdale”
~ Beau Hodai/@prwatch/@truthout, {Subscribe}, 01-11-12 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Koch Billionaire Convention, Scottsdale, Arizona, Militant Police:
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“Inside ALEC: Naked Contempt for the Press and Public in Scottsdale”
~ Beau Hodai/@prwatch/@truthout, {Subscribe}, 01-11-12 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-145|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|History of A.L.E.C. and Home Web Site:
~ A.L.E.C. _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
~ A.L.E.C. _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-146|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
Video Catalog, Workshops 220
~ un-American Legislative Exchange Counsil _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Video Catalog, Workshops 220
~ un-American Legislative Exchange Counsil _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-147|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council”|
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“The most powerful lobby you've never heard of …More than 1/3 of state legislators are ALEC members”
~ Nick Penniman - Third World Traveler, The American Prospect Mag., {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-02 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“The most powerful lobby you've never heard of …More than 1/3 of state legislators are ALEC members”
~ Nick Penniman - Third World Traveler, The American Prospect Mag., {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-02 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-148|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill.
“106 corporations depart ALEC, fund our investigations today”
~ ALECexposed, {Subscriber Supported Journalism} _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“106 corporations depart ALEC, fund our investigations today”
~ ALECexposed, {Subscriber Supported Journalism} _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-149|“A.L.E.C.”
the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” is a flying-monkey corporate think-tank and Forbes 400
King’s legislative bill-mill.
Climate Legislation, Access to Almost 2,000 State Legislators, Anti-EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
826 Environmental Attack Bills introduced in State Legislatures in 2009
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“Conservative Group Drafts Promotes Anti-EPA Bills in State Legislatures”
~ Amanda Peterka/ClimateWire/@nytimes,{Subscribe}, 04-04-11 _**
>###(03-13)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X 48.5K ac/26Pages/63Links
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| A.L.E.C.
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| CORP FORBES 400 – 276.8K ac
Climate Legislation, Access to Almost 2,000 State Legislators, Anti-EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
826 Environmental Attack Bills introduced in State Legislatures in 2009
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“Conservative Group Drafts Promotes Anti-EPA Bills in State Legislatures”
~ Amanda Peterka/ClimateWire/@nytimes,{Subscribe}, 04-04-11 _**
>###(03-13)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X 48.5K ac/26Pages/63Links
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| A.L.E.C.
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| CORP FORBES 400 – 276.8K ac
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-200|“Koch Brothers” Tea
Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government
which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
"Charles and David Koch's father Fred Koch made his money with an oil cracking process in Nazi Germany during the war. When he moved his company to Russia, Stalin seized his assets creating a lifelong hatred of anything Fred considered ‘socialist.’ When he returned to America, Fred brought with him Fascist ideals and his hatred of socialism (Neo-Communists in particular).
Fred Koch and 11 of his friends founded the racist John Birch Society, whose stated aims were to end every social program in America that kept ordinary Americans from dying destitute in the street. Birchers aimed to end Social Security, Medicare, Public Education, Unions, the EPA and Unemployment Insurance, overthrow our Democracy and replace it with Mussolini's brand of Corporatism ….which you can call by its real name, Fascism.
When the Birchers went too far in the 50's by accusing Dwight D. Eisenhower, the last great Republican President of being a Communist plant, William F. Buckley kicked the JBS out of the Conservative movement and forbid any member from publishing articles in the National Review. This effectively barred them from Mainstream Conservative politics. It probably didn't help their cause that the military banned card-carrying Birchers from obtaining a security clearance in the military.
When Charles and David Koch took over Koch Industries, they became as rabidly rightwing fascist as their dad. Though both refuse to say, you can bet they are both card-carrying Birchers. They founded the CATO Institute to spread rightwing propaganda and ALEC to finance hand-picked candidates for office, hook them up with corporate lobbyists who then write the legislation they want presented by their bought and paid representatives at the next session of the legislature.
The Tea Party is the result of this effort by the Koch’s and we saw the power the Koch’s now wield in the number of Tea Party candidates elected in the midterms (2010)." ~ (Thank You) Pat_ K.
Koch Industries business activity includes: oil, chemicals, mining, timber, paper, cattle, meat, and slaughtering government for profit. Worth $50 billion each, they own Kansas, Wisconsin, Indiana and the whole Teahad Confederacy outright. Silver sperm babies, Chucky & Davie, inherited significant wealth from daddie Fred, (who made his fortune exploiting Russian oil resources for Totalitarian Mass Murder Joseph Stalin). Cash-Daddie also put up posters (in Dallas, TX) calling for the death of J.F.K. in 1961 along with fellow 1% psychopath J.B. Hunt. Fred Co-Founded the fascist and racist John Birch Society.
The 2 rotten sibling psychopaths “didn’t fall far from the tree.” Chucky and Davie sponsor a plethora of far-right-wing Political Action Committees - P.A.C.’s, Think Tanks, the Koch Tea Party and Fox Newes-For-Ewes. The Koch’s own a Hedge Fund that speculates in the same commodities they sell, in order to drive up the price, (an outcome of Republican Bill and Law Gramm-Leach-Bliley Commodities “Modernization” Act of 2000 …which deregulated Big Banks, combining real estate mortgage banks and speculative investment banks in the Wall Street Casino). The Kochs park oil in tankers, filled at lower prices, until the price fluctuates to the up side (because of speculation).
Davie & Chucky each cleared $5 Billion in ’09, the bottom of the U.S. Recession. They sponsor Bi-Annual Libertarian Millionaire Billionaire King-Meetings to organize wealth against the lower classes, government, taxation, and regulation. This cabal or coalition buys US Legislators and Judges Outright. @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFPhq @FreedomWorks
Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
"Charles and David Koch's father Fred Koch made his money with an oil cracking process in Nazi Germany during the war. When he moved his company to Russia, Stalin seized his assets creating a lifelong hatred of anything Fred considered ‘socialist.’ When he returned to America, Fred brought with him Fascist ideals and his hatred of socialism (Neo-Communists in particular).
Fred Koch and 11 of his friends founded the racist John Birch Society, whose stated aims were to end every social program in America that kept ordinary Americans from dying destitute in the street. Birchers aimed to end Social Security, Medicare, Public Education, Unions, the EPA and Unemployment Insurance, overthrow our Democracy and replace it with Mussolini's brand of Corporatism ….which you can call by its real name, Fascism.
When the Birchers went too far in the 50's by accusing Dwight D. Eisenhower, the last great Republican President of being a Communist plant, William F. Buckley kicked the JBS out of the Conservative movement and forbid any member from publishing articles in the National Review. This effectively barred them from Mainstream Conservative politics. It probably didn't help their cause that the military banned card-carrying Birchers from obtaining a security clearance in the military.
When Charles and David Koch took over Koch Industries, they became as rabidly rightwing fascist as their dad. Though both refuse to say, you can bet they are both card-carrying Birchers. They founded the CATO Institute to spread rightwing propaganda and ALEC to finance hand-picked candidates for office, hook them up with corporate lobbyists who then write the legislation they want presented by their bought and paid representatives at the next session of the legislature.
The Tea Party is the result of this effort by the Koch’s and we saw the power the Koch’s now wield in the number of Tea Party candidates elected in the midterms (2010)." ~ (Thank You) Pat_ K.
Koch Industries business activity includes: oil, chemicals, mining, timber, paper, cattle, meat, and slaughtering government for profit. Worth $50 billion each, they own Kansas, Wisconsin, Indiana and the whole Teahad Confederacy outright. Silver sperm babies, Chucky & Davie, inherited significant wealth from daddie Fred, (who made his fortune exploiting Russian oil resources for Totalitarian Mass Murder Joseph Stalin). Cash-Daddie also put up posters (in Dallas, TX) calling for the death of J.F.K. in 1961 along with fellow 1% psychopath J.B. Hunt. Fred Co-Founded the fascist and racist John Birch Society.
The 2 rotten sibling psychopaths “didn’t fall far from the tree.” Chucky and Davie sponsor a plethora of far-right-wing Political Action Committees - P.A.C.’s, Think Tanks, the Koch Tea Party and Fox Newes-For-Ewes. The Koch’s own a Hedge Fund that speculates in the same commodities they sell, in order to drive up the price, (an outcome of Republican Bill and Law Gramm-Leach-Bliley Commodities “Modernization” Act of 2000 …which deregulated Big Banks, combining real estate mortgage banks and speculative investment banks in the Wall Street Casino). The Kochs park oil in tankers, filled at lower prices, until the price fluctuates to the up side (because of speculation).
Davie & Chucky each cleared $5 Billion in ’09, the bottom of the U.S. Recession. They sponsor Bi-Annual Libertarian Millionaire Billionaire King-Meetings to organize wealth against the lower classes, government, taxation, and regulation. This cabal or coalition buys US Legislators and Judges Outright. @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFPhq @FreedomWorks
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-201| KOCHSWAMP: TRUMP TRANSITION
(Min 22:25) EPA Climate Change Scientist Purge Attempt
"Why Trump's Win is Koch Coup of Our Democracy"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture RT_com, {Subscribe}, 12-15-16, YT, 27:53 _
LIAR BILLIONAIRE: Propaganda & Grievance Industry: Buying Politicians @NCSLorg
”Charles Koch Puzzled Everyone Hates Him” @SenateGOP @HouseGOP
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Subscribe}, 11-03-15, YT, 17:24 _ @GOP @HouseFloor
@Koch_Industries @MSNBC @CKinstitute @AFP <
@PRyan @SenateMajLdr @SenateFloor @freedomcaucus @CSGovts
”Koch Bros Tried To Shut Up Maddow, Bad Idea” @KyleKulinski
~ Secular Talk, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-06-14, YT, 6:58
[027] Election Fraud: Koch Crosscheck, A.L.E.C. Voter ID, Gerrymandering & E.V. Machine Hacks
>###(01-17)*FK*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(Min 22:25) EPA Climate Change Scientist Purge Attempt
"Why Trump's Win is Koch Coup of Our Democracy"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture RT_com, {Subscribe}, 12-15-16, YT, 27:53 _
LIAR BILLIONAIRE: Propaganda & Grievance Industry: Buying Politicians @NCSLorg
”Charles Koch Puzzled Everyone Hates Him” @SenateGOP @HouseGOP
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Subscribe}, 11-03-15, YT, 17:24 _ @GOP @HouseFloor
@Koch_Industries @MSNBC @CKinstitute @AFP <
@PRyan @SenateMajLdr @SenateFloor @freedomcaucus @CSGovts
”Koch Bros Tried To Shut Up Maddow, Bad Idea” @KyleKulinski
~ Secular Talk, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-06-14, YT, 6:58
[027] Election Fraud: Koch Crosscheck, A.L.E.C. Voter ID, Gerrymandering & E.V. Machine Hacks
>###(01-17)*FK*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-201|“Koch Brothers” Tea
"When Alex Jones receives a call from a listener asking him about the Koch Brothers, his response is pretty interesting! He calls the Koch Brothers "apolitical" and says they're not all that big of a deal." ~ @SamSeder
(^^^) "Alex Jones Paid By The Koch Brothers?!"
~ @majorityfm,{Donate},10-09-13, 8:13
KOCH INDUSTRIES CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTONS: Mostly to Texas, Iowa, Oklahoma and Wisconsin Republicans;
2009 Federal Election Commission – Schedule B Itemized Disbursements
"Committee: Koch Industries Inc Political Action Committee (Koch PAC)"
~ Doc Query FEC < @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute
(^^^) "Back when the Kochs gave to Democrats …" @Koch_Industries (*DLC)
~ Byron Tau/@politico, {Donate}, 03-19-14 <
(^^^) "The age of entitlement: how wealth breeds narcissism"
~ Anne Manne/@guardian, {Donate} 07-07-14 <
>##(07-17)*FK*E16*E6E*PM##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"When Alex Jones receives a call from a listener asking him about the Koch Brothers, his response is pretty interesting! He calls the Koch Brothers "apolitical" and says they're not all that big of a deal." ~ @SamSeder
(^^^) "Alex Jones Paid By The Koch Brothers?!"
~ @majorityfm,{Donate},10-09-13, 8:13
KOCH INDUSTRIES CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTONS: Mostly to Texas, Iowa, Oklahoma and Wisconsin Republicans;
2009 Federal Election Commission – Schedule B Itemized Disbursements
"Committee: Koch Industries Inc Political Action Committee (Koch PAC)"
~ Doc Query FEC < @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute
(^^^) "Back when the Kochs gave to Democrats …" @Koch_Industries (*DLC)
~ Byron Tau/@politico, {Donate}, 03-19-14 <
(^^^) "The age of entitlement: how wealth breeds narcissism"
~ Anne Manne/@guardian, {Donate} 07-07-14 <
>##(07-17)*FK*E16*E6E*PM##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-201|“Koch Brothers” Tea
Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government
which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
"Bernie Sanders Goes off on Charles Koch" @Koch_Industries
~ @Thom_Hartmann, {Pods/Subscribe}, 07-12-13, YT, 5:24
KOCH TAKEOVER, REPUBLICAN/T PARTY: Koch Tea Party, Karl Rove, Governor Scott Walker, Wall Street Democrats, Blue-Dogs, Right To Work, Taft-Hartley; Populist, Pro-Labor, New Deal Democrats, Wall Street Financiers, Oligarchs, Control Presidency;
Governor Villains; Republican/T Shutdown, Austerity, National Bankruptcy; Walker, Kasich, Snyder, Brownback, Economic Populism v. Cultural Populism, Strategy; Federal Subsidy; Iowa, Senator Joanie Ernst, Plain Folks Technique; Scott Brown, Pickup Truck, Volker Rule, Dodd-Frank 2010; Elizabeth Warren; Permanent Republican/T, Austerity Dictatorship, Christian Fundamentalists, Holy Rollers, Southerners, Confederate States of America Nostalgics;
Republican/T Warmongers, Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Kelly Ayotte; {Arrest McCain For Funding ISIS} United Front Radio;
Republican/T Tax Reform, (tax cuts for the rich), Deregulation, Abolish Nation Labor Regulations Board, Cut Civil Rights Act of 1960’s, Election Laws, Voter I.D., Eliminate Early Voting, Harass Voters; Supreme Court Control, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Texas Voter Suppression Law, Racist Law; Trade Unions, Counter Koch Machine;
Citizens (Corporate Citizens) United, Foreign Money, Export Import Bank; Fascists, Wisconsin, Governor Walker, Gangs, Terror, Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder, American Fascism; Obama, Weak President, Caving, Austerity, Foreign War, Permanent Austerity Dictatorship, Endless War, Reactionary Republican;
Divided Government, Seizing the Fed, Corporations, Tentacles of Wall Street, Henry Ford, Supporting Hitler; Koch Brothers, Low Wage Economy, Underbid China; High Value Economy; Extractive Industries, Low Wage; Reactionary Republican/T Party; Political Oligarchy, Oligarchic Southern Mind, Rush Limbaugh, Hatred, Fear, Radicalism, Anti-Obama, Anti-Immigrant; Party of National Sabotage; Privatization, Predatory Use;
Minimum Wage Ballot Initiatives; “The economic point of agreement is well to the left of the Democratic Party”; Economic Populism;
Militant Reactionaries, Fred Koch, Mussolini, John Birch, Mormon Church
{This audio is explains the 2014 status of the Republican/T Party and the Democratic Party. Tarpley apparently does not comprehend the urgency of responding to impending climate disaster, the 6TH Extinction. ~ IGRPP }
"Webster Griffin Tarpley (born 1946) is an American author, historian, economist, journalist and lecturer. He is not a member of any political party and a former member of the U.S. Labor Party."
"Webster Tarpley on Koch controlled Republican Party"
~ mengutimur, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 58:13 _
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" a book, by Jane Mayer
"Well, what you have to understand is the Kochs have built kind of an assembly line to manufacture political change. And it includes think tanks, which produce papers. It includes advocacy groups that advocate for policies. And it includes giving money to candidates. And you put those three together, and they’ve pushed against doing anything about climate change on all those three fronts at once." ~ Jane Mayer
(2010)"I then went down to a weekend meeting that the biggest Koch group was holding, Americans for Prosperity, in Austin, Texas, and there they were giving seminars to tea party members on how to organize." ~ JM
"He (Charles Koch) was more preoccupied with becoming a kind of a radical economic libertarian, meaning that he wanted to get the government to just let businesses do what they wanted to do and let the free market rule America." ~ Jane Mayer
"Dark Money: Jane Mayer on How the Koch Bros. & Billionaire Allies Funded the Rise of the Far Right"
~ @democracynow/@JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-20-16, Video, 31:30 <
KOCHS: Koch's are funding climate denial groups to the tune of $67 million.
"Koch Bro David Koch has spent more than $67 million to fund groups that deny the mountain of science documenting climate change."
"Hey there, Lowdowners"
~ @JimHightower/@HightowerNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, (2015) _
WIND ENERGY HARPOONED: Capitalism, Corporations, Billionaires, Political Action Committees; Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Industry, Propaganda, Attacking Renewable Wind Turbines, Corp Movement Protesting Wind Farms
“Shocking New Oil Propaganda Plan To Fool Americans”
~ Shawn Lawrence Otto/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 05-08-12 _
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT <
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action <
>##(01-16)*E6E*E16*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Bernie Sanders Goes off on Charles Koch" @Koch_Industries
~ @Thom_Hartmann, {Pods/Subscribe}, 07-12-13, YT, 5:24
KOCH TAKEOVER, REPUBLICAN/T PARTY: Koch Tea Party, Karl Rove, Governor Scott Walker, Wall Street Democrats, Blue-Dogs, Right To Work, Taft-Hartley; Populist, Pro-Labor, New Deal Democrats, Wall Street Financiers, Oligarchs, Control Presidency;
Governor Villains; Republican/T Shutdown, Austerity, National Bankruptcy; Walker, Kasich, Snyder, Brownback, Economic Populism v. Cultural Populism, Strategy; Federal Subsidy; Iowa, Senator Joanie Ernst, Plain Folks Technique; Scott Brown, Pickup Truck, Volker Rule, Dodd-Frank 2010; Elizabeth Warren; Permanent Republican/T, Austerity Dictatorship, Christian Fundamentalists, Holy Rollers, Southerners, Confederate States of America Nostalgics;
Republican/T Warmongers, Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Kelly Ayotte; {Arrest McCain For Funding ISIS} United Front Radio;
Republican/T Tax Reform, (tax cuts for the rich), Deregulation, Abolish Nation Labor Regulations Board, Cut Civil Rights Act of 1960’s, Election Laws, Voter I.D., Eliminate Early Voting, Harass Voters; Supreme Court Control, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Texas Voter Suppression Law, Racist Law; Trade Unions, Counter Koch Machine;
Citizens (Corporate Citizens) United, Foreign Money, Export Import Bank; Fascists, Wisconsin, Governor Walker, Gangs, Terror, Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder, American Fascism; Obama, Weak President, Caving, Austerity, Foreign War, Permanent Austerity Dictatorship, Endless War, Reactionary Republican;
Divided Government, Seizing the Fed, Corporations, Tentacles of Wall Street, Henry Ford, Supporting Hitler; Koch Brothers, Low Wage Economy, Underbid China; High Value Economy; Extractive Industries, Low Wage; Reactionary Republican/T Party; Political Oligarchy, Oligarchic Southern Mind, Rush Limbaugh, Hatred, Fear, Radicalism, Anti-Obama, Anti-Immigrant; Party of National Sabotage; Privatization, Predatory Use;
Minimum Wage Ballot Initiatives; “The economic point of agreement is well to the left of the Democratic Party”; Economic Populism;
Militant Reactionaries, Fred Koch, Mussolini, John Birch, Mormon Church
{This audio is explains the 2014 status of the Republican/T Party and the Democratic Party. Tarpley apparently does not comprehend the urgency of responding to impending climate disaster, the 6TH Extinction. ~ IGRPP }
"Webster Griffin Tarpley (born 1946) is an American author, historian, economist, journalist and lecturer. He is not a member of any political party and a former member of the U.S. Labor Party."
"Webster Tarpley on Koch controlled Republican Party"
~ mengutimur, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 58:13 _
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" a book, by Jane Mayer
"Well, what you have to understand is the Kochs have built kind of an assembly line to manufacture political change. And it includes think tanks, which produce papers. It includes advocacy groups that advocate for policies. And it includes giving money to candidates. And you put those three together, and they’ve pushed against doing anything about climate change on all those three fronts at once." ~ Jane Mayer
(2010)"I then went down to a weekend meeting that the biggest Koch group was holding, Americans for Prosperity, in Austin, Texas, and there they were giving seminars to tea party members on how to organize." ~ JM
"He (Charles Koch) was more preoccupied with becoming a kind of a radical economic libertarian, meaning that he wanted to get the government to just let businesses do what they wanted to do and let the free market rule America." ~ Jane Mayer
"Dark Money: Jane Mayer on How the Koch Bros. & Billionaire Allies Funded the Rise of the Far Right"
~ @democracynow/@JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-20-16, Video, 31:30 <
KOCHS: Koch's are funding climate denial groups to the tune of $67 million.
"Koch Bro David Koch has spent more than $67 million to fund groups that deny the mountain of science documenting climate change."
"Hey there, Lowdowners"
~ @JimHightower/@HightowerNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, (2015) _
WIND ENERGY HARPOONED: Capitalism, Corporations, Billionaires, Political Action Committees; Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Industry, Propaganda, Attacking Renewable Wind Turbines, Corp Movement Protesting Wind Farms
“Shocking New Oil Propaganda Plan To Fool Americans”
~ Shawn Lawrence Otto/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 05-08-12 _
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT <
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action <
>##(01-16)*E6E*E16*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-202|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government
which has final say over federal and red state lawmaking or law breaking.
In 1973 a Koch Brother co-created “A.L.E.C.” - un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council.
It produces and distributes model legislation with the help corporate members and sponsors.
A.L.E.C. cookie cutter bills passed in red and “Confederate States” are industry designed laws “shoved down our throats.” The bills also known as “boiler plate bills” (identical to the letter) which are spread to red state legislators. A.L.E.C. corporations and regional economic warlord billionaires and multimillionaires effectively “steal democracy” to serve their own “profit charter nihilism.”
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
Koch and ALEC objectives include: Limited Government, and Free Market Federalism" (i.e. privatization, "profitization," class warfare, no social safety net, and corporate dominionism.)
“American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Model Legislation
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _***^
-/\/- A.L.E.C. Website with “Model Legislation” Keyword Search
"ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Home _
-/\/- FIND Corporations that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corporations who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking “by proxy” operation
“A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write and promote industry-written laws)
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _**
-/\/- Anonymous Contributions to “Industry Trade Organizations” get comingled and still go to support A.L.E.C. 4TH Branch operations. The C.E.O.’s cut “formal ties,” but these corporations can’t be trusted, Period!
“Corporations Which Have Cut Ties To A.L.E.C.”
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Subscribe/Donate} _***^
-/\/- A.L.E.C. worked to pass “Jim Crow” voter restricting I.D. Laws that were passed in 33 States. They promoted "Stand Your Ground" arguably "Legalized Murder" Laws Passed in 23 States. Koch-A.L.E.C. and their Tea Party promoted: No Women's Reproductive or Equal Pay Rights, No Labor Laws, No Collective Bargaining, No Child Labor Laws, No Right To Sue In Wrongful Death, No Class Action Law Suits, No Minimum Wage, No Regulation of Any Kind, No Corp Taxes, and (considering all that) No Civilization. A.L.E.C., The Tea Party, and many dozens of other Foundations and Political Action Committees are Koch funded organizations. And these psychopathic founders want to control 50 states like warlords.
“ALEC-Related Contributors”
~ Al Shaw & Otis Beckett/@ProPublica, {Subscribe}, 08-01-11 _**
-/\/- CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _**
-/\/- “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council; State and Federal Legislator Members of A.L.E.C.
“ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that.”
*AK; *AL; *AR; *AS; *AZ; *CA; *CO; *CT; *DC; *DE; *FL; *GA; *HI; *IA; *ID; *IL; *IN; *KS; *KY; *LA; *MA; *MD; *ME; *MI; *MN; *MO; *MP; *MS; *MT; *NC; *ND; *NE; *NH; *NJ; *NM; *NV; *NY; *OH; *OK; *OR; *PA; *PR; *RI; *SC; *SD; *TN; *TX; *UT; *VA; *VI; *VT; *WA; *WI; *WV; *WY;
State “ALEC Politicians”
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD/@RightWingWatch, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} 50 _s/URL’s by State
(^^^) *AL_ Alabama ALEC Politicians-R (10 Reps/4 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AK_ Alaska ALEC Politicians-R (4 Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AR_ Arkansas ALEC Politicians-R (16 Reps/11 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AZ_ Arizona ALEC Politicians-R (18 Reps/16 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *CA_ California ALEC Politicians-R (1 Assembly/2 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *CO_ Colorado ALEC Politicians-R (9 Reps/6 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *CT_ Connecticut ALEC Politicians-R (20 Reps/2 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *DE_ Delaware ALEC Politicians-R (2 Reps/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *FL_ Florida ALEC Politicians-R (24 Reps/6 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *GA_ Georgia ALEC Politicians-R (27 Reps/16 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *HA _ Hawaii ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/1 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *IA_ Iowa ALEC Politicians-R (Gov./U.S. Rep./12 ST Reps/5 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *ID_ Idaho ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Sen./1 U.S. Rep./14 ST Reps/9 ST Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *IL_ Illinois ALEC Politicians-R (14 Reps/8 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *IN_ Indiana ALEC Politicians-R (16 Reps/9 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *KS_ Kansas ALEC Politicians-R (30 Reps/17 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *KY_ Kentucky ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/18 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *LA_ Louisiana ALEC Politicians-R (22 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MA_ Massachusetts ALEC Pol’s-R(3 Reps/_Sen. verified) _
(^^^) *MD_ Maryland ALEC Politicians-R (19 Del./5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *ME_ Maine ALEC Politicians-R (_Reps/4 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *MI_ Michigan ALEC Politicians-R (9 Reps/13 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *MN_ Minnesota ALEC Politicians-R (17 Reps/4 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MO_ Missouri ALEC Politicians-R (30 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MS_ Mississippi ALEC Politicians-R (19 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MT_ Montana ALEC Politicians-R (11 Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NC_ North Carolina ALEC Politicians-R (29 Reps/2 Sen’s verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *ND_ North Dakota ALEC Politicians-R (23 Reps/7 Sen’s verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *NE_ Nebraska ALEC Politicians-R (17 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NH_ New Hampshire ALEC Politicians-R (23Reps/2Sen’s verified);
{Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *NJ_ New Jersey ALEC Politicians-R (5 Ass’y/3 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NM_ New Mexico ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/5 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *NV_ Nevada ALEC Politicians-R (_Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NY_ New York ALEC Politicians-R (1 Ass’y/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *OH_ Ohio ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Gibbs (R-7)/27 ST Reps/9 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *OK_ Oklahoma ALEC Politicians-R (26 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *OR_ Oregon ALEC Politicians-R (15 Reps/3 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *PA_ Pennsylvania ALEC Politicians-R (47 Reps/12 Sen’s verified) {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *RI_ Rhode Island ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/4 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *SC_ South Carolina ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Duncan (R-3)/15 ST Reps/7 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *SD_ South Dakota ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Noem (R-6)/14 ST Reps/5 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *TN_ Tennessee ALEC Politicians-R (26 Reps/13 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *TX_ Texas ALEC Politicians-R (43 Reps/13 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *UT_ Utah ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/12 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *VA_ Virginia ALEC Politicians-R (27 Del’s/8 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *VT_ Vermont ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *WA_ Washington ALEC Politicians-R (8 Reps/9 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *WI_ Wisconsin ALEC Politicians-R (33 Ass’y/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *WV_ West Virginia ALEC Politicians-R (1 US Senator Manchin (D)/ ST Delegates/_Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *WY_ Wyoming ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/10 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) “ALEC Task Force Politicians”
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} _
-/\/- bitly SHORTER _
DAVID KOCH: Election Spending, Citizens(Corp’s)United & McCutcheon v. FEC
David Koch is asked about his campaign spending by Barbara Walters; Martha Raddatz - ABC Powerhouse Roundtable
Panel Discussion of 12-13-14 Cromnibus Budget Deal including dismantling Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010, allowing Banks to risk deposits on Derivative bets on bets on bets, and raising the campaign contribution limit to many times what it formerly was. (*D-F10)
"Koch Pretends He’s A Social Liberal And Barbara Walters Calls Him On It"
~ Wendy Gittleson/@AddInfoOrg, {Donate}, 12-14-14 , Vid, 08:23
@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
"In a sweeping 5-4 ruling, the US Supreme Court on Thursday struck down several longstanding prohibitions on corporate political contributions, saying legislative measures to control such spending infringed upon corporate First Amendment free speech rights."
"Supreme Court Shreds Campaign-Finance Laws, Lifts Corporate Spending Restrictions"
~ Jason Leopold & Kyle Berlin/@truthout, 01-22-10 <
>###(04-15)*FK*### CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
##* 15.7k ac
In 1973 a Koch Brother co-created “A.L.E.C.” - un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council.
It produces and distributes model legislation with the help corporate members and sponsors.
A.L.E.C. cookie cutter bills passed in red and “Confederate States” are industry designed laws “shoved down our throats.” The bills also known as “boiler plate bills” (identical to the letter) which are spread to red state legislators. A.L.E.C. corporations and regional economic warlord billionaires and multimillionaires effectively “steal democracy” to serve their own “profit charter nihilism.”
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
Koch and ALEC objectives include: Limited Government, and Free Market Federalism" (i.e. privatization, "profitization," class warfare, no social safety net, and corporate dominionism.)
“American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Model Legislation
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _***^
-/\/- A.L.E.C. Website with “Model Legislation” Keyword Search
"ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Home _
-/\/- FIND Corporations that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corporations who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking “by proxy” operation
“A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write and promote industry-written laws)
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _**
-/\/- Anonymous Contributions to “Industry Trade Organizations” get comingled and still go to support A.L.E.C. 4TH Branch operations. The C.E.O.’s cut “formal ties,” but these corporations can’t be trusted, Period!
“Corporations Which Have Cut Ties To A.L.E.C.”
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Subscribe/Donate} _***^
-/\/- A.L.E.C. worked to pass “Jim Crow” voter restricting I.D. Laws that were passed in 33 States. They promoted "Stand Your Ground" arguably "Legalized Murder" Laws Passed in 23 States. Koch-A.L.E.C. and their Tea Party promoted: No Women's Reproductive or Equal Pay Rights, No Labor Laws, No Collective Bargaining, No Child Labor Laws, No Right To Sue In Wrongful Death, No Class Action Law Suits, No Minimum Wage, No Regulation of Any Kind, No Corp Taxes, and (considering all that) No Civilization. A.L.E.C., The Tea Party, and many dozens of other Foundations and Political Action Committees are Koch funded organizations. And these psychopathic founders want to control 50 states like warlords.
“ALEC-Related Contributors”
~ Al Shaw & Otis Beckett/@ProPublica, {Subscribe}, 08-01-11 _**
-/\/- CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _**
-/\/- “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council; State and Federal Legislator Members of A.L.E.C.
“ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that.”
*AK; *AL; *AR; *AS; *AZ; *CA; *CO; *CT; *DC; *DE; *FL; *GA; *HI; *IA; *ID; *IL; *IN; *KS; *KY; *LA; *MA; *MD; *ME; *MI; *MN; *MO; *MP; *MS; *MT; *NC; *ND; *NE; *NH; *NJ; *NM; *NV; *NY; *OH; *OK; *OR; *PA; *PR; *RI; *SC; *SD; *TN; *TX; *UT; *VA; *VI; *VT; *WA; *WI; *WV; *WY;
State “ALEC Politicians”
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD/@RightWingWatch, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} 50 _s/URL’s by State
(^^^) *AL_ Alabama ALEC Politicians-R (10 Reps/4 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AK_ Alaska ALEC Politicians-R (4 Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AR_ Arkansas ALEC Politicians-R (16 Reps/11 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AZ_ Arizona ALEC Politicians-R (18 Reps/16 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *CA_ California ALEC Politicians-R (1 Assembly/2 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *CO_ Colorado ALEC Politicians-R (9 Reps/6 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *CT_ Connecticut ALEC Politicians-R (20 Reps/2 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *DE_ Delaware ALEC Politicians-R (2 Reps/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *FL_ Florida ALEC Politicians-R (24 Reps/6 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *GA_ Georgia ALEC Politicians-R (27 Reps/16 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *HA _ Hawaii ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/1 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *IA_ Iowa ALEC Politicians-R (Gov./U.S. Rep./12 ST Reps/5 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *ID_ Idaho ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Sen./1 U.S. Rep./14 ST Reps/9 ST Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *IL_ Illinois ALEC Politicians-R (14 Reps/8 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *IN_ Indiana ALEC Politicians-R (16 Reps/9 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *KS_ Kansas ALEC Politicians-R (30 Reps/17 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *KY_ Kentucky ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/18 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *LA_ Louisiana ALEC Politicians-R (22 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MA_ Massachusetts ALEC Pol’s-R(3 Reps/_Sen. verified) _
(^^^) *MD_ Maryland ALEC Politicians-R (19 Del./5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *ME_ Maine ALEC Politicians-R (_Reps/4 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *MI_ Michigan ALEC Politicians-R (9 Reps/13 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *MN_ Minnesota ALEC Politicians-R (17 Reps/4 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MO_ Missouri ALEC Politicians-R (30 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MS_ Mississippi ALEC Politicians-R (19 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MT_ Montana ALEC Politicians-R (11 Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NC_ North Carolina ALEC Politicians-R (29 Reps/2 Sen’s verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *ND_ North Dakota ALEC Politicians-R (23 Reps/7 Sen’s verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *NE_ Nebraska ALEC Politicians-R (17 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NH_ New Hampshire ALEC Politicians-R (23Reps/2Sen’s verified);
{Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *NJ_ New Jersey ALEC Politicians-R (5 Ass’y/3 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NM_ New Mexico ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/5 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *NV_ Nevada ALEC Politicians-R (_Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NY_ New York ALEC Politicians-R (1 Ass’y/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *OH_ Ohio ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Gibbs (R-7)/27 ST Reps/9 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *OK_ Oklahoma ALEC Politicians-R (26 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *OR_ Oregon ALEC Politicians-R (15 Reps/3 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *PA_ Pennsylvania ALEC Politicians-R (47 Reps/12 Sen’s verified) {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *RI_ Rhode Island ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/4 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *SC_ South Carolina ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Duncan (R-3)/15 ST Reps/7 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *SD_ South Dakota ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Noem (R-6)/14 ST Reps/5 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *TN_ Tennessee ALEC Politicians-R (26 Reps/13 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *TX_ Texas ALEC Politicians-R (43 Reps/13 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *UT_ Utah ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/12 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *VA_ Virginia ALEC Politicians-R (27 Del’s/8 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *VT_ Vermont ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *WA_ Washington ALEC Politicians-R (8 Reps/9 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *WI_ Wisconsin ALEC Politicians-R (33 Ass’y/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *WV_ West Virginia ALEC Politicians-R (1 US Senator Manchin (D)/ ST Delegates/_Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *WY_ Wyoming ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/10 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) “ALEC Task Force Politicians”
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} _
-/\/- bitly SHORTER _
DAVID KOCH: Election Spending, Citizens(Corp’s)United & McCutcheon v. FEC
David Koch is asked about his campaign spending by Barbara Walters; Martha Raddatz - ABC Powerhouse Roundtable
Panel Discussion of 12-13-14 Cromnibus Budget Deal including dismantling Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010, allowing Banks to risk deposits on Derivative bets on bets on bets, and raising the campaign contribution limit to many times what it formerly was. (*D-F10)
"Koch Pretends He’s A Social Liberal And Barbara Walters Calls Him On It"
~ Wendy Gittleson/@AddInfoOrg, {Donate}, 12-14-14 , Vid, 08:23
@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
"In a sweeping 5-4 ruling, the US Supreme Court on Thursday struck down several longstanding prohibitions on corporate political contributions, saying legislative measures to control such spending infringed upon corporate First Amendment free speech rights."
"Supreme Court Shreds Campaign-Finance Laws, Lifts Corporate Spending Restrictions"
~ Jason Leopold & Kyle Berlin/@truthout, 01-22-10 <
>###(04-15)*FK*### CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
##* 15.7k ac
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-203|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Koch Investigation:
"Koch Brothers Exposed is a hard-hitting investigation of the 1% at its very worst. This full-length documentary film on Charles and David Koch—two of the world's richest and most powerful men—is the latest from acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: the High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, Rethink Afghanistan). The billionaire brothers bankroll a vast network of organizations that work to undermine the interests of the 99% on issues ranging from Social Security to the environment to civil rights. This film uncovers the Kochs' corruption—and points the way to how Americans can reclaim their democracy."
“10 Shocking Facts on the Kochs…
1. Koch Industries, which the brothers own, is one of the top ten polluters in the United States - which perhaps explains why the Kochs have given $60 million to climate denial groups between 1997 and 2010.
2. The Kochs are the oil and gas industry's biggest donors to the congressional committee with oversight of the hazardous Keystone XL oil pipeline. They and their employees gave more than $300,000 to members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in 2010 alone.
3. From 1998-2008, Koch-controlled foundations gave more than $196 million to organizations that favor polices that would financially enrich the two brothers. In addition, Koch Industries spent $50 million on lobbying and some $8 million in PAC contributions.
4. The Koch fortune has its origins in engineering contracts with Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.
5. The Kochs are suing to take over the Cato Institute, which has accused the Kochs of attempting to destroy the group's identity as an independent, libertarian think and align it more closely with a partisan agenda.
6. A Huffington Post source who was at a three-day retreat of conservative billionaires said the Koch brothers pledged to donate $60 million to defeat President Obama in 2012 and produce pledges of $40 million more from others at the retreat.
7. Since 2000, the Kochs have collected almost $100 million in government contracts, mostly from the Department of Defense.
8. Koch Industries has an annual production capacity of 2.2 billion pounds of the carcinogen formaldehyde. The company has worked to keep it from being classified as a carcinogen even though David Koch is a prostate cancer survivor.
9. The Koch brothers' combined fortune of roughly $50 billion is exceeded only by that of Bill Gates in the United States.
10. The Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs accused Koch Oil of scheming to steal $31 million of crude oil from Native Americans. Although the company claimed it was accidental, a former executive in this operation said Charles Koch had known about it and had responded to the overages by saying, 'I want my fair share, and that's all of it.'"
Koch Brothers Movie:
~ bravenewfilms, {Donate}, 05-20-14, YT, 55:56 <
-/\/- “Robert Greenwald discusses the personal attacks waged against him by the Koch brothers. Greenwald also talks about how the Kochs' are the worst of the 1%.”
“Robert Greenwald on the Ed Schultz Show: Not Backing Down from the Kochs” @NewswithEd @RT_America
~ @BraveNewFound, {Donate}, 04-06-12, YT, 8:30 _<
“The Koch Brothers Exposed…” (Video Removed/Many Reference Links/RED)
~ james/The Everlasting GOP Stoppers, 04-07-13 <
-/\/- Controlling Economic Departments in 150 American Colleges, Curriculum Agreements, Strings, Professor Tenure, Professor Selection, Professor Retention
{ The Koch’s sponsor: Laissez-(un)faire Economics, “Fried”man Chicago School Economics, Austerity, Economic Shock Therapy, Privatization, Weak Government, Federalism and Crooked Crony Capitalism for 1%. ~ IGRPP }
>#(07-16)*E6E*E16*FK*ED##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Koch Investigation:
"Koch Brothers Exposed is a hard-hitting investigation of the 1% at its very worst. This full-length documentary film on Charles and David Koch—two of the world's richest and most powerful men—is the latest from acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: the High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, Rethink Afghanistan). The billionaire brothers bankroll a vast network of organizations that work to undermine the interests of the 99% on issues ranging from Social Security to the environment to civil rights. This film uncovers the Kochs' corruption—and points the way to how Americans can reclaim their democracy."
“10 Shocking Facts on the Kochs…
1. Koch Industries, which the brothers own, is one of the top ten polluters in the United States - which perhaps explains why the Kochs have given $60 million to climate denial groups between 1997 and 2010.
2. The Kochs are the oil and gas industry's biggest donors to the congressional committee with oversight of the hazardous Keystone XL oil pipeline. They and their employees gave more than $300,000 to members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in 2010 alone.
3. From 1998-2008, Koch-controlled foundations gave more than $196 million to organizations that favor polices that would financially enrich the two brothers. In addition, Koch Industries spent $50 million on lobbying and some $8 million in PAC contributions.
4. The Koch fortune has its origins in engineering contracts with Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.
5. The Kochs are suing to take over the Cato Institute, which has accused the Kochs of attempting to destroy the group's identity as an independent, libertarian think and align it more closely with a partisan agenda.
6. A Huffington Post source who was at a three-day retreat of conservative billionaires said the Koch brothers pledged to donate $60 million to defeat President Obama in 2012 and produce pledges of $40 million more from others at the retreat.
7. Since 2000, the Kochs have collected almost $100 million in government contracts, mostly from the Department of Defense.
8. Koch Industries has an annual production capacity of 2.2 billion pounds of the carcinogen formaldehyde. The company has worked to keep it from being classified as a carcinogen even though David Koch is a prostate cancer survivor.
9. The Koch brothers' combined fortune of roughly $50 billion is exceeded only by that of Bill Gates in the United States.
10. The Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs accused Koch Oil of scheming to steal $31 million of crude oil from Native Americans. Although the company claimed it was accidental, a former executive in this operation said Charles Koch had known about it and had responded to the overages by saying, 'I want my fair share, and that's all of it.'"
Koch Brothers Movie:
~ bravenewfilms, {Donate}, 05-20-14, YT, 55:56 <
-/\/- “Robert Greenwald discusses the personal attacks waged against him by the Koch brothers. Greenwald also talks about how the Kochs' are the worst of the 1%.”
“Robert Greenwald on the Ed Schultz Show: Not Backing Down from the Kochs” @NewswithEd @RT_America
~ @BraveNewFound, {Donate}, 04-06-12, YT, 8:30 _<
“The Koch Brothers Exposed…” (Video Removed/Many Reference Links/RED)
~ james/The Everlasting GOP Stoppers, 04-07-13 <
-/\/- Controlling Economic Departments in 150 American Colleges, Curriculum Agreements, Strings, Professor Tenure, Professor Selection, Professor Retention
{ The Koch’s sponsor: Laissez-(un)faire Economics, “Fried”man Chicago School Economics, Austerity, Economic Shock Therapy, Privatization, Weak Government, Federalism and Crooked Crony Capitalism for 1%. ~ IGRPP }
>#(07-16)*E6E*E16*FK*ED##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-204|DEEP STATE: KOCH,
“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council”|
Right-Wing Donors, Buying Red State Capitals:
THE AMERICAN AUDCITY List of Billionaires Against Obama:
(Pictured) Harold Simmons, Sheldon Adelson, David and Charles Koch, Rupert Murdoch, Steve Schwarzman, Donald Trump, Bob J. Perry, (Ron's Paul's Money Man) Peter Thiel, (Santo's Money Man) Foster Friess (Pic)
<<>> (Listed)
Ken Langone (Home Depot);
Charles Koch (@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute - Oil/Gas, refineries, etc);
David Koch (@Koch_Industries @AFP –Oil/Gas, refineries, Manufacturing);
Phil Anschutz (Ent., Staples Cntr, Oil, railroads); Justice Neil Gorsuch backer
Rich Devos (Amway); Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos
Foster Friess (Investment Fund Manager, Real Estate);
Jon Huntsman Sr. (Chemicals, Manufacturing);
Ken Griffin (Citadel, Hedge Funds), Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Cohort;
Harold Simmons (Texas Corporate Raider);
Jerry Perenchio (Real Estate, Sold Univision);
Robert Rowling (Oil, Hotels, Investments);
Bradley Hughes (Self Storage King);
Rupert Murdoch (Fox News, Wall Street Journal);
Donald Trump (Real Estate);
Trevor Rees-Jones (Shale Oil & Gas);
Sam Wyly (Oil, Mining, Michaels Stores);
Ross Perot (Investments);
T Boone Pickens (Oil/Gas, Hedge Funds);
John Paulson (Hedge Funds);
J.W. Marriott Jr (Hotels);
Meg Whitman (HP …Computer, former CEO);
Sheldon Adelson (Casinos, Real Estate, Investments);
Peter Thiel (PayPal, Hedge Funds); @peterthiel
Bob Perry (Texas Home Builder);
Dawn Arnall (Ameriquest);
Alex Spanos (Real Estate);
Alice Walton (Walmart, Horse Racing);
John T. Walton (Walmart);
Jay Van Andel (Amway);
Robert C. McNair (Oil, gas, Biotech, Horse Racing, Houston Oilers);
Carl Lindner Jr. (American Fin. Group, Chiquita Bananas, Cinci Reds);
Aubrey McClendon (Chesapeake Energy Corp., Oklahoma Investments);
<<>> Other Big Super PAC Donors:
Dick Farmer/Cintas Corporation $2,079,291;
John Childs/J.W. Childs and Associates $2,016,350;
Stan and Karen Hubbard/Hubbard Broadcasting $1,383,720;
John and Joan Hotchkis/Ramajal LLC $1,083,555;
Jack and Rose Marie Anderson/Culver Corp. $1,078,930;
Fred and Marlene Malek/Thayer Capital Partners $1,034,380;
Ken and Anne Griffin/Citadel Investment Group $877,210;
Jim and Dorothy Patterson/Gulf Stream Petroleum $839,580;
<<>> Million Plus Donors To GOP Super PAC’s
Lewis Eisenberg (Goldman Sachs partner) ;
Woody Johnson (New York Jets owner) ;
Wayne Berman (Ogilvy Government Relations Chairman) ;
Paul Singer (Elliott Management hedge fund);
Donald and Muffy Miller;
Stephen Ross;
Anthony Scaramucci (Skybridge Capital founder); @Scaramucci
David and Ginny Knott (Hedge funders) ;
Patrick Durkin (Bush Ranger) ;
Richard Breeden (Former Securities & Exchange Commission Chairman)
"GOP Right Wing Billionaires At War With President Obama”
~ The American Audacity: An American Politics and Foreign Policy Political Blog, {Subscribe/Donate}, 03-18-14 <
>###(04-17)*FK2*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council”|
Right-Wing Donors, Buying Red State Capitals:
THE AMERICAN AUDCITY List of Billionaires Against Obama:
(Pictured) Harold Simmons, Sheldon Adelson, David and Charles Koch, Rupert Murdoch, Steve Schwarzman, Donald Trump, Bob J. Perry, (Ron's Paul's Money Man) Peter Thiel, (Santo's Money Man) Foster Friess (Pic)
<<>> (Listed)
Ken Langone (Home Depot);
Charles Koch (@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute - Oil/Gas, refineries, etc);
David Koch (@Koch_Industries @AFP –Oil/Gas, refineries, Manufacturing);
Phil Anschutz (Ent., Staples Cntr, Oil, railroads); Justice Neil Gorsuch backer
Rich Devos (Amway); Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos
Foster Friess (Investment Fund Manager, Real Estate);
Jon Huntsman Sr. (Chemicals, Manufacturing);
Ken Griffin (Citadel, Hedge Funds), Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Cohort;
Harold Simmons (Texas Corporate Raider);
Jerry Perenchio (Real Estate, Sold Univision);
Robert Rowling (Oil, Hotels, Investments);
Bradley Hughes (Self Storage King);
Rupert Murdoch (Fox News, Wall Street Journal);
Donald Trump (Real Estate);
Trevor Rees-Jones (Shale Oil & Gas);
Sam Wyly (Oil, Mining, Michaels Stores);
Ross Perot (Investments);
T Boone Pickens (Oil/Gas, Hedge Funds);
John Paulson (Hedge Funds);
J.W. Marriott Jr (Hotels);
Meg Whitman (HP …Computer, former CEO);
Sheldon Adelson (Casinos, Real Estate, Investments);
Peter Thiel (PayPal, Hedge Funds); @peterthiel
Bob Perry (Texas Home Builder);
Dawn Arnall (Ameriquest);
Alex Spanos (Real Estate);
Alice Walton (Walmart, Horse Racing);
John T. Walton (Walmart);
Jay Van Andel (Amway);
Robert C. McNair (Oil, gas, Biotech, Horse Racing, Houston Oilers);
Carl Lindner Jr. (American Fin. Group, Chiquita Bananas, Cinci Reds);
Aubrey McClendon (Chesapeake Energy Corp., Oklahoma Investments);
<<>> Other Big Super PAC Donors:
Dick Farmer/Cintas Corporation $2,079,291;
John Childs/J.W. Childs and Associates $2,016,350;
Stan and Karen Hubbard/Hubbard Broadcasting $1,383,720;
John and Joan Hotchkis/Ramajal LLC $1,083,555;
Jack and Rose Marie Anderson/Culver Corp. $1,078,930;
Fred and Marlene Malek/Thayer Capital Partners $1,034,380;
Ken and Anne Griffin/Citadel Investment Group $877,210;
Jim and Dorothy Patterson/Gulf Stream Petroleum $839,580;
<<>> Million Plus Donors To GOP Super PAC’s
Lewis Eisenberg (Goldman Sachs partner) ;
Woody Johnson (New York Jets owner) ;
Wayne Berman (Ogilvy Government Relations Chairman) ;
Paul Singer (Elliott Management hedge fund);
Donald and Muffy Miller;
Stephen Ross;
Anthony Scaramucci (Skybridge Capital founder); @Scaramucci
David and Ginny Knott (Hedge funders) ;
Patrick Durkin (Bush Ranger) ;
Richard Breeden (Former Securities & Exchange Commission Chairman)
"GOP Right Wing Billionaires At War With President Obama”
~ The American Audacity: An American Politics and Foreign Policy Political Blog, {Subscribe/Donate}, 03-18-14 <
>###(04-17)*FK2*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-205|“Koch Brothers”
"Can Koch Brothers Lock In Fatal Climate Delay For $889 Million In 2016 Election?"
~ Joe Romm/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 01-27-15 _
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT <
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action <
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Can Koch Brothers Lock In Fatal Climate Delay For $889 Million In 2016 Election?"
~ Joe Romm/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 01-27-15 _
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT <
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action <
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-206|“Koch Brothers”
"Koch Pledge Tied to Congressional Climate Inaction"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe}, 06-30-13 _
(^^^) "Koch brothers push GOP officials to sign anti-climate pledge"
~ Steve Benen/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 07-03-13 _
>##(08-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Koch Pledge Tied to Congressional Climate Inaction"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe}, 06-30-13 _
(^^^) "Koch brothers push GOP officials to sign anti-climate pledge"
~ Steve Benen/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 07-03-13 _
>##(08-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-207|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
SEDITION, CORPORATE FASCISM: Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; GOP Budget, U.S. Budget Battle 2012, Debt Ceiling Battle, Aug/Dec 2012
Boehner, Cantor & GOP Tea Dismantling America’s Credit Rating AGAIN For Koch Qaeda Cabal’s Treasury Bond Interest; Tax Payers Will Pay More In Treasury Interest To Billionaires as the 1/10th of 1% Turn America Into Greece {Koch Brothers Makes More Money From Debt Crisis & Bond Rating “DOWNGRADE”}
“How the Koch’s make millions if Republican’s Crash the Gov?”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture RT_com, {Subscribe}, 05-31-12, YT, 6:42 _**
DT: China, War, Tech, TPP/Health Care,122216,27:25
>##(01-17)*FK*EC*ULRRJB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
SEDITION, CORPORATE FASCISM: Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; GOP Budget, U.S. Budget Battle 2012, Debt Ceiling Battle, Aug/Dec 2012
Boehner, Cantor & GOP Tea Dismantling America’s Credit Rating AGAIN For Koch Qaeda Cabal’s Treasury Bond Interest; Tax Payers Will Pay More In Treasury Interest To Billionaires as the 1/10th of 1% Turn America Into Greece {Koch Brothers Makes More Money From Debt Crisis & Bond Rating “DOWNGRADE”}
“How the Koch’s make millions if Republican’s Crash the Gov?”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture RT_com, {Subscribe}, 05-31-12, YT, 6:42 _**
DT: China, War, Tech, TPP/Health Care,122216,27:25
>##(01-17)*FK*EC*ULRRJB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-208|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Governments. The Koch Brothers funded the Astroturf Tea
Party movement. It features attentive
shock-collared sheep. The Tea
Party gets its funding from Stalin.
"Tea Party Financiers Owe Their Fortune to Josef Stalin"
~ Yasha Levine/@AlterNet/@Truthdig, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-18-10
>###(01-17)*FK*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Tea Party Financiers Owe Their Fortune to Josef Stalin"
~ Yasha Levine/@AlterNet/@Truthdig, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-18-10
>###(01-17)*FK*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-209|“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party
Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep.
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. Founded & Funded the (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil
“The Truth About A.L.E.C.”
~ @americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio, @ringoffireradio, w/Cliff Schecter, {Podcasts/Donate}, 06-22-11, Video, 11:36 _**
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. Founded & Funded the (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil
“The Truth About A.L.E.C.”
~ @americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio, @ringoffireradio, w/Cliff Schecter, {Podcasts/Donate}, 06-22-11, Video, 11:36 _**
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-210|”Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal
– The 4th Branch of Government|
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
“Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 _**
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
"The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>###(04-17)*FK2*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
“Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 _**
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
"The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>###(04-17)*FK2*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-211|“Koch Brothers”
Higher Education, Economics Department, Grants, Positions, Book Selection; Propaganda, Milton Freedman, Chicago School, Shock Doctrine, Austerity
"Koch Funding of Universities Shrouded in Secrecy"
~ Kalin Jordan/UnKochMyCampus/@prwatch, Admin, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 04-20-15 _
-/\/- Duncan Gilchrist, UnKoch My Campus; Economics Department
"Duncan Gilchrist, UnKoch My Campus, joins Thom. Charles and David Koch - the Koch brothers - are best known for bankrolling Republican politicians and conservative lobbying groups. But over the past few years they've also emerged as big-time donors to colleges and universities all across the country."
"Over the past few years he has given $68 million to colleges."
"Students Speak Out - UnKoch My Campus!"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Pods}, 11-06-15, YT, 5:16
(^^^) "Students Speak Out - UnKoch My Campus!"
~ Thom Hartman, {Subscribe}, 11-06-15 _
(^^^) “College Students Launch ‘Unkoch My Campus” Campaign”
~ Aleister/College Insurrection, {Subscribe}, 11-05-14 _
>###(11-15)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Higher Education, Economics Department, Grants, Positions, Book Selection; Propaganda, Milton Freedman, Chicago School, Shock Doctrine, Austerity
"Koch Funding of Universities Shrouded in Secrecy"
~ Kalin Jordan/UnKochMyCampus/@prwatch, Admin, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 04-20-15 _
-/\/- Duncan Gilchrist, UnKoch My Campus; Economics Department
"Duncan Gilchrist, UnKoch My Campus, joins Thom. Charles and David Koch - the Koch brothers - are best known for bankrolling Republican politicians and conservative lobbying groups. But over the past few years they've also emerged as big-time donors to colleges and universities all across the country."
"Over the past few years he has given $68 million to colleges."
"Students Speak Out - UnKoch My Campus!"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Pods}, 11-06-15, YT, 5:16
(^^^) "Students Speak Out - UnKoch My Campus!"
~ Thom Hartman, {Subscribe}, 11-06-15 _
(^^^) “College Students Launch ‘Unkoch My Campus” Campaign”
~ Aleister/College Insurrection, {Subscribe}, 11-05-14 _
>###(11-15)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-212|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Libertarian, John Birch Society/Racist Anti-Communist, Free-Market; Koch Industries; Rules For Oligarchs, Manipulating Commodities
“Tea Parties First Protest Rally February 2009” ~ Mark Ames
"Dylan Ratigan Makes It Official: Mark Ames & Yasha Levine Broke The Koch Brothers’ Takeover Of America"
~ Team eXiled, {Subscribe/Donate} @MarkAmesExiled & Yasha Levine, 03-24-11, @MSNBC, Video, 8:23 _
OCCUPY’S BULL HORN LIVES: Dylan Ratigan Speaks Out
”The DNC & RNC Are Soulless: Is It Time To Move On?” @DylanRatigan
~ @TYTPolitics, {Donate}, 05-26-17, YT, 2:08 <
DR-Frmr MSNBC, now w/TYT & @HelicalOutpost
Dylan Ratigan, @wikipedia <
DYLAN RATIGAN: Broken Political System, Crooked Politicians, Collusion
”Who Is More Corrupt: Trump, Clinton or Obama? Surprising Answer!”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 05-23-17, YT, 15:21 <
BELTWAY TRIBE, PATOMICLAND: DC Warriors, Bipartisanship, Blood Sacrifice, Amazons, A-Team GOP, B-Team Democrats, DC Reporter’s Greek Chorus; Deep State Flying Monkeys, Revolving Door, Legendary Lobbyists
Book: “Homo Politicus” ~ Dana Milbank, (2008)
(^^^) "The Strange and Scary Tribes that Run Our Government"
~ The Film Archives, 05-28-17, YT, 57:53 <
(^^^) "The Kochs' Anti-Civil Rights Roots: New Docs Expose Charles Koch's Ties to John Birch Society"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 07-08-14, YT, 6:17 <
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Libertarian, John Birch Society/Racist Anti-Communist, Free-Market; Koch Industries; Rules For Oligarchs, Manipulating Commodities
“Tea Parties First Protest Rally February 2009” ~ Mark Ames
"Dylan Ratigan Makes It Official: Mark Ames & Yasha Levine Broke The Koch Brothers’ Takeover Of America"
~ Team eXiled, {Subscribe/Donate} @MarkAmesExiled & Yasha Levine, 03-24-11, @MSNBC, Video, 8:23 _
OCCUPY’S BULL HORN LIVES: Dylan Ratigan Speaks Out
”The DNC & RNC Are Soulless: Is It Time To Move On?” @DylanRatigan
~ @TYTPolitics, {Donate}, 05-26-17, YT, 2:08 <
DR-Frmr MSNBC, now w/TYT & @HelicalOutpost
Dylan Ratigan, @wikipedia <
DYLAN RATIGAN: Broken Political System, Crooked Politicians, Collusion
”Who Is More Corrupt: Trump, Clinton or Obama? Surprising Answer!”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 05-23-17, YT, 15:21 <
BELTWAY TRIBE, PATOMICLAND: DC Warriors, Bipartisanship, Blood Sacrifice, Amazons, A-Team GOP, B-Team Democrats, DC Reporter’s Greek Chorus; Deep State Flying Monkeys, Revolving Door, Legendary Lobbyists
Book: “Homo Politicus” ~ Dana Milbank, (2008)
(^^^) "The Strange and Scary Tribes that Run Our Government"
~ The Film Archives, 05-28-17, YT, 57:53 <
(^^^) "The Kochs' Anti-Civil Rights Roots: New Docs Expose Charles Koch's Ties to John Birch Society"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 07-08-14, YT, 6:17 <
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-213|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep.
Political Ideology, Libertarian Koch-Tea Party, Tobacco Lobby Playbook
"...the billionaire Koch brothers planned the formation of the Tea Party movement more than a decade before it exploded onto the U.S. political scene."
“…astroturf effort was curated by wealthy industrialist’s years in advance.” The purpose of forming the Tea Party is to “evade accountability for the fossil fuel industry's role in driving climate disruption.”
"Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco & Billionaire Koch Brothers"
~ Brendan DeMelle/Huff Post Green, {Subscribe}, 02-11-13 _
>##(11-15)*CW*FK*PI#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Political Ideology, Libertarian Koch-Tea Party, Tobacco Lobby Playbook
"...the billionaire Koch brothers planned the formation of the Tea Party movement more than a decade before it exploded onto the U.S. political scene."
“…astroturf effort was curated by wealthy industrialist’s years in advance.” The purpose of forming the Tea Party is to “evade accountability for the fossil fuel industry's role in driving climate disruption.”
"Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco & Billionaire Koch Brothers"
~ Brendan DeMelle/Huff Post Green, {Subscribe}, 02-11-13 _
>##(11-15)*CW*FK*PI#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-216|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage;
Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, Corporatocracy, or Oligarchy
"The 1% Have a Stranglehold on Politics: New Al Jazeera Documentary Sheds Light on the Koch Brothers"
~ Stephen Lacey/Think Progress Green, 10-29-11 _
(^^^) Koch Brothers Search, #Aljazeera, 38 Articles _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage;
Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, Corporatocracy, or Oligarchy
"The 1% Have a Stranglehold on Politics: New Al Jazeera Documentary Sheds Light on the Koch Brothers"
~ Stephen Lacey/Think Progress Green, 10-29-11 _
(^^^) Koch Brothers Search, #Aljazeera, 38 Articles _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-217|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
"GOP Mega-Donor Koch Brothers' Company Tied To Global Criminal Misdeeds In Bombshell Article"
~ Zeke Miller/@businessinsider, {Subscribe}, 10-02-11 _
-/\/- "Koch Industries one of the top ten air polluters in the United States."
"The report showed that, from 2005 to 2008, the Kochs vastly outdid ExxonMobil in giving money to organizations fighting legislation related to climate change, underwriting a huge network of foundations, think tanks, and political front groups." @exxonmobil
(^^^) "Covert Operations The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama."
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 08-30-10 _
>###(10-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"GOP Mega-Donor Koch Brothers' Company Tied To Global Criminal Misdeeds In Bombshell Article"
~ Zeke Miller/@businessinsider, {Subscribe}, 10-02-11 _
-/\/- "Koch Industries one of the top ten air polluters in the United States."
"The report showed that, from 2005 to 2008, the Kochs vastly outdid ExxonMobil in giving money to organizations fighting legislation related to climate change, underwriting a huge network of foundations, think tanks, and political front groups." @exxonmobil
(^^^) "Covert Operations The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama."
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 08-30-10 _
>###(10-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-218|“Koch Brothers”
Brothers Astroturf Tea Party Movement; Sens.
Joni Ernst (R*IA), Rep. Tom Cotton (R*AR)
& Rep. Cory Gardner (R*CO)
"Myths And Facts About The Koch Brothers"
~ Denise Robbins/Media Matters, 08-27-15 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Myths And Facts About The Koch Brothers"
~ Denise Robbins/Media Matters, 08-27-15 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-219|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage; Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, Corporatocracy, or Oligarchy
Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, U.S. Oligarchy:
"ALEC: Shaping US politics behind the scenes"
"Anger over the group's influence on a range of legislation affecting the environment, education and labour rights has been a major issue among Occupy protesters across the country. ...ALEC members say the group does nothing more than bring together members of the general public, private sector and federal government to develop policy."
"Who is behind the American Legislative Exchange Council and how much influence does the group have on US state laws?"
~ @Aljazeera, {Subscribe}, 04-07-12 _
(^^^) A.L.E.C. - Search, Aljazeera, 26 Articles _
>###(01-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage; Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, Corporatocracy, or Oligarchy
Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, U.S. Oligarchy:
"ALEC: Shaping US politics behind the scenes"
"Anger over the group's influence on a range of legislation affecting the environment, education and labour rights has been a major issue among Occupy protesters across the country. ...ALEC members say the group does nothing more than bring together members of the general public, private sector and federal government to develop policy."
"Who is behind the American Legislative Exchange Council and how much influence does the group have on US state laws?"
~ @Aljazeera, {Subscribe}, 04-07-12 _
(^^^) A.L.E.C. - Search, Aljazeera, 26 Articles _
>###(01-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-220|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
US Senator Harry Reid, (on the Senate floor), talking about the un-American Koch Brothers, Charles & David Koch, buying US Elections; Funding dozens of Political Action Committees
A.L.E.C. – (Un) American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council, Americans For Prosperity – Tea Party
"Reid Calls Koch Brothers 'Un-American'" @SenatorReid
~ Washington Free Beacon, 02-26-14, YT, 2:32 _
-/\/- AFP – (Tea Party) Americans For Prosperity – CEO, Tim Phillips talks about the 2014 election and the effects of ObamaCare
“Harry Reid really hates the Koch Brothers. Here’s why.” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Cillizza/@washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 03-04-14, Video, 02:19 _
(^^^) "How Harry Reid's attack on the Koch brothers is paying off"
~ Joan McCarter/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 07-08-14 _
@SenatorReid <
>(04-15)*FK3*ULDSHR#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
US Senator Harry Reid, (on the Senate floor), talking about the un-American Koch Brothers, Charles & David Koch, buying US Elections; Funding dozens of Political Action Committees
A.L.E.C. – (Un) American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council, Americans For Prosperity – Tea Party
"Reid Calls Koch Brothers 'Un-American'" @SenatorReid
~ Washington Free Beacon, 02-26-14, YT, 2:32 _
-/\/- AFP – (Tea Party) Americans For Prosperity – CEO, Tim Phillips talks about the 2014 election and the effects of ObamaCare
“Harry Reid really hates the Koch Brothers. Here’s why.” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Cillizza/@washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 03-04-14, Video, 02:19 _
(^^^) "How Harry Reid's attack on the Koch brothers is paying off"
~ Joan McCarter/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 07-08-14 _
@SenatorReid <
>(04-15)*FK3*ULDSHR#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-221|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
Senator Harry Reid (D*NV) exposes Citizens United, Shadowy Shell Group
“Reid sees GOP as ‘addicted to Koch’” @SenatorReid
~ Rachel Maddow Blog – MSNBC, {Cable Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 03-04-14, Video, 12:56 _
>##(04-15)*FK*E16(*ULDSHR)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
Senator Harry Reid (D*NV) exposes Citizens United, Shadowy Shell Group
“Reid sees GOP as ‘addicted to Koch’” @SenatorReid
~ Rachel Maddow Blog – MSNBC, {Cable Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 03-04-14, Video, 12:56 _
>##(04-15)*FK*E16(*ULDSHR)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-223|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
32 Millionaires & Billionaires Attending a Libertarian Republican Cabal
Buy Politicians & Reduce Their Taxes, Destroy Civilization & Environment
“Koch Brothers Caught On Tape – Obama & Osama Compared”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 09-07-11, YT, 5:30 _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
32 Millionaires & Billionaires Attending a Libertarian Republican Cabal
Buy Politicians & Reduce Their Taxes, Destroy Civilization & Environment
“Koch Brothers Caught On Tape – Obama & Osama Compared”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 09-07-11, YT, 5:30 _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-224|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: ALEC – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council
"Pence has been a long-time supporter of ALEC, joking that he was for it before it was cool." @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN
(^^^) "Gov. Pence speaks at ALEC meeting in Indianapolis" (*EC)
~ Katie Heinz/The Indy Channel, 07-29-16, Vid., 1:38 <
American Legislative Exchange Council, @wikipedia
[005] Forbes 400 King’s and Koch’s Political Action Committees
(^^^) "Mitch McConnell Faces Backlash After Audio Leaked From Secret Koch Meeting"
~ Scott Gaudinier/Liberty Voice, {Subscribe}, 09-02-14 < @SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP
Merrick B. Garland, @wikipedia, {Donate} <
-/\/- "At a secret strategy meeting for millionaire and billionaire donors hosted by the Koch brothers, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) outlines his agenda should Republicans take control of the Senate in November."
(^^^) "EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Mitch McConnell's Senate Agenda”
~ The Undercurrent, {Subscribe}, 08-26-14, YT, 1:32 _
@SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP <
Mitch McConnell-Koch Donor Summit, 082614, 23:11
(^^^) "Obama Just Singled Out Mitch McConnell As The Culprit of 'Do-Nothing' Congress"
~ Lou Colagiovanni/@OccupyDemocrats, 10-04-16 <
KOCH’S Tea Party billionaire cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Keith Olbermann/@MSNBC Countdown and Matt Taibbi/@RollingStone, Author, Book: “Griftopia” ’09 (covers financial crash causes & Koch Tea Party origins);
Koch Brother’s Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Philip Anschutz (Justice Neil Gorsuch backer);
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia;
Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN;
Rep Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice;
GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan;
David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Stephen Bechtel;
Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK);
Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO; Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks;
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom” @FoxNews
(^^^) "Koch-Topus" @mtaibbi @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFP
~ tigerone1970, {Subscribe}, 10-25-10, YT, 6:59 <
(^^^) ”Olbermann: The Kochtopus” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ videosift(.)com, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, Video, 6:59 <
(^^^) “Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ Velvet Revolution, {Subscribe}, 10-21-10, YT, 7:04
Koch Watch, {Subscribe/Donate} <
-/\/- “Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Palm Springs Koch Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending
“To encourage new participants, Mr. Koch offers to waive the $1,500 registration fee. And he notes that previous guests have included Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, Gov. Haley Barbour and Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, and Representatives Mike Pence (@VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN), Tom Price (@RepTomPrice), and Paul D. Ryan (@SpeakerRyan @PRyan).”
“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names;
Letter From Charles Koch, Climate Change Alarmism, Gov’t Growth
"a presentations on 'microtargeting' to identify like-minded [idiot] voters ...featuring Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity, the political action group founded by the Kochs in 2004..."
Attendees and Presenters include: Glenn Beck, John Childs, Cliff Asness, Steve Schwarzman, Ken Griffin, Phil Anschutz, Rich DeVos…Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos, Steve Bechtel, Kenneth Langone, Foster Friess, Fred Malek and former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and "Nancy Pfotenhauer and Annie Dickerson, who also runs a foundation for Paul Singer, a hedge fund executive..."
"Koch Industries, a Wichita-based energy and manufacturing conglomerate run by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, operates a foundation that finances political advocacy groups, but tax law protects those groups from having to disclose much about what they do and who contributes."
(^^^) "Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead" @Koch_Industries
~ Kate Zernike/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 <
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?”
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R*SC) and Tom Coburn (R*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice, and Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
(^^^) “Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ @thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-28-11 _
@Koch_Industries <
"The news that justices Scalia and Thomas have attended Koch strategy sessions is adding to the growing buzz over a planned demonstration against the billionaires."
(^^^) "Koch Brothers Feel the Heat In DC, as Broad Coalition Readies Creative Action to Quarantine the Billionaires Gathering in California Desert"
~ Don Hazen/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-26-11 _
(^^^) "Alito, Thomas Headlined Political Fundraisers Chaired By Leading Right-Wing Donor Paul Singer"
~ @lhfang/Center For American Progress/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-26-11 <
(^^^) "At a right-wing political fundraiser, Alito says SOTU is too 'political'"
~ TP Clips 6, {Subscribe}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:51
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
(^^^) "The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 <
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
(^^^) “Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
(^^^) "The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>#(04-17)*EC*FK3*IN*PI*TS#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: ALEC – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council
"Pence has been a long-time supporter of ALEC, joking that he was for it before it was cool." @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN
(^^^) "Gov. Pence speaks at ALEC meeting in Indianapolis" (*EC)
~ Katie Heinz/The Indy Channel, 07-29-16, Vid., 1:38 <
American Legislative Exchange Council, @wikipedia
[005] Forbes 400 King’s and Koch’s Political Action Committees
(^^^) "Mitch McConnell Faces Backlash After Audio Leaked From Secret Koch Meeting"
~ Scott Gaudinier/Liberty Voice, {Subscribe}, 09-02-14 < @SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP
Merrick B. Garland, @wikipedia, {Donate} <
-/\/- "At a secret strategy meeting for millionaire and billionaire donors hosted by the Koch brothers, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) outlines his agenda should Republicans take control of the Senate in November."
(^^^) "EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Mitch McConnell's Senate Agenda”
~ The Undercurrent, {Subscribe}, 08-26-14, YT, 1:32 _
@SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP <
Mitch McConnell-Koch Donor Summit, 082614, 23:11
(^^^) "Obama Just Singled Out Mitch McConnell As The Culprit of 'Do-Nothing' Congress"
~ Lou Colagiovanni/@OccupyDemocrats, 10-04-16 <
KOCH’S Tea Party billionaire cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Keith Olbermann/@MSNBC Countdown and Matt Taibbi/@RollingStone, Author, Book: “Griftopia” ’09 (covers financial crash causes & Koch Tea Party origins);
Koch Brother’s Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Philip Anschutz (Justice Neil Gorsuch backer);
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia;
Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN;
Rep Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice;
GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan;
David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Stephen Bechtel;
Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK);
Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO; Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks;
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom” @FoxNews
(^^^) "Koch-Topus" @mtaibbi @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFP
~ tigerone1970, {Subscribe}, 10-25-10, YT, 6:59 <
(^^^) ”Olbermann: The Kochtopus” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ videosift(.)com, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, Video, 6:59 <
(^^^) “Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ Velvet Revolution, {Subscribe}, 10-21-10, YT, 7:04
Koch Watch, {Subscribe/Donate} <
-/\/- “Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Palm Springs Koch Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending
“To encourage new participants, Mr. Koch offers to waive the $1,500 registration fee. And he notes that previous guests have included Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, Gov. Haley Barbour and Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, and Representatives Mike Pence (@VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN), Tom Price (@RepTomPrice), and Paul D. Ryan (@SpeakerRyan @PRyan).”
“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names;
Letter From Charles Koch, Climate Change Alarmism, Gov’t Growth
"a presentations on 'microtargeting' to identify like-minded [idiot] voters ...featuring Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity, the political action group founded by the Kochs in 2004..."
Attendees and Presenters include: Glenn Beck, John Childs, Cliff Asness, Steve Schwarzman, Ken Griffin, Phil Anschutz, Rich DeVos…Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos, Steve Bechtel, Kenneth Langone, Foster Friess, Fred Malek and former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and "Nancy Pfotenhauer and Annie Dickerson, who also runs a foundation for Paul Singer, a hedge fund executive..."
"Koch Industries, a Wichita-based energy and manufacturing conglomerate run by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, operates a foundation that finances political advocacy groups, but tax law protects those groups from having to disclose much about what they do and who contributes."
(^^^) "Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead" @Koch_Industries
~ Kate Zernike/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 <
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?”
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R*SC) and Tom Coburn (R*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice, and Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
(^^^) “Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ @thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-28-11 _
@Koch_Industries <
"The news that justices Scalia and Thomas have attended Koch strategy sessions is adding to the growing buzz over a planned demonstration against the billionaires."
(^^^) "Koch Brothers Feel the Heat In DC, as Broad Coalition Readies Creative Action to Quarantine the Billionaires Gathering in California Desert"
~ Don Hazen/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-26-11 _
(^^^) "Alito, Thomas Headlined Political Fundraisers Chaired By Leading Right-Wing Donor Paul Singer"
~ @lhfang/Center For American Progress/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-26-11 <
(^^^) "At a right-wing political fundraiser, Alito says SOTU is too 'political'"
~ TP Clips 6, {Subscribe}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:51
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
(^^^) "The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 <
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
(^^^) “Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
(^^^) "The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>#(04-17)*EC*FK3*IN*PI*TS#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-226|“Koch Brothers”
"Robert Reich unpacks the Koch brothers' influence network, and how the Koch brothers are trying to use their wealth to impose their self-interested agenda on the rest of us."
"Robert Reich on America's Koch Problem" @RBReich
~ @MoveOn, {Subscribe}, 06-27-14, YT, 3:01 <
>###(03-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Robert Reich unpacks the Koch brothers' influence network, and how the Koch brothers are trying to use their wealth to impose their self-interested agenda on the rest of us."
"Robert Reich on America's Koch Problem" @RBReich
~ @MoveOn, {Subscribe}, 06-27-14, YT, 3:01 <
>###(03-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-227|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Cabal Guests include: Rep. Paul Rayn (R*WI), Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK), Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck;
{GOP-Libertariayn-Rand-Anarchist-Chaos-Religious Tribalism}, Transcript, GOP, Audio
“Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar”
~ @TheBradBlog/@MotherJones, {Subscribe}, 09-06-11 _
-/\/- Million Dollar Donors Red Aloud, Charles Koch’s Remarks, 06-26-11, Audio, 04:00 _
-/\/- In our exclusive recordings, David Koch introduces the New Jersey governor as ‘my kind of guy’ and ‘a true political hero.’” Top Secret Trip
“Audio: Gov. Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab”
~ @TheBradBlog/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-07-11, Short Gov. C.C. Audio >> listen close _
>(04-15)*FK(*UJSC)(*NJ)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Cabal Guests include: Rep. Paul Rayn (R*WI), Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK), Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck;
{GOP-Libertariayn-Rand-Anarchist-Chaos-Religious Tribalism}, Transcript, GOP, Audio
“Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar”
~ @TheBradBlog/@MotherJones, {Subscribe}, 09-06-11 _
-/\/- Million Dollar Donors Red Aloud, Charles Koch’s Remarks, 06-26-11, Audio, 04:00 _
-/\/- In our exclusive recordings, David Koch introduces the New Jersey governor as ‘my kind of guy’ and ‘a true political hero.’” Top Secret Trip
“Audio: Gov. Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab”
~ @TheBradBlog/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-07-11, Short Gov. C.C. Audio >> listen close _
>(04-15)*FK(*UJSC)(*NJ)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-228|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Meeting; Governor Chris Christie’s (R*NJ) Secret Trip
“Christie for President”
~ Aaron Ross/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-07-11 _
>###(04-2015)CWP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Meeting; Governor Chris Christie’s (R*NJ) Secret Trip
“Christie for President”
~ Aaron Ross/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-07-11 _
>###(04-2015)CWP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-229|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy
Radical David Koch ran for President in 1980 as VP of the Libertarian Party
"Astounding: David Koch's 1980 VP Run: Kill Medicare, Social Security, Minimum Wage, Public Schools"
~ caleylaw/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate}, 04-10-14 _
>###(04-15)*FK*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy
Radical David Koch ran for President in 1980 as VP of the Libertarian Party
"Astounding: David Koch's 1980 VP Run: Kill Medicare, Social Security, Minimum Wage, Public Schools"
~ caleylaw/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate}, 04-10-14 _
>###(04-15)*FK*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-230|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas Both Attended Koch Brothers Billionaire-Multi-Millionaire Libertarian-Tea-Anarchist Cabal Meetings
“Advocacy Group Says Justices May Have Conflict in Campaign Finance Cases”
~ Eric Lichtblau/@nytimes - Politics, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-19-11 _
>##(04-15)*FK*UJSC#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas Both Attended Koch Brothers Billionaire-Multi-Millionaire Libertarian-Tea-Anarchist Cabal Meetings
“Advocacy Group Says Justices May Have Conflict in Campaign Finance Cases”
~ Eric Lichtblau/@nytimes - Politics, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-19-11 _
>##(04-15)*FK*UJSC#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-233|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
Koch Brothers, CEO’s, Lobbyists, Legislators, Billionaire Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, Donors, Libertarians
The Kochs are determined to control state and Federal government.
They've already won and now the 1% are dividing America up amongst the Regional Warlords and Corporations listed below by Mother Jones.
"A list of one-on-one meetings between VIP donors and the Kochs and their operatives offers …look into their mighty political machine."
"After the brothers and their allies failed to win the Senate or unseat Obama in 2012, David Koch told Forbes that this setback would do little to deter them: ‘We're going to fight the battle as long as we breathe.’ At the Palm Springs conference, as the left-behind-list of VIP meetings shows, the Kochs are lining up serious financial firepower for the political fights of 2014 and beyond.”
"Read the meeting list, along with a guide to the participants..."
"The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 <
>###(04-17)*CW*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
Koch Brothers, CEO’s, Lobbyists, Legislators, Billionaire Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, Donors, Libertarians
The Kochs are determined to control state and Federal government.
They've already won and now the 1% are dividing America up amongst the Regional Warlords and Corporations listed below by Mother Jones.
"A list of one-on-one meetings between VIP donors and the Kochs and their operatives offers …look into their mighty political machine."
"After the brothers and their allies failed to win the Senate or unseat Obama in 2012, David Koch told Forbes that this setback would do little to deter them: ‘We're going to fight the battle as long as we breathe.’ At the Palm Springs conference, as the left-behind-list of VIP meetings shows, the Kochs are lining up serious financial firepower for the political fights of 2014 and beyond.”
"Read the meeting list, along with a guide to the participants..."
"The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 <
>###(04-17)*CW*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-234|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Palm Springs Summit:
Freedom Partners Action Fund; Kochs Open Meeting & Influence; Shadow Republican Party; Personal Koch Meetings: Senator Rand Paul (R*KY), Senator Ted Cruz (R*TX), & Gov. Chris Christie (R*NJ); Kochs Funding University Positions
Planned Live Stream of Koch Palm Springs Meeting (01-24-2015) Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, & Ted Cruz on stage live stream;
Exposed Professor Art Hall – PHD – University of Kansas, Center for Applied Economics; Koch Funded School at University of Kansas; Students for a Sustainable Future made and open records request; KU, $1,800 Documents Fee; Charles Koch Foundation, 4 pages of Koch Funded Positions at American Universities
“Students fight to expose Koch influence”
~ Rachel @maddow/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, w/Nicholas Confessore/@nytimes Political Reporter, 01-22-15, Video, 19:19 _
(^^^) Shorter _
(^^^) "Palm Springs Weekend"
~ Sharon Kyle/LA Progressive, Bob Edgar/Common Cause, {Subscribe}, 01-2015 _
>##(04-15)*FK(*KS)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Palm Springs Summit:
Freedom Partners Action Fund; Kochs Open Meeting & Influence; Shadow Republican Party; Personal Koch Meetings: Senator Rand Paul (R*KY), Senator Ted Cruz (R*TX), & Gov. Chris Christie (R*NJ); Kochs Funding University Positions
Planned Live Stream of Koch Palm Springs Meeting (01-24-2015) Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, & Ted Cruz on stage live stream;
Exposed Professor Art Hall – PHD – University of Kansas, Center for Applied Economics; Koch Funded School at University of Kansas; Students for a Sustainable Future made and open records request; KU, $1,800 Documents Fee; Charles Koch Foundation, 4 pages of Koch Funded Positions at American Universities
“Students fight to expose Koch influence”
~ Rachel @maddow/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, w/Nicholas Confessore/@nytimes Political Reporter, 01-22-15, Video, 19:19 _
(^^^) Shorter _
(^^^) "Palm Springs Weekend"
~ Sharon Kyle/LA Progressive, Bob Edgar/Common Cause, {Subscribe}, 01-2015 _
>##(04-15)*FK(*KS)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-235|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
All levels of law enforcement were spying on Occupy Phoenix and A.L.E.C. meeting Protesters. Police and anti-terrorism units collaborated with A.L.E.C. – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council. The Arizona Fusion Center sent a “Face Sheet” to A.L.E.C. Security.
“giving downtown banks everything they need”
“destroyed Levy Guidelines”
Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder was “waging war on whistleblowers” and Occupy Protest against Wall Street banks.
Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder is/was a whistleblower nemesis and Wall Street Covington & Burling Corporation’s (Big-Bank Defense Law Firm) favorite Atty General.
"Editor of The Progressive Calls For Eric Holder to Resign Over Spying on Press, Occupy Protesters"
~ @democracynow, w/Matthew Rothschild/@theprogressive, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 05-22-13, YT, 6:15 _
Spying on Press/Occupy, D. Now, 052213, Video, 9:20
>#(07-17)*FK*USA*WB*(*PI)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
All levels of law enforcement were spying on Occupy Phoenix and A.L.E.C. meeting Protesters. Police and anti-terrorism units collaborated with A.L.E.C. – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council. The Arizona Fusion Center sent a “Face Sheet” to A.L.E.C. Security.
“giving downtown banks everything they need”
“destroyed Levy Guidelines”
Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder was “waging war on whistleblowers” and Occupy Protest against Wall Street banks.
Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder is/was a whistleblower nemesis and Wall Street Covington & Burling Corporation’s (Big-Bank Defense Law Firm) favorite Atty General.
"Editor of The Progressive Calls For Eric Holder to Resign Over Spying on Press, Occupy Protesters"
~ @democracynow, w/Matthew Rothschild/@theprogressive, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 05-22-13, YT, 6:15 _
Spying on Press/Occupy, D. Now, 052213, Video, 9:20
>#(07-17)*FK*USA*WB*(*PI)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-236|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
AFP Fighting Against Affordable (Health) Care Act ACA 2010 through a plethora of whipped up Not-For-Profit Charity Organizations & Web Sites
[like S-Court 5 Rent-Boy Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni at Liberty Central]
[ObamaCare – envisioned as “guaranteed access” to Health Insurance, (exceptions being the uncooperative 25 Koch A.L.E.C. controlled Teahad Plantation Rebels-For-Greed & RTW - Right-To-Work as a Slave-w/a-Night-Pass States)]
"The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity"
~ Pam Martens/Wall Street On Parade, A Citizens Guide to Wall St.; (See “Publishers Must Reads”), {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-19-10 _
-/\/- (V3) ~ Pam Martens/@NatCounterPunch, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 _
State Policy “Tea Anarchy” Network, “Deregulating Charity Orgs” – 501(c)3 “ed org”/Free Market Think Tanks; at least one in every state
Writers/Spinners Wanted: "Find Your Audience for Freedom,"
"Turn Crisis into Opportunity," "Become a Storyteller for Liberty"
“…vision for SPN as a service and networking organization that would help coordinate state and national efforts to promote free enterprise.”
“…independent, market-oriented, state-focused think tanks. Today …59 representing all 50 states”
SPN | About _ {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
KOCH ORG RUNDOWN: Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Club for Growth, American Energy Alliance, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Generation Opportunity, 60+, Freedom Partners, Cato Institute, Independent Women's Forum described …and many others listed
“Organizations to Watch” {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
~ Koch Problem, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>###(07-16)*EC*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
AFP Fighting Against Affordable (Health) Care Act ACA 2010 through a plethora of whipped up Not-For-Profit Charity Organizations & Web Sites
[like S-Court 5 Rent-Boy Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni at Liberty Central]
[ObamaCare – envisioned as “guaranteed access” to Health Insurance, (exceptions being the uncooperative 25 Koch A.L.E.C. controlled Teahad Plantation Rebels-For-Greed & RTW - Right-To-Work as a Slave-w/a-Night-Pass States)]
"The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity"
~ Pam Martens/Wall Street On Parade, A Citizens Guide to Wall St.; (See “Publishers Must Reads”), {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-19-10 _
-/\/- (V3) ~ Pam Martens/@NatCounterPunch, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 _
State Policy “Tea Anarchy” Network, “Deregulating Charity Orgs” – 501(c)3 “ed org”/Free Market Think Tanks; at least one in every state
Writers/Spinners Wanted: "Find Your Audience for Freedom,"
"Turn Crisis into Opportunity," "Become a Storyteller for Liberty"
“…vision for SPN as a service and networking organization that would help coordinate state and national efforts to promote free enterprise.”
“…independent, market-oriented, state-focused think tanks. Today …59 representing all 50 states”
SPN | About _ {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
KOCH ORG RUNDOWN: Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Club for Growth, American Energy Alliance, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Generation Opportunity, 60+, Freedom Partners, Cato Institute, Independent Women's Forum described …and many others listed
“Organizations to Watch” {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
~ Koch Problem, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>###(07-16)*EC*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-237|“Koch Brothers”
US Senate , William A. Clark, Copper Barron; Corruption; Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, Tea Party Movement, FreedomPartners, Koch Industries, Keystone XL Pipeline
"Spending hundreds of millions to buy as much political power as they can for a project that could earn them over $100 billion."
"The Kochs' Brazen Buyout of Our Democracy Is Right Up There with the Worst Oligarchs in American History"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Thom Hartmann Show, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Radio}/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-23-13 _
@Koch_Industries <
>###(09-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
US Senate , William A. Clark, Copper Barron; Corruption; Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, Tea Party Movement, FreedomPartners, Koch Industries, Keystone XL Pipeline
"Spending hundreds of millions to buy as much political power as they can for a project that could earn them over $100 billion."
"The Kochs' Brazen Buyout of Our Democracy Is Right Up There with the Worst Oligarchs in American History"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Thom Hartmann Show, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Radio}/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-23-13 _
@Koch_Industries <
>###(09-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-238|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government
Republican National Convention Coverage, Bastardization of TV Journalism
David Koch promised $400 Million (in Citizens {Corp’s Free & Unlimited Ad Speech}United money) to elect Republican/Ts in 2012 election cycle.
(In January 2015, he pledged $889 million to elect Republican/Ts in 2016 election cycle. Charles Koch, Dick Cheney and war hawks favor Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election cycle.)
"When Mitt Romney walked down the aisle toward the stage Thursday night ...hands he shook ...conservative billionaire and major political donor David Koch. But it was a moment missed by the tens of millions of viewers at home." ~ Amy Goodman
"The Romney-Koch Handshake That Network TV Missed"
~ @AlterNet/@democracynow, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-01-12, Video, 2:00 _
@Mitt Romney @AlterNet <
Romney Koch H Shake,@democracynow,083112,1:56
>#(01-17)*FK*E12*E16*PJ##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Republican National Convention Coverage, Bastardization of TV Journalism
David Koch promised $400 Million (in Citizens {Corp’s Free & Unlimited Ad Speech}United money) to elect Republican/Ts in 2012 election cycle.
(In January 2015, he pledged $889 million to elect Republican/Ts in 2016 election cycle. Charles Koch, Dick Cheney and war hawks favor Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election cycle.)
"When Mitt Romney walked down the aisle toward the stage Thursday night ...hands he shook ...conservative billionaire and major political donor David Koch. But it was a moment missed by the tens of millions of viewers at home." ~ Amy Goodman
"The Romney-Koch Handshake That Network TV Missed"
~ @AlterNet/@democracynow, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-01-12, Video, 2:00 _
@Mitt Romney @AlterNet <
Romney Koch H Shake,@democracynow,083112,1:56
>#(01-17)*FK*E12*E16*PJ##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-240|“Koch Brothers”
History: Nazi Oil, Communist Oil; Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Koch Industries Corruption, Oil
Fred Koch worked for the Nazis and later for Communist Joseph Stalin; Fascist psychopaths in The Family Tree; Daddie Fred co-founded The John Birch Society;
Sons Charles & David Koch sponsor Political Action Committees, Foundations, & Think Tanks include A.L.E.C. (un-American Legislative Exchange Counsil ), Citizens for a Sound Economy, Libertarian Cato Institute, Reason Magazine, The Manhattan Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Democratic Leadership Council, Triad Management Services, etc, etc…
“Report: The Koch’s, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right”
{Link Reference Cluster & Highlights/Bottom/Corruption & Suppression}
~ Unknown Journal, (Word Press Blogger), {Subscribe}, 10-06-10 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
History: Nazi Oil, Communist Oil; Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Koch Industries Corruption, Oil
Fred Koch worked for the Nazis and later for Communist Joseph Stalin; Fascist psychopaths in The Family Tree; Daddie Fred co-founded The John Birch Society;
Sons Charles & David Koch sponsor Political Action Committees, Foundations, & Think Tanks include A.L.E.C. (un-American Legislative Exchange Counsil ), Citizens for a Sound Economy, Libertarian Cato Institute, Reason Magazine, The Manhattan Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Democratic Leadership Council, Triad Management Services, etc, etc…
“Report: The Koch’s, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right”
{Link Reference Cluster & Highlights/Bottom/Corruption & Suppression}
~ Unknown Journal, (Word Press Blogger), {Subscribe}, 10-06-10 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-241|“Koch Brothers”
North Carolina *NC, Education
"The Conservative Ideas The Koch Brothers Want To Sneak Into Schools"
~ Caitlin MacNeal/@TPM,{Subscribe/Donate}, 12-10-14 _
>###(01-17)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
North Carolina *NC, Education
"The Conservative Ideas The Koch Brothers Want To Sneak Into Schools"
~ Caitlin MacNeal/@TPM,{Subscribe/Donate}, 12-10-14 _
>###(01-17)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-242|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Governments. | Boycott
Products List
Boycott Koch Products – Boycott Koch Brothers | Home _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Boycott Koch Products – Boycott Koch Brothers | Home _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-243|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
KOCH BROTHERS EXPOSED; Attack U.S. Federal & State Governments, Attack Social Safety Net, Social Security Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Raising Retirement Age from 67 to 70 (POTUS 40 Reagan Raised it from 65 to 67)
"Koch Brothers Exposed"
~ Bernie Sanders, {Subscribe}, 06-22-11, YT, 3:46 _
__Antron ®
__Brawny Brand paper towels & other products
__Colhogar ® European brands
__Comforel® fiberfill
__CoolMax ®
__Cordura ® fabric
__DBE ® dibasic esters
__Delica ®
__Demak’Up ®
__Dixie® Brand cups plates & other products
__Georgia-Pacific Lumber & paper products
__Inversoft ®
__Kitten Soft ®
__Koch Agricultural – operates cattle ranches
__Koch Fertilizers
__Lotus ®
__LYCRA ® man-made fabrics and fibers
__Mardi Gras brand paper goods
__Matador Ranch – A Hunting Ranch
__Moltonel ®
__Northern Brand toilet paper
__Nouvelle ®
__Oxyclear ™
__Performa ®
__Polarguard ®
__Polyclear ®
__Polyshield ®
__Soft-n-Gentle® brand toilet paper
__SolarMax ®
__Somerelle ® bedding
__Sparkle Brand paper goods
__Sparkle Brand paper napkins
__Stainmaster® carpet and fabric care products
__Supplex ® fabric
__Sure Sol ® & other chemical products
__Tactesse ® carpet fibers
__Tenderly ®
__Thermolite ®
__Tutto ®
__Vanity Fair Brand paper napkins
__Zee Brand paper goods
"Senator Bernie Sanders Exposes Massive Koch Brothers Corruption…"
~ Leslie Salzillo - Liberals Unite, {Subscribe}, 08-04-13, Video ^ _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
KOCH BROTHERS EXPOSED; Attack U.S. Federal & State Governments, Attack Social Safety Net, Social Security Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Raising Retirement Age from 67 to 70 (POTUS 40 Reagan Raised it from 65 to 67)
"Koch Brothers Exposed"
~ Bernie Sanders, {Subscribe}, 06-22-11, YT, 3:46 _
__Antron ®
__Brawny Brand paper towels & other products
__Colhogar ® European brands
__Comforel® fiberfill
__CoolMax ®
__Cordura ® fabric
__DBE ® dibasic esters
__Delica ®
__Demak’Up ®
__Dixie® Brand cups plates & other products
__Georgia-Pacific Lumber & paper products
__Inversoft ®
__Kitten Soft ®
__Koch Agricultural – operates cattle ranches
__Koch Fertilizers
__Lotus ®
__LYCRA ® man-made fabrics and fibers
__Mardi Gras brand paper goods
__Matador Ranch – A Hunting Ranch
__Moltonel ®
__Northern Brand toilet paper
__Nouvelle ®
__Oxyclear ™
__Performa ®
__Polarguard ®
__Polyclear ®
__Polyshield ®
__Soft-n-Gentle® brand toilet paper
__SolarMax ®
__Somerelle ® bedding
__Sparkle Brand paper goods
__Sparkle Brand paper napkins
__Stainmaster® carpet and fabric care products
__Supplex ® fabric
__Sure Sol ® & other chemical products
__Tactesse ® carpet fibers
__Tenderly ®
__Thermolite ®
__Tutto ®
__Vanity Fair Brand paper napkins
__Zee Brand paper goods
"Senator Bernie Sanders Exposes Massive Koch Brothers Corruption…"
~ Leslie Salzillo - Liberals Unite, {Subscribe}, 08-04-13, Video ^ _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-244|“Koch Brothers”
"Koch Group’s IRS Report Unlocks A Few Mysteries"
~ Robert Maguire and Viveca Novak/@OpenSecretsDC, 09-18-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Koch Group’s IRS Report Unlocks A Few Mysteries"
~ Robert Maguire and Viveca Novak/@OpenSecretsDC, 09-18-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-245|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
Montana, *MT
"Americans for Prosperity spent a bundle to kill Medicaid expansion in Montana. Here's why they lost."
"Kochs Defeated in Montana: 6 Lessons America Can Learn From This Rural Western State"
~ Eric Stern/Salon/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-21-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK(*MT)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Montana, *MT
"Americans for Prosperity spent a bundle to kill Medicaid expansion in Montana. Here's why they lost."
"Kochs Defeated in Montana: 6 Lessons America Can Learn From This Rural Western State"
~ Eric Stern/Salon/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-21-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK(*MT)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-246|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Network, Foundations, Organizations
“How the billionaire brothers have spread their web of influence across every sector of American society.”
“The Koch 130”
~ Julia Lurie, Daniel Schulman, & Tasneem Raja/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 11-03-14 _**
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Network, Foundations, Organizations
“How the billionaire brothers have spread their web of influence across every sector of American society.”
“The Koch 130”
~ Julia Lurie, Daniel Schulman, & Tasneem Raja/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 11-03-14 _**
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-247|“Koch Brothers”
Charles Koch, John Birch Society, Freedom Partners, Cash Transfers, $250 Million, Election, Koch Industries
"The Kochs’ Anti-Civil Rights Roots: New Docs Expose Charles Koch’s Ties to John Birch Society"
~ @democracynow, w/Lisa Graves, @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Support Journalism/Podcasts Donate}, 07-08-14, Video, 09:00 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Charles Koch, John Birch Society, Freedom Partners, Cash Transfers, $250 Million, Election, Koch Industries
"The Kochs’ Anti-Civil Rights Roots: New Docs Expose Charles Koch’s Ties to John Birch Society"
~ @democracynow, w/Lisa Graves, @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Support Journalism/Podcasts Donate}, 07-08-14, Video, 09:00 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-248|“Koch Brothers”
Charles Koch
"Charles Koch scolds the 1 percent: The plutocrat’s surprising moment of clarity"
~ David Sirota/@Salon, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-16-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Charles Koch scolds the 1 percent: The plutocrat’s surprising moment of clarity"
~ David Sirota/@Salon, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-16-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-249|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Billionaire’s Cabal; Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; Brave New Films
“Vote for 5 Worst Things the Koch Brothers Have Done: Brave New Films Unveils New Documentary Series”
~ Robert Greenwald/@bravenewfilms/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-31-11 _
(^^^) Movie Koch Brothers Exposed 2014, click “see full movie”
“Koch Brothers Exposed 2014”
~ @bravenewfilms, {Subscribe}, (2014), YT, 1:56 _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Billionaire’s Cabal; Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; Brave New Films
“Vote for 5 Worst Things the Koch Brothers Have Done: Brave New Films Unveils New Documentary Series”
~ Robert Greenwald/@bravenewfilms/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-31-11 _
(^^^) Movie Koch Brothers Exposed 2014, click “see full movie”
“Koch Brothers Exposed 2014”
~ @bravenewfilms, {Subscribe}, (2014), YT, 1:56 _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-250|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; Buying The U.S. Political System
"Awesome! Rolling Stone Outs the Kochs!"
~ Tommymac/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 09-25-14 _
-/\/- "Together, Charles and David Koch control one of the world's largest fortunes, which they are using to buy up our political system. But what they don't want you to know is how they made all that money"
"Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire"
~ Tim Dickinson/@RollingStone, {Subscribe}, 09-24-14 _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; Buying The U.S. Political System
"Awesome! Rolling Stone Outs the Kochs!"
~ Tommymac/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 09-25-14 _
-/\/- "Together, Charles and David Koch control one of the world's largest fortunes, which they are using to buy up our political system. But what they don't want you to know is how they made all that money"
"Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire"
~ Tim Dickinson/@RollingStone, {Subscribe}, 09-24-14 _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-251|“Koch Brothers”
Dark Money, Libertarian Summit
"Secret Tapes Reveal Koch Bros Master Plan To Minimize Wages & Maximize Profits"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 09-03-14, YT, 12:46 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Dark Money, Libertarian Summit
"Secret Tapes Reveal Koch Bros Master Plan To Minimize Wages & Maximize Profits"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 09-03-14, YT, 12:46 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-252|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Employee Voter Intimidation and Propaganda
“Koch Bros’ Citizens United Propaganda Exposed”
~ Kalich/@dailykos/@AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 04-24-11 _
(^^^) pdf copy of Koch Industries 2010 Election Letter To Koch Employees; Elect To Prosper, U.S. & State Candidates Suggested _
(^^^) “Responding to Falsehoods in Article by The Nation”
~ Koch Industries Inc,, {Subscribe}, 04-21-11 _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Employee Voter Intimidation and Propaganda
“Koch Bros’ Citizens United Propaganda Exposed”
~ Kalich/@dailykos/@AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 04-24-11 _
(^^^) pdf copy of Koch Industries 2010 Election Letter To Koch Employees; Elect To Prosper, U.S. & State Candidates Suggested _
(^^^) “Responding to Falsehoods in Article by The Nation”
~ Koch Industries Inc,, {Subscribe}, 04-21-11 _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-253|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Firing American Workers by the Thousands:
Americans for Prosperity/AFP
"Koch Brothers Threaten Rachel Maddow, Maddow Backhands The Brothers"
~ FEDX50's channel, {Subscribe}, 10-20-11, YT, 7:17 _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Firing American Workers by the Thousands:
Americans for Prosperity/AFP
"Koch Brothers Threaten Rachel Maddow, Maddow Backhands The Brothers"
~ FEDX50's channel, {Subscribe}, 10-20-11, YT, 7:17 _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-254|“Koch Brothers”
Fred Koch, Charles Koch, John Birch Society, David Koch, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Family Feud, Tea Party, Fascist Regimes, Communism, Right To Work, Kansas, Libertarian, Free Market
"Sons of Wichita: How the Koch Brothers Became America’s Most Powerful and Private Dynasty." ~ Daniel Schulman
"Behind the Koch Brothers: New Book Spills the Secrets of Nation’s Most Powerful & Private Dynasty"
~ @democracynow, {Pods/Donate}, 05-21-14, Video, 14:00 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Fred Koch, Charles Koch, John Birch Society, David Koch, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Family Feud, Tea Party, Fascist Regimes, Communism, Right To Work, Kansas, Libertarian, Free Market
"Sons of Wichita: How the Koch Brothers Became America’s Most Powerful and Private Dynasty." ~ Daniel Schulman
"Behind the Koch Brothers: New Book Spills the Secrets of Nation’s Most Powerful & Private Dynasty"
~ @democracynow, {Pods/Donate}, 05-21-14, Video, 14:00 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-255|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
OIL GAS COAL: Dark Money, Think Tanks, Republican Congress, Corporate Welfare, Deregulation, Pollution
Koch Industries fossil fuel money to Congress = $7,339,104 + since 1999;
Listing the top 250 US Politicians taking Koch Industries campaign money;
“’Dirty Energy Money’ is an interactive tool that tracks the flow of oil, gas and coal industry contributions to the US Congress.”
“Dirty Energy Money” (Interactive Chart) @Koch_Industries
~ w/Data from @OpenSecretsDC, {Donate} _<
>(05-17)*CW*FK*CBWS*E6E*ULC**CopyPShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
OIL GAS COAL: Dark Money, Think Tanks, Republican Congress, Corporate Welfare, Deregulation, Pollution
Koch Industries fossil fuel money to Congress = $7,339,104 + since 1999;
Listing the top 250 US Politicians taking Koch Industries campaign money;
“’Dirty Energy Money’ is an interactive tool that tracks the flow of oil, gas and coal industry contributions to the US Congress.”
“Dirty Energy Money” (Interactive Chart) @Koch_Industries
~ w/Data from @OpenSecretsDC, {Donate} _<
>(05-17)*CW*FK*CBWS*E6E*ULC**CopyPShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-256|“Koch Brothers”
This is a “pdf” letter to Koch Brothers, Koch Industries Employees pressuring them to vote for Republicans. 09-24-10 <
>###(10-15)*FK*JL###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
This is a “pdf” letter to Koch Brothers, Koch Industries Employees pressuring them to vote for Republicans. 09-24-10 <
>###(10-15)*FK*JL###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-257|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
“The Koch Brothers’ Crimes”
~ Lloyd Lofthouse, {Subscribe}, (00-00) _
>###(03-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“The Koch Brothers’ Crimes”
~ Lloyd Lofthouse, {Subscribe}, (00-00) _
>###(03-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-258|“Koch Brothers” Libre Initiative, Courting Latino Voters,
Food, Aid; Brave New Films
"Koch Brothers’ LIBRE Initiative Tries To Buy Latino Support At Latinos’ Expense"
~ John Paul Brammer/Blue Nation Review, {Subscribe}, 06-03-15 _
"How the Koch Brothers Deceive Latino Voters • Exposing The Libre Initiative • Koch Brothers Exposed"
~ @bravenewfilms, {Subscribe}, 03-09-15, YT, 1:43 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Koch Brothers’ LIBRE Initiative Tries To Buy Latino Support At Latinos’ Expense"
~ John Paul Brammer/Blue Nation Review, {Subscribe}, 06-03-15 _
"How the Koch Brothers Deceive Latino Voters • Exposing The Libre Initiative • Koch Brothers Exposed"
~ @bravenewfilms, {Subscribe}, 03-09-15, YT, 1:43 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-259|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
“…the wealthy complain… doing very well during the Obama years
“Corporate profits are higher now than they have been since the 1020’s”
“This is a grab for status and power.”
“Why the rich never stop complaining”
~ Chris Hayes/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 04-17-14, Video, 7:21 _
The Koch Brothers Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; FOX Newes-4-Ewes, Sean Hannity, States Rights, Cliven Bundy
Rancher Cliven Bundy (160 acres) surrounded by Bureau of Land Management Federal Scrub Land; Casino Owner Sheldon Adelson; Home Depot Founder Ken Langone; NRA Wayne LaPierre; The Koch Brothers;
Harry Reid Labels Bundy Supporters Domestic Terrorists;
The squatter owes the Federal Government over $1 Million accumulated grazing fees and fines over the last 21 years
“The real ’Grievance Industry’” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Hayes/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 04-17-14, Video, 7:04 _
>###(01-17)*TS*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“…the wealthy complain… doing very well during the Obama years
“Corporate profits are higher now than they have been since the 1020’s”
“This is a grab for status and power.”
“Why the rich never stop complaining”
~ Chris Hayes/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 04-17-14, Video, 7:21 _
The Koch Brothers Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; FOX Newes-4-Ewes, Sean Hannity, States Rights, Cliven Bundy
Rancher Cliven Bundy (160 acres) surrounded by Bureau of Land Management Federal Scrub Land; Casino Owner Sheldon Adelson; Home Depot Founder Ken Langone; NRA Wayne LaPierre; The Koch Brothers;
Harry Reid Labels Bundy Supporters Domestic Terrorists;
The squatter owes the Federal Government over $1 Million accumulated grazing fees and fines over the last 21 years
“The real ’Grievance Industry’” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Hayes/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 04-17-14, Video, 7:04 _
>###(01-17)*TS*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-263|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Veterans Administration, Privatization, Vouchers:
"Watch Sarah Palin push a Koch-backed scheme to kill the VA and replace it with vouchers"
~ Travis Gettys/@RawStory, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-25-15 _
>(03-15)*FK*EC*PM*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Veterans Administration, Privatization, Vouchers:
"Watch Sarah Palin push a Koch-backed scheme to kill the VA and replace it with vouchers"
~ Travis Gettys/@RawStory, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-25-15 _
>(03-15)*FK*EC*PM*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-264|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Big Oil Profits:
Keystone XL, POTUS 44 & State Department Decision
Moyers & Co. Quote ~ McKibben says the answer basically comes down to money and power. “The American Petroleum Institute told the president two years ago, ‘you do what we say on Keystone or there’ll be political trouble,’” McKibben tells Moyers. "We’ll find out how scared he was." ~ End Quote
"Bill McKibben on Why the White House Wants to Approve Keystone February 7, 2014"
~ Bill Moyers interviews Environmentalist Bill McKibben - Moyers and Company, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-07-14, Vimeo, 01:44 _
@350 @billmckibben @350action <
-/\/- Keystone XL story by Tara Lohan – Moyers & Co; notes and quotes
XL Southern Leg opened in 2011 “…a 485-mile strip of Oklahoma & Texas”
XL Northern leg "...environmental impact statement... Environmental Resources Management, and paid for by TransCanada itself. ...later found that the State Department intentionally kept the public in the dark about the connections. …Conflict..."
“Dark money the Kochs to counter climate change action …Donors Trust and Donor Capital to cover their tracks because such donations don’t need to be made public. ...Donors Trust doled out …$63 million by 2010.”
"…2013 speech at Georgetown University, Obama …approve the pipeline if it didn’t exacerbate climate pollution."
"Cushing ...’pipeline crossroads of the world.’ ...hosts a terminus of the Keystone pipeline …Obama fast-tracked the southern leg of Keystone XL to help move crude out of Cushing and toward the Gulf …exported."
“…observers documented dozens of anomalies and problems apparently caused by TransCanada contractors not following …engineering code.”
"The southern leg crosses 631 rivers and streams in the Lone Star State alone. ...The Keystone pipeline (So. Leg) had 12 spills in its inaugural year."
"The Keystone XL Pipeline’s ‘Accidental Activists’"
~ @TaraLohan/@WaterDeeply/@MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 01-22-14 _
>##(04-17)*E6E*FK##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Big Oil Profits:
Keystone XL, POTUS 44 & State Department Decision
Moyers & Co. Quote ~ McKibben says the answer basically comes down to money and power. “The American Petroleum Institute told the president two years ago, ‘you do what we say on Keystone or there’ll be political trouble,’” McKibben tells Moyers. "We’ll find out how scared he was." ~ End Quote
"Bill McKibben on Why the White House Wants to Approve Keystone February 7, 2014"
~ Bill Moyers interviews Environmentalist Bill McKibben - Moyers and Company, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-07-14, Vimeo, 01:44 _
@350 @billmckibben @350action <
-/\/- Keystone XL story by Tara Lohan – Moyers & Co; notes and quotes
XL Southern Leg opened in 2011 “…a 485-mile strip of Oklahoma & Texas”
XL Northern leg "...environmental impact statement... Environmental Resources Management, and paid for by TransCanada itself. ...later found that the State Department intentionally kept the public in the dark about the connections. …Conflict..."
“Dark money the Kochs to counter climate change action …Donors Trust and Donor Capital to cover their tracks because such donations don’t need to be made public. ...Donors Trust doled out …$63 million by 2010.”
"…2013 speech at Georgetown University, Obama …approve the pipeline if it didn’t exacerbate climate pollution."
"Cushing ...’pipeline crossroads of the world.’ ...hosts a terminus of the Keystone pipeline …Obama fast-tracked the southern leg of Keystone XL to help move crude out of Cushing and toward the Gulf …exported."
“…observers documented dozens of anomalies and problems apparently caused by TransCanada contractors not following …engineering code.”
"The southern leg crosses 631 rivers and streams in the Lone Star State alone. ...The Keystone pipeline (So. Leg) had 12 spills in its inaugural year."
"The Keystone XL Pipeline’s ‘Accidental Activists’"
~ @TaraLohan/@WaterDeeply/@MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 01-22-14 _
>##(04-17)*E6E*FK##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-265|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Dangerous Chemical Storage, Fertilizer Storage, Charles Koch, Chase Koch, Campaign Donations
Public no longer allowed to know where explosive chemicals are stored
"Secret Dangerous Chemicals (Extended)"
~ Wendy Davis, {Subscribe}, 07-08-14, YT, 11:07 _
>##(04-15)*FK(*TX)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Dangerous Chemical Storage, Fertilizer Storage, Charles Koch, Chase Koch, Campaign Donations
Public no longer allowed to know where explosive chemicals are stored
"Secret Dangerous Chemicals (Extended)"
~ Wendy Davis, {Subscribe}, 07-08-14, YT, 11:07 _
>##(04-15)*FK(*TX)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-266|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Keystone XL Pipeline
Rep. Henry Waxman-CA, Investigating Koch Bros. Railroading XL Pipeline Through Congress, Republicans Stonewall Investigation, Waxman Confronts Rep. Ed Whitfield-KY, $279,500 Koch & Koch Employee Donations to 22 Republicans on Energy Committees
“Koch Bros. Accused of Stonewalling Congress on Their K. XL Pipeline” @GOP
~ Elizabeth McGowan/@Reuters, Inside Climate, {Subscribe}, 02-25-11, _
@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @SenateMajLdr <
>##(04-17)*FK*E6E##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Keystone XL Pipeline
Rep. Henry Waxman-CA, Investigating Koch Bros. Railroading XL Pipeline Through Congress, Republicans Stonewall Investigation, Waxman Confronts Rep. Ed Whitfield-KY, $279,500 Koch & Koch Employee Donations to 22 Republicans on Energy Committees
“Koch Bros. Accused of Stonewalling Congress on Their K. XL Pipeline” @GOP
~ Elizabeth McGowan/@Reuters, Inside Climate, {Subscribe}, 02-25-11, _
@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @SenateMajLdr <
>##(04-17)*FK*E6E##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-267|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Koch Industries Benzene Emissions:
“They didn’t know what to do with me… They were really kind of baffled that I had ethics.” ~ Whistleblower Sally Barns-Soliz, Koch employee
“91 metric tons of uncontrolled benzene” (emissions) …15 times higher than allowed;” Levels certain to cause cancer in exposed workers within 5 years 6 metric tons of Benzene are allowable by EPA Standards Koch pled guilty & fined $20 million dollars
"Koch Brothers Benzene Emissions"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 10-04-11, YT, 4:51 _
>(04-15)*FK*E6E*JL*WB(EP)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Koch Industries Benzene Emissions:
“They didn’t know what to do with me… They were really kind of baffled that I had ethics.” ~ Whistleblower Sally Barns-Soliz, Koch employee
“91 metric tons of uncontrolled benzene” (emissions) …15 times higher than allowed;” Levels certain to cause cancer in exposed workers within 5 years 6 metric tons of Benzene are allowable by EPA Standards Koch pled guilty & fined $20 million dollars
"Koch Brothers Benzene Emissions"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 10-04-11, YT, 4:51 _
>(04-15)*FK*E6E*JL*WB(EP)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-268|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Oil & Gas Speculation:
Koch Industries parks tankers full of oil in ports until the price goes up. The buy low and sell high. A barrel of oil traded at $145 in July 2008 and $35 in December 2008.
“Koch Industries Lackeys Admit to Manipulating Oil Prices …And Gloat About It, Too”
~ Yasha Levine/The Exiled, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-15-11 _
>#(04-15)*FK*EC*E6E*PM##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Oil & Gas Speculation:
Koch Industries parks tankers full of oil in ports until the price goes up. The buy low and sell high. A barrel of oil traded at $145 in July 2008 and $35 in December 2008.
“Koch Industries Lackeys Admit to Manipulating Oil Prices …And Gloat About It, Too”
~ Yasha Levine/The Exiled, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-15-11 _
>#(04-15)*FK*EC*E6E*PM##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-269|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. | Koch Industries, A.L.E.C. & Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton:
pdf file: Arkansas Farmers hurt by Koch, ALEC & Sen. Tom Cotton (R*AR)
“Selling (Out) The Farm: How the Koch Agenda Hurts Ag in Arkansas”
~ Bridge Project, {Subscribe}, _ @Koch_Industries, @SenTomCotton
>###(04-15)*FK(*AR)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
pdf file: Arkansas Farmers hurt by Koch, ALEC & Sen. Tom Cotton (R*AR)
“Selling (Out) The Farm: How the Koch Agenda Hurts Ag in Arkansas”
~ Bridge Project, {Subscribe}, _ @Koch_Industries, @SenTomCotton
>###(04-15)*FK(*AR)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-270|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Governments. | ObamaCare Attack
"The Koch Cash Behind the Latest Attack on Obamacare"
~ Katrina vanden Heuvel/@thenation, {Subscribe}, 03-02-15 _
>###(03-15)*FK*EC*UJSC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The Koch Cash Behind the Latest Attack on Obamacare"
~ Katrina vanden Heuvel/@thenation, {Subscribe}, 03-02-15 _
>###(03-15)*FK*EC*UJSC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-271|”Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Kochs Influence University Economics Education:
Friedman – Chicago School austerity economics is backed by the Koch Brothers. These Anarcho-Libertarians sponsor and fund university economics departments. They choose curriculum, books and professors.
Florida State ($1.5 Million), George Mason, Clemson, West Virginia ($480 k), Brown ($419 k), Troy ($3.6 Million), Utah State ($700 k), Beloit ($130 k)
“6 Universities With Far-Right Academic Centers Funded by Koch Industries”
~ @lhfang/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 05-12-11 _
>###(04-15)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Kochs Influence University Economics Education:
Friedman – Chicago School austerity economics is backed by the Koch Brothers. These Anarcho-Libertarians sponsor and fund university economics departments. They choose curriculum, books and professors.
Florida State ($1.5 Million), George Mason, Clemson, West Virginia ($480 k), Brown ($419 k), Troy ($3.6 Million), Utah State ($700 k), Beloit ($130 k)
“6 Universities With Far-Right Academic Centers Funded by Koch Industries”
~ @lhfang/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 05-12-11 _
>###(04-15)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-272| “Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep.| Commenting on the sale of faculty positions, Washburn said, “This
is an egregious example of a public university being willing to sell itself for
next to nothing.”
The Koch Brothers are funding 150 university economics positions at state universities in the U.S. It’s an “Affront to academic freedom.” Charles Koch pledged $1.5 million for 2 faculty positions at Florida State University.
{The Koch Brothers select free market Friedman “Chicago School” Economics textbooks and professors, thus controlling what is taught. Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” is an example of a book they like. ~ IGRPP }
“Billionaire’s role in hiring decisions at State University raises questions”
~ Kris Hundley/Tampa Bay Times, {Subscribe}, 05-09-11 _
>###(07-16)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
The Koch Brothers are funding 150 university economics positions at state universities in the U.S. It’s an “Affront to academic freedom.” Charles Koch pledged $1.5 million for 2 faculty positions at Florida State University.
{The Koch Brothers select free market Friedman “Chicago School” Economics textbooks and professors, thus controlling what is taught. Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” is an example of a book they like. ~ IGRPP }
“Billionaire’s role in hiring decisions at State University raises questions”
~ Kris Hundley/Tampa Bay Times, {Subscribe}, 05-09-11 _
>###(07-16)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-273|“Koch Brothers”
"How The Koch Brothers are Intentionally Trying to Destroy Renewable Energy"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 09-05-15 _
>###(10-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"How The Koch Brothers are Intentionally Trying to Destroy Renewable Energy"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 09-05-15 _
>###(10-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-274|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Thou Art Pope of North Carolina and a psychopath or multi-billionaire, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
-/\/- “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_ Politics, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
>###(04-15)*FK3*NC##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Thou Art Pope of North Carolina and a psychopath or multi-billionaire, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
-/\/- “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_ Politics, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
>###(04-15)*FK3*NC##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-275|“Koch Brothers”
Meeting, Palm Springs, Koch Industries; Uncloak the Koch’s, Common Cause, Van Jones, (Former) US Senator Russ Feingold (2016); Liberty, Democracy, Justice
"UC Santa Cruz professor G. William Domhoff, ‘the average income of the top 400’ richest Americans — many of whom are attending the Koch’s secret event — 'tripled during the Clinton Administration and doubled during the first seven years of the Bush Administration.'”
"…threatening the “four essential human freedoms” articulated by President Frank Delano Roosevelt: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, from want, and freedom from fear."
"Rallying Against The Koch Agenda, Van Jones Warns Of ‘Excessive Concentrations Of Economic Power’"
~ Brad Johnson/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 01-31-11 _
(^^^) "Van Jones: 'We Will Not Live On A National Plantation Run By The Koch Brothers'"
~ climatebrad, {Subscribe}, 01-30-11, YT, 1:52 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Meeting, Palm Springs, Koch Industries; Uncloak the Koch’s, Common Cause, Van Jones, (Former) US Senator Russ Feingold (2016); Liberty, Democracy, Justice
"UC Santa Cruz professor G. William Domhoff, ‘the average income of the top 400’ richest Americans — many of whom are attending the Koch’s secret event — 'tripled during the Clinton Administration and doubled during the first seven years of the Bush Administration.'”
"…threatening the “four essential human freedoms” articulated by President Frank Delano Roosevelt: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, from want, and freedom from fear."
"Rallying Against The Koch Agenda, Van Jones Warns Of ‘Excessive Concentrations Of Economic Power’"
~ Brad Johnson/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 01-31-11 _
(^^^) "Van Jones: 'We Will Not Live On A National Plantation Run By The Koch Brothers'"
~ climatebrad, {Subscribe}, 01-30-11, YT, 1:52 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-276|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
The Wichita Business Journal, Wichita, KS; 1,065 Articles/ {Access Denied}
Wichita Business Journal, Various (1,065) “Spit Shine” Articles _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
The Wichita Business Journal, Wichita, KS; 1,065 Articles/ {Access Denied}
Wichita Business Journal, Various (1,065) “Spit Shine” Articles _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-277|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Public School Teacher Talks Turkey To A.L.E.C.
“This Organization has no legal authority to make such policies”
"Speaking Truth to #ALEC"
~ Sabrina Joy Stevens, {Subscribe}, 12-02-12, YT, 1:48 _
>###(07-16)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Public School Teacher Talks Turkey To A.L.E.C.
“This Organization has no legal authority to make such policies”
"Speaking Truth to #ALEC"
~ Sabrina Joy Stevens, {Subscribe}, 12-02-12, YT, 1:48 _
>###(07-16)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-278|“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party
Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. | Rigging
the Electoral College with Dark Money
Tax Exempt 501(c)4 “Social Welfare” Orgs; *PA, *IA, *AZ, *DC, *KS
"…thanks to ‘Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington’ (CREW), a nonpartisan government watchdog… organizations with ties to billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch"
"…mysterious nonprofit called 'All Votes Matter' ...didn't disclose its donors, nor did it have to. The group is organized as a 501(c)4 "social welfare" nonprofit… it can spend money on politics while keeping its donors secret. (…not supposed to spend more than half of their budget on political causes, but IRS enforcement is slack.)"
"Koch-Tied Groups Funded GOP Effort to Mess With Electoral College Rules"
~ Mariah Blake/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-31-14 _
>###(01-17)*EF*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Tax Exempt 501(c)4 “Social Welfare” Orgs; *PA, *IA, *AZ, *DC, *KS
"…thanks to ‘Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington’ (CREW), a nonpartisan government watchdog… organizations with ties to billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch"
"…mysterious nonprofit called 'All Votes Matter' ...didn't disclose its donors, nor did it have to. The group is organized as a 501(c)4 "social welfare" nonprofit… it can spend money on politics while keeping its donors secret. (…not supposed to spend more than half of their budget on political causes, but IRS enforcement is slack.)"
"Koch-Tied Groups Funded GOP Effort to Mess With Electoral College Rules"
~ Mariah Blake/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-31-14 _
>###(01-17)*EF*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-279|“Koch Brothers”
"Koch Brothers Caught Manipulating Wikipedia to Scrub the Truth About Them"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 09-10-15 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Koch Brothers Caught Manipulating Wikipedia to Scrub the Truth About Them"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 09-10-15 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-280|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
“Bradley Foundation” for Corporations Mob Pay-offs
Mitch Daniels’ and FOX Newes-4-Ewes Roger Ailes’ received payoffs of $250k, the Bradley Award, from a conservative political think-tank, the Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.
Heritage Foundation; American Enterprise Institute; Cato Institute; FreedomWorks; Americans for Prosperity; American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC);
Koch Brothers Cabal, Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels; Education
"Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, ...promoting 'American democratic capitalism.' ...has given away more than $400 million to fund conservative causes, including school voucher campaigns, anti-union ‘right to work’ laws, pro-marriage initiatives, global warming denial groups and efforts to combat voter fraud. (Translation: Throw Democrats off of old and new Confederate Red State voting rolls & initiate complex Voter ID requirements that the poor, young, an elderly can't comply with.) …quietly donated far more to the conservative causes than the Kochs.”
Bradley Cabal "dollars fund ...Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the libertarian Cato Institute. to bolster corporate-backed, tea party astroturf groups ...look like grassroots initiatives ...FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)."
"Named for its two founding brothers, the Bradley Foundation attracts less attention than the half-dozen different family foundations controlled by the better-known billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David." Previous Bradley Corp Mob payoff award Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Attorney General Edwin Meese and conservative commentator George Will
"Bradley Foundation Awards $250,000 Prizes To Roger Ailes, Mitch Daniels"
~ Christina Wilkie - Huffington Post, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13 _**
>##(08-16)*FK2*E6E*ED##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Bradley Foundation” for Corporations Mob Pay-offs
Mitch Daniels’ and FOX Newes-4-Ewes Roger Ailes’ received payoffs of $250k, the Bradley Award, from a conservative political think-tank, the Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.
Heritage Foundation; American Enterprise Institute; Cato Institute; FreedomWorks; Americans for Prosperity; American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC);
Koch Brothers Cabal, Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels; Education
"Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, ...promoting 'American democratic capitalism.' ...has given away more than $400 million to fund conservative causes, including school voucher campaigns, anti-union ‘right to work’ laws, pro-marriage initiatives, global warming denial groups and efforts to combat voter fraud. (Translation: Throw Democrats off of old and new Confederate Red State voting rolls & initiate complex Voter ID requirements that the poor, young, an elderly can't comply with.) …quietly donated far more to the conservative causes than the Kochs.”
Bradley Cabal "dollars fund ...Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the libertarian Cato Institute. to bolster corporate-backed, tea party astroturf groups ...look like grassroots initiatives ...FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)."
"Named for its two founding brothers, the Bradley Foundation attracts less attention than the half-dozen different family foundations controlled by the better-known billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David." Previous Bradley Corp Mob payoff award Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Attorney General Edwin Meese and conservative commentator George Will
"Bradley Foundation Awards $250,000 Prizes To Roger Ailes, Mitch Daniels"
~ Christina Wilkie - Huffington Post, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13 _**
>##(08-16)*FK2*E6E*ED##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-281| “Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Resistance Music
Music, “Koch Bros – It’s the evil thing.”
~ other98,, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-17-11, YT, 1:38 _
(*UJSC)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Resistance Music
Music, “Koch Bros – It’s the evil thing.”
~ other98,, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-17-11, YT, 1:38 _
(*UJSC)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-282|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Governments. | Super PAC Spoof
“Colbert Super PAC – Thank You”
~ Steven Colbert,{Cable Subscriber Support} Video, 02-02-12 _**
@colbertlateshow <
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X 96.8K ac/53Pages/183Links
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| KOCH BROTHERS CABAL
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY
“Colbert Super PAC – Thank You”
~ Steven Colbert,{Cable Subscriber Support} Video, 02-02-12 _**
@colbertlateshow <
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X 96.8K ac/53Pages/183Links
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| KOCH BROTHERS CABAL
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-301|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
Corporate interests and the Koch Cabal built the Tea Party monster that
is designed to disable the not-for-profit service infrastructure of government
so it can be more justifiably privatized (profitized).
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-302|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
(AFP), State Policy Network (SPN), “Deregulating Charity Orgs”
AFP Fighting Against Affordable (Health) Care Act ACA 2010 through a plethora of whipped up Not-For-Profit Charity Organizations & Web Sites
[like S-Court 5 Rent-Boy Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni at Liberty Central]
[ObamaCare – envisioned as “guaranteed access” to Health Insurance, (exceptions being the uncooperative 25 Koch A.L.E.C. controlled Teahad Plantation Rebels-For-Greed & RTW - Right-To-Work as a Slave-w/a-Night-Pass States)]
"The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity"
~ Pam Martens/Wall Street On Parade, A Citizens Guide to Wall St.; (See “Publishers Must Reads”), {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-19-10 _
-/\/- (V3) ~ Pam Martens/@NatCounterPunch, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 _
State Policy “Tea Anarchy” Network, “Deregulating Charity Orgs” – 501(c)3 “ed org”/Free Market Think Tanks; at least one in every state
Writers/Spinners Wanted: "Find Your Audience for Freedom,"
"Turn Crisis into Opportunity," "Become a Storyteller for Liberty"
“…vision for SPN as a service and networking organization that would help coordinate state and national efforts to promote free enterprise.”
“…independent, market-oriented, state-focused think tanks. Today …59 representing all 50 states”
SPN | About _ {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
KOCH ORG RUNDOWN: Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Club for Growth, American Energy Alliance, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Generation Opportunity, 60+, Freedom Partners, Cato Institute, Independent Women's Forum described …and many others listed
“Organizations to Watch” {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
~ Koch Problem, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>###(07-16)*EC*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(AFP), State Policy Network (SPN), “Deregulating Charity Orgs”
AFP Fighting Against Affordable (Health) Care Act ACA 2010 through a plethora of whipped up Not-For-Profit Charity Organizations & Web Sites
[like S-Court 5 Rent-Boy Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni at Liberty Central]
[ObamaCare – envisioned as “guaranteed access” to Health Insurance, (exceptions being the uncooperative 25 Koch A.L.E.C. controlled Teahad Plantation Rebels-For-Greed & RTW - Right-To-Work as a Slave-w/a-Night-Pass States)]
"The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity"
~ Pam Martens/Wall Street On Parade, A Citizens Guide to Wall St.; (See “Publishers Must Reads”), {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-19-10 _
-/\/- (V3) ~ Pam Martens/@NatCounterPunch, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 _
State Policy “Tea Anarchy” Network, “Deregulating Charity Orgs” – 501(c)3 “ed org”/Free Market Think Tanks; at least one in every state
Writers/Spinners Wanted: "Find Your Audience for Freedom,"
"Turn Crisis into Opportunity," "Become a Storyteller for Liberty"
“…vision for SPN as a service and networking organization that would help coordinate state and national efforts to promote free enterprise.”
“…independent, market-oriented, state-focused think tanks. Today …59 representing all 50 states”
SPN | About _ {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
KOCH ORG RUNDOWN: Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Club for Growth, American Energy Alliance, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Generation Opportunity, 60+, Freedom Partners, Cato Institute, Independent Women's Forum described …and many others listed
“Organizations to Watch” {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
~ Koch Problem, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>###(07-16)*EC*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-303|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
“Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 _**
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
"The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>###(04-17)*FK2*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
“Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 _**
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
"The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>###(04-17)*FK2*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-304|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
Chucky & Davie “Koch” Sucking Tea Baggers For Billionaire’s Cabal; Thou Art Pope of North Carolina and a psychopath or multi-billionaire; A.L.E.C.
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
-/\/- “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_ Politics, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
>##(04-15)*FK3*NC#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Chucky & Davie “Koch” Sucking Tea Baggers For Billionaire’s Cabal; Thou Art Pope of North Carolina and a psychopath or multi-billionaire; A.L.E.C.
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
-/\/- “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_ Politics, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
>##(04-15)*FK3*NC#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-305|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
US Senator Harry Reid, (on the Senate floor), talking about the un-American Koch Brothers, Charles & David Koch, buying US Elections; Funding dozens of Political Action Committees
A.L.E.C. – (Un) American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council, Americans For Prosperity – Tea Party
"Reid Calls Koch Brothers 'Un-American'" @SenatorReid
~ Washington Free Beacon, 02-26-14, YT, 2:32 _
-/\/- AFP – (Tea Party) Americans For Prosperity – CEO, Tim Phillips talks about the 2014 election and the effects of ObamaCare
“Harry Reid really hates the Koch Brothers. Here’s why.” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Cillizza/@washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 03-04-14, Video, 02:19_
"How Harry Reid's attack on the Koch brothers is paying off" @SenatorReid
~ Joan McCarter/@dailykos, 07-08-14 <
>(04-17)*FK3*ULDSHR#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
US Senator Harry Reid, (on the Senate floor), talking about the un-American Koch Brothers, Charles & David Koch, buying US Elections; Funding dozens of Political Action Committees
A.L.E.C. – (Un) American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council, Americans For Prosperity – Tea Party
"Reid Calls Koch Brothers 'Un-American'" @SenatorReid
~ Washington Free Beacon, 02-26-14, YT, 2:32 _
-/\/- AFP – (Tea Party) Americans For Prosperity – CEO, Tim Phillips talks about the 2014 election and the effects of ObamaCare
“Harry Reid really hates the Koch Brothers. Here’s why.” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Cillizza/@washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 03-04-14, Video, 02:19_
"How Harry Reid's attack on the Koch brothers is paying off" @SenatorReid
~ Joan McCarter/@dailykos, 07-08-14 <
>(04-17)*FK3*ULDSHR#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-306|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
“Koch” Qaeda “Bros” Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Chucky-n-Davie
WI - Wisconsin, Koch Brothers Buy Wisconsin Governor Election Twice ($40-60 million in 2012), Koch Funded “Munchhausen Syndrome - Judas” Film Clip By Wisconsin State Workers – sponsored by Americans For Prosperity Foundation & The Maciver Institute; Koch Qaeda Cabal Setting Up To Buy The National Election In 2012, Break Unions In Any State
“GOP pumping millions of dollars into elections to buy them”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, & Robert Greenwald/Brave New Films, {Podcasts/Donate}, 06-08-12, YT, 3:48 _
>###(03-13)*FK*WI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Koch” Qaeda “Bros” Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Chucky-n-Davie
WI - Wisconsin, Koch Brothers Buy Wisconsin Governor Election Twice ($40-60 million in 2012), Koch Funded “Munchhausen Syndrome - Judas” Film Clip By Wisconsin State Workers – sponsored by Americans For Prosperity Foundation & The Maciver Institute; Koch Qaeda Cabal Setting Up To Buy The National Election In 2012, Break Unions In Any State
“GOP pumping millions of dollars into elections to buy them”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, & Robert Greenwald/Brave New Films, {Podcasts/Donate}, 06-08-12, YT, 3:48 _
>###(03-13)*FK*WI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-307|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
State*WI_ Wisconsin, Democrat, Senate Candidate Tammy Baldwin (D*WI); Koch Tea Bagger “Astroturf Group - Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Has Launched A $3 Million Dollar Ad By In US Senate Races”
“Koch-funded AFP Launches Attack on Tammy Baldwin as US Senate Race Heats Up”
~ Harriet Rowan/@prwatch, @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate}, 06-26-12 _
>##(04-17)*ULDSC*WI##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
State*WI_ Wisconsin, Democrat, Senate Candidate Tammy Baldwin (D*WI); Koch Tea Bagger “Astroturf Group - Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Has Launched A $3 Million Dollar Ad By In US Senate Races”
“Koch-funded AFP Launches Attack on Tammy Baldwin as US Senate Race Heats Up”
~ Harriet Rowan/@prwatch, @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate}, 06-26-12 _
>##(04-17)*ULDSC*WI##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-308|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
"Rachel Maddow-"You are parasites" she tells Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity"
~ StartLoving2, {Subscribe} {Subscribe}, 10-16-09, YT, 8:48 _
>###(01-17) *FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Rachel Maddow-"You are parasites" she tells Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity"
~ StartLoving2, {Subscribe} {Subscribe}, 10-16-09, YT, 8:48 _
>###(01-17) *FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-309|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
Tennessee, Montana, Propaganda
Jenk Eviscerates Koch Brother’s Billionaire Front Group
AFP – Americans For (Koch) Prosperity calls town hall without notifying “Elected” Representatives for Fascist Propaganda against expansion of Affordable (health) Care Act 2010 to Red States
"Koch Brother Minions Booed At Montana Medicaid Townhall"
~ @TheYoungTurks, Wolf-PAC(.)com; {Podcast Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 02-13-15, YT, 8:35 _
>#(02-15)*FK2*EF*TN*MT##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
## XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X 11.6Kac/07Pages/17Links
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>||AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| DONORS TRUST CABAL
Tennessee, Montana, Propaganda
Jenk Eviscerates Koch Brother’s Billionaire Front Group
AFP – Americans For (Koch) Prosperity calls town hall without notifying “Elected” Representatives for Fascist Propaganda against expansion of Affordable (health) Care Act 2010 to Red States
"Koch Brother Minions Booed At Montana Medicaid Townhall"
~ @TheYoungTurks, Wolf-PAC(.)com; {Podcast Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 02-13-15, YT, 8:35 _
>#(02-15)*FK2*EF*TN*MT##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
## XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X 11.6Kac/07Pages/17Links
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>||AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| DONORS TRUST CABAL
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-320 |“Americans For (Koch
Trickle-Down Golden-Shower) Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment”
and pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
Americans for Prosperity, Florida, Taxpayers, Governor Jeb Bush, Lehman Brothers, Dick Fuld, CEO, Wall Street, Investment Bank, Pension Funds, Florida Cops, Florida Teachers, Florida Firefighters; New Hampshire*NH; Tampa Bay Times
"Election’16: Jeb Bush Got $1.3M Job At Lehman After Florida Shifted Pension Cash To Bank"
~ Matthew Cunningham-Cook, @davidsirota & Andrew Perez/@IBTMedia, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 08-19-15 _
>###(01-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Americans for Prosperity, Florida, Taxpayers, Governor Jeb Bush, Lehman Brothers, Dick Fuld, CEO, Wall Street, Investment Bank, Pension Funds, Florida Cops, Florida Teachers, Florida Firefighters; New Hampshire*NH; Tampa Bay Times
"Election’16: Jeb Bush Got $1.3M Job At Lehman After Florida Shifted Pension Cash To Bank"
~ Matthew Cunningham-Cook, @davidsirota & Andrew Perez/@IBTMedia, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 08-19-15 _
>###(01-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-401|Corp Pandemic “Donors
Trust” cabal is a neo-fascist think-tank “funding hub” for flying-monkey
mobs that love Trickle-Down Economics
without governance.
EXXON MOBIL CONNECTION: Corp Pandemic “Donors Trust” cabal is a neo-fascist think-tank “funding hub” for flying-monkey mobs that love Trickle-Down Economics without governance.
Virginia "Right-Wing Charity;" Increase in dark money donations
Dark Money Org. does not disclose donors funding Climate Change Denial after the Koch Brothers and Exxon slow donations to disclosing P.A.C.’s
"Since 1999, the nonprofit charity Donors Trust has handed out nearly $400 million in private donations to more than 1,000 right-wing and libertarian groups."
"The most detailed accounting to date shows Donors Trust funds a wish list of right-wing causes, prompting Mother Jones magazine to label it ‘the dark-money ATM of the right.’" “…months-long investigation into the Donors Trust called ‘Donors Use Charity to Push Free-Market Policies in STATES.’" (*AL)(*AK)(*AZ)(*GA)(*SC)(*SD)(*TX)
(^^^) "Donors Trust: Little-Known Group Helps Wealthy Backers Fund Right-Wing Agenda in Secret" @MotherJones @exxonmobil
~ @democracynow, {Pods/Donate}, w/John Dunbar/@Publici, 02-17-13, YT, 11:15 <
REX TILLERSON EXXON MOBIL CAREER CEO 2006 – 2016 (1975 - 2016)
“Tillerson has controversial ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin and has previously been the director of a joint US-Russian oil company registered in the ‘tax haven of the Bahamas’". ~ Wikipedia @exxonmobil
(^^^) Rex Tillerson, @Wikipedia,{Donate}
-/\/- The Center for Public Integrity, Politics
1.) Donors Trust is a VA-based charity ...$400 million from private donors to free-market causes since 1999.
2.) Dozens of major conservative philanthropies hold Donors Trust accounts ...Charles Koch (Tea Party).
3.) Donors Trust has funded at least 51 state-level, free-market think tanks since 2007.
4.) A conservative media outlet called the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity drew 95 percent of its revenue from Donors Trust in 2011."
"In 2009, a network of online media outlets began popping up in state capitals across the nation, each covering the news from a clearly conservative point of view."
"One Donors Trust grant to Mackinac Center was earmarked for “statehouse reporting” efforts. Mackinac put the money toward a media machine of blogs and research studies making the case for the state’s new “right-to-work” law."
"Conservative foundations and individuals use Donors Trust to pass money to a vast network of think tanks and media outlets that push free-market ideology in the states — $86 million in 2011 alone."
"Nonprofit group lets donors fly 'totally under the radar'"
"Donors use charity to push free-market policies in states"
~ Paul Abowd/@Publici, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-14-13
-/\/- Mother Jones Exposes Tax Records of Donors Trust
IRS Tax Form 990: Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code - 2011 - $39,267,594 taken in
"list of all of Donors Trust's 2011 grants:" ~ Right-Wing-Recipient Orgs.
"Bankrolls the Heartland Institute, a shrill flag-bearer for climate-change denialism; the American Legislative Exchange Council, the right-wing bill mill; ...slew of think tanks and advocacy shops promoting an anti-union, free-market agenda. As The Nation's Ari Berman recently reported, Donors Trust is also the sole funder of the Project on Fair Representation, ...gut the Voting Rights Act."
"Exclusive: Donors Trust, The Right's Dark-Money ATM, Paid Out $30 Million in 2011"
~ Andy Kroll/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 02-11-13
@AriBerman <
-/\/- Right-Wing Attacking Voting Rights, The Nation
"bipartisan consensus that supported the VRA for nearly fifty years has collapsed, and conservatives are challenging the law ...Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge to Section 5 of the VRA, which compels parts or all of sixteen states with a history of racial discrimination in voting to clear election-related changes ...The case will be heard on February 27. The lawsuit, originating in ...Alabama, is backed by leading operatives and funders ...along with Republican attorneys general in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina, South Dakota and Texas. Shelby County’s brief claims that 'Section 5’s federalism cost is too great'"
"Why Are Conservatives Trying to Destroy the Voting Rights Act?"
~ @AriBerman/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-05-13 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
EXXON MOBIL CONNECTION: Corp Pandemic “Donors Trust” cabal is a neo-fascist think-tank “funding hub” for flying-monkey mobs that love Trickle-Down Economics without governance.
Virginia "Right-Wing Charity;" Increase in dark money donations
Dark Money Org. does not disclose donors funding Climate Change Denial after the Koch Brothers and Exxon slow donations to disclosing P.A.C.’s
"Since 1999, the nonprofit charity Donors Trust has handed out nearly $400 million in private donations to more than 1,000 right-wing and libertarian groups."
"The most detailed accounting to date shows Donors Trust funds a wish list of right-wing causes, prompting Mother Jones magazine to label it ‘the dark-money ATM of the right.’" “…months-long investigation into the Donors Trust called ‘Donors Use Charity to Push Free-Market Policies in STATES.’" (*AL)(*AK)(*AZ)(*GA)(*SC)(*SD)(*TX)
(^^^) "Donors Trust: Little-Known Group Helps Wealthy Backers Fund Right-Wing Agenda in Secret" @MotherJones @exxonmobil
~ @democracynow, {Pods/Donate}, w/John Dunbar/@Publici, 02-17-13, YT, 11:15 <
REX TILLERSON EXXON MOBIL CAREER CEO 2006 – 2016 (1975 - 2016)
“Tillerson has controversial ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin and has previously been the director of a joint US-Russian oil company registered in the ‘tax haven of the Bahamas’". ~ Wikipedia @exxonmobil
(^^^) Rex Tillerson, @Wikipedia,{Donate}
-/\/- The Center for Public Integrity, Politics
1.) Donors Trust is a VA-based charity ...$400 million from private donors to free-market causes since 1999.
2.) Dozens of major conservative philanthropies hold Donors Trust accounts ...Charles Koch (Tea Party).
3.) Donors Trust has funded at least 51 state-level, free-market think tanks since 2007.
4.) A conservative media outlet called the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity drew 95 percent of its revenue from Donors Trust in 2011."
"In 2009, a network of online media outlets began popping up in state capitals across the nation, each covering the news from a clearly conservative point of view."
"One Donors Trust grant to Mackinac Center was earmarked for “statehouse reporting” efforts. Mackinac put the money toward a media machine of blogs and research studies making the case for the state’s new “right-to-work” law."
"Conservative foundations and individuals use Donors Trust to pass money to a vast network of think tanks and media outlets that push free-market ideology in the states — $86 million in 2011 alone."
"Nonprofit group lets donors fly 'totally under the radar'"
"Donors use charity to push free-market policies in states"
~ Paul Abowd/@Publici, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-14-13
-/\/- Mother Jones Exposes Tax Records of Donors Trust
IRS Tax Form 990: Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code - 2011 - $39,267,594 taken in
"list of all of Donors Trust's 2011 grants:" ~ Right-Wing-Recipient Orgs.
"Bankrolls the Heartland Institute, a shrill flag-bearer for climate-change denialism; the American Legislative Exchange Council, the right-wing bill mill; ...slew of think tanks and advocacy shops promoting an anti-union, free-market agenda. As The Nation's Ari Berman recently reported, Donors Trust is also the sole funder of the Project on Fair Representation, ...gut the Voting Rights Act."
"Exclusive: Donors Trust, The Right's Dark-Money ATM, Paid Out $30 Million in 2011"
~ Andy Kroll/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 02-11-13
@AriBerman <
-/\/- Right-Wing Attacking Voting Rights, The Nation
"bipartisan consensus that supported the VRA for nearly fifty years has collapsed, and conservatives are challenging the law ...Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge to Section 5 of the VRA, which compels parts or all of sixteen states with a history of racial discrimination in voting to clear election-related changes ...The case will be heard on February 27. The lawsuit, originating in ...Alabama, is backed by leading operatives and funders ...along with Republican attorneys general in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina, South Dakota and Texas. Shelby County’s brief claims that 'Section 5’s federalism cost is too great'"
"Why Are Conservatives Trying to Destroy the Voting Rights Act?"
~ @AriBerman/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-05-13 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-402|Corp Pandemic “Donors
Trust” cabal is a neo-fascist think-tank “funding hub” for flying-monkey
mobs that love Trickle-Down Economics
without governance.
Virginia "Right-Wing Charity"
"Since 1999, the nonprofit charity Donors Trust has handed out nearly $400 million in private donations to more than 1,000 right-wing and libertarian groups."
-/\/- Keystone XL story by Tara Lohan – Moyers & Co; notes and quotes
XL Southern Leg opened in 2011 “…a 485-mile strip of Oklahoma & Texas”
XL Northern leg "...environmental impact statement... Environmental Resources Management, and paid for by TransCanada itself. ...later found that the State Department intentionally kept the public in the dark about the connections. …Conflict..."
“Dark money the Kochs to counter climate change action …Donors Trust and Donor Capital to cover their tracks because such donations don’t need to be made public. ...Donors Trust doled out …$63 million by 2010.”
"…2013 speech at Georgetown University, Obama …approve the pipeline if it didn’t exacerbate climate pollution."
"Cushing ...’pipeline crossroads of the world.’ ...hosts a terminus of the Keystone pipeline …Obama fast-tracked the southern leg of Keystone XL to help move crude out of Cushing and toward the Gulf …exported."
“…observers documented dozens of anomalies and problems apparently caused by TransCanada contractors not following …engineering code.”
"The southern leg crosses 631 rivers and streams in the Lone Star State alone. ...The Keystone pipeline (So. Leg) had 12 spills in its inaugural year."
"The Keystone XL Pipeline’s ‘Accidental Activists’"
~ @TaraLohan/@WaterDeeply/@MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 01-22-14 _
>##(04-17)*E6E*FK##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
##* XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X .6Kac/0Pages/Links
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| DONORS TRUST CABAL
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| GROVER NORQUIST
Virginia "Right-Wing Charity"
"Since 1999, the nonprofit charity Donors Trust has handed out nearly $400 million in private donations to more than 1,000 right-wing and libertarian groups."
-/\/- Keystone XL story by Tara Lohan – Moyers & Co; notes and quotes
XL Southern Leg opened in 2011 “…a 485-mile strip of Oklahoma & Texas”
XL Northern leg "...environmental impact statement... Environmental Resources Management, and paid for by TransCanada itself. ...later found that the State Department intentionally kept the public in the dark about the connections. …Conflict..."
“Dark money the Kochs to counter climate change action …Donors Trust and Donor Capital to cover their tracks because such donations don’t need to be made public. ...Donors Trust doled out …$63 million by 2010.”
"…2013 speech at Georgetown University, Obama …approve the pipeline if it didn’t exacerbate climate pollution."
"Cushing ...’pipeline crossroads of the world.’ ...hosts a terminus of the Keystone pipeline …Obama fast-tracked the southern leg of Keystone XL to help move crude out of Cushing and toward the Gulf …exported."
“…observers documented dozens of anomalies and problems apparently caused by TransCanada contractors not following …engineering code.”
"The southern leg crosses 631 rivers and streams in the Lone Star State alone. ...The Keystone pipeline (So. Leg) had 12 spills in its inaugural year."
"The Keystone XL Pipeline’s ‘Accidental Activists’"
~ @TaraLohan/@WaterDeeply/@MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 01-22-14 _
>##(04-17)*E6E*FK##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
##* XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X .6Kac/0Pages/Links
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| DONORS TRUST CABAL
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| GROVER NORQUIST
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-100|Grover Norquist
is CEO, organ-grinder-monkey and Republican/T con-artist with an
anarcho-libertarian tax pledge for dolts.
His room temp I.Q. “Americans for Tax Reform”/ATR Pledge is intended to
defund civilization using sock-puppet Judas lawmaker pledges who can be
intimidated the ideas of a 12 year old boy sitting on a short school bus.
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-101|Grover Norquist
60 Minutes Interview:
As a 12 Year Old Sitting on a Short School Bus, Grovie, then shadowing his father as an activist in the Nixon Presidential Campaign 1971, thought of a “No-Fail Strategy” For RepubLieCons to win all future elections. His plan was for the GOP to Pledge to “NEVER RAISE TAXES” under ANY circumstance …come war, budget deficit, natural disaster, whatever. Since Pres. Reagan (1981-89) encouraged Grovie and his Neo-Con/Neo-Lib Ilk, the U.S Treasury was raided by the 1% for 31 Years. Trans-National Corporations got Tax Cuts and Deregulation. The 1% Oligarchs “Manufactured Consent” using media for numerous wealth generating Coup d’États and 2 Wars along with Global Disaster Denial (as U.S. debt soared to over $16 Trillion).
Grovie holds GOP Politicians Accountable by Primarying them with a Radical-Right opponent in the Next Election for the crime of “Thinking Beyond the Capacity Of A 12 YEAR OLD!” His rhetorical balloon animal voodoo, “Raising Taxes,” fools Room Temp I.Q.’s who don’t seem to realize that taxes finance civilization. Grovie deliberately comingles the ideas of “Raising Taxes on the Working Class” with “Raising Taxes on the 1%.” He demonizes the federal government and encourages voters to demand “tax cuts for everyone.” And the resulting “Trickle-Down Economics” hurts 98% and grows the debt. Thus the rich are able to avoid paying a “fair share” tax rate like the “Buffett Rule” or Better and U.S. debt grows exponentially out of control. (And the rich fully expect to buy up government assets and services for cents on the dollar.)
Grovie Controls 276 US Senators and House Reps out of 535 along with Over 1200 State Legislators. His Thought Provoking Quotes are: “Shrink Government So Small You Could Drown It In The Bath Tub” and “To Voters, Having A Legislator Raise Their Taxes Is Like Finding A Rat Head In A Half-Drunk Coke Bottle” …(a rat head won’t fit in a coke bottle, Grovie …just sayen). But the 1500+ U.S & State Legislative Room Temp I.Q.’s who listen to Grovie can’t think for themselves, can they?
“The Pledge: Grover Norquist’s hold on the GOP”
~ Steve Kroft/CBS, with Grover Norquist, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 11-20-11, 60 Minutes Video _***^;contentAux
-/\/- CBS NEWS <
-/\/- Transcript: Steve Kroft, w/Grover Norquist, 60 Minutes _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
60 Minutes Interview:
As a 12 Year Old Sitting on a Short School Bus, Grovie, then shadowing his father as an activist in the Nixon Presidential Campaign 1971, thought of a “No-Fail Strategy” For RepubLieCons to win all future elections. His plan was for the GOP to Pledge to “NEVER RAISE TAXES” under ANY circumstance …come war, budget deficit, natural disaster, whatever. Since Pres. Reagan (1981-89) encouraged Grovie and his Neo-Con/Neo-Lib Ilk, the U.S Treasury was raided by the 1% for 31 Years. Trans-National Corporations got Tax Cuts and Deregulation. The 1% Oligarchs “Manufactured Consent” using media for numerous wealth generating Coup d’États and 2 Wars along with Global Disaster Denial (as U.S. debt soared to over $16 Trillion).
Grovie holds GOP Politicians Accountable by Primarying them with a Radical-Right opponent in the Next Election for the crime of “Thinking Beyond the Capacity Of A 12 YEAR OLD!” His rhetorical balloon animal voodoo, “Raising Taxes,” fools Room Temp I.Q.’s who don’t seem to realize that taxes finance civilization. Grovie deliberately comingles the ideas of “Raising Taxes on the Working Class” with “Raising Taxes on the 1%.” He demonizes the federal government and encourages voters to demand “tax cuts for everyone.” And the resulting “Trickle-Down Economics” hurts 98% and grows the debt. Thus the rich are able to avoid paying a “fair share” tax rate like the “Buffett Rule” or Better and U.S. debt grows exponentially out of control. (And the rich fully expect to buy up government assets and services for cents on the dollar.)
Grovie Controls 276 US Senators and House Reps out of 535 along with Over 1200 State Legislators. His Thought Provoking Quotes are: “Shrink Government So Small You Could Drown It In The Bath Tub” and “To Voters, Having A Legislator Raise Their Taxes Is Like Finding A Rat Head In A Half-Drunk Coke Bottle” …(a rat head won’t fit in a coke bottle, Grovie …just sayen). But the 1500+ U.S & State Legislative Room Temp I.Q.’s who listen to Grovie can’t think for themselves, can they?
“The Pledge: Grover Norquist’s hold on the GOP”
~ Steve Kroft/CBS, with Grover Norquist, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 11-20-11, 60 Minutes Video _***^;contentAux
-/\/- CBS NEWS <
-/\/- Transcript: Steve Kroft, w/Grover Norquist, 60 Minutes _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-102|Grover Norquist
Tax-Deductable multinational corporations & foreign government dollars
US Legislators, both Federal and State, are asked to take a pledge that Norquist thought up when he was sitting on a short yellow school bus at the age of 12. The pledge is to “Never Raise Taxes” and “Never Eliminate Deductions” on wealth extracting Multinational Corporations, regular Americans, or Family Businesses under any “National Circumstance.” The only choice is to “lower them.” And “Taxes” support “Civilization.”
(^^^) "American for Tax Reform" (ATR)
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Support Journalism/Donate} _**
{Located Above the “Register Now…”Email Form”}
List of Pledge Signers in the 113th Congress
List of State Signers of the Pledge
Federal Pledge
Governor Pledge
Federal Taxpayer Protection Pledge Q & A
State Legislator Pledge
State Taxpayer Protection Pledge Q & A
(Rich) Americans For Tax Reform (and Civilization Crash) _
-/\/-PLUG-IN the name of a Con Politician. See if they “Pledged” to Freeze or Cut not-for-profit Gov’t Services & infrastructure, (Commons Resources of Civilization), that are financed and maintained “with Taxes” _
-/\/- US LEGISLATORS: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge Signers 07/2013
113th Congress: US House Reps & US Senators 258/535 (48%)
219/435 House Reps. (238 on 08-10-12) &
39/100 Senators (41 on 08-10-12)
~ Amazon ATR Files, 07-30-13 _**
-/\/- STATE Exec’s & Politicians: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge 01/2014
1,030 Legislators: 14 Governors; 4 Lieutenant Governors; 4 Attorneys General, 3 Secretaries of State, 3 Treasurers, etc
~ Amazon ATR Files, 01-13-14 _***^
-/\/- US LEGISLATORS: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge Signers 12/2012
113th Congress: US House Reps & US Senators 258/535 (48%)
219/435 House Reps. (238 on 08-10-12) &
39/100 Senators (41 on 08-10-12)
~ Amazon ATR Files, 12-10-12 _**
-/\/- STATE Exec’s & Politicians: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge 01/2013;
1,035 Legislators, 14 Governors, Admin’s, Senators, Rep’s, etc
~ Amazon ATR Files, 01-23-13 _***^
-/\/- STATE Exec’s & Politicians: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge 2011
1,263 Legislators 13 Govs, 5 Lieut. Govs, 4 Attys General, 3 Secretaries of State, 3 Treasurers, 1 Auditor, etc
"List of Your States Signers signed to Grover Norquist, Controversial Americans For Tax Reform Pledge"
~ Frederica Cade’s Blog – Word Press, (Update from 11-17-10 list with new list as 09-16-11) {Subscribe/Donate}, 12-31-10 _**
-/\/- US LEGISLATORS: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge Signers
238/434 US House Rep’s & 41/100 US Senators
(^^^) "The Taxpayer Protection Pledge Signers 112th Congressional List”
~ Amazon ATR Files, 09-14-11 _**
-/\/- "The Americans for Tax Reform Pledge Signers - 112th Congressional List" & "PCCC Pledge to Protect Social Security Signers-112th Cong’l List:"
(^^^) "Just the Facts: Pledges”
~ No Labels _
"Americans for Prosperity: Federal Taxpayer Protection Pledge”
~ Vote Smart, (second/alt. copy of above pledges ↑), 01-01-13 _
Americans for Tax Reform Espouses:
1.) Libertarian Ideology – No Taxes, No Regulations, No Minimum Wage, No Social Security, No Medicare, No Medicaid, No Unemployment Ins., No Pensions, No Veterans Benefits, {No 20th Century Progress}, No Limits On “Free-{But-Heavily-Federally-Subsidized}-Market” Capitalism, All ”Profitization”/Privatization of Services and Industries, and very “Limited/Small” Thrifty Not-For-Profit Government Services for Police, Courts, and Armed Forces …No Civilization, and No Middle Class… just Charles Dickens’ America;
2.) Tax-Cuts-4-Rich-&-Corporations => Civilization Cut => Crumbling Infrastructure => AUSTERITY => Social Safety Net Attacks => Fire-Sale On Publically Held Assets => Privatization => Deregulation => Profitization;
3.) The Flat-Tax/Simplify Federal Tax Code “Shell Game” is a proposition where working Americans and working families need the lowest percentage of taxation to access life’s necessities; profit-charter enabled Millionaires, Billionaires, and the Multinational Corporations they own are more than happy to convince “motivated working class voters” to “lower everybody’s tax rates,” as rich silver sperm psychopaths scheme to open bigger checks by the pool …convinced that those “legislators they own” by virtual “Kick-Back,” “Pay-To-Play,” and Citizens(Corps) United opponent directed “attack ad” will never allow deduction to “Go Away” for the wealthy and their Corps
>(10-13)*FK*EC(*EL)(*USLC)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
## 6.0k ac
Tax-Deductable multinational corporations & foreign government dollars
US Legislators, both Federal and State, are asked to take a pledge that Norquist thought up when he was sitting on a short yellow school bus at the age of 12. The pledge is to “Never Raise Taxes” and “Never Eliminate Deductions” on wealth extracting Multinational Corporations, regular Americans, or Family Businesses under any “National Circumstance.” The only choice is to “lower them.” And “Taxes” support “Civilization.”
(^^^) "American for Tax Reform" (ATR)
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Support Journalism/Donate} _**
{Located Above the “Register Now…”Email Form”}
List of Pledge Signers in the 113th Congress
List of State Signers of the Pledge
Federal Pledge
Governor Pledge
Federal Taxpayer Protection Pledge Q & A
State Legislator Pledge
State Taxpayer Protection Pledge Q & A
(Rich) Americans For Tax Reform (and Civilization Crash) _
-/\/-PLUG-IN the name of a Con Politician. See if they “Pledged” to Freeze or Cut not-for-profit Gov’t Services & infrastructure, (Commons Resources of Civilization), that are financed and maintained “with Taxes” _
-/\/- US LEGISLATORS: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge Signers 07/2013
113th Congress: US House Reps & US Senators 258/535 (48%)
219/435 House Reps. (238 on 08-10-12) &
39/100 Senators (41 on 08-10-12)
~ Amazon ATR Files, 07-30-13 _**
-/\/- STATE Exec’s & Politicians: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge 01/2014
1,030 Legislators: 14 Governors; 4 Lieutenant Governors; 4 Attorneys General, 3 Secretaries of State, 3 Treasurers, etc
~ Amazon ATR Files, 01-13-14 _***^
-/\/- US LEGISLATORS: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge Signers 12/2012
113th Congress: US House Reps & US Senators 258/535 (48%)
219/435 House Reps. (238 on 08-10-12) &
39/100 Senators (41 on 08-10-12)
~ Amazon ATR Files, 12-10-12 _**
-/\/- STATE Exec’s & Politicians: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge 01/2013;
1,035 Legislators, 14 Governors, Admin’s, Senators, Rep’s, etc
~ Amazon ATR Files, 01-23-13 _***^
-/\/- STATE Exec’s & Politicians: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge 2011
1,263 Legislators 13 Govs, 5 Lieut. Govs, 4 Attys General, 3 Secretaries of State, 3 Treasurers, 1 Auditor, etc
"List of Your States Signers signed to Grover Norquist, Controversial Americans For Tax Reform Pledge"
~ Frederica Cade’s Blog – Word Press, (Update from 11-17-10 list with new list as 09-16-11) {Subscribe/Donate}, 12-31-10 _**
-/\/- US LEGISLATORS: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge Signers
238/434 US House Rep’s & 41/100 US Senators
(^^^) "The Taxpayer Protection Pledge Signers 112th Congressional List”
~ Amazon ATR Files, 09-14-11 _**
-/\/- "The Americans for Tax Reform Pledge Signers - 112th Congressional List" & "PCCC Pledge to Protect Social Security Signers-112th Cong’l List:"
(^^^) "Just the Facts: Pledges”
~ No Labels _
"Americans for Prosperity: Federal Taxpayer Protection Pledge”
~ Vote Smart, (second/alt. copy of above pledges ↑), 01-01-13 _
Americans for Tax Reform Espouses:
1.) Libertarian Ideology – No Taxes, No Regulations, No Minimum Wage, No Social Security, No Medicare, No Medicaid, No Unemployment Ins., No Pensions, No Veterans Benefits, {No 20th Century Progress}, No Limits On “Free-{But-Heavily-Federally-Subsidized}-Market” Capitalism, All ”Profitization”/Privatization of Services and Industries, and very “Limited/Small” Thrifty Not-For-Profit Government Services for Police, Courts, and Armed Forces …No Civilization, and No Middle Class… just Charles Dickens’ America;
2.) Tax-Cuts-4-Rich-&-Corporations => Civilization Cut => Crumbling Infrastructure => AUSTERITY => Social Safety Net Attacks => Fire-Sale On Publically Held Assets => Privatization => Deregulation => Profitization;
3.) The Flat-Tax/Simplify Federal Tax Code “Shell Game” is a proposition where working Americans and working families need the lowest percentage of taxation to access life’s necessities; profit-charter enabled Millionaires, Billionaires, and the Multinational Corporations they own are more than happy to convince “motivated working class voters” to “lower everybody’s tax rates,” as rich silver sperm psychopaths scheme to open bigger checks by the pool …convinced that those “legislators they own” by virtual “Kick-Back,” “Pay-To-Play,” and Citizens(Corps) United opponent directed “attack ad” will never allow deduction to “Go Away” for the wealthy and their Corps
>(10-13)*FK*EC(*EL)(*USLC)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
## 6.0k ac
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-103|Grover Norquist
"Rand Paul, Ted Cruz First 2016 Candidates To Sign Grover Norquist's Anti-Tax Pledge"
~ Paige Lavender/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 04-24-15 _
>##(06-15)*FK*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Rand Paul, Ted Cruz First 2016 Candidates To Sign Grover Norquist's Anti-Tax Pledge"
~ Paige Lavender/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 04-24-15 _
>##(06-15)*FK*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-104|Grover Norquist
Grover Comments On GOP President
“We DON’T need a President to tell us which way to go. …We just need a President to sign this stuff. …We DON’T need someone to think it up or design it. …Pick a republican with Enough working digits to hold a pen to become president of the United States” ~ Grover Norquist
"The Rachel Maddow Show - Romney, Republican finger puppet?"
~ R.M. – MSNBC & Grover Norquist, Licentiathe8th, {Ad & Cable Subscribe/Support}, 05-02-12, YT, 1:25 _
(^^^) "Corporate Robot – Norquist Wish List For A Republican President”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 02-13-12, YT, 3:51 _**
(^^^) "Grover Norquist on Nomination Fight Harming GOP at CPAC 2012”
~ Grover Norquist-Americans For Tax Reform (Political Action Committee), rowdypulpit, {Subscribe}, 02-23-12, YT, 3:40 _
-/\/- {Wayne LaPierre – NRA - C.E.O. – Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins Pistol-
Whipping Legislators NRA-Gun Manufacturing Lobby, Corp Wolf P.A.C. Gun Industry Profits}
”CPAC Chicago; NRA News Interview with Grover Norquist – Americans For Tax Reforms”
~ G.N., NRANews, {Subscribe}, 06-23-12, YT, 6:23 _
(^^^) "Liberal ‘Parasites’ – Grover Norquist at CPAC 2012”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 02-13-12, YT, 3:07 _
>###(03-13)*FK(*PI)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Grover Comments On GOP President
“We DON’T need a President to tell us which way to go. …We just need a President to sign this stuff. …We DON’T need someone to think it up or design it. …Pick a republican with Enough working digits to hold a pen to become president of the United States” ~ Grover Norquist
"The Rachel Maddow Show - Romney, Republican finger puppet?"
~ R.M. – MSNBC & Grover Norquist, Licentiathe8th, {Ad & Cable Subscribe/Support}, 05-02-12, YT, 1:25 _
(^^^) "Corporate Robot – Norquist Wish List For A Republican President”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 02-13-12, YT, 3:51 _**
(^^^) "Grover Norquist on Nomination Fight Harming GOP at CPAC 2012”
~ Grover Norquist-Americans For Tax Reform (Political Action Committee), rowdypulpit, {Subscribe}, 02-23-12, YT, 3:40 _
-/\/- {Wayne LaPierre – NRA - C.E.O. – Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins Pistol-
Whipping Legislators NRA-Gun Manufacturing Lobby, Corp Wolf P.A.C. Gun Industry Profits}
”CPAC Chicago; NRA News Interview with Grover Norquist – Americans For Tax Reforms”
~ G.N., NRANews, {Subscribe}, 06-23-12, YT, 6:23 _
(^^^) "Liberal ‘Parasites’ – Grover Norquist at CPAC 2012”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 02-13-12, YT, 3:07 _
>###(03-13)*FK(*PI)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-105|Grover Norquist
Democrats, Budget Battle 2012, “OFF THE CLIFF/THELMA & LOUISE” Tax Rate Adjustment Strategy (on the top 2%) To Defeat The Norquist Pledge;
Return To Clinton Tax Rate, 39.6%, On The Top 2% Income Earners; Increase Only Effects 3% Of “High Income” Small Business Owners ($250K+) While 97% S.B.O.’s Get The Tax The Same Tax Cuts They Have Now; Sen. Patty Murray (D*WA) - “Thelma & Louise Strategy”
Let “All” Bush Tax Cuts Expire At The End Of 2012, As Scheduled Every Tax Payer/100% Gets The Tax Cut On The First $250,000 Of Income
Strategy Requires GOP Congressmen Who “Signed The Grover Norquist Pledge” To “Vote For” The Democratic Bill To Reinstate Tax Cuts For 98% of Americans After The First Year When Congress Reconvenes 01-24-13
“The Last Word – Grover Norquist’s worst nightmare”
~ @Lawrence O ’Donnell – MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscribe/Support}, 07-19-12, YT, 9:26 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*EC)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Democrats, Budget Battle 2012, “OFF THE CLIFF/THELMA & LOUISE” Tax Rate Adjustment Strategy (on the top 2%) To Defeat The Norquist Pledge;
Return To Clinton Tax Rate, 39.6%, On The Top 2% Income Earners; Increase Only Effects 3% Of “High Income” Small Business Owners ($250K+) While 97% S.B.O.’s Get The Tax The Same Tax Cuts They Have Now; Sen. Patty Murray (D*WA) - “Thelma & Louise Strategy”
Let “All” Bush Tax Cuts Expire At The End Of 2012, As Scheduled Every Tax Payer/100% Gets The Tax Cut On The First $250,000 Of Income
Strategy Requires GOP Congressmen Who “Signed The Grover Norquist Pledge” To “Vote For” The Democratic Bill To Reinstate Tax Cuts For 98% of Americans After The First Year When Congress Reconvenes 01-24-13
“The Last Word – Grover Norquist’s worst nightmare”
~ @Lawrence O ’Donnell – MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscribe/Support}, 07-19-12, YT, 9:26 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*EC)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-106|Grover Norquist
is CEO, organ-grinder-monkey and Republican/T con-artist with an
anarcho-libertarian tax pledge for dolts.
"Norquist Tells GOP That Raising Taxes On The Middle Class Doesn’t Count As A Tax Increase"
~ Travis Waldron/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 12-01-11 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Norquist Tells GOP That Raising Taxes On The Middle Class Doesn’t Count As A Tax Increase"
~ Travis Waldron/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 12-01-11 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-107|Grover Norquist
Gridlock Grover, a 12 Year Olds “Pledge Idea” Grips America
“The Daily Show Destroys Grover Norquist w/Think Tank Of Twelve Year Olds”
~ Steven D. Foster Jr./@AddInfoOrg, {Support}, 02-29-12, Video, 5:14 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gridlock Grover, a 12 Year Olds “Pledge Idea” Grips America
“The Daily Show Destroys Grover Norquist w/Think Tank Of Twelve Year Olds”
~ Steven D. Foster Jr./@AddInfoOrg, {Support}, 02-29-12, Video, 5:14 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-108|Grover Norquist
Private Prisons
“Grover Norquist: Prison Reform NOW”
~ RT News, TheAlyonaShow, {Podcast/Subscribe}, 04-08-11, YT, 9:25 _
>###(03-14)*FK*PR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Private Prisons
“Grover Norquist: Prison Reform NOW”
~ RT News, TheAlyonaShow, {Podcast/Subscribe}, 04-08-11, YT, 9:25 _
>###(03-14)*FK*PR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-109|Grover Norquist
Push Back
“SuckIt, Grover. Our ‘beast’ is going to eat your party.”
~ slipperytoad/Daily Kos member, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Push Back
“SuckIt, Grover. Our ‘beast’ is going to eat your party.”
~ slipperytoad/Daily Kos member, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-110|Grover Norquist
is CEO, organ-grinder-monkey and Republican/T con-artist with an
anarcho-libertarian tax pledge for dolts.
New Jersey *NJ, Pledge
"ATR Releases List of 2015 State Pledge Signers Following Primary Elections in New Jersey"
~ Grover Norquist/(Rich) Americans for Tax Reform, A.T.F. (2015) _
>#(08-15)*FK*E16*NJ#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
New Jersey *NJ, Pledge
"ATR Releases List of 2015 State Pledge Signers Following Primary Elections in New Jersey"
~ Grover Norquist/(Rich) Americans for Tax Reform, A.T.F. (2015) _
>#(08-15)*FK*E16*NJ#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-111|Grover Norquist
is CEO, organ-grinder-monkey and Republican/T con-artist with an
anarcho-libertarian tax pledge for dolts.
Louisiana, Budget, Tax Pledge:
"Republican state lawmakers in Louisiana and anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist are in a war of words over the states terrible budget options..."
"To close the huge budget gap, Jindal initially proposed a drastic $600 million in cuts to higher education and other major slashes to state programs..."
"Louisiana GOPers In Fiscal Mess Beg Grover Norquist To Relax No Tax Pledge"
~ Tierney Sneed/@TPM, {Subscribe}, 06-09-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Louisiana, Budget, Tax Pledge:
"Republican state lawmakers in Louisiana and anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist are in a war of words over the states terrible budget options..."
"To close the huge budget gap, Jindal initially proposed a drastic $600 million in cuts to higher education and other major slashes to state programs..."
"Louisiana GOPers In Fiscal Mess Beg Grover Norquist To Relax No Tax Pledge"
~ Tierney Sneed/@TPM, {Subscribe}, 06-09-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-112|Grover Norquist
is CEO, organ-grinder-monkey and Republican/T con-artist with an
anarcho-libertarian tax pledge for dolts.
"The overall purpose of Norquist's anti-tax movement has been to "starve the beast;" i.e., force a radical reduction in social spending that Republicans do not like by intentionally unbalancing the budget, and then pointing to social programs as the cause."
"Suck It, Grover. Our 'beast' is going to eat your party"
~ slippytoad/Daily Kos member, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The overall purpose of Norquist's anti-tax movement has been to "starve the beast;" i.e., force a radical reduction in social spending that Republicans do not like by intentionally unbalancing the budget, and then pointing to social programs as the cause."
"Suck It, Grover. Our 'beast' is going to eat your party"
~ slippytoad/Daily Kos member, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-GN-113|Grover Norquist
2012, Trickle-Down Economics, GOP Budget, Debt Ceiling, Gang of Six Senators;
Senator Alan Simpson (R*WY), (*ULRSAS); Bloomberg News
"Grover Norquist's Role in Budget Talks"
~ taxreformer, {Subscribe}, 05-25-11, YT, 2:02 <
"Grover Norquist Debates Chris Matthews on Hardball"
~ taxreformer, {Subscribe}, 07-21-11, YT, 11:56 _
@MSNBC @HardballChris <
-/\/- Pledge 112th Congress 2009-10 _
-/\/- "Fox Business Network's John Stossel interviewed Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, about ATR's fight to simplify the tax code and lower taxes for every American."
"John Stossel Interviews Grover Norquist at Freedom Fest"
~ taxreformer, {Subscribe}, 07-20-15, YT, 5:39 _
>###(01-17)*FK*EC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
#12.6K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| GROVER NORQUIST – ATR
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| KARL ROVE – AM. CROSSROADS
2012, Trickle-Down Economics, GOP Budget, Debt Ceiling, Gang of Six Senators;
Senator Alan Simpson (R*WY), (*ULRSAS); Bloomberg News
"Grover Norquist's Role in Budget Talks"
~ taxreformer, {Subscribe}, 05-25-11, YT, 2:02 <
"Grover Norquist Debates Chris Matthews on Hardball"
~ taxreformer, {Subscribe}, 07-21-11, YT, 11:56 _
@MSNBC @HardballChris <
-/\/- Pledge 112th Congress 2009-10 _
-/\/- "Fox Business Network's John Stossel interviewed Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, about ATR's fight to simplify the tax code and lower taxes for every American."
"John Stossel Interviews Grover Norquist at Freedom Fest"
~ taxreformer, {Subscribe}, 07-20-15, YT, 5:39 _
>###(01-17)*FK*EC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
#12.6K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| GROVER NORQUIST – ATR
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| KARL ROVE – AM. CROSSROADS
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-200 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert (Governor Don
Siegelman), electronic voting machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and
organ-grinder-monkey CEO of monopoly game-on at “American
Crossroads” and “Crossroads GPS ” an IRS
“Turd Blossom” thumbed his nose at a Congressional Hearing invitation. The Committee was investigating electronic voting machines and vote flipping. Rove took that opportunity to (so called vacation) travel to a meeting of warmongers in Crimea, which is close to Georgia that borders Russia. (Rove gave the Georgians some really bad advice, and created a war smoke screen for himself and war criminal George W. Bush, while springing an “October Surprise” to bolster the sagging ticket of McCain/Palin 2008). There were no consequences for this Congressional Hearing evasion. His voting machine co-conspirator, (an I.T. guy who maintained Bush administration “private GOP” email server/destroyed along with 22 million email/housed next to Diebold electronic voting machine headquarters), died in a plane crash around that time. And dead people are “unavailable” to testify to that Congressional Committee.
“Turd Blossom” thumbed his nose at a Congressional Hearing invitation. The Committee was investigating electronic voting machines and vote flipping. Rove took that opportunity to (so called vacation) travel to a meeting of warmongers in Crimea, which is close to Georgia that borders Russia. (Rove gave the Georgians some really bad advice, and created a war smoke screen for himself and war criminal George W. Bush, while springing an “October Surprise” to bolster the sagging ticket of McCain/Palin 2008). There were no consequences for this Congressional Hearing evasion. His voting machine co-conspirator, (an I.T. guy who maintained Bush administration “private GOP” email server/destroyed along with 22 million email/housed next to Diebold electronic voting machine headquarters), died in a plane crash around that time. And dead people are “unavailable” to testify to that Congressional Committee.
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-201 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO.
Siegelman Link Trailer Summary:
Democratic Alabama Governor (99-03) Don Siegelman’s election 11-2002 was stolen by electronic voting machine. It involved the “Vote Flipping,” (Democratic Governor Siegelman to Republican/T challenger Bob Riley), of 6,700 votes. Late on election night, in just “one” Alabama voting district, the surprise vote flipping occurred. It affected “No” other Democratic candidate’s (whose names were located below Don’s on the “same” ballot, called “down ballot” candidates), races were affected, just the Alabama Governor’s race. Republican/Ts stole the Alabama governorship in November, 2002.
Many months later, the popular Democratic southern governor was maliciously investigated and prosecuted in Federal Court in Alabama. The prosecution was pushed by Karl Rove and the corrupt George W. Bush administration, the same Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rummy Whitehouse in which Rove hid from Don Siegelman’s defense attorneys. The prosecution was orchestrated by political warlocks and witches stirring their brew, with substantial influence in the Alabama Republican/T Party.
Political Prisoner #1, Governor Don Siegelman took nothing resembling “Quid Pro Quo,” the exchange of something of value for something of value. Yet he was prosecuted by Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove and POTUS George W. Bush head hunters and henchman. (Rove stonewalled an investigation and refused to appear to a Congressional Committee Investigation or the Federal Trial of Siegelman).
Alabama Federal Judge Mark Fuller (a Bush appointee Republican/T) held Siegelman’s jury in trial and deliberation hostage on the case for almost 2 months. During the deliberation phase, the Alabama Federal court jury returned a “deadlocked” verdict twice. But Fuller sent them back to deliberate a 3rd time. And after almost 2 months of trial and forced deliberation, the jury finally rationalized a conviction. Don Siegelman asked an Alabama Millionaire to promote an education lottery to provide scholarships for poor kids. In the end, the jury convicted Siegelman, so they could “Free Themselves” from a permanently corrupt, and partisan U.S. Justice System. The U.S. Justice System, malicious Alabama Republican/T team jingo party politics, and the suffocating power of the U.S. Presidency is an affront to democracy.
In the end, an Alabama jury was involved in Siegelman’s trial and held “hostage” (deliberating) for almost 2 months, “pending conviction.” (Half of American families surviving in the Republican/T Reaganomics era since 1981, can’t miss “one paycheck” without an economic crisis. And jury pay (being so menial) just “ain’t that great!” This explains why, by design, many American adults “don’t register to vote,” and thus avoid both selection for jury duty and potential economic collapse). When the verdict was delivered, Federal Judge Mark Fuller, (who knew full well he could wait out the jurors for a conviction), had Siegelman shackled and sent immediately to Prison without “the usual” 45 days, to get one’s life in order, before reporting. Fuller’s obvious corruption and malice was a textbook example of how to threaten, shut-up, and ice-down a political enemy and an election fraud whistleblower in one swoop of injustice, while empowering the Military Industrial Complex.
Siegelman’s “unofficial offense” was being a “Rising Democratic Star” in the GOPee controlled Confederate South (like two term Governor and two term Democratic President Bill Clinton of Arkansas, and Governor and One term President Jimmy Carter of Georgia). (The Military Industrial Complex needed George W. Bush to continue in a second term so the profitable Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could continue). Alabama is a Police State managed by fascist Republican/T Judges and Legislators, and now a Republican/T Governor.
A witness for the prosecution, Bailey, said Prosecutors made him write his testimony over and over again, just to get his story straight. Defense Attorney’s were denied access to this fact and evidence, possibly changing the story (witnesses own words). This is “Prosecutorial Misconduct.”
Republican Grant Woods – Former Attorney General of Arizona said, the Case should “never have gone to trial. …You do a bribery when a person has a real personal benefit, not when they say I would like you to help out on this project which I think is good for my State.”
"Don Siegelman On Abrams' Verdict Part 1"
~ Video Café, {Subscribe}, 04-08-08, YT, 5:04 _
-/\/- “We’re Americans first. And um, you got to call it as you see it. And you got to stand up for what is right, in this country”
~ Republican Attorney
“Karl Rove and others at the White House were subpoenaed to testify before congress, but they refused to appear. And the justice department has refused to turn over hundreds of documents in the case. Don Siegelman has 6 years and 8 months to go on his prison sentence.”
~ 60 Minutes
(^^^) Former Alabama Governor “Don Siegelman (2 of 2)”
~ donsiegelman, (CBS TV, 60 Minutes), 02-24-08, YT, 3:56 _!
-/\/- The story of Siegelman’s persecution by dirty tricks, protection, and corruption of the Bush/Cheney/Rove/Rice/Rummy Whitehouse
“It Does Happen In America: The Political Trial of Don Siegelman”
~ @PaulCraigRoberts/Truth Injustice, {Subscribe}, 02-28-08 _
-/\/- Dana Jill Simpson, an Alabama Republican Operative was “assigned” to the task of digging up nude pictures or evidence of seedy affairs on Alabama Governor Don Siegelman (by AL Republicans under Karl Rove). There was “nothing to report” so they “invented” a case and “held a Jury hostage” for 2 months in order to convict Don Siegelman.
“Check Out What Karl Rove Did To Don Siegelman”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 02-22-08, YT, 3:17 _
(^^^) PETITION: Free Political Prisoner #1, Gov. Don Siegelman (lapsed)
~ Change (.) org, {Subscriber Supported Political Activism} _
-/\/- “I’ve started a petition for my dad’s freedom. …We need all the public support we can get. …People need to be outraged! This has to do with corporate control of our country. This has to do with the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Judge, sitting over my dad’s case, was rewarded a week after convicting my father with a $200 million defense contract renewable per year. We should not have Federal Judges, appointed for life in this country, that also have companies benefitting from a particular administration that’s in office. That should be illegal. That in my perspective is a Quid Pro Quo*.”
~ Dana Siegelman, Don’s advocate & Daughter
{*Quid Pro Quo = The giving of one valuable thing in exchange for another. It’s the very “allegation” that was spun by prosecutors and ended up putting Don Siegelman in prison. Quid Pro Quo should have put the Judge himself in Federal Prison. But Federal Judges have immunity from laws and ethics that apply to other US citizens and people of conscience. So it’s easy to maintain psychopaths in the Judiciary Branch for life, because voters can’t wake up one day and vote them out of office.}
"Dana Siegelman is the daughter of former Alabama governor Don Siegelman who was wrongfully convicted in a partisan political prosecution driven by Karl Rove and his associates in the US Attorney’s office. Dana appeared at the Democratic National Convention as part of her effort to raise awareness of the case, which is essentially about to make Governor Siegelman a political prisoner when he reports to jail soon. Michael Shure of The Young Turks talked to Dana Siegelman about the case and her efforts." ~ The Young Turks
{Take a moment to ponder this. Do any “red flags” go up when you hear that Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove was “at” the Democratic National Convention …and wasn’t getting shouted down and booted out for his own safety? Really?}
"Prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman"
~ @TYTInterviews, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 09-05-12, YT, 4:54 _
-/\/- Inside Political Hit Job: Dana Simpson overheard a Karl Rove and Bill Canary Conversation on Don Siegelman. Later, Bill Canary’s wife prosecutes Siegelman.
“Don S. Discusses Karl Rove’s Political Witch Hunt”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 07-29-08, YT, 5:38 _
-/\/- Bush Administration Official, Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove, declined to testify before a Congressional Committee investigating wrongful prosecution and incarceration of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman.
“60 Minutes: Don Siegelman Speaks”
~ Video Café, {Subscribe}, 04-06-08, YT, 1:35 _
“Don Siegelman Speaks! Part 1” (Vote Flip Election 2002)
~ Mark Crispin Miller, {Subscribe}, 12-17-07, YT, 9:44 _
“Don Siegelman Speaks! Part 2” (Vote Flip Election 2002)
~ Mark Crispin Miller, {Subscribe}, 12-17-07, YT, 9:56 _
-/\/- Karl Rove rejected a House Judiciary Committee Subpoena to testify on the prosecution of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman;
The Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rummy/Rove Administration stone walled the investigation, thus protecting “Turd Blossom” Karl Rove.
(^^^) “Karl Rove’s Non-Denial on Siegelman Case”
~ George Stephanopoulos, Karl Rove, ABC, Veracifier/@TPM, {Subscribe}, 02-25-08, YT, 2:41 _
-/\/- Karl Rove’s total denial of knowing GOP operative Dana Jill Simpson
(^^^) “Karl Rove: Jill Simpson Is Lying”
~ Veracifier/@TPM, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-25-08, YT, 1:41 _
(^^^) “Simpson Responds to Rove”
~ Paul Kiel/@TPM, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-26-08 _
-/\/- A GOP Lawyer said, Karl Rove talked to the George W. Bush Department of Justice about investigating Democratic Governor Don Siegelman. GOP operative Dana Jill Simpson asked Karl Rove to swear to the Department of Justice that he didn’t ask her to “dig up dirt and sleaze” on Governor Don Siegelman. Simpson has “Phone Records” to confirm party contacts between Rove and Alabama Republicans, who are in total denial of those conversations.
(^^^) “Dana Jill Simpson Responds to Karl Rove”
~ Veracifier/@TPM, Karl Rove, Dana Simpson on MSNBC, {Subscribe/Donate} 02-25-08, YT, 1:41 _
-/\/- Questioning reveals that the status of the Siegelman Case went from “written off” (useless to pursue by Prosecutors) to “Aggressive Prosecution” …“as if the case started all over again.”
“Siegelman Lawyer Testifies About DoJ (Dept. of Justice) Interview”
~ Veracifier/@TPM, {Subscribe}, (Rep. Davis, House Judiciary Committee hearing), 10-24-07, YT, 5:26 _
“Fixed Elections?” (Articles, Reprints and Links)
“The changing of the guards: Bay Minette, election night”
~ Don Siegelman, (reprint) Steve McConnell/Gulf Coast Newspaper article, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 07-20-07 _
“Noel Hillman and the Siegelman Case”
~ Scott Horton – Harpers, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 07-13-07 _
“Karl Rove in a Corner”
~ Joshua Green/The Atlantic, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 11-04 _
Don Siegelman-Political Prisoner…
(Don’s a prisoner of Forbes 400 (International) Kings, Forbes’ Military Industrial Complex, and the (100%) corporate congressional leg-hikers of the GOPee, as well as the (25-30% of Congressional Democrats who are job-clutching) off-the-porch Blue-Dogs scent-marking Wall Street right behind them …a trend re-started by corporate Republican/T POTUS Richard Nixon and initiated by Blue-Dog POTUS Bill Clinton.)
Home | Don’s Story | Media Archive | Take Action _
-/\/-Movie, “The Killing of Atticus Finch” ~ Produced by Martin Sheen
The movie in production is a Karl Rove Exposé about the false testimony and imprisonment of Governor Don Siegelman (D*AL). _
“Articles about the malicious prosecution and wrongful conviction of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman.” (*EF) (*AL)
~ Don Siegelman Film | Photos | News Articles, Facebook _
>###(11-15)*FK*WB###**CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Siegelman Link Trailer Summary:
Democratic Alabama Governor (99-03) Don Siegelman’s election 11-2002 was stolen by electronic voting machine. It involved the “Vote Flipping,” (Democratic Governor Siegelman to Republican/T challenger Bob Riley), of 6,700 votes. Late on election night, in just “one” Alabama voting district, the surprise vote flipping occurred. It affected “No” other Democratic candidate’s (whose names were located below Don’s on the “same” ballot, called “down ballot” candidates), races were affected, just the Alabama Governor’s race. Republican/Ts stole the Alabama governorship in November, 2002.
Many months later, the popular Democratic southern governor was maliciously investigated and prosecuted in Federal Court in Alabama. The prosecution was pushed by Karl Rove and the corrupt George W. Bush administration, the same Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rummy Whitehouse in which Rove hid from Don Siegelman’s defense attorneys. The prosecution was orchestrated by political warlocks and witches stirring their brew, with substantial influence in the Alabama Republican/T Party.
Political Prisoner #1, Governor Don Siegelman took nothing resembling “Quid Pro Quo,” the exchange of something of value for something of value. Yet he was prosecuted by Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove and POTUS George W. Bush head hunters and henchman. (Rove stonewalled an investigation and refused to appear to a Congressional Committee Investigation or the Federal Trial of Siegelman).
Alabama Federal Judge Mark Fuller (a Bush appointee Republican/T) held Siegelman’s jury in trial and deliberation hostage on the case for almost 2 months. During the deliberation phase, the Alabama Federal court jury returned a “deadlocked” verdict twice. But Fuller sent them back to deliberate a 3rd time. And after almost 2 months of trial and forced deliberation, the jury finally rationalized a conviction. Don Siegelman asked an Alabama Millionaire to promote an education lottery to provide scholarships for poor kids. In the end, the jury convicted Siegelman, so they could “Free Themselves” from a permanently corrupt, and partisan U.S. Justice System. The U.S. Justice System, malicious Alabama Republican/T team jingo party politics, and the suffocating power of the U.S. Presidency is an affront to democracy.
In the end, an Alabama jury was involved in Siegelman’s trial and held “hostage” (deliberating) for almost 2 months, “pending conviction.” (Half of American families surviving in the Republican/T Reaganomics era since 1981, can’t miss “one paycheck” without an economic crisis. And jury pay (being so menial) just “ain’t that great!” This explains why, by design, many American adults “don’t register to vote,” and thus avoid both selection for jury duty and potential economic collapse). When the verdict was delivered, Federal Judge Mark Fuller, (who knew full well he could wait out the jurors for a conviction), had Siegelman shackled and sent immediately to Prison without “the usual” 45 days, to get one’s life in order, before reporting. Fuller’s obvious corruption and malice was a textbook example of how to threaten, shut-up, and ice-down a political enemy and an election fraud whistleblower in one swoop of injustice, while empowering the Military Industrial Complex.
Siegelman’s “unofficial offense” was being a “Rising Democratic Star” in the GOPee controlled Confederate South (like two term Governor and two term Democratic President Bill Clinton of Arkansas, and Governor and One term President Jimmy Carter of Georgia). (The Military Industrial Complex needed George W. Bush to continue in a second term so the profitable Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could continue). Alabama is a Police State managed by fascist Republican/T Judges and Legislators, and now a Republican/T Governor.
A witness for the prosecution, Bailey, said Prosecutors made him write his testimony over and over again, just to get his story straight. Defense Attorney’s were denied access to this fact and evidence, possibly changing the story (witnesses own words). This is “Prosecutorial Misconduct.”
Republican Grant Woods – Former Attorney General of Arizona said, the Case should “never have gone to trial. …You do a bribery when a person has a real personal benefit, not when they say I would like you to help out on this project which I think is good for my State.”
"Don Siegelman On Abrams' Verdict Part 1"
~ Video Café, {Subscribe}, 04-08-08, YT, 5:04 _
-/\/- “We’re Americans first. And um, you got to call it as you see it. And you got to stand up for what is right, in this country”
~ Republican Attorney
“Karl Rove and others at the White House were subpoenaed to testify before congress, but they refused to appear. And the justice department has refused to turn over hundreds of documents in the case. Don Siegelman has 6 years and 8 months to go on his prison sentence.”
~ 60 Minutes
(^^^) Former Alabama Governor “Don Siegelman (2 of 2)”
~ donsiegelman, (CBS TV, 60 Minutes), 02-24-08, YT, 3:56 _!
-/\/- The story of Siegelman’s persecution by dirty tricks, protection, and corruption of the Bush/Cheney/Rove/Rice/Rummy Whitehouse
“It Does Happen In America: The Political Trial of Don Siegelman”
~ @PaulCraigRoberts/Truth Injustice, {Subscribe}, 02-28-08 _
-/\/- Dana Jill Simpson, an Alabama Republican Operative was “assigned” to the task of digging up nude pictures or evidence of seedy affairs on Alabama Governor Don Siegelman (by AL Republicans under Karl Rove). There was “nothing to report” so they “invented” a case and “held a Jury hostage” for 2 months in order to convict Don Siegelman.
“Check Out What Karl Rove Did To Don Siegelman”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 02-22-08, YT, 3:17 _
(^^^) PETITION: Free Political Prisoner #1, Gov. Don Siegelman (lapsed)
~ Change (.) org, {Subscriber Supported Political Activism} _
-/\/- “I’ve started a petition for my dad’s freedom. …We need all the public support we can get. …People need to be outraged! This has to do with corporate control of our country. This has to do with the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Judge, sitting over my dad’s case, was rewarded a week after convicting my father with a $200 million defense contract renewable per year. We should not have Federal Judges, appointed for life in this country, that also have companies benefitting from a particular administration that’s in office. That should be illegal. That in my perspective is a Quid Pro Quo*.”
~ Dana Siegelman, Don’s advocate & Daughter
{*Quid Pro Quo = The giving of one valuable thing in exchange for another. It’s the very “allegation” that was spun by prosecutors and ended up putting Don Siegelman in prison. Quid Pro Quo should have put the Judge himself in Federal Prison. But Federal Judges have immunity from laws and ethics that apply to other US citizens and people of conscience. So it’s easy to maintain psychopaths in the Judiciary Branch for life, because voters can’t wake up one day and vote them out of office.}
"Dana Siegelman is the daughter of former Alabama governor Don Siegelman who was wrongfully convicted in a partisan political prosecution driven by Karl Rove and his associates in the US Attorney’s office. Dana appeared at the Democratic National Convention as part of her effort to raise awareness of the case, which is essentially about to make Governor Siegelman a political prisoner when he reports to jail soon. Michael Shure of The Young Turks talked to Dana Siegelman about the case and her efforts." ~ The Young Turks
{Take a moment to ponder this. Do any “red flags” go up when you hear that Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove was “at” the Democratic National Convention …and wasn’t getting shouted down and booted out for his own safety? Really?}
"Prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman"
~ @TYTInterviews, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 09-05-12, YT, 4:54 _
-/\/- Inside Political Hit Job: Dana Simpson overheard a Karl Rove and Bill Canary Conversation on Don Siegelman. Later, Bill Canary’s wife prosecutes Siegelman.
“Don S. Discusses Karl Rove’s Political Witch Hunt”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 07-29-08, YT, 5:38 _
-/\/- Bush Administration Official, Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove, declined to testify before a Congressional Committee investigating wrongful prosecution and incarceration of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman.
“60 Minutes: Don Siegelman Speaks”
~ Video Café, {Subscribe}, 04-06-08, YT, 1:35 _
“Don Siegelman Speaks! Part 1” (Vote Flip Election 2002)
~ Mark Crispin Miller, {Subscribe}, 12-17-07, YT, 9:44 _
“Don Siegelman Speaks! Part 2” (Vote Flip Election 2002)
~ Mark Crispin Miller, {Subscribe}, 12-17-07, YT, 9:56 _
-/\/- Karl Rove rejected a House Judiciary Committee Subpoena to testify on the prosecution of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman;
The Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rummy/Rove Administration stone walled the investigation, thus protecting “Turd Blossom” Karl Rove.
(^^^) “Karl Rove’s Non-Denial on Siegelman Case”
~ George Stephanopoulos, Karl Rove, ABC, Veracifier/@TPM, {Subscribe}, 02-25-08, YT, 2:41 _
-/\/- Karl Rove’s total denial of knowing GOP operative Dana Jill Simpson
(^^^) “Karl Rove: Jill Simpson Is Lying”
~ Veracifier/@TPM, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-25-08, YT, 1:41 _
(^^^) “Simpson Responds to Rove”
~ Paul Kiel/@TPM, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-26-08 _
-/\/- A GOP Lawyer said, Karl Rove talked to the George W. Bush Department of Justice about investigating Democratic Governor Don Siegelman. GOP operative Dana Jill Simpson asked Karl Rove to swear to the Department of Justice that he didn’t ask her to “dig up dirt and sleaze” on Governor Don Siegelman. Simpson has “Phone Records” to confirm party contacts between Rove and Alabama Republicans, who are in total denial of those conversations.
(^^^) “Dana Jill Simpson Responds to Karl Rove”
~ Veracifier/@TPM, Karl Rove, Dana Simpson on MSNBC, {Subscribe/Donate} 02-25-08, YT, 1:41 _
-/\/- Questioning reveals that the status of the Siegelman Case went from “written off” (useless to pursue by Prosecutors) to “Aggressive Prosecution” …“as if the case started all over again.”
“Siegelman Lawyer Testifies About DoJ (Dept. of Justice) Interview”
~ Veracifier/@TPM, {Subscribe}, (Rep. Davis, House Judiciary Committee hearing), 10-24-07, YT, 5:26 _
“Fixed Elections?” (Articles, Reprints and Links)
“The changing of the guards: Bay Minette, election night”
~ Don Siegelman, (reprint) Steve McConnell/Gulf Coast Newspaper article, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 07-20-07 _
“Noel Hillman and the Siegelman Case”
~ Scott Horton – Harpers, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 07-13-07 _
“Karl Rove in a Corner”
~ Joshua Green/The Atlantic, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 11-04 _
Don Siegelman-Political Prisoner…
(Don’s a prisoner of Forbes 400 (International) Kings, Forbes’ Military Industrial Complex, and the (100%) corporate congressional leg-hikers of the GOPee, as well as the (25-30% of Congressional Democrats who are job-clutching) off-the-porch Blue-Dogs scent-marking Wall Street right behind them …a trend re-started by corporate Republican/T POTUS Richard Nixon and initiated by Blue-Dog POTUS Bill Clinton.)
Home | Don’s Story | Media Archive | Take Action _
-/\/-Movie, “The Killing of Atticus Finch” ~ Produced by Martin Sheen
The movie in production is a Karl Rove Exposé about the false testimony and imprisonment of Governor Don Siegelman (D*AL). _
“Articles about the malicious prosecution and wrongful conviction of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman.” (*EF) (*AL)
~ Don Siegelman Film | Photos | News Articles, Facebook _
>###(11-15)*FK*WB###**CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-201A JUDGE FULLER 911
"Kelli Fuller's 911 Call as Husband Judge Mark Fuller Beats Her (8/9/14)”
~ TheBRADBLOG, {Podcasts/Donate}, 10-16-16, YT, 2:20 _
>###(11-15)*FK*WB###**CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Kelli Fuller's 911 Call as Husband Judge Mark Fuller Beats Her (8/9/14)”
~ TheBRADBLOG, {Podcasts/Donate}, 10-16-16, YT, 2:20 _
>###(11-15)*FK*WB###**CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-202A |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO.
“Richard Scrushy provides his first on-camera interview since serving six years in prison for allegedly bribing Gov Don Siegelman …innocent and the victim of a political prosecution motivated by Karl Rove.”
"Richard Scrushy Breaks Silence On Siegelman Case"
~ @HuffingtonPost_, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-07-13, Video, 34:52 _
>###(09-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Richard Scrushy provides his first on-camera interview since serving six years in prison for allegedly bribing Gov Don Siegelman …innocent and the victim of a political prosecution motivated by Karl Rove.”
"Richard Scrushy Breaks Silence On Siegelman Case"
~ @HuffingtonPost_, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-07-13, Video, 34:52 _
>###(09-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-202A |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove; Hillary Clinton Email
POTUS (43, R) George “W.” Bush II (2001-2008)-101, Administration, Karl Rove, 2007, 22 Million Emails Deleted; (*POTUS43)
"never mind that in 2007 Karl Rove deleted 22 million emails from a private server in the Bush White House"
"Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns"
~ Jan Ponder/Pensito Review, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-18-15
>###(01-16)*E16*FK*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
POTUS (43, R) George “W.” Bush II (2001-2008)-101, Administration, Karl Rove, 2007, 22 Million Emails Deleted; (*POTUS43)
"never mind that in 2007 Karl Rove deleted 22 million emails from a private server in the Bush White House"
"Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns"
~ Jan Ponder/Pensito Review, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-18-15
>###(01-16)*E16*FK*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-202B |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO.
Republican Governor’s Races Stolen: Alabama, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland
Voting Discrepancy Discussion Notes: Vote Flipping and Democratic Votes not counted {Thom Hartman interview w/Richard Charnin, 11-13-15}
Author, Richard Charnin downloaded precinct data for 15 counties in Kentucky (*KY) from the 11-03-15 election. The data revealed a “counterintuitive vote shift” of 13% favoring Republican/T Matt Bevin, called a “red shift. Later in election day (evening) the vote tally moved in the direction of the Republican. Charnin noticed the same “counterintuitive vote shift” in:
Cook County Illinois during the Governor Bruce Rauner’s (Republican billionaire *IL) “first election” to public office on 11-04-14;
the Milwaukee County Wisconsin votes in the Governor Scott Walker’s (R*WI) re-election (11-04-14); and
the Florida metro area votes during Governor Rick Scott’s (R*FL) re-election (11-04-14).
Charnin said the recent governor elections of Massachusetts of Governor Charles D. Baker Jr. (R*MA) (“first election”) on 11-04-14, and Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (R*MD) (“first election”) on 11-04-14 were “probably stolen” based on election data.
Thom Hartmann mentioned Governor Don Siegelman’s (D*AL) stolen election in 11-02, with a “red shift” of 6,700 votes in the wee hours of election night or next morning in just one Alabama metro district.
“19 states stopped doing exit polls in 2012.” ~ Richard Charnin
{Thom Hartmann Radio interview 11-13-15 hour 3 (first half) with Richard Charnin author of the Book “Matrix of Deceit” about election fraud.}
“Election Fraud: Uncertainty, Logic and Probability” ~ Richard Charnin
“Matrix of Deceit: Election Myths, Logic and Probability of Fraud”
~ Richard Charnin, {Book Buyer & Library Reader Supported Investigative Journalism}, 10-29-12 _
(^^^) ”Final Forecast: The 2012 True Vote/Election Fraud Model”
~ Richard Charnin, {Book Buyer & Library Reader Supported Investigative Journalism}, 11-05-12 _
< Frauds-GOP-model/
(^^^) “Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-Election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts” ~ Richard Charnin (Author)
~ Amazon Books/Paperback ($7:95), {Book Buyer & Library Reader Supported Investigative Journalism}, 10-27-12 _
(^^^) “Ballotpedia” (Click a state to view election results)
~ The Encyclopedia of American Politics, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>###(11-15)*EF*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Republican Governor’s Races Stolen: Alabama, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, Florida, Massachusetts, Maryland
Voting Discrepancy Discussion Notes: Vote Flipping and Democratic Votes not counted {Thom Hartman interview w/Richard Charnin, 11-13-15}
Author, Richard Charnin downloaded precinct data for 15 counties in Kentucky (*KY) from the 11-03-15 election. The data revealed a “counterintuitive vote shift” of 13% favoring Republican/T Matt Bevin, called a “red shift. Later in election day (evening) the vote tally moved in the direction of the Republican. Charnin noticed the same “counterintuitive vote shift” in:
Cook County Illinois during the Governor Bruce Rauner’s (Republican billionaire *IL) “first election” to public office on 11-04-14;
the Milwaukee County Wisconsin votes in the Governor Scott Walker’s (R*WI) re-election (11-04-14); and
the Florida metro area votes during Governor Rick Scott’s (R*FL) re-election (11-04-14).
Charnin said the recent governor elections of Massachusetts of Governor Charles D. Baker Jr. (R*MA) (“first election”) on 11-04-14, and Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (R*MD) (“first election”) on 11-04-14 were “probably stolen” based on election data.
Thom Hartmann mentioned Governor Don Siegelman’s (D*AL) stolen election in 11-02, with a “red shift” of 6,700 votes in the wee hours of election night or next morning in just one Alabama metro district.
“19 states stopped doing exit polls in 2012.” ~ Richard Charnin
{Thom Hartmann Radio interview 11-13-15 hour 3 (first half) with Richard Charnin author of the Book “Matrix of Deceit” about election fraud.}
“Election Fraud: Uncertainty, Logic and Probability” ~ Richard Charnin
“Matrix of Deceit: Election Myths, Logic and Probability of Fraud”
~ Richard Charnin, {Book Buyer & Library Reader Supported Investigative Journalism}, 10-29-12 _
(^^^) ”Final Forecast: The 2012 True Vote/Election Fraud Model”
~ Richard Charnin, {Book Buyer & Library Reader Supported Investigative Journalism}, 11-05-12 _
< Frauds-GOP-model/
(^^^) “Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-Election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts” ~ Richard Charnin (Author)
~ Amazon Books/Paperback ($7:95), {Book Buyer & Library Reader Supported Investigative Journalism}, 10-27-12 _
(^^^) “Ballotpedia” (Click a state to view election results)
~ The Encyclopedia of American Politics, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>###(11-15)*EF*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-202B CLIMATE:
Republican/T Strategist, Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove, End Of The World Prediction,
2080; Earth, Fossil Fuel, 6TH Extinction; Ted Cruz, Dominionism; Voting,
Generations: Millennials, X, Baby Boomers; Bernie Sanders, Address Climate
Chaos, #1 Challenge
"Karl Rove, Republican strategist and all-around wacko, recently argued that action on climate change would be a waste of time because everyone alive right now will be dead when the climate becomes inhospitable anyway. How shortsighted can one person be?"
"Sociopath Karl Rove Perfectly Exemplifies Republican Selfishness”
~ @ringoffireradio, {Podcasts/Donate}, 12-17-15, YT, 5:10 _
>##(03-16)*E6E*E163*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Karl Rove, Republican strategist and all-around wacko, recently argued that action on climate change would be a waste of time because everyone alive right now will be dead when the climate becomes inhospitable anyway. How shortsighted can one person be?"
"Sociopath Karl Rove Perfectly Exemplifies Republican Selfishness”
~ @ringoffireradio, {Podcasts/Donate}, 12-17-15, YT, 5:10 _
>##(03-16)*E6E*E163*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-203 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO.
George W. Bush, White House, Email Scandal; Testimony, Voter Fraud, Ohio, *OH; Mike McConnell, I.T. Guy, Plane Crash
"Connell was also considered 'vital to uncovering the truth' about the missing White House emails considered a critical link to the Justice Department and White House’s involvement in the firings of nine US attorneys."
"his work creating (Ohio Secretary of State) Blackwell’s election websites and the anti-Kerry website"
"Plane Crash Kills Rove IT Guy, Testified in OH Voter Fraud Case, Key in White House Email Scandal"
~ Lisa Derrick/Fire Dog Lake, {Subscribe/Donate}, 12-20-08 _
>###(03-17)*FK*EF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
George W. Bush, White House, Email Scandal; Testimony, Voter Fraud, Ohio, *OH; Mike McConnell, I.T. Guy, Plane Crash
"Connell was also considered 'vital to uncovering the truth' about the missing White House emails considered a critical link to the Justice Department and White House’s involvement in the firings of nine US attorneys."
"his work creating (Ohio Secretary of State) Blackwell’s election websites and the anti-Kerry website"
"Plane Crash Kills Rove IT Guy, Testified in OH Voter Fraud Case, Key in White House Email Scandal"
~ Lisa Derrick/Fire Dog Lake, {Subscribe/Donate}, 12-20-08 _
>###(03-17)*FK*EF###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-204 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO.
George W. Bush, White House, Email Scandal; Testimony, Voter Fraud, Ohio, *OH
"Karl Rove, Crimea, Condi, Randy Scheunemann, Georgia"
~ Karen Hedwig Backman/@dailykos, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 08-14-08 _
-/\/- "Upon being subpoenaed by a Congressional Committee, Karl Rove skipped town to Crimea. Crimea just happens to be right by Georgia, and Karl Rove got in town just a week or so before the Russia-Georgia war erupted."
"Karl Rove Left for Crimea, Right by Georgia, A Week Before The Russia-Georgia War: Are the two related? Or was it just bad timing?"
~ Stacy/Sodahead, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-13-08 _
"Another John McCain advisor under fire for lobbying work"
~ Scott Martelle/@latimes/Political Commentary, 08-14-08 _
CONSPIRACY: Karl Rove meeting with Randy Scheunemann in Crimea
Ahmad Chalabi, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq;
Project for the New American Century; George W. Bush;
Defense and Foreign Policy Coordinator for John McCain 2000
"Randy Scheunemann"
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} (00-00) <
CONSPIRACY: "Scheunemann was a core participant in the lobbying, plotting and organized campaigns of deception that led America to war in Iraq. He was a close collaborator with Ahmad Chalabi through the 1990s."
"Do Your Job: Stop Ignoring Scheunemann's Past" (*POTUS43)
~ Josh Marshall/@TPM, {Donate}, 07-14-08 <
>###(05-17)*FK ###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
George W. Bush, White House, Email Scandal; Testimony, Voter Fraud, Ohio, *OH
"Karl Rove, Crimea, Condi, Randy Scheunemann, Georgia"
~ Karen Hedwig Backman/@dailykos, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 08-14-08 _
-/\/- "Upon being subpoenaed by a Congressional Committee, Karl Rove skipped town to Crimea. Crimea just happens to be right by Georgia, and Karl Rove got in town just a week or so before the Russia-Georgia war erupted."
"Karl Rove Left for Crimea, Right by Georgia, A Week Before The Russia-Georgia War: Are the two related? Or was it just bad timing?"
~ Stacy/Sodahead, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-13-08 _
"Another John McCain advisor under fire for lobbying work"
~ Scott Martelle/@latimes/Political Commentary, 08-14-08 _
CONSPIRACY: Karl Rove meeting with Randy Scheunemann in Crimea
Ahmad Chalabi, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq;
Project for the New American Century; George W. Bush;
Defense and Foreign Policy Coordinator for John McCain 2000
"Randy Scheunemann"
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} (00-00) <
CONSPIRACY: "Scheunemann was a core participant in the lobbying, plotting and organized campaigns of deception that led America to war in Iraq. He was a close collaborator with Ahmad Chalabi through the 1990s."
"Do Your Job: Stop Ignoring Scheunemann's Past" (*POTUS43)
~ Josh Marshall/@TPM, {Donate}, 07-14-08 <
>###(05-17)*FK ###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-205 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove; Wisconsin Club for Growth, Karl Rove, Dark Money,
Elections, Money in Politics, Scott Walker,
"Here's what you need to know about the probe targeting the Wisconsin governor and two of his aides."
Scott Walker bragged to Karl Rove about the Walker campaigns ability to coordinate operations with outside dark-money groups. “My team is running a coordinated effort all across the state.” ~ Scott Walker
"4 Key Takeaways About Scott Walker's Alleged 'Criminal Scheme'"
~ Andy Kroll/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 06-20-14
>###(01-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Here's what you need to know about the probe targeting the Wisconsin governor and two of his aides."
Scott Walker bragged to Karl Rove about the Walker campaigns ability to coordinate operations with outside dark-money groups. “My team is running a coordinated effort all across the state.” ~ Scott Walker
"4 Key Takeaways About Scott Walker's Alleged 'Criminal Scheme'"
~ Andy Kroll/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 06-20-14
>###(01-16)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-205 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove; Class Warfare, Election
Fraud, POTUS 40 Reagan, POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush, POTUS 43 George W. Bush
Strategist Lee Atwater Describes the Rhetorical Nuances of Racist Republican "Dog-Whistle" Politics of His "Southern Strategy" to elect GOP candidates; Ran the POTUS 40 Reagan Campaign; The Strategy and Interference in Iran Hostage Crisis won him the election
"Lee Atwater secured the elections of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, mentored Karl Rove and George W. Bush, and made the GOP a Southern party, transforming the way media covers elections as the godfather of modern negative campaigning." ~ warnervod, YouTube
"here's how I would quote say stuff like...uh forced-busing, states' rights, and all that stuff, and you getting so abstract now you're talking about cutting taxes, and all of these thing you talking about are totally economic things & the byproduct of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites.
...that abstract and that coded ...we're doing away with the racial problem one way or the other...uh you follow me? ...we want to cut taxes, much more abstract than even the busing thing. ...any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner." ~ (Atwater’s words) CultOfMilitarism
"Lee Atwater's 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy"
~ CultOfMilitarism, {Subscribe}, 11-16-12, YT, 1:39 _
"MSNBC: Stefan Forbes discusses Boogie Man on Morning Joe"
~ InterPositive, {Subscribe}, 03-12-10, YT, 4:22 _
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 1"
~ At the Coolidge, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YT, 7:30 _
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 2"
~ At the Coolidge, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YT, 9:15 _
>(11-15)*CW*EF*FK*WB#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Strategist Lee Atwater Describes the Rhetorical Nuances of Racist Republican "Dog-Whistle" Politics of His "Southern Strategy" to elect GOP candidates; Ran the POTUS 40 Reagan Campaign; The Strategy and Interference in Iran Hostage Crisis won him the election
"Lee Atwater secured the elections of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, mentored Karl Rove and George W. Bush, and made the GOP a Southern party, transforming the way media covers elections as the godfather of modern negative campaigning." ~ warnervod, YouTube
"here's how I would quote say stuff like...uh forced-busing, states' rights, and all that stuff, and you getting so abstract now you're talking about cutting taxes, and all of these thing you talking about are totally economic things & the byproduct of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites.
...that abstract and that coded ...we're doing away with the racial problem one way or the other...uh you follow me? ...we want to cut taxes, much more abstract than even the busing thing. ...any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner." ~ (Atwater’s words) CultOfMilitarism
"Lee Atwater's 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy"
~ CultOfMilitarism, {Subscribe}, 11-16-12, YT, 1:39 _
"MSNBC: Stefan Forbes discusses Boogie Man on Morning Joe"
~ InterPositive, {Subscribe}, 03-12-10, YT, 4:22 _
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 1"
~ At the Coolidge, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YT, 7:30 _
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 2"
~ At the Coolidge, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YT, 9:15 _
>(11-15)*CW*EF*FK*WB#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-206 |Karl “Turd
1. Take the Offensive. 2. Attack Your Opponent’s Strengths.
3. Accuse Your Opponent of What He/She is Going to Accuse You Of.
4. Go Negative, Then Cry Foul. 5. The “Big Lie”. 6. Appeal to Moral Values. 7. Sell the (Bush) Persona. 8. Sell an Adolescent Worldview.
9. Exploit the Media. 10. Create Straw Issues. 11. Employ Surrogates.
12. Use Emotional Appeals. 13. Rely on Expert Testimonials.
14. Rhetorical Devices. 15. Use of Language
"Karl Rove's Handbook"
~ TheDuckManCometh/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-08-12 _
>###(12-15)*CW*FK(*AL)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
1. Take the Offensive. 2. Attack Your Opponent’s Strengths.
3. Accuse Your Opponent of What He/She is Going to Accuse You Of.
4. Go Negative, Then Cry Foul. 5. The “Big Lie”. 6. Appeal to Moral Values. 7. Sell the (Bush) Persona. 8. Sell an Adolescent Worldview.
9. Exploit the Media. 10. Create Straw Issues. 11. Employ Surrogates.
12. Use Emotional Appeals. 13. Rely on Expert Testimonials.
14. Rhetorical Devices. 15. Use of Language
"Karl Rove's Handbook"
~ TheDuckManCometh/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-08-12 _
>###(12-15)*CW*FK(*AL)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-206 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove
(Rove doesn’t believe an electronic voting machine “fixed election” failed.)
"Karl Rove refuses to acknowledge their own Fox News team calling the state of Ohio for Barack Obama during the 2012 Presidential Election night coverage. Rove …says that the statistical team at Fox News is wrong about their projections of the winner in Ohio." ~ inaka99
"Karl Rove Argues with Fox News on 2012 Presidential Election Night Win for Obama over Ohio"
~ inaka99, {Subscribe}, 11-08-12, YT, 9:03 _
-/\/- Karl Rove’s 3 State vote flip was thwarted by “Anonymous” hackers.
“'The Protectors' said that they had identified the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. …finding open 'doors' in the systems …created a “password protected firewall” called 'The Great Oz,' and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results 'from three states.'"
They "watched as Karl’s weak corrupters repeatedly tried to penetrate The Great Oz. These children of his were at a loss–how many times and how many passwords did they try–exactly 105"
"Anonymous claims to have foiled Karl Rove's Plans to Steal Election"
~ RMForbes/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 11-17-12 _
"Karl Rove Loses Election After Being Checkmated By Cyber Sleuths?"
~ CL/Occupy For Accountability,{Subscribe/Donate} 11-15-12 _
-/\/- Velvet Revolution Letter describing Karl Roves vote flipping scheme and the Anonymous response to it _
>###(11-15)*FK*EF*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(Rove doesn’t believe an electronic voting machine “fixed election” failed.)
"Karl Rove refuses to acknowledge their own Fox News team calling the state of Ohio for Barack Obama during the 2012 Presidential Election night coverage. Rove …says that the statistical team at Fox News is wrong about their projections of the winner in Ohio." ~ inaka99
"Karl Rove Argues with Fox News on 2012 Presidential Election Night Win for Obama over Ohio"
~ inaka99, {Subscribe}, 11-08-12, YT, 9:03 _
-/\/- Karl Rove’s 3 State vote flip was thwarted by “Anonymous” hackers.
“'The Protectors' said that they had identified the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. …finding open 'doors' in the systems …created a “password protected firewall” called 'The Great Oz,' and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results 'from three states.'"
They "watched as Karl’s weak corrupters repeatedly tried to penetrate The Great Oz. These children of his were at a loss–how many times and how many passwords did they try–exactly 105"
"Anonymous claims to have foiled Karl Rove's Plans to Steal Election"
~ RMForbes/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 11-17-12 _
"Karl Rove Loses Election After Being Checkmated By Cyber Sleuths?"
~ CL/Occupy For Accountability,{Subscribe/Donate} 11-15-12 _
-/\/- Velvet Revolution Letter describing Karl Roves vote flipping scheme and the Anonymous response to it _
>###(11-15)*FK*EF*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-208 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove; Tax Cuts for the Rich, Deregulate, Privatize, Profitize,
Reverse Civilization
“Crossroads GPS Argues Ads Attacking Candidates Aren’t Political”
~ Dan Froomkin & Paul Blumenthal - Huffington Post, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 05-07-12, Video, 2:43 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Crossroads GPS Argues Ads Attacking Candidates Aren’t Political”
~ Dan Froomkin & Paul Blumenthal - Huffington Post, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 05-07-12, Video, 2:43 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-209 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO
“Crossroads Grassroots Political Strategies could find themselves subject to massive fines …35-70% of money they received in secret donations.”
“Slush-Fund Surtax? IRS Could Penalize Secret Campaign Spending”
“IRS To Take on Karl Rove? Tax Laws Could Take A Bite Out Of Secret Political Spending”
~ Dan Froomkin - Huffington Post, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-25-11 _
>###(09-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Crossroads Grassroots Political Strategies could find themselves subject to massive fines …35-70% of money they received in secret donations.”
“Slush-Fund Surtax? IRS Could Penalize Secret Campaign Spending”
“IRS To Take on Karl Rove? Tax Laws Could Take A Bite Out Of Secret Political Spending”
~ Dan Froomkin - Huffington Post, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-25-11 _
>###(09-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-210 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO.
“American Crossroads spending $25 million on a deceptive, month-long ad campaign”
“The many ways Karl Rove’s new attack ad distorts the facts”
~ AttackWatch, Obama For America {Political Org} _
(^^^) "Stephanie Cutter: Get the facts on Karl Rove’s BS”
~ Stephanie Cutter, BarackObama (.) com, 05-17-12, YT, 3:06 _
>###(03-13)*FK*E12###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“American Crossroads spending $25 million on a deceptive, month-long ad campaign”
“The many ways Karl Rove’s new attack ad distorts the facts”
~ AttackWatch, Obama For America {Political Org} _
(^^^) "Stephanie Cutter: Get the facts on Karl Rove’s BS”
~ Stephanie Cutter, BarackObama (.) com, 05-17-12, YT, 3:06 _
>###(03-13)*FK*E12###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-211 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove; Anonymous Funds Solution Sought
“Breaking: IRS to go HARD after American Crossroads/Priorities USA”
~ caltchata/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 05-10-11 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Breaking: IRS to go HARD after American Crossroads/Priorities USA”
~ caltchata/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 05-10-11 _
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-212 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove
Rove spins the 16 day GOPee Tea Party shutdown and near catastrophic national debt default. It was intended to force the defunding of ObamaCare/ACA 2010.
"Rove concludes: 'Barack Obama set the trap. Some congressional Republicans walked into it. As a result, the president is stronger, the GOP is weaker, and ObamaCare is marginally more popular.'"
"Karl Rove: Obama set a trap for GOP with shutdown"
~ Aamer Madhani/@USATODAY, {Read}, 10-17-13 <
>###(10-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Rove spins the 16 day GOPee Tea Party shutdown and near catastrophic national debt default. It was intended to force the defunding of ObamaCare/ACA 2010.
"Rove concludes: 'Barack Obama set the trap. Some congressional Republicans walked into it. As a result, the president is stronger, the GOP is weaker, and ObamaCare is marginally more popular.'"
"Karl Rove: Obama set a trap for GOP with shutdown"
~ Aamer Madhani/@USATODAY, {Read}, 10-17-13 <
>###(10-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-213 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO.
Lunatic Fringe, Radical Right, The American Taliban:
The GOP is using religion to remove regulation, taxation and civilization.
Karl Rove and Lee Atwater (deceased) are the neo-fascist strategist whose direction is destroying the Republican Party and destroying religion. The corporate right-wing Republican strategy is to create suspicion of government and maintain pressure on social issues.
The religious right was referred to as “rubes” by Karl Rove.
The Republican Party is returning to the Old Testament teachings.
Hate is used by propagandists to clear the field so there is no regulation.
Corporations cashed in by incited voting radicals seeking a theocracy.
“Papantonio: Religious Right Gearing Up For 2012 Presidential Battle”
~ @ringoffireradio, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Journalism}, w/Frank Schaeffer – Author: “Sex, Mom & God,” 08-04-11, YT, 11:16 _
>###(03-13)*CW*R###CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Lunatic Fringe, Radical Right, The American Taliban:
The GOP is using religion to remove regulation, taxation and civilization.
Karl Rove and Lee Atwater (deceased) are the neo-fascist strategist whose direction is destroying the Republican Party and destroying religion. The corporate right-wing Republican strategy is to create suspicion of government and maintain pressure on social issues.
The religious right was referred to as “rubes” by Karl Rove.
The Republican Party is returning to the Old Testament teachings.
Hate is used by propagandists to clear the field so there is no regulation.
Corporations cashed in by incited voting radicals seeking a theocracy.
“Papantonio: Religious Right Gearing Up For 2012 Presidential Battle”
~ @ringoffireradio, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Journalism}, w/Frank Schaeffer – Author: “Sex, Mom & God,” 08-04-11, YT, 11:16 _
>###(03-13)*CW*R###CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-214 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO.
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
“Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 _**
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
"The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>###(04-17)*FK2*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
“Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 _**
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
"The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>###(04-17)*FK2*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-215 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO.
Multiple dark-money flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee cabals currently cooperate to disable not-for-profit government agencies by hook or crook.
US Senate , U.S. Tax Policy, Tax Cuts; Glass-Steagall, Deregulation; Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Derivatives, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Commodity Futures Modernization Act, (Corporate) Citizens United; Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush
American Action Network, Fred Malek; US Chamber of Commerce; American Crossroads, Karl Rove, Crossroads GPS
"Creating a country of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich."
Watchdog: Center for Responsive Politics
"In 1978, the Carter administration and Congress took a red pen to the tax code, slashing the top rate of the capital gains tax from 48% to 28%—an enormous boon for wealthy Americans."
"How the Oligarchs Took America"
~ Andy Kroll/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-02-10
>#(09-15)*FK2*EC*POTUS39#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Multiple dark-money flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee cabals currently cooperate to disable not-for-profit government agencies by hook or crook.
US Senate , U.S. Tax Policy, Tax Cuts; Glass-Steagall, Deregulation; Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Derivatives, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Commodity Futures Modernization Act, (Corporate) Citizens United; Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush
American Action Network, Fred Malek; US Chamber of Commerce; American Crossroads, Karl Rove, Crossroads GPS
"Creating a country of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich."
Watchdog: Center for Responsive Politics
"In 1978, the Carter administration and Congress took a red pen to the tax code, slashing the top rate of the capital gains tax from 48% to 28%—an enormous boon for wealthy Americans."
"How the Oligarchs Took America"
~ Andy Kroll/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-02-10
>#(09-15)*FK2*EC*POTUS39#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-215 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and chickenhawk.
"An Iraq War Veteran confronted former advisor, Karl Rove, during a talk at University of Connecticut and asked him to apologize for his role in facilitating the nonsensical war. How did Rove respond? John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz and Steven Oh filling in for Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks."
"Karl Rove Is A Dick To Iraq War Veteran"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 04-03-15, YT, 9:30 _
>###(03-16)*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"An Iraq War Veteran confronted former advisor, Karl Rove, during a talk at University of Connecticut and asked him to apologize for his role in facilitating the nonsensical war. How did Rove respond? John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz and Steven Oh filling in for Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks."
"Karl Rove Is A Dick To Iraq War Veteran"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 04-03-15, YT, 9:30 _
>###(03-16)*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-KR-217 |Karl “Turd
Blossom” Rove is a political assassination expert, electronic voting
machine (vote flipping) enthusiast and organ-grinder-monkey CEO.
Vice Pres. Dick Cheney-105A, (Republican-George “W.” Bush-II Admin. 2001-2008), C.I.A. – Corporations Infantry of Aristocrats, Outing C.I.A. Undercover Ops Agent Valerie Plame
"An undercover CIA operative specializing in weapons of mass destruction"
"grand jury... investigation into whether White House officials illegally leaked the identity of Valerie Plame... in retaliation for public criticisms made by her husband, Joseph Wilson IV, about the Bush administration's case for invading Iraq." “Plame sued Cheney, Rove and Libby, accusing them & other White House officials of conspiring to destroy her career.”
"Key Players in the CIA Leak Investigation"
~ @washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 07-03-07 _
-/\/- Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia "Valerie Plame"
("Plamegate"/"Wilson v. Cheney")
"Joseph and Valerie Wilson filed a civil lawsuit against Rove, Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney... for their alleged role in the public disclosure of Valerie Wilson's classified CIA status."
"My name and identity were carelessly and recklessly abused by senior government officials in the White House and state department."
This abuse occurred for "purely political reasons." ~ Valerie Plame
“Libby's lawyers planned to call Karl Rove to the stand. According to Rove's lawyer, Fitzgerald has decided against pressing charges against Rove.” "Libby was convicted of obstruction of justice, making false statements, and two counts of perjury ...not charged for revealing Plame's CIA status. His sentence included... 30 months in prison... On July 2, 2007, President George W. Bush commuted Libby's sentence, removing the jail term."
“Agreeing with the Bush administration, the Obama Justice Department argues the Wilsons have no legitimate grounds to sue.”
“On June 21, 2009, the US Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal.”
Movie, “Fair Game” 2010
"Valerie Plame"
~ @Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} _
>##(02-13)*FK(*POTUS43)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 39,332 ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| KARL ROVE – AM. CROSSROADS
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| WAYNE LaPIERRE - NRA GUN
Vice Pres. Dick Cheney-105A, (Republican-George “W.” Bush-II Admin. 2001-2008), C.I.A. – Corporations Infantry of Aristocrats, Outing C.I.A. Undercover Ops Agent Valerie Plame
"An undercover CIA operative specializing in weapons of mass destruction"
"grand jury... investigation into whether White House officials illegally leaked the identity of Valerie Plame... in retaliation for public criticisms made by her husband, Joseph Wilson IV, about the Bush administration's case for invading Iraq." “Plame sued Cheney, Rove and Libby, accusing them & other White House officials of conspiring to destroy her career.”
"Key Players in the CIA Leak Investigation"
~ @washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 07-03-07 _
-/\/- Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia "Valerie Plame"
("Plamegate"/"Wilson v. Cheney")
"Joseph and Valerie Wilson filed a civil lawsuit against Rove, Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney... for their alleged role in the public disclosure of Valerie Wilson's classified CIA status."
"My name and identity were carelessly and recklessly abused by senior government officials in the White House and state department."
This abuse occurred for "purely political reasons." ~ Valerie Plame
“Libby's lawyers planned to call Karl Rove to the stand. According to Rove's lawyer, Fitzgerald has decided against pressing charges against Rove.” "Libby was convicted of obstruction of justice, making false statements, and two counts of perjury ...not charged for revealing Plame's CIA status. His sentence included... 30 months in prison... On July 2, 2007, President George W. Bush commuted Libby's sentence, removing the jail term."
“Agreeing with the Bush administration, the Obama Justice Department argues the Wilsons have no legitimate grounds to sue.”
“On June 21, 2009, the US Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal.”
Movie, “Fair Game” 2010
"Valerie Plame"
~ @Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, {Donate} _
>##(02-13)*FK(*POTUS43)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 39,332 ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| KARL ROVE – AM. CROSSROADS
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| WAYNE LaPIERRE - NRA GUN
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-300|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex. The CEO, “Call Me
Crazy” Wayne LaPierre, avoided serving in Vietnam with a (4F) “nervous
disorder.” Ironically, that medical
condition would preclude him from “owning a gun” in any “sane” country on
But the USA is controlled by authoritarian worship, clinical paranoid schizophrenia, and the devil-hate-labeling of fellow Americans. It works so effectively in blind-believing dolts and sheep.
Thanks to the NRA, Ducks Face "3" Shots. Cops, Kids & Us Face “100” Shot AR's (w/barrel clips). So, LONG LIVE DUCKS! Thanks, Corp-Shill NRA - Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins! Gunfire in the streets sells more guns.
But the USA is controlled by authoritarian worship, clinical paranoid schizophrenia, and the devil-hate-labeling of fellow Americans. It works so effectively in blind-believing dolts and sheep.
Thanks to the NRA, Ducks Face "3" Shots. Cops, Kids & Us Face “100” Shot AR's (w/barrel clips). So, LONG LIVE DUCKS! Thanks, Corp-Shill NRA - Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins! Gunfire in the streets sells more guns.
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-301|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
NRA ENEMIES LIST, 506 Orgs The NRA Hates & Why?
“Describes how crazy they are”
"O’Donnell rewrites long list of groups on NRA’s enemies list"
~ Evan Puschak/The Last Word w/Lawrence O'Donnell, 02-14-15 _
-/\/- "NRA Publishes Enemies List With 506 Names"
"...organizations have lent monetary, grassroots or to anti-gun organizations. ...lent their name in support of specific campaigns ...such as the March 1995 HCI 'Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws.' ...'Campaign Partners,' for having pledged to fight ...repeal the Brady Act and the Clinton “assault weapons” ban. ...endorsed anti-gun positions."
“Good Lord is This Awesome”
~ Josh Marshall/@TPM, {Subscribe}, 02-16-13 _
-/\/- NRA; "National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm published a Nixonian enemies list naming organizations and individuals that “lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations” or have otherwise backed efforts to promote gun safety."
"NRA Publishes Enemies List With 506 Names"
~ Ian Millhiser – Think Progress, {Subscribe}, 02-01-13 _
-/\/- Partial NRA Black List, Just Organizations
* AARP; * AFL-CIO; * American Medical Association; * American Bar Association; * American Jewish Committee; * Anti-Defamation League; * B`nai B`rith; * Children`s Defense Fund; * Environmental Action Foundation; * Episcopal Church; * Lauder Foundation; * League of Women Voters of the United States; * National Association of Police Organizations; * National Coalition Against Domestic Violence; * National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; * National Coalition Against Domestic Violence; * National Council of La Raza; * National Spinal Cord Injury Association; * National Urban League; * Southern Christian Leadership Conference; * U.S. Catholic Conference; * United Methodist Church; * United Church of Christ; * U.S. Conference of Mayors; * YWCA of the USA.
"NRA's enemies list: Most of America"
~ John Avlon - CNN Contributor, {Subscribe}, 02-06-13 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
NRA ENEMIES LIST, 506 Orgs The NRA Hates & Why?
“Describes how crazy they are”
"O’Donnell rewrites long list of groups on NRA’s enemies list"
~ Evan Puschak/The Last Word w/Lawrence O'Donnell, 02-14-15 _
-/\/- "NRA Publishes Enemies List With 506 Names"
"...organizations have lent monetary, grassroots or to anti-gun organizations. ...lent their name in support of specific campaigns ...such as the March 1995 HCI 'Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws.' ...'Campaign Partners,' for having pledged to fight ...repeal the Brady Act and the Clinton “assault weapons” ban. ...endorsed anti-gun positions."
“Good Lord is This Awesome”
~ Josh Marshall/@TPM, {Subscribe}, 02-16-13 _
-/\/- NRA; "National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm published a Nixonian enemies list naming organizations and individuals that “lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations” or have otherwise backed efforts to promote gun safety."
"NRA Publishes Enemies List With 506 Names"
~ Ian Millhiser – Think Progress, {Subscribe}, 02-01-13 _
-/\/- Partial NRA Black List, Just Organizations
* AARP; * AFL-CIO; * American Medical Association; * American Bar Association; * American Jewish Committee; * Anti-Defamation League; * B`nai B`rith; * Children`s Defense Fund; * Environmental Action Foundation; * Episcopal Church; * Lauder Foundation; * League of Women Voters of the United States; * National Association of Police Organizations; * National Coalition Against Domestic Violence; * National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; * National Coalition Against Domestic Violence; * National Council of La Raza; * National Spinal Cord Injury Association; * National Urban League; * Southern Christian Leadership Conference; * U.S. Catholic Conference; * United Methodist Church; * United Church of Christ; * U.S. Conference of Mayors; * YWCA of the USA.
"NRA's enemies list: Most of America"
~ John Avlon - CNN Contributor, {Subscribe}, 02-06-13 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-302|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Shootings Reported, Gun Violence
"Gun Report"
~ Joe Nocera & Jennifer Mascia/The Opinion Pages/@nytimes, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 06-10-14 _
(^^^) “Unlearning Gun Violence”
~ Joe Nocera & Jennifer Mascia/@nytimes, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 11-11-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Shootings Reported, Gun Violence
"Gun Report"
~ Joe Nocera & Jennifer Mascia/The Opinion Pages/@nytimes, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 06-10-14 _
(^^^) “Unlearning Gun Violence”
~ Joe Nocera & Jennifer Mascia/@nytimes, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 11-11-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-303|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Gun Deaths Since Newtown Plotted On U.S. Map, Click The Figure & Find Out Who Died Since The Sandy Hook Newtown School Massacre
US Legislative, Law-Gun
"Slate and the Twitter feed @GunDeaths are collecting data for our crowdsourced interactive Chart"
"Slate partners with @GunDeaths for an interactive, crowdsourced tally of the toll firearms have taken since Dec. 14."
"How Many People Have Been Killed by Guns Since Newtown?"
~ Chris Kirk & Dan Kois/@Slate, {Subscribe}, 04-17-13 _
>##(07-13)*FK*ULG###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gun Deaths Since Newtown Plotted On U.S. Map, Click The Figure & Find Out Who Died Since The Sandy Hook Newtown School Massacre
US Legislative, Law-Gun
"Slate and the Twitter feed @GunDeaths are collecting data for our crowdsourced interactive Chart"
"Slate partners with @GunDeaths for an interactive, crowdsourced tally of the toll firearms have taken since Dec. 14."
"How Many People Have Been Killed by Guns Since Newtown?"
~ Chris Kirk & Dan Kois/@Slate, {Subscribe}, 04-17-13 _
>##(07-13)*FK*ULG###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-304|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Crime, Election’16, Guns, News, Politics
"NRA Caught Illegally Funneling Buckets Of Cash To GOP Candidates"
~ Charles Topher/If You Only News, {Subscribe}, 04-22-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Crime, Election’16, Guns, News, Politics
"NRA Caught Illegally Funneling Buckets Of Cash To GOP Candidates"
~ Charles Topher/If You Only News, {Subscribe}, 04-22-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-306|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Guns, Harvard Study
"Largest Gun Study Ever: More Guns, More Murder"
~ Zack Beauchamp/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 09-13-13 _
(^^^) "The Truth About Gun Safety"
~ @dpakman/@davidpakmanshow, {Podcasts/Donate}, 05-29-14, YT, 5:54 <
-/\/- "A look at some factors that common knowledge says should be associated with gun violence, but statistics don't back up"
"The Geography of Gun Deaths"
~ Richard Florida/The Atlantic, {Subscribe}, 01-13-11 _
(^^^) “Study Links Suicide to Republicans & Gun Ownership”
~ @dpakman/@davidpakmanshow, {Podcasts/Donate}, 08-08-13, YT, 3:43 _
(^^^) "New Harvard Study Obliterates Every Single NRA Lie About Guns (VIDEO)"
~ Randa Morris/@AddInfoOrg, {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-13-15, Video, 03:50
(^^^) "More Guns, Less Crime" ( ~ John Lott, 1998 book)
~ @Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, {Subscribe} _
-/\/- “Fear and funding shortfalls remain at the CDC, even though the agency was ordered to resume firearm studies after Newtown shooting.”
(^^^) ”Why the CDC still isn’t researching gun violence, despite the ban being lifted two years ago”
~ Todd C. Frankel/@washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 01-14-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Guns, Harvard Study
"Largest Gun Study Ever: More Guns, More Murder"
~ Zack Beauchamp/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 09-13-13 _
(^^^) "The Truth About Gun Safety"
~ @dpakman/@davidpakmanshow, {Podcasts/Donate}, 05-29-14, YT, 5:54 <
-/\/- "A look at some factors that common knowledge says should be associated with gun violence, but statistics don't back up"
"The Geography of Gun Deaths"
~ Richard Florida/The Atlantic, {Subscribe}, 01-13-11 _
(^^^) “Study Links Suicide to Republicans & Gun Ownership”
~ @dpakman/@davidpakmanshow, {Podcasts/Donate}, 08-08-13, YT, 3:43 _
(^^^) "New Harvard Study Obliterates Every Single NRA Lie About Guns (VIDEO)"
~ Randa Morris/@AddInfoOrg, {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-13-15, Video, 03:50
(^^^) "More Guns, Less Crime" ( ~ John Lott, 1998 book)
~ @Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, {Subscribe} _
-/\/- “Fear and funding shortfalls remain at the CDC, even though the agency was ordered to resume firearm studies after Newtown shooting.”
(^^^) ”Why the CDC still isn’t researching gun violence, despite the ban being lifted two years ago”
~ Todd C. Frankel/@washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 01-14-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-307|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Gun Possession, Crime Prevention, Study
"The insistence that guns protect people from rape and violence is not rooted in scientific reality"
"Prof Charles Branas and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania examined in their 2009 paper investigating the link between gun possession and gun assault. ...found that those with firearms were about 4.5 times more likely to be shot than those who did not carry..."
"individuals who had time to resist and counter in a gun assault, the odds …increased to 5.45 fold relative to an individual not carrying."
"Guns don't offer protection – whatever the National Rifle Association says"
~ David Robert Grimes/@guardian, {Subscribe}, 03-25-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gun Possession, Crime Prevention, Study
"The insistence that guns protect people from rape and violence is not rooted in scientific reality"
"Prof Charles Branas and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania examined in their 2009 paper investigating the link between gun possession and gun assault. ...found that those with firearms were about 4.5 times more likely to be shot than those who did not carry..."
"individuals who had time to resist and counter in a gun assault, the odds …increased to 5.45 fold relative to an individual not carrying."
"Guns don't offer protection – whatever the National Rifle Association says"
~ David Robert Grimes/@guardian, {Subscribe}, 03-25-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-308|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
NRA v. Richard Martinez, Shooting Victim’s Father Speaks Out
"‘Stop This Madness!’: UCSB Victim’s Father Rails Against NRA"
~Andrew Kirell/Mediaite, {Subscribe}, 05-24-14, Video, 03:11 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
NRA v. Richard Martinez, Shooting Victim’s Father Speaks Out
"‘Stop This Madness!’: UCSB Victim’s Father Rails Against NRA"
~Andrew Kirell/Mediaite, {Subscribe}, 05-24-14, Video, 03:11 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-309|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Aurora Batman Film Premier Shooting, 12 dead & 58 wounded, Colorado’s flimsy gun laws; over $5.5 million in lobbying money was spent last year by the NRA
“annual cost of gun violence at $100 billion” per year
“…estimated 100,000 Americans killed or injured by guns each year”
“…beneath the NRA's narrative of freedom and self-defense, ‘good, traditional American values,’ lies a simple truth: (about) The gun industry” "For the victims of Colorado's recent tragedy, it's time we get our values straight and face the true costs of our trigger-happy culture."
NRA-Gun Manufacturing Lobby, Corp Wolf P.A.C. Gun Industry Profits, Pistol-Whipping Legislators (*CO)
"Shell-shocked Again, this Time because of Aurora"
~ Vicky Plestis/Institute for Policy Studies, {Subscribe}, 07-27-12 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Aurora Batman Film Premier Shooting, 12 dead & 58 wounded, Colorado’s flimsy gun laws; over $5.5 million in lobbying money was spent last year by the NRA
“annual cost of gun violence at $100 billion” per year
“…estimated 100,000 Americans killed or injured by guns each year”
“…beneath the NRA's narrative of freedom and self-defense, ‘good, traditional American values,’ lies a simple truth: (about) The gun industry” "For the victims of Colorado's recent tragedy, it's time we get our values straight and face the true costs of our trigger-happy culture."
NRA-Gun Manufacturing Lobby, Corp Wolf P.A.C. Gun Industry Profits, Pistol-Whipping Legislators (*CO)
"Shell-shocked Again, this Time because of Aurora"
~ Vicky Plestis/Institute for Policy Studies, {Subscribe}, 07-27-12 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-310|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Gun Manuf’ing Lobby Pistol-Whipping Legislators, Violence Permeate U.S.:
“Romney Speaking About Obama Policies & Plans That Don’t Exist”
"GUN CONTROL 2012_ OBAMA vs. ROMNEY" (Rachel Maddow/@MSNBC)
~ TheSONSOFLIBERTYMC, {Subscribe}, 04-14-12, YT, 13:27 _
>#(03-13)*FK(*E12)(*ULG)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gun Manuf’ing Lobby Pistol-Whipping Legislators, Violence Permeate U.S.:
“Romney Speaking About Obama Policies & Plans That Don’t Exist”
"GUN CONTROL 2012_ OBAMA vs. ROMNEY" (Rachel Maddow/@MSNBC)
~ TheSONSOFLIBERTYMC, {Subscribe}, 04-14-12, YT, 13:27 _
>#(03-13)*FK(*E12)(*ULG)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-311|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Spokes model Ted Nugent., Living In His Poop To Avoid The Draft, Romney, Limbaugh, Gingrich, GOP Chicken Hawks, GOP Draft Dodgers
“Ted Nugent: Vietnam Draft Dodger”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 04-18-12, YT, 4:59 _
>(03-13)*FK*PM(*ULG)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Spokes model Ted Nugent., Living In His Poop To Avoid The Draft, Romney, Limbaugh, Gingrich, GOP Chicken Hawks, GOP Draft Dodgers
“Ted Nugent: Vietnam Draft Dodger”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 04-18-12, YT, 4:59 _
>(03-13)*FK*PM(*ULG)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-312|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Gun Conspiracy Theories, Mischaracterizing/Lying About “Fast and Furious;” Obama “Lulling Gun Owners To Sleep;” Baseless Accusations; Demonizing & Dissing MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, & Chris Matthews
{100,000 Americans are killed or shot at a cost of over $100 Billion/yr; over $5.5 million in lobbying money was spent last year (2011) by the NRA pushing Wayne LaPierre’s Gun Manufacturing Industry Agenda based on a flawed understanding of the 2nd Amendment …intended to keep guns for an armed, drilled, and trained Militia in a locked Armory to defend a young nation that had No Standing Army}
"Wayne LaPierre Speech at CPAC 2012" @MSNBC @HardballChris
~ Wayne LaPierre, HispanicPatriot, {Subscribe}, 02-10-12, YT, 27:48 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gun Conspiracy Theories, Mischaracterizing/Lying About “Fast and Furious;” Obama “Lulling Gun Owners To Sleep;” Baseless Accusations; Demonizing & Dissing MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, & Chris Matthews
{100,000 Americans are killed or shot at a cost of over $100 Billion/yr; over $5.5 million in lobbying money was spent last year (2011) by the NRA pushing Wayne LaPierre’s Gun Manufacturing Industry Agenda based on a flawed understanding of the 2nd Amendment …intended to keep guns for an armed, drilled, and trained Militia in a locked Armory to defend a young nation that had No Standing Army}
"Wayne LaPierre Speech at CPAC 2012" @MSNBC @HardballChris
~ Wayne LaPierre, HispanicPatriot, {Subscribe}, 02-10-12, YT, 27:48 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-312|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Country-Mexico; Gun Violence, U.S. Gun Trade, Guns For Drugs, 20,000 People Killed Since 2007
“97 Journalists Killed in Mexico in Past 4 Years”
~ Telesur TV, {Subscribe}, 01-07-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Country-Mexico; Gun Violence, U.S. Gun Trade, Guns For Drugs, 20,000 People Killed Since 2007
“97 Journalists Killed in Mexico in Past 4 Years”
~ Telesur TV, {Subscribe}, 01-07-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-313|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Manchin-Toomey Amendment after Newtown:
“Gun Control vs. Gun Rights”
~ @OpenSecretsDC, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-17-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Manchin-Toomey Amendment after Newtown:
“Gun Control vs. Gun Rights”
~ @OpenSecretsDC, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-17-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-314|“NRA” Nihilist
Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun manufacturers,
retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Children, Shooting Range, Tragedy, Arcade Mentality
“NRA Women Hit A Home Run”
~ Aimee Patton – Word Press Blog, {Subscribe}, 08-29-14 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Children, Shooting Range, Tragedy, Arcade Mentality
“NRA Women Hit A Home Run”
~ Aimee Patton – Word Press Blog, {Subscribe}, 08-29-14 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-315|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Children Shot Since Newtown
"The NRA says arming more adults will protect kids—but most are killed at home, our investigation shows, often with unsecured guns."
"At Least 194 Children Have Been Shot to Death Since Newtown"
~ Mark Follman/@MotherJones, {Subscribe}, 12-10-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Children Shot Since Newtown
"The NRA says arming more adults will protect kids—but most are killed at home, our investigation shows, often with unsecured guns."
"At Least 194 Children Have Been Shot to Death Since Newtown"
~ Mark Follman/@MotherJones, {Subscribe}, 12-10-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-316|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
South Carolina Second Amendment Education Act 2015
"Take NRA-Approved Gun Rights Course"
~ Mr. Militant Negro/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 01-08-15 _
>##(08-15)*FK(*SC)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
South Carolina Second Amendment Education Act 2015
"Take NRA-Approved Gun Rights Course"
~ Mr. Militant Negro/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 01-08-15 _
>##(08-15)*FK(*SC)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-317|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
"NRA: Obama Stigmatizing Mentally Ill, Domestic Abusers By Not Letting Them Own Guns"
~ Anomaly/Freak Out Nation, {Subscribe}, 06-01-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"NRA: Obama Stigmatizing Mentally Ill, Domestic Abusers By Not Letting Them Own Guns"
~ Anomaly/Freak Out Nation, {Subscribe}, 06-01-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-319|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
White, Shooters:
"Blaming "mental illness" is a cop-out/and one that lets us avoid talking about race, guns, hatred and terrorism"
"It’s not about mental illness: The big lie that always follows mass shootings by white males"
~ Arthur Chu/@Salon, {Subscribe}, 06-18-15 <
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
White, Shooters:
"Blaming "mental illness" is a cop-out/and one that lets us avoid talking about race, guns, hatred and terrorism"
"It’s not about mental illness: The big lie that always follows mass shootings by white males"
~ Arthur Chu/@Salon, {Subscribe}, 06-18-15 <
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-319|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Violent White Extremist:
"His politics may have been left of center, but the Chapel Hill shooter fits an all-too-familiar pattern post-9/11"
"Angry, armed and white: Why Craig Stephen Hicks is the face of America’s violent extremism"
~ Steven Rosenfeld/@AlterNet/@Salon, {Subscribe}, 02-14-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Violent White Extremist:
"His politics may have been left of center, but the Chapel Hill shooter fits an all-too-familiar pattern post-9/11"
"Angry, armed and white: Why Craig Stephen Hicks is the face of America’s violent extremism"
~ Steven Rosenfeld/@AlterNet/@Salon, {Subscribe}, 02-14-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-320|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
“How do you know that you’re shopping in Texas?”
“Shipping in Texas?”
~ Speak Truer, 09-19-09, YT, 0:24 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“How do you know that you’re shopping in Texas?”
“Shipping in Texas?”
~ Speak Truer, 09-19-09, YT, 0:24 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-321|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Gun Violence, Cost, Economics
Annual cost of gun violence is $229 Million
“What Does Gun Violence Really Cost”
~ Mark Follman, Julia Lurie, Jaeah Lee, & James West, based on research by Ted Miller/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, (04-15), Video, 01:59 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gun Violence, Cost, Economics
Annual cost of gun violence is $229 Million
“What Does Gun Violence Really Cost”
~ Mark Follman, Julia Lurie, Jaeah Lee, & James West, based on research by Ted Miller/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, (04-15), Video, 01:59 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-322|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun manufacturers,
retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Firearms Facts
"John R. Lott: Fudging Firearm Facts"
~ Chad R. MacDonald/Political Moll, {Subscribe}, 04-10-14 _
>###(09-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Firearms Facts
"John R. Lott: Fudging Firearm Facts"
~ Chad R. MacDonald/Political Moll, {Subscribe}, 04-10-14 _
>###(09-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-323|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Funneling Money to Republican/Ts:
"NRA Caught Illegally Funneling Buckets Of Cash To GOP Candidates”
~ Charles Topher/If You Only News, {Subscribe}, 04-22-15 _
>###(09-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Funneling Money to Republican/Ts:
"NRA Caught Illegally Funneling Buckets Of Cash To GOP Candidates”
~ Charles Topher/If You Only News, {Subscribe}, 04-22-15 _
>###(09-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-324|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Guns On Campus, Texas *TX, Professors:
"170 Texas professors (and counting) stand up and make a statement against guns on campus"
~ Walter Einenkel/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 10-02-15 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Guns On Campus, Texas *TX, Professors:
"170 Texas professors (and counting) stand up and make a statement against guns on campus"
~ Walter Einenkel/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 10-02-15 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-325|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
"RFK Spoke at Roseburg, OR on Gun Control 47 Years Ago: He was Killed 10 Days Later: Watch His Speech"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-03-15 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"RFK Spoke at Roseburg, OR on Gun Control 47 Years Ago: He was Killed 10 Days Later: Watch His Speech"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-03-15 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-326|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Gun Violence, Gun Sales, States, No Handgun Permit, Poverty
1. Alaska *AK; 2. Louisiana *LA; 3. Mississippi *MS; 4. Alabama *AL;
5. Montana MT; 6. Arkansas *AR; 7. Wyoming *WY; 8. Oklahoma *OK;
9. New Mexico *NM; 10. Tennessee *TN
"10 States With the Most Gun Violence"
~ Alexander Kent/24/7 Wall Street, {Subscribe}, 06-10-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gun Violence, Gun Sales, States, No Handgun Permit, Poverty
1. Alaska *AK; 2. Louisiana *LA; 3. Mississippi *MS; 4. Alabama *AL;
5. Montana MT; 6. Arkansas *AR; 7. Wyoming *WY; 8. Oklahoma *OK;
9. New Mexico *NM; 10. Tennessee *TN
"10 States With the Most Gun Violence"
~ Alexander Kent/24/7 Wall Street, {Subscribe}, 06-10-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-327|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Gun Laws, Gun Shows, Senators Who Rejected Background Checks, No Vote Senator’s Twitter Handles; 4 Months after Sandyhook Massacre of Children and Teachers
"Here Are The Twitter Handles Of The Senators Who Voted No On Background Checks Bill"
~ @thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-17-13 _
-/\/- Sandy Hook Shooting, Gun Legislation
Erica Lafferty questioned Senator Kelly Ayote (R*NH) at a New Hampshire town hall meeting, where her question was avoided. Erica’s Mom was the Principal at Sandy Hook.
“It’s disappointing and disgusting that she can pretty much look me in the eye and try to justify my mother’s murder and the murder of five other educators and the murders of 6- and 7-year-olds” ~ Lafferty
"Sandy Hook victim’s daughter questions Kelly Ayotte on gun vote"
~ Manu Raju/@politico, {Subscribe}, 04-30-13, Video, 0:29 _
>#(08-15)*FK(*ULRSKA)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gun Laws, Gun Shows, Senators Who Rejected Background Checks, No Vote Senator’s Twitter Handles; 4 Months after Sandyhook Massacre of Children and Teachers
"Here Are The Twitter Handles Of The Senators Who Voted No On Background Checks Bill"
~ @thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-17-13 _
-/\/- Sandy Hook Shooting, Gun Legislation
Erica Lafferty questioned Senator Kelly Ayote (R*NH) at a New Hampshire town hall meeting, where her question was avoided. Erica’s Mom was the Principal at Sandy Hook.
“It’s disappointing and disgusting that she can pretty much look me in the eye and try to justify my mother’s murder and the murder of five other educators and the murders of 6- and 7-year-olds” ~ Lafferty
"Sandy Hook victim’s daughter questions Kelly Ayotte on gun vote"
~ Manu Raju/@politico, {Subscribe}, 04-30-13, Video, 0:29 _
>#(08-15)*FK(*ULRSKA)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-328|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Gun Manufacturing Lobby, Pistol-Whipping Legislators, Gun Industry Profits
"There is no divorcing the politics of guns from their profits."
"How the Gun Industry Made a Fortune Stoking Fears That Obama Would Take People's Guns & Ammo Away"
~ Jarrett Murphy/Investigative Fund at The Nation Inst./@AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 08-01-12 _
>##(03-12)*FK(*ULG)(*PI)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Gun Manufacturing Lobby, Pistol-Whipping Legislators, Gun Industry Profits
"There is no divorcing the politics of guns from their profits."
"How the Gun Industry Made a Fortune Stoking Fears That Obama Would Take People's Guns & Ammo Away"
~ Jarrett Murphy/Investigative Fund at The Nation Inst./@AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 08-01-12 _
>##(03-12)*FK(*ULG)(*PI)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-329|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Mass Shooting, Oregon, Gun Control:
People Kill People, Good Guy With A Gun, Mental Health, Second Amendment;
"Thursday's mass shooting is sure to be met with the usual arguments for why we can't do anything about gun control"
"4 Pro-Gun Arguments We're Sick of Hearing"
~ Amanda Marcotte/@RollingStone, {Subscribe}, 10-01-15 _
>###(10-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Mass Shooting, Oregon, Gun Control:
People Kill People, Good Guy With A Gun, Mental Health, Second Amendment;
"Thursday's mass shooting is sure to be met with the usual arguments for why we can't do anything about gun control"
"4 Pro-Gun Arguments We're Sick of Hearing"
~ Amanda Marcotte/@RollingStone, {Subscribe}, 10-01-15 _
>###(10-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-330|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Critic Dresses Down Ted Nugent’s Values; NRA & Gun Manuf’ng Lobby Pistol-Whipping Legislators
“Ted Nugent is A Coward”
~ longenius, {Subscribe}, 08-27-11, You Tube, 12:38 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Critic Dresses Down Ted Nugent’s Values; NRA & Gun Manuf’ng Lobby Pistol-Whipping Legislators
“Ted Nugent is A Coward”
~ longenius, {Subscribe}, 08-27-11, You Tube, 12:38 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-331|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Ted Nugent’s Violent Rhetoric Against President Obama; NRA-Gun Manufacturing Lobby, Article & Video
”Ted Nugent Stumps for Mitt Romney at NRA Convention: ‘Chop their heads off in November’ “
~ Josh Glasstetter/@RightWingWatch, {Subscribe}, 04-16-12 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Ted Nugent’s Violent Rhetoric Against President Obama; NRA-Gun Manufacturing Lobby, Article & Video
”Ted Nugent Stumps for Mitt Romney at NRA Convention: ‘Chop their heads off in November’ “
~ Josh Glasstetter/@RightWingWatch, {Subscribe}, 04-16-12 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-332|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Ted Nugent - Rabid Spokes model For The NRA and GOP, Happy To Carry A Gun In All 50 States, Texas Marshall
NRA-Gun Manuf’ng Lobby Pistol-Whipping Legislators
“Uncle Ted Has a message for Hillary Clinton”
~ vids4fun217, {Subscribe}, 11-14-07, YT, 1:45 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Ted Nugent - Rabid Spokes model For The NRA and GOP, Happy To Carry A Gun In All 50 States, Texas Marshall
NRA-Gun Manuf’ng Lobby Pistol-Whipping Legislators
“Uncle Ted Has a message for Hillary Clinton”
~ vids4fun217, {Subscribe}, 11-14-07, YT, 1:45 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*ULG)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-333|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
2nd Amendment, NRA C.E.O. Wayne LaPierre Talks at CPAC;
Conservative Political Action Conference
Wayne! …the Difference between a "Machine Gun" and a Semi-Automatic Weapon is measured in "Tenths of One Second" per round fired.
Fully Automatic “Machine Guns” have been illegal since 1934.
FYI: The 1791 2nd Amendment Covered “Armed Community-Based Militias” in a time of “No Standing Army,” period.
"NRA's Wayne LaPierre CNN Fakes News Assault Weapons Ban, Mexico"
~ CPAC Address, DarkMonkArt, {Subscribe}, 08-10-09, YT, 8:50 _
>##(04-13)*FK*ULG###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
2nd Amendment, NRA C.E.O. Wayne LaPierre Talks at CPAC;
Conservative Political Action Conference
Wayne! …the Difference between a "Machine Gun" and a Semi-Automatic Weapon is measured in "Tenths of One Second" per round fired.
Fully Automatic “Machine Guns” have been illegal since 1934.
FYI: The 1791 2nd Amendment Covered “Armed Community-Based Militias” in a time of “No Standing Army,” period.
"NRA's Wayne LaPierre CNN Fakes News Assault Weapons Ban, Mexico"
~ CPAC Address, DarkMonkArt, {Subscribe}, 08-10-09, YT, 8:50 _
>##(04-13)*FK*ULG###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-334|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Ted Nugent - Rabid Spokes model for the NRA & GOP
2nd Amendment Inversion
"Ted Nugent reacts to Obama's State of The Union Address - Feb 13, 2013"
~ JamaicanMon, {Subscribe}, 02-13-13, YT, 4:34 _
>###(02-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Ted Nugent - Rabid Spokes model for the NRA & GOP
2nd Amendment Inversion
"Ted Nugent reacts to Obama's State of The Union Address - Feb 13, 2013"
~ JamaicanMon, {Subscribe}, 02-13-13, YT, 4:34 _
>###(02-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-335|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
iPhone App. For 4 Yr Olds 1 Month Anniversary of Sandy Hook
"NRA: Practice Range," which is available for free on the iPhone and iPad. The game is rated for ages four and up."
"National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre said the best way to stop similar events was to put armed guards in very schools, and to take a closer look at the influence of violent entertainment - of which video games play a major role."
"LaPierre specifically singled out "vicious, violent video games"
{Att. Video Clips “NRA blasts White House after Biden meeting” & “Biden wraps up gun violence meeting with video game makers”}
"NRA releases free video game, rated ages 4 and up""
~ CBS News, 01-14-13, (1 Month After Sandy Hook) _
-/\/- Psychology Professor Weighs In On NRA iPhone App
"no objection to the game per se, ...smacks of hypocrisy."
"trailer shows practice using realistic-looking weapons. One of the weapon options appears to be an AR-15, the same weapon used at Newtown. ...includes some gun safety tips."
"NRA's video game smacks of hypocrisy"
~ Christopher J. Ferguson ("chair of the psychology and communication department at Texas A&M International University. of the novel 'Suicide Kings.'")/@CNN, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-16-13 _
-/\/- Software App for iPhone, {See Comments}
"NRA Blames Video Games for Violent Crimes, Then Releases Shooter Game"
~ Jason Mick (Blog)/DailyTech, {Subscribe}, 01-15-13 _
>#(01-13)*ULG*NRA(*PI)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
iPhone App. For 4 Yr Olds 1 Month Anniversary of Sandy Hook
"NRA: Practice Range," which is available for free on the iPhone and iPad. The game is rated for ages four and up."
"National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre said the best way to stop similar events was to put armed guards in very schools, and to take a closer look at the influence of violent entertainment - of which video games play a major role."
"LaPierre specifically singled out "vicious, violent video games"
{Att. Video Clips “NRA blasts White House after Biden meeting” & “Biden wraps up gun violence meeting with video game makers”}
"NRA releases free video game, rated ages 4 and up""
~ CBS News, 01-14-13, (1 Month After Sandy Hook) _
-/\/- Psychology Professor Weighs In On NRA iPhone App
"no objection to the game per se, ...smacks of hypocrisy."
"trailer shows practice using realistic-looking weapons. One of the weapon options appears to be an AR-15, the same weapon used at Newtown. ...includes some gun safety tips."
"NRA's video game smacks of hypocrisy"
~ Christopher J. Ferguson ("chair of the psychology and communication department at Texas A&M International University. of the novel 'Suicide Kings.'")/@CNN, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-16-13 _
-/\/- Software App for iPhone, {See Comments}
"NRA Blames Video Games for Violent Crimes, Then Releases Shooter Game"
~ Jason Mick (Blog)/DailyTech, {Subscribe}, 01-15-13 _
>#(01-13)*ULG*NRA(*PI)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-336|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Right Wing Talk, Gun Violence, Right To Life, Silence
Wayne LaPierre – NRA - C.E.O. - Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins
NRA-Gun Manuf’g Lobby, Gun Industry Profits, Pistol-Whipping Legislators
“Norman Goldman: On Guns & Rep. Giffords”
~ NormGman, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:23 _
>###(01-13)*FK*PM*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Right Wing Talk, Gun Violence, Right To Life, Silence
Wayne LaPierre – NRA - C.E.O. - Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins
NRA-Gun Manuf’g Lobby, Gun Industry Profits, Pistol-Whipping Legislators
“Norman Goldman: On Guns & Rep. Giffords”
~ NormGman, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:23 _
>###(01-13)*FK*PM*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-337|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Tucson Arizona *AZ, Shooting, 1-11, Automatic Weapon, Assault Weapon, Magazine Size, Rep. Gabby Giffords (D, AZ), Rep. Trent Franks (R*AZ)
The ban on assault weapon sales to the public was lifted in 2004 by Republican/Ts. They openly serve the N.R.A/National Rifle Association which is controlled by gun manufacturers and the biggest gun retailer in America, Walmart. A.L.E.C., the American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council, works for all of them to pass state laws favoring big corporations and special interest groups.
NRA C.E.O., Wayne LaPierre of Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins rhetorically pistol-whips and threatens political retribution to legislator who fail to line up on his side.
[Minimally compensated Walmart Store workers receive a social safety net subsidy. The Congressional Budget Office figured the Federal subsidy for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 million per store each year. Walmart’s owners, the anti-union anti-living wage Walton family, has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 million in 2013.]
“Meltdown: MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell goes into attack mode with Arizona GOP congressman”
~ The Daily Caller, (Lawrence O’Donnell – MSNBC), {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-19-11, YT, 3:24 _
>(01-16)*FK3(*ULRRTF)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Tucson Arizona *AZ, Shooting, 1-11, Automatic Weapon, Assault Weapon, Magazine Size, Rep. Gabby Giffords (D, AZ), Rep. Trent Franks (R*AZ)
The ban on assault weapon sales to the public was lifted in 2004 by Republican/Ts. They openly serve the N.R.A/National Rifle Association which is controlled by gun manufacturers and the biggest gun retailer in America, Walmart. A.L.E.C., the American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council, works for all of them to pass state laws favoring big corporations and special interest groups.
NRA C.E.O., Wayne LaPierre of Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins rhetorically pistol-whips and threatens political retribution to legislator who fail to line up on his side.
[Minimally compensated Walmart Store workers receive a social safety net subsidy. The Congressional Budget Office figured the Federal subsidy for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 million per store each year. Walmart’s owners, the anti-union anti-living wage Walton family, has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 million in 2013.]
“Meltdown: MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell goes into attack mode with Arizona GOP congressman”
~ The Daily Caller, (Lawrence O’Donnell – MSNBC), {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-19-11, YT, 3:24 _
>(01-16)*FK3(*ULRRTF)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-338|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
NY Cop Killer Arrested 19 Times:
"The New York Cop Killer Was Arrested 19 Times. Why Was He Able to Get a Gun?"
~ Rebecca Leber/@NewRepublic, {Subscribe}, 12-22-14 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
NY Cop Killer Arrested 19 Times:
"The New York Cop Killer Was Arrested 19 Times. Why Was He Able to Get a Gun?"
~ Rebecca Leber/@NewRepublic, {Subscribe}, 12-22-14 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-NRA-339|“NRA”
Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is a trigger-finger incubator for gun
manufacturers, retailers, and the military industrial complex.
Law-Gun, 23 Stand Your Ground States
A.L.E.C., NRA, Walmart, Gun Manufacturer’s Law/Stand Your Ground, (armed and shoot) in 23 States – *AL, *AZ, *FL (Jeb Bush), *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN^, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MS, *MT, *NV, *NC, *OK, *OR, *SC^, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WA, *WV^ (^ No Duty To Retreat from a confrontation); Deregulation
In 2004, the ban on “Assault Weapon Sales” to the public was lifted by Republicans and BlueDogs serving the N.R.A/National Rifle Association (Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins) which is owned and operated by Gun Manufacturers and Walmart, the biggest gun retailer; Wayne LaPierre/NRA/C.E.O./Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is an A.L.E.C. member;
A.L.E.C. works bill magic in all Red Confederate States to promote laws favoring big corporations and special interest groups, like religious extremist;
{ The Walmart Store social safety net subsidy to workers, figured by the Congressional Budget Office for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 Million/Store/Year. This anti-union anti-living wage Walton family has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 Million in 2013. }
“23 States with ‘Stand Your Ground’ Gun Laws like Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free”
~ Cora Currier/@ProPublica/@AlterNet, 03-25-12
“23 Other States Have ‘Stand Your Ground Laws, Too”
~ Cora Currier/@ProPublica/Atlantic Wire, 03-14-12 <
"Another look at the group behind ‘Stand Your Ground’" *
~ Laurie Bennett/@Muckety, {Donate}, 07-14-13 <
>###(01-17)*FK3####*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
#16.4K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| WAYNE LaPIERRE - NRA GUN
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| Foreign Donor CHAMBER-o-COM
Law-Gun, 23 Stand Your Ground States
A.L.E.C., NRA, Walmart, Gun Manufacturer’s Law/Stand Your Ground, (armed and shoot) in 23 States – *AL, *AZ, *FL (Jeb Bush), *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN^, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MS, *MT, *NV, *NC, *OK, *OR, *SC^, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WA, *WV^ (^ No Duty To Retreat from a confrontation); Deregulation
In 2004, the ban on “Assault Weapon Sales” to the public was lifted by Republicans and BlueDogs serving the N.R.A/National Rifle Association (Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins) which is owned and operated by Gun Manufacturers and Walmart, the biggest gun retailer; Wayne LaPierre/NRA/C.E.O./Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins is an A.L.E.C. member;
A.L.E.C. works bill magic in all Red Confederate States to promote laws favoring big corporations and special interest groups, like religious extremist;
{ The Walmart Store social safety net subsidy to workers, figured by the Congressional Budget Office for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 Million/Store/Year. This anti-union anti-living wage Walton family has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 Million in 2013. }
“23 States with ‘Stand Your Ground’ Gun Laws like Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free”
~ Cora Currier/@ProPublica/@AlterNet, 03-25-12
“23 Other States Have ‘Stand Your Ground Laws, Too”
~ Cora Currier/@ProPublica/Atlantic Wire, 03-14-12 <
"Another look at the group behind ‘Stand Your Ground’" *
~ Laurie Bennett/@Muckety, {Donate}, 07-14-13 <
>###(01-17)*FK3####*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
#16.4K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| WAYNE LaPIERRE - NRA GUN
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| Foreign Donor CHAMBER-o-COM
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-TD-400|Foreign Donor’s “U.S.
Chamber of Commerce,” with Tom Donahue as CEO, is a flying-monkey
corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s bill-mill. It specializes in collecting funds from
foreign governments and multinational corporations to encourage one-sided trade
that exports American jobs and sells off U.S. infrastructure (to foreign
ownership piece by property). The US
Chamber of Commerce is not part of the US Government or local Main Street
Chambers of Commerce. U.S.C.C. is not a
federal entity. It represents the
international Forbes 400 King Libertarian Anarcho Capitalists every day of the
week! Its legislation is anti worker,
anti small business and anti Main Street, but they effectively message
Republican/T dolts who vote against civilization.
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-TD-401|Foreign Donor’s “U.S.
Chamber of Commerce,” with Tom Donahue as CEO, is a flying-monkey
corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s bill-mill;
“Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal;
, VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: ALEC – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council
"Pence has been a long-time supporter of ALEC, joking that he was for it before it was cool." @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN
(^^^) "Gov. Pence speaks at ALEC meeting in Indianapolis" (*EC)
~ Katie Heinz/The Indy Channel, 07-29-16, Vid., 1:38 <
American Legislative Exchange Council, @wikipedia
[005] Forbes 400 King’s and Koch’s Political Action Committees
(^^^) "Mitch McConnell Faces Backlash After Audio Leaked From Secret Koch Meeting"
~ Scott Gaudinier/Liberty Voice, {Subscribe}, 09-02-14 < @SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP
Merrick B. Garland, @wikipedia, {Donate} <
-/\/- "At a secret strategy meeting for millionaire and billionaire donors hosted by the Koch brothers, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) outlines his agenda should Republicans take control of the Senate in November."
(^^^) "EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Mitch McConnell's Senate Agenda”
~ The Undercurrent, {Subscribe}, 08-26-14, YT, 1:32 _
@SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP <
Mitch McConnell-Koch Donor Summit, 082614, 23:11
(^^^) "Obama Just Singled Out Mitch McConnell As The Culprit of 'Do-Nothing' Congress"
~ Lou Colagiovanni/@OccupyDemocrats, 10-04-16 <
KOCH’S Tea Party billionaire cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Keith Olbermann/@MSNBC Countdown and Matt Taibbi/@RollingStone, Author, Book: “Griftopia” ’09 (covers financial crash causes & Koch Tea Party origins);
Koch Brother’s Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Philip Anschutz (Justice Neil Gorsuch backer);
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia;
Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN;
Rep Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice;
GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan;
David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Stephen Bechtel;
Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK);
Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO; Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks;
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom” @FoxNews
(^^^) "Koch-Topus" @mtaibbi @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFP
~ tigerone1970, {Subscribe}, 10-25-10, YT, 6:59 <
(^^^) ”Olbermann: The Kochtopus” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ videosift(.)com, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, Video, 6:59 <
(^^^) “Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ Velvet Revolution, {Subscribe}, 10-21-10, YT, 7:04
Koch Watch, {Subscribe/Donate} <
-/\/- “Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Palm Springs Koch Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending
“To encourage new participants, Mr. Koch offers to waive the $1,500 registration fee. And he notes that previous guests have included Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, Gov. Haley Barbour and Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, and Representatives Mike Pence (@VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN), Tom Price (@RepTomPrice), and Paul D. Ryan (@SpeakerRyan @PRyan).”
“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names;
Letter From Charles Koch, Climate Change Alarmism, Gov’t Growth
"a presentations on 'microtargeting' to identify like-minded [idiot] voters ...featuring Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity, the political action group founded by the Kochs in 2004..."
Attendees and Presenters include: Glenn Beck, John Childs, Cliff Asness, Steve Schwarzman, Ken Griffin, Phil Anschutz, Rich DeVos…Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos, Steve Bechtel, Kenneth Langone, Foster Friess, Fred Malek and former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and "Nancy Pfotenhauer and Annie Dickerson, who also runs a foundation for Paul Singer, a hedge fund executive..."
"Koch Industries, a Wichita-based energy and manufacturing conglomerate run by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, operates a foundation that finances political advocacy groups, but tax law protects those groups from having to disclose much about what they do and who contributes."
(^^^) "Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead" @Koch_Industries
~ Kate Zernike/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 <
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?”
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R*SC) and Tom Coburn (R*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice, and Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
(^^^) “Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ @thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-28-11 _
@Koch_Industries <
"The news that justices Scalia and Thomas have attended Koch strategy sessions is adding to the growing buzz over a planned demonstration against the billionaires."
(^^^) "Koch Brothers Feel the Heat In DC, as Broad Coalition Readies Creative Action to Quarantine the Billionaires Gathering in California Desert"
~ Don Hazen/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-26-11 _
(^^^) "Alito, Thomas Headlined Political Fundraisers Chaired By Leading Right-Wing Donor Paul Singer"
~ @lhfang/Center For American Progress/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-26-11 <
(^^^) "At a right-wing political fundraiser, Alito says SOTU is too 'political'"
~ TP Clips 6, {Subscribe}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:51
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
(^^^) "The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 <
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
(^^^) “Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
(^^^) "The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>#(04-17)*EC*FK3*IN*PI*TS#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal;
, VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: ALEC – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council
"Pence has been a long-time supporter of ALEC, joking that he was for it before it was cool." @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN
(^^^) "Gov. Pence speaks at ALEC meeting in Indianapolis" (*EC)
~ Katie Heinz/The Indy Channel, 07-29-16, Vid., 1:38 <
American Legislative Exchange Council, @wikipedia
[005] Forbes 400 King’s and Koch’s Political Action Committees
(^^^) "Mitch McConnell Faces Backlash After Audio Leaked From Secret Koch Meeting"
~ Scott Gaudinier/Liberty Voice, {Subscribe}, 09-02-14 < @SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP
Merrick B. Garland, @wikipedia, {Donate} <
-/\/- "At a secret strategy meeting for millionaire and billionaire donors hosted by the Koch brothers, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) outlines his agenda should Republicans take control of the Senate in November."
(^^^) "EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Mitch McConnell's Senate Agenda”
~ The Undercurrent, {Subscribe}, 08-26-14, YT, 1:32 _
@SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP <
Mitch McConnell-Koch Donor Summit, 082614, 23:11
(^^^) "Obama Just Singled Out Mitch McConnell As The Culprit of 'Do-Nothing' Congress"
~ Lou Colagiovanni/@OccupyDemocrats, 10-04-16 <
KOCH’S Tea Party billionaire cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Keith Olbermann/@MSNBC Countdown and Matt Taibbi/@RollingStone, Author, Book: “Griftopia” ’09 (covers financial crash causes & Koch Tea Party origins);
Koch Brother’s Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Philip Anschutz (Justice Neil Gorsuch backer);
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia;
Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN;
Rep Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice;
GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan;
David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Stephen Bechtel;
Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK);
Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO; Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks;
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom” @FoxNews
(^^^) "Koch-Topus" @mtaibbi @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFP
~ tigerone1970, {Subscribe}, 10-25-10, YT, 6:59 <
(^^^) ”Olbermann: The Kochtopus” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ videosift(.)com, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, Video, 6:59 <
(^^^) “Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ Velvet Revolution, {Subscribe}, 10-21-10, YT, 7:04
Koch Watch, {Subscribe/Donate} <
-/\/- “Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Palm Springs Koch Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending
“To encourage new participants, Mr. Koch offers to waive the $1,500 registration fee. And he notes that previous guests have included Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, Gov. Haley Barbour and Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, and Representatives Mike Pence (@VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN), Tom Price (@RepTomPrice), and Paul D. Ryan (@SpeakerRyan @PRyan).”
“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names;
Letter From Charles Koch, Climate Change Alarmism, Gov’t Growth
"a presentations on 'microtargeting' to identify like-minded [idiot] voters ...featuring Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity, the political action group founded by the Kochs in 2004..."
Attendees and Presenters include: Glenn Beck, John Childs, Cliff Asness, Steve Schwarzman, Ken Griffin, Phil Anschutz, Rich DeVos…Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos, Steve Bechtel, Kenneth Langone, Foster Friess, Fred Malek and former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and "Nancy Pfotenhauer and Annie Dickerson, who also runs a foundation for Paul Singer, a hedge fund executive..."
"Koch Industries, a Wichita-based energy and manufacturing conglomerate run by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, operates a foundation that finances political advocacy groups, but tax law protects those groups from having to disclose much about what they do and who contributes."
(^^^) "Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead" @Koch_Industries
~ Kate Zernike/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 <
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?”
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R*SC) and Tom Coburn (R*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice, and Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
(^^^) “Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ @thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-28-11 _
@Koch_Industries <
"The news that justices Scalia and Thomas have attended Koch strategy sessions is adding to the growing buzz over a planned demonstration against the billionaires."
(^^^) "Koch Brothers Feel the Heat In DC, as Broad Coalition Readies Creative Action to Quarantine the Billionaires Gathering in California Desert"
~ Don Hazen/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-26-11 _
(^^^) "Alito, Thomas Headlined Political Fundraisers Chaired By Leading Right-Wing Donor Paul Singer"
~ @lhfang/Center For American Progress/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-26-11 <
(^^^) "At a right-wing political fundraiser, Alito says SOTU is too 'political'"
~ TP Clips 6, {Subscribe}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:51
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
(^^^) "The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 <
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
(^^^) “Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
(^^^) "The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute <
>#(04-17)*EC*FK3*IN*PI*TS#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-TD-402|Foreign Donor’s “U.S.
Chamber of Commerce,” with Tom Donahue as CEO, is a flying-monkey
corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s bill-mill.
"(non)U.S. Chamber & Chinese govt to sponsor seminars to teach American businesses how to outsource jobs invite to an event sponsored by the right-wing billionaire Sheldon Adelson, inviting local businesses in Florida to come to Jacksonville & learn about outsourcing from Chinese government officials"
non-Federal/non-Govt./non/ “‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource”
~ @lhfang/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-19-10 _
>#(03-13)*FK(*JL)(*ULL)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"(non)U.S. Chamber & Chinese govt to sponsor seminars to teach American businesses how to outsource jobs invite to an event sponsored by the right-wing billionaire Sheldon Adelson, inviting local businesses in Florida to come to Jacksonville & learn about outsourcing from Chinese government officials"
non-Federal/non-Govt./non/ “‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource”
~ @lhfang/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-19-10 _
>#(03-13)*FK(*JL)(*ULL)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-TD-403|Foreign Donor’s “U.S.
Chamber of Commerce,” with Tom Donahue as CEO, is a flying-monkey
corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s bill-mill.
RICHARD A. CLARKE: Whistleblower, Cyber Terrorism Against Progressives
"Richard Clarke Says U.S. Chamber May Have Committed A Felony With Hacking Plot"
"cyber terrorism ...first reported by Think Progress, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s attorneys began working with three military contractors — Berico, HB Gary, and Palantir — to come up with a proposal to discredit groups like Think Progress, the SEIU,,, and others. The tactics... spying on families, using malware computer viruses to steal private information, using fake documents to embarrass liberals, and creating fake identities to infiltrate their targets." @POTUS44
(^^^) “Richard Clarke Chamber Hacking Scandal”
~ @lhfang/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-24-11 _
@MoveOn @USChamberWatch @USChamber <
Richard A. Clarke (U.S. NSC/Terrorism), @wikipedia
Book: “Against All Enemies” ~ R. Clark, @wikipedia
>###(07-17)*EF*FK*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
RICHARD A. CLARKE: Whistleblower, Cyber Terrorism Against Progressives
"Richard Clarke Says U.S. Chamber May Have Committed A Felony With Hacking Plot"
"cyber terrorism ...first reported by Think Progress, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s attorneys began working with three military contractors — Berico, HB Gary, and Palantir — to come up with a proposal to discredit groups like Think Progress, the SEIU,,, and others. The tactics... spying on families, using malware computer viruses to steal private information, using fake documents to embarrass liberals, and creating fake identities to infiltrate their targets." @POTUS44
(^^^) “Richard Clarke Chamber Hacking Scandal”
~ @lhfang/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-24-11 _
@MoveOn @USChamberWatch @USChamber <
Richard A. Clarke (U.S. NSC/Terrorism), @wikipedia
Book: “Against All Enemies” ~ R. Clark, @wikipedia
>###(07-17)*EF*FK*WB###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-TD-404|Foreign Donor’s “U.S.
Chamber of Commerce,” with Tom Donahue as CEO, is a flying-monkey
corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s bill-mill.
(USCC = Private Corporation, Not a U.S./Federal Government Affiliated);
Off-Shoring U.S. Corporations & Jobs; Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-013 USA KOCH-A.L.E.C. Deep State
(USCC = Private Corporation, Not a U.S./Federal Government Affiliated);
Off-Shoring U.S. Corporations & Jobs; Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-013 USA KOCH-A.L.E.C. Deep State
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-TD-405|Foreign Donor’s “U.S.
Chamber of Commerce,” with Tom Donahue as CEO, is a flying-monkey
corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s bill-mill.
(USCC= American Tobacco, Foreign Governments, Blocking Health Laws:
"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is working hard on behalf of American tobacco" @USChamberWatch @USChamber
~ Jen Hayden/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 07-08-15 _
>###(08-14)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(USCC= American Tobacco, Foreign Governments, Blocking Health Laws:
"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is working hard on behalf of American tobacco" @USChamberWatch @USChamber
~ Jen Hayden/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 07-08-15 _
>###(08-14)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-TD-406|Foreign Donor’s “U.S.
Chamber of Commerce,” with Tom Donahue as CEO, is a flying-monkey
corporate think-tank and Forbes 400 King’s bill-mill.
Off-Shoring Tech Jobs since 2004
“Pockets of unemployment shouldn't lead to ‘anecdotal politics and policies,’ he said, and people affected by off shoring should ‘stop whining.’ ‘One job sent overseas, if it happens to be my job, is one too many,’ Donohue said. ‘But the benefits of off shoring jobs outweighs the cost.’”
non-Federal/non-Govt./non/“U.S. Chamber of Commerce Chief Endorses Off shoring” @USChamberWatch @USChamber
~ Rachel Konrad/@AP Technology Writer, {Subscribe}, 07-04-04 _
>###(03-13)*FK(*JL)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 5.4K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| Foreign Donor CHAMBER-o-COM
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| FEDERALIST SOCIETY
Off-Shoring Tech Jobs since 2004
“Pockets of unemployment shouldn't lead to ‘anecdotal politics and policies,’ he said, and people affected by off shoring should ‘stop whining.’ ‘One job sent overseas, if it happens to be my job, is one too many,’ Donohue said. ‘But the benefits of off shoring jobs outweighs the cost.’”
non-Federal/non-Govt./non/“U.S. Chamber of Commerce Chief Endorses Off shoring” @USChamberWatch @USChamber
~ Rachel Konrad/@AP Technology Writer, {Subscribe}, 07-04-04 _
>###(03-13)*FK(*JL)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 5.4K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| Foreign Donor CHAMBER-o-COM
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| FEDERALIST SOCIETY
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-TD-451| Federalist Society is a conservative Judge and
Supreme Court Justice vetting organization that is funded by the Owen
Foundation, A.L.E.C. and the Koch Brothers.
"Federalist Society: Federalist Society Posts Archive"
~ P.F.A.W./@peoplefor, (00-00) _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| FEDERALIST SOCIETY
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| THIRD WAY DINO BANKERS
"Federalist Society: Federalist Society Posts Archive"
~ P.F.A.W./@peoplefor, (00-00) _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| FEDERALIST SOCIETY
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| THIRD WAY DINO BANKERS
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666FKWAD-TD-501| DLC – DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP COUNCIL
{ Third Way corporate “third rail” faux Democrats, think-tank flying monkeys that they are, attack Social Security, Medicare and Social Safety Net programs, while supporting neo-fascist Wall Street values, deregulation and bailouts. They’re “Democrats In Name Only” (D.I.N.O.’s) who are backed by Hedge Fund Managers, Wall Street Bankers, CEO’s and Billionaires. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are “Third Way” foes. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "Why the Third Way hates Sen. Elizabeth Warren"
~ Hunter/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-03-13 <
(^^^) “The truth about the radical realignment of political parties that is about to happen” * (*DNC) (*EF)
~ Garland Nixon/Fbk, {Share}, 05-05-16, Video, 22:22
3RD WAY WALL ST DEM DINO’S Listed are Third Way board members who donated to a Democratic presidential contender this cycle (2015), including the amounts:
Georgette Bennett - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Lewis Cullman - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
William M. Daley - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Robert Dyson - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Derek Kaufman - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Thurgood Marshall, Jr. - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Herbert Miller - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Michael Novogratz - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Kirk Radke - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Ted Trimpa - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Joseph Zimlich - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
"Forget Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, Third Way has figured out how to get you REALLY pumped!"
~ kos/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-30-15 <
3RD WAY: Republican Wing of the Democratic Party, Reagan Democrats
“Third Way (Democrats) operates mostly in the shadows, presenting as small a target as possible while insidiously worming its way into the D.C. party establishment” ~ kos
"These are Wall Street asshole corporatist Democrats (which literally dominate Third Way)." ~ kos
{Third Way Wall Street Hedge Fund Executives and Bankers who elect “off-the-porch” Corporate Blue-Dog Democrats who scent mark Wall Street right behind the GOPee.}
"Third Way fantasizes that Democrats want a more conservative Obama"*
~ Hunter/@dailykos, {Donate}, 01-22-13 (*DLC)
{ Big money has moved “the center” to the right since 1978. That’s when tax cuts for the rich began in earnest. They plowed spare pocket change into the system which produced their laws. ~ IGRPP }
“The Democratic think tank Third Way relies on money from corporate interests, lobbyists and Republican donors."
"Daniel Loeb, a hedge fund manager listed as a trustee on Third Way’s 2012 annual disclosure, bundled $556,031 for Mitt Romney last year."
"GOP Donors and K Street Fuel Third Way’s Advice for the Democratic Party"
~ @lhfang/@thenation, {Donate} 12-03-13 <
3RD WAY "They are identified with centrist social/cultural/pluralist positions and neoliberal fiscal values."
(^^^) " GOP Donors and K Street Fuel Third Way’s Advice for the Democratic Party " *
~ Dragonfli/@demunderground, {Donate}, 03-15-15 <
(^^^) "AL From, party strategist during the Clinton years, focuses on ideas and policies"
~ Cynthia Price/Legal News, {Subscribe}, 05-27-15 <
"181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied Hillary's State Department"
~ Jonathan Allen/@voxdotcom, {Subscribe}, 04-28-15 (*EF) (*EM)
@HillaryClinton @DNC @ClintonFdn <
"The Global Corporate Coup And Why The Media Supports It” @LeeCamp
~ @RedactedTonight, {Subscribe}, 08-05-16, YT, 9:45 <
Corporate Greed/Money Out Of Politics, TPP, RT, 25:58 _ @POTUS @MSNBC @realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton @EPA <
>###(02-17)*FK*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| THIRD WAY DINO BANKERS
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| MULTIPLE THINK TANKS
{ Third Way corporate “third rail” faux Democrats, think-tank flying monkeys that they are, attack Social Security, Medicare and Social Safety Net programs, while supporting neo-fascist Wall Street values, deregulation and bailouts. They’re “Democrats In Name Only” (D.I.N.O.’s) who are backed by Hedge Fund Managers, Wall Street Bankers, CEO’s and Billionaires. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are “Third Way” foes. ~ IGRPP }
(^^^) "Why the Third Way hates Sen. Elizabeth Warren"
~ Hunter/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-03-13 <
(^^^) “The truth about the radical realignment of political parties that is about to happen” * (*DNC) (*EF)
~ Garland Nixon/Fbk, {Share}, 05-05-16, Video, 22:22
3RD WAY WALL ST DEM DINO’S Listed are Third Way board members who donated to a Democratic presidential contender this cycle (2015), including the amounts:
Georgette Bennett - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Lewis Cullman - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
William M. Daley - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Robert Dyson - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Derek Kaufman - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Thurgood Marshall, Jr. - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Herbert Miller - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Michael Novogratz - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Kirk Radke - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Ted Trimpa - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
Joseph Zimlich - $2,700 - Hillary Clinton
"Forget Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, Third Way has figured out how to get you REALLY pumped!"
~ kos/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-30-15 <
3RD WAY: Republican Wing of the Democratic Party, Reagan Democrats
“Third Way (Democrats) operates mostly in the shadows, presenting as small a target as possible while insidiously worming its way into the D.C. party establishment” ~ kos
"These are Wall Street asshole corporatist Democrats (which literally dominate Third Way)." ~ kos
{Third Way Wall Street Hedge Fund Executives and Bankers who elect “off-the-porch” Corporate Blue-Dog Democrats who scent mark Wall Street right behind the GOPee.}
"Third Way fantasizes that Democrats want a more conservative Obama"*
~ Hunter/@dailykos, {Donate}, 01-22-13 (*DLC)
{ Big money has moved “the center” to the right since 1978. That’s when tax cuts for the rich began in earnest. They plowed spare pocket change into the system which produced their laws. ~ IGRPP }
“The Democratic think tank Third Way relies on money from corporate interests, lobbyists and Republican donors."
"Daniel Loeb, a hedge fund manager listed as a trustee on Third Way’s 2012 annual disclosure, bundled $556,031 for Mitt Romney last year."
"GOP Donors and K Street Fuel Third Way’s Advice for the Democratic Party"
~ @lhfang/@thenation, {Donate} 12-03-13 <
3RD WAY "They are identified with centrist social/cultural/pluralist positions and neoliberal fiscal values."
(^^^) " GOP Donors and K Street Fuel Third Way’s Advice for the Democratic Party " *
~ Dragonfli/@demunderground, {Donate}, 03-15-15 <
(^^^) "AL From, party strategist during the Clinton years, focuses on ideas and policies"
~ Cynthia Price/Legal News, {Subscribe}, 05-27-15 <
"181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied Hillary's State Department"
~ Jonathan Allen/@voxdotcom, {Subscribe}, 04-28-15 (*EF) (*EM)
@HillaryClinton @DNC @ClintonFdn <
"The Global Corporate Coup And Why The Media Supports It” @LeeCamp
~ @RedactedTonight, {Subscribe}, 08-05-16, YT, 9:45 <
Corporate Greed/Money Out Of Politics, TPP, RT, 25:58 _ @POTUS @MSNBC @realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton @EPA <
>###(02-17)*FK*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| THIRD WAY DINO BANKERS
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| MULTIPLE THINK TANKS
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-100|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
cabals currently cooperate to disable
not-for-profit government agencies by hook or crook.
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-101|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
"Bernie Sanders Goes off on Charles Koch"
~ @Thom_Hartmann, {Pods/Subscribe}, 07-12-13, YT, 5:24
KOCH TAKEOVER, REPUBLICAN/T PARTY: Koch Tea Party, Karl Rove, Governor Scott Walker, Wall Street Democrats, Blue-Dogs, Right To Work, Taft-Hartley; Populist, Pro-Labor, New Deal Democrats, Wall Street Financiers, Oligarchs, Control Presidency;
Governor Villains; Republican/T Shutdown, Austerity, National Bankruptcy; Walker, Kasich, Snyder, Brownback, Economic Populism v. Cultural Populism, Strategy; Federal Subsidy; Iowa, Senator Joanie Ernst, Plain Folks Technique; Scott Brown, Pickup Truck, Volker Rule, Dodd-Frank 2010; Elizabeth Warren; Permanent Republican/T, Austerity Dictatorship, Christian Fundamentalists, Holy Rollers, Southerners, Confederate States of America Nostalgics;
Republican/T Warmongers, Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Kelly Ayotte; {Arrest McCain For Funding ISIS} United Front Radio;
Republican/T Tax Reform, (tax cuts for the rich), Deregulation, Abolish Nation Labor Regulations Board, Cut Civil Rights Act of 1960’s, Election Laws, Voter I.D., Eliminate Early Voting, Harass Voters; Supreme Court Control, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Texas Voter Suppression Law, Racist Law; Trade Unions, Counter Koch Machine;
Citizens (Corporate Citizens) United, Foreign Money, Export Import Bank; Fascists, Wisconsin, Governor Walker, Gangs, Terror, Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder, American Fascism; Obama, Weak President, Caving, Austerity, Foreign War, Permanent Austerity Dictatorship, Endless War, Reactionary Republican;
Divided Government, Seizing the Fed, Corporations, Tentacles of Wall Street, Henry Ford, Supporting Hitler; Koch Brothers, Low Wage Economy, Underbid China; High Value Economy; Extractive Industries, Low Wage; Reactionary Republican/T Party; Political Oligarchy, Oligarchic Southern Mind, Rush Limbaugh, Hatred, Fear, Radicalism, Anti-Obama, Anti-Immigrant; Party of National Sabotage; Privatization, Predatory Use;
Minimum Wage Ballot Initiatives; “The economic point of agreement is well to the left of the Democratic Party”; Economic Populism;
Militant Reactionaries, Fred Koch, Mussolini, John Birch, Mormon Church
{This audio is explains the 2014 status of the Republican/T Party and the Democratic Party. Tarpley apparently does not comprehend the urgency of responding to impending climate disaster, the 6TH Extinction. ~ IGRPP }
"Webster Griffin Tarpley (born 1946) is an American author, historian, economist, journalist and lecturer. He is not a member of any political party and a former member of the U.S. Labor Party."
"Webster Tarpley on Koch controlled Republican Party"
~ mengutimur, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 58:13 _
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" a book, by Jane Mayer
"Well, what you have to understand is the Kochs have built kind of an assembly line to manufacture political change. And it includes think tanks, which produce papers. It includes advocacy groups that advocate for policies. And it includes giving money to candidates. And you put those three together, and they’ve pushed against doing anything about climate change on all those three fronts at once." ~ Jane Mayer
(2010)"I then went down to a weekend meeting that the biggest Koch group was holding, Americans for Prosperity, in Austin, Texas, and there they were giving seminars to tea party members on how to organize." ~ JM
"He (Charles Koch) was more preoccupied with becoming a kind of a radical economic libertarian, meaning that he wanted to get the government to just let businesses do what they wanted to do and let the free market rule America." ~ Jane Mayer
"Dark Money: Jane Mayer on How the Koch Bros. & Billionaire Allies Funded the Rise of the Far Right"
~ @democracynow, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} w/@JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, 01-20-16, Video, 31:30 <
KOCHS: Koch's are funding climate denial groups to the tune of $67 million.
"Koch Bro David Koch has spent more than $67 million to fund groups that deny the mountain of science documenting climate change."
"Hey there, Lowdowners"
~ @JimHightower/@HightowerNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, (2015) _
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT <
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action <
>##(01-16)*E6E*E16*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Bernie Sanders Goes off on Charles Koch"
~ @Thom_Hartmann, {Pods/Subscribe}, 07-12-13, YT, 5:24
KOCH TAKEOVER, REPUBLICAN/T PARTY: Koch Tea Party, Karl Rove, Governor Scott Walker, Wall Street Democrats, Blue-Dogs, Right To Work, Taft-Hartley; Populist, Pro-Labor, New Deal Democrats, Wall Street Financiers, Oligarchs, Control Presidency;
Governor Villains; Republican/T Shutdown, Austerity, National Bankruptcy; Walker, Kasich, Snyder, Brownback, Economic Populism v. Cultural Populism, Strategy; Federal Subsidy; Iowa, Senator Joanie Ernst, Plain Folks Technique; Scott Brown, Pickup Truck, Volker Rule, Dodd-Frank 2010; Elizabeth Warren; Permanent Republican/T, Austerity Dictatorship, Christian Fundamentalists, Holy Rollers, Southerners, Confederate States of America Nostalgics;
Republican/T Warmongers, Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Kelly Ayotte; {Arrest McCain For Funding ISIS} United Front Radio;
Republican/T Tax Reform, (tax cuts for the rich), Deregulation, Abolish Nation Labor Regulations Board, Cut Civil Rights Act of 1960’s, Election Laws, Voter I.D., Eliminate Early Voting, Harass Voters; Supreme Court Control, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Texas Voter Suppression Law, Racist Law; Trade Unions, Counter Koch Machine;
Citizens (Corporate Citizens) United, Foreign Money, Export Import Bank; Fascists, Wisconsin, Governor Walker, Gangs, Terror, Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder, American Fascism; Obama, Weak President, Caving, Austerity, Foreign War, Permanent Austerity Dictatorship, Endless War, Reactionary Republican;
Divided Government, Seizing the Fed, Corporations, Tentacles of Wall Street, Henry Ford, Supporting Hitler; Koch Brothers, Low Wage Economy, Underbid China; High Value Economy; Extractive Industries, Low Wage; Reactionary Republican/T Party; Political Oligarchy, Oligarchic Southern Mind, Rush Limbaugh, Hatred, Fear, Radicalism, Anti-Obama, Anti-Immigrant; Party of National Sabotage; Privatization, Predatory Use;
Minimum Wage Ballot Initiatives; “The economic point of agreement is well to the left of the Democratic Party”; Economic Populism;
Militant Reactionaries, Fred Koch, Mussolini, John Birch, Mormon Church
{This audio is explains the 2014 status of the Republican/T Party and the Democratic Party. Tarpley apparently does not comprehend the urgency of responding to impending climate disaster, the 6TH Extinction. ~ IGRPP }
"Webster Griffin Tarpley (born 1946) is an American author, historian, economist, journalist and lecturer. He is not a member of any political party and a former member of the U.S. Labor Party."
"Webster Tarpley on Koch controlled Republican Party"
~ mengutimur, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 58:13 _
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" a book, by Jane Mayer
"Well, what you have to understand is the Kochs have built kind of an assembly line to manufacture political change. And it includes think tanks, which produce papers. It includes advocacy groups that advocate for policies. And it includes giving money to candidates. And you put those three together, and they’ve pushed against doing anything about climate change on all those three fronts at once." ~ Jane Mayer
(2010)"I then went down to a weekend meeting that the biggest Koch group was holding, Americans for Prosperity, in Austin, Texas, and there they were giving seminars to tea party members on how to organize." ~ JM
"He (Charles Koch) was more preoccupied with becoming a kind of a radical economic libertarian, meaning that he wanted to get the government to just let businesses do what they wanted to do and let the free market rule America." ~ Jane Mayer
"Dark Money: Jane Mayer on How the Koch Bros. & Billionaire Allies Funded the Rise of the Far Right"
~ @democracynow, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} w/@JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, 01-20-16, Video, 31:30 <
KOCHS: Koch's are funding climate denial groups to the tune of $67 million.
"Koch Bro David Koch has spent more than $67 million to fund groups that deny the mountain of science documenting climate change."
"Hey there, Lowdowners"
~ @JimHightower/@HightowerNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, (2015) _
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT <
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action <
>##(01-16)*E6E*E16*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-101|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
Paul Weyrich, Republican Strategist, Father of the Modern Conservative Movement
Founder of The Heritage Foundation, The Cato Institute, and A.L.E.C. – the un-American Legislative Exchange Counsil – “boilerplate/”cookie cutter” state laws shoved down our throats by Corporations who “Re-Educate” Republican State Legislators as they become flush with Corp Campaign Cash; Weyrich married Dominionist EvilJelloCrawl “Maleligion” To Republican Politics Promising Shills a Theocracy, and baiting voters with hate in the form of hard line Guns-God-Gays-&-Reproduction Social Issues:
Paul Weyrich, Republican Strategist, Father of the Modern Conservative Movement
Founder of The Heritage Foundation, The Cato Institute, and A.L.E.C. – the un-American Legislative Exchange Counsil – “boilerplate/”cookie cutter” state laws shoved down our throats by Corporations who “Re-Educate” Republican State Legislators as they become flush with Corp Campaign Cash; Weyrich married Dominionist EvilJelloCrawl “Maleligion” To Republican Politics Promising Shills a Theocracy, and baiting voters with hate in the form of hard line Guns-God-Gays-&-Reproduction Social Issues:
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-102|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
cabals. Forbes 400 King
Billionaire Anarchists-013 USA KOCH-A.L.E.C. Deep State
>###(05-17)*FK2*EF*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
>###(05-17)*FK2*EF*R###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-103|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
cabals currently cooperate to disable
not-for-profit government agencies by hook or crook.
Koch “Koch Brothers” Astroturf Tea Party Movement; Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, Donor Conferences, AFP, Americans For Prosperity, Dana Point, California; $889 Million Pledge; 2016 Elections; Republican Party, Art Pope, i360; United Negro College Fund; Koch Watchdog, American Bridge 21st Century
"Wealthy conservatives cap Koch brothers weekend with pledges"
~ @AP, via Lawrence Journal-World, {Subscribe}, 08-04-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Koch “Koch Brothers” Astroturf Tea Party Movement; Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, Donor Conferences, AFP, Americans For Prosperity, Dana Point, California; $889 Million Pledge; 2016 Elections; Republican Party, Art Pope, i360; United Negro College Fund; Koch Watchdog, American Bridge 21st Century
"Wealthy conservatives cap Koch brothers weekend with pledges"
~ @AP, via Lawrence Journal-World, {Subscribe}, 08-04-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-105|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
cabals currently cooperate to disable
not-for-profit government agencies by hook or crook.
US Senate , U.S. Tax Policy, Tax Cuts; Glass-Steagall, Deregulation; Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Derivatives, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Commodity Futures Modernization Act, (Corporate) Citizens United; Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush
American Action Network, Fred Malek; US Chamber of Commerce; American Crossroads, Karl Rove, Crossroads GPS;
"Creating a country of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich."
Watchdog: Center for Responsive Politics
"In 1978, the Carter administration and Congress took a red pen to the tax code, slashing the top rate of the capital gains tax from 48% to 28%—an enormous boon for wealthy Americans."
"How the Oligarchs Took America"
~ Andy Kroll/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-02-10
>#(09-15)*FK2*EC*POTUS39#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
US Senate , U.S. Tax Policy, Tax Cuts; Glass-Steagall, Deregulation; Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Derivatives, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Commodity Futures Modernization Act, (Corporate) Citizens United; Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush
American Action Network, Fred Malek; US Chamber of Commerce; American Crossroads, Karl Rove, Crossroads GPS;
"Creating a country of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich."
Watchdog: Center for Responsive Politics
"In 1978, the Carter administration and Congress took a red pen to the tax code, slashing the top rate of the capital gains tax from 48% to 28%—an enormous boon for wealthy Americans."
"How the Oligarchs Took America"
~ Andy Kroll/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-02-10
>#(09-15)*FK2*EC*POTUS39#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-106|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
Republican/T Shutdown, Opposition, Obama Care, ACA 2010:
Conservative Action Project, Heritage, Council for National Policy, Freedom Partners, Koch Industries, Family Research Council , Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform
"The Conservative Action Project, the organization orchestrating the shutdown strategy, is run by a cabal of evangelical and radical-right leaders.
Heritage Action [501(c)(4)]
"Meet the Evangelical Cabal Orchestrating the Shutdown"
~ @lhfang/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-08-13 _
@Koch_Industries, <
>###(10-15)*FK*EC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Republican/T Shutdown, Opposition, Obama Care, ACA 2010:
Conservative Action Project, Heritage, Council for National Policy, Freedom Partners, Koch Industries, Family Research Council , Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform
"The Conservative Action Project, the organization orchestrating the shutdown strategy, is run by a cabal of evangelical and radical-right leaders.
Heritage Action [501(c)(4)]
"Meet the Evangelical Cabal Orchestrating the Shutdown"
~ @lhfang/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-08-13 _
@Koch_Industries, <
>###(10-15)*FK*EC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-108|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
Paul Weyrich, Father of Modern Conservatism, Christian Right, Evangelical Christian, Propaganda
“P. Weyrich was a dolt-whispering snake of a neo-fascist pig.” ~ I.G.R.P.P.
Founded A.L.E.C. – (un)American Legislative Exchange Council, Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute;
{The video clip is from a Weyrich speech delivered in a Dallas Texas Church in 1980. His strategy captured the Evangelical Christian vote for the corporate Republican/T Party run by Forbes 400 Kings.}
“Major Doc Drop: All ALEC Model Legislation Leaked”
~ ManfromMiddletown/@dailykos, {Subscribe Support Donate}, 07-13-11 _
-/\/- "Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote. He complains that fellow Christians have "Goo-Goo Syndrome": Good Government. Classic clip from 1980."
"Paul Weyrich - 'I don't want everybody to vote' (Goo Goo)"
~ peoplefor, {Subscribe/Share}, 06-08-07, YT, 0:40 _**
>##(01-16)*FK*EF*REL###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Paul Weyrich, Father of Modern Conservatism, Christian Right, Evangelical Christian, Propaganda
“P. Weyrich was a dolt-whispering snake of a neo-fascist pig.” ~ I.G.R.P.P.
Founded A.L.E.C. – (un)American Legislative Exchange Council, Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute;
{The video clip is from a Weyrich speech delivered in a Dallas Texas Church in 1980. His strategy captured the Evangelical Christian vote for the corporate Republican/T Party run by Forbes 400 Kings.}
“Major Doc Drop: All ALEC Model Legislation Leaked”
~ ManfromMiddletown/@dailykos, {Subscribe Support Donate}, 07-13-11 _
-/\/- "Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups tells his flock that he doesn't want people to vote. He complains that fellow Christians have "Goo-Goo Syndrome": Good Government. Classic clip from 1980."
"Paul Weyrich - 'I don't want everybody to vote' (Goo Goo)"
~ peoplefor, {Subscribe/Share}, 06-08-07, YT, 0:40 _**
>##(01-16)*FK*EF*REL###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-109|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
cabals; IRS 501\527s, Political Action Committees, 60
Plus Association; Tim Phillips, Americans For Prosperity; Karl Rove, American
Cross Roads, Crossroads GPS; Freedom Works; Heritage Action For America, Jim
DeMint, Heritage Foundation; American Action Network
GOP Budget, 2010 Elections; Citizens {Corporations} United Money; Paul Ryan (*ULRRPR), GOP Austerity Budget, Killing Medicare, Medicare Trust, Attacking Social Security, Social Security Trust, Cutting VA Benefits, Veterans Trust, Attacking Collective Bargaining Unions, Free Speech
{Republican/Ts plan to privatize pre-paid Social Security for Wall Street, kill pre-paid Medicare with a voucher system, kill municipal, state, federal and private unions (because they tend to support Democrats) and leave American Veterans hung out to dry. ~ IGRPP }
“The beautiful and brilliant Rachel Maddow explains how republican politicians operate by supporting corporate America over Americans. A pretty obvious thing that often goes unnoticed by the blind, deaf and dumb, as well as gop constituents who vote against their own interests.”
~ mccainisthroughX
The “60 Plus Association” is spending $800,000 in a campaign backing Rep. Paul Ryan’s GOP austerity budget. It’s a corporate funded group that intends to kill Medicare and block the re-importation of cheaper drugs from Canada for seniors. Its source of funds is the Pharmacutical Industry;
(Rep. Wilbert Joseph “Billy” Tauzin (R-LA) and the Heritage Foundation lobbied Congress for a “full price drug sales rider” to the “unfunded” “Medicare D Law” signed by the POTUS George W. Bush. It wasn’t paid for in the budget by any revenue source, such as taxes, so it became a permanent budget deficit builder sponsored by the party of fiscal responsibility, the Republican/s. Tauzin became a drug corp CEO.)
The “Americans For Prosperity” ad buy of $400,000 is corporate funded. It supports Paul Ryan GOP austerity budget. AFP is founded by Koch brother (the 18th richest man in the world);
Karl Rove’s “American Cross Roads” and “Crossroads GPS” (No disclosure) is spending $750,000 to go after Union Rights. The money comes from a few billionaires and corporations;
"Freedom Works” and “Heritage Action For America” (Heritage Foundation) is distributing pro Paul Ryan budget talking points;
The “American Action Network” is run by Wall Street executives. They’re trying to dismantle Wall Street Reform Laws;
In contrast, Democrats produced $106,000 to counter the messages sponsored by billionaires and multinational corporations.
“As a result of (Corporate) Citizens United, what can now happen, is that Billionaires and Corporations can provide hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to campaigns… Radio ads, Television ads. And as you’ve just indicated, they do it in secret. What the Ryan Budget is about is the most radical right wing extremist budget ever passed in the history of the US Congress. This would transform America by giving a $1 Trillion more in tax breaks to the richest people in this country …who are already doing phenomenally well.” ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders *ULISBS
"Rachel Maddow Bitchslaps the gop - April 2011" @SpeakerRyan @PRyan
~ mccainisthroughX, {Subscribe}, R.M./@MSNBC, 05-01-11, YT, 15:24 _
>(01-16)*FK*EC*UJSC*ULM*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
GOP Budget, 2010 Elections; Citizens {Corporations} United Money; Paul Ryan (*ULRRPR), GOP Austerity Budget, Killing Medicare, Medicare Trust, Attacking Social Security, Social Security Trust, Cutting VA Benefits, Veterans Trust, Attacking Collective Bargaining Unions, Free Speech
{Republican/Ts plan to privatize pre-paid Social Security for Wall Street, kill pre-paid Medicare with a voucher system, kill municipal, state, federal and private unions (because they tend to support Democrats) and leave American Veterans hung out to dry. ~ IGRPP }
“The beautiful and brilliant Rachel Maddow explains how republican politicians operate by supporting corporate America over Americans. A pretty obvious thing that often goes unnoticed by the blind, deaf and dumb, as well as gop constituents who vote against their own interests.”
~ mccainisthroughX
The “60 Plus Association” is spending $800,000 in a campaign backing Rep. Paul Ryan’s GOP austerity budget. It’s a corporate funded group that intends to kill Medicare and block the re-importation of cheaper drugs from Canada for seniors. Its source of funds is the Pharmacutical Industry;
(Rep. Wilbert Joseph “Billy” Tauzin (R-LA) and the Heritage Foundation lobbied Congress for a “full price drug sales rider” to the “unfunded” “Medicare D Law” signed by the POTUS George W. Bush. It wasn’t paid for in the budget by any revenue source, such as taxes, so it became a permanent budget deficit builder sponsored by the party of fiscal responsibility, the Republican/s. Tauzin became a drug corp CEO.)
The “Americans For Prosperity” ad buy of $400,000 is corporate funded. It supports Paul Ryan GOP austerity budget. AFP is founded by Koch brother (the 18th richest man in the world);
Karl Rove’s “American Cross Roads” and “Crossroads GPS” (No disclosure) is spending $750,000 to go after Union Rights. The money comes from a few billionaires and corporations;
"Freedom Works” and “Heritage Action For America” (Heritage Foundation) is distributing pro Paul Ryan budget talking points;
The “American Action Network” is run by Wall Street executives. They’re trying to dismantle Wall Street Reform Laws;
In contrast, Democrats produced $106,000 to counter the messages sponsored by billionaires and multinational corporations.
“As a result of (Corporate) Citizens United, what can now happen, is that Billionaires and Corporations can provide hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to campaigns… Radio ads, Television ads. And as you’ve just indicated, they do it in secret. What the Ryan Budget is about is the most radical right wing extremist budget ever passed in the history of the US Congress. This would transform America by giving a $1 Trillion more in tax breaks to the richest people in this country …who are already doing phenomenally well.” ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders *ULISBS
"Rachel Maddow Bitchslaps the gop - April 2011" @SpeakerRyan @PRyan
~ mccainisthroughX, {Subscribe}, R.M./@MSNBC, 05-01-11, YT, 15:24 _
>(01-16)*FK*EC*UJSC*ULM*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-110|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
A.L.E.C., S.P.N./State Policy Network, Jim DeMint – Heritage Foundation, Grover Norquist – Americans For Tax Reform, American Enterprise Institute
"ALEC, State Policy Network groups provide an ideological veil for big businesses seeking to advance radical deregulatory policy goals."
"Media-savvy conservative think tanks take aim and fire at progressive power bases in the states."
"The Right Leans In"
~ @lhfang/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-26-13 _
>###(01-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
A.L.E.C., S.P.N./State Policy Network, Jim DeMint – Heritage Foundation, Grover Norquist – Americans For Tax Reform, American Enterprise Institute
"ALEC, State Policy Network groups provide an ideological veil for big businesses seeking to advance radical deregulatory policy goals."
"Media-savvy conservative think tanks take aim and fire at progressive power bases in the states."
"The Right Leans In"
~ @lhfang/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-26-13 _
>###(01-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-111|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
Chucky & Davie “Koch” Sucking Tea Baggers For Billionaire’s Cabal; “Bradley Foundation” for Corporations Mob Pay-offs; Chucky & Davie “Koch” Sucking Tea Baggers For Billionaire’s Cabal; Heritage Foundation; American Enterprise Institute; Cato Institute; FreedomWorks; Americans for Prosperity; American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC); Koch Brothers Cabal
FL Gov. Jeb Bush’, IN Gov. Mitch Daniels’, & FOX Newes-4-Ewes Roger Ailes’ Bradley Award from a Conservative Political Think-Tank, Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
"Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, ...promoting 'American democratic capitalism.' ...has given away more than $400 million to fund conservative causes, including school voucher campaigns, anti-union ‘right to work’ laws, pro-marriage initiatives, global warming denial groups and efforts to combat voter fraud. (Translation: Throw Democrats off of old and new Confederate Red State voting rolls & initiate complex Voter ID requirements that the poor, young, an elderly can't comply with.) …quietly donated far more to conservative causes than the Kochs.”
Bradley Cabal "dollars fund ...Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the libertarian Cato Institute. to bolster corporate-backed, tea party astroturf groups ...look like grassroots initiatives ...FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)."
"Named for its two founding brothers, the Bradley Foundation attracts less attention than the half-dozen different family foundations controlled by the better-known billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David." Previous Bradley Corp Mob payoff award Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Attorney General Edwin Meese and conservative commentator George Will
"Bradley Foundation Awards $250,000 Prizes To Roger Ailes, Mitch Daniels"
~ Christina Wilkie/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13 _**
>##(04-15)*FK2*E6E*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Chucky & Davie “Koch” Sucking Tea Baggers For Billionaire’s Cabal; “Bradley Foundation” for Corporations Mob Pay-offs; Chucky & Davie “Koch” Sucking Tea Baggers For Billionaire’s Cabal; Heritage Foundation; American Enterprise Institute; Cato Institute; FreedomWorks; Americans for Prosperity; American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC); Koch Brothers Cabal
FL Gov. Jeb Bush’, IN Gov. Mitch Daniels’, & FOX Newes-4-Ewes Roger Ailes’ Bradley Award from a Conservative Political Think-Tank, Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
"Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, ...promoting 'American democratic capitalism.' ...has given away more than $400 million to fund conservative causes, including school voucher campaigns, anti-union ‘right to work’ laws, pro-marriage initiatives, global warming denial groups and efforts to combat voter fraud. (Translation: Throw Democrats off of old and new Confederate Red State voting rolls & initiate complex Voter ID requirements that the poor, young, an elderly can't comply with.) …quietly donated far more to conservative causes than the Kochs.”
Bradley Cabal "dollars fund ...Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the libertarian Cato Institute. to bolster corporate-backed, tea party astroturf groups ...look like grassroots initiatives ...FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)."
"Named for its two founding brothers, the Bradley Foundation attracts less attention than the half-dozen different family foundations controlled by the better-known billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David." Previous Bradley Corp Mob payoff award Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Attorney General Edwin Meese and conservative commentator George Will
"Bradley Foundation Awards $250,000 Prizes To Roger Ailes, Mitch Daniels"
~ Christina Wilkie/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13 _**
>##(04-15)*FK2*E6E*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-112|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
Cato Institute
“Map Muckety Cato Institute”
~ Laurie Bennett/@Muckety, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-09-13 _
>###(05-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Cato Institute
“Map Muckety Cato Institute”
~ Laurie Bennett/@Muckety, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-09-13 _
>###(05-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-113|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
Cato Institute, Heritage Foundation, A.L.E.C. IRS 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit, 501(c)(4), Corporate Legislation
“Do you know who is writing your legislation?”
~ St. Rep. Marcia Moody (NH),, {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-05-11 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*STL)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Cato Institute, Heritage Foundation, A.L.E.C. IRS 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit, 501(c)(4), Corporate Legislation
“Do you know who is writing your legislation?”
~ St. Rep. Marcia Moody (NH),, {Subscribe/Donate}, 07-05-11 _
>##(03-13)*FK(*STL)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-114|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
CAPTIALISM, CORPORATE MONEY, CLIMATE DENIAL: Corporate Main Stream Media; Scientists, Activists, Whistleblower Journalism
The Three Sides in climate debate are:
(1.) concerned scientists who think climate disaster is very grave;
(2.) scientists who think it’s worse than that ^ (1 + 2 = 99%), recent M.I.T. Study (Massachusetts Institute of Technology} portrays worse than grave consequences;
(3.) profit-charter corporations, their propaganda media (some weather spokesmen who are not climate scientists), a few corporations pay-to-play science biostitutes, Koch Brothers sponsored 50 climate denial websites and corporations pay-to-play politician denialists
{Start: Chomsky} “…in the media… it’s portrayed as if there’s 2 sides …One side is like 99% of scientists …the other side is Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, (OK-Sen.) Jim Inhoffe and 3 guys, kind of contrarians in the science community. So we give them equal time, and then how’s the ordinary citizen going to figure it out. …there are actually 3 groups, the mainstream scientific consensus …who think the situation is very grave or the others who think it’s even worse than you claim. …What are the probability that they’re (scientists) wrong and Rush Limbaugh (or the typical Corp Media profit-charter denier) is right?”
"Speak To The Consequences of Global Warming"
{McKibben at 2:55} “Now it’s too late to prevent really massive change, but not too late to prevent the worst kind of tipping points. …already increased moisture in the atmosphere by 5% (greenhouse gas effect). The Oceans are about 30% more acetic. We’re seeing deluge and flood in kind of unprecedented ways. These are very dangerous powerful things that we’re not going to be able to push back into the closet. …can get a lot worse than that…”
{“A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council; Climate Legislation, Anti-EPA, Access To Almost 2,000 State Legislators}
"Noam Chomsky and Bill McKibben on Global Warming"
~ ontheearthproduction, {Subscribe}, 06-02-10, YT, 4:14 _
@noamchomskyT @billmckibben @350 @350action <
-/\/- Chomsky Assessing the sides and risks in the climate debate
"Noam Chomsky on Global Warming" @noamchomskyT
~ aerobique, {Subscribe}, 09-17-12, YT, 3:03 <
-/\/- Climate Disaster, Fossil Fuel Empire Runs Government & Empire
"They are building a global movement to solve the climate crisis."
Government Leaders Do Not Lead, The Fossil Fuel Industry Does
"1/2 the Polar Ice Caps Have Vanished In 40 Years"
"July 2012 Was The Hottest Month In U.S. History"
Fossil Fuel Industry Continues The Same Paradigm
”Do the Math – The Movie”
~ @billmckibben @350 @350action, {Subscribe}, 04-21-13, YT, 44:52 _
@NaomiAKlein <
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT <
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action <
>###(04-17)*E6E*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
CAPTIALISM, CORPORATE MONEY, CLIMATE DENIAL: Corporate Main Stream Media; Scientists, Activists, Whistleblower Journalism
The Three Sides in climate debate are:
(1.) concerned scientists who think climate disaster is very grave;
(2.) scientists who think it’s worse than that ^ (1 + 2 = 99%), recent M.I.T. Study (Massachusetts Institute of Technology} portrays worse than grave consequences;
(3.) profit-charter corporations, their propaganda media (some weather spokesmen who are not climate scientists), a few corporations pay-to-play science biostitutes, Koch Brothers sponsored 50 climate denial websites and corporations pay-to-play politician denialists
{Start: Chomsky} “…in the media… it’s portrayed as if there’s 2 sides …One side is like 99% of scientists …the other side is Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, (OK-Sen.) Jim Inhoffe and 3 guys, kind of contrarians in the science community. So we give them equal time, and then how’s the ordinary citizen going to figure it out. …there are actually 3 groups, the mainstream scientific consensus …who think the situation is very grave or the others who think it’s even worse than you claim. …What are the probability that they’re (scientists) wrong and Rush Limbaugh (or the typical Corp Media profit-charter denier) is right?”
"Speak To The Consequences of Global Warming"
{McKibben at 2:55} “Now it’s too late to prevent really massive change, but not too late to prevent the worst kind of tipping points. …already increased moisture in the atmosphere by 5% (greenhouse gas effect). The Oceans are about 30% more acetic. We’re seeing deluge and flood in kind of unprecedented ways. These are very dangerous powerful things that we’re not going to be able to push back into the closet. …can get a lot worse than that…”
{“A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council; Climate Legislation, Anti-EPA, Access To Almost 2,000 State Legislators}
"Noam Chomsky and Bill McKibben on Global Warming"
~ ontheearthproduction, {Subscribe}, 06-02-10, YT, 4:14 _
@noamchomskyT @billmckibben @350 @350action <
-/\/- Chomsky Assessing the sides and risks in the climate debate
"Noam Chomsky on Global Warming" @noamchomskyT
~ aerobique, {Subscribe}, 09-17-12, YT, 3:03 <
-/\/- Climate Disaster, Fossil Fuel Empire Runs Government & Empire
"They are building a global movement to solve the climate crisis."
Government Leaders Do Not Lead, The Fossil Fuel Industry Does
"1/2 the Polar Ice Caps Have Vanished In 40 Years"
"July 2012 Was The Hottest Month In U.S. History"
Fossil Fuel Industry Continues The Same Paradigm
”Do the Math – The Movie”
~ @billmckibben @350 @350action, {Subscribe}, 04-21-13, YT, 44:52 _
@NaomiAKlein <
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT <
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action <
>###(04-17)*E6E*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-115|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
WIND ENERGY HARPOONED: Capitalism, Corporations, Billionaires, Political Action Committees; Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Industry, Propaganda, Attacking Renewable Wind Turbines, Corp Movement Protesting Wind Farms
“Shocking New Oil Propaganda Plan To Fool Americans”
~ Shawn Lawrence Otto/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 05-08-12 _
>###(04-17)*FK*E6E##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
WIND ENERGY HARPOONED: Capitalism, Corporations, Billionaires, Political Action Committees; Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Industry, Propaganda, Attacking Renewable Wind Turbines, Corp Movement Protesting Wind Farms
“Shocking New Oil Propaganda Plan To Fool Americans”
~ Shawn Lawrence Otto/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 05-08-12 _
>###(04-17)*FK*E6E##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-118|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
Koch “Koch Brothers” Astroturf Tea Party Movement; Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, Donor Conferences, AFP, Americans For Prosperity, Dana Point, California; $889 Million Pledge; 2016 Elections; Republican Party, Art Pope, i360; United Negro College Fund; Koch Watchdog, American Bridge 21st Century
"Wealthy conservatives cap Koch brothers weekend with pledges"
~ @AP, via Lawrence Journal-World, {Subscribe}, 08-04-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Koch “Koch Brothers” Astroturf Tea Party Movement; Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, Donor Conferences, AFP, Americans For Prosperity, Dana Point, California; $889 Million Pledge; 2016 Elections; Republican Party, Art Pope, i360; United Negro College Fund; Koch Watchdog, American Bridge 21st Century
"Wealthy conservatives cap Koch brothers weekend with pledges"
~ @AP, via Lawrence Journal-World, {Subscribe}, 08-04-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-119|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
Multy Corps, Food, Blocking GMO Labeling Prop. 37 CA - California, Boycott Kashi, Honest Tea, Naked Juice, Muir Glen, & Morningstar
"Prop 37, the California Right to Know GMO labeling initiative, was narrowly defeated (11-06-12) thanks to a relentless, deceitful $46-million advertising blitz. ...largest bankrollers of the NO, on proposition 37 campaign, were huge multinational food and beverage companies whose subsidiaries make billions selling some of your favorite organic and "natural" brands."{Germinating Manslaughter Ordinance - GMO - Gene Modified Organism} "Punish the 'Natural' and Organic Traitor Brands: Download Your Boycott Guide"
"Payback Time! Boycott the Brands that Helped Kill Prop 37"
~ Ronnie Cummins/Director Organic Consumers Assn./Organic Consumers Fund, {Subscribe/Donate}, 11-12-12 _
>#(03-13)*FK(*HH)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Multy Corps, Food, Blocking GMO Labeling Prop. 37 CA - California, Boycott Kashi, Honest Tea, Naked Juice, Muir Glen, & Morningstar
"Prop 37, the California Right to Know GMO labeling initiative, was narrowly defeated (11-06-12) thanks to a relentless, deceitful $46-million advertising blitz. ...largest bankrollers of the NO, on proposition 37 campaign, were huge multinational food and beverage companies whose subsidiaries make billions selling some of your favorite organic and "natural" brands."{Germinating Manslaughter Ordinance - GMO - Gene Modified Organism} "Punish the 'Natural' and Organic Traitor Brands: Download Your Boycott Guide"
"Payback Time! Boycott the Brands that Helped Kill Prop 37"
~ Ronnie Cummins/Director Organic Consumers Assn./Organic Consumers Fund, {Subscribe/Donate}, 11-12-12 _
>#(03-13)*FK(*HH)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-120|Multiple dark-money
flying-monkey think-tanks and organ-grinder monkey political action committee
cabals. “State
Policy Network” for Tea Anarchy is a faux-academic network. ALEC’s state
capitol “rotunda ruby slippers.”
Civitas Institute in North Carolina (*NC), Goldwater Institute in Arizona (*AZ), Maine's Heritage Policy Center (*ME), Kentucky's Bluegrass Institute (*KY)
"The State Policy Network (SPN) is a network of state-branded groups ...which appear to be independent yet actually are operating from the same national playbook. "SPN plays a key role in driving the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) agenda, particularly by providing academic-like cover for ALEC's corporate-friendly policies."
"How SPN "Think Tanks" Will Spin ALEC's 2016 Agenda"
~ Brendan Fischer/@prwatch, {Subscribe}, 09-30-15 _
-/\/- SPN Budget Proposals (2013), Original Doc. (PDF) (via @guardian)
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" ~ State Policy Network, 07-29-13
Alabama *AL (p.7), Alabama Policy Institute;
Arkansas *AR (p.8), Advance Arkansas Institute;
Arizona *AZ (p.9), Goldwater Institute for Public Policy;
Colorado *CO (p.10), Independence Institute;
Delaware *DE (p.11), Caesar Rodney Institute;
Florida *FL (p.12), James Madison Institute;
Georgia *GA (p.13), Georgia Center for Opportunity;
Illinois *IL (p.15), Illinois Policy Institute;
Kansas *KS (p.16), Kansas Policy Institute;
Kentucky *KY (p.17), Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Massachusetts *MA (p.18), Beacon Hill Institute;
Maryland *MD (p.20), Maryland Public Policy Institute;
Maine *ME (p.21), Maine Heritage Policy Center;
Michigan *MI (p.22), Mackinac Center for Public Policy;
Minnesota *MN (p.23), Center for the American Experiment;
Missouri *MO (p.24), Show-me Institute;
Mississippi *MS (p.25), Mississippi Center for Public Policy;
North Carolina *NC (p.26), John Locke Foundation;
Nebraska *NE (p.28), Platte Institute for Economic Research;
New Hampshire *NH (p.29), Joshua Bartlett Center for Public Policy;
New Jersey *NJ (p.30), Common Sense Institute of New Jersey;
New Mexico *NM (p.31), Rio Grande Foundation;
Nevada *NV (p.32), Nevada Policy Institute;
New York *NY (p.33), Empire Center for New York State Policy;
Ohio *OH (p.34), Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Oklahoma (p.36), Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs;
Oregon *OR (p.37), Cascade Policy Institute;
Pennsylvania *PA (p.38), Commonwealth Foundation;
South Carolina *SC (p.39), South Carolina Policy Council;
Tennessee *TN (p.40), Beacon Center Tennessee;
Texas *TX (p.41), Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute;
Utah *UT (p.43), Sutherland Institute;
Virginia *VA (p.44), Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy;
Washington *WA (p.45), Freedom Foundation;
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" (PDF 07-29-13)
~ @guardian, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} _
>###(07-16)*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| MULTIPLE POLITICAL ACT COM
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| PETE PETERSON – FIX THE DEBT
Civitas Institute in North Carolina (*NC), Goldwater Institute in Arizona (*AZ), Maine's Heritage Policy Center (*ME), Kentucky's Bluegrass Institute (*KY)
"The State Policy Network (SPN) is a network of state-branded groups ...which appear to be independent yet actually are operating from the same national playbook. "SPN plays a key role in driving the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) agenda, particularly by providing academic-like cover for ALEC's corporate-friendly policies."
"How SPN "Think Tanks" Will Spin ALEC's 2016 Agenda"
~ Brendan Fischer/@prwatch, {Subscribe}, 09-30-15 _
-/\/- SPN Budget Proposals (2013), Original Doc. (PDF) (via @guardian)
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" ~ State Policy Network, 07-29-13
Alabama *AL (p.7), Alabama Policy Institute;
Arkansas *AR (p.8), Advance Arkansas Institute;
Arizona *AZ (p.9), Goldwater Institute for Public Policy;
Colorado *CO (p.10), Independence Institute;
Delaware *DE (p.11), Caesar Rodney Institute;
Florida *FL (p.12), James Madison Institute;
Georgia *GA (p.13), Georgia Center for Opportunity;
Illinois *IL (p.15), Illinois Policy Institute;
Kansas *KS (p.16), Kansas Policy Institute;
Kentucky *KY (p.17), Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Massachusetts *MA (p.18), Beacon Hill Institute;
Maryland *MD (p.20), Maryland Public Policy Institute;
Maine *ME (p.21), Maine Heritage Policy Center;
Michigan *MI (p.22), Mackinac Center for Public Policy;
Minnesota *MN (p.23), Center for the American Experiment;
Missouri *MO (p.24), Show-me Institute;
Mississippi *MS (p.25), Mississippi Center for Public Policy;
North Carolina *NC (p.26), John Locke Foundation;
Nebraska *NE (p.28), Platte Institute for Economic Research;
New Hampshire *NH (p.29), Joshua Bartlett Center for Public Policy;
New Jersey *NJ (p.30), Common Sense Institute of New Jersey;
New Mexico *NM (p.31), Rio Grande Foundation;
Nevada *NV (p.32), Nevada Policy Institute;
New York *NY (p.33), Empire Center for New York State Policy;
Ohio *OH (p.34), Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Oklahoma (p.36), Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs;
Oregon *OR (p.37), Cascade Policy Institute;
Pennsylvania *PA (p.38), Commonwealth Foundation;
South Carolina *SC (p.39), South Carolina Policy Council;
Tennessee *TN (p.40), Beacon Center Tennessee;
Texas *TX (p.41), Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute;
Utah *UT (p.43), Sutherland Institute;
Virginia *VA (p.44), Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy;
Washington *WA (p.45), Freedom Foundation;
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" (PDF 07-29-13)
~ @guardian, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} _
>###(07-16)*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| MULTIPLE POLITICAL ACT COM
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| PETE PETERSON – FIX THE DEBT
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-200|Pete Peterson,
Hedge Fund CEO funded a nationwide movement to “Fix the
Debt” upon the middle class and the poor.
Peterson is attempting to “break-fix” Social Security and pre-paid social safety net in the Wall Street’s Casino. Privatization of not-for-profit State & Federal government is the priority. Organizations like the “Peter G. Peterson Foundation” are attempting to doom democracy, capitalism and civilization for greed.
Peterson is attempting to “break-fix” Social Security and pre-paid social safety net in the Wall Street’s Casino. Privatization of not-for-profit State & Federal government is the priority. Organizations like the “Peter G. Peterson Foundation” are attempting to doom democracy, capitalism and civilization for greed.
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-201|Pete Peterson,
Hedge Fund CEO funded a nationwide movement to “Fix the
Debt” upon the middle class and the poor.
Social Security, $2.7 Trillion in I Owe U; Paid from yearly IRS General Fund Tax Collections
"Ronald Reagan on Social Security and the Deficit" @pgpfoundation
~ Jack Calvert, {Subscribe}, 01-16-15, YT, 0:53 <
-/\/- "Joseph Minarik (former chief economist of the Office of Management and Budget for eight years during the Clinton Administration) and economist Richard Wolff take on President Obama's proposed changes to Social Security." ~ TheRealNews
"The Real News Debate: Social Security on the Table"
~ @TheRealNews, {Pods/Donate}, 04-13-13, YT, 28:15 _
@profwolff @demmocracyatwrk <
-/\/- “On April 20, 1983, President Reagan signed the Social Security Amendments Act into law. This Act was designed to save Social Security by gradually increasing the retirement age to 67 and by increasing payroll taxes to build up a real trust fund, so that the system would remain solvent when the baby boom generation retired. Since then, the trust fund has accumulated a surplus of over 2 trillion dollars, every penny of which came from FICA taxes on the wages and self-employment earnings of workers.”
"Ronald Reagan on Social Security - Part 1"
~ Franklin8491, {Subscribe}, 02-14-07, YT, 6:58 _
(^^^) “The Looting of Social Security” @pgpfoundation
~ Allen W. Smith, P.H.D., {Subscribe} (00) _
>##(02-15)*FK*PM*EC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Social Security, $2.7 Trillion in I Owe U; Paid from yearly IRS General Fund Tax Collections
"Ronald Reagan on Social Security and the Deficit" @pgpfoundation
~ Jack Calvert, {Subscribe}, 01-16-15, YT, 0:53 <
-/\/- "Joseph Minarik (former chief economist of the Office of Management and Budget for eight years during the Clinton Administration) and economist Richard Wolff take on President Obama's proposed changes to Social Security." ~ TheRealNews
"The Real News Debate: Social Security on the Table"
~ @TheRealNews, {Pods/Donate}, 04-13-13, YT, 28:15 _
@profwolff @demmocracyatwrk <
-/\/- “On April 20, 1983, President Reagan signed the Social Security Amendments Act into law. This Act was designed to save Social Security by gradually increasing the retirement age to 67 and by increasing payroll taxes to build up a real trust fund, so that the system would remain solvent when the baby boom generation retired. Since then, the trust fund has accumulated a surplus of over 2 trillion dollars, every penny of which came from FICA taxes on the wages and self-employment earnings of workers.”
"Ronald Reagan on Social Security - Part 1"
~ Franklin8491, {Subscribe}, 02-14-07, YT, 6:58 _
(^^^) “The Looting of Social Security” @pgpfoundation
~ Allen W. Smith, P.H.D., {Subscribe} (00) _
>##(02-15)*FK*PM*EC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-202|Pete Peterson,
Hedge Fund CEO funded a nationwide movement to “Fix the
Debt” upon the middle class and the poor.
Aims to End Social Security and destroy the nation’s Social Safety Net
“Fix the Debt/Astroturf Supergroup”
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe} _
"Cut through the noise: Fix the Debt" (Right-Wing Propaganda)
~ Fix the Debt, 11-07-12, YT, 1:39 _
>###(01-15)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Aims to End Social Security and destroy the nation’s Social Safety Net
“Fix the Debt/Astroturf Supergroup”
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe} _
"Cut through the noise: Fix the Debt" (Right-Wing Propaganda)
~ Fix the Debt, 11-07-12, YT, 1:39 _
>###(01-15)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-202|Pete Peterson,
Hedge Fund CEO funded a nationwide movement to “Fix the
Debt” upon the middle class and the poor.
BILL CLINTON, PETE PETERSON FOUNDATION, MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY: Paul Ryan Budget Balanced Budget, Blue-Dog D.I.N.O., Rep. Steny Hoyer (D*MD), VP Joe Biden, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D*CA) (*ULDRNP);
"Clinton, Ryan Caught On Tape On Medicare Cuts" (*ULRRPR) (*ULDRSH)
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-26-11, YT, 4:52 (*CF) (*DNC) (*SS)
@PRyan @SpeakerRyan @GOP @BillClinton @DNC @WhipHoyer @JoeBiden @NancyPelosi @pgpfoundation <
"Hillary To Finish What Bill Started: Killing The New Deal" (*DNC) (*SS)
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Pods/Donate}, 11-03-16, YT, 16:09
T Owners,110316,7:06
-/\/- "Congressman Daniel Webster (R*FL) got an earful from angry town hall attendees over the Paul Ryan proposal involving Medicare cuts."
"Townhallers Pissed At Republican Congressman" @SpeakerRyan @PRyan
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 04-26-11, YT, 5:56 _ (*ULRRDW)
>#(03-16)*FK*E16/3(*POTUS42)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
BILL CLINTON, PETE PETERSON FOUNDATION, MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY: Paul Ryan Budget Balanced Budget, Blue-Dog D.I.N.O., Rep. Steny Hoyer (D*MD), VP Joe Biden, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D*CA) (*ULDRNP);
"Clinton, Ryan Caught On Tape On Medicare Cuts" (*ULRRPR) (*ULDRSH)
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-26-11, YT, 4:52 (*CF) (*DNC) (*SS)
@PRyan @SpeakerRyan @GOP @BillClinton @DNC @WhipHoyer @JoeBiden @NancyPelosi @pgpfoundation <
"Hillary To Finish What Bill Started: Killing The New Deal" (*DNC) (*SS)
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Pods/Donate}, 11-03-16, YT, 16:09
T Owners,110316,7:06
-/\/- "Congressman Daniel Webster (R*FL) got an earful from angry town hall attendees over the Paul Ryan proposal involving Medicare cuts."
"Townhallers Pissed At Republican Congressman" @SpeakerRyan @PRyan
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 04-26-11, YT, 5:56 _ (*ULRRDW)
>#(03-16)*FK*E16/3(*POTUS42)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-203|Pete Peterson,
Hedge Fund CEO funded a nationwide movement to “Fix the
Debt” upon the middle class and the poor.
"Wall Street billionaire Pete Peterson is scheming to ‘Fix the Debt,’ but if he wins, we lose. ...more at our new @sourcewatch resource: Peterson Pyramid
23 State Fix-the-Debt (Billionaire Funded) Astroturf Chapters include:
*AZ – Arizona; *CO – Colorado; *FL – Florida;
*GA – Georgia; *IN – Indiana; *IA – Iowa;
*LA – Louisiana; *ME – Maine; *MD – Maryland;
*MI – Michigan; *MN – Minnesota; *MO – Missouri;
*NH – New Hampshire; *NC – North Carolina; *OH – Ohio;
*PA – Pennsylvania; *SC – South Carolina; *TN – Tennessee;
*TX – Texas; *UT – Utah; *VA – Virginia;
*WA – Washington; *WI – Wisconsin
Fix-the-Debt Corporate Sponsors:
Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund, General Electric Conglomerate,
Honeywell Electronics, Verizon Communications, Boeing Air & Defense,
JP Morgan Chase Bank, Owens Corning Glass, Bank of America,
AT&T Communications, Delta Faucet, Microsoft Computer, Merck Drug,
Morgan Stanley Bank, State Farm Insurance,
(Mitt Romney’s) Bain Capital, Yahoo Communications, Dow Chemical,
Aetna Insurance, Duke Energy
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscriber Supported Journalism} _
>###(07-16)*E16*FK*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| PETE PETERSON – FIX THE DEBT
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| BRADLEY FOUNDATION
"Wall Street billionaire Pete Peterson is scheming to ‘Fix the Debt,’ but if he wins, we lose. ...more at our new @sourcewatch resource: Peterson Pyramid
23 State Fix-the-Debt (Billionaire Funded) Astroturf Chapters include:
*AZ – Arizona; *CO – Colorado; *FL – Florida;
*GA – Georgia; *IN – Indiana; *IA – Iowa;
*LA – Louisiana; *ME – Maine; *MD – Maryland;
*MI – Michigan; *MN – Minnesota; *MO – Missouri;
*NH – New Hampshire; *NC – North Carolina; *OH – Ohio;
*PA – Pennsylvania; *SC – South Carolina; *TN – Tennessee;
*TX – Texas; *UT – Utah; *VA – Virginia;
*WA – Washington; *WI – Wisconsin
Fix-the-Debt Corporate Sponsors:
Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund, General Electric Conglomerate,
Honeywell Electronics, Verizon Communications, Boeing Air & Defense,
JP Morgan Chase Bank, Owens Corning Glass, Bank of America,
AT&T Communications, Delta Faucet, Microsoft Computer, Merck Drug,
Morgan Stanley Bank, State Farm Insurance,
(Mitt Romney’s) Bain Capital, Yahoo Communications, Dow Chemical,
Aetna Insurance, Duke Energy
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscriber Supported Journalism} _
>###(07-16)*E16*FK*###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| PETE PETERSON – FIX THE DEBT
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| BRADLEY FOUNDATION
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-251|“Bradley
Foundation” for corporate mob proxy hits intends to pay-off psychopath
governors, administrators and chief executives who bust unions with
“Right-To-Work” for peanuts laws and for-profit charter-school funding.
Mitch Daniels’ & FOX Newes-4-Ewes Roger Ailes’ $250k Bradley Award from a Conservative Political Think-Tank, Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation; Heritage Foundation; American Enterprise Institute; Cato Institute; FreedomWorks; Americans for Prosperity; American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC); Koch Brothers Cabal, Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels; Education
"Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, ...promoting 'American democratic capitalism.' ...has given away more than $400 million to fund conservative causes, including school voucher campaigns, anti-union ‘right to work’ laws, pro-marriage initiatives, global warming denial groups and efforts to combat voter fraud. (Translation: Throw Democrats off of old and new Confederate Red State voting rolls & initiate complex Voter ID requirements that the poor, young, an elderly can't comply with.) …quietly donated far more to conservative causes than the Kochs.”
Bradley Cabal "dollars fund ...Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the libertarian Cato Institute. to bolster corporate-backed, tea party astroturf groups ...look like grassroots initiatives ...FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)."
"Named for its two founding brothers, the Bradley Foundation attracts less attention than the half-dozen different family foundations controlled by the better-known billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David." Previous Bradley Corp Mob payoff award Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Attorney General Edwin Meese and conservative commentator George Will
<<>>#1. WINNER!
{With help from the Supreme Court, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush & Secretary of State Katherine Harris, stole the 2000 Florida election by purging voter rolls of democrats for his brother George, POUTS 43. And Jeb Bush spearheaded the privatization of public school, by state funding pay-to-play charter schools, which spilled over into Gov. Mitch “Easy Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels’ Indiana in 2007.}
<<>>#2. WINNER!
{As POTUS 43 George W. Bush Budget Director, and former Lilly Drug Corp-VP, “Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Mitch Daniels approved tax cuts to the rich and corps while borrowing from China and the Fed Bank Platinum Card to finance Afghanistan and Iraq wars and a 2003 Medicare D (full price Corporate Welfare, with no negation for high volume drug purchase) program “off the books.”
He was elected Indiana Gov. in 2006. “Easy Rider” Mitch lost or hid state Millions in State funds 3 times, cut the education budget, broke the state teachers union, privatized education (for his charter school donors), and privatized the Northern Indiana Toll way to get money to dole out and consolidate his political power. By the end of 2 terms as In Gov., “Easy Rider” had nominated 8 out of the 10 Purdue Trustees who would unanimously coronate him “President” of the University. During Super Bowl week 2012, “Easy Rider” Mitch made Indiana a Confederate Right-To-Work for peanuts State, screwing the very workers who were impressed by his Harley riding skills. But RTW was stopped by a judge he nominated, citing Indiana State Law.}
<<>>#3. WINNER!
{Rogers Ailes – Fox Newes For Ewes CEO (1993 >), at GO Pee TV, once said “The truth is whatever people will believe.”}
<<>>#4. WINNER!
{Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese III resigned in disgrace for his participation in a contracting scandal.}
"Bradley Foundation Awards $250,000 Prizes To Roger Ailes, Mitch Daniels"
~ Christina Wilkie/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13 _**
>##(04-15)*FK2*EC*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Mitch Daniels’ & FOX Newes-4-Ewes Roger Ailes’ $250k Bradley Award from a Conservative Political Think-Tank, Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation; Heritage Foundation; American Enterprise Institute; Cato Institute; FreedomWorks; Americans for Prosperity; American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC); Koch Brothers Cabal, Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels; Education
"Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, ...promoting 'American democratic capitalism.' ...has given away more than $400 million to fund conservative causes, including school voucher campaigns, anti-union ‘right to work’ laws, pro-marriage initiatives, global warming denial groups and efforts to combat voter fraud. (Translation: Throw Democrats off of old and new Confederate Red State voting rolls & initiate complex Voter ID requirements that the poor, young, an elderly can't comply with.) …quietly donated far more to conservative causes than the Kochs.”
Bradley Cabal "dollars fund ...Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the libertarian Cato Institute. to bolster corporate-backed, tea party astroturf groups ...look like grassroots initiatives ...FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)."
"Named for its two founding brothers, the Bradley Foundation attracts less attention than the half-dozen different family foundations controlled by the better-known billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David." Previous Bradley Corp Mob payoff award Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Attorney General Edwin Meese and conservative commentator George Will
<<>>#1. WINNER!
{With help from the Supreme Court, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush & Secretary of State Katherine Harris, stole the 2000 Florida election by purging voter rolls of democrats for his brother George, POUTS 43. And Jeb Bush spearheaded the privatization of public school, by state funding pay-to-play charter schools, which spilled over into Gov. Mitch “Easy Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels’ Indiana in 2007.}
<<>>#2. WINNER!
{As POTUS 43 George W. Bush Budget Director, and former Lilly Drug Corp-VP, “Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Mitch Daniels approved tax cuts to the rich and corps while borrowing from China and the Fed Bank Platinum Card to finance Afghanistan and Iraq wars and a 2003 Medicare D (full price Corporate Welfare, with no negation for high volume drug purchase) program “off the books.”
He was elected Indiana Gov. in 2006. “Easy Rider” Mitch lost or hid state Millions in State funds 3 times, cut the education budget, broke the state teachers union, privatized education (for his charter school donors), and privatized the Northern Indiana Toll way to get money to dole out and consolidate his political power. By the end of 2 terms as In Gov., “Easy Rider” had nominated 8 out of the 10 Purdue Trustees who would unanimously coronate him “President” of the University. During Super Bowl week 2012, “Easy Rider” Mitch made Indiana a Confederate Right-To-Work for peanuts State, screwing the very workers who were impressed by his Harley riding skills. But RTW was stopped by a judge he nominated, citing Indiana State Law.}
<<>>#3. WINNER!
{Rogers Ailes – Fox Newes For Ewes CEO (1993 >), at GO Pee TV, once said “The truth is whatever people will believe.”}
<<>>#4. WINNER!
{Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese III resigned in disgrace for his participation in a contracting scandal.}
"Bradley Foundation Awards $250,000 Prizes To Roger Ailes, Mitch Daniels"
~ Christina Wilkie/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13 _**
>##(04-15)*FK2*EC*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-252|“Bradley
Foundation” for corporate mob proxy hits intends to pay-off psychopath
governors, administrators and chief executives who bust unions with
“Right-To-Work” for peanuts laws and for-profit charter-school funding.
Municipal Laws Proposed by Koch Lobbyists, A.L.E.C. & Bradley Foundation Lawyers;
*MI Michigan Authoritarian Lite “Emergency Manager” Bill
“Update: Foley & Lardner insider confirms existence of Municipal Government Reform Bill”
~ Badger Democracy, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-19-11 _
>###(04-14)*FK*WI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Municipal Laws Proposed by Koch Lobbyists, A.L.E.C. & Bradley Foundation Lawyers;
*MI Michigan Authoritarian Lite “Emergency Manager” Bill
“Update: Foley & Lardner insider confirms existence of Municipal Government Reform Bill”
~ Badger Democracy, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-19-11 _
>###(04-14)*FK*WI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-253|“Bradley
Foundation” for corporate mob proxy hits intends to pay-off psychopath
governors, administrators and chief executives who bust unions with
“Right-To-Work” for peanuts laws and for-profit charter-school funding.
Municipal Laws Proposed by Koch Lobbyists, A.L.E.C. & Bradley Foundation Lawyers;
*MI Michigan Authoritarian Lite “Emergency Manager” Bill
“Update: Foley & Lardner insider confirms existence of Municipal Government Reform Bill”
~ Badger Democracy, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-19-11 _
>###(04-14)*FK*WI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 5.1K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| BRADLEY FOUNDATION
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| HERITAGE FOUNDATION
Municipal Laws Proposed by Koch Lobbyists, A.L.E.C. & Bradley Foundation Lawyers;
*MI Michigan Authoritarian Lite “Emergency Manager” Bill
“Update: Foley & Lardner insider confirms existence of Municipal Government Reform Bill”
~ Badger Democracy, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-19-11 _
>###(04-14)*FK*WI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 5.1K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| BRADLEY FOUNDATION
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| HERITAGE FOUNDATION
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-300|Wealth Hoarding “Heritage
Foundation” is a climate chaos denying flying-monkey think-tank for Trickle-Down
Economics. Its president, Jim
DeMint, (R*SC, U.S. Rep. 99-05 & US Senator 06-12), used the South Carolina
slave-master language quote, “Break Him!” to prescribe how Republican/T Party
colleagues should deal with POTUS Obama in 2009. (Rep. Wilbert Joseph “Billy” Tauzin (R-LA)
and the Heritage Foundation lobbied Congress for a “full price drug sales
rider” to the “unfunded” “Medicare D Law” signed by the POTUS George W.
Bush. It wasn’t paid for in the budget
by any revenue source, such as taxes, so it became a permanent budget deficit
builder sponsored by the party of fiscal responsibility, the Republican/s. Tauzin became a drug corp CEO.)
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-301|Wealth Hoarding “Heritage
Foundation” is a climate chaos denying flying-monkey think-tank for Trickle-Down
Economics. Forbes
400 King Billionaire Anarchists-013 USA KOCH-A.L.E.C.
Deep State
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-301|Wealth Hoarding “Heritage
Foundation” is a climate chaos denying flying-monkey think-tank for Trickle-Down
Koch Brothers Industries hired Public Relations Firm to "Scrub" Wikipedia Pages, removing their connection to the Tea Party, etc
Hartmann visited a Right-Wing Orgs Computer Center where numerous Operators were "Visiting" Wikipedia Pages
Think Progress and Mother Jones Articles Critical of Koch Industries Were "Removed" As Wikipedia References
"Thom Hartmann: Are Koch Brothers sock puppets rewriting Wikipedia?"
~ The Big Picture RT/@Thom_Hartmann Radio 820am Chicago Talk Streaming, {Podcasts/Donate}, with @lhfang/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journal}, 03-11-11, YT, 4:00 _**
@MotherJones <
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Koch Brothers Industries hired Public Relations Firm to "Scrub" Wikipedia Pages, removing their connection to the Tea Party, etc
Hartmann visited a Right-Wing Orgs Computer Center where numerous Operators were "Visiting" Wikipedia Pages
Think Progress and Mother Jones Articles Critical of Koch Industries Were "Removed" As Wikipedia References
"Thom Hartmann: Are Koch Brothers sock puppets rewriting Wikipedia?"
~ The Big Picture RT/@Thom_Hartmann Radio 820am Chicago Talk Streaming, {Podcasts/Donate}, with @lhfang/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journal}, 03-11-11, YT, 4:00 _**
@MotherJones <
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-302|Wealth Hoarding “Heritage
Foundation” is a climate chaos denying flying-monkey think-tank for
Trickle-Down Economics; Voter Suppression, Voter Exclusion
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-013 USA KOCH-A.L.E.C. Deep State
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-013 USA KOCH-A.L.E.C. Deep State
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-303|Wealth Hoarding “Heritage
Foundation” is a climate chaos denying flying-monkey think-tank for
Trickle-Down Economics.
Rep. Vance McAllister (R-LA); Bribery:
"Republican Congressman says he sold a vote for money ... and then they didn't pay him"
~ Laura Clawson/@dailykos, {Subscribe Support Donate}, 06-10-14 _
>###(09-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Rep. Vance McAllister (R-LA); Bribery:
"Republican Congressman says he sold a vote for money ... and then they didn't pay him"
~ Laura Clawson/@dailykos, {Subscribe Support Donate}, 06-10-14 _
>###(09-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-304|Wealth Hoarding “Heritage
Foundation” is a climate chaos denying flying-monkey think-tank for
Trickle-Down Economics.
“One Teabaggin' Obstructionist Out of Congress and Into the Koch Brothers Machinery: We don’t think anyone saw...”
"Surprise, Surprise: Jim DeMint Ditches Senate for Heritage Foundation"
~ Beth/Veracity Stew, {Like}, 12-06-12 _
>###(09-13)*FK(*SC)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 2.5K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| HERITAGE FOUNDATION
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| SPN - STATE POLICY NETWORK
“One Teabaggin' Obstructionist Out of Congress and Into the Koch Brothers Machinery: We don’t think anyone saw...”
"Surprise, Surprise: Jim DeMint Ditches Senate for Heritage Foundation"
~ Beth/Veracity Stew, {Like}, 12-06-12 _
>###(09-13)*FK(*SC)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 2.5K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| HERITAGE FOUNDATION
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| SPN - STATE POLICY NETWORK
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-350|“State Policy
Network” for Tea Anarchy is a faux-academic network that aims to
privatize schools for out-of-state profit-charter charter-school corporations,
break collective bargaining units, and cancel any type of regulation on
corporations. The dolt-whispering-snakes
of SPN speak to conservative masochist sheep-herding legislators for corporate
job-creator god-saviors. State Policy
Network is best described as A.L.E.C.’s state capitol “rotunda ruby slippers.”
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-351|“State Policy
Network” for Tea Anarchy is a faux-academic network. ALEC’s state
capitol “rotunda ruby slippers.”
Civitas Institute in North Carolina (*NC), Goldwater Institute in Arizona (*AZ), Maine's Heritage Policy Center (*ME), Kentucky's Bluegrass Institute (*KY)
"The State Policy Network (SPN) is a network of state-branded groups ...which appear to be independent yet actually are operating from the same national playbook. "SPN plays a key role in driving the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) agenda, particularly by providing academic-like cover for ALEC's corporate-friendly policies."
"How SPN "Think Tanks" Will Spin ALEC's 2016 Agenda"
~ Brendan Fischer/@prwatch, {Subscribe}, 09-30-15 _
-/\/-SPN Budget Proposals (2013), Original Doc. (PDF) (via @guardian)
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" ~ State Policy Network, 07-29-13
Alabama *AL (p.7), Alabama Policy Institute;
Arkansas *AR (p.8), Advance Arkansas Institute;
Arizona *AZ (p.9), Goldwater Institute for Public Policy;
Colorado *CO (p.10), Independence Institute;
Delaware *DE (p.11), Caesar Rodney Institute;
Florida *FL (p.12), James Madison Institute;
Georgia *GA (p.13), Georgia Center for Opportunity;
Illinois *IL (p.15), Illinois Policy Institute;
Kansas *KS (p.16), Kansas Policy Institute;
Kentucky *KY (p.17), Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Massachusetts *MA (p.18), Beacon Hill Institute;
Maryland *MD (p.20), Maryland Public Policy Institute;
Maine *ME (p.21), Maine Heritage Policy Center;
Michigan *MI (p.22), Mackinac Center for Public Policy;
Minnesota *MN (p.23), Center for the American Experiment;
Missouri *MO (p.24), Show-me Institute;
Mississippi *MS (p.25), Mississippi Center for Public Policy;
North Carolina *NC (p.26), John Locke Foundation;
Nebraska *NE (p.28), Platte Institute for Economic Research;
New Hampshire *NH (p.29), Joshua Bartlett Center for Public Policy;
New Jersey *NJ (p.30), Common Sense Institute of New Jersey;
New Mexico *NM (p.31), Rio Grande Foundation;
Nevada *NV (p.32), Nevada Policy Institute;
New York *NY (p.33), Empire Center for New York State Policy;
Ohio *OH (p.34), Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Oklahoma (p.36), Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs;
Oregon *OR (p.37), Cascade Policy Institute;
Pennsylvania *PA (p.38), Commonwealth Foundation;
South Carolina *SC (p.39), South Carolina Policy Council;
Tennessee *TN (p.40), Beacon Center Tennessee;
Texas *TX (p.41), Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute;
Utah *UT (p.43), Sutherland Institute;
Virginia *VA (p.44), Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy;
Washington *WA (p.45), Freedom Foundation;
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" (PDF 07-29-13)
~ @guardian, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} _
>###(07-16)*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Civitas Institute in North Carolina (*NC), Goldwater Institute in Arizona (*AZ), Maine's Heritage Policy Center (*ME), Kentucky's Bluegrass Institute (*KY)
"The State Policy Network (SPN) is a network of state-branded groups ...which appear to be independent yet actually are operating from the same national playbook. "SPN plays a key role in driving the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) agenda, particularly by providing academic-like cover for ALEC's corporate-friendly policies."
"How SPN "Think Tanks" Will Spin ALEC's 2016 Agenda"
~ Brendan Fischer/@prwatch, {Subscribe}, 09-30-15 _
-/\/-SPN Budget Proposals (2013), Original Doc. (PDF) (via @guardian)
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" ~ State Policy Network, 07-29-13
Alabama *AL (p.7), Alabama Policy Institute;
Arkansas *AR (p.8), Advance Arkansas Institute;
Arizona *AZ (p.9), Goldwater Institute for Public Policy;
Colorado *CO (p.10), Independence Institute;
Delaware *DE (p.11), Caesar Rodney Institute;
Florida *FL (p.12), James Madison Institute;
Georgia *GA (p.13), Georgia Center for Opportunity;
Illinois *IL (p.15), Illinois Policy Institute;
Kansas *KS (p.16), Kansas Policy Institute;
Kentucky *KY (p.17), Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Massachusetts *MA (p.18), Beacon Hill Institute;
Maryland *MD (p.20), Maryland Public Policy Institute;
Maine *ME (p.21), Maine Heritage Policy Center;
Michigan *MI (p.22), Mackinac Center for Public Policy;
Minnesota *MN (p.23), Center for the American Experiment;
Missouri *MO (p.24), Show-me Institute;
Mississippi *MS (p.25), Mississippi Center for Public Policy;
North Carolina *NC (p.26), John Locke Foundation;
Nebraska *NE (p.28), Platte Institute for Economic Research;
New Hampshire *NH (p.29), Joshua Bartlett Center for Public Policy;
New Jersey *NJ (p.30), Common Sense Institute of New Jersey;
New Mexico *NM (p.31), Rio Grande Foundation;
Nevada *NV (p.32), Nevada Policy Institute;
New York *NY (p.33), Empire Center for New York State Policy;
Ohio *OH (p.34), Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions;
Oklahoma (p.36), Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs;
Oregon *OR (p.37), Cascade Policy Institute;
Pennsylvania *PA (p.38), Commonwealth Foundation;
South Carolina *SC (p.39), South Carolina Policy Council;
Tennessee *TN (p.40), Beacon Center Tennessee;
Texas *TX (p.41), Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute;
Utah *UT (p.43), Sutherland Institute;
Virginia *VA (p.44), Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy;
Washington *WA (p.45), Freedom Foundation;
"Searle Tax and Budget Grant Proposals" (PDF 07-29-13)
~ @guardian, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} _
>###(07-16)*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-353|“State Policy Network”
for Tea Anarchy is a faux-academic network. ALEC’s state capitol “rotunda ruby
AFP Fighting Against Affordable (Health) Care Act ACA 2010 through a plethora of whipped up Not-For-Profit Charity Organizations & Web Sites
[like S-Court 5 Rent-Boy Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni at Liberty Central]
[ObamaCare – envisioned as “guaranteed access” to Health Insurance, (exceptions being the uncooperative 25 Koch A.L.E.C. controlled Teahad Plantation Rebels-For-Greed & RTW - Right-To-Work as a Slave-w/a-Night-Pass States)]
"The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity"
~ Pam Martens/Wall Street On Parade, A Citizens Guide to Wall St.; (See “Publishers Must Reads”), {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-19-10 _
-/\/- (V3) ~ Pam Martens/@NatCounterPunch, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 _
State Policy “Tea Anarchy” Network, “Deregulating Charity Orgs” – 501(c)3 “ed org”/Free Market Think Tanks; at least one in every state
Writers/Spinners Wanted: "Find Your Audience for Freedom,"
"Turn Crisis into Opportunity," "Become a Storyteller for Liberty"
“…vision for SPN as a service and networking organization that would help coordinate state and national efforts to promote free enterprise.”
“…independent, market-oriented, state-focused think tanks. Today …59 representing all 50 states”
SPN | About _ {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
KOCH ORG RUNDOWN: Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Club for Growth, American Energy Alliance, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Generation Opportunity, 60+, Freedom Partners, Cato Institute, Independent Women's Forum described …and many others listed
“Organizations to Watch” {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
~ Koch Problem, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>###(07-16)*EC*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
AFP Fighting Against Affordable (Health) Care Act ACA 2010 through a plethora of whipped up Not-For-Profit Charity Organizations & Web Sites
[like S-Court 5 Rent-Boy Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni at Liberty Central]
[ObamaCare – envisioned as “guaranteed access” to Health Insurance, (exceptions being the uncooperative 25 Koch A.L.E.C. controlled Teahad Plantation Rebels-For-Greed & RTW - Right-To-Work as a Slave-w/a-Night-Pass States)]
"The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity"
~ Pam Martens/Wall Street On Parade, A Citizens Guide to Wall St.; (See “Publishers Must Reads”), {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-19-10 _
-/\/- (V3) ~ Pam Martens/@NatCounterPunch, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 _
State Policy “Tea Anarchy” Network, “Deregulating Charity Orgs” – 501(c)3 “ed org”/Free Market Think Tanks; at least one in every state
Writers/Spinners Wanted: "Find Your Audience for Freedom,"
"Turn Crisis into Opportunity," "Become a Storyteller for Liberty"
“…vision for SPN as a service and networking organization that would help coordinate state and national efforts to promote free enterprise.”
“…independent, market-oriented, state-focused think tanks. Today …59 representing all 50 states”
SPN | About _ {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
KOCH ORG RUNDOWN: Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Club for Growth, American Energy Alliance, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Generation Opportunity, 60+, Freedom Partners, Cato Institute, Independent Women's Forum described …and many others listed
“Organizations to Watch” {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
~ Koch Problem, {Subscribe/Donate} _
>###(07-16)*EC*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-354|“State Policy
Network” for Tea Anarchy is a faux-academic network. ALEC’s state
capitol “rotunda ruby slippers.”
“less taxation and no opposition.”
"Media-savvy conservative think tanks take aim and fire at progressive power bases in the states."
"The Right Leans In"
~ @lhfang/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-26-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“less taxation and no opposition.”
"Media-savvy conservative think tanks take aim and fire at progressive power bases in the states."
"The Right Leans In"
~ @lhfang/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-26-13 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-355|“State Policy
Network” for Tea Anarchy is a faux-academic network. ALEC’s state
capitol “rotunda ruby slippers.”
State Tax, 50 State Tax Policy Access, State Legislation; News; 50 State Drop Down Interactive Map
| Home | State Information | Tax Topics | Publications | Press | Donate |
“Informing the Debate Over Tax Policy Nationwide”
~ ITEP - Institute On Taxation & Economic Policy, {IRS 501(c) (3)}
{Subscriber Supported Non-Partisan}/ Tax Justice Blog _**
-/\/- State & Local Taxes, FOX NOOSE LIES: "The Poor Don't Pay Taxes?" Averages for All States: Total State & Local Taxes Imposed on Non Elderly Residents 2010 ___(Bar Graph)___
Lowest 20% ...taxed @ 11.1%,
Middle 20% ...taxed @ 9.4%,
Top 1% ...........taxed @ 5.6% _____(Table)_____
10 Most Regressive State Tax Systems *WA, *FL, *SD, *IL, *TX, *TN, *AZ, *PA, *IN, *AL; "poorest Americans rate at the state & local level that is twice as high as the tax rate paid by the wealthiest ...“fundamentally unfair” state tax from the Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy (ITEP)"
"‘Fundamentally Unfair’: How States Tax The Richest 1 Percent At Half The Rate Of The Poor"
~ Travis Waldron/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-30-13 _
>###(01-17)*FK*EC(*ST)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 8.5K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| SPN - STATE POLICY NETWORK
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| RICK BERMAN & COMPANY
State Tax, 50 State Tax Policy Access, State Legislation; News; 50 State Drop Down Interactive Map
| Home | State Information | Tax Topics | Publications | Press | Donate |
“Informing the Debate Over Tax Policy Nationwide”
~ ITEP - Institute On Taxation & Economic Policy, {IRS 501(c) (3)}
{Subscriber Supported Non-Partisan}/ Tax Justice Blog _**
-/\/- State & Local Taxes, FOX NOOSE LIES: "The Poor Don't Pay Taxes?" Averages for All States: Total State & Local Taxes Imposed on Non Elderly Residents 2010 ___(Bar Graph)___
Lowest 20% ...taxed @ 11.1%,
Middle 20% ...taxed @ 9.4%,
Top 1% ...........taxed @ 5.6% _____(Table)_____
10 Most Regressive State Tax Systems *WA, *FL, *SD, *IL, *TX, *TN, *AZ, *PA, *IN, *AL; "poorest Americans rate at the state & local level that is twice as high as the tax rate paid by the wealthiest ...“fundamentally unfair” state tax from the Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy (ITEP)"
"‘Fundamentally Unfair’: How States Tax The Richest 1 Percent At Half The Rate Of The Poor"
~ Travis Waldron/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-30-13 _
>###(01-17)*FK*EC(*ST)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 8.5K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| SPN - STATE POLICY NETWORK
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| RICK BERMAN & COMPANY
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-400|Dr. Evil “Rick
Berman” (President of Berman & Company, Inc) is an organ-grinder
monkey and expert dolt-whispering snake propaganda campaign expert
extraordinaire. Berman has created and
customized dozens of dark money political action committee campaigns for
corporate customers to sway public opinion.
Non-profits linked to Berman include: The Center
for Consumer Freedom; The Employment Policies Institute; The Center for Union
Facts; The American Beverage Institute; The Enterprise Freedom Action Committee
and The Employment Institute. Charity Navigator issued donor advisories
against the first 5 Berman groups. They fund significant amounts to Berman
& Company, Inc (via BermanExposed).
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-401|Dr. Evil “Rick
Berman” (President of Berman & Company, Inc) is an organ-grinder
monkey and expert dolt-whispering snake propaganda campaign expert
Propaganda Mill:
"using …front groups, Berman and Co. buy full-page newspaper ads and write opinion pieces that amount to raw hatchet attacks on whatever progressive groups or public policies the corporate funders want to kill." "...rallies the usual anti-labor, anti-enviro, anti-"fill in the blank" crowd."
“Exposing the corporate funders of “Dr. Evil’s attack ads”
~ ~ @JimHightower/@HightowerNews, {Subscribe}, 04-21-15 _
-/\/- PAC’s Linked to Rick Berman
"The Center for Consumer Freedom"
"The Employment Policies Institute"
"The Center for Union Facts"
"The American Beverage Institute"
“The Employment Institute”
“The flim flam of The Employment Institute”
~ ~ @JimHightower/@HightowerNews, {Subscribe}, 04-25-14 _
(^^^) "Richard Berman's Front Groups and Projects:"
~ Berman Exposed /CREW - Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} _
-/\/- Berman & Company, Inc, (DC Public Relations Company/Lobby)
"Richard Berman is the longtime president of the Washington, D.C.-based lobbying and consulting firm, Berman & Company, Inc. ("BCI") which specializes in strategic research and communications. Throughout the years Berman has been a stalwart supporter of business and industry over consumer, safety and environmental groups. Berman has fought unions, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, PETA and other watchdog groups in their efforts to raise awareness about obesity, the dangers of smoking, mad cow disease, drunk driving, the minimum wage and other causes. He has been described in the press as a 'notorious D.C. lobbyist.'" ~ CREW DC
"Meet Rick Berman" (Dr. Evil)
~ CREW DC, {Subscribe/Donate} _08-09-11, YT, 15:31 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Propaganda Mill:
"using …front groups, Berman and Co. buy full-page newspaper ads and write opinion pieces that amount to raw hatchet attacks on whatever progressive groups or public policies the corporate funders want to kill." "...rallies the usual anti-labor, anti-enviro, anti-"fill in the blank" crowd."
“Exposing the corporate funders of “Dr. Evil’s attack ads”
~ ~ @JimHightower/@HightowerNews, {Subscribe}, 04-21-15 _
-/\/- PAC’s Linked to Rick Berman
"The Center for Consumer Freedom"
"The Employment Policies Institute"
"The Center for Union Facts"
"The American Beverage Institute"
“The Employment Institute”
“The flim flam of The Employment Institute”
~ ~ @JimHightower/@HightowerNews, {Subscribe}, 04-25-14 _
(^^^) "Richard Berman's Front Groups and Projects:"
~ Berman Exposed /CREW - Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} _
-/\/- Berman & Company, Inc, (DC Public Relations Company/Lobby)
"Richard Berman is the longtime president of the Washington, D.C.-based lobbying and consulting firm, Berman & Company, Inc. ("BCI") which specializes in strategic research and communications. Throughout the years Berman has been a stalwart supporter of business and industry over consumer, safety and environmental groups. Berman has fought unions, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, PETA and other watchdog groups in their efforts to raise awareness about obesity, the dangers of smoking, mad cow disease, drunk driving, the minimum wage and other causes. He has been described in the press as a 'notorious D.C. lobbyist.'" ~ CREW DC
"Meet Rick Berman" (Dr. Evil)
~ CREW DC, {Subscribe/Donate} _08-09-11, YT, 15:31 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-402|Dr. Evil “Rick
Berman” (President of Berman & Company, Inc) is an organ-grinder
monkey and expert dolt-whispering snake propaganda campaign expert
Fracking Propaganda, Rick Berman:
6/25/14: Lobbyist Richard Berman explains how he attacks labor unions, environmental organizations, and animal-welfare groups on behalf of corporate clients at a secret oil & gas industry meeting in Colorado. Images and video added to illustrate the audio recording (via @sourcewatch)."
"’Win Ugly’: Richard Berman ‘Endless War’ presentation at Western Energy Alliance”
~ climatebrad, {Subscribe}, 11-01-14, YT, 59:37 _**
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Fracking Propaganda, Rick Berman:
6/25/14: Lobbyist Richard Berman explains how he attacks labor unions, environmental organizations, and animal-welfare groups on behalf of corporate clients at a secret oil & gas industry meeting in Colorado. Images and video added to illustrate the audio recording (via @sourcewatch)."
"’Win Ugly’: Richard Berman ‘Endless War’ presentation at Western Energy Alliance”
~ climatebrad, {Subscribe}, 11-01-14, YT, 59:37 _**
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-403|Dr. Evil “Rick
Berman” (President of Berman & Company, Inc) is an organ-grinder
monkey and expert dolt-whispering snake propaganda campaign expert
"Rick Berman on 60 Minutes"
~ Rick Berman, {Subscribe}, 08-04-09, YT, 5:57 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 4.2k ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| RICK BERMAN & COMPANY
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| HEARTLAND INSTITUTE
"Rick Berman on 60 Minutes"
~ Rick Berman, {Subscribe}, 08-04-09, YT, 5:57 _
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 4.2k ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| RICK BERMAN & COMPANY
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| HEARTLAND INSTITUTE
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-404|Wealth Hoarding “Heritage
Foundation” is a climate chaos denying flying-monkey think-tank for
Trickle-Down Economics.
"Conservatives can't stop lying. My former employers at the Heritage foundation are echoing Mitt's ‘47 percent’ theme/and getting facts and history wrong."
"my former colleagues at the Heritage Foundation have lost none of their willingness to sacrifice truth to propaganda."
"What I Learned at a Conservative Think Tank: Propaganda Now, Facts Later!"
~ Michael Lind/@Salon/@AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 11-20-12 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Conservatives can't stop lying. My former employers at the Heritage foundation are echoing Mitt's ‘47 percent’ theme/and getting facts and history wrong."
"my former colleagues at the Heritage Foundation have lost none of their willingness to sacrifice truth to propaganda."
"What I Learned at a Conservative Think Tank: Propaganda Now, Facts Later!"
~ Michael Lind/@Salon/@AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 11-20-12 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-451|Scorched Earth Black “Heartland Institute” is full-bore for climate denial
and the 6TH Extinction, while promoting greed.
Wealthy Corporations funding Heartland Institute Misinformation include:
General Motors, Bayer, Pfizer, GSK, Microsoft, Koch Brothers (Boycott ‘em)
“Leaked Documents expose multi-million dollar climate disinformation campaign“
~ Joss Garman/Left Foot Forward/Desmogblog, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-15-12 _
>(02-16)*CWS*E6E*FK*PM#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Wealthy Corporations funding Heartland Institute Misinformation include:
General Motors, Bayer, Pfizer, GSK, Microsoft, Koch Brothers (Boycott ‘em)
“Leaked Documents expose multi-million dollar climate disinformation campaign“
~ Joss Garman/Left Foot Forward/Desmogblog, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-15-12 _
>(02-16)*CWS*E6E*FK*PM#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-452|Scorched Earth Black “Heartland Institute” is full-bore for climate denial
and the 6TH Extinction, while promoting greed.
Koch Brothers Anti-Environmental, Anti-Regulation (Pro Zero Regulation of any kind) Propaganda Mill Not-For-Profit Political Action Committees (P.A.C.’s) Include:
The Heartland Institute, A.L.E.C. (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil – State Laws Shoved-Down-Our-Throats Exchange; Americans For (1%’s) Prosperity; Global Disaster Attack Ad Billboards by “Heartland Institute; Nine States Currently Considering Rolling Back Clean Energy & Thus Green Jobs Legislation
“Signs of the Times” (Jennifer Granholm)
~ World2Awakens3, {Subscribe}, 05-05-12, YT, 3:12 _
>##(05-13)*FK*EC*E6E##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 1.5 K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| HEARTLAND INSTITUTE
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| FREEDOM WORKS
Koch Brothers Anti-Environmental, Anti-Regulation (Pro Zero Regulation of any kind) Propaganda Mill Not-For-Profit Political Action Committees (P.A.C.’s) Include:
The Heartland Institute, A.L.E.C. (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil – State Laws Shoved-Down-Our-Throats Exchange; Americans For (1%’s) Prosperity; Global Disaster Attack Ad Billboards by “Heartland Institute; Nine States Currently Considering Rolling Back Clean Energy & Thus Green Jobs Legislation
“Signs of the Times” (Jennifer Granholm)
~ World2Awakens3, {Subscribe}, 05-05-12, YT, 3:12 _
>##(05-13)*FK*EC*E6E##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 1.5 K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| HEARTLAND INSTITUTE
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| FREEDOM WORKS
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-501|“Freedom
Works (for Wall Street)” Forbes and dolt-whispering-snakes, but not for
dolts who blind-believe. (*GA)(*IN)(*TX)*
Dick Armey – CEO(left), Former U.S. Rep. (R*TX-26) 1994-2002; US Legislative Branch---(R) Sen. Ted Cruz (R*TX), Freedom Works for Wall Street, 2012 GOP Pres. Candidate - Newt Gingrich, former U.S. Rep. (R*GA-6), 1979-1999, Speaker 1995-1999 who resigned as the most heavily fined House Representative($300k); Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R*IN)
“FreedomWorks …super lobbyist Dick Armey. …left his lobbying firm after Think Progress first revealed his long history of orchestrating fake grassroots efforts on behalf of his corporate lobbying clients.”
"FreedomWorks is playing its usual role: masquerading as a grassroots group to confuse activists and help big corporations. …pushed policies to benefit Armey’s lobbying clients and other FreedomWorks board members. …(Occupy) Wall Street Protesters Should Instead Focus on the Federal Reserve …FreedomWork’s central role in promoting President Bush’s attempt to privatize Social Security." A 2005 effort to "Fair-Game" S.S. retirement by Wall St. Wolves failed miserably.
"Bank Lobbyist-Run Front Group ‘FreedomWorks’ Tries To Trick Protesters Into Only Protesting Federal Reserve"
~ @lhfang/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-06-11 _
@federalreserve <
-/\/- Freedom Works "...helped train activists who believe in the small-government, anti-tax mantra of the Tea Party, and was closely aligned with Tea Partiers in… Indiana (*IN)”
Freedom Works… “Its campaign arm, ‘FreedomWorks for America,’ made endorsements ...GOP …Ted Cruz for the US Senate in Texas." (*TX)
"Dick Armey resigns from Tea Party group"
~ Catalina Camia/@USATODAY, {Subscribe}, 12-04-12 <
-/\/- Book Review by "On The Issue" of "...A Tea Party Manifesto"
Former GOP "Rep. Dick Armey (R*TX) is a former member of the House of Representatives from the time of Newt Gingrich's chairmanship. Armey assisted Gingrich heavily in the Republican takeover of 1994. Gingrich was the face of the Republican takeover; Armey was the behind-the-scenes workhorse."
"The 'Astroturfing' narrative ...economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman. On April 12, 2009, in The New York Times, he referred to FreedomWorks as the 'Armey of Darkness' behind the Tea Party movement: by Richard Armey, the former House majority leader, and supported by the usual group of right-wing billionaires.'"
Book, "Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto" @paulkrugman @nytimes
~ Dick Armey, Review by “On The Issues” <
-/\/- One FreedomWorks success story is RTW Gov. Mitch “Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R*IN) who brought the Confederacy to Indiana on a Harley Motorcycle that really impressed some working people at one point.
"Popular Republican Governor Reflects On The GOP's First 100 Days As The Opposition Party. Indiana's Gov. Mitch Daniels On Changing The 'Party Of No"
~ Live Leak, {Subscribe}, (date: begin 2009?) _
-/\/- FreedomWorks Dick “Armey’s coup lasted 6 days, when he proved unable to run the group with 2.1 million members a $40 million budget says the report.”
“A man with a gun who didn’t identify himself to …staff, and a woman I’d never seen before said there was an announcement”
"Former Rep. Dick Armey took over FreedomWorks think tank earlier this year carrying a GUN, got $8 million for consulting, and resigned: report"
~ Stephen Brown/New York Daily News, {Subscribe), 12-26-12 _
(^^^) "Dick Armey"(R*TX) Bio (Political Action Committee A.L.E.C.)
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} (see Links here - SW) _
(^^^) "Newt Gingrich"(R*GA) Bio (+Links to Articles & Video “Bonanza!”)
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} (see Links here - SW) _
(^^^) "Ted Cruz’s Biography” (R*TX) (Votes, Committees, Contact Info)
~ Project Vote Smart {Subscribe/Donate} _
(^^^) "Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr."(R*IN) Biography (+ M.D. Articles Links)
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} (see Links here - SW) _
>#(07-16)*FK2*E12*ULRSTC#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Dick Armey – CEO(left), Former U.S. Rep. (R*TX-26) 1994-2002; US Legislative Branch---(R) Sen. Ted Cruz (R*TX), Freedom Works for Wall Street, 2012 GOP Pres. Candidate - Newt Gingrich, former U.S. Rep. (R*GA-6), 1979-1999, Speaker 1995-1999 who resigned as the most heavily fined House Representative($300k); Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R*IN)
“FreedomWorks …super lobbyist Dick Armey. …left his lobbying firm after Think Progress first revealed his long history of orchestrating fake grassroots efforts on behalf of his corporate lobbying clients.”
"FreedomWorks is playing its usual role: masquerading as a grassroots group to confuse activists and help big corporations. …pushed policies to benefit Armey’s lobbying clients and other FreedomWorks board members. …(Occupy) Wall Street Protesters Should Instead Focus on the Federal Reserve …FreedomWork’s central role in promoting President Bush’s attempt to privatize Social Security." A 2005 effort to "Fair-Game" S.S. retirement by Wall St. Wolves failed miserably.
"Bank Lobbyist-Run Front Group ‘FreedomWorks’ Tries To Trick Protesters Into Only Protesting Federal Reserve"
~ @lhfang/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-06-11 _
@federalreserve <
-/\/- Freedom Works "...helped train activists who believe in the small-government, anti-tax mantra of the Tea Party, and was closely aligned with Tea Partiers in… Indiana (*IN)”
Freedom Works… “Its campaign arm, ‘FreedomWorks for America,’ made endorsements ...GOP …Ted Cruz for the US Senate in Texas." (*TX)
"Dick Armey resigns from Tea Party group"
~ Catalina Camia/@USATODAY, {Subscribe}, 12-04-12 <
-/\/- Book Review by "On The Issue" of "...A Tea Party Manifesto"
Former GOP "Rep. Dick Armey (R*TX) is a former member of the House of Representatives from the time of Newt Gingrich's chairmanship. Armey assisted Gingrich heavily in the Republican takeover of 1994. Gingrich was the face of the Republican takeover; Armey was the behind-the-scenes workhorse."
"The 'Astroturfing' narrative ...economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman. On April 12, 2009, in The New York Times, he referred to FreedomWorks as the 'Armey of Darkness' behind the Tea Party movement: by Richard Armey, the former House majority leader, and supported by the usual group of right-wing billionaires.'"
Book, "Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto" @paulkrugman @nytimes
~ Dick Armey, Review by “On The Issues” <
-/\/- One FreedomWorks success story is RTW Gov. Mitch “Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R*IN) who brought the Confederacy to Indiana on a Harley Motorcycle that really impressed some working people at one point.
"Popular Republican Governor Reflects On The GOP's First 100 Days As The Opposition Party. Indiana's Gov. Mitch Daniels On Changing The 'Party Of No"
~ Live Leak, {Subscribe}, (date: begin 2009?) _
-/\/- FreedomWorks Dick “Armey’s coup lasted 6 days, when he proved unable to run the group with 2.1 million members a $40 million budget says the report.”
“A man with a gun who didn’t identify himself to …staff, and a woman I’d never seen before said there was an announcement”
"Former Rep. Dick Armey took over FreedomWorks think tank earlier this year carrying a GUN, got $8 million for consulting, and resigned: report"
~ Stephen Brown/New York Daily News, {Subscribe), 12-26-12 _
(^^^) "Dick Armey"(R*TX) Bio (Political Action Committee A.L.E.C.)
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} (see Links here - SW) _
(^^^) "Newt Gingrich"(R*GA) Bio (+Links to Articles & Video “Bonanza!”)
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} (see Links here - SW) _
(^^^) "Ted Cruz’s Biography” (R*TX) (Votes, Committees, Contact Info)
~ Project Vote Smart {Subscribe/Donate} _
(^^^) "Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr."(R*IN) Biography (+ M.D. Articles Links)
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} (see Links here - SW) _
>#(07-16)*FK2*E12*ULRSTC#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-502|“Freedom
Works (for Wall Street)”
Dick Armey – Former CEO, FreedomWorks; Former U.S. Rep. (R-Texas-26) 1994-2002 (*TX)
FreedomWorks - Astroturf Tea Party (Koch Brothers, Dick Armey & Fox News cabal creation)
Armey, a Tea Party co-creator wants to stop hydraulic fracturing a.k.a. “fracking” for natural gas in his back yard;
Neighbor, Rex Tillerson – Former CEO Exxon Mobil Corp, (who’s Corp wants to frack every last cubic foot of natural gas), wants to stop it too;
[Not In My Back Yard = N.I.M.B.Y.] @exxonmobil
“Former Exxon exec takes on fracking and Exxon’s current CEO”
~ Chris Hayes/@MSNBC with Lou Allstadt – Former Executive VP of Mobil Oil, {Subscribe}, 02-27-14, Video, 6:25 _
-/\/- Fracking, NIMBY, Rex Tillerson, CEO, Exxon Mobil, Former Rep. Dick Armey (R*TX); Frack Well; Water Tower
(^^^) "Former Exxon exec takes on fracking and Exxon's current CEO" MSNBC All In 02/27/14" @exxonmobil
~ Recent Gas Drilling News, {Subscribe}, 02-28-16, YT, 6:25 _
"Former oil exec calls Exxon CEO out on his hypocritical anti-fracking lawsuit"
~ Lindsay Abrams/@Salon, {Donate}, 02-27-14 <
(^^^) "Allstadt to Tillerson” (fracking letter)
~ James “Chip” Northrup/Scribd, {Subscribe/Donate}, 03-26-13, (+ Links) _
>###(12-16)*FK*E6E*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 6.9K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| FREEDOM WORKS
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICAN LANDS COUNCIL
Dick Armey – Former CEO, FreedomWorks; Former U.S. Rep. (R-Texas-26) 1994-2002 (*TX)
FreedomWorks - Astroturf Tea Party (Koch Brothers, Dick Armey & Fox News cabal creation)
Armey, a Tea Party co-creator wants to stop hydraulic fracturing a.k.a. “fracking” for natural gas in his back yard;
Neighbor, Rex Tillerson – Former CEO Exxon Mobil Corp, (who’s Corp wants to frack every last cubic foot of natural gas), wants to stop it too;
[Not In My Back Yard = N.I.M.B.Y.] @exxonmobil
“Former Exxon exec takes on fracking and Exxon’s current CEO”
~ Chris Hayes/@MSNBC with Lou Allstadt – Former Executive VP of Mobil Oil, {Subscribe}, 02-27-14, Video, 6:25 _
-/\/- Fracking, NIMBY, Rex Tillerson, CEO, Exxon Mobil, Former Rep. Dick Armey (R*TX); Frack Well; Water Tower
(^^^) "Former Exxon exec takes on fracking and Exxon's current CEO" MSNBC All In 02/27/14" @exxonmobil
~ Recent Gas Drilling News, {Subscribe}, 02-28-16, YT, 6:25 _
"Former oil exec calls Exxon CEO out on his hypocritical anti-fracking lawsuit"
~ Lindsay Abrams/@Salon, {Donate}, 02-27-14 <
(^^^) "Allstadt to Tillerson” (fracking letter)
~ James “Chip” Northrup/Scribd, {Subscribe/Donate}, 03-26-13, (+ Links) _
>###(12-16)*FK*E6E*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 6.9K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| FREEDOM WORKS
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICAN LANDS COUNCIL
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-550 |“American (billionaires steal
public) Lands Council” A.L.C. aims
to enable billionaires to privatize the “marginal land” of the US Bureau of
Land Management, and the unique and pristine ecosystems of State and (Federal)
National Parks. They want to pay cents
on the dollar for public lands to exploit for livestock grazing, ore mining,
oil drilling, etc. A.L.C. is an A.L.E.C./“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas)
Exchange Council” project. To steal Federal and State land, the rich use “state
rights” contentions that neo-fascist dominated (red) State and (Federal) US
Supreme Courts are likely to listen to.
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-551||“American
(billionaires steal public) Lands Council” A.L.C.
aims to enable billionaires to privatize the “marginal land” of the US Bureau
of Land Management, and the unique and pristine ecosystems of State and
(Federal) National Parks.
FreedomWorks Blog:
Arizona *AZ, Colorado *CO, New Mexico *NM, Utah *UT, Wyoming *WY, Idaho *ID, Nevada *NV
“State Efforts To ‘Reclaim’ Our Public Lands Traced To Koch-Fueled ALEC”
~ Public Lands Team/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 03-11-13 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
1. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)
2. Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah, 1st District)
3. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)
4. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz., 4th District)
5. Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.)
6. Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah, 2nd District)
7. Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska, At Large)
8. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)
9. Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho, 1st District)
10. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah, 3rd District)
11. Rep. Mark Amodei (R-Nev., 2nd District)
12. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)
13. Rep. Steve Pearce (R-N.M., 2nd District)
14. Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif., 4th District)
15. Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) ~ EcoWatch,
"15 Lawmakers Plotting to Privatize America's Public Lands"
~ @EcoWatch, 03-17-17
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
"State Efforts to ‘Reclaim’ Our Public Lands"
~ Jessica Goad & Tom Kenworthy – Center for American Progress, , {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 03-01-13 < @AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries
"Western Counties are Spending Big to Join the American Lands Council, Which Could Result in Them Losing Millions More"
~ Noah Caldwell/Center for Western Priorities, 03-02-15 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
"American Lands Council - A Constitutional Means To Financial Stability For Western States"
~ Jeff Reynolds/FreedomWorks, 11-29-13 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
"43% Of Republicans Say They Could Support A Military Overthrow Of The United States Government”
~ Manny Schewitz/Forward Progress, {Subscribe}, 09-11-15 _
"Op-Ed: Ivory’s tower built on faulty foundation"
~ Anne L. Weismann, Campaign for Accountability, 07-15-15 _
>###(01-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
FreedomWorks Blog:
Arizona *AZ, Colorado *CO, New Mexico *NM, Utah *UT, Wyoming *WY, Idaho *ID, Nevada *NV
“State Efforts To ‘Reclaim’ Our Public Lands Traced To Koch-Fueled ALEC”
~ Public Lands Team/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 03-11-13 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
1. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah)
2. Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah, 1st District)
3. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)
4. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz., 4th District)
5. Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.)
6. Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah, 2nd District)
7. Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska, At Large)
8. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)
9. Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho, 1st District)
10. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah, 3rd District)
11. Rep. Mark Amodei (R-Nev., 2nd District)
12. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)
13. Rep. Steve Pearce (R-N.M., 2nd District)
14. Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif., 4th District)
15. Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) ~ EcoWatch,
"15 Lawmakers Plotting to Privatize America's Public Lands"
~ @EcoWatch, 03-17-17
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
"State Efforts to ‘Reclaim’ Our Public Lands"
~ Jessica Goad & Tom Kenworthy – Center for American Progress, , {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 03-01-13 < @AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries
"Western Counties are Spending Big to Join the American Lands Council, Which Could Result in Them Losing Millions More"
~ Noah Caldwell/Center for Western Priorities, 03-02-15 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
"American Lands Council - A Constitutional Means To Financial Stability For Western States"
~ Jeff Reynolds/FreedomWorks, 11-29-13 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
"43% Of Republicans Say They Could Support A Military Overthrow Of The United States Government”
~ Manny Schewitz/Forward Progress, {Subscribe}, 09-11-15 _
"Op-Ed: Ivory’s tower built on faulty foundation"
~ Anne L. Weismann, Campaign for Accountability, 07-15-15 _
>###(01-16)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-552||“American
"Deadbeat Rancher Cliven Bundy: Rand Paul Will Make Nevada A ‘Sovereign State’ If Elected"
~ Andrew Bradford/Deeple Field, {Subscribe}, 07-03-15 _
”Cliven Bundy, Father of Ammon, arrested at Portland International Airport”
~ KATU, (00-00) <
>(01-16)*FK(*NV)(*KY)*PI*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Deadbeat Rancher Cliven Bundy: Rand Paul Will Make Nevada A ‘Sovereign State’ If Elected"
~ Andrew Bradford/Deeple Field, {Subscribe}, 07-03-15 _
”Cliven Bundy, Father of Ammon, arrested at Portland International Airport”
~ KATU, (00-00) <
>(01-16)*FK(*NV)(*KY)*PI*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-553||“American
Lands Council
"As The Bundy Brothers Occupy Federal Building, Here Are The GOP Candidates Who Supported Their Dad"
~ Jack Jenkins/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-03-16 _
DOMESTIC TERRORISM, FEDERAL WILDLIFE REFUGE OCCUPATION: Armed Militia, Bundy, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Burns, Oregon, Standoff;
Pacific Patriots Network (ID), Citizens for Constitutional Freedom (NV)
"The Bundy occupation of a federal installation in Oregon has now entered its second week and the militia has a funny list of demands"
"OR Domestic Terrorists Make Hilarious List of Demands"
~ @dpakman/@davidpakmanshow, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-11-16, YT, 4:53 _
"Oregon Domestic Terrorists Make Hilarious List of Demands"
~ @dpakman/@davidpakmanshow, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-16-15 _
DOMESTIC TERRORISTS: Dollar-Store Patriots, Ranchers, White Supremacists, Oath Keepers; BLM – (Federal) Bureau of Land Management, National Land, Marginal Grazing Land; Steal Public Lands, ALEC – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council; State’s Rights Contention
"The Oregon standoff, explained in 3 minutes"
~ @Vox, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-05-16 _
KOCH BROTHERS, ALEC, AMERICAN LANDS COUNCIL, FEDERALISM IN ACTION, STATE BUDGET SOLUTIONS, STATE POLICY NETWORK : Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Takeover, OREGON (*OR); State Rep. Ken Ivory (R*UT), UTAH; State Sen. Jennifer Fielder (R*MT) Montana
“The Koch Brothers Are Now Funding The Bundy Land Seizure Agenda”
~ Jenny Rowland & Mat Lee-Ashley/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-12-16 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
MALHEUR NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE OCCUPATION: Burns, Oregon; Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Insane, Agent Provocateur, Martyr Complex; Nevada Rancher, Cliven Bundy; Patriot Movement, Militia Movement, Rightwing Extremists, Racists; Stochastic Terrorism, Right-Wing Media
{Right-Wing media is funded by Forbes 400 Kings and their corporations.}
"GUEST: Stewart Rhodes, President and Founder of OathKeepers (.) org"
Oath Keepers are described as a "a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to 'defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.'"
"'Bundy Deceived Us,' Says Oath Keepers Founder: 'BradCast' 1/5/2016”
~ Brad Friedman/The Brad Blog, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-05-15 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
-/\/- Bundy, Militia, Takeover, Oregon, Refuge; Protest, Federal, Tyranny;
"Dozens of white, armed American militants have gathered in the state to take a stand against government 'tyranny'"
"WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained"
~ Tim Dickinson/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-03-15 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
-/\/- Oath Keeper, Sam Andrews, Ferguson, Missouri, Black Lives Matter
"When protesters in Ferguson asked Oath Keeper Sam Andrews what kind of gun he was carrying, he replied, 'It's the kind that you should have.'"
"Sam Andrews' plan to carry guns with black protesters caused a political standoff with the country's most prominent militia group"
"The Oath Keeper Who Wants to Arm Black Lives Matter"
~ Alan Feuer/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-03-16 _
"If Elected, Trump Pledges 'To Abolish The Environment'" (Power Point/15)
~ Byron Kennard/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-16-16
@EPAScottPruitt #PruittEPA @realDonaldTrump <
”GOP Platform Proposes To Get Rid O National Parks And National Forests”
~ Jenny Rowland/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate} 07-15-16
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries
~ Robert Sobel/@ExaminerOnline, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-09-13 _**
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICAN LANDS COUNCIL
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICAN CITY COUNTY EXCH.
Lands Council
"As The Bundy Brothers Occupy Federal Building, Here Are The GOP Candidates Who Supported Their Dad"
~ Jack Jenkins/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-03-16 _
DOMESTIC TERRORISM, FEDERAL WILDLIFE REFUGE OCCUPATION: Armed Militia, Bundy, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Burns, Oregon, Standoff;
Pacific Patriots Network (ID), Citizens for Constitutional Freedom (NV)
"The Bundy occupation of a federal installation in Oregon has now entered its second week and the militia has a funny list of demands"
"OR Domestic Terrorists Make Hilarious List of Demands"
~ @dpakman/@davidpakmanshow, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-11-16, YT, 4:53 _
"Oregon Domestic Terrorists Make Hilarious List of Demands"
~ @dpakman/@davidpakmanshow, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-16-15 _
DOMESTIC TERRORISTS: Dollar-Store Patriots, Ranchers, White Supremacists, Oath Keepers; BLM – (Federal) Bureau of Land Management, National Land, Marginal Grazing Land; Steal Public Lands, ALEC – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council; State’s Rights Contention
"The Oregon standoff, explained in 3 minutes"
~ @Vox, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-05-16 _
KOCH BROTHERS, ALEC, AMERICAN LANDS COUNCIL, FEDERALISM IN ACTION, STATE BUDGET SOLUTIONS, STATE POLICY NETWORK : Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Takeover, OREGON (*OR); State Rep. Ken Ivory (R*UT), UTAH; State Sen. Jennifer Fielder (R*MT) Montana
“The Koch Brothers Are Now Funding The Bundy Land Seizure Agenda”
~ Jenny Rowland & Mat Lee-Ashley/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-12-16 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
MALHEUR NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE OCCUPATION: Burns, Oregon; Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Insane, Agent Provocateur, Martyr Complex; Nevada Rancher, Cliven Bundy; Patriot Movement, Militia Movement, Rightwing Extremists, Racists; Stochastic Terrorism, Right-Wing Media
{Right-Wing media is funded by Forbes 400 Kings and their corporations.}
"GUEST: Stewart Rhodes, President and Founder of OathKeepers (.) org"
Oath Keepers are described as a "a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to 'defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.'"
"'Bundy Deceived Us,' Says Oath Keepers Founder: 'BradCast' 1/5/2016”
~ Brad Friedman/The Brad Blog, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-05-15 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
-/\/- Bundy, Militia, Takeover, Oregon, Refuge; Protest, Federal, Tyranny;
"Dozens of white, armed American militants have gathered in the state to take a stand against government 'tyranny'"
"WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained"
~ Tim Dickinson/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-03-15 _
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries <
-/\/- Oath Keeper, Sam Andrews, Ferguson, Missouri, Black Lives Matter
"When protesters in Ferguson asked Oath Keeper Sam Andrews what kind of gun he was carrying, he replied, 'It's the kind that you should have.'"
"Sam Andrews' plan to carry guns with black protesters caused a political standoff with the country's most prominent militia group"
"The Oath Keeper Who Wants to Arm Black Lives Matter"
~ Alan Feuer/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-03-16 _
"If Elected, Trump Pledges 'To Abolish The Environment'" (Power Point/15)
~ Byron Kennard/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-16-16
@EPAScottPruitt #PruittEPA @realDonaldTrump <
”GOP Platform Proposes To Get Rid O National Parks And National Forests”
~ Jenny Rowland/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe/Donate} 07-15-16
@AmericanLandsCn @CKinstitute @Koch_Industries
~ Robert Sobel/@ExaminerOnline, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-09-13 _**
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICAN LANDS COUNCIL
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICAN CITY COUNTY EXCH.
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-600|| A.C.C.E.
– American City County Exchange is an ALEC spinoff constructed for the
purpose of buying local governments.
“Amid Protests A.L.E.C. Launches New Spinoff…”
~ Candice Bernd/@MoyersNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, 08-04-14 _
-/\/- "American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) begins its expansion into local municipalities and counties with its new arm, the American City County Exchange (ACCE)"
"Can a New 'Progressive ALEC' Advance Effective Police Reform Through Municipal Governments?"
~ Candice Bernd/@truthout, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-12-14 _
>###(10-15)*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICAN CITY COUNTY EXCH
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| THOU ART “Dime Store” POPE-NC
“Amid Protests A.L.E.C. Launches New Spinoff…”
~ Candice Bernd/@MoyersNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, 08-04-14 _
-/\/- "American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) begins its expansion into local municipalities and counties with its new arm, the American City County Exchange (ACCE)"
"Can a New 'Progressive ALEC' Advance Effective Police Reform Through Municipal Governments?"
~ Candice Bernd/@truthout, {Subscribe/Donate} 12-12-14 _
>###(10-15)*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICAN CITY COUNTY EXCH
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| THOU ART “Dime Store” POPE-NC
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-650 |Thou “Art Pope” of North
Carolina is a dime store
psychopath or a multi-billionaire.
Pope’s 501(c)3 Political Action Committee, Civitas Institute, doles out money to buy elections
and radio stations in North Carolina. He
bought a neo-fascist SC Supreme Court Justice or two and Art owns former Duke
Energy executive turned Governor Lap
Dog Pat McCrory (R*NC).
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-651|Thou “Art Pope”
Interview with Pat McCrory included insider state jobs,
reduced education funding, refusal of federal Medicaid expansion (free from
ObamaCare/ACA 2010), and cut off Federal unemployment benefits
"..governor began with him complaining about an editorial cartoon and ended with a complaint about how Art Pope, one of his chief advisers, is depicted."
"Many North Carolinians understand that Art Pope is the de facto governor of NC and McCrory is just a flunkie who Pope has encircled with ALEC and AFP advisors."
"NC Gov. McCrory Casts Blame on others"
~ Resist Privatization of America, {Subscribe}, 12-04-13
(^^^) "NC Gov. McCrory Casts Blame on others" (Source)
~ Taylor Batten/Charlotte Observer,12-04-13 <
>###(05-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"..governor began with him complaining about an editorial cartoon and ended with a complaint about how Art Pope, one of his chief advisers, is depicted."
"Many North Carolinians understand that Art Pope is the de facto governor of NC and McCrory is just a flunkie who Pope has encircled with ALEC and AFP advisors."
"NC Gov. McCrory Casts Blame on others"
~ Resist Privatization of America, {Subscribe}, 12-04-13
(^^^) "NC Gov. McCrory Casts Blame on others" (Source)
~ Taylor Batten/Charlotte Observer,12-04-13 <
>###(05-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-652|Thou “Art Pope”
"...Variety Wholesalers which is a discount store chain with more than 400 stores scattered in 14 States ...Art Pope who has parlayed his families discount store fortune, selling to poor and minority populations fortune, into his own enormous political power in the State of North Carolina."
"Art Pope ...poured about $100,000 per race into 22 different State Legislature Races across the state ...engineered Republican takeover of the legislature" 2010
"Of the 22 races that he & his network targeted, they won 18 of the 22."
"Rev. William Barber, president of the N.C. NAACP, talks with Rachel Maddow about a picketing campaign against millionaire Republican activist Art Pope's stores."
Art Pope was appointed by Gov. Mc Rory “States new Budget Director” North Carolina
"Rachel Maddow - Art Pope's stores picketed over right wing activism"
~ Licentiathe8th, {Subscribe}, 12-03-13, YT, 9:55 _
-/\/- "Rev. William Barber, president of the N.C. NAACP, talks with Rachel Maddow about a picketing campaign against millionaire Republican activist Art Pope’s stores."
"Pope stores picketed over right-wing activism"
~ Rachel @maddow/@MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscribe/Support}, 12-02-13, Video, 9:54 (From Select Bar Below Video Screen) _
-/\/- "Republicans in North Carolina are doing everything they can to change the voting rules in that state so a victory like the one Obama got there in 2008 can never happen again."
"Mayer summed up Pope's causes as aligning with "the Republican party, and small government, almost you know anti-government, & low taxes."
"Art Pope Influence: Rachel Maddow And Jane Mayer Discuss One Multimillionaire's Major Political Influence In North Carolina (VIDEO)"
~ @thehuffpost_, @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe}, 10-04-11 _
-/\/- “North Carolina Voting in 2008 for Obama Biden, Voting 2010 for Republican takeover of *NC
~Rachel Maddow/@MSNBC, Video, 16:08 _
ART POPE North Carolina State Legislature takeover & subsequent Voter Suppression; 2010 total control of North Carolina government; Gerrymandering Districts; Art Pope is now Budget Director; Pete Gilbert – Chairman of Republican Party challenging Black College Voters
"sudden change in direction (and ruling party) when wealthy Republican backer, Art Pope, turned the tide in 2010 allowing a Republican take-over of the state government and a wave of regressive legislation, including voter suppression."
"Dark chapter in North Carolina voting success story"
~ ***FLASH NEWS***, {Subscribe}, 08-25-13, YT, 20:38 _
>###(12-13)*FK*(*EF)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"...Variety Wholesalers which is a discount store chain with more than 400 stores scattered in 14 States ...Art Pope who has parlayed his families discount store fortune, selling to poor and minority populations fortune, into his own enormous political power in the State of North Carolina."
"Art Pope ...poured about $100,000 per race into 22 different State Legislature Races across the state ...engineered Republican takeover of the legislature" 2010
"Of the 22 races that he & his network targeted, they won 18 of the 22."
"Rev. William Barber, president of the N.C. NAACP, talks with Rachel Maddow about a picketing campaign against millionaire Republican activist Art Pope's stores."
Art Pope was appointed by Gov. Mc Rory “States new Budget Director” North Carolina
"Rachel Maddow - Art Pope's stores picketed over right wing activism"
~ Licentiathe8th, {Subscribe}, 12-03-13, YT, 9:55 _
-/\/- "Rev. William Barber, president of the N.C. NAACP, talks with Rachel Maddow about a picketing campaign against millionaire Republican activist Art Pope’s stores."
"Pope stores picketed over right-wing activism"
~ Rachel @maddow/@MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscribe/Support}, 12-02-13, Video, 9:54 (From Select Bar Below Video Screen) _
-/\/- "Republicans in North Carolina are doing everything they can to change the voting rules in that state so a victory like the one Obama got there in 2008 can never happen again."
"Mayer summed up Pope's causes as aligning with "the Republican party, and small government, almost you know anti-government, & low taxes."
"Art Pope Influence: Rachel Maddow And Jane Mayer Discuss One Multimillionaire's Major Political Influence In North Carolina (VIDEO)"
~ @thehuffpost_, @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe}, 10-04-11 _
-/\/- “North Carolina Voting in 2008 for Obama Biden, Voting 2010 for Republican takeover of *NC
~Rachel Maddow/@MSNBC, Video, 16:08 _
ART POPE North Carolina State Legislature takeover & subsequent Voter Suppression; 2010 total control of North Carolina government; Gerrymandering Districts; Art Pope is now Budget Director; Pete Gilbert – Chairman of Republican Party challenging Black College Voters
"sudden change in direction (and ruling party) when wealthy Republican backer, Art Pope, turned the tide in 2010 allowing a Republican take-over of the state government and a wave of regressive legislation, including voter suppression."
"Dark chapter in North Carolina voting success story"
~ ***FLASH NEWS***, {Subscribe}, 08-25-13, YT, 20:38 _
>###(12-13)*FK*(*EF)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-653|Thou “Art Pope”
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, Koch Bros, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
NORTH CAROLINA (*NC) “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
>###(04-14)*3CWP*NC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, Koch Bros, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
NORTH CAROLINA (*NC) “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
>###(04-14)*3CWP*NC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-654|Thou “Art Pope”
Moral Monday, Demonstrators, Civitas President Francis De Luca, Governor Pat
McCrory (R*NC)
"North Carolina oligarch Art Pope’s Civitas Institute has taken it upon themselves to publicly identify, mock, and attempt to target for retribution North Carolina citizens who have participated in peaceful civil disobedience during the recent Moral Monday protest in North Carolina." ~ CCD
"Civitas Targets Moral Monday Demonstrators"
~ Chad Nance/Camel City Dispatch, {Subscribe}, 06-20-13 _
(^^^) "Civitas Institute Maps The Sordid Web Of Left-Wing Extremism Infesting North Carolina"
~ Matt Vespa – Townhall, {Right Wing Site}, {Subscribe}, 01-29-15 _
>###(11-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"North Carolina oligarch Art Pope’s Civitas Institute has taken it upon themselves to publicly identify, mock, and attempt to target for retribution North Carolina citizens who have participated in peaceful civil disobedience during the recent Moral Monday protest in North Carolina." ~ CCD
"Civitas Targets Moral Monday Demonstrators"
~ Chad Nance/Camel City Dispatch, {Subscribe}, 06-20-13 _
(^^^) "Civitas Institute Maps The Sordid Web Of Left-Wing Extremism Infesting North Carolina"
~ Matt Vespa – Townhall, {Right Wing Site}, {Subscribe}, 01-29-15 _
>###(11-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-655|Thou “Art Pope”
Judge Buying Billionaire; Bought the State Legislature,
Bought the State Supreme Court Judges, $40 Million was lose change
"North Carolina's Republican mega-donor fought tirelessly to stop the state's pioneering program to free judges from special interest influence. This week, Pope's crusade" "Art Pope fought NC's judicial 'clean elections' reform for more than a decade."
"How Art Pope killed clean elections for judges in North Carolina"
~ Chris Kromm/The Institute For Southern Studies/Facing South, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 06-13-13 _
-/\/- Supreme Court Decision, June 2013, Voting Rights Act
"ruling soon on the constitutionality of the key section of the landmark civil rights law, a new report warns of what could come to pass if Section 5 is weakened or eliminated altogether."
"What happens if the Supreme Court cuts out the heart of the Voting Rights Act?"
~ Sue Sturgis/The Institute For Southern Studies/Facing South, {Subscribe/Donate}, 06-12-13 _
-/\/- Facing South Home: The Institute For Southern Studies _
>###(09-13)*FK*UJSC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 8.5k ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| THOU ART “Dime Store” POPE-NC
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| SHELDON ADELSON
"North Carolina's Republican mega-donor fought tirelessly to stop the state's pioneering program to free judges from special interest influence. This week, Pope's crusade" "Art Pope fought NC's judicial 'clean elections' reform for more than a decade."
"How Art Pope killed clean elections for judges in North Carolina"
~ Chris Kromm/The Institute For Southern Studies/Facing South, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 06-13-13 _
-/\/- Supreme Court Decision, June 2013, Voting Rights Act
"ruling soon on the constitutionality of the key section of the landmark civil rights law, a new report warns of what could come to pass if Section 5 is weakened or eliminated altogether."
"What happens if the Supreme Court cuts out the heart of the Voting Rights Act?"
~ Sue Sturgis/The Institute For Southern Studies/Facing South, {Subscribe/Donate}, 06-12-13 _
-/\/- Facing South Home: The Institute For Southern Studies _
>###(09-13)*FK*UJSC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 8.5k ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| THOU ART “Dime Store” POPE-NC
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| SHELDON ADELSON
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-701|“Sheldon (Casino
Con) Adelson” is the voice of Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and warmongering neo-fascism in the Middle
East. Adleson likes for GOPee POTUS
Candidates to kiss his o-ring to obtain dark money funding for their campaigns.
Addictive Internet Gambling, States Laws Coming Up
“It’s the most extreme and most addictive form of gambling — because there’s no turning it off.” ~ Les Bernal, national director of Stop Predatory Gambling
"States are moving to legalize online gambling, long barred by state and federal laws. New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware have begun licensing Internet casinos, and seven other states are debating the issue."
"Lindsey Graham, Sheldon Adelson and a colorful cast of characters jockey over regulation"
"Casinos and offshore companies battle for billions in online gambling push"
~ Nicholas Kusnetz/@Publici, {Subscribe}, 04-14-14 _
(^^^) "Sheldon Adelson - news and investigations"
~ @Publici, {Subscribe} _
>###(05-14)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Addictive Internet Gambling, States Laws Coming Up
“It’s the most extreme and most addictive form of gambling — because there’s no turning it off.” ~ Les Bernal, national director of Stop Predatory Gambling
"States are moving to legalize online gambling, long barred by state and federal laws. New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware have begun licensing Internet casinos, and seven other states are debating the issue."
"Lindsey Graham, Sheldon Adelson and a colorful cast of characters jockey over regulation"
"Casinos and offshore companies battle for billions in online gambling push"
~ Nicholas Kusnetz/@Publici, {Subscribe}, 04-14-14 _
(^^^) "Sheldon Adelson - news and investigations"
~ @Publici, {Subscribe} _
>###(05-14)*CW###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666UFKWADZ-702|“Sheldon (Casino
Con) Adelson” is the voice of Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and warmongering neo-fascism in the Middle
East. Adleson likes for GOPee POTUS
Candidates to kiss his o-ring to obtain dark money funding for their campaigns.
Addictive Internet Gambling, ST Laws
"Sheldon Adelson - news and investigations"
~ @Publici, {Subscribe}, 11-06-14 _
-/\/- Online Gambling, Most Addictive Form
“It’s the most extreme and most addictive form of gambling — because there’s no turning it off.” ~ Les Bernal, national director of Stop Predatory Gambling
"States are moving to legalize online gambling, long barred by state and federal laws. New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware have begun licensing Internet casinos, and seven other states are debating the issue."
"Lindsey Graham, Sheldon Adelson and a colorful cast of characters jockey over regulation"
"Casinos and offshore companies battle for billions in online gambling push"
~ Nicholas Kusnetz/@Publici, {Subscribe}, 04-14-14
>#(01-15)*FK*NJ*NV*DE#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| SHELDON ADELSON
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| LIBERTY CENT. GINNI THOMAS
Addictive Internet Gambling, ST Laws
"Sheldon Adelson - news and investigations"
~ @Publici, {Subscribe}, 11-06-14 _
-/\/- Online Gambling, Most Addictive Form
“It’s the most extreme and most addictive form of gambling — because there’s no turning it off.” ~ Les Bernal, national director of Stop Predatory Gambling
"States are moving to legalize online gambling, long barred by state and federal laws. New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware have begun licensing Internet casinos, and seven other states are debating the issue."
"Lindsey Graham, Sheldon Adelson and a colorful cast of characters jockey over regulation"
"Casinos and offshore companies battle for billions in online gambling push"
~ Nicholas Kusnetz/@Publici, {Subscribe}, 04-14-14
>#(01-15)*FK*NJ*NV*DE#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| SHELDON ADELSON
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| LIBERTY CENT. GINNI THOMAS
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ZFKGINNI-101|“Liberty Central”
Golden Shower started “Groundswell,” an astroturf political movement, featuring
Ginni Thomas (Supreme Court Just-Ass Clarence
“Democracy for Sale” Thomas’ wife) and attentive shock-collared sheep.
"losing the messaging war with progressives, a group of prominent conservatives in Washington—including the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and journalists ...meeting privately since early this year to concoct talking points, coordinate messaging, and hatch plans for 'a 30 front war seeking to fundamentally transform the nation'"
"Ginni Thomas, Allen West, and a crew of conservative activists and journalists have formed a hush-hush coalition to battle progressives—and Karl Rove."
"Inside Groundswell: Read the Memos of the New Right-Wing Strategy Group Planning a '30 Front War'"
~ David Corn/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 07-25-13
>###(03-16)*FK*UJSC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 1.1K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| LIBERTY CENT. GINNI THOMAS
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICAN UNITED FOR LIFE
"losing the messaging war with progressives, a group of prominent conservatives in Washington—including the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and journalists ...meeting privately since early this year to concoct talking points, coordinate messaging, and hatch plans for 'a 30 front war seeking to fundamentally transform the nation'"
"Ginni Thomas, Allen West, and a crew of conservative activists and journalists have formed a hush-hush coalition to battle progressives—and Karl Rove."
"Inside Groundswell: Read the Memos of the New Right-Wing Strategy Group Planning a '30 Front War'"
~ David Corn/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 07-25-13
>###(03-16)*FK*UJSC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 1.1K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| LIBERTY CENT. GINNI THOMAS
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICAN UNITED FOR LIFE
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-8666FKU-101|“Americans United for
(dictating other people’s) Life”/A.U.L.
works to produce more trigger-fingers, box store workers and uneducated
conservatives, so America can be more “like Calcutta,” where life and work are
worth next-to-nothing.
"The AUL is strictly focused on limiting women's freedom …Not content with blowing up reproductive health clinics, or shooting doctors while at church, the anti-abortion movement is now fighting to destroy women's rights in the state legislatures. One law at a time."
"Think ALEC is the only bill mill? Meet the AUL"
~ Susan Grigsby/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 12-14-14 _
>###(01-15)*FK*WR##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICANS UNITED FOR LIFE
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| CENTER for MEDICAL PROGRESS
"The AUL is strictly focused on limiting women's freedom …Not content with blowing up reproductive health clinics, or shooting doctors while at church, the anti-abortion movement is now fighting to destroy women's rights in the state legislatures. One law at a time."
"Think ALEC is the only bill mill? Meet the AUL"
~ Susan Grigsby/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 12-14-14 _
>###(01-15)*FK*WR##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICANS UNITED FOR LIFE
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| CENTER for MEDICAL PROGRESS
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-8666FKU-151|“Center
for Medical Progress” toward Bible times loves Christian Sharia Law and
Christian masochist sheep, but hates progress.
Planned Parenthood Attacked, Election 2016 Republican Carly Fiorina Center for Medical Progress, Videos, Slander
"Super-PAC backing Fiorina's candidacy, Carly for America, Video"
"Fiorina Super-PAC Makes Its Own Abortion Video"
~ Hannah Levintova/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 09-24-15 _
(^^^) "I asked Fiorina's campaign for video to back her Planned Parenthood claim. Here’s what they sent."
~ Sarah Kliff/@voxdotcom, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-18-15 _
-/\/- "Super-PAC backing Fiorina's candidacy, Carly for America, Video"
"Character of Our Nation"
~ CARLY for America, {Subscribe}, 09-19-15, YT, 1:05 _
(^^^) "The Fetus Video Described by Carly Fiorina Was Just Released in Full. It Still Means Absolutely Nothing."
~ Inae Oh/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-29-15 _
(^^^) "Fetus Video Referenced by Carly Fiorina Released in Full"
~ Michael Scherer/Time, {Subscribe}, 09-29-15 _
(^^^) "Carly Fiorina Meet The Press. Chuck Todd Fiorina: Haven’t You Exaggerated Planned Parenthood Video?”
~ DogSpelledBackwards, {Subscribe}, 09-27-15, YT, 11:29 _
(^^^) "Carly Fiorina was right"
~ AbortionNo, {Subscribe}, 09-29-15, YT, 13:13 _
-/\/- “Presidential wannabee Carly Fiorina has been telling everyone that she saw a video of an aborted fetus ‘with arms and legs kicking while Planned Parenthood people dissected the baby looking for its brain.’"
"FOUND: The source of Carly Fiorina's fetus claim"
~ Old Redneck/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 09-27-15 _
(^^^) "FOUND: The source of Carly Fiorina's fetus claim"
~ kpete/@demunderground, {Subscribe}, 09-27-15 <
(^^^) "Walter Joshua Fretz – The story of our son who is impacting so many even though he was on this earth for only a few minutes"
~ F2 Photography By Lexi, {Subscribe}, 06-26-13 _
>###(09-15)*E16*WR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>||CENTER for MEDICAL PROGRESS
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| MacIVER INSTITUTE for PP
Planned Parenthood Attacked, Election 2016 Republican Carly Fiorina Center for Medical Progress, Videos, Slander
"Super-PAC backing Fiorina's candidacy, Carly for America, Video"
"Fiorina Super-PAC Makes Its Own Abortion Video"
~ Hannah Levintova/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 09-24-15 _
(^^^) "I asked Fiorina's campaign for video to back her Planned Parenthood claim. Here’s what they sent."
~ Sarah Kliff/@voxdotcom, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-18-15 _
-/\/- "Super-PAC backing Fiorina's candidacy, Carly for America, Video"
"Character of Our Nation"
~ CARLY for America, {Subscribe}, 09-19-15, YT, 1:05 _
(^^^) "The Fetus Video Described by Carly Fiorina Was Just Released in Full. It Still Means Absolutely Nothing."
~ Inae Oh/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-29-15 _
(^^^) "Fetus Video Referenced by Carly Fiorina Released in Full"
~ Michael Scherer/Time, {Subscribe}, 09-29-15 _
(^^^) "Carly Fiorina Meet The Press. Chuck Todd Fiorina: Haven’t You Exaggerated Planned Parenthood Video?”
~ DogSpelledBackwards, {Subscribe}, 09-27-15, YT, 11:29 _
(^^^) "Carly Fiorina was right"
~ AbortionNo, {Subscribe}, 09-29-15, YT, 13:13 _
-/\/- “Presidential wannabee Carly Fiorina has been telling everyone that she saw a video of an aborted fetus ‘with arms and legs kicking while Planned Parenthood people dissected the baby looking for its brain.’"
"FOUND: The source of Carly Fiorina's fetus claim"
~ Old Redneck/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 09-27-15 _
(^^^) "FOUND: The source of Carly Fiorina's fetus claim"
~ kpete/@demunderground, {Subscribe}, 09-27-15 <
(^^^) "Walter Joshua Fretz – The story of our son who is impacting so many even though he was on this earth for only a few minutes"
~ F2 Photography By Lexi, {Subscribe}, 06-26-13 _
>###(09-15)*E16*WR###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>||CENTER for MEDICAL PROGRESS
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| MacIVER INSTITUTE for PP
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-8666YOFKU-101|“MacIver Institute for Public Policy” aims to privatize
everything and regulate no corporation.
Black Lists In Wisconsin *WI:
"a right-wing org. that styles itself as a think tank but more ...of a political organization." ...MIPP's Wisconsin Lawsuit proves that "Corporations and third-party campaign groups thus increasingly are the equivalent of secret, anonymous, wealthy super-citizens." Now WI citizens will have their names and email addresses (in communications to Democratic Legislators) divulged and they can be blacklisted by RWNJ's. (Hello Joe McCarthy!) And democrats won’t request the same of republican names and emails, because Dems are sane & tend to play fair.
"MacIver Institute for Public Policy "argument that whenever a state citizen contacts his elected representative to register a comment or opinion, his or her personal ID must be divulged upon request. ...court ...ordered State Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) to make public all names and contact information for emails his public office received in 2011 regarding ...Republican-proposed law virtually abolishing collective bargaining for most public employees."
"In 'Animal Farm' of Wisconsin politics, GOP dark money stays secret, while opponent names, addresses go into black lists"
~ Uppity Wisconsin, {Subscribe/Donate}, 04-10-14 _
>###(04-14)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 1.5K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| MacIVER INSTITUTE for PP
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| PEW CHARITABLE TRUST
Black Lists In Wisconsin *WI:
"a right-wing org. that styles itself as a think tank but more ...of a political organization." ...MIPP's Wisconsin Lawsuit proves that "Corporations and third-party campaign groups thus increasingly are the equivalent of secret, anonymous, wealthy super-citizens." Now WI citizens will have their names and email addresses (in communications to Democratic Legislators) divulged and they can be blacklisted by RWNJ's. (Hello Joe McCarthy!) And democrats won’t request the same of republican names and emails, because Dems are sane & tend to play fair.
"MacIver Institute for Public Policy "argument that whenever a state citizen contacts his elected representative to register a comment or opinion, his or her personal ID must be divulged upon request. ...court ...ordered State Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) to make public all names and contact information for emails his public office received in 2011 regarding ...Republican-proposed law virtually abolishing collective bargaining for most public employees."
"In 'Animal Farm' of Wisconsin politics, GOP dark money stays secret, while opponent names, addresses go into black lists"
~ Uppity Wisconsin, {Subscribe/Donate}, 04-10-14 _
>###(04-14)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# 1.5K ac
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| MacIVER INSTITUTE for PP
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| PEW CHARITABLE TRUST
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-8666YOFKU-151|Stinking “Pew
Charitable Trust” spews its tainted opinion while robbing American
Robbing American Workers:
Pew specializes in anti-worker anti-pension conspiracy, having hired a psychopath consultant from the failed Enron Corporation.
"Should an Enron Executive Be Dictating Public Pension Policy? …Arnold’s most relevant connection to pensions and retirement security came from working at Enron – a company whose collapse destroyed its own workers’ pensions and helped to damage the financial stability of public pension funds across America.
“How an Enron billionaire, Wall Street and a major ‘nonpartisan’ foundation are quietly robbing American workers”
“Exposed: Enron billionaire’s diabolical plot to loot worker pensions”
~ David Sirota/@Salon, {Subscribe/Donate} 09-26-13 _
>###(04-16)*FK*JL###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| PEW CHARITABLE TRUST
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| CENTER 4 AMERICAN PROGRESS
Robbing American Workers:
Pew specializes in anti-worker anti-pension conspiracy, having hired a psychopath consultant from the failed Enron Corporation.
"Should an Enron Executive Be Dictating Public Pension Policy? …Arnold’s most relevant connection to pensions and retirement security came from working at Enron – a company whose collapse destroyed its own workers’ pensions and helped to damage the financial stability of public pension funds across America.
“How an Enron billionaire, Wall Street and a major ‘nonpartisan’ foundation are quietly robbing American workers”
“Exposed: Enron billionaire’s diabolical plot to loot worker pensions”
~ David Sirota/@Salon, {Subscribe/Donate} 09-26-13 _
>###(04-16)*FK*JL###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| PEW CHARITABLE TRUST
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| CENTER 4 AMERICAN PROGRESS
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-8666YOFKU-171| CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS: Liberal Think Tank
"The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta" (*EM)(*FBI)(*MSM)
~ @AbbyMartin/@EmpireFiles/@telesurenglish, {Podcasts/Donate}, 10-05-16, YT, 23:50 (*SPE) (*W/T)<
"Washington institutions esteemed for their independent scholarship don’t disclose donations from corporations and foreign governments."
"The Secret Donors Behind the Center for American Progress and Other Think Tanks [Updated on 5/24]"
~ Ken Silverstein/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate} 05-22-13
"The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta" (*EM)(*FBI)(*MSM)
~ @AbbyMartin/@EmpireFiles/@telesurenglish, {Podcasts/Donate}, 10-05-16, YT, 23:50 (*SPE) (*W/T)<
"Washington institutions esteemed for their independent scholarship don’t disclose donations from corporations and foreign governments."
"The Secret Donors Behind the Center for American Progress and Other Think Tanks [Updated on 5/24]"
~ Ken Silverstein/@thenation, {Subscribe/Donate} 05-22-13
JOHN PODESTA: POTUS Bill Clinton’s Chief Of Staff, Center for American Progress (Think Tank), Co-Chairman Obama-Biden Transition Project (to let Citigroup and Wall Street select the Obama Administration); Counselor To The President (Obama); Podesta Group (International Lobbying Firm); Clinton2016 Campaign Manager
(International Lobbying Firm) Podesta Group (with brother Tony); British Petroleum (2010 Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup/Police State & Settlement), Wal-mart (employees require the biggest food stamp and Medicaid welfare in history), Lockheed Martin (which profits from wars without end)
{The Podesta Group collects $144,000 per month from the ISIS/ISIL, holy war/jihad supporting Wahhabi Islam nation/kingdom of Saudi Arabia.}
"John Podesta"
~ @Wikipedia, {Subscribe/Donate}, (11-16) <
>###(05-17)*E16*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|

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