Private Federal Reserve Bank War Syndicate: Goldman, Morgan, B of A, HSBC, Wells, and Citibank… Rothschild's Inside-Job Feudal Reverse Bangks
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-07-14
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♠ < http://greenenvscithr.com/2014/01/06/private-nonfederal-insidejobs-bankscongress-4war-on-fed-platinumcard-since12-23-1913bill-passed-house-nsenate-w20percentof-congress-gone-home-4-christmas-ingreed-wetrust-printg-dollars-4forbes400kings/ >238ac
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Private Federal Reserve Bank War Syndicate: Goldman, Morgan, B of A, HSBC, Wells, and Citibank… Rothschild's Inside-Job Feudal Reverse Bangks
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-07-14
♠ ↓(^^^)
♠ < http://greenenvscithr.com/2014/01/06/private-nonfederal-insidejobs-bankscongress-4war-on-fed-platinumcard-since12-23-1913bill-passed-house-nsenate-w20percentof-congress-gone-home-4-christmas-ingreed-wetrust-printg-dollars-4forbes400kings/ >238ac
♠ Use 22ac ↓ wp.me Shorter Link if Longer ↑ changed/site Search*
♠ < http://wp.me/p2YrR0-29 :v ♦Twitter@greenEnvSciThr Facbk♦
♣♣ Twin Google Color Version (of Word Press Political Edu) Blog
< http://greenenvscithrblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2014/03/009-end-fed-corps-bangk-wall-street-war.html
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| Private FEDERAL RESERVE
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve Bank Mob-01,
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
{This Private International Bank Syndicate’s specialties include:
One, taking over the U.S. in 1913 by act of congress w/20% gone home for xmas; extracting the U.S. economy for 101 years;
Two, printing U.S. currency and loaning it to members only to loan back to the U.S. government at a “guaranteed profit;”
Three, providing Congress w/a Platinum Charge Card to give Tax-Cuts-to-the-Rich-&-Corps in times of deficit spending;
Four, placing government operatives on “inside job” in U.S. gov. and world regulatory agencies;
Five, rewarding them after services are rendered through the revolving door of corp industry, legislator, judgeship, lobbyist, and higher government position; and
Six, funding Corp profit-charter wars while playing a “Fractional-Reserve” growth and colonization “Ponzi Scheme” on the world stage with a C.I.A. and/or an Army to back it up.
So the private-Fed International Bangksters print, dole and control a currency that “required deification” in 1953, in order to help us blind-believe in grift more completely. In so doing, they chose to trigger clinical paranoid schizophrenia, (belief that god was watching over the currency too, so we would trust these international “inside-job” thieves). (“In God We Trust” is printed on every dollar and coin. What a crock!)
“The Gold Standard,” (or any precious metal standard), is “easily controlled” and hoarded by the world’s rich. They tend to buy it up using personal monetary assets or take out low-cost loans to “speculate” in precious metals or commodities that people need and use up or consume. The rich drive up the price and sell a little …over and over …until they own the majority of it. But they’ll pepper a little of what they hoard around to common people in order to drive demand and inflate the price …just like they do with “Stocks.” After the economy crashes they borrow money for the Central Banks, (like the Federal Reserve Bank), at ultra-low interest. The rich buy up more precious metals, commodities and stocks …the “Boardwalks,” the “Railroads,” and the “Do Not Pass Go Cards.” (That’s basically what the “Monopoly Game” was constructed to demonstrate.)
Token stock ownership, sports mega-salaries, big State and Power Ball Lottery jack-pots for those aspiring-to-be-rich, and casino (where luck or god’s blessing might intercede) winnings for the masses have become “the don’t-tax-us ambassadors” and prayers answered for the greedy among the uber-rich. Translation… Don’t tax stock nest-eggs, sports signing bonus and contracts, obscene C.E.O. salaries, musical Corp’s Board salaries, or lottery and casino winnings checks-in-the-mail. But the proposition counts on common people to keep working their asses off at a lower-wage real job, hoping that luck or god intercedes, and pretending that the rich will leave their retirement fund alone. [Yeah, right!] Over the last 30-some years as sports salaries, lotteries and casino’s grew the rich and corporations were taxed less and less. The spare change in their pockets buys anti-American “Boutique” industry and wealth-friendly Legislation by 1% design.
“Natural” Land and “Improved” Property Assets, (like homes, apartments, farms, businesses, industries and production assets, road, bridge, railway, airport, shipping ports, buildings, etc), have true value. Natural Resources are “potentially sustainable” if property managed and can potentially be renewable. Natural unpolluted Public Commons (Shared) Assets like air, streams, rivers, oceans, associated food chains, and travel ways, have “real value” to us all. Non-Renewable resources like minerals, (used up in a few to several generations), or renewable resources, (such as top soil for farming or timber production), used intensively and used up quickly also have value.
Gold and compact precious metals have “token” or symbolic value for actual survival. They can’t return ruined life-sustaining natural resources that were used up or polluted for generations or hundreds of decades into the future. Natural Areas, Improved Real Estate, and Infrastructure of the United States has a current “Asset Value” of Several Hundred Trillion Dollars while our Gross National Product is only $14 to $15 Trillion Dollars on a given year.
When protected by a government and its citizens, public and private National Assets form the basis for a “Fiat Currency” (a “confidence” currency). It’s printed out of thin air by government based on improved “value of property” within national borders and the confidence that the currency can be “redeemed” under conditions of stability. Stable countries, who practice more equal distribution based upon the value of work and maintaining and improving assets, are able to employ and circulate Fiat Currency successfully …without a Central Bank Cartel to manipulate every aspect of the government.
People around the world tend to trust a national currency backed by assets they can buy. Ignorant people also trust private-Central Banks controlled by a few rich people which end up extracting wealth from a country without providing value for its parasitism. Assassinations tend to occur when leaders elect to abandon “Central Currencies.” In countries where guns are everywhere, there is ample “cover” by conspiracy theory for the murders. The insecurity of the Federal Reserve is reflected in the saying “In God We Trust.”}
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
{This Private International Bank Syndicate’s specialties include:
One, taking over the U.S. in 1913 by act of congress w/20% gone home for xmas; extracting the U.S. economy for 101 years;
Two, printing U.S. currency and loaning it to members only to loan back to the U.S. government at a “guaranteed profit;”
Three, providing Congress w/a Platinum Charge Card to give Tax-Cuts-to-the-Rich-&-Corps in times of deficit spending;
Four, placing government operatives on “inside job” in U.S. gov. and world regulatory agencies;
Five, rewarding them after services are rendered through the revolving door of corp industry, legislator, judgeship, lobbyist, and higher government position; and
Six, funding Corp profit-charter wars while playing a “Fractional-Reserve” growth and colonization “Ponzi Scheme” on the world stage with a C.I.A. and/or an Army to back it up.
So the private-Fed International Bangksters print, dole and control a currency that “required deification” in 1953, in order to help us blind-believe in grift more completely. In so doing, they chose to trigger clinical paranoid schizophrenia, (belief that god was watching over the currency too, so we would trust these international “inside-job” thieves). (“In God We Trust” is printed on every dollar and coin. What a crock!)
“The Gold Standard,” (or any precious metal standard), is “easily controlled” and hoarded by the world’s rich. They tend to buy it up using personal monetary assets or take out low-cost loans to “speculate” in precious metals or commodities that people need and use up or consume. The rich drive up the price and sell a little …over and over …until they own the majority of it. But they’ll pepper a little of what they hoard around to common people in order to drive demand and inflate the price …just like they do with “Stocks.” After the economy crashes they borrow money for the Central Banks, (like the Federal Reserve Bank), at ultra-low interest. The rich buy up more precious metals, commodities and stocks …the “Boardwalks,” the “Railroads,” and the “Do Not Pass Go Cards.” (That’s basically what the “Monopoly Game” was constructed to demonstrate.)
Token stock ownership, sports mega-salaries, big State and Power Ball Lottery jack-pots for those aspiring-to-be-rich, and casino (where luck or god’s blessing might intercede) winnings for the masses have become “the don’t-tax-us ambassadors” and prayers answered for the greedy among the uber-rich. Translation… Don’t tax stock nest-eggs, sports signing bonus and contracts, obscene C.E.O. salaries, musical Corp’s Board salaries, or lottery and casino winnings checks-in-the-mail. But the proposition counts on common people to keep working their asses off at a lower-wage real job, hoping that luck or god intercedes, and pretending that the rich will leave their retirement fund alone. [Yeah, right!] Over the last 30-some years as sports salaries, lotteries and casino’s grew the rich and corporations were taxed less and less. The spare change in their pockets buys anti-American “Boutique” industry and wealth-friendly Legislation by 1% design.
“Natural” Land and “Improved” Property Assets, (like homes, apartments, farms, businesses, industries and production assets, road, bridge, railway, airport, shipping ports, buildings, etc), have true value. Natural Resources are “potentially sustainable” if property managed and can potentially be renewable. Natural unpolluted Public Commons (Shared) Assets like air, streams, rivers, oceans, associated food chains, and travel ways, have “real value” to us all. Non-Renewable resources like minerals, (used up in a few to several generations), or renewable resources, (such as top soil for farming or timber production), used intensively and used up quickly also have value.
Gold and compact precious metals have “token” or symbolic value for actual survival. They can’t return ruined life-sustaining natural resources that were used up or polluted for generations or hundreds of decades into the future. Natural Areas, Improved Real Estate, and Infrastructure of the United States has a current “Asset Value” of Several Hundred Trillion Dollars while our Gross National Product is only $14 to $15 Trillion Dollars on a given year.
When protected by a government and its citizens, public and private National Assets form the basis for a “Fiat Currency” (a “confidence” currency). It’s printed out of thin air by government based on improved “value of property” within national borders and the confidence that the currency can be “redeemed” under conditions of stability. Stable countries, who practice more equal distribution based upon the value of work and maintaining and improving assets, are able to employ and circulate Fiat Currency successfully …without a Central Bank Cartel to manipulate every aspect of the government.
People around the world tend to trust a national currency backed by assets they can buy. Ignorant people also trust private-Central Banks controlled by a few rich people which end up extracting wealth from a country without providing value for its parasitism. Assassinations tend to occur when leaders elect to abandon “Central Currencies.” In countries where guns are everywhere, there is ample “cover” by conspiracy theory for the murders. The insecurity of the Federal Reserve is reflected in the saying “In God We Trust.”}
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve Bank Mob-01A, What Free-Trade Treasury-Raid Agreements, War and Empire Building, and Tax Cuts for the
Rich & Corps actually buys the U.S.; Louis Farrakhan speaking about U.S.
Debt and the 1994 House Speaker Newt Gingrich initiative “Contract With
America”/Contract on America; He describes the power and corruption propagated
by Central Banking ::
(06:50) "Like a business, no government can borrow big money unless that government is willing to surrender to the creditor some of its sovereignty. Certainly International Bankers who have loaned hundreds of billions of dollars to governments around the world command considerable influence in the policies of such governments.
But the ultimate advantage, (listen to this) that the creditor has over a king or a president is that if a ruler gets out of line, the banker can finance his enemy or his rival.
Therefore if you want to stay in the lucrative financing business of kings and governments, it is wise to have an enemy or a rival waiting in the wings to unseat every king or every president to whom you lend money. If the king doesn't have an enemy you've got to be able to create one."
(08:40) "The Founding Fathers of this nation said they did not want private control of a central bank. Because, to them, such a bank would be the detriment of this democracy. Thomas Jefferson saw a privately owned central bank as worse than an opposing army.
Thomas Jefferson wanted to keep America free form those things that led to the destruction of many nations and governments in Europe. And so a privately owned central bank was unthinkable to the Founding Fathers of this nation, and therefore it was written in the constitution that only Congress should have the right to print the money and the instruments of credit.” ~ Louis Farrakhan
“…new scheme by the Fed can put all of the real-estate property in the hands of the Federal Reserve, which then could sell it to the highest bidders like China, which desperately needs more agricultural land to feed her billions. …
It is the physical property that interests the central bankers. This is a massive land-grab, the likes of which have never been attempted in the U.S. …
Food prices are already rising and the value of the best farmland in America in states like Iowa has risen from under $2,000 per acre in 2000 to almost $7,000 per acre in 2011. There was a 32 percent jump in farmland prices from 2010 to 2011 alone …Survey sponsored by Iowa State University.
As China and other foreign holders of U.S. currency dump their dollars to buy farmland, the prices of farmland will be so high that the aging farm population will sell their land and go into retirement. The younger farmers will not have enough money to purchase that land
…so much of this land will be held by speculators sitting idle while food prices continue to skyrocket.” ~ Agenda NWO
"Farrakhan Exposes Rothschild Bankers and their New World Order Agenda"
~ via Agenda NWO, {Subscribe}, 12-22-13, YouTube, 43:23 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90BZPIHyiMg
>####(04-01-14)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(06:50) "Like a business, no government can borrow big money unless that government is willing to surrender to the creditor some of its sovereignty. Certainly International Bankers who have loaned hundreds of billions of dollars to governments around the world command considerable influence in the policies of such governments.
But the ultimate advantage, (listen to this) that the creditor has over a king or a president is that if a ruler gets out of line, the banker can finance his enemy or his rival.
Therefore if you want to stay in the lucrative financing business of kings and governments, it is wise to have an enemy or a rival waiting in the wings to unseat every king or every president to whom you lend money. If the king doesn't have an enemy you've got to be able to create one."
(08:40) "The Founding Fathers of this nation said they did not want private control of a central bank. Because, to them, such a bank would be the detriment of this democracy. Thomas Jefferson saw a privately owned central bank as worse than an opposing army.
Thomas Jefferson wanted to keep America free form those things that led to the destruction of many nations and governments in Europe. And so a privately owned central bank was unthinkable to the Founding Fathers of this nation, and therefore it was written in the constitution that only Congress should have the right to print the money and the instruments of credit.” ~ Louis Farrakhan
“…new scheme by the Fed can put all of the real-estate property in the hands of the Federal Reserve, which then could sell it to the highest bidders like China, which desperately needs more agricultural land to feed her billions. …
It is the physical property that interests the central bankers. This is a massive land-grab, the likes of which have never been attempted in the U.S. …
Food prices are already rising and the value of the best farmland in America in states like Iowa has risen from under $2,000 per acre in 2000 to almost $7,000 per acre in 2011. There was a 32 percent jump in farmland prices from 2010 to 2011 alone …Survey sponsored by Iowa State University.
As China and other foreign holders of U.S. currency dump their dollars to buy farmland, the prices of farmland will be so high that the aging farm population will sell their land and go into retirement. The younger farmers will not have enough money to purchase that land
…so much of this land will be held by speculators sitting idle while food prices continue to skyrocket.” ~ Agenda NWO
"Farrakhan Exposes Rothschild Bankers and their New World Order Agenda"
~ via Agenda NWO, {Subscribe}, 12-22-13, YouTube, 43:23 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90BZPIHyiMg
>####(04-01-14)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve Bank Mob-01B, [private] FEDERAL RESERVE Bank
Mob since 1913, [Third Try… secured by the sanctimonious saying, “IN GOD
WE TRUST,” since 1953. ] ::
Rothschilds: International Kingpins, Speculators, & Perpetrators of High Crimes Against Humanity; “State Capture” is Nation Capture is Rothschilds Business Model
“Bought Reuters News Service in the 1800’s”
"Why 500 TRILLION $ Rich Rothschilds are NOT on Forbes Richest People List?"
~ via WakeUpCall, {Subscribe}, 08-01-13, YouTube, 03:18 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnB-oanHK1M
>_^_ :: Rothschilds Own News Services A.P. & Reuters ::
"...insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes, says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve. ...seized control of the media to cover up its crimes... tried to blow the whistle ...at the World Bank, ...fired...a network of fellow whistleblowers, Hudes is determined to expose and end the corruption. And she is confident of success." ::
"Citing ...study published in the PLOS ONE journal on the 'network of global corporate control,' Hudes pointed out that a small group of entities ...especially central banks — exert a massive amount of influence over the international economy from behind the scenes." ::
"Hudes, an attorney ..in the World Bank’s legal department... 'I realized we were now dealing with something known as state capture, which is where the institutions of government are co-opted by the group that’s corrupt'… 'The pillars of the U.S. government... are dysfunctional because of state capture; ...this is a big cover up.'" ::
“147 financial institutions and central banks — especially the Federal Reserve, ...created by Congress ...owned by essentially a cartel of private banks. “...how the international financial system was secretly gamed, mostly by central banks'"”
"World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption, Federal Reserve"
~ Alex Newman - Foreign Correspondent - New American, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-22-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.thenewamerican.com/economy/economics/item/15473-world-bank-insider-blows-whistle-on-corruption-federal-reserve
>_^_ "The History of the House of Rothschild"
~ Wake Up Call, 08-05-13 :: Link/URL
< http://wakeupcallnews.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-history-of-house-of-rothschild.html
>_^_ "The Richest People On The Planet 2013"
~ Forbes, 2013 Link/URL
< http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/
>_^_ "The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…"
~ Jeff Fenske - tobefree jeff's freedom pages, 05-10-10 :: Link/URL
< http://tobefree.wordpress.com/2010/05/
>_^_ Bilderberg Group, 1776 Illuminati, A German Bavarian Secret Society, Founded by Adam Weishavpt, Highest Level of Freemason, goals destruction of all religions and governments; one world government; in 1934 is when the Federal Reserve finally took
"The Greatest - CONSPIRACY - ever known"
~ via David Vose, {Subscribe}, on 10-08-13, YouTube, 17:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHk5Aw1Gcvs
>##(12-11-13)*CWP*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rothschilds: International Kingpins, Speculators, & Perpetrators of High Crimes Against Humanity; “State Capture” is Nation Capture is Rothschilds Business Model
“Bought Reuters News Service in the 1800’s”
"Why 500 TRILLION $ Rich Rothschilds are NOT on Forbes Richest People List?"
~ via WakeUpCall, {Subscribe}, 08-01-13, YouTube, 03:18 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnB-oanHK1M
>_^_ :: Rothschilds Own News Services A.P. & Reuters ::
"...insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes, says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve. ...seized control of the media to cover up its crimes... tried to blow the whistle ...at the World Bank, ...fired...a network of fellow whistleblowers, Hudes is determined to expose and end the corruption. And she is confident of success." ::
"Citing ...study published in the PLOS ONE journal on the 'network of global corporate control,' Hudes pointed out that a small group of entities ...especially central banks — exert a massive amount of influence over the international economy from behind the scenes." ::
"Hudes, an attorney ..in the World Bank’s legal department... 'I realized we were now dealing with something known as state capture, which is where the institutions of government are co-opted by the group that’s corrupt'… 'The pillars of the U.S. government... are dysfunctional because of state capture; ...this is a big cover up.'" ::
“147 financial institutions and central banks — especially the Federal Reserve, ...created by Congress ...owned by essentially a cartel of private banks. “...how the international financial system was secretly gamed, mostly by central banks'"”
"World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption, Federal Reserve"
~ Alex Newman - Foreign Correspondent - New American, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-22-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.thenewamerican.com/economy/economics/item/15473-world-bank-insider-blows-whistle-on-corruption-federal-reserve
>_^_ "The History of the House of Rothschild"
~ Wake Up Call, 08-05-13 :: Link/URL
< http://wakeupcallnews.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-history-of-house-of-rothschild.html
>_^_ "The Richest People On The Planet 2013"
~ Forbes, 2013 Link/URL
< http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/
>_^_ "The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…"
~ Jeff Fenske - tobefree jeff's freedom pages, 05-10-10 :: Link/URL
< http://tobefree.wordpress.com/2010/05/
>_^_ Bilderberg Group, 1776 Illuminati, A German Bavarian Secret Society, Founded by Adam Weishavpt, Highest Level of Freemason, goals destruction of all religions and governments; one world government; in 1934 is when the Federal Reserve finally took
"The Greatest - CONSPIRACY - ever known"
~ via David Vose, {Subscribe}, on 10-08-13, YouTube, 17:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHk5Aw1Gcvs
>##(12-11-13)*CWP*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-01C, [private] FEDERAL RESERVE Bank Mob since 1913, [Third Try…
secured by the sanctimonious saying, “IN GOD WE TRUST,” since 1953. ] ::
"Corporate feudalism, neo-feudalism or neo-monarchy are all appropriate
terms to describe the pecking order in contemporary Western culture."
"Feudalism Then and Now"
~ pewestlake - The Amendment Gazette, {Subscribe}, 08-02-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.amendmentgazette.com/2013/08/02/feudalism-then-and-now/
>##(09-09-13)*CWP*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Feudalism Then and Now"
~ pewestlake - The Amendment Gazette, {Subscribe}, 08-02-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.amendmentgazette.com/2013/08/02/feudalism-then-and-now/
>##(09-09-13)*CWP*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-01D, [private] FEDERAL RESERVE Bank Mob since 1913 ::
Germany Unable to Access Gold in the Federal Reserve; Goldman Sachs caught selling gold they did not own; Their “Derivatives” were not physical gold, but simply “borrowed shares” in gold stocks ::
"During World War II the Fed came to many countries in Asia, Latin America, and Africa and told them their gold holdings might not be safe because of the war, and that they should permit the Fed to take all of it to the U.S. for safe keeping. Many Countries have done that, receiving Fed Gold Certificates in exchange." ...and were later told the certificates were faked.
"…world is losing trust in the dollar as a safe haven. A major blow came after Germany's Bundesbank demanded the repatriation of a big chunk of its gold being held in the US."
"Gold Gone? Germany baffled as Fed bars access to bullion"
~ Gayane Chichakyan - RT, {Subscribe}, 08-15-13, YT/04:39 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyemAwLD2N0
> ####(09-09-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Germany Unable to Access Gold in the Federal Reserve; Goldman Sachs caught selling gold they did not own; Their “Derivatives” were not physical gold, but simply “borrowed shares” in gold stocks ::
"During World War II the Fed came to many countries in Asia, Latin America, and Africa and told them their gold holdings might not be safe because of the war, and that they should permit the Fed to take all of it to the U.S. for safe keeping. Many Countries have done that, receiving Fed Gold Certificates in exchange." ...and were later told the certificates were faked.
"…world is losing trust in the dollar as a safe haven. A major blow came after Germany's Bundesbank demanded the repatriation of a big chunk of its gold being held in the US."
"Gold Gone? Germany baffled as Fed bars access to bullion"
~ Gayane Chichakyan - RT, {Subscribe}, 08-15-13, YT/04:39 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyemAwLD2N0
> ####(09-09-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-02, Federal Reserve Money For Free ::
Partial Narration:
“Today we are getting closer to exposing the greatest con and cover up in the history of our government. It involves the Banks, the Federal Reserve, our Congress, and of course you and me.” ::
(01:25 min) “Banks had no money… they had no risk in the lending…” ::
(03:15 min) “…Bankers were happy to lend you money they did not have to drive up the price of that house, because they knew …the more loans the better, but no down side for them. So what’s next …higher taxes for us, higher interest rates for us to pay for the bailouts, while our government that was theoretically elected by us refuses to recover the money that was stolen by ‘The Con Men’ or fix the system that allows them to continue to perpetrate the con against you and me.”::
(03:40 min) The current financial reform legislation proposed by our government, would give ‘The Godfather,’ the Federal Reserve in this case, even more power to regulate the game. The ‘Con Men’ represented by the Wall Street Bankers of course giving the Congress a cut of the action, $344 million dollars so far lobbying against the bill, 2nd only to Health Care. ::
(04:00 min) “And we saw how well that worked out for “special interests” on health care …home run they got a ‘guaranteed’ customer base with no reform. I’m sure the bankers will do pretty well as well. All this of course while assuring our law makers, many of whom do not understand how ‘The Con’ works in the first place, that the financial crisis has been fixed …of course with an infinite supply of your money.”::
(04:20) “…the question must be asked. Does it make sense for our government to give more power to the Federal Reserve and ‘Banker Con Men’ who unrepentantly cause this crisis and make money at your expense on the pension side and on the credit side.”::
(04:50) “The Government, that is allegedly run by us, refuses to fix the system“
“Anonymous Fed Reserve Caught Red Handed”
~ via Bashananal, {Subscribe}, Anonymous, with ~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, (retired because you can’t talk truth about the 1% ‘inside job’ bangksters mob on U.S. media), on 02-08-13, YouTube, 10:24 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzCspRMxCO4
>_^_ Dylan Ratigan - Advocating a Constitutional Amendment to Get Money Out Of American Politics; United Republic is a media enhanced support system for local government action and state ballot initiatives to introduce the Constitutional Amendment to get money out of politics (fighting Federalism); “Democracy is not for sale.” ::
“United Republic & Get Money Out”
~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, United Republic, {Subscriber Supported}, Video, 08:37 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.getmoneyout.com/
>##(09-10-13)*CWP(WB)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Partial Narration:
“Today we are getting closer to exposing the greatest con and cover up in the history of our government. It involves the Banks, the Federal Reserve, our Congress, and of course you and me.” ::
(01:25 min) “Banks had no money… they had no risk in the lending…” ::
(03:15 min) “…Bankers were happy to lend you money they did not have to drive up the price of that house, because they knew …the more loans the better, but no down side for them. So what’s next …higher taxes for us, higher interest rates for us to pay for the bailouts, while our government that was theoretically elected by us refuses to recover the money that was stolen by ‘The Con Men’ or fix the system that allows them to continue to perpetrate the con against you and me.”::
(03:40 min) The current financial reform legislation proposed by our government, would give ‘The Godfather,’ the Federal Reserve in this case, even more power to regulate the game. The ‘Con Men’ represented by the Wall Street Bankers of course giving the Congress a cut of the action, $344 million dollars so far lobbying against the bill, 2nd only to Health Care. ::
(04:00 min) “And we saw how well that worked out for “special interests” on health care …home run they got a ‘guaranteed’ customer base with no reform. I’m sure the bankers will do pretty well as well. All this of course while assuring our law makers, many of whom do not understand how ‘The Con’ works in the first place, that the financial crisis has been fixed …of course with an infinite supply of your money.”::
(04:20) “…the question must be asked. Does it make sense for our government to give more power to the Federal Reserve and ‘Banker Con Men’ who unrepentantly cause this crisis and make money at your expense on the pension side and on the credit side.”::
(04:50) “The Government, that is allegedly run by us, refuses to fix the system“
“Anonymous Fed Reserve Caught Red Handed”
~ via Bashananal, {Subscribe}, Anonymous, with ~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, (retired because you can’t talk truth about the 1% ‘inside job’ bangksters mob on U.S. media), on 02-08-13, YouTube, 10:24 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzCspRMxCO4
>_^_ Dylan Ratigan - Advocating a Constitutional Amendment to Get Money Out Of American Politics; United Republic is a media enhanced support system for local government action and state ballot initiatives to introduce the Constitutional Amendment to get money out of politics (fighting Federalism); “Democracy is not for sale.” ::
“United Republic & Get Money Out”
~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, United Republic, {Subscriber Supported}, Video, 08:37 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.getmoneyout.com/
>##(09-10-13)*CWP(WB)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-03, Private World Oligarch-1%
“Owned-n-Operated” Bank, a Non-U.S. Gov. Entity, a Feudal Reverse Bank (for
Serfs) ::
Monetary Reform Symbology in the Book was Removed from the Movie ; L. Frank Baum’s Messages about banking practices hidden in a Fiction Novel include: Outlaw Governmental Borrowing (Print “Fiat” Currency Instead); Outlaw Fractional Reserve Lending (World’s Richest 1% printing and loaning money they don’t have); Outlaw the Debt-Money System (of Serfdom); Stop the Gold Standard (now the “Oil Standard” for the U.S. Dollar) that allows the Rich to Control Money Supply & Economy;
Government Control and Printing of Money Instead of Central Bank Control
“The Secret of Oz Full Documentary”
~ citing L. Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) – Newspaper Publisher – Author;
via truthmediainfo, {Subscribe}, 02-02-12, YT/1:50:49 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3eUh-rDi9dU#!
>_^_ “List of Oz Books” (see Bio of L. Frank Baum ~ “The Wizard of Oz”)
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Oz_books
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP*CBWS*WB###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Monetary Reform Symbology in the Book was Removed from the Movie ; L. Frank Baum’s Messages about banking practices hidden in a Fiction Novel include: Outlaw Governmental Borrowing (Print “Fiat” Currency Instead); Outlaw Fractional Reserve Lending (World’s Richest 1% printing and loaning money they don’t have); Outlaw the Debt-Money System (of Serfdom); Stop the Gold Standard (now the “Oil Standard” for the U.S. Dollar) that allows the Rich to Control Money Supply & Economy;
Government Control and Printing of Money Instead of Central Bank Control
“The Secret of Oz Full Documentary”
~ citing L. Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) – Newspaper Publisher – Author;
via truthmediainfo, {Subscribe}, 02-02-12, YT/1:50:49 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3eUh-rDi9dU#!
>_^_ “List of Oz Books” (see Bio of L. Frank Baum ~ “The Wizard of Oz”)
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Oz_books
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP*CBWS*WB###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-04, “Fractional Reserve” Banking Explained
“Money as debt is a very interesting documentary, which everyone should see. To me it was a bit shocking and a real eye-opener. It explains in a lot of ways why it is such a mess in this world. It explains in a very simple and easy to understand way:
* How money is created and where it really comes from.
* How our money system works.
* How banks can loan such insane amounts of money.
* Why everyone is so heavily in debt.
* Why our money is worth less and less.
* Why asking interest over a loan is not a good idea.
* Why the stuff we buy gets crappier and needs to be replaced sooner.
* That modern banking is the biggest scam ever.
* How totally screwed we really are.
I urge everyone to hand this documentary to friends and family.”
“More and more stuff has to go from natural resource to garbage forever just to keep this system from collapsing” ::
[“One thing to realize about our “fractional reserve banking system” is that, like a child’s game of musical chairs, as long as the music is playing, there are no losers.” ~ Andrew Gause, Monetary Historian]
"Money As Debt full length"
~ via bangonitdave, {Subscribe}, 03-28-11, YT/47:08 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Money as debt is a very interesting documentary, which everyone should see. To me it was a bit shocking and a real eye-opener. It explains in a lot of ways why it is such a mess in this world. It explains in a very simple and easy to understand way:
* How money is created and where it really comes from.
* How our money system works.
* How banks can loan such insane amounts of money.
* Why everyone is so heavily in debt.
* Why our money is worth less and less.
* Why asking interest over a loan is not a good idea.
* Why the stuff we buy gets crappier and needs to be replaced sooner.
* That modern banking is the biggest scam ever.
* How totally screwed we really are.
I urge everyone to hand this documentary to friends and family.”
“More and more stuff has to go from natural resource to garbage forever just to keep this system from collapsing” ::
[“One thing to realize about our “fractional reserve banking system” is that, like a child’s game of musical chairs, as long as the music is playing, there are no losers.” ~ Andrew Gause, Monetary Historian]
"Money As Debt full length"
~ via bangonitdave, {Subscribe}, 03-28-11, YT/47:08 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-05A, Time Cube Connecting Past &
Present; Money and War; Control Media Narrative; Leaders ::
"a detailed and complete 6000 year history of the New World Order and the Illuminati. Includes the history of the Secret Societies, Ancient Beliefs and the Matrix of Control that has shaped human history for thousands of years. Also includes for the first time, a documented history of the true birth of the Illuminati and finally, its affect on the world today. "
"UFOTV® Presents : THE NEW WORLD ORDER - A 6000 Year History - HD FEATURE FILM"
~ via UFOTVstudios, {Subscribe}, 10-02-13, YT/1:42:07 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-klNO-AjW6M
>###(03-28-14)*CWP*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"a detailed and complete 6000 year history of the New World Order and the Illuminati. Includes the history of the Secret Societies, Ancient Beliefs and the Matrix of Control that has shaped human history for thousands of years. Also includes for the first time, a documented history of the true birth of the Illuminati and finally, its affect on the world today. "
"UFOTV® Presents : THE NEW WORLD ORDER - A 6000 Year History - HD FEATURE FILM"
~ via UFOTVstudios, {Subscribe}, 10-02-13, YT/1:42:07 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-klNO-AjW6M
>###(03-28-14)*CWP*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-05B, All Wars Are Bankster Wars; The
Currency Act by Bank of England; War of 1812 fought over a Private Central
Bank; Private Bangksters controlling U.S. Currency since 1913 [Third try at
Central Banking; WW I started the following year]; [“In God We Trust” was put
on private-Federal Reserve Notes in 1953]; Rule by Private Central Banks;
Private Central Banks issue money as a loan paid back with interest; Nations
are enslaved to private Central Bangksters; Post World War II Bretton Woods
Agreement; World Currencies tied to the Dollar; Nixon ended Bretton Woods
Agreement by removing the U.S. form the Gold Standard. [B.W. also contained
limits to national borrowing …so one country would not hog up all the credit.]
[The Gold Standard severely limits equitable wealth distribution in an economy; A Fiat currency, printed by independent governments, is preferred.];
"Private Central Banking, rule by manufactured illusion of debt, is no more a legitimate a system of governance than rule by divine right or rule by slavery. We all need to recognize the true cause of all the pain and suffering and war. It's not the terrorists ...al Qaeda ...It's a war of banking systems with the predatory private system of central banks seeking to irradiate any nation and any ruler that would dare try to operate their economy outside the control of private central bankers. That's the real cause for the war. The common enemies of humans are private central banks." (min 41:05) ::
{There’s one error in film on Climate Cooling, though we are approaching or overdue for a 100,000 year cooling and melting period in earths “glacial cycles.”}
"Michael Rivero - All Wars Are Bankers' Wars"
~ via ZeroFortyFive, {Subscribe}, 02-13-13, YouTube, 43:34 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbNvnbVDxVY
>_^_ "All Wars Are Bankers Wars," Partial Transcript;
~ WRH – What Really Happened :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Nathan Rothschild’s War of 1812 & Central Banks Plague on America:
"We Cannot Be Silent with Phil Restino and Larry Pinkney (Original Black Panther Party Member) live on Wolf Spirit Radio this 12.16.13 edition as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the creation of the privately-owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve is Peace Activist and Talk Show Host Michael Rivero." ~ WeCannotBeSilent
"Michael Rivero 'All Wars Are Bankers Wars'"
~ via WeCannotBeSilent, {Subscribe}, 02-13-13, YT/43:34 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QAYGvE6Qrg
>##(09-08-13)*CWP*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
[The Gold Standard severely limits equitable wealth distribution in an economy; A Fiat currency, printed by independent governments, is preferred.];
"Private Central Banking, rule by manufactured illusion of debt, is no more a legitimate a system of governance than rule by divine right or rule by slavery. We all need to recognize the true cause of all the pain and suffering and war. It's not the terrorists ...al Qaeda ...It's a war of banking systems with the predatory private system of central banks seeking to irradiate any nation and any ruler that would dare try to operate their economy outside the control of private central bankers. That's the real cause for the war. The common enemies of humans are private central banks." (min 41:05) ::
{There’s one error in film on Climate Cooling, though we are approaching or overdue for a 100,000 year cooling and melting period in earths “glacial cycles.”}
"Michael Rivero - All Wars Are Bankers' Wars"
~ via ZeroFortyFive, {Subscribe}, 02-13-13, YouTube, 43:34 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbNvnbVDxVY
>_^_ "All Wars Are Bankers Wars," Partial Transcript;
~ WRH – What Really Happened :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Nathan Rothschild’s War of 1812 & Central Banks Plague on America:
"We Cannot Be Silent with Phil Restino and Larry Pinkney (Original Black Panther Party Member) live on Wolf Spirit Radio this 12.16.13 edition as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the creation of the privately-owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve is Peace Activist and Talk Show Host Michael Rivero." ~ WeCannotBeSilent
"Michael Rivero 'All Wars Are Bankers Wars'"
~ via WeCannotBeSilent, {Subscribe}, 02-13-13, YT/43:34 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QAYGvE6Qrg
>##(09-08-13)*CWP*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-06, {Private “Owned & Operated” Bank, Non-U.S. Gov., a Feudal
Reverse Bank}, Senate Committee Hearing After Collapse
of 2008 ::
“Senator Sanders asks Bernanke, WHERE IS THE MONEY!!!”
~ via FreeDaMind, {Subscribe}, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, 03-27-09, YouTube, 02:46 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOpQkRsEfaU&feature=related
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Senator Sanders asks Bernanke, WHERE IS THE MONEY!!!”
~ via FreeDaMind, {Subscribe}, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, 03-27-09, YouTube, 02:46 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOpQkRsEfaU&feature=related
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-07A, Lies, “Why the Debt Keeps Going Up;” Ten
Member Banks of the Federal Reserve All Owned by Rothschilds ::
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank, Non-U.S. Gov., a Feudal Reverse Bank}; “Why The National Debt Keeps Going Up and Up”
“The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery, and Deceit”
~ Dr. Ken Matto :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.scionofzion.com/federalreserve.htm
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank, Non-U.S. Gov., a Feudal Reverse Bank}; “Why The National Debt Keeps Going Up and Up”
“The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery, and Deceit”
~ Dr. Ken Matto :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.scionofzion.com/federalreserve.htm
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-07B, History of
the Rothschilds; Central Banks ::
"The family of Trillionaires and the Rothschild Conspiracy (Full Documentary)"
~ via Roddy Elmer, {Subscribe}, 12-06-13, YouTube, 55:17 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqF-2C1JTyo
>_^_ "A Document - The Rothschilds Dynasty"
~ via BastiaanV2, {Subscribe}, 08-11-11, YouTube, 08:52 :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtG83hsFces
>_^_ “Only Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank”
~ via syyenergy7, {Subscribe}, 03-07-13, YouTube, 05:27 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-4Jd0o-Emw
>_^_ 3 Countries Remain w/o a Central Bank… Cuba, North Korea & Iran ::
“The Rothschilds 500 TRILLION DOLLARS”
~ via ANONYMOUS7787, {Subscribe}, 12-06-10, YT/03:17 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym4TTmOJ4I8
>###(03-28-14)*CWP*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"The family of Trillionaires and the Rothschild Conspiracy (Full Documentary)"
~ via Roddy Elmer, {Subscribe}, 12-06-13, YouTube, 55:17 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqF-2C1JTyo
>_^_ "A Document - The Rothschilds Dynasty"
~ via BastiaanV2, {Subscribe}, 08-11-11, YouTube, 08:52 :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtG83hsFces
>_^_ “Only Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank”
~ via syyenergy7, {Subscribe}, 03-07-13, YouTube, 05:27 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-4Jd0o-Emw
>_^_ 3 Countries Remain w/o a Central Bank… Cuba, North Korea & Iran ::
“The Rothschilds 500 TRILLION DOLLARS”
~ via ANONYMOUS7787, {Subscribe}, 12-06-10, YT/03:17 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym4TTmOJ4I8
>###(03-28-14)*CWP*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-08, Hidden Fed Bailouts; GOP Platinum
Charge Card Financing Tax Cuts For The Rich, Wars Off Budget, & Bloated
Military on Budget; “Playing Russian Roulette” and Favorites Transferring U.S.
Currency Worldwide ::
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank/Non-U.S.Gov. Feudal Reverse Bank}
”Federal Reserve Bailouts unregulated 26 trillion dollars”
~ Alan Grayson, Keith Olbermann, via MyPeaceTV, {Subscriber Supported}, 11-30-11, Video, 07:29 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.mypeace.tv/video/federal-reserve-bailouts-unregulated-26-trillion-dollars
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank/Non-U.S.Gov. Feudal Reverse Bank}
”Federal Reserve Bailouts unregulated 26 trillion dollars”
~ Alan Grayson, Keith Olbermann, via MyPeaceTV, {Subscriber Supported}, 11-30-11, Video, 07:29 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.mypeace.tv/video/federal-reserve-bailouts-unregulated-26-trillion-dollars
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-09, U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson (D-*FL-8,
Orlando Candidate), Federal Reserve Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman
Questioned at House Congressional Hearing (2009-2010); Off Balance Sheet
Transactions of the Federal Reserve are a complete mystery to her, and no one
is keeping track
"$9,000,000,000,000 MISSING From The Federal Reserve SHOCKING FOOTAGE"
~ Rep. Alan Grayson & Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman, via littlejimmy95, {Subscribe}, on 05-13-12, YouTube, 05:24 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-08-13)*CWP*ULDRAG###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"$9,000,000,000,000 MISSING From The Federal Reserve SHOCKING FOOTAGE"
~ Rep. Alan Grayson & Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman, via littlejimmy95, {Subscribe}, on 05-13-12, YouTube, 05:24 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-08-13)*CWP*ULDRAG###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-10, Audit Report: “18 Current & Former Fed
Board Members Tied To Bailed-Out Firms,” Conflicts of Interest, 16
Trillion Dollars In Very Low Interest Loans By Fed During & After Wall
Street Crash 2008-09, “Casino Based Swaps Market;” Corruption, GOP Platinum
Charge Card Financing Tax Cuts For The Rich, Wars Off Budget, & Bloated
Military on Budget;
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank/Non-U.S.Gov. Feudal Reverse Bank}::
(1) “The Fed Is Enormously Powerful;
(2) Very Few People Have A Clue About How The Fed Operates;
(3) There Are Very Obvious Conflicts Of Interest Between The People Who Sit On The Fed Who are Bankers Themselves & The Transactions That They Undertake;
(4) Now Is The Time For Us To Have A National Discussion About Real Reform of The Fed So That It Works For Everybody and Not Just Wall Street“ ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders:
Top 6 Financial Entities Have Assets Equivalent to 65% of the G.D.P.(Gross Domestic Product) of the United States,” Corp’s Spent 5 Billion Spent Over 10 Years to Get Deregulated
“Exposing secrets of the Federal Reserve”
~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), via Ralph – DisInfo, {Subscribe}, 10-29-11, Video, 11:32 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.disinfo.com/tag/dylan-ratigan/
> ####(12-15-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank/Non-U.S.Gov. Feudal Reverse Bank}::
(1) “The Fed Is Enormously Powerful;
(2) Very Few People Have A Clue About How The Fed Operates;
(3) There Are Very Obvious Conflicts Of Interest Between The People Who Sit On The Fed Who are Bankers Themselves & The Transactions That They Undertake;
(4) Now Is The Time For Us To Have A National Discussion About Real Reform of The Fed So That It Works For Everybody and Not Just Wall Street“ ~ Sen. Bernie Sanders:
Top 6 Financial Entities Have Assets Equivalent to 65% of the G.D.P.(Gross Domestic Product) of the United States,” Corp’s Spent 5 Billion Spent Over 10 Years to Get Deregulated
“Exposing secrets of the Federal Reserve”
~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), via Ralph – DisInfo, {Subscribe}, 10-29-11, Video, 11:32 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.disinfo.com/tag/dylan-ratigan/
> ####(12-15-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-11, {Private “Owned & Operated” Bank, Non-U.S. Gov., a Feudal
Reverse Bank} :: The Fed is:
1. “Privately Owned Bank Cartel,
2. Perpetual Debt Machine,
3. Destroyed 96% of the Value of the Dollar,
4. Bails Out Whoever,
5. Paying Banks Not To Lend,
6. Creates Artificial Economic Bubbles,
7. Dominated by Big Wall Street Banks,
8. Both Personal Income Tax & the Federal Reserve Began in 1913,
9. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke Has A Record of Incompetence,
10. The Fed Has Become Too Powerful;”
GOP Platinum Charge Card Financing Tax Cuts For The Rich,
Wars Off Budget, & Bloated Military on Budget
”10 Things That Every American Should Know About The Federal Reserve”
~ Economic Collapse Blog, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-08-12 :: Link/URL
< http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/10-things-that-every-american-should-know-about-the-federal-reserve
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
1. “Privately Owned Bank Cartel,
2. Perpetual Debt Machine,
3. Destroyed 96% of the Value of the Dollar,
4. Bails Out Whoever,
5. Paying Banks Not To Lend,
6. Creates Artificial Economic Bubbles,
7. Dominated by Big Wall Street Banks,
8. Both Personal Income Tax & the Federal Reserve Began in 1913,
9. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke Has A Record of Incompetence,
10. The Fed Has Become Too Powerful;”
GOP Platinum Charge Card Financing Tax Cuts For The Rich,
Wars Off Budget, & Bloated Military on Budget
”10 Things That Every American Should Know About The Federal Reserve”
~ Economic Collapse Blog, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-08-12 :: Link/URL
< http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/10-things-that-every-american-should-know-about-the-federal-reserve
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-12, Derivatives, Credit Default Swaps, Market Breakdown ::
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank/Non-U.S.Gov. Feudal Reverse Bank}::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“I Was Wrong! Alan Greenspan”
~ Frmr Fed Chair A.G., Rep. Henry Waxman, via rtdhdq, {Subscribe}, on 10-24-08, YouTube, 05:06 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWen53eqmJo&feature=related
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank/Non-U.S.Gov. Feudal Reverse Bank}::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“I Was Wrong! Alan Greenspan”
~ Frmr Fed Chair A.G., Rep. Henry Waxman, via rtdhdq, {Subscribe}, on 10-24-08, YouTube, 05:06 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWen53eqmJo&feature=related
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-13, End Federal Reserve’s Anonymity In Picking
Winners & Losers; Before 1913, Congress created & printed money
& decided how to disburse It. ::
After the 1913 Congress’ privatization/profitization of printing and distribution of U.S. Currency by this Feudal Reverse Bank;
“Wealth …Accelerated To The Top With The Help Of The Fed;” $7.7 Trillion Was Printed & Loaned To Banks in 2009, 5300 Bankers Got $1 or More After The Bailout; National Emergency Employment Defense Act - The Need Act HR-2990 Would Stop The Rogue Fed :: “Put The Fed Under the Treasury”
“Now Do You Understand Occupy wall Street”
~ Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-*OH), 11-30-11, {Subscriber Supported}, MyPeaceTV video, 03:12 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.mypeace.tv/video/now-do-you-understand-occupy-wall-street-congressmen-kucinich
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
After the 1913 Congress’ privatization/profitization of printing and distribution of U.S. Currency by this Feudal Reverse Bank;
“Wealth …Accelerated To The Top With The Help Of The Fed;” $7.7 Trillion Was Printed & Loaned To Banks in 2009, 5300 Bankers Got $1 or More After The Bailout; National Emergency Employment Defense Act - The Need Act HR-2990 Would Stop The Rogue Fed :: “Put The Fed Under the Treasury”
“Now Do You Understand Occupy wall Street”
~ Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-*OH), 11-30-11, {Subscriber Supported}, MyPeaceTV video, 03:12 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.mypeace.tv/video/now-do-you-understand-occupy-wall-street-congressmen-kucinich
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-14, Lies ::
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank/Non-U.S.Gov. Feudal Reverse Bank}::
“Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve” “Watch It”
~ 1996 Documentary, via misesmedia, {Subscribe}, on 02-22-06, YouTube, 42:09 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYZM58dulPE
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank/Non-U.S.Gov. Feudal Reverse Bank}::
“Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve” “Watch It”
~ 1996 Documentary, via misesmedia, {Subscribe}, on 02-22-06, YouTube, 42:09 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYZM58dulPE
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-15;
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank/Non-U.S.Gov. Feudal Reverse Bank}::
“Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed – Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?”
~ David DeGraw - AmpedStatus, {Subscribe}, 12-06-10 :: BB Link/URL
< http://ampedstatus.com/the-wall-street-pentagon-papers-biggest-scam-in-world-history-exposed-are-the-federal-reserves-crimes-too-big-to-comprehend/
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{Private “Owned & Operated” Bank/Non-U.S.Gov. Feudal Reverse Bank}::
“Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed – Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?”
~ David DeGraw - AmpedStatus, {Subscribe}, 12-06-10 :: BB Link/URL
< http://ampedstatus.com/the-wall-street-pentagon-papers-biggest-scam-in-world-history-exposed-are-the-federal-reserves-crimes-too-big-to-comprehend/
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Federal Reserve
Bank Mob-16, Paul Warburg – International Bangkster (1868-1932), Federal
Reserve Bank; Federal Reserve History ::
“Paul Warburg”
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Warburg
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
# 21.4K ac
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| Private FEDERAL RESERVE BANK
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| GOLDMAN SACHS – HEDGE FUND
“Paul Warburg”
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Warburg
> ####(03-19-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
# 21.4K ac
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| Private FEDERAL RESERVE BANK
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| GOLDMAN SACHS – HEDGE FUND
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman Sachs-01A,
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
{Goldman specializes in: deregulation of financial markets; derivatives pushing and planned investment failure (market casino bets on interest rate movement); flash trading; setting up market sector speculation that increases commodities prices (a tax on the whole planet), “out-lawyering” the federal government; destroying economies (U.S., Greece, & World); placing government operatives on “inside job” missions in U.S. gov. and world regulatory agencies; and rewarding them after services are rendered through the revolving door of corp industry, legislator, judgeship, lobbyist, and higher government position.}
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-01B, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase &
Goldman Sachs Speculating, Driving Commodity Prices Higher ::
"...banks like Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs own oil tankers, run airports and control huge quantities of coal, natural gas, heating oil, electric power and precious metals. ...exerting direct control over the supply ...of raw materials crucial to world industry and to ...food products to metals like zinc, copper, tin, nickel and, ...aluminum. ...doing it ...here ...abroad" ::
"Allowing one company to control the supply of crucial physical commodities, and also trade in the financial products that might be related to those markets, is an open invitation to commit mass manipulation." ::
"Banks are no longer just financing heavy industry. They are actually buying it up and inventing bigger, bolder and scarier scams than ever"
"The Vampire Squid Strikes Again: The Mega Banks' Most Devious Scam Yet"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, {Subscribe}, 02-02-14 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-vampire-squid-strikes-again-the-mega-banks-most-devious-scam-yet-20140212
> ####(02-20-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"...banks like Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs own oil tankers, run airports and control huge quantities of coal, natural gas, heating oil, electric power and precious metals. ...exerting direct control over the supply ...of raw materials crucial to world industry and to ...food products to metals like zinc, copper, tin, nickel and, ...aluminum. ...doing it ...here ...abroad" ::
"Allowing one company to control the supply of crucial physical commodities, and also trade in the financial products that might be related to those markets, is an open invitation to commit mass manipulation." ::
"Banks are no longer just financing heavy industry. They are actually buying it up and inventing bigger, bolder and scarier scams than ever"
"The Vampire Squid Strikes Again: The Mega Banks' Most Devious Scam Yet"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, {Subscribe}, 02-02-14 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-vampire-squid-strikes-again-the-mega-banks-most-devious-scam-yet-20140212
> ####(02-20-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-01C, Bailout, Financial Crisis, Nobody Goes To Jail, AIG, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bros, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America,
Morgan Stanley
“Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?”
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, {Subscribe}, 02-16-11 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/why-isnt-wall-street-in-jail-20110216
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?”
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, {Subscribe}, 02-16-11 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/why-isnt-wall-street-in-jail-20110216
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-02, 2008 Market Crash
“Matt Taibbi on Goldman Sachs Excuse”
~ via RollingStone, {Subscribe}, 04-17-10, YouTube, 01:04 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgqZG-czh0E
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Matt Taibbi on Goldman Sachs Excuse”
~ via RollingStone, {Subscribe}, 04-17-10, YouTube, 01:04 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgqZG-czh0E
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-03, Goldman Sachs, Culture Of Corruption
“Goldman Sachs - Power & Peril – CNBC Documentary”
~ via CommercialEconomics, {Subscribe}, on 02-08-13, YouTube, 42:23 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAsQEktNxR0&feature=youtu.be
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Goldman Sachs - Power & Peril – CNBC Documentary”
~ via CommercialEconomics, {Subscribe}, on 02-08-13, YouTube, 42:23 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAsQEktNxR0&feature=youtu.be
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-04, Goldman Sachs, Bail Out, Testimony, Regulator
Inquiry, Investment Bank/Commercial Bank/Hedge Fund Bailout
“Scumbag Lloyd Blankfein Tries To Weasel Out Of Tough Questions”
~ Lloyd Blankfein - CEO Goldman Sachs, via IWontSellOut, {Subscribe}, on 01-13-10, YouTube, 08:02 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fttt8tNb0w4&feature=related
> ####(12-15-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Scumbag Lloyd Blankfein Tries To Weasel Out Of Tough Questions”
~ Lloyd Blankfein - CEO Goldman Sachs, via IWontSellOut, {Subscribe}, on 01-13-10, YouTube, 08:02 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fttt8tNb0w4&feature=related
> ####(12-15-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-05, Goldman Sachs, Financial System Corruption, Predicted the Price of
Oil Goes Up to $200 In 2008 ::
“Barrels Of Oil Traded 27 Times Before Being Used” Summer 2008 When It Hit $147/Barrel
“Matt Taibbi – Has Goldman Sachs taken over the economy of the U.S. & used it to screw us?”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, via thomhartmann, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 07-10-09, YouTube, 10:25 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep70LT5ssXE&feature=related
> ####(05-21-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Barrels Of Oil Traded 27 Times Before Being Used” Summer 2008 When It Hit $147/Barrel
“Matt Taibbi – Has Goldman Sachs taken over the economy of the U.S. & used it to screw us?”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, via thomhartmann, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 07-10-09, YouTube, 10:25 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep70LT5ssXE&feature=related
> ####(05-21-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-06, Goldman Sachs, Wealthy Clients Referred To As
“Muppets,” Resignation Letter Critical of G. S. Upper Management,
Corruption, Speculation, Investment Bank/Commercial Bank/Hedge Fund/Bailout
“Greg Smith’s Goldman Sachs Resignation Letter Was ‘Vetted’ By NY Times”
~ Michael Calderone - Huffington Post, {Subscribe}, 03-14-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/14/greg-smith-goldman-sachs-new-york-times_n_1344538.html
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Greg Smith’s Goldman Sachs Resignation Letter Was ‘Vetted’ By NY Times”
~ Michael Calderone - Huffington Post, {Subscribe}, 03-14-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/14/greg-smith-goldman-sachs-new-york-times_n_1344538.html
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-07, Greek Debt, Sold Greece C.D.O’s, Toxic Synthetics, & Swaps,
Goldman Sachs Cheerleaders Defending Capitalism That Sunk The Country Into A
Bottomless Pit, Implementing Austerity
“Papantonio Explodes on Fox Panel”
~ Mike Papantonio – Ring of Fire Radio, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, via golefttv, {Subscribe}, 02-17-10, YouTube, 04:02 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Papantonio Explodes on Fox Panel”
~ Mike Papantonio – Ring of Fire Radio, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, via golefttv, {Subscribe}, 02-17-10, YouTube, 04:02 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-08, Involvement In European Sovereign Debt Crisis, Goldman Employee Greg
Smith Resignation “Outing” Corp’s Psychopathy, Greece
Meltdown Traced To Goldman Derivatives Sales “Helping” Greece Hide Its Debt
From The Exec. Board Of The EU Bank ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“Goldman Sachs: not a rotten apple but the system itself”
~ Pressenza Intl. Press Agency, {Subscribe}, 03-15-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.pressenza.com/npermalink/goldman-sachsx-not-a-xrotten-applex-but-the-system-itself
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“Goldman Sachs: not a rotten apple but the system itself”
~ Pressenza Intl. Press Agency, {Subscribe}, 03-15-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.pressenza.com/npermalink/goldman-sachsx-not-a-xrotten-applex-but-the-system-itself
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-09, Goldman Sachs, Financial System Corruption, $18
Million Taken In Compensation x G. S. Employees, Hustlers; Important
Role In Market Bubble & Crash, Investment Bank, Hedge Funds :: Inside The
Great American Bubble Machine
“Matt Taibbi on How Goldman Sachs Has Been Robbing Us Blind”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, on 07-17-09, YouTube, 17:33 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DA6EY-iPjM&feature=related
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Matt Taibbi on How Goldman Sachs Has Been Robbing Us Blind”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, on 07-17-09, YouTube, 17:33 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DA6EY-iPjM&feature=related
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Hedge Fund (3/4ths), Trading House, Proprietary Trading, Trading On Inside Knowledge, Front Running Their Clients, Investment Bank (1/10th), Goldman Bet Against Housing Securities While Selling Same, Investment Bank/Commercial Bank/Hedge Fund/Bailout Baby
>_^_ “How Goldman Sachs makes money-Part 1 of 2”
~ Lloyd Blankfein, Nomi Prins- Frmr Sach Mgr., David Stockman, Jeff Macke, via dogshu, {Subscribe}, 02-28-10, YouTube, 09:05 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68vmvENbxiQ&feature=related
>_^_ “Goldman Sachs makes money - Part 2 of 2”
~ Elliot Spitzer, Steven Colbert, Nomi Prins- Frmr Sach Mgr., Simon Johnson-MIT, Lloyd Blankfein, Warren Buffet, Jay Eisenhofer, David Stockman- Frmr Reagan Admin, via dogshu, {Subscribe}, on 02-28-10, YouTube, 08:45 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W34xygW7eEY&feature=related
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Hedge Fund (3/4ths), Trading House, Proprietary Trading, Trading On Inside Knowledge, Front Running Their Clients, Investment Bank (1/10th), Goldman Bet Against Housing Securities While Selling Same, Investment Bank/Commercial Bank/Hedge Fund/Bailout Baby
>_^_ “How Goldman Sachs makes money-Part 1 of 2”
~ Lloyd Blankfein, Nomi Prins- Frmr Sach Mgr., David Stockman, Jeff Macke, via dogshu, {Subscribe}, 02-28-10, YouTube, 09:05 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68vmvENbxiQ&feature=related
>_^_ “Goldman Sachs makes money - Part 2 of 2”
~ Elliot Spitzer, Steven Colbert, Nomi Prins- Frmr Sach Mgr., Simon Johnson-MIT, Lloyd Blankfein, Warren Buffet, Jay Eisenhofer, David Stockman- Frmr Reagan Admin, via dogshu, {Subscribe}, on 02-28-10, YouTube, 08:45 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W34xygW7eEY&feature=related
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-11, Goldman Sachs, Investment Bank, Proprietary Trading For Own Benefit,
Making Money By Screwing Clients, Toxic Corp’s Company, Clients Used As
Suckers, Greg Smith – Whistleblower Who Quit & Reported The Corporation’s
Attitude Toward Clients, Lloyd C. Blankfein, Forbes & CNBC Sucking Up To ::
“Goldman Sachs Is Going To Screw You Over” ::
“Muppets,” “Morally Bankrupt People There”
“Why I’m Leaving Goldman Sachs” – NY Times Op-Ed
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, on 02-14-12, YouTube, 10:21 min :: BB Link/ URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfW5tGpIczY&feature=related
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Muppets,” “Morally Bankrupt People There”
“Why I’m Leaving Goldman Sachs” – NY Times Op-Ed
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, on 02-14-12, YouTube, 10:21 min :: BB Link/ URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfW5tGpIczY&feature=related
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C.
Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman Sachs-12, 13 Headlines, 13 Incidences of Corruption, Speculation, Investment
Bank/Commercial Bank/Hedge Fund/Bailout
“13 Reasons Goldman’s Quitting Exec May Have a Point”
~ Cora Currier - ProPublica, Journalism Public Interest, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-14-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.propublica.org/article/13-reasons-goldmans-quitting-exec-may-have-a-point
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Goldman
Sachs-13, Goldman Sachs “Gang Banging” Hedge Fund CEO’S, Commodity Speculators,
and Bandit Bankers make real “bangers” look like Saints. They shake down world
economies for $Trillions/yr causing loss of retirement, starvation, &
suicide. Tea-Party-Koch
Industries & other Hedge Funds created $95K in Derivative Bets on Stocks
per earthling. They’re used to weaken
target corporations, shake down nations, & steal U.s blind.(^^^)
“13 Reasons Goldman’s Quitting Exec May Have a Point”
~ Cora Currier - ProPublica, Journalism Public Interest, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-14-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.propublica.org/article/13-reasons-goldmans-quitting-exec-may-have-a-point
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"A Senate committee has laid out the evidence. Now the Justice Department should bring criminal charges"
"The People vs. Goldman Sachs"
~ Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-11-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-people-vs-goldman-sachs-20110511
>_^_ Shorter :: URL < http://t.co/TWpHAKy
>#(09-08-13)*CWP*CBWS#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
# 9.1K ac
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| GOLDMAN SACHS – HEDGE FUND
01 _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X _X
Corp-Bank-Foreign&Domestic High-Frequency-Trade
Financial Transaction Tax on Wall Street Trades, Funding Health Care, Nurses United; Equivalent of a Sales Tax, Every Purchase on Wall Street currently goes “Untaxed” ::
Suggested a $0.50 per $100 of Stock, Bonds and Derivatives @ Lower Rate, Fighting the Neo-Liberal Agenda, May 18th Rally in Chicago :;
Britain already has a Financial Transaction Tax, Estimated to Generate $350 Million/Year if Trading Frequency decreases by half ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“A Wall St. Tax and Independent workers Movement”
~ Paul Jay, Rose Ann DeMoro – National Nurses United, & Robert Pollin – Founder of Perry Institute (Econ), TheRealNews.com, (06-12), {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, Video, 16:30 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(04-24-13)*CBWS*ECSSNHC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Financial Transaction Tax on Wall Street Trades, Funding Health Care, Nurses United; Equivalent of a Sales Tax, Every Purchase on Wall Street currently goes “Untaxed” ::
Suggested a $0.50 per $100 of Stock, Bonds and Derivatives @ Lower Rate, Fighting the Neo-Liberal Agenda, May 18th Rally in Chicago :;
Britain already has a Financial Transaction Tax, Estimated to Generate $350 Million/Year if Trading Frequency decreases by half ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“A Wall St. Tax and Independent workers Movement”
~ Paul Jay, Rose Ann DeMoro – National Nurses United, & Robert Pollin – Founder of Perry Institute (Econ), TheRealNews.com, (06-12), {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, Video, 16:30 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(04-24-13)*CBWS*ECSSNHC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Foreign-7777, Reikjavik, Iceland
Tracking Down Reckless Banks:: /\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
“Iceland, a country that wants to punish the bankers responsible for the crisis”
~ Pressenza International Press Agency, {Subscribe}, 03-28-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.pressenza.com/npermalink/icelandx-a-country-that-wants-to-punish-the-bankers-responsible-for-the-crisis
>####(03-18-13)*CB*CI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Iceland, a country that wants to punish the bankers responsible for the crisis”
~ Pressenza International Press Agency, {Subscribe}, 03-28-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.pressenza.com/npermalink/icelandx-a-country-that-wants-to-punish-the-bankers-responsible-for-the-crisis
>####(03-18-13)*CB*CI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-0666BC, Bain Capital,
Bishop Willard’s Blood Money, Tax Havens, The Source of
Initial Bain Capitol Money ::
“About $9 million came from rich Latin Americans, including powerful Salvadoran families living in Miami during their country's brutal civil war.”::
“Mitt Romney's firm raised more than a third of its first investment fund from wealthy foreigners — who mostly used companies in Panama, then known for tax advantages and banking secrecy.”
“Bain Capital started with help of offshore investors”
~ Joseph Tanfani, Melanie Mason and Matea Gold – The Los Angeles Times, {Subscriber Supported},07-22-12 :: Link/URL
< http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jul/19/nation/la-na-bain-creation-20120719
>#(09-17-13)*CBWS*GOPC*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“About $9 million came from rich Latin Americans, including powerful Salvadoran families living in Miami during their country's brutal civil war.”::
“Mitt Romney's firm raised more than a third of its first investment fund from wealthy foreigners — who mostly used companies in Panama, then known for tax advantages and banking secrecy.”
“Bain Capital started with help of offshore investors”
~ Joseph Tanfani, Melanie Mason and Matea Gold – The Los Angeles Times, {Subscriber Supported},07-22-12 :: Link/URL
< http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jul/19/nation/la-na-bain-creation-20120719
>#(09-17-13)*CBWS*GOPC*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-0666BOA, Bank of America, Privatize Profits & Share Risk
w/U.S. Government, $75 Trillion in Bets Insured by
F.D.I.C. (U.S. GDP/Gross Domestic Product is a mere $14 Trillion/Year)
:: /\/Click_ Blue_ Links
< ↓ /\/see
Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
”B of A Said to Split Regulators Over Moving Merrill Derivatives to Bank Unit”
~ Bob Ivry, Hugh Son & Christine Harper - Bloomberg News, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-18-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-18/bofa-said-to-split-regulators-over-moving-merrill-derivatives-to-bank-unit.html
>#(03-20-13)*CWP*CBWS#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
”B of A Said to Split Regulators Over Moving Merrill Derivatives to Bank Unit”
~ Bob Ivry, Hugh Son & Christine Harper - Bloomberg News, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-18-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-18/bofa-said-to-split-regulators-over-moving-merrill-derivatives-to-bank-unit.html
>#(03-20-13)*CWP*CBWS#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-0666BOA, Citi Group & Bank of America Corp Corruption Business
Model, Citi Fined $158 Million, BOA Fined $1 Billion, Whistleblower Uses
Dodd-Frank To Report Corruption @ Citi Group & Wins $31 Million Of DOJ
“Woman Who Couldn’t Be Intimidated by Citigroup Wins $31 Million”
~ Bob Ivry – Bloomberg, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-31-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-31/woman-who-couldn-t-be-intimidated-by-citigroup-wins-31-million.html
>####(03-20-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Woman Who Couldn’t Be Intimidated by Citigroup Wins $31 Million”
~ Bob Ivry – Bloomberg, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-31-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-31/woman-who-couldn-t-be-intimidated-by-citigroup-wins-31-million.html
>####(03-20-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-0666CG, Citigroup, Sued by
Accused of Fraud, Law Breaking Business Model, Investors Lost $700 Million, Citigroup Profited $160 Million ::
This big bank is begging to be broken up; A huge legal war-chest is part of an “Illegal Business Plan” :: Citing Citigroup’s recidivism, i.e. repeat offenses, a “Federal Judge rejected a $285 million settlement between Citigroup & S.E.C.”:: (Bank of America, J.P. Morgan Chase, UBS - United Bank of Switzerland – Investment Bk & others sued for fraud by S.E.C.)
”Judge Blocks Citigroup Settlement with S.E.C. (Securities & Exchange Com.”
~ Edward Wyatt - New York Times, {Subscribe}, 10-28-11 :: URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/29/business/judge-rejects-sec-accord-with-citi.html?pagewanted=all
>_^_ “Federal Judge Blocks Citi MBS Settlement, Schedules Jury Trial”
~ David Dayen - FDL – Fire Dog Lake, {Subscribe}, 11-28-11 :: Link/URL
< http://news.firedoglake.com/2011/11/28/federal-judge-blocks-citi-mbs-settlement-schedules-jury-trial/
>####(03-12-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Accused of Fraud, Law Breaking Business Model, Investors Lost $700 Million, Citigroup Profited $160 Million ::
This big bank is begging to be broken up; A huge legal war-chest is part of an “Illegal Business Plan” :: Citing Citigroup’s recidivism, i.e. repeat offenses, a “Federal Judge rejected a $285 million settlement between Citigroup & S.E.C.”:: (Bank of America, J.P. Morgan Chase, UBS - United Bank of Switzerland – Investment Bk & others sued for fraud by S.E.C.)
”Judge Blocks Citigroup Settlement with S.E.C. (Securities & Exchange Com.”
~ Edward Wyatt - New York Times, {Subscribe}, 10-28-11 :: URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/29/business/judge-rejects-sec-accord-with-citi.html?pagewanted=all
>_^_ “Federal Judge Blocks Citi MBS Settlement, Schedules Jury Trial”
~ David Dayen - FDL – Fire Dog Lake, {Subscribe}, 11-28-11 :: Link/URL
< http://news.firedoglake.com/2011/11/28/federal-judge-blocks-citi-mbs-settlement-schedules-jury-trial/
>####(03-12-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Street-Deregulation-0666CRASH, Derivatives, Bailouts, Bubble & Crash Economics; *Morgan
*Citi *BoA *Goldman, HSBC, Wells ::
Derivatives are risky Gaming Financial Instruments that are highly levered ...essentially no capital required to back them up (pay off), by law. When Insurance and Bank Corps fail, tax payers bail them out or risk severe and prolonged economic depressions. ::
Their exemption from regulation requires a Repeal of the "Securities Modernization Act of 1999" and a return to the Glass-Steagall Act 1933/Banking Act 1935, that worked well for 65 years; Derivatives are bets on bets on bets on bets ...on the stock prices of financial instruments subject to interest rate fluctuations. ::
Derivative contracts remain concentrated in interest rate products ::
The F.D.I.C. - Federal Deposit Insurance Commission insures bank assets that are vulnerable and involved in Wall Street Gambling ::
1.) JP Morgan Chase….$70 Trillion*
2.) Citibank.................$52 Trillion*
3.) Bank of America.....$50 Trillion*
4.) Goldman Sachs......$44 Trillion*
5.) HSBC.......................$4.3 Trillion
6.) Wells Fargo..............$3.3 Trillion
These Derivative obligations exceed the G.N.P. – Gross National Product (per year) of the whole world by 4-5 Times; For Example, the G.D.P. of the U.S. is $14-15 Trillion per year // World G.D.P is about $65 Trillion/year :: [F.Y.I.: "Dodd–Frank …Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act of 2010" Provides “Preferential Payment” for Derivative Losses To Banks That Is Limited To $25 Billion]
"94% of the $230 Trillion Credit Derivative Market Is Held By Just Four Banks"*
~ icarus - Class Warfare Exists, {Subscribe}, Bloomberg Law, {Subscribe}, 01-21-13, YT/15:32 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.classwarfareexists.com/94-of-the-230-trillion-credit-derivative-market-is-held-by-just-four-banks/
>#(09-08-13)*CBWS*ULE#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Derivatives are risky Gaming Financial Instruments that are highly levered ...essentially no capital required to back them up (pay off), by law. When Insurance and Bank Corps fail, tax payers bail them out or risk severe and prolonged economic depressions. ::
Their exemption from regulation requires a Repeal of the "Securities Modernization Act of 1999" and a return to the Glass-Steagall Act 1933/Banking Act 1935, that worked well for 65 years; Derivatives are bets on bets on bets on bets ...on the stock prices of financial instruments subject to interest rate fluctuations. ::
Derivative contracts remain concentrated in interest rate products ::
The F.D.I.C. - Federal Deposit Insurance Commission insures bank assets that are vulnerable and involved in Wall Street Gambling ::
1.) JP Morgan Chase….$70 Trillion*
2.) Citibank.................$52 Trillion*
3.) Bank of America.....$50 Trillion*
4.) Goldman Sachs......$44 Trillion*
5.) HSBC.......................$4.3 Trillion
6.) Wells Fargo..............$3.3 Trillion
These Derivative obligations exceed the G.N.P. – Gross National Product (per year) of the whole world by 4-5 Times; For Example, the G.D.P. of the U.S. is $14-15 Trillion per year // World G.D.P is about $65 Trillion/year :: [F.Y.I.: "Dodd–Frank …Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act of 2010" Provides “Preferential Payment” for Derivative Losses To Banks That Is Limited To $25 Billion]
"94% of the $230 Trillion Credit Derivative Market Is Held By Just Four Banks"*
~ icarus - Class Warfare Exists, {Subscribe}, Bloomberg Law, {Subscribe}, 01-21-13, YT/15:32 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.classwarfareexists.com/94-of-the-230-trillion-credit-derivative-market-is-held-by-just-four-banks/
>#(09-08-13)*CBWS*ULE#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Street-Deregulation-0666GS, Goldman Sachs “Gang Banging” Hedge Fund CEO’S,
Commodity Speculators, and Bandit Bankers make real “bangers” look like
Saints. They shake
down world economies for $Trillions/yr causing loss of retirement, starvation,
& suicide. Tea-Party-Koch
Industries & other Hedge Funds created $95K in Derivative Bets on Stocks
per earthling. They’re used to weaken
target corporations, shake down nations, & steal U.s blind. ::
"A Senate committee has laid out the evidence. Now the Justice Department should bring criminal charges"
"The People vs. Goldman Sachs"
~ Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-11-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-people-vs-goldman-sachs-20110511
>_^_ Shorter :: URL < http://t.co/TWpHAKy
>#(09-08-13)*CWP*CBWS#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"A Senate committee has laid out the evidence. Now the Justice Department should bring criminal charges"
"The People vs. Goldman Sachs"
~ Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-11-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-people-vs-goldman-sachs-20110511
>_^_ Shorter :: URL < http://t.co/TWpHAKy
>#(09-08-13)*CWP*CBWS#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-0666JPM, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America,
Citigroup and Wells Fargo ::
"Corporations that are bad for our health, our wallet, our environment and our ideology"
J.C. Penney; Walmart; Koch Industries; Hobby Lobby; Coors Beer; McDonald’s; Chick-Fil-A; Fox News Channel; Monsanto; The “Big Four” Banks ...JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo
"10 Companies that Progressives Should Boycott"
~ Quiet Mike, Revolution Will Be Quiet, {Subscribe}, 03-31-14 :: Link/URL
< http://quietmike.org/2014/03/31/10-companies-progressives-boycott/#comment-3439
>###(04-05-14)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Corporations that are bad for our health, our wallet, our environment and our ideology"
J.C. Penney; Walmart; Koch Industries; Hobby Lobby; Coors Beer; McDonald’s; Chick-Fil-A; Fox News Channel; Monsanto; The “Big Four” Banks ...JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup and Wells Fargo
"10 Companies that Progressives Should Boycott"
~ Quiet Mike, Revolution Will Be Quiet, {Subscribe}, 03-31-14 :: Link/URL
< http://quietmike.org/2014/03/31/10-companies-progressives-boycott/#comment-3439
>###(04-05-14)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-0666JPM, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-*MA), Jamie Diamond - J.P. Morgan Chase Loses Over $9 Billion
on Risky Bets; He’s fighting regulations because taxpayers will bailout JP
“Rachel Maddow & Elizabeth Warren Discuss Bank Resistance To Regulation”
~ MSNBC, (E.W. Sen. MA), {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via Politicususa, 05-21-12, Video, 07:44 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.politicususa.com/elizabeth-warren-romney-alternate-reality.html
> #(03-19-13)*CBWS*ULDS*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Rachel Maddow & Elizabeth Warren Discuss Bank Resistance To Regulation”
~ MSNBC, (E.W. Sen. MA), {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via Politicususa, 05-21-12, Video, 07:44 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.politicususa.com/elizabeth-warren-romney-alternate-reality.html
> #(03-19-13)*CBWS*ULDS*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-0666USB, UBS Bank, $1.5 Billion In Fines, The Cost Of Doing Business (United
Bank of Switzerland – Investment Bk) ::
"FSA’s notice says that 40 individuals at the bank were involved in Libor manipulation, including 4 senior managers, and another 70 individuals were aware of it."
"Quell Surprise! UBS Gets a Cost-of-Doing-Business Fine for “Epic” Libor Fraud"
~ Yves Smith - Naked Capitalism, {Subscribe}, 12-20-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2012/12/quelle-surprise-ubs-gets-a-cost-of-doing-business-fine-for-epic-libor-fraud.html#uXQtuJAXlFSEtT2q.99
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"FSA’s notice says that 40 individuals at the bank were involved in Libor manipulation, including 4 senior managers, and another 70 individuals were aware of it."
"Quell Surprise! UBS Gets a Cost-of-Doing-Business Fine for “Epic” Libor Fraud"
~ Yves Smith - Naked Capitalism, {Subscribe}, 12-20-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2012/12/quelle-surprise-ubs-gets-a-cost-of-doing-business-fine-for-epic-libor-fraud.html#uXQtuJAXlFSEtT2q.99
> ####(03-20-13)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-0777AN, Bangksters, Anonymous, The Bankers Control U.s, The Banking
Cartel, 7 Banks Control Everything
“The Bankers Are The Problem”
~ Anonymous, via zonephenomenal, {Subscribe}, on 11-05-11, YouTube, 08:19 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“The Bankers Are The Problem”
~ Anonymous, via zonephenomenal, {Subscribe}, on 11-05-11, YouTube, 08:19 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666BANK Gov., 2010 Elections, 6
Industries that run our Government ::
Banks & Finance, Health Care Insurance, Pharmaceutical, Health Care Delivery, Energy, Military Industrial Complex ::
Obama not trying to change the system at this point; 2010 Mid-terms ::
“40% of all money for political functionality comes from Banks” ~ Dylan Ratigan ::
Obama Administration “became the agents of the status quo instead of agents of change” ~ Glenn Greenwald :: “The guy who sold us hope ended up robbing us of hope.” ~ Cenk Uygur :: “No campaign finance reform” :: Hired Tim Geitner, Rohm Emanuel, & Larry Summers ::
“Cenk, Greenwald & Ratigan on Obama, 2010 Elections”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur - TYT, {Subscriber Supported}, Glen Greenwald - Salon, Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, via TheYoungTurks,{Subscribe}, 11-04-10, YT/11:50 min ::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ggzNu6sUIk&feature=fvsr
>_^_ U.S. Executive(44) Pres. Barack Obama; Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act; Bangksters, Bank Bailout ::
The Iraq War was about acquisition of oil fields in Iraq by Dick Cheney;
Obama Administration packed with Robert Ruben clones ::
Clinton Admin’s Bob Ruben - of Goldman Sachs, worked to repeal Glass-Steagall Act 1933/Banking Act 1935, and pass Gramm Leach Bliley, the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999; Opened the door to Commodities & Derivatives speculation and higher prices for everything; Appointed Goldman Sachs employee as U.S. Treasury Sec. Timothy Geitner
“Matt Taibbi On Obama’s Big Sellout”
~ via thomhartmann, {Subscribe}, 12-16-09, YT/16:48 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCVs_Y2l4T0&feature=relmfu
>_^_ Pres. Barack Obama, Cabinet Review, Corp Family Ties ::
“Obama: Met the New Boss” (to music by “The Who”)
~ via JonRevere, {Subscribe}, 04-09-11,YT/09:29 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Pres. “Obama’s ’08 PACs: Keep Hoping for Change”
~ Jon Reynolds - Screeching Kettle, {Subscribe}, 03-01-11 :: Link/URL
< http://screechingkettle.blogspot.com/2011/02/obama-inc.html
> ####(08-21-13)*CW*CBWS*EF*UJSC*WB###
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Banks & Finance, Health Care Insurance, Pharmaceutical, Health Care Delivery, Energy, Military Industrial Complex ::
Obama not trying to change the system at this point; 2010 Mid-terms ::
“40% of all money for political functionality comes from Banks” ~ Dylan Ratigan ::
Obama Administration “became the agents of the status quo instead of agents of change” ~ Glenn Greenwald :: “The guy who sold us hope ended up robbing us of hope.” ~ Cenk Uygur :: “No campaign finance reform” :: Hired Tim Geitner, Rohm Emanuel, & Larry Summers ::
“Cenk, Greenwald & Ratigan on Obama, 2010 Elections”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur - TYT, {Subscriber Supported}, Glen Greenwald - Salon, Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, via TheYoungTurks,{Subscribe}, 11-04-10, YT/11:50 min ::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ggzNu6sUIk&feature=fvsr
>_^_ U.S. Executive(44) Pres. Barack Obama; Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act; Bangksters, Bank Bailout ::
The Iraq War was about acquisition of oil fields in Iraq by Dick Cheney;
Obama Administration packed with Robert Ruben clones ::
Clinton Admin’s Bob Ruben - of Goldman Sachs, worked to repeal Glass-Steagall Act 1933/Banking Act 1935, and pass Gramm Leach Bliley, the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999; Opened the door to Commodities & Derivatives speculation and higher prices for everything; Appointed Goldman Sachs employee as U.S. Treasury Sec. Timothy Geitner
“Matt Taibbi On Obama’s Big Sellout”
~ via thomhartmann, {Subscribe}, 12-16-09, YT/16:48 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCVs_Y2l4T0&feature=relmfu
>_^_ Pres. Barack Obama, Cabinet Review, Corp Family Ties ::
“Obama: Met the New Boss” (to music by “The Who”)
~ via JonRevere, {Subscribe}, 04-09-11,YT/09:29 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Pres. “Obama’s ’08 PACs: Keep Hoping for Change”
~ Jon Reynolds - Screeching Kettle, {Subscribe}, 03-01-11 :: Link/URL
< http://screechingkettle.blogspot.com/2011/02/obama-inc.html
> ####(08-21-13)*CW*CBWS*EF*UJSC*WB###
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666BANK Welfare, Taxpayers Pay $83 Billion/yr to Shareholders ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
"..pin down exactly how much the subsidy lowers big banks’ borrowing costs. ...two researchers - Kenichi Ueda of the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) and Beatrice Weder di Mauro of the University of Mainz - put the number at about 0.8 percentage point." ::
"0.8 percentage point makes a big difference. Multiplied by the total liabilities of the 10 largest U.S. banks by assets ...taxpayer subsidy of $83 billion a year. ...it’s tantamount to the government giving the banks about 3 cents of every tax dollar collected." :: "...top five banks - JPMorgan, Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., Wells Fargo & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. - - account for $64 billion of the total subsidy" ::
Bank fixes include:
1.) "make banks fund their activities with more equity from shareholders, …less likely to need bailouts (…$1 of equity for each $5 of assets, far more than the 1-to-33 ratio that new global rules require)."
2.) "shock creditors out of complacency …take losses when banks run into trouble."
3.) "prevent banks from using the subsidy to finance speculative trading"
Wall Street Covington & Burling Corp’s (a Big-Bank Defense Law Firm) Fav Atty General – Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder’s Just’-ice Dept. is a Whistleblower’s Nightmare
"Why Should Taxpayers Give Big Banks $83 Billion a Year?"
~ Editors - Bloomberg View, Opinion, {Subscribe}, 02-20-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-20/why-should-taxpayers-give-big-banks-83-billion-a-year-.html
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
"..pin down exactly how much the subsidy lowers big banks’ borrowing costs. ...two researchers - Kenichi Ueda of the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) and Beatrice Weder di Mauro of the University of Mainz - put the number at about 0.8 percentage point." ::
"0.8 percentage point makes a big difference. Multiplied by the total liabilities of the 10 largest U.S. banks by assets ...taxpayer subsidy of $83 billion a year. ...it’s tantamount to the government giving the banks about 3 cents of every tax dollar collected." :: "...top five banks - JPMorgan, Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., Wells Fargo & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. - - account for $64 billion of the total subsidy" ::
Bank fixes include:
1.) "make banks fund their activities with more equity from shareholders, …less likely to need bailouts (…$1 of equity for each $5 of assets, far more than the 1-to-33 ratio that new global rules require)."
2.) "shock creditors out of complacency …take losses when banks run into trouble."
3.) "prevent banks from using the subsidy to finance speculative trading"
Wall Street Covington & Burling Corp’s (a Big-Bank Defense Law Firm) Fav Atty General – Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder’s Just’-ice Dept. is a Whistleblower’s Nightmare
"Why Should Taxpayers Give Big Banks $83 Billion a Year?"
~ Editors - Bloomberg View, Opinion, {Subscribe}, 02-20-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-20/why-should-taxpayers-give-big-banks-83-billion-a-year-.html
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666BANK Welfare, Too Big To Fail
or Prosecute Banks, Why? U.S. Atty General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder & Lanny Breuer - Head of the Justice Department’s
Criminal Division ::
{Both Brewer & Attorney General Eric Holder “Defended Banks” for Law Firm Covington & Burling”} ::
4 Years After Crashing the Economy …No Criminal Prosecutions of Bangkters :: Inside Jobs Protected by Presidential Administrations ::
{“The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is Own One”} ::
“If they can fog a mirror, give’em a loan.” Countrywide :: Shoddy loan underwriting was acceptable to Wall Street ::
"Greed is not necessarily criminal" ::
"Frontline investigates why Wall Street’s leaders have escaped prosecution for any fraud related to the sale of bad mortgages"
"The Untouchables"
~ PBS - Frontline, {Subscribe}, 01-22-13, Video, 53:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/untouchables/
>_^_ Big Banks Too Big To Prosecute ~ Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder, and Deputy Secretary Brewer statement, (before Jan 29) Too Big To Jail Terrorist Finances & Money Laundering ::
"I am concerned that the size of some to the institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that ...if you do prosecute, if you bring a criminal charge ...it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy." ~ Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder - Attorney General
"Eric Holder - Some Banks Too BIG To Prosecute/Jail"
~ via Les Grossman, {Subscribe}, 03-07-13, YT/02:42 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ "Breuer will join Covington & Burling" a Big Bank Defense Law Firm,
After a Career of Not Prosecuting Banks as a D.O.J. Criminal Division Chief -U.S. Attorney General’s Office;
"{In January, Democratic activist Mike Lux predicted that Breuer would soon find lucrative employment with a law firm, a coming move that explained his kid-glove treatment of Wall Street. "Lanny wanted to go back to a law firm that represented banks after he was done," said Lux in January. "He didn't want to prosecute the banks."}" ::
"Breuer will join Covington & Burling as vice chairman and is slated to rake in around $4 million his first year back at the firm, according to the New York Times."
"Lanny Breuer, Former DOJ Criminal Division Chief, To Rejoin Big Bank Law Firm"
~ Will Wrigley - Huff Post,{Subscribe Supported},03-29-13, Video::Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/28/lanny-breuer-joins-law-firm_n_2974058.html
>_^_ "U.S. Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder and Lanny Breuer, head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, were partners for years at a Washington law firm that represented a Who’s Who of big banks & other companies at the center of alleged foreclosure fraud, a Reuters inquiry shows."
"Insight: Top Justice officials connected to mortgage banks"
~ Scot J. Paltrow - Reuters, {Subscriber Supported}, via 4closureFraud, on 01-20-12 :: Link/URL
< http://4closurefraud.org/2012/01/20/reuters-insight-top-justice-officials-eric-holder-and-lanny-breuer-connected-to-banks-freddie-fannie-and-mers/
>_^_ "He was admonished for his role in the agency’s botched attempt to
infiltrate weapons-smuggling rings in the operation dubbed “Fast and Furious.” And he has been accused of being soft on Wall Street for failing to throw senior bank executives behind bars for their role in the financial crisis."
"Lanny Breuer, Justice Department Criminal Division Chief, is Stepping Down After ‘FRONTLINE’ Untouchables Report"
~ 4closureFraud, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-24-13 :: Link/URL
< http://4closurefraud.org/2013/01/24/lanny-breuer-justice-department-criminal-division-chief-is-stepping-down-after-frontline-untouchables-report/
>_^_ “We are frequently on the receiving end of presentations from
defense counsel, CEOs, and economists who argue that the collateral consequences of an indictment would be devastating for their client.”
~ Lanny Breuer – Justice Department Criminal Division Chief ::
"And, over the last decade, DPAs have become a mainstay of white collar criminal law enforcement."
"DOJ – Lanny Breuer Admits That Economists Have Convinced Him Not to Indict Corporations"
~ 4closureFraud, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-15-12 :: Link/URL
< http://4closurefraud.org/2012/09/15/doj-lanny-breuer-admits-that-economists-have-convinced-him-not-to-indict-corporations/
>_^_ "Milbank Tweed Forum: Crooks on the Loose? Did Felons Get a Free
Pass in the Financial Crisis?"
~ via nyuschooloflaw,{Subscribe}, 02-09-13, YT/1:18:37 min ::Link/URL*^*<
>(04-17-13)*CBWS(UEP44)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{Both Brewer & Attorney General Eric Holder “Defended Banks” for Law Firm Covington & Burling”} ::
4 Years After Crashing the Economy …No Criminal Prosecutions of Bangkters :: Inside Jobs Protected by Presidential Administrations ::
{“The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is Own One”} ::
“If they can fog a mirror, give’em a loan.” Countrywide :: Shoddy loan underwriting was acceptable to Wall Street ::
"Greed is not necessarily criminal" ::
"Frontline investigates why Wall Street’s leaders have escaped prosecution for any fraud related to the sale of bad mortgages"
"The Untouchables"
~ PBS - Frontline, {Subscribe}, 01-22-13, Video, 53:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/untouchables/
>_^_ Big Banks Too Big To Prosecute ~ Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder, and Deputy Secretary Brewer statement, (before Jan 29) Too Big To Jail Terrorist Finances & Money Laundering ::
"I am concerned that the size of some to the institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that ...if you do prosecute, if you bring a criminal charge ...it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy." ~ Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder - Attorney General
"Eric Holder - Some Banks Too BIG To Prosecute/Jail"
~ via Les Grossman, {Subscribe}, 03-07-13, YT/02:42 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ "Breuer will join Covington & Burling" a Big Bank Defense Law Firm,
After a Career of Not Prosecuting Banks as a D.O.J. Criminal Division Chief -U.S. Attorney General’s Office;
"{In January, Democratic activist Mike Lux predicted that Breuer would soon find lucrative employment with a law firm, a coming move that explained his kid-glove treatment of Wall Street. "Lanny wanted to go back to a law firm that represented banks after he was done," said Lux in January. "He didn't want to prosecute the banks."}" ::
"Breuer will join Covington & Burling as vice chairman and is slated to rake in around $4 million his first year back at the firm, according to the New York Times."
"Lanny Breuer, Former DOJ Criminal Division Chief, To Rejoin Big Bank Law Firm"
~ Will Wrigley - Huff Post,{Subscribe Supported},03-29-13, Video::Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/28/lanny-breuer-joins-law-firm_n_2974058.html
>_^_ "U.S. Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder and Lanny Breuer, head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, were partners for years at a Washington law firm that represented a Who’s Who of big banks & other companies at the center of alleged foreclosure fraud, a Reuters inquiry shows."
"Insight: Top Justice officials connected to mortgage banks"
~ Scot J. Paltrow - Reuters, {Subscriber Supported}, via 4closureFraud, on 01-20-12 :: Link/URL
< http://4closurefraud.org/2012/01/20/reuters-insight-top-justice-officials-eric-holder-and-lanny-breuer-connected-to-banks-freddie-fannie-and-mers/
>_^_ "He was admonished for his role in the agency’s botched attempt to
infiltrate weapons-smuggling rings in the operation dubbed “Fast and Furious.” And he has been accused of being soft on Wall Street for failing to throw senior bank executives behind bars for their role in the financial crisis."
"Lanny Breuer, Justice Department Criminal Division Chief, is Stepping Down After ‘FRONTLINE’ Untouchables Report"
~ 4closureFraud, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-24-13 :: Link/URL
< http://4closurefraud.org/2013/01/24/lanny-breuer-justice-department-criminal-division-chief-is-stepping-down-after-frontline-untouchables-report/
>_^_ “We are frequently on the receiving end of presentations from
defense counsel, CEOs, and economists who argue that the collateral consequences of an indictment would be devastating for their client.”
~ Lanny Breuer – Justice Department Criminal Division Chief ::
"And, over the last decade, DPAs have become a mainstay of white collar criminal law enforcement."
"DOJ – Lanny Breuer Admits That Economists Have Convinced Him Not to Indict Corporations"
~ 4closureFraud, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-15-12 :: Link/URL
< http://4closurefraud.org/2012/09/15/doj-lanny-breuer-admits-that-economists-have-convinced-him-not-to-indict-corporations/
>_^_ "Milbank Tweed Forum: Crooks on the Loose? Did Felons Get a Free
Pass in the Financial Crisis?"
~ via nyuschooloflaw,{Subscribe}, 02-09-13, YT/1:18:37 min ::Link/URL*^*<
>(04-17-13)*CBWS(UEP44)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Bailout, Banks Worked Against Reforms, Hundreds of Millions
Spent By Banks & Wall Street Lobbying Against Regulation, Dodd-Frank Act 2010 ::
“Bernie Sanders Blasts Wall St, Government In Wake Of Fed Disclosures”
“Senator: Fed’s priorities misplaced”
~ Huffington Post, Eliot Spitzer, & Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), {Subscriber Supported}, 05-25-11, CNN Video, 02:08 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/01/bernie-sanders-wall-street-federal-reserve_n_790825.html?ref=eliot-spitzer
>###(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Bernie Sanders Blasts Wall St, Government In Wake Of Fed Disclosures”
“Senator: Fed’s priorities misplaced”
~ Huffington Post, Eliot Spitzer, & Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), {Subscriber Supported}, 05-25-11, CNN Video, 02:08 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/01/bernie-sanders-wall-street-federal-reserve_n_790825.html?ref=eliot-spitzer
>###(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Bailout, Financial Crisis,
Nobody Goes To Jail; AIG, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley
“Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?”
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, {Subscribe}, 02-16-11, [Follow Stone: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook] :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/why-isnt-wall-street-in-jail-20110216
>#(03-20-13)*CBWS*CWP#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Nobody Goes To Jail; AIG, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley
“Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?”
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, {Subscribe}, 02-16-11, [Follow Stone: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook] :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/why-isnt-wall-street-in-jail-20110216
>#(03-20-13)*CBWS*CWP#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Bangkster
Mortgage Crisis 2008, NINJA Loans Crashing The Economy In 2008-09 ::
(*No Income, No Job, No Down Payment, No Verification of Financial Status Loans)
(Mislabeled) “Rick Santelli Educates a Clueless Chris Mathews”
~ Chris Mathews – MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, Rick Santelli, via nydivide, on 04-17-10, YouTube, 06:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqqYPWq7Mhg&feature=related
>####(03-20-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Mortgage Crisis 2008, NINJA Loans Crashing The Economy In 2008-09 ::
(*No Income, No Job, No Down Payment, No Verification of Financial Status Loans)
(Mislabeled) “Rick Santelli Educates a Clueless Chris Mathews”
~ Chris Mathews – MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, Rick Santelli, via nydivide, on 04-17-10, YouTube, 06:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqqYPWq7Mhg&feature=related
>####(03-20-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Break Up Too Big To Fail
Corporations, Corps Corrupt the Political System ::
An Interview w/Matt Taibbi Political Corruption Investigative Journalist
“Matt Taibbi: ‘Occupy Wall Street’: should demand end to monopolies”
~ Eric W. Dolan - The Raw Story, & Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-13-11, Video, 03:11 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/10/13/matt-taibbi-occupy-wall-street-should-demand-end-to-monopolies/
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corporations, Corps Corrupt the Political System ::
An Interview w/Matt Taibbi Political Corruption Investigative Journalist
“Matt Taibbi: ‘Occupy Wall Street’: should demand end to monopolies”
~ Eric W. Dolan - The Raw Story, & Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-13-11, Video, 03:11 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/10/13/matt-taibbi-occupy-wall-street-should-demand-end-to-monopolies/
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Clinton
Admin. Regulator /\/Click_ Blue_ Links
< ↓ /\/see
Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Keating 5 Senators Confronted:
“…they do a 180 when they come in. And they move completely away from the things that work against fraud. And they move completely to the things we warned …produce a criminogenic environment, that produces wide scale fraud; (min 3:10} George Akerlof (Economist, Professor U. CA) & Paul Romer (Economist, Professor at Stern, NY) … ‘deregulation was bound to produce looting’ …They Supply that theory in 1993. So this is exactly the time when the new administration comes in.
Clinton Administration’s Actions to deregulate Banks include:
1.) {min 4:12} "Get rid of underwriting requirements... that's the worst possible thing. That's what makes possible the 'Liars Loans'...that's right after our success in 1990 and 1991 in cleansing the industry of 'Liars loans'" ::
2.) {min 4:48} "They come and they instruct us… that we are to refer to the Banks and the Savings & Loans as our ‘Customers’ …we the ‘Regulators’; and we are to think of the Banks and the Savings & Loans as our ‘Customers,’ and we are to think of how we can provide ‘Service.’ Those are all direct quotations." ::
3.) {min 5:25} "They ‘Closed Down’ the prosecutions of Savings and Loan Frauds (from POTUS Reagan's administration). …But that pipeline was still going. …would have been thousands of additional convictions, but the Clinton Administration took away the FBI Agents and most of the prosecutors… :: Bob Stone’s advise to (V.P.) Al Gore… “Don’t waste one second worrying about fraud, waste, and abuse” :: Insider book about it by ”Bob Stone, ‘Confessions of a Public Servant’ (2002hc & 2004sc)…”::
Reasoning… “To crack down on fraud is to limit innovation” ::
“Remains in the Obama Administration” :: “The (W.) Bush Administration produced the most criminogenic environment in history for this wide scale fraud.”:: “Alan Greenspan is going around giving his favorite stump speech as a Chairman of the Federal Reserve …which the lesson of it also is ‘don’t worry about fraud. Fraud takes care of itself. And that comes from Chicago-School Economists, or actually Law and Econ folks …who actually didn’t have degrees in economics
…Frank H. Easterbrook (U. Chicago Law, Judge in 7th Circuit), and Paschal. Paschal eventually becomes Dean of the Univ. Chicago Law School. Easterbrook 7th Circuit Jurist, a former U. Chicago Law professor. And their famous line is… ‘A rule against fraud is not necessary or even particularly important’ in the securities context. Now they’re coming from the side that markets instantly and reliably remove all fraud… just enthrall to the private industry. …They are nastier by far than Ronald Reagan in describing the Federal Government. In particular, they love all the things about the private sector that were building up to produce one fraud epidemic after another” ::
Obama Administration …“a strong embrace of the culture” ::
“…loved ‘Performance Pay’ …creates both the incentive to loot and method to loot through a seemingly normal corporate mechanism that makes it far harder to prosecute.”
"Clinton's Policy of Not Prosecuting Bank Fraud Continues"
~ Bill Black – Assoc. Professor of Economics & Law – UMKC, a White Collar Criminologist, a former Financial Regulator, Author of book “The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One”; w/Paul Jay, Senior Editor - TheRealNews, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 02-23-13, YT/13:51 min ::BB Link/URL*^*<
>##(03-19-13)*CBWS(WB)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Keating 5 Senators Confronted:
“…they do a 180 when they come in. And they move completely away from the things that work against fraud. And they move completely to the things we warned …produce a criminogenic environment, that produces wide scale fraud; (min 3:10} George Akerlof (Economist, Professor U. CA) & Paul Romer (Economist, Professor at Stern, NY) … ‘deregulation was bound to produce looting’ …They Supply that theory in 1993. So this is exactly the time when the new administration comes in.
Clinton Administration’s Actions to deregulate Banks include:
1.) {min 4:12} "Get rid of underwriting requirements... that's the worst possible thing. That's what makes possible the 'Liars Loans'...that's right after our success in 1990 and 1991 in cleansing the industry of 'Liars loans'" ::
2.) {min 4:48} "They come and they instruct us… that we are to refer to the Banks and the Savings & Loans as our ‘Customers’ …we the ‘Regulators’; and we are to think of the Banks and the Savings & Loans as our ‘Customers,’ and we are to think of how we can provide ‘Service.’ Those are all direct quotations." ::
3.) {min 5:25} "They ‘Closed Down’ the prosecutions of Savings and Loan Frauds (from POTUS Reagan's administration). …But that pipeline was still going. …would have been thousands of additional convictions, but the Clinton Administration took away the FBI Agents and most of the prosecutors… :: Bob Stone’s advise to (V.P.) Al Gore… “Don’t waste one second worrying about fraud, waste, and abuse” :: Insider book about it by ”Bob Stone, ‘Confessions of a Public Servant’ (2002hc & 2004sc)…”::
Reasoning… “To crack down on fraud is to limit innovation” ::
“Remains in the Obama Administration” :: “The (W.) Bush Administration produced the most criminogenic environment in history for this wide scale fraud.”:: “Alan Greenspan is going around giving his favorite stump speech as a Chairman of the Federal Reserve …which the lesson of it also is ‘don’t worry about fraud. Fraud takes care of itself. And that comes from Chicago-School Economists, or actually Law and Econ folks …who actually didn’t have degrees in economics
…Frank H. Easterbrook (U. Chicago Law, Judge in 7th Circuit), and Paschal. Paschal eventually becomes Dean of the Univ. Chicago Law School. Easterbrook 7th Circuit Jurist, a former U. Chicago Law professor. And their famous line is… ‘A rule against fraud is not necessary or even particularly important’ in the securities context. Now they’re coming from the side that markets instantly and reliably remove all fraud… just enthrall to the private industry. …They are nastier by far than Ronald Reagan in describing the Federal Government. In particular, they love all the things about the private sector that were building up to produce one fraud epidemic after another” ::
Obama Administration …“a strong embrace of the culture” ::
“…loved ‘Performance Pay’ …creates both the incentive to loot and method to loot through a seemingly normal corporate mechanism that makes it far harder to prosecute.”
"Clinton's Policy of Not Prosecuting Bank Fraud Continues"
~ Bill Black – Assoc. Professor of Economics & Law – UMKC, a White Collar Criminologist, a former Financial Regulator, Author of book “The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One”; w/Paul Jay, Senior Editor - TheRealNews, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 02-23-13, YT/13:51 min ::BB Link/URL*^*<
>##(03-19-13)*CBWS(WB)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Countrywide Mortgage Fraud, Countrywide Mortgage Corp,
Congressmen Bribed under the Table, Discount
Mortgages, Thinly Veiled Bribes; Sold to Bank of America
“Report: Countrywide won influence w/discounts”
~ Larry Margasak - A.P., U.S.A. Today, {Subscribe}, 07-05-12::Link/URL*^*<
>##(03-20-13)*CBWS*CW#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Report: Countrywide won influence w/discounts”
~ Larry Margasak - A.P., U.S.A. Today, {Subscribe}, 07-05-12::Link/URL*^*<
>##(03-20-13)*CBWS*CW#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Credit Markets, Credit Default Swaps Market, Securities, Rule
Change; Register & Monitor Swaps Globally, eliminate Non-Mission
Critical Swaps
“Dylan Ratigan-Eliot Spitzer on Wall Street Problems”
~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, E. S., via Jerry Ryberg, {Subscribe}, 01-11-12, YouTube, 09:49 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRRYgZ6XqBA
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Dylan Ratigan-Eliot Spitzer on Wall Street Problems”
~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, E. S., via Jerry Ryberg, {Subscribe}, 01-11-12, YouTube, 09:49 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRRYgZ6XqBA
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Derivatives, Bets on & protection from Interest
Rate Movement; Dodd Frank reforms; Tracking
& recording Derivative Trades, evaluating bank weaknesses, & demanding
more collateral to prepare to pay off Derivative Bets on Interest Rate
Fluctuation when triggered by market moves of those Interest Rates Protection
"The impact of Dodd-Frank derivative reform mandates on non-financial institutions"
~ pwcUS, 03-15-13, YouTube, 07:02 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA3LUrj-Ij8
>_^_ Derivative, Hedge Fund, & Flash Trader Friendly Wall Street Reform ::
"It's bad enough that the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law. Even worse is the way they did it - with a big assist from Congress and the White House."
"How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-wall-street-killed-financial-reform-20120510
>(09-08-13)*CBWS*UJSCCS*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"The impact of Dodd-Frank derivative reform mandates on non-financial institutions"
~ pwcUS, 03-15-13, YouTube, 07:02 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA3LUrj-Ij8
>_^_ Derivative, Hedge Fund, & Flash Trader Friendly Wall Street Reform ::
"It's bad enough that the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law. Even worse is the way they did it - with a big assist from Congress and the White House."
"How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-wall-street-killed-financial-reform-20120510
>(09-08-13)*CBWS*UJSCCS*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Everything “Rigged” About Wall Street, International Currency Exchange Rate Manipulation ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
"rates allegedly being rigged are in the foreign-exchange or "FX" markets, meaning that if this story is true, it would almost certainly trump LIBOR for scale/horribleness."
"Everything is Rigged, Vol. 9,713: This Time, It's Currencies"
~ Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-13-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/everything-is-rigged-vol-9-713-this-time-its-currencies-20130613#ixzz2Wfz9lGRr
>_^_ WM/Reuters Employees Manipulated Currency Exchange Rates ::
"Traders at some of the world’s biggest banks manipulated benchmark foreign-exchange rates used to set the value of trillions of dollars of investments, according to five dealers with knowledge of the practice. ...front-running client orders and rigging WM/Reuters rates by pushing through trades before and during the 60-second windows when the benchmarks are set..."
"Traders Said to Rig Currency Rates to Profit Off Clients"
~ Liam Vaughan, Gavin Finch & Ambereen Choudhury - Bloomberg, 06-02-13, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-11/traders-said-to-rig-currency-rates-to-profit-off-clients.html
>####(06-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
"rates allegedly being rigged are in the foreign-exchange or "FX" markets, meaning that if this story is true, it would almost certainly trump LIBOR for scale/horribleness."
"Everything is Rigged, Vol. 9,713: This Time, It's Currencies"
~ Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-13-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/everything-is-rigged-vol-9-713-this-time-its-currencies-20130613#ixzz2Wfz9lGRr
>_^_ WM/Reuters Employees Manipulated Currency Exchange Rates ::
"Traders at some of the world’s biggest banks manipulated benchmark foreign-exchange rates used to set the value of trillions of dollars of investments, according to five dealers with knowledge of the practice. ...front-running client orders and rigging WM/Reuters rates by pushing through trades before and during the 60-second windows when the benchmarks are set..."
"Traders Said to Rig Currency Rates to Profit Off Clients"
~ Liam Vaughan, Gavin Finch & Ambereen Choudhury - Bloomberg, 06-02-13, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-11/traders-said-to-rig-currency-rates-to-profit-off-clients.html
>####(06-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH,
Federal Reserve Bank, Greenspan, U.S. Executive (42, D)
Pres. Bill Clinton, Documentary ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
2008 Market Crash, “Repeats of the Financial Crisis” ~ Warning by Brooksley Born- CFTC, Consumer Futures Trading Commission Chair 96-99, An American Hero Ridiculed by Both Bangksters & Capitol Hill-RentBoys, Born Warned About Danger to the Economy by Highly Secretive Multitrillion-Dollar Derivatives Market She Attempted to Regulate, Free Market, Pro-Business Anti-Regulation, Long Term Capital Management Hedge Fund Collapse ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“The Warning”
~ FRONTLINE, PBS, w/Brooksley Born-CFTC Chair 96-99, Alan Greenspan- 18 Year Fed Chief, Ayn Rand-Libertarian Nihilist, & Bangksters Bob Ruben, Timothy Geithner, & Larry Summers, 2009, Video, 55:16 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/warning/view/#morelink
>_^_ “Derivatives Were Too Complicated To Understand”
~ Brooksley Born - CFTC Chairman 96-99 ::
“Greenspan Admits Philosophical Error in ‘The Warming’“
~ Ayn Rand, Alan Greenspan, via GateKeeping50hotmail, {Subscribe}, on 10-23-09, YouTube, 10:26 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIHLezCyzCI&feature=related
>_^_ Derivative, Hedge Fund, & Flash Trader Friendly Wall Street Reform ::
"It's bad enough that the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law. Even worse is the way they did it - with a big assist from Congress and the White House."
"How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-wall-street-killed-financial-reform-20120510
> ####(09-17-13)*CBWD*ULL*WB(UE42)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
2008 Market Crash, “Repeats of the Financial Crisis” ~ Warning by Brooksley Born- CFTC, Consumer Futures Trading Commission Chair 96-99, An American Hero Ridiculed by Both Bangksters & Capitol Hill-RentBoys, Born Warned About Danger to the Economy by Highly Secretive Multitrillion-Dollar Derivatives Market She Attempted to Regulate, Free Market, Pro-Business Anti-Regulation, Long Term Capital Management Hedge Fund Collapse ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“The Warning”
~ FRONTLINE, PBS, w/Brooksley Born-CFTC Chair 96-99, Alan Greenspan- 18 Year Fed Chief, Ayn Rand-Libertarian Nihilist, & Bangksters Bob Ruben, Timothy Geithner, & Larry Summers, 2009, Video, 55:16 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/warning/view/#morelink
>_^_ “Derivatives Were Too Complicated To Understand”
~ Brooksley Born - CFTC Chairman 96-99 ::
“Greenspan Admits Philosophical Error in ‘The Warming’“
~ Ayn Rand, Alan Greenspan, via GateKeeping50hotmail, {Subscribe}, on 10-23-09, YouTube, 10:26 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIHLezCyzCI&feature=related
>_^_ Derivative, Hedge Fund, & Flash Trader Friendly Wall Street Reform ::
"It's bad enough that the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law. Even worse is the way they did it - with a big assist from Congress and the White House."
"How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-wall-street-killed-financial-reform-20120510
> ####(09-17-13)*CBWD*ULL*WB(UE42)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Financial Meltdown, Investment Bank Bear Stearns, Mortgage
Derivatives, Accelerating Housing Prices :: /\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
2007, U.S., Panic, Capital Injection, 09-18-08; Economics ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C.
(Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
”CNBC Frontline” Documentary, Four-part investigation into a world of
greed and recklessness that led to financial collapse.
>_^_ "The men who crashed the world" (pt 1/4)
~ via FauzInfoVids, {Subscribe}, 09-25-11, YouTube, 42:30 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYTyluv4Gws
>_^_ "Meltdown - The Global Financial Crisis? (pt 2/4)"
~ via peoplestandupca smith,{Subscribe},01-13-13, YT/44:56 min::Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc11O7Efohs
>_^_"Meltdown(pt 3/4)The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse"
~ via GrassyKnollTrolls, {Subscribe}, on 01-13-11, YT/45:00 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB4wefzZLNc
>_^_"Meltdown(pt 4/4)The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse"
~ via GrassyKnollTrolls, {Subscribe}, on 01-13-11, YT/44:59 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU6c1lIEkuQ
>_^_ [Alternate] Part 1/6, 10:00 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6xw2gd4kMg
>####(03-20-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
2007, U.S., Panic, Capital Injection, 09-18-08; Economics ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C.
(Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
”CNBC Frontline” Documentary, Four-part investigation into a world of
greed and recklessness that led to financial collapse.
>_^_ "The men who crashed the world" (pt 1/4)
~ via FauzInfoVids, {Subscribe}, 09-25-11, YouTube, 42:30 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYTyluv4Gws
>_^_ "Meltdown - The Global Financial Crisis? (pt 2/4)"
~ via peoplestandupca smith,{Subscribe},01-13-13, YT/44:56 min::Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc11O7Efohs
>_^_"Meltdown(pt 3/4)The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse"
~ via GrassyKnollTrolls, {Subscribe}, on 01-13-11, YT/45:00 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB4wefzZLNc
>_^_"Meltdown(pt 4/4)The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse"
~ via GrassyKnollTrolls, {Subscribe}, on 01-13-11, YT/44:59 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU6c1lIEkuQ
>_^_ [Alternate] Part 1/6, 10:00 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6xw2gd4kMg
>####(03-20-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Financial
System Corruption, Fraud, Commodities,
Commodities Futures Exchange Act 2000 Circumvented Glass-Steagall Act
1933/Banking Act 1935, Secret Exemptions Obtained By Goldman Sachs & Other
Hedge Funds ::
“Barrels of oil traded 27 times before being used” Summer 2008 when it hit $147/barrel = 55 gallon
“Inside The Great Bubble Machine” (M.T. author ~ “Griftopia” 2009)
~ via RollingStone, {Subscriber Supported}, on 04-17-10, YouTube ::
>_^_ Part 1, 02:37 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2FWdYRJ-8k
>_^_ Part 2, 02:10 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijgBs6TICjs
>_^_ Part 3, 03:25 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Part 4, 01:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olKdpNxuXDE
>#(05-21-13)*CBWS*ENO#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Barrels of oil traded 27 times before being used” Summer 2008 when it hit $147/barrel = 55 gallon
“Inside The Great Bubble Machine” (M.T. author ~ “Griftopia” 2009)
~ via RollingStone, {Subscriber Supported}, on 04-17-10, YouTube ::
>_^_ Part 1, 02:37 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2FWdYRJ-8k
>_^_ Part 2, 02:10 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijgBs6TICjs
>_^_ Part 3, 03:25 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Part 4, 01:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olKdpNxuXDE
>#(05-21-13)*CBWS*ENO#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Law-Economics,
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 2000, Corruption, Bank
Bailouts, Tea Party, Financial Crisis, Obama’s Clinton Ruben Economic Team,
Commodities Futures Modernization Act 2000, a.k.a. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of
2000, Deregulated Derivatives & Credit Default Swaps, Resulted In Mortgage
Hot Potato, {Investigative Journalist’s Work/Book ~ “Griftopia”} ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“Matt Taibbi & Nomi Prins on the Financial Crisis”
~ via jeannekyle, {Subscribe}, on 06-18-11, YouTube, 10:16 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXvQbM_YSdA
> ####(04-26-13)*CBWS*ECT*ULL(UE42)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“Matt Taibbi & Nomi Prins on the Financial Crisis”
~ via jeannekyle, {Subscribe}, on 06-18-11, YouTube, 10:16 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXvQbM_YSdA
> ####(04-26-13)*CBWS*ECT*ULL(UE42)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Market
Crash, Bank Crisis, Private Equity Buying Companies With Borrowed Money,
Low Federal Reserve Loan Rate After 911, Alan Greenspan
– FED Chairman, Class Warfare ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
“’Private Equity’ Will Take Control Of A Company & ‘Hedge Funds’ Will Trade A Company” ::
“Money made on Price Variations” :: “Leverage & Low Cost For Enterprise” "Strong economy growth from low Fed Bank borrowing costs caused the housing bubble and set up the foundations for the future crisis. In 2007 low interest rates and large inflows of foreign funds created easy credit conditions as the United States entered a subprime mortgage crisis." ::
{Private Equity/U.S.: Once Controlling Interest in a Company is acquired, P. E. vulture capitalists negotiates for Tax Breaks and Infrastructure Improvements from Local and State Governments, sells off lucrative parts for profits, load up the remainder of the company in debt, often raids the employee’s Pension Fund, renegotiate Collective Bargaining Agreements to ‘Save’ the company P.E. destabilized in the first place, and Declares Bankruptcy after loading the company with debt. They walk out with the money and the Federal Govt/Tax Payers pick up ‘Half’ of the Pension Fund.
Thank President Ronald Reagan (R-*CA 1981-1989} When he came into office S&P 500 C.E.O.’s made about 40 Times their Corporations average worker wage. When he left, they made nearly 400 Times their Corporations average worker wage. ::
{Hedge Funds/U.S.: H.F.’s trade shares of corporations, derivatives (bets on price fluctuation), or temporarily borrow options to purchase shares and sell instantly and frequently on price variations of a few cents. So they trade in and out (because trades are not taxed) on the impact of news that affects Corp’s share or commodities price (And pay 15% income tax rate thanks to Pres. George Bush and his 2001 Congress).
Thank Pres. Bill Clinton (D-*AR 1993-2000} working with a Senate and House dominated by Republicans to pass the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial ‘Reform’ Act of 1999.
It deregulated speculators and created $95,000 in derivatives for every person on earth… with dozens of Trillions being insured by the U.S. Government …thanks to no Glass-Steagall Act of 1933/Banking Act of 1935 (depression era financial regulation law …that worked for 65 years… repealed) and a Republican Wall Street weakened Dodd-Frank Bill that reinstituted very limited regulation.}
"Subprime mortgage crisis documentary"
~ via CwnEconomy, {Subscribe}, 03-27-12, YouTube, 14:55 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uCjJRGEU2o
>####(09-08-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
“’Private Equity’ Will Take Control Of A Company & ‘Hedge Funds’ Will Trade A Company” ::
“Money made on Price Variations” :: “Leverage & Low Cost For Enterprise” "Strong economy growth from low Fed Bank borrowing costs caused the housing bubble and set up the foundations for the future crisis. In 2007 low interest rates and large inflows of foreign funds created easy credit conditions as the United States entered a subprime mortgage crisis." ::
{Private Equity/U.S.: Once Controlling Interest in a Company is acquired, P. E. vulture capitalists negotiates for Tax Breaks and Infrastructure Improvements from Local and State Governments, sells off lucrative parts for profits, load up the remainder of the company in debt, often raids the employee’s Pension Fund, renegotiate Collective Bargaining Agreements to ‘Save’ the company P.E. destabilized in the first place, and Declares Bankruptcy after loading the company with debt. They walk out with the money and the Federal Govt/Tax Payers pick up ‘Half’ of the Pension Fund.
Thank President Ronald Reagan (R-*CA 1981-1989} When he came into office S&P 500 C.E.O.’s made about 40 Times their Corporations average worker wage. When he left, they made nearly 400 Times their Corporations average worker wage. ::
{Hedge Funds/U.S.: H.F.’s trade shares of corporations, derivatives (bets on price fluctuation), or temporarily borrow options to purchase shares and sell instantly and frequently on price variations of a few cents. So they trade in and out (because trades are not taxed) on the impact of news that affects Corp’s share or commodities price (And pay 15% income tax rate thanks to Pres. George Bush and his 2001 Congress).
Thank Pres. Bill Clinton (D-*AR 1993-2000} working with a Senate and House dominated by Republicans to pass the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial ‘Reform’ Act of 1999.
It deregulated speculators and created $95,000 in derivatives for every person on earth… with dozens of Trillions being insured by the U.S. Government …thanks to no Glass-Steagall Act of 1933/Banking Act of 1935 (depression era financial regulation law …that worked for 65 years… repealed) and a Republican Wall Street weakened Dodd-Frank Bill that reinstituted very limited regulation.}
"Subprime mortgage crisis documentary"
~ via CwnEconomy, {Subscribe}, 03-27-12, YouTube, 14:55 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uCjJRGEU2o
>####(09-08-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Market
Crash, Bank Crisis /\/Click_ Blue_ Links
< ↓ /\/see
Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
“What Glass-Steagall (1933) did is really important. It passed back in 1933. It created a great era of stability in banking. It separated out the part of the bank where you deposit your money from the part of the bank where they do investment banking and …they (bankers) invest their own money. Or you can say they (bankers) gamble with their own money. The reason you separate that out is because you don’t want them gambling with your money. …because the down side is for you and the up side is for them.” ::
“So now when we took Glass-Steagall away, at the end of Bill Clinton’s term by the way (1999), it wound up being an absolute disaster. ::
“Every CNBC Anchor is a lapdog for the banks.” ~ Cenk Uygur
(min 05:28) “But what Glass-Steagall can do is it can wind some more of the risk out of the system. It can help bring down the size of the largest banking institutions …Now here we are in 2013 and the Big 4 are 30% bigger. That puts too much risk back in the system.” ::
About passing the bill to re-regulate the Fed hog banks “Let me put for you this way… if you don’t fight for it the chances are zero.” ~ Sen. Warren
"Elizabeth Warren Brings News Anchors To Knees"
~ via The Young Turks, {Subscribe}, on 07-18-13, YT/05:00 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTWfa-iO9Nc
> ####(01-05-14)*CBWS*EC*ULDSEW###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“What Glass-Steagall (1933) did is really important. It passed back in 1933. It created a great era of stability in banking. It separated out the part of the bank where you deposit your money from the part of the bank where they do investment banking and …they (bankers) invest their own money. Or you can say they (bankers) gamble with their own money. The reason you separate that out is because you don’t want them gambling with your money. …because the down side is for you and the up side is for them.” ::
“So now when we took Glass-Steagall away, at the end of Bill Clinton’s term by the way (1999), it wound up being an absolute disaster. ::
“Every CNBC Anchor is a lapdog for the banks.” ~ Cenk Uygur
(min 05:28) “But what Glass-Steagall can do is it can wind some more of the risk out of the system. It can help bring down the size of the largest banking institutions …Now here we are in 2013 and the Big 4 are 30% bigger. That puts too much risk back in the system.” ::
About passing the bill to re-regulate the Fed hog banks “Let me put for you this way… if you don’t fight for it the chances are zero.” ~ Sen. Warren
"Elizabeth Warren Brings News Anchors To Knees"
~ via The Young Turks, {Subscribe}, on 07-18-13, YT/05:00 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTWfa-iO9Nc
> ####(01-05-14)*CBWS*EC*ULDSEW###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Moody's
and S&P Aided Financial Crisis Of 2008 -2009; Approved Sub-prime NINJA (No
Job, Income, or Down Payment) Loans Sandwiched
With Conventional Mortgages in "highly exotic and complex financial
instrument called a SIV, or structured investment vehicle." ::
{There were 3 tiers in the investment payment structure, with the riskiest receiving higher monthly payments.} ::
"Ratings agencies helped ...banks needed them to sign off on the bogus math of the subprime era – the math that allowed banks to turn pools of home loans ...into securities with higher credit... But banks also needed the ratings agencies to sign off on the safety and reliability of these off-balance-sheet SIV structures." ::
"...evidence gathered for a pair of major lawsuits by the San Diego-based law firm Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, ...now know that the nation's two top ratings companies, Moody's and S&P, have for many years been shameless tools for the banks, willing to give just about anything a high rating in exchange for cash." ::
"It's long been suspected that ratings agencies like Moody's and Standard & Poor's helped trigger the meltdown. A new trove of embarrassing documents shows how they did it"
"The Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-19-13, @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook :: Link/URL*^*<
>####(06-30-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{There were 3 tiers in the investment payment structure, with the riskiest receiving higher monthly payments.} ::
"Ratings agencies helped ...banks needed them to sign off on the bogus math of the subprime era – the math that allowed banks to turn pools of home loans ...into securities with higher credit... But banks also needed the ratings agencies to sign off on the safety and reliability of these off-balance-sheet SIV structures." ::
"...evidence gathered for a pair of major lawsuits by the San Diego-based law firm Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, ...now know that the nation's two top ratings companies, Moody's and S&P, have for many years been shameless tools for the banks, willing to give just about anything a high rating in exchange for cash." ::
"It's long been suspected that ratings agencies like Moody's and Standard & Poor's helped trigger the meltdown. A new trove of embarrassing documents shows how they did it"
"The Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-19-13, @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook :: Link/URL*^*<
>####(06-30-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, POTUS
42 Clinton & POTUS 44 Obama
Administration, Banking Deregulation & Weak Re-Regulation ::
Senator Elizabeth Warren - *MA, Takes 3 CNBC Squawk Newsmaker Anchors to Fact School & drops them off in front of a bus ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Sen. Warren “…pushed for the Consumer Protection Bureau” ::
“The Republicans blocked her nomination to become the head of the Consumer Protection Bureau …I’ll go and join you in the Senate.” ::
Sen. Elizabeth Warren explains the effort to Re-institute Glass-Steagall ::
“What Glass-Steagall (1933) did is really important. It passed back in 1933. It created a great era of stability in banking. It separated out the part of the bank where you deposit your money from the part of the bank where they do investment banking and …they (bankers) invest their own money. Or you can say they (bankers) gamble with their own money. The reason you separate that out is because you don’t want them gambling with your money. …because the down side is for you and the up side is for them.” ::
“So now when we took Glass-Steagall away, at the end of Bill Clinton’s term by the way (1999), it wound up being an absolute disaster. ::
“Every CNBC Anchor is a lapdog for the banks.” ~ Cenk Uygur
(min 05:28) “But what Glass-Steagall can do is it can wind some more of the risk out of the system. It can help bring down the size of the largest banking institutions …Now here we are in 2013 and the Big 4 are 30% bigger. That puts too much risk back in the system.” ::
About passing the bill to re-regulate the Fed hog banks “Let me put for you this way… if you don’t fight for it the chances are zero.” ~ Sen. Warren
"Elizabeth Warren Brings News Anchors To Knees"
~ via The Young Turks, {Subscribe}, on 07-18-13, YT/05:00 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTWfa-iO9Nc
> ####(01-05-14)*CBWS*EC*ULDSEW###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Senator Elizabeth Warren - *MA, Takes 3 CNBC Squawk Newsmaker Anchors to Fact School & drops them off in front of a bus ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Sen. Warren “…pushed for the Consumer Protection Bureau” ::
“The Republicans blocked her nomination to become the head of the Consumer Protection Bureau …I’ll go and join you in the Senate.” ::
Sen. Elizabeth Warren explains the effort to Re-institute Glass-Steagall ::
“What Glass-Steagall (1933) did is really important. It passed back in 1933. It created a great era of stability in banking. It separated out the part of the bank where you deposit your money from the part of the bank where they do investment banking and …they (bankers) invest their own money. Or you can say they (bankers) gamble with their own money. The reason you separate that out is because you don’t want them gambling with your money. …because the down side is for you and the up side is for them.” ::
“So now when we took Glass-Steagall away, at the end of Bill Clinton’s term by the way (1999), it wound up being an absolute disaster. ::
“Every CNBC Anchor is a lapdog for the banks.” ~ Cenk Uygur
(min 05:28) “But what Glass-Steagall can do is it can wind some more of the risk out of the system. It can help bring down the size of the largest banking institutions …Now here we are in 2013 and the Big 4 are 30% bigger. That puts too much risk back in the system.” ::
About passing the bill to re-regulate the Fed hog banks “Let me put for you this way… if you don’t fight for it the chances are zero.” ~ Sen. Warren
"Elizabeth Warren Brings News Anchors To Knees"
~ via The Young Turks, {Subscribe}, on 07-18-13, YT/05:00 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTWfa-iO9Nc
> ####(01-05-14)*CBWS*EC*ULDSEW###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Short Selling, Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, Wall St,
Legal Short Selling Demo
“Matt Taibbi on Short Selling” (Author ~ “Griftopia” 2009)
~ via RollingStone, {Subscribe}, on 04-17-10, Video, 04:29 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G0iLr138lA&feature=fvwrel
>####(03-19-12)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Matt Taibbi on Short Selling” (Author ~ “Griftopia” 2009)
~ via RollingStone, {Subscribe}, on 04-17-10, Video, 04:29 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G0iLr138lA&feature=fvwrel
>####(03-19-12)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, Too
Big To Fail Banks, Movie w/Facts & Drama;
“Government by deal;” “Confidence is the core of any market”:: /\/Click_ Blue_ Links
< ↓ /\/see
Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Mortgage Banks combined with Investment Banks, an outcome of Gramm-Leach-Bliley 2000, the Financial Modernization Act ::
Thumbnail review of the 2008 & 2009 World Financial Market Plunge ::
“Once the fear leaves the market, I don’t see much that could stop this
from happening again.” :: “We still have institutions that are too big to
fail. And the next time one of them fails we will find that out all over again.”
"HBO Films: Too Big To Fail: Opening The Vault On The Financial Crisis (HBO)"
~ via HBO, {Subscribe}, on 05-10-11, YouTube, 19:07 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVV6dzDOgQ0
>###(09-08-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Mortgage Banks combined with Investment Banks, an outcome of Gramm-Leach-Bliley 2000, the Financial Modernization Act ::
Thumbnail review of the 2008 & 2009 World Financial Market Plunge ::
“Once the fear leaves the market, I don’t see much that could stop this
from happening again.” :: “We still have institutions that are too big to
fail. And the next time one of them fails we will find that out all over again.”
"HBO Films: Too Big To Fail: Opening The Vault On The Financial Crisis (HBO)"
~ via HBO, {Subscribe}, on 05-10-11, YouTube, 19:07 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVV6dzDOgQ0
>###(09-08-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666CRASH, U.S.
Being Extracted Through Banging & Trade ::
“Your Congress is Bought. Congress is incapable of making Legislation on Healthcare, Banking, Trade, or Taxes because if they do it they will lose their political funding“ ::
Corporatocracy-Class Warfare ::
Dylan Ratigan’s Screed & Rage at Financial Extraction
"Dylan Ratigan (rightfully) loses it on air"
~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, via nyankee2003, {Subscribe}, on 08-09-11, YouTube, 04:45 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIcqb9hHQ3E
>_^_ “Dylan Ratigan Rant, Wake-Up Call + Subtitle”
~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, via Newscollectie, {Subscribe}, on 08-11-11, YouTube, 09:43 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isTefClgPgE
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Your Congress is Bought. Congress is incapable of making Legislation on Healthcare, Banking, Trade, or Taxes because if they do it they will lose their political funding“ ::
Corporatocracy-Class Warfare ::
Dylan Ratigan’s Screed & Rage at Financial Extraction
"Dylan Ratigan (rightfully) loses it on air"
~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, via nyankee2003, {Subscribe}, on 08-09-11, YouTube, 04:45 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIcqb9hHQ3E
>_^_ “Dylan Ratigan Rant, Wake-Up Call + Subtitle”
~ Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, via Newscollectie, {Subscribe}, on 08-11-11, YouTube, 09:43 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isTefClgPgE
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666GOV, U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-*TX :: /\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
"…ascended to the powerful chairmanship of the House Financial Services Committee. Six weeks later, campaign finance filings and interviews show, Hensarling was joined by representatives of the banking industry for a ski vacation fundraiser" ::
“congressman's political action committee held the fundraiser at the St. Regis Deer Valley, the ‘Ritz-Carlton of ski resorts’”
"Jeb Hensarling, House Finance Chair, Goes On Ski Vacation With Wall Street"
~ Justin Elliott - ProPublica, {Subscribe}, via Huff Post, 04-30-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/30/jeb-hensarling_n_3185116.html
> ####(07-17-13)*CBWS*ULRRJH(*TX)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"…ascended to the powerful chairmanship of the House Financial Services Committee. Six weeks later, campaign finance filings and interviews show, Hensarling was joined by representatives of the banking industry for a ski vacation fundraiser" ::
“congressman's political action committee held the fundraiser at the St. Regis Deer Valley, the ‘Ritz-Carlton of ski resorts’”
"Jeb Hensarling, House Finance Chair, Goes On Ski Vacation With Wall Street"
~ Justin Elliott - ProPublica, {Subscribe}, via Huff Post, 04-30-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/30/jeb-hensarling_n_3185116.html
> ####(07-17-13)*CBWS*ULRRJH(*TX)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666LIBOR, (bank lending) Rate $500 TRILLION + ISDAfix
(interest-rate swaps) $379 TRILLION = $879 TRILLION FRAUD; Nationalize the Big
Banks; Sovereign Nations Can't Coexist With Big Banks, Break Them Up! ::
(Pg1) "...world is a rigged game. ...series of related corruption stories ...world's largest banks may be fixing the prices ...everything." :: "Libor scandal, ...perhaps as many as 16 ...too-big-to-fail banks ...manipulating global interest rates, ...$500 trillion ...of financial instruments." ::
"easily the biggest financial scandal in history – MIT professor Andrew Lo even said it 'dwarfs by orders of magnitude any financial scam in the history of markets.'" ::
"Libor ...twin brother. ...London-based firm ICAP, the world's largest broker of interest-rate swaps, is being investigated ...looking into whether or not a small group of brokers at ICAP may have ...manipulated ISDAfix, a benchmark ...calculate the prices of interest-rate swaps. ::
(Pg2) "In other words, we gave the players with incentives to game the system institutional roles in the economic infrastructure." :: "about a $379 trillion market, ...about 100 times the size of the United States federal budget." ::
"The Illuminati were amateurs. The second huge financial scandal of the year reveals the real international conspiracy: There's no price the big banks can't fix."
"Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 04-25-13, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/everything-is-rigged-the-biggest-financial-scandal-yet-20130425
>####(04-27-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(Pg1) "...world is a rigged game. ...series of related corruption stories ...world's largest banks may be fixing the prices ...everything." :: "Libor scandal, ...perhaps as many as 16 ...too-big-to-fail banks ...manipulating global interest rates, ...$500 trillion ...of financial instruments." ::
"easily the biggest financial scandal in history – MIT professor Andrew Lo even said it 'dwarfs by orders of magnitude any financial scam in the history of markets.'" ::
"Libor ...twin brother. ...London-based firm ICAP, the world's largest broker of interest-rate swaps, is being investigated ...looking into whether or not a small group of brokers at ICAP may have ...manipulated ISDAfix, a benchmark ...calculate the prices of interest-rate swaps. ::
(Pg2) "In other words, we gave the players with incentives to game the system institutional roles in the economic infrastructure." :: "about a $379 trillion market, ...about 100 times the size of the United States federal budget." ::
"The Illuminati were amateurs. The second huge financial scandal of the year reveals the real international conspiracy: There's no price the big banks can't fix."
"Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 04-25-13, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/everything-is-rigged-the-biggest-financial-scandal-yet-20130425
>####(04-27-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666LIBOR, Rate Bank Scandal, LIBOR
= Bank To Bank Lending Rate, OUTRAGE ::
“Like finding out the whole world is built on quicksand …faking credit scores;” Libor Rate = “Daily Reported” Rate Banks Charge Each Other = LIE-MORE RATE = Big Bangksters Manipulating The Market;
“Banks making as much money as they want without getting caught… same bangkters who caused the financial crisis still running the big banks;”16 Banks Set Libor, Admitted Collusion & Corruption But No Prosecution or No Jail Time For Bangksters; No limits on Bank Corruption in U.s; Matt Taibbi Explains Bank Cartel Corruption ::
“Corruption is at the core, lie-more is what they do, lie-more is the business model;” {Pay A Miniscule Fine If Caught}
“Talking LIBOR Banking Scandal with Eliot Spitzer”
~ Elliot Spitzer, Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, Dennis Kelleher – Pres. & CEO of Better Markets Inc, 07-06-12, YouTube, 09:04 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/talking-wall-street-corruption-libor-scandal-with-eliot-spitzer-20120706
>_^_ Barclay’s CEO Bob Diamond Resigns, Royal Bank of Scotland & Others Manipulating LIBOR
”Why is Nobody Freaking Out About the LIBOR Banking Scandal?”
~ Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscribe}, 07-03-12 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/why-is-nobody-freaking-out-about-the-libor-banking-scandal-20120703
>#(03-20-13)*CBWS*CWP#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Like finding out the whole world is built on quicksand …faking credit scores;” Libor Rate = “Daily Reported” Rate Banks Charge Each Other = LIE-MORE RATE = Big Bangksters Manipulating The Market;
“Banks making as much money as they want without getting caught… same bangkters who caused the financial crisis still running the big banks;”16 Banks Set Libor, Admitted Collusion & Corruption But No Prosecution or No Jail Time For Bangksters; No limits on Bank Corruption in U.s; Matt Taibbi Explains Bank Cartel Corruption ::
“Corruption is at the core, lie-more is what they do, lie-more is the business model;” {Pay A Miniscule Fine If Caught}
“Talking LIBOR Banking Scandal with Eliot Spitzer”
~ Elliot Spitzer, Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscriber Supported}, Dennis Kelleher – Pres. & CEO of Better Markets Inc, 07-06-12, YouTube, 09:04 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/talking-wall-street-corruption-libor-scandal-with-eliot-spitzer-20120706
>_^_ Barclay’s CEO Bob Diamond Resigns, Royal Bank of Scotland & Others Manipulating LIBOR
”Why is Nobody Freaking Out About the LIBOR Banking Scandal?”
~ Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, {Subscribe}, 07-03-12 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/why-is-nobody-freaking-out-about-the-libor-banking-scandal-20120703
>#(03-20-13)*CBWS*CWP#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666RICH Tax Evasion, Jailed In Federal Penitentiary, Whistleblower Bradley BIRKENFELD, “a UBS AG banker,” Exposing Secret Swiss Bank Accounts & U.S. Billionaire
Tax Evasion; Crooked U.S. District Court ::
Neo-Cons unhappy with Whistleblower, Federal Judge uses “Harsh Methods” to protect Rich Tax-Dodging Oligarchs for the GO Pee “Trickle Down/Golden Shower” ::
United Bank of Switzerland - USB Whistleblower "Bradley Birkenfeld... headed for prison even though he blew the whistle on a multibillion-dollar international U.S. tax fraud conspiracy. ::
Birkenfeld’s information let the U.S. pierce Swiss bank secrecy laws as never before possible." :: "...Birkenfeld sentence (40 months) stands as an insult to any claim that the government wants Whistleblowers to step up." :: U.S. Tax scofflaws and USB Conspirators all got far less time in Federal Prison or Probation :: "U.S. District Judge William Zloch (of Southern District of Florida, a Ronald Reagan Appointee, and a Notre Dame Law School Graduate) offered no explanation"
"UBS Whistleblower Gets Rewarded With Prison Time: Ann Woolner"
~ Commentary by Ann Woolner - Bloomberg, 08-25-09 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(12-24-13)*WB*CBWS*JSCDC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Neo-Cons unhappy with Whistleblower, Federal Judge uses “Harsh Methods” to protect Rich Tax-Dodging Oligarchs for the GO Pee “Trickle Down/Golden Shower” ::
United Bank of Switzerland - USB Whistleblower "Bradley Birkenfeld... headed for prison even though he blew the whistle on a multibillion-dollar international U.S. tax fraud conspiracy. ::
Birkenfeld’s information let the U.S. pierce Swiss bank secrecy laws as never before possible." :: "...Birkenfeld sentence (40 months) stands as an insult to any claim that the government wants Whistleblowers to step up." :: U.S. Tax scofflaws and USB Conspirators all got far less time in Federal Prison or Probation :: "U.S. District Judge William Zloch (of Southern District of Florida, a Ronald Reagan Appointee, and a Notre Dame Law School Graduate) offered no explanation"
"UBS Whistleblower Gets Rewarded With Prison Time: Ann Woolner"
~ Commentary by Ann Woolner - Bloomberg, 08-25-09 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(12-24-13)*WB*CBWS*JSCDC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666SPECULATION,
Commodities Speculators Manipulating Legislation,
Lawmakers, and Oil Prices …Robbing U.s Blind; Rep. Burgess (R-*TX);
Reason – Commodities Futures & Modernization Act
2000/Gramm-Leach-Bliley… “freed the hands of Job-Creators” …a.k.a Stock
Market Grifters & Gamblers
“More Evidence That Wall Street Is Causing Oil Prices To Rise”
~ Ray Medeiros, politicususa, {Subscribe}, 05-10-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.politicususa.com/wall-street-oil.html
> ####(04-26-13)*CBWS*ECE*ENO###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“More Evidence That Wall Street Is Causing Oil Prices To Rise”
~ Ray Medeiros, politicususa, {Subscribe}, 05-10-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.politicususa.com/wall-street-oil.html
> ####(04-26-13)*CBWS*ECE*ENO###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-08666SPECULATION, Deregulated Commodities Speculators Robbing U.s Blind by
Manipulating Oil Prices ::
Reuters Article Noted - “For Every 1 Million Barrels of Oil Owned By Commodities - Oil Speculators, that results in an $0.08 to $0.10 Rise in Oil Prices;” Reason – Commodities Futures & Modernization Act 2000/Gramm-Leach-Bliley “freed hands of Job-Creators” …a.k.a….Stock Market Grifters & Gamblers
“Banks Behind High Gas Prices? ”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 05-10-11, YouTube, 07:02 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(04-24-13)*CBWS*EC*ENO###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Reuters Article Noted - “For Every 1 Million Barrels of Oil Owned By Commodities - Oil Speculators, that results in an $0.08 to $0.10 Rise in Oil Prices;” Reason – Commodities Futures & Modernization Act 2000/Gramm-Leach-Bliley “freed hands of Job-Creators” …a.k.a….Stock Market Grifters & Gamblers
“Banks Behind High Gas Prices? ”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 05-10-11, YouTube, 07:02 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(04-24-13)*CBWS*EC*ENO###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-10666HISTORY, Bangkster Treachery, Thomas Jefferson ~ “more dangerous than standing armies;” Abraham Lincoln
Feared Them More Than The Confederate Army; Bailouts, No One Who Knows Banks
Trusts Bangksters, Privatize Profits Share Losses, Inside Jobs
“Papantoino: The Banking Industry - America’s New Thugs”
~ Mike P. – Ring of Fire Radio, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, via golefttv, {Subscribe}, on 01-07-10, YouTube, 03:50 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOErQ65UZUU&feature=relmfu
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Papantoino: The Banking Industry - America’s New Thugs”
~ Mike P. – Ring of Fire Radio, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, via golefttv, {Subscribe}, on 01-07-10, YouTube, 03:50 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOErQ65UZUU&feature=relmfu
>####(03-19-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-10666HISTORY, Fascism,
Fascist Coup by J.P. Morgan Chase:: Glass-Steagall Act 1933/Banking Act 1935, American Legion, Stopping Tyranny, Industrial Military
Complex, POTUS Franklin D. Roosevelt, Banking, Plot To Force Return To
Gold Standard ::
J.P. Morgan Wall Street Fascist Takeover of U.S. Government, Coup Against Roosevelt, Rich Americans Supported Nazi’s, American Liberty League Financing Hitler, Wall Street Fascist’s, *(Documentary “narration” eventually bashes President Obama, but original footage, 1940’s, stands on its own) ::
Smedley Butler- U.S. Military Retired :: Author, “War is a racket”
~ Smedley Butler, Stopping Tyranny
“Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot”
~ F.D.R. & S.B., via ritmit, {Subscribe}, 08-14-11, YT/17:57 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE6adoNR14U
>(06-05-13)*CBWS*PIS*WF*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
J.P. Morgan Wall Street Fascist Takeover of U.S. Government, Coup Against Roosevelt, Rich Americans Supported Nazi’s, American Liberty League Financing Hitler, Wall Street Fascist’s, *(Documentary “narration” eventually bashes President Obama, but original footage, 1940’s, stands on its own) ::
Smedley Butler- U.S. Military Retired :: Author, “War is a racket”
~ Smedley Butler, Stopping Tyranny
“Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot”
~ F.D.R. & S.B., via ritmit, {Subscribe}, 08-14-11, YT/17:57 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE6adoNR14U
>(06-05-13)*CBWS*PIS*WF*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation-10666HISTORY, Wall
Street, Pres. Ronald Reagan, (Republican -
1981-1989), Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions
Act of 1982; Era Law; Wall Street Mortgage Deregulation; 2008 Mortgage
Securities Bank Fraud; The Act minimized the down
payment requirement on home mortgages; It loosened
lending standards for other consumer credit ::
F.Y.I.: Reagan started Fannie and Freddie Mortgage problems. It was a Lending Climate that resulted in No-Income-No-Job a.k.a. “Ninja Loans.” (Pushed By Mortgage Corps); Garn-St. Germain initiated a radical change in spending behavior, a rise of private debt, and moved household debt to 119% of income by 2007 (60% in 1981}.
“Reagan Did It”
~ Paul Krugman - NY Times, {Subscribe}, 05-31-09 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/01/opinion/01krugman.html
> ####(08-31-13)*CBWS*PMF*ULLE*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
F.Y.I.: Reagan started Fannie and Freddie Mortgage problems. It was a Lending Climate that resulted in No-Income-No-Job a.k.a. “Ninja Loans.” (Pushed By Mortgage Corps); Garn-St. Germain initiated a radical change in spending behavior, a rise of private debt, and moved household debt to 119% of income by 2007 (60% in 1981}.
“Reagan Did It”
~ Paul Krugman - NY Times, {Subscribe}, 05-31-09 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/01/opinion/01krugman.html
> ####(08-31-13)*CBWS*PMF*ULLE*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
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