Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act 2010, ObamaCare,
Koch-Qaeda Teahad House Opposition; 80 Members for Defunding ACA ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
[A Tea Party Letter to destroy ACA sent to Speaker Boehner …answers the question: Why Boehner rejected “his own budget proposal” approved by the U.S. Senate & POTUS, and the House Speaker “moved the goal posts back” by adding “poison pill” language to the bill with “defund/delay ACA implementation” 4 times.
His counter proposals were rejected 4x. He wants to stop a Tea Party Candidate from running against him in 2014. They voted against the bill 44 times at a cost of over $1 million each.]
Defunding Endorsed by 78 Republican Koch-Teahadists & Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-*NC-7) & Rep. Jim Matheson (D-*UT-4) ::
*AL, *AR, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *FL, *GA, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *NM, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WI, *WY
30 States with 80 U.S. House Reps "Districts of Republicans who signed a letter demanding that John Boehner pass legislation to defund ObamaCare (Map Source: The Cook Political Report) ::
"On August 21st, (U.S.) Congressman Mark Meadows sent a letter to John Boehner. Meadows is a former restaurant owner and Sunday-school Bible teacher from North Carolina. ...wanted Boehner to use the threat of a government shutdown to defund ObamaCare, a course Boehner had publicly ruled out. ...North Carolina’s Eleventh District had been gerrymandered after the 2010 census to become the most Republican district in his state. ...eighty-seven per cent white, five per cent Latino, and three per cent black." ::
"Before Meadows sent off his letter to Boehner, he circulated it among his colleagues, and with the help of the conservative group FreedomWorks ...Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Mike Lee, seventy-nine like-minded House Republicans from districts very similar to Meadows’s added their signatures."
"Where the G.O.P.'s Suicide Caucus Lives"
~ Ryan Lizza - Daily Comment - The New Yorker, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-26-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(09-28-13)*ECSSN#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative Br.-(R) Congress, Class Warfare-101A, Senate Disaster Hypocrites in *AL, *AR, *AZ,* *FL, *GA, *GA, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KS, *KY, *KY, *MO, *NC, *NE, *NH, *OH, *OK, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *UT, *WI, *WY, *WY
"31 Senate Republicans Opposed Sandy Relief After Supporting Disaster Aid For Home States" ::
~ Josh Israel -- ThinkProgress Economy, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 :: Link/URL
>_^_ U.S. House Hypocrites: * AL, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *GA, *GA, *GA, *IL, *IN, *IN, *KS, *KS, *MD, *MI, *MO, *MS, *NC, *NM, *OH, *OH, *SC, *SC, *TN, *TN, *TN, *TN, *TX, *TX, *TX, *TX, *TX, *TX, *VA, *WI, *WI, *WI, *WI ::
U.S. Representatives From These States Requested Disaster Relief But Voted Against Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief
"37 Congressional Republicans Opposed Sandy Relief After Supporting Disaster Aid For Home States"
~ Josh Israel -- ThinkProgress Economy, {Subscribe}, 01-07-13 :: Link/URL
> ####(04-03-14)*ULC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
[A Tea Party Letter to destroy ACA sent to Speaker Boehner …answers the question: Why Boehner rejected “his own budget proposal” approved by the U.S. Senate & POTUS, and the House Speaker “moved the goal posts back” by adding “poison pill” language to the bill with “defund/delay ACA implementation” 4 times.
His counter proposals were rejected 4x. He wants to stop a Tea Party Candidate from running against him in 2014. They voted against the bill 44 times at a cost of over $1 million each.]
Defunding Endorsed by 78 Republican Koch-Teahadists & Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-*NC-7) & Rep. Jim Matheson (D-*UT-4) ::
*AL, *AR, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *FL, *GA, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *NM, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WI, *WY
30 States with 80 U.S. House Reps "Districts of Republicans who signed a letter demanding that John Boehner pass legislation to defund ObamaCare (Map Source: The Cook Political Report) ::
"On August 21st, (U.S.) Congressman Mark Meadows sent a letter to John Boehner. Meadows is a former restaurant owner and Sunday-school Bible teacher from North Carolina. ...wanted Boehner to use the threat of a government shutdown to defund ObamaCare, a course Boehner had publicly ruled out. ...North Carolina’s Eleventh District had been gerrymandered after the 2010 census to become the most Republican district in his state. ...eighty-seven per cent white, five per cent Latino, and three per cent black." ::
"Before Meadows sent off his letter to Boehner, he circulated it among his colleagues, and with the help of the conservative group FreedomWorks ...Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Mike Lee, seventy-nine like-minded House Republicans from districts very similar to Meadows’s added their signatures."
"Where the G.O.P.'s Suicide Caucus Lives"
~ Ryan Lizza - Daily Comment - The New Yorker, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-26-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(09-28-13)*ECSSN#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

U.S. Legislative Br.-(R) Congress, Class Warfare-101A, Senate Disaster Hypocrites in *AL, *AR, *AZ,* *FL, *GA, *GA, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KS, *KY, *KY, *MO, *NC, *NE, *NH, *OH, *OK, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *UT, *WI, *WY, *WY
"31 Senate Republicans Opposed Sandy Relief After Supporting Disaster Aid For Home States" ::
~ Josh Israel -- ThinkProgress Economy, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 :: Link/URL
>_^_ U.S. House Hypocrites: * AL, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *GA, *GA, *GA, *IL, *IN, *IN, *KS, *KS, *MD, *MI, *MO, *MS, *NC, *NM, *OH, *OH, *SC, *SC, *TN, *TN, *TN, *TN, *TX, *TX, *TX, *TX, *TX, *TX, *VA, *WI, *WI, *WI, *WI ::
U.S. Representatives From These States Requested Disaster Relief But Voted Against Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief
"37 Congressional Republicans Opposed Sandy Relief After Supporting Disaster Aid For Home States"
~ Josh Israel -- ThinkProgress Economy, {Subscribe}, 01-07-13 :: Link/URL
> ####(04-03-14)*ULC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-401, *AL, *AZ, *FL, *KS, *LA, *MS, *TX, *VA, Vaginal Ultrasound Laws
“Virginia Becomes Eight State to Require Ultrasound Before Abortion”
~ Matt Bewig - AllGov, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-11-12 :: Link/URL
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Walmart Welfare Queens-06, Law-Gun, 23 Stand Your Ground States;
*AL, *AZ, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN^, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MS, *MT, *NV, *NC, *OK, *OR, *SC^, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WA, *WV^ (^ No Duty To Retreat from a confrontation); Corp Wall Street Deregulation; In 2004, the Ban on Assault Weapon Sales to the Public was Lifted by Republicans and BlueDogs serving A.L.E.C., the N.R.A/National Rifle Association owned by Gun Manuf’ers, and the Biggest Gun Retailer, Walmart ::
A.L.E.C. works for all of them to pass State Laws favoring Big Corp’s & Special Interest Groups :: Wayne LaPierre – NRA - C.E.O. – Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins :: Gun Manuf’ng Lobby, NRA, Corp Wolf P.A.C. gun industry profits, pistol-whipping legislators ::
[Walmart Store social safety net subsidy to workers, figured by the Congressional Budget Office for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 Million/Store/Year. This anti-union anti-living wage Walton family has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 Million in 2013.]
“23 States with ‘Stand Your Ground’ Gun Laws like Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free”
~ Cora Currier-ProPublica, via Alternet,{Subscribe},03-25-12::Link/URL*^*< _gun_laws_like_the_one_that_let_trayvon_martin%27s_killer_go_free/?page=entire
>##(03-20-13)*CWP2*ULG#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Laws-Gun-101, State Consumer Boycott;
27 "Stand Your Ground" STATES & Year Law was enacted ::
*AL, '06; *AK, '11; *AZ, '06; *FL, '05; *GA, '06; *IN, '06; *KS, '06; KY, '06; *LA, '06; *MI, '06; *MS, '06; *MO, '07; *MT, '09; *NV, '11; *NH, '11; *NC, '11; *ND, '07; *OH, '08; *OK, '06; *PA, '11; *SD, 'XX; SC, '08; *TN, '07; *TX, '07; *UT, '10; *WV, ‘08; *WI, '11 ::
Major Players/Partners in crime include:
1.) A.L.E.C. American Legislative Counsil [w/Corp’s written laws shoved down our throats by their “schooled tool” Red ST Legislators];
2.) WALMART [America’s Largest Gun Dealer];
3.) N.R.A. [Nat. Rifle Assn./Nihilist Rapid-fire-Assassins], &
4.) GUN Manufacturers pushed the American Legislative Council's "boiler plate"/"cookie cutter" State "Stand Your Ground Laws" that promote gun sales, aggressive gun violence, and legalize confrontational murder. ::
"The boycott against Stand Your Ground states is being used to push state legislators to join us in changing the unjust laws of these 20+ states in the US. On the 13th of every month people in those states will boycott and not make any purchases for those 24hrs. Of course that would be additional to people outside these states not traveling there for vacation purposes."
"National 'Stand Your Ground' Boycott!" {Subscribe}, 13th of Every Month :: Link/URL
(^^^) "Boycott 'Stand Your Ground' States"
~ via Boycott SYG, {Subscribe}, 07-24-13, YouTube, 04:08 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ "This video gives a prime example of what this country considers justified. The scenario given could allow a murder using Stand Your Ground or Self Defense laws walk free. We have clearly seen that these laws do nothing but allow vigilantes and unfit minds to continue on with life as so many others suffer."
"Justified Murder?"
~ via Boycott SYG, {Subscribe}, 07-28-13, YouTube, 01:50 min :: Link/URL
> ####(12-01-13)*CW###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C22, “Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Astroturf Tea Party Movement ::
Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”::
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Gov. Haley Barbour (R-*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R-*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R-*OK), Rep. Mike Pence (R-*IN), Rep Tom Price (R-*GA), GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R-*WI),
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia; Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO, Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks ::
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom”
~ Keith Olbermann – MSNBC Countdown, {Subscribe}, Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, Author ~ “Griftopia” ’09 financial crash causes & Tea Party Origins; via tigerone1970,{Subscribe}, 10-25-12, YT/06:59 min::BB Link/URL
>_^_ Duplicate, Backup
”Olbermann: The Kochtopus”
~ MSNBC, via,{Subscribe},10-20-10, V06:59 min::BB Link/URL
>_^_ Duplicate, Backup
“Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda”
~ MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via VRAdmin, 10-21-10, YouTube, 07:05 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Koch Watch, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP(SEG)(*IN)(*LA)(*SC)(*GA)(*MS)(*OK)(*WI)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C16, “Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names ::
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?” ::
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R-*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R-*SC) and Tom Coburn (R-*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R-*IN), Tom Price (R-*GA), and Paul Ryan (R-*WI), Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
“Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ Huffington Post, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-28-11 :: Link/URL
>#(03-15-13)*CWP*(UJSC)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Class Warfare-112, Republican Race Baiting Presidents Reagan & Bush-I
First Campaign Stop Philadelphia Mississippi Where 3 Civil Rights Activists Were Murdered in the 1960’s ::
"As a young congressman, (Trent) Lott was among those who urged Reagan to deliver his first major campaign speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence." ::
"support for "states' rights" — a code word for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southern voters." ::
"Republican heroes as, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon or George Bush the elder… used coded racial messages to lure disaffected blue collar and Southern white voters away from the Democrats." ::
"Reagan, who set a standard for exploiting white anger and resentment rarely seen since George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door"
"Lott, Reagan and Republican Racism"
~ Jack White - Time, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-14-02 :: Link/URL
> ####(08-31-13)*CW*WB(UE40)(*MS)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-088_S.N.A.P. Fed & St. Food Assist-01,
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Nutrition Assist Program; It’s “Survival Food” to 50 million U.s Veterans, Children, Seniors, Orphaned, Disabled Americans; 1/6 (in 2013) qualify for a monthly debit to the recipients E.B.T. Card (Electronic Benefits Transfer); 16 % seniors, 17 % disabled, 42% working poor ::
Meet the 217 Republican U.S. Rep’s who voted to cut S.N.A.P. by $40 BILLION over 10 years; Names & House Votes to remember in 2014, etc.
AL_ Martha *ROBY*(R-AL); __ AL_ Mike Rogers (R-AL);
AL_ Mo Brooks (R-AL); __ AL_ Robert Aderholt (R-AL);
AL_ Spencer Bachus (R-AL);
AR_ Rick Crawford (R-AR); __ AR_ Robert Woodall (R-AR);
AR_ Steve Womack (R-AR); __ AR_ Tim Griffin (R-AR);
AR_ Tom Cotton (R-AR);
AZ_ David Schweikert (R-AZ); __ AZ_ Matt Salmon (R-AZ);
AZ_ Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ); __ AZ_ Trent Franks (R-AZ);
CA_ Buck McKeon (R-CA); __ CA_ Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA);
CA_ Darrell Issa (R-CA); __ CA_ Devin Nunes (R-CA);
CA_ Doug LaMalfa (R-CA); __ CA_ Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA);
CA_ Ed Royce (R-CA); __ CA_ Jeff Denham (R-CA);
CA_ John Campbell (R-CA); __ CA_ Ken Calvert (R-CA);
CA_ Kevin McCarthy (R-CA); __ CA_ Paul Cook (R-A);
CA_ Tom McClintock (R-CA);
CO_ Cory Gardner (R-CO); __ CO_ Doug Lamborn (R-CO);
CO_ Mike Coffman (R-CO); __ CO_ Scott Tipton (R-CO);
FL _ Bill Posey (R-FL); __ FL_ Ander Crenshaw (R-FL);
FL_ C.W. Bill Young (R-FL); __ FL_ Daniel Webster (R-FL);
FL_ Dennis Ross (R-FL); __ FL_ Gus Bilirakis (R-FL);
FL_ Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL); __ FL_ Jeff *MILLER*(R-FL);
FL_ John Mica (R-FL); __ FL_ Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL);
FL_ Richard Nugent (R-FL); __ FL_ Ron DeSantis (R-FL);
FL_ Steve Southerland (R-FL); __ FL_ Ted Yoho (R-FL);
FL_ Tom Rooney (R-FL); __ FL_ Trey Radel (R-FL);
FL_ Vern Buchanan (R-FL);
GA_ Austin Scott (R-GA); __ GA_ Doug Collins (R-GA);
GA_ Jack Kingston (R-GA); __ GA_ Lynn A. Westmoreland (R-GA);
GA_ Paul Broun (R-GA); __ GA_ Phil Gingrey (R-GA);
GA_ Tom Graves (R-GA); __ GA_ Tom Price (R-GA);
__ *IA_ IOWA__ IA_ Steve King (R-IA); __ IA_ Tom *LATHAM*(R-IA);
__ *ID_ IDAHO__ ID_ Mike Simpson (R-ID); __ ID_ Raul R. Labrador (R-ID);
IL_ Aaron Schock (R-IL); __ IL_ Adam Kinzinger (R-IL);
IL_ John Shimkus (R-IL); __ IL_ Peter J. Roskam (R-IL);
IL_ Randy Hultgren (R-IL); __ IL_ Rodney Davis (R-IL);
IN_ Jackie Walorski (R-IN); __ IN_ Larry Bucshon (R-IN);
IN_ Luke Messer (R-IN); __ IN_ Marlin *STUTZMAN*(R-IN);
IN_ Susan W. Brooks (R-IN); __ IN_ Todd Rokita (R-IN);
IN_ Todd Young (R-IN);
__ *KS_ KANSAS__
KS_ Kevin Yoder (R-KS); __ KS_ Lynn Jenkins (R-KS);
KS_ Mike Pompeo (R-KS); __ KS_ Tim *HUELSKAMP*(R-KS);
KY_ Andy Barr (R-KY); __ KY_ Brett S. Guthrie (R-KY);
KY_ Ed Whitfield (R-KY); __ KY_ Harold Rogers (R-KY);
KY_ Thomas *MASSIE*(R-KY);
LA_ Charles Boustany (R-LA); __ LA_ John Fleming (R-LA);
LA_ Rodney Alexander (R-LA); __ LA_ Steve Scalise (R-LA);
LA_ William Cassidy (R-LA);
__ *MD_ MARYLAND__ MD_ Andy Harris (R-MD);
MI_ Bill Huizenga (R-MI); __ MI_ Candice Miller (R-MI);
MI_ Dan Benishek (R-MI); __ MI_ Dave Camp (R-MI);
MI_ Fred Upton (R-MI); __ MI_ Justin Amash (R-MI);
MI_ Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI); __ MI_ Mike Rogers (R-MI);
MI_ Tim Walberg (R-MI);
MN_ Erik Paulsen (R-MN); __ MN_ John Kline (R-MN);
MN_ Michele Bachmann (R-MN);
MO_ Ann Wagner (R-MO); __ MO_ Billy Long (R-MO);
MO_ Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO); __ MO_ Jason Smith (R-MO);
MO_ Sam *GRAVES*(R-MO); __ MO_ Vicky *HARTZLER*(R-MO);
MS_ Alan Nunnelee (R-MS); __ MS_ Gregg Harper (R-MS);
MS_ Steven Palazzo (R-MS);
__ *MT_ MONTANA__ MT_ Steve Daines (R-MT);
__ *NB_ NEBRASKA__ NB_ Adrian Smith (R-NB); __ NB_ Lee Terry (R-NB);
NC_ George Holding (R-NC); __ NC_ Howard Coble (R-NC);
NC_ Mark Meadows (R-NC); __ NC_ Patrick T. McHenry (R-NC);
NC_ Renee Ellmers (R-NC); __ NC_ Richard Hudson (R-NC);
NC_ Robert Pittenger (R-NC); __ NC_ Virginia Foxx (R-NC);
__ *ND_ NORTH DAKOTA__ ND_ Kevin Cramer (R-ND);
NJ_ Jon Runyan (R-NJ); __ NJ_ Leonard Lance (R.-NJ);
NJ_ Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ); __ NJ_ Scott Garrett (R-NJ);
__ *NM_ NEW MEXICO__ NM_ Steve Pearce (R-NM);
__ *NV_ NEVADA__ NV_ Joe Heck (R-NV); __ NV_ Mark Amodei (R-NV);
__ *NY_ NEW YORK__ NY_ Chris Collins (R-NY); __ NY_ Tom Reed (R-NY);
__ *OH_ OHIO__
OH_ Bill Johnson (R-OH); __ OH_ Bob *GIBBS*(R-OH);
OH_ Brad Wenstrup (R-OH); __ OH_ David Joyce (R-OH);
OH_ Jim Jordan (R-OH); __ OH_ Jim Renacci (R-OH);
OH_ John Boehner (R-OH); __ OH_ Michael Turner (R-OH);
OH_ Pat Tiberi (R-OH); __ OH_ Robert E. Latta (R-OH);
OH_ Steve Chabot (R-OH); __ OH_ Steve Stivers (R-OH);
OK_ Frank Lucas (R-OK); __ OK_ James Lankford (R-OK);
OK_ Jim Bridenstine (R-OK); __ OK_ Markwayne Mullin (R-OK);
OK_ Tom Cole (R-OK);
__ *OR_ OREGON__ OR_ Greg Walden (R-OR);
PA_ Bill Shuster (R-PA); __ PA_ Charles W. Dent (R-PA);
PA_ Glenn W. Thompson (R-PA); __ PA_ Jim Gerlach (R-PA);
PA_ Joseph R. Pitts (R-PA); __ PA_ Keith Rothfus (R-PA);
PA_ Lou Barletta (R-PA); __ PA_ Mike Kelly (R-PA);
PA_ Scott Perry (R-PA); __ PA_ Tim Murphy (R-PA);
PA_ Tom Marino (R-PA);
SC_ Jeff Duncan (R-SC); __ SC_ Joe Wilson (R-SC);
SC_ Mark Sanford (R-SC); __ SC_ Mick Mulvaney (R-SC);
SC_ Tom Rice (R-SC); __ SC_ Trey Gowdy (R-SC);
__ *SD_ SOUTH DAKOTA__ SD_ Kristi *NOEM*(R-SD);
TN_ Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN); __ TN_ Diane Black (R-TN);
TN_ John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN); __ TN_ Marsha Blackburn (T-TN);
TN_ Phil Roe (R-TN); __ TN_ Scott DesJarlais (R-TN);
TN_ Stephen *FINCHER*(R-TN);
__ *TX_ TEXAS__
TX- Jeb Hensarling (R-TX); __ TX_ Bill *FLORES*(R-TX);
TX_ Blake **FARENTHOLD ** (R-TX); __ TX_ Joe Barton (R-TX);
TX_ John Carter (R-TX); __ TX_ John Culberson (R-TX);
TX_ Kay Granger (R-TX); __ TX_ Kenny Marchant (R-TX);
TX_ Kevin Brady (R-TX); __ TX_ Lamar *SMITH*(R-TX);
TX_ Louie Gohmert (R-TX); __ TX_ Mac *THORNBERRY*(R-TX);
TX_ Michael C. Burgess (R-TX); __ TX_ Michael K. Conaway (R-TX);
TX_ Michael T. McCaul (R-TX); __ TX_ Pete Olson (R-TX);
TX_ Pete Sessions (R-TX); __ TX_ Ralph M. Hall (R-TX);
TX_ Randy **NEUGEBAUER** (R-TX); __ TX_ Randy Weber (R-TX);
TX_ Roger Williams (R-TX); __ TX_ Sam Johnson (R-TX);
TX_ Steve Stockman (R-TX); __ TX_ Ted Poe (R-TX);
__ *UT_ UTAH__
UT_ Chris Stewart (R-UT); __ UT_ Jason Chaffetz (R-UT);
UT_ Rob Bishop (R-UT);
VA_ Bob Goodlatte (R-VA); __ VA_ Eric Cantor (R-VA);
VA_ Morgan Griffith (R-VA); __ VA_ Randy J. Forbes (R-VA);
VA_ Robert Hurt (R-VA); __ VA_ Robert J. Wittman (R-VA);
VA_ Scott Rigell (R-VA);
WA_ Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA); __ WA_ David G. Reichert (R-WA);
WA_ Doc Hastings (R-WA);
WI_ James F. Sensenbrenner (R-WI); __ WI_ Paul Ryan (R-WI);
WI_ Reid Ribble (R-WI); __ WI_ Sean P. Duffy (R-WI);
WI_ Thomas Petri (R-WI);
__ *WV_ WEST VIRGINIA__ WV_ David McKinley (R-WV);
__ *WY_ WYOMING__ WY_ Cynthia M. *LUMIS*(R-WY);
"Republicans in the House of Rep’s voted to push through a plan to slash nearly $40 billion from the food stamp program" ::
"The plan passed narrowly, 217-210 …15 Republicans joined w/Democrats against the plan."
"Meet the Republicans Who Voted to Slash $40 Billion from the Food Stamps Program"
~ God's Politics, a blog by Jim Wallis & friends - Sojourners, Faith in Action for Social Justice, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-20-13 :: Link/URL
> ####(09-30-13)*ECSSNF(ULRRPR)###*(7,852 ac posts as “comment”)
#* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-088_S.N.A.P. Fed &
St. Food Assist-02, "federal government slashed food assistance for
low-income families by $5 billion, a Washington D.C.-based research group
revealed that 50 of the country’s richest people
received over $11 million in handouts from the government, that could be
labeled “welfare for billionaires.”"
"David Rockefeller, Walton Family, Charles Schwab Among Billionaires Getting Welfare In Form Of "Farm Subsidies""
~ Jonathan Vankin - Opposing Views - Politics, 11-07-13 :: Link/URL
>##(11-09-13)*CWF*ESSN#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"David Rockefeller, Walton Family, Charles Schwab Among Billionaires Getting Welfare In Form Of "Farm Subsidies""
~ Jonathan Vankin - Opposing Views - Politics, 11-07-13 :: Link/URL
>##(11-09-13)*CWF*ESSN#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-088_S.N.A.P. Fed & St. Food Assist-03, GOP-Libertarian-Tea, Default 2011, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
“GOP Wheel of Misfortune”
~ Rep. Ted Deutch (D-*FL), via MyPeaceTV, {Subscribe}, Video, 11:11 min, 07-19-11 :: Link/URL
> ####(04-26-13)*ECSSNF(ULRRPR)###*
#* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-088_S.N.A.P. Fed &
St. Food Assist-04, Austerity, 300k Kids Off Lunch
Program, Sequester Cuts, Austerity, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP)
“GOP Rep Describes Pushing 300k Children Off Lunch Program To Protect Military Spending As “Trimming The Fat”
~ Ben Armbruster – Think Progress, via AlterNet, Video: Greta Van Susteren w/House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-*CA), {Subscribe}, 05-08-12, YouTube, 0:42 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(04-24-13)*ECSSNF(ULRRPR)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“GOP Rep Describes Pushing 300k Children Off Lunch Program To Protect Military Spending As “Trimming The Fat”
~ Ben Armbruster – Think Progress, via AlterNet, Video: Greta Van Susteren w/House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-*CA), {Subscribe}, 05-08-12, YouTube, 0:42 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(04-24-13)*ECSSNF(ULRRPR)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-088_S.N.A.P. Fed & St. Food Assist-05, Corp Walmart; American Tax Payers Subsidize Walmart Workers While the 6 Walmart Heirs Possess More Wealth Than 40% of Americans Put Together ::
Low Wage Walmart’s underpaid employees need the “Food Stamp program – it is the largest reason why we need a Food Stamp program and yet it reaps the ultimate benefit of the program.” :: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
[Walmart Store social safety net subsidy to workers, figured by the Congressional Budget Office for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 Million/Store/Year. This anti-union anti-living wage Walton family has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 Million in 2013.]
“Walmart: America’s True Welfare Queen”
~ John Thorpe – Benzinga, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-12-12 :: Link/URL
> ####(04-26-13)*CWP*ECSSN*JL###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-088_S.N.A.P. Fed & St. Food Assist-06, GOP Budget, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-*WI-1) Budget Cuts, Republican Cuts On Women & Infant Food Program; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
“Congressman Kucinich budget cuts on Women and Infant Food Program conflict with America’s Values.”
~ Rep. Kucinich - *OH, via MyPeaceTV, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-15-11, Video, 04:49 min :: BB Link/URL
> ####(04-26-13)*ECSSNF(ULRRPR)(*WI)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-01A, Junk Health Care Ins. Policy Cancellation Letters Blaming ObamaCare-ACA::
/\/ Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
"critics are going to town on the cancellation letters millions of Americans are receiving from their health insurers..."
"Consumer Reports published a study of many of these plans and placed them in a special category: 'junk health insurance.'"
"Obamacare hysteria: Don't believe the canceled insurance hype"
~ Michael Hiltzik - Los Angeles Times - Business - The Economy Hub, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-30-13 :: Link/URL
> ####(11-15-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-01B,
/\/ Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Health Care Insurance Open Enrollment for private health coverage from 10-01-13 to 03-31-14 – 6 Months
"The Health Insurance Marketplace is open"
"" effectively open for business on 10-01-14 :: Link/URL
Individuals & Families, Video 01:43 :: Link/URL
Small Business, Video 01:43 :: Link/URL
>_^_ The U.S. 50 State ACA - Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access) Care Act 2010/ObamaCare Marketplace is open for enrollment to those who have no health care benefit at work or no work at present. Health Care insurance is offered by participating “private” health insurance providers, with a range of plans, prices and deductable options available from 10-01-13 to 03-31-14 (a six month window). ::
[26 some Redneck Koch-Tea Governed &/or Legislature States* have “rejected” the “3 year free Medicare Expansion” benefit for their state’s neediest residents. Also deflected were thousands of jobs, dozens of billions of health care income dollars and state income tax windfalls. (After 3 years, states are required to pick up just 10% of the Medicare Expansion cost to cover the neediest residents. *AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY )]
[NOTE 1: The ACA/ObamaCare Website is handling traffic from 36 states and 5 territories that don’t have or couldn’t implement State Exchanges, or just rejected State Exchanges and spurned the Medicare Extension Coverage for their most underserved residents. The 14 (much smaller) Individual State Health Insurance Exchanges are said to be working well. (96% of all Website Roll Outs, exceeding $10 million to implement, failed and had to be fixed over a period of months.)
The “unfunded” and “unbudgeted” Medicare D program rolled out by the George W. Bush Administration in 2006, (that cost taxpayers far “more” than the Affordable [Private Health Insurance Access &] Care Act), failed miserably at its initiation too. But unlike now, Democrats joined with Republicans in calling for fixing those glitches and kerfuffle’s in Medicare D, accepting the settled “uncontested” law. President Obama put “both” Medicare D & ObamaCare “in the budget” of the United States Government.
Congress needs to fund them both by taxing “Pay-To-Play Sacred Cows” like Multinational “Corporate Welfare” Queen Recipients and the Forbes 400 Kings. Those interests have mutually used our collective commons resources, our infrastructure, and bought many of our politicians who introduced “Boutique Legislation” that continue to exploit “our tax code” so they can become richer …since 1981 as Ronald Reagan reignited Class Warfare, a dynamic income shift best characterized as “Trickle-Up,” not “Trickle-Down” Economics. From then to now, lobbyists numbers went from just 300 to 30,000+.]
[Note 2: Thank the gay English code-cracking mathematician and World War II Hero, Alan Turing, for ciphering early “computer code” which produced a communication venue which circumvents Corp’s and Oligarch’s “Ad Propaganda Media” (even if “they do monitor” …lol). And though Turing committed suicide rather than subject himself of British court mandated injections or prison, computer communication of truth means we “don’t” have to repeat what Fascism did to his generation.
The 1% has corrupted paperless track-free electronic voting machines though. Wealthy U.S. Republicans own the Corp’s that manufacture them; and electronic voting machines are easily hacked by a high-school computer nerds and more sophisticated programmers alike. Returning to “physical evidence” producing paper ballots is a necessity …in order to avoid the austerity of the GO Pee “Golden Shower” on the entire social safety net, and prevent tag-along Blue-Dog Corporate Dems from rusting the fire plug reg’s on Wall Street to keep up w/the Joneses and stay in a country club.]
> ####(09-30-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE
Interactive 50 State Map – CLICK a State to view statistics of Uninsured Americans age 19 – 64 ::
"The 26 Republican-dominated states not participating in an expansion of Medicaid are home to a disproportionate share of the nation’s poorest uninsured residents. Eight million will be stranded without insurance."
"Where Poor and Uninsured Americans Live"
~ Robert Gebeloff, Haeyoun Park, Matthew Bloch, & Matthew Ericson - The New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-02-13 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ "national effort to extend health coverage to millions of Americans will leave out two-thirds of the poor blacks and single mothers and more than half of the low-wage workers who do not have insurance ...according to an analysis of census data by The New York Times." ::
"they live in states largely controlled by Republicans that have declined to participate in a vast expansion of Medicaid, the medical insurance program for the poor ...8 million Americans ...impoverished, uninsured and ineligible for help. The federal government will pay for the expansion through 2016 and no less than 90 percent of costs in later years."
"Millions of Poor Are Left Uncovered by Health Law"
~ Sabrina Tavernise & Robert Gebeloff - New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-02-13 :: Link/URL
>_^_ 2 Page "FILE DOWNLOAD" MEDICAID Participation Stats of 50 States;
STATES "Not Participating" in Medicaid Expansion as of 09-30-13 are:
*AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY
"State Medicaid and CHIP Income Eligibility Standards Effective January 1, 2014(*1) (For MAGI Groups, based on state decisions as of September 30, 2013)"
~ CMS - Center For Medicare & Medicaid Services - Center For Medicaid & Chip Services, 09-30-13 :: Link/URL 2 Page FILE DOWNLOAD
> ####(09-30-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Interactive 50 State Map – CLICK a State to view statistics of Uninsured Americans age 19 – 64 ::
"The 26 Republican-dominated states not participating in an expansion of Medicaid are home to a disproportionate share of the nation’s poorest uninsured residents. Eight million will be stranded without insurance."
"Where Poor and Uninsured Americans Live"
~ Robert Gebeloff, Haeyoun Park, Matthew Bloch, & Matthew Ericson - The New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-02-13 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ "national effort to extend health coverage to millions of Americans will leave out two-thirds of the poor blacks and single mothers and more than half of the low-wage workers who do not have insurance ...according to an analysis of census data by The New York Times." ::
"they live in states largely controlled by Republicans that have declined to participate in a vast expansion of Medicaid, the medical insurance program for the poor ...8 million Americans ...impoverished, uninsured and ineligible for help. The federal government will pay for the expansion through 2016 and no less than 90 percent of costs in later years."
"Millions of Poor Are Left Uncovered by Health Law"
~ Sabrina Tavernise & Robert Gebeloff - New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-02-13 :: Link/URL
>_^_ 2 Page "FILE DOWNLOAD" MEDICAID Participation Stats of 50 States;
STATES "Not Participating" in Medicaid Expansion as of 09-30-13 are:
*AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY
"State Medicaid and CHIP Income Eligibility Standards Effective January 1, 2014(*1) (For MAGI Groups, based on state decisions as of September 30, 2013)"
~ CMS - Center For Medicare & Medicaid Services - Center For Medicaid & Chip Services, 09-30-13 :: Link/URL 2 Page FILE DOWNLOAD
> ####(09-30-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-01D, HealthCare & Medicare Expansion ::
"…Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act, Medicaid eligibility will be extended to all individuals with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level beginning in 2014—$26,347 for a family of three and $15,417 for an individual. ...will cover all families and individuals below this income level, including groups …such as low-income, able-bodied parents, low-income adults without children, and many …with chronic mental illness or disabilities, who struggle to maintain well-paid jobs but don’t currently meet disability standards for Medicaid."
"10 Frequently Asked Questions About Medicaid Expansion"
~ Sarah Baron - Center for American Progress - Health Care, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-02-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-30-13)*ECHC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-01E,
“Health Insurance Coverage in All 50 States” Interactive Map/Click your State to determine status of:
1. State Participation to cover dozens of thousands of State Residents or Non-Participation in Expanded Medicaid
2. State Health Insurance Exchanges or (in defaulting red states) the U.S. Government Sponsored Exchange
STATES "Not Participating" in Medicaid Expansion as of 09-30-13 are:
*AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY
*States that did not create a health insurance exchange will not get expanded Medicaid in 2014 :: Link/URL
>####(09-29-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-01F,
ObamaCare / ACA 2010 Demystified; Who's in the game or no BFD ::
"'Everything You Need to Know About Life Under Obamacare' answered most of your questions. But maybe you wanted your guide in the form of a flowchart. Well, Nick Beaudrot has you covered."
"The Obamacare flowchart"
~ Ezra Klein - The Washington Post - WonkBlog, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-01-13 :: Link/URL
>####(09-29-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-01FUS, "John discusses the complicated reasons why the United States spends so much more on health care than any other country in the world, and along the way reveals some surprising information, including that Americans spend more of their tax dollars on public health care"
"Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?"
~ vlogbrothers, {Subscribe}, 08-20-13, YouTube, 07:53 min ::Link/URL*^*<
>####(10-10-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-02, Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act 2010, ObamaCare, Koch-Qaeda Teahad House Opposition; 80 Members for Defunding ACA ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
[A Tea Party Letter to destroy ACA sent to Speaker Boehner …answers the question: Why Boehner rejected “his own budget proposal” approved by the U.S. Senate & POTUS, and the House Speaker “moved the goal posts back” by adding “poison pill” language to the bill with “defund/delay ACA implementation” 4 times.
His counter proposals were rejected 4x. He wants to stop a Tea Party Candidate from running against him in 2014. They voted against the bill 44 times at a cost of over $1 million each.]
Defunding Endorsed by 78 Republican Koch-Teahadists & Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-*NC-7) & Rep. Jim Matheson (D-*UT-4) ::
*AL, *AR, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *FL, *GA, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *NM, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WI, *WY
30 States with 80 U.S. House Reps "Districts of Republicans who signed a letter demanding that John Boehner pass legislation to defund ObamaCare (Map Source: The Cook Political Report) ::
"On August 21st, (U.S.) Congressman Mark Meadows sent a letter to John Boehner. Meadows is a former restaurant owner and Sunday-school Bible teacher from North Carolina. ...wanted Boehner to use the threat of a government shutdown to defund ObamaCare, a course Boehner had publicly ruled out. ...North Carolina’s Eleventh District had been gerrymandered after the 2010 census to become the most Republican district in his state. ...eighty-seven per cent white, five per cent Latino, and three per cent black." ::
"Before Meadows sent off his letter to Boehner, he circulated it among his colleagues, and with the help of the conservative group FreedomWorks ...Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Mike Lee, seventy-nine like-minded House Republicans from districts very similar to Meadows’s added their signatures."
"Where the G.O.P.'s Suicide Caucus Lives"
~ Ryan Lizza - Daily Comment - The New Yorker, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-26-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(09-28-13)*ECSSN#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-02 ::
*GA *MO *OH *TN; *IA *UT *WI; *FL; *MT *TX *NE *AR *LA *IL *IN *FL *VA *ME
"In Georgia, Missouri, Ohio, and Tennessee, for example, health navigators are not allowed to give advice about the benefits of enrolling in Obamacare." ::
"John McDonough, ...Harvard School of Public Health who helped in the ...implementation Massachusetts' 2006 health-reform law, on which Obamacare was partly based, said that the state’s own experience showed the importance of in-person assistance."
"How States Actively Prevent People From Learning About Healthcare Plans"
~ Olga Khazan - The Atlantic, 11-07-13 :: Link/URL
> ####(12-01-13)*CW###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-088_S.N.A.P. Fed & St. Food Assist-07, OxyContin Rush Limbaugh Tells Poor Hungry Kids to “Dumpster Dive,” Offers to Provide How To Video; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
“R. Limbaugh”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 06-18-10, YouTube, 05:48 min :: BB Link/URL
>(04-29-13)*ECSSN*PMRL*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-0666A1FU4X, T.P.P. Austerity, TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership; Described as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) on Steroids, 10 Times Broader, Off-Shoring Jobs to Countries w/Wage of $00.22/hr ::
1. Top Secret Trade Agreement, U.S. Free-Trade Treasury-Raid like NAFTA;
2. Overturns all existing U.S. Laws – City, County, State, & Federal;
3. 26 Chapters in T.P.P. with only 2 Chapters on “Actual” Trade;
4. 24 Chapters overturn food safety, foreign investment, aesthetic, land-use, environmental & zoning limits on Foreign Profit-Charter Corp exploits;
5. Subjects “Partner Countries” to International “Corporate Tribunals” for sanctions & fines (Multi-Million $$) for violations of “T.P.P. Trade” Laws;
6. Fines to be paid out of U.S. Treasury to Nations & Multinational Corp’s for damages, including “future” domestic profits prevented by U.S. laws;
7. This permanent agreement (not modifiable) is Backdoor Colonialism;
8. Written by 600 Corporate C.E.O.’s, Lobbyists, & Lawyers in Secret;
9. Minimal public input & Americans can’t even get official copies of TPP;
10. 22 Senators who’ve seen TPP are sworn to secrecy; Name/Web below;
11. TPP was started in 2008 by POTUS George W. Bush-R (2001-2008);
12. Bishop Willard “Mitt” Romney insisted that TPP be passed w/o delay;
13. U.S. worker bargaining agreements, rights or safety reg’s do not apply;
14. T.P.P. involves the U.S. & 8 Pacific Rim Countries including: Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, U.S, & Vietnam - though Japan & Canada may join as well (It Can be expanded to include China & others);
15. T.P.P. will control 40% of world trade for Profit-Charter Psychopaths;
16. Requires 67 votes in U.S. Senate (virtual millionaire club) &POTUS 44*
*Notes from 06-14-12 Bill Press Radio Show 5a-8a C.T., Wcpt 820am Talk Chicago Streaming & Democracy Now, 06-06-13, Video below
"Breaking ’08 Pledge, Leaked Trade Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations"
~ Juan Gonzalez - DemocracyNow, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-13, Video, 13:00 min :: Link URL*^*<
>_^_ Wikileaks released a TPP Chapter (1 of 26) covering “Intellectual Property …for all 12 nations with negotiating positions” ::
POTUS Obama Is Quiet On T.P.P.; U.S. is pushing the toughest regulations::
“If instituted, the TPP’s [Intellectual Property] regime would trampled over individual rights and free expression, as well as ride roughshod over the intellectual and creative commons. If you read, write, publish, think, listen, dance, sing or invent; if you farm or consume food; if you’re ill now or might be one day be ill, the TPP has you in its crosshairs.“
~ Julian Assange, Wikileaks – Asylum in Ecuadorian Embassy, London, UK ::
“It puts the rights of profit-driven businesses over the rights of human beings, and the governments we form to protect ourselves.”
“TPP – Wikileaks has released another bombshell”
~ Thom Hartmann – Radio M-F 2-5 pm/am C.T. Streaming Wcpt 820 Chicago & Mike Papantonio - Ring of Fire Radio Sunday 5-8 pm C.T.; via The Big Picture RT, {Both Shows Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 11-14-13, YouTube, 10:50 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ “RE: Public Interest Analysis of Leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Investment Text”
~ FR: Lori Wallach and Todd Tucker, Public Citizens Global Trade Watch, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-13-12 :: Link/URL
>_^_ CITIZENS TRADE CAMPAIGN “leaked” this 26 Chapter Trade Document & made it available to the public (Link Found Below) :: Link/URL
Trade DOCUMENT Exposed, Adobe PDF_Download :: Link/URL
>_^_ U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
MAJORITY PARTY Chairman John D. Rockefeller IV (Blue Dog Corp D-*WV) Sen. Barbara Boxer ( D-*CA); Sen. Bill Nelson (D-*FL);
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-*WA); Sen. Mark Pryor (Blue Dog Corp D-*AR);
Sen. Claire McCaskill (B. Dog Corp D-*MO); Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-*MN);
Sen. Mark Warner (D-*VA); Sen. Mark Begich (D-*AL);
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-*CT); Sen. Brian Schatz (D-*HI) :: Link/URL
MINORITY PARTY Ranking Member Sen. John Thune (R-*SD);
Sen. Roger Whicker (R-*MS); Sen. Roy Blunt (R-*MO);
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-*FL); Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-*NH);
Sen. Dean Heller (R-*NV); Sen. Dan Coats (R-*IN);
Sen. Tim Scott (R-*SC); Sen. Ted Cruz (R-*TX);
Sen. Deb Fischer (R-*NE); Sen. Ron Johnson (R-*WI) :: Link/URL
>_^_ Contact_The White House_ :: Link/URL
>_^_ Whistleblower, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-*OR) was Denied Access to this U.S. Trade Pact; Support Sen. Wyden’s Effort :: Link/URL
>_^_ Bush Appointee, U.S. Trade Representative RON KIRK, (a 4.5 year Obama Administration Official), stepped down to be replaced in mid-2013 by Multi-Millionaire Mike Froman. Ron Kirk denied SENATOR RON WIDEN access to this “Fly By Night” 1% Oligarch Enriching Trade Pact;
Contact U.S. Trade Rep. Mike Froman’s U.S. Govt. Office :: Link/URL
>_^_ Multi- Millionaire U.S. Trade Representative Mike Froman, (who has a Tax Haven Caribbean Bank Account), was previously “Assistant to the POTUS” 44, Barack Obama. Contact Mike Froman’s U.S. Govt. Office;
Multi-Billionaire Chicagoan Penny Pritzker of the Hyatt Hotel Fortune was “confirmed” as U.S. Commerce Secretary. Pritzker recruited big money millionaire and billionaire donors to back *IL Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy after serving 1.5 years.
“Obama rounds out economic team with commerce, trade picks”
~ (Reuters) - Jeff Mason & Doug Palmer, via WKZO, 05-02-13 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Biography Notes: U.S. Trade Representative “Mike Froman”
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
>_^_ Biography Notes: U.S. Commerce Secretary “Penny Pritzker”
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
(1) “Dracula Strategy” - Drag the Obama Administrations U.S. Trade Representative Mike Froman & T.P.P. Trade “Baby” into the sunshine and expose the big secret of overturning U.S. Laws and Installing International Corp’s Tribunals as our lords and masters;
(2) Write a letter to your Congressman protesting the Stealth, Secrecy and Lack of Public Input;
(3) Sign on to “National Letter To The White House” ::
69 U.S. Congressmen wrote President Obama voicing concerns about TPP limiting “Buy American” Government Procurement procedures (thus undermining the economic recovery and creating a greater trade imbalance); The Letter :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ U.S. Congress Progressive Caucus ”Budget4All” Contact :: Link/URL
(4) Bill Press … White House Press Corps Member - will ask President Obama’s Press Secretary Jay Carney @ White House Morning Briefing to bring this trade agreement to the attention of the American people ::
Daily Briefing – Office of the Press Secretary – Jay Carney :: Link/URL
>_^_ Democracy Now News, Free Podcast of 06-06-13 Segment ::
1.) Patriot Act Section 215, Surveillance of U.S. Citizens-Verizon Corp-Domestic & Foreign Spying, Thomas Drake
2.) T.P.P. Trans-Pacific Partnership “Top Secret Trade Agreement” to be signed by the U.S. Senate in 2013 (Corporate Control of Government)
3.) Civil Rights Martyr Medgar Evers remembered on the 50 year anniversary of his death
“Democracy Now”
~ Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez - DemocracyNow, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-13, Video, 59:00 min :: Link URL
>_^_ DemocracyNow | Home | Stations | Past Shows | Topics | Blog |
____|Get Involved | Events | Espanol |About | :: Link/URL
> ####(08-05-13)*CW*CWP*JL###*
> #(06-02-13)*JL*(ECSSN)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-0666A1FU5X, T.P.P. Austerity, TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership; Described as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) on Steroids, 10 Times Broader, Off-Shoring Jobs to Countries w/Wage of $00.22/hr ::
Btwn Blue-Dogs Corp Democrats, Corp’s-Republicans, & Forbes 400 Kings -
The International 1/2 of 1% {benefitting the world’s wealthiest people} ::
N.A.F.T.A. – North American Free Trade Agreement ’94 - started by (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 40) Ronald Reagan in ‘86, continued under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 41), George H.W. Bush (1) & signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 42) Bill Clinton in ‘93;
P.N.T.R. - Permanent Normal Trade Relations btwn U.S. & China ‘00 ::
signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 42) Bill Clinton;
C.A.F.T.A. Central American Free Trade Agreement ’04 - started & signed under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43) George W. Bush (2); [Barely Passed!];
COLUMBIA Trade Agreement ’10 - started under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43) George W. Bush (2) & signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 44) Obama;
SOUTH KOREA Trade Agreement - started under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43) George W. Bush (2) & signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 44) Obama;
NEXT UP, November, 19 2013 Utah Summit Starts Final Negotiations on ::
“T.P.P.” Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement – strongly recommended (demanded POTUS Obama sign TPP) by Corp’s GO Pee Candidate Mitt Romney (between 12 Countries, 40% of World Trade) STARTED under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43), George W. Bush (“IN 2008,” the last year of his “illegitimate” stolen Presidency) …NOW Seeking FAST TRACK (up or down vote w/o modification) under (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Dem POTUS 44) Obama & may well be signed by U.S. Senate Millionaire Corp’s-Republicans and Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demos as well as Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 44, Obama]
NEXT/NEXT UP, (if TPP passes), EU “version” of TPP - 20% of World Trade ::
>_^_ N.A.F.T.A. – North American Free Trade Agreement – btwn Canada, Mexico, & U.S. – POTUS 40, 41 & 42, Reagan, Bush (1), Clinton – ‘03 ::
"diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 (Corp's Spokes model & Union Buster POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan) among the three nations, (Canada, Mexico, & U.S.). (Continued through Corp's-Republican POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush) ...Before the negotiations were finalized, Bill Clinton came into office in the U.S. ...In the US, (POTUS 41 George H.W.) Bush, who had worked to "fast track" the signing prior to the end of his term..." :: "...House ...approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. NAFTA passed the Senate 61-38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it ...into effect on January 1, 1994."
[Since N.A.F.T.A. - North American Free Trade Agreement, $10 Trillion in debt was taken on to the U.S. Treasury (in what Steel Workers President, Leo Gerard, describes as) “the U.S. State Department’s Geopolitical Agenda.”] ::
"North American Free Trade Agreement"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
>_^_ CHINA P.N.T.R., Permanent Normal Trade Relations w//China ::
Two main objectives for U.S. Corp’s were to access over a billion consumers and the labor of slave wage earning workers in a country with no collective bargaining Unions or environmental regulations ::
In 2000 "Bill Clinton called on Congress to help him change China’s normal trade relations status with the U.S. to permanent." ::
The B.S. Story is… "...the U.S. needed to help the workers of the People’s Republic of China to lead better lives. ...make sure that when China ...could be reprimanded for crimes against the workers of the country, and certain markets would be mutually exclusive between the two countries. abide by human rights..." ::
"attempts to repeal the PNTR with China. ...2005 when Representative Sanders ...said to the house, 'anyone who takes an objective look at our trade policy with China must conclude that is an absolute failure and needs to be fundamentally overhauled.' ...numbers of the trade deficit increased and the number of American jobs being lost to our overseas competitors'"
"Permanent normal trade relations"
~ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
>_^_ C.A.F.T.A. (DR) Central American Free Trade Agreement w/U.S. - ‘04 ::
POTUS 43 "George W. Bush (2) announced in January 2002 that CAFTA was a priority in his administration, and Congress gave his administration "fast track" authority to negotiate it. ...(concluded) on December 17, 2003, and with Costa Rica on January 25, 2004. ...negotiations began with the Dominican Republic to join CAFTA." ::
"encompassed the United States and the Central American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, and was called CAFTA. In 2004, the Dominican Republic joined the negotiations, …renamed CAFTA-DR." ::
"...Senate approved the CAFTA-DR ...54–45, ...House ...approved the pact on July 28, 2005 by a vote of 217–215" [Squeaker!] ::
"Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia "(Redirected from CAFTA);"
>_^_ Columbian Free Trade Agreement w/U.S. - ‘11, POTUS 44 Obama ::
"On October 12, 2011 …it was passed by the House 262-167 and the Senate 66-33."
"In the first 10 months of the (Juan Manuel) Santos administration in Colombia (elected 08-07-10), 104 labor and human rights activists were murdered."
"United States–Colombia Free Trade Agreement"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ South Korean Free Trade Agreement w/U.S. - ‘11, POTUS 44 Obama ::
"Negotiations ...concluded on April 1, 2007 (under Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43 George W. Bush). ... first signed on June 30, 2007, with a renegotiated version signed ...passed by the United States on October 12, 2011 with the Senate passing it 83-15 & the House 278-151” (under POTUS 44 Obama).
"Free trade agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(11-12-13)*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-0666A1FU6X, T.P.P. Austerity, TPP - Trans-Pacific
Partnership; Described as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) on
Steroids, 10 Times Broader, Off-Shoring Jobs to
Countries w/Wage of $00.22/hr ::
Pivotal TPP Chapter (1/26) Exposed by Wikileaks, November 13, 2013 ::
"Advanced Intellectual Property Chapter for All 12 Nations with Negotiating Positions (August 30 2013 consolidated bracketed negotiating text)" ::
"13 November 2013, WikiLeaks released the secret negotiated draft text for the entire TPP Intellectual Property Rights Chapter." ::
"release of the text comes ahead of ...Negotiators summit in Salt Lake City, Utah, on 19-24 November 2013." ::
"most controversial chapter ...wide-ranging effects on MEDICINES, PUBLISHERS, INTERNET SERVICES, CIVIL LIBERTIES and biological PATENTS." ::
"forerunner to …secret US-EU pact TTIP …Obama initiated 01-13" covering 20% of World Trade ::
“Download the full secret TPP treaty IP chapter as a PDF here” 26/26 Chapters covering 40% of World Trade, but w/only 2 Chapters on trade
"Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)"
~ Wikileaks (U.S. Partners ~ McClatchy, Public Citizen, Knowledge Ecology International), {Subscriber Supported}, 11-13-13 :: Link/URL
>###(11-13-13)*WB*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Pivotal TPP Chapter (1/26) Exposed by Wikileaks, November 13, 2013 ::
"Advanced Intellectual Property Chapter for All 12 Nations with Negotiating Positions (August 30 2013 consolidated bracketed negotiating text)" ::
"13 November 2013, WikiLeaks released the secret negotiated draft text for the entire TPP Intellectual Property Rights Chapter." ::
"release of the text comes ahead of ...Negotiators summit in Salt Lake City, Utah, on 19-24 November 2013." ::
"most controversial chapter ...wide-ranging effects on MEDICINES, PUBLISHERS, INTERNET SERVICES, CIVIL LIBERTIES and biological PATENTS." ::
"forerunner to …secret US-EU pact TTIP …Obama initiated 01-13" covering 20% of World Trade ::
“Download the full secret TPP treaty IP chapter as a PDF here” 26/26 Chapters covering 40% of World Trade, but w/only 2 Chapters on trade
"Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)"
~ Wikileaks (U.S. Partners ~ McClatchy, Public Citizen, Knowledge Ecology International), {Subscriber Supported}, 11-13-13 :: Link/URL
>###(11-13-13)*WB*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-0666A1FU6X, T.P.P. Austerity, TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership; Austerity, Secret Trade Agreement, Benefits Trans-National Corp’s, 600 Corp “ADVISORS” writing this TRADE BILL; OVERTURNS EXISTING U.S. LAWS / BACKDOOR COLONIZATION & AUSTERITY Through International Trade Agreement; Enforceable In World Court Even Though Multiple Conflicts With U.S. Law Exist; Corp’s Run This Country, Write Legislation, & Buy Politicians
“Son of ACTA (But Worse): Meet TTP, The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement”
~ Mike Masnick – Techdirt, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-06-11 :: Link/URL
>_^_ TTP - Trans-Pacific Partnership, Free (but subsidized)Trade/Treasury Raid Agreement in perpetuity overturning all conflicting U.S. Laws in a single pact to benefit the rich; “from the exporting-protectionism dept”
“US Proposals For Secret TPP ‘Son of ACTA’ Treaty Leaked; Full Of Awful Ideas”
~ Mike Masnick - TechDirt {Subscriber Supported}, 03-11-11 :: Link/URL
>_^_ ACTA / “Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement” ::
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
>####(06-02-13)*JL(EC)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-101A, Manufacturing, Social Safety Net, Social
Security, Retirement, Medicare, Medicaid; Cost of Living Adjustment for Social
Security – “Chained CPI” – Cost Price Index (a “new”
Tool/Scale/Calculator/Method used for yearly benefits adjustment for
inflation), a 65y/o who retires today …@ 75 y/o retiree will lose
$560/yr , @ 85 y/o retiree will lose $1,000 per year
“Addressing the 2011 USW Constitutional Convention”
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders – Part 1-3, {Subscribe}, 08-17-11 ::
>_^_ YouTube, 10:45 min, Part 1 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ YouTube, 08:22 min, Part 2 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ YouTube, 15:18 min, Part 3 :: BB Link/URL
> ####(12-15-13)*JL*ULSIBS(SSN)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Addressing the 2011 USW Constitutional Convention”
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders – Part 1-3, {Subscribe}, 08-17-11 ::
>_^_ YouTube, 10:45 min, Part 1 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ YouTube, 08:22 min, Part 2 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ YouTube, 15:18 min, Part 3 :: BB Link/URL
> ####(12-15-13)*JL*ULSIBS(SSN)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-101B1, GOP/Independent Pres. Cand. Ross Perot, Jobs, Trade, & N.A.F.T.A./North American Free Trade Agreement, 1992
“Giant Sucking Sound – Ross Perot 1992 Presidential Debate.flv”
~ via TheFedBites, {Subscribe}, 12-06-09, YouTube, 02:35 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ COMMENTARY/F.Y.I.: Trade Agreements effectively “Backwards Engineer” all City, County, State, and National Laws … rescinding any and all of a nations laws, work agreements, and environmental standards.
All “Partner Nations” operate under threat of significant punitive Trade Sanction and Penalty paid to any Multinational Corp’s or Partner Country who feels their Free-Trade Profit-Rights have been violated (so much for clinging to the prudent ways of protecting critical resources and assets from exploitation, planning for the future, or just maintaining “Nostalgic Democracy” or Civilization).
Free Trade gives parasitic Multinationals unequivocal free reign to colonize all Partner Countries for short-term profits and long-term resource and social decimation. “FREE (but-highly-subsidized) TRADE is an Oligarch orchestrated “Cultural Limbo Contests” to determine the people who can survive on slave rations, w/o benefit of Taxes. The absence of funding for Civilization, Law Enforcement, Social Services, and Protections from Environmental Cataclysm is assumed to serve the pursuits of Corp’s Profit-Charter Nihilism.
A Rule by Corporatocracy outcome is entirely predictable from 1913 forward. That’s when World Oligarchs bought 40% of Congress and set-up The Federal Reserve Monopoly Money and U.S. Currency Printing Franchise. The 1% continues to issue a “Fractional Reserve” platinum charge card and encourage deficit spending to seal the Colonization, Austerity, Privatization and Profitization deal and direct the Wall Street Casino to benefit the owners.
In Late December 1913, 20 some percent of the Lawmakers had gone home for Christmas Break when that Tyrannical Fed Law passed, Institutionalizing American Serfdom. The 1% Rich have owned U.s & led U.s to War for conquest and profit ever since. They just have to create new demons for dominionist blind-believers to hate.
1% B.F.s Ruffle-the-Red-Cape, and pledgeiplegic patridiot gun-slinging habituated Fools-Rush-In. The 1% eats steak.
> ####(06-01-13)*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Coal companies provided jobs in "West Virginia, but it got almost none of the wealth back as local investment." ::
In the U.S. "353 ...counties ...a poverty rate above 20 percent ...three decades — 85 percent are rural. ...distinct regions: Indian reservations in the West; Hispanic communities in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas; a band across the Deep South and along the Mississippi Delta with a majority black population; and Appalachia, largely white a nation with more than 46 million people living below the poverty line — 15 percent ...reminder of how much remains broken ...50 years on."
"50 Years into the War on Poverty, Hardship Hits Back"
~ Trip Gabriel - New York Times, {Subscribe}, 04-20-14 :: Link/URL
>##(04-21-14)*CW*CBWS#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

(Oil Congress) <>
*AK_ Lisa Murkowski – R/I;
*AL_ Jeff Sessions – R; *AL_ Richard Shelby – R;
*AR_ John Boozmen – R;
*AZ_ John Kyle – R (Ret.); *AZ_ John McCain – R;
*FL_ Marco Rubio – R;
*GA_ Johnny Isakson – R; *GA_ Saxby Chambliss – R;
*IA_ Chuck Grassley – R;
*ID_ James Risch – R; *ID_ Mike Crapo – R;
*IN_ Dan Coats – R; *IN_ Richard Lugar – R (Ret.);
*KS_ Jerry Moran – R; *KS_ Pat Roberts – R;
*KY_ Mitch McConnell – R; *KY_ Rand Paul – R;
*LA_ David Vitter – R;
*MO_ Roy Blunt – R;
*MS_ Roger Wicker – R; *MS_ Thad Cochran – R;
*NC_ Richard Burr – R;
*ND_ John Hoeven – R;
*NE_ Mike Johanns – R;
*NH_ Kelly Ayotte – R;
*NV_ Dean Heller – R;
*OH_ Rob Portman – R;
*OK_ James Inhofe – R; *OK_ Tom Coburn – R;
*PA_ Pat Toomey –R;
*SC_ James DeMint – R (Ret.); *SC_ Lindsey Graham – R;
*SD_ John Thune – R;
*TN_ Bob Corker – R; *TN_ Lamar Alexander – R;
*TX_ John Cornyn – R; *TX_ Kay Bailey Hutchinson – R (Ret.)/Ted Cruz - R;
*UT_ Mike Lee – R; *UT_ Orin Hatch –R;
*WI_ Ron Johnson – R;
*WV_ Joe Manchin – D;
*WY_ John Barrasso – R; *WY_ Mike Enzi – R;
U.S. Legislative Br.-(R) Senator Mitch McConnell-08666C, (Republican U.S. Senate Minority Leader 2006-2012 – Kentucky, *KY), Votes 100% For Big-Oil Corps; All GOP Senators & A Couple Blue Dogs; 44 Senators on Oil Mafia Payroll, Tar Sands, Keystone XL Approval Amendments inserted repeatedly into numerous “Unrelated Bills without E.P.A. Environmental Impact Study, just an Oil Industry Funded “Study” ::
Shale Gas, Hydraulic Fracking, Poisonous Stew of Chemicals Injected Into Bedrock, Toxic Sludge Blasted into Groundwater ::
{“44 Senators Behind Keystone Bill Took $22.3 Million In Campaign Cash Form Big Oil” ~ Adam Smith, Public Campaign Action Fund, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-30-12}
"Keystone pipeline bill gets 44 senators’ approval"
~ Darren Goode - PoliticoPro, {Subscribe}, 01-30-12 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_"The Keystone XL Pipeline"/"The Trouble with Tar Sands"
"Tar Sands: A Costly Consideration"
~ USCAN Climate Action Network, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
> ####(05-14-13)*ENKXL*ULRSMM*(*KY)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Debunking-Exposure-Info-110, Congressional Election
Districts Maps ::
Election Map 2012, ALL STATES… Battleground, Swing, Blue, Red, & Territories :: Printable Maps of Congressional Districts – 112th Congress/Electoral College ::
To Get the Pics… Click “Preview map” on State, Right Click on the State, Select “Save Image As,” then find on your “Desktop” ::
*AL, *AK, *AR, *AS, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *CT, *DC, *DE, *FL, *GA, *GU, *HI, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MD, *ME, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *ND, *NE, *NH, *NJ, *NM, *NV, *NY, *OH, *OK, *OR, *PA, *PR, *RI, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *VI, *VT, *WA, *WV, *WI, *WY, :: :URL
> ####(05-11-13)*DEI*EM12*ULC###*
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Election Map 2012, ALL STATES… Battleground, Swing, Blue, Red, & Territories :: Printable Maps of Congressional Districts – 112th Congress/Electoral College ::
To Get the Pics… Click “Preview map” on State, Right Click on the State, Select “Save Image As,” then find on your “Desktop” ::
*AL, *AK, *AR, *AS, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *CT, *DC, *DE, *FL, *GA, *GU, *HI, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MD, *ME, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *ND, *NE, *NH, *NJ, *NM, *NV, *NY, *OH, *OK, *OR, *PA, *PR, *RI, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *VI, *VT, *WA, *WV, *WI, *WY, :: :URL
> ####(05-11-13)*DEI*EM12*ULC###*
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Debunking-Exposure-Info-126NEWS01, U.S. USNPL Newspapers // 50 U.S. States :: Home/U.S. Newspapers || Mobile || TV_ Stations || Radio_ Stations ||Twitter_ Feeds || Newspaper_ Addresses || TV_ Addresses || Facebook ::
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USNPL Newspapers - usnpl(.)com, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
> ####(07-22-13)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
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