Gov. Privatization & Asset Fire Sale, Invest Social Security in Wall Street Casino
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666G01, Hedge Fund C.E.O. Pete Peterson’s “Fix The Debt” – an attempt
to “Break-Fix” the Federal Government, Gov. Privatization & Asset Fire Sale, Invest Social Security in Wall Street Casino
Democracy & Civilization; Peter G. Peterson Foundation ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
23 State FIX-the-Debt (Billionaire Funded) Astroturf Chapters include:
*AZ – Arizona; *CO – Colorado; *FL – Florida;
*GA – Georgia; *IN – Indiana; *IA – Iowa;
*LA – Louisiana; *ME – Maine; *MD – Maryland;
*MI – Michigan; *MN – Minnesota; *MO – Missouri;
*NH – New Hampshire; *NC – North Carolina; *OH – Ohio;
*PA – Pennsylvania; *SC – South Carolina; *TN – Tennessee;
*TX – Texas; *UT – Utah; *VA – Virginia;
*WA – Washington; *WI – Wisconsin
Corp Wolf PAC Sponsors:
Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund, General Electric Conglomerate,
Honeywell Electronics, Verizon Communications, Boeing Air & Defense,
JP Morgan Chase Bank, Owens Corning Glass, Bank of America,
AT&T Communications, Delta Faucet, Microsoft Computer, Merck Drug,
Morgan Stanley Bank, State Farm Insurance,
(Mitt Romney’s) Bain Capital, Yahoo Communications, Dow Chemical,
Aetna Insurance, Duke Energy
"Wall Street billionaire Pete Peterson is scheming to ‘Fix the Debt,’ but if he wins, we lose. ...more at our new SourceWatch resource: PetersonPyramid(.)org File: FixTheDebtFlat(.)png”
~ SourceWatch – {Subscriber Supported}, Outing Right-Wing Nut Job Activity :: Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/File:FixTheDebtFlat.png
>##(07-19-13)*CWP*DEI##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666B01, Corp’s Pandemic “Donors Trust” Cabal, ##
Virginia "Right-Wing Charity;" Increase in dark money donations ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Dark Money Org. does not disclose donors funding Climate Change Denial after the Koch Brothers and Exxon slow donations to disclosing P.A.C.’s ::
"Since 1999, the nonprofit charity Donors Trust has handed out nearly $400 million in private donations to more than 1,000 right-wing and libertarian groups." ::
"The most detailed accounting to date shows Donors Trust funds a wish list of right-wing causes, prompting Mother Jones magazine to label it ‘the dark-money ATM of the right.’" :: “…months-long investigation into the Donors Trust called ‘Donors Use Charity to Push Free-Market Policies in STATES.’"
"Donors Trust: Little-Known Group Helps Wealthy Backers Fund Right-Wing Agenda in Secret"
~ John Dunbar - The Center for Public Integrity, Amy Goodman – Democracy Now, {Subscriber Supported News}, 02-19-13, Video, 12+ Min :: Link/URL*^*
< http://www.democracynow.org/2013/2/19/donors_trust_little_known_group_helps
>_^_ The Center for Public Integrity, Politics ::
1.) Donors Trust is a VA-based charity ...$400 million from private donors to free-market causes since 1999.
2.) Dozens of major conservative philanthropies hold Donors Trust accounts ...Charles Koch (Tea Party).
3.) Donors Trust has funded at least 51 state-level, free-market think tanks since 2007.
4.) A conservative media outlet called the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity drew 95 percent of its revenue from Donors Trust in 2011." ::
"In 2009, a network of online media outlets began popping up in state capitals across the nation, each covering the news from a clearly conservative point of view." ::
"One Donors Trust grant to Mackinac Center was earmarked for “statehouse reporting” efforts. Mackinac put the money toward a media machine of blogs and research studies making the case for the state’s new “right-to-work” law." ::
"Conservative foundations and individuals use Donors Trust to pass money to a vast network of think tanks and media outlets that push free-market ideology in the states — $86 million in 2011 alone." ::
"Nonprofit group lets donors fly 'totally under the radar'"
"Donors use charity to push free-market policies in states"
~ Paul Abowd - The Center for Public Integrity, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-14-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.publicintegrity.org/2013/02/14/12181/donors-use-charity-push-free-market-policies-states
>_^_ Mother Jones Exposes Tax Records of Donors Trust ::
IRS Tax Form 990: Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax - Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code - 2011 - $39,267,594 taken in ::
"list of all of Donors Trust's 2011 grants:" ~ Right-Wing-Recipient Orgs.
"Bankrolls the Heartland Institute, a shrill flag-bearer for climate-change denialism; the American Legislative Exchange Council, the right-wing bill mill; ...slew of think tanks and advocacy shops promoting an anti-union, free-market agenda. As The Nation's Ari Berman recently reported, Donors Trust is also the sole funder of the Project on Fair Representation, ...gut the Voting Rights Act."
"Exclusive: Donors Trust, The Right's Dark-Money ATM, Paid Out $30 Million in 2011"
~ Andy Kroll - Mother Jones, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-11-13 Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/02/donors-trust-2011-dark-money-heritage-cato-unions
>_^_ Right-Wing Attacking Voting Rights, The Nation ::
"bipartisan consensus that supported the VRA for nearly fifty years has collapsed, and conservatives are challenging the law ...Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge to Section 5 of the VRA, which compels parts or all of sixteen states with a history of racial discrimination in voting to clear election-related changes ...The case will be heard on February 27. The lawsuit, originating in ...Alabama, is backed by leading operatives and funders ...along with Republican attorneys general in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina, South Dakota and Texas. Shelby County’s brief claims that 'Section 5’s federalism cost is too great'"
"Why Are Conservatives Trying to Destroy the Voting Rights Act?"
~ Ari Berman - The Nation, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-05-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.thenation.com/article/172685/why-are-conservatives-trying-destroy-voting-rights-act#
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP(*AL)(*AK)(*AZ)(*GA)(*SC)(*SD)(*TX)###*
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