Thank you for electing Elizabeth Warren, my Mass Friends!<>
U.S. Legislative Br.-(R) Senator Scott Brown (R-*MA)-101, Begs David Koch
“Scott Brown Begs David Koch For Money”
~ Think Progress, via climatebrad, Brad Johnson, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-07-11 (Transcript), 03-05-11, You Tube, 0:50 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ThinkProgress, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
>(05-08-12)*ULRSSB(*MA)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
GOP P. Cand. Bishop Willard “Mitt” Romney-098C, “Koch” Qaeda “Bros” Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Chucky-n-Davie, Republican National Convention Coverage, Bishop Mitt Romney, Bastardization of TV Journalism, Koch Promised $400 Million To Elect Republicans in 2012 Election, Citizens (Corp-Free-Unlimited-PistolWhipping-AdSpeech) United :: "When Mitt Romney walked down the aisle toward the stage Thursday night ...hands he shook ...conservative billionaire and major political donor David Koch. But it was a moment missed by the tens of millions of viewers at home."
"The Romney-Koch Handshake That Network TV Missed"
~ AlterNet article, with Amy Goodman - Democracy Now, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-01-12, Video, 02:00 min :: BB Link/URL
> ####(03-18-13)*CWP*GOPC*PJ###*
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Political Media-FRight & Hate-104, FOX NOOSE LIES, Phantom Democratic Supermajority ::
Democrats had a legislative “Supermajority” (Presidency, House, & Senate)
for 2 Months and 1 Day. During that period Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell slowed the Senate down to TURTLE SPEED. He obstructed with 230 Filibusters in 2009 & 2010 (racking up 385 through 2012) ::
Meanwhile the Speaker of the House (2009-10), Nancy Pelosi (D-*CA), passed 200+ Bills that the Filibustering Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell & GOP Senators refused to even consider ::
Senate Rules F.Y.I.: A 60/100 Senator “Cloture Vote” Agreement is REQUIRED to bring Any Bill to the Senate floor for Discussion and Official Vote, but then only 51 Votes are required to PASS the Bill; Democrats had the 60 Vote “Filibuster Proof” Majority For 2 McTurtle Months/73 days;
For the balance of 2009 & 2010 …1, 2, or 3 Senators were Absent including:
(1) Sen. Al Franken (D-*MN) won a contested close race, and his MN Republican opponent refused to concede for 6+ months into 2009;
(2) Sen. Robert Byrd (D-*WV) was gravely Ill, frequently hospitalized, and his seat eventually went to a Democrat;
(3) Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-*MA) was absent w/brain tumor and his seat was won January ‘10 by Koch Qaeda Tea Party Sen. Scott Brown;
Rare Centrist Republican Votes were needed to pass bills in the U.S. Senate with less than 60 Democrats;
In the House of Representatives Democrats had A 78 vote Majority during 2009 & 2010, but Conservative Corps BlueDogs held those seats & more
“Obama Commands Fragile Supermajority”
~ Laurie Kellman - NBC 10 Philadelphia, 07-04-09 :: Link/URL
>_^_ U.S. House Reps. Bills_ :: Link/URL
>_^_ U.S. Senate Bills_ :: Link/URL
> ####(09-17-13)*PMF*ULC(UE44)(ULRRJB)(ULRSMM)###*
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U.S. Legislative Br.-(D) Senator Ted Kennedy (D-*MA)-101, Minimum Wage Appeal To Senate :: $240 Billion in Tax Breaks for Corporations, $36 Billion in Tax Breaks to Small Business, Increase In Productivity 40% In the Last 10 Years”:: “When Does The Greed Stop!”
“Ted Kennedy on Republicans and Minimum Wage”
~ Sen. Ted Kennedy, C-SPAN-2 , via bgeiger57, {Subscribe}, Bob Geiger, U.S. Senate, on 10-25-07, YouTube, 07:25 min :: Link/URL
> ####(06-06-13)*JL*ULDSTK(SSN)###*
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U.S. Legislative Br.-(D) Senator Ted Kennedy (D-*MA)-101, Law-Health Care-Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act 2010, Health Care Program, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), (Seat Won By Anti-ACA Conservative Sen. Scott Brown) ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
“Torches senate Republicans on their opposition to a Children’s Health-Care program…a fraction of the money spent in Iraq” ~ bgeiger57
“Ted Kennedy Blasts GOP on Health Care”
~ Sen. Ted Kennedy, C-SPAN-2, via bgeiger57, {Subscribe}, Bob Geiger, U.S. Senate Coverage, on 07-31-07, YouTube, 05:43 min :: BB Link/URL
> ####(04-26-13)*ECSSNHC*ULDSTK###*
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Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XRUSHGOP, Limbaugh, OxyContin Rush Lashes Out as a Woman Stands Up for a Friend, Blunt-(Scott Brown)-Rubio-Fortenberry Amendment to Health Care Reform Act of 2010/Obama Care, “Blunt” Amendment Effectively Destroys the Health Care Reform Act of 2010, All Insurance Coverage Provisions Arbitrary & Optional for Employers
“Rush Limbaugh: 38 references to Sandra Fluke’s uncontrollable sexual habits”
~ Julie Driscoll, Chicago Liberal Examiner, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-04-12 :: BB Link/URL
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-10666D1, Voter Fraud, GOP P. Cand. Bishop Willard “Mitt” Romney, Cast A Ballot For Scott Brown 01-19-10; Bought A Home In LaJolla, CA May 2008; Sold Home in Beloit, MA April 2009; $500 Million Man “registered to vote from an address in the basement of … their son” Tagg’s manse :: church member ~ “They flew the coop. They Moved to California. I haven’t seen Mrs. Romney in over 2 years, & she used to come in here all the time.” ::
“Churchgoers used to worshiping w/ Romney’s …hadn’t seen the Romney’s in a couple years. Yet the Romney’s continued to vote in MA, including 1-2010 Special Election to fill Ted Kennedy’s Senate Seat.”
“Did Mitt Romney Commit Voter Fraud?”
~ Stephanie Mencimer – Mother Jones, {Subscribe}, 06-13-11 :: Link/URL
> ####(05-11-13)*EF*(GOPC)(*MA)###*
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