Women’s Rights To Share Political Power Equally and Demystifying Politics
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-07-14*
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Women’s Rights To Share Political Power Equally and Demystifying Politics
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-07-14*
♠ ↓(^^^)
♠ < http://greenenvscithr.com/2014/01/09/right2-selfdetermine-life-w-access-2planparenthood-not-b-ultrasound-wanded-redstate-crackerovens-producg-gunslingers-triggerfingers-minwage-bigbox-n-chainstore-recruits-4alec-intel1percent-psychocorps/ >236ac
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||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| WOMEN’S RIGHTS
Rights-Women’s Rights-0666A01, Labeled "Rape Insurance" *MI_ Michigan State
Republican Legislators Requiring Non-Existent Insurance To Cover Abortions :: /\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Women to pay the entire cost even in the case of rape or incest ::
"Right-To-(Dictate-Someone-Else's)-Life" Groups Assault Women's Rights with a punitive bill that viewed to cause extreme hardship ::
"State Sen. Gretchen Whitmer, (D) Michigan, talks with Rachel Maddow about female legislators going public with personal stories to defend reproductive rights."
"Michigan State Senator Gretchen Whitmer Battles ‘Repugnant’ Abortion Law"
~ Rachel Maddow - MSNBC, {Corp Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, with State Senator Gretchen Whitmer (D-*MI, East Lansing), 12-11-13, Video, 11:34 min :: Link/URL
< http://rhrealitycheck.org/video/2013/12/13/michigan-state-senator-gretchen-whitmer-battles-repugnant-abortion-law/
> ####(12-16-13)*WR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Women to pay the entire cost even in the case of rape or incest ::
"Right-To-(Dictate-Someone-Else's)-Life" Groups Assault Women's Rights with a punitive bill that viewed to cause extreme hardship ::
"State Sen. Gretchen Whitmer, (D) Michigan, talks with Rachel Maddow about female legislators going public with personal stories to defend reproductive rights."
"Michigan State Senator Gretchen Whitmer Battles ‘Repugnant’ Abortion Law"
~ Rachel Maddow - MSNBC, {Corp Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, with State Senator Gretchen Whitmer (D-*MI, East Lansing), 12-11-13, Video, 11:34 min :: Link/URL
< http://rhrealitycheck.org/video/2013/12/13/michigan-state-senator-gretchen-whitmer-battles-repugnant-abortion-law/
> ####(12-16-13)*WR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-0666A02, "Why politicians make
terrible Doctors":: "Rick Perry cut Texas women off of birth control
& then cancer screenings." :: Objective of Bill is to shut down
women's health care facilities that provide pregnancy termination and many
other services.
"Texas Republicans chip away at reproductive rights"
~ Lawrence O'Donnell - MSNBC & Cecile Richards - Planned Parenthood President & Texas Resident, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 06-25-13, Video, 04:26 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/45755883/ns/msnbc-the_last_word/vp/52313756#52302500
> ####(06-26-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Texas Republicans chip away at reproductive rights"
~ Lawrence O'Donnell - MSNBC & Cecile Richards - Planned Parenthood President & Texas Resident, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 06-25-13, Video, 04:26 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/45755883/ns/msnbc-the_last_word/vp/52313756#52302500
> ####(06-26-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-0666A03, The
State Senate’s vote came right at a midnight Tuesday deadline, amid widespread
confusion and the noise of a chanting crowd of the bill’s opponents in an
upstairs gallery. Senate Democrats said the vote took place past the deadline
at 12:02 a.m." :: "State Senator Wendy Davis started a filibuster at
11:18 a.m. Tuesday in the hope of holding the floor by talking until the
Senate’s special session ended at midnight."
"In Texas, a Senator’s Stand Catches the Spotlight"
~ Manny Fernandez & Erik Eckholm - New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-26-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/27/us/politics/texas-abortion-bill.html
> ####(06-26-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"In Texas, a Senator’s Stand Catches the Spotlight"
~ Manny Fernandez & Erik Eckholm - New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-26-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/27/us/politics/texas-abortion-bill.html
> ####(06-26-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-101, GOP,
Violence Against Women Act, Reauthorization Jeopardized, Political Games
“Republicans Play Politics On Domestic Violence - Women, LGBT Community, Immigrants And Native Americans May Lose”
~ Wendy Gittleson - AddictingInfo, {Subscribe}, 02-15-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/02/15/republicans-play-politics-on-domestic-violence-women-lgbt-community-immigrants-and-native-americans-may-lose/
> ####(02-18-12)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Republicans Play Politics On Domestic Violence - Women, LGBT Community, Immigrants And Native Americans May Lose”
~ Wendy Gittleson - AddictingInfo, {Subscribe}, 02-15-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/02/15/republicans-play-politics-on-domestic-violence-women-lgbt-community-immigrants-and-native-americans-may-lose/
> ####(02-18-12)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-102,
“V-Girls Intro”
~ via vdayorg, {Subscribe}, on 04-02-10, YouTube, 02:35 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81arKqCOSc8&feature=youtu.be
> ####(03-09-12)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| RIGHTS WOMEN’S
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| RIGHTS BIRTH CONTROL
“V-Girls Intro”
~ via vdayorg, {Subscribe}, on 04-02-10, YouTube, 02:35 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81arKqCOSc8&feature=youtu.be
> ####(03-09-12)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| RIGHTS WOMEN’S
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| RIGHTS BIRTH CONTROL
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666A1, Rape, Texas Ban All Abortions Statewide
After 20 Weeks ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Anti-Choice bill would reduce abortion clinics from 42 down to 5 clinics in Texas; Pro Choice filibuster In Texas Legislature 06-24-13; State Senator Wendy Davis & Democrats promise to filibuster the bill to ban 80% of access to abortion in Texas, w/no availability in all of West Texas ::
To quote the completely clueless ignorant TX-Republican sponsor of the State Abortion Clinic shutdown Bill is Assembly Rep. Jodie Laubenberg ~
"You have hospital emergency rooms. You have funded, what's called rape kits, that will help the woman basically clean her out. And then hopefully that will alleviate that.” (a pregnancy caused by a rapist) ::
Actually "rape kites" collect forensic sample DNA evidence for prosecution of rapists/They Do Not medically treat Rape Symptoms ::
{F.Y.I.: Only 11% of Abortions Occur After 20 Weeks; Post 20 Weeks Is When Serious Genetic Diseases, Womb Dead Fetuses, Disabling Physical Anomalies Can Be Detected In The Fetus ~ KatieSpeak(.)com}; Women Currently Have A Choice To Birth A Well Child Next Time
"Outrage as Texas abortion bill threatens care, wellbeing of millions of women"
~ The Rachel Maddow Show, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 06-24-13, Video, 06:03 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/vp/51436351/#52302077
>_^_ Contact Information, Political Profile: State Rep. Jodie Laubenberg
District 89 (R-89Parker)
~ via The Texas Tribune, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.texastribune.org/directory/jodie-laubenberg/
>##(06-25-13)*RWR*(*TX)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Anti-Choice bill would reduce abortion clinics from 42 down to 5 clinics in Texas; Pro Choice filibuster In Texas Legislature 06-24-13; State Senator Wendy Davis & Democrats promise to filibuster the bill to ban 80% of access to abortion in Texas, w/no availability in all of West Texas ::
To quote the completely clueless ignorant TX-Republican sponsor of the State Abortion Clinic shutdown Bill is Assembly Rep. Jodie Laubenberg ~
"You have hospital emergency rooms. You have funded, what's called rape kits, that will help the woman basically clean her out. And then hopefully that will alleviate that.” (a pregnancy caused by a rapist) ::
Actually "rape kites" collect forensic sample DNA evidence for prosecution of rapists/They Do Not medically treat Rape Symptoms ::
{F.Y.I.: Only 11% of Abortions Occur After 20 Weeks; Post 20 Weeks Is When Serious Genetic Diseases, Womb Dead Fetuses, Disabling Physical Anomalies Can Be Detected In The Fetus ~ KatieSpeak(.)com}; Women Currently Have A Choice To Birth A Well Child Next Time
"Outrage as Texas abortion bill threatens care, wellbeing of millions of women"
~ The Rachel Maddow Show, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 06-24-13, Video, 06:03 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/vp/51436351/#52302077
>_^_ Contact Information, Political Profile: State Rep. Jodie Laubenberg
District 89 (R-89Parker)
~ via The Texas Tribune, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.texastribune.org/directory/jodie-laubenberg/
>##(06-25-13)*RWR*(*TX)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666A2, GOP Pres.
Candidate Rick Santorum,
Sarcasm, Women’s Rights, Birth Control, Rape Intervention :: “Ladies, don’t
worry your pretty little heads about nothen!”
“Women for Santorum”
~ The Second City Network, Break.com, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-10-12, Video, 53 sec :: Link/URL
< http://www.break.com/index/women-for-santorum-2299141
>#(10-12-13)*GOPC*RWR*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Women for Santorum”
~ The Second City Network, Break.com, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-10-12, Video, 53 sec :: Link/URL
< http://www.break.com/index/women-for-santorum-2299141
>#(10-12-13)*GOPC*RWR*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666A2, Republican Rape Talk & Abortion Bashing ::
"Rep. Trent Franks (R-*AZ) in response to a question from Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-*NY) during a House Committee on the Judiciary Hearing on H.R. 1797 (June 12, 2013)" :: "...before, when my friends on the left side of the aisle here tried to make rape and incest the subject, because... The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low." ~ T.F.
"Rep. Trent Franks: 'The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low'"
~ via RepZoeLofgren, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13, YouTube, 17sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD1KBnI-t5o
>_^_ Bill Proposed To Ban Abortion Nationwide After 20 Months
"Trent Franks(R-*AZ): GOP Rep. Repeats Claim About 'Very Low' Pregnancies Due To Rape!"
~ All In With Chris Hayes - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via politicalarticles, {Subscribe}, 06-13-13, YouTube, 05:37 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKZB6jlI-7Y
>_^_ Sharon Angle - Nevada U.S. Senate Tea Party Candidate 2010
~ "Make lemonade out of a lemons"
"Angle: Girl Raped By Dad? Make Lemonade! (God's Plan)"
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 07-08-10, YouTube, 05:24 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX0bIYe4_2k
>_^_ Republicans Destroying Science; "Both (WI-Rep. Paul) Ryan and (MO-Rep. Todd) Akin were co-sponsors of the 'Forcible Rape' Bill..."
"Paul Ryan & Todd Akin: 'Forcible Rape' Co-Sponsors"
~ Sam Seder - The Majority Report Radio Show - M-F at 12 noon EST, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, & Ring of Fire Radio Sunday Evening, via SamSeder, on 08-20-12, YouTube, 05:19 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=golAm9Sk1Nk
> ####(06-25-13)*RWR(*NV)(*WI)(*AZ)(*MO)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Rep. Trent Franks (R-*AZ) in response to a question from Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-*NY) during a House Committee on the Judiciary Hearing on H.R. 1797 (June 12, 2013)" :: "...before, when my friends on the left side of the aisle here tried to make rape and incest the subject, because... The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low." ~ T.F.
"Rep. Trent Franks: 'The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low'"
~ via RepZoeLofgren, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13, YouTube, 17sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD1KBnI-t5o
>_^_ Bill Proposed To Ban Abortion Nationwide After 20 Months
"Trent Franks(R-*AZ): GOP Rep. Repeats Claim About 'Very Low' Pregnancies Due To Rape!"
~ All In With Chris Hayes - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via politicalarticles, {Subscribe}, 06-13-13, YouTube, 05:37 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKZB6jlI-7Y
>_^_ Sharon Angle - Nevada U.S. Senate Tea Party Candidate 2010
~ "Make lemonade out of a lemons"
"Angle: Girl Raped By Dad? Make Lemonade! (God's Plan)"
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 07-08-10, YouTube, 05:24 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX0bIYe4_2k
>_^_ Republicans Destroying Science; "Both (WI-Rep. Paul) Ryan and (MO-Rep. Todd) Akin were co-sponsors of the 'Forcible Rape' Bill..."
"Paul Ryan & Todd Akin: 'Forcible Rape' Co-Sponsors"
~ Sam Seder - The Majority Report Radio Show - M-F at 12 noon EST, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, & Ring of Fire Radio Sunday Evening, via SamSeder, on 08-20-12, YouTube, 05:19 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=golAm9Sk1Nk
> ####(06-25-13)*RWR(*NV)(*WI)(*AZ)(*MO)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666A3, Republican Rape Talk & Abortion Bashing ::
Legitimate Rape Republican; "According to GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan ...rape is a form of conception." :: “I’m very proud of my pro-life record. I’ve always adopted the idea that the method of conception doesn’t change the definition of life” ~ U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan
"Paul Ryan: Rape Is a ‘Method of Conception’"
~ Truthdig, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-28-12 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(07-15-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Legitimate Rape Republican; "According to GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan ...rape is a form of conception." :: “I’m very proud of my pro-life record. I’ve always adopted the idea that the method of conception doesn’t change the definition of life” ~ U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan
"Paul Ryan: Rape Is a ‘Method of Conception’"
~ Truthdig, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-28-12 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(07-15-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666B1, Murdered In Church ...Abortion
Provider Dr. George Tiller's Clinic Reopens In Wichita, Kansas;
Clinic Firebombed in 1985, Assassination Attempt Left Tiller Shot In Both Arms In 2003, & Finally Shot Point Blank In The Head In His Lutheran Church On Sunday 05-31-09 ::
Tiller Remembrance & Brief Bio :: “On May 31, 2009, Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed as he served as an usher at Reformation Lutheran Church during a Sunday morning service in Wichita, Kansas. …Tiller took over his father’s family medical practice …Renamed Women’s Health Care Services, Dr. Tiller’s clinic became one of the only safe alternatives to dangerous “back ally” abortions.”
"Trust Women Hosts Tribute in Honor of Dr. Tiller"
~ Trust Women PAC, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-02-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.trustwomenpac.org/2012/07/trust-women-hosts-tribute-in-honor-of-dr-tiller/
>_^_ "Four Years After Murder of Dr. George Tiller, His Wichita Abortion Clinic Reopens Despite Threats"
~ via DemocracyNow, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 05-31-13, YouTube, 07:50 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Transcript; "May 31, 2013 marks the fourth anniversary of the murder of Dr. George Tiller, a 67-year-old abortion provider who was shot point blank in the forehead as he attended church services in Wichita, Kansas."
"Watch Julie on Democracy Now"
~ DemocracyNow, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 06-03-13, Video, 07:50 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.trustwomenpac.org/2013/06/watch-julie-on-democracy-now/
>_^_ Reproductive Choice Film: "After Tiller" Premiered at Sundance Film Festival, Covers Desperate “3rd Trimester Abortions” Provided By Just “4” Doctors In The U.S.
"After Tiller: 40 Years After Roe v. Wade, Abortion Providers Continue Work of Slain Kansas Doctor"
~ via DemocracyNow, Lana Wilson & Martha Shane - Co-Directors of "After Tiller," {Subscriber Supported}, 01-24-13, YouTube, 19:28 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQqNw1LWbC8
>_^_ Rachel Maddow Interviews Julie Burkhart - Trust Women Foundation, Reopening Dr. Tiller’s Clinic, at Bleckley and Kellogg Dr. Wichita KS ::
{Clinic video begins at Min 08:20 & is preceded by CT Gun Sanity Bill Signing and a Republican Legislator calling for CT Militia Volunteers}
"Defying extremist threats, clinic reopens with community support"
~ via The Rachel Maddow Show - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 04-04-13, Video, 17:58 min (begins min 08:20} :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/vp/51436351/#51436351
>##(06-25-13)*RWR(*KS)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Clinic Firebombed in 1985, Assassination Attempt Left Tiller Shot In Both Arms In 2003, & Finally Shot Point Blank In The Head In His Lutheran Church On Sunday 05-31-09 ::
Tiller Remembrance & Brief Bio :: “On May 31, 2009, Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed as he served as an usher at Reformation Lutheran Church during a Sunday morning service in Wichita, Kansas. …Tiller took over his father’s family medical practice …Renamed Women’s Health Care Services, Dr. Tiller’s clinic became one of the only safe alternatives to dangerous “back ally” abortions.”
"Trust Women Hosts Tribute in Honor of Dr. Tiller"
~ Trust Women PAC, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-02-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.trustwomenpac.org/2012/07/trust-women-hosts-tribute-in-honor-of-dr-tiller/
>_^_ "Four Years After Murder of Dr. George Tiller, His Wichita Abortion Clinic Reopens Despite Threats"
~ via DemocracyNow, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 05-31-13, YouTube, 07:50 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Transcript; "May 31, 2013 marks the fourth anniversary of the murder of Dr. George Tiller, a 67-year-old abortion provider who was shot point blank in the forehead as he attended church services in Wichita, Kansas."
"Watch Julie on Democracy Now"
~ DemocracyNow, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 06-03-13, Video, 07:50 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.trustwomenpac.org/2013/06/watch-julie-on-democracy-now/
>_^_ Reproductive Choice Film: "After Tiller" Premiered at Sundance Film Festival, Covers Desperate “3rd Trimester Abortions” Provided By Just “4” Doctors In The U.S.
"After Tiller: 40 Years After Roe v. Wade, Abortion Providers Continue Work of Slain Kansas Doctor"
~ via DemocracyNow, Lana Wilson & Martha Shane - Co-Directors of "After Tiller," {Subscriber Supported}, 01-24-13, YouTube, 19:28 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQqNw1LWbC8
>_^_ Rachel Maddow Interviews Julie Burkhart - Trust Women Foundation, Reopening Dr. Tiller’s Clinic, at Bleckley and Kellogg Dr. Wichita KS ::
{Clinic video begins at Min 08:20 & is preceded by CT Gun Sanity Bill Signing and a Republican Legislator calling for CT Militia Volunteers}
"Defying extremist threats, clinic reopens with community support"
~ via The Rachel Maddow Show - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 04-04-13, Video, 17:58 min (begins min 08:20} :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/vp/51436351/#51436351
>##(06-25-13)*RWR(*KS)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666C1, Rape, K.B.R. –
Kellogg, Brown, & Root; GOP Corruption, The “Family Values” Party
…In A 68-30 Senate Vote, all Republicans voted against Jamie Leigh Jones on Military Contractor Rape Prevention Bill ::
"In 2005, Jones, a KBR employee, was gang-raped in Iraq by KBR workers.
After (Jamie Leigh) was gang-raped, KBR security held her prisoner inside a 5' x 6' shipping container to make sure she kept her mouth shut." ::
Jones, a K.B.R. military contractor employee was drugged by male coworkers, and repeatedly raped on the job. Jamie Leigh Jones was denied food and medical treatment for days. ::
No thanks to K.B.R., she survived, but required reconstructive surgery to her vaginal area and was rendered sterile. ::
“The drugs were supposed to keep her quiet in the same way that the KBR good ol' boy corporate arbitration panel would keep the details of this disgusting story quiet.”
“Republicans for Rape”
~ Mike Papantonio – Ring of Fire Radio, HuffPost Politics, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-30-09, Article & YouTube, 03:27 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mike-papantonio/republicans-for-rape_b_340395.html
> ####(03-20-13)*CBWS*RWR*ULS###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
…In A 68-30 Senate Vote, all Republicans voted against Jamie Leigh Jones on Military Contractor Rape Prevention Bill ::
"In 2005, Jones, a KBR employee, was gang-raped in Iraq by KBR workers.
After (Jamie Leigh) was gang-raped, KBR security held her prisoner inside a 5' x 6' shipping container to make sure she kept her mouth shut." ::
Jones, a K.B.R. military contractor employee was drugged by male coworkers, and repeatedly raped on the job. Jamie Leigh Jones was denied food and medical treatment for days. ::
No thanks to K.B.R., she survived, but required reconstructive surgery to her vaginal area and was rendered sterile. ::
“The drugs were supposed to keep her quiet in the same way that the KBR good ol' boy corporate arbitration panel would keep the details of this disgusting story quiet.”
“Republicans for Rape”
~ Mike Papantonio – Ring of Fire Radio, HuffPost Politics, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-30-09, Article & YouTube, 03:27 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mike-papantonio/republicans-for-rape_b_340395.html
> ####(03-20-13)*CBWS*RWR*ULS###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666C2, Military Rape
Club, Sen. Chuck Hagel (NE, Ret.) Hearing - Secretary Of Defense :: "They
Talked About Policy Questions That Have Nothing To Do With Being Secretary of
Defense" :: 19,300 Rapes In 2010, Sexual Assault In The Military ::
"The Invisible War" movie on Military Rape
"Rape Club"
~ Lawrence O'Connell - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, Video, 17:15 min :: Link/URL
< http://video.msnbc.msn.com/the-last-word/50661006
> ####(02-22-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"The Invisible War" movie on Military Rape
"Rape Club"
~ Lawrence O'Connell - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, Video, 17:15 min :: Link/URL
< http://video.msnbc.msn.com/the-last-word/50661006
> ####(02-22-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666D, Insurance, Interview w/Victim, Insurance Adjuster,
Pre-Existing Condition, Raped Women Denied Health Care Insurance;
Whistleblower ::
“Woman Denied Health Care Story (Video)”
~ Huff Post, via Anderson Cooper – CNN, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, w/Christina Turner – Ins. Adjuster, Rape Victim w/pre-existing condition, 03-18-10, 05-25-11, CNN Video, est. 5-6 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/27/woman-denied-health-care_n_335000.html?view=print&comm_ref=false
>##(02-26-13)*RWR*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Woman Denied Health Care Story (Video)”
~ Huff Post, via Anderson Cooper – CNN, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, w/Christina Turner – Ins. Adjuster, Rape Victim w/pre-existing condition, 03-18-10, 05-25-11, CNN Video, est. 5-6 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/27/woman-denied-health-care_n_335000.html?view=print&comm_ref=false
>##(02-26-13)*RWR*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU1386AS, Catholic
Church, Destroying The Affordable (Private Health
Insurance Access &) Care Act of 2010 over Religious Freedom i.e. …Limiting
Access To Birth Control ::
“43 Catholic Groups Sue Obama Administration Over Health Care Mandate” :: “98% Of Catholic Women Use Birth Control”
“Birth Control Battle”
~ Tamron Hall – MSNBC, with Emily Hardman – The Beck Fund For Religious Liberty, & Irin Carmon - Salon.com, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-11-12, Video, 06:25 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/47524412#47523803
>##(06-18-13)*RC*RWR##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“43 Catholic Groups Sue Obama Administration Over Health Care Mandate” :: “98% Of Catholic Women Use Birth Control”
“Birth Control Battle”
~ Tamron Hall – MSNBC, with Emily Hardman – The Beck Fund For Religious Liberty, & Irin Carmon - Salon.com, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-11-12, Video, 06:25 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/47524412#47523803
>##(06-18-13)*RC*RWR##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU1386ASS, Abortion Explained; “The Lord
Aborts Almost 40%” :: Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best
Christian, takes a moment out of her busybody day, to settle once and
for all America's most contentious subject: abortion. This video may offend
some. But, then again, the truth always does"
"Betty Bowers Explains Abortion to Everyone Else"
~ via MrsBettyBowers, {Subscribe}, 07-09-12, YT/04:08 min::Link/URL*^*<
> ####(06-25-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Betty Bowers Explains Abortion to Everyone Else"
~ via MrsBettyBowers, {Subscribe}, 07-09-12, YT/04:08 min::Link/URL*^*<
> ####(06-25-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth
Control-0666FU1386BS, Anti-Choice, Right to (Dictate
Someone Else’s) Life, Anti- Roe v. Wade ::
1. Personhood USA,
2. Live Action,
3. U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops/USCCB,
4. Ohio Pro Life Action,
5. Susan B. Anthony List,
6. Leslee Unruh with the Alpha Center,
7. American Life League,
8. The entire anti-choice movement of Kansas
“Meet 8 Right-Wing Groups Practicing Scorched-Earth Anti-Choice Nuttery Against Women”
~ Amanda Marcotte - AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 12-11-11 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.alternet.org/story/153351/meet_8_right-wing_groups_practicing_scorched-earth_anti-choice_nuttery_against_women?page=entire
> ####(09-15-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
1. Personhood USA,
2. Live Action,
3. U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops/USCCB,
4. Ohio Pro Life Action,
5. Susan B. Anthony List,
6. Leslee Unruh with the Alpha Center,
7. American Life League,
8. The entire anti-choice movement of Kansas
“Meet 8 Right-Wing Groups Practicing Scorched-Earth Anti-Choice Nuttery Against Women”
~ Amanda Marcotte - AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 12-11-11 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.alternet.org/story/153351/meet_8_right-wing_groups_practicing_scorched-earth_anti-choice_nuttery_against_women?page=entire
> ####(09-15-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XGOP, Blunt
Amendment To Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act of
03-23-10 House Hearing, Religious Freedom, Rep. Joe
Walsh (R-*IL) interview, Religious Freedom To Disallow Health Expenses,
Providers, or Employers Wish To @ Their Own Discretion :: Oversight.house.gov
“Rep. Walsh Questions Religious Leaders on Contraceptive Mandate”
~ Rep. Joe Walsh, 5 Panel Clergymen from 5 Faiths: Catholic—Bishop Lori, ??? –Rev. Harrison, Baptist—Dr. Mitchell, Jewish—Rabbi Soloveichik, Southern Baptist—Dr. Mitchell, via RepJoeWalsh, on 02-16-12, YouTube, 06:21 min :: BB Link/URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe3Eabpiz6Q&feature=player_embedded
>(06-18-13)*RWR(ULRRJW)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Rep. Walsh Questions Religious Leaders on Contraceptive Mandate”
~ Rep. Joe Walsh, 5 Panel Clergymen from 5 Faiths: Catholic—Bishop Lori, ??? –Rev. Harrison, Baptist—Dr. Mitchell, Jewish—Rabbi Soloveichik, Southern Baptist—Dr. Mitchell, via RepJoeWalsh, on 02-16-12, YouTube, 06:21 min :: BB Link/URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe3Eabpiz6Q&feature=player_embedded
>(06-18-13)*RWR(ULRRJW)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XGOP, Rape,
Abortion, GOP Position, GOP Rep. Todd Akin (R-*MO-2,
U.S. Senate Candidate) Interview (clip) On Rape & Rapists ::
Question: Could an abortion be considered in the case of rape?? Should it be legal or no??
Missouri Senate Candidate Todd Akin’s Response… “It seems to me first of all, from what I understand from Doctors, that’s really rare (conception from rape). If it’s a legitimate rape, ahhhhhh, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something. You know I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment otta be on the rapist and not attacking…(instead of the fetus.)
GOP Position On Women’s Rights
"Todd Akin, GOP Senate candidate: ‘Legitimate rape’ rarely causes pregnancy"
~ Aaron Blake – THE FIX by Chris Cillizza - The Washington Post Politics, 08-19-12, see “VIEW PHOTO GALLERY (19) — Women and the 2012 campaign: A look back at who said what in an election season that has focused heavily on women’s issues.” (Incredible / Loads Slow) :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2012/08/19/todd-akin-gop-senate-candidate-legitimate-rape-rarely-causes-pregnancy/
>_^_"GOP Platform To Call For Constitutional Ban On Abortion: Report"
~ Huff Post Politics, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-21-12, VIEW PHOTO GALLERY (10) “Lies GOP Tells About Women's Bodies” :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/21/gop-platform-abortion_n_1815021.html
>_^_"...Todd Akin’s comments about 'legitimate rape' has shed light on a 'personhood' bill, co-sponsored by Akin and GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan, called the 'Sanctity of Life Act.'" :: ...chatter ...whether Ryan opposes abortion in cases of rape. The Romney campaign confirmed today that Ryan does personally oppose it (abortion in case of rape), while clarifying that a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose it."::
" ...what about the other legal implications of the bill Ryan and Akin co-sponsored?" :: “(Sanctity of Life Act) …says that Congress & the states have the ‘authority’ to protect all human beings — again, defined as human life from fertilization onward — residing in their jurisdictions.”
"How bad is the Ryan-Akin anti-abortion bill?"
~ Greg Sergeant - The Plum Line - wp Opinions, The Washington Post, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-20-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/post/how-bad-is-the-ryan-akin-anti-abortion-bill/2012/08/20/c7e37e04-eafe-11e1-9ddc-340d5efb1e9c_blog.html
>(08-22-12)*RWR*ULRRTA*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Missouri Senate Candidate Todd Akin’s Response… “It seems to me first of all, from what I understand from Doctors, that’s really rare (conception from rape). If it’s a legitimate rape, ahhhhhh, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something. You know I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment otta be on the rapist and not attacking…(instead of the fetus.)
GOP Position On Women’s Rights
"Todd Akin, GOP Senate candidate: ‘Legitimate rape’ rarely causes pregnancy"
~ Aaron Blake – THE FIX by Chris Cillizza - The Washington Post Politics, 08-19-12, see “VIEW PHOTO GALLERY (19) — Women and the 2012 campaign: A look back at who said what in an election season that has focused heavily on women’s issues.” (Incredible / Loads Slow) :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2012/08/19/todd-akin-gop-senate-candidate-legitimate-rape-rarely-causes-pregnancy/
>_^_"GOP Platform To Call For Constitutional Ban On Abortion: Report"
~ Huff Post Politics, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-21-12, VIEW PHOTO GALLERY (10) “Lies GOP Tells About Women's Bodies” :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/21/gop-platform-abortion_n_1815021.html
>_^_"...Todd Akin’s comments about 'legitimate rape' has shed light on a 'personhood' bill, co-sponsored by Akin and GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan, called the 'Sanctity of Life Act.'" :: ...chatter ...whether Ryan opposes abortion in cases of rape. The Romney campaign confirmed today that Ryan does personally oppose it (abortion in case of rape), while clarifying that a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose it."::
" ...what about the other legal implications of the bill Ryan and Akin co-sponsored?" :: “(Sanctity of Life Act) …says that Congress & the states have the ‘authority’ to protect all human beings — again, defined as human life from fertilization onward — residing in their jurisdictions.”
"How bad is the Ryan-Akin anti-abortion bill?"
~ Greg Sergeant - The Plum Line - wp Opinions, The Washington Post, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-20-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/post/how-bad-is-the-ryan-akin-anti-abortion-bill/2012/08/20/c7e37e04-eafe-11e1-9ddc-340d5efb1e9c_blog.html
>(08-22-12)*RWR*ULRRTA*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XGOP, Rape,
Abortion, GOP Position, GOP Richard Mourdock, GOP
Corruption, U.S. Senate Joe Donnelly (D) vs. Richard
Mourdock (R), Republican War On Women, Republican Rape, RedPussLieCon Rape; A
Radical Teahadist Speaks In Indiana Senate Candidates Debate;
God Intended Rape? God Sanctioned Rape? Rapist Tourism In Indiana? Rapists Selecting the Mothers of Their Children? :: “Life is a gift from god. And I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that god intended to happen.” ~ Richard Mourdock
"Richard Mourdock debate comment about rape"
~ via wane, {Subscribe}, 10-23-12, YouTube, 01:01 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(10-30-12)*GOPC*RWR*SSNHC*IN###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
God Intended Rape? God Sanctioned Rape? Rapist Tourism In Indiana? Rapists Selecting the Mothers of Their Children? :: “Life is a gift from god. And I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that god intended to happen.” ~ Richard Mourdock
"Richard Mourdock debate comment about rape"
~ via wane, {Subscribe}, 10-23-12, YouTube, 01:01 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(10-30-12)*GOPC*RWR*SSNHC*IN###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XGOP, Republican
Rape Talk & Abortion Bashing: "Rep. Trent
Franks (R-*AZ) in response to a question from Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-*NY) during
a House Committee on the Judiciary Hearing on H.R. 1797 (June 12,
2013)" ::
"...before, when my friends on the left side of the aisle here tried to make rape and incest the subject, because ...... The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low." ~ T.F.
"Rep. Trent Franks: 'The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low'"
~ via RepZoeLofgren, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13, YouTube, 17 sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD1KBnI-t5o
>_^_ Bill Proposed To Ban Abortion Nationwide After 20 Months
"Trent Franks(R-*AZ): GOP Rep. Repeats Claim About 'Very Low' Pregnancies Due To Rape!"
~ Chris Hayes - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via politicalarticles, {Subscribe}, 06-13-13, YouTube, 05:37 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKZB6jlI-7Y
>_^_ Sharon Angle - Nevada U.S. Senate Tea Party Candidate 2010 ~ "Make lemonade out of a lemons"
"Angle: Girl Raped By Dad? Make Lemonade! (God's Plan)"
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 07-08-10, YouTube, 05:24 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX0bIYe4_2k
>_^_ Republicans Destroying Science; "Both (*WI-Rep. Paul) Ryan and (*MO-Rep. Todd) Akin were co-sponsors of the 'Forcible Rape' Bill..."
"Paul Ryan & Todd Akin: 'Forcible Rape' Co-Sponsors"
~ Sam Seder - The Majority Report Radio Show - M-F at 12 noon EST & via SamSeder, & Ring of Fire Radio Sunday Evening, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 08-20-12, YouTube, 05:19 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=golAm9Sk1Nk
> ####(06-25-13)*RWR(ULRRTF)(*NV)(*WI)(*AZ)(*MO)###*
#* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"...before, when my friends on the left side of the aisle here tried to make rape and incest the subject, because ...... The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low." ~ T.F.
"Rep. Trent Franks: 'The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low'"
~ via RepZoeLofgren, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13, YouTube, 17 sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD1KBnI-t5o
>_^_ Bill Proposed To Ban Abortion Nationwide After 20 Months
"Trent Franks(R-*AZ): GOP Rep. Repeats Claim About 'Very Low' Pregnancies Due To Rape!"
~ Chris Hayes - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via politicalarticles, {Subscribe}, 06-13-13, YouTube, 05:37 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKZB6jlI-7Y
>_^_ Sharon Angle - Nevada U.S. Senate Tea Party Candidate 2010 ~ "Make lemonade out of a lemons"
"Angle: Girl Raped By Dad? Make Lemonade! (God's Plan)"
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 07-08-10, YouTube, 05:24 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX0bIYe4_2k
>_^_ Republicans Destroying Science; "Both (*WI-Rep. Paul) Ryan and (*MO-Rep. Todd) Akin were co-sponsors of the 'Forcible Rape' Bill..."
"Paul Ryan & Todd Akin: 'Forcible Rape' Co-Sponsors"
~ Sam Seder - The Majority Report Radio Show - M-F at 12 noon EST & via SamSeder, & Ring of Fire Radio Sunday Evening, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 08-20-12, YouTube, 05:19 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=golAm9Sk1Nk
> ####(06-25-13)*RWR(ULRRTF)(*NV)(*WI)(*AZ)(*MO)###*
#* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XGOP, Sen. Rand Paul (R-*KY) apologized for BP Oil Spill,
Supports Refusal to Serve Blacks ::
{Only Tea Party Senate Candidate who would “Require Victims of Rape & Incest To Bear the Rapists Children” vs. Abort the Fetus… to survive the Election 2010}
“Bill Maher on Rand Paul: The sh*t doesn’t fall far from the bat”
~ Bill Maher, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via LoonyRonPaul, {Subscribe}, on 05-30-10, YouTube, 02:24 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci3L40EL3Cc&feature=share
>#(03-25-13)*ENBP*RWR*ULRSRP#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{Only Tea Party Senate Candidate who would “Require Victims of Rape & Incest To Bear the Rapists Children” vs. Abort the Fetus… to survive the Election 2010}
“Bill Maher on Rand Paul: The sh*t doesn’t fall far from the bat”
~ Bill Maher, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via LoonyRonPaul, {Subscribe}, on 05-30-10, YouTube, 02:24 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci3L40EL3Cc&feature=share
>#(03-25-13)*ENBP*RWR*ULRSRP#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XGOPTV, Abortion, Stochastic Terrorist, GOP Media P.F. Bill O’
Reilly, FOX NOOSE, Vigilantes, Dr. George
Tiller, Murdered Kansas Dr., Blame Host Bill O’Reilly, Opponent of
Abortion, Targeted Tiller, Fox News :: “Tiller the baby killer” ~ B. O.
“Doctor’s Killer Is Not Alone in the Blame, Some Say”
~ Brian Stelter - NY Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-01-09 :: Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/02/us/02blame.html
>##(02-01-13)*PMF*RWR##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Doctor’s Killer Is Not Alone in the Blame, Some Say”
~ Brian Stelter - NY Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-01-09 :: Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/02/us/02blame.html
>##(02-01-13)*PMF*RWR##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XRUSHGOP, Choice
Women’s Rights, Choice, Birth Control ::
Video: Laughable Sarcasm in this (SNLesque) Comedy Skit ::
Reproduction Rights: The GOP want desperately to “Re-Legislate” Roe v. Wade w/o negotiation, and make “Choice”/reproductive intervention and even basic “birth control” less possible using a “States Rights Regulation Gauntlet” for American women to run …including closing most free women’s preventative health clinics, invasive ultrasound, additional consultations, waiting period, a psychological warfare guilt-trip-for-1! ::
This National Women’s Rights Capitulation of GOP-Teahadists and “Red States Rights-to Discriminate” with a re-regulation agenda is funded by Not-For-Profit Political Action Committees …using “Untaxed & Tax Deductable” Trans-National Corp Dollars. A.L.E.C. – (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil specializes in Corp “Sponsored & Written” cookie cutter Legislation/State Laws “Shoved-Down-Our-Throats” in 50 States ::
F.Y.I.: Radical “Maleligions” & 1 Political Party want to tell women what they can and can’t do w/their own lives and bodies …
The Supreme Abortionist, a.k.a. …“white-god-the-father” intentionally induces “natural” abortion nearly 40% of all fetuses, and allows dozens of billions more fertilized eggs to “Fail,” each year without the mom ever knowing. Observation: 30 years of “Fertility” can be a F’ng B*tch ::
“So if god/nature does almost 40% ‘Intentional Miscarriages’ out-of-the-blue, is a mom’s ‘Choice’ Really Taboo?” ::
This GO Pee “Golden Shower” is about fighting the “Demographic Shift,” manning the Military Industrial Complex, supplying the minimum wage work force for Corp’s, and turning American Women into “Cracker Ovens”…The GOP “Keebler Elf Strategy.” ::
“Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer & Andrea Savage “spread” the message that the one thing women really want in their vaginas is the government.”
“Republicans, Get in My Vagina!”
~ Beckingsale, Greer, & Savage funnyordie.com, {Subscriber Supported}, Video, 02:28 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/87be7156f5/republicans-get-in-my-vagina?playlist=featured_videos
>##(06-18-13)*RWR(PB)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Women’s Rights, Choice, Birth Control ::
Video: Laughable Sarcasm in this (SNLesque) Comedy Skit ::
Reproduction Rights: The GOP want desperately to “Re-Legislate” Roe v. Wade w/o negotiation, and make “Choice”/reproductive intervention and even basic “birth control” less possible using a “States Rights Regulation Gauntlet” for American women to run …including closing most free women’s preventative health clinics, invasive ultrasound, additional consultations, waiting period, a psychological warfare guilt-trip-for-1! ::
This National Women’s Rights Capitulation of GOP-Teahadists and “Red States Rights-to Discriminate” with a re-regulation agenda is funded by Not-For-Profit Political Action Committees …using “Untaxed & Tax Deductable” Trans-National Corp Dollars. A.L.E.C. – (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil specializes in Corp “Sponsored & Written” cookie cutter Legislation/State Laws “Shoved-Down-Our-Throats” in 50 States ::
F.Y.I.: Radical “Maleligions” & 1 Political Party want to tell women what they can and can’t do w/their own lives and bodies …
The Supreme Abortionist, a.k.a. …“white-god-the-father” intentionally induces “natural” abortion nearly 40% of all fetuses, and allows dozens of billions more fertilized eggs to “Fail,” each year without the mom ever knowing. Observation: 30 years of “Fertility” can be a F’ng B*tch ::
“So if god/nature does almost 40% ‘Intentional Miscarriages’ out-of-the-blue, is a mom’s ‘Choice’ Really Taboo?” ::
This GO Pee “Golden Shower” is about fighting the “Demographic Shift,” manning the Military Industrial Complex, supplying the minimum wage work force for Corp’s, and turning American Women into “Cracker Ovens”…The GOP “Keebler Elf Strategy.” ::
“Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer & Andrea Savage “spread” the message that the one thing women really want in their vaginas is the government.”
“Republicans, Get in My Vagina!”
~ Beckingsale, Greer, & Savage funnyordie.com, {Subscriber Supported}, Video, 02:28 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/87be7156f5/republicans-get-in-my-vagina?playlist=featured_videos
>##(06-18-13)*RWR(PB)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XRUSHGOP,
Limbaugh, OxyContin Rush Lashes Out as a Woman Stands Up for a Friend,
Blunt-(Scott Brown)-Rubio-Fortenberry Amendment to Health Care Reform Act of
2010/Obama Care, “Blunt” Amendment Effectively Destroys the Health Care Reform
Act of 2010, All Insurance Coverage Provisions
Arbitrary & Optional for Employers
“Rush Limbaugh: 38 references to Sandra Fluke’s uncontrollable sexual habits”
~ Julie Driscoll, Chicago Liberal Examiner, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-04-12 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.examiner.com/liberal-in-chicago/rush-limbaugh-38-references-to-sandra-fluke-s-uncontrollable-sexual-habits
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Rush Limbaugh: 38 references to Sandra Fluke’s uncontrollable sexual habits”
~ Julie Driscoll, Chicago Liberal Examiner, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-04-12 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.examiner.com/liberal-in-chicago/rush-limbaugh-38-references-to-sandra-fluke-s-uncontrollable-sexual-habits
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XRUSHGOP, Sexism
“Limbaugh Doubles Down On Sexist Attack Against Sandra Fluke, Demands She Post Sex Tapes Online”
~ Alex Seitz-Wald - Think Progress, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-01-12, Article, Limbaugh Video, 39 sec :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/media/2012/03/01/435729/limbaugh-fluke-sex-tape/
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Limbaugh Doubles Down On Sexist Attack Against Sandra Fluke, Demands She Post Sex Tapes Online”
~ Alex Seitz-Wald - Think Progress, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-01-12, Article, Limbaugh Video, 39 sec :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/media/2012/03/01/435729/limbaugh-fluke-sex-tape/
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666Z, Raped In Egyptian Uprising Against Mubarak 01-11,
Political Journalism, Media, Investigative Journalism
“Lara Logan breaks her silence”
~ via CBSNEWSOnline, {Ad Supported}, 05-01-11, YT/13:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO12X1nhzzk
>###(06-06-13)*PJ*RWR##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Lara Logan breaks her silence”
~ via CBSNEWSOnline, {Ad Supported}, 05-01-11, YT/13:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO12X1nhzzk
>###(06-06-13)*PJ*RWR##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-100A, Abortion Provider Doctors Murdered :: About Abortion,
Clinic Violence, History of Violence, Murders and Shootings :: History of
“National Abortion Federation” {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.prochoice.org/about_abortion/violence/murders.asp
> ####(08-21-12)RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“National Abortion Federation” {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.prochoice.org/about_abortion/violence/murders.asp
> ####(08-21-12)RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-100B, Reproductive Health Stats, Abortion Rate By State
“Gutmacher Institute” {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(02-26-13)*RWR(*ST)##* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Gutmacher Institute” {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(02-26-13)*RWR(*ST)##* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-101A, Planned Parenthood
Health Services ::
GOP P. Cand. Bishop Willard “Mitt” Romney says he’s a moderate progressive from years back. Today he’s abolishing Planned Parenthood. 97% of Planned Parenthood services have nothing to do with abortion. In Battle Ground States 63% of voters oppose moves to take away Planned Parenthood. 77% of voters don’t want a debate about contraception. 62% see Birth Control as a “Health Issue.” 33% see it as “Religious Issue.”
"Obama Ad Slams Romney for Pledging to Defund Planned Parenthood: ‘This Is Not the 1950’s’"
~ Erica Ritz – The Blaze, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-04-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.theblaze.com/stories/obama-ad-slams-romney-for-vowing-to-defund-planned-parenthood-this-is-not-the-1950s/
>_^_ Romney… “I’ll Get Rid of Planned Parenthood“
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 03-14-12, YouTube, 04:56 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Muhwe8em3r4&feature=related
>_^_ ”Mitt Romney: ‘Get Rid of Planned Parenthood’”
~ via PPVotes, {Subscribe}, on 03-14-12, YouTube, 19 seconds :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xthySc5BPG4
>#(02-25-12)*GOPC*RWR#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
GOP P. Cand. Bishop Willard “Mitt” Romney says he’s a moderate progressive from years back. Today he’s abolishing Planned Parenthood. 97% of Planned Parenthood services have nothing to do with abortion. In Battle Ground States 63% of voters oppose moves to take away Planned Parenthood. 77% of voters don’t want a debate about contraception. 62% see Birth Control as a “Health Issue.” 33% see it as “Religious Issue.”
"Obama Ad Slams Romney for Pledging to Defund Planned Parenthood: ‘This Is Not the 1950’s’"
~ Erica Ritz – The Blaze, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-04-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.theblaze.com/stories/obama-ad-slams-romney-for-vowing-to-defund-planned-parenthood-this-is-not-the-1950s/
>_^_ Romney… “I’ll Get Rid of Planned Parenthood“
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 03-14-12, YouTube, 04:56 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Muhwe8em3r4&feature=related
>_^_ ”Mitt Romney: ‘Get Rid of Planned Parenthood’”
~ via PPVotes, {Subscribe}, on 03-14-12, YouTube, 19 seconds :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xthySc5BPG4
>#(02-25-12)*GOPC*RWR#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Health Insurance Access &)(^^^){Subscribe}, Link/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es3_ofkPRIM&feature=player_embedded#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(Private Health Insurance Access &) (^^^){Subscribe}, Link/http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=rYCE8N79YoQ#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-101C, Health Care Issues
For Women, Access To Health Care, Discrimination
“Being A Woman Is Not A Pre-Existing Condition”
~ Web Site, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.awomanisnotapreexistingcondition.com/
> ####(02-20-12)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Being A Woman Is Not A Pre-Existing Condition”
~ Web Site, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.awomanisnotapreexistingcondition.com/
> ####(02-20-12)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Health Insurance Access &) (^^^){Subscribe},
Link/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es3_ofkPRIM&feature=player_embedded#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-101E, Sandra Fluke (pron. Flook), barred from Testifying before
Daryl Issa’s Committee, Sen. Blunt(MO)-(Sen. Scott Brown-MA)-Sen.
Rubio(FL)-Rep. Fortenberry(NE) Amendment to Health Care Reform Act of
2010/Obama Care, Amendment Effectively Destroys the Health Care Reform Act of
2010, All Insurance Coverage Provisions Arbitrary & Optional for Employers
“Testimony before House Democrats on Capitol Hill”
~ Sandra Fluke (pron. Flook), via OversightDems, {Subscribe}, on 02-16-12, YouTube, 03:05 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCPU0Qsv9wM
> ####(02-17-12)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Testimony before House Democrats on Capitol Hill”
~ Sandra Fluke (pron. Flook), via OversightDems, {Subscribe}, on 02-16-12, YouTube, 03:05 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCPU0Qsv9wM
> ####(02-17-12)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-101F, Woman “Slut
Labeled” by Rush Limbaugh; Birth Control; Testimony From Women Missing in “All
Male” House Hearing Panel on Birth Control Benefits in ACA 2010, Affordable
(Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act; 75 Democrats Denounce Rush
Limbaugh & Urge John Boehner To Join Them
“Sandra Fluke (pron. Flook) responds to Limbaugh’s ‘Slut’ Label”
~ Ed Schultz with guest Sandra Fluke - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, Video, 04:32 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45755822/vp/46597899#46597838
> ####(09-17-13)*DEM*PMRL*RWR*ULRRJB(ULRRDI)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Sandra Fluke (pron. Flook) responds to Limbaugh’s ‘Slut’ Label”
~ Ed Schultz with guest Sandra Fluke - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, Video, 04:32 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45755822/vp/46597899#46597838
> ####(09-17-13)*DEM*PMRL*RWR*ULRRJB(ULRRDI)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-102A, GOP P. Cand. Bishop Willard “Mitt”
Romney, Abortion & Choice Reversal, Position
Reversal 1994-2012:: “His young relative died tragically in an illegal
abortion in 1963: Her untold story – and
what it means for Romney”
“The abortion that Mitt doesn’t talk about anymore”
~ Justin Elliot – Salon, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-08-11 :: Link/URL*^*<
>#(06-18-13)*GOPC*RWR#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“The abortion that Mitt doesn’t talk about anymore”
~ Justin Elliot – Salon, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-08-11 :: Link/URL*^*<
>#(06-18-13)*GOPC*RWR#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-102B, Blunt Amendment to
Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act of 03-23-10,
Religious Freedom To Disallow Health Expenses Religions, Providers, or
Employers Wish To @ Their Own Discretion
”Deadbeat Dad Joe Walsh Says Debate Over Birth Control Has Nothing To Do With Women”
~ Stephen D. Foster - AddictingInfo,{Subscribe}, 02-22-12, Video ::Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/02/22/deadbeat-dad-joe-walsh-says-debate-over-birth-control-has-nothing-to-do-with-women-video/
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR(ULRRJW)###*
#* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
”Deadbeat Dad Joe Walsh Says Debate Over Birth Control Has Nothing To Do With Women”
~ Stephen D. Foster - AddictingInfo,{Subscribe}, 02-22-12, Video ::Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/02/22/deadbeat-dad-joe-walsh-says-debate-over-birth-control-has-nothing-to-do-with-women-video/
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR(ULRRJW)###*
#* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-102C, Democratic Majority BARELY Kills the Sen. Blunt(MO)-(Sen.
Scott Brown-MA)-Sen. Rubio(FL)-Rep. Fortenberry(NE) Amendment to Health Care
Reform Act of 2010/Obama Care, “Blunt” Amendment Effectively DESTROYS
the Health Care Reform Act of 2010, All Insurance Coverage Provisions Arbitrary
& Optional for Employers, Senators Who Crossed the Basically Party Line
Vote, Isle in the Vote, All But 1
Republican Senator Voted For The Blunt-SCOTT Brown Amendment
“Senate Kills Blunt’s (Scott Brown’s) Anti-Contraception Amendment”
~ Igor Volsky - ThinkProgress Health, {Subscribe}, 03-01-12 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/health/2012/03/01/435524/senate-kills-blunts-anti-contraception-amendment/
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Senate Kills Blunt’s (Scott Brown’s) Anti-Contraception Amendment”
~ Igor Volsky - ThinkProgress Health, {Subscribe}, 03-01-12 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/health/2012/03/01/435524/senate-kills-blunts-anti-contraception-amendment/
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-102D, Reproductive
Rights, Blocked Testimony, Chairman Darrell Issa (R-*CA), Sarah Fluke- 3rd Year Law Student @ Georgetown
University, House Oversight Committee (all male), Prevent Women From
Testifying, Blunt-(Scott Brown)-Rubio-Fortenberry Amendment to Health Care
Reform Act of 2010/Obama Care, “Blunt” Amendment Effectively Destroys the
Health Care Reform Act of 2010, All Insurance Coverage Provisions Arbitrary
& Optional for Employers
“The Testimony About Birth Control Republicans Did Not Want You To Hear”
~ Amanda Peterson Beadle - ThinkProgress Health, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-16-12, Video, 03:06 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/health/2012/02/16/427417/sandra-fluke-contraception-testimony/
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“The Testimony About Birth Control Republicans Did Not Want You To Hear”
~ Amanda Peterson Beadle - ThinkProgress Health, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-16-12, Video, 03:06 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/health/2012/02/16/427417/sandra-fluke-contraception-testimony/
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-102D, Sen.
Blunt(MO)-(Sen. Scott Brown-MA)-Sen. Rubio(FL)-Rep. Fortenberry(NE) Amendment
to Health Care Reform Act of 2010/Obama Care, “Blunt” Amendment Effectively
DESTROYS the Health Care Reform Act of 2010, All Insurance Coverage Provisions
Arbitrary & Optional for Employers
“Senator Boxer Speaks Out Against Extreme Attacks on Women’s Health Care”
~ via SenatorBoxer (D-*CA), {Subscribe},02-14-12,YT/04:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-qmWjHLacQ&feature=youtu.be
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Senator Boxer Speaks Out Against Extreme Attacks on Women’s Health Care”
~ via SenatorBoxer (D-*CA), {Subscribe},02-14-12,YT/04:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-qmWjHLacQ&feature=youtu.be
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-102E, Advocate, Called a
“SLUT” & a “PROSTITUTE,” Labeled Horrendously, & Advised to “Make Sex
Tapes” & Send Them To Him, By OxyContin Rush, Blunt-(Scott Brown)-Rubio-Fortenberry
Amendment to Health Care Reform Act of 2010/Obama Care, “Blunt” Amendment
Effectively Destroys the Health Care Reform Act of 2010, All Insurance Coverage
Provisions Arbitrary & Optional for Employers
“Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post sex videos on line”
~ Rush Limbaugh, via MSNBC, {Subscriber Supported}, Video 0:39 seconds :: BB Link/URL
< http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/01/10552338-limbaugh-contraception-advocate-should-post-online-sex-videos
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post sex videos on line”
~ Rush Limbaugh, via MSNBC, {Subscriber Supported}, Video 0:39 seconds :: BB Link/URL
< http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/01/10552338-limbaugh-contraception-advocate-should-post-online-sex-videos
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-102F, Reproductive
Rights, Blunt-(Scott Brown)-Rubio-Fortenberry Amendment to Health Care Reform /
Obama Care, “Blunt” Amendment Effectively Destroys the Health Care Reform Act
of 2010, All Insurance Coverage Provisions Arbitrary & Optional for
“Powerful testimony the GOP needs to hear”
~ Ed Schultz – MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, with Sandra Fluke, 02-16-12, Video, 10:34 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45755822/vp/46597899#46421856
>_^_ Blunt Amendment, 48 Senators Vote To Roll Back Women’s Rights::
“Blunt amendment fails but GOP vows to fight on”
~ Ed Schultz - MSNBC, 03-01-12, Video, 14:05 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45755822/vp/46597899#46597831
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Powerful testimony the GOP needs to hear”
~ Ed Schultz – MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, with Sandra Fluke, 02-16-12, Video, 10:34 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45755822/vp/46597899#46421856
>_^_ Blunt Amendment, 48 Senators Vote To Roll Back Women’s Rights::
“Blunt amendment fails but GOP vows to fight on”
~ Ed Schultz - MSNBC, 03-01-12, Video, 14:05 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45755822/vp/46597899#46597831
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-102G, Contraception,
Blunt-(Scott Brown)-Rubio-Fortenberry Amendment to Health Care Reform Act of
2010/Obama Care, “Blunt” Amendment Effectively Destroys the Health Care Reform
Act of 2010, All Insurance Coverage Provisions Arbitrary & Optional for
“Jon Stewart On Obama Contraception Controversy – Daily Show FTW”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 02-15-12, YouTube, 06:35 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6CXSJ8BlgQ&feature=endscreen
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Jon Stewart On Obama Contraception Controversy – Daily Show FTW”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 02-15-12, YouTube, 06:35 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6CXSJ8BlgQ&feature=endscreen
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
ights-Women’s Rights-Birth
Control-102H, Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act 2010
Advocate (Sandra Fluke …pron “FLOOK”), Called a “SLUT” & a “PROSTITUTE,”
Labeled Horrendously, & Advised to “Make Sex Tapes” & Send Them To Him,
OxyContin Rush
“Challenge to Rush Limbaugh: Prove Your Ratings”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, Rush Limbaugh, on 03-05-12, YouTube, 08:04 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>#(06-18-13)*PMRL*RWR* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Challenge to Rush Limbaugh: Prove Your Ratings”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, Rush Limbaugh, on 03-05-12, YouTube, 08:04 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>#(06-18-13)*PMRL*RWR* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-102I, Listen to the
Words, Blunt-(Scott Brown)-Rubio-Fortenberry Amendment to Health Care Reform
Act of 2010/Obama Care, “Blunt” Amendment Effectively Destroys ACA, All
Insurance Coverage Provisions Arbitrary & Optional for Employers
“The GOP Overlooked One Thing When They Started His War On Women”
~ MoveOn.Org, {Subscribe}, 03-13-12, Video, 01:01 min :: Link/URL
< http://front.moveon.org/the-gop-overlooked-one-thing-when-they-started-this-war-on-women/#.T2Dqz8inbwg.facebook
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“The GOP Overlooked One Thing When They Started His War On Women”
~ MoveOn.Org, {Subscribe}, 03-13-12, Video, 01:01 min :: Link/URL
< http://front.moveon.org/the-gop-overlooked-one-thing-when-they-started-this-war-on-women/#.T2Dqz8inbwg.facebook
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-103, Abortion,
Affirmative Action, Rush Limbaugh
“A Bully Gets Bullied”
~ Rush Limbaugh, via panopticist, {Subscribe}, 02-25-06, YouTube, 10:46 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNK4byQkn7w&feature=related
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“A Bully Gets Bullied”
~ Rush Limbaugh, via panopticist, {Subscribe}, 02-25-06, YouTube, 10:46 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNK4byQkn7w&feature=related
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-401, *AL, *AZ, *FL, *KS, *LA, *MS, *TX, *VA, Vaginal
Ultrasound Laws
“Virginia Becomes Eight State to Require Ultrasound Before Abortion”
~ Matt Bewig - AllGov, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-11-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.readersupportednews.org/news-section2/314-18/10401-virginia-becomes-eighth-state-to-require-ultrasound-before-abortion
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Virginia Becomes Eight State to Require Ultrasound Before Abortion”
~ Matt Bewig - AllGov, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-11-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.readersupportednews.org/news-section2/314-18/10401-virginia-becomes-eighth-state-to-require-ultrasound-before-abortion
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Reproduction-401A, Rick Santorum, Sarcasm, Rape Intervention :: “Ladies, don’t
worry your pretty little heads about nothen!”
“Women for Santorum”
~ Break.com, {Subscriber Supported}, Video, 53 sec :: Link/URL
< http://www.break.com/index/women-for-santorum-2299141
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Women for Santorum”
~ Break.com, {Subscriber Supported}, Video, 53 sec :: Link/URL
< http://www.break.com/index/women-for-santorum-2299141
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-402, *VA, *OK, *NC, *TX, Vaginal
Ultrasound Laws
“Ultrasound Abortion Bill Nears Vote in Virginia”
~ Sabrina Tavernise & Erik Eckholm – New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-20-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/21/us/virginia-bill-requiring-ultrasound-before-abortion-nears-vote.html
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Ultrasound Abortion Bill Nears Vote in Virginia”
~ Sabrina Tavernise & Erik Eckholm – New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-20-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/21/us/virginia-bill-requiring-ultrasound-before-abortion-nears-vote.html
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-403, *ID - Idaho, *SD - South Dakota, *IA - Iowa, 3-Day Waiting
Period After Initial Consultation With Health Care Abortion Provider
“Utah governor signs law mandating 72-hour wait for abortion”
~ Reuters, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-20-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/21/us-usa-abortion-utah-idUSBRE82K05Z20120321
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR(*IA)(*ID)(*SD)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Utah governor signs law mandating 72-hour wait for abortion”
~ Reuters, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-20-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/21/us-usa-abortion-utah-idUSBRE82K05Z20120321
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR(*IA)(*ID)(*SD)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-404, *AZ_Arizona, Senate Judiciary Committee Vote, Employers Can Ask For Medical Records & Reasons
For Birth Control, They Can Fire You If They Don’t Like Your Answer :: “NONE OF YOUR F**KING BUSINESS” ~ A.K. (hilarious, but correct)
“Why Are You On Birth Control? Employers Asking”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur & Ana Kasparian - TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 02-14-12, YouTube, 03:16 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dHlk_qAnDc&feature=relmfu
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Why Are You On Birth Control? Employers Asking”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur & Ana Kasparian - TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 02-14-12, YouTube, 03:16 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dHlk_qAnDc&feature=relmfu
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-405, GOP Systematically Attacks Women
“Top 10 Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Attacks on Women’s Rights” ~ Alison McQuade - Emily’s List, {Subscribe}, 03-14-12 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Top 10 Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Attacks on Women’s Rights” ~ Alison McQuade - Emily’s List, {Subscribe}, 03-14-12 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-406, *IL_Illinois,
“Subjecting Rape Victims To Vaginal Ultrasound,” House Agriculture &
Conservation Committee Passed 2 Bills, Anti-Abortion
Bills Passed In Agriculture Committee, (HB4085) Require Abortion
Facilities to take Ultrasound of Fetus & Offer To Show (HB4117) Building
Standards & Rules on Facilities
“Illinois farming committee passes two anti-abortion bills”
~ Kevin McDermott, post-dispatch.com, {Subscriber Supported}, via stltoday.com, 02-21-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/illinois/illinois-farming-committee-passes-two-anti-abortion-bills/article_e1eab778-5ce1-11e1-9d79-0019bb30f31a.html
>###(06-18-13)*RWR*IL##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Illinois farming committee passes two anti-abortion bills”
~ Kevin McDermott, post-dispatch.com, {Subscriber Supported}, via stltoday.com, 02-21-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/illinois/illinois-farming-committee-passes-two-anti-abortion-bills/article_e1eab778-5ce1-11e1-9d79-0019bb30f31a.html
>###(06-18-13)*RWR*IL##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-407, *IN_Indiana, Gov.
Mitch “Mickey/EasyRider RentBoy” Daniels (R-*IN), Governors Ideology Causes Him
To Spurn $3 Million in Federal Funds For Planned
Parenthood Indiana, Daniels Defunding P. P. & Denying Less Fortunate
Indiana Residents Of 96% Health & Reproductive Services & 3-4% for
Legal Abortions (since 1973)
“Mitch Daniels Cuts Funds To Planned Parenthood”
~ Deanna Martin – HuffPost, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-10-11 :: Link/ URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/10/mitch-daniels-planned-parenthood_n_860312.html
>##(06-18-13)*RWR*IN##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Mitch Daniels Cuts Funds To Planned Parenthood”
~ Deanna Martin – HuffPost, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-10-11 :: Link/ URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/10/mitch-daniels-planned-parenthood_n_860312.html
>##(06-18-13)*RWR*IN##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-408, *IA_Iowa, Radical Anti-Abortion Law Proposed, Jail Doctors
“The Nation’s Most Radical Abortion Bill? Iowa Would Ban All Abortions, Sentence Doctors”
~ Alex Seitz-Wald - ThinkProgress, {Subscribe}, 02-16-12 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/health/2012/02/16/426548/iowa-abortion-ban/
>##(02-17-12)*RWR*IA##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“The Nation’s Most Radical Abortion Bill? Iowa Would Ban All Abortions, Sentence Doctors”
~ Alex Seitz-Wald - ThinkProgress, {Subscribe}, 02-16-12 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/health/2012/02/16/426548/iowa-abortion-ban/
>##(02-17-12)*RWR*IA##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-409, *OK_ Oklahoma
“Sen. McIntyre holds a sign at protest: ‘If I wanted the govt. in my womb I’d f*ck a Senator’”
~ FreakOutNation, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://freakoutnation.com/2012/03/02/sen-mcintyre-holds-a-sign-at-protest-if-i-wanted-the-govt-in-my-womb-id-fuck-a-senator/
>##(03-02-12)*RWR*OK#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Sen. McIntyre holds a sign at protest: ‘If I wanted the govt. in my womb I’d f*ck a Senator’”
~ FreakOutNation, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://freakoutnation.com/2012/03/02/sen-mcintyre-holds-a-sign-at-protest-if-i-wanted-the-govt-in-my-womb-id-fuck-a-senator/
>##(03-02-12)*RWR*OK#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-410, *OK_Oklahoma, Vaginal Ultrasound Laws
“Impact of state anti-abortion laws hard to gauge”
~ David Crary - Middletown Journal, {Subscriber Supported}, via The Associated Press, 03-02-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.middletownjournal.com/news/nation-world-news/impact-of-state-anti-abortion-laws-hard-to-gauge-1337367.html?cxtype=rss_nation-world
>##(04-03-12)*RWR*OK#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Impact of state anti-abortion laws hard to gauge”
~ David Crary - Middletown Journal, {Subscriber Supported}, via The Associated Press, 03-02-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.middletownjournal.com/news/nation-world-news/impact-of-state-anti-abortion-laws-hard-to-gauge-1337367.html?cxtype=rss_nation-world
>##(04-03-12)*RWR*OK#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-411, *VA_Virginia, Vaginal Ultrasound Laws
“Virginia Senate Passes ultrasound abortion mandate”
~ Bob Lewis - AP, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-28-12 :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(06-18-12)*RWR*VA#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Virginia Senate Passes ultrasound abortion mandate”
~ Bob Lewis - AP, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-28-12 :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(06-18-12)*RWR*VA#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-412, *UT_Utah, Legislation, H.B. 612, State Rep. Carl Wimmer Criminalizing Abortion, “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council Fighting
The “Demographic Shift” :: "...Wimmer’s most recent attempt to weaken Roe
v. Wade. ...the new law criminalizes choice. ...goal ...spread this legislation
across the country through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), he
said in an interview with Rose Aguilar on The Smirking Chimp blog." ::
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)
“Criminalized Abortion: Coming to a State Near You”
~ Carol King - Ms.blog Magazine, {Subscribe}, 03-14-10 :: Link/URL
< http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2010/03/14/criminalized-abortion-coming-to-a-state-near-you/
>_^_ State Law "...make it a crime for a woman to have a miscarriage, and make induced abortion a crime in some instances."
"Utah Bill Criminalizes Miscarriage"
~ Rachel Larris - RH Reality Check - Reproductive & Sexual Health and Justice, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-20-10 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/blog/2010/02/19/utah-passes-bill-that-charges-women-for-illegal-abortion-or-miscarriage
> ####(06-18-13)*CWP*RWR(*UT)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)
“Criminalized Abortion: Coming to a State Near You”
~ Carol King - Ms.blog Magazine, {Subscribe}, 03-14-10 :: Link/URL
< http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2010/03/14/criminalized-abortion-coming-to-a-state-near-you/
>_^_ State Law "...make it a crime for a woman to have a miscarriage, and make induced abortion a crime in some instances."
"Utah Bill Criminalizes Miscarriage"
~ Rachel Larris - RH Reality Check - Reproductive & Sexual Health and Justice, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-20-10 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/blog/2010/02/19/utah-passes-bill-that-charges-women-for-illegal-abortion-or-miscarriage
> ####(06-18-13)*CWP*RWR(*UT)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-413, *WI_Wisconsin,
Suspends Medical Abortions, Planned Parenthood
“P. P. Suspends Medical Abortions In Wisconsin”
~ Jessica Pieko, Care 2 – The Women’s Rights Cause, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-19-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.care2.com/causes/planned-parenthood-suspends-medical-abortions-in-wisconsin.html
>##(06-18-13)*RWR*WI#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“P. P. Suspends Medical Abortions In Wisconsin”
~ Jessica Pieko, Care 2 – The Women’s Rights Cause, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-19-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.care2.com/causes/planned-parenthood-suspends-medical-abortions-in-wisconsin.html
>##(06-18-13)*RWR*WI#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Reproduction-414, *KS_Kansas, Access
To Abortion Services Legal Since 1973, Re-establishing Abortion Services in
Wichita, Reopening Dr. George Tiller’s Clinic :: "On May 31, 2009,
anti-abortion activist Scott Roeder assassinated Tiller while the doctor was
serving as an usher at the Reformation Lutheran Church."::
"A judge in Wichita blocks a doctor from filling a vacancy created by the murder of Dr. George Tiller." :: {Trust Women Foundation, Reopening Dr. Tiller’s Clinic, at Bleckley and Kellogg Dr. Wichita KS}
"Is Providing Abortions Creating a 'Nuisance'?"
~ Kate Sheppard – Mother Jones, {Subscribe}, 02-04-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/mila-means-abortion-tiller-wichita
>##(06-18-13)*RWR*KS#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"A judge in Wichita blocks a doctor from filling a vacancy created by the murder of Dr. George Tiller." :: {Trust Women Foundation, Reopening Dr. Tiller’s Clinic, at Bleckley and Kellogg Dr. Wichita KS}
"Is Providing Abortions Creating a 'Nuisance'?"
~ Kate Sheppard – Mother Jones, {Subscribe}, 02-04-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/mila-means-abortion-tiller-wichita
>##(06-18-13)*RWR*KS#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Reproduction-415, *NM_ New Mexico, State Rep. Cathrynn Brown’s (R) "introduced bill
in New Mexico become law, rape victims will be required
to carry their pregnancies to term during their sexual assault trials or
face charges of 'tampering with evidence.' ...Under HB 206, if a woman ended
her pregnancy after being raped, both she and her doctor would be charged with
a felony punishable by up to 3 years in state prison"
"New Mexico Bill Would Imprison Rape Victims Who Receive Abortions"
~ Aviva Shen - ThinkProgress Health, {Subscribe}, 01-24-13 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/01/24/1490691/new-mexico-lawmaker-rape-victims-who-get-abortions-should-be-arrested-for-tampering-with-evidence/
>##(06-18-13)*RWR*NM#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"New Mexico Bill Would Imprison Rape Victims Who Receive Abortions"
~ Aviva Shen - ThinkProgress Health, {Subscribe}, 01-24-13 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/01/24/1490691/new-mexico-lawmaker-rape-victims-who-get-abortions-should-be-arrested-for-tampering-with-evidence/
>##(06-18-13)*RWR*NM#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Sex-Human
Trafficing-0666, “Breaking” The Soviet Union, Conquering Communism ::
Understanding "The dark side of Post-Communism migrations since the early
1990's" :: Categories of victims of sex slavery include:
1.) "Girls who are victims in their own homes. ...victimized and socially rejected ...often come from orphanages;"
2.) "Abused by parents, or husbands or boyfriends ...accept any offer to escape the abuse;"
3.) "Single mothers with 1 to 4 children" ::
"Without doubt Poverty, Corruption, and Abuse are the root causes of this problem." ::
After the fall of the Communism in 1989, eastern European countries like Moldova, Romania, and Bulgaria faced enormous cultural and economic degradation." :: "Circumstances destroyed the social fabric. Families were ripped apart. Alcohol increased. Suicide rates went up. Life expectancies were reduced. ...for all intensive purposes there was anarchy. ...those who were already will be taken advantage of." ~ Martin Wyss ::
"Travel agencies recruited women... nowadays more than 50% are proposed work by friends, relatives, and people they know." {min 7:45}::
"The Sex Slave Break In Period" :: "Once you've been forced to have sex with 30-40 people within a day or 2 ...once you break that mental block down there's no turning back emotionally..." ~ Joe Davidson - FBI retired
"Sex Trafficking: How it Works"
~ Mimi Chakarova & Carrie Ching, via CIRvideos, {Subscribe}, on 06-20-11, YouTube, 19:32 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Film: "The Price of Sex" An Investigation of Sex Trafficking, {Subscriber Supported} ::
< http://priceofsex.org/content/multimedia
>_^_ "Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia" ::
~ via sdsctr, {Subscribe}, on 10-19-08, YouTube, 03:30 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVnvECAEvxQ
> ####(02-24-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| WOMEN’S RIGHTS
1.) "Girls who are victims in their own homes. ...victimized and socially rejected ...often come from orphanages;"
2.) "Abused by parents, or husbands or boyfriends ...accept any offer to escape the abuse;"
3.) "Single mothers with 1 to 4 children" ::
"Without doubt Poverty, Corruption, and Abuse are the root causes of this problem." ::
After the fall of the Communism in 1989, eastern European countries like Moldova, Romania, and Bulgaria faced enormous cultural and economic degradation." :: "Circumstances destroyed the social fabric. Families were ripped apart. Alcohol increased. Suicide rates went up. Life expectancies were reduced. ...for all intensive purposes there was anarchy. ...those who were already will be taken advantage of." ~ Martin Wyss ::
"Travel agencies recruited women... nowadays more than 50% are proposed work by friends, relatives, and people they know." {min 7:45}::
"The Sex Slave Break In Period" :: "Once you've been forced to have sex with 30-40 people within a day or 2 ...once you break that mental block down there's no turning back emotionally..." ~ Joe Davidson - FBI retired
"Sex Trafficking: How it Works"
~ Mimi Chakarova & Carrie Ching, via CIRvideos, {Subscribe}, on 06-20-11, YouTube, 19:32 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Film: "The Price of Sex" An Investigation of Sex Trafficking, {Subscriber Supported} ::
< http://priceofsex.org/content/multimedia
>_^_ "Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia" ::
~ via sdsctr, {Subscribe}, on 10-19-08, YouTube, 03:30 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVnvECAEvxQ
> ####(02-24-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| WOMEN’S RIGHTS
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| DEBUNKING 29.4K ac
Debunking-Exposure-Info-101, STATE
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
For 50 U.S. States & Territories, Interactive Map of the United States ::
Click State to find any Legislator – Democrat – Republican - Independent ::
Zip Code, Name, or Legislative Branch Search For Legislators ::
State Legislative Bodies: Senate, House of Representatives or Assembly ::
Current Legislation, Passed Bills, Voting Record Search, Contact Info. ::
"THOMAS provides legislation from the House and Senate of the United States Congress. Find similar information from state legislatures using the links below."
“U.S. Government - Library of Congress – THOMAS,” a log of U.S. & State Legislation, Representatives, Voting Record, & Contact Search :: Link/URL
< http://thomas.loc.gov/home/state-legislatures.html
> ####(07-16-13)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
For 50 U.S. States & Territories, Interactive Map of the United States ::
Click State to find any Legislator – Democrat – Republican - Independent ::
Zip Code, Name, or Legislative Branch Search For Legislators ::
State Legislative Bodies: Senate, House of Representatives or Assembly ::
Current Legislation, Passed Bills, Voting Record Search, Contact Info. ::
"THOMAS provides legislation from the House and Senate of the United States Congress. Find similar information from state legislatures using the links below."
“U.S. Government - Library of Congress – THOMAS,” a log of U.S. & State Legislation, Representatives, Voting Record, & Contact Search :: Link/URL
< http://thomas.loc.gov/home/state-legislatures.html
> ####(07-16-13)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-102, Voting Record, Issues, U.S.,
State & Local ::
CONTENTS: | biographies | voting records | issue positions | ratings | speeches | campaign finance information | ...for all Politicians - Instantly ::
CATEGORIES: | Elections & Candidates | Govt & Officials | Issues | ::
WHO - Local, State, & U.S. Legislators Votes // Judges Decisions ::
WHAT ISSUES - 48 Separate Titles
Project Vote Smart, Non-Partisan, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/
>##(05-03-13)*DEI(EL14)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
CONTENTS: | biographies | voting records | issue positions | ratings | speeches | campaign finance information | ...for all Politicians - Instantly ::
CATEGORIES: | Elections & Candidates | Govt & Officials | Issues | ::
WHO - Local, State, & U.S. Legislators Votes // Judges Decisions ::
WHAT ISSUES - 48 Separate Titles
Project Vote Smart, Non-Partisan, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/
>##(05-03-13)*DEI(EL14)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-103A1, Voting
Record, U.S. SENATE & HOUSE ::
OPEN CONGRESS: Bills |Senators |Representatives |Votes |Issues | |Committees |The Money Trail |Blog| ::
OpenCongress, {Subscriber Supported Research} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opencongress.org/
>###(08-05-13)*DEI*ULC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
OPEN CONGRESS: Bills |Senators |Representatives |Votes |Issues | |Committees |The Money Trail |Blog| ::
OpenCongress, {Subscriber Supported Research} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opencongress.org/
>###(08-05-13)*DEI*ULC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-103A2, U.S. Legislative Br.-(R)
Congress, Class Warfare-0567C, OpenSecrets,
Congressional Donations ::
"The New 113th Congress: New Members"
B C D E F G H J K L M N O P R S T V W Y, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/newmems.php?congno=113
> ####(04-03-14)*DEI*ULC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"The New 113th Congress: New Members"
B C D E F G H J K L M N O P R S T V W Y, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/newmems.php?congno=113
> ####(04-03-14)*DEI*ULC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-103A3, Congress Twitter
“Tweet Congress” {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.tweetcongress.org/
> ####(04-03-14)*DEI*ULC ###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Tweet Congress” {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.tweetcongress.org/
> ####(04-03-14)*DEI*ULC ###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-103B, Debunking-101,
Biography: Politician & Administrator Profiles
"Search by name and/or government agency" at WhoRunsGov ::
"Who runs the federal government: Find profiles of key players in the Administration, Congress and federal agencies."
~ WhoRunsGov - The Washington Post, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/whorunsgov/
> ####(03-06-14)*DBI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Search by name and/or government agency" at WhoRunsGov ::
"Who runs the federal government: Find profiles of key players in the Administration, Congress and federal agencies."
~ WhoRunsGov - The Washington Post, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/whorunsgov/
> ####(03-06-14)*DBI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-104A, Lawmaking/Sausage
Making Described ::
Why Congress Is Highly Dysfunctional; Approved Bills are “Changed” or Re-Written “After” Passage and U.S. Legislator’s Vote is Logged ::
Lawmaking…a.k.a. “Sausage Making,” made in the U.S.A. by Elected Legislators, Lobbyists, Koch Qaeda Political Action Committees …funded by Untaxed Corp’s Profits That Are Also Tax Deductible ::
“Committees Have The Power To Change Legislation Completely” After Bills Were Voted On
“Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi on Congress”(author ~ ”Griftopia” 2009)
~ via plumtv, {Subscribe}, 06-17-08, YT/06:46 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ bitly shorter :: Link/URL< http://bit.ly/19ZlWhI
>###(07-22-13)*DEI*ULC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Why Congress Is Highly Dysfunctional; Approved Bills are “Changed” or Re-Written “After” Passage and U.S. Legislator’s Vote is Logged ::
Lawmaking…a.k.a. “Sausage Making,” made in the U.S.A. by Elected Legislators, Lobbyists, Koch Qaeda Political Action Committees …funded by Untaxed Corp’s Profits That Are Also Tax Deductible ::
“Committees Have The Power To Change Legislation Completely” After Bills Were Voted On
“Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi on Congress”(author ~ ”Griftopia” 2009)
~ via plumtv, {Subscribe}, 06-17-08, YT/06:46 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ bitly shorter :: Link/URL< http://bit.ly/19ZlWhI
>###(07-22-13)*DEI*ULC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-104B, Trolls, They Effect Threads & Reasoning ::
"...psychological theory of motivated reasoning ...The emotions come faster than the “rational” thoughts—and also shape the retrieval of those thoughts from memory. Therefore, if reading insults activates one’s emotions, the 'thinking' process may be more likely to be defensive in nature, and focused on preserving one’s identity and preexisting beliefs."
"How Trolls Ruin Your Ability to Reason"
~ Good German - Disinformation, {Subscribe}, 05-17-13 :: Link/URL
< http://disinfo.com/2013/05/how-trolls-ruin-your-ability-to-reason/
>_^_ "The online peanut gallery can get you so riled up that your ability to reason goes out the window, a new study finds."
"The Science of Why Comment Trolls Suck"
~ Chris Mooney - Mother Jones, {Subscribe}, 01-10-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/01/you-idiot-course-trolls-comments-make-you-believe-science-less
>###(03-02-14)*DEI*PIF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"...psychological theory of motivated reasoning ...The emotions come faster than the “rational” thoughts—and also shape the retrieval of those thoughts from memory. Therefore, if reading insults activates one’s emotions, the 'thinking' process may be more likely to be defensive in nature, and focused on preserving one’s identity and preexisting beliefs."
"How Trolls Ruin Your Ability to Reason"
~ Good German - Disinformation, {Subscribe}, 05-17-13 :: Link/URL
< http://disinfo.com/2013/05/how-trolls-ruin-your-ability-to-reason/
>_^_ "The online peanut gallery can get you so riled up that your ability to reason goes out the window, a new study finds."
"The Science of Why Comment Trolls Suck"
~ Chris Mooney - Mother Jones, {Subscribe}, 01-10-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/01/you-idiot-course-trolls-comments-make-you-believe-science-less
>###(03-02-14)*DEI*PIF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-104C, U.S. & State Government
Watchdog ::
PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY: | Equality | Right To Vote| Campaigns | Fair Courts | Gov. by Ppl | Free Speech | Religious Liberty | Fight The Right
P.F.A.W. - People For the American Way, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.pfaw.org
>##(09-16-13)*DEI*UJSC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY: | Equality | Right To Vote| Campaigns | Fair Courts | Gov. by Ppl | Free Speech | Religious Liberty | Fight The Right
P.F.A.W. - People For the American Way, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.pfaw.org
>##(09-16-13)*DEI*UJSC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-105, Citizens United v.
F.E.C.-Federal Election Commission (01-21-10),
Supreme Court-Citizens United Story, Cartoon Video,
Narrated for Ages 9 to 99, Public Financing of Elections, Democracy vs.
Oligarchy :: “An Exploration of the Inordinate Power That Corporations Exercise
in Our Democracy”
“The Story of Citizens United V. F.E.C.(Decision 01-21-10)”
~ The Story of Stuff Project, Video, 08:40 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.storyofstuff.org/movies-all/story-of-citizens-united-v-fec/
>_^_ “Citizens United Lawsuit” explained by Wikipedia
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_%28organization%29
> ####(09-16-13)*DEI*UJSCCU*WB###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“The Story of Citizens United V. F.E.C.(Decision 01-21-10)”
~ The Story of Stuff Project, Video, 08:40 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.storyofstuff.org/movies-all/story-of-citizens-united-v-fec/
>_^_ “Citizens United Lawsuit” explained by Wikipedia
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_%28organization%29
> ####(09-16-13)*DEI*UJSCCU*WB###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-107, Elections,
FAIR VOTE: | Who We Are | Reforms | Research & Analysis |
__1. Presidential Elections; __2. Congressional Elections;
__3. Redistricting - in the States 2011-2012 News Archive/Click Your State;
__4. Voting Rights; __5. Voter Turnout;
__6. Women’s Representation; __7. Elections Worldwide;
__8. All Reports; __9. FairVote Blog; || Learning Democracy ||
….follow @endgerrymander on Twitter
"FairVote acts to transform our elections to achieve secure access to participation for all, a full spectrum of meaningful ballot choices and majority rule with fair representation. As a catalyst for change, we build support for innovative strategies to win a constitutionally protected right to vote, universal voter registration, a national popular vote for president, instant runoff voting and proportional voting." ::
FairVote, The Center for Voting & Democracy, {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.fairvote.org/
> ####(05-15-13)*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
FAIR VOTE: | Who We Are | Reforms | Research & Analysis |
__1. Presidential Elections; __2. Congressional Elections;
__3. Redistricting - in the States 2011-2012 News Archive/Click Your State;
__4. Voting Rights; __5. Voter Turnout;
__6. Women’s Representation; __7. Elections Worldwide;
__8. All Reports; __9. FairVote Blog; || Learning Democracy ||
….follow @endgerrymander on Twitter
"FairVote acts to transform our elections to achieve secure access to participation for all, a full spectrum of meaningful ballot choices and majority rule with fair representation. As a catalyst for change, we build support for innovative strategies to win a constitutionally protected right to vote, universal voter registration, a national popular vote for president, instant runoff voting and proportional voting." ::
FairVote, The Center for Voting & Democracy, {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.fairvote.org/
> ####(05-15-13)*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
OPEN SECRETS - Influence Of Money In Politics ::
Nonpartisan Guide To Money’s Influence On U.S. Elections & Public Policy;
Center For Responsive Politics
Home, OpenSecrets.org :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/
>_^_ Election Spending 2012, Outside Groups & Party Committees
Political Action Committee; Spending Totals Listed & Updated
“Political Independent Expenditures”
~ OpenSecrets, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/index.php
> ####(04-23-13)*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
OPEN SECRETS - Influence Of Money In Politics ::
Nonpartisan Guide To Money’s Influence On U.S. Elections & Public Policy;
Center For Responsive Politics
Home, OpenSecrets.org :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/
>_^_ Election Spending 2012, Outside Groups & Party Committees
Political Action Committee; Spending Totals Listed & Updated
“Political Independent Expenditures”
~ OpenSecrets, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/index.php
> ####(04-23-13)*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-109, Political Action Committee
(P.A.C.) Statement Accuracy Check, FLACKCHECK.ORG -
P.A.C.’s Political Attack Ad Statement Accuracy
Check Site; P.A.C. – Political Action Committee, Citizens {Corp’s Free
Pistol-Whipping Ad-Speech} United Against U.s
FLACKCHECK.ORG – A Project Of The Annenberg Public Policy Center Of The University Of Pennsylvania :: Link/URL
< http://www.flackcheck.org/
>_^_ Facebook_Community_Site_11,000_ :: Link/URL
< https://www.facebook.com/FlackCheck
> ####(04-23-13)*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
FLACKCHECK.ORG – A Project Of The Annenberg Public Policy Center Of The University Of Pennsylvania :: Link/URL
< http://www.flackcheck.org/
>_^_ Facebook_Community_Site_11,000_ :: Link/URL
< https://www.facebook.com/FlackCheck
> ####(04-23-13)*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-110, Congressional Election
Districts Maps ::
Election Map 2012, ALL STATES… Battleground, Swing, Blue, Red, & Territories :: Printable Maps of Congressional Districts – 112th Congress/Electoral College ::
To Get the Pics… Click “Preview map” on State, Right Click on the State, Select “Save Image As,” then find on your “Desktop” ::
*AL, *AK, *AR, *AS, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *CT, *DC, *DE, *FL, *GA, *GU, *HI, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MD, *ME, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *ND, *NE, *NH, *NJ, *NM, *NV, *NY, *OH, *OK, *OR, *PA, *PR, *RI, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *VI, *VT, *WA, *WV, *WI, *WY, ::
NationalAtlas.gov :URL
< http://www.nationalatlas.gov/printable/congress.html#vi
> ####(05-11-13)*DEI*EM12*ULC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Map 2012, ALL STATES… Battleground, Swing, Blue, Red, & Territories :: Printable Maps of Congressional Districts – 112th Congress/Electoral College ::
To Get the Pics… Click “Preview map” on State, Right Click on the State, Select “Save Image As,” then find on your “Desktop” ::
*AL, *AK, *AR, *AS, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *CT, *DC, *DE, *FL, *GA, *GU, *HI, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MD, *ME, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *ND, *NE, *NH, *NJ, *NM, *NV, *NY, *OH, *OK, *OR, *PA, *PR, *RI, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *VI, *VT, *WA, *WV, *WI, *WY, ::
NationalAtlas.gov :URL
< http://www.nationalatlas.gov/printable/congress.html#vi
> ####(05-11-13)*DEI*EM12*ULC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-111A, Taxes,
National Debt, Economy, etc ::
zFacts Home: Top Issues | National Debt | US Economy | Social |
| Health | Global Warming | Energy | Politics | War |…w/Search
“zFacts” (newsletter, since 2003)
~ Steven Stoft – Editor, Economist, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://zfacts.com/p/gross-national-debt.html
>###(05-22-13)*DEI*EC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
zFacts Home: Top Issues | National Debt | US Economy | Social |
| Health | Global Warming | Energy | Politics | War |…w/Search
“zFacts” (newsletter, since 2003)
~ Steven Stoft – Editor, Economist, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://zfacts.com/p/gross-national-debt.html
>###(05-22-13)*DEI*EC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-111B, Presidential Candidates Positions | State of the Union
Speeches | State of the State Speeches | Debates 50 States | Issues | Candidates | Archive |
Senate | House | Topics | Issue Analysis | Governors | Past Presidents |
Supreme Court | Cabinet |
OnTheIssues: Every Political Leader on Every Issue, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.ontheissues.org/default.htm
> ####(03-02-14)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
OnTheIssues: Every Political Leader on Every Issue, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.ontheissues.org/default.htm
> ####(03-02-14)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-112BS, State
& Local Taxes, Economics, FOX NOOSE LIES: "The Poor Don't Pay
Taxes?" :: Averages for All States: Total State & Local Taxes
Imposed on Non Elderly Residents 2010 ::
___(Bar Graph)___
Lowest 20% ...taxed @ 11.1%,
Middle 20% ...taxed @ 9.4%,
Top 1% ...........taxed @ 5.6%
10 Most Regressive State Tax Systems *WA, *FL, *SD, *IL, *TX, *TN, *AZ, *PA, *IN, *AL; "poorest Americans ...tax rate at the state & local level that is twice as high as the tax rate paid by the wealthiest ...“fundamentally unfair” state tax laws...report from the Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy (ITEP)"
"‘Fundamentally Unfair’: How States Tax The Richest 1 Percent At Half The Rate Of The Poor"
~ Travis Waldron - Think Progress Economy,{Subscribe},01-31-13::Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/01/30/1514461/states-tax-rich-half-poor/
>#(09-17-13)*ECT*PMF*ST*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
___(Bar Graph)___
Lowest 20% ...taxed @ 11.1%,
Middle 20% ...taxed @ 9.4%,
Top 1% ...........taxed @ 5.6%
10 Most Regressive State Tax Systems *WA, *FL, *SD, *IL, *TX, *TN, *AZ, *PA, *IN, *AL; "poorest Americans ...tax rate at the state & local level that is twice as high as the tax rate paid by the wealthiest ...“fundamentally unfair” state tax laws...report from the Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy (ITEP)"
"‘Fundamentally Unfair’: How States Tax The Richest 1 Percent At Half The Rate Of The Poor"
~ Travis Waldron - Think Progress Economy,{Subscribe},01-31-13::Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/01/30/1514461/states-tax-rich-half-poor/
>#(09-17-13)*ECT*PMF*ST*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-113, Bridge
Project, Tracking 60+ Conservative Associations ::
HOME: | Ad Check || Conservative Transparency ||
Radical Rhetoric || Research Reads || Unabridged |
Sheldon Adelson; Harold Simmons; Bob Perry; Koch Brothers; John W. Childs; Jerry Perenchio; The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation' Walton Family Foundation; Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation ::
American Crossroads; Americans for Prosperity; Restore Our Future; American Action Network; The Heritage Foundation; Americans for Tax Reform; Family Research Council; American Legislative Exchange Council; US Chamber of Commerce ::
"Bridge Project is dedicated to exposing the conservative movement's dishonest tactics, dismantling its extreme ideology, and shining light on the moneyed special interests that fund it."
“American Bridge 21st Century Foundation” :: Link/URL
< http://bridgeproject.com/?organization&id=253693
>##(05-31-13)*CWP*DEI##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
HOME: | Ad Check || Conservative Transparency ||
Radical Rhetoric || Research Reads || Unabridged |
Sheldon Adelson; Harold Simmons; Bob Perry; Koch Brothers; John W. Childs; Jerry Perenchio; The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation' Walton Family Foundation; Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation ::
American Crossroads; Americans for Prosperity; Restore Our Future; American Action Network; The Heritage Foundation; Americans for Tax Reform; Family Research Council; American Legislative Exchange Council; US Chamber of Commerce ::
"Bridge Project is dedicated to exposing the conservative movement's dishonest tactics, dismantling its extreme ideology, and shining light on the moneyed special interests that fund it."
“American Bridge 21st Century Foundation” :: Link/URL
< http://bridgeproject.com/?organization&id=253693
>##(05-31-13)*CWP*DEI##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-114FU, “A.L.E.C.”
un-American Legislative Exchange Council; Lists of A.L.E.C. - STATE - U.S. -
Legislators & Corp Sponsors ::
{Jim Crow Voter Restriction I.D. Laws Passed in 33 States; "Stand Your Ground" Arguably "Legalized Murder" Laws Passed in 23 States; Koch-A.L.E.C.-Tea is for No Women's Rights, No Labor Laws, No Collective Bargaining, No Child Labor Laws, No Right To Sue In Wrongful Death, No Class Action Law Suit, No Minimum Wage, No Regulation of Any Kind, No Corp Taxes, No Civilization; A.L.E.C. & The Tea Party Are Both Koch Organizations Whose Psychopathic Founders Want To Control 50 States}
“ALEC-Related Contributors”
~ Al Shaw & Otis Beckett - ProPublica, {Subscribe}, 08-01-11 :: BB Link/URL
< http://projects.propublica.org/alec-contributions/
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{Jim Crow Voter Restriction I.D. Laws Passed in 33 States; "Stand Your Ground" Arguably "Legalized Murder" Laws Passed in 23 States; Koch-A.L.E.C.-Tea is for No Women's Rights, No Labor Laws, No Collective Bargaining, No Child Labor Laws, No Right To Sue In Wrongful Death, No Class Action Law Suit, No Minimum Wage, No Regulation of Any Kind, No Corp Taxes, No Civilization; A.L.E.C. & The Tea Party Are Both Koch Organizations Whose Psychopathic Founders Want To Control 50 States}
“ALEC-Related Contributors”
~ Al Shaw & Otis Beckett - ProPublica, {Subscribe}, 08-01-11 :: BB Link/URL
< http://projects.propublica.org/alec-contributions/
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-115FU, “A.L.E.C.” un-American
Legislative Exchange Council ::
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)::
State and Federal Legislator Members of A.L.E.C.::
~ SourceWatch, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ bitly shorter :: Link/URL< http://bit.ly/1fJBpdh
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)::
State and Federal Legislator Members of A.L.E.C.::
~ SourceWatch, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ bitly shorter :: Link/URL< http://bit.ly/1fJBpdh
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council,
A.L.E.C. MEMBERS and the SPONSORS Who Dropped A.L.E.C.;
{Anonymous Contributions to “Industry Trade Organizations” Get Comingled & Still Go To A.L.E.C. – These Corp’s Can’t Be Trusted, Period!}
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)
“Corporations Which Have Cut Ties To A.L.E.C.”
~ SourceWatch, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council,
A.L.E.C. MEMBERS and the SPONSORS Who Dropped A.L.E.C.;
{Anonymous Contributions to “Industry Trade Organizations” Get Comingled & Still Go To A.L.E.C. – These Corp’s Can’t Be Trusted, Period!}
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)
“Corporations Which Have Cut Ties To A.L.E.C.”
~ SourceWatch, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-117FU, “A.L.E.C.” un-American
Legislative Exchange Council; Model Legislation & Corporate
Members/Sponsors List; A.L.E.C. Cookie Cutter, Industry Designed Laws Shoved
Down Our Throats; Boiler Plate Bills; The Corps That Steal Democracy For Profit
Charter Nihilism ::
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)::
"Limited Government, Free Market, Federalism"
[i.e. Privatization, "Profitization," Class Warfare, No Social Safety Net, Corporate Dominionism]
Keyword Tag, Search of A.L.E.C. Model Legislation
"ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Home :: Link/URL
< http://www.alec.org/model-legislation/
>_^_ FIND CORP’s that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corp’s who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking operations, “by proxy.”
“A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write & promote “Boutique” Industry Laws)
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=ALEC_Corporations
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/19VvwkC
>_ ^_ CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators,
Libertarian Sock-Puppet School for Red-State Gov’t-Munchausen by proxy
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/ALEC_Politicians
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/OnXVMP
> ####(02-08-14)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)::
"Limited Government, Free Market, Federalism"
[i.e. Privatization, "Profitization," Class Warfare, No Social Safety Net, Corporate Dominionism]
Keyword Tag, Search of A.L.E.C. Model Legislation
"ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Home :: Link/URL
< http://www.alec.org/model-legislation/
>_^_ FIND CORP’s that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corp’s who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking operations, “by proxy.”
“A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write & promote “Boutique” Industry Laws)
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=ALEC_Corporations
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/19VvwkC
>_ ^_ CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators,
Libertarian Sock-Puppet School for Red-State Gov’t-Munchausen by proxy
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/ALEC_Politicians
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/OnXVMP
> ####(02-08-14)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-118FU, Corp Wolf P.A.C. “A.L.E.C.”
un-American Legislative Exchange Council;
State Legislators, Model Legislation, A.L.E.C. Cookie Cutter Legislation in 50 States, 33 Examples of A.L.E.C. Model Legislation, (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil ::
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)
“State Environmental Resource Center”
~ ALEC WATCH – State Environmental Resource Center, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.serconline.org/alecIndex.html
>_^_ FIND CORP’s that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corp’s who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking operations, “by proxy.”
“A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write & promote “Boutique” Industry Laws)
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=ALEC_Corporations
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/19VvwkC
>_ ^_ CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators,
Libertarian Sock-Puppet School for Red-State Gov’t-Munchausen by proxy
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/ALEC_Politicians
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/OnXVMP
> ####(02-08-14)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
State Legislators, Model Legislation, A.L.E.C. Cookie Cutter Legislation in 50 States, 33 Examples of A.L.E.C. Model Legislation, (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil ::
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)
“State Environmental Resource Center”
~ ALEC WATCH – State Environmental Resource Center, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.serconline.org/alecIndex.html
>_^_ FIND CORP’s that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corp’s who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking operations, “by proxy.”
“A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write & promote “Boutique” Industry Laws)
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=ALEC_Corporations
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/19VvwkC
>_ ^_ CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators,
Libertarian Sock-Puppet School for Red-State Gov’t-Munchausen by proxy
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/ALEC_Politicians
>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/OnXVMP
> ####(02-08-14)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-119FU, Taxes, Room Temp I.Q. “Americans
for Tax Reform” - Grover Norquist, CEO, {Pledge-to Defund Civilization using
Sock Puppet Lawmaker Pledges};
An IRS 501 Org./P.A.C. Political Action Committee Funded by Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Federal Tax-Deductable Multinational Corp’s Dollars & Foreign Governments ::
U.S. Legislators, both Federal and State, are asked to take a pledge that Norquist thought up when he was sitting on a short yellow school bus at the age of 12. The pledge is to “NEVER RAISE TAXES/NEVER ELIMINATES DEDUCTIONS on Americans, their Family Businesses, or wealth extracting Multinational Corp’s under any “NATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCE”… Only Lower Them ::
Americans for Tax Reform Espouses:
1.) Libertarian Ideology – No Taxes, No Regulations, No Minimum Wage, No Social Security, No Medicare, No Medicaid, No Unemployment Ins., No Pensions, No Veterans Benefits, {No 20th Century Progress}, No Limits On “Free-{But-Heavily-Federally-Subsidized}-Market” Capitalism, All ”Profitization”/Privatization of Services and Industries, and very “Limited/Small” Thrifty Not-For-Profit Government Services for Police and Armed Forces …No Civilization, and No Middle Class… just Charles Dickens’ America;
2.) Tax-Cuts-4-Rich-&-Corp’s => Civilization Cut => Crumbling Infrastructure => AUSTERITY => Social Safety Net Attacks => Fire-Sale On Publically Held Assets => Privatization => Deregulation => Profitization;
3.) The Flat-Tax/Simplify Federal Tax Code “Shell Game” is a proposition where working Americans and working families need the lowest percentage of taxation to access life’s necessities; profit-charter enabled Millionaires, Billionaires, and the Multinational Corp’s they own are more than happy to convince “motivated working class voters” to “lower everybody’s tax rates,” as rich silver sperm psychopaths scheme to open bigger checks by the pool …convinced that those “legislators they own” by virtual “Kick-Back,” “Pay-To-Play,” and Citizens(Corps) United opponent directed “attack ad” will never allow deduction to “Go Away” for the wealthy and their Corps;
NORQUIST PLEDGE Home: U.S. Congress & State Gov. Legislature Pledge’s; Current Lists of Pledge’s Names, ENTIRE ::
LEFT TABLE (Top) :: U.S. Congress ~ U.S. House Reps & U.S. Senators ::
State Legislators ~ Governor, Administrators, Senators, Reps or Assemblymen, (Nebraska is Unicameral – one body) ::
Norquist Pledge Signers (02-07-13),
(Rich) Americans For Tax Reform :: Link/URL
< http://www.atr.org/taxpayer-protection-pledge
>_^_ LEFT TABLE (Top) :: Congress: U.S. House Reps & U.S. Senators;
NORQUIST (GROVER) PLEDGE: 113th U.S. Congress Pledge’s ::
Norquist Pledge Signers: 258/535 Congress (48%) = 219/435 House Reps.
(238 on 08-10-12) & 39/100 Senators (41 on 08-10-12), 12-10-12,
(Rich) Americans For Tax Reform :: Link/URL
< http://s3.amazonaws.com/atrfiles/files/files/121012-113thCongress.pdf
>_^_ RIGHT TABLE (Top) :: State Capitol Legislators: Governor, Admin’s, Senators, Rep’s, Assemblymen;
Norquist Pledge Signers on 01-23-13; 1,035 Legislators, 14 Governors :: (Rich) Americans For Tax Reform :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ bitly shorter :: Link/URL< http://bit.ly/15J75uM
>_^_ ARCHIVE: State Legislative SIGNERS of (Rich) TAXPAYER PROTECTION PLEDGE :: Update from 11-17-10 list with new list as 09-16-11 ::
Norquist Pledge Signers on 09-16-11;
1,263 Legislators 13 Govs, 5 Lieut. Govs, 4 Attys General, 3 Secretaries of State, 3 Treasurers, 1 Auditor, etc
"List of Your States Signers signed to Grover Norquist, Controversial Americans For Tax Reform Pledge"
~ Frederica Cade, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-31-10 :: Link/UR
< http://fredericacade.wordpress.com/2010/12/31/list-of-your-states-signers-signed-to-grover-norquist-controversial-americans-for-tax-reform-pledge/
> ####(04-24-13)*CWP*DEI*ECT(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
An IRS 501 Org./P.A.C. Political Action Committee Funded by Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Federal Tax-Deductable Multinational Corp’s Dollars & Foreign Governments ::
U.S. Legislators, both Federal and State, are asked to take a pledge that Norquist thought up when he was sitting on a short yellow school bus at the age of 12. The pledge is to “NEVER RAISE TAXES/NEVER ELIMINATES DEDUCTIONS on Americans, their Family Businesses, or wealth extracting Multinational Corp’s under any “NATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCE”… Only Lower Them ::
Americans for Tax Reform Espouses:
1.) Libertarian Ideology – No Taxes, No Regulations, No Minimum Wage, No Social Security, No Medicare, No Medicaid, No Unemployment Ins., No Pensions, No Veterans Benefits, {No 20th Century Progress}, No Limits On “Free-{But-Heavily-Federally-Subsidized}-Market” Capitalism, All ”Profitization”/Privatization of Services and Industries, and very “Limited/Small” Thrifty Not-For-Profit Government Services for Police and Armed Forces …No Civilization, and No Middle Class… just Charles Dickens’ America;
2.) Tax-Cuts-4-Rich-&-Corp’s => Civilization Cut => Crumbling Infrastructure => AUSTERITY => Social Safety Net Attacks => Fire-Sale On Publically Held Assets => Privatization => Deregulation => Profitization;
3.) The Flat-Tax/Simplify Federal Tax Code “Shell Game” is a proposition where working Americans and working families need the lowest percentage of taxation to access life’s necessities; profit-charter enabled Millionaires, Billionaires, and the Multinational Corp’s they own are more than happy to convince “motivated working class voters” to “lower everybody’s tax rates,” as rich silver sperm psychopaths scheme to open bigger checks by the pool …convinced that those “legislators they own” by virtual “Kick-Back,” “Pay-To-Play,” and Citizens(Corps) United opponent directed “attack ad” will never allow deduction to “Go Away” for the wealthy and their Corps;
NORQUIST PLEDGE Home: U.S. Congress & State Gov. Legislature Pledge’s; Current Lists of Pledge’s Names, ENTIRE ::
LEFT TABLE (Top) :: U.S. Congress ~ U.S. House Reps & U.S. Senators ::
State Legislators ~ Governor, Administrators, Senators, Reps or Assemblymen, (Nebraska is Unicameral – one body) ::
Norquist Pledge Signers (02-07-13),
(Rich) Americans For Tax Reform :: Link/URL
< http://www.atr.org/taxpayer-protection-pledge
>_^_ LEFT TABLE (Top) :: Congress: U.S. House Reps & U.S. Senators;
NORQUIST (GROVER) PLEDGE: 113th U.S. Congress Pledge’s ::
Norquist Pledge Signers: 258/535 Congress (48%) = 219/435 House Reps.
(238 on 08-10-12) & 39/100 Senators (41 on 08-10-12), 12-10-12,
(Rich) Americans For Tax Reform :: Link/URL
< http://s3.amazonaws.com/atrfiles/files/files/121012-113thCongress.pdf
>_^_ RIGHT TABLE (Top) :: State Capitol Legislators: Governor, Admin’s, Senators, Rep’s, Assemblymen;
Norquist Pledge Signers on 01-23-13; 1,035 Legislators, 14 Governors :: (Rich) Americans For Tax Reform :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ bitly shorter :: Link/URL< http://bit.ly/15J75uM
>_^_ ARCHIVE: State Legislative SIGNERS of (Rich) TAXPAYER PROTECTION PLEDGE :: Update from 11-17-10 list with new list as 09-16-11 ::
Norquist Pledge Signers on 09-16-11;
1,263 Legislators 13 Govs, 5 Lieut. Govs, 4 Attys General, 3 Secretaries of State, 3 Treasurers, 1 Auditor, etc
"List of Your States Signers signed to Grover Norquist, Controversial Americans For Tax Reform Pledge"
~ Frederica Cade, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-31-10 :: Link/UR
< http://fredericacade.wordpress.com/2010/12/31/list-of-your-states-signers-signed-to-grover-norquist-controversial-americans-for-tax-reform-pledge/
> ####(04-24-13)*CWP*DEI*ECT(EL14)(USLC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-120FU, Charter
Schools, Profit-Charter Schools, Religious Schools, Economics,
Education, Justification For
“Top 10 Reasons For 1%ers to Support Charter Schools”
~ Jim Horn - Schools Matter, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-14-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.schoolsmatter.info/2012/02/top-10-reasons-for-1ers-to-support.html?spref=fb
>_^_ U.S. Judicial Br.-Supreme Court, Fundamentalism & Charter Schools;
Unconstitutional Comingling Of Church & State, 2001 Decision;
“The 2001 Supreme Court Decision Good News Club v Milford Central School effectively required schools to include such (religious) clubs in their after school programming;”
Christian Evangelical Fellowship (CFE) - “The aim of the CEF is to convert young children to a fundamentalist form of the Christian faith and recruit their peers to the club;
“100,000 Public School Children, Public Education, Religious Club Recruiting Students and Teaching Genocide In Public Schools To Better Serve god; Saul Killing the Amalekites …Every man, women, child, and beast they owned ::
“The Good News Club: The Christian Right’s Stealth Assault on Americas Children” ::
“Thanks to Good News Clubs, evangelicalism in schools is already subverting the separation of church and state. Now they’re justifying the murder of nonbelievers”
“Are Christian Fundamentalists Teaching Genocide in Our Schools?”
~ Katherine Stewart – AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 05-31-12 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Education, Creationism, TalkOrigins.org - Creationist Claims Debunked, Religion, Comprehensive Index :: CA: Philosophy & Theology; CB: Biology; CC: Paleontology; CD: Geology; CE: Astronomy & Cosmology; CF: Physics & Mathematics; CG: Miscellaneous Anti-Evolution; CH: Biblical Creationism; CI: Intelligent Design; CJ: Other Creationism
“Index to Creationist Claims”
~ edited by Mark Issak, 11-05-06 :: Link/URL
< http://talkorigins.org/indexcc/list.html
>_^_ Big History of the Universe; Thresholds; Complexity; Living Organisms
“David Christian: The history of our world in 18 minutes”
~ TED, {Subscribe}, on 04-11-13, YouTube, 17:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqc9zX04DXs
>_^_ Homeschooling, Bob Jones University ::
"Evangelical Christian University in South Carolina" ::
"11 highlights from an evangelical-written science textbook, written and approved by the Bob Jones University young-Earth creationism team"
"11 Eye-Opening Highlights From a Creationist Science Textbook"
~ Sam Greenspan - 11 Points, 01-09-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.11points.com/Books/11_Eye-Opening_Highlights_From_a_Creationist_Science_Textbook
>#(02-18-14)*DEI*ECED*RC*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Top 10 Reasons For 1%ers to Support Charter Schools”
~ Jim Horn - Schools Matter, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-14-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.schoolsmatter.info/2012/02/top-10-reasons-for-1ers-to-support.html?spref=fb
>_^_ U.S. Judicial Br.-Supreme Court, Fundamentalism & Charter Schools;
Unconstitutional Comingling Of Church & State, 2001 Decision;
“The 2001 Supreme Court Decision Good News Club v Milford Central School effectively required schools to include such (religious) clubs in their after school programming;”
Christian Evangelical Fellowship (CFE) - “The aim of the CEF is to convert young children to a fundamentalist form of the Christian faith and recruit their peers to the club;
“100,000 Public School Children, Public Education, Religious Club Recruiting Students and Teaching Genocide In Public Schools To Better Serve god; Saul Killing the Amalekites …Every man, women, child, and beast they owned ::
“The Good News Club: The Christian Right’s Stealth Assault on Americas Children” ::
“Thanks to Good News Clubs, evangelicalism in schools is already subverting the separation of church and state. Now they’re justifying the murder of nonbelievers”
“Are Christian Fundamentalists Teaching Genocide in Our Schools?”
~ Katherine Stewart – AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 05-31-12 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Education, Creationism, TalkOrigins.org - Creationist Claims Debunked, Religion, Comprehensive Index :: CA: Philosophy & Theology; CB: Biology; CC: Paleontology; CD: Geology; CE: Astronomy & Cosmology; CF: Physics & Mathematics; CG: Miscellaneous Anti-Evolution; CH: Biblical Creationism; CI: Intelligent Design; CJ: Other Creationism
“Index to Creationist Claims”
~ edited by Mark Issak, 11-05-06 :: Link/URL
< http://talkorigins.org/indexcc/list.html
>_^_ Big History of the Universe; Thresholds; Complexity; Living Organisms
“David Christian: The history of our world in 18 minutes”
~ TED, {Subscribe}, on 04-11-13, YouTube, 17:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqc9zX04DXs
>_^_ Homeschooling, Bob Jones University ::
"Evangelical Christian University in South Carolina" ::
"11 highlights from an evangelical-written science textbook, written and approved by the Bob Jones University young-Earth creationism team"
"11 Eye-Opening Highlights From a Creationist Science Textbook"
~ Sam Greenspan - 11 Points, 01-09-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.11points.com/Books/11_Eye-Opening_Highlights_From_a_Creationist_Science_Textbook
>#(02-18-14)*DEI*ECED*RC*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-121BS, Federal Taxes & Budget
Austerity 1981 - Present, Class Warfare, Bubble And Bust Cycle Economy, Pres. Ronald Reagan (Republican - 1981-1989), Spokes-model For Capitalism, 32 Years of Supply Side Economics, Voodoo Economics, Trickle Down Economics, Reaganomics,
Laissez-faire Economics, Presidents
Reagan Through Obama ‘09, Reagan Raised Taxes 11 TIMES :: “Supply Siders Raised The Debt 20/20
Years” :: U.S. Executive Br. (40,
R) Pres. Ronald Reagan
“What They Won’t Tell You about the National Debt”
~ via sstoft, {Subscribe}, on 10-19-10, YouTube, 04:15 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1bZ-TiX8rA
> ####(08-31-13)*CW*DEI*EC*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“What They Won’t Tell You about the National Debt”
~ via sstoft, {Subscribe}, on 10-19-10, YouTube, 04:15 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1bZ-TiX8rA
> ####(08-31-13)*CW*DEI*EC*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-122A, Election Fraud, Electronic Voting Machines :: “‘Hack Team Leader :: ‘Can
do similar things on pretty much every e-voting machine’”
“Nat. Security Lab Hacks Diebold Touch-Screen Voting Machine by Remote Control w/$26 in Computer Parts”
~ TheBradBlog, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-27-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.bradblog.com/?p=8785
> ####(05-11-13)*EF*DEI(*OH)(*FL)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Nat. Security Lab Hacks Diebold Touch-Screen Voting Machine by Remote Control w/$26 in Computer Parts”
~ TheBradBlog, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-27-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.bradblog.com/?p=8785
> ####(05-11-13)*EF*DEI(*OH)(*FL)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-122A.L.I.C.E., “American Legislative & Issues
Campaign Exchange” - “A.L.I.C.E.”::
Progressive-Legislation ::
"...ALICE will soon arrive! The American Legislative and Issues Campaign Exchange ...an effective counter to its agenda and methods. Originated by Joel Rogers – one of progressive America's most-creative thinkers and doers – ALICE will offer a one-stop, web-based, public library of about 1,000 model laws on a wide range of policy issues, complete with in-depth background materials."
"Counter ALEC with ALICE"
~ Jim Hightower - The Hightower Lowdown,{Subscribe},09-13-12::Link/URL
< http://www.jimhightower.com/node/7840
>_^_ "If you'd like to help ALICE in some way, go to" :: Link/URL
< www.AliceLaw.org
>_^_ "Corporations Which Have Cut Ties to ALEC"
{Anonymous Contributions to “Industry Trade Organizations” Get Comingled & Still Go To A.L.E.C. – These Corp’s Can’t Be Trusted, Period!} :: Link/URL
< www.sourcewatch.org
>##(09-17-13)*DEI*EF*PIP#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"...ALICE will soon arrive! The American Legislative and Issues Campaign Exchange ...an effective counter to its agenda and methods. Originated by Joel Rogers – one of progressive America's most-creative thinkers and doers – ALICE will offer a one-stop, web-based, public library of about 1,000 model laws on a wide range of policy issues, complete with in-depth background materials."
"Counter ALEC with ALICE"
~ Jim Hightower - The Hightower Lowdown,{Subscribe},09-13-12::Link/URL
< http://www.jimhightower.com/node/7840
>_^_ "If you'd like to help ALICE in some way, go to" :: Link/URL
< www.AliceLaw.org
>_^_ "Corporations Which Have Cut Ties to ALEC"
{Anonymous Contributions to “Industry Trade Organizations” Get Comingled & Still Go To A.L.E.C. – These Corp’s Can’t Be Trusted, Period!} :: Link/URL
< www.sourcewatch.org
>##(09-17-13)*DEI*EF*PIP#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-122B, Environmental Issues Research; The Free
Library by Farlex, 21 Million Articles and Books, Home, Periodicals,
Literature; By: Keyword, Title, Author, and Topic :: Site Description:
| Business 17,035k | Communications 11,321k | Gen. Interest 8,651k |
| Health 479k | Humanities 307k | Law 688k | Recreation 846k |
| Science 829k | Social Science 500k |:: Link/URL
< http://www.thefreelibrary.com/
>_^_ Environmental Issues; The Free Library ~Farlex {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Science+and+Technology-p1+Environmental+issues
> ####(05-19-13)*DEI*ENHH*PUB###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
| Business 17,035k | Communications 11,321k | Gen. Interest 8,651k |
| Health 479k | Humanities 307k | Law 688k | Recreation 846k |
| Science 829k | Social Science 500k |:: Link/URL
< http://www.thefreelibrary.com/
>_^_ Environmental Issues; The Free Library ~Farlex {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Science+and+Technology-p1+Environmental+issues
> ####(05-19-13)*DEI*ENHH*PUB###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-123AAAA, Politics
Demystified, Election 2014 :: Precinct
Committeemen; How Party Politics Works (or
fails) ::
"To understand why this office is so powerful, you must understand the Seven Steps of government.
1.) To change things, you have to change the law...
2.) To change the laws, you have to change the people who make them.
3.) To be elected, your candidate must be on the ballot...
4.) To get on the ballot in a general election, you have to be nominated for an office in a Party Primary Election or Convention...
5.) Candidates endorsed by the Party usually win the Primary Election...
6.) Primary endorsements are often made by the Party's "County Committee" (or Township Committee, etc.), which is elected by the Precinct Committeemen of the Party...
7.) It's easy to be elected a Precinct Committeeman...
........a.) To change things, we must change the laws.
........b.) To change the laws, we must change the people who make them.
........c.) To get elected, your candidate must be on the ballot.
........d.) To get on the November ballot you must win the Primary.
........e.) To win the Primary, you must get the support of people who make endorsements in the Primary, who reliably vote in the Primary, and who get out the vote of others in the Primary. Those people are the Precinct Committeemen." ::
"Precinct Committeeman is the most powerful office in the world because Precinct Committeemen determine who gets the chance to be elected to office at every level of government. Remember, if your candidate is not on the ballot, he will not be elected."
**"Duties of the Precinct Committeeman
...legally charged with getting out the vote on election day. ...ring the doorbell of every household in the precinct ... find out the Party and other political views of every voter. (...canvassing.) ...each election, ...personally deliver campaign literature (such as a marked sample ballot) to every voter who is expected to vote for your Party."
**”Powers of the Precinct Committeeman
....1.) Friendly access to neighbors...
....2.) Respect from elected officials...
....3.) Launching pad for other offices...
....4.) Direct influence over Party Platform, policies, and selection of candidates..."
"The Most Powerful Office In The World Is NOT The President of the United States!"
~ Eagle Forum, {Subscriber Supported}, Email List Available; | Contact Us | Projects | Publications | Radio | Events | Topics :: Link/URL
< http://www.eagleforum.org/misc/brochures/precinct-committman.shtml
>##(07-05-13)*DEI*EL14##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"To understand why this office is so powerful, you must understand the Seven Steps of government.
1.) To change things, you have to change the law...
2.) To change the laws, you have to change the people who make them.
3.) To be elected, your candidate must be on the ballot...
4.) To get on the ballot in a general election, you have to be nominated for an office in a Party Primary Election or Convention...
5.) Candidates endorsed by the Party usually win the Primary Election...
6.) Primary endorsements are often made by the Party's "County Committee" (or Township Committee, etc.), which is elected by the Precinct Committeemen of the Party...
7.) It's easy to be elected a Precinct Committeeman...
........a.) To change things, we must change the laws.
........b.) To change the laws, we must change the people who make them.
........c.) To get elected, your candidate must be on the ballot.
........d.) To get on the November ballot you must win the Primary.
........e.) To win the Primary, you must get the support of people who make endorsements in the Primary, who reliably vote in the Primary, and who get out the vote of others in the Primary. Those people are the Precinct Committeemen." ::
"Precinct Committeeman is the most powerful office in the world because Precinct Committeemen determine who gets the chance to be elected to office at every level of government. Remember, if your candidate is not on the ballot, he will not be elected."
**"Duties of the Precinct Committeeman
...legally charged with getting out the vote on election day. ...ring the doorbell of every household in the precinct ... find out the Party and other political views of every voter. (...canvassing.) ...each election, ...personally deliver campaign literature (such as a marked sample ballot) to every voter who is expected to vote for your Party."
**”Powers of the Precinct Committeeman
....1.) Friendly access to neighbors...
....2.) Respect from elected officials...
....3.) Launching pad for other offices...
....4.) Direct influence over Party Platform, policies, and selection of candidates..."
"The Most Powerful Office In The World Is NOT The President of the United States!"
~ Eagle Forum, {Subscriber Supported}, Email List Available; | Contact Us | Projects | Publications | Radio | Events | Topics :: Link/URL
< http://www.eagleforum.org/misc/brochures/precinct-committman.shtml
>##(07-05-13)*DEI*EL14##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-124AAAA, Protesting
Demystified - “Mini-Protests” = Fighting Back, 12 Protesters = 3 groups of 4
friends on 3 adjacent corners w/signs that corroborate message, Activist
“messaging by OCCUPYING COMMUTE ROUTES with miniprotests that are TOO SMALL for any legal justification for POLICE INTERVENTION. Miniprotesting's three-part messaging …combine facts with the Socratic method to add the POWER”
“A preponderance of truth will cripple the GOP. Through mini-protesting, that’s just what we can deliver.”
~ Miniprotests.com, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/ URL
< http://www.miniprotests.com/
>###(06-05-13)*DEI*PIO##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“messaging by OCCUPYING COMMUTE ROUTES with miniprotests that are TOO SMALL for any legal justification for POLICE INTERVENTION. Miniprotesting's three-part messaging …combine facts with the Socratic method to add the POWER”
“A preponderance of truth will cripple the GOP. Through mini-protesting, that’s just what we can deliver.”
~ Miniprotests.com, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/ URL
< http://www.miniprotests.com/
>###(06-05-13)*DEI*PIO##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-125AAA, Political Ideology-101K,
Progressivism, Charity Exchange-ActBlue,
Provides the Easiest Path to Support Progressive Candidates (A.B. sends same
day Email Receipt, cancel Contributions any month); Fighting Back Dems
“ActBlue- The online Clearing House for Democratic action” :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory
>#(05-11-13)*DEI*EV*PIP#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“ActBlue- The online Clearing House for Democratic action” :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory
>#(05-11-13)*DEI*EV*PIP#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-126NEWS01, U.S. USNPL Newspapers // 50 U.S. States :: Home/U.S.
Newspapers || Mobile || TV_ Stations || Radio_ Stations ||Twitter_ Feeds ||
Newspaper_ Addresses || TV_ Addresses || Facebook ::
Newspapers by State :: *AL, *AK, *AR, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *CT, *DC, *DE, *FL, *GA, *HI, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MD, *ME, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *ND, *NE, *NH, *NJ, *NM, *NV, *NY, *OH, *OK, *OR, *PA, *RI, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *VT, *WA, *WV, *WI, *WY, ::
State Newspapers/Interactive Key :: { Click (_) on desired paper/list }
(A) for Address, phone, fax, editor, translate
(C) for COUNTY Results (Newspaper, TV & Radio Stations/”Click”)
(F) for FACEBOOK (version of newspaper)
(T) for TWITTER (account, @handle, and feed of newspaper)
(W) for Local Weather & Forecast
Click "here" (feature) for address downloads.
Click "About" under “cover pic” to access email address…
for “Editorial” submissions, if applicable ::
INFO: {see window - LEFT Side of USPL "State" Newspaper List}
CITY_ Listing by _COUNTY (here) || COUNTY_ Listing by _CITY (here);
State GOVERNOR (here) || State HOUSE (here) || State SENATE (here)
US HOUSE (here) || US SENATE (here) || Major News Twitter Fee;
State Newspapers (here) || State TV Stations (here) || State Radio Stations;
State Website (here) || State Capital (Montgomery);
State Parks (here) || Museums (here) || Libraries (here);
National News: MSNBC | Google_ News | USA_ Today | ABC _ News | CNN | ESPN | Fox_ News ::
Miscellaneous: US_ HOUSE_ of_ Rep. US_ SENATE | Google_ Maps | Weather.com | NOAA.com | USPS ::
International Newspapers: India | England
USNPL Newspapers - usnpl(.)com, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.usnpl.com
> ####(07-22-13)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Newspapers by State :: *AL, *AK, *AR, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *CT, *DC, *DE, *FL, *GA, *HI, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MD, *ME, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *ND, *NE, *NH, *NJ, *NM, *NV, *NY, *OH, *OK, *OR, *PA, *RI, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *VT, *WA, *WV, *WI, *WY, ::
State Newspapers/Interactive Key :: { Click (_) on desired paper/list }
(A) for Address, phone, fax, editor, translate
(C) for COUNTY Results (Newspaper, TV & Radio Stations/”Click”)
(F) for FACEBOOK (version of newspaper)
(T) for TWITTER (account, @handle, and feed of newspaper)
(W) for Local Weather & Forecast
Click "here" (feature) for address downloads.
Click "About" under “cover pic” to access email address…
for “Editorial” submissions, if applicable ::
INFO: {see window - LEFT Side of USPL "State" Newspaper List}
CITY_ Listing by _COUNTY (here) || COUNTY_ Listing by _CITY (here);
State GOVERNOR (here) || State HOUSE (here) || State SENATE (here)
US HOUSE (here) || US SENATE (here) || Major News Twitter Fee;
State Newspapers (here) || State TV Stations (here) || State Radio Stations;
State Website (here) || State Capital (Montgomery);
State Parks (here) || Museums (here) || Libraries (here);
National News: MSNBC | Google_ News | USA_ Today | ABC _ News | CNN | ESPN | Fox_ News ::
Miscellaneous: US_ HOUSE_ of_ Rep. US_ SENATE | Google_ Maps | Weather.com | NOAA.com | USPS ::
International Newspapers: India | England
USNPL Newspapers - usnpl(.)com, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.usnpl.com
> ####(07-22-13)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-126NEWS02, U.S., Top Media Outlets
by State, Interactive Map
“Click a news source to see where it's popular:
New York Times __Fox News __USA Today __Seattle Times __MSNBC
Chicago Tribune __Huffington Post __ABC News __Los Angeles Times
Washington Post __Wall Street Journal __CNN* __NPR* __Forbes*
The Onion*”
“The Media Map: Whose Reading What And Where”
~ Jon Bruner - Forbes {Subscribe}, 06-08-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.forbes.com/special-report/2012/media-map.html
> ####(12-27-13)*ZM###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Click a news source to see where it's popular:
New York Times __Fox News __USA Today __Seattle Times __MSNBC
Chicago Tribune __Huffington Post __ABC News __Los Angeles Times
Washington Post __Wall Street Journal __CNN* __NPR* __Forbes*
The Onion*”
“The Media Map: Whose Reading What And Where”
~ Jon Bruner - Forbes {Subscribe}, 06-08-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.forbes.com/special-report/2012/media-map.html
> ####(12-27-13)*ZM###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-127, STATE
& LOCAL INFO, Elected Officials, Voting Record from “Vote Smart” ::
All Places U.S. ::
Places Listed by State; ZIP CODE Search; Statistics; Local Links to county or town-based web sites; Enter ZIP CODE // To Access Info >>>
Local Area Code: | Time Zone: | Location: (by zip code) Latitude & Long. | Population: | Demographics: | Median age: |Population: (by zip code) | Area: (by zip code) sq.mi. % water | Sunrise Today: | Sunset Today: | ::
ELECTED OFFICIALS : | Congress.org | US Senate | State | VOTE SMART |
Map It: | MapQuest | TopoZone | Google | Bing Maps |
County: | Tourism: | (Local) Website ::
Public School Info | Local Hospitals | Weather Page | Pollen Forecast |
UV Index | JiWire's Wi-Fi Hotspot Locator for (ZIP) |
Gas Prices around (ZIP) (MSN) | Job Search around (ZIP) (Indeed.com) |
Recycling Centers Earth911 | Farmer's Markets LocalHarvest |
Hardiness Zone Arbor Day Foundation ::
AllPlaces(.)US :: Link/URL
< http://www.allplaces.us/
> ####(07-22-13)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Places Listed by State; ZIP CODE Search; Statistics; Local Links to county or town-based web sites; Enter ZIP CODE // To Access Info >>>
Local Area Code: | Time Zone: | Location: (by zip code) Latitude & Long. | Population: | Demographics: | Median age: |Population: (by zip code) | Area: (by zip code) sq.mi. % water | Sunrise Today: | Sunset Today: | ::
ELECTED OFFICIALS : | Congress.org | US Senate | State | VOTE SMART |
Map It: | MapQuest | TopoZone | Google | Bing Maps |
County: | Tourism: | (Local) Website ::
Public School Info | Local Hospitals | Weather Page | Pollen Forecast |
UV Index | JiWire's Wi-Fi Hotspot Locator for (ZIP) |
Gas Prices around (ZIP) (MSN) | Job Search around (ZIP) (Indeed.com) |
Recycling Centers Earth911 | Farmer's Markets LocalHarvest |
Hardiness Zone Arbor Day Foundation ::
AllPlaces(.)US :: Link/URL
< http://www.allplaces.us/
> ####(07-22-13)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-128AAA, Charity Adherence To Stated
Goals, CharityWatch.org, Environmental Org Charity
Ratings, Charity Watch - American Institute Of Philanthropy
Environment - Charity Ratings, {Subscriber Supported} :: URL
< http://www.charitywatch.org/toprated.html#enviro
>_^_ Home_Charity_Watch_:: Link/URL
< http://www.charitywatch.org/
>(04-23-13)*DEI*ENCR*ZCR*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment - Charity Ratings, {Subscriber Supported} :: URL
< http://www.charitywatch.org/toprated.html#enviro
>_^_ Home_Charity_Watch_:: Link/URL
< http://www.charitywatch.org/
>(04-23-13)*DEI*ENCR*ZCR*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-128FFFF, Charity
Fail ::
"America’s 50 Worst Charities" ::
"Top 50 worst charities... many charities exist pretty much to pad the pockets and salaries of their founders."
["Here are some ‘reputable charity’ online navigators:
Charity Navigator, CharityWatch, & GiveWell"]
"America’s 50 Worst Charities – Don’t Be Fooled By Their Names"
~ Leslie Salzillo - Liberals Unite, {Subscribe}, 08-20-13 :: Link/URL
< http://samuel-warde.com/2013/08/have-you-donated-to-any-of-these-americas-50-worst-charities/
> ####(01-01-14)*DEI ###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"America’s 50 Worst Charities" ::
"Top 50 worst charities... many charities exist pretty much to pad the pockets and salaries of their founders."
["Here are some ‘reputable charity’ online navigators:
Charity Navigator, CharityWatch, & GiveWell"]
"America’s 50 Worst Charities – Don’t Be Fooled By Their Names"
~ Leslie Salzillo - Liberals Unite, {Subscribe}, 08-20-13 :: Link/URL
< http://samuel-warde.com/2013/08/have-you-donated-to-any-of-these-americas-50-worst-charities/
> ####(01-01-14)*DEI ###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Debunking-Exposure-Info-131, Law,
U.S. Supreme Court Decisions ::
Verdict Legal Analysis & Commentary; U.S. Judicial-Supreme Court, & District Court Decision Coverage From: Verdict Justia :: Link/URL
< http://verdict.justia.com
>##(04-23-13)*DEI*UJSC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Verdict Legal Analysis & Commentary; U.S. Judicial-Supreme Court, & District Court Decision Coverage From: Verdict Justia :: Link/URL
< http://verdict.justia.com
>##(04-23-13)*DEI*UJSC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| DEBUNKING
Election 2014-101E, Election Map
2014, ALL STATES… Battleground, Swing, Blue, Red, & Territories ::
Printable Maps of Congressional Districts – 112th Congress/Electoral
College ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
To Get the Pics… Click “Preview map” on State, Right Click on the State, Select “Save Image As,” then find on your “Desktop;”
*AL, *AK, *AR, *AS, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *CT, *DC, *DE, *FL, *GA, *GU, *HI, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MD, *ME, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *ND, *NE, *NH, *NJ, *NM, *NV, *NY, *OH, *OK, *OR, *PA, *PR, *RI, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *VI, *VT, *WA, *WV, *WI, *WY, ::
NationalAtlas.gov :URL
< http://www.nationalatlas.gov/printable/congress.html#vi
> ####(05-11-13)*DEI*EM12*ULC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
To Get the Pics… Click “Preview map” on State, Right Click on the State, Select “Save Image As,” then find on your “Desktop;”
*AL, *AK, *AR, *AS, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *CT, *DC, *DE, *FL, *GA, *GU, *HI, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MD, *ME, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *ND, *NE, *NH, *NJ, *NM, *NV, *NY, *OH, *OK, *OR, *PA, *PR, *RI, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *VI, *VT, *WA, *WV, *WI, *WY, ::
NationalAtlas.gov :URL
< http://www.nationalatlas.gov/printable/congress.html#vi
> ####(05-11-13)*DEI*EM12*ULC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-101F,
| Elections | Federal Affairs | Congress | State Executives | State Legislatures | Ballot Measures | School Boards | Candidate Ballot Access |
|State | Overview & Elections | Federal | State | Local | Judgepedia |
“Ballotpedia: an interactive almanac of U.S. politics”
< http://ballotpedia.org/Main_Page
> ####(03-26-14)*EF*ST###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
| Elections | Federal Affairs | Congress | State Executives | State Legislatures | Ballot Measures | School Boards | Candidate Ballot Access |
|State | Overview & Elections | Federal | State | Local | Judgepedia |
“Ballotpedia: an interactive almanac of U.S. politics”
< http://ballotpedia.org/Main_Page
> ####(03-26-14)*EF*ST###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-101G, STATE
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
For 50 U.S. States & Territories, Interactive Map of the United States ::
Click State to find any Legislator – Democrat – Republican - Independent ::
Zip Code, Name, or Legislative Branch Search For Legislators ::
State Legislative Bodies: Senate, House of Representatives or Assembly ::
Current Legislation, Passed Bills, Voting Record Search, Contact Info. ::
"THOMAS provides legislation from the House and Senate of the United States Congress. Find similar information from state legislatures using the links below."
“U.S. Government - Library of Congress – THOMAS,” a log of U.S. & State Legislation, Representatives, Voting Record, & Contact Search :: Link/URL
< http://thomas.loc.gov/home/state-legislatures.html
> ####(07-16-13)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| ELECTION
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| VOTER ID
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
For 50 U.S. States & Territories, Interactive Map of the United States ::
Click State to find any Legislator – Democrat – Republican - Independent ::
Zip Code, Name, or Legislative Branch Search For Legislators ::
State Legislative Bodies: Senate, House of Representatives or Assembly ::
Current Legislation, Passed Bills, Voting Record Search, Contact Info. ::
"THOMAS provides legislation from the House and Senate of the United States Congress. Find similar information from state legislatures using the links below."
“U.S. Government - Library of Congress – THOMAS,” a log of U.S. & State Legislation, Representatives, Voting Record, & Contact Search :: Link/URL
< http://thomas.loc.gov/home/state-legislatures.html
> ####(07-16-13)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| ELECTION
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| VOTER ID
Election 2014-102A, Law-Election, Voter Suppression, I.D.
Requirements, Informed Right To Vote; Voter I.D. Laws,
States Who Changed Voting ID Laws & How, Cursor Prompted Pop-Up 50 State
Map, N.C.S.L. – Legislatures & Elections
“Voter Identification Requirements”
~ N.C.S.L. – National Conference of State Legislatures :: Link/URL
< http://www.ncsl.org/legislatures-elections/elections/voter-id.aspx
> ####(05-11-13)*EF*LE###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Voter Identification Requirements”
~ N.C.S.L. – National Conference of State Legislatures :: Link/URL
< http://www.ncsl.org/legislatures-elections/elections/voter-id.aspx
> ####(05-11-13)*EF*LE###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-102B, I.D. Requirements, Informed Right To
Vote; Voter Suppression Laws, Voter I.D. Laws, 11% of
the U.S. Population Does Not Have Valid Voter I.D. under new State Photo I.D.
Laws :: “…proof should not include restrictive documentation
requirements like …burdensome photo ID or redundant proof of citizenship
requirements that serve to block millions of eligible American citizens from
“Voter I.D.”
~ Brennan Center For Justice - N.Y. Univ. of Law, 10-15-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.brennancenter.org/content/section/category/voter_id
> ####(05-11-13)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Voter I.D.”
~ Brennan Center For Justice - N.Y. Univ. of Law, 10-15-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.brennancenter.org/content/section/category/voter_id
> ####(05-11-13)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-102C, I.D. Requirements, Informed Right To
Vote; Voter Suppression Laws, Voter I.D. Laws, States
Who Changed Voting ID Laws
“2012 Summary of Voting Law Changes”
~ Brennan Center For Justice @ New York University of Law ::Link/URL*^*<
> ####(05-11-13)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“2012 Summary of Voting Law Changes”
~ Brennan Center For Justice @ New York University of Law ::Link/URL*^*<
> ####(05-11-13)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-102D, I.D. Requirements, Informed Right To
Vote; Voter Suppression Laws, Voter I.D. Laws, Voter
Fraud Is Not A Significant Problem, 32 States With Photo I.D. Laws :: 4
SEGMENTS: FOX NOOSE, La Times, Brennan Center For Justice –N.Y. Univ. Law, N.Y.
”FOX’s Johnson Promotes Disenfranchising Voter I.D. Laws While Exaggerating Fraud Claims”
~ Media Matters, {Subscribe}, 12-22-11, FOX Video, 04:20 min :: Link/URL
< http://mediamatters.org/research/201112220011
>##(05-11-13)*EF*PMF#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
”FOX’s Johnson Promotes Disenfranchising Voter I.D. Laws While Exaggerating Fraud Claims”
~ Media Matters, {Subscribe}, 12-22-11, FOX Video, 04:20 min :: Link/URL
< http://mediamatters.org/research/201112220011
>##(05-11-13)*EF*PMF#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-102E, I.D. Requirements, Informed Right To
Voter Suppression-Laws, Voter Exclusion, New Voter I.D. Legislation, Jim Crow Laws, Voter Fraud Non-Existent, A.L.E.C. Legislation To Steal Elections For GOP, the 1%, & Corp’s ::
“Americans are killed by lightening more often than they are affected by any sort of Fraud that Voter I.D. Laws Stop!”
“Democracy For All?”
~ League of Women Voters MN, {Subscribe}, Full 17 Min Video :: Link/URL
< http://www.lwvmn.org/page.aspx?pid=1121
>_^_ Smaller Segments of Video :: Link/URL
< http://www.lwvmn.org/page.aspx?pid=1118
> ####(05-11-13)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Voter Suppression-Laws, Voter Exclusion, New Voter I.D. Legislation, Jim Crow Laws, Voter Fraud Non-Existent, A.L.E.C. Legislation To Steal Elections For GOP, the 1%, & Corp’s ::
“Americans are killed by lightening more often than they are affected by any sort of Fraud that Voter I.D. Laws Stop!”
“Democracy For All?”
~ League of Women Voters MN, {Subscribe}, Full 17 Min Video :: Link/URL
< http://www.lwvmn.org/page.aspx?pid=1121
>_^_ Smaller Segments of Video :: Link/URL
< http://www.lwvmn.org/page.aspx?pid=1118
> ####(05-11-13)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-102F, Photo I.D. Laws Culling U.S. Voters, 50 State Map ::
"...11 percent ...23 million citizens of voting age—lack proper photo ID ...could be turned away from the polls on Election Day. Those without photo ID are disproportionately low-income, disabled, minority, young, and older voters. Numerous non-partisan organizations have debunked claims of widespread voter fraud, the purported basis for these laws."
“The Real Cost of Photo I.D. Laws”
~ Democrats, {Subscribe} :: URL
< http://www.democrats.org/the-real-cost-of-photo-id-laws?source=fb
>####(03-26-14)*EF##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"...11 percent ...23 million citizens of voting age—lack proper photo ID ...could be turned away from the polls on Election Day. Those without photo ID are disproportionately low-income, disabled, minority, young, and older voters. Numerous non-partisan organizations have debunked claims of widespread voter fraud, the purported basis for these laws."
“The Real Cost of Photo I.D. Laws”
~ Democrats, {Subscribe} :: URL
< http://www.democrats.org/the-real-cost-of-photo-id-laws?source=fb
>####(03-26-14)*EF##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-102G, I.D. Requirements, Voter Suppression
Laws, Marine’s Testimony In Tennessee, Modern “Jim Crow
Laws” by A.L.E.C. in 30+ States :: “Puts Conditions On The Right To
Vote” :: “WWII Vet. Denied the Right To Vote”
“Former Marine Testifies at Voter ID Hearing – State House Panel Approves Appeal!”
~ Fmr Marine Tim Thompson, via DavidErnhardtFilms, {Subscribe}, on 03-12-12, YouTube, 02:12 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>###(05-11-13)*EF*PMF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| VOTER ID
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| ELECTION MAPS
“Former Marine Testifies at Voter ID Hearing – State House Panel Approves Appeal!”
~ Fmr Marine Tim Thompson, via DavidErnhardtFilms, {Subscribe}, on 03-12-12, YouTube, 02:12 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>###(05-11-13)*EF*PMF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| VOTER ID
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| ELECTION MAPS
Election 2014-103, 7 States That Decide
The 2012 Presidential Election, *FL, *OH, *VA, *IA, *CO, *NH, *NV, *NH, &
wild card *WI
“These Are The 7 States That Are Going To Decide the Election…+ A Wild Card”
~ Brett LoGiurato – Buis. Insider - Politix, {Subscribe}, 05-27-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-romney-swing-state-electoral-map-shows-warning-signs-for-obama-2012-5
>###(05-12-13)*EM(*ST)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“These Are The 7 States That Are Going To Decide the Election…+ A Wild Card”
~ Brett LoGiurato – Buis. Insider - Politix, {Subscribe}, 05-27-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-romney-swing-state-electoral-map-shows-warning-signs-for-obama-2012-5
>###(05-12-13)*EM(*ST)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-104, 14 Swing States
:: *FL-Florida-29; *PA-Pennsylvania-20; *OH-Ohio-18, *MI-Michigan-16; *NC-North
Carolina-15; *VA-Virginia- 13; *AZ-Arizona-13; *MN-Minnesota-10;
*WI-Wisconsin-10; *CO-Colorado-9; *IA-Iowa-6; *NV-Nevada-6, *NM-New Mexico-5;
*NH-New Hampshire-4 Electoral College Votes
“Drop in Swing-States’ jobless rates helps Obama”
~ Associated Press, Herald-Tribune, {Subscribe}, 02-22-12 :: Link/URL
< http://htpolitics.com/2012/04/22/drop-in-swing-states-jobless-rates-helps-obama/
>###(05-12-13)*EM(*ST)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Drop in Swing-States’ jobless rates helps Obama”
~ Associated Press, Herald-Tribune, {Subscribe}, 02-22-12 :: Link/URL
< http://htpolitics.com/2012/04/22/drop-in-swing-states-jobless-rates-helps-obama/
>###(05-12-13)*EM(*ST)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-105, 7 Battleground
States 2012 – *FL-Florida-29, *NC-North Carolina-15, *VA-Virginia-13,
*PA-Pennsylvania-20, *OH-Ohio-18, *CO-Colorado-9, *NV-Nevada-6 Electoral
College Votes – Pres. Obama Won All of Those States in 2008
“2012 Battleground States Revealed”
~ Lawrence O’Donnell - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 04-26-12, Video, 10:33 min :: Link/URL
< http://video.msnbc.msn.com/the-last-word/47198930#47198930
>###(05-12-13)*EM(*ST)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“2012 Battleground States Revealed”
~ Lawrence O’Donnell - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 04-26-12, Video, 10:33 min :: Link/URL
< http://video.msnbc.msn.com/the-last-word/47198930#47198930
>###(05-12-13)*EM(*ST)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election 2014-106, Electoral Votes Map :: Election Dashboard
“The current view of the 2012 presidential election, based on HuffPost Pollster charts and analysis.”
~ Huffington Post Politics, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/2012/romney-vs-obama-electoral-map
>####(05-12-13)*EM(*ST)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| ELECTION MAPS
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| ELECTION FRAUD
“The current view of the 2012 presidential election, based on HuffPost Pollster charts and analysis.”
~ Huffington Post Politics, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/2012/romney-vs-obama-electoral-map
>####(05-12-13)*EM(*ST)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| ELECTION MAPS
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| ELECTION FRAUD
Election Fraud-0666A1, Exclusion, Supreme Court-2013, Voter Exclusion, SC Visits 1965 Voting Rights Act of
1965 in June 2013 ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
[It struck down critical Section 5 normalizing the status of States who had multiple offenses, even in recent years, on a 5-4 vote.]
Review of the Voting Rights Act which stops States from erecting impediments to voting; Voting Rights Act 1965 Extended Numerous Times by Congress …in 2006 nearly unanimous;
In 1964, civil rights activists Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman were murdered in Philadelphia, MS for registering black voters ::
Selma Alabama to Montgomery 50 mile march, met on bridge with tear gas, house mounted police, and Billy Clubs; 17 bloody marchers were hospitalized including Rep. John Lewis (D-*GA), Sunday in Selma AL; Lyndon B. Johnson; Antonin Scalia
“Racial Entitlement”
~ Maddow Show – MSNBC, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-27-13, MSNBC Video, 14:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/#50982276
>_^_ The Selma March, “Bloody Sunday”
“Rep. John Lewis: Were Not There Yet”
~ Maddow Show – MSNBC, Rep. John Lewis (D-*GA), {Subscriber Supported}, 02-27-13, MSNBC Video, 07:30 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/#50982350
>####(08-04-13)*EF*UJSC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
[It struck down critical Section 5 normalizing the status of States who had multiple offenses, even in recent years, on a 5-4 vote.]
Review of the Voting Rights Act which stops States from erecting impediments to voting; Voting Rights Act 1965 Extended Numerous Times by Congress …in 2006 nearly unanimous;
In 1964, civil rights activists Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman were murdered in Philadelphia, MS for registering black voters ::
Selma Alabama to Montgomery 50 mile march, met on bridge with tear gas, house mounted police, and Billy Clubs; 17 bloody marchers were hospitalized including Rep. John Lewis (D-*GA), Sunday in Selma AL; Lyndon B. Johnson; Antonin Scalia
“Racial Entitlement”
~ Maddow Show – MSNBC, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-27-13, MSNBC Video, 14:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/#50982276
>_^_ The Selma March, “Bloody Sunday”
“Rep. John Lewis: Were Not There Yet”
~ Maddow Show – MSNBC, Rep. John Lewis (D-*GA), {Subscriber Supported}, 02-27-13, MSNBC Video, 07:30 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/#50982350
>####(08-04-13)*EF*UJSC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-0666A2, Exclusion,
Supreme Court Overturned Voting Rights Act 1965 which
took 95 years to pass after the applicable 15th Amendment became
law; Discussed Pre-Decision ::
In 2006, The Voting Rights Act was re-authorized 100% in U.S. Senate ::
Racist Justice Antonin Scalia deemed a hypocrite and a liar, argued that problems solved and section 5 of voting rights act was no longer needed ::
Settled law overturned by Roberts activist Supreme Court ::
Section 5 Set forth 16 districts in which voting right changes had to receive pre-election clearance by the courts (Now Gone) ::
Section 2 Set forth the ability to sue after voting rights have been violated at a person’s own expense (Left Alone) ::
"Voting Rights Act Challenged in Court: Possible Dire Consequences for Voters Rights"
~ Jeff C. Waldorf - Rhiannon Avaneen Twitter @ladyrhiannon824 - TYTCommunity, {Subscribe}, Brad Friedman - The Brad Blog - Twitter @TheBradBlog, {Subscribe}, 03-03-13, YouTube, 33:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykVKiY-gmJ8&sns=fb
> ####(03-26-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
In 2006, The Voting Rights Act was re-authorized 100% in U.S. Senate ::
Racist Justice Antonin Scalia deemed a hypocrite and a liar, argued that problems solved and section 5 of voting rights act was no longer needed ::
Settled law overturned by Roberts activist Supreme Court ::
Section 5 Set forth 16 districts in which voting right changes had to receive pre-election clearance by the courts (Now Gone) ::
Section 2 Set forth the ability to sue after voting rights have been violated at a person’s own expense (Left Alone) ::
"Voting Rights Act Challenged in Court: Possible Dire Consequences for Voters Rights"
~ Jeff C. Waldorf - Rhiannon Avaneen Twitter @ladyrhiannon824 - TYTCommunity, {Subscribe}, Brad Friedman - The Brad Blog - Twitter @TheBradBlog, {Subscribe}, 03-03-13, YouTube, 33:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykVKiY-gmJ8&sns=fb
> ####(03-26-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-0666A3A, Class
Warfare, POTUS 40 Reagan, POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush, POTUS 43 George W. Bush,
Karl Rove ::
Strategist Lee Atwater Describes the Rhetorical Nuances of Racist Republican "Dog-Whistle" Politics of His "Southern Strategy" to elect GOP candidates; Ran the POTUS 40 Reagan Campaign; The Strategy and Interference in Iran Hostage Crisis won him the election ::
"Lee Atwater secured the elections of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, mentored Karl Rove and George W. Bush, and made the GOP a Southern party, transforming the way media covers elections as the godfather of modern negative campaigning." ~ warnervod, YouTube
"here's how I would quote ...you say stuff like...uh forced-busing, states' rights, and all that stuff, and you getting so abstract now you're talking about cutting taxes, and all of these thing you talking about are totally economic things & the byproduct of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites.
...that abstract and that coded ...we're doing away with the racial problem one way or the other...uh you follow me? ...we want to cut taxes, ...is much more abstract than even the busing thing. ...any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner." ~ (Atwater’s words) CultOfMilitarism
"Lee Atwater's 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy"
~ via CultOfMilitarism, {Subscribe}, 11-16-12, YouTube, 01:39 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT2fsv7xt4E
"MSNBC: Stefan Forbes discusses Boogie Man on Morning Joe"
~ via InterPositive, {Subscribe}, 03-12-10, YouTube, 04:22 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXZn-Vafi8Q
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 1"
~ via tim13a, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YouTube, 07:30 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyY37COSrc
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 2"
~ via tim13a, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YouTube, 09:15 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om0B513cQq0
> ####(03-21-14)*CW*CWP*EF*WB(UE40)(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Strategist Lee Atwater Describes the Rhetorical Nuances of Racist Republican "Dog-Whistle" Politics of His "Southern Strategy" to elect GOP candidates; Ran the POTUS 40 Reagan Campaign; The Strategy and Interference in Iran Hostage Crisis won him the election ::
"Lee Atwater secured the elections of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, mentored Karl Rove and George W. Bush, and made the GOP a Southern party, transforming the way media covers elections as the godfather of modern negative campaigning." ~ warnervod, YouTube
"here's how I would quote ...you say stuff like...uh forced-busing, states' rights, and all that stuff, and you getting so abstract now you're talking about cutting taxes, and all of these thing you talking about are totally economic things & the byproduct of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites.
...that abstract and that coded ...we're doing away with the racial problem one way or the other...uh you follow me? ...we want to cut taxes, ...is much more abstract than even the busing thing. ...any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner." ~ (Atwater’s words) CultOfMilitarism
"Lee Atwater's 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy"
~ via CultOfMilitarism, {Subscribe}, 11-16-12, YouTube, 01:39 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT2fsv7xt4E
"MSNBC: Stefan Forbes discusses Boogie Man on Morning Joe"
~ via InterPositive, {Subscribe}, 03-12-10, YouTube, 04:22 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXZn-Vafi8Q
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 1"
~ via tim13a, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YouTube, 07:30 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyY37COSrc
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 2"
~ via tim13a, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YouTube, 09:15 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om0B513cQq0
> ####(03-21-14)*CW*CWP*EF*WB(UE40)(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-0666A3B, Class Warfare, Republican Mentality ::
"It's hard to beat a fundamentalist party that controls the media, suppresses the vote and has all the money"
Quote "...
1) Misinformation, Misrepresentation, and Defamation...
2) Money Talks...
3) Faithful Fundamentalist Following...
4) Voter Suppression...
5) Voter Apathy..." End Quote
"Five Reasons Republicans will Win the Midterm Elections"
~ Chad R. MacDonald - Quiet Mike, {Subscribe}, 04-05-14 :: Link/URL
< http://quietmike.org/2014/04/05/reasons-republicans-win-midterm-elections/
>###(04-05-14)*CW*EF##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"It's hard to beat a fundamentalist party that controls the media, suppresses the vote and has all the money"
Quote "...
1) Misinformation, Misrepresentation, and Defamation...
2) Money Talks...
3) Faithful Fundamentalist Following...
4) Voter Suppression...
5) Voter Apathy..." End Quote
"Five Reasons Republicans will Win the Midterm Elections"
~ Chad R. MacDonald - Quiet Mike, {Subscribe}, 04-05-14 :: Link/URL
< http://quietmike.org/2014/04/05/reasons-republicans-win-midterm-elections/
>###(04-05-14)*CW*EF##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-08666A1, *WI, *MI,
*OH, *PA, *VA, & *FL …GOP Gerrymandering All Future U.S. Presidential
Elections In 6 States ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
{News Flash 06-25-13: S-Court-5 Corp-Atty Neo-Cons neutralized the “Voting Rights Act of 1965” “Freeing-the-Hands” of the 1% Plutocrat & Bigot Run Southern States & GOP Gerrymandered Purple States to pass Voter Suppression I.D. Laws effecting 11% of the Adult Population.}
Republicans Are Changing Electoral College Rules In Battleground States w/Republican Controlled State Legislatures To Rig “All Future” Presidential Elections For Republican Presidential Candidates;
Republican controlled state legislatures in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida are changing "Electoral Vote Allocation" to "Divide" Electoral Votes between presidential candidates, stopping "Winner Take All" Electoral Vote Allocation to the Electoral College;
Electoral System :: Each Candidate for president who wins a “Congressional District” receives 1 Electoral Vote;
Republicans are trying to use GOP Controlled “State” Governments (using “states rights”) to change which party candidate that states votes are allocated to;
Coordinated by RNC ; “Red Map” success in retaining control of the U.S. House while “Losing” the popular vote overall by 1.1 million votes but keeping the Speakership and a 33 Republican House Seat Majority
“Fighting To Be Less Important”
~ Rachel Maddow – R.M. Show 9 pm ET/PT M-F, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 01-15-13, MSNBC Video, 09:43 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/#50477422
>_^_ ”Democratic candidates for the U.S. House won 1.1 million more votes than their Republican opponents.” ::
”But the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is a Republican and presides over a 33-seat House Republican majority during the 113th Congress.” :: “How did they do it?” “erect a Republican firewall through redistricting process that paved the way to Republicans retaining a U.S. House Majority in 2012” ::
“How a Strategy of Targeting Legislative Races in 2010 Led to a Republican U.S. House Majority in 2013”
”REDMAP 2012 Summary Report”
~ RLCC – Republican Lieutenant Governor’s Assoc., 01-04-13, (Min. 08:20 R.M.S.) :: Link/URL
< http://rslc.com/_blog/News/post/REDMAP_2012_Summary_Report
>_^_ ”The proposals, the senior GOP official said, are likely to come up in each state’s legislative session in 2013” ::
“Saul Anuzis, the former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, has briefed Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus *WI and Chief of Staff Jeff Larson on his state’s proposal.”
”The GOP’s Electoral College Scheme”
~ Reid Wilson – NationalJournal, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-17-12, (Min. 07:40 R.M.S.) :: Link/URL
< http://www.nationaljournal.com/columns/on-the-trail/the-gop-s-electoral-college-scheme-20121217
>_^_ “I think it’s something that a lot of states that have been consistently blue that are fully controlled red ought to be looking at,” Priebus said… ::
(Min. 08:05 R.M.S.)
”(Republican National Convention Chairman) Reince Priebus backs electoral vote change, but its state’s decision”
~ Patrick Marley – Milwaukee WI Journal Sentinel, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-13-13, (Min. 67:25 R.M.S.) :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/reince-priebus-backs-electoral-vote-change-but-its-states-decision-fp8bqc3-186720481.html
>_^_ ”Americans didn't intend to elect a Republican majority to the House of Representatives. Thanks to GOP-engineered redistricting, they did.” ::
“U.S. House District Gerrymandering in Red States delivered the U.S. House to Republicans even though Democratic House Candidates Received the most popular votes by over a million ::
”Most Americans voted for Democratic representation in the (U.S.) House (of Representatives).”
“Now That’s What I Call Gerrymandering”
~ Adam Serwer, Jaeah Lee & Zaineb Mohammed – MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported}, 11-14-12, (Min. 06:40) :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/11/republicans-gerrymandering-house-representatives-election-chart
>_^_ ”If Republicans in 2011 had …passed new laws for allocating electoral votes, the exact same votes cast in the exact same way in the 2012 election would have converted Barrack Obama’s advantage of nearly five million popular votes and 126 electoral votes into a resounding Electoral College defeat.” ::
“As partisans sift through the data from the 2012 presidential election, the impacts of our current Electoral College rules are receiving particular scrutiny - as is the potential impact of changing those rules before the 2016 election.”
”Electoral College Chaos: How Republicans Could Put a Lock on the Presidency”
~ Rob Richie - The Center for Voting and Democracy, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-13-12, (Min. 06:17 R.M.S.) :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.fairvote.org/electoral-college-chaos-how-republicans-could-put-a-lock-on-the-presidency#.UPbZXvXBbZU
>_^_ ”Republicans in Wisconsin will control both houses of the Legislature starting next month” :: “The GOP governor (Scott Walker) said he found the notion intriguing but neither embraced it nor rejected it.” ::
“Incoming Assembly Speaker Robin Vos signaled last week that changing how the state allocates its Electoral College votes was not a priority, but he has backed the idea in the past.”
“(WI State Speaker of Assembly, Robin) Vos previously backed changing electoral vote rules”
~ Patrick Marley – Milwaukee WI Journal Sentinel, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-27-12, (Min. 04:15 R.M.S.) :: Link URL
< http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/vos-previously-backed-changing-electoral-vote-rules-jb865ct-184975431.html
>_^_ ”…Rig the election in Pennsylvania” ~ R.M. ::
”Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi is trying to gather support to change the state’s ‘winner-takes-all’ approach
”Change proposed for state’s electoral vote process”
~ Laura Olson – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-30-12, (Min. 03:20 R.M.S.) :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/local/state/change-proposed-for-states-electoral-vote-process-314523/?print=1
>_^_ [Selling “Voter Fraud,” (virtually non-existent in studies completed in several states and by the U.S. Gov. under POUTS 43 Bush), as a pretext to “Demand State Voter Photo I.D. Laws” (well beyond the traditional “personal signature” on election pole documents) which discriminates against people who are poor, students, disabled, or elderly and may not drive cars or have access to the court house in their county of birth and U.S. Gov. records necessary to get an acceptable State I.D.;
while the GO Pee practices “Election Fraud” by illegally flipping electronic voting machine totals in key states, throwing democratic voters off the roles, throwing democrats voter registrations in the trash, and constructing a Federalist Corporate Neo-Con Supreme Court to constitution-twerk for presidential elections, empower the rich and corp’s with superior speech capabilities in Citizens{Corps}United and McCutcheon v. F.E.C. [‘13-14 Session], and gutting key provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965), and “Voter Exclusion” by or providing far too few voting machines in metropolitan democrat-leaning districts]
>##(01-16-13)*EF*(GOPC)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
{News Flash 06-25-13: S-Court-5 Corp-Atty Neo-Cons neutralized the “Voting Rights Act of 1965” “Freeing-the-Hands” of the 1% Plutocrat & Bigot Run Southern States & GOP Gerrymandered Purple States to pass Voter Suppression I.D. Laws effecting 11% of the Adult Population.}
Republicans Are Changing Electoral College Rules In Battleground States w/Republican Controlled State Legislatures To Rig “All Future” Presidential Elections For Republican Presidential Candidates;
Republican controlled state legislatures in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida are changing "Electoral Vote Allocation" to "Divide" Electoral Votes between presidential candidates, stopping "Winner Take All" Electoral Vote Allocation to the Electoral College;
Electoral System :: Each Candidate for president who wins a “Congressional District” receives 1 Electoral Vote;
Republicans are trying to use GOP Controlled “State” Governments (using “states rights”) to change which party candidate that states votes are allocated to;
Coordinated by RNC ; “Red Map” success in retaining control of the U.S. House while “Losing” the popular vote overall by 1.1 million votes but keeping the Speakership and a 33 Republican House Seat Majority
“Fighting To Be Less Important”
~ Rachel Maddow – R.M. Show 9 pm ET/PT M-F, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 01-15-13, MSNBC Video, 09:43 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/#50477422
>_^_ ”Democratic candidates for the U.S. House won 1.1 million more votes than their Republican opponents.” ::
”But the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is a Republican and presides over a 33-seat House Republican majority during the 113th Congress.” :: “How did they do it?” “erect a Republican firewall through redistricting process that paved the way to Republicans retaining a U.S. House Majority in 2012” ::
“How a Strategy of Targeting Legislative Races in 2010 Led to a Republican U.S. House Majority in 2013”
”REDMAP 2012 Summary Report”
~ RLCC – Republican Lieutenant Governor’s Assoc., 01-04-13, (Min. 08:20 R.M.S.) :: Link/URL
< http://rslc.com/_blog/News/post/REDMAP_2012_Summary_Report
>_^_ ”The proposals, the senior GOP official said, are likely to come up in each state’s legislative session in 2013” ::
“Saul Anuzis, the former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, has briefed Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus *WI and Chief of Staff Jeff Larson on his state’s proposal.”
”The GOP’s Electoral College Scheme”
~ Reid Wilson – NationalJournal, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-17-12, (Min. 07:40 R.M.S.) :: Link/URL
< http://www.nationaljournal.com/columns/on-the-trail/the-gop-s-electoral-college-scheme-20121217
>_^_ “I think it’s something that a lot of states that have been consistently blue that are fully controlled red ought to be looking at,” Priebus said… ::
(Min. 08:05 R.M.S.)
”(Republican National Convention Chairman) Reince Priebus backs electoral vote change, but its state’s decision”
~ Patrick Marley – Milwaukee WI Journal Sentinel, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-13-13, (Min. 67:25 R.M.S.) :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/reince-priebus-backs-electoral-vote-change-but-its-states-decision-fp8bqc3-186720481.html
>_^_ ”Americans didn't intend to elect a Republican majority to the House of Representatives. Thanks to GOP-engineered redistricting, they did.” ::
“U.S. House District Gerrymandering in Red States delivered the U.S. House to Republicans even though Democratic House Candidates Received the most popular votes by over a million ::
”Most Americans voted for Democratic representation in the (U.S.) House (of Representatives).”
“Now That’s What I Call Gerrymandering”
~ Adam Serwer, Jaeah Lee & Zaineb Mohammed – MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported}, 11-14-12, (Min. 06:40) :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/11/republicans-gerrymandering-house-representatives-election-chart
>_^_ ”If Republicans in 2011 had …passed new laws for allocating electoral votes, the exact same votes cast in the exact same way in the 2012 election would have converted Barrack Obama’s advantage of nearly five million popular votes and 126 electoral votes into a resounding Electoral College defeat.” ::
“As partisans sift through the data from the 2012 presidential election, the impacts of our current Electoral College rules are receiving particular scrutiny - as is the potential impact of changing those rules before the 2016 election.”
”Electoral College Chaos: How Republicans Could Put a Lock on the Presidency”
~ Rob Richie - The Center for Voting and Democracy, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-13-12, (Min. 06:17 R.M.S.) :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.fairvote.org/electoral-college-chaos-how-republicans-could-put-a-lock-on-the-presidency#.UPbZXvXBbZU
>_^_ ”Republicans in Wisconsin will control both houses of the Legislature starting next month” :: “The GOP governor (Scott Walker) said he found the notion intriguing but neither embraced it nor rejected it.” ::
“Incoming Assembly Speaker Robin Vos signaled last week that changing how the state allocates its Electoral College votes was not a priority, but he has backed the idea in the past.”
“(WI State Speaker of Assembly, Robin) Vos previously backed changing electoral vote rules”
~ Patrick Marley – Milwaukee WI Journal Sentinel, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-27-12, (Min. 04:15 R.M.S.) :: Link URL
< http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/vos-previously-backed-changing-electoral-vote-rules-jb865ct-184975431.html
>_^_ ”…Rig the election in Pennsylvania” ~ R.M. ::
”Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi is trying to gather support to change the state’s ‘winner-takes-all’ approach
”Change proposed for state’s electoral vote process”
~ Laura Olson – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-30-12, (Min. 03:20 R.M.S.) :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/local/state/change-proposed-for-states-electoral-vote-process-314523/?print=1
>_^_ [Selling “Voter Fraud,” (virtually non-existent in studies completed in several states and by the U.S. Gov. under POUTS 43 Bush), as a pretext to “Demand State Voter Photo I.D. Laws” (well beyond the traditional “personal signature” on election pole documents) which discriminates against people who are poor, students, disabled, or elderly and may not drive cars or have access to the court house in their county of birth and U.S. Gov. records necessary to get an acceptable State I.D.;
while the GO Pee practices “Election Fraud” by illegally flipping electronic voting machine totals in key states, throwing democratic voters off the roles, throwing democrats voter registrations in the trash, and constructing a Federalist Corporate Neo-Con Supreme Court to constitution-twerk for presidential elections, empower the rich and corp’s with superior speech capabilities in Citizens{Corps}United and McCutcheon v. F.E.C. [‘13-14 Session], and gutting key provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965), and “Voter Exclusion” by or providing far too few voting machines in metropolitan democrat-leaning districts]
>##(01-16-13)*EF*(GOPC)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-08666A2, *WI,
Wisconsin, Republican Alberta Darling, Voter I.D. would have flipped the
outcome in 2012 Presidential Election in *WI
Romney Co-Chair: Romney Would Have ‘Absolutely’ Won Wisconsin With Voter ID Law”
~ Ian Millhiser – Think Progress, {Subscribe}, 11-14-12 :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Election Fraud, *WI Republican Alberta Darling says if Voter I.D. Law had been in effect Romney would have won the Wisconsin Electoral Votes
"Romney Co-Chair: Voter Suppression Would Have Won Wisconsin For Romney"
~ ThinkProgress TP, {Subscribe},11-14-12, YT/27 seconds :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yFND838jbl8
> ####(03-26-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Romney Co-Chair: Romney Would Have ‘Absolutely’ Won Wisconsin With Voter ID Law”
~ Ian Millhiser – Think Progress, {Subscribe}, 11-14-12 :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Election Fraud, *WI Republican Alberta Darling says if Voter I.D. Law had been in effect Romney would have won the Wisconsin Electoral Votes
"Romney Co-Chair: Voter Suppression Would Have Won Wisconsin For Romney"
~ ThinkProgress TP, {Subscribe},11-14-12, YT/27 seconds :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yFND838jbl8
> ####(03-26-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-08666A3, Voter
Suppression, Wisconsin, *WI Governor ::
“…Scott Walker ...raided the money ...public financing of campaigns to pay for ‘the most radical Voter ID bill in the nation’ WI Common Cause.”
"Move Over Machiavelli: WI GOP Kills Public Financing to Pay for Voter Suppression"
~ Mary Bottari - PRWatch, {Subscribe}, via CommonDreams, 05-25-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/05/25-13
> ####(01-12-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“…Scott Walker ...raided the money ...public financing of campaigns to pay for ‘the most radical Voter ID bill in the nation’ WI Common Cause.”
"Move Over Machiavelli: WI GOP Kills Public Financing to Pay for Voter Suppression"
~ Mary Bottari - PRWatch, {Subscribe}, via CommonDreams, 05-25-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/05/25-13
> ####(01-12-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-08666A4, *MI,
Michigan, Election Rigging Plans ::
"...plan lays the presidential election onto Congressional maps that are already gerrymandered to benefit Republicans ...result of virtually guaranteeing Republicans will win..."
"Michigan GOP Overwhelmingly Backs Election Rigging Plan"
~ Ian Millhiser - Think Progress, {Subscribe}, 02-25-13 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/02/25/1631961/michigan-gop-overwhelmingly-backs-election-rigging-plan/
>###(03-24-14)*EF## #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"...plan lays the presidential election onto Congressional maps that are already gerrymandered to benefit Republicans ...result of virtually guaranteeing Republicans will win..."
"Michigan GOP Overwhelmingly Backs Election Rigging Plan"
~ Ian Millhiser - Think Progress, {Subscribe}, 02-25-13 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2013/02/25/1631961/michigan-gop-overwhelmingly-backs-election-rigging-plan/
>###(03-24-14)*EF## #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-08666A5, Pennsylvania, Salting the State Away For Romney With
Voter I.D. Changes ::
*PA State Rep. Mike Turzai ~ “…Pro 2nd Amendment …Abortion Facility Regulation… Voter I.D., which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, Done.”
"GOP Turzai : Voter ID allows Romney to win PA"
~ via PresidentObama3, {Subscribe}, 06-26-12, YT/23 seconds :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87NN5sdqNt8
>_^_ *PA, *MI *IN Voter suppression, Voter I.D., No proof of voter fraud ::
2011 20 States have enacted or attempted to enact voter suppression laws. Half of them passed Voter I.D. Laws.” ::
“Pennsylvania House Republican Mike Turzai…” Voter Suppression ::
Americans For Prosperity, Koch Funded Front Group, absolutely proven to be providing misinformation to voters about when they’re supposed to show up to the poles.”
"Stealing 2012: GOP Voter ID Plot Exposed as *PA House Mike Turzai Lets Fly"
~ Ed Schultz - MSNBC & Guests, via politicalarticles, {Subscribe}, on 06-27-12, YouTube, 06:37 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-kXY8upOrw&feature=related
> ####(03-26-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
*PA State Rep. Mike Turzai ~ “…Pro 2nd Amendment …Abortion Facility Regulation… Voter I.D., which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, Done.”
"GOP Turzai : Voter ID allows Romney to win PA"
~ via PresidentObama3, {Subscribe}, 06-26-12, YT/23 seconds :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87NN5sdqNt8
>_^_ *PA, *MI *IN Voter suppression, Voter I.D., No proof of voter fraud ::
2011 20 States have enacted or attempted to enact voter suppression laws. Half of them passed Voter I.D. Laws.” ::
“Pennsylvania House Republican Mike Turzai…” Voter Suppression ::
Americans For Prosperity, Koch Funded Front Group, absolutely proven to be providing misinformation to voters about when they’re supposed to show up to the poles.”
"Stealing 2012: GOP Voter ID Plot Exposed as *PA House Mike Turzai Lets Fly"
~ Ed Schultz - MSNBC & Guests, via politicalarticles, {Subscribe}, on 06-27-12, YouTube, 06:37 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-kXY8upOrw&feature=related
> ####(03-26-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-08666A6, GOP-Tea Ejecting Minority Voters in
North Carolina, Voter I.D. Laws are intended to throw
minority Americans off the voting rolls; Case in point; *NC, Billionaire
Art Pope’s State GO Pee Trickle-Down “Golden Shower” Schemes ::
"Don Yelton, ...made racially insensitive comments on Wednesday's "Daily Show," has resigned his position as a GOP precinct captain" ::
"The Justice Department filed suit against North Carolina's voter ID law in September. “Allowing limits on voting rights that disproportionately exclude minority voters would be inconsistent with our ideals as a nation,” Attorney General Eric (Big Bank Hand) Holder"
"GOP Precinct Captain Gives Shockingly Racist 'Daily Show' Interview About Voter ID Laws"
~ Ross Luippold - HuffPost, 10-24-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/24/daily-show-gop-spokesman-voter-id-laws-racist_n_4158125.html?utm_hp_ref=tw
>_^_ "Don Yelton's Racist Remarks on Daily Show Get Him Fired"
~ via PeoplesUnderground, {Subscribe}, 10-28-13, YT/02:17 :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-RNHtjdmnk
>_^_ "Maddow Uses Daily Show Segments to Bash GOP for Abandoning All Pretense of Outreach"
~ via PoliticsNow, {Subscribe}, 10-14-13, YouTube, 15:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKyrlgyo7dQ
> ####(11-02-13)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Don Yelton, ...made racially insensitive comments on Wednesday's "Daily Show," has resigned his position as a GOP precinct captain" ::
"The Justice Department filed suit against North Carolina's voter ID law in September. “Allowing limits on voting rights that disproportionately exclude minority voters would be inconsistent with our ideals as a nation,” Attorney General Eric (Big Bank Hand) Holder"
"GOP Precinct Captain Gives Shockingly Racist 'Daily Show' Interview About Voter ID Laws"
~ Ross Luippold - HuffPost, 10-24-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/24/daily-show-gop-spokesman-voter-id-laws-racist_n_4158125.html?utm_hp_ref=tw
>_^_ "Don Yelton's Racist Remarks on Daily Show Get Him Fired"
~ via PeoplesUnderground, {Subscribe}, 10-28-13, YT/02:17 :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-RNHtjdmnk
>_^_ "Maddow Uses Daily Show Segments to Bash GOP for Abandoning All Pretense of Outreach"
~ via PoliticsNow, {Subscribe}, 10-14-13, YouTube, 15:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKyrlgyo7dQ
> ####(11-02-13)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-08666B1, JFK
Desegregation Speech, Racism, 06-11-63, Integration, 2 Black Students
Escorted to the University of Alabama by National Guard Troops, George Wallace,
Medgar Evers Assassination occurred at midnight the same day
“John F. Kennedy’s finest moment”
~ Lawrence O'Donnell - MSNBC, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-11-13, video, 10:22 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/45755883/ns/msnbc-the_last_word-/vp/52173945#52174126
> ####(06-13-13)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“John F. Kennedy’s finest moment”
~ Lawrence O'Donnell - MSNBC, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-11-13, video, 10:22 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.nbcnews.com/id/45755883/ns/msnbc-the_last_word-/vp/52173945#52174126
> ####(06-13-13)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-08666B2, Paul
Weyrich, Father of Modern Conservatism,
Founded A.L.E.C. – (un)American Legislative Council, Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute :: {P.A.C.’s - Political Action Committees Funded by:
Corp "Gross" Profit i.e. ...Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Tax-Deductible "1% Charity" Dollars :: Personal "Gross" Income i.e. ...Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Tax-Deductible "1% Charity" Dollars} :: The Christian Right Addressed ::
{Video clip from a Weyrich speech delivered in a Dallas Texas Church in 1980/The Beginning of Success in the Modern Conservative Movement & Class Warfare lead by 1% Psychopaths}
“Major Doc Drop: All ALEC Model Legislation Leaked”
~ Daily Kos, by ManfromMiddletown, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-13-11, Paul Weyrich, YouTube, 0:30 sec :: Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/07/13/994190/-Major-Doc-Drop-All-ALEC-Model-Legislation-Leaked
>#(03-17-13)*CWP*EF*RC#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Founded A.L.E.C. – (un)American Legislative Council, Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute :: {P.A.C.’s - Political Action Committees Funded by:
Corp "Gross" Profit i.e. ...Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Tax-Deductible "1% Charity" Dollars :: Personal "Gross" Income i.e. ...Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Tax-Deductible "1% Charity" Dollars} :: The Christian Right Addressed ::
{Video clip from a Weyrich speech delivered in a Dallas Texas Church in 1980/The Beginning of Success in the Modern Conservative Movement & Class Warfare lead by 1% Psychopaths}
“Major Doc Drop: All ALEC Model Legislation Leaked”
~ Daily Kos, by ManfromMiddletown, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-13-11, Paul Weyrich, YouTube, 0:30 sec :: Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/07/13/994190/-Major-Doc-Drop-All-ALEC-Model-Legislation-Leaked
>#(03-17-13)*CWP*EF*RC#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-08666B3, U.S. Executive Br. (37, R) Pres.
Richard M. Nixon-066A, (Republican – 1969-74),
GOP Corruption, Republican Treason, Stolen Elections,
Last 5 Illegitimate Republican Presidents;
UE 37 Pres. Richard M. Nixon (Republican-*CA – 1969-74), Vietnam War Extension – Nixon 1968, October Surprise 1968, defeated V.P (Sen.) Hubert Humphrey (D-*MN) 11-1968;
UE 38 President Gerald R. Ford granted amnesty to Nixon;
UE40 Pres. Ronald Reagan (Republican-*CA - 1981-1989), Reagan Iranian Hostage Negation For Weapons Deal w/U.S. Embassy Hostage Takers, Unseated UE36 President Jimmy Carter (D-*GA) 11-1980;
UE41 Pres. George “H. W.” Bush I (Republican-*TX – 1989-1992), C.I.A.;
UE43 Pres. George “W.” Bush II (Republican-*TX – 2001-2008), Counting Votes “Constitutes Irreparable Harm” To George W. Bushs’ Election (Just-aSS Antonin Scalia’s Opinion), Stolen Florida Election 1-2001, S-Court-5 Corp RentBoy Just-aSSes;
5 Republican Presidents Crippling America With Treason & Fraud
“Thom Hartmann: Can Republican get elected without fraud & treason?”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, {Subscriber Supported}, The Daily Take, 07-19-11, YouTube, 09:10 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UM-hAbfOkA&feature=share
> ####(06-01-13)*ECE*EF*UE37*WC(UE38)(UE40)(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
UE 37 Pres. Richard M. Nixon (Republican-*CA – 1969-74), Vietnam War Extension – Nixon 1968, October Surprise 1968, defeated V.P (Sen.) Hubert Humphrey (D-*MN) 11-1968;
UE 38 President Gerald R. Ford granted amnesty to Nixon;
UE40 Pres. Ronald Reagan (Republican-*CA - 1981-1989), Reagan Iranian Hostage Negation For Weapons Deal w/U.S. Embassy Hostage Takers, Unseated UE36 President Jimmy Carter (D-*GA) 11-1980;
UE41 Pres. George “H. W.” Bush I (Republican-*TX – 1989-1992), C.I.A.;
UE43 Pres. George “W.” Bush II (Republican-*TX – 2001-2008), Counting Votes “Constitutes Irreparable Harm” To George W. Bushs’ Election (Just-aSS Antonin Scalia’s Opinion), Stolen Florida Election 1-2001, S-Court-5 Corp RentBoy Just-aSSes;
5 Republican Presidents Crippling America With Treason & Fraud
“Thom Hartmann: Can Republican get elected without fraud & treason?”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, {Subscriber Supported}, The Daily Take, 07-19-11, YouTube, 09:10 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UM-hAbfOkA&feature=share
> ####(06-01-13)*ECE*EF*UE37*WC(UE38)(UE40)(UE41)(UE43)###*
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Election Fraud-087B, Political Ideology-101K, Progressivism,
Charity Exchange-ActBlue, Provides the Easiest
Path to Support Progressive Candidates (A.B. sends same day Email Receipt,
cancel Contributions any month); Fighting Back Dems
“ActBlue- The online Clearing House for Democratic action” :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory
>##(05-11-13)*DEI*EV*PI#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“ActBlue- The online Clearing House for Democratic action” :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory
>##(05-11-13)*DEI*EV*PI#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-10666A1, * PA Voting Machine Flips Vote From
Obama To Romney ::
VIDEO: Touch-Screen System Flips Obama Vote to Romney in PA; What To Do If It Happens to You!"
"BRADBLOG: Voter films touch-screen voting machine that flips the vote from Obama to Romney"
~ via Bradblog - Brad Friedman, {Subscribe}, 11-06-12 :: Link/URL
< http://nomorestolenelections.org/news/bradblog-voter-films-touch-screen-voting-machine-flips-vote-obama-romney
>_^_ "2012 Voting Machines Altering Votes"
~ via centralpavote, {Subscribe}, on 11-06-12, YouTube, 18 sec :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdpGd74DrBM
> ####(03-24-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
VIDEO: Touch-Screen System Flips Obama Vote to Romney in PA; What To Do If It Happens to You!"
"BRADBLOG: Voter films touch-screen voting machine that flips the vote from Obama to Romney"
~ via Bradblog - Brad Friedman, {Subscribe}, 11-06-12 :: Link/URL
< http://nomorestolenelections.org/news/bradblog-voter-films-touch-screen-voting-machine-flips-vote-obama-romney
>_^_ "2012 Voting Machines Altering Votes"
~ via centralpavote, {Subscribe}, on 11-06-12, YouTube, 18 sec :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdpGd74DrBM
> ####(03-24-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Election Fraud-10666A1,
Election Fraud, "The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in
Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is
"committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president
next year. ...letter from Walden O'Dell,
chief executive of Diebold Inc. …active in the re-election effort of President
"Voting Machine Controversy"
~ Julie Carr Smyth - Common Dreams, via Cleveland Plain Dealer, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-28-03 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0828-08.htm
> ####(05-11-13)*EF(*OH)(WB)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Voting Machine Controversy"
~ Julie Carr Smyth - Common Dreams, via Cleveland Plain Dealer, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-28-03 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0828-08.htm
> ####(05-11-13)*EF(*OH)(WB)###*
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