U.S. House and U.S. Senate Republicans Who Voted To Voucherize Medicare and Issue Coupons
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 11-20-14*
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__ALABAMA __AL__*AL__(16)
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL< https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=474563102564086&set=t.100000110653905&type=3&theater
(^^^) U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (Due Up 2014) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Richard Shelby :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/AL/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=AL
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=AL
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL< https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=474563102564086&set=t.100000110653905&type=3&theater
(^^^) U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (Due Up 2014) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Richard Shelby :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/AL/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=AL
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=AL
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/AK/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=AK
(^^^) Sen. Mark Begich (AK-U.S. Senate 2014) Page, Act Blue ↑:: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/entity/19109?refcode=directory
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=AK
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/AK/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=AK
(^^^) Sen. Mark Begich (AK-U.S. Senate 2014) Page, Act Blue ↑:: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/entity/19109?refcode=directory
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=AK
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Jeff Flake (Due Up 2018) (Replaced Kyle) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Jon Kyle (retired 2012) :: Link/URL< https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=480114375342292&set=a.488113957875667.110895.107100659310334&type=3&permPage=1
(^^^) U.S. Senator John McCain (Due Up 2016) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/AZ/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=AZ
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=AZ
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Jeff Flake (Due Up 2018) (Replaced Kyle) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Jon Kyle (retired 2012) :: Link/URL< https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=480114375342292&set=a.488113957875667.110895.107100659310334&type=3&permPage=1
(^^^) U.S. Senator John McCain (Due Up 2016) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/AZ/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=AZ
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=AZ
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator John Boozman (Due up in 2018) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/AR/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=AR
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=AR
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator John Boozman (Due up in 2018) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/AR/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=AR
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=AR
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Rep. Daryl Issa :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/CA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=CA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=CA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Rep. Daryl Issa :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/CA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=CA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=CA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Rep. Mike Coffman’s Conspiracies :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/CO/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=CO
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=CO
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Rep. Mike Coffman’s Conspiracies :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/CO/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=CO
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=CO
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for CT
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/CT/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=CT
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=CT
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for CT
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/CT/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=CT
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=CT
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for DE
With Medicare Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/DE/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=DE
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=DE
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for DE
With Medicare Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/DE/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=DE
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=DE
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (Due Up 2016) :: Link/URL< https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=480114842008912&set=a.488113957875667.110895.107100659310334&type=3&theater
(^^^) U.S. Rep. David Rivera :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Candidate Rep. Connie Mack (Lost 2012) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/FL/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=FL
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=FL
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (Due Up 2016) :: Link/URL< https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=480114842008912&set=a.488113957875667.110895.107100659310334&type=3&theater
(^^^) U.S. Rep. David Rivera :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Candidate Rep. Connie Mack (Lost 2012) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/FL/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=FL
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=FL
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss RETIRING**** :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/GA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=GA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=GA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss RETIRING**** :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/GA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=GA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=GA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for HA
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/HA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=HA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=HA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for HA
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/HA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=HA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=HA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Mike Crapo :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Jim Risch :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/ID/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=ID
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=ID
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Mike Crapo :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Jim Risch :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/ID/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=ID
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=ID
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Mark Kirk :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/IL/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=IL
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=IL
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Mark Kirk :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/IL/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=IL
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=IL
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock (Defeated 2012):: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Dan Coats (Due Up 2016) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (Defeated by Tea Party 2012) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe}::Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/IN/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=IN
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=IN
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock (Defeated 2012):: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Dan Coats (Due Up 2016) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (Defeated by Tea Party 2012) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe}::Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/IN/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=IN
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=IN
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Charles Grassley :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/IA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=IA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=IA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Charles Grassley :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/IA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=IA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=IA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Pat Roberts :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Jerry Moran :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/KS/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=KS
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=KS
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Pat Roberts :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Jerry Moran :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/KS/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=KS
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=KS
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Rand Paul :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell 450+ Filibusters in 5+ Years/World Record Holder :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/KY/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=KY
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=KY
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Rand Paul :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell 450+ Filibusters in 5+ Years/World Record Holder :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/KY/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=KY
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=KY
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator David Vitter :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/LA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=LA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=LA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator David Vitter :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/LA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=LA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=LA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for ME
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/ME/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=ME
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=ME
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for ME
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/ME/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=ME
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=ME
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MD/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MD
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MD
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MD/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MD
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MD
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for MA
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^)Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MA
Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
(^^^)OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for MA
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^)Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MA
Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
(^^^)OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MI/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MI
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MI
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MI/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MI
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MI
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MN/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MN
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MN
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MN/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MN
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MN
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Roger Wicker :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Roger Wicker :: Link/URL< https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=477158505637879&set=a.488116221208774.110896.107100659310334&type=3&theater
(^^^) U.S. Senator Thad Cochran :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MS/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MS
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MS
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Roger Wicker :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Roger Wicker :: Link/URL< https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=477158505637879&set=a.488116221208774.110896.107100659310334&type=3&theater
(^^^) U.S. Senator Thad Cochran :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MS/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MS
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MS
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Roy Blunt :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MO/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MO
Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MO
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Roy Blunt :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MO/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MO
Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MO
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album
(^^^) U.S. Senate Candidate Denny Rehberg :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MT/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MT
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MT
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album
(^^^) U.S. Senate Candidate Denny Rehberg :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MT/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MT
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MT
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Mike Johans :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NE/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NE
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NE
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Mike Johans :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NE/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NE
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NE
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Dean Heller :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NV/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NV
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NV
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Dean Heller :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NV/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NV
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NV
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NH/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NH
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NH
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NH/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NH
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NH
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NJ/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NJ
(^^^) Cory Booker (NJ-U.S. Senate 2014) Page, Act Blue ↑:: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/entity/33426?refcode=directory
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NJ
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NJ/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NJ
(^^^) Cory Booker (NJ-U.S. Senate 2014) Page, Act Blue ↑:: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/entity/33426?refcode=directory
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NJ
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NM/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NM
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NM
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NM/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NM
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NM
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NY/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NY
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NY
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NY/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NY
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NY
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Richard Burr :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NC/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NC
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NC
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Richard Burr :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/NC/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=NC
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=NC
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
DAKOTA __ND__*ND__(35)
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Candidate Rick Berg (Lost 2012) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator John Hoeven :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/ND/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=ND
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=ND
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Candidate Rick Berg (Lost 2012) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator John Hoeven :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/ND/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=ND
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=ND
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Candidate Josh Mandel :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/OH/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=OH
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=OH
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senate Candidate Josh Mandel :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/OH/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=OH
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=OH
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator James Inhofe :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Tom Coburn :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/OK/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=OK
Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
(^^^) Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=OK
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator James Inhofe :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Tom Coburn :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/OK/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=OK
Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
(^^^) Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=OK
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/OR/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=OR
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=OR
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/OR/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=OR
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=OR
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/PA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=PA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=PA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/PA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=PA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=PA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for RI
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/RI/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=RI
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=RI
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for RI
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/RI/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=RI
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=RI
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/SC/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=SC
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=SC
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/SC/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=SC
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=SC
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
__SD__SOUTH DAKOTA __SD__*SD__(43)
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/SD/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=SD
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=SD
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/SD/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=SD
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=SD
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Rep. Scott Desjarlais :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Bob Corker :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/TN/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=TN
(^^^) Terry Adams (TN-U.S. Senate 2014) Page, Act Blue ↑:: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/entity/35391?refcode=directory
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=TN
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Rep. Scott Desjarlais :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Bob Corker :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/TN/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=TN
(^^^) Terry Adams (TN-U.S. Senate 2014) Page, Act Blue ↑:: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/entity/35391?refcode=directory
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=TN
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Kay Hutchison (Retired 2012) (Sen. Ted Cruz) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator John Coryn :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/TX/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=TX
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=TX
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Kay Hutchison (Retired 2012) (Sen. Ted Cruz) :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator John Coryn :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/TX/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=TX
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=TX
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/UT/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=UT
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=UT
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/UT/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=UT
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=UT
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for VT
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/VT/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=VT
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=VT
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for VT
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/VT/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=VT
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=VT
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/VA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=VA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=VA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/VA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=VA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=VA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/WA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=WA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=WA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/WA/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=WA
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=WA
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/WV/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=WV
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=WV
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/WV/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=WV
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=WV
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Tommy Thompson (Defeated 2012) :: Link/URL< https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=480797195274010&set=a.474563005897429.107627.107100659310334&type=3&theater
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/WI/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=WI
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=WI
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Tommy Thompson (Defeated 2012) :: Link/URL< https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=480797195274010&set=a.474563005897429.107627.107100659310334&type=3&theater
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/WI/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=WI
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=WI
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator John Barrasso :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/WY/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=IWY
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=IWY
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Republican U.S. House Reps who Voted TWICE to Voucherize Medicare and Senators who Voted ONCE (We paid for Medicare Ins. every payday!$$$)
With Vouchers, disabled and retired Americans would offer GOP “Coupons” to a “Profit-Care” Health Insurance Industry …which could consider Age & Pre-Existing Conditions when Pricing “Supplemental” Policies or Rejecting Applicants (if the Affordable (Health) Care Act 2010/Obama Care “did not exist to mandate otherwise”). The Republican House Voted 50 Times to “repeal Obama Care”/ACA 2010, denying access to Private Health Care Ins. for Americans which is guaranteed by ACA regardless of pre-existing condition or gender. (Women were charged about 40% more before ACA.)
“People who support the health care law” Fbk Community
~ Public Facebook Pic Album :: Link/URL<
(^^^) U.S. Senator John Barrasso :: Link/URL<
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/WY/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=IWY
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=IWY
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
101__DC__District of
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for DC
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/DC/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=DC
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=DC
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for DC
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/DC/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=DC
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=DC
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for Guam
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/GU/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=GU
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=GU
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Lack of U.S. Republicans kept Pre-Paid Medicare Insurance Safe for Guam
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/GU/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=GU
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=GU
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MP/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MP
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MP
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/MP/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=MP
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=MP
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/PR/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=PR
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=PR
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
VIRGIN ISLANDS(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/PR/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=PR
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=PR
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(^^^) Candidates Voting Record, Project Vote Smart, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/election/2014/C/VI/2014-congressional?stageId=G&party=8#.UF-eN_Xoe9s
(^^^) Democratic Fundraising; Act Blue Directory, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://secure.actblue.com/directory?state=VI
(^^^) Congressional District Races 2014 w/Candidate Fundraising Lists;
Tracking Money in U.S. Politics; + Outside Spending by P.A.C.’s;
OpenSecrets, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.opensecrets.org/races/election.php?state=VI
> ####(05-19-14)*E###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
# 86.5K ac
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