Class Warfare-0666FU2A, Koch Qaeda Tea GOP Sedition for POTUS Obama 01-20-09 :: /\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
GOP planned the sabotage of the entire American Economy for 4 years; Legislative obstruction of the Obama Presidency began on Inauguration Night in a restaurant meeting of 15+ GOP Tea Operatives including:
(8 GOP U.S. House Reps) (5 GOP U.S. Senators) (2 Strategists)
*Eric Cantor (R-*VA, 7), GOP Tea House Majority Leader; due to Gerrymandering by State Houses GOP won in 2010 Citizens (Corp Free-Unlimited Speech) United Attack-Ad Election; Dem Reps beaten by 1.1 Million Votes; GOP Koch-Tea House got a 33 vote majority/435 members
*Paul Ryan (*WI, 1), Candidate for V.P. 2012 & GOP Austerity Koch Budget;
*Kevin McCarthy (R-*CA, 22), House Majority Whip;
*Pete Sessions (R-*TX, 32); *Jeb Hensarling (R-*TX, 5);
[Election Losses 2012 - Pete Hoekstra (R-*MI) & *Dan Lungren (R-*CA, 3)];
*Sen. Tom Coburn (R-*OK) & *Sen. Bob Corker (R-*TN);
{*Sen. Jim DeMint (R-*SC) ”Break Him” retired 2012 to be C.E.O. of Heritage Foundation Think-Tank & Political Action Committee for the 1%;
*Sen. Jon Kyl (R-*AZ) 2012 retired conspirator; *Sen. John Ensign (R-*CO Resigned, Sex Scandal}::
None of them voted for legislation POTUS Obama wanted to sign and Blocked 300 Bills ::
Non-Lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich, & Frank Luntz, “the long-Time Republican Wordsmith” (a.k.a …a Think-Tanker); Newt Gingrich (R-*GA Former Speaker "deposed by his colleagues," paid highest fine for corruption in House history, initiator of smash-mouth lie brand of Beltway Politics in the 90’s, conducted House impeachment of POTUS Clinton while sleeping around with his now 3rd wife ::
NO House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-*OH), & NO Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-*KY) ”One Term President” …both hated Frank Luntz ::
“Plotted ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama’s legislative agenda”::
Meeting “GOP’s Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night of Inauguration”
~ Sam Stein, Huffington Post; excerpts from Robert Draper’s 2012 Book
“Robert Draper Book: GOP’s Anti Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration”
~ Sam Stein – Huffington Post, {Subscribe}; Book: “Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives,” 04-25-11; [Al Sharpton - MSNBC, with Rep. Jim McDermott (D *WA, 7) & Van Jones {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 53 sec. Video Imbedded] :: BB Link/URL
CA-Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-*CA, 22) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR;
Fbk ACTIVE_ POL_ 21,763 :: Link/URL
>_^_ ACTIVE _ G.O._ 34,761 :: Link/URL
>_^_ CONTACT Us :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Tracking Money; McCarthy - 54% P.A.C./1% Small Individual Contributions :: Link/URL*^*<
ACTIVE_ P.F._ 17,486 :: Link/URL
>_^_ CONTACT Us :: Link/URL
>_^_ Tracking Money; Coburn - 38% P.A.C./5% Small Individual Contributions :: Link/URL*^*<
Fbk COMMENT_ G.O._ 3,238 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Fbk ACTIVE_ POL_ 5,151 :: Link/URL
>_^_ CONTACT_ Us :: Link/URL
>_^_ Tracking Money; Corker - 20% P.A.C./2% Small Individual Contributions :: Link/URL*^*<
TX-Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-*TN, 5) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR;
Fbk COMMENT_ G.O._ 3,904 :: Link/URL
>_^_ CONTACT Us :: Link/URL
>_^_ Tracking Money; Hensarling - 45% P.A.C./3% Small Individual Contributions :: Link/URL
TX-Rep. Pete Sessions (R-*TX, 32) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR; Tea Party Caucus; Fbk COMMENT_ G.O._ 1,520 :: Link/URL
>_^_ COMMENT_ POL_ 1,977 :: Link/URL
>_^_ CONTACT Us :: Link/URL
>_^_ Tracking Money; Sessions - 56% P.A.C./1% Small Individual Contributions :: Link/URL*^*<
U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor (R-*VA ,7) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR; A.L.E.C. Legislator, HOUSE MAJORITY WHIP; Fbk ACTIVE_ G.O._ 124,478 :: Link/URL
>_^_ CONTACT Us :: Link/URL
>_^_ Tracking Money; Cantor - 33% P.A.C./6% Small Individual Contributions :: Link/URL
U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-*WI, 1) RE-ELECTED CONSPIRATOR; [GOP V. P. Candidate]; Fbk ACTIVE_G.O._96,086 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Fbk COMMENT_POL_10,765 :: Link/URL
>_^_ CONTACT Us :: Link/URL
>_^_ Tracking Money; Ryan - 22% P.A.C./19% Small Individual Contributions, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
>###(02-08-13)*CW*ULC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C.
Warlord-0666C21, “Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Cabal;
Guests include: Rep. Paul Rayn (R-*WI), Rep. Mike Pence (R-*IN), Sen.
Jim DeMint (R-*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R-*OK), Supreme Court Justices Antonin
Scalia & Clarence Thomas, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck;
{GOP-Libertariayn-Rand-Anarchist-Chaos-Religious Tribalism}, Transcript, GOP, Audio
“Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar”
~ Brad Friedman - Mother Jones article, {Subscribe}, 09-06-11 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Million Dollar Donors Red Aloud, Charles Koch’s Remarks, 06-26-11, Audio, 04:00 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ ”In our exclusive recordings, David Koch introduces the New Jersey governor as ‘my kind of guy’ and ‘a true political hero.’” :: Top Secret Trip
“Audio: Gov. Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab”
~ Brad Friedman, via Mother Jones article, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-07-11, Short Gov. C.C. Audio >> listen close :: Link/URL
>(03-15-13)*CWP(UJSC)(*NJ)Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{GOP-Libertariayn-Rand-Anarchist-Chaos-Religious Tribalism}, Transcript, GOP, Audio
“Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar”
~ Brad Friedman - Mother Jones article, {Subscribe}, 09-06-11 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Million Dollar Donors Red Aloud, Charles Koch’s Remarks, 06-26-11, Audio, 04:00 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ ”In our exclusive recordings, David Koch introduces the New Jersey governor as ‘my kind of guy’ and ‘a true political hero.’” :: Top Secret Trip
“Audio: Gov. Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab”
~ Brad Friedman, via Mother Jones article, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-07-11, Short Gov. C.C. Audio >> listen close :: Link/URL
>(03-15-13)*CWP(UJSC)(*NJ)Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C21, “Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Cabal; Guests include: Rep. Paul Rayn (R-*WI), Rep. Mike Pence (R-*IN), Sen. Jim DeMint (R-*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R-*OK), Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck;
{GOP-Libertariayn-Rand-Anarchist-Chaos-Religious Tribalism}, Transcript, GOP, Audio
“Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar”
~ Brad Friedman - Mother Jones article, {Subscribe}, 09-06-11 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Million Dollar Donors Red Aloud, Charles Koch’s Remarks, 06-26-11, Audio, 04:00 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ ”In our exclusive recordings, David Koch introduces the New Jersey governor as ‘my kind of guy’ and ‘a true political hero.’” :: Top Secret Trip
“Audio: Gov. Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab”
~ Brad Friedman, via Mother Jones article, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-07-11, Short Gov. C.C. Audio >> listen close :: Link/URL
>(03-15-13)*CWP(UJSC)(*NJ)Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666C22, “Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Astroturf Tea Party Movement ::
Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”::
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Gov. Haley Barbour (R-*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R-*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R-*OK), Rep. Mike Pence (R-*IN), Rep Tom Price (R-*GA), GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R-*WI),
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia; Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO, Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks ::
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom”
~ Keith Olbermann – MSNBC Countdown, {Subscribe}, Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, Author ~ “Griftopia” ’09 financial crash causes & Tea Party Origins; via tigerone1970,{Subscribe}, 10-25-12, YT/06:59 min::BB Link/URL
>_^_ Duplicate, Backup
”Olbermann: The Kochtopus”
~ MSNBC, via,{Subscribe},10-20-10, V06:59 min::BB Link/URL
>_^_ Duplicate, Backup
“Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda”
~ MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via VRAdmin, on 10-21-10, YouTube, 07:05 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Koch Watch, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL
> ####(03-15-13)*CWP(SEG)(*IN)(*LA)(*SC)(*GA)(*MS)(*OK)(*WI)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Walmart Welfare Queens-06, Law-Gun, 23 Stand Your Ground States;
*AL, *AZ, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN^, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MS, *MT, *NV, *NC, *OK, *OR, *SC^, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WA, *WV^ (^ No Duty To Retreat from a confrontation); Corp Wall Street Deregulation; In 2004, the Ban on Assault Weapon Sales to the Public was Lifted by Republicans and BlueDogs serving A.L.E.C., the N.R.A/National Rifle Association owned by Gun Manuf’ers, and the Biggest Gun Retailer, Walmart ::
A.L.E.C. works for all of them to pass State Laws favoring Big Corp’s & Special Interest Groups :: Wayne LaPierre – NRA - C.E.O. – Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins :: Gun Manuf’ng Lobby, NRA, Corp Wolf P.A.C. gun industry profits, pistol-whipping legislators ::
[Walmart Store social safety net subsidy to workers, figured by the Congressional Budget Office for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 Million/Store/Year. This anti-union anti-living wage Walton family has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 Million in 2013.]
“23 States with ‘Stand Your Ground’ Gun Laws like Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free”
~ Cora Currier-ProPublica, via Alternet,{Subscribe},03-25-12::Link/URL*^*< _gun_laws_like_the_one_that_let_trayvon_martin%27s_killer_go_free/?page=entire
>##(03-20-13)*CWP2*ULG#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act 2010, ObamaCare,
Koch-Qaeda Teahad House Opposition; 80 Members for Defunding ACA ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
[A Tea Party Letter to destroy ACA sent to Speaker Boehner …answers the question: Why Boehner rejected “his own budget proposal” approved by the U.S. Senate & POTUS, and the House Speaker “moved the goal posts back” by adding “poison pill” language to the bill with “defund/delay ACA implementation” 4 times.
His counter proposals were rejected 4x. He wants to stop a Tea Party Candidate from running against him in 2014. They voted against the bill 44 times at a cost of over $1 million each.]
Defunding Endorsed by 78 Republican Koch-Teahadists & Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-*NC-7) & Rep. Jim Matheson (D-*UT-4) ::
*AL, *AR, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *FL, *GA, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *NM, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WI, *WY
30 States with 80 U.S. House Reps "Districts of Republicans who signed a letter demanding that John Boehner pass legislation to defund ObamaCare (Map Source: The Cook Political Report) ::
"On August 21st, (U.S.) Congressman Mark Meadows sent a letter to John Boehner. Meadows is a former restaurant owner and Sunday-school Bible teacher from North Carolina. ...wanted Boehner to use the threat of a government shutdown to defund ObamaCare, a course Boehner had publicly ruled out. ...North Carolina’s Eleventh District had been gerrymandered after the 2010 census to become the most Republican district in his state. ...eighty-seven per cent white, five per cent Latino, and three per cent black." ::
"Before Meadows sent off his letter to Boehner, he circulated it among his colleagues, and with the help of the conservative group FreedomWorks ...Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Mike Lee, seventy-nine like-minded House Republicans from districts very similar to Meadows’s added their signatures."
"Where the G.O.P.'s Suicide Caucus Lives"
~ Ryan Lizza - Daily Comment - The New Yorker, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-26-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(09-28-13)*ECSSN#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
[A Tea Party Letter to destroy ACA sent to Speaker Boehner …answers the question: Why Boehner rejected “his own budget proposal” approved by the U.S. Senate & POTUS, and the House Speaker “moved the goal posts back” by adding “poison pill” language to the bill with “defund/delay ACA implementation” 4 times.
His counter proposals were rejected 4x. He wants to stop a Tea Party Candidate from running against him in 2014. They voted against the bill 44 times at a cost of over $1 million each.]
Defunding Endorsed by 78 Republican Koch-Teahadists & Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-*NC-7) & Rep. Jim Matheson (D-*UT-4) ::
*AL, *AR, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *FL, *GA, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *NM, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WI, *WY
30 States with 80 U.S. House Reps "Districts of Republicans who signed a letter demanding that John Boehner pass legislation to defund ObamaCare (Map Source: The Cook Political Report) ::
"On August 21st, (U.S.) Congressman Mark Meadows sent a letter to John Boehner. Meadows is a former restaurant owner and Sunday-school Bible teacher from North Carolina. ...wanted Boehner to use the threat of a government shutdown to defund ObamaCare, a course Boehner had publicly ruled out. ...North Carolina’s Eleventh District had been gerrymandered after the 2010 census to become the most Republican district in his state. ...eighty-seven per cent white, five per cent Latino, and three per cent black." ::
"Before Meadows sent off his letter to Boehner, he circulated it among his colleagues, and with the help of the conservative group FreedomWorks ...Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Mike Lee, seventy-nine like-minded House Republicans from districts very similar to Meadows’s added their signatures."
"Where the G.O.P.'s Suicide Caucus Lives"
~ Ryan Lizza - Daily Comment - The New Yorker, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-26-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(09-28-13)*ECSSN#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-01B,
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links
< ↓ /\/see
Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Health Care Insurance Open Enrollment for private health coverage from 10-01-13 to 03-31-14 – 6 Months
"The Health Insurance Marketplace is open"
"" effectively open for business on 10-01-14 :: Link/URL
Individuals & Families, Video 01:43 :: Link/URL
Small Business, Video 01:43 :: Link/URL
>_^_ The U.S. 50 State ACA - Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access) Care Act 2010/ObamaCare Marketplace is open for enrollment to those who have no health care benefit at work or no work at present. Health Care insurance is offered by participating “private” health insurance providers, with a range of plans, prices and deductable options available from 10-01-13 to 03-31-14 (a six month window). ::
[26 some Redneck Koch-Tea Governed &/or Legislature States* have “rejected” the “3 year free Medicare Expansion” benefit for their state’s neediest residents. Also deflected were thousands of jobs, dozens of billions of health care income dollars and state income tax windfalls. (After 3 years, states are required to pick up just 10% of the Medicare Expansion cost to cover the neediest residents. *AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY )]
[NOTE 1: The ACA/ObamaCare Website is handling traffic from 36 states and 5 territories that don’t have or couldn’t implement State Exchanges, or just rejected State Exchanges and spurned the Medicare Extension Coverage for their most underserved residents. The 14 (much smaller) Individual State Health Insurance Exchanges are said to be working well. (96% of all Website Roll Outs, exceeding $10 million to implement, failed and had to be fixed over a period of months.)
The “unfunded” and “unbudgeted” Medicare D program rolled out by the George W. Bush Administration in 2006, (that cost taxpayers far “more” than the Affordable [Private Health Insurance Access &] Care Act), failed miserably at its initiation too. But unlike now, Democrats joined with Republicans in calling for fixing those glitches and kerfuffle’s in Medicare D, accepting the settled “uncontested” law. President Obama put “both” Medicare D & ObamaCare “in the budget” of the United States Government.
Congress needs to fund them both by taxing “Pay-To-Play Sacred Cows” like Multinational “Corporate Welfare” Queen Recipients and the Forbes 400 Kings. Those interests have mutually used our collective commons resources, our infrastructure, and bought many of our politicians who introduced “Boutique Legislation” that continue to exploit “our tax code” so they can become richer …since 1981 as Ronald Reagan reignited Class Warfare, a dynamic income shift best characterized as “Trickle-Up,” not “Trickle-Down” Economics. From then to now, lobbyists numbers went from just 300 to 30,000+.]
[Note 2: Thank the gay English code-cracking mathematician and World War II Hero, Alan Turing, for ciphering early “computer code” which produced a communication venue which circumvents Corp’s and Oligarch’s “Ad Propaganda Media” (even if “they do monitor” …lol). And though Turing committed suicide rather than subject himself of British court mandated injections or prison, computer communication of truth means we “don’t” have to repeat what Fascism did to his generation.
The 1% has corrupted paperless track-free electronic voting machines though. Wealthy U.S. Republicans own the Corp’s that manufacture them; and electronic voting machines are easily hacked by a high-school computer nerds and more sophisticated programmers alike. Returning to “physical evidence” producing paper ballots is a necessity …in order to avoid the austerity of the GO Pee “Golden Shower” on the entire social safety net, and prevent tag-along Blue-Dog Corporate Dems from rusting the fire plug reg’s on Wall Street to keep up w/the Joneses and stay in a country club.]
> ####(09-30-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Health Care Insurance Open Enrollment for private health coverage from 10-01-13 to 03-31-14 – 6 Months
"The Health Insurance Marketplace is open"
"" effectively open for business on 10-01-14 :: Link/URL
Individuals & Families, Video 01:43 :: Link/URL
Small Business, Video 01:43 :: Link/URL
>_^_ The U.S. 50 State ACA - Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access) Care Act 2010/ObamaCare Marketplace is open for enrollment to those who have no health care benefit at work or no work at present. Health Care insurance is offered by participating “private” health insurance providers, with a range of plans, prices and deductable options available from 10-01-13 to 03-31-14 (a six month window). ::
[26 some Redneck Koch-Tea Governed &/or Legislature States* have “rejected” the “3 year free Medicare Expansion” benefit for their state’s neediest residents. Also deflected were thousands of jobs, dozens of billions of health care income dollars and state income tax windfalls. (After 3 years, states are required to pick up just 10% of the Medicare Expansion cost to cover the neediest residents. *AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY )]
[NOTE 1: The ACA/ObamaCare Website is handling traffic from 36 states and 5 territories that don’t have or couldn’t implement State Exchanges, or just rejected State Exchanges and spurned the Medicare Extension Coverage for their most underserved residents. The 14 (much smaller) Individual State Health Insurance Exchanges are said to be working well. (96% of all Website Roll Outs, exceeding $10 million to implement, failed and had to be fixed over a period of months.)
The “unfunded” and “unbudgeted” Medicare D program rolled out by the George W. Bush Administration in 2006, (that cost taxpayers far “more” than the Affordable [Private Health Insurance Access &] Care Act), failed miserably at its initiation too. But unlike now, Democrats joined with Republicans in calling for fixing those glitches and kerfuffle’s in Medicare D, accepting the settled “uncontested” law. President Obama put “both” Medicare D & ObamaCare “in the budget” of the United States Government.
Congress needs to fund them both by taxing “Pay-To-Play Sacred Cows” like Multinational “Corporate Welfare” Queen Recipients and the Forbes 400 Kings. Those interests have mutually used our collective commons resources, our infrastructure, and bought many of our politicians who introduced “Boutique Legislation” that continue to exploit “our tax code” so they can become richer …since 1981 as Ronald Reagan reignited Class Warfare, a dynamic income shift best characterized as “Trickle-Up,” not “Trickle-Down” Economics. From then to now, lobbyists numbers went from just 300 to 30,000+.]
[Note 2: Thank the gay English code-cracking mathematician and World War II Hero, Alan Turing, for ciphering early “computer code” which produced a communication venue which circumvents Corp’s and Oligarch’s “Ad Propaganda Media” (even if “they do monitor” …lol). And though Turing committed suicide rather than subject himself of British court mandated injections or prison, computer communication of truth means we “don’t” have to repeat what Fascism did to his generation.
The 1% has corrupted paperless track-free electronic voting machines though. Wealthy U.S. Republicans own the Corp’s that manufacture them; and electronic voting machines are easily hacked by a high-school computer nerds and more sophisticated programmers alike. Returning to “physical evidence” producing paper ballots is a necessity …in order to avoid the austerity of the GO Pee “Golden Shower” on the entire social safety net, and prevent tag-along Blue-Dog Corporate Dems from rusting the fire plug reg’s on Wall Street to keep up w/the Joneses and stay in a country club.]
> ####(09-30-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-01C,
Interactive 50 State Map – CLICK a State to view statistics of Uninsured Americans age 19 – 64 ::
"The 26 Republican-dominated states not participating in an expansion of Medicaid are home to a disproportionate share of the nation’s poorest uninsured residents. Eight million will be stranded without insurance."
"Where Poor and Uninsured Americans Live"
~ Robert Gebeloff, Haeyoun Park, Matthew Bloch, & Matthew Ericson - The New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-02-13 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ "national effort to extend health coverage to millions of Americans will leave out two-thirds of the poor blacks and single mothers and more than half of the low-wage workers who do not have insurance ...according to an analysis of census data by The New York Times." ::
"they live in states largely controlled by Republicans that have declined to participate in a vast expansion of Medicaid, the medical insurance program for the poor ...8 million Americans ...impoverished, uninsured and ineligible for help. The federal government will pay for the expansion through 2016 and no less than 90 percent of costs in later years."
"Millions of Poor Are Left Uncovered by Health Law"
~ Sabrina Tavernise & Robert Gebeloff - New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-02-13 :: Link/URL
>_^_ 2 Page "FILE DOWNLOAD" MEDICAID Participation Stats of 50 States;
STATES "Not Participating" in Medicaid Expansion as of 09-30-13 are:
*AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY
"State Medicaid and CHIP Income Eligibility Standards Effective January 1, 2014(*1) (For MAGI Groups, based on state decisions as of September 30, 2013)"
~ CMS - Center For Medicare & Medicaid Services - Center For Medicaid & Chip Services, 09-30-13 :: Link/URL 2 Page FILE DOWNLOAD
> ####(09-30-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE
INS-01D, HealthCare & Medicare Expansion ::
"…Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act, Medicaid eligibility will be extended to all individuals with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level beginning in 2014—$26,347 for a family of three and $15,417 for an individual. ...will cover all families and individuals below this income level, including groups …such as low-income, able-bodied parents, low-income adults without children, and many …with chronic mental illness or disabilities, who struggle to maintain well-paid jobs but don’t currently meet disability standards for Medicaid."
"10 Frequently Asked Questions About Medicaid Expansion"
~ Sarah Baron - Center for American Progress - Health Care, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-02-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-30-13)*ECHC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"…Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act, Medicaid eligibility will be extended to all individuals with incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level beginning in 2014—$26,347 for a family of three and $15,417 for an individual. ...will cover all families and individuals below this income level, including groups …such as low-income, able-bodied parents, low-income adults without children, and many …with chronic mental illness or disabilities, who struggle to maintain well-paid jobs but don’t currently meet disability standards for Medicaid."
"10 Frequently Asked Questions About Medicaid Expansion"
~ Sarah Baron - Center for American Progress - Health Care, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-02-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-30-13)*ECHC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH
“Health Insurance Coverage in All 50 States” Interactive Map/Click your State to determine status of:
1. State Participation to cover dozens of thousands of State Residents or Non-Participation in Expanded Medicaid
2. State Health Insurance Exchanges or (in defaulting red states) the U.S. Government Sponsored Exchange
STATES "Not Participating" in Medicaid Expansion as of 09-30-13 are:
*AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY
*States that did not create a health insurance exchange will not get expanded Medicaid in 2014 :: Link/URL
>####(09-29-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Health Insurance Coverage in All 50 States” Interactive Map/Click your State to determine status of:
1. State Participation to cover dozens of thousands of State Residents or Non-Participation in Expanded Medicaid
2. State Health Insurance Exchanges or (in defaulting red states) the U.S. Government Sponsored Exchange
STATES "Not Participating" in Medicaid Expansion as of 09-30-13 are:
*AL, *AK, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IN, *KS, *LA, *ME, *MI (Delayed to 04-01-14), *MS, *MO, *MT, *NE, *NH, *NC, *OH, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *WI, & *WY
*States that did not create a health insurance exchange will not get expanded Medicaid in 2014 :: Link/URL
>####(09-29-13)*ECSSN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-0666FU, Affordable (Private Health
Insurance Access &) Care Act 2010, Medicaid Fraud, Waste and Abuse ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
*FL, Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R-*FL), Health Care C.E.O., Tea Party, Columbia Hospital Corp C.E.O. Pleaded the 5th 75 times, his Health Provider Corp Fined $1.7 Billion For Medicare And Medicaid Fraud ::
"Scott...grew the company into one of the country's largest publicly traded hospital chains, and in 1994, merged Columbia with Tennessee-headquartered HCA and its 100 hospitals." :: "Agents seized records from Columbia facilities across the country in *TN, Tennessee; *NC, North Carolina; *TX, Texas’ *OK, Oklahoma; *UT, Utah; & *FL, Florida."
"Does Rick Scott invoking the Fifth Amendment imply guilt?"
~ Tampa Bay Times - The Miami Herald - PolitiFact check Florida, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-10-10 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Medicare And Medicaid Fraud
"Profits Over Patients: The Rick Scott Story"
~ via fladems, {Subscribe}, 10-10-10, YouTube, 02:01 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ “In Florida If You Plead The 5th…”
~ PaulDHarvill - The Florida Times-Union – Rants And Raves Forum, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-00-2010 :: Link/URL
>(04-26-13)*ECSSNM(*FL)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
*FL, Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R-*FL), Health Care C.E.O., Tea Party, Columbia Hospital Corp C.E.O. Pleaded the 5th 75 times, his Health Provider Corp Fined $1.7 Billion For Medicare And Medicaid Fraud ::
"Scott...grew the company into one of the country's largest publicly traded hospital chains, and in 1994, merged Columbia with Tennessee-headquartered HCA and its 100 hospitals." :: "Agents seized records from Columbia facilities across the country in *TN, Tennessee; *NC, North Carolina; *TX, Texas’ *OK, Oklahoma; *UT, Utah; & *FL, Florida."
"Does Rick Scott invoking the Fifth Amendment imply guilt?"
~ Tampa Bay Times - The Miami Herald - PolitiFact check Florida, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-10-10 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Medicare And Medicaid Fraud
"Profits Over Patients: The Rick Scott Story"
~ via fladems, {Subscribe}, 10-10-10, YouTube, 02:01 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ “In Florida If You Plead The 5th…”
~ PaulDHarvill - The Florida Times-Union – Rants And Raves Forum, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-00-2010 :: Link/URL
>(04-26-13)*ECSSNM(*FL)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

(Oil Congress) <>
*AK_ Lisa Murkowski – R/I;
*AL_ Jeff Sessions – R; *AL_ Richard Shelby – R;
*AR_ John Boozmen – R;
*AZ_ John Kyle – R (Ret.); *AZ_ John McCain – R;
*FL_ Marco Rubio – R;
*GA_ Johnny Isakson – R; *GA_ Saxby Chambliss – R;
*IA_ Chuck Grassley – R;
*ID_ James Risch – R; *ID_ Mike Crapo – R;
*IN_ Dan Coats – R; *IN_ Richard Lugar – R (Ret.);
*KS_ Jerry Moran – R; *KS_ Pat Roberts – R;
*KY_ Mitch McConnell – R; *KY_ Rand Paul – R;
*LA_ David Vitter – R;
*MO_ Roy Blunt – R;
*MS_ Roger Wicker – R; *MS_ Thad Cochran – R;
*NC_ Richard Burr – R;
*ND_ John Hoeven – R;
*NE_ Mike Johanns – R;
*NH_ Kelly Ayotte – R;
*NV_ Dean Heller – R;
*OH_ Rob Portman – R;
*OK_ James Inhofe – R; *OK_ Tom Coburn – R;
*PA_ Pat Toomey –R;
*SC_ James DeMint – R (Ret.); *SC_ Lindsey Graham – R;
*SD_ John Thune – R;
*TN_ Bob Corker – R; *TN_ Lamar Alexander – R;
*TX_ John Cornyn – R; *TX_ Kay Bailey Hutchinson – R (Ret.)/Ted Cruz - R;
*UT_ Mike Lee – R; *UT_ Orin Hatch –R;
*WI_ Ron Johnson – R;
*WV_ Joe Manchin – D;
*WY_ John Barrasso – R; *WY_ Mike Enzi – R;
U.S. Legislative Br.-(R) Senator Mitch McConnell-08666C, (Republican U.S. Senate Minority Leader 2006-2012 – Kentucky, *KY), Votes 100% For Big-Oil Corps; All GOP Senators & A Couple Blue Dogs; 44 Senators on Oil Mafia Payroll, Tar Sands, Keystone XL Approval Amendments inserted repeatedly into numerous “Unrelated Bills without E.P.A. Environmental Impact Study, just an Oil Industry Funded “Study” ::
Shale Gas, Hydraulic Fracking, Poisonous Stew of Chemicals Injected Into Bedrock, Toxic Sludge Blasted into Groundwater ::
{“44 Senators Behind Keystone Bill Took $22.3 Million In Campaign Cash Form Big Oil” ~ Adam Smith, Public Campaign Action Fund, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-30-12}
"Keystone pipeline bill gets 44 senators’ approval"
~ Darren Goode - PoliticoPro, {Subscribe}, 01-30-12 :: BB Link/URL
>_^_"The Keystone XL Pipeline"/"The Trouble with Tar Sands"
"Tar Sands: A Costly Consideration"
~ USCAN Climate Action Network, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
> ####(05-14-13)*ENKXL*ULRSMM*(*KY)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Climate Chaos-2666FU, Climate Gate Scandal, Trumped Up by Conservatives, The Christian Right
“Senator James Inhoffe vs. Rachel Maddow Part 1/3”
~ Rachel Maddow – MSNBC, {Subscribe}, James Inhoffe (R-*OK), via NewsPoliticsInfo, {Subscribe}, 03-15-12, YT/06:46 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ “Rachel Maddow Confronts James Inhoffe (R-*OK) Part 2/3)”
~ R.M. – MSNBC, {Corp Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via NewsPoliticsInfo, {Subscribe}, 03-15-12, YT/11:12 min :: Link/URL*^*<!
>_^_ “Rachel Maddow Confronts James Inhoffe (R-*OK) Part 3/3)”
~ R.M. – MSNBC, via NewsPoliticsInfo, {Subscriber Supported}, on 03-16-12, YouTube, 10:49 min :: Link/URL
> ####(06-18-13)*EGD*EENR*PMF*RCL*RC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Climate Chaos-2666FU, GO Pee Trickle-Down Golden-Shower Congress, Class Warfare, Koch Qaeda Teahad GO Pee *Trickle-Down” Sedition; Naming Climate Change Storms after Climate Change Deniers & U.S. Policy Makers in the LiberTeaAyrAyn Rand Republican Party, Sabotaging Climate ::
*FL Sen. Marco Rubio, *MN-6 Rep. Michelle Bachmann, *LA Sen. David Vitter, *MN-7 Rep. Colin Peterson, *OH-8 Rep. & Speaker John Boehner, *TX Gov. Rick Perry, *WI-1 Rep. Paul Ryan, *OK Sen. James Inhofe, *TX Sen. Jeff Sessions, *GA-10 Rep. Paul Brown, *CA-49 Rep. Darrell Issa, *TX-21 Rep. Lamar Smith
"This Is Probably The Funniest, Most Effective Way To Deal With People Who Ignore Science Facts Ever"
~ Adam Mordecai – Upworthy – +350 Action – ClimateNameChange (.) org, {Subscriber Supported}, (2013), Video, 02:38 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ Education, Creationism, - Creationist Claims Debunked, Religion, Comprehensive Index :: CA: Philosophy & Theology; CB: Biology; CC: Paleontology; CD: Geology; CE: Astronomy & Cosmology; CF: Physics & Mathematics; CG: Miscellaneous Anti-Evolution; CH: Biblical Creationism; CI: Intelligent Design; CJ: Other Creationism
“Index to Creationist Claims”
~ edited by Mark Issak, 11-05-06 :: Link/URL
>_^_ Big History of the Universe; Thresholds; Complexity; Living Organisms
“ David Christian: The history of our world in 18 minutes”
~ TED, {Subscribe}, on 04-11-13, YouTube, 17:41 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ Homeschooling, Bob Jones University ::
"Evangelical Christian University in South Carolina" ::
"11 highlights from an evangelical-written science textbook, written and approved by the Bob Jones University young-Earth creationism team"
"11 Eye-Opening Highlights From a Creationist Science Textbook"
~ Sam Greenspan - 11 Points, 01-09-12 :: Link/URL
>###(02-18-14)*EGD*ULR##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Energy-Non-Renewable-08666G, Intolerance, Gay Bashing, Uganda, Kill the Gays Bill, Evangelical Christian Initiative in Uganda, Subsidies to Oil Industry, Anti-Gay Activism In Africa
“Rachel Maddow Confronts (Sen.) James Inhoffe (R-*OK) Part 3/3)”
~ R.M. – MSNBC, via NewsPoliticsInfo, {Subscriber Supported}, on 03-15-12, YouTube, 10:49 min :: Link/URL
> ####(06-18-13)*EN*EENR*PMF*RCL*RC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Energy-Non-Renewable-1666B, Nat. Gas Fracking
or Chemical Cracking Bedrock to extract natural gas; Toxic chemical pressure
injection and disposal; Drill casing failure rate of 50%; Fracking process
surface and well water demand; Frack chemical, drill dreg heavy metals,
radioactive elements, and natural gas poisoned drinking water wells and stream
water; Frack earthquakes ::
"A string of studies …implicated hydraulic fracturing but the related practice of pumping dirty wastewater deep underground as the cause of unprecedented swarms of earthquakes in Ohio, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, B.C. and even Alberta." :: *OH, *AR, *OK, *TX
"Many of continent's more than 680,000 injection and disposal wells have sprung leaks or have fractured into aquifers." ::
"Oklahoma, which experienced a record 2,600 quakes last year, is home to 5,000 injection sites." ::
"U.S. Army Corp of Engineers ...responsible for the safety of 640 dams, is getting alarmed. …requested 3,000-ft buffer zones around dams and other impoundments due to worries about tremors caused by multi-stage horizontal fracturing." ::
"The industry is setting off quakes from Texas to the Netherlands"
"Frackers Are Setting off Swarms of Earthquakes Across the Planet"
~ Andrew Nikiforuk/Tyee, {Subscribe }, via AlterNet, 02-03-14 :: Link/URL
> ####(02-04-14)*ENOF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"A string of studies …implicated hydraulic fracturing but the related practice of pumping dirty wastewater deep underground as the cause of unprecedented swarms of earthquakes in Ohio, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, B.C. and even Alberta." :: *OH, *AR, *OK, *TX
"Many of continent's more than 680,000 injection and disposal wells have sprung leaks or have fractured into aquifers." ::
"Oklahoma, which experienced a record 2,600 quakes last year, is home to 5,000 injection sites." ::
"U.S. Army Corp of Engineers ...responsible for the safety of 640 dams, is getting alarmed. …requested 3,000-ft buffer zones around dams and other impoundments due to worries about tremors caused by multi-stage horizontal fracturing." ::
"The industry is setting off quakes from Texas to the Netherlands"
"Frackers Are Setting off Swarms of Earthquakes Across the Planet"
~ Andrew Nikiforuk/Tyee, {Subscribe }, via AlterNet, 02-03-14 :: Link/URL
> ####(02-04-14)*ENOF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Energy-Non-Renewable-1666C, Hydraulic Fracturing ::
“The Risks of Fracking in Marcellus Shale, From Toxic Chemicals in Drinking Water to Unregulated Dumping of Potentially Radioactive Waste” Radioactive Radium ::
(min 03:00) “Pennsylvania (*PA) is 3 years into a 30 year large scale industrial development. …The industry intends to drill between 3,000 and 5,000 wells per year.” ::
(min 04:20) Contamination of water supplies; water with “an oil base on top. It smelled like diesel fuel or some kind of oil thing…”
“…reports of methane gas in water supply.” ::
(min 06:15) Methanol, hydrochloric acid, ethylene glycol (poison anti-freeze)… it’s about ½ of 1% of the fracking fluid is a chemical, or is really a cocktail of chemicals. …That means that that‘s 5,000 gallons per well, is chemicals, or toxic chemicals. ::
(min 07:35) “Once the chemicals are injected, and the fracturing process is complete, a large percentage of that fluid comes back up. So we have purposely polluted large quantities of fresh water with chemicals that do not belong in the human environment. And now we have the responsibility, the industry and the landowners have a responsibility, to dispose of them properly. But we’re talking enormous quantities.” ::
(min 08:20) “…one tanker truck going off the road with fracking chemicals in it, into a river, would pretty much wipe it out.” ::
(min 08:50) “…retirement dream has been destroyed after a gas industry truck spilled a small amount of polluted frack-water onto his property. …killed everything in the pond... no frogs not turtles nothing. Our drinking water in our house has high concentrations of lead. …They told us not to drink it and don’t bathe in it.” ::
(min 11:05) “These shale deposits are rich in Radium, Radium 226 …267 times the safe disposal amount …meaning it’ll kill ya. …there’s anecdotal evidence that these frack fluids will leach Uranium …there’s also Radon in these shale deposits. …the return on investment of payoff a politician, running an ad …discrediting critics …it’s one of the best investments that the industry can make.” ::
(min 13:45) “…at least as dirty as coal. …we now have a technology that has exceeded our regulatory capacity.” ::
(min 16:0) 2010 E.P.A. request for information… “it took a subpoena to get Halliburton, the company that pioneered fracking, to respond. ::
Fracking chemicals are linked to bone, liver and breast cancers, gastrointestinal, circulatory, respiratory, developmental disorders, as well as brain and nervous system disorders. And they are in frack waste and may find their way into drinking water and air. ::
Frack Chemical Cocktail:
2-Butoxyethanol, Ethylhexanol, Formaldehyde, Glutaraldehyde, Boric Acid, Ethane-1.2-Diol, Ethylene Glycol (car anti-freeze), Methanol, Monoethanolamine, Dazomet, Acetic Anhydride, Isopropanol, Propargyl Alcohol, 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothuazotin-3-one, Diesel ::
Frack Waste dumped in New York *NY, Ohio *OH, and West Virginia *WV
"Fracking Hell: The Untold The Raw Story"
~ via Link TV, Earth Focus, {Subscribe Supported TV}, on 01-11-11, YouTube, 17:52 min :: Link/URL
> ####(02-12-14)*ENOF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Energy-Non-Renewable-1666D, 34 States Allow Fracking :: U.S. House Sub-Committee on Science Space and Technology; Documentary Filmmaker Josh Fox attended a Congressional Hearing to stop Republicans from attacking the E.P.A. for the Oil Corp's. They were about to discuss the Wyoming town at the center of his movie, "Gasland" that had their water ruined through Hydro-fracking for natural gas that caused groundwater contamination by Oil Corp's; The people of Pavillion, Wyoming insisted on an E.P.A. investigation into the fracking that ruined their groundwater forever. ::
Sub-Committee Chair, Rep. Andy Harris (R-*MD), had Josh Fox thrown out for lack of official credentials; They can "control" the profit-charter “Corp’s Ad Supported” mainstream media and enforce a virtual gag order, while attacking the Environmental Protection Agency. ::
Rep. Brad Miller (D-*NC) attempted to allow Fox to film the hearing; Rep. Miller noted that an ABC Crew was also not allowed in on the basis of not scheduling to film the fracking hearings “in advance” (a “bogus” excuse.)
"'Gasland' Director Josh Fox Arrested at Congressional Hearing on Natural Gas Fracking"
~ via democracynow, Amy Goodman - Democracy Now with Josh Fox - Director of "Gasland," {Podcast Subscriber and Video Sales Supported Investigative Journalism}, on 02-02-12, YouTube, 11:40 min :: Link/URL
>##(02-10-14)*WB*ENOF##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Energy-Non-Renewable-1666E, Pit Mining Frack Silica Sand ::
"...hydrofracking for natural gas and oil ..side boom—a sand-rush in western Wisconsin and southeastern Minnesota of the high-quality silica sand required for fracking operations. ...silica sand lies beneath our beautiful wooded hills and fertile farmland"
"Mining Companies Invade Wisconsin for Frac-Sand"
~ Pilar Gerasimo - EcoWatch, {Subscribe}, 04-27-12 :: Link/URL
> ####(05-16-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Energy-Non-Renewable-1666FU01, Koch Industry’s Energy – Oil, Gas & Coal Money to Congress = $7,339,104+ Since 1999 ::
Listing Top 250 U.S. Politicians Taking Koch Industries Campaign Money through present day ::
“Dirty Energy Money is an interactive tool that tracks the flow of oil, gas & coal industry contributions to the US Congress”
“Dirty Energy Money” (Interactive Chart)
~ w/Data from Open Secrets, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL*^*<
> ####(02-09-14)*CW*CWP*CBWS*3ENO*ULC###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Energy-Non-Renewable-1666FU10, Frack-Quake
Earthquake; Fukushima Japan 2011 Tsunami Film
Footage; Still think it's a good idea to permit Oil Corp's like #DickCheney's
#Halliburton to:
1.) Frack Drill *CA San Andreas or *AR *MO New Madrid Faults
2.) Chemical & Pressure Crack-Drill or “Frack” Bedrock by Reservoir Dams
3.) Fuel the Gulf of Mexico Hurricane Capitol of the World with Keystone XL Heat-Lamp CO2 and…
4.) Pump-Up Category 5 “Katrina Level” Hurricanes or…
5.) Inflate Category 4 & 5 Joplin, MO or El Reno Cushing, *OK Tornadoes with any Greenhouse Gas, Methane included or…
6.) Place Nuclear Power Plants on fault lines (CA) or Flood Planes (MO)…
Think Again! This is a 2011 Tsunami; Fukushima Film Footage
{Natural Gas Fracking or Chemical Cracking Bedrock to extract natural gas; Toxic chemical pressure injection and disposal; Drill casing failure rate of 50%; Fracking process surface and well water demand; Frack chemical, drill dreg heavy metals, radioactive elements, and natural gas poisoned drinking water wells and stream water; Frack earthquakes}
Facebook Album ~ Kevin Mad, 03-13-11, Video, 14.49 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(03-01-14)*ENOF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
1.) Frack Drill *CA San Andreas or *AR *MO New Madrid Faults
2.) Chemical & Pressure Crack-Drill or “Frack” Bedrock by Reservoir Dams
3.) Fuel the Gulf of Mexico Hurricane Capitol of the World with Keystone XL Heat-Lamp CO2 and…
4.) Pump-Up Category 5 “Katrina Level” Hurricanes or…
5.) Inflate Category 4 & 5 Joplin, MO or El Reno Cushing, *OK Tornadoes with any Greenhouse Gas, Methane included or…
6.) Place Nuclear Power Plants on fault lines (CA) or Flood Planes (MO)…
Think Again! This is a 2011 Tsunami; Fukushima Film Footage
{Natural Gas Fracking or Chemical Cracking Bedrock to extract natural gas; Toxic chemical pressure injection and disposal; Drill casing failure rate of 50%; Fracking process surface and well water demand; Frack chemical, drill dreg heavy metals, radioactive elements, and natural gas poisoned drinking water wells and stream water; Frack earthquakes}
Facebook Album ~ Kevin Mad, 03-13-11, Video, 14.49 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(03-01-14)*ENOF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
ENV-FRACKING-101, Natural Gas Fracking, Chesapeake Energy, CEO - Aubery McClendon, OK, Oklahoma; N.G. in Shale Sedimentary Rock; 26 Major Regions of Shale in the U.S.; Well Pollution ::
Vertical and Horizontal Drilling combined with Fracking; 500 foot directional change; Water, sand, and chemicals injected under pressure to crack the shale and release natural gas ::
Pavillion Wyoming, *WY, sitting on large stores of natural gas; Locker families well water poisoned; Within 6 months Mrs. Locker developed neurological problems, bone pain, seizures, migraines, and flu symptoms; 3 year old son, Johnny, started having seizures ::
EPA is restricted from testing wells near Oil and Gas drilling sites due to a restriction given by the Bush Cheney Energy Act of 2005 ::
(*NFL Football Concussion, Ralph Wenzel Segment Starts min 44:00)
"Dan Rather Reports, "Fracking Gas" Full Episode" (aired 04-13-10)
~ via Dan Rather Reports, {Subscribe}, 11-28-12, YT/51:43 min :: Link/URL
> ####(05-17-14)*ENOF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Energy-Non-Renewable-18666M, Keystone XL Pipeline ::
Fracking, Senator Jim Inhoffe (R) Oklahoma*OK; says “Genesis 8:22” Proves No Global Warming; Christian Dominionism; Youngstown Ohio Earthquakes, North Star 1 Class 2 Deep Injection Well For Waste Disposal, 9,000 Ft Deep Injection; High Gas Prices, Canadian Tar Sands, Keystone XL Pipeline, Michigan Oil Leak, 20 months To Clean Up
“Rachel Maddow and Tar Sands Oil Pipelines.mp4”
~ Rachel Maddow, Ezra Klein, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via ArchonOSX, {Subscribe}, on 03-10-12, YouTube, 11:14 min :: BB Link/URL
> ####(05-14-13)*ENKXL*RC(*OK)(*MI)(ULRSJI)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Environment, Energy-Non-Renewable-18666N, Keystone XL Pipeline ::
Waste pools left behind with a toxic cocktail in mine ponds; 2,000 - 2,500 Jobs for 2 yrs (not 20,000-50,000) 35 Permanent Jobs; 1,700 mi. spill risk
"Oil Truth Part 2: The Keystone XL Pipeline"
~ via infinityand0, {Subscribe}, 02-24-12, YouTube, 06:08 min :: Link/URL
> ####(02-08-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Political Media-FRight & Hate-101D, FOX
NOOSE LIES, Climate Rodeo
Clowns, Whoring For Trans-National Corp’s & the 1% @ outFOXed A.V. Lobotomy CABLE NOOSE, Infotainment for Volunteer Blind-Believers
“A Climate of Deception: How FOX News Distorts the Climate Debate”
~ via mediamatters4america, {Subscribe},07-20-11,YT/08:35 min::Link/URL
>###(03-25-13)*EN*PMF##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Clowns, Whoring For Trans-National Corp’s & the 1% @ outFOXed A.V. Lobotomy CABLE NOOSE, Infotainment for Volunteer Blind-Believers
“A Climate of Deception: How FOX News Distorts the Climate Debate”
~ via mediamatters4america, {Subscribe},07-20-11,YT/08:35 min::Link/URL
>###(03-25-13)*EN*PMF##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Political Media-FRight & Hate-101E, FOX NOOSE LIES, Scorched Earth Black “Heartland Institute’s” Cover-Up; Wealthy Corp’s funding Heartland Institute Misinformation include:
General Motors, Bayer, Pfizer, GSK, Microsoft, Koch Brothers (Boycott)
“Leaked Documents expose multi-million dollar climate disinformation campaign“
~ Joss Garman - Left Foot Forward, via Desmogblog, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-15-12 :: Link/URL
> ####(03-17-13)*CWP*CBWS*ENGD*PMF###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Political Media-FRight & Hate-101F, FOX NOOSE LIES, Data, The Republican Brain, Educated Conservatives Deny Global Disaster More Than Non-College Educated :: {when you can be taught to “Cherry Pick” the Bible, any other subject is fair game}
“The Republican Brain: Why Even Educated Conservatives Deny Science and Reality”
~ Chris Mooney - AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 02-22-12 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
> ####(04-30-13)*ECED*EN*PMF*PSY###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Religion-Christian-Dominionism-105, Paul
Weyrich, The Father of Modern Conservatism, Founded A.L.E.C. –
(un)American Legislative Council, Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute ::
{P.A.C.’s - Political Action Committees Funded by: Corp
"Gross" Profit i.e. ...Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Tax-Deductible "1%
Charity" Dollars Personal "Gross" Income i.e.
...Pre-Tax/Un-Taxed/Tax-Deductible "1% Charity" Dollars} ::
The Christian Right Addressed ::
{Video clip from a Weyrich speech delivered in a Dallas Texas Church in 1980/The Beginning of Success in the Modern Conservative Movement & Class Warfare lead by 1% Psychopaths}
“Major Doc Drop: All ALEC Model Legislation Leaked”
~ Daily Kos, by ManfromMiddletown, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-13-11, Paul Weyrich, YouTube, 0:30 sec :: Link/URL
>#(03-17-13)*CWP*EF*RC#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
The Christian Right Addressed ::
{Video clip from a Weyrich speech delivered in a Dallas Texas Church in 1980/The Beginning of Success in the Modern Conservative Movement & Class Warfare lead by 1% Psychopaths}
“Major Doc Drop: All ALEC Model Legislation Leaked”
~ Daily Kos, by ManfromMiddletown, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-13-11, Paul Weyrich, YouTube, 0:30 sec :: Link/URL
>#(03-17-13)*CWP*EF*RC#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Religion-Christian-Dominionism-106, War, Fascism & Fundamentalist Religion, Chris Hedges Discussion & Book On American Religious Extremism, Christian Dominionist :: "Chris Hedges’ new book examines how Christian dominionists are seeking absolute power and a Christian state …bears a strong resemblance to the young fascist movements in Italy and Germany in the 1920s and ’30s.” :: "investigates the highly organized and well-funded ‘dominionist movement’" (Calvinism)
"Chris Hedges on 'American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America' "
~ Amy Goodman – Democracy Now, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, Chris Hedges - Reporter for two decades on wars in Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. His recent books are "Days of Destruction," "Days of Revolt," "Death of the Liberal Class," & "The World as It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress;" on 02-22-07, YouTube, 46:26 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>##(01-09-13)*RC*WF*ZB#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Religion-Christian-Dominionism-107, War-Fascism, Recruitment Into A Movement
“Chris Hedges American Fascist The Radical Christian Right - 6 Pts”
~ Chris Hedges - Reporter for two decades on wars in Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. His recent books are "Days of Destruction," "Days of Revolt," "Death of the Liberal Class," & "The World as It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress;" David Barso, Alternative Radio, via robb1031, {Subscribe}, YouTube ::
>_^_ Pt 1/6, 10 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ Pt 2/6, 10 min :: Link/URL*^*<!
>_^_ Pt 3/6, 10 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Pt 4/6, 10 min :: Link/URL
>_^_ Pt 5/6, 10 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Pt 6/6, 10 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
> ####(06-18-13)*RC*WF##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Reproduction-402, *VA, *OK, *NC, *TX, Vaginal Ultrasound Laws
“Ultrasound Abortion Bill Nears Vote in Virginia”
~ Sabrina Tavernise & Erik Eckholm – New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-20-12 :: Link/URL
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Ultrasound Abortion Bill Nears Vote in Virginia”
~ Sabrina Tavernise & Erik Eckholm – New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-20-12 :: Link/URL
> ####(06-18-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666C1, Rape, K.B.R. –
Kellogg, Brown, & Root; GOP Corruption, The “Family Values” Party
…In A 68-30 Senate Vote, all Republicans voted against Jamie Leigh Jones on Military Contractor Rape Prevention Bill ::
"In 2005, Jones, a KBR employee, was gang-raped in Iraq by KBR workers.
After (Jamie Leigh) was gang-raped, KBR security held her prisoner inside a 5' x 6' shipping container to make sure she kept her mouth shut." ::
Jones, a K.B.R. military contractor employee was drugged by male coworkers, and repeatedly raped on the job. Jamie Leigh Jones was denied food and medical treatment for days. ::
No thanks to K.B.R., she survived, but required reconstructive surgery to her vaginal area and was rendered sterile. ::
“The drugs were supposed to keep her quiet in the same way that the KBR good ol' boy corporate arbitration panel would keep the details of this disgusting story quiet.”
“Republicans for Rape”
~ Mike Papantonio – Ring of Fire Radio, HuffPost Politics, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-30-09, Article & YouTube, 03:27 min :: BB Link/URL
> ####(03-20-13)*CBWS*RWR*ULS###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
…In A 68-30 Senate Vote, all Republicans voted against Jamie Leigh Jones on Military Contractor Rape Prevention Bill ::
"In 2005, Jones, a KBR employee, was gang-raped in Iraq by KBR workers.
After (Jamie Leigh) was gang-raped, KBR security held her prisoner inside a 5' x 6' shipping container to make sure she kept her mouth shut." ::
Jones, a K.B.R. military contractor employee was drugged by male coworkers, and repeatedly raped on the job. Jamie Leigh Jones was denied food and medical treatment for days. ::
No thanks to K.B.R., she survived, but required reconstructive surgery to her vaginal area and was rendered sterile. ::
“The drugs were supposed to keep her quiet in the same way that the KBR good ol' boy corporate arbitration panel would keep the details of this disgusting story quiet.”
“Republicans for Rape”
~ Mike Papantonio – Ring of Fire Radio, HuffPost Politics, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-30-09, Article & YouTube, 03:27 min :: BB Link/URL
> ####(03-20-13)*CBWS*RWR*ULS###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666C2, Military Rape
Club, Sen. Chuck Hagel (NE, Ret.) Hearing - Secretary Of Defense :: "They
Talked About Policy Questions That Have Nothing To Do With Being Secretary of
Defense" :: 19,300 Rapes In 2010, Sexual Assault In The Military ::
"The Invisible War" movie on Military Rape
"Rape Club"
~ Lawrence O'Connell - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, Video, 17:15 min :: Link/URL
> ####(02-22-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"The Invisible War" movie on Military Rape
"Rape Club"
~ Lawrence O'Connell - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, Video, 17:15 min :: Link/URL
> ####(02-22-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666D, Insurance, Interview w/Victim, Insurance Adjuster,
Pre-Existing Condition, Raped Women Denied Health Care Insurance;
Whistleblower ::
“Woman Denied Health Care Story (Video)”
~ Huff Post, via Anderson Cooper – CNN, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, w/Christina Turner – Ins. Adjuster, Rape Victim w/pre-existing condition, 03-18-10, 05-25-11, CNN Video, est. 5-6 min :: BB Link/URL
>##(02-26-13)*RWR*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Woman Denied Health Care Story (Video)”
~ Huff Post, via Anderson Cooper – CNN, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, w/Christina Turner – Ins. Adjuster, Rape Victim w/pre-existing condition, 03-18-10, 05-25-11, CNN Video, est. 5-6 min :: BB Link/URL
>##(02-26-13)*RWR*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU1386AS, Catholic
Church, Destroying The Affordable (Private Health
Insurance Access &) Care Act of 2010 over Religious Freedom i.e. …Limiting
Access To Birth Control ::
“43 Catholic Groups Sue Obama Administration Over Health Care Mandate” :: “98% Of Catholic Women Use Birth Control”
“Birth Control Battle”
~ Tamron Hall – MSNBC, with Emily Hardman – The Beck Fund For Religious Liberty, & Irin Carmon -, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-11-12, Video, 06:25 min :: Link/URL
>##(06-18-13)*RC*RWR##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“43 Catholic Groups Sue Obama Administration Over Health Care Mandate” :: “98% Of Catholic Women Use Birth Control”
“Birth Control Battle”
~ Tamron Hall – MSNBC, with Emily Hardman – The Beck Fund For Religious Liberty, & Irin Carmon -, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-11-12, Video, 06:25 min :: Link/URL
>##(06-18-13)*RC*RWR##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth Control-0666FU1386ASS, Abortion Explained; “The Lord
Aborts Almost 40%” :: Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best
Christian, takes a moment out of her busybody day, to settle once and
for all America's most contentious subject: abortion. This video may offend
some. But, then again, the truth always does"
"Betty Bowers Explains Abortion to Everyone Else"
~ via MrsBettyBowers, {Subscribe}, 07-09-12, YT/04:08 min::Link/URL*^*<
> ####(06-25-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Betty Bowers Explains Abortion to Everyone Else"
~ via MrsBettyBowers, {Subscribe}, 07-09-12, YT/04:08 min::Link/URL*^*<
> ####(06-25-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Women’s Rights-Birth
Control-0666FU1386BS, Anti-Choice, Right to (Dictate
Someone Else’s) Life, Anti- Roe v. Wade ::
1. Personhood USA,
2. Live Action,
3. U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops/USCCB,
4. Ohio Pro Life Action,
5. Susan B. Anthony List,
6. Leslee Unruh with the Alpha Center,
7. American Life League,
8. The entire anti-choice movement of Kansas
“Meet 8 Right-Wing Groups Practicing Scorched-Earth Anti-Choice Nuttery Against Women”
~ Amanda Marcotte - AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 12-11-11 :: BB Link/URL
> ####(09-15-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
1. Personhood USA,
2. Live Action,
3. U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops/USCCB,
4. Ohio Pro Life Action,
5. Susan B. Anthony List,
6. Leslee Unruh with the Alpha Center,
7. American Life League,
8. The entire anti-choice movement of Kansas
“Meet 8 Right-Wing Groups Practicing Scorched-Earth Anti-Choice Nuttery Against Women”
~ Amanda Marcotte - AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 12-11-11 :: BB Link/URL
> ####(09-15-13)*RWR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rights-Birth Control-0666FU4XGOP, Blunt Amendment To Affordable (Private Health
Insurance Access &) Care Act of 03-23-10 House Hearing, Religious Freedom, Rep. Joe Walsh (R-*IL) interview, Religious Freedom To
Disallow Health Expenses, Providers, or Employers Wish To @ Their Own
Discretion :: Hearing
“Rep. Walsh Questions Religious Leaders on Contraceptive Mandate”
~ Rep. Joe Walsh, 5 Panel Clergymen from 5 Faiths: Catholic—Bishop Lori, ??? –Rev. Harrison, Baptist—Dr. Mitchell, Jewish—Rabbi Soloveichik, Southern Baptist—Dr. Mitchell, via RepJoeWalsh, on 02-16-12, YouTube, 06:21 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>(06-18-13)*RWR(ULRRJW)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Rep. Walsh Questions Religious Leaders on Contraceptive Mandate”
~ Rep. Joe Walsh, 5 Panel Clergymen from 5 Faiths: Catholic—Bishop Lori, ??? –Rev. Harrison, Baptist—Dr. Mitchell, Jewish—Rabbi Soloveichik, Southern Baptist—Dr. Mitchell, via RepJoeWalsh, on 02-16-12, YouTube, 06:21 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>(06-18-13)*RWR(ULRRJW)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

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