POTUS Corp Blue Dogz Clinton and Obama Off-the-Porch Scent-Marking Wall St… behind GO Pee Trickle-Down Golden-Shower and Koch A.L.E.C.
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-07-14
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♠ < http://greenenvscithr.com/2014/01/14/bluedog-go-pee-trickledown-goldenshower-clinton-media-monopoly-free-trade-china-nafta-gramm-leach-bliley-act-derivatives-bank-insidejobs-by-potus44-uncle-o-toma-chained-cpi-tpp-kxl-whistleblowers2jail/ >238 ac
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POTUS Corp Blue Dogz Clinton and Obama Off-the-Porch Scent-Marking Wall St… behind GO Pee Trickle-Down Golden-Shower and Koch A.L.E.C.
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-07-14
♠ ↓(^^^)
♠ < http://greenenvscithr.com/2014/01/14/bluedog-go-pee-trickledown-goldenshower-clinton-media-monopoly-free-trade-china-nafta-gramm-leach-bliley-act-derivatives-bank-insidejobs-by-potus44-uncle-o-toma-chained-cpi-tpp-kxl-whistleblowers2jail/ >238 ac
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♣♣ Twin Google Color Version (of Word Press Political Edu) Blog
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Whistleblower-0666POTUS42-BC01, Blue Dog Corporate Bill CLINTON ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Former Walmart Attorney and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Husband & Advisor, Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation, Law-Economics, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 2000, [Commodities Futures Modernization Act 2000], Bank Bailouts, Tea Party, Financial Crisis, Obama’s Clinton Ruben Economic Team, Deregulated Derivatives & Credit Default Swaps, Resulted In Mortgage Hot Potato, {Investigative Journalist Matt Taibbi’s Research & Book ~ “Griftopia” 2009} ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“Matt Taibbi & Nomi Prins on the Financial Crisis”
~ via jeannekyle, {Subscribe}, on 06-18-11, YouTube, 10:16 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXvQbM_YSdA
>_^_ Derivative, Hedge Fund, & Flash Trader Friendly Wall Street Reform ::
"It's bad enough that the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law. Even worse is the way they did it - with a big assist from Congress and the White House."
"How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-wall-street-killed-financial-reform-20120510
> ####(02-18-14)*CBWS*ECT*ULL(UE42)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Former Walmart Attorney and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Husband & Advisor, Corp-Bank-Wall Street-Deregulation, Law-Economics, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 2000, [Commodities Futures Modernization Act 2000], Bank Bailouts, Tea Party, Financial Crisis, Obama’s Clinton Ruben Economic Team, Deregulated Derivatives & Credit Default Swaps, Resulted In Mortgage Hot Potato, {Investigative Journalist Matt Taibbi’s Research & Book ~ “Griftopia” 2009} ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“Matt Taibbi & Nomi Prins on the Financial Crisis”
~ via jeannekyle, {Subscribe}, on 06-18-11, YouTube, 10:16 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXvQbM_YSdA
>_^_ Derivative, Hedge Fund, & Flash Trader Friendly Wall Street Reform ::
"It's bad enough that the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law. Even worse is the way they did it - with a big assist from Congress and the White House."
"How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-wall-street-killed-financial-reform-20120510
> ####(02-18-14)*CBWS*ECT*ULL(UE42)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS42-BC02, Larry SUMMERS, Blue Dog Corporate Bill CLINTON, Former Walmart Attorney and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Husband & Advisor, (Democrat – 1993 -2000); Documentary; 2008 Market Crash, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 2000, [Commodities Futures Modernization Act 2000], “Repeats of the Financial Crisis” ~ Warning by Brooksley BORN- CFTC, Consumer Futures Trading Commission Chair 96-99, An American Hero Ridiculed by Both Banksters & Capitol Hill-RentBoys, Born Warned About Danger to the Economy by Highly Secretive Multitrillion-Dollar Derivatives Market She Attempted to Regulate, Free Market, Pro-Business Anti-Regulation, Long Term Capital Management Hedge Fund Collapse ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“The Warning”
~ FRONTLINE - PBS, w/Brooksley Born-CFTC Chair 96-99, {Subscriber Supported}, Alan Greenspan- 18 Year Fed Chief, Ayn Rand-Libertarian Nihilist, & Bangksters Bob Ruben, Timothy Geithner, & Larry Summers, 2009, Video, 55:16 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/warning/view/#morelink
>_^_ “Derivatives Were Too Complicated To Understand”
~ Brooksley Born - CFTC Chairman 96-99
“Greenspan Admits Philosophical Error in ‘The Warming’“
~ Ayn Rand, Alan Greenspan, via GateKeeping50hotmail, {Subscribe}, on 10-23-09, YouTube, 10:26 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIHLezCyzCI&feature=related
>_^_ Derivative, Hedge Fund, & Flash Trader Friendly Wall Street Reform ::
"It's bad enough that the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law. Even worse is the way they did it - with a big assist from Congress and the White House."
"How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-wall-street-killed-financial-reform-20120510
> ####(09-17-13)*CBWD*ULL*WB(UE42)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS42-BC03, Larry SUMMERS, Blue Dog Corporate Bill CLINTON, Former Walmart Attorney and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Husband & Advisor, (Democrat – 1993 -2000); Investment Bank Meltdown, Wall Street, Financial Meltdown, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 2000, [Commodities Futures Modernization Act 2000], Investment Bank Bear Stearns, Mortgage Derivatives, Accelerating Housing Prices, Party Over ::
2007, U.S., Panic, Capital Injection, 09-18-08; Economics ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
Four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness that led to financial collapse
>_^_ "The men who crashed the world" (pt 1/4)
~ via FauzInfoVids, {Subscribe}, 09-25-11, YouTube, 42:31 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYTyluv4Gws
>_^_ "Meltdown - The Global Financial Crisis? (pt 2/4)"
~ via peoplestandupca smith, {Subscribe}, 01-13-13, YT/44:56 min :: Link
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc11O7Efohs
>_^_"Meltdown(pt 3/4)The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse"
~ via GrassyKnollTrolls, {Subscribe}, 01-13-11, YT/45:00 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB4wefzZLNc
>_^_"Meltdown(pt 4/4)The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse"
~ via GrassyKnollTrolls, {Subscribe}, 01-13-11, YT/44:59 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU6c1lIEkuQ
>_^_ Alternate Version “America’s bankrupt Banks (Inside the Meltdown)”
~ via kalanw, {Subscribe}, on 05-02-09, YouTube ::
>_^_ Part 1/6, 10:00 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6xw2gd4kMg
>####(03-20-13)*CBWS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS42-BC04, Bill CLINTON*Ross PEROT’s N.A.F.T.A. Warning About Jobs [North American Free Trade Agreement] 1992; Independent Pres. Cand. Ross Perot, Jobs
“Giant Sucking Sound – Ross Perot 1992 Presidential Debate.flv”
~ Ross Perot, via TheFedBites, {Subscribe}, 12-06-09, YT/02:35 min :: Link
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkgx1C_S6ls
>_^_ COMMENTARY/F.Y.I.: Trade Agreements effectively “Backwards Engineer” all City, County, State, and National Laws… rescinding any and all of a nations laws, work agreements, and environmental standards.
All “Partner Nations” operate under threat of significant punitive Trade Sanction and Penalty paid to any Multinational Corp’s or Partner Country who feels their Free-Trade Profit-Rights have been violated (so much for clinging to the prudent ways of protecting critical resources and assets from exploitation, planning for the future, or just maintaining “Nostalgic Democracy” or Civilization).
Free Trade gives parasitic Multinationals unequivocal free reign to colonize all Partner Countries for short-term profits and long-term resource and social decimation. “FREE (but-highly-subsidized) TRADE is an Oligarch orchestrated “Cultural Limbo Contests” to determine the people who can survive on slave rations, w/o benefit of Taxes. The absence of funding for Civilization, Law Enforcement, Social Services, and Protections from Environmental Cataclysm is assumed to serve the pursuits of Corp’s Profit-Charter Nihilism.
A Rule by Corporatocracy outcome is entirely predictable from 1913 forward. That’s when World Oligarchs bought 40% of Congress and set-up The Federal Reserve Monopoly Money and U.S. Currency Printing Franchise. The 1% continues to issue a “Fractional Reserve” platinum charge card and encourage deficit spending to seal the Colonization, Austerity, Privatization and Profitization deal and direct the Wall Street Casino to benefit the owners.
In Late December 1913, 20 some percent of the Lawmakers had gone home for Christmas Break when that Tyrannical Fed Law passed, Institutionalizing American Serfdom. The 1% Rich have owned U.s & led U.s to War for conquest and profit ever since. They just have to create new demons for dominionist blind-believers to hate.
1% B.F.s Ruffle-the-Red-Cape, and pledgeiplegic patridiot gun-slinging habituated Fools-Rush-In. The 1% eats steak.
> ####(06-01-13)*JL*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS42-BC05, Bill
Clinton, Hillary Clinton, POTUS 40 REAGAN,
POTUS 41 H.W. Bush, Pathological liars; New World Order Advocates;
Council On Foreign Relations ::
Corbett Report Investigation Notes & Quotes
(min 09:00) “Team Clinton” Bilderberg Group Meetings ‘91, 6/06, ‘08;
(min 18:00) Documentary “The Mena Connection” Mena Arkansas Cocaine Import Air Base; Adler Barryman Seal – CIA; assassinated in Baton Rouge, LA 2 - 1986; “…that Trafficking in cocaine is justified in the pursuit of national security and foreign policy” ::
(min 22:00) Sarah McClendon; Clinton obstructing investigation of Mena, Arkansas Cocaine Base; Charles Black Polk County AR - Prosecutor investigation of Mena activities was stopped by AR Gov. Bill Clinton ::
(min 25:00) William Duncan - F.B.I. Investigator, Mena C.I.A. activity; “The Arkansas Committee” - Citizens Group tried to investigate Mena ::
(min 26:30) “…X-CIA Director, William Casey, began using the CIA to illegally conduct secret foreign policy.” Iran-Contra ::
(min 28:00) Money laundering “Arkansas Development Finance Authority”
“best kept secret in Arkansas” “Bill Clinton’s Political Machine” ::
(min 30:20) “At the end of the month they Zero Balanced. They were laundering Drug Money. There were a $100 Million a month in cocaine coming in and out of Mena Arkansas.” ::
(min 31:00) The money trail. ::
(min 32:00) Carol Quigley; Georgetown; Subsuming Sovereignty; Central Banks; Rhodes Scholar; (Forbidden Knowledge dot com); Cecil Rhodes; Oxford; World Government Movement; Rothschilds ::
(min 47:15) Washington insider from Johnsen and Nixon administration, Dr. Roger Morris’ book “Partners In Power” on the Clintons; “It is that they have no conviction, no ideology, no guiding purpose. Driven by raw ambition, they will make any compromise necessary to advance their interests.
(min 49:45) “…commitment to globalism.” “…the Rothschilds have been very much in the Clinton’s corner for a long time.” Oxford ::
“Shameless liars. Committed globalists. Inveterate womanizers. Unrepentant drug runners. Unconvicted money launderers. Fake humanitarians. And two of the most popular politicians in America. Meet the Clintons.”
"Meet The Clintons" (by James Corbett)
~ via corbettreport, {Subscribe}, 10-10-12, YouTube, 57:17 min ::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8BiEnZel4Q
>_^_ Bilderberg Group, 1776 Illuminati, A German Bavarian Secret Society, Founded by Adam Weishavpt, Highest Level of Freemason, goals destruction of all religions and governments; one world government; in 1934 is when the Federal Reserve finally took
"The Greatest - CONSPIRACY - ever known"
~ via David Vose, {Subscribe}, on 10-08-13, YouTube, 17:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHk5Aw1Gcvs
> ####(02-10-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corbett Report Investigation Notes & Quotes
(min 09:00) “Team Clinton” Bilderberg Group Meetings ‘91, 6/06, ‘08;
(min 18:00) Documentary “The Mena Connection” Mena Arkansas Cocaine Import Air Base; Adler Barryman Seal – CIA; assassinated in Baton Rouge, LA 2 - 1986; “…that Trafficking in cocaine is justified in the pursuit of national security and foreign policy” ::
(min 22:00) Sarah McClendon; Clinton obstructing investigation of Mena, Arkansas Cocaine Base; Charles Black Polk County AR - Prosecutor investigation of Mena activities was stopped by AR Gov. Bill Clinton ::
(min 25:00) William Duncan - F.B.I. Investigator, Mena C.I.A. activity; “The Arkansas Committee” - Citizens Group tried to investigate Mena ::
(min 26:30) “…X-CIA Director, William Casey, began using the CIA to illegally conduct secret foreign policy.” Iran-Contra ::
(min 28:00) Money laundering “Arkansas Development Finance Authority”
“best kept secret in Arkansas” “Bill Clinton’s Political Machine” ::
(min 30:20) “At the end of the month they Zero Balanced. They were laundering Drug Money. There were a $100 Million a month in cocaine coming in and out of Mena Arkansas.” ::
(min 31:00) The money trail. ::
(min 32:00) Carol Quigley; Georgetown; Subsuming Sovereignty; Central Banks; Rhodes Scholar; (Forbidden Knowledge dot com); Cecil Rhodes; Oxford; World Government Movement; Rothschilds ::
(min 47:15) Washington insider from Johnsen and Nixon administration, Dr. Roger Morris’ book “Partners In Power” on the Clintons; “It is that they have no conviction, no ideology, no guiding purpose. Driven by raw ambition, they will make any compromise necessary to advance their interests.
(min 49:45) “…commitment to globalism.” “…the Rothschilds have been very much in the Clinton’s corner for a long time.” Oxford ::
“Shameless liars. Committed globalists. Inveterate womanizers. Unrepentant drug runners. Unconvicted money launderers. Fake humanitarians. And two of the most popular politicians in America. Meet the Clintons.”
"Meet The Clintons" (by James Corbett)
~ via corbettreport, {Subscribe}, 10-10-12, YouTube, 57:17 min ::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8BiEnZel4Q
>_^_ Bilderberg Group, 1776 Illuminati, A German Bavarian Secret Society, Founded by Adam Weishavpt, Highest Level of Freemason, goals destruction of all religions and governments; one world government; in 1934 is when the Federal Reserve finally took
"The Greatest - CONSPIRACY - ever known"
~ via David Vose, {Subscribe}, on 10-08-13, YouTube, 17:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHk5Aw1Gcvs
> ####(02-10-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS42-BC06, Larry SUMMERS, Blue Dog Corporate Bill CLINTON, Former Walmart Attorney and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Husband & Advisor, (Democrat – 1993 -2000) ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Clinton Administration Whistleblower, Bank Regulator Speaks Out ::
KEATING 5 SENATORS Confronted; “…they do a 180 when they come in. And they move completely away from the things that work against fraud. And they move completely to the things we warned …produce a criminogenic environment, that produces wide scale fraud; (min 3:10} George Akerlof (Economist, Professor U. CA) & Paul Romer (Economist, Professor at Stern, NY) … ‘deregulation was bound to produce looting’ …They Supply that theory in 1993. So this is exactly the time when the new administration comes in.
Clinton Administration’s Actions to deregulate Banks include:
1.) {min 4:12} "Get rid of underwriting requirements... that's the worst possible thing. That's what makes possible the 'Liars Loans'...that's right after our success in 1990 and 1991 in cleansing the industry of 'Liars loans'" ::
2.) {min 4:48} "They come and they instruct us… that we are to refer to the Banks and the Savings & Loans as our ‘Customers’ …we the ‘Regulators’; and we are to think of the Banks and the Savings & Loans as our ‘Customers,’ and we are to think of how we can provide ‘Service.’ Those are all direct quotations." ::
3.) {min 5:25} "They ‘Closed Down’ the prosecutions of Savings and Loan Frauds (from POTUS Reagan's administration). …But that pipeline was still going. …would have been thousands of additional convictions, but the Clinton Administration took away the FBI Agents and most of the prosecutors… :: Bob Stone’s advise to (V.P.) Al Gore… “Don’t waste one second worrying about fraud, waste, and abuse” :: Insider book about it by ”Bob Stone, ‘Confessions of a Public Servant’ (2002hc & 2004sc)…”::
Reasoning… “To crack down on fraud is to limit innovation” ::
“Remains in the Obama Administration” :: “The (W.) Bush Administration produced the most criminogenic environment in history for this wide scale fraud.”:: “Alan Greenspan is going around giving his favorite stump speech as a Chairman of the Federal Reserve …which the lesson of it also is ‘don’t worry about fraud. Fraud takes care of itself. And that comes from Chicago-School Economists, or actually Law and Econ folks …who actually didn’t have degrees in economics …Frank H. Easterbrook (U. Chicago Law, Judge in 7th Circuit), and Paschal. Paschal eventually becomes Dean of the Univ. Chicago Law School. Easterbrook 7th Circuit Jurist, a former U. Chicago Law professor. And their famous line is… ‘A rule against fraud is not necessary or even particularly important’ in the securities context. Now they’re coming from the side that markets instantly and reliably remove all fraud… just enthrall to the private industry. …They are nastier by far than Ronald Reagan in describing the Federal Government. In particular, they love all the things about the private sector that were building up to produce one fraud epidemic after another” ::
Obama Administration …“a strong embrace of the culture” ::
“…loved ‘Performance Pay’ …creates both the incentive to loot and method to loot through a seemingly normal corporate mechanism that makes it far harder to prosecute.”
"Clinton's Policy of Not Prosecuting Bank Fraud Continues"
~ Bill Black – Assoc. Professor of Economics & Law – UMKC, a White Collar Criminologist, a former Financial Regulator, Author of book “The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One”; w/Paul Jay, Senior Editor - TheRealNews, {Subscribe}, on 02-23-13, YouTube, 13:51 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>##(03-19-13)*CBWS*WB#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| ECONOMICS
U.S. Legislative, Law-Economics
Financial System-0666FUS, Derivatives, Bubble &
Crash Economics; *Morgan *Citi *BoA *Goldman, HSBC, Wells ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Derivatives are risky Gaming Financial Instruments that are highly levered ...essentially no capital required to back them up (pay off), by law. When the Insurance and Bank Corps fail, tax payers bail them out or risk severe and prolonged economic depressions. ::
Their exemption from regulation requires a Repeal of the "Securities Modernization Act of 1999" and a return to the Glass-Steagall Act 1933/Banking Act 1935, that worked well for 65 years; Derivatives are bets on bets on bets on bets ...on the stock prices of financial instruments subject to interest rate fluctuations. ::
Derivative contracts remain concentrated in interest rate products ::
The F.D.I.C. - Federal Deposit Insurance Commission insures bank assets that are vulnerable and involved in Wall Street Gambling ::
1.) JP Morgan Chase….$70 Trillion*
2.) Citibank..................$52 Trillion*
3.) Bank of America.....$50 Trillion*
4.) Goldman Sachs.......$44 Trillion*
5.) HSBC.......................$04.3 Trillion
6.) Wells Fargo.............$03.3 Trillion
These Derivative obligations exceed the G.N.P. – Gross National Product (per year) of the whole world by 4-5 Times; For Example, the G.D.P. of the U.S. is $14-15 Trillion per year // World G.D.P is about $65 Trillion/year :: [F.Y.I.: "Dodd–Frank …Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act of 2010" Provides “Preferential Payment” for Derivative Losses To Banks That Is Limited To $25 Billion]
"94% of the $230 Trillion Credit Derivative Market Is Held By Just Four Banks"*
~ icarus - Class Warfare Exists, Bloomberg Law - "Ritholtz: 'Dot Com Bonus Envy' Stymies Wall St. Reform," {Subscriber Supported}, 01-21-13, YouTube, 15:32 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.classwarfareexists.com/94-of-the-230-trillion-credit-derivative-market-is-held-by-just-four-banks/
>##(09-08-13)*CBWS*ULE#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Derivatives are risky Gaming Financial Instruments that are highly levered ...essentially no capital required to back them up (pay off), by law. When the Insurance and Bank Corps fail, tax payers bail them out or risk severe and prolonged economic depressions. ::
Their exemption from regulation requires a Repeal of the "Securities Modernization Act of 1999" and a return to the Glass-Steagall Act 1933/Banking Act 1935, that worked well for 65 years; Derivatives are bets on bets on bets on bets ...on the stock prices of financial instruments subject to interest rate fluctuations. ::
Derivative contracts remain concentrated in interest rate products ::
The F.D.I.C. - Federal Deposit Insurance Commission insures bank assets that are vulnerable and involved in Wall Street Gambling ::
1.) JP Morgan Chase….$70 Trillion*
2.) Citibank..................$52 Trillion*
3.) Bank of America.....$50 Trillion*
4.) Goldman Sachs.......$44 Trillion*
5.) HSBC.......................$04.3 Trillion
6.) Wells Fargo.............$03.3 Trillion
These Derivative obligations exceed the G.N.P. – Gross National Product (per year) of the whole world by 4-5 Times; For Example, the G.D.P. of the U.S. is $14-15 Trillion per year // World G.D.P is about $65 Trillion/year :: [F.Y.I.: "Dodd–Frank …Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act of 2010" Provides “Preferential Payment” for Derivative Losses To Banks That Is Limited To $25 Billion]
"94% of the $230 Trillion Credit Derivative Market Is Held By Just Four Banks"*
~ icarus - Class Warfare Exists, Bloomberg Law - "Ritholtz: 'Dot Com Bonus Envy' Stymies Wall St. Reform," {Subscriber Supported}, 01-21-13, YouTube, 15:32 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.classwarfareexists.com/94-of-the-230-trillion-credit-derivative-market-is-held-by-just-four-banks/
>##(09-08-13)*CBWS*ULE#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Economics
Financial System-0666FUS, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of
2000, Law-Economics, Bank-Wall Street-Corp-Deregulation, Corruption,
Bank Bailouts, Tea Party, Financial Crisis, Obama’s Clinton Ruben Economic
Team, Commodities Futures Modernization Act 2000, a.k.a. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
of 2000, Deregulated Derivatives & Credit Default Swaps, Resulted In
Mortgage Hot Potato, {Investigative Journalist’s Work/Book ~ “Griftopia”} ::
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“Matt Taibbi & Nomi Prins on the Financial Crisis”
~ via jeannekyle, {Subscribe}, on 06-18-11, YouTube, 10:16 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXvQbM_YSdA
>_^_ Derivative, Hedge Fund, & Flash Trader Friendly Wall Street Reform ::
"It's bad enough that the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law. Even worse is the way they did it - with a big assist from Congress and the White House."
"How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-wall-street-killed-financial-reform-20120510
> ####(02-18-14)*CBWS*ECT*ULE(UE42)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
{{There are $700 - $900 Trillion worth of “Unregulated Derivatives” (05-29-13) //Financial Instruments created-out-of-thin-air to make money “Hedging Wall Street Bets” on Interest Rate Movement; The GOP/Blue Dog Corporate modified version of “Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010” has put the U.S. - F.D.I.C. (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Bank Insurance Program in jeopardy by giving “Derivative Failures” a “Preferential Payment Status,” ahead of our Bank Deposits. …from Thom Hartman’s Weekday Radio Show @ WCPT Chicago 820 AM Streaming, 2-5 am & pm C.T.//F.Y.I: The Yearly GDP - Gross Domestic Product of the World is just $65 Trillion (U.S. GDP is $14 -15 Trillion) per year.}}
“Matt Taibbi & Nomi Prins on the Financial Crisis”
~ via jeannekyle, {Subscribe}, on 06-18-11, YouTube, 10:16 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXvQbM_YSdA
>_^_ Derivative, Hedge Fund, & Flash Trader Friendly Wall Street Reform ::
"It's bad enough that the banks strangled the Dodd-Frank law. Even worse is the way they did it - with a big assist from Congress and the White House."
"How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform"
~ Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone, 05-10-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-wall-street-killed-financial-reform-20120510
> ####(02-18-14)*CBWS*ECT*ULE(UE42)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Economics-Financial
System-08666FMEOW, Dodd Frank Financial Regulation,
Banks Were Bailed Out/They Took The Money & Lobbied Against Regulation/We
Got a Weak Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, U-6 Unemployment Statistic, National Bureau
of Economics (RW), Government Borrows Money From the Rich/Government Could Be
Taxing Them
“Why the Economic Crisis Deepens” The New School
~ Richard Wolff - Economist, Professor Emeritus U. Mass Amherst, Author ~ "Class Struggle on the Home Front," via thenewschoolnyc, {Subscribe}, on 10-20-10, YouTube, 2:02:21- 2+ hours :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-19-13)*ULE###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Why the Economic Crisis Deepens” The New School
~ Richard Wolff - Economist, Professor Emeritus U. Mass Amherst, Author ~ "Class Struggle on the Home Front," via thenewschoolnyc, {Subscribe}, on 10-20-10, YouTube, 2:02:21- 2+ hours :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-19-13)*ULE###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Economics-Financial
System-08666FU01, Derivatives, Bets on & protection
from Interest Rate Movement; Dodd Frank reforms ::
Tracking & recording Derivative Trades, evaluating bank weaknesses, & demanding more collateral to prepare to pay off Derivative Bets on Interest Rate Fluctuation when triggered by market moves of those Interest Rates Protection Instruments
"The impact of Dodd-Frank derivative reform mandates on non-financial institutions"
~ pwcUS, {Subscribe}, 03-15-13, YouTube, 07:02 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA3LUrj-Ij8
>(09-08-13)*CBWS*UJSCCS*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Tracking & recording Derivative Trades, evaluating bank weaknesses, & demanding more collateral to prepare to pay off Derivative Bets on Interest Rate Fluctuation when triggered by market moves of those Interest Rates Protection Instruments
"The impact of Dodd-Frank derivative reform mandates on non-financial institutions"
~ pwcUS, {Subscribe}, 03-15-13, YouTube, 07:02 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA3LUrj-Ij8
>(09-08-13)*CBWS*UJSCCS*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Economics-Financial
System-08666FU02, Derivatives, Bets on & protection from Interest Rate
Movement; Volcker Rule Added 3 Years later (12-10-13)
to Dodd-Frank 2010 ::
"...regulators finalized ...most important provisions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law. ...Volcker rule, and it's supposed to prohibit the high-risk trading by commercial banks that helped cause the financial crisis." ::
"...big banks invested in low-quality mortgage-backed securities. ...over-leveraged bets turned sour, the economy collapsed, and the government had to bail out big financial institutions. The Volcker rule ensures that banks don't engage in ...proprietary trading" ::
"crafted jointly by five banking regulators—the Federal Reserve ...(FDIC) ...(OCC) ...(SEC), and ...(CFTC)."
"Here's the Story Behind the Big Wall Street Reform Rule That Was Just Approved"
~ Erika Eichelberger - Mother Jones, {Subscribe}, 12-10-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/12/volcker-rule-what-you-need-to-know
>_^_ Occupy Wall Street "Occupy the SEC, has remained very busy -- filing amicus briefs, testifying before Congress, suing regulators and writing ...a 325-page opus on the Volcker Rule. ...taking stock of how it turned out Tuesday, they gave the final version a C-'." ::
"problem was that Section 619 of Dodd-Frank, ...section ...Volcker Rule, had numerous exceptions built into it. ...working with a flawed product ...statute with a lot of exemptions in it that allow proprietary trading to occur."
"The Volcker rule cites the Occupy Movement 284 times"
~ Lydia DePillis- Washington Post, {Subscribe}, 12-11-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/12/11/the-volcker-rule-cites-the-occupy-movement-284-times/
> ####(12-13-13)*ULE###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"...regulators finalized ...most important provisions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law. ...Volcker rule, and it's supposed to prohibit the high-risk trading by commercial banks that helped cause the financial crisis." ::
"...big banks invested in low-quality mortgage-backed securities. ...over-leveraged bets turned sour, the economy collapsed, and the government had to bail out big financial institutions. The Volcker rule ensures that banks don't engage in ...proprietary trading" ::
"crafted jointly by five banking regulators—the Federal Reserve ...(FDIC) ...(OCC) ...(SEC), and ...(CFTC)."
"Here's the Story Behind the Big Wall Street Reform Rule That Was Just Approved"
~ Erika Eichelberger - Mother Jones, {Subscribe}, 12-10-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/12/volcker-rule-what-you-need-to-know
>_^_ Occupy Wall Street "Occupy the SEC, has remained very busy -- filing amicus briefs, testifying before Congress, suing regulators and writing ...a 325-page opus on the Volcker Rule. ...taking stock of how it turned out Tuesday, they gave the final version a C-'." ::
"problem was that Section 619 of Dodd-Frank, ...section ...Volcker Rule, had numerous exceptions built into it. ...working with a flawed product ...statute with a lot of exemptions in it that allow proprietary trading to occur."
"The Volcker rule cites the Occupy Movement 284 times"
~ Lydia DePillis- Washington Post, {Subscribe}, 12-11-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/12/11/the-volcker-rule-cites-the-occupy-movement-284-times/
> ####(12-13-13)*ULE###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Economics-Financial
System-08666FUS01B, Senator Elizabeth Warren
(D-*MA) ::
What Glass-Steagall (1933) did is really important. It passed back in 1933. It created a great era of stability in banking. It separated out the part of the bank where you deposit your money from the part of the bank where they do investment banking and …they (bankers) invest their own money. Or you can say they (bankers) gamble with their own money.
The reason you separate that out is because you don’t want them gambling with your money. …because the down side is for you and the up side is for them.” ::
“So now when we took Glass-Steagall away, at the end of Bill Clinton’s term by the way (1999), it wound up being an absolute disaster. ::
“Every CNBC Anchor is a lapdog for the banks.” ~ Cenk Uygur
(min 05:28) “But what Glass-Steagall can do is it can wind some more of the risk out of the system. It can help bring down the size of the largest banking institutions …Now here we are in 2013 and the Big 4 are 30% bigger. That puts too much risk back in the system.” ::
About passing the bill to re-regulate the Fed hog banks “Let me put for you this way… if you don’t fight for it the chances are zero.” ~ Sen. Warren
"Elizabeth Warren Brings News Anchors To Knees"
~ via The Young Turks, {Subscribe}, on 07-18-13, YT/05:00 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTWfa-iO9Nc
> ####(01-05-14)*CBWS*EC*ULDSEW###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
What Glass-Steagall (1933) did is really important. It passed back in 1933. It created a great era of stability in banking. It separated out the part of the bank where you deposit your money from the part of the bank where they do investment banking and …they (bankers) invest their own money. Or you can say they (bankers) gamble with their own money.
The reason you separate that out is because you don’t want them gambling with your money. …because the down side is for you and the up side is for them.” ::
“So now when we took Glass-Steagall away, at the end of Bill Clinton’s term by the way (1999), it wound up being an absolute disaster. ::
“Every CNBC Anchor is a lapdog for the banks.” ~ Cenk Uygur
(min 05:28) “But what Glass-Steagall can do is it can wind some more of the risk out of the system. It can help bring down the size of the largest banking institutions …Now here we are in 2013 and the Big 4 are 30% bigger. That puts too much risk back in the system.” ::
About passing the bill to re-regulate the Fed hog banks “Let me put for you this way… if you don’t fight for it the chances are zero.” ~ Sen. Warren
"Elizabeth Warren Brings News Anchors To Knees"
~ via The Young Turks, {Subscribe}, on 07-18-13, YT/05:00 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTWfa-iO9Nc
> ####(01-05-14)*CBWS*EC*ULDSEW###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Communications-0666A, The Telecom’s Act of 1996,
POTUS 42 Bill Clinton (Blue Dog Corp Democrat-AR) ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
>_^_ Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia
"...amending the Communications Act of 1934. ...One of the most controversial titles was Title 3 ("Cable Services") ...allowed for media cross-ownership. ...goal was deregulation of the converging broadcasting and telecommunications markets."
"Claims made in opposition to the act" (Section)
"Consumers Union reported that wire to wire competition, ...did not foster competition among ILECs as the bill had hoped."
"...claimed to foster competition. ...historic industry consolidation reducing the number of major media companies from around 50 in 1983 to 10 in 1996 ...6 in 2005. ...FCC study found that the Act had led to a drastic decline in the number of radio station owners, ...(while the) number of commercial stations in the United States had increased"
"...Ralph Nader argued the act was an example of corporate welfare spawned by political corruption..."
"Later Criticism" (Section)
"....Warren J. Sirota criticized the media's coverage ...noted that the balance of the Act would "shape our future" by eliminating "barriers between the industry's segments, e.g., local and long-distance services, broadcast and cable television, etc."
"...highlights include: Deregulation of most cable TV rates by 1999...End ...FCC partial ban on broadcast networks owning cable systems... Eases one-to-a-market rule to allow ownership of TV and radio combos... in the top 50 markets."
"… defunct Kill Your Television website...criticism of the law ...wrote: …the business is about to get bigger...Mergers, takeovers and acquisitions are becoming the norm in the television industry. The new law has stripped down the television ownership rules ...big media players …can be more aggressive in buying out smaller stations."
Howard Zinn: "In the 2003 edition of his book, A People's History of the United States, Howard Zinn wrote about alternative media ...trying the break the corporate control of information. ...Act of 1996: "...enabled the handful of corporations dominating the airwaves to expand their power further. Mergers enabled tighter ...control of information... The Latin American writer Eduardo Galeano commented... "Never have so many been held incommunicado by so few."
"The Telecommunications Act of 1996"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_Act_of_1996
>_^_ Another Take from NY Times/Key Notes Stream
"…intended to increase competition in …telephone service and cable television by reducing regulation ...easier ...to enter the communications business or to enter new markets." ::
“…expected to unleash a wave of mergers and acquisitions but eventually knock down traditional monopolies in local telephone service and cable television.” ::
"'Baby Bells' …to face increased competition" ::
Update… "failed ...has allowed large corporations to strengthen their dominance through mergers and buyouts. The Baby Bells ...skirt one the provision ...to share their networks with new companies. ...(who) found it nearly impossible to compete." ::
“The radio industry ...drastic reduction in competition ...provision that ended restrictions on the number of radio stations a single company could own. Large ...companies like Clear Channel immediately began buying up thousands of smaller radio stations. ...fewer than 10 companies own a majority of United States stations."
"President Clinton Signs Act to Overhaul Telecommunications Industry"
~ The Learning Network – The New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-08-1996/updated 02-08-12 :: Link/URL
< http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/08/feb-8-1996-president-clinton-signs-act-to-overhaul-telecommunications-industry/?_r=0
>_^_ “Telecom. Act of 1996” (F.C.C. – Fed. Com. Commission) :: Link/URL
< http://transition.fcc.gov/telecom.html
> ####(12-18-13)*ULC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
POTUS 42 Bill Clinton (Blue Dog Corp Democrat-AR) ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
>_^_ Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia
"...amending the Communications Act of 1934. ...One of the most controversial titles was Title 3 ("Cable Services") ...allowed for media cross-ownership. ...goal was deregulation of the converging broadcasting and telecommunications markets."
"Claims made in opposition to the act" (Section)
"Consumers Union reported that wire to wire competition, ...did not foster competition among ILECs as the bill had hoped."
"...claimed to foster competition. ...historic industry consolidation reducing the number of major media companies from around 50 in 1983 to 10 in 1996 ...6 in 2005. ...FCC study found that the Act had led to a drastic decline in the number of radio station owners, ...(while the) number of commercial stations in the United States had increased"
"...Ralph Nader argued the act was an example of corporate welfare spawned by political corruption..."
"Later Criticism" (Section)
"....Warren J. Sirota criticized the media's coverage ...noted that the balance of the Act would "shape our future" by eliminating "barriers between the industry's segments, e.g., local and long-distance services, broadcast and cable television, etc."
"...highlights include: Deregulation of most cable TV rates by 1999...End ...FCC partial ban on broadcast networks owning cable systems... Eases one-to-a-market rule to allow ownership of TV and radio combos... in the top 50 markets."
"… defunct Kill Your Television website...criticism of the law ...wrote: …the business is about to get bigger...Mergers, takeovers and acquisitions are becoming the norm in the television industry. The new law has stripped down the television ownership rules ...big media players …can be more aggressive in buying out smaller stations."
Howard Zinn: "In the 2003 edition of his book, A People's History of the United States, Howard Zinn wrote about alternative media ...trying the break the corporate control of information. ...Act of 1996: "...enabled the handful of corporations dominating the airwaves to expand their power further. Mergers enabled tighter ...control of information... The Latin American writer Eduardo Galeano commented... "Never have so many been held incommunicado by so few."
"The Telecommunications Act of 1996"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_Act_of_1996
>_^_ Another Take from NY Times/Key Notes Stream
"…intended to increase competition in …telephone service and cable television by reducing regulation ...easier ...to enter the communications business or to enter new markets." ::
“…expected to unleash a wave of mergers and acquisitions but eventually knock down traditional monopolies in local telephone service and cable television.” ::
"'Baby Bells' …to face increased competition" ::
Update… "failed ...has allowed large corporations to strengthen their dominance through mergers and buyouts. The Baby Bells ...skirt one the provision ...to share their networks with new companies. ...(who) found it nearly impossible to compete." ::
“The radio industry ...drastic reduction in competition ...provision that ended restrictions on the number of radio stations a single company could own. Large ...companies like Clear Channel immediately began buying up thousands of smaller radio stations. ...fewer than 10 companies own a majority of United States stations."
"President Clinton Signs Act to Overhaul Telecommunications Industry"
~ The Learning Network – The New York Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-08-1996/updated 02-08-12 :: Link/URL
< http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/08/feb-8-1996-president-clinton-signs-act-to-overhaul-telecommunications-industry/?_r=0
>_^_ “Telecom. Act of 1996” (F.C.C. – Fed. Com. Commission) :: Link/URL
< http://transition.fcc.gov/telecom.html
> ####(12-18-13)*ULC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-0666A1FU5X, T.P.P. Austerity,
TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership; Described as NAFTA
(North American Free Trade Agreement) on Steroids, 10 Times Broader,
Off-Shoring Jobs to Countries w/Wage of $00.22/hr ::
Btwn Blue-Dogs Corp Democrats, Corp’s-Republicans, & Forbes 400 Kings -
The International 1/2 of 1% {benefitting the world’s wealthiest people} ::
N.A.F.T.A. – North American Free Trade Agreement ’94 - started by (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 40) Ronald Reagan in ‘86, continued under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 41), George H.W. Bush (1) & signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 42) Bill Clinton in ‘93;
P.N.T.R. - Permanent Normal Trade Relations btwn U.S. & China ‘00 ::
signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 42) Bill Clinton;
C.A.F.T.A. Central American Free Trade Agreement ’04 - started & signed under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43) George W. Bush (2); [Barely Passed!];
COLUMBIA Trade Agreement ’10 - started under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43) George W. Bush (2) & signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 44) Obama;
SOUTH KOREA Trade Agreement - started under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43) George W. Bush (2) & signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 44) Obama;
NEXT UP, November, 19 2013 Utah Summit Starts Final Negotiations on ::
“T.P.P.” Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement – strongly recommended (demanded POTUS Obama sign TPP) by Corp’s GO Pee Candidate Mitt Romney (between 12 Countries, 40% of World Trade) STARTED under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43), George W. Bush (“IN 2008,” the last year of his “illegitimate” stolen Presidency) …NOW Seeking FAST TRACK (up or down vote w/o modification) under (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Dem POTUS 44) Obama & may well be signed by U.S. Senate Millionaire Corp’s-Republicans and Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demos as well as Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 44, Obama]
NEXT/NEXT UP, (if TPP passes), EU “version” of TPP - 20% of World Trade ::
>_^_ N.A.F.T.A. – North American Free Trade Agreement – btwn Canada, Mexico, & U.S. – POTUS 40, 41 & 42, Reagan, Bush (1), Clinton – ‘03 ::
"diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 (Corp's Spokes model & Union Buster POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan) among the three nations, (Canada, Mexico, & U.S.). (Continued through Corp's-Republican POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush) ...Before the negotiations were finalized, Bill Clinton came into office in the U.S. ...In the US, (POTUS 41 George H.W.) Bush, who had worked to "fast track" the signing prior to the end of his term..." :: "...House ...approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. NAFTA passed the Senate 61-38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it ...into effect on January 1, 1994."
[Since N.A.F.T.A. - North American Free Trade Agreement, $10 Trillion in debt was taken on to the U.S. Treasury (in what Steel Workers President, Leo Gerard, describes as) “the U.S. State Department’s Geopolitical Agenda.”] ::
"North American Free Trade Agreement"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Free_Trade_Agreement
>_^_ CHINA P.N.T.R., Permanent Normal Trade Relations w//China ::
Two main objectives for U.S. Corp’s were to access over a billion consumers and the labor of slave wage earning workers in a country with no collective bargaining Unions or environmental regulations ::
In 2000 "Bill Clinton called on Congress to help him change China’s normal trade relations status with the U.S. to permanent." ::
The B.S. Story is… "...the U.S. needed to help the workers of the People’s Republic of China to lead better lives. ...make sure that when China ...could be reprimanded for crimes against the workers of the country, and certain markets would be mutually exclusive between the two countries. ...to abide by human rights..." ::
"attempts to repeal the PNTR with China. ...2005 when Representative Sanders ...said to the house, 'anyone who takes an objective look at our trade policy with China must conclude that is an absolute failure and needs to be fundamentally overhauled.' ...numbers of the trade deficit increased and the number of American jobs being lost to our overseas competitors'"
"Permanent normal trade relations"
~ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_Normal_Trade_Relations
>_^_ C.A.F.T.A. (DR) Central American Free Trade Agreement w/U.S. - ‘04 ::
POTUS 43 "George W. Bush (2) announced in January 2002 that CAFTA was a priority in his administration, and Congress gave his administration "fast track" authority to negotiate it. ...(concluded) on December 17, 2003, and with Costa Rica on January 25, 2004. ...negotiations began with the Dominican Republic to join CAFTA." ::
"encompassed the United States and the Central American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, and was called CAFTA. In 2004, the Dominican Republic joined the negotiations, …renamed CAFTA-DR." ::
"...Senate approved the CAFTA-DR ...54–45, ...House ...approved the pact on July 28, 2005 by a vote of 217–215" [Squeaker!] ::
"Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia "(Redirected from CAFTA);"
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAFTA
>_^_ Columbian Free Trade Agreement w/U.S. - ‘11, POTUS 44 Obama ::
"On October 12, 2011 …it was passed by the House 262-167 and the Senate 66-33."
"In the first 10 months of the (Juan Manuel) Santos administration in Colombia (elected 08-07-10), 104 labor and human rights activists were murdered."
"United States–Colombia Free Trade Agreement"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ South Korean Free Trade Agreement w/U.S. - ‘11, POTUS 44 Obama ::
"Negotiations ...concluded on April 1, 2007 (under Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43 George W. Bush). ... first signed on June 30, 2007, with a renegotiated version signed ...passed by the United States on October 12, 2011 with the Senate passing it 83-15 & the House 278-151” (under POTUS 44 Obama).
"Free trade agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(11-12-13)*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Btwn Blue-Dogs Corp Democrats, Corp’s-Republicans, & Forbes 400 Kings -
The International 1/2 of 1% {benefitting the world’s wealthiest people} ::
N.A.F.T.A. – North American Free Trade Agreement ’94 - started by (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 40) Ronald Reagan in ‘86, continued under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 41), George H.W. Bush (1) & signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 42) Bill Clinton in ‘93;
P.N.T.R. - Permanent Normal Trade Relations btwn U.S. & China ‘00 ::
signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 42) Bill Clinton;
C.A.F.T.A. Central American Free Trade Agreement ’04 - started & signed under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43) George W. Bush (2); [Barely Passed!];
COLUMBIA Trade Agreement ’10 - started under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43) George W. Bush (2) & signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 44) Obama;
SOUTH KOREA Trade Agreement - started under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43) George W. Bush (2) & signed by (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 44) Obama;
NEXT UP, November, 19 2013 Utah Summit Starts Final Negotiations on ::
“T.P.P.” Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement – strongly recommended (demanded POTUS Obama sign TPP) by Corp’s GO Pee Candidate Mitt Romney (between 12 Countries, 40% of World Trade) STARTED under (Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43), George W. Bush (“IN 2008,” the last year of his “illegitimate” stolen Presidency) …NOW Seeking FAST TRACK (up or down vote w/o modification) under (Blue-Dog Corp’s-Dem POTUS 44) Obama & may well be signed by U.S. Senate Millionaire Corp’s-Republicans and Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demos as well as Blue-Dog Corp’s-Demo POTUS 44, Obama]
NEXT/NEXT UP, (if TPP passes), EU “version” of TPP - 20% of World Trade ::
>_^_ N.A.F.T.A. – North American Free Trade Agreement – btwn Canada, Mexico, & U.S. – POTUS 40, 41 & 42, Reagan, Bush (1), Clinton – ‘03 ::
"diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 (Corp's Spokes model & Union Buster POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan) among the three nations, (Canada, Mexico, & U.S.). (Continued through Corp's-Republican POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush) ...Before the negotiations were finalized, Bill Clinton came into office in the U.S. ...In the US, (POTUS 41 George H.W.) Bush, who had worked to "fast track" the signing prior to the end of his term..." :: "...House ...approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. NAFTA passed the Senate 61-38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it ...into effect on January 1, 1994."
[Since N.A.F.T.A. - North American Free Trade Agreement, $10 Trillion in debt was taken on to the U.S. Treasury (in what Steel Workers President, Leo Gerard, describes as) “the U.S. State Department’s Geopolitical Agenda.”] ::
"North American Free Trade Agreement"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Free_Trade_Agreement
>_^_ CHINA P.N.T.R., Permanent Normal Trade Relations w//China ::
Two main objectives for U.S. Corp’s were to access over a billion consumers and the labor of slave wage earning workers in a country with no collective bargaining Unions or environmental regulations ::
In 2000 "Bill Clinton called on Congress to help him change China’s normal trade relations status with the U.S. to permanent." ::
The B.S. Story is… "...the U.S. needed to help the workers of the People’s Republic of China to lead better lives. ...make sure that when China ...could be reprimanded for crimes against the workers of the country, and certain markets would be mutually exclusive between the two countries. ...to abide by human rights..." ::
"attempts to repeal the PNTR with China. ...2005 when Representative Sanders ...said to the house, 'anyone who takes an objective look at our trade policy with China must conclude that is an absolute failure and needs to be fundamentally overhauled.' ...numbers of the trade deficit increased and the number of American jobs being lost to our overseas competitors'"
"Permanent normal trade relations"
~ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_Normal_Trade_Relations
>_^_ C.A.F.T.A. (DR) Central American Free Trade Agreement w/U.S. - ‘04 ::
POTUS 43 "George W. Bush (2) announced in January 2002 that CAFTA was a priority in his administration, and Congress gave his administration "fast track" authority to negotiate it. ...(concluded) on December 17, 2003, and with Costa Rica on January 25, 2004. ...negotiations began with the Dominican Republic to join CAFTA." ::
"encompassed the United States and the Central American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, and was called CAFTA. In 2004, the Dominican Republic joined the negotiations, …renamed CAFTA-DR." ::
"...Senate approved the CAFTA-DR ...54–45, ...House ...approved the pact on July 28, 2005 by a vote of 217–215" [Squeaker!] ::
"Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia "(Redirected from CAFTA);"
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAFTA
>_^_ Columbian Free Trade Agreement w/U.S. - ‘11, POTUS 44 Obama ::
"On October 12, 2011 …it was passed by the House 262-167 and the Senate 66-33."
"In the first 10 months of the (Juan Manuel) Santos administration in Colombia (elected 08-07-10), 104 labor and human rights activists were murdered."
"United States–Colombia Free Trade Agreement"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ South Korean Free Trade Agreement w/U.S. - ‘11, POTUS 44 Obama ::
"Negotiations ...concluded on April 1, 2007 (under Corp’s-Republican POTUS 43 George W. Bush). ... first signed on June 30, 2007, with a renegotiated version signed ...passed by the United States on October 12, 2011 with the Senate passing it 83-15 & the House 278-151” (under POTUS 44 Obama).
"Free trade agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(11-12-13)*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| JOBS-LABOR
Jobs-Labor-0666A1FU1X, T.P.P. Austerity, TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership; Described as NAFTA (North
American Free Trade Agreement) on Steroids ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
"Finance ...Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Rep. Camp (R-MI) introduced the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014 ...
“fast track,” ...facilitate ...agreements including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact with limited public and Congressional input. ...(box-checker & library-builder-in-chief, Corp's Blue-Dog & Billionaire Penny Pritzker's Pride POTUS 44 Uncle O'Toma) would be able to sign (hike a leg up on) TPP and then send it to Congress for a straight up-or-down vote..." ::
If passed by a congress, where over half are millionaires, he'd sign it w/300 pens-4-billionaires and overturn the Constitution for 600 Corporate Co-Conspirators... and then he'll be impeached for good reason.
"How Passage of TPP Could Bypass Fracking Bans in the U.S."
~ EcoWatch, {Subscribe}, 01-14-14 :: Link/URL
< http://ecowatch.com/2014/01/14/tpp-bypass-fracking-bans/
> ####(01-14-14)*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
"Finance ...Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Rep. Camp (R-MI) introduced the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014 ...
“fast track,” ...facilitate ...agreements including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact with limited public and Congressional input. ...(box-checker & library-builder-in-chief, Corp's Blue-Dog & Billionaire Penny Pritzker's Pride POTUS 44 Uncle O'Toma) would be able to sign (hike a leg up on) TPP and then send it to Congress for a straight up-or-down vote..." ::
If passed by a congress, where over half are millionaires, he'd sign it w/300 pens-4-billionaires and overturn the Constitution for 600 Corporate Co-Conspirators... and then he'll be impeached for good reason.
"How Passage of TPP Could Bypass Fracking Bans in the U.S."
~ EcoWatch, {Subscribe}, 01-14-14 :: Link/URL
< http://ecowatch.com/2014/01/14/tpp-bypass-fracking-bans/
> ####(01-14-14)*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-0666A1FU2X, T.P.P. Austerity, TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership; Described as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) on Steroids ::
Advanced Intellectual Property chapter - From WikiLeaks - 95 Page
"Download" - pdf FILE ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
"This is the confidential draft treaty chapter from the Intellectual Property group of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks between the United States, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei Darussalam. The treaty is being negotiated in secret by delegations from each of the 12 countries..."
"Secret TPP treaty: Advanced Intellectual Property chapter for all 12 nations with negotiating positions"
~ WikiLeaks release, {Subscribe}, 11-13-13 :: Link/URL
< https://wikileaks.org/tpp/static/pdf/Wikileaks-secret-TPP-treaty-IP-chapter.pdf
> ####(01-14-14)*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
"This is the confidential draft treaty chapter from the Intellectual Property group of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks between the United States, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei Darussalam. The treaty is being negotiated in secret by delegations from each of the 12 countries..."
"Secret TPP treaty: Advanced Intellectual Property chapter for all 12 nations with negotiating positions"
~ WikiLeaks release, {Subscribe}, 11-13-13 :: Link/URL
< https://wikileaks.org/tpp/static/pdf/Wikileaks-secret-TPP-treaty-IP-chapter.pdf
> ####(01-14-14)*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-0666A1FU4X, T.P.P. Austerity, TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership; Described as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) on Steroids,
10 Times Broader, Off-Shoring Jobs to Countries w/Wage of $00.22/hr ::
1. Top Secret Trade Agreement, U.S. Free-Trade Treasury-Raid like NAFTA;
2. Overturns all existing U.S. Laws – City, County, State, & Federal;
3. 26 Chapters in T.P.P. with only 2 Chapters on “Actual” Trade;
4. 24 Chapters overturn food safety, foreign investment, aesthetic, land-use, environmental & zoning limits on Foreign Profit-Charter Corp exploits;
5. Subjects “Partner Countries” to International “Corporate Tribunals” for sanctions & fines (Multi-Million $$) for violations of “T.P.P. Trade” Laws;
6. Fines to be paid out of U.S. Treasury to Nations & Multinational Corp’s for damages, including “future” domestic profits prevented by U.S. laws;
7. This permanent agreement (not modifiable) is Backdoor Colonialism;
8. Written by 600 Corporate C.E.O.’s, Lobbyists, & Lawyers in Secret;
9. Minimal public input & Americans can’t even get official copies of TPP;
10. 22 Senators who’ve seen TPP are sworn to secrecy; Name/Web below;
11. TPP was started in 2008 by POTUS George W. Bush-R (2001-2008);
12. Bishop Willard “Mitt” Romney insisted that TPP be passed w/o delay;
13. U.S. worker bargaining agreements, rights or safety reg’s do not apply;
14. T.P.P. involves the U.S. & 8 Pacific Rim Countries including: Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, U.S, & Vietnam - though Japan & Canada may join as well (It Can be expanded to include China & others);
15. T.P.P. will control 40% of world trade for Profit-Charter Psychopaths;
16. Requires 67 votes in U.S. Senate (virtual millionaire club) &POTUS 44*
*Notes from 06-14-12 Bill Press Radio Show 5a-8a C.T., Wcpt 820am Talk Chicago Streaming & Democracy Now, 06-06-13, Video below
"Breaking ’08 Pledge, Leaked Trade Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations"
~ Juan Gonzalez - DemocracyNow, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-13, Video, 13:00 min :: Link URL*^*<
>_^_ Wikileaks released a TPP Chapter (1 of 26) covering “Intellectual Property …for all 12 nations with negotiating positions” ::
POTUS Obama Is Quiet On T.P.P.; U.S. is pushing the toughest regulations::
“If instituted, the TPP’s [Intellectual Property] regime would trampled over individual rights and free expression, as well as ride roughshod over the intellectual and creative commons. If you read, write, publish, think, listen, dance, sing or invent; if you farm or consume food; if you’re ill now or might be one day be ill, the TPP has you in its crosshairs.“
~ Julian Assange, Wikileaks – Asylum in Ecuadorian Embassy, London, UK ::
“It puts the rights of profit-driven businesses over the rights of human beings, and the governments we form to protect ourselves.”
“TPP – Wikileaks has released another bombshell”
~ Thom Hartmann – Radio M-F 2-5 pm/am C.T. Streaming Wcpt 820 Chicago & Mike Papantonio - Ring of Fire Radio Sunday 5-8 pm C.T.; via The Big Picture RT, {Both Shows Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 11-14-13, YouTube, 10:50 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPIsjH25GHo
>_^_ “RE: Public Interest Analysis of Leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Investment Text”
~ FR: Lori Wallach and Todd Tucker, Public Citizens Global Trade Watch, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-13-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.citizen.org/documents/Leaked-TPP-Investment-Analysis.pdf
>_^_ Biography Notes: U.S. Trade Representative “Mike Froman”
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Froman
>_^_ Biography Notes: U.S. Commerce Secretary “Penny Pritzker”
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny_Pritzker
(1) “Dracula Strategy” - Drag the Obama Administrations U.S. Trade Representative Mike Froman & T.P.P. Trade “Baby” into the sunshine and expose the big secret of overturning U.S. Laws and Installing International Corp’s Tribunals as our lords and masters;
(2) Write a letter to your Congressman protesting the Stealth, Secrecy and Lack of Public Input;
(3) Sign on to “National Letter To The White House” ::
69 U.S. Congressmen wrote President Obama voicing concerns about TPP limiting “Buy American” Government Procurement procedures (thus undermining the economic recovery and creating a greater trade imbalance); The Letter :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.kslaw.com/library/publication/CongressionalLetter050312.pdf
>_^_ U.S. Congress Progressive Caucus ”Budget4All” Contact :: Link/URL
< http://cpc.grijalva.house.gov/
(4) Bill Press … White House Press Corps Member - will ask President Obama’s Press Secretary Jay Carney @ White House Morning Briefing to bring this trade agreement to the attention of the American people ::
Daily Briefing – Office of the Press Secretary – Jay Carney :: Link/URL
< http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/11/07/press-briefing-press-secretary-jay-carney
>_^_ Democracy Now News, Free Podcast of 06-06-13 Segment ::
1.) Patriot Act Section 215, Surveillance of U.S. Citizens-Verizon Corp-Domestic & Foreign Spying, Thomas Drake
2.) T.P.P. Trans-Pacific Partnership “Top Secret Trade Agreement” to be signed by the U.S. Senate in 2013 (Corporate Control of Government)
3.) Civil Rights Martyr Medgar Evers remembered on the 50 year anniversary of his death
“Democracy Now”
~ Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez - DemocracyNow, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-13, Video, 59:00 min :: Link URL
< http://www.democracynow.org/shows/2013/6/6
>_^_ DemocracyNow | Home | Stations | Past Shows | Topics | Blog |
____|Get Involved | Events | Espanol |About | :: Link/URL
< http://www.democracynow.org/
> ####(08-05-13)*CW*CWP*JL###*
>#(06-02-13)*JL*(ECSSN)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
1. Top Secret Trade Agreement, U.S. Free-Trade Treasury-Raid like NAFTA;
2. Overturns all existing U.S. Laws – City, County, State, & Federal;
3. 26 Chapters in T.P.P. with only 2 Chapters on “Actual” Trade;
4. 24 Chapters overturn food safety, foreign investment, aesthetic, land-use, environmental & zoning limits on Foreign Profit-Charter Corp exploits;
5. Subjects “Partner Countries” to International “Corporate Tribunals” for sanctions & fines (Multi-Million $$) for violations of “T.P.P. Trade” Laws;
6. Fines to be paid out of U.S. Treasury to Nations & Multinational Corp’s for damages, including “future” domestic profits prevented by U.S. laws;
7. This permanent agreement (not modifiable) is Backdoor Colonialism;
8. Written by 600 Corporate C.E.O.’s, Lobbyists, & Lawyers in Secret;
9. Minimal public input & Americans can’t even get official copies of TPP;
10. 22 Senators who’ve seen TPP are sworn to secrecy; Name/Web below;
11. TPP was started in 2008 by POTUS George W. Bush-R (2001-2008);
12. Bishop Willard “Mitt” Romney insisted that TPP be passed w/o delay;
13. U.S. worker bargaining agreements, rights or safety reg’s do not apply;
14. T.P.P. involves the U.S. & 8 Pacific Rim Countries including: Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, U.S, & Vietnam - though Japan & Canada may join as well (It Can be expanded to include China & others);
15. T.P.P. will control 40% of world trade for Profit-Charter Psychopaths;
16. Requires 67 votes in U.S. Senate (virtual millionaire club) &POTUS 44*
*Notes from 06-14-12 Bill Press Radio Show 5a-8a C.T., Wcpt 820am Talk Chicago Streaming & Democracy Now, 06-06-13, Video below
"Breaking ’08 Pledge, Leaked Trade Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations"
~ Juan Gonzalez - DemocracyNow, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-13, Video, 13:00 min :: Link URL*^*<
>_^_ Wikileaks released a TPP Chapter (1 of 26) covering “Intellectual Property …for all 12 nations with negotiating positions” ::
POTUS Obama Is Quiet On T.P.P.; U.S. is pushing the toughest regulations::
“If instituted, the TPP’s [Intellectual Property] regime would trampled over individual rights and free expression, as well as ride roughshod over the intellectual and creative commons. If you read, write, publish, think, listen, dance, sing or invent; if you farm or consume food; if you’re ill now or might be one day be ill, the TPP has you in its crosshairs.“
~ Julian Assange, Wikileaks – Asylum in Ecuadorian Embassy, London, UK ::
“It puts the rights of profit-driven businesses over the rights of human beings, and the governments we form to protect ourselves.”
“TPP – Wikileaks has released another bombshell”
~ Thom Hartmann – Radio M-F 2-5 pm/am C.T. Streaming Wcpt 820 Chicago & Mike Papantonio - Ring of Fire Radio Sunday 5-8 pm C.T.; via The Big Picture RT, {Both Shows Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 11-14-13, YouTube, 10:50 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPIsjH25GHo
>_^_ “RE: Public Interest Analysis of Leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Investment Text”
~ FR: Lori Wallach and Todd Tucker, Public Citizens Global Trade Watch, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-13-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.citizen.org/documents/Leaked-TPP-Investment-Analysis.pdf
>_^_ Biography Notes: U.S. Trade Representative “Mike Froman”
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Froman
>_^_ Biography Notes: U.S. Commerce Secretary “Penny Pritzker”
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny_Pritzker
(1) “Dracula Strategy” - Drag the Obama Administrations U.S. Trade Representative Mike Froman & T.P.P. Trade “Baby” into the sunshine and expose the big secret of overturning U.S. Laws and Installing International Corp’s Tribunals as our lords and masters;
(2) Write a letter to your Congressman protesting the Stealth, Secrecy and Lack of Public Input;
(3) Sign on to “National Letter To The White House” ::
69 U.S. Congressmen wrote President Obama voicing concerns about TPP limiting “Buy American” Government Procurement procedures (thus undermining the economic recovery and creating a greater trade imbalance); The Letter :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.kslaw.com/library/publication/CongressionalLetter050312.pdf
>_^_ U.S. Congress Progressive Caucus ”Budget4All” Contact :: Link/URL
< http://cpc.grijalva.house.gov/
(4) Bill Press … White House Press Corps Member - will ask President Obama’s Press Secretary Jay Carney @ White House Morning Briefing to bring this trade agreement to the attention of the American people ::
Daily Briefing – Office of the Press Secretary – Jay Carney :: Link/URL
< http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/11/07/press-briefing-press-secretary-jay-carney
>_^_ Democracy Now News, Free Podcast of 06-06-13 Segment ::
1.) Patriot Act Section 215, Surveillance of U.S. Citizens-Verizon Corp-Domestic & Foreign Spying, Thomas Drake
2.) T.P.P. Trans-Pacific Partnership “Top Secret Trade Agreement” to be signed by the U.S. Senate in 2013 (Corporate Control of Government)
3.) Civil Rights Martyr Medgar Evers remembered on the 50 year anniversary of his death
“Democracy Now”
~ Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez - DemocracyNow, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-13, Video, 59:00 min :: Link URL
< http://www.democracynow.org/shows/2013/6/6
>_^_ DemocracyNow | Home | Stations | Past Shows | Topics | Blog |
____|Get Involved | Events | Espanol |About | :: Link/URL
< http://www.democracynow.org/
> ####(08-05-13)*CW*CWP*JL###*
>#(06-02-13)*JL*(ECSSN)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-101A, Manufacturing, Social Safety Net, Social
Security, Retirement, Medicare, Medicaid; Cost of Living Adjustment for Social
Security – “Chained CPI” – Cost Price Index (a “new”
Tool/Scale/Calculator/Method used for yearly benefits adjustment for
inflation), a 65y/o who retires today …@ 75 y/o retiree will lose
$560/yr , @ 85 y/o retiree will lose $1,000 per year
“Addressing the 2011 USW Constitutional Convention”
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders – Part 1-3, {Subscribe}, on 08-17-11 ::
>_^_ YouTube, 10:45 min, Part 1 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3JUWB4zHBA&feature=related
>_^_ YouTube, 08:22 min, Part 2 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/wath?v=SSrhAPsaXWg&feature=related
>_^_ YouTube, 15:18 min, Part 3 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXYNbhl1DjU&feature=related
> ####(12-15-13)*JL*ULSIBS(SSN)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Addressing the 2011 USW Constitutional Convention”
~ Sen. Bernie Sanders – Part 1-3, {Subscribe}, on 08-17-11 ::
>_^_ YouTube, 10:45 min, Part 1 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3JUWB4zHBA&feature=related
>_^_ YouTube, 08:22 min, Part 2 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/wath?v=SSrhAPsaXWg&feature=related
>_^_ YouTube, 15:18 min, Part 3 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXYNbhl1DjU&feature=related
> ####(12-15-13)*JL*ULSIBS(SSN)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Jobs-Labor-101D, Chris HEDGES
details American Fascism, Class Warfare, Corporate Fraud & Abuse; Using
Washington D.C. & Main Stream National News Media Courtiers …“The
Corporate State Hijacked Government” …POTUS 42, POTUS 43, POTUS 44 ::
2.8 million lost homes in 2009 ::
“Brand Obama Does Not Challenge the Corporate State” ::
“50 Million Americans in Poverty” … “Anti-Trust Laws Gone” … “Corporations control government” … “Corporate Security State emerging from the Patriot Act” … “Seize & maintain government control” … “Totalitarianism” … “Power Elite” … “Neo Feudalism” ::
“Corporate Forces will never permit political reform” ::
“Health Care Industry, like the Defense Industry, profits from death.” ::
“The Industry’s money & lobbyists drives the discussion in Washington.” ::
(Min 38:00 ) “America is devolving into a third world nation. And if we do not immediately halt our elites rapacious looting of the public treasury, and our bizarre state socialism for corporations, we will be left with trillions in debts which can never be repaid, and widespread human misery which we will be helpless to ameliorate. Our anemic democracy will be replaced with a robust national police state. The elite will withdraw into heavily guarded gated communities where they will have access to security, goods, and services that cannot be afforded by the rest of us.”
“Chris Hedges’ Empire of Illusion :: The News School”
~ via The New School, {Subscribe}, Chris Hedges - Reporter for two decades on wars in Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. His recent books are "Days of Destruction," "Days of Revolt," "Death of the Liberal Class," & "The World as It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress;" Column in Truth Dig, on 12-16-09, YouTube, 1:22:23 :: Link/ URL*^*<
>_^_ “How Corporations Destroyed American Democracy” {DUPLICATE ^}
~ via PHubb, {Subscribe}, 07-20-10, YouTube, 65:16 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRQjF1IPgKQ&feature=related
>##(12-15-13)*CW*WB2##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
2.8 million lost homes in 2009 ::
“Brand Obama Does Not Challenge the Corporate State” ::
“50 Million Americans in Poverty” … “Anti-Trust Laws Gone” … “Corporations control government” … “Corporate Security State emerging from the Patriot Act” … “Seize & maintain government control” … “Totalitarianism” … “Power Elite” … “Neo Feudalism” ::
“Corporate Forces will never permit political reform” ::
“Health Care Industry, like the Defense Industry, profits from death.” ::
“The Industry’s money & lobbyists drives the discussion in Washington.” ::
(Min 38:00 ) “America is devolving into a third world nation. And if we do not immediately halt our elites rapacious looting of the public treasury, and our bizarre state socialism for corporations, we will be left with trillions in debts which can never be repaid, and widespread human misery which we will be helpless to ameliorate. Our anemic democracy will be replaced with a robust national police state. The elite will withdraw into heavily guarded gated communities where they will have access to security, goods, and services that cannot be afforded by the rest of us.”
“Chris Hedges’ Empire of Illusion :: The News School”
~ via The New School, {Subscribe}, Chris Hedges - Reporter for two decades on wars in Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. His recent books are "Days of Destruction," "Days of Revolt," "Death of the Liberal Class," & "The World as It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress;" Column in Truth Dig, on 12-16-09, YouTube, 1:22:23 :: Link/ URL*^*<
>_^_ “How Corporations Destroyed American Democracy” {DUPLICATE ^}
~ via PHubb, {Subscribe}, 07-20-10, YouTube, 65:16 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRQjF1IPgKQ&feature=related
>##(12-15-13)*CW*WB2##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Communications-0777A,
Whistleblower Mark KLEIN - ATT Technician,
Exposed U.S. Domestic Spying on Citizens w/o Warrant DECEMBER 2005 ::
U.S. War Dept. C.I.A./N.S.A. Illegal Wire-tapping & Internet Surveillance;
ATT Technician Mark Klein installed an ATT “splitter” that copied all communications of ATT “Data Stream” to a “secret room,” including both Domestic & International Traffic, in DECEMBER 2005;
Room 641A at AT&T Folsom Street San Francisco, CA vacuumed all U.S. Foreign and Domestic Communications for the U.S. Government under POTUS George W. Bush; Email, Browser, Entire Internet, and Phone
without a warrant;
U.S. Senate giving ATT complete immunity after the fact to cover N.S.A.
{answers the question… why Keith Olbermann is unemployed in media}
"Mark Klein - AT&T Whistleblower"
~ Keith Olbermann - MSNBC with Mark Klein - Retired AT&T Technician, AT&T and Government Spying, Whistleblower, via LastPatriotStanding, {Subscribe}, on 03-23-08, YouTube, 05:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_qYGbieoMM
> ####(06-06-13)*PJ*ULC*WB(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. War Dept. C.I.A./N.S.A. Illegal Wire-tapping & Internet Surveillance;
ATT Technician Mark Klein installed an ATT “splitter” that copied all communications of ATT “Data Stream” to a “secret room,” including both Domestic & International Traffic, in DECEMBER 2005;
Room 641A at AT&T Folsom Street San Francisco, CA vacuumed all U.S. Foreign and Domestic Communications for the U.S. Government under POTUS George W. Bush; Email, Browser, Entire Internet, and Phone
without a warrant;
U.S. Senate giving ATT complete immunity after the fact to cover N.S.A.
{answers the question… why Keith Olbermann is unemployed in media}
"Mark Klein - AT&T Whistleblower"
~ Keith Olbermann - MSNBC with Mark Klein - Retired AT&T Technician, AT&T and Government Spying, Whistleblower, via LastPatriotStanding, {Subscribe}, on 03-23-08, YouTube, 05:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_qYGbieoMM
> ####(06-06-13)*PJ*ULC*WB(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Communications-0777B,
Whistleblower Ed “From Russia w/Love <3 ” SNOWDEN, Prosecution &
Life-in-Prison Pending Capture & U.S. Just’-ice ::
F.I.S.A. COURT – FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT of 1978 COURT, National Security Agency – NSA Spying Approval Court [Chief Just-ice “CorpCitizensUnited Against U.s” John Roberts handpicked members of the F.I.S.A. “Spy” COURT] ::
"The FISA Amendments Act generally requires the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court, The FISA Amendments Act generally requires the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court, to rubber-stamp terror-related electronic surveillance requests." ::
"brief history of the FISA Amendments Act:... National Security Agency, under the Bush administration, had been secretly and illegally wiretapping domestic phone conversations and monitoring other forms of electronic communications for years with no oversight, Congress responded by passing a law retroactively making basically everything the NSA (National Security Agency) was doing legal. The bill passed in so beautifully bipartisan... Essentially, the NSA no longer needs a warrant to carry out domestic spying:..." ::
"to preserve the government’s right to constantly spy on everyone without telling anyone about it." :: "Congress shows that they can still band together and vote for horrible things"
"Senate FISA vote inspiring display of bipartisan commitment to ignoring Fourth Amendment"
~ Alex Pareene - Salon, {Subscribe}, 12-28-12 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ See “Democracy Now”
~ DemocracyNow - Amy Goodman & Juan González, 06-07-13 & 06-06-13 Free Podcast News Hr, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.democracynow.org/
> ####(06-08-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
F.I.S.A. COURT – FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT of 1978 COURT, National Security Agency – NSA Spying Approval Court [Chief Just-ice “CorpCitizensUnited Against U.s” John Roberts handpicked members of the F.I.S.A. “Spy” COURT] ::
"The FISA Amendments Act generally requires the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court, The FISA Amendments Act generally requires the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court, to rubber-stamp terror-related electronic surveillance requests." ::
"brief history of the FISA Amendments Act:... National Security Agency, under the Bush administration, had been secretly and illegally wiretapping domestic phone conversations and monitoring other forms of electronic communications for years with no oversight, Congress responded by passing a law retroactively making basically everything the NSA (National Security Agency) was doing legal. The bill passed in so beautifully bipartisan... Essentially, the NSA no longer needs a warrant to carry out domestic spying:..." ::
"to preserve the government’s right to constantly spy on everyone without telling anyone about it." :: "Congress shows that they can still band together and vote for horrible things"
"Senate FISA vote inspiring display of bipartisan commitment to ignoring Fourth Amendment"
~ Alex Pareene - Salon, {Subscribe}, 12-28-12 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ See “Democracy Now”
~ DemocracyNow - Amy Goodman & Juan González, 06-07-13 & 06-06-13 Free Podcast News Hr, {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.democracynow.org/
> ####(06-08-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Communications-0777C,
Whistleblower U.S. Rep. Hank
JOHNSEN (D-*GA 4) questions Gen. Keith ALEXANDER
- NSA Chief, Lying to Oversight Committee ::
Rep. "Hank Johnson asking the director of the NSA about the big brother style spying on all domestic communications in the United States. …And how they are collecting massive amounts of data without a warrant. This was about 1 year before it became viral on the mainstream media."
"NSA - National Spy Agency caught lying"
~ via TopDiCapo, {Subscribe}, NSA - National Security Agency & Sen. Ron Wyden, on 06-10-13, YouTube, 05:13 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSTX7ZsX02U
>#(06-17-13)*WB(ULDRHJ)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rep. "Hank Johnson asking the director of the NSA about the big brother style spying on all domestic communications in the United States. …And how they are collecting massive amounts of data without a warrant. This was about 1 year before it became viral on the mainstream media."
"NSA - National Spy Agency caught lying"
~ via TopDiCapo, {Subscribe}, NSA - National Security Agency & Sen. Ron Wyden, on 06-10-13, YouTube, 05:13 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSTX7ZsX02U
>#(06-17-13)*WB(ULDRHJ)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Communications-0777F,
Whistleblower, Jailed, Prosecuted, Thomas DRAKE, NSA – NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY ::
“Operation TRAILBLAZER” ::
“Operation Trailblazer waste, fraud, & mismanagement, evisceration of the 1st Amendment & spying by the U.S. Government” ::
Secret Court Issuing Spying Warrants; A Dragnet On Electronic Information
"Part 2: Former NSA Employee Thomas Drake and Jesselyn Radack on Obama Admin. Whistleblower Crackdown"
~ Amy Goodman – Democracy Now, {Subscriber Supported}, with Thomas Drake – NSA Whistleblower – Recipient of the 2011 Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling and Jesselyn Radack – Former Govt. Attorney, 03-26-12, Video, 14:30 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ "Trailblazer was a United States National Security Agency (NSA) program ...to analyze data carried on communications networks like the Internet. ...was intended to track entities using communication methods such as cell phones and e-mail. It ran over budget, failed to accomplish critical goals, and was cancelled."
"Trailblazer Project"
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported}:: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trailblazer_Project
> ####(06-30-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Operation Trailblazer waste, fraud, & mismanagement, evisceration of the 1st Amendment & spying by the U.S. Government” ::
Secret Court Issuing Spying Warrants; A Dragnet On Electronic Information
"Part 2: Former NSA Employee Thomas Drake and Jesselyn Radack on Obama Admin. Whistleblower Crackdown"
~ Amy Goodman – Democracy Now, {Subscriber Supported}, with Thomas Drake – NSA Whistleblower – Recipient of the 2011 Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling and Jesselyn Radack – Former Govt. Attorney, 03-26-12, Video, 14:30 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ "Trailblazer was a United States National Security Agency (NSA) program ...to analyze data carried on communications networks like the Internet. ...was intended to track entities using communication methods such as cell phones and e-mail. It ran over budget, failed to accomplish critical goals, and was cancelled."
"Trailblazer Project"
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported}:: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trailblazer_Project
> ####(06-30-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Legislative, Law-Communications-08666A,
More “Public Airwaves” Could Go To Billionaire Smut Publisher Murdoch, Obama FCC Head Genachowski ::
Obama’s "Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski, a Democrat, hasn’t won approval of his proposal to ease a ban on cross-media ownership almost three months after asking fellow commissioners to vote for it." ::
"Genachowski’s would allow newspaper-broadcast common ownership in the 20 largest U.S. media markets so long as a television station isn’t among the top four in audience size, as measured by Nielsen" ::
"News Corp.’s Fox stations in Los Angeles and Chicago, the nation’s second- and third-largest markets, don’t always rank among the top four by audience, opening the door to potential bids, Aaron said." ::
The five-member FCC has been trying to rewrite its media- ownership regulations for a decade. Twice it has had had new rules rejected by courts
"Murdoch Coveting Papers Must Wait as Rift Stalls Media Rules"
~ Todd Shields & Edmund Lee - Bloomberg, {Subscribe}, 02-05-13::Link/URL
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-05/murdoch-coveting-papers-must-wait-as-rift-stalls-u-s-media-rule.html
>_^_"Tribune Co. expected to emerge from bankruptcy soon, News Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch is looking to acquire two of its trophy properties — the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune." :: "News Corp.'s Rupert Murdoch is said to be in early talks to buy the L.A. Times and the Chicago Tribune from Tribune Co."
"Rupert Murdoch, other potential buyers eye L.A. Times"
~ Meg James - Los Angeles Times, {Subscribe}, 10-19-12 :: Link/URL
< http://articles.latimes.com/2012/oct/19/business/la-fi-ct-murdoch-newspapers-20121020
> ####(02-13-13)*LC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Obama’s "Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski, a Democrat, hasn’t won approval of his proposal to ease a ban on cross-media ownership almost three months after asking fellow commissioners to vote for it." ::
"Genachowski’s would allow newspaper-broadcast common ownership in the 20 largest U.S. media markets so long as a television station isn’t among the top four in audience size, as measured by Nielsen" ::
"News Corp.’s Fox stations in Los Angeles and Chicago, the nation’s second- and third-largest markets, don’t always rank among the top four by audience, opening the door to potential bids, Aaron said." ::
The five-member FCC has been trying to rewrite its media- ownership regulations for a decade. Twice it has had had new rules rejected by courts
"Murdoch Coveting Papers Must Wait as Rift Stalls Media Rules"
~ Todd Shields & Edmund Lee - Bloomberg, {Subscribe}, 02-05-13::Link/URL
< http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-02-05/murdoch-coveting-papers-must-wait-as-rift-stalls-u-s-media-rule.html
>_^_"Tribune Co. expected to emerge from bankruptcy soon, News Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch is looking to acquire two of its trophy properties — the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune." :: "News Corp.'s Rupert Murdoch is said to be in early talks to buy the L.A. Times and the Chicago Tribune from Tribune Co."
"Rupert Murdoch, other potential buyers eye L.A. Times"
~ Meg James - Los Angeles Times, {Subscribe}, 10-19-12 :: Link/URL
< http://articles.latimes.com/2012/oct/19/business/la-fi-ct-murdoch-newspapers-20121020
> ####(02-13-13)*LC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Federal Penitentiary, John KIRIAKOU - C.I.A.
Agent, Exposing Bush War Crimes; Torture-Water Boarding, Geneva Convention
Violations, Free-Speech = 30 Months in Federal Penitentiary, U.S. War
Dept. C.I.A. Objectives Iraq & Afghanistan ::
C.I.A. – Corp’s Infantry of Aristocrats ::
“This (water-boarding/use of torture) is something about which we should be having a National Debate. And frankly, I have a 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech. Writing an Op Ed (cleared by C.I.A.) is not against the law. Writing about the Arab Spring or about torture is not against the law. I felt that I didn't want to be 'Cowed.' I didn't want to be frightened into silence." :: Charged w/ Espionage
"Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Sentenced to Prison While Torturers He Exposed Walk Free"
~ via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, on 01-30-13, YouTube, 17:22 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeBIRH9VlBQ
>_^_ Plea Deal :: "I admitting to confirming the name of a former Colleague to a journalist who was looking for as a C.I.A. Former C.I.A. officers to interview for a book." "The Justice Dept. used that to prosecute me." ~ John Kiriakou ::
Accused of Violating Espionage Act :: "A lot of people who were Whistleblowers, in fact 6 of them have been charged under the Espionage Act, which is a antiquated World War 1 Act meant to go after spies, not Whistleblowers. And being charged under it means you revealed national defense information with the intent to harm the United States or benefit a foreign nation." ~ Jesselyn Radack – Defense Atty.
"John Kiriakou Speaks Out… Whistleblower Case & Jail Sentence:”
"CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou Torture was official US policy"
~ via Jaqueline Pereira, {Subscribe}, 01-31-13, YT14:47 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4qRt2rdKDA
>_^_ C.I.A. Harsh/Enhanced Interrogation Techniques ::
”Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Interview on Democracy Now! (Clip 1)”
~ via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, YouTube, 05:23 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gObDnmMnN3M
>_^_ 10 Torture Techniques Condemned, but Used by C.I.A. Unconstitutional
"Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Interviewed on Democracy Now! (Clip 2)"
~ via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, YouTube, 02:21 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4pC5E6GaTI
>_^_ Whistleblower Comparisons ::
"Jesselyn Radack on Case of Anti-torture CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou on Democracy Now! (Clip 1)"
~ via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, YouTube, 01:18 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZP7QqCCXN4
>_^_ "Jesselyn Radack on Case of Anti-torture CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou on Democracy Now! (Clip 2)"
~ via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, YouTube, 01:18 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llTRt_gBHQ8
>_^_ Whistleblower Prosecutions ::
"Obama Promised Transparency!"
~ RT News, {Subscriber Supported}, via PresidentTerrorist, on 01-30-13, YouTube, 01:27 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeSWdm24eGQ
>_^_ "Pardon Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou"
~ via FiredoglakeTV, {Subscribe}, 01-30-13, YouTube 35 sec :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(02-02-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
C.I.A. – Corp’s Infantry of Aristocrats ::
“This (water-boarding/use of torture) is something about which we should be having a National Debate. And frankly, I have a 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech. Writing an Op Ed (cleared by C.I.A.) is not against the law. Writing about the Arab Spring or about torture is not against the law. I felt that I didn't want to be 'Cowed.' I didn't want to be frightened into silence." :: Charged w/ Espionage
"Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Sentenced to Prison While Torturers He Exposed Walk Free"
~ via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, on 01-30-13, YouTube, 17:22 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeBIRH9VlBQ
>_^_ Plea Deal :: "I admitting to confirming the name of a former Colleague to a journalist who was looking for as a C.I.A. Former C.I.A. officers to interview for a book." "The Justice Dept. used that to prosecute me." ~ John Kiriakou ::
Accused of Violating Espionage Act :: "A lot of people who were Whistleblowers, in fact 6 of them have been charged under the Espionage Act, which is a antiquated World War 1 Act meant to go after spies, not Whistleblowers. And being charged under it means you revealed national defense information with the intent to harm the United States or benefit a foreign nation." ~ Jesselyn Radack – Defense Atty.
"John Kiriakou Speaks Out… Whistleblower Case & Jail Sentence:”
"CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou Torture was official US policy"
~ via Jaqueline Pereira, {Subscribe}, 01-31-13, YT14:47 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4qRt2rdKDA
>_^_ C.I.A. Harsh/Enhanced Interrogation Techniques ::
”Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Interview on Democracy Now! (Clip 1)”
~ via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, YouTube, 05:23 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gObDnmMnN3M
>_^_ 10 Torture Techniques Condemned, but Used by C.I.A. Unconstitutional
"Ex-CIA Agent, Whistleblower John Kiriakou Interviewed on Democracy Now! (Clip 2)"
~ via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, YouTube, 02:21 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4pC5E6GaTI
>_^_ Whistleblower Comparisons ::
"Jesselyn Radack on Case of Anti-torture CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou on Democracy Now! (Clip 1)"
~ via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, YouTube, 01:18 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZP7QqCCXN4
>_^_ "Jesselyn Radack on Case of Anti-torture CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou on Democracy Now! (Clip 2)"
~ via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-31-13, YouTube, 01:18 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llTRt_gBHQ8
>_^_ Whistleblower Prosecutions ::
"Obama Promised Transparency!"
~ RT News, {Subscriber Supported}, via PresidentTerrorist, on 01-30-13, YouTube, 01:27 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeSWdm24eGQ
>_^_ "Pardon Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou"
~ via FiredoglakeTV, {Subscribe}, 01-30-13, YouTube 35 sec :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(02-02-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS44-BHO01A01, Federal Penitentiary, John KIRIAKOU drops dime on C.I.A. Head John O. BRENNAN, a Torture Culture graduate, U.S. War Dept. C.I.A. objectives in Iraq & Afghanistan ::
{All his predecessor General Petraeus had to do was get thousands of Iraqi citizens and 1,200 Americans killed in “The Surge” …against an uprising of Iraqi’s protesting the stripping/”profitizing” of their National Infrastructure and Oil Reserves by American Corp’s who owned President George Bush’s Administration; {“The Shock Doctrine” Naomi Klein Pg 406}
"Whistleblower John Kiriakou: Brennan's Embrace of Torture Makes Him a "Terrible Choice" to Lead CIA"
~ via democracynow, {Subscribe}, 02-01-13, YouTube, 51 sec :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9BwAIUY1QI
> ####(02-02-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
POTUS 43 Bush, Region-Middle East DRONE Strikes; Attacks in Afghanistan,
Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, & Somalia; U.S. War Dept. ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
“Personality Strikes” target known leaders; “Signature Strikes” target groups of men ”believed” to be militants but whose identities are not known (Men Holding Guns); “Clean-Up Strikes” killing rescuers ::
{real Cod Dam Dominionist Christian “Humanitarians” who worship Psychopaths aren’t we} ::
Five Reasons Drone Assassinations are illegal include:
1. “Assassinations illegal since 1976;
2. UN Report Questions Legality;
3. International law experts condemn them;
4. Military law of war does not authorize widespread drone killing of civilians;
5. Retired high-ranking military & CIA veterans challenge the legality & efficacy of Drone killings”(terrorist recruitment event)
“Five Reasons Drone Assassinations Are Illegal”
~ Bill Quigley – CommonDreams, {Subscribe}, 05-16-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/05/15-1
>_^_ History of Drones: "When Drones Became Lethal | CIA Black Ops"
~ via MilitaryChannel, {Subscribe}, 08-20-13, YT/02:56 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97k8JIawRq0
> ####(09-10-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
“Personality Strikes” target known leaders; “Signature Strikes” target groups of men ”believed” to be militants but whose identities are not known (Men Holding Guns); “Clean-Up Strikes” killing rescuers ::
{real Cod Dam Dominionist Christian “Humanitarians” who worship Psychopaths aren’t we} ::
Five Reasons Drone Assassinations are illegal include:
1. “Assassinations illegal since 1976;
2. UN Report Questions Legality;
3. International law experts condemn them;
4. Military law of war does not authorize widespread drone killing of civilians;
5. Retired high-ranking military & CIA veterans challenge the legality & efficacy of Drone killings”(terrorist recruitment event)
“Five Reasons Drone Assassinations Are Illegal”
~ Bill Quigley – CommonDreams, {Subscribe}, 05-16-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/05/15-1
>_^_ History of Drones: "When Drones Became Lethal | CIA Black Ops"
~ via MilitaryChannel, {Subscribe}, 08-20-13, YT/02:56 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97k8JIawRq0
> ####(09-10-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
POTUS 43 Bush, Bradley “I <3 ppl w/better
tans too”MANNING, Incarcerated, @1%’s Military Show Trial, U.S. Army War
Crimes ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
CAUTION: “This video, of dead men walking, is brutal”
Bradley Manning, U.S. War Dept. C.I.A. Iraq, 2007 Apache Helicopter attack on group of Non-Combatants including 2 journalists on Bagdad street corner; Minutes later a van that was picking up wounded was shot causing more casualties, including 2 children
“Collateral Murder – Wikileaks – Iraq”
~ Wiki, via sunshine press, {Subscribe}, 04-03-10, YT/17:47 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0
> ####(08-08-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
CAUTION: “This video, of dead men walking, is brutal”
Bradley Manning, U.S. War Dept. C.I.A. Iraq, 2007 Apache Helicopter attack on group of Non-Combatants including 2 journalists on Bagdad street corner; Minutes later a van that was picking up wounded was shot causing more casualties, including 2 children
“Collateral Murder – Wikileaks – Iraq”
~ Wiki, via sunshine press, {Subscribe}, 04-03-10, YT/17:47 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0
> ####(08-08-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
A.G. Eric “Big-Bank Hand" HOLDER, Assaulted & Prosecuted Occupy Movement Protestors ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
War on Occupy, A.L.E.C. Billionaire Cabal Meeting :: Arizona Homeland Security Fusion Centers, Involving all levels of Law Enforcement spying on Occupy Phoenix & A.L.E.C. meeting protestors; Police & Anti-Terrorism Units collaborated with A.L.E.C. ::
Arizona Fusion Center sent a Face Sheet To A.L.E.C. Security; “Giving downtown banks everything they need” :: “Destroyed Levy guidelines” ::
Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder – Attorney General, “Waging war on whistleblowers” and Occupy Protest against Wall Street Banks :: (U.S. = Corporatocracy) ::
Whistleblower Nemesis & Wall Street Covington & Burling Corp’s (a Big-Bank Defense Law Firm) Fav Atty General - Eric “Big-Bank Hand" HOLDER’s Just’-ice Dept.
"Editor of The Progressive Calls For Eric Holder to Resign Over Spying on Press, Occupy Protesters"
~ Amy Goodman DemocracyNow, with Matthew Rothschild - The Progressive, via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, on 05-22-13, YouTube, 06:15 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_Dii2fJpDI
>_^_ Expanded Duplicate, 05-22-13, Video, 09:00 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(07-26-13)*CWP*WB*(PIO)(UE44)(CBWS)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
War on Occupy, A.L.E.C. Billionaire Cabal Meeting :: Arizona Homeland Security Fusion Centers, Involving all levels of Law Enforcement spying on Occupy Phoenix & A.L.E.C. meeting protestors; Police & Anti-Terrorism Units collaborated with A.L.E.C. ::
Arizona Fusion Center sent a Face Sheet To A.L.E.C. Security; “Giving downtown banks everything they need” :: “Destroyed Levy guidelines” ::
Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder – Attorney General, “Waging war on whistleblowers” and Occupy Protest against Wall Street Banks :: (U.S. = Corporatocracy) ::
Whistleblower Nemesis & Wall Street Covington & Burling Corp’s (a Big-Bank Defense Law Firm) Fav Atty General - Eric “Big-Bank Hand" HOLDER’s Just’-ice Dept.
"Editor of The Progressive Calls For Eric Holder to Resign Over Spying on Press, Occupy Protesters"
~ Amy Goodman DemocracyNow, with Matthew Rothschild - The Progressive, via democracynow, {Subscriber Supported}, on 05-22-13, YouTube, 06:15 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_Dii2fJpDI
>_^_ Expanded Duplicate, 05-22-13, Video, 09:00 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(07-26-13)*CWP*WB*(PIO)(UE44)(CBWS)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Class Warfare Since The late 1970’s, Inequality In America
“the tax restructuring in favor of the rich …free trade and offshoring, the atrophying of the real minimum wage, the dismantling of real pensions and employer contributions to healthcare, the shift from full time permanent jobs to part time and temp work, the destruction of unions and higher paying union jobs, the displacing of higher paid jobs with technology, substitution of credit for lack of wage growth, failure to invest in the US…”
"Obama and Co. Discover Inequality - Better Late Than Never?"
~ The Greenville Post, {Subscribe}, Jack Rasmus - radio show, ‘Alternative Visions’ on Progressive Radio Network - author, “Obama’s Economy: Recovery for the Few,” 02-28-14 :: Link/URL
< http://www.greanvillepost.com/2014/01/28/obama-and-co-discover-inequality/
>###(03-01-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“the tax restructuring in favor of the rich …free trade and offshoring, the atrophying of the real minimum wage, the dismantling of real pensions and employer contributions to healthcare, the shift from full time permanent jobs to part time and temp work, the destruction of unions and higher paying union jobs, the displacing of higher paid jobs with technology, substitution of credit for lack of wage growth, failure to invest in the US…”
"Obama and Co. Discover Inequality - Better Late Than Never?"
~ The Greenville Post, {Subscribe}, Jack Rasmus - radio show, ‘Alternative Visions’ on Progressive Radio Network - author, “Obama’s Economy: Recovery for the Few,” 02-28-14 :: Link/URL
< http://www.greanvillepost.com/2014/01/28/obama-and-co-discover-inequality/
>###(03-01-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS44-BHO01B, Jeremy HAMMOND - Anonymous Hacktivist, STRATFOR Emails, Political Activist; Prosecuted and Jailed in Federal Prison; STRATFOR, CORPORATE SPYING – The Shadow CIA; Published Stratfor Emails, Facing 10 years and $2.5 Million in restitution costs; Outing spies; Government and Private Spying, and Defense Industry Hacks ::
"31 Major media outlets around the world published the emails" ::
"Jeremy Hammond of the hacktivist group Anonymous has pleaded guilty to hacking into the private intelligence firm Stratfor, the FBI and other institutions. Hammond says his goal was to shed light on how governments and corporations act behind closed doors."
"Julian Assange: Stratfor Hacker Jeremy Hammond Guilty Plea Part of Crackdown on Journalism, Activism"
~ Democracy Now, {Subscribe}, 05-29-13, Video, 15:00 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Before Judge Loretta Preska, Hammond "pleaded guilty to involved accessing ...servers of Stratfor, a private intelligence company, and providing it to Wikileaks, ...charged under the controversial 1984 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the same law used to charge the late Aaron Swartz and other cyber-activists." ::
"...leaked internal documents were millions of emails that exposed Stratfor's wide-ranging spying activities, ...Bhopal activists at the behest of Dow Chemical, of PETA on behalf of Coca-Cola, and of Occupy Wall Street under contract to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security..." ::
"...took responsibility for eight other hacks, …law enforcement, intelligence firms or defense contractor websites. ...and a Pennsylvania firm called Combined Systems that makes tear gas." ::
"I did this because I believe people have a right to know what governments and corporations are doing behind closed doors" Hammond wrote. "I did what I believe is right."
"Jeremy Hammond Pleads Guilty to Stratfor Hack"
~ John Knefel - Rolling Stone, @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-28-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/jeremy-hammond-pleads-guilty-to-stratfor-hack-20130528
>##(07-29-13)*CBWS*WB#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Arizona Fusion Center conspired with
corporations and A.L.E.C. to manage Occupy Protests
against Corp Greed ::
"how fusion centers and other counter terrorism entities that have emerged since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 have worked to benefit numerous corporations engaged in public-private intelligence sharing partnerships. While the report examines many instances of fusion center monitoring of Occupy activists nationwide"
"Government Surveillance of Occupy Movement"
"Special Report by Center for Media and Democracy and DBA Press"
"Government Surveillance of Occupy Movement"
~ Beau Hodai - Center for Media and Democracy, Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-20-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ "businesses - including banks - received alerts authored by the Arizona fusion center about planned protest ...alerts to banks were given in the run-up to the November 5 day of action labeled “Bank Transfer Day,” which encouraged people to move their money from corporate banks to more local financial institutions." ::
"A new report is an eye-opening look into how the U.S. counter-terror apparatus was used to track the Occupy movement."
"How America's National Security Apparatus - in Partnership With Big Corporations - Cracked Down on Dissent"
~ Alex Kane - AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-21-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/how-americas-national-security-apparatus-partnership-big-corporations-cracked-down
<_^_ “Intel. Disclosures and Gossip Such as Not to Spoil Your Tea”
~ Gordon Duff - Word Press, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-22-12 :: Link/URL
< http://ascendingstarseed.wordpress.com/category/rise-of-fascism-the-corporate-control-of-america/alec-and-koch-bros/
>##(09-08-13)*CBWS*WB#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"how fusion centers and other counter terrorism entities that have emerged since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 have worked to benefit numerous corporations engaged in public-private intelligence sharing partnerships. While the report examines many instances of fusion center monitoring of Occupy activists nationwide"
"Government Surveillance of Occupy Movement"
"Special Report by Center for Media and Democracy and DBA Press"
"Government Surveillance of Occupy Movement"
~ Beau Hodai - Center for Media and Democracy, Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-20-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ "businesses - including banks - received alerts authored by the Arizona fusion center about planned protest ...alerts to banks were given in the run-up to the November 5 day of action labeled “Bank Transfer Day,” which encouraged people to move their money from corporate banks to more local financial institutions." ::
"A new report is an eye-opening look into how the U.S. counter-terror apparatus was used to track the Occupy movement."
"How America's National Security Apparatus - in Partnership With Big Corporations - Cracked Down on Dissent"
~ Alex Kane - AlterNet, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-21-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/how-americas-national-security-apparatus-partnership-big-corporations-cracked-down
<_^_ “Intel. Disclosures and Gossip Such as Not to Spoil Your Tea”
~ Gordon Duff - Word Press, {Subscriber Supported}, 04-22-12 :: Link/URL
< http://ascendingstarseed.wordpress.com/category/rise-of-fascism-the-corporate-control-of-america/alec-and-koch-bros/
>##(09-08-13)*CBWS*WB#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS44-BHO01OCCUPY, Assaulted & Prosecuted Occupy Movement Protestors ::
Bank Inside Jobs & Bailouts w/o Prosecution; The First Amendment Fails; Police State; Occupy Movement beaten up by Police Nationwide ::
Presidential Candidate Herman Cain’s Sexual Harassment Allegations (min 1-11), Rick Perry Gaffs (min 11-17);
Occupy (min 17-46) Denver CO, Portland Mayor Sam Adams, Nashville TN, Rochester NY, Austin TX, Richmond VA, March on Koch Industries Wichita KS, Oakland CA, Denver CO assault on Occupy (min 22-26), New York Zucatti Park police suggesting mentally ill and drug addicts go to Occupy (min 26-32) :: FOX NOOSE against Occupy (min 41)
“Countdown with Keith Olbermann from Current.TV – Monday, October 31, 2011”
~ Keith Olbermann and Evan McMorris-Santoro –Talking Points Memo, {Subscriber Supported}, Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone, Elliot Spitzer, via thinkingliberal, {Subscribe}, 11-01-11, YouTube, 46:15 min ::Link/URL*^*<
>###(06-06-13)*PIO*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
POTUS 43 Bush, U.S. Senator Ron WYDEN – (D-*OR),
James CLAPPER, Exposed N.S.A./C.I.A. Domestic Spying;
National Security Agency wiretapping secrecy sidestepped in Congressional Hearing ::
N.S.A./C.I.A. lie to Senate Intelligence Committee by James CLAPPER of NSA; "Not wittingly" spying on American citizens; "On March 12 Ron Wyden who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee asked DNI James Clapper if the NSA collects data on millions of Americans. Clapper answer that no the NSA does not at least not wittingly collect info on American. In light of the report about the NSA collecting phone records from Verizon"
"DNI James Clapper of the NSA caught lying"
~ via TopDiCapo, James Clapper - NSA - National Security Agency, & Sen. Ron Wyden, via TopDiCapo, {Subscribe}, 06-11-13, YT/01:14 min::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4vFOax-Zzc
> ####(06-17-13)*WB*ULDSRW*UWPSF*(ULDRHJ)*WB###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
National Security Agency wiretapping secrecy sidestepped in Congressional Hearing ::
N.S.A./C.I.A. lie to Senate Intelligence Committee by James CLAPPER of NSA; "Not wittingly" spying on American citizens; "On March 12 Ron Wyden who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee asked DNI James Clapper if the NSA collects data on millions of Americans. Clapper answer that no the NSA does not at least not wittingly collect info on American. In light of the report about the NSA collecting phone records from Verizon"
"DNI James Clapper of the NSA caught lying"
~ via TopDiCapo, James Clapper - NSA - National Security Agency, & Sen. Ron Wyden, via TopDiCapo, {Subscribe}, 06-11-13, YT/01:14 min::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4vFOax-Zzc
> ####(06-17-13)*WB*ULDSRW*UWPSF*(ULDRHJ)*WB###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
POTUS 43 Bush, U.S. Rep. Hank JOHNSEN (D-*GA 4)
questions Gen. Keith ALEXANDER - NSA Chief,
Lying to Oversight Committee ::
Rep. "Hank Johnson asking the director of the NSA about the big brother style spying on all domestic communications in the United States. …And how they are collecting massive amounts of data without a warrant. This was about 1 year before it became viral on the mainstream media."
"NSA - National Spy Agency caught lying"
~ via TopDiCapo, {Subscribe}, NSA - National Security Agency & Sen. Ron Wyden, on 06-10-13, YouTube, 05:13 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSTX7ZsX02U
>#(06-17-13)*WB(ULDRHJ)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Rep. "Hank Johnson asking the director of the NSA about the big brother style spying on all domestic communications in the United States. …And how they are collecting massive amounts of data without a warrant. This was about 1 year before it became viral on the mainstream media."
"NSA - National Spy Agency caught lying"
~ via TopDiCapo, {Subscribe}, NSA - National Security Agency & Sen. Ron Wyden, on 06-10-13, YouTube, 05:13 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSTX7ZsX02U
>#(06-17-13)*WB(ULDRHJ)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Obama not trying to change the system at this point; 2010 Mid-terms ::
“40% of all money for political functionality comes from Banks” ~ Dylan Ratigan :: Obama Administration “became the agents of the status quo instead of agents of change” ~ Glenn Greenwald :: “The guy who sold us hope ended up robbing us of hope.” ~ Jenk Uygur :: “No campaign finance reform” :: Hired Tim Geitner, Rohm Emanuel & Larry Summers ::
“Cenk, Greenwald & Ratigan on Obama, 2010 Elections”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur - TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, Glen Greenwald - Salon, Dylan Ratigan – Author ~ “Greedy Bastards” 2011 – Formerly MSNBC, via TheYoungTurks,11-04-10, YT/11:50 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ggzNu6sUIk&feature=fvsr
>_^_ U.S. Executive(44) Pres. Barack Obama; Affordable (Private Health Insurance Access &) Care Act; Bangksters, Bank Bailout ::
The Iraq War was about acquisition of oil fields in Iraq by Dick Cheney;
Obama Administration packed with Robert Ruben clones ::
Clinton Admin’s Bob Ruben - of Goldman Sachs, worked to repeal Glass-Steagall Act 1933/Banking Act 1935, and pass Gramm Leach Bliley 1999, the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999; Opened the door to Commodities & Derivatives speculation and higher prices for everything; Appointed Goldman Sachs employee as U.S. Treasury Sec. Timothy Geitner
“Matt Taibbi On Obama’s Big Sellout”
~ via thomhartmann, {Subscriber Supported}, on 12-16-09, YouTube, 16:48 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCVs_Y2l4T0&feature=relmfu
>_^_ Pres. Barack Obama, Cabinet Review, Corp Family Ties ::
“Obama: Met the New Boss”
~ via JonRevere {Subscribe}, on 04-09-11, YouTube, Music by “The Who,” 09:29 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Pres. “Obama’s ’08 PACs: Keep Hoping for Change”
~ Jon Reynolds - Screeching Kettle Blog Spot, 03-01-11 :: Link/URL
< http://screechingkettle.blogspot.com/2011/02/obama-inc.html
> ####(08-21-13)*CW*CBWS*EF*UJSC*WB###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS44-BHO06B, Aggressive Prosecution, Activists ::
Sundance Film Festival "film, titled “The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz,” directed by Brian Knappenberger :: “...short arc of Aaron’s life. He committed suicide while under the crushing weight of unbending, zealous federal prosecutors" by Federal Prosecutors Steven Hyman and Carman Ortiz ::
"At ...14, Aaron helped develop RSS, “Really Simple Syndication,” which changed how people get online content. ...co-founded ...Reddit. ...helped defeat ...Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which would have granted corporations sweeping powers of censorship over the Internet. Now, another fight for the freedom of the Internet..." Against NSA bulk data collection of phone and internet records.
"Aaron Swartz: The Life We Lost and the Day We Fight Back"
~ Democracy Now! – Amy Goodman, 01-23-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ February 11 “The Day We Fight Back” against the Surveillance State Noah Swartz - Brother
"Aaron Swartz: The Life We Lost and the Day We Fight Back" Podcast
~ Democracy Now! – Amy Goodman, 01-23-13 :: Link/URL*^*
< http://ec.libsyn.com/p/1/e/6/1e6c5d7c0dfed913/2014-0123_PODCAST_Amy-Goodman.mp3?d13a76d516d9dec20c3d276ce028ed5089ab1ce3dae902ea1d01c18731d6c959a1db&c_id=6719938
>###(01-25-14)*WB(EF)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Sundance Film Festival "film, titled “The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz,” directed by Brian Knappenberger :: “...short arc of Aaron’s life. He committed suicide while under the crushing weight of unbending, zealous federal prosecutors" by Federal Prosecutors Steven Hyman and Carman Ortiz ::
"At ...14, Aaron helped develop RSS, “Really Simple Syndication,” which changed how people get online content. ...co-founded ...Reddit. ...helped defeat ...Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which would have granted corporations sweeping powers of censorship over the Internet. Now, another fight for the freedom of the Internet..." Against NSA bulk data collection of phone and internet records.
"Aaron Swartz: The Life We Lost and the Day We Fight Back"
~ Democracy Now! – Amy Goodman, 01-23-13 :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ February 11 “The Day We Fight Back” against the Surveillance State Noah Swartz - Brother
"Aaron Swartz: The Life We Lost and the Day We Fight Back" Podcast
~ Democracy Now! – Amy Goodman, 01-23-13 :: Link/URL*^*
< http://ec.libsyn.com/p/1/e/6/1e6c5d7c0dfed913/2014-0123_PODCAST_Amy-Goodman.mp3?d13a76d516d9dec20c3d276ce028ed5089ab1ce3dae902ea1d01c18731d6c959a1db&c_id=6719938
>###(01-25-14)*WB(EF)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
POTUS 43 Bush, Journalist & TOR Developer’s
Computer Bugged@CIA ::
"Andrea Shepard, a core Tor developer living in Seattle..."
"…victim of the NSA's targeted spying?"
"...shows the shipment tracking details for a computer Shepard ordered from Amazon..." ::
"…package was first dispatched to Dulles, Virginia." Named for CIA Head::
"2013, journalists working for ...Der Spiegel published information about a top-secret arm of the NSA, called the Tailored Access Operations division. TAO does highly targeted surveillance..."
"Did this Tor developer become the first known victim of the NSA's laptop interception program?"
~ sosadmin - Sunlight On Surveillance, {Subscribe}, 01-24-14 :: Link/URL
< http://privacysos.org/node/1311
>_^_ Allen Dulles "…the first civilian and the longest-serving (1953–1961) Director of Central Intelligence and a member of the Warren Commission. ...a corporate lawyer"
"Allen Dulles"
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Dulles
>_^_ Anonymous TIP LINE “TOR,” Protected Communication Between Whistleblower & Investigative Journalists, Aaron SWARTZ ::
Publishing; Untraceable Anonymous Open Source Communication Encrypted & Tested by its creator, activist Aaron Swartz – (who died 1/13 of an apparent suicide as a result of overly aggressive prosecution by the U.S. Justice Department, accused of illegally downloading scientific articles and information with intent to share, facing 30+ years in Federal Prison);
{Report: Rachael Maddow – MSNBC interviewed Nicholas Thompson, Editor – The New Yorker, {Subscribe}, on 05-16-13 } :: Link/URL
< http://www.newyorker.com/strongbox/
>_^_ “To help protect your anonymity, Strongbox is only accessible using the Tor network… When using Strongbox, The New Yorker will not record your I.P. address or information about your browser, computer, or operating system” :: Link/URL
< https://www.torproject.org
>##(01-29-14)*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Andrea Shepard, a core Tor developer living in Seattle..."
"…victim of the NSA's targeted spying?"
"...shows the shipment tracking details for a computer Shepard ordered from Amazon..." ::
"…package was first dispatched to Dulles, Virginia." Named for CIA Head::
"2013, journalists working for ...Der Spiegel published information about a top-secret arm of the NSA, called the Tailored Access Operations division. TAO does highly targeted surveillance..."
"Did this Tor developer become the first known victim of the NSA's laptop interception program?"
~ sosadmin - Sunlight On Surveillance, {Subscribe}, 01-24-14 :: Link/URL
< http://privacysos.org/node/1311
>_^_ Allen Dulles "…the first civilian and the longest-serving (1953–1961) Director of Central Intelligence and a member of the Warren Commission. ...a corporate lawyer"
"Allen Dulles"
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Dulles
>_^_ Anonymous TIP LINE “TOR,” Protected Communication Between Whistleblower & Investigative Journalists, Aaron SWARTZ ::
Publishing; Untraceable Anonymous Open Source Communication Encrypted & Tested by its creator, activist Aaron Swartz – (who died 1/13 of an apparent suicide as a result of overly aggressive prosecution by the U.S. Justice Department, accused of illegally downloading scientific articles and information with intent to share, facing 30+ years in Federal Prison);
{Report: Rachael Maddow – MSNBC interviewed Nicholas Thompson, Editor – The New Yorker, {Subscribe}, on 05-16-13 } :: Link/URL
< http://www.newyorker.com/strongbox/
>_^_ “To help protect your anonymity, Strongbox is only accessible using the Tor network… When using Strongbox, The New Yorker will not record your I.P. address or information about your browser, computer, or operating system” :: Link/URL
< https://www.torproject.org
>##(01-29-14)*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
POTUS 43 Bush, Ed “From Russia w/Love <3 ”
SNOWDEN, Prosecution & Life-in-Prison Pending Capture & U.s
Just’-ice; Professor LESSIG ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Ed – a Former N.S.A./C.I.A. Contractor, System Administrator - Booz Allen Hamilton Exposed Domestic Spying by National Security Agency ::
Re-Exposed/”Named” N.S.A. “Prism Program” ::
Re-Exposed Secret F.I.S.A. Spy Court, F.I.S.A. Court – Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, National Security Agency – NSA Spying Approval Court [Chief Just-ice “CorpCitizensUnited Against U.s” John Roberts handpicked members of the F.I.S.A. “Spy” COURT] ::
U.S. National Security Agency collecting all computer & phone records; F.Y.I.: F.I.S.A. was modified into/by “The U.S. Patriot Act” (passed in response to 09-11-01 New York Twin Towers, Washington D.C. Pentagon, and Pennsylvania field terminated airliner attacks) ::
See Moyers & Company Video, a discussion between Bill Moyers & Dr. Lawrence Lessig – Harvard Law Professor – Author, Book, “Code & Other Laws of Cyber Space” {22:40 min}
"The greatest fear that I have regarding the outcome of America of these disclosures is that nothing will change. People will see, in the media, all of these disclosures. They'll know the lengths that the government is going to grant themselves powers, unilaterally, to create greater control over American Society and Global Society, but they won’t be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things …to force their representatives to actually take a stand in their interests." ~ Ed Snowden ::
"I understand that I will be punished for my action. I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant."
~ Ed Snowden
"Edward Snowden’s concerns about popular apathy regarding his revelations of government data gathering are well-founded." ::
"We have responded to this increasing invasion as the Soviets responded to theirs" Lessig testified. ::
Professor Lawrence "Lessig — whose former student, Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz, committed suicide on January 12, 2013, in the wake of being hounded by a lawsuit by the Justice Department — struck a similarly ominous tone while testifying before the House Judiciary Committee in 1998."
“Bovine, we have accepted the reduction in private space. Passive, we have adjusted our life to these new intrusions. Accepting, we have been told that this is the way we have to live in this newly digitized age."
"Harvard professor tells Moyers: Snowden’s fear nothing will change ‘is the most likely outcome’"
~ Arturo Garcia - The Raw Story, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-14-13, Moyers & Company Video, 56:46 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/06/14/harvard-professor-tells-moyers-snowdens-fear-nothing-will-change-is-the-most-likely-outcome/
> ####(06-14-13)*WB### *Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Ed – a Former N.S.A./C.I.A. Contractor, System Administrator - Booz Allen Hamilton Exposed Domestic Spying by National Security Agency ::
Re-Exposed/”Named” N.S.A. “Prism Program” ::
Re-Exposed Secret F.I.S.A. Spy Court, F.I.S.A. Court – Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, National Security Agency – NSA Spying Approval Court [Chief Just-ice “CorpCitizensUnited Against U.s” John Roberts handpicked members of the F.I.S.A. “Spy” COURT] ::
U.S. National Security Agency collecting all computer & phone records; F.Y.I.: F.I.S.A. was modified into/by “The U.S. Patriot Act” (passed in response to 09-11-01 New York Twin Towers, Washington D.C. Pentagon, and Pennsylvania field terminated airliner attacks) ::
See Moyers & Company Video, a discussion between Bill Moyers & Dr. Lawrence Lessig – Harvard Law Professor – Author, Book, “Code & Other Laws of Cyber Space” {22:40 min}
"The greatest fear that I have regarding the outcome of America of these disclosures is that nothing will change. People will see, in the media, all of these disclosures. They'll know the lengths that the government is going to grant themselves powers, unilaterally, to create greater control over American Society and Global Society, but they won’t be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things …to force their representatives to actually take a stand in their interests." ~ Ed Snowden ::
"I understand that I will be punished for my action. I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant."
~ Ed Snowden
"Edward Snowden’s concerns about popular apathy regarding his revelations of government data gathering are well-founded." ::
"We have responded to this increasing invasion as the Soviets responded to theirs" Lessig testified. ::
Professor Lawrence "Lessig — whose former student, Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz, committed suicide on January 12, 2013, in the wake of being hounded by a lawsuit by the Justice Department — struck a similarly ominous tone while testifying before the House Judiciary Committee in 1998."
“Bovine, we have accepted the reduction in private space. Passive, we have adjusted our life to these new intrusions. Accepting, we have been told that this is the way we have to live in this newly digitized age."
"Harvard professor tells Moyers: Snowden’s fear nothing will change ‘is the most likely outcome’"
~ Arturo Garcia - The Raw Story, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-14-13, Moyers & Company Video, 56:46 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/06/14/harvard-professor-tells-moyers-snowdens-fear-nothing-will-change-is-the-most-likely-outcome/
> ####(06-14-13)*WB### *Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
POTUS 43 Bush, Barrett Brown ::
Journalist Lawyer Barrett Brown used information obtained by …Anonymous to report on… private intelligence firms.” ::
Brown "…read and analyze the documents, eventually crowdsourcing the effort through Project PM."… Cyber-Activists "Anonymous hacked into the computer system of the private security firm HBGary Federal and disclosed thousands of internal emails" ::
Spooks - Stratfor Global Intelligence; Bank of America – hiring spooks; Department of Justice protecting spooks, but not protecting citizens from spooks; Spooks - Endgame Systems; Spook - Endgame Systems leaks; Spooks - Team Themis; Spooks - PSYOPs operation;
Spook Plot against Chamber Watch (Chamber of Commerce); Private spooks collecting information on activist organizations like PETA ::
Blackwater wana-be spooks; Spooks - Booz Allen; Gov. Spooks - NSA; Gov. Spooks - CIA; Gov. Spooks - FBI; Gov. Spooks luv Private Spooks; Coca-Cola hiring spooks; Government spooks at F.B.I. …just a public cop for private spy spooks; Spook - Stratfor leaks ::
"They (the U.S. Government) could do whatever they want, to whoever they want." ~ Barrett Brown
"Jailed Journalist Barrett Brown Faces 105 Years For Reporting on Hacked Private Intelligence Firms"
~ Democracy Now, w/Peter Ludlow - Northwestern University - Philosophy, {Subscribe}, 07-11-13, Video, 22 min :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.democracynow.org/2013/7/11/jailed_journalist_barrett_brown_faces_105
>_^_ "Amid the outrage over the NSA's spying program, the jailing of journalist Barrett Brown points to a deeper and very troubling problem."
"The Strange Case of Barrett Brown"
~ Peter Ludlow - The Nation, {Subscribe Supported}, 06-18-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.thenation.com/article/174851/strange-case-barrett-brown
>_^_ "A new report discusses some of the techniques. They can be devious"
"Revealed: How corporate spooks spy on activists"
~ Joshua Holland, BillMoyers.com - Salon, {Both Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 11-26-13 :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.salon.com/2013/11/26/revealed_how_corporate_spooks_spy_on_nonprofit_activist_groups/
>_^_ Barrett Brown’s Facebook Page, Open ::
< https://www.facebook.com/barrett.brown.376?fref=ts
>###(04-05-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Journalist Lawyer Barrett Brown used information obtained by …Anonymous to report on… private intelligence firms.” ::
Brown "…read and analyze the documents, eventually crowdsourcing the effort through Project PM."… Cyber-Activists "Anonymous hacked into the computer system of the private security firm HBGary Federal and disclosed thousands of internal emails" ::
Spooks - Stratfor Global Intelligence; Bank of America – hiring spooks; Department of Justice protecting spooks, but not protecting citizens from spooks; Spooks - Endgame Systems; Spook - Endgame Systems leaks; Spooks - Team Themis; Spooks - PSYOPs operation;
Spook Plot against Chamber Watch (Chamber of Commerce); Private spooks collecting information on activist organizations like PETA ::
Blackwater wana-be spooks; Spooks - Booz Allen; Gov. Spooks - NSA; Gov. Spooks - CIA; Gov. Spooks - FBI; Gov. Spooks luv Private Spooks; Coca-Cola hiring spooks; Government spooks at F.B.I. …just a public cop for private spy spooks; Spook - Stratfor leaks ::
"They (the U.S. Government) could do whatever they want, to whoever they want." ~ Barrett Brown
"Jailed Journalist Barrett Brown Faces 105 Years For Reporting on Hacked Private Intelligence Firms"
~ Democracy Now, w/Peter Ludlow - Northwestern University - Philosophy, {Subscribe}, 07-11-13, Video, 22 min :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.democracynow.org/2013/7/11/jailed_journalist_barrett_brown_faces_105
>_^_ "Amid the outrage over the NSA's spying program, the jailing of journalist Barrett Brown points to a deeper and very troubling problem."
"The Strange Case of Barrett Brown"
~ Peter Ludlow - The Nation, {Subscribe Supported}, 06-18-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.thenation.com/article/174851/strange-case-barrett-brown
>_^_ "A new report discusses some of the techniques. They can be devious"
"Revealed: How corporate spooks spy on activists"
~ Joshua Holland, BillMoyers.com - Salon, {Both Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 11-26-13 :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.salon.com/2013/11/26/revealed_how_corporate_spooks_spy_on_nonprofit_activist_groups/
>_^_ Barrett Brown’s Facebook Page, Open ::
< https://www.facebook.com/barrett.brown.376?fref=ts
>###(04-05-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS44-BHO16C, POTUS 43 Bush, Joseph NACCHIO, NSA
Data Collection 2001 :: Quest Telecom CEO – Nacchio was the only Telecom
C.E.O. who “refused” to Collect Data for CIA-NSA; Bypassing F.I.S.A., NSA
claimed that F.I.S.A. Court might not go along with Surveillance on Americans;
NSA went directly to Telecoms; Nacchio Prosecuted by Federal Gov't, for selling
stock when Feds withdrew business from other contracts as retaliation for
non-cooperation in illegal data collection request. ::
Later on, Congress passed a bill exonerating all Telecoms Corp's for past illegal data sharing with CIA-NSA for which they were well paid.
"Only One Big Telecom CEO Refused To Cave To The NSA ... And He's Been In Jail For 4 Years"
~ Michael Kelley - Business Insider-L&O, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.businessinsider.com/the-story-of-joseph-nacchio-and-the-nsa-2013-6
>_^_ "Nacchio was alone among all of the major telco execs to tell the NSA to get lost ...demanding the ability to basically tap Qwest's entire network. ... insisted that the entire lawsuit against him was retaliation for his refusal."
"The One Telco Exec Who Resisted The NSA Has Been Released From 4+ Years In Jail"
~ Mike Masnick - Tech Dirt, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-27-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130927/14413024680/one-telco-exec-who-resisted-nsa-has-been-released-4-years-jail.shtml
> ####(02-06-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Later on, Congress passed a bill exonerating all Telecoms Corp's for past illegal data sharing with CIA-NSA for which they were well paid.
"Only One Big Telecom CEO Refused To Cave To The NSA ... And He's Been In Jail For 4 Years"
~ Michael Kelley - Business Insider-L&O, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.businessinsider.com/the-story-of-joseph-nacchio-and-the-nsa-2013-6
>_^_ "Nacchio was alone among all of the major telco execs to tell the NSA to get lost ...demanding the ability to basically tap Qwest's entire network. ... insisted that the entire lawsuit against him was retaliation for his refusal."
"The One Telco Exec Who Resisted The NSA Has Been Released From 4+ Years In Jail"
~ Mike Masnick - Tech Dirt, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-27-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130927/14413024680/one-telco-exec-who-resisted-nsa-has-been-released-4-years-jail.shtml
> ####(02-06-14)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
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