Swift-Boat Bush Bush Bush Kerry To Yale Skull-n-Bones…
Secret Ceremonial Coffin For Time-Out!
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 03-03-14
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The "accidental stimuli" that put me onto this theme was a response to a tot who pretend lasered me with a toy. I responded "Don't Tase Me Bro," which was a statement heard on an internet clip months ago. And I hadn't thought about it since. Curiosity took me back to find the clip, "Don't Tase Me Bro" in order to investigate the circumstance that required an American to be "tased." And I stumbled onto U.S. government and U.S. corporate corruption that was somewhat familiar. The meme of Corporatocracy's exploitation is GoodCop/BadCop. We're convicted to pay the debt of Corp's profit-charter violence and war either way. In this instance we are lead by Yale Skulls and Bones Secret Society members, with Harvard and Chicago School Economists and Lawyers in the side-car.
Whistleblower-101, Election Fraud, Corruption, George W. Bush (Papa & Prescott too) and John Kerry were members of Yale Skulls & Bones Society::
Two Party GoodCop/BadCop as real as it gets ::
"You both were members of Skull & Bones, a Secret Society at Yale. What does that tell us?"
Secretary of State John Kerry: "Not much because it’s a secret." ( as he smiles & laughs)
Election Fraud: Jeb Bush’ Florida for Bush Gore ‘00 & Bush Kerry Election ‘04
"Don't Taze Me Bro: What Really Happened?"
~ via UndergroundGonzo, on 12-01-10, YouTube, 08:22 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L40N-zOV0mM
>_^_ "skulls and bones yale secret society"
~ via Bryan Pender, on 02-28-13, YouTube, 30 sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ-xnnNnEHw
>_^_ "Don't Tase Me Bro on the Today Show"
~ via Tim Wilmath, on 11-01-07, YouTube, 05:23 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b5eHcN-Bdc
>_^_ "'Don't Tase Me, Bro!' (UF Student Tasered Remix)"
~ via Tobuscus, on 09-17-07, YouTube, 45 sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkMkGOpAF4s
>_^_ "Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925 -- June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. Most importantly, he was a very respectable and intelligent human being who obviously wanted the best for mankind by exposing facts that others would rather keep hidden."
"Antony Sutton - The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]"
~ via RobinMFisher, on 06-22-12, YouTube, 31:58 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XImnRAmm93Q
"Antony Sutton-1976 Lecture (Full Length)"
~ via ConspiracyScope, on 07-01-11, YouTube, 44:39 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEipMmxSlGU
>_^_ "...Hegel was a statist who believed the individual existed for the state – a view contrary to the vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States."
"Hegelian Dialectic"
~ Believe All Things, 11-23-08 :: Link/URL
< http://www.believeallthings.com/1481/hegelian-dialectic/
>_^_ American Corporations - Ford, GE, Standard Oil, ITT
(min 10:00) American Companies, through their subsidiaries, helped Hitler; The Transferred technology
"The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - An Interview with Professor Antony C. Sutton" Book “National Suicide”
~ via enoch7000, on 08-27-12, YouTube, 53:03 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSVWXmZB1wc
>_^_ "Antony Sutton - Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution Part 1.flv"
~ via Healingitnow1, on 03-09-10, YouTube, 08:06 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GhPsJCXPqY
>###(01-23-14)*WB(EF)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Executive Br. (43, R) Pres. George “W.” Bush II-101,
(Republican – 2001-2008), Corruption, Ken Lay, Enron, California Environmental Laws, GO Pee Corruption, POTUS 43 George Bush backers from Enron created high energy prices and blackouts that took down California Governor Gray Davis (1999-2003) w/$1,000,000 from Darrell Issa
“The Bush Corporate Racket” (outed by Greg Palast w/Jim Hightower)
~ via theateroforcruelty, {Subscribe}, 09-12-06, YT/09:53 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4llDXkHvgkw
> ####(01-07-14)*CBWS*ENC*UE43###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS41-GHWB03, George H.W. BUSH I, Family Corruption ::
“Government if necessarily… not necessarily government.” ::
Cash is the fuel of government. “Money talks and bullshit walks.” ::
Jeb (Frmr. FL Gov. who stole the 2000 election for brother George W.);
Neil (U.S. Government pumped $1 Billion into Silverado Bank);
Marvin (Investment Funds benefiting from the war on terror);
Papa Bush (works for Oil Corps & Arms Dealers)
"Bush Family Fortunes, by Greg Palast"
~ Yvapurü Samaniego Bonnin, {Subscribe}, 03-30-13, YT/1:02:03 min ::Link
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJa35osHNok
> ####(12-13-13)*WB43###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS41-GHWB-04, Free, POTUS 41 George H.W. BUSH I, Main Stream Media & Congressional Cover Up; Political Party "A" Team & "B" Team; GoodCop/BadCop View of Politics Asserted by x-C.I.A. Agent John Stockwell (1989-1990 Interview) ::
"Elite insiders who are well above the law" ::
George Bush Election ..."…giant step toward the National Security State" ::
Black Eagle Organization, Arms to (El Salvador) Contras & Drugs to U.S. ::
History - Howard Zinn; Michael Dukakis part of the system ::
Federal Reserve Board cooked the economy on POTUS Jimmy Carter & CIA, & Pentagon turned on him ::
Reaganomics paid off for establishment Democrats & Republicans
"The Dirty Secrets of George Bush"
~ via The Film Archives, Alternative Views interview with John Stockwell - Peace Activist, Writer, X-C.I.A. Agent, & Critic of C.I.A.; {Subscribe}, on 06-22-12, YouTube, 53:54 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYKlwI_oDQM
> ####(12-13-13)*WB41###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS41-GHWB-05, Free, POTUS 41 George H.W. BUSH I, Free GOP Pres. Candidate Jeb Bush (R-*FL), Assassinated Drug Smuggler Barry Steel was gunned down before he could testify AGAINST Vice President George H. W. Bush ::
"Barry Seal was a legendary CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot who had literally worked for the Agency since he was a teenage pilot prodigy in the late 1950’s." ::
{“(Sarah) McLendon had asked (G.H.W.)Bush: ‘What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?’”} ::
"{George Herbert Walker Bush: ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street & lynch us.’”}
"Jeb Bush, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986”
~ RobertMorrowTexas - DailyKos member,{Subscribe}, 04-03-13::Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/04/03/1199001/-Jeb-Bush-Oliver-North-and-the-Murder-of-CIA-Drug-Smuggler-Barry-Seal-in-1986
> ####(04-17-13)*GOPC*WB(UE41)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB10, War Criminal Pres. George “W.” BUSH-II, POTUS 41 George H.W. BUSH I, Pentagon Budget, Carlyle Group Hires Politicians & Presidents ::
Former Pres. George H.W. (Papa) Bush worked for Carlyle to harvest Saudi Investments ::
Saudi Sheik [Dictator] and 2nd biggest FOX News Entertainment “Investor” Al-Waleed Bin Talal was also invested in “War” through the Carlyle Group represented by “family friend” POTUS 41 George H.W. “Papa C.I.A.” Bush, on 09-11-01/911 ::
[Remember how Saudi National and deposed citizen, Osama Bin Laden, was credited for the attack on NY Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an airliner plunged into a field in Pennsylvania on 09-11-01, just 8 months after POTUS 43 George "W" Bush was sworn in?] ::
George W. Bush prosecuted “The War On Terror” and spent hundreds of billions w/Carlyle Group Corp’s whose stock multiplied in value during the POTUS 43 tenure.
“The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group”
~ via noitv, {Subscribe}, on 11-26-09, YouTube, 46:43 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3Sb6rvVRJo
> ####(04-26-13)*CBWS*ECPB*2WB(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB30EF, Bush v. Gore Election Stolen 2000, Election Fraud, FLORIDA; Electronic Voting Machines ::
GOP Pres. George “W.” Bush II, Corruption, {A Greg Palast Investigation}::
Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Palm Beach voting machines misread 27,000 ballots; In Gadsden, machines failed to count 1 of every 8 ballots ::
Katherine Harris stopped the hand count which cost Al Gore over 700 votes; The margin of the Bush win in Florida was 537 votes ::
{Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corp was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” names of FL voters with national felons registry (57,700 names associated with Florida voters – 90.2% were wrong associations); DBT Choice Point Corp was Not paid to verify any names; DBT warned of miss-association and it does not matter! :: In the ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000, Black Americans were 1000 TIMES more likely to have their vote thrown out}
“How George W. Bush Stole His Election – BBC (Part 1 of 2)”
~ Greg Palast - BBC, {Subscriber Supported}, via WeArePatriots, on 07-10-08, YouTube, 09:58 min :: URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0grkxe5uPk&feature=related
>_^_ Part 2, YouTube, 09:58 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4kdJEH2aT0
> ####(09-17-13)*WB(EF)(*FL)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB32EF, Stolen Election 2000, Stolen White House; Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corporation was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” Names of Florida Voters with National Felons, (57,700 Names – 90.2% Wrong) but Not-Paid-To-Verify Any Names/DBT Warns of Miss-association and it does not matter! ::
ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000 :: Black Americans 1000 TIMES More Likely To Have Vote Thrown Out
“Theft of the Presidency”
~ Greg Palast – Investigative Journalist, Author (Vultures Picnic), via theateroforcruelty, {Subscribe}, 09-12-06, YouTube, 09:52 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-zYfO5gBo&feature=relmfu
> ####(04-24-12)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB33EF, Stolen Election, Stolen White House 2000; Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corporation was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” Names of Florida Voters with National Felons, (57,700 Names – 90.2% Wrong) but not paid to verify any names/DBT Warns of Miss-association and it does not matter! No calls ever made to verify voter Name or Status :: ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000 ::
Black Americans 1000 TIMES more likely to have vote thrown out; Votes stolen in swamp counties & machines set to eat ballot in “Black” Counties
“How George W. Bush Stole The 2000 Election – Part 1 of 2”
~ Greg Palast, via eurotrash2k, {Subscribe}, Victor Muh, on 10-21-06, YouTube, 16:34 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy48bRHpGwo&feature=related
>_^_ YouTube, Part 2, 08:24 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0Cu6ab_jSE
> ####(04-24-12)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS-0666A, John PERKINS, a Former Economic Hitman, explains the Iraq oil war and CIA history; GOP Oil War ::
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to Poor Countries to access cheap resources”
"John Perkins - America's Secret Empire"
~ John Perkins, via ForaTV, {Subscriber Supported}, on 08-13-07, YouTube, 05:31 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0JCJ4pIFEw
> ####(05-15-13)*ENO*WB(UE43)(UE41)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS-0666B, John PERKINS, former Economic Hitmen describes the World-Corp’s Empire, and U.S. War Dept. C.I.A. Objectives ::
[American Exceptionalism - U.S. Democracy projecting Friedman Chicago-School Austerity-Economics and it’s “Shock Doctrine,” Totalitarian Police States, Colonialism & Exploitation using the Neo-Con “Values” of “Maleligious” Gun-Slinger Dominionism wedded to the Profit-Charter.]
“John Perkins’ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man; Extended Interview 2008”
~ John Perkins – Former U.S. Economic Hit Man, @Gentle Machine Productions LLC, “Zeitgeist Addendum,” via cpppucinokid100, {Subscribe}, 06-13-11, YouTube, 1:08:39 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Shorter Link < http://bit.ly/14t5UsX
{Think you know your government? Really?}
(Minute 4)
Loans made to target countries are designed to compromise them with “Debt” in order to expand International Corporate Empires;
The Infrastructure "Aid Money” actually goes to Corp’s who complete just the development that accomplishes extraction of national resources;
Infrastructure “development” benefits a few rich people in the target Country;
There is more slavery in the World today;
Developing Countries “can’t” repay debt that benefited a few
…so resources and or labor are sacrificed at rock bottom prices;
Forced austerity collapses existing social programs increasing poverty and deprivation;
…by C.I.A. lead invasion to placate United Fruit Corp and big oil corp’s profits;
United Fruit Corp had convinced the U.S. that President Arbenz was a Communist;
(Minute 6)*
…by C.I.A. operatives in an Airplane Crash to placate big oil corp’s profits;
Roldos was the first “democratically elected” President in years;
He wanted Ecuador’s resources to benefit the people;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” the crash site;
(Minute 8)*
…by C.I.A. Operatives to placate I.T.T. - International Telephone & Telegraph Corp’s profits;
Harold Janine, the C.E.O. decided to take him out;
Allende’ was a labeled a Socialist who distributed resources, and placed “price controls” on essential commodities;
(Minute 9)*
…in an Airplane Crash in order to overturn the 1976 “Panama Canal Treaty” for the U.S.;
Torrijos knew he was next to be murdered;
“A security guard handed him a tape recorder (upon boarding) that had a bomb;”
(Minute 13)*
…by U.S. INVASION in 1989;
(Noriega was a former C.I.A. Agent who fought Columbia Drug Cartels);
He refused to reverse the 1976 Panama Canal Treaty;
One aim of his ouster was to reinstate U.S. military bases in Panama;
He negotiated with the Japanese to build another canal;
The U.S. bombed and killed 2,000 - 6,000 innocent Panamanian people;
Noriega is said to have held compromising photographs from Contadora, a tropical “No Tell” playground for elites;
Panama’s National Security Building was completely destroyed;
It contained photographs of U.S. Elites in compromising positions …with George Wacky Bush’ (C.I.A. Vice President George “Papa” Bush’ son) pictures among them;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” after the firebombing;
(Minutes 16)*
…by C.I.A. Agent Kermit Roosevelt who took a few million C.I.A. dollars into Iran to fund dissidents in order to overthrow Mosaddegh;
He was removed to increase big oil corp’s access and profits;
A puppet Dictator, the Shah of Iran, was installed to replace a democratically elected president;
Mosaddegh’s offense was that he had nationalized British Petroleum Corp, B.P. (formerly British Persian Oil);
(Minute 20)*
EX. 7* :: VENEZUELA ~ HUGO CHAVEZ – 2002 - COUP ATTEMPT by C.I.A. Operatives to placate big oil corp’s profits, but CHAVEZ SURVIVED;
After 09-11-01, he noted that there was anger and resentment over the role of the U.S. in the World;
His statement was resented by the U.S.;
The success of Chavez unleashed a “populist movement” in South America – Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and many other countries held democratic elections;
There were nonviolent Democratic Revolutions;
The movement was against exploitation of resources in 80% of Latin America and threatening or bribing leaders to institute corp’s power in sovereign countries;
(Minute 23)*
{…PAYING PEOPLE to take to the streets and riot. That should remind U.S. of the BUSH 2000 "Brooks Brothers" Vote Recount Riot? (Miami, Dade County); The Brooks Brothers Riot gave the Supreme Court 6 Just-aSSes the excuse, cover, or will to steal a U.S. Presidential Election.}
EX. 8* :: IRAQ ~ SADDAM HUSSEIN – (1937 – 2006) HUNG
…after 2003 Invasion to find Weapons of Mass Destruction and for big oil corp’s and U.S. defense corp’s profits;
(Hussein once worked for the C.I.A. to overthrow a predecessor in 1963);
It took 2 tries to overthrow Hussein, 1991 and 2003;
Saddam Hussein’s crime was that he wanted to sell Iraqi oil for a currency other than the U.S. dollar;
U.S. and British Oil Corp’s wanted profits from easily extractible Iraqi oil;
Economic Hit Men were not successful in the 1990’s;
(Minute 27)*
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT, A Summary, may include (if necessary) :
1.) Threaten and or buy off corrupt leaders;
2.) Compromise the national economy with “break neck” loans;
{Spread rumors about the national debt or currency instability and cause currency devaluation.}
3.) Send in C.I.A. Jackals to take out leaders by funding a “home grown” Coup;
4.) Send in U.S. troops;
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT (Expanded Description)
1. Economic Hit-Men show a leader two stories …one with abundance and rewards for the family for selling out their country, and a second option with a shiny granite mausoleum and a dead family;
In the bribe option, the Countries Leaders are convinced to accept and embrace privatization / “profitization” and natural resource sales to corporations for cents-on-the-dollar of true value;
Commons Resource Extraction, Corp’s Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass, and Social Services Austerity are “hallmarks” of a Corporatocracy deprived of the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economists, modern vultures, are invited to construct the economy they desire;
2. In a step by step calculated extension of Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economics, they offer a financially strapped Countries Leaders impossible loan amounts to “improve infrastructure;”
The money is applied to “infrastructure improvements” that facilitate the extraction of natural resources for a fraction of true value by corp’s;
Sometimes the loan is made after the Country is intentionally destabilized by misinformation seeded in foreign or U.S. financial markets;
Receiving Countries are expected to accept Social Services Austerity and Corp Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass for its people to pay back the International Loan to:
The World Bangk;
The International Monetary Fund/Bangk (I.M.F.);
The World Trade Organization (W.T.O.);
The (private international plutocrat’s) Federal Reserve Bangk (The FED/Feudal Reverse Bangk). ::
3. The C.I.A. / CorpRatCon-Job Infantry of Aristocrats either directly assassinates a leader, pays a local individual or group to take up the task, or seeds an uprising among dissidents and arms and assists in the fake “home grown” Corp;
A U.S. surrogate is installed as the new head of a “totalitarian” state;
U.S. backed Multinational Corporations are given Carte Blanche access to resources and influence;
The Local Aristocracy shares in some fraction of the profits, while freedom of the free press is non-existent as they and Union Leaders are murdered or disappeared;
4. The U.S. and or International Military invades and submits the country to corp’s rule and colonization by a new more cooperative Leader;
The people are forced to accept Social Services Austerity and Corp’s Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass without the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
(Minute 30)
EX. 9* :: WORLD – The objective of Corp’s is to create or exploit Chaos and Mayhem;
Exploitation works to the advantage of big oil corp’s;
General conflict between Muslim’s, Christians, and Jews and feuding sects among them are exploitable;
EX. 10* :: SOUTH AMERICA – The Indigenous People and the Military have united against the Corporatocracy in recent election …Ecuador, Venezuela, and Bolivia;
Their self-interest is to fight the Corporatocracy;
(Minute 30)*
EX. 11* :: MIDDLE EAST – Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, and Israel are in constant conflict;
Oil Corps can exploit that for power or profit;
(Minute 32)*
EX. 12* :: AFRICA – Corp’s are destabilizing governments and conquering the dark continent while enjoying the virtual cover of a corp’s media blackout in the U.S.;
There’s a “media mask” over the African Continent;
The Corporatocracy does everything it can to maintain instability;
(Minute 32)*
“Leaders are not corrupt. They are corrupted” …by multinational corp’s;
(The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bangk)/I.M.F., The World Bangk/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bangk (The Feudal Reverse Bangk), & The World Trade Organization/W.T.O.);
(Minute 32)*
EX. 13* :: SOUTH AMERICA – Americans see migrations of South Americans to this country, but have no idea that the reason is the work of big Trans-National CorpRatCon-Jobs that we “protect”;
The U.S. invades sovereign countries, or have destroyed their economies through “free trade” agreements;
The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bangk)/I.M.F., The World Bangk/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bangk (The Feudal Reverse Bangk), The World Trade Organization/W.T.O., and the big corp’s they represent have caused these immigration problems;
Immigrants don’t want to be here, but our Presidential Candidates aren’t addressing that;
(Minute 36)*
(Minute 36)
Trans-National Corp’s & Politicians want to go to war;
But the top echelon military leaders don’t desire war because they recognize that “invasion creates more terrorism;”
EX. 14* :: VIETNAM, IRAQ – Huge Success for Big Corps;
(Minute 37)*
EX. 15* :: COLUMBIA – Building Dams, Pipelines, etc destroy farmland, and intrude without benefitting the common people …who were starving;
Gorilla factions objected and halted corp’s resource extraction and exploitation;
Corps wanted their land and accused them of being Communists to facilitate taking it;
Gorillas turned away big corp’s and turned to extortion, kidnapping, and cocaine exports to finance themselves;
Soviet Union helped to balance power;
Once they were gone, terrorism became the only option;
A “Red Scare” is a manufactured pretense to defend oil corp’s;
Texaco-Chevron was guilty of intentional pollution in Ecuador at 18 times the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill …to save money;
U.S. Military aid is used to defend oil corp’s;
(Minute 38)*
The U.S. finds or creates these enemies …Communists, Socialists, Terrorists, etc …in order to create the chaos that allows the U.S. to exploit countries to benefit multinational corporations;
(Minute 42)
(Minute 47)
The U.S. was broke In 1971, an outcome of the trumped-up Vietnam War;
The Gold Monetary Standard was abandoned;
The House of Saud invested in U.S. government securities to “prop up” the dollar;
In 1973 Saudi Arabia invested in the dollar and backed the “Oil Standard” by selling oil for U.S. Dollars exclusively;
The private-international Federal Reserve Bangk Dollar became the currency oil is traded in and a key back-up currency worldwide;
[The higher the price of oil, the more the “oil standard” dollar is needed]
EX. 16 :: IRAN – Wanted to sell oil for other currencies besides the dollar;
So the U.S. threatened them;
(EXTENSION EX. :: Muammar Gaddafi – (1942-2011) He wanted payment for Libyan oil in “Gold” instead of the “dollar/oil standard” – He was OVERTHROWN & ASSASSINATED by dissidents with full U.S. and Western European air force and monetary support);
(Minute 48)
The Dollar is backed by the “Oil Standard” currency status;
So the trans-national oil corp’s control the U.S. government;
There’s no serious move to embrace alternative energy sources like Solar;
The dollar is backed by “oil demand;”
[almost every U.S. State has recently raised its speed limit to 70 m.p.h.]
oil and bio-fuels can be “centrally controlled” by CorpRatCon-Jobs;
They fit into the “desired pattern” of control by Corporatocracy;
The U.S. finds and creates enemies to destabilize people privatize / ”profitize” resources for trans-national corp’s. That’s what we do;
Solar Panels compete with Oil (Political Conflict), breaking an old pattern, and transforming This Empire which works to destabilize, divide, & conquer so oil corporations win;
(Minute 51)
Breaking an old pattern of Corporatocracy means making a “just world”… creating a sustainable peaceful world;
(Minute 54)
Greed is our measure of success;
Corp C.E.O.’s measure success by money;
John Perkins never met a mean C.E.O.;
Money is “how they measure success” …by bonuses and by stock value increases;
(Minute 58)
There have been several hundred years of non-sustainability;
The whole world is a community;
Joy comes from the bliss of “connectedness;”
(Minute 1:02)
Doing the “right thing” now is an investment in the future;
(Minute 1:04)
Don’t buy anything made by slaves;
Follow a passion and change;
Environmentally Sustainability creates a socially just and peaceful world;
Use one’s own passion for change ::
>###(09-11-13)*CW*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS-102E, Naomi KLEIN, Exposing Phase 3-4 Cancer-Capitalism and Mega-Corp’s Profit-Chartered Empire ::
”The Shock Doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism”
~ Naomi Klein – Oxford Economist, War Correspondent, Investigative Journalist, Forensic Economist, [in a 4 yr on-the-ground investigation] Authored “The Shock Doctrine” 2007; Knopf Publishing, Canada, ISBN: 978-0-676-97800-1 ::
Observing the effects of U.S. foreign policy decisions, world bangking institutions and loan impacts, trade agreement influences, U.S. War Dept. C.I.A. and economic policy evaluations ::
[American Exceptionalism - a U.S. Democracy/Corporatocracy projecting Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago-School Austerity-Economics (with its Shock Doctrine tool box) onto coup and bribe manufactured totalitarian states that feature colonialism and exploitation. This U.S. “value system” achieves the Corporate A+ rating by using neo-con “maleligious values” of gun-slinger dominionism and blind-belief wedded to profit-chartered nihilism.] :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ Naomi Klein, 2009 Documentary Film & 2007 Book ::
”The Shock Doctrine 2009”
~ A Renegade Picture/Revolution Films, via MrSaunders2020, {Subscribe}, on 05-30-11, Doc. Film, 1:18:38 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ <>^<> BOOK REVIEW <>^<>
”The Shock Doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism” (TSD)
~ Naomi Klein is an Oxford University Economist & Investigative Journalist; Knopf Publishing, Canada, 2007, {Subscribe}, :: Link/URL
< http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine
Subject Matter of this Investigative Non-Fiction Work (TSD) includes:
1. Klein compares and analyzes the impact of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School Economics in a number of countries where it was practiced. Keynesian (F.D.R.), and Developmental Socialist Economics are also referenced. But TSD concentrates on the introduction and effects of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School Economics Policies;
2. TSD reveals the role of the U.S. Government and Friedman-Chicago-School trained Economists in the decimation of Countries and the plundering of Natural Resources for the benefit of the World Banking Community and Multinational Corporations;
3. Klein conducts investigations of the ways and means of Political Dominionism and Corporate takeover of Governments of any Political Ideology whatsoever. Corruption and greed is a “Universal Plague” to all “stated” ideologies;
4. There are comparisons of the effects and intent of “Physical Shock Therapy” treatments on individuals, and an extensive log of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School “Economic Shock Treatments.” In most cases, leaders submitted their countries to the Austerity policies that were perpetrated to destabilize the country following some blind-belief blue print that touted projections of beneficial outcome. Unstable governments became shakier after they submitted to economic shock treatments in order to do the bidding of Transnational Corporations Profit-Charter;
5. TSD cites dozens of incidences of Political Coup, Assassination, Torture, Disappearance, and Outright Murder of Political Leaders, Opposition Leaders, Union Leaders, and Populist Media Figures;
6. C.I.A., Military, and Corporate Involvement in the overthrow of stable governments is revealed by open records and on-the-ground investigation by Klein. The reader is presented with an inside look into the decision making process of primarily corrupt government officials and agencies thrown into “Economic Shock” by intentional or natural disaster sudden change catalysts. It will awaken some to the realities of Rule by International Trade Agreement, Treaties, and speculative International Banking …all completely co-opted by Corporate power and greed;
7. TSD sheds light on the culpability of the winner and looser choosing Bangks and Orgs like The FED/Feudal Reverse Bangk, the I.M.F. – International Monetary Fund, the World Bangk, the U.S. Treasury, the W.T.O. – World Trade Organization, Wall Street “Velociraptor” Hedge Funds, and “Vulture/Velociraptor” Trans-National and American CorpRatCon-Jobs of the 1%;
8. And the financial and cultural devastation on a personal level, the human toll …murdered and disappeared citizens and opposition leaders, lost wages, lost unions, lost jobs, tripling unemployment, tripling the masses in desperate poverty, over doubled drug use, over doubled suicide rates, over doubling AIDS, doubling prostitution, & causing desperately poor people to sell their children into the international sex trade;
9. “The Shock Doctrine” exposes the Nuts-n-Bolts “Junk” of Stage 3 Colonial-Economic Cancer-Capitalism;
10. It’s not a “family values” investigative report. It’s a painful easy read for someone who has values. If you can read “The Shock Doctrine” and stay the same person you were before, then either you were already aware of the content, or there is a cold austere dominionist racist part of you …that you may have just become aware of. ::
> ####(04-22-13)*CW*CBWS*WB*ZC(UE37)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS37-RN01, Free, War Criminal POTUS Richard M. NIXON, (Republican – 1969-74), Republican Treason, Stolen Elections, Last 5 Illegitimate Republican Presidents ::
UE 37 Pres. Richard M. Nixon (Republican-CA – 1969-74), Vietnam War Extension – Nixon 1968, October Surprise 1968, defeated V.P (Sen.) Hubert Humphrey (D-*MN) 11-1968;
UE 38 President Gerald R. Ford granted amnesty to Nixon;
UE40 Pres. Ronald Reagan (Republican-*CA - 1981-1989), Reagan Iranian Hostage Negation For Weapons Deal w/U.S. Embassy Hostage Takers, Unseated UE36 President Jimmy Carter (D-*GA) 11-1980;
UE41 Pres. George “H. W.” Bush I (Republican-*TX – 1989-1992), C.I.A.;
UE43 Pres. George “W.” Bush II (Republican-*TX – 2001-2008), Counting Votes “Constitutes Irreparable Harm” To George W. Bushs’ Election (Just-aSS Antonin Scalia’s Opinion), Stolen Florida Election 1-2001, S-Court-5 Corp RentBoy Just-aSSes;
5 Republican Presidents Crippling America With Treason & Fraud
“Thom Hartmann: Can Republican get elected without fraud & treason?”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, The Daily Take, 07-19-11, YouTube, 09:10 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UM-hAbfOkA&feature=share
> ####(06-01-13)*ECE*EF*UE37*WC(UE38)(UE40)(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Click-a-D-Click Click-a-D-Clack C Y @JohnKerry @BarackObama hs #ALEC #KeystoneXL & #KochBrother zback #OWS #UniteBlue #msnbc …{124}
What Rich “Testosterone Toting” Psycho’s and “Living” Political Kabuki-Theater Actor-god “Saviors” desire is to take a satisfying smirk to a shiny granite mausoleum. The Earth they'll “gladly destroy” on the way out (with an EvilJelloCrawl Comet Catcher and a Twig-Snapping Barney-Fife Gun-Slinger under each arm) already has one and it's granite too!
The "accidental stimuli" that put me onto this theme was a response to a tot who pretend lasered me with a toy. I responded "Don't Tase Me Bro," which was a statement heard on an internet clip months ago. And I hadn't thought about it since. Curiosity took me back to find the clip, "Don't Tase Me Bro" in order to investigate the circumstance that required an American to be "tased." And I stumbled onto U.S. government and U.S. corporate corruption that was somewhat familiar. The meme of Corporatocracy's exploitation is GoodCop/BadCop. We're convicted to pay the debt of Corp's profit-charter violence and war either way. In this instance we are lead by Yale Skulls and Bones Secret Society members, with Harvard and Chicago School Economists and Lawyers in the side-car.
Corp-Bangk-Wall Street-Deregulation-114B, War-Fascism, C.I.A. Coup &
Colonization, George H.W. BUSH I, Election Fraud, Corruption; Yale Skull and Bones Secret Society Alumni Include: Prescott Bush (Nazi Banker and Sympathizer was Dad & Grandfather to POTUS 41 & 43), POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush I & POTUS 43 George W. Bush II, as well as Obama Administration Secretary of State ::
Skull and Bones has about 100 active and 500 living members ::
Two Party GoodCop/BadCop as real as Cops and Robbers ::
“You both were members of Skull & Bones, a Secret Society at Yale. What does that tell us?” ::
Secretary of State John Kerry: “Not much because it’s a secret.” (as he smiles & laughs) ::
Election Fraud: Jeb Bush’ Florida Bush Gore ‘00 & Bush Kerry Election ’04 ::
"'Don't Tase Me, Bro!' (UF Student Tasered Remix)"
~ via Tobuscus, on 09-17-07, YouTube, 45 sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkMkGOpAF4s
>_^_ "Don't Taze Me Bro: What Really Happened?"
~ via UndergroundGonzo, on 12-01-10, YouTube, 08:22 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L40N-zOV0mM
>_^_ "skulls and bones yale secret society"
~ via Bryan Pender, on 02-28-13, YouTube, 30 sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ-xnnNnEHw
>_^_ "Don't Tase Me Bro on the Today Show"
~ via Tim Wilmath, on 11-01-07, YouTube, 05:23 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b5eHcN-Bdc
>_^_ "Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925 -- June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. Most importantly, he was a very respectable and intelligent human being who obviously wanted the best for mankind by exposing facts that others would rather keep hidden."
"Antony Sutton - The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]"
~ via RobinMFisher, on 06-22-12, YouTube, 31:58 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XImnRAmm93Q
"Antony Sutton-1976 Lecture (Full Length)"
~ via ConspiracyScope, on 07-01-11, YouTube, 44:39 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEipMmxSlGU
>_^_ "...Hegel was a statist who believed the individual existed for the state – a view contrary to the vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States."
"Hegelian Dialectic"
~ Believe All Things, 11-23-08 :: Link/URL
< http://www.believeallthings.com/1481/hegelian-dialectic/
>_^_ American Corporations - Ford, GE, Standard Oil, ITT
(min 10:00) American Companies, through their subsidiaries, helped Hitler; The Transferred technology
"The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - An Interview with Professor Antony C. Sutton" (Book: “National Suicide” ~ Antony Sutton)
~ via enoch7000, on 08-27-12, YouTube, 53:03 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSVWXmZB1wc
>_^_ "Antony Sutton - Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution Part 1.flv"
~ via Healingitnow1, on 03-09-10, YouTube, 08:06 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GhPsJCXPqY
> ####(01-30-14)*WB*CBWS(UE41)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bangk-Wall Street-Deregulation-114C, War-Fascism, C.I.A. Coup &
Colonization; Drug Smuggling, Vietnam War, World War II; CIA, President George H.W. Bush, POTUS 41; President Bill Clinton, POTUS 42; President George W. Bush, POTUS 43; POTUS Ronald Reagan 40 ::
Turkey to China Opium Trade; U.S. War on Drugs & Distribution;
U.S. Police State; N.W.O. – New World Order, Illuminati ::
Occupy Movement Smashed Nationwide By (German Namesake) Homeland Security ::
Yale Skull and Bones Secret Society Alumni Include: Prescott Bush (Nazi Banker and Sympathizer was Dad & Grandfather to POTUS 41 & 43), POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush I & POTUS 43 George W. Bush II, as well as Obama Administration Secretary of State ::
Skull and Bones has about 100 active and 500 living members ::
"Elihu Yale ...educated in London …served with the British East India Co." ::
"...relationship between Yale & the ‘Intelligence Community’ …unique." ::
"In 1823, Samuel Russell established Russell and Company ...acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling it to China. ...became the primary American opium smuggler. ...American and European fortunes were built on the 'China'(opium) trade." ::
"Fifteen juniors are ‘tapped’ each year ...initiated into next year's group."::
William Howard Taft ('87) ...both President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. ::
"Many researchers contend that George (H.W. POTUS 41) Bush has been with CIA since the early 1950s ...to consolidate and co-ordinate the worldwide narcotics industry, the largest industry on Earth. ...the Vietnam 'Police Action' ...cover for the consolidation of the 'Golden Triangle'." ::
"In July, 1985, the suppressed GAO paper …'no benefits from the National Narcotics Border Interdiction System, directed by George Bush.'..."
"10. Skull & Bones = Illuminati? ...Could we have in the United States a secret society that has used the 'National Security State' as a cover…?"
The current Secretary of State, John Kerry is a Skull and Bones member
"The Order of the Skull and Bones: Everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask"
~ Kris Millegan - Conspiracy Theory Research List, {Subscribe}, (no date) :: Link/URL
< http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/Skull_Bones.htm
> ####(01-26-14)*WB*CBWS(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bangk-Wall Street-Deregulation-114A, War-Fascism, C.I.A. Coup &
Colonization, Whistleblower Journalism, POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush; U.S. War Dept. & C.I.A. Objectives - CorpRatCon-Job Infantry of Aristocrats; Failed Bangks & Savings & Loans, Deregulation 1982, Mafia Looting S&L’s, Drugs and Guns Traded, Money Laundering; American Exceptionalism ::
(Book: “The Mafia, CIA, & George Bush I” ~ Pete Brewton’92)
“THE MAFIA, C.I.A. & GEORGE BUSH Sr. Part 1 fr”
~ Pete Brewer - Alternative View, via Mindsi2, {Subscribe}, on 06-19-08, YouTube, 08:39 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_Documentary Video :: Link/URL
< http://www.archive.org/details/AV_483_484-THE_MAFIA_THE_CIA_AND_GEORGE_BUSH
> ####(03-20-13)*CBWS*WBPOTUS(UE41)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Bush Bush Bush, Yale Skull and Bones, CIA, Cancer Phase Capitalism, War, New World Order and -ilii WTF iili-
Posted on January 23, 2014 :: Link/URL
< http://greenenvscithr.com/2014/01/23/bush-bush-bush-yale-skull-and-bones-cia-cancer-phase-capitalism-war-new-world-order-and-ilii-wtf-iili/
Swift-Boat Bush Bush Bush Kerry To Yale Skull-n-Bones…
Secret Ceremonial Coffin For Time-Out!
♠ US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
♠ A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 03-03-14
♠ ↓Posted(01-23-14) Word Press(CopyPasteShareLinks)Blog (^^^)
♠ < http://greenenvscithr.com/2014/01/23/swiftboat-bushbushbush-kerry-assez-bk2-yaleskullnbones-secret-psychosociety-ceremonial-coffin-4-timeout-so-america-cn-catcha-coddam-break-frm-cia-cancercapitalism-war-newworldorder-illuminate-bullsh-t/ >238ac
♠ Use 22ac ↓ wp.me Shorter Link if Longer ↑ changed/site Search*
♠ < http://wp.me/p2YrR0-4R :v ♦Twitter@greenEnvSciThr Facbk♦
♣♣ Twin Google Blog Link< http://greenenvscithr.blogspot.com/
♣♣ Post<
The "accidental stimuli" that put me onto this theme was a response to a tot who pretend lasered me with a toy. I responded "Don't Tase Me Bro," which was a statement heard on an internet clip months ago. And I hadn't thought about it since. Curiosity took me back to find the clip, "Don't Tase Me Bro" in order to investigate the circumstance that required an American to be "tased." And I stumbled onto U.S. government and U.S. corporate corruption that was somewhat familiar. The meme of Corporatocracy's exploitation is GoodCop/BadCop. We're convicted to pay the debt of Corp's profit-charter violence and war either way. In this instance we are lead by Yale Skulls and Bones Secret Society members, with Harvard and Chicago School Economists and Lawyers in the side-car.
Whistleblower-101, Election Fraud, Corruption, George W. Bush (Papa & Prescott too) and John Kerry were members of Yale Skulls & Bones Society::
Two Party GoodCop/BadCop as real as it gets ::
"You both were members of Skull & Bones, a Secret Society at Yale. What does that tell us?"
Secretary of State John Kerry: "Not much because it’s a secret." ( as he smiles & laughs)
Election Fraud: Jeb Bush’ Florida for Bush Gore ‘00 & Bush Kerry Election ‘04
"Don't Taze Me Bro: What Really Happened?"
~ via UndergroundGonzo, on 12-01-10, YouTube, 08:22 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L40N-zOV0mM
>_^_ "skulls and bones yale secret society"
~ via Bryan Pender, on 02-28-13, YouTube, 30 sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ-xnnNnEHw
>_^_ "Don't Tase Me Bro on the Today Show"
~ via Tim Wilmath, on 11-01-07, YouTube, 05:23 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b5eHcN-Bdc
>_^_ "'Don't Tase Me, Bro!' (UF Student Tasered Remix)"
~ via Tobuscus, on 09-17-07, YouTube, 45 sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkMkGOpAF4s
>_^_ "Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925 -- June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. Most importantly, he was a very respectable and intelligent human being who obviously wanted the best for mankind by exposing facts that others would rather keep hidden."
"Antony Sutton - The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]"
~ via RobinMFisher, on 06-22-12, YouTube, 31:58 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XImnRAmm93Q
"Antony Sutton-1976 Lecture (Full Length)"
~ via ConspiracyScope, on 07-01-11, YouTube, 44:39 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEipMmxSlGU
>_^_ "...Hegel was a statist who believed the individual existed for the state – a view contrary to the vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States."
"Hegelian Dialectic"
~ Believe All Things, 11-23-08 :: Link/URL
< http://www.believeallthings.com/1481/hegelian-dialectic/
>_^_ American Corporations - Ford, GE, Standard Oil, ITT
(min 10:00) American Companies, through their subsidiaries, helped Hitler; The Transferred technology
"The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - An Interview with Professor Antony C. Sutton" Book “National Suicide”
~ via enoch7000, on 08-27-12, YouTube, 53:03 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSVWXmZB1wc
>_^_ "Antony Sutton - Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution Part 1.flv"
~ via Healingitnow1, on 03-09-10, YouTube, 08:06 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GhPsJCXPqY
>###(01-23-14)*WB(EF)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Executive Br. (43, R) Pres. George “W.” Bush II-101,
(Republican – 2001-2008), Corruption, Ken Lay, Enron, California Environmental Laws, GO Pee Corruption, POTUS 43 George Bush backers from Enron created high energy prices and blackouts that took down California Governor Gray Davis (1999-2003) w/$1,000,000 from Darrell Issa
“The Bush Corporate Racket” (outed by Greg Palast w/Jim Hightower)
~ via theateroforcruelty, {Subscribe}, 09-12-06, YT/09:53 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4llDXkHvgkw
> ####(01-07-14)*CBWS*ENC*UE43###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS41-GHWB03, George H.W. BUSH I, Family Corruption ::
“Government if necessarily… not necessarily government.” ::
Cash is the fuel of government. “Money talks and bullshit walks.” ::
Jeb (Frmr. FL Gov. who stole the 2000 election for brother George W.);
Neil (U.S. Government pumped $1 Billion into Silverado Bank);
Marvin (Investment Funds benefiting from the war on terror);
Papa Bush (works for Oil Corps & Arms Dealers)
"Bush Family Fortunes, by Greg Palast"
~ Yvapurü Samaniego Bonnin, {Subscribe}, 03-30-13, YT/1:02:03 min ::Link
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJa35osHNok
> ####(12-13-13)*WB43###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS41-GHWB-04, Free, POTUS 41 George H.W. BUSH I, Main Stream Media & Congressional Cover Up; Political Party "A" Team & "B" Team; GoodCop/BadCop View of Politics Asserted by x-C.I.A. Agent John Stockwell (1989-1990 Interview) ::
"Elite insiders who are well above the law" ::
George Bush Election ..."…giant step toward the National Security State" ::
Black Eagle Organization, Arms to (El Salvador) Contras & Drugs to U.S. ::
History - Howard Zinn; Michael Dukakis part of the system ::
Federal Reserve Board cooked the economy on POTUS Jimmy Carter & CIA, & Pentagon turned on him ::
Reaganomics paid off for establishment Democrats & Republicans
"The Dirty Secrets of George Bush"
~ via The Film Archives, Alternative Views interview with John Stockwell - Peace Activist, Writer, X-C.I.A. Agent, & Critic of C.I.A.; {Subscribe}, on 06-22-12, YouTube, 53:54 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYKlwI_oDQM
> ####(12-13-13)*WB41###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS41-GHWB-05, Free, POTUS 41 George H.W. BUSH I, Free GOP Pres. Candidate Jeb Bush (R-*FL), Assassinated Drug Smuggler Barry Steel was gunned down before he could testify AGAINST Vice President George H. W. Bush ::
"Barry Seal was a legendary CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot who had literally worked for the Agency since he was a teenage pilot prodigy in the late 1950’s." ::
{“(Sarah) McLendon had asked (G.H.W.)Bush: ‘What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?’”} ::
"{George Herbert Walker Bush: ‘Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street & lynch us.’”}
"Jeb Bush, Oliver North and the Murder of CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal in 1986”
~ RobertMorrowTexas - DailyKos member,{Subscribe}, 04-03-13::Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/04/03/1199001/-Jeb-Bush-Oliver-North-and-the-Murder-of-CIA-Drug-Smuggler-Barry-Seal-in-1986
> ####(04-17-13)*GOPC*WB(UE41)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB10, War Criminal Pres. George “W.” BUSH-II, POTUS 41 George H.W. BUSH I, Pentagon Budget, Carlyle Group Hires Politicians & Presidents ::
Former Pres. George H.W. (Papa) Bush worked for Carlyle to harvest Saudi Investments ::
Saudi Sheik [Dictator] and 2nd biggest FOX News Entertainment “Investor” Al-Waleed Bin Talal was also invested in “War” through the Carlyle Group represented by “family friend” POTUS 41 George H.W. “Papa C.I.A.” Bush, on 09-11-01/911 ::
[Remember how Saudi National and deposed citizen, Osama Bin Laden, was credited for the attack on NY Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an airliner plunged into a field in Pennsylvania on 09-11-01, just 8 months after POTUS 43 George "W" Bush was sworn in?] ::
George W. Bush prosecuted “The War On Terror” and spent hundreds of billions w/Carlyle Group Corp’s whose stock multiplied in value during the POTUS 43 tenure.
“The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group”
~ via noitv, {Subscribe}, on 11-26-09, YouTube, 46:43 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3Sb6rvVRJo
> ####(04-26-13)*CBWS*ECPB*2WB(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB30EF, Bush v. Gore Election Stolen 2000, Election Fraud, FLORIDA; Electronic Voting Machines ::
GOP Pres. George “W.” Bush II, Corruption, {A Greg Palast Investigation}::
Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Palm Beach voting machines misread 27,000 ballots; In Gadsden, machines failed to count 1 of every 8 ballots ::
Katherine Harris stopped the hand count which cost Al Gore over 700 votes; The margin of the Bush win in Florida was 537 votes ::
{Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corp was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” names of FL voters with national felons registry (57,700 names associated with Florida voters – 90.2% were wrong associations); DBT Choice Point Corp was Not paid to verify any names; DBT warned of miss-association and it does not matter! :: In the ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000, Black Americans were 1000 TIMES more likely to have their vote thrown out}
“How George W. Bush Stole His Election – BBC (Part 1 of 2)”
~ Greg Palast - BBC, {Subscriber Supported}, via WeArePatriots, on 07-10-08, YouTube, 09:58 min :: URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0grkxe5uPk&feature=related
>_^_ Part 2, YouTube, 09:58 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4kdJEH2aT0
> ####(09-17-13)*WB(EF)(*FL)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB32EF, Stolen Election 2000, Stolen White House; Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corporation was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” Names of Florida Voters with National Felons, (57,700 Names – 90.2% Wrong) but Not-Paid-To-Verify Any Names/DBT Warns of Miss-association and it does not matter! ::
ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000 :: Black Americans 1000 TIMES More Likely To Have Vote Thrown Out
“Theft of the Presidency”
~ Greg Palast – Investigative Journalist, Author (Vultures Picnic), via theateroforcruelty, {Subscribe}, 09-12-06, YouTube, 09:52 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-zYfO5gBo&feature=relmfu
> ####(04-24-12)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB33EF, Stolen Election, Stolen White House 2000; Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corporation was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” Names of Florida Voters with National Felons, (57,700 Names – 90.2% Wrong) but not paid to verify any names/DBT Warns of Miss-association and it does not matter! No calls ever made to verify voter Name or Status :: ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000 ::
Black Americans 1000 TIMES more likely to have vote thrown out; Votes stolen in swamp counties & machines set to eat ballot in “Black” Counties
“How George W. Bush Stole The 2000 Election – Part 1 of 2”
~ Greg Palast, via eurotrash2k, {Subscribe}, Victor Muh, on 10-21-06, YouTube, 16:34 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy48bRHpGwo&feature=related
>_^_ YouTube, Part 2, 08:24 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0Cu6ab_jSE
> ####(04-24-12)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS-0666A, John PERKINS, a Former Economic Hitman, explains the Iraq oil war and CIA history; GOP Oil War ::
“John Perkins explains the role of Economic Hitmen, making loans to Poor Countries to access cheap resources”
"John Perkins - America's Secret Empire"
~ John Perkins, via ForaTV, {Subscriber Supported}, on 08-13-07, YouTube, 05:31 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0JCJ4pIFEw
> ####(05-15-13)*ENO*WB(UE43)(UE41)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS-0666B, John PERKINS, former Economic Hitmen describes the World-Corp’s Empire, and U.S. War Dept. C.I.A. Objectives ::
[American Exceptionalism - U.S. Democracy projecting Friedman Chicago-School Austerity-Economics and it’s “Shock Doctrine,” Totalitarian Police States, Colonialism & Exploitation using the Neo-Con “Values” of “Maleligious” Gun-Slinger Dominionism wedded to the Profit-Charter.]
“John Perkins’ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man; Extended Interview 2008”
~ John Perkins – Former U.S. Economic Hit Man, @Gentle Machine Productions LLC, “Zeitgeist Addendum,” via cpppucinokid100, {Subscribe}, 06-13-11, YouTube, 1:08:39 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Shorter Link < http://bit.ly/14t5UsX
{Think you know your government? Really?}
(Minute 4)
Loans made to target countries are designed to compromise them with “Debt” in order to expand International Corporate Empires;
The Infrastructure "Aid Money” actually goes to Corp’s who complete just the development that accomplishes extraction of national resources;
Infrastructure “development” benefits a few rich people in the target Country;
There is more slavery in the World today;
Developing Countries “can’t” repay debt that benefited a few
…so resources and or labor are sacrificed at rock bottom prices;
Forced austerity collapses existing social programs increasing poverty and deprivation;
…by C.I.A. lead invasion to placate United Fruit Corp and big oil corp’s profits;
United Fruit Corp had convinced the U.S. that President Arbenz was a Communist;
(Minute 6)*
…by C.I.A. operatives in an Airplane Crash to placate big oil corp’s profits;
Roldos was the first “democratically elected” President in years;
He wanted Ecuador’s resources to benefit the people;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” the crash site;
(Minute 8)*
…by C.I.A. Operatives to placate I.T.T. - International Telephone & Telegraph Corp’s profits;
Harold Janine, the C.E.O. decided to take him out;
Allende’ was a labeled a Socialist who distributed resources, and placed “price controls” on essential commodities;
(Minute 9)*
…in an Airplane Crash in order to overturn the 1976 “Panama Canal Treaty” for the U.S.;
Torrijos knew he was next to be murdered;
“A security guard handed him a tape recorder (upon boarding) that had a bomb;”
(Minute 13)*
…by U.S. INVASION in 1989;
(Noriega was a former C.I.A. Agent who fought Columbia Drug Cartels);
He refused to reverse the 1976 Panama Canal Treaty;
One aim of his ouster was to reinstate U.S. military bases in Panama;
He negotiated with the Japanese to build another canal;
The U.S. bombed and killed 2,000 - 6,000 innocent Panamanian people;
Noriega is said to have held compromising photographs from Contadora, a tropical “No Tell” playground for elites;
Panama’s National Security Building was completely destroyed;
It contained photographs of U.S. Elites in compromising positions …with George Wacky Bush’ (C.I.A. Vice President George “Papa” Bush’ son) pictures among them;
The U.S. Military “cleaned up” after the firebombing;
(Minutes 16)*
…by C.I.A. Agent Kermit Roosevelt who took a few million C.I.A. dollars into Iran to fund dissidents in order to overthrow Mosaddegh;
He was removed to increase big oil corp’s access and profits;
A puppet Dictator, the Shah of Iran, was installed to replace a democratically elected president;
Mosaddegh’s offense was that he had nationalized British Petroleum Corp, B.P. (formerly British Persian Oil);
(Minute 20)*
EX. 7* :: VENEZUELA ~ HUGO CHAVEZ – 2002 - COUP ATTEMPT by C.I.A. Operatives to placate big oil corp’s profits, but CHAVEZ SURVIVED;
After 09-11-01, he noted that there was anger and resentment over the role of the U.S. in the World;
His statement was resented by the U.S.;
The success of Chavez unleashed a “populist movement” in South America – Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and many other countries held democratic elections;
There were nonviolent Democratic Revolutions;
The movement was against exploitation of resources in 80% of Latin America and threatening or bribing leaders to institute corp’s power in sovereign countries;
(Minute 23)*
{…PAYING PEOPLE to take to the streets and riot. That should remind U.S. of the BUSH 2000 "Brooks Brothers" Vote Recount Riot? (Miami, Dade County); The Brooks Brothers Riot gave the Supreme Court 6 Just-aSSes the excuse, cover, or will to steal a U.S. Presidential Election.}
EX. 8* :: IRAQ ~ SADDAM HUSSEIN – (1937 – 2006) HUNG
…after 2003 Invasion to find Weapons of Mass Destruction and for big oil corp’s and U.S. defense corp’s profits;
(Hussein once worked for the C.I.A. to overthrow a predecessor in 1963);
It took 2 tries to overthrow Hussein, 1991 and 2003;
Saddam Hussein’s crime was that he wanted to sell Iraqi oil for a currency other than the U.S. dollar;
U.S. and British Oil Corp’s wanted profits from easily extractible Iraqi oil;
Economic Hit Men were not successful in the 1990’s;
(Minute 27)*
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT, A Summary, may include (if necessary) :
1.) Threaten and or buy off corrupt leaders;
2.) Compromise the national economy with “break neck” loans;
{Spread rumors about the national debt or currency instability and cause currency devaluation.}
3.) Send in C.I.A. Jackals to take out leaders by funding a “home grown” Coup;
4.) Send in U.S. troops;
STAGES of an ECONOMIC HIT (Expanded Description)
1. Economic Hit-Men show a leader two stories …one with abundance and rewards for the family for selling out their country, and a second option with a shiny granite mausoleum and a dead family;
In the bribe option, the Countries Leaders are convinced to accept and embrace privatization / “profitization” and natural resource sales to corporations for cents-on-the-dollar of true value;
Commons Resource Extraction, Corp’s Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass, and Social Services Austerity are “hallmarks” of a Corporatocracy deprived of the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economists, modern vultures, are invited to construct the economy they desire;
2. In a step by step calculated extension of Friedman Chicago School Laissez-(un)faire Capitalist Economics, they offer a financially strapped Countries Leaders impossible loan amounts to “improve infrastructure;”
The money is applied to “infrastructure improvements” that facilitate the extraction of natural resources for a fraction of true value by corp’s;
Sometimes the loan is made after the Country is intentionally destabilized by misinformation seeded in foreign or U.S. financial markets;
Receiving Countries are expected to accept Social Services Austerity and Corp Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass for its people to pay back the International Loan to:
The World Bangk;
The International Monetary Fund/Bangk (I.M.F.);
The World Trade Organization (W.T.O.);
The (private international plutocrat’s) Federal Reserve Bangk (The FED/Feudal Reverse Bangk). ::
3. The C.I.A. / CorpRatCon-Job Infantry of Aristocrats either directly assassinates a leader, pays a local individual or group to take up the task, or seeds an uprising among dissidents and arms and assists in the fake “home grown” Corp;
A U.S. surrogate is installed as the new head of a “totalitarian” state;
U.S. backed Multinational Corporations are given Carte Blanche access to resources and influence;
The Local Aristocracy shares in some fraction of the profits, while freedom of the free press is non-existent as they and Union Leaders are murdered or disappeared;
4. The U.S. and or International Military invades and submits the country to corp’s rule and colonization by a new more cooperative Leader;
The people are forced to accept Social Services Austerity and Corp’s Slavery-w/A-Night-Pass without the scrutiny of a national press, or the presence of Union worker representation;
(Minute 30)
EX. 9* :: WORLD – The objective of Corp’s is to create or exploit Chaos and Mayhem;
Exploitation works to the advantage of big oil corp’s;
General conflict between Muslim’s, Christians, and Jews and feuding sects among them are exploitable;
EX. 10* :: SOUTH AMERICA – The Indigenous People and the Military have united against the Corporatocracy in recent election …Ecuador, Venezuela, and Bolivia;
Their self-interest is to fight the Corporatocracy;
(Minute 30)*
EX. 11* :: MIDDLE EAST – Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, and Israel are in constant conflict;
Oil Corps can exploit that for power or profit;
(Minute 32)*
EX. 12* :: AFRICA – Corp’s are destabilizing governments and conquering the dark continent while enjoying the virtual cover of a corp’s media blackout in the U.S.;
There’s a “media mask” over the African Continent;
The Corporatocracy does everything it can to maintain instability;
(Minute 32)*
“Leaders are not corrupt. They are corrupted” …by multinational corp’s;
(The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bangk)/I.M.F., The World Bangk/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bangk (The Feudal Reverse Bangk), & The World Trade Organization/W.T.O.);
(Minute 32)*
EX. 13* :: SOUTH AMERICA – Americans see migrations of South Americans to this country, but have no idea that the reason is the work of big Trans-National CorpRatCon-Jobs that we “protect”;
The U.S. invades sovereign countries, or have destroyed their economies through “free trade” agreements;
The U.S., The International Monetary Fund (Bangk)/I.M.F., The World Bangk/W.B., The (Private) “FED” Reserve Bangk (The Feudal Reverse Bangk), The World Trade Organization/W.T.O., and the big corp’s they represent have caused these immigration problems;
Immigrants don’t want to be here, but our Presidential Candidates aren’t addressing that;
(Minute 36)*
(Minute 36)
Trans-National Corp’s & Politicians want to go to war;
But the top echelon military leaders don’t desire war because they recognize that “invasion creates more terrorism;”
EX. 14* :: VIETNAM, IRAQ – Huge Success for Big Corps;
(Minute 37)*
EX. 15* :: COLUMBIA – Building Dams, Pipelines, etc destroy farmland, and intrude without benefitting the common people …who were starving;
Gorilla factions objected and halted corp’s resource extraction and exploitation;
Corps wanted their land and accused them of being Communists to facilitate taking it;
Gorillas turned away big corp’s and turned to extortion, kidnapping, and cocaine exports to finance themselves;
Soviet Union helped to balance power;
Once they were gone, terrorism became the only option;
A “Red Scare” is a manufactured pretense to defend oil corp’s;
Texaco-Chevron was guilty of intentional pollution in Ecuador at 18 times the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill …to save money;
U.S. Military aid is used to defend oil corp’s;
(Minute 38)*
The U.S. finds or creates these enemies …Communists, Socialists, Terrorists, etc …in order to create the chaos that allows the U.S. to exploit countries to benefit multinational corporations;
(Minute 42)
(Minute 47)
The U.S. was broke In 1971, an outcome of the trumped-up Vietnam War;
The Gold Monetary Standard was abandoned;
The House of Saud invested in U.S. government securities to “prop up” the dollar;
In 1973 Saudi Arabia invested in the dollar and backed the “Oil Standard” by selling oil for U.S. Dollars exclusively;
The private-international Federal Reserve Bangk Dollar became the currency oil is traded in and a key back-up currency worldwide;
[The higher the price of oil, the more the “oil standard” dollar is needed]
EX. 16 :: IRAN – Wanted to sell oil for other currencies besides the dollar;
So the U.S. threatened them;
(EXTENSION EX. :: Muammar Gaddafi – (1942-2011) He wanted payment for Libyan oil in “Gold” instead of the “dollar/oil standard” – He was OVERTHROWN & ASSASSINATED by dissidents with full U.S. and Western European air force and monetary support);
(Minute 48)
The Dollar is backed by the “Oil Standard” currency status;
So the trans-national oil corp’s control the U.S. government;
There’s no serious move to embrace alternative energy sources like Solar;
The dollar is backed by “oil demand;”
[almost every U.S. State has recently raised its speed limit to 70 m.p.h.]
oil and bio-fuels can be “centrally controlled” by CorpRatCon-Jobs;
They fit into the “desired pattern” of control by Corporatocracy;
The U.S. finds and creates enemies to destabilize people privatize / ”profitize” resources for trans-national corp’s. That’s what we do;
Solar Panels compete with Oil (Political Conflict), breaking an old pattern, and transforming This Empire which works to destabilize, divide, & conquer so oil corporations win;
(Minute 51)
Breaking an old pattern of Corporatocracy means making a “just world”… creating a sustainable peaceful world;
(Minute 54)
Greed is our measure of success;
Corp C.E.O.’s measure success by money;
John Perkins never met a mean C.E.O.;
Money is “how they measure success” …by bonuses and by stock value increases;
(Minute 58)
There have been several hundred years of non-sustainability;
The whole world is a community;
Joy comes from the bliss of “connectedness;”
(Minute 1:02)
Doing the “right thing” now is an investment in the future;
(Minute 1:04)
Don’t buy anything made by slaves;
Follow a passion and change;
Environmentally Sustainability creates a socially just and peaceful world;
Use one’s own passion for change ::
>###(09-11-13)*CW*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS-102E, Naomi KLEIN, Exposing Phase 3-4 Cancer-Capitalism and Mega-Corp’s Profit-Chartered Empire ::
”The Shock Doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism”
~ Naomi Klein – Oxford Economist, War Correspondent, Investigative Journalist, Forensic Economist, [in a 4 yr on-the-ground investigation] Authored “The Shock Doctrine” 2007; Knopf Publishing, Canada, ISBN: 978-0-676-97800-1 ::
Observing the effects of U.S. foreign policy decisions, world bangking institutions and loan impacts, trade agreement influences, U.S. War Dept. C.I.A. and economic policy evaluations ::
[American Exceptionalism - a U.S. Democracy/Corporatocracy projecting Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago-School Austerity-Economics (with its Shock Doctrine tool box) onto coup and bribe manufactured totalitarian states that feature colonialism and exploitation. This U.S. “value system” achieves the Corporate A+ rating by using neo-con “maleligious values” of gun-slinger dominionism and blind-belief wedded to profit-chartered nihilism.] :: BB Link/URL
>_^_ Naomi Klein, 2009 Documentary Film & 2007 Book ::
”The Shock Doctrine 2009”
~ A Renegade Picture/Revolution Films, via MrSaunders2020, {Subscribe}, on 05-30-11, Doc. Film, 1:18:38 min :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ <>^<> BOOK REVIEW <>^<>
”The Shock Doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism” (TSD)
~ Naomi Klein is an Oxford University Economist & Investigative Journalist; Knopf Publishing, Canada, 2007, {Subscribe}, :: Link/URL
< http://www.naomiklein.org/shock-doctrine
Subject Matter of this Investigative Non-Fiction Work (TSD) includes:
1. Klein compares and analyzes the impact of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School Economics in a number of countries where it was practiced. Keynesian (F.D.R.), and Developmental Socialist Economics are also referenced. But TSD concentrates on the introduction and effects of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School Economics Policies;
2. TSD reveals the role of the U.S. Government and Friedman-Chicago-School trained Economists in the decimation of Countries and the plundering of Natural Resources for the benefit of the World Banking Community and Multinational Corporations;
3. Klein conducts investigations of the ways and means of Political Dominionism and Corporate takeover of Governments of any Political Ideology whatsoever. Corruption and greed is a “Universal Plague” to all “stated” ideologies;
4. There are comparisons of the effects and intent of “Physical Shock Therapy” treatments on individuals, and an extensive log of Laissez-(un)faire Friedman Chicago School “Economic Shock Treatments.” In most cases, leaders submitted their countries to the Austerity policies that were perpetrated to destabilize the country following some blind-belief blue print that touted projections of beneficial outcome. Unstable governments became shakier after they submitted to economic shock treatments in order to do the bidding of Transnational Corporations Profit-Charter;
5. TSD cites dozens of incidences of Political Coup, Assassination, Torture, Disappearance, and Outright Murder of Political Leaders, Opposition Leaders, Union Leaders, and Populist Media Figures;
6. C.I.A., Military, and Corporate Involvement in the overthrow of stable governments is revealed by open records and on-the-ground investigation by Klein. The reader is presented with an inside look into the decision making process of primarily corrupt government officials and agencies thrown into “Economic Shock” by intentional or natural disaster sudden change catalysts. It will awaken some to the realities of Rule by International Trade Agreement, Treaties, and speculative International Banking …all completely co-opted by Corporate power and greed;
7. TSD sheds light on the culpability of the winner and looser choosing Bangks and Orgs like The FED/Feudal Reverse Bangk, the I.M.F. – International Monetary Fund, the World Bangk, the U.S. Treasury, the W.T.O. – World Trade Organization, Wall Street “Velociraptor” Hedge Funds, and “Vulture/Velociraptor” Trans-National and American CorpRatCon-Jobs of the 1%;
8. And the financial and cultural devastation on a personal level, the human toll …murdered and disappeared citizens and opposition leaders, lost wages, lost unions, lost jobs, tripling unemployment, tripling the masses in desperate poverty, over doubled drug use, over doubled suicide rates, over doubling AIDS, doubling prostitution, & causing desperately poor people to sell their children into the international sex trade;
9. “The Shock Doctrine” exposes the Nuts-n-Bolts “Junk” of Stage 3 Colonial-Economic Cancer-Capitalism;
10. It’s not a “family values” investigative report. It’s a painful easy read for someone who has values. If you can read “The Shock Doctrine” and stay the same person you were before, then either you were already aware of the content, or there is a cold austere dominionist racist part of you …that you may have just become aware of. ::
> ####(04-22-13)*CW*CBWS*WB*ZC(UE37)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS37-RN01, Free, War Criminal POTUS Richard M. NIXON, (Republican – 1969-74), Republican Treason, Stolen Elections, Last 5 Illegitimate Republican Presidents ::
UE 37 Pres. Richard M. Nixon (Republican-CA – 1969-74), Vietnam War Extension – Nixon 1968, October Surprise 1968, defeated V.P (Sen.) Hubert Humphrey (D-*MN) 11-1968;
UE 38 President Gerald R. Ford granted amnesty to Nixon;
UE40 Pres. Ronald Reagan (Republican-*CA - 1981-1989), Reagan Iranian Hostage Negation For Weapons Deal w/U.S. Embassy Hostage Takers, Unseated UE36 President Jimmy Carter (D-*GA) 11-1980;
UE41 Pres. George “H. W.” Bush I (Republican-*TX – 1989-1992), C.I.A.;
UE43 Pres. George “W.” Bush II (Republican-*TX – 2001-2008), Counting Votes “Constitutes Irreparable Harm” To George W. Bushs’ Election (Just-aSS Antonin Scalia’s Opinion), Stolen Florida Election 1-2001, S-Court-5 Corp RentBoy Just-aSSes;
5 Republican Presidents Crippling America With Treason & Fraud
“Thom Hartmann: Can Republican get elected without fraud & treason?”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, The Daily Take, 07-19-11, YouTube, 09:10 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UM-hAbfOkA&feature=share
> ####(06-01-13)*ECE*EF*UE37*WC(UE38)(UE40)(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Click-a-D-Click Click-a-D-Clack C Y @JohnKerry @BarackObama hs #ALEC #KeystoneXL & #KochBrother zback #OWS #UniteBlue #msnbc …{124}
What Rich “Testosterone Toting” Psycho’s and “Living” Political Kabuki-Theater Actor-god “Saviors” desire is to take a satisfying smirk to a shiny granite mausoleum. The Earth they'll “gladly destroy” on the way out (with an EvilJelloCrawl Comet Catcher and a Twig-Snapping Barney-Fife Gun-Slinger under each arm) already has one and it's granite too!
The "accidental stimuli" that put me onto this theme was a response to a tot who pretend lasered me with a toy. I responded "Don't Tase Me Bro," which was a statement heard on an internet clip months ago. And I hadn't thought about it since. Curiosity took me back to find the clip, "Don't Tase Me Bro" in order to investigate the circumstance that required an American to be "tased." And I stumbled onto U.S. government and U.S. corporate corruption that was somewhat familiar. The meme of Corporatocracy's exploitation is GoodCop/BadCop. We're convicted to pay the debt of Corp's profit-charter violence and war either way. In this instance we are lead by Yale Skulls and Bones Secret Society members, with Harvard and Chicago School Economists and Lawyers in the side-car.
Corp-Bangk-Wall Street-Deregulation-114B, War-Fascism, C.I.A. Coup &
Colonization, George H.W. BUSH I, Election Fraud, Corruption; Yale Skull and Bones Secret Society Alumni Include: Prescott Bush (Nazi Banker and Sympathizer was Dad & Grandfather to POTUS 41 & 43), POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush I & POTUS 43 George W. Bush II, as well as Obama Administration Secretary of State ::
Skull and Bones has about 100 active and 500 living members ::
Two Party GoodCop/BadCop as real as Cops and Robbers ::
“You both were members of Skull & Bones, a Secret Society at Yale. What does that tell us?” ::
Secretary of State John Kerry: “Not much because it’s a secret.” (as he smiles & laughs) ::
Election Fraud: Jeb Bush’ Florida Bush Gore ‘00 & Bush Kerry Election ’04 ::
"'Don't Tase Me, Bro!' (UF Student Tasered Remix)"
~ via Tobuscus, on 09-17-07, YouTube, 45 sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkMkGOpAF4s
>_^_ "Don't Taze Me Bro: What Really Happened?"
~ via UndergroundGonzo, on 12-01-10, YouTube, 08:22 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L40N-zOV0mM
>_^_ "skulls and bones yale secret society"
~ via Bryan Pender, on 02-28-13, YouTube, 30 sec. :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ-xnnNnEHw
>_^_ "Don't Tase Me Bro on the Today Show"
~ via Tim Wilmath, on 11-01-07, YouTube, 05:23 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b5eHcN-Bdc
>_^_ "Antony Cyril Sutton (February 14, 1925 -- June 17, 2002) was a British-born economist, historian, and writer. Most importantly, he was a very respectable and intelligent human being who obviously wanted the best for mankind by exposing facts that others would rather keep hidden."
"Antony Sutton - The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]"
~ via RobinMFisher, on 06-22-12, YouTube, 31:58 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XImnRAmm93Q
"Antony Sutton-1976 Lecture (Full Length)"
~ via ConspiracyScope, on 07-01-11, YouTube, 44:39 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEipMmxSlGU
>_^_ "...Hegel was a statist who believed the individual existed for the state – a view contrary to the vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States."
"Hegelian Dialectic"
~ Believe All Things, 11-23-08 :: Link/URL
< http://www.believeallthings.com/1481/hegelian-dialectic/
>_^_ American Corporations - Ford, GE, Standard Oil, ITT
(min 10:00) American Companies, through their subsidiaries, helped Hitler; The Transferred technology
"The Best Enemies Money Can Buy - An Interview with Professor Antony C. Sutton" (Book: “National Suicide” ~ Antony Sutton)
~ via enoch7000, on 08-27-12, YouTube, 53:03 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSVWXmZB1wc
>_^_ "Antony Sutton - Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution Part 1.flv"
~ via Healingitnow1, on 03-09-10, YouTube, 08:06 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GhPsJCXPqY
> ####(01-30-14)*WB*CBWS(UE41)(UE43)(UE44)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bangk-Wall Street-Deregulation-114C, War-Fascism, C.I.A. Coup &
Colonization; Drug Smuggling, Vietnam War, World War II; CIA, President George H.W. Bush, POTUS 41; President Bill Clinton, POTUS 42; President George W. Bush, POTUS 43; POTUS Ronald Reagan 40 ::
Turkey to China Opium Trade; U.S. War on Drugs & Distribution;
U.S. Police State; N.W.O. – New World Order, Illuminati ::
Occupy Movement Smashed Nationwide By (German Namesake) Homeland Security ::
Yale Skull and Bones Secret Society Alumni Include: Prescott Bush (Nazi Banker and Sympathizer was Dad & Grandfather to POTUS 41 & 43), POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush I & POTUS 43 George W. Bush II, as well as Obama Administration Secretary of State ::
Skull and Bones has about 100 active and 500 living members ::
"Elihu Yale ...educated in London …served with the British East India Co." ::
"...relationship between Yale & the ‘Intelligence Community’ …unique." ::
"In 1823, Samuel Russell established Russell and Company ...acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling it to China. ...became the primary American opium smuggler. ...American and European fortunes were built on the 'China'(opium) trade." ::
"Fifteen juniors are ‘tapped’ each year ...initiated into next year's group."::
William Howard Taft ('87) ...both President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. ::
"Many researchers contend that George (H.W. POTUS 41) Bush has been with CIA since the early 1950s ...to consolidate and co-ordinate the worldwide narcotics industry, the largest industry on Earth. ...the Vietnam 'Police Action' ...cover for the consolidation of the 'Golden Triangle'." ::
"In July, 1985, the suppressed GAO paper …'no benefits from the National Narcotics Border Interdiction System, directed by George Bush.'..."
"10. Skull & Bones = Illuminati? ...Could we have in the United States a secret society that has used the 'National Security State' as a cover…?"
The current Secretary of State, John Kerry is a Skull and Bones member
"The Order of the Skull and Bones: Everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask"
~ Kris Millegan - Conspiracy Theory Research List, {Subscribe}, (no date) :: Link/URL
< http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/Skull_Bones.htm
> ####(01-26-14)*WB*CBWS(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Corp-Bangk-Wall Street-Deregulation-114A, War-Fascism, C.I.A. Coup &
Colonization, Whistleblower Journalism, POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush; U.S. War Dept. & C.I.A. Objectives - CorpRatCon-Job Infantry of Aristocrats; Failed Bangks & Savings & Loans, Deregulation 1982, Mafia Looting S&L’s, Drugs and Guns Traded, Money Laundering; American Exceptionalism ::
(Book: “The Mafia, CIA, & George Bush I” ~ Pete Brewton’92)
“THE MAFIA, C.I.A. & GEORGE BUSH Sr. Part 1 fr”
~ Pete Brewer - Alternative View, via Mindsi2, {Subscribe}, on 06-19-08, YouTube, 08:39 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_Documentary Video :: Link/URL
< http://www.archive.org/details/AV_483_484-THE_MAFIA_THE_CIA_AND_GEORGE_BUSH
> ####(03-20-13)*CBWS*WBPOTUS(UE41)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Bush Bush Bush, Yale Skull and Bones, CIA, Cancer Phase Capitalism, War, New World Order and -ilii WTF iili-
Posted on January 23, 2014 :: Link/URL
< http://greenenvscithr.com/2014/01/23/bush-bush-bush-yale-skull-and-bones-cia-cancer-phase-capitalism-war-new-world-order-and-ilii-wtf-iili/
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR01, GHWB41, GWB43, War Criminal
POTUS’ 40, 41, & 43; Class Warfare, Suicide Rate Increased During
Conservative Administrations that serve the World’s Corp Class Warlords the
Government “they” wanted ::
"Over the past decade, our nation’s suicide rate [U.S.] has been steadily climbing, rising a staggering 23 percent." ::
"Australian scientists found that suicides in that country increased markedly when a Conservative government was in power. And, they found similar results for the U.K. ...Australian scientists analyzed suicide statistics for the New South Wales area of Australia between 1901, when the Australian federal government was established, and 1998. " ::
"The very same austerity policies that Republicans in Washington are constantly pushing on us are the same policies that are driving Americans to kill themselves."
"The Corporate Right-Wing Agenda Is Driving Thousands of Americans to Attempt Suicide"
~ Thom Hartman - AlterNet - Tea Party and the Right, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-03-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-right/corporate-right-wing-agenda-driving-thousands-americans-attempt-suicide
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Over the past decade, our nation’s suicide rate [U.S.] has been steadily climbing, rising a staggering 23 percent." ::
"Australian scientists found that suicides in that country increased markedly when a Conservative government was in power. And, they found similar results for the U.K. ...Australian scientists analyzed suicide statistics for the New South Wales area of Australia between 1901, when the Australian federal government was established, and 1998. " ::
"The very same austerity policies that Republicans in Washington are constantly pushing on us are the same policies that are driving Americans to kill themselves."
"The Corporate Right-Wing Agenda Is Driving Thousands of Americans to Attempt Suicide"
~ Thom Hartman - AlterNet - Tea Party and the Right, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-03-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-right/corporate-right-wing-agenda-driving-thousands-americans-attempt-suicide
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR02, GHWB41, GWB43, Criminal
POTUS’ 40, 41, & 43; U.S. War Dept.
& C.I.A. Objectives-Country, Iran & Nicaragua, Iraq ::
Media, Political Journalism, Investigative Journalism, Right Wing Bastardization Of Journalism, C.I.A., Presidents Ronald REAGAN’s Treason, Iran Contra, George H.W. BUSH -I, George W. BUSH –II’s Treason, Iraq ::
“…perception management has won out over truth.”
“How the US Press Lost its Way”
~ Robert Parry – Consortium News, {Subscriber Supported}, via AlterNet, 05-21-12 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Insider Political News, Investigative Journalist Web Site, Robert Parry :: Link/URL
< Consortiumnews.com
> ####(04-22-13)*PJ*WB(UE40)(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Media, Political Journalism, Investigative Journalism, Right Wing Bastardization Of Journalism, C.I.A., Presidents Ronald REAGAN’s Treason, Iran Contra, George H.W. BUSH -I, George W. BUSH –II’s Treason, Iraq ::
“…perception management has won out over truth.”
“How the US Press Lost its Way”
~ Robert Parry – Consortium News, {Subscriber Supported}, via AlterNet, 05-21-12 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ Insider Political News, Investigative Journalist Web Site, Robert Parry :: Link/URL
< Consortiumnews.com
> ####(04-22-13)*PJ*WB(UE40)(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR03, Ronald Reagan Interfered
With Negotiations to Free American Embassy Hostages in Iran, Tyranny ::
"hostage commission set up in Prime Minister Muhammad Ali Rajai's office appears to be convinced of American good intentions, it finds it difficult to grasp that certain elements of the conditions are legally, at the least, extremely difficult to fulfill. Diplomats in Tehran…" ::
"question on the minds of diplomats and political analysts here in the Iranian capital is whether the US hostage crisis will be resolved before or immediately after the inauguration of President-elect Ronald Reagan."
"* Iran sees as beneficial a resolution of the hostage crisis during the interim because it will bind both the outgoing Carter administration and the incoming Reagan government." ::
"'Reagan is one of the stubborn opponents of the policy of softness and flexibility toward Iran. . . . However ...The future will show us that Reagan's presidency may be more useful for the Islamic revolution. . . .'"
[+CSM~"Former hostages start putting ordeal behind them in Wiesbaden"]
"US hostages: Iran may opt to wait for Reagan"
~ James Dorsey - Special correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor, {Subscriber Supported}, 11-19-1980 :: Link/URL
< http://www.csmonitor.com/1980/1119/111943.html
>_^_ "Noam Chomsky: U.S. Has Been "Torturing" Iran for 60 Years, Since 1953 CIA-Led Coup"
~ DemocracyNow - with Noam Chomsky, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 09-11-13, YouTube 12:55 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-19-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"hostage commission set up in Prime Minister Muhammad Ali Rajai's office appears to be convinced of American good intentions, it finds it difficult to grasp that certain elements of the conditions are legally, at the least, extremely difficult to fulfill. Diplomats in Tehran…" ::
"question on the minds of diplomats and political analysts here in the Iranian capital is whether the US hostage crisis will be resolved before or immediately after the inauguration of President-elect Ronald Reagan."
"* Iran sees as beneficial a resolution of the hostage crisis during the interim because it will bind both the outgoing Carter administration and the incoming Reagan government." ::
"'Reagan is one of the stubborn opponents of the policy of softness and flexibility toward Iran. . . . However ...The future will show us that Reagan's presidency may be more useful for the Islamic revolution. . . .'"
[+CSM~"Former hostages start putting ordeal behind them in Wiesbaden"]
"US hostages: Iran may opt to wait for Reagan"
~ James Dorsey - Special correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor, {Subscriber Supported}, 11-19-1980 :: Link/URL
< http://www.csmonitor.com/1980/1119/111943.html
>_^_ "Noam Chomsky: U.S. Has Been "Torturing" Iran for 60 Years, Since 1953 CIA-Led Coup"
~ DemocracyNow - with Noam Chomsky, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 09-11-13, YouTube 12:55 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(09-19-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR03, Ronald Reagan Worst President ::
"10 reasons why Ronald Reagan was the worst president of our lifetime"
~ Robert Sobel - Orlando Liberal Examiner, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-03-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.examiner.com/article/8-reasons-why-ronald-reagan-was-the-worst-president-of-our-lifetime
> ####(12-07-13)*UE40##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"10 reasons why Ronald Reagan was the worst president of our lifetime"
~ Robert Sobel - Orlando Liberal Examiner, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-03-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.examiner.com/article/8-reasons-why-ronald-reagan-was-the-worst-president-of-our-lifetime
> ####(12-07-13)*UE40##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR04, POTUS Ronald REAGAN Crimes :: U.S. War Dept. C.I.A. Objectives,
Countries: Iran & Nicaragua ::
GOP Pres. Ronald Reagan, Iran – Reagan’s White House exchanged military jet parts for the 1980 U.S. Embassy Hostage Taker’s fouling POTUS Jimmy Carter’s (1976-1980) chances of winning re-election and cinching his own bid;
The Reagan-Papa Bush C.I.A. Funded the Nicaraguan Contra Coup with Iran’s jet parts sale profits;
And the C.I.A. pushed plane loads of cocaine in Los Angeles’ Inner City to funnel more arms to Nicaraguan Contra forces ::
"it is well documented that North is a narcotics trafficker ...North did this at the very time President Reagan and Vice President Bush were leading our nation's 'War on Drugs'" ::
{Pres. George H.W. (Papa) Bush pardoned Oliver North}
"Oliver North's Nomination" (Virginia Congress)
~ The La Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-21-94 :: Link/URL
< http://articles.latimes.com/1994-06-21/local/me-6492_1_costa-rica-oliver-north-s-nomination-ollie-north
>_^_ Drug Selling Presidents :: "...late 1980s and the early 1990s the CIA was the biggest drug kingpin in the United States. Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Oliver North were involved in getting arms to the Nicaraguan Contras and they did it through the sale of cocaine to American citizens" :: "Comrades in Arms"
"CIA dealt crack in BLACK Los Angeles in early 90s"
~ via habueld - HubPages, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-02-11 :: Link/URL
< http://habueld.hubpages.com/hub/CIA-dealt-drugs-in-South-Los-Angeles-in-early-90s
>_^_ "staff at the White House... created a privatized contra network that attracted drug traffickers looking for cover for their operations, then turned a blind eye to repeated reports... and actively worked with known drug smugglers such as Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega to assist the (Nicaraguan Democratic Force) contras."
"The Oliver North File: His Diaries, E-Mail, and Memos on the Kerry Report, Contras and Drugs"
~ The National Security Archive, {Subscribe}, 02-26-04 :: Link/URL
< http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB113/
>_^_ “Contras” (Nicaraguan Democratic Force/C.I.A. Covert Operations) ::
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contras
>###(02-11-13)*WB(UE40)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
GOP Pres. Ronald Reagan, Iran – Reagan’s White House exchanged military jet parts for the 1980 U.S. Embassy Hostage Taker’s fouling POTUS Jimmy Carter’s (1976-1980) chances of winning re-election and cinching his own bid;
The Reagan-Papa Bush C.I.A. Funded the Nicaraguan Contra Coup with Iran’s jet parts sale profits;
And the C.I.A. pushed plane loads of cocaine in Los Angeles’ Inner City to funnel more arms to Nicaraguan Contra forces ::
"it is well documented that North is a narcotics trafficker ...North did this at the very time President Reagan and Vice President Bush were leading our nation's 'War on Drugs'" ::
{Pres. George H.W. (Papa) Bush pardoned Oliver North}
"Oliver North's Nomination" (Virginia Congress)
~ The La Times, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-21-94 :: Link/URL
< http://articles.latimes.com/1994-06-21/local/me-6492_1_costa-rica-oliver-north-s-nomination-ollie-north
>_^_ Drug Selling Presidents :: "...late 1980s and the early 1990s the CIA was the biggest drug kingpin in the United States. Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Oliver North were involved in getting arms to the Nicaraguan Contras and they did it through the sale of cocaine to American citizens" :: "Comrades in Arms"
"CIA dealt crack in BLACK Los Angeles in early 90s"
~ via habueld - HubPages, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-02-11 :: Link/URL
< http://habueld.hubpages.com/hub/CIA-dealt-drugs-in-South-Los-Angeles-in-early-90s
>_^_ "staff at the White House... created a privatized contra network that attracted drug traffickers looking for cover for their operations, then turned a blind eye to repeated reports... and actively worked with known drug smugglers such as Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega to assist the (Nicaraguan Democratic Force) contras."
"The Oliver North File: His Diaries, E-Mail, and Memos on the Kerry Report, Contras and Drugs"
~ The National Security Archive, {Subscribe}, 02-26-04 :: Link/URL
< http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB113/
>_^_ “Contras” (Nicaraguan Democratic Force/C.I.A. Covert Operations) ::
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contras
>###(02-11-13)*WB(UE40)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR05, Pres. Ronald REAGAN, Corruption, CIA
Warfare, Reagan’s Firsts :: James Watt – Sec. of Interior, Edwin Meese
III – Atty. General, The Iran-Contra Scandal, Casper Weinberger – Sec. of
Defense, Raymon Donovan – Sec. of Labor, Elliot Abrams – State Dept., Robert C.
McFarlane – Nat. Security Advisor, Oliver North – C.I.A. Drug Runner, John
Poindexter – Nat. Security Advisor, Alan D. Fiers – C.I.A. Central American
Task Force, Clair George – C.I.A. Covert Operations, Duane R. Clarridge
–C.I.A., E.P.A. Favoring Polluters, Neglected Nuclear Safety, Savings &
Loan Bail-out, Thomas C. Reed – Insider Trading, etc
“The massive (but under-reported) Reagan Administration corruption”
~ Liberal-Insights.org, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.liberalslikechrist.org/about/Reagan.html
> ####(08-31-13)*PMF*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“The massive (but under-reported) Reagan Administration corruption”
~ Liberal-Insights.org, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.liberalslikechrist.org/about/Reagan.html
> ####(08-31-13)*PMF*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR06, Ronald
REAGAN Mortgage Lending Deregulation,(Republican - 1981-1989) Wall
Street, Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of
1982 ::
Era Law; Wall Street Mortgage Deregulation; 2008 Mortgage Securities Bangk Fraud; The Act minimized the down payment requirement on home mortgages; It loosened lending standards for other consumer credit ::
F.Y.I.: Reagan started Fannie and Freddie Mortgage problems. It was a Lending Climate that resulted in No-Income-No-Job a.k.a. “Ninja Loans.” (Pushed By Mortgage CorpRatCon-Jobs); Garn-St. Germain initiated a radical change in spending behavior, a rise of private debt, and moved household debt to 119% of income by 2007 (60% in 1981}.
“Reagan Did It”
~ Paul Krugman - NY Times, {Subscribe}, 05-31-09 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/01/opinion/01krugman.html
> ####(08-31-13)*CBWS*PMF*ULLE*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Era Law; Wall Street Mortgage Deregulation; 2008 Mortgage Securities Bangk Fraud; The Act minimized the down payment requirement on home mortgages; It loosened lending standards for other consumer credit ::
F.Y.I.: Reagan started Fannie and Freddie Mortgage problems. It was a Lending Climate that resulted in No-Income-No-Job a.k.a. “Ninja Loans.” (Pushed By Mortgage CorpRatCon-Jobs); Garn-St. Germain initiated a radical change in spending behavior, a rise of private debt, and moved household debt to 119% of income by 2007 (60% in 1981}.
“Reagan Did It”
~ Paul Krugman - NY Times, {Subscribe}, 05-31-09 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/01/opinion/01krugman.html
> ####(08-31-13)*CBWS*PMF*ULLE*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR07, Fairness Doctrine Trounced
By Ronald REAGAN (Republican – 1981-1989), FOX NOOSE, GOP TV, Why They Can Lie
Without Consequence
“Thom Hartmann: Why Fox News has the Right to Lie to Us”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, TheBigPictureRT, {Subscriber Supported}, on 07-25-11, YouTube, 06:56 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDKLFn0pty4&feature=relmfu
> ####(08-31-13)*PIC*PMF*ULC*UJSC*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Thom Hartmann: Why Fox News has the Right to Lie to Us”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, TheBigPictureRT, {Subscriber Supported}, on 07-25-11, YouTube, 06:56 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDKLFn0pty4&feature=relmfu
> ####(08-31-13)*PIC*PMF*ULC*UJSC*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR08, Charlie
Chaplin - Silent Film Comedic Actor’s Speech; As Actor’s Union Leader in
the late 1940’s, “B-Actor” Reagan sent names of suspected Communist and Union
Sympathizers to the “Witch Hunters” at the McCarthy Commission; Chaplin went
into exile in Europe, choosing not to testify at McCarthy (WI-U.S. Senator)
Commission Trials ::
I'm sorry but I don't want to be an emperor. That's not my business. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible; Jew, Gentile, black men, white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each others' happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.
Greed has poisoned men's souls; has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge as made us cynical; our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost. The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in man; cries out for universal brotherhood; for the unity of us all.
Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women, and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me, I say "Do not despair." The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
Soldiers! Don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you; who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder! Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men-machines men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have a love of humanity in your hearts! You don't hate! Only the unloved hate; the unloved and the unnatural.
Soldiers! Don't fight for slavery! Fight for liberty! In the seventeenth chapter of St. Luke, it's written "the kingdom of God is within man", not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people, have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy, let us use that power.
Let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfill their promise. They never will! Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! Now let us fight to fulfill that promise! Let us fight to free the world! To do away with national barriers! To do away with greed, with hate and intolerance! Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness.
Soldiers, in the name of democracy, let us all unite!"
"The Greatest Speech Ever Made - Charlie Chaplin"
~ via Demon1se, {Subscribe}, on 07-01-12, YouTube, 03:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n14zuDfR_j8
>_^_ "The Greatest Speech Ever Made - [Original]"
~ via MrUniversality, {Subscribe}, 08-05-12, YouTube, 03:36 min ::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAd1WJ9gXo0
>_^_ Charlie Chaplin’s Political Views: "The Great Dictator spent a year in production ...released in October 1940." "Deeply disturbed by the surge of militaristic nationalism in 1930s ...Chaplin found that he could not keep these issues out of his work: "How could I throw myself into feminine whimsy or think of romance or the problems of love when madness was being stirred up by a hideous grotesque, Adolf Hitler?" He chose to make The Great Dictator – a "satirical attack on fascism"" ::
"The state of labor in America was troubling to Chaplin; he told an interviewer, "Something is wrong. Things have been badly managed when five million men are out of work in the richest country in the world." He felt that capitalism and machinery in the workplace would lead to more unemployment, and professed support for Roosevelt's New Deal." ::
"Chaplin claimed that the Barry trials "crippled [his] creativeness".
""Under these conditions [of McCarthyite America] I find it virtually impossible to continue my motion picture work, and I have therefore given up my residency in the United States."" ::
Chaplin again vocalized his political views in Monsieur Verdoux, criticizing capitalism and arguing that the world encourages mass killing through wars and weapons of mass-destruction" ::
"During World War II, Chaplin had campaigned for the opening of a Second Front to help the Soviets and supported various Soviet–American friendship groups. ...socialized with several individuals linked with communism, ...attended functions given by Soviet diplomats ...an FBI investigation was opened on Chaplin under the premise that he was a potential threat to national security." ::
Chaplin denied being a communist ...but felt the government's effort to suppress the ideology was an unacceptable infringement of civil liberties. Unwilling to be quiet about the issue, he openly protested the trials of Communist Party members and the activities of the House Un-American Activities Committee."
"Charlie Chaplin"
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(08-06-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
I'm sorry but I don't want to be an emperor. That's not my business. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible; Jew, Gentile, black men, white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each others' happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.
Greed has poisoned men's souls; has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge as made us cynical; our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost. The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in man; cries out for universal brotherhood; for the unity of us all.
Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women, and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me, I say "Do not despair." The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
Soldiers! Don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you; who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder! Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men-machines men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have a love of humanity in your hearts! You don't hate! Only the unloved hate; the unloved and the unnatural.
Soldiers! Don't fight for slavery! Fight for liberty! In the seventeenth chapter of St. Luke, it's written "the kingdom of God is within man", not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people, have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy, let us use that power.
Let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfill their promise. They never will! Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! Now let us fight to fulfill that promise! Let us fight to free the world! To do away with national barriers! To do away with greed, with hate and intolerance! Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness.
Soldiers, in the name of democracy, let us all unite!"
"The Greatest Speech Ever Made - Charlie Chaplin"
~ via Demon1se, {Subscribe}, on 07-01-12, YouTube, 03:38 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n14zuDfR_j8
>_^_ "The Greatest Speech Ever Made - [Original]"
~ via MrUniversality, {Subscribe}, 08-05-12, YouTube, 03:36 min ::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAd1WJ9gXo0
>_^_ Charlie Chaplin’s Political Views: "The Great Dictator spent a year in production ...released in October 1940." "Deeply disturbed by the surge of militaristic nationalism in 1930s ...Chaplin found that he could not keep these issues out of his work: "How could I throw myself into feminine whimsy or think of romance or the problems of love when madness was being stirred up by a hideous grotesque, Adolf Hitler?" He chose to make The Great Dictator – a "satirical attack on fascism"" ::
"The state of labor in America was troubling to Chaplin; he told an interviewer, "Something is wrong. Things have been badly managed when five million men are out of work in the richest country in the world." He felt that capitalism and machinery in the workplace would lead to more unemployment, and professed support for Roosevelt's New Deal." ::
"Chaplin claimed that the Barry trials "crippled [his] creativeness".
""Under these conditions [of McCarthyite America] I find it virtually impossible to continue my motion picture work, and I have therefore given up my residency in the United States."" ::
Chaplin again vocalized his political views in Monsieur Verdoux, criticizing capitalism and arguing that the world encourages mass killing through wars and weapons of mass-destruction" ::
"During World War II, Chaplin had campaigned for the opening of a Second Front to help the Soviets and supported various Soviet–American friendship groups. ...socialized with several individuals linked with communism, ...attended functions given by Soviet diplomats ...an FBI investigation was opened on Chaplin under the premise that he was a potential threat to national security." ::
Chaplin denied being a communist ...but felt the government's effort to suppress the ideology was an unacceptable infringement of civil liberties. Unwilling to be quiet about the issue, he openly protested the trials of Communist Party members and the activities of the House Un-American Activities Committee."
"Charlie Chaplin"
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(08-06-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR09, Corp Spokesmodel REAGAN, Jude WANNISKI, 32 Years of Supply Side
Economics, Voodoo Economics,
Trickle Down Economics, Reaganomics, Laissez-faire Economics, Presidents Reagan Through Obama ‘09, Reagan
Raised Taxes 11 TIMES :: “Supply Siders
Raised The Debt 20/20 Years” :: U.S.
Executive Br. (40, R) Pres. Ronald Reagan
“What They Won’t Tell You about the National Debt”
~ via sstoft, {Subscribe}, on 10-19-10, YouTube, 04:15 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1bZ-TiX8rA
> ####(08-31-13)*CW*DEI*EC*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“What They Won’t Tell You about the National Debt”
~ via sstoft, {Subscribe}, on 10-19-10, YouTube, 04:15 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1bZ-TiX8rA
> ####(08-31-13)*CW*DEI*EC*WB(UE40)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR10, Taxes On The Rich Dropped,
GOP Corruption, Jude Wanniski, Republican Strategist,
Two Santa Clause Strategy 1974 (Republican Presidents give Tax Cuts to
the Rich, Run Up Debt, Deficits, & GOP; Blames Democratic Presidents When
Democrats Take the Whitehouse …repeat a lie often enough & voters won’t
remember) ::
Supply Side Economics (enrich Job Creators-(gods) & wait for their spending to stimulate the economy …but they’re prolific hoarders), 1976, Republican Strategy To Give Power To The Rich & Corporations
“Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, via Common Dreams, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-26-09 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/01/26-0
>(08-31-13)*ECT*WB(UE40)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Supply Side Economics (enrich Job Creators-(gods) & wait for their spending to stimulate the economy …but they’re prolific hoarders), 1976, Republican Strategy To Give Power To The Rich & Corporations
“Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, via Common Dreams, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-26-09 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/01/26-0
>(08-31-13)*ECT*WB(UE40)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR11, Race Baiting President
(Republican - 1981-1989), First Campaign Stop Philadelphia Mississippi Where 3 Civil Rights Activists Were Murdered in the 1960’s ::
"As a young congressman, (Trent) Lott was among those who urged Reagan to deliver his first major campaign speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence." ::
"support for "states' rights" — a code word for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southern voters." ::
"Republican heroes as, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon or George Bush the elder… used coded racial messages to lure disaffected blue collar and Southern white voters away from the Democrats." ::
"Reagan, who set a standard for exploiting white anger and resentment rarely seen since George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door"
"Lott, Reagan and Republican Racism"
~ Jack White - Time, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-14-02 :: Link/URL
< http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,399921,00.html
> ####(08-31-13)*CW*WB(UE40)(*MS)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
(Republican - 1981-1989), First Campaign Stop Philadelphia Mississippi Where 3 Civil Rights Activists Were Murdered in the 1960’s ::
"As a young congressman, (Trent) Lott was among those who urged Reagan to deliver his first major campaign speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence." ::
"support for "states' rights" — a code word for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southern voters." ::
"Republican heroes as, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon or George Bush the elder… used coded racial messages to lure disaffected blue collar and Southern white voters away from the Democrats." ::
"Reagan, who set a standard for exploiting white anger and resentment rarely seen since George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door"
"Lott, Reagan and Republican Racism"
~ Jack White - Time, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-14-02 :: Link/URL
< http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,399921,00.html
> ####(08-31-13)*CW*WB(UE40)(*MS)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB01, War Criminal George W.
BUSH-II, U.S. War Dept. C.I.A., Iraq, 9/11, Talked About Attacking Iraq 2 Years
Before 9/11; Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rummy Corp Oil War
“Two Years Before 9/11, Candidate Bush was Already Talking Privately About Attacking Iraq, According to His Former Ghost Writer”
~ Russ Baker - Common Dreams, {Subscribe}, 10-28-04 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/1028-01.htm
>##(01-08-13)#*UE43*WB#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Two Years Before 9/11, Candidate Bush was Already Talking Privately About Attacking Iraq, According to His Former Ghost Writer”
~ Russ Baker - Common Dreams, {Subscribe}, 10-28-04 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/1028-01.htm
>##(01-08-13)#*UE43*WB#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB02, War Criminal George W.
Bush-II, V.P. Dick Cheney, Defense (War) Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary of Defense (War) Paul Wolfowitz to the
Hague!!! ::
"This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out 7 Countries in 5 years ...starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finish it off with Iran.” ::
"General Clark was the Supreme Allied Commander (SACEUR) of NATO during the intervention in Kosovo, and is known to be a "straight-talking" personality. ...'can't fight terrorism, but we have a good army, so we can take down governments.'"
"General Wesley Clark: Wars were planned - 7 Countries In 5 Years"
~ via MiddleEastMonitor, {Subscribe}, Democracy Now with U.S. Army retired Gen. Wesley Clark, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 09-05-13, YouTube, 02:13 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tL7lHkqVek
>_^_ (Min 07:40) "This Country was taken over by a group of people with a policy Coup. Wolfowitz and Cheney and Rumsfeld and you could name a half a dozen others on the project for New American Century. They wanted us to destabilize the Middle East. Turn it upside down. Make it under our control”
"General W. Clark tells truth about Middle East 'Uprising'"
~ 1outoflove, {Subscribe}, FORA.tv, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, U.S. Army retired Gen. Wesley Clark, on 01-21-13, YouTube, 26:27 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKrkokQIx9g
>_^_ Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia, “Paul Wolfowitz” (Deputy Sec. of Defense Paul Wolfowitz & Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld)::
"according to Kampfner, 'Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz believed (CIA & DIA)too bureaucratic... set up ...cabal ...a cell of eight or nine analysts in a new Office of Special Plans (OSP) ...was created in order to find evidence of what Wolfowitz and his boss, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, believed to be true—that Saddam Hussein had close ties to Al Qaeda... Iraq ...arsenal of chemical, biological, and possibly even nuclear weapons" ::
"OSP rivaled ...CIA and the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency' ...Ahmad Chalabi. According to Kampfner, the CIA had ended its funding of the I.N.C. ...doubts were cast about Chalabi’s reliability. ...administration geared up for conflict with Saddam, …Chalabi was welcomed in the inner sanctum of the Pentagon under the auspices of the OSP, and Wolfowitz did not see fit to challenge any of Chalabi’s information. ...fixing intelligence to support policy …with the aim of influencing Congress in its use of the War Powers Act." ::
Paul Wolfowitz" former President of the World Bank, United States Ambassador to Indonesia... did graduate work at the University of Chicago in political science..."
"Paul Wolfowitz"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Wolfowitz
>##(12-17-13)*WB*(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out 7 Countries in 5 years ...starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finish it off with Iran.” ::
"General Clark was the Supreme Allied Commander (SACEUR) of NATO during the intervention in Kosovo, and is known to be a "straight-talking" personality. ...'can't fight terrorism, but we have a good army, so we can take down governments.'"
"General Wesley Clark: Wars were planned - 7 Countries In 5 Years"
~ via MiddleEastMonitor, {Subscribe}, Democracy Now with U.S. Army retired Gen. Wesley Clark, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 09-05-13, YouTube, 02:13 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tL7lHkqVek
>_^_ (Min 07:40) "This Country was taken over by a group of people with a policy Coup. Wolfowitz and Cheney and Rumsfeld and you could name a half a dozen others on the project for New American Century. They wanted us to destabilize the Middle East. Turn it upside down. Make it under our control”
"General W. Clark tells truth about Middle East 'Uprising'"
~ 1outoflove, {Subscribe}, FORA.tv, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, U.S. Army retired Gen. Wesley Clark, on 01-21-13, YouTube, 26:27 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKrkokQIx9g
>_^_ Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia, “Paul Wolfowitz” (Deputy Sec. of Defense Paul Wolfowitz & Defense Sec. Donald Rumsfeld)::
"according to Kampfner, 'Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz believed (CIA & DIA)too bureaucratic... set up ...cabal ...a cell of eight or nine analysts in a new Office of Special Plans (OSP) ...was created in order to find evidence of what Wolfowitz and his boss, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, believed to be true—that Saddam Hussein had close ties to Al Qaeda... Iraq ...arsenal of chemical, biological, and possibly even nuclear weapons" ::
"OSP rivaled ...CIA and the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency' ...Ahmad Chalabi. According to Kampfner, the CIA had ended its funding of the I.N.C. ...doubts were cast about Chalabi’s reliability. ...administration geared up for conflict with Saddam, …Chalabi was welcomed in the inner sanctum of the Pentagon under the auspices of the OSP, and Wolfowitz did not see fit to challenge any of Chalabi’s information. ...fixing intelligence to support policy …with the aim of influencing Congress in its use of the War Powers Act." ::
Paul Wolfowitz" former President of the World Bank, United States Ambassador to Indonesia... did graduate work at the University of Chicago in political science..."
"Paul Wolfowitz"
~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Wolfowitz
>##(12-17-13)*WB*(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB02, War Criminal George W.
Bush-II, U.S. War Dept. C.I.A., Afghanistan, C.I.A. Documents, GOP Pres. George
“W.” Bush II, Ignored 7 Warnings Of Multiple Attacks ::
Open Records revealing truth about Bush laxity or complicity ::
{His Biographer said he talked of pursuing War with Iran before he became a Presidential Candidate}
“New CIA Docs Show Bush Ignored Seven Different Warnings About Imminent Attacks”
~ Susie Madrak – CrooksAndLiars, {Subscribe}, 06-20-12 :: Link/URL
< http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/new-cia-docs-show-bush-ignored-seven-#comments
>##(01-08-13)*WB*(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Open Records revealing truth about Bush laxity or complicity ::
{His Biographer said he talked of pursuing War with Iran before he became a Presidential Candidate}
“New CIA Docs Show Bush Ignored Seven Different Warnings About Imminent Attacks”
~ Susie Madrak – CrooksAndLiars, {Subscribe}, 06-20-12 :: Link/URL
< http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/new-cia-docs-show-bush-ignored-seven-#comments
>##(01-08-13)*WB*(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB03, 911 Warning MEMO delivered
to POTUS George W. Bush-II of the 911 Attack ::
The "MEMO” For the President Only 6 August 2001" that Condoleezza Rice of N.S.A. [National Security Agency] couldn't remember immediately when asked in a Congressional Hearing if the George W. Bush administration was ever "WARNED" of an attack by al-Qaeda ::
The Bottom of the 08-06-01 FBI MEMO ~ “…FBI information since that time indicates patters of suspicious activity in this consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.
The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full field investigations throughout the US that it considers Bin Lain-related. CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our Embassy in the UAE in May Saying that a group of Bin Ladin Supporters was in the US planning attacks with explosives.”
"Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US"
~ Declassified and Approved for Release, 10, April 2004 :: Link/URL
< http://www.cnn.com/2004/images/04/10/whitehouse.pdf
> ####(08-06-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
The "MEMO” For the President Only 6 August 2001" that Condoleezza Rice of N.S.A. [National Security Agency] couldn't remember immediately when asked in a Congressional Hearing if the George W. Bush administration was ever "WARNED" of an attack by al-Qaeda ::
The Bottom of the 08-06-01 FBI MEMO ~ “…FBI information since that time indicates patters of suspicious activity in this consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.
The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full field investigations throughout the US that it considers Bin Lain-related. CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our Embassy in the UAE in May Saying that a group of Bin Ladin Supporters was in the US planning attacks with explosives.”
"Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US"
~ Declassified and Approved for Release, 10, April 2004 :: Link/URL
< http://www.cnn.com/2004/images/04/10/whitehouse.pdf
> ####(08-06-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB04, War Criminal George W.
BUSH-II; Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden U.S. War Dept. & C.I.A.; Country ::
“New offer on Bin Laden”
“Minister makes secret trip to offer trial in third country”
~ Rory McCarthy in Islamabad - The Guardian, {Subscriber Supported},
10-16-01 :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(01-08-13)*WB(UE43)#* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Minister makes secret trip to offer trial in third country”
~ Rory McCarthy in Islamabad - The Guardian, {Subscriber Supported},
10-16-01 :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(01-08-13)*WB(UE43)#* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB04, War Criminal Pres. George
“W.” BUSH-II, (Republican – 2001-2008), 911
“Evidence that George W. Bush had advanced knowledge of 9-11”
~ babylonsfalling, {Subscribe}, 07-12-07, YouTube, 03:42 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlWSv0NZBRw&feature=related
>#(01-08-13)*WB*(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Evidence that George W. Bush had advanced knowledge of 9-11”
~ babylonsfalling, {Subscribe}, 07-12-07, YouTube, 03:42 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlWSv0NZBRw&feature=related
>#(01-08-13)*WB*(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB05, George Bush-II, Lying About
Iraq, Proof of Deception :: “One of the hardest parts of my job is connecting
Iraq to the War on Terror”
“Good Intelligence Bush and 911”
~ dghowery, {Subscribe}, on 06-23-07, YouTube, 01:53 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKQfZ06htjw
>#(06-10-12)#*WB*(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Good Intelligence Bush and 911”
~ dghowery, {Subscribe}, on 06-23-07, YouTube, 01:53 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKQfZ06htjw
>#(06-10-12)#*WB*(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB05, War
Criminal George W. BUSH II ::
10-07-02 Speech In Cincinnati …Bush reported that Saddam Hussein was an “Imminent Threat” to this country ::
On 10-01-02, six days “earlier” a “Consensus Opinion” of 16 U.S. Intelligence Agencies told George Bush on page 8/91 of the Security Document …it clearly says Hussein was “Not A Threat” to this Country and that he would “only” be a threat if he feared a U.S. attack” ::
Bush was telling America the “Exact Opposite” of what the C.I.A. was telling him; “He took this nation to War on a lie and got over 4,000 American Service Men and Women Killed” ::
On 10-01-02, three days after the “Classified Report” a Smaller “Unclassified Report” intended for distribution to Congress and the American Public, called the “White Paper,” “Deleted Any Reference” to the non-threatening perception of Saddam Hussein ::
DOWNING STREET MEMO mentioned in passing;
On 01-31-03 Bush and Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair met in the oval office with 6 of their top aides. Present were Sec. of State Condie Rice and Blair’s Foreign Policy advisor David Manning. Manning prepared a 5 page memo that summarizes what was said at the meeting. Manning wrote that both Bush and Blair expressed doubt that any “Weapons of Mass Destruction” would ever be found in Iraq, but two months later they went to war ::
In the meeting Bush discussed 3 ways to provoke a confrontation with Saddam Hussein. Behind closed doors he was talking about “How to Provoke Saddam Into War… Bush had no answer for The Manning Memo… George W. Bush took this Country to war based on a LIE, and according to the laws of this country, He is Guilty of Murder.” ::
Innuendo and Implication, 911 and Iraq
“The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder (Pt. 1 + 2)”
~ Vincent Bugliosi – Lawyer, Author of “Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder,” Amy Goodman – DemocracyNow, {Subscriber Supported}; via gfde08, 06-16-08, YouTube, 10:31 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ via gfde08, {Subscribe}, 06-16-08, YT/10:47 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(12-16-13)#*WB(UE43)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
10-07-02 Speech In Cincinnati …Bush reported that Saddam Hussein was an “Imminent Threat” to this country ::
On 10-01-02, six days “earlier” a “Consensus Opinion” of 16 U.S. Intelligence Agencies told George Bush on page 8/91 of the Security Document …it clearly says Hussein was “Not A Threat” to this Country and that he would “only” be a threat if he feared a U.S. attack” ::
Bush was telling America the “Exact Opposite” of what the C.I.A. was telling him; “He took this nation to War on a lie and got over 4,000 American Service Men and Women Killed” ::
On 10-01-02, three days after the “Classified Report” a Smaller “Unclassified Report” intended for distribution to Congress and the American Public, called the “White Paper,” “Deleted Any Reference” to the non-threatening perception of Saddam Hussein ::
DOWNING STREET MEMO mentioned in passing;
On 01-31-03 Bush and Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair met in the oval office with 6 of their top aides. Present were Sec. of State Condie Rice and Blair’s Foreign Policy advisor David Manning. Manning prepared a 5 page memo that summarizes what was said at the meeting. Manning wrote that both Bush and Blair expressed doubt that any “Weapons of Mass Destruction” would ever be found in Iraq, but two months later they went to war ::
In the meeting Bush discussed 3 ways to provoke a confrontation with Saddam Hussein. Behind closed doors he was talking about “How to Provoke Saddam Into War… Bush had no answer for The Manning Memo… George W. Bush took this Country to war based on a LIE, and according to the laws of this country, He is Guilty of Murder.” ::
Innuendo and Implication, 911 and Iraq
“The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder (Pt. 1 + 2)”
~ Vincent Bugliosi – Lawyer, Author of “Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder,” Amy Goodman – DemocracyNow, {Subscriber Supported}; via gfde08, 06-16-08, YouTube, 10:31 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ via gfde08, {Subscribe}, 06-16-08, YT/10:47 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(12-16-13)#*WB(UE43)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB06-DC, Resigned, CIA Agent,
Valerie PLAME, U.S. War Dept. C.I.A. Iraq ::
C.I.A. Whistleblower Valerie Plame; Uncovering the false “YELLOW CAKE” Enhanced Nuclear Material transfer story embarrassing Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rummy used to start the Iraq War ::
CorpRatCon-Job Infantry of Aristocrats, GOP V. P. Dick CHENEY, Outing C.I.A. Undercover Ops Agent Valerie Plame ::
"An undercover CIA operative specializing in weapons of mass destruction" ::
"grand jury... investigation into whether White House officials illegally leaked the identity of Valerie Plame... in retaliation for public criticisms made by her husband, Joseph Wilson IV, about the Bush administration's case for invading Iraq." ::
“Plame sued Cheney, Rove and Libby, accusing them and other White House officials of conspiring to destroy her career.”
"Key Players in the CIA Leak Investigation"
~ Compiled by washingtonpost.com, {Subscriber Supported}, updated 07-03-07 :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/plame/Plame_KeyPlayers.html
>_^_ Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia, “Valerie Plame”
(Plamegate/Wilson v. Cheney) ::
"Joseph and Valerie Wilson filed a civil lawsuit against ROVE, LIBBY, Vice President Dick CHENEY... for their alleged role in the public disclosure of Valerie Wilson's classified CIA status" ::
"My name and identity were carelessly and recklessly abused by senior government officials in the White House and state department" :: this abuse occurred for "purely political reasons." ~ V.P. ::
“Libby's lawyers planned to call Karl Rove to the stand.
According to Rove's lawyer, Fitzgerald has decided against pressing charges against Rove.” ::
"Libby was convicted of obstruction of justice, making false statements, and two counts of perjury ...not charged for revealing Plame's CIA status. His sentence included... 30 months in prison...
On July 2, 2007, President George W. Bush commuted Libby's sentence, removing the jail term" ::
“Agreeing with the Bush administration, the Obama Justice Department argues the Wilsons have no legitimate grounds to sue.” ::
“On June 21, 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal.” :: Movie, “Fair Game” 2010
"Valerie Plame"
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerie_Plame
>#(02-10-13)*WB(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
C.I.A. Whistleblower Valerie Plame; Uncovering the false “YELLOW CAKE” Enhanced Nuclear Material transfer story embarrassing Bush-Cheney-Rice-Rummy used to start the Iraq War ::
CorpRatCon-Job Infantry of Aristocrats, GOP V. P. Dick CHENEY, Outing C.I.A. Undercover Ops Agent Valerie Plame ::
"An undercover CIA operative specializing in weapons of mass destruction" ::
"grand jury... investigation into whether White House officials illegally leaked the identity of Valerie Plame... in retaliation for public criticisms made by her husband, Joseph Wilson IV, about the Bush administration's case for invading Iraq." ::
“Plame sued Cheney, Rove and Libby, accusing them and other White House officials of conspiring to destroy her career.”
"Key Players in the CIA Leak Investigation"
~ Compiled by washingtonpost.com, {Subscriber Supported}, updated 07-03-07 :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/plame/Plame_KeyPlayers.html
>_^_ Key Notes & Quote Stream from Wikipedia, “Valerie Plame”
(Plamegate/Wilson v. Cheney) ::
"Joseph and Valerie Wilson filed a civil lawsuit against ROVE, LIBBY, Vice President Dick CHENEY... for their alleged role in the public disclosure of Valerie Wilson's classified CIA status" ::
"My name and identity were carelessly and recklessly abused by senior government officials in the White House and state department" :: this abuse occurred for "purely political reasons." ~ V.P. ::
“Libby's lawyers planned to call Karl Rove to the stand.
According to Rove's lawyer, Fitzgerald has decided against pressing charges against Rove.” ::
"Libby was convicted of obstruction of justice, making false statements, and two counts of perjury ...not charged for revealing Plame's CIA status. His sentence included... 30 months in prison...
On July 2, 2007, President George W. Bush commuted Libby's sentence, removing the jail term" ::
“Agreeing with the Bush administration, the Obama Justice Department argues the Wilsons have no legitimate grounds to sue.” ::
“On June 21, 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal.” :: Movie, “Fair Game” 2010
"Valerie Plame"
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerie_Plame
>#(02-10-13)*WB(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB07, War Criminal George W.
BUSH-II; U.S. War Dept. C.I.A., Afghanistan; Presidents Clinton-Bush-Obama,
Osama Bin Laden :: Bush response to national security operative who hand
delivered the now famous 08-06-01 memo titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike
in U.S.” was “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now” ::
Bush was “not that concerned” according to the agent.
“Obama Succeeded Where Bush Failed: Osama Bin Laden Rhetoric And Reality”
~ Dan Foomkin, Huff Post Politics, {Subscribe}, 05-02-11 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/02/obama-bush-bin-laden-dead_n_856428.html
>##(08-16-13)*PMF*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Bush was “not that concerned” according to the agent.
“Obama Succeeded Where Bush Failed: Osama Bin Laden Rhetoric And Reality”
~ Dan Foomkin, Huff Post Politics, {Subscribe}, 05-02-11 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/02/obama-bush-bin-laden-dead_n_856428.html
>##(08-16-13)*PMF*WB##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB08, War Criminal George W.
BUSH-II, War On Terror, Presidents Clinton-Bush Administration, Bin Laden
offered to Clinton at end of his term ::
Gingrich criticized Clinton’s attempt to take Bin Laden; Mullah Omar offered to turn Bin Laden over to neutral Arab Country for prosecution :: Taliban Foreign Minister Mutah Waa-Keal’/(sounding) offered Bin Laden to Bush the 2nd time; Bin Laden offered to Bush twice ::
“Bush Said No Thanks…Won’t Negotiate With Terrorists!,” (Conclusion) Military wants War & a permanent strategic base in Afghanistan
“Thom Hartmann: Did the Taliban offer to turn Bin Laden in?”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, Gareth Porter – Investigative (Middle East) Journalist, {Podcasts-Subscribe}, 05-04-11, Video, 07:33 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.thomhartmann.com/bigpicture/thom-hartmann-did-taliban-offer-turn-bin-laden
>_^_ TheBigPictureRT, {Subscribe}, 05-04-11, YT/07:34min :: Link*^*<
>#(12-16-13)*WB(UE43)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Gingrich criticized Clinton’s attempt to take Bin Laden; Mullah Omar offered to turn Bin Laden over to neutral Arab Country for prosecution :: Taliban Foreign Minister Mutah Waa-Keal’/(sounding) offered Bin Laden to Bush the 2nd time; Bin Laden offered to Bush twice ::
“Bush Said No Thanks…Won’t Negotiate With Terrorists!,” (Conclusion) Military wants War & a permanent strategic base in Afghanistan
“Thom Hartmann: Did the Taliban offer to turn Bin Laden in?”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, Gareth Porter – Investigative (Middle East) Journalist, {Podcasts-Subscribe}, 05-04-11, Video, 07:33 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.thomhartmann.com/bigpicture/thom-hartmann-did-taliban-offer-turn-bin-laden
>_^_ TheBigPictureRT, {Subscribe}, 05-04-11, YT/07:34min :: Link*^*<
>#(12-16-13)*WB(UE43)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB09, War Criminal Pres. George
“W.” BUSH-II, (Republican – 2001-2008), 911 Real-Time
Split-Screen Video Featuring George W. Bush In A Florida Classroom
(Left) & People On The Streets Of NY Outside World Trade Centers, War On
"Seven Minutes - The Bush 9/11 Split Screen Video"
~ via BI30, {Subscribe}, on 06-27-07, YouTube, 07:26 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ro3o-ld0CWw
>_^_ "So many 9/11 witnesses or people who would seem to have knowledge of the cover up have been mysteriously dying."
"Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)"
~ via kevin604bc, {Subscribe}, 02-14-10, YouTube, 9:36 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvay28lZiHU
>#(01-27-13)#*WB(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Seven Minutes - The Bush 9/11 Split Screen Video"
~ via BI30, {Subscribe}, on 06-27-07, YouTube, 07:26 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ro3o-ld0CWw
>_^_ "So many 9/11 witnesses or people who would seem to have knowledge of the cover up have been mysteriously dying."
"Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)"
~ via kevin604bc, {Subscribe}, 02-14-10, YouTube, 9:36 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvay28lZiHU
>#(01-27-13)#*WB(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB10, War Criminal Pres. George
“W.” BUSH-II, POTUS 41 George H.W. BUSH I, Pentagon Budget, Carlyle Group Hires
Politicians & Presidents ::
Former Pres. George H.W. (Papa) Bush worked for Carlyle to harvest Saudi Investments ::
Saudi Sheik [Dictator] and 2nd biggest FOX News Entertainment “Investor” Al-Waleed Bin Talal was also invested in “War” through the Carlyle Group represented by “family friend” POTUS 41 George H.W. “Papa C.I.A.” Bush, on 09-11-01/911 ::
[Remember how Saudi National and deposed citizen, Osama Bin Laden, was credited for the attack on NY Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an airliner plunged into a field in Pennsylvania on 09-11-01, just 8 months after POTUS 43 George "W" Bush was sworn in?] ::
George W. Bush prosecuted “The War On Terror” and spent hundreds of billions w/Carlyle Group Corp’s whose stock multiplied in value during the POTUS 43 tenure.
“The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group”
~ via noitv, {Subscribe}, on 11-26-09, YouTube, 46:43 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3Sb6rvVRJo
> ####(04-26-13)*CBWS*ECPB*2WB(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Former Pres. George H.W. (Papa) Bush worked for Carlyle to harvest Saudi Investments ::
Saudi Sheik [Dictator] and 2nd biggest FOX News Entertainment “Investor” Al-Waleed Bin Talal was also invested in “War” through the Carlyle Group represented by “family friend” POTUS 41 George H.W. “Papa C.I.A.” Bush, on 09-11-01/911 ::
[Remember how Saudi National and deposed citizen, Osama Bin Laden, was credited for the attack on NY Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and an airliner plunged into a field in Pennsylvania on 09-11-01, just 8 months after POTUS 43 George "W" Bush was sworn in?] ::
George W. Bush prosecuted “The War On Terror” and spent hundreds of billions w/Carlyle Group Corp’s whose stock multiplied in value during the POTUS 43 tenure.
“The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group”
~ via noitv, {Subscribe}, on 11-26-09, YouTube, 46:43 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3Sb6rvVRJo
> ####(04-26-13)*CBWS*ECPB*2WB(UE41)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB12, Flynt LEVERETT - C.I.A.
Agent, Exposing Bush War Crimes :: Iraq, a Bush/Cheney oil war; Free, War
Criminal POTUS 43 ::
C.I.A. Agent “drops the dime” on Corp war whores Bush/ Cheney/ Rove/ Rice/ Rummy; Century Foundation paper; Bush Administration fraud; Bush Whitehouse intervened in C.I.A. publication clearance/review process ::
After 911 the U.S. had a dialogue with Afghanistan that was extensively talked about In the Public Domain, but C.I.A. blocked Leverett’s account & its publication, noting those same events ::
Spring Of 2003, Iranians offered to negotiate a Peace Agreement; Bush Whitehouse wanted to sell another war to the American People – Iraq Invasion, Occupation, & Privatization/Profitization (to divide oil resources up between Multinational Oil Corp’s …a long standing Cheney plan, & Bush talked about invading Iraq 2 years before 911… before he was a Candidate for President) ::
Book “Dealing With Tehran”
“C.I.A. Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud”
~ Flynt Leverett, Former C.I.A. Director of for Middle East Affairs at National Security Counsil/the NSC, address at New America Foundation, via RepresentativePress, {Subscribe}, 12-19-06, YT/08:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a3Bfox0k4g&feature=fvwrel
{Austerity Leads To Extended Economic Depression; Taxes = Civilization; Tax-the-Rich & Corps-R-Ppl-Too 30 - 90%/$5 Million – $5+ Billion or They Will Continue To Wage War on the Environment, Colonize Free People Through Trade Pact & Bangk Loan, & Buy Democracy-&-War-4-Lose Change (Rich Reinvest & Corps Will “Break Themselves Up” when Progressively Taxed); Privatization = Profitization = Wealth Transferred Up}
> ####(01-08-13)*ENO*WB*(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
C.I.A. Agent “drops the dime” on Corp war whores Bush/ Cheney/ Rove/ Rice/ Rummy; Century Foundation paper; Bush Administration fraud; Bush Whitehouse intervened in C.I.A. publication clearance/review process ::
After 911 the U.S. had a dialogue with Afghanistan that was extensively talked about In the Public Domain, but C.I.A. blocked Leverett’s account & its publication, noting those same events ::
Spring Of 2003, Iranians offered to negotiate a Peace Agreement; Bush Whitehouse wanted to sell another war to the American People – Iraq Invasion, Occupation, & Privatization/Profitization (to divide oil resources up between Multinational Oil Corp’s …a long standing Cheney plan, & Bush talked about invading Iraq 2 years before 911… before he was a Candidate for President) ::
Book “Dealing With Tehran”
“C.I.A. Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud”
~ Flynt Leverett, Former C.I.A. Director of for Middle East Affairs at National Security Counsil/the NSC, address at New America Foundation, via RepresentativePress, {Subscribe}, 12-19-06, YT/08:36 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a3Bfox0k4g&feature=fvwrel
{Austerity Leads To Extended Economic Depression; Taxes = Civilization; Tax-the-Rich & Corps-R-Ppl-Too 30 - 90%/$5 Million – $5+ Billion or They Will Continue To Wage War on the Environment, Colonize Free People Through Trade Pact & Bangk Loan, & Buy Democracy-&-War-4-Lose Change (Rich Reinvest & Corps Will “Break Themselves Up” when Progressively Taxed); Privatization = Profitization = Wealth Transferred Up}
> ####(01-08-13)*ENO*WB*(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB13, Post 911 Spy Program, John
Poindexter, Still Keeping Secrets, Reagan Admin. Criminal Surfaces in George “Wacky”
Bush-II Administration ::
"… explain their decision to hire Iran-contra mastermind John Poindexter? They have employed him …to oversee one of the government’s most sensitive departments.":: "Dr. Poindexter’s case (…lied to Congress and shredded official documents to conceal the Reagan administration’s conspiracy to trade arms for hostages and then use the dirty money for covert operations.)"
"Disgraced Admiral Now a Super Spy" [Took one for “The Gipper”]
~ Joe Conason - New York Observer, {Subscribe}, 11-25-02 :: Link/URL
< http://observer.com/2002/11/disgraced-admiral-now-a-super-spy/
> ####(08-06-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"… explain their decision to hire Iran-contra mastermind John Poindexter? They have employed him …to oversee one of the government’s most sensitive departments.":: "Dr. Poindexter’s case (…lied to Congress and shredded official documents to conceal the Reagan administration’s conspiracy to trade arms for hostages and then use the dirty money for covert operations.)"
"Disgraced Admiral Now a Super Spy" [Took one for “The Gipper”]
~ Joe Conason - New York Observer, {Subscribe}, 11-25-02 :: Link/URL
< http://observer.com/2002/11/disgraced-admiral-now-a-super-spy/
> ####(08-06-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB14DC, War Criminal V.P. Dick
CHENEY, Pre-911 Private Meeting w/Energy Corporations
on 03-01-01, U.S. War Dept. & C.I.A. ::
Plans to exploit Iraqi Oil Resources; Cheney knew what conquest of Iraq was worth to Corporations; The Bush-Cheney 2000 Ticket reaped highly significant amounts of campaign contributions from Oil Corporations.
“Dick Cheney Had Long Planned To Loot Iraqi Oil”
~ Scott Thompson, Executive Intelligence Review/EIR, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-01-03 :: Link/URL
< http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2003/3030cheney_oil.html
>##(05-14-13)#*ENO*WB#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Plans to exploit Iraqi Oil Resources; Cheney knew what conquest of Iraq was worth to Corporations; The Bush-Cheney 2000 Ticket reaped highly significant amounts of campaign contributions from Oil Corporations.
“Dick Cheney Had Long Planned To Loot Iraqi Oil”
~ Scott Thompson, Executive Intelligence Review/EIR, {Subscriber Supported}, 08-01-03 :: Link/URL
< http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2003/3030cheney_oil.html
>##(05-14-13)#*ENO*WB#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB15DC, War Criminal V.P. Dick
CHENEY, Pre-911 Private Meeting w/Energy Corporations on 03-01-01, U.S. War
Dept. & C.I.A. ::
Plans to exploit Iraqi Oil Resources; Cheney knew what conquest of Iraq was worth to Corporations; The Bush-Cheney 2000 Ticket reaped highly significant amounts of campaign contributions from Oil Corporations.
“Cheney’s Energy Meetings Drooled Over This Iraqi Oil Map! (Poll)”
~ Sherlock Google - Daily Dos member, {Subscribe}, 11-16-05 :: Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/11/16/165490/-Cheneys-Energy-Meetings-Drooled-Over-This-Iraqi-Oil-Map!-%28Poll%29
> ####(05-14-13)*ENO*WB*(UE43)*(UE41)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Plans to exploit Iraqi Oil Resources; Cheney knew what conquest of Iraq was worth to Corporations; The Bush-Cheney 2000 Ticket reaped highly significant amounts of campaign contributions from Oil Corporations.
“Cheney’s Energy Meetings Drooled Over This Iraqi Oil Map! (Poll)”
~ Sherlock Google - Daily Dos member, {Subscribe}, 11-16-05 :: Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/11/16/165490/-Cheneys-Energy-Meetings-Drooled-Over-This-Iraqi-Oil-Map!-%28Poll%29
> ####(05-14-13)*ENO*WB*(UE43)*(UE41)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB16DC, War Criminal George W.
BUSH-II; U.S. War Dept. C.I.A., Iraq Oil;
Christopher HITCHENS, Newt Gingrich Beating The Drum Of War With IRAN in 2002,
Terrorism, 2002 ::
“Theocratic Facism” ~ C.H.; “Reactionary Islam” ~ N.G. ::
Saddam Hussein’s Iraq Regime Fingered by 5 Bush Administration members including: Pres. George “W.” Bush, V. Pres. Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condie Rice (& N.G.)
“Christopher Hitchens & Newt Gingrich: What kind of war are we fighting?”
~ via HooverInstitution, {Subscribe}, on 12-17-11, taped on 07-18-02, YouTube, 26:56 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(06-18-13)*GOPC*RA*WB(UE43)(UE43V)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Theocratic Facism” ~ C.H.; “Reactionary Islam” ~ N.G. ::
Saddam Hussein’s Iraq Regime Fingered by 5 Bush Administration members including: Pres. George “W.” Bush, V. Pres. Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condie Rice (& N.G.)
“Christopher Hitchens & Newt Gingrich: What kind of war are we fighting?”
~ via HooverInstitution, {Subscribe}, on 12-17-11, taped on 07-18-02, YouTube, 26:56 min :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(06-18-13)*GOPC*RA*WB(UE43)(UE43V)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB17, War Criminal George W.
BUSH-II, U.S. War Dept. Iran, Military Spending
“Map of US Bases Surrounding The Iranian Threat”
~ War on Error, Daily Kos Member, Dailey Kos, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-10-11 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/12/10/1044031/-Map-of-US-Bases-Surrounding-The-Iranian-Threat
> ####(01-11-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Map of US Bases Surrounding The Iranian Threat”
~ War on Error, Daily Kos Member, Dailey Kos, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-10-11 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/12/10/1044031/-Map-of-US-Bases-Surrounding-The-Iranian-Threat
> ####(01-11-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB18, Criminal Pres. George “W.”
BUSH-II, (Republican – 2001-2008), Afghanistan-Iraq War
Veteran Speaks about the racist war on terror
“Even The Troops Are Waking Up”
~ via 3usall, {Subscribe}, on 01-17-10, YouTube, 04:39 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=K-CpCUOygqU
> ####(01-08-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Even The Troops Are Waking Up”
~ via 3usall, {Subscribe}, on 01-17-10, YouTube, 04:39 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=K-CpCUOygqU
> ####(01-08-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB19, Pres. George “W.” Bush II,
War on Terror, Torture, RepubLieCon Defending Torture
MISTITLED “Lawrence O’Donnell(Socialist) has a bad day in Front of David Rivkin”
~ Lawrence O’Donnell – MSNBC, {Subscribe}, David Rivkin – X-Bush Admin, via OutragedPeople, {Subscribe}, 11-02-09, YouTube, 04:09 min ::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e-7JofYjgY&feature=endscreen&NR=1
>##(06-01-13)*WB(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
MISTITLED “Lawrence O’Donnell(Socialist) has a bad day in Front of David Rivkin”
~ Lawrence O’Donnell – MSNBC, {Subscribe}, David Rivkin – X-Bush Admin, via OutragedPeople, {Subscribe}, 11-02-09, YouTube, 04:09 min ::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e-7JofYjgY&feature=endscreen&NR=1
>##(06-01-13)*WB(UE43)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB20, Criminal, Pres. George “W.”
BUSH-II, (Republican – 2001-2008), 911, Iraq, John
Michael TURNER, Combat Hostile Actions Described At Winter Warriors Meeting
“Iraq war: us soldier throws his medals and stars!!! And quits”
~ John Michael Turner – Iraq War Veteran, via balvinLgsony, {Subscribe}, on 12-05-09, YouTube, 09:56 min :: Link/ URL*^*<
> ####(01-08-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“Iraq war: us soldier throws his medals and stars!!! And quits”
~ John Michael Turner – Iraq War Veteran, via balvinLgsony, {Subscribe}, on 12-05-09, YouTube, 09:56 min :: Link/ URL*^*<
> ####(01-08-13)*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB21, War Criminal, Pres. George
“W.” BUSH-II, (Republican – 2001-2008), 911, James Mc MURTRY, Music
“We Can’t Make It Here Anymore”
~ James Mc Murtry, via Lame54, {Subscribe}, on 06-07-06, YouTube, 07:10 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTW0y6kazWM
>###(04-23-13)*CW*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
“We Can’t Make It Here Anymore”
~ James Mc Murtry, via Lame54, {Subscribe}, on 06-07-06, YouTube, 07:10 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTW0y6kazWM
>###(04-23-13)*CW*WB###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB30EF, Bush v. Gore Election
Stolen 2000, Election Fraud, FLORIDA; Electronic Voting Machines ::
GOP Pres. George “W.” Bush II, Corruption, {A Greg Palast Investigation}::
Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Palm Beach voting machines misread 27,000 ballots; In Gadsden, machines failed to count 1 of every 8 ballots ::
Katherine Harris stopped the hand count which cost Al Gore over 700 votes; The margin of the Bush win in Florida was 537 votes ::
{Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corp was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” names of FL voters with national felons registry (57,700 names associated with Florida voters – 90.2% were wrong associations); DBT Choice Point Corp was Not paid to verify any names; DBT warned of miss-association and it does not matter! :: In the ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000, Black Americans were 1000 TIMES more likely to have their vote thrown out}
“How George W. Bush Stole His Election – BBC (Part 1 of 2)”
~ Greg Palast - BBC, {Subscriber Supported}, via WeArePatriots, on 07-10-08, YouTube, 09:58 min :: URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0grkxe5uPk&feature=related
>_^_ Part 2, YouTube, 09:58 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4kdJEH2aT0
> ####(09-17-13)*WB(EF)(*FL)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
GOP Pres. George “W.” Bush II, Corruption, {A Greg Palast Investigation}::
Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State, Palm Beach voting machines misread 27,000 ballots; In Gadsden, machines failed to count 1 of every 8 ballots ::
Katherine Harris stopped the hand count which cost Al Gore over 700 votes; The margin of the Bush win in Florida was 537 votes ::
{Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corp was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” names of FL voters with national felons registry (57,700 names associated with Florida voters – 90.2% were wrong associations); DBT Choice Point Corp was Not paid to verify any names; DBT warned of miss-association and it does not matter! :: In the ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000, Black Americans were 1000 TIMES more likely to have their vote thrown out}
“How George W. Bush Stole His Election – BBC (Part 1 of 2)”
~ Greg Palast - BBC, {Subscriber Supported}, via WeArePatriots, on 07-10-08, YouTube, 09:58 min :: URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0grkxe5uPk&feature=related
>_^_ Part 2, YouTube, 09:58 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4kdJEH2aT0
> ####(09-17-13)*WB(EF)(*FL)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB31EF, Bush v. Gore Election
Stolen 2000, Election Fraud, FLORIDA; Electronic Voting Machines ::
U.S. Judicial Br.-Supreme Court :: Election Fraud, Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, & Anthony Kennedy ::
“Secretary of State Katharine Harris-R scrubbed the voter list of thousands of supposed ex-felons, people where were entitled to vote & who were disproportionately African-American,” Bush Campaign Organized A RedPussLieCon Mob To Protest The Miami Dade Recount, Appointee President George W. Bush ::
{Charge :: Thomas, Scalia - Conflicts of Interest Affecting Neutrality}
~ Janette Rainwater - Progressive Politics, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/GoreWon.htm
>_^_ Shorter Version “GORE WON”:: Link/URL
< http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/short.htm
> ####(06-01-13)*WB(EF)(*FL)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Judicial Br.-Supreme Court :: Election Fraud, Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, & Anthony Kennedy ::
“Secretary of State Katharine Harris-R scrubbed the voter list of thousands of supposed ex-felons, people where were entitled to vote & who were disproportionately African-American,” Bush Campaign Organized A RedPussLieCon Mob To Protest The Miami Dade Recount, Appointee President George W. Bush ::
{Charge :: Thomas, Scalia - Conflicts of Interest Affecting Neutrality}
~ Janette Rainwater - Progressive Politics, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/GoreWon.htm
>_^_ Shorter Version “GORE WON”:: Link/URL
< http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/short.htm
> ####(06-01-13)*WB(EF)(*FL)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB32EF, Stolen Election 2000,
Stolen White House; Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris –
Florida Secretary of State, Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corporation
was paid $2.3 million to “Associate” Names of Florida Voters with National
Felons, (57,700 Names – 90.2% Wrong) but Not-Paid-To-Verify Any Names/DBT Warns
of Miss-association and it does not matter! ::
ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000 :: Black Americans 1000 TIMES More Likely To Have Vote Thrown Out
“Theft of the Presidency”
~ Greg Palast – Investigative Journalist, Author (Vultures Picnic), via theateroforcruelty, {Subscribe}, 09-12-06, YouTube, 09:52 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-zYfO5gBo&feature=relmfu
> ####(04-24-12)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
ILLEGAL VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000 :: Black Americans 1000 TIMES More Likely To Have Vote Thrown Out
“Theft of the Presidency”
~ Greg Palast – Investigative Journalist, Author (Vultures Picnic), via theateroforcruelty, {Subscribe}, 09-12-06, YouTube, 09:52 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76-zYfO5gBo&feature=relmfu
> ####(04-24-12)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB33EF, Stolen Election, Stolen
White House 2000; Gov. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris – Florida Secretary of State,
Clayton Roberts, DBT Choice Point Corporation was paid $2.3 million to
“Associate” Names of Florida Voters with National Felons, (57,700 Names – 90.2%
Wrong) but not paid to verify any names/DBT Warns of Miss-association and it
does not matter! No calls ever made to verify voter Name or Status :: ILLEGAL
VOTE PURGE, Florida 2000 ::
Black Americans 1000 TIMES more likely to have vote thrown out; Votes stolen in swamp counties & machines set to eat ballot in “Black” Counties
“How George W. Bush Stole The 2000 Election – Part 1 of 2”
~ Greg Palast, via eurotrash2k, {Subscribe}, Victor Muh, on 10-21-06, YouTube, 16:34 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy48bRHpGwo&feature=related
>_^_ YouTube, Part 2, 08:24 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0Cu6ab_jSE
> ####(04-24-12)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Black Americans 1000 TIMES more likely to have vote thrown out; Votes stolen in swamp counties & machines set to eat ballot in “Black” Counties
“How George W. Bush Stole The 2000 Election – Part 1 of 2”
~ Greg Palast, via eurotrash2k, {Subscribe}, Victor Muh, on 10-21-06, YouTube, 16:34 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy48bRHpGwo&feature=related
>_^_ YouTube, Part 2, 08:24 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0Cu6ab_jSE
> ####(04-24-12)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Bush v. Gore Election Stolen 2000,
Election Fraud, FLORIDA; Electronic Voting Machines ::
U.S. Judicial Br.-Supreme Court :: Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas threw Presidential Election Bush vs. Gore 2000 ::
They bypassed due process in Florida State Courts to decided that Counting Votes “would damage” George Bushs’ chances of becoming President. [Unbelievable! The U.S. is a Judicial Monarchy.] ::
“While Thomas was deliberating the case …Thomas’ wife Virginia was at her job at the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank, collecting resumes for appointments in a possible Bush administration” ::
Thomas was nominated by POTUS 41 George H. W. Bush-I in 1990 ::
Virginia Thomas stands to benefit greatly with Bush in the White House” ::
“Scalia’s Son Eugene is a partner in the Washington office of Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher, where one of the senior partners is Theodore B. Olson, who argued Bush’s case before the Supreme Court ::
{Charge :: Thomas & Scalia - Conflicts of Interest Affecting Neutrality}
“Family ties, political bias linked US Supreme Court Justices to Bush camp”
~ Patrick Martin - World Socialist Web Site,{Subscribe},12-22-00::Link/URL
< http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/USSC-Bush.htm
> ####(08-04-13)*WB(EF)(*FL)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
U.S. Judicial Br.-Supreme Court :: Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas threw Presidential Election Bush vs. Gore 2000 ::
They bypassed due process in Florida State Courts to decided that Counting Votes “would damage” George Bushs’ chances of becoming President. [Unbelievable! The U.S. is a Judicial Monarchy.] ::
“While Thomas was deliberating the case …Thomas’ wife Virginia was at her job at the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank, collecting resumes for appointments in a possible Bush administration” ::
Thomas was nominated by POTUS 41 George H. W. Bush-I in 1990 ::
Virginia Thomas stands to benefit greatly with Bush in the White House” ::
“Scalia’s Son Eugene is a partner in the Washington office of Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher, where one of the senior partners is Theodore B. Olson, who argued Bush’s case before the Supreme Court ::
{Charge :: Thomas & Scalia - Conflicts of Interest Affecting Neutrality}
“Family ties, political bias linked US Supreme Court Justices to Bush camp”
~ Patrick Martin - World Socialist Web Site,{Subscribe},12-22-00::Link/URL
< http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/USSC-Bush.htm
> ####(08-04-13)*WB(EF)(*FL)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB40EF,@Karl ROVE’s Political
Prisoner; PETITION To Free Political Prisoner #1 Gov. Don SIEGELMAN the
Democratic Governor of Alabama (99-03); Don Siegelman’s election 11-2002 was
stolen by electronic “Vote Flipping” of 15,000 Votes on election night in just
1 district that affected “No Down Ballot Candidates.” ::
Prosecution of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman was pushed by Karl Rove from the corrupt Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rummy Whitehouse in which he hid.
The Alabama Federal Court Jury returned a “deadlocked” verdict twice. Sent back to deliberate a 3rd time, and after 2 months of forced deliberation, the beleaguered jury convicted Siegelman to end their Alabama Federal Court jury marathon! ::
The Jury was held “Hostage” for 2 months “Pending Conviction.” Federal Judge Mark Fuller had Siegelman shackled and sent immediately to Prison w/o the Usual 45 days, to get one’s life in order, before reporting. [That’s a textbook example of how to threaten, shut-up, and ice-down a whistleblower.] ::
A witness for the prosecution, Bailey, said Prosecutors made him write his testimony over and over again, just to get his story straight. Defense Attorney’s were denied access to this fact and evidence, possibly changing the story (witnesses own words). This is “Prosecutorial Misconduct.” ::
Republican Grant Woods – Former Attorney General of Arizona said, the Case should “never have gone to trial. …You do a bribery when a person has a real personal benefit, not when they say I would like you to help out on this project which I think is good for my State.” ::
PETITION Free Political Prisoner #1, Gov. Don Siegelman took nothing.; Prosecuted x Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove henchman, Al-Fed. Judge Mark Fuller-R held Siegelman’s jury hostage for 2 months, got 2 “deadlocks” …then finally a conviction for asking an Alabama Millionaire to start a lottery to provide scholarships for poor kids ::
Siegelman’s (Unofficial) Offense was being a “Rising Democratic Star” in the GOPee CONfederate South (like 2 term Governor and 2 term POTUS Bill Clinton of Arkansas) ::
(Alabama is a Police State managed x NeoCon Republican Judges) ::
Change.org PETITION :: Link/URL
< http://www.change.org/petitions/president-obama-please-restore-justice-and-pardon-my-dad
>_^_ "Don Siegelman On Abrams' Verdict Part 1"
~ via videocafeblog, {Subscribe}, 04-08-08, YouTube, 05:06 min ::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhbzBHxa1T0
>_^_ Former Alabama Governor “Don Siegelman (2 of 2)”
~ CBS TV, “60 Minutes” interview, via donsiegelman, {Subscribe}, 02-24-08, YouTube, 03:57 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ The story of Siegelman’s persecution by dirty tricks, protection, and corruption of the Bush/Cheney/Rove/Rice/Rummy Whitehouse
“It Does Happen In America: The Political Trial of Don Siegelman”
~ Paul Craig Roberts - Truth Injustice, {Subscribe}, 02-28-08 :: Link/URL
< http://truthinjustice.org/siegelman.htm
>_^_ Dana Jill Simpson, an Alabama Republican Operative was “assigned” to the task of digging up nude pictures or evidence of seedy affairs on Alabama Governor Don Siegelman (by AL Republicans under Karl Rove); There was “nothing to report” so they “invented” a case and held a Jury hostage for 2 months to convict.
“Check Out What Karl Rove Did To Don Siegelman”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Subscriber Supported}, on 02-22-08, YouTube, 03:17 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG5sJHFtSIk
>_^_ Inside Political Hit Job; Dana Simpson overheard a Karl Rove and Bill Canary Conversation on Don Siegelman. Later, Bill Canary’s wife prosecutes Siegelman.
“Don S. Discusses Karl Rove’s Political Witch Hunt”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 07-29-08, YouTube, 05:39 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJVzxn-wvXM&feature=relmfu
>_^_ Bush Administration Official Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove declined to testify before Committee Investigating wrongful prosecution and incarceration of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman
“60 Minutes: Don Siegelman Speaks”
~ via videocafeblog, {Subscribe}, on 04-06-08, YT/01:35 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye6303U0kqA
>_^_ Karl Rove rejected a House Judiciary Committee Subpoena to testify on the prosecution of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman; The Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rummy/Rove Administration stone walled the investigation, thus protecting “Turd Blossom” Karl Rove.
“Karl Rove’s Non-Denial on Siegelman Case”
~ George Stephanopoulos, Karl Rove, ABC, via Veracifier – TPM – Talking Points Memo, {Subscribe}, on 02-25-08, YouTube, 02:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqmDJNFOLag&feature=related
>_^_ Karl Rove’s total denial of knowing Republican Operative Dana Jill Simpson
“Karl Rove: Jill Simpson Is Lying”
~ via Veracifier – TPM – Talking Points Memo, {Subscriber Supported}, on 02-25-08, YouTube, 01:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpoz6YerDao&feature=relmfu
>_^_ A GOP Lawyer said Karl Rove talked to the Dept of Justice about investigating Dem. Governor Don Siegelman; GOP operative Dana Jill Simpson asks Karl Rove to swear to the Dept. of Justice that he didn’t ask her to “dig up dirt and sleaze” on Governor Don Siegelman; Simpson has “Phone Records” to confirm party contacts that Rove and Alabama Republicans are in total denial of those conversations.
“Dana Jill Simpson Responds to Karl Rove”
~ D. J. S. on MSNBC, via Veracifier – TPM – Talking Points Memo, {Subscriber Supported}, on 02-25-08, YouTube 01:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5eQW3P4v1g&feature=relmfu
>_^_ Questioning reveals Siegelman Case goes from “Written Off,” or useless to pursue by Prosecutors, to “Aggressive Persecution”…
“as if the case started all over again”
“Siegelman Lawyer Testifies About DoJ (U.S. Dept. of Justice) Interview”
~ Rep. Davis, House Judiciary Com, hearing, via Veracifier, {Subscribe}, on 10-24-07, YouTube, 05:26 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovhHMJOdYLI&feature=related
>_^_ Fixed Alabama Election 2002 :: Link/URL
< http://donsiegelman.org/Pages/topics/QUESTIONS/fixed_elections.html
> ####(03-17-13)*CWP*WB(EF)(*AL)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Prosecution of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman was pushed by Karl Rove from the corrupt Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rummy Whitehouse in which he hid.
The Alabama Federal Court Jury returned a “deadlocked” verdict twice. Sent back to deliberate a 3rd time, and after 2 months of forced deliberation, the beleaguered jury convicted Siegelman to end their Alabama Federal Court jury marathon! ::
The Jury was held “Hostage” for 2 months “Pending Conviction.” Federal Judge Mark Fuller had Siegelman shackled and sent immediately to Prison w/o the Usual 45 days, to get one’s life in order, before reporting. [That’s a textbook example of how to threaten, shut-up, and ice-down a whistleblower.] ::
A witness for the prosecution, Bailey, said Prosecutors made him write his testimony over and over again, just to get his story straight. Defense Attorney’s were denied access to this fact and evidence, possibly changing the story (witnesses own words). This is “Prosecutorial Misconduct.” ::
Republican Grant Woods – Former Attorney General of Arizona said, the Case should “never have gone to trial. …You do a bribery when a person has a real personal benefit, not when they say I would like you to help out on this project which I think is good for my State.” ::
PETITION Free Political Prisoner #1, Gov. Don Siegelman took nothing.; Prosecuted x Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove henchman, Al-Fed. Judge Mark Fuller-R held Siegelman’s jury hostage for 2 months, got 2 “deadlocks” …then finally a conviction for asking an Alabama Millionaire to start a lottery to provide scholarships for poor kids ::
Siegelman’s (Unofficial) Offense was being a “Rising Democratic Star” in the GOPee CONfederate South (like 2 term Governor and 2 term POTUS Bill Clinton of Arkansas) ::
(Alabama is a Police State managed x NeoCon Republican Judges) ::
Change.org PETITION :: Link/URL
< http://www.change.org/petitions/president-obama-please-restore-justice-and-pardon-my-dad
>_^_ "Don Siegelman On Abrams' Verdict Part 1"
~ via videocafeblog, {Subscribe}, 04-08-08, YouTube, 05:06 min ::Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhbzBHxa1T0
>_^_ Former Alabama Governor “Don Siegelman (2 of 2)”
~ CBS TV, “60 Minutes” interview, via donsiegelman, {Subscribe}, 02-24-08, YouTube, 03:57 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>_^_ The story of Siegelman’s persecution by dirty tricks, protection, and corruption of the Bush/Cheney/Rove/Rice/Rummy Whitehouse
“It Does Happen In America: The Political Trial of Don Siegelman”
~ Paul Craig Roberts - Truth Injustice, {Subscribe}, 02-28-08 :: Link/URL
< http://truthinjustice.org/siegelman.htm
>_^_ Dana Jill Simpson, an Alabama Republican Operative was “assigned” to the task of digging up nude pictures or evidence of seedy affairs on Alabama Governor Don Siegelman (by AL Republicans under Karl Rove); There was “nothing to report” so they “invented” a case and held a Jury hostage for 2 months to convict.
“Check Out What Karl Rove Did To Don Siegelman”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Subscriber Supported}, on 02-22-08, YouTube, 03:17 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG5sJHFtSIk
>_^_ Inside Political Hit Job; Dana Simpson overheard a Karl Rove and Bill Canary Conversation on Don Siegelman. Later, Bill Canary’s wife prosecutes Siegelman.
“Don S. Discusses Karl Rove’s Political Witch Hunt”
~ Cenk “Jenk” Uygur – TYT, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 07-29-08, YouTube, 05:39 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJVzxn-wvXM&feature=relmfu
>_^_ Bush Administration Official Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove declined to testify before Committee Investigating wrongful prosecution and incarceration of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman
“60 Minutes: Don Siegelman Speaks”
~ via videocafeblog, {Subscribe}, on 04-06-08, YT/01:35 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye6303U0kqA
>_^_ Karl Rove rejected a House Judiciary Committee Subpoena to testify on the prosecution of Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman; The Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rummy/Rove Administration stone walled the investigation, thus protecting “Turd Blossom” Karl Rove.
“Karl Rove’s Non-Denial on Siegelman Case”
~ George Stephanopoulos, Karl Rove, ABC, via Veracifier – TPM – Talking Points Memo, {Subscribe}, on 02-25-08, YouTube, 02:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqmDJNFOLag&feature=related
>_^_ Karl Rove’s total denial of knowing Republican Operative Dana Jill Simpson
“Karl Rove: Jill Simpson Is Lying”
~ via Veracifier – TPM – Talking Points Memo, {Subscriber Supported}, on 02-25-08, YouTube, 01:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpoz6YerDao&feature=relmfu
>_^_ A GOP Lawyer said Karl Rove talked to the Dept of Justice about investigating Dem. Governor Don Siegelman; GOP operative Dana Jill Simpson asks Karl Rove to swear to the Dept. of Justice that he didn’t ask her to “dig up dirt and sleaze” on Governor Don Siegelman; Simpson has “Phone Records” to confirm party contacts that Rove and Alabama Republicans are in total denial of those conversations.
“Dana Jill Simpson Responds to Karl Rove”
~ D. J. S. on MSNBC, via Veracifier – TPM – Talking Points Memo, {Subscriber Supported}, on 02-25-08, YouTube 01:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5eQW3P4v1g&feature=relmfu
>_^_ Questioning reveals Siegelman Case goes from “Written Off,” or useless to pursue by Prosecutors, to “Aggressive Persecution”…
“as if the case started all over again”
“Siegelman Lawyer Testifies About DoJ (U.S. Dept. of Justice) Interview”
~ Rep. Davis, House Judiciary Com, hearing, via Veracifier, {Subscribe}, on 10-24-07, YouTube, 05:26 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovhHMJOdYLI&feature=related
>_^_ Fixed Alabama Election 2002 :: Link/URL
< http://donsiegelman.org/Pages/topics/QUESTIONS/fixed_elections.html
> ####(03-17-13)*CWP*WB(EF)(*AL)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB50EF, Bush v. Kerry Election
Stolen 2004, Election Fraud, OH; Presidential
Election 10/11 Battleground States Flipped For Bush From Kerry
"Vote Fraud 2004: How OH was ‘Delivered’ to Bush"
~ What Really Happened, 11-04 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(05-11-13)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Vote Fraud 2004: How OH was ‘Delivered’ to Bush"
~ What Really Happened, 11-04 :: Link/URL*^*<
> ####(05-11-13)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Whistleblower-0666POTUS43-GWB51EF, Bush
v. Kerry Election Stolen 2004, Election Fraud, OH; Electronic Voting Machines, Ohio Presidential Stolen
Election 2004, Kerry/Bush “Red Shift” 7
million Votes 2004; 11 Swing States; “Red Shift” Even Made Red Counties
Reder Than Before ::
"analysis by Jonathan Simon and Ron Baiman examined the red shift. The final exit polls, posted at 12:23 a.m. on Wednesday morning, November 3, predicted Kerry with 50.8% of the national vote and Bush with 48.2% of the national vote – a difference of 2.6%....
State …… Exit poll result ….….… Official vote count ….. Red shift
NH………… Kerry by 10.8% ........ Kerry by 1.3% ....... 9.5%
OH………… Kerry by 4.2% ......... Bush by 2.5% ........ 6.7%
PA………… Kerry by 8.7% .......... Kerry by 2.2% …….. 6.5%
MN………… Kerry by 9.0% ......... Kerry by 3.5% …….. 5.5%
FL……….… Bush by 0.1% .......... Bush by 5.0% …….. 4.9%
NV……..… Kerry by 1.3% .......... Bush by 2.6% …….. 3.9%
NM……..… Kerry by 2.6% ......... Bush by 1.1% ……… 3.7%
CO……..… Bush by 1.8% .......... Bush by 5.2% ……… 3.4%
IA ………… Kerry by 1.3% ………… Bush by 0.9% ………. 2.2%
MI ……….. Kerry by 5.0% ………… Kerry by 3.4% …….. 1.6%
...if the official vote count had approximated the exit poll findings, Kerry would have won not only the national popular vote" ::
“Reasons for discrepancies between exit polls and official vote counts... When exit polls differ substantially from official election results, there can be only three reasons (or combination thereof): 1. Random error or chance; 2. Biased exit polls; 3. Impaired election integrity”
“Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen Too?”
~ Democratic Underground, {Subscribe}, 06-28-12 :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=874782
> ####(07-17-13)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"analysis by Jonathan Simon and Ron Baiman examined the red shift. The final exit polls, posted at 12:23 a.m. on Wednesday morning, November 3, predicted Kerry with 50.8% of the national vote and Bush with 48.2% of the national vote – a difference of 2.6%....
State …… Exit poll result ….….… Official vote count ….. Red shift
NH………… Kerry by 10.8% ........ Kerry by 1.3% ....... 9.5%
OH………… Kerry by 4.2% ......... Bush by 2.5% ........ 6.7%
PA………… Kerry by 8.7% .......... Kerry by 2.2% …….. 6.5%
MN………… Kerry by 9.0% ......... Kerry by 3.5% …….. 5.5%
FL……….… Bush by 0.1% .......... Bush by 5.0% …….. 4.9%
NV……..… Kerry by 1.3% .......... Bush by 2.6% …….. 3.9%
NM……..… Kerry by 2.6% ......... Bush by 1.1% ……… 3.7%
CO……..… Bush by 1.8% .......... Bush by 5.2% ……… 3.4%
IA ………… Kerry by 1.3% ………… Bush by 0.9% ………. 2.2%
MI ……….. Kerry by 5.0% ………… Kerry by 3.4% …….. 1.6%
...if the official vote count had approximated the exit poll findings, Kerry would have won not only the national popular vote" ::
“Reasons for discrepancies between exit polls and official vote counts... When exit polls differ substantially from official election results, there can be only three reasons (or combination thereof): 1. Random error or chance; 2. Biased exit polls; 3. Impaired election integrity”
“Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen Too?”
~ Democratic Underground, {Subscribe}, 06-28-12 :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1002&pid=874782
> ####(07-17-13)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
Bush v. Kerry Election Stolen 2004, Election
Fraud, OH; Presidential Election
10/11 Battleground States Flipped For Bush From Kerry ::
"Exit Polls showed Kerry ahead in ten of eleven battleground states - including commanding leads in Ohio and Florida - and winning by a million and a half votes nationally." ::
" implausible disparities... 9.5 percent - with the exit polls. In ten of the eleven battleground states, the tallied margins departed from what the polls had predicted. In every case, the shift favored Bush. Based on exit polls, CNN had predicted Kerry defeating Bush in Ohio by a margin of 4.2 percentage points. ...election results showed Bush winning the state by 2.5 percent. Bush also tallied 6.5 percent more than the polls had predicted in Pennsylvania, and 4.9 percent more in Florida." ::
"A consulting firm called Sproul & Associates …hired by the Republican National Committee to register voters in six battleground states …shredding Democratic registrations." ::
"half of the 6 million American voters living abroad never received their ballots or ...too late to vote after the Pentagon unaccountably shut down a state-of-the-art web site used to file overseas registrations."
"Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted - enough to have put John Kerry in the White House."
"Was the 2004 Election Stolen?"
~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Common Dreams, via Rolling Stone magazine, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-01-06 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0601-34.htm
> ####(09-17-13)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
"Exit Polls showed Kerry ahead in ten of eleven battleground states - including commanding leads in Ohio and Florida - and winning by a million and a half votes nationally." ::
" implausible disparities... 9.5 percent - with the exit polls. In ten of the eleven battleground states, the tallied margins departed from what the polls had predicted. In every case, the shift favored Bush. Based on exit polls, CNN had predicted Kerry defeating Bush in Ohio by a margin of 4.2 percentage points. ...election results showed Bush winning the state by 2.5 percent. Bush also tallied 6.5 percent more than the polls had predicted in Pennsylvania, and 4.9 percent more in Florida." ::
"A consulting firm called Sproul & Associates …hired by the Republican National Committee to register voters in six battleground states …shredding Democratic registrations." ::
"half of the 6 million American voters living abroad never received their ballots or ...too late to vote after the Pentagon unaccountably shut down a state-of-the-art web site used to file overseas registrations."
"Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted - enough to have put John Kerry in the White House."
"Was the 2004 Election Stolen?"
~ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Common Dreams, via Rolling Stone magazine, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-01-06 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0601-34.htm
> ####(09-17-13)*WB(EF)(*OH)(UE43)(UJSC)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
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