Tuesday, March 25, 2014

064 ☻☼☺ IN_INDIANA Political Baseball Cards: GO Pee Trickle-Down Golden-Shower Memories-n-Rust

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☻☼☺ IN_ Indiana Political "Baseball Cards" w/a GO Pee Trickle-Down Golden-Shower

US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 06-24-14
Posted(08-11-14) WordPress(CopyPasteShareLinks)Blog (^^^)

< http://greenenvscithr.com/2014/08/11/in-go-pee-trickledown-goldenshower-vd-reagonomics-4-republicant-warlordscorps-darkmoney-n2elections-vs-28th-amendt-money-isnt-speech-corps-rnot-ppl-publicpays4elections-moveon-org-petition-wolfpac-com/ >238ac QR CODE 09-14
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Oh boy!
Here is a search and an example of how to I.D. Dominionist Incumbent Politicians who are Anti-Woman’s Rights to reproductive self-determination (because neo-cons believe they need to think for Hoosier Women as verified by their voting record).   Never mind that a woman is housing a fetus in an economy where pay far less than men (77%) on average.  Social Conservative Christian-Sharia Politicians disregard the facts that women face bigger health and economic risks by proceeding with pregnancy …even with care, caution, and a support network.  What happens when Mr. “I Love You, Honey” says “WTF, You’re Pregnant!  Whose is it?”  Hoosier Women get a mandatory Ultrasound Probe, a chat with a wind-up talkie Doc, and star in a “Stirrup Movie.”

Vote Smart, Search, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/bills/IN/2013/38

Debunking-Exposure-Info-102, Voting Record, Issues, U.S., State & Local ::
CONTENTS: | biographies | voting records | issue positions | ratings | speeches | campaign finance information | ...for all Politicians - Instantly ::
CATEGORIES: | Elections & Candidates | Govt & Officials | Issues | ::
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WHAT ISSUES - 48 Separate Titles
Project Vote Smart, Non-Partisan, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/
>##(05-03-13)*DEI(EL14)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Indiana_ALEC_Politicians


A.L.E.C. Controls Indiana Legislation
Indiana State Taxes have Risen 1% in the last 10 Years. Thanks Corp's Republicans and a few Corporate BlueDog D.I.N.O.'s (off-the-porch and scent-marking Wall Street right behind them.)  Reagan's GO Pee Trickle-Down Golden-Shower shifts Tax Burden to the Poor & Middle Class, and it has continued for 33 years. (See Republican strategist Jude Wanniski’s "Two Santa Claus" and Supply Side "Trickle-Down Economics" on Bottom.)
The Grand Ole Plantation turns Women into low-wage reproducers, by restricting access to birth control, Planned Parenthood, as it dictates a "Wind-Up Talkie-Doc and Ultra-Sound Wand" Rape-Session.  The Uber-Rich reinvent themselves as wealthier pay-to-play Warlords, and Big-Corp's CEO's transform into legislative pay-to-play Hell-boys stoking shills pockets with money and A.L.E.C. state laws to shove down our throats.  And almost none of this activity is reported beyond a sound-bite mention in the 1%'s media and newes-for-ewes.  When it is reported, reading is required and sometimes a summary to drive home the bottom line... they win/Hoosier get hosed.  If a Republican's mouth is moving it's proof that the 1% are the excellent ventriloquists with puppets, while the silent ones march in lockstep.
Our vulnerabilities are well known to sociopaths, as many Americans have an affable trusting nature.  But blind-belief and tribalism (whether partisan, country, or deity founded) and cultural paranoid schizophrenia (fear based thinking and misplaced patriotism) are just "grist for their mill."  In Ayn Rand “meme” Neo-Libertarian Think-Tanks, (whose rhetorical pistol-whip sound-bites sink in quick), these two main "Achilles Heel" attack points are the focus of their efforts to deceive, a mostly "unwitting" public, with winning class warfare strategies.  If some see politics as a contemptible arena, fear voting for a sociopath, and stay away from the poles, Republicans and the 1% win!  They're focused ideology is far more likely to follow Big Corp's Profit-Charter dictates, (to make money at all costs to civilization, shed taxes for use and maintenance of public infrastructure, keep profits, and socialize/share costs and losses), and propagate cancer-phase Capitalism to the end. ::

Corp Wolf P.A.C.’s of Libertarian Anarchist D.C. Think-Tanks and Regional Warlords

Political Action, ALEC, Americans For Prosperity, Donors Trust, Fix The Debt, Peter Peterson, State Policy Net, SPN, Heritage, Heartland, Cato, FreedomWorks, Art Pope, Liberty Central, Ginni Thomas,

US Political Education x Investigative Journalists.whistleblowers
A Title-Themed & Referenced Link-Series updated on 04-27-14*
Posted(12-29-13) Word Press(CopyPasteShareLinks)Blog (^^^)

http://greenenvscithr.com/2013/12/29/politicalactioncommittee-alec-americansforprosperity-donors-trust-fixthedebt-peterpeterson-statepolicynetwork-spn-heritage-heartland-freedomworks-artpope-libertycentral-ginni-thomas-20dangerousneocons/ >238ac
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xIN Rep. & now Gov. "Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke" Mike “No Sense Vote 4” Pence
Tax-Cuts for Rich & Corps will lead to an increase in IN Sales Tax, fire sale on state assets, and/or decreased services to Plug-the-Hole he made on purpose in the first place. (Two Santa Clause, and Trickle-Down Strategy - Jude Wanniski-'70's)
Break-Fixing Government so it can be "profitized" to (so called) "increase efficiency" while generating more pay-to-play Funding Sources ...that is All They Do!  Blind-Believing constituents have no idea who these sociopaths are or who RepublicanT's actually serve.  Have a look at Mike Pence' backers who already control this state and have since 2007.


CHARTER SCHOOL CABAL of Pay-to-Play Politics

CHARTER SCHOOL Links Continued Under "MITCH DANIELS" Below 

INDIANA A.L.E.C.- Koch Legislator connections deny Free Health Care to 458,000 Hoosiers through 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 rejection of Medicaid Extension funds (for kids starting out, less fortunate and out of work, or mildly disabled citizens) under the Affordable Care Act/ObamaCare; This is Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Psychopathy plain and simple.  But that's all fair and just in the Profit-Charter Game of "Warlord and Hell-boy Monopoly."

State, Indiana--0666--ALEC--01, Laws, Education, A.L.E.C.; Indy Star OpEd; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
“American Legislative Exchange Council is a powerful corporate lobbying group masquerading as an educational charity.”
"ALEC produces model bills on a broad range of issues to satisfy the agenda of their corporate members — eliminating competition, taxes, regulations, liability and obligations — all stacking the odds in favor of huge, multinational conglomerates…"
“ALEC has huge influence in Indiana”
~ Opinion – Indy Star, {Subscribe}, 10-05-14 :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.indystar.com/story/opinion/readers/2014/10/05/american-legislative-exchange-council-alec-in-indiana-letter-to-editor/16788177/
(^^^) *IN_ Indiana ALEC Politicians-R (16 Reps/9 Senators verified) :: URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Indiana_ALEC_Politicians
>#(04-2015)*CWP*ED*IN##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--ALEC--02, Common Construction Wage, A.L.E.C. Law; Prevailing Wage Attack ::
"Supporters say a prevailing wage boosts the economy by guaranteeing good paying jobs and a skilled workforce that produces quality work, saving taxpayers money in the long run."
“Prevailing wage emerges as unions' next big battle”

~ Maureen Hayden -- Kokomo Tribune, {Subscribe}, 01-22-15 :: Link/URL
>   ####(04-2015)*JL###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--01, Issue Positions; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
“Mike Pence on other issues: (2008)
Abortion;  Budget/Economy;  Civil Rights;  Corporations;
Crime;  Drugs;  Education;  Energy/Oil;  Environment; Families;
Foreign Policy;  Free Trade;  Govt. Reform;  Gun Control;
Health Care;  Homeland Security;  Immigration;  Jobs;
Principles/Values;  Social Security;  Tax Reform;
Technology/Infrastructure;  War/Iraq/Mideast;  Welfare/Poverty”
"On Budget & Economy: 2008: Lonely GOP dissent against Wall Street bailout "
"Mike Pence in Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto by Rep. Dick Armey"
~ On The Issues, 08-18-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.ontheissues.org/Archive/Give_Us_Liberty_Mike_Pence.htm
>   ####(04-2015)*IN*WR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--02, Economics, Trickle-Down; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
Economists and politicians respond to the question which is essentially ...at what percentage (level) of income taxation does tax revenue generation fall off from maximum levels? ‘Where does the Laffer curve bend?’ Tax rate Zero Taxes and 100% Taxes ...’there is some rate in between the two that maximizes revenue.’"
"Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN): His office declined to answer." (2010)
"Where does the Laffer curve bend?"

~ Dylan Matthews - Washington Post,
{Subscribe}, 08-09-10 :: Link/URL
> ####(04-2015)*EC*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--03, Trickle-Down Economics, Laffer Curve, VooDoo Economics; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
Economists and politicians respond to the question which is essentially ...at what percentage (level) of income taxation does tax revenue generation fall off from maximum levels? ‘Where does the Laffer curve bend?’ Tax rate Zero Taxes and 100% Taxes ...’there is some rate in between the two that maximizes revenue.’"
"Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN): His office declined to answer." (2010)
"Where does the Laffer curve bend?"

~ Dylan Matthews - Washington Post,
{Subscribe}, 08-09-10 :: Link/URL
> ####(10-2014)*EC*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--04, Republican Party, Love, Sex, C-Street Christian Mafia ::
"...the C Street House, the secretive religious enclave on Capitol Hill..."
"Sanford, Ensign, and other regulars receive guidance from the invisible fundamentalist group known as the Family"
"Sex and power inside 'the C Street House'"
~ Jeff Sharlet -- Salon, {Subscribe}, 07-21-09 :: Link/URL
< http://www.salon.com/2009/07/21/c_street/

>_^_ C-Street, Christian Mafia, Billy Graham, Pat Robertson’s Father ::
"The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power" ~ Jeff Sharlet – Author;
"What is 'The Family' aka 'The Fellowship' or 'The C-Street Family'?"
"The Family ...began 74 years ago as an anti-New Deal coalition of businessmen convinced that organized labor was under the sway of Satan."
"Mike Pence and C-Street Cult aka The Fellowship and The Family"
~ Indiana 2014, {Subscribe}, 01-2012 :: Link/URL
< http://indiana2014.blogspot.com/2012/01/mike-pence-and-c-street-cult-aka.html
> ####(04-2015)*IN*ULC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--04, U.S. Senate Joe Donnelly vs. Richard Mourdock - a Tea Party Extremist who says, “Social Security Is Unconstitutional” ::

Mourdock plans to END Medicare …Supports unfair Trade Deals …Sued to Force Chrysler to Liquidate Ending 100,000 Indiana Jobs;
Now Chrysler (Staggered by the Bush Mortgage and Commodities speculation-driven Wall Street Meltdown) is Profitable and Thriving};
Senate Candidate Joe Donnelly opposed the agenda put out by A.L.E.C.;
“Life is a gift from god. And I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that god intended to happen.”
~ Richard Mourdock (R-IN) (Information from DEAD Link)
“Top Five Reasons Hoosiers Can’t Trust Richard Murdock” ~ Joe Donnelley for Indiana, {Subscribe}, 07-16-12 :: DEAD Link/URL
< http://www.joeforindiana.com/news/top-5-reasons-hoosiers-cant-trust-richard-mourdock DEAD LINK
>   ####(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU—06A, Election Fraud, 2006, A.L.E.C. Corporation’s Voter I.D. Law; Turned Away at the Poles ::
“denial was characterized as minor collateral damage in the battle to prevent unsubstantiated voter impersonation.”
"Indiana's Voter ID Law Discriminates Against Citizens at the Polls"

~ Meredith Bell-Platts - Voting Rights Project,
{Subscribe}, 11-12-09 ::Link
>##(04-2015)*EF*IN*UJSC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--06B, Election, Election Fraud Legacy, Indiana Republican Secretary of State Charlie White Convicted; Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) ::
“Indiana election chief found guilty of voter fraud”
~ AP, via CBS NEWS,
{Subscriber/Ad Supported}, 02-04-12 :: Link/URL
>   #
###(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--06C, Election, Republican Voter Fraud, Indiana Secretary of State, Charles P. White; Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) ::
"A state appeals court has upheld three felony convictions against former Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White that forced him from office, while dismissing three other counts. …upheld …perjury, voting in an incorrect precinct and theft."
"Former Indiana Secretary of State White convictions upheld"
~ Aaron Ballenger - Q102.7 News, {Subscribe}, 12-29-14 :: Link/URL
< http://q1027.com/news/articles/2014/dec/30/former-indiana-secretary-of-state-white-convictions-upheld/

>_^_ "...removed from office on February 4, 2012 after a jury convicted him on six felony counts including perjury, theft and voter fraud... sentence …stayed pending his appeal."
(^^^) ~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscribe}, 10-02-14 :: Link/URL
< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_P._White
 [Articles: HuffPost, 12-22-11; ThinkProgress, 02-23-12; NY Times 02-04-12]
>   ####(04-2015)*EF*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--07, Muckety Map, Score 85 for Former IN U.S. Rep Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) :: (^^^) “Mike Pence” ~ Muckety: Mapping connections, 01-16-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.muckety.com/Mike-Pence/1164.muckety
>   ####(01-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--08, Muckety Map, Score 91, Purdue University Pres. & Former Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN):: (^^^) “Mitchell E. Daniels” ~ Muckety: Mapping connections, {Subscribe}, 01-16-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.muckety.com/Mitchell-E-Daniels-Jr/5101.muckety
>   ####(01-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--09, Bilderberg Group, World Powerful, D.C. Area Bilderberg Conference, Westfields Marriott (*NJ); Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN);
Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Richard Perle -- neoconservative scholar, Peter Thiel -- billionaire, Roger Altman -- financier, Kenneth M. Jacobs -- chairman and chief executive of Lazard ::
"Is Bilderberg a conference on world affairs or a powerful global cabal? Depends on who you ask."
~ Annie Gowen – The Washington Post, {Subscribe}, 06-01-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/is-bilderberg-a-conference-on-world-affairs-or-a-powerful-global-cabal-depends-on-who-you-ask/2012/06/01/gJQA5uqx7U_story.html
>####(04-2015)*CWP*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--10, Daniels BIO, President and CEO of the Hudson Institute, a conservative policy research and analysis firm; Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) :: ~ {Subscribe}, (00-00) :: Link/URL
< http://www.biography.com/people/mitch-daniels-20841527
>   ####(01-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--11, “Bradley Foundation” award recipients, $250,000 Corporate Mob Payoffs for Union Busting & Ed Privatization ::
Former Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN);
Former U.S. Rep. (R-*TX-26) 1994-2002 Dick Armey – (former) CEO of FreedomWorks” for Wall Street ::
U.S. Legislative Br.-(R) Senator Ted Cruz (R-*TX);
Former U.S. Rep. (R-*GA-6), 1979-1999, Speaker 1995-1999 2012 GOP Pres. Candidate - Newt Gingrich, who resigned as the most heavily fined House Representative ($300k);
“FreedomWorks …super lobbyist Dick Armey. …left his lobbying firm after ThinkProgress first revealed his long history of orchestrating fake grassroots efforts on behalf of his corporate lobbying clients.”
"FreedomWorks is playing its usual role: masquerading as a grassroots group to confuse activists and help big corporations. …pushed ...bank-friendly policies to benefit Armey’s lobbying clients and other FreedomWorks board members. …(Occupy) Wall Street Protesters Should Instead Focus on the Federal Reserve …FreedomWork’s central role in promoting President Bush’s attempt to privatize Social Security." A 2005 effort to "Fair-Game" S.S. retirement by Wall St. Wolves failed miserably.
"Bank Lobbyist-Run Front Group ‘FreedomWorks’ Tries To Trick Protesters Into Only Protesting Federal Reserve"
~ Lee Fang – Think Progress, {Subscribe}, 10-06-11 :: Link/URL

>_^_ Freedom Works "...helped train activists who believe in the small-government, anti-tax mantra of the Tea Party, and was closely aligned with Tea Partiers in… Indiana (*IN)”
Freedom Works… “Its campaign arm, ‘FreedomWorks for America,’ made endorsements ...GOP …Ted Cruz for the U.S. Senate in Texas." (*TX)
"Dick Armey resigns from Tea Party group"

~ Catalina Camia - USA TODAY, {Subscribe}, 12-04-12 :: Link/URL

>_^_ Book Review by "On The Issue" of "...A Tea Party Manifesto" ::
Former GOP "Rep. Dick Armey (R-*TX) is a former member of the House of Representatives from the time of Newt Gingrich's chairmanship. Armey assisted Gingrich heavily in the Republican takeover of 1994. Gingrich was the face of the Republican takeover; Armey was the behind-the-scenes workhorse."
"The 'Astroturfing' narrative ...by ...economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman. On April 12, 2009, in The New York Times, he referred to FreedomWorks as the 'Armey of Darkness' behind the Tea Party movement: ...run by Richard Armey, the former House majority leader, and supported by the usual group of right-wing billionaires.'"
Book, "Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto"

~ Dick Armey, Review by “On The Issues” :: Link/URL

>_^_ One FreedomWorks success story is RTW Gov. Mitch “Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) who brought the Confederacy to Indiana on a Harley Motorcycle. That really impressed some working people.
"Popular Republican Governor Reflects On The GOP's First 100 Days As The Opposition Party. Indiana's Gov. Mitch Daniels On Changing The 'Party Of No"
~ Live Leak, {Subscribe}, (date: begin 2009?) :: Link/URL

>_^_ FreedomWorks Dick “Armey’s coup lasted 6 days, when he proved unable to run the group with 2.1 million members a $40 million budget says the report.”
“A man with a gun who didn’t identify himself to …staff, and a woman I’d never seen before said there was an announcement”
"Former Rep. Dick Armey took over FreedomWorks think tank earlier this year carrying a GUN, got $8 million for consulting, and resigned: report"

~ Stephen Brown - New York Daily News, {Subscribe), 12-26-12 ::Link/URL

>_^_ "Dick Armey"(R-*TX) Bio (Political Action Committee A.L.E.C.) ::
~ Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported} (see Links here - SW) :: Link/URL

>_^_ "Newt Gingrich"(R-*GA) Bio (+Links to Articles & Video “Bonanza!”)::
~ Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported} (see Links here - SW) :: Link/URL

>_^_  “Ted Cruz’s Biography”(R-*TX) (Votes, Committees, Contact Info) ::
 ~ Project Vote Smart {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL

>_^_ "Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr."(R-*IN) Biography (+rare M.D. Articles Links)::
~ Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported} (see Links here - SW) :: Link/URL
>   ####(04-2015)*CWP2*GOPC(*GA)(*IN)(*TX)*ULRSTC###
*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana—0666--FU2--WOMEN--01, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) Women’s Rights,*IN, Aids Epidemic, Southern Indiana, Women’s Health, Planned Parenthood, Clinics Closed, Needless Suffering; Gov. Mike Pence (Koch-Tea A.L.E.C.-Corp's Republican) :: (^^^)
"Indiana Shut Down Its Rural Planned Parenthood Clinics And Got An HIV Outbreak"
~ Laura Bassett -- Huffington Post, {Subscribe}, 03-31-15 :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/31/indiana-planned-parenthood_n_6977232.html
>   ####(03-2015)*IN*WR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana—0666--FU2--WOMEN--02, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) Women’s Rights,*IN;
Gov. Mitch Daniels (Koch-Tea A.L.E.C.-Corp's Republican) ::
“Battle Over Planned Parenthood Funding in Indiana May Be First Test of Coercion Theory from ACA Decision”
~ Jessica Mason Pieklo -- Senior Legal Analyst, RH Reality Check, {Subscribe}, 07-16-12 :: Link/URL
< http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2012/07/16/battle-over-planned-parenthood-funding-in-indiana-may-be-first-test-coercion-theo/
>   ####(03-2015)*IN*WR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana—0666--FU2--WOMEN--03, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) Women's Rights, *IN; Indiana Cuts Planned Parenthood;
Gov. Mitch Daniels (Koch-Tea A.L.E.C.-Corp's Republican) ::
"Federal Government Examines Whether States Can Reject Medicaid Funds For Planned Parenthood"
~ Robin Marty – R H Reality Check, {Subscribe}, 05-24-11 :: Link/URL
< http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2011/05/24/federal-government-examines-whether-states-reject-medicaid-funds-planned-parenthood/
>   ####(03-2015)*IN*WR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana—0666--FU2--WOMEN--04, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) ::
Governors Ideology causes him to spurn $3 Million in Federal Funds for Planned Parenthood Indiana;
Daniels Defunding P.P., denying less fortunate Indiana residents of 96% Health & Reproductive Services & 3-4% for Legal Abortions (since 1973)
“Mitch Daniels Cuts Funds To Planned Parenthood”
~ Deanna Martin – HuffPost, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-10-11 :: Link/ URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/10/mitch-daniels-planned-parenthood_n_860312.html
> ####(04-2015)*WR*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana—0666--FU2--WOMEN--05, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN), Republicans Assault Planned Parenthood ::
{Bill was subsequently signed by Mitch Daniels “to prove his Conservative chops” for a presidential run; Law was later thrown out by Judicial Review… after scoring “Political Points” for the Extremist Big Government Tea Party and Dominionist Evangelicals (EvilJelloCrawls)}
“on a Federal Level P. P. just survived a massive assault, led by Rep. Mike Pence” (R-*IN), Gov. Candidate and Tea Party U.S. House of Reps member
“Social Truce Faces Test Over Planned Parenthood Vote”
~ Melissa Jeltsen – TPMMuckraker, {Subscribe}, 04-28-11 :: DEAD Link*^*< http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/04/mitch_daniels_social_truce_faces_test_over _defunde.php DEAD LINK
>   ####(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana—0666--FU2--WOMEN--05, U.S. Senate Joe Donnelly (D-IN) vs. Richard Mourdock (R-IN), Birth Control, Rape, Abortion, Republican War On Women :: A Radical Teahadist Speaks in the Indiana Senate Candidates Debate;
God Intended Rape? God Sanctioned Rape? Rapist Tourism In Indiana? Rapists selecting the Mothers of their Children?
“Life is a gift from god. And I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that god intended to happen.”
~ Richard Mourdock (R-IN)
"Richard Mourdock debate comment about rape"(R-IN) ~ via wane, {Subscribe}, 10-23-12, YouTube, 01:02 min :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=stHNMfimwt8 > ####(04-2015)*WR*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana—0666--FU2--WOMEN--10, , Spoof, Chick-fil-A Restaurant, Blocking Health Care Law:
Chick-fil-A  spoof w/John Goodman; (C.F. blocked birth control provision of Health Care Act) ::
"Our old pal, Colonel Sanders is back with a message for Chick-Fil-A and chicken lovers that is totally honest and not at all panderous."
"KFC Loves Gays with John Goodman"

~ John Goodman -- Funny Or Die,
{Subscribe}, 08-01-12 :: Link/URL < http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/e86050c415/kfc-loves-gays-with-john-goodman
>    ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--01, Charter Schools, Vouchers, Walmart Family, DeVos Family, Hedge Funds, Hoosiers for Economic Growth, Political Action Committees, James Bopp Jr., Rep. Robert Bobby Heaton (R-46), Terre Haute, Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL), Pay-To-Play, “Hoosier School Heist” (^^^)
"Basketball Hero Bobby Heaton and the 13 Filthy Rich Who Bought Indiana Public Education"
~ Doug Martin -- School Matters, {Subscribe}, 10-18-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.schoolsmatter.info/2013/10/basketball-hero-bobby-heaton-and-13.html
>####(04-2015)*IN(*ED)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--01, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy”  Daniels (R-*IN), Signed Indiana Right-To-Work (w/o benefits, bargaining, or safety)/Rot-at-Work, corrupted a U.S. Budget Process (which gave tax cuts for the rich parallel to 2 wars-off-the-books) as POTUS 43 George W. Bush “Budget” Director;
The crazy-cash scavenger hunt series at the Indiana Treasury;
[$60 million dollar mistake privatizing Medicaid services from 2006-2009]
All set to do the same caliber of work for or “on” Purdue ::
Daniels seated 8 of the 10 Trustees who nominated him to preside over Purdue’s “new problem” -- Mitch Daniels; {So the fox directs the hens to the chicken coop, then joins them …hmm} ::
This is a “Fried”man “Chicago-School” economic hoodlum with “no scholastic background” beyond an unnecessary slash & burn Education Budget involving privatization/“profitization” of Public Schools.  A seasoned pay-to-play kabuki theater actor directs a Premier Indiana University ::
Daniels, "Dubya’s budget director, who cut the cost of federal government so we could ‘afford’ to go fight warrantless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan."::
"On December 7 of 2011 the Indianapolis Star ran this as its headline: 'State finds $320 million it didn’t know it had.'  When he was queried in the local press about the large oversight, Daniels trivialized it" ::
But having lost those funds "the governor ‘slashed public education funding by $300 million at the end of 2009,’ during the most brutal economic years"::
"in April 2012, it was discovered that $205 million in tax revenue had been mishandled." ::
"four scams were stymied by alert journalists and various citizens."
~ Word Press ::
"...the governor’s initial misplacement of $525 million."
"Mitch Daniels: The Indiana Governor’s Tainted Tenure"
~ Lightpage12 - Word Press, {Subscribe}, 07-09-12 :: Link/URL
< http://lightpage12.wordpress.com/2012/07/09/the-tainted-tenure-of-indiana-governor-mitch-daniels/
###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--02, “Privatizing” Public Education, Walmart Billionaire Walton’s, Charter School, Vouchers, Funding Union Breaking; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::

"Changing the education system is a major focus, with more than $164 million dedicated to the cause last year." ::
Funding Charter School Networks in 16 States in Muckety Chart: *WI, *OH, *NJ, *MA, *NY, *AZ, *TX, *IN, *TN, *GA, *CA, *PA, *CO, *IL, *MO, *LA ::
[Privatize/"Profitize" Pay-To-Play Education, while breaking Public Teachers Unions & Cherry-Pick Students w/o helping to fairly distribute state school resources or end trickle-down economics that generates more poor parents and children] ::
Charters drain Public School funds w/o complying to P.S. Ed. Standards. 
"Charter schools: the Walton family’s favorite cause"
~ Laurie Bennett - Muckety: Mapping connections of the rich, famous & influential, {Subscribe}, 04-07-14 :: Link/URL
< http://news.muckety.com/2014/04/07/charter-schools-the-walton-familys-favorite-cause/46471
>##(04-2015)*CWP*IN##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--02, Corp Wolf P.A.C. “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council; Conference New Orleans, A.L.E.C. Scholarships; Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) ::
Mark Pocan-D Wisconsin State Legislator, Describes the State Legislative Agenda of the (un)-American Legislative Exchange Counsil & Their State Law Agenda
*WI_ Wisconsin, *FL_ Florida, *IN_ Indiana sham education reform ::
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
“A.L.E.C. Conference, New Orleans”
~ U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan - WI Legislator Interview, {ActBlue Account}, via S SWIDTM S, {Subscribe}, 08-28-11, YouTube, 03:41 min :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(12-2013)*CWP*EC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--03, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy”  Daniels (R-*IN), Ed Supt. Tony “Crooked & Fired-n-Florida” Bennett, Right Wing Think-Tank Ed Privatization, “Profitization,” Pay-to-Play Fraud & Vouchers ::
"…emails and other documents obtained...show a small group of GOP powerbrokers crafted …education policy that made Indiana a conservative model ...at an Indianapolis steakhouse and …private club." ::
"Edwin Bender, executive director of the National Institute for Money in State Politics, said such processes reduce accountability. 'The public doesn't stand a chance… and the accountability is nonexistent'" ::
"According to the emails, the group was led by Al Hubbard ...adviser to (POTUS 43 George) Bush, and Huston, now a (*IN) state lawmaker. The group tasked Hubbard with reaching out to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for model legislation. Bush's group …drafting education measures in other Republican-led states (including IN)... (Chairman) Huston drew up a draft outline of legislation." ::
[State Rep. Republican Todd Huston was Chairman of the Indiana Charter School Board (Daniels Admin.) that directs and authorizes… Indiana charter schools; District 37 includes part of Hamilton County]
"GOP powerbrokers crafted Indiana education policy, emails show"
~ AP - Indianapolis Business Journal, {Subscribe},  09-01-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.ibj.com/gop-powerbrokers-crafted-indiana-education-policy-emails-show/PARAMS/article/43310

>_^_ Todd Huston "Foundation for Excellence in Ed. (funded by Bill Gates)"
“The Foundation for Excellence in Education is a 501(c)(3) non-profit... support of the following philanthropies:
Bloomberg, Gates, Broad, Schwab, GE, Kovner, Robertson, Oberndorf, &  Walton Foundations"
"Education Reformers ...David Coleman, John Podesta, Tony Bennett, Todd Huston, Mitch Daniels, Condoleeza Rice" (Information from DEAD Link)
Fort Wayne 912
  :: DEAD Link/URL
< http://www.fortwayne912.com/Todd_Huston.html DEAD LINK

>_^_ Creationism, Teaching, Indianapolis, Indiana Law
“Indiana Sen. Panel OKs Creationism, Teaching Bill“ ~ AP, Chicago Tribune News, {Subscribe}, 01-26-12 :: DEAD Link/URL
< http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-ap-in-xgr-creationismbi,0,593526.story DEAD LINK/Digital Access Fee
>   ####(04-2015)*EC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--03, Indiana, Teacher’s Union; Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) ::
“Indiana state Senate passes law to curb teachers unions” *IN
~ Susan Guyett – Reuters, 02-22-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/02/22/us-indiana-protests-idUSTRE71L83O20110222
>###(11-2014)*IN*EC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--04, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy”  (R-*IN), Aggressively Defunding Public Education In Indiana ::
Radical Religious Based Education On The Rise In Indiana :: Daniels Campaign Donors Include Carter School Buddies ::
“Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels on Thursday signed into law a plan giving Indiana the nation’s most sweeping private school voucher program”
(^^^) “Daniels signs school voucher (Profitization) bill”
~ AP Modified, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-10-11 :: DEAD Link/URL
< http://indiana.onpolitix.com/news/47210/daniels-signs-school-voucher-bill?referrer=wishtv.com DEAD LINK
>###(04-2015)*ED*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--05, Indiana Teacher’s Union ::
“Indiana state Senate passes law to curb teachers unions” *IN
~ Susan Guyett – Reuters, {Subscribe}, 02-22-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/02/22/us-indiana-protests-idUSTRE71L83O20110222
>###(04-2015)*IN*EC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--06, Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"proposed income tax cut during his first State of the State address Monday, and pledged to expand the availability of private school vouchers..." (*IN)
“Pence touts tax cut, education in State of the State address”
(& Full Text)
~ Dan Carden – NWI Times, {Subscriber Supported},  01-22-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/pence-touts-tax-cut-education-in-state-of-the-state/article_43e67de2-551e-5d3f-8c2e-e3c2d8ee81d8.html
>   ####(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--07, “Privatizing” Public Education, Following Libertarian Anarchist’s Think-Tank Script; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
*IN School Superintendent "Glenda Ritz walked out on the recent state board of education (budget, $16 million/yr) fiasco ...corporate Indy Star quickly branded… as a misfit... The Star won’t tell readers... Democrats working ...with Pence are mere neoliberal mouthpieces.  ...(nor) who is running Mike Pence’s Center for Education and Career Innovation (CECI), (budget, $14 million/2 yr) a new fascist education dept. the governor has signed into existence without a public meeting ...or a vote ...state House and Senate."
"Stuffed with past staffers of Tony Bennett's office... the CECI's goal is to work with Pence and the state board of education to strip all power and money from Glenda Ritz and her Department of Education."
"The Dirty Water on Mike Pence's Fascist CECI"
~ Doug Martin - Schools Matter, {Subscribe}, 11-15-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.schoolsmatter.info/2013/11/the-dirty-water-on-mike-pences-fascist.html
>   ####(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--10, William Bennett, Former Secretary of Ed- Ronald Reagan Admin 1980’s, Tony Bennett, Indiana School Superintendent :: (^^^)
“Ed organization notes Indiana as hot spot for reform”
~ Maureen Hayden, CNHI Statehouse Bureau, {Subscribe}, 12-13-11::URL
< http://heraldbulletin.com/local/x290697984/Education-organization-notes-Indiana-as-hot-spot-for-reform
>   ####(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--11, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) becomes 12th President of Purdue University January 2013 (Information from DEAD Link) ::

Marilyn Haring, Dean of Education 1991 to 2001 withdrew plans to place $1 Million gift to the College; Citing Daniels’ troubling policy decisions as Indiana Governor relating to Labor & Education Funding
“Purdue’s pick of Mitch Daniels costs $1 million gift” DEAD LINK
~ Eric Weddle – Lafayette Journal & Courier, 06-29-12 :: DEAD
http://www.indystar.com/article/20120629/NEWS04/120629015/1008/NEWS05 DEAD LINK
>   ####(04-2015)*IN##
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--12, Purdue Trustees, 8 of the Trustees appointed by Daniels; Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) ::
"Purdue University trustees who elected Gov. Mitch Daniels as the school’s next president contributed more than $27,000 to Daniels’ two campaigns for governor or a political action committee supporting him, state campaign finance records show." ~ AP
"Purdue trustees, companies were Daniels donors"
~ Newsandtribune.com (Southern Indiana), Associated Press, WEST LAFAYETTE, {Subscriber Supported}, 07-15-12 :: Link/URL

"CEO of the Hudson Institute, a conservative policy research and analysis firm."
“Mitch Daniels”
~ Biography.com :: Link/URL
< http://www.biography.com/people/mitch-daniels-20841527
>###(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--14, Educators, Against Mitch Daniels, Community Facebook Site :: Link/URL
< https://www.facebook.com/pages/Educators-AGAINST-Mitch-Daniels/262620599300
>   ####(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--ED-4-PROFIT--13, Aggressively Defunding Public Education In Indiana :: Radical Religious Based Education On The Rise In Indiana;
Daniels Campaign Donors Include Carter School Buddies;
“Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels on Thursday signed into law a plan giving Indiana the nation’s most sweeping private school voucher program”
“Daniels signs school voucher bill”
~ AP Modified, {Subscribe}, 05-10-11 :: DEAD Link/URL
< http://indiana.onpolitix.com/news/47210/daniels-signs-school-voucher-bill
>   ####(04-2015)*###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--GUN--01, A.L.E.C., Walmart, NRA, Gun Manufacturers; Stand Your Ground Law, Consumer Boycott; 27 "Stand Your Ground" States & Year Law was enacted, 2006 ::   
*AL, '06;  *AK, '11;  *AZ, '06;  *FL, '05;  *GA, '06;  *IN, '06;  *KS, '06;  KY, '06;  *LA, '06;  *MI, '06;  *MS, '06;  *MO, '07;  *MT, '09;  *NV, '11;  *NH, '11;  *NC, '11;  *ND, '07; *OH, '08;  *OK, '06;  *PA, '11;  *SD, 'XX;  SC, '08;  *TN, '07;  *TX, '07;  *UT, '10;  *WV, ‘08;  *WI, '11 ::
Major Players/Partners in crime include:    
1.)  A.L.E.C. American Legislative Counsil (w/Corp’s written laws shoved down our throats by their “schooled tool” Red State Legislators);
2.)  Walmart (America’s Largest Gun Dealer);
3.)  N.R.A. (Nat. Rifle Assn./Nihilist Rapid-fire-Assassins); and
4.)  Gun Manufacturers pushed the American Legislative Council's "boiler plate"/"cookie cutter" State "Stand Your Ground Laws" that promote gun sales, aggressive gun violence, and legalize confrontational murder. ::

"The boycott against Stand Your Ground states is being used to push state legislators to join us in changing the unjust laws of these 20+ states in the US. On the 13th of every month people in those states will boycott and not make any purchases for those 24hrs. Of course that would be additional to people outside these states not traveling there for vacation purposes."
"National 'Stand Your Ground' Boycott!,"
~ Facebook Events -- 13th of Every Month, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL
< https://www.facebook.com/events/130484390495418/

(^^^) "Boycott 'Stand Your Ground' States" ~ via Boycott SYG, {Subscribe}, 07-24-13, YouTube, 04:08 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzeTHEdpudI 

>_^_ "This video gives a prime example of what this country considers justified. The scenario given could allow a murder using Stand Your Ground or Self Defense laws walk free. We have clearly seen that these laws do nothing but allow vigilantes and unfit minds to continue on with life as so many others suffer."
(^^^) "Justified Murder?"
 ~ via Boycott SYG, {Subscribe}, 07-28-13, YouTube, 01:50 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ3Brg71J-o
>   ####(01-2015)*CWP###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--GUN--02, Stand Your Ground Law Extended Against Police Officers entering a mistaken address from a 911 Call; Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN) ::
“Republicans in Indiana are taking self-defense a bit too far.”
“Indiana House Approves Bill That Allows Homeowners To Kill Police Officers”
~ Stephen D. Foster Jr. – Addicting Info, {Subscribe}, 03-02-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/03/02/indiana-house-approves-bill-that-allows-homeowners-to-kill-police-officers/
>   ####(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--OIL--01, Oil - Nat. Gas, Keystone XL Pipeline Lobbying; Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-IN) ::
$66,000 from Indiana Taxpayers for XL Pipeline
“Lobbying Disclosures Reveal Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels Used State Dollars To Lobby For Keystone XL Pipeline” ~ Josh Israel & Brad Johnson, ThinkProgress Green, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-26-12 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/green/2012/01/26/411882/lobbying-disclosures-reveal-indiana-gov-mitch-daniels-used-state-dollars-to-lobby-for-keystone-xl-pipeline/
>###(04-2015)*EnFF*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--RTW--01, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN), Statement Spurning Right-to-Work-for-Peanuts, Supported Current Labor Laws, STOU, 1-24-12 ::
{NEVER Trust A RepubLieCon 1%’ers Political Organ Grinder Monkey}
"Indiana Right To Work: AFL-CIO Airing Ad Targeting Mitch Daniels During SOTU Response"
~ Amanda Terkel - Huffington Post, {Subscribe}, 01-23-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/23/indiana-right-work-mitch-daniels-sotu-afl-cio_n_1224651.html

>_^_ ”New ad: 'What' - Indiana Gov. Daniels in his own words, opposing Right to Work for Less.”
~ via inlabor2010, {Subscribe}, 01-23-12, YT/31 seconds :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZXBFdmfI7d4
> ####(04-2015)*IN(*JL)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--RTW--02, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-IN), Republican Corruption, Betrayal, Indiana Workers, R.T.W. ::
“First Right-To-Work State in the ‘Rust Belt’” Super Bowl week, 2012;
(^^^) "Indiana Governor, Mitch Daniels on Right To Work!"
~ via Larry Norfleet, {Subscribe}, 01-27-12, YouTube, 29 sec :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4O--Riv6Ac
>#(04-2015)*CW*JL*IN##**Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--RTW--03, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN), Explains Why He’s Supporting RTW, Right to Work for Peanuts, Triggered by Daniels x Volkswagen Agreement (^^^) “Volkswagen Plant Helped trigger Indiana’s Right to Work Push” ~ Micheline Maynard - Forbes, {Subscribe}, 01-24-12 :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.forbes.com/sites/michelinemaynard/2012/01/24/volkswagen-plant-helped-trigger-indianas-right-to-work-push/ > ####(04-2015)*IN(*JL)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--RTW--04, Protest, Indiana Teacher, Union Busting (^^^)
“Indianapolis Indiana Statehouse Labor Protest” Flicker
~ via Ray Cunningham, {Subscribe}, 02-26-11 :: Link/URL
< https://www.flickr.com/photos/zaruka/sets/72157626023307583/
>   ####(04-2015)*JL*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--UBLO--01, Health Care Expansion; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"The decision by Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana to accept Medicaid expansion funds could give other conservatives cover to do so"
Essentials include a "conservative twist to the (ACA 2010 Health Care Medicaid) expansion ...requiring beneficiaries to pay something toward their coverage. ...pay monthly premiums equaling 2 percent of their household income — between about $3 and $25 a month for a single childless adult — for coverage that includes dental and vision benefits."
A concession "will let Indiana lock some people out of coverage for six months if they stop paying monthly premiums."
"Indiana Will Allow Entry to Medicaid for a Price"

~ Abby Goodnough -- New York Times,
{Subscribe}, 01-27-15 :: Link/URL
*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--UBLO--02, Welfare System Poorly Managed ::
"state will cancel its $1.34 billion contract with IBM to automate the application process for food stamps, Medicaid and other benefits. ...end its deal with Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM Corp., which had managed the welfare intake in 59 ...counties ...one-third of the state's 1.2 million-person caseload." ::
 "House Speaker Pat Bauer, D-South Bend, said that he hopes the decision will put a needed brake on the desires to privatize more government functions." ::
"Advocates For Seniors, Poor Said System Was Poorly Managed"
"Indiana Cancels $1.3 Billion Welfare Privatization Contract"
~ {Subscribe}, 00-00-00 :: Link/URL
< http://www.theindychannel.com/news/indiana-cancels-1-3-billion-welfare-privatization-contract

>_^_ "The federal government has levied a $1.2 million penalty against Indiana's human services agency for miscalculating food stamp benefits at a rate more than one-and-a-half times the national average..." ::
"FNS (Food & Nutrition Service, U.S.D.A.) also levied penalties against Texas, $3.96 million; Maryland, $742,238; and Iowa, $205,730. The agency awarded $30 million in bonuses to 11 states..."
"Indiana faces $1.2M food stamp sanctions from feds"
~ Ken Kusmer - Associated Press, {Subscribe}, 06-25-10 :: Link/URL
< http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9GICIIG0.htm
>###(01-2015)*EC*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--UBLO--03, Gov. Mitch “Mickey, Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels (R-*IN), Pres. George ”W.” Bush Budget (Disaster) Director Mitch Daniels, Experienced Privatizer-In-Chief, War On A Credit Card (^^^) “Mitch Daniels says he can beat Obama in 2012” ~ Reuters, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-10-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/10/us-usa-campaign-daniels-idUSTRE7496DB20110510
>   ####(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--UBLO--04, Roundup Herbicide, Glyphosate ::
Notes from Thom Hartmann Interview with Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT [Radio -- 2nd Hour beginning 12-31-14 -- 2:06 to 2:16]. The discussion centered on the effects of Glyphosate/Roundup Herbicide ::
Suggestion: Buy only organic food;  Need to prevent atmospheric absorption of carbon which add to global warming; Half of U.S. children could have Autism by 2025; Synergystic relationship; Cytochrome D; Glyphosate causes a lack of Sulfate which disrupts brain activity; Glyphosate disrupts Vitamin D Activation in Liver;
Celiac Disease – wheat is toxic because of Glyphosate;
Autism from Roundup Herbicide, Glyphosate;
Modulators of emotional system serotonin delivers Sulfate, a key factor in brain function, Sulfate is disrupted by Glyphosate/Roundup Herbicide;
Glyphosate blocks absorption of Vitamin D; Glyphosate blocks transmission of sulfur to brain causing electrical imbalance;
Monsanto Roundup – Glyphosate -- it’s sprayed on wheat to dry the plants, so they don’t “gum up the combine,” 3 days before harvest
[I’m 90% sure I have seen Glyphosate used on mature soybeans in Indiana.  One day the crop is Green-Yellow and the next day it’s uniformly yellow brown. A social media friend reported seeing Glyphosate being used on Garbanzo Beans/Chick Peas.]
Thom Hartmann 12-31-14 interview with Dr. Stephanie Seneff – Undergrad degree in Biology -- MIT, Degree in Chemistry, PHD in Electrical Engineering
Multiple Web Links at: “Stephanie Seneff”
(References, Downloads, PDF)
~ MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology Website :: Link/URL
< http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/
>   ####(04-2015)*HH*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--UBLO--05, Teen Suicide; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) :: :: (^^^)
"Data: Indiana has highest rate in U.S. of teens who considered suicide"
~ Marisa Kwiatkowski -- Indy Star, {Subscribe}, 02-17-15 :: Link/URL
< http://www.indystar.com/story/news/2015/02/16/data-indiana-highest-rate-us-teens-considered-suicide/23508695/    
>####(04-2015)*EC(*IN)###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666FU--UBLO—06, The Poor, Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"A Republican in Indiana has once again proven just how much disdain the GOP has for the poor by saying one of the most disgusting things about them that I’ve ever heard."
"Indiana Republican: ‘No One Has the Guts’ to Let the Poor ‘Wither and Die’"
~ Allen Clifton – Forward Progress, {Subscribe}, 06-12-14 :: Link/URL
< http://www.forwardprogressives.com/indiana-republican-one-guts-let-poor-wither-die/
>   ####(02-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--01, Sarcasm, Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"Randy Rainbow responds to Governor Mike Pence's anti-gay RFRA in Indiana #BoycottIndiana"
"A Song for Indiana - Randy Rainbow"

~ via Randy Rainbow, {Subscribe} 03-29-15, YouTube, 02:13 min :: Link/URL
>    ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--02, Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::

A.L.E.C., Red State Corporate Cookie Cutter Bill (to keep floppy-eared Republican Calvinist EvilJelloCrawls in the sidecar with ALEC Libertarian Regional Warlord Billionaires & Wall Street Hell-Boyz)
"Indiana Governor Mike Pence really stepped in it when he signed the 'Religious Freedom Restoration Act' into law"
"John Fugelsang: Mike Pence Better Be Glad No Law Against ‘Serving Fake Christian Bigots’ (VIDEO)"
~ Shannon Barber -- Addicting Info, {Subscribe}, 03-29-15 :: Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/03/29/john-fugelsang-mike-pence-better-be-glad-no-law-against-serving-fake-christian-bigots-video/

(^^^) "John Fugelsang on Indiana Religion Freedom Bill: Time to Thump the Bible Thumpers with the Bible" ~ via LSUDVM, {Subscribe}, 03-27-15, YouTube, 52 sec :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkDoPZhctvI
>    ####(03-2015)*RTS###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--03, Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"Rachel Maddow Shreds Indiana Gov. Mike Pence for Signing Anti-Gay Bill"
~ via Mystic Dave2,
{Subscribe}, 03-29-15, YouTube, 04:26 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CprC-5XEAGk

(^^^) "Watch Gov. Pence Crash & Burn When Asked a Yes or No Question About Anti-Gay Bill" ~ via Mystic Dave2, George Stephanopoulos, {Subscribe}, 03-29-15, YouTube, 02:38 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9HtZg8fa_4

(^^^) "Indiana Gov. Should Be Grateful There's No Law Prohibiting ‘Serving Fake Christian Bigots’" ~ via Mystic Dave2, {Subscribe}, 03-28-15, YouTube, 02:13 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp7x1l8irkM

(^^^) "Indiana GOP Leader Admits ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign Would Be Legal In Most Of The State" ~ via Mystic Dave2, {Subscribe}, 03-30-15, YouTube, 01:14 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqXtJUE9buA

(^^^) "Indiana Gov. Pence Calls For Fix To Controversial Anti-Gay Law" ~ via Mystic Dave2, {Subscribe}, 03-31-15, YouTube, 09:57 min :: Link/URL  
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7s7XBV8Lmc

(^^^) "The Passion Of Christ: A Gay Vision" ~ via Mystic Dave2, {Subscribe}, 03-29-15, YouTube, 03:06 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUl_Ba2CMWk
>   ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--04, Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"Pence: Indiana Being Subjected to Avalanche of Condemnation & Intolerance over Religious Freedom"
~ via LSUDVM, {Subscribe}, 03-29-15, YouTube, 05:03 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4CwYRKo-qg
>   ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--05, Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"The new statute's defenders claim it simply mirrors existing federal rules, but it contains two provisions that put new obstacles in the path of equality."
"What Makes Indiana's Religious-Freedom Law Different?"

~ Garrett Epps -- The Atlantic,
{Subscribe}, 03-30-15 :: Link/URL
>    ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--06, Discrimination, CEO’s, Modify RFRA; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"9 CEOs call on Pence, legislature to modify 'religious freedom' law"
~ Jeff Swiatek and Tim Evans -- Indy Star, {Subscribe}, 03-31-15 :: Link/URL
< http://www.indystar.com/story/money/2015/03/30/nine-ceos-call-pence-legislature-modify-religious-freedom-law/70689924/
>    ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--06, Indiana Religious Extremism, Legalized Discrimination; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"...Indiana legislature ...proposal ...protect people with strong religious beliefs, but ...legalize discrimination against gays and others."
"Religious freedom bill coming to Indiana"
~ Tony Cook & Marisa Kwiatkowski - Indy Star, {Subscribe}, 12-26-14 :: Link
< http://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2014/12/26/religious-freedom-bill-coming-indiana/20911991/
>  ####(12-2014)*R*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--07, Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) :: (^^^)
"Gay, Atheist Indiana Doctor: Does New Law Give Me The Right to Refuse Treatment on A**hole Christians?"
~ James Schlarmann -- Political Garbage Chute, {Subscribe}, 03-31-15 :: Link
< http://www.politicalgarbagechute.com/gay-atheist-indiana-doctor-does-new-law-give-me-the-right-to-refuse-treatment-on-ahole-christians/
>  ####(03-2014)*R*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--08, LGBT, Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) :: (^^^)
"Indiana Governor Mike Pence: No civil rights for LGBT people"
~ Michael Stone -- Patheos, {Subscribe}, 03-29-15 :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2015/03/indiana-governor-mike-pence-no-civil-rights-for-lgbt-people/
>    ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--09, Wilco Concert; Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) :: (^^^)
"Wilco Cancel Indianapolis Show Due to Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act"
~ Rob Slater -- Relix, {Subscribe}, 03-30-15 :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.relix.com/news/detail/wilco_cancel_indianapolis_show_due_to_indiana_religious_freedom_restoration_act >    ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--10, Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"A special message from the tourism board of Indiana, reminding you of all the fun"
"Indiana's Anti-Gay Tourism Commercial"

~ lauren, Travis Helwig -- Funny Or Die,
{Subscribe}, 03-30-15 :: Link/URL
>   ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--11, Religious Freedom Restoration Act;
Tea Party, Broken Right-Wing; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
“Michele Bachmann takes crazy to a whole new level.”
“5 Most Deranged Right-Wing Moments This Week: Conservative Heads Explode Over Indiana and Iran”
~ Janet Allon -- AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 04-04-15 :: Link/URL
< http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-right/5-most-deranged-right-wing-moments-week-conservative-heads-explode-over-indiana
> ####(04-2015)*PM*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--0666--RFRA--11, Sarcasm, Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Tea Party, Broken Right-Wing; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"A special message from the tourism board of Indiana, reminding you of all the fun"
"Indiana's Anti-Gay Tourism Commercial"

~ lauren, Travis Helwig -- Funny Or Die,
{Subscribe}, 03-30-15 :: Link/URL
>   ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana-08666A, Con-Spun Media Initiative Unravels; Gov. Koch-A.L.E.C. Tailpipe Karaoke “Mike Pence” (EvilJelloCrawl RepublicanT) ::
"his administration intended to launch a 'state-run news service.'"
"Pence backs off ‘state-run news service’"

~ Jonathan Easley, The Hill,
{Subscribe}, 01-28-15 :: Link/URL 
>    ####(01-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana—08666B, Republican Sex Scandal, Family Values Hypocrisy (^^^) “Anti-Gay Republican Caught by 18 Year Old Rent Boy” (R-IN)
~ Kase Wickman -- The Raw Story, {Subscribe}, 08-12-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/08/12/anti-gay-indiana-state-rep-solicited-18-year-old-boy-on-craigslist/
>   ####(04-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--200, Facebook Page, RFRA Issue ::
“Indiana Religious Freedom Businesses Info”
:: Link/URL
< https://www.facebook.com/IndianaReligiousFreedomBusinessesInfo
>   ####(03-2015)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--200, Facebook Page, RFRA Issue ::
“Indiana Religious Discrimination Businesses”:: Link/URL
< https://www.facebook.com/pages/Indiana-Religious-Discrimination-Businesses/813180275436424
>   ####(03-2015)*IN ###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Indiana--400, Indiana Talks, Radio Streaming, Line-Up ::
6a Bill Press --- 8a Democracy Now!
9a Stephanie Miller Show --- 11a
12p Thom Hartmann --- 3p The Leslie Marshall Show
5p The Angel Clark Show --- 7p
8p Stephen Terrell: Just Us --- 9p Scott Spot Radio
(click there ---> Indiana Talks revolution,
 Line-up, Listen Live :: Link/URL
< www.IndianaTalks.com
>   ####(03-2015)*IN ###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

# 55k ac
State, Red Federal Welfare States-101, Conservatives Support
“More Invasive Government”/Laws
; Than Background Checks,
via “The Family Values”/”Personal Responsibility” Party ::
Quoting this article by Stephen D. Foster Jr. – AddictingInfo, {Subscriber Supported} :
1. “The Birth Certificate Obsession...
2. Transvaginal Ultrasounds...
3. Restricting Contraceptives…
4. Drug Testing Welfare Recipients...
5. Opposing Same-Sex Marriage...
6. Religious Discrimination...
7. Attacking The Right To Vote...
8. Getting Between Doctors And Patients...
9. Papers Please...
10. Supporting Torture"
(^^^) "10 Things Conservatives Support That Are MORE Invasive Than Background Checks For Gun Ownership" ~ Stephen D. Foster Jr. – AddictingInfo, {Subscribe}, 01-17-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/01/17/10-things-conservatives-support-that-are-more-invasive-than-background-checks-for-gun-ownership/

>_^_ ”NO MORE NEWTOWNS,” Join America’s Mayors To Demand A Plan To Reduce Gun Violence, SIGN THE PETITION >>campaign of “Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund”
< http://www.demandaplan.org/Newtown-sc/ckg-plc-dsp?gclid=CPSf_pWE8rQCFYs7MgodPFoAqA
>##(01-2013)*STL*ULLG###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Red Federal Welfare States-102, State & Local Taxes, FOX NOOSE LIES: "The Poor Don't Pay Taxes?" ::
Averages for All States: Total State & Local Taxes Imposed on Non Elderly Residents 2010 :: ___(Bar Graph)___
Lowest 20% ...taxed @ 11.1%,
Middle 20% ...taxed  @ 9.4%,
Top 1% ...........taxed @ 5.6%  _____(Table)_____
10 Most Regressive State Tax Systems *WA, *FL, *SD, *IL, *TX, *TN, *AZ, *PA, *IN, *AL; "poorest Americans ...tax rate at the state & local level that is twice as high as the tax rate paid by the wealthiest ...“fundamentally unfair” state tax laws...report from the Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy (ITEP)"
(^^^) "‘Fundamentally Unfair’: How States Tax The Richest 1 Percent At Half The Rate Of The Poor"
~ Travis Waldron - Think Progress Economy,{Subscribe},01-31-13::Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/01/30/1514461/states-tax-rich-half-poor/

>_^_ State Tax, 50 State Tax Policy Access, State Legislation; News Articles; 50 State Drop Down Interactive (click) Map ::
| Home | State Information | Tax Topics | Publications | Press | Donate |
“Informing the Debate Over Tax Policy Nationwide”
~ ITEP - Institute On Taxation & Economic Policy, {IRS 501(c) (3)}
{Subscriber Supported Non-Partisan} / Tax Justice Blog  
:: BB Link/URL
< http://www.itep.org/

 < http://taxjustice.blogspot.com/
>   ####(05-2014)*CWP*DEI*EC*PM*ST###
*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|


State, Red Federal Welfare States-103, Right-To-Work (beg for a raise) States vs. Organized Labor Wage States and Safe Working Conditions in Blue States ::
{“Personal Responsibility” Experts Take Note :  The South Will Rise Again On WELFARE “This Time” …with substantial help from Neo-Con Fundamentalists & Under-populated States w/2 Votes in the U.S. Senate}
(^^^) “Ayn Rand Worshippers Should Face Facts: Blue States Are the Providers, Red States Are the Parasites” ~ Sara Robinson - AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 02-29-12 :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.alternet.org/story/154338/ayn_rand_worshippers_should_face_facts:_blue_states_are_the_providers,_red_state_are_the_parasites >   ####(04-2015)*STR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Red Federal Welfare States-104, “22 Republican (Red) States were net recipients of federal subsidies” ::
{“Personal Responsibility” Experts Take Note : The South Will Rise Again On WELFARE “This Time” …with  substantial help from Neo-Con Fundamentalists & Under-populated States with “2 Filibuster” Votes in the U.S. Senate} :: “Liberal enclaves face an economic crisis, but federally subsidized conservative areas are just as unsustainable”
“The Red state model is (also) broken”
~ Michael Lind - Salon,
{Subscribe}, 10-22-11 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
####(02-2012)*STR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Red Federal Welfare States-105, Federal Income Tax Re-Distribution, Red State, Union Blue State to Right-To-Work, Red State Federal Data By State :: {“Personal Responsibility” Experts Take Note : The South Will Rise Again On WELFARE “This Time” …with substantial help from Neo-Conservative Evangelical Dominionists & Under-populated States with 2 Votes in the U.S. Sen.}
(CLICK “Attached Files” TO SEE ALL States)
:: BB
Link/ URL
####(02-2012)*STR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State, Red Federal Welfare States-106, Revenue, Federal Income Tax Re-Distribution, Red State, Union Blue State to Right-To-Work,
{“Personal Responsibility” Experts Take Note : The South Will Rise Again On WELFARE …“This Time” …with a little help from Neo-Conservative Evangelical Dominionists & Under-populated States with “2 Filibuster” Votes in the U.S. Senate}
“Comparison: Revenue by State to 2010”
###(02-2012)*STR###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

A.L.E.C. INDIANA Libertarian Sock-Puppet School for Red-State Gov’t-Munchausen by proxy
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscriber Supported} ::


FIND CORP’s that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corp’s who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking operations, “by proxy.” ::
“A.L.E.C. Corporations”
(who write & promote “Boutique” Industry Laws)
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} ::
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=ALEC_Corporations

>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter
Link < http: // bit (.) ly/19VvwkC

CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators,
Libertarian Sock-Puppet School for Red-State Gov’t-Munchausen by proxy
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} ::
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/ALEC_Politicians

Indiana State Legislators with ALEC Ties
House of Representatives
IN-HD-16 2014 - Rep. Douglas L. Gutwein (R-16) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-18 2014 - Rep. David Wolkins (R-18) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-21 2014 - Rep. Tim Wesco (R-21) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-23 2014 - Rep. William C. Friend (R-23) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-32 2014 - Rep. P. Eric Turner (R-32) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-33 2014 - Rep. Bill J. Davis (R-33) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-38 2014 - Rep. Heath VanNatter (R-38) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-41 2014 - Rep. Timothy Brown (R-41) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-54 2014 - Rep. Thomas E. Saunders (R-54) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-58 2014 - Rep. C. Woody Burton (R-58) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-65 2014 - Rep. Eric Koch (R-65) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-85 2014 - Rep. Phyllis J. Pond (R-85) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-88 2014 - Rep. Brian Bosma (R-88) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-90 2014 - Rep. Mike Speedy (R-90) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-91 2014 - Rep. Robert Behning (R-91) ALEC MEMBER
IN-HD-93 2014 - Rep. David Frizzell (R-93) ALEC MEMBER
INDIANA Senators with ties to ALEC
IN-SD-01 2014 Sen. Frank Mrvan, Jr. (D-1) ALEC MEMBER
IN-SD-06 2014 Sen. Sue Landske (R-6) ALEC MEMBER
IN-SD-07 2014 Sen. Brandt Hershman (R-7) ALEC MEMBER
IN-SD-12 2014 Sen. Carlin J. Yoder (R-12) ALEC MEMBER
IN-SD-17 2014 Sen. Jim Banks (R-17) ALEC MEMBER
IN-SD-20 2014 Sen. Luke Kenley (R-20) ALEC MEMBER
IN-SD-21 2014 Sen. Jim Buck (R-21) ALEC MEMBER
IN-SD-32 2014 Sen. Pat Miller (R-32) ALEC MEMBER
IN-SD-42 2014 Sen. Jean Leising (R-42) ALEC MEMBER

< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Indiana_ALEC_Politicians 

  ||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||  25

68 RIGHT-WING WOLF PAC’s & WARLORDS   {Alphabetical Listing}
Person P/ Mike Pence – INDIANA Governor (2013 - Now)*****************

America’s Future Foundation
Action Institute for the study of Religion & Liberty
American Legislative Exchange Council
Americans for Limited Government
Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Tax Reform (Grover Norquist - Taxpayer Pledge …to the Uber Rich)
Atlantic Legal Foundation
Bill of Rights Institute
Cato Institute
Center for Security Policy {TOP}
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
Citizens for a Sound Economy
Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Council for National Policy
David H Koch Charitable Foundation
Donors Capital Fund
Donors Trust
Exxon Mobil Corp.
Fred C. & Mary R. Koch Foundation
Free Congress Foundation
George Mason University Foundation
Goldwater Institute
Heritage Action for America
Heritage Foundation
Independence Institute
Independent Women’s Forum
Institute for Justice
Intercollegiate Studies Institute {TOP}
Knowledge and Progress Fund
Koch Industries
Koch Industries annual conference
Leadership Institute
Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation {TOP}
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Mercatus Center
Mont Pelerin Society
Mountain States Legal Foundation {TOP}
National Center for Policy Analysis {TOP}
National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility & Reform
National Taxpayers Union
Pacific Research Institute
Person A/ Dick Armey
Person B/ William Bennett – Frmr POTUS Reagan Ed Secretary (R) *********
Person C/ Thomas A Coburn – U.S. Senator ALABAMA, *AL
Person D/ James W. DeMint – C.E.O. Heritage Foundation,
Former U.S. Senator (R-*SC), SOUTH CAROLINA,
Person J/ Bobby Jindal – LOUISIANA Governor, *LA, 
Person K/ Charles G. Koch
Person K/ David H. Koch
Person K/ Fred C. Koch
Person P/ J. Arthur Pope – (R), NORTH CAROLINA Billionaire, *NC {TOP}
Person P/ Mike Pence – INDIANA Governor (2013 - Now) *****************
Former U.S. Rep. (R-*IN)
Person S/ Antonin Scalia – Supreme Court Justice
Person S/ Richard Mellon Scaife
Person T/ Clarence Thomas – Supreme Court Justice
Person T/ Virginia L. Thomas - Wife of Clarence Thomas (above)
(Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife, Liberty Central)
Person W/ Paul M. Weyrich
Reason Foundation
Republican Study Committee
Roe Foundation
Sarah Scaife Foundation
Searle Freedom Trust
State Policy Network {TOP}
Tax Foundation
William E. Simon Foundation
Young America’s Foundation

Muckety Map, Score 85 for Former IN U.S. Rep & Current IN Gov. ::
“Mike Pence,” Updated 01-16-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.muckety.com/Mike-Pence/1164.muckety

Muckety Map, Score 91 for Purdue Univ. Pres. & Former IN Gov. ::
“Mitchell E. Daniels,” Updated 01-16-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.muckety.com/Mitchell-E-Daniels-Jr/5101.muckety

Former Hudson Institute Conservative Think-Tank C.E.O, Bush Budget "DEPUTY" (down $6.6 trillion and counting), Lilly Drug VP, IN Gov. R.T.W. Mickey "Easy Rider" Daniels, and now Purdue "Privatizer," "Profitizer" and "Outsourcer" In-Chief.  His sole experience in schools is expanding pay-to-play Charters in Indiana.  They devastate the Public Education budget while playing by rules their Corp Profit-Charter Industry makes up on the fly.  Charter's cherry-pick students, and teach the ideology they favor (but many neglect higher level reasoning skills).
The Old Republican Education Meme Was "Local Control."  It's flipped to "Out-of-State Charter Corporate Control."  Amazing what pay-to-play does to your "Family Values."  RUFKM!


Social Conservative Christian-Sharia Politicians disregard the facts that women face bigger health and economic risks by proceeding with pregnancy …even with care, caution, and a support network.  What happens when Mr. “I Love You, Honey” says “WTF, You’re Pregnant!  Whose is it?”  Hoosier Women get a mandatory Ultrasound Probe, a chat with a wind-up talkie Doc, and star in a “Stirrup Movie.”

Vote Smart, Search, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://votesmart.org/bills/IN/2013/38

State-*IN_ Indiana-111, Gov. Mitch “Mickey/EasyRider RentBoy” Daniels (R-*IN), Governors Ideology Causes Him To Spurn $3 Million in Federal Funds For Planned Parenthood Indiana, Daniels Defunding P. P. & Denying Less Fortunate Indiana Residents Of 96% Health & Reproductive Services & 3-4% for Legal Abortions (since 1973)
“Mitch Daniels Cuts Funds To Planned Parenthood”

~ Deanna Martin – HuffPost, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-10-11 :: Link/ URL
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/10/mitch-daniels-planned-parenthood_n_860312.html
>###(06-18-13)*RWR*IN##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State-*IN_ Indiana-112, Gov. Mitch “Mickey/EasyRider RentBoy” Daniels (R-*IN), Indiana Republicans Assault Planned Parenthood;
{Bill was subsequently Signed by Mitch Daniels “to prove his Conservative chops” for a Presidential Run, & Later Thrown Out By Judicial Review… after scoring Political Points for the Extremist Big Government Tea Party & Dominionist Evangelicals} ::
“on a Federal Level P. P. just survived a massive assault, led by Rep. Mike Pence (R-*IN)” (IN Gov, Candidate) & Tea Party House of Reps

“Social Truce Faces Test Over Planned Parenthood Vote”
~ Melissa Jeltsen – TPMMuckraker, {Subscribe}, 04-28-11 :: Link/URL*^*< http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/04/mitch_daniels_social_truce_faces_test_over _defunde.php

>   ####(07-17-12)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State-*IN_ Indiana-300, Education, William Bennett, Former Secretary of Ed- Ronald Reagan Admin 1980’s, Tony Bennett, Indiana School Supt

“Ed organization notes Indiana as hot spot for reform”

~ Maureen Hayden, CNHI Statehouse Bureau, {Subscriber Supported}, 12-13-11 :: Link/URL
< http://heraldbulletin.com/local/x290697984/Education-organization-notes-Indiana-as-hot-spot-for-reform
>   ####(02-10-12)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State-*IN - Indiana-103, Gov. Mitch “Mickey/EasyRider RentBoy” Daniels (R-*IN); Aggressively Defunding Public Education In Indiana ::

/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Radical Religious Based Education On The Rise In Indiana :: Daniels Campaign Donors Include Charter School Buddies ::
“Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels on Thursday signed into law a plan giving Indiana the nation’s most sweeping private school voucher program”

“Daniels signs school voucher (Profitization) bill”
~ AP Modified, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-10-11 :: Link/URL

< http://indiana.onpolitix.com/news/47210/daniels-signs-school-voucher-bill?referrer=wishtv.com
>###(07-17-12)*ED*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>|| Thank You, Todd!

EconomicsZ-Education-101D2, Gov. Mitch “Easy-Rider Rent-Boy” Daniels, Ed Supt. Tony “Crooked & Fired-n-Florida” Bennett, Right Wing Think-Tank Ed Privatization, “Profitization,” Pay-to-Play Fraud & Vouchers ::
"…emails and other documents obtained...show a small group of GOP powerbrokers crafted …education policy that made Indiana a conservative model ...at an Indianapolis steakhouse and …private club." ::

"Edwin Bender, executive director of the National Institute for Money in State Politics, said such processes reduce accountability. 'The public doesn't stand a chance… and the accountability is nonexistent'" ::

"According to the emails, the group was led by Al Hubbard ...adviser to (POTUS 43 George) Bush, and Huston, now a (*IN) state lawmaker. The group tasked Hubbard with reaching out to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for model legislation. Bush's group …drafting education measures in other Republican-led states (including IN)... (Chairman) Huston drew up a draft outline of legislation." ::
[State Rep. Republican Todd Huston was Chairman of the Indiana Charter School Board (Daniels Admin.) that directs and authorizes… Indiana charter schools; District 37 includes part of Hamilton County]
"GOP powerbrokers crafted Indiana education policy, emails show"

~ Associated Press - Indianapolis Business Journal, 09-01-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.ibj.com/gop-powerbrokers-crafted-indiana-education-policy-emails-show/PARAMS/article/43310

>_^_ Todd Huston "Foundation for Excellence in Ed. (funded by Bill Gates)"

The Foundation for Excellence in Education is a 501(c)(3) non-profit... support of the following philanthropies:
Bloomberg, Gates, Broad, Schwab, GE, Kovner, Robertson, Oberndorf, &  Walton Foundations" ::
"Education Reformers ...David Coleman, John Podesta, Tony Bennett, Todd Huston, Mitch Daniels, Condoleeza Rice"
Fort Wayne 912
  :: Link/URL

< http://www.fortwayne912.com/Todd_Huston.html

>_^_ Creationism, Teaching, Indianapolis, Indiana Law

“Indiana Sen. Panel OKs Creationism, Teaching Bill“
~ A. P., Chicago Tribune News, {Subscribe}, 01-26-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-ap-in-xgr-creationismbi,0,593526.story
>  ####(11-18-13)*ECED###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-20666A10, “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative Exchange Council; Conference New Orleans, A.L.E.C. Scholarships ::
Mark Pocan-D Wisconsin State Legislator, Describes the State Legislative Agenda of the (un)-American Legislative Exchange Council & Their State Law Agenda
*WI_ Wisconsin, *FL_ Florida, *IN_ Indiana sham education reform ::
(Libertarian Sock-Puppet School - Red-State Gov’t Munchausen by Proxy)

“A.L.E.C. Conference, New Orleans”
~ U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan - WI Legislator Interview, {ActBlue Account}, via S SWIDTM S, {Subscribe}, on 08-28-11, YouTube, 03:41 min :: Link/URL*^*<

>##(03-17-13)*CWP*ED###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Psychology-0666FU01, Political Ideology, Fascism, FOX Fair-&-Balanced “Noose” Corp, Hanging Democracy since 1993 for Gargoyle Owning Plutocrats/GOP, Republican Right-Wing Propaganda, GOP TV, Gonzo Journalism, Selling Reagan Austerity, Wacky Bush Budget Insanity, FRight and War ::
Click_ Blue_ Links < /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/

“Attack Dogs For Clinton/Lap Dogs For Bush;” Media A.V. Lobotomies: Free… Ultimately by Trans-National Corp’s ad money; Fox Noose Empire, Rupert Murdoch, Fascist Media Telling “The Bigger Lie” as the Mein Kamph play book advises :: DOCUMENTARY

“The truth is whatever people will believe” ~ Roger Ailes News Corp C.E.O.
“OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism”

~ via unclemonte, {Subscribe}, w/former FOX Employees, on 07-11-11, YouTube, 1 hour + 17:41 min :: BB Link/URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFDwdRXCg3I&feature=player_embedded#!
>   ####(06-04-13)*PJ*PSY(PIF)(PMF)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Psychology-0666FU02A, The Dunning-Kruger Effect, Misinformation, Unaware of Incompetence, Empowered By Talking Points, Effects on the Ignorant, “Performing Poorly On A Task …Yet Lacking the Meta-Cognitive Capacity to Properly Evaluate Their Performance” ::
{Sciolism - (pron. Sci’-o-lism) - talking with pretended expertise;
displays of “sham learning” designed to deceive or impress}
"When Ignorance Begets Confidence: The Classic Dunning-Kruger Effect"

~ Daniel R. Hawes & Rachael Grazioplene - Quilted Science,
{Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-10 :: Link/URL
>(01-31-13)*PSY(PIC)(PMF)*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

EconomicsZ-Education-101F, Biblical-Fundamentalism; “The 2001 Supreme Court Decision Good News Club v. Milford Central School effectively required schools to include such clubs in their after school programming;”
Christian Evangelical Fellowship (CFE) - “The aim of the CEF is to convert young children to a fundamentalist for of the Christian faith and recruit their peers to the club;
“100,000 Public School Children, Public Education, Religious Club Recruiting Students And Teaching Genocide In Public Schools To Better Serve god; Saul Killing the Amalekites …Every Man, Women, Child, And Beast They Owned ::
“The Good News Club: The Christian Right’s Stealth Assault on Americas Children” ::  “Thanks to Good News Clubs, evangelicalism in schools is already subverting the separation of church and state.  Now they’re justifying the murder of nonbelievers”
“Are Christian Fundamentalists Teaching Genocide in Our Schools?”
~ Katherine Stewart – AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 05-31-12 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
#* Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

EconomicsZ-Education-101D1, Supreme Court, U.S. Judicial Br., School Vouchers O.K.’ed, 5-4 Decision 06-27-02 ::
Sold as an opportunity for Inner City children to escape under-funded property-tax supported school systems
resulting from Urban Sprawl ::
Poor school systems pay the price of the voucher to Charter or Religious Schools, effectively funding “Cherry Picking” of students by private Charter & Religious Schools and breaking Teachers Unions ::
Former POTUS 40 Reagan’s Ed Secretary William J. Bennett argued for Vouchers 19 yr. ::
Bush campaigned for Vouchers in 2000 (helping the Catholic Vote) ::
“Vouchers to pay for Private or Religious School Tuition”

“The Battleground Shifts”
~ Adam Nagourney - The New York Times –Supreme Court: News Analysis, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-28-02 :: Link/URL
< http://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/28/us/the-supreme-court-news-analysis-the-battleground-shifts.html?ref=williamjbennett
>##(08-04-13)*ECED*UJSC#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

EconomicsZ-Education-100A, GOP Pres. Richard M. Nixon (Republican – 1969-1974, Resigned - Watergate Break In @ Democratic Headquarters, Pardoned by Successor Gerald Ford);
Lewis Powell Memo 1971, Corp’s Control Of America; Powell Suggested That Nixon Dumb-Down Public Education To CONtrol Americans;
Six Months Later Nixon Nominated Powell to Supreme Court, Plot to Hand Power to Corporations :: {Presidents Ronald Reagan-R (Ed. Sec. Bennett) & George “W.” Bush-R DID Dumb Down Public Education}

“The Pencil Warrior: Lewis Powell's Memorandum Was A Blueprint for Corporate Takeover”
~ Dave Wheelock - Common Dreams, {Subscribe}, 02-23-06 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0223-25.htm
>   ####(04-22-13)*CW*ED*JSC*WB(UE37)###*
 #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

EconomicsZ-Education-100B, Voter Exclusion, Bill Bennett Education Secretary, Reagan Opposed the Civil Rights Act & The Voting Rights Act, Disenfranchise Black Voters In Florida, Intimidate FL Black Voters With State Police, Bennett Mused About The Elimination Of Blacks In America, Georgia Poll Tax :: GOP Pres. Ronald Reagan
“Impossible, Ridiculous, Repugnant”
~ Bob Herbert - The New York Times – Opinion, {Subscriber Supported}, 10-04-05 :: Link/URL*^*<
>   ####(05-11-13)*ECED*EF(UE40)(*FL)###*
Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

EconomicsZ-Education-101, “Koch” Qaeda “Bros” Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Chucky-n-Davie, Education Influence ::
Friedman – Chicago School Austerity, Libertarians Sponsor & Fund Univ. Econ. Depts.; Determine Curriculum, Books, & Professors; Ayn Rand Philosophy ::
Florida State ($1.5 Million), George Mason, Clemson, West Virginia ($480 k), Brown ($419 k), Troy ($3.6 Million), Utah State ($700 k), Beloit ($130 k)

“6 Universities With Far-Right Academic Centers Funded by Koch Industries”
~ Lee Fang – AlterNet, via St Petersburg Times & the Tallahallee Democrat, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-12-11 :: Link/URL*^*<
>##(04-30-13)*CWP*ECED#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

EconomicsZ-Education-101A, Education System, Chris Hedges, truthdig
“Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System”
~ truthdig, {Subscriber Supported}, Chris Hedges - Reporter for two decades on wars in Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. His recent books are "Days of Destruction," "Days of Revolt," "Death of the Liberal Class," & "The World as It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress;" 04-11-11::Link/URL*^*<
>  ####(04-30-13)*ECED###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

EconomicsZ-Education-101B, Religion-Creationism, Denial of Evolution is Unique to the United States; Bill Nye the Science Guy has had it with creationism in the United States; Education, Cultural Advancement
"Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children"
~ Bill Nye, via bigthiink, {Subscribe}, 08-23-12, YT/02:32 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHbYJfwFgOU

>_^_ Big History of the Universe; Thresholds; Complexity; Living Organisms
“ David Christian: The history of our world in 18 minutes”
~ TED, {Subscribe}, on 04-11-13, YouTube, 17:41 min :: Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqc9zX04DXs
>###(06-18-13)*ECED*RC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|
EconomicsZ-Education-101C, FOX NOOSE LIES, Psychology, Data, The Republican Brain, Educated Conservatives Deny Global Disaster More Than Non-College Educated :: {when you can be taught to “Cherry Pick” the Bible, any other subject is fair game}
“The Republican Brain: Why Even Educated Conservatives Deny Science and Reality”
~ Chris Mooney - AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 02-22-12 :: BB Link/URL*^*<
>   ####(04-30-13)*ECED*EN*PMF*PSY###*
Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

EconomicsZ-Education-101FU01, “Koch” Qaeda Bros Teahad & Billionaire Cabal Chucky-n-Davie, BSOB’s ::
Public School Teacher Talks Turkey To A.L.E.C. ::

“This Organization has no legal authority to make such policies”
"Speaking Truth to #ALEC"
~ via Sabrina, {Subscribe},
Joy Stevens – Teacher (of the 21st Century), on 12-02-12, YouTube 01:48 min :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=o5WffLmRBNY
>##(04-17-13)*CWP*ECED#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Environment, Energy-Non-Renewable-18666L, Keystone XL Pipeline ::

Lobbying, Gov. Mitch Daniels Spends $66,000 From *IN Taxpayers for XL

“Lobbying Disclosures Reveal Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels Used state dollars To Lobby For Keystone XL Pipeline”
~ Josh Israel & Brad Johnson, ThinkProgress Green, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-25-12 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/green/2012/01/26/411882/lobbying-disclosures-reveal-indiana-gov-mitch-daniels-used-state-dollars-to-lobby-for-keystone-xl-pipeline/
>##(05-14-13)*ENKXL*IN#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State-*IN_ Indiana-108, Gov. Mitch “Mickey/EasyRider RentBoy” Daniels (R-*IN), Election Fraud Legacy, Indiana Republican Secretary of State Charlie White Convicted
“Indiana election chief found guilty of voter fraud”
~ AP, via CBS NEWS,
{Subscriber/Ad Supported}, 02-04-12 :: Link/URL
>   #
###(02-10-12)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Election Fraud-08666A5, Pennsylvania, Salting the State Away For Romney With Voter I.D. Changes ::
State Rep. Mike Turzai ~ “…Pro 2nd Amendment …Abortion Facility Regulation… Voter I.D., which is going to allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, Done.”
"GOP Turzai : Voter ID allows Romney to win
~ via PresidentObama3,
{Subscribe}, 06-26-12, YT/23 seconds :: BB Link/URL

>_^_ *PA, *MI *IN Voter suppression, Voter I.D., No proof of voter fraud ::
2011 20 States have enacted or attempted to enact voter suppression laws.  Half of them passed Voter I.D. Laws.” ::
“Pennsylvania House Republican Mike Turzai…” Voter Suppression ::
Americans For Prosperity, Koch Funded Front Group, absolutely proven to be providing misinformation to voters about when they’re supposed to show up to the poles.”
"Stealing 2012: GOP Voter ID Plot Exposed as *PA House Mike Turzai Lets Fly"

~ Ed Schultz - MSNBC & Guests, via politicalarticles,
{Subscribe}, on 06-27-12, YouTube, 06:37 min :: Link/URL
>   ####(03-26-14)*EF###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|


Jobs-Labor-0666A1FU4X, T.P.P. Austerity, TPP - Trans-Pacific Partnership; Described as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) on Steroids, 10 Times Broader, Off-Shoring Jobs to Countries w/Wage of $00.22/hr ::

1.  Top Secret Trade Agreement, U.S. Free-Trade Treasury-Raid like NAFTA;
2.  Overturns all existing U.S. Laws – City, County, State, & Federal;
3.  26 Chapters in T.P.P. with only 2 Chapters on “Actual” Trade;

4.  24 Chapters overturn food safety, foreign investment, aesthetic, land-use, environmental & zoning limits on Foreign Profit-Charter Corp exploits;
5.  Subjects “Partner Countries” to International “Corporate Tribunals” for sanctions & fines (Multi-Million $$) for violations of  “T.P.P. Trade” Laws;
6.  Fines to be paid out of U.S. Treasury to Nations & Multinational Corp’s for damages, including “future” domestic profits prevented by U.S. laws;
7.  This permanent agreement (not modifiable) is Backdoor Colonialism;
8.  Written by 600 Corporate C.E.O.’s, Lobbyists, & Lawyers in Secret;
Minimal public input & Americans can’t even get official copies of TPP;

10.  22 Senators who’ve seen TPP are sworn to secrecy; Name/Web below;
11.  TPP was started in 2008 by POTUS George W. Bush-R (2001-2008);
12. Bishop Willard “Mitt” Romney insisted that TPP be passed w/o delay;
13.  U.S. worker bargaining agreements, rights or safety reg’s do not apply;
T.P.P. involves the U.S. & 8 Pacific Rim Countries including:  Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, U.S, & Vietnam - though Japan & Canada may join as well (It Can be expanded to include China & others);

15.  T.P.P. will control 40% of world trade for Profit-Charter Psychopaths;
16.  Requires 67 votes in U.S. Senate (virtual millionaire club) &POTUS 44*
*Notes from 06-14-12 Bill Press Radio Show 5a-8a C.T., Wcpt 820am Talk Chicago Streaming & Democracy Now, 06-06-13, Video below

"Breaking ’08 Pledge, Leaked Trade Doc Shows Obama Wants to Help Corporations Avoid Regulations"
~ Juan Gonzalez - DemocracyNow, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-13, Video, 13:00 min :: Link URL

>_^_ Wikileaks released a TPP Chapter (1 of 26) covering “Intellectual Property …for all 12 nations with negotiating positions” ::
POTUS Obama Is Quiet On T.P.P.; U.S. is pushing the toughest regulations::

“If instituted, the TPP’s [Intellectual Property] regime would trampled over individual rights and free expression, as well as ride roughshod over the intellectual and creative commons.  If you read, write, publish, think, listen, dance, sing or invent; if you farm or consume food; if you’re ill now or might be one day be ill, the TPP has you in its crosshairs.“
~ Julian Assange, Wikileaks – Asylum in Ecuadorian Embassy, London, UK ::
“It puts the rights of profit-driven businesses over the rights of human beings, and the governments we form to protect ourselves.”

“TPP – Wikileaks has released another bombshell”

~ Thom Hartmann – Radio M-F 2-5 pm/am C.T. Streaming Wcpt 820 Chicago & Mike Papantonio - Ring of Fire Radio Sunday 5-8 pm C.T.; via The Big Picture RT, {Both Shows Podcast Subscriber Supported}, on 11-14-13, YouTube, 10:50 min :: Link/URL
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPIsjH25GHo

>_^_ “RE: Public Interest Analysis of Leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Investment Text”

~ FR: Lori Wallach and Todd Tucker, Public Citizens Global Trade Watch, {Subscriber Supported}, 06-13-12 :: Link/URL
< http://www.citizen.org/documents/Leaked-TPP-Investment-Analysis.pdf

>_^_ CITIZENS TRADE CAMPAIGN “leaked” this 26 Chapter Trade Document & made it available to the public (Link Found Below) :: Link/URL

Trade DOCUMENT Exposed, Adobe PDF_Download :: Link/URL
< http://tinyurl.com/tppinvestment

>_^_ U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
MAJORITY PARTY Chairman John D. Rockefeller IV (Blue Dog Corp D-*WV) Sen. Barbara Boxer ( D-*CA);  Sen. Bill Nelson (D-*FL);
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-*WA);  Sen. Mark Pryor (Blue Dog Corp D-*AR);
Sen. Claire McCaskill (B. Dog Corp D-*MO);  Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-*MN);
Sen. Mark Warner (D-*VA);  Sen. Mark Begich (D-*AL);
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-*CT);  Sen. Brian Schatz (D-*HI)
:: Link/URL
< http://www.commerce.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=Majority

MINORITY PARTY Ranking Member Sen. John Thune (R-*SD);
Sen. Roger Whicker (R-*MS);  Sen. Roy Blunt (R-*MO);
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-*FL);  Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-*NH);
Sen. Dean Heller (R-*NV);

Sen. Dan Coats (R-*IN);||<>#<>#<>#<>#<>||
Sen. Tim Scott (R-*SC);  Sen. Ted Cruz (R-*TX);
Sen. Deb Fischer (R-*NE);  Sen. Ron Johnson (R-*WI)
:: Link/URL

< http://www.commerce.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=Minority

>_^_ Contact_The White House_ :: Link/URL

< http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/write-or-call#write

>_^_ Whistleblower, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-*OR) was Denied Access to this U.S. Trade Pact; Support Sen. Wyden’s Effort :: Link/URL

< http://www.wyden.senate.gov/contact/

>_^_ Bush Appointee, U.S. Trade Representative RON KIRK, (a 4.5 year Obama Administration Official), stepped down to be replaced in mid-2013 by Multi-Millionaire Mike Froman.  Ron Kirk denied SENATOR RON WIDEN access to this “Fly By Night” 1% Oligarch Enriching Trade Pact;

Contact U.S. Trade Rep. Mike Froman’s U.S. Govt. Office :: Link/URL
< http://www.ustr.gov/about-us/contact-us

>_^_ Multi- Millionaire U.S. Trade Representative Mike Froman, (who has a Tax Haven Caribbean Bank Account), was previously “Assistant to the POTUS” 44, Barack Obama. Contact Mike Froman’s U.S. Govt. Office;

Multi-Billionaire Chicagoan Penny Pritzker of the Hyatt Hotel Fortune was “confirmed” as U.S. Commerce Secretary.  Pritzker recruited big money millionaire and billionaire donors to back *IL Senator Barack Obama’s candidacy after serving 1.5 years.
“Obama rounds out economic team with commerce, trade picks”
~ (Reuters) - Jeff Mason & Doug Palmer, via WKZO, 05-02-13 :: Link/URL
< http://wkzo.com/news/articles/2013/may/02/obama-taps-froman-as-trade-representative-white-house-official/

>_^_ Biography Notes: U.S. Trade Representative “Mike Froman”
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL

< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Froman

>_^_ Biography Notes: U.S. Commerce Secretary “Penny Pritzker”
~ Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL

< http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny_Pritzker


(1) “Dracula Strategy” - Drag the Obama Administrations U.S. Trade Representative Mike Froman & T.P.P. Trade “Baby” into the sunshine and expose the big secret of overturning U.S. Laws and Installing International Corp’s Tribunals as our lords and masters;
(2) Write a letter to your Congressman protesting the Stealth, Secrecy and Lack of Public Input;
(3) Sign on to “National Letter To The White House” ::
69 U.S. Congressmen wrote President Obama voicing concerns about TPP limiting “Buy American” Government Procurement procedures (thus undermining the economic recovery and creating a greater trade imbalance); The Letter :: Link/URL*^*< http://www.kslaw.com/library/publication/CongressionalLetter050312.pdf

>_^_ U.S. Congress Progressive Caucus ”Budget4All” Contact :: Link/URL

< http://cpc.grijalva.house.gov/

(4) Bill Press … White House Press Corps Member - will ask President Obama’s Press Secretary Jay Carney @ White House Morning Briefing to bring this trade agreement to the attention of the American people ::

Daily Briefing – Office of the Press Secretary – Jay Carney :: Link/URL
< http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/11/07/press-briefing-press-secretary-jay-carney

>_^_ Democracy Now News, Free Podcast of 06-06-13 Segment ::
1.)  Patriot Act
Section 215, Surveillance of U.S. Citizens-Verizon Corp-Domestic & Foreign Spying, Thomas Drake
2.)  T.P.P. Trans-Pacific Partnership “Top Secret Trade Agreement” to be signed by the U.S. Senate in 2013 (Corporate Control of Government)
3.)  Civil Rights Martyr Medgar Evers remembered on the 50 year anniversary of his death
“Democracy Now”
~ Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez - DemocracyNow, {Podcast Subscriber Supported}, 06-06-13, Video, 59:00 min :: Link URL

>_^_ DemocracyNow | Home | Stations  | Past Shows | Topics | Blog |

____|Get Involved | Events | Espanol |About | :: Link/URL
< http://www.democracynow.org/
>   ####(08-05-13)*CW*CWP*JL###*
>#(06-02-13)*JL*(ECSSN)#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State-*IN_ Indiana-101, Gov. Mitch “Mickey EasyRider RentBoy” Daniels (R-*IN), becomes 12th President of Purdue University January 2013; Marilyn Haring, Dean of Education 1991 to 2001 Withdrew Plans To Place $1 Million Gift to the College; Citing Daniels’ Troubling Policy Decisions as Indiana Governor Relating To Labor & Education Funding
“Purdue’s pick of Mitch Daniels costs $1 million gift”
~ Eric Weddle – Lafayette Journal & Courier,
{Subscriber Supported}, 06-29-12 :: Link/URL*^*<
>   ####(06-29-12)*IN##
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State-*IN_ Indiana-107, Gov. Mitch “Mickey/EasyRider RentBoy” Daniels (R-*IN), Pres. George ”W.” Bush Budget (Disaster) Director Mitch Daniels, Experienced Privatizer-In-Chief, War On A Credit Card

“Mitch Daniels says he can beat Obama in 2012”
~ Reuters, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-10-11 :: Link/URL
< http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/10/us-usa-campaign-daniels-idUSTRE7496DB20110510
>   ####(07-07-12)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

A.L.E.C. INDIANA Libertarian Sock-Puppet School for Red-State Gov’t-Munchausen by proxy “ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties")
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL


that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corp’s who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking operations, “by proxy.” ::
“A.L.E.C. Corporations”
(who write & promote “Boutique” Industry Laws)
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=ALEC_Corporations

>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter
Link < http: // bit (.) ly/19VvwkC

to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators,
Libertarian Sock-Puppet School for Red-State Gov’t-Munchausen by proxy
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscriber Supported} :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/ALEC_Politicians

>_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter
Link < http: // bit (.) ly/OnXVMP



Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666G01, Hedge Fund C.E.O. Pete Peterson’s “Fix The Debt” – an attempt to “Break-Fix” the Federal Government,

Democracy & Civilization; Peter G. Peterson Foundation ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/

23 State FIX-the-Debt (Billionaire Funded) Astroturf Chapters include:
*AZ – Arizona; *CO – Colorado; *FL – Florida;
*GA – Georgia; *IN – Indiana; *IA – Iowa;
*LA – Louisiana; *ME – Maine; *MD – Maryland;
*MI – Michigan; *MN – Minnesota; *MO – Missouri;
*NH – New Hampshire; *NC – North Carolina; *OH – Ohio;
*PA – Pennsylvania; *SC – South Carolina; *TN – Tennessee;
*TX – Texas; *UT – Utah; *VA – Virginia;
*WA – Washington; *WI – Wisconsin
Corp Wolf PAC Sponsors:
Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund, General Electric Conglomerate,
Honeywell Electronics, Verizon Communications, Boeing Air & Defense,
JP Morgan Chase Bank, Owens Corning Glass, Bank of America,
 AT&T Communications, Delta Faucet, Microsoft Computer, Merck Drug,
Morgan Stanley Bank, State Farm Insurance,
(Mitt Romney’s) Bain Capital, Yahoo Communications, Dow Chemical,
Aetna Insurance, Duke Energy
"Wall Street billionaire Pete Peterson is scheming to ‘Fix the Debt,’ but if he wins, we lose. ...more at our new SourceWatch resource: PetersonPyramid(.)org File: FixTheDebtFlat(.)png”

~ SourceWatch – {Subscriber Supported}, Outing Right-Wing Nut Job Activity
:: Link/URL

< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/File:FixTheDebtFlat.png
>##(07-19-13)*CWP*DEI##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State-*IN_ Indiana-110, Gov. Mitch “Mickey/EasyRider RentBoy” Daniels (R-*IN), Stand Your Ground Law, Extended Against Police Officers Breaking Down The Door Or Entering A Mistaken Address From A 911 Call ::
“Republicans in Indiana are taking self-defense a bit too far.”
“Indiana House Approves Bill That Allows Homeowners To Kill Police Officers”
~ Stephen D. Foster Jr. – Addicting Info, {Subscribe}, 03-02-12 :: Link/URL

< http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/03/02/indiana-house-approves-bill-that-allows-homeowners-to-kill-police-officers/
>   ####(08-16-13)*IN###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Corp Wolf P.A.C. Warlord-0666HELBOYS-1386FU Walmart Welfare Queens-06, Law-Gun, 23 Stand Your Ground States;
*AL, *AZ, *FL, *GA, *ID, *IL, *IN^, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MI, *MS, *MT, *NV, *NC, *OK, *OR, *SC^, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *WA, *WV^
(^ No Duty To Retreat from a confrontation); Corp Wall Street Deregulation; In 2004, the Ban on Assault Weapon Sales to the Public was Lifted by Republicans and BlueDogs serving A.L.E.C., the N.R.A/National Rifle Association owned by Gun Manuf’ers, and the Biggest Gun Retailer, Walmart ::
A.L.E.C. works for all of them to pass State Laws favoring Big Corp’s & Special Interest Groups :: Wayne LaPierre – NRA - C.E.O. – Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassins :: Gun Manuf’ng Lobby, NRA, Corp Wolf P.A.C. gun industry profits, pistol-whipping legislators ::
[Walmart Store social safety net subsidy to workers, figured by the Congressional Budget Office for health care and food stamps, amounts to $1.7 Million/Store/Year.  This anti-union anti-living wage Walton family has over 100 Billion Dollars = 100 x 1000 x $1 Million in 2013.]
“23 States with ‘Stand Your Ground’ Gun Laws like Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free”
~ Cora Currier-ProPublica, via Alternet,{Subscribe},03-25-12::Link/URL*^*<

http://www.alternet.org/story/154683/23_states_with_%22stand_your_ground%22 _gun_laws_like_the_one_that_let_trayvon_martin%27s_killer_go_free/?page=entire
>##(03-20-13)*CWP2*ULG#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|


U.S. Legislative Br.-(R) Congress, Class Warfare-101A, Senate Disaster Hypocrites in *AL, *AR, *AZ,* *FL, *GA, *GA, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KS, *KY, *KY, *MO, *NC, *NE, *NH, *OH, *OK, *OK, *PA, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *UT, *WI, *WY, *WY
"31 Senate Republicans Opposed Sandy Relief After Supporting Disaster Aid For Home States" ::

~ Josh Israel -- ThinkProgress Economy, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/01/29/1510041/sandy-aid-republican-hypocrites/

>_^_ U.S. House Hypocrites: *AL, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *GA, *GA, *GA, *IL, *IN, *IN, *KS, *KS, *MD, *MI, *MO, *MS, *NC, *NM, *OH, *OH, *SC, *SC, *TN, *TN, *TN, *TN, *TX, *TX, *TX, *TX, *TX, *TX, *VA, *WI, *WI, *WI, *WI ::

U.S. Representatives From These States Requested Disaster Relief But Voted Against Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief
"37 Congressional Republicans Opposed Sandy Relief After Supporting Disaster Aid For Home States"
~ Josh Israel -- ThinkProgress Economy,
{Subscribe},  01-07-13 :: Link/URL

< http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/01/07/1407641/37-congressional-republicans-opposed-sandy-relief-after-supporting-disaster-aid-for-home-states/
>   ####(04-03-14)*ULC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-2010_HEALTH CARE-PRIVATE INS-02B, Republican Shutdown & Pending U.S. Government Collapse on the Debt Ceiling Impasse & Attempt to Kill ACA 2010/ObamaCare ::
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links <
/\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
LiberTeaAyriAyns demand the enactment of the entire RNC - Republican National Convention Platform.  The GO Pee's 1% Corp C.E.O., Board, & Oligarch handlers hate “thrifty not-for-profit government,” as well as it's "regulation" authority; and they're dedicated to “break-fixing” government. 
The Steps include: Demonize big-government, Cut taxes on the Rich and Corp’s, “Break” the underfunded services and infrastructure, then privatize/"profitize to “fix” the problem they themselves created through neglect or by deliberate design.  It's a "salvage" process wherein the rich “part-out” and “buy up” government infrastructure, services, and real estate for cents on the dollar to convert public assets to profit-carter private enterprises.
 The 1% "sell" themselves as "Living" Job-Creator-god "Saviors" by Dolt-Whispering to people (through media and politicians) who have subjected themselves to clinical Paranoid Schizophrenia by deity originated blind-belief, or primitive tribal clan-ism.
Budget Talk/Debt Ceiling GOP Demands (the whole RNC Platform) from “Think Progress” Begin Quote"
01.  A balanced budget amendment;
02.  Approving Keystone XL;
03.  Eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood;
04.  Medicare privatization;
05.  Tax reform, as outlined by Paul Ryan;
06. The REINS Act, which would require;
07.  Congress to approve significant federal regulations;
08.  Means-testing Social Security;
09.  Defunding Obamacare;
10.  Allowing employers to eliminate insurance coverage for birth control;
11.  An expansion of off-shore drilling;
12.  Preserving all the Bush tax cuts “Trillions” in budget cuts;
13.  Slashing funding for food stamps;
14.  Protecting mountaintop strip mining;
15.  Stripping the EPA of authority to regulate greenhouse gases;
16.  Loosening regulation on coal ash;
17.  Delaying Obamacare implementation by one year;
18.  Repealing a tax on medical devices;
19.  Eliminating Social Service Block Grants;
20.  Expanding drilling on federal lands;
21.  Restricting the child tax credit." End Quote
"The 21 Things The GOP Wants In Exchange For Not Shutting Us Down"
~ Tiffany Willis in Economy, Republican Watch,  Liberal America, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-30-13 :: Link/URL
< http://www.liberalamerica.org/2013/09/30/21-things-gop-wants-exchange-shutting-us/

>_^_ "21 Things Republicans Have Demanded In Exchange For Not Shutting Down The Government Or Tanking The Global Economy"
~ Judd Legum - Think Progress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 09-30-13 :: Link/URL
< http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/09/30/2699221/21-things-republicans-demanded-shutdown-default/
>   ##
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Economics-Budget-Social Safety Net-088_S.N.A.P. Fed & St. Food Assist-01,
/\/Click_ Blue_ Links < /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/
Nutrition Assist Program; It’s “Survival Food” to 50 million U.s Veterans, Children, Seniors, Orphaned, Disabled Americans; 1/6 (in 2013) qualify for a monthly debit to the recipients E.B.T. Card (Electronic Benefits Transfer); 16 % seniors, 17 % disabled, 42% working poor ::
Meet the 217 Republican U.S. Rep’s who voted to cut S.N.A.P. by $40 BILLION over 10 years; Names & House Votes to remember in 2014, etc.
IN_ Jackie Walorski (R-IN); __ IN_ Larry Bucshon (R-IN);
IN_ Luke Messer (R-IN); __ IN_ Marlin *STUTZMAN*(R-IN);
IN_ Susan W. Brooks (R-IN); __ IN_ Todd Rokita (R-IN);
IN_ Todd Young (R-IN);
"Republicans in the House of Rep’s voted to push through a plan to slash nearly $40 billion from the food stamp program" ::
"The plan passed narrowly, 217-210 …15 Republicans joined w/Democrats against the plan."
"Meet the Republicans Who Voted to Slash $40 Billion from the Food Stamps Program"
~ God's Politics, a blog by Jim Wallis & friends - Sojourners, Faith in Action for Social Justice, {Subscriber Supported}, 09-20-13 :: Link/URL
< http://sojo.net/blogs/2013/09/20/meet-republicans-who-voted-slash-40-billion-food-stamps-program
>   ####(09-30-13)*ECSSNF(ULRRPR)###*(7,852 ac posts as “comment”)
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|


Lifetime Contributions to 44 Senators from Oil and Gas Industry(Oil Congress)

*AK_ Lisa Murkowski – R/I;
*AL_ Jeff Sessions – R; *AL_ Richard Shelby – R;
*AR_ John Boozmen – R;
*AZ_ John Kyle – R (Ret.); *AZ_ John McCain – R;
*FL_ Marco Rubio – R;
*GA_ Johnny Isakson – R; *GA_ Saxby Chambliss – R;
*IA_ Chuck Grassley – R;
*ID_ James Risch – R; *ID_ Mike Crapo – R;
*IN_ Dan Coats – R; *IN_ Richard Lugar – R (Ret.);
*KS_ Jerry Moran – R; *KS_ Pat Roberts – R;
*KY_ Mitch McConnell – R; *KY_ Rand Paul – R;
*LA_ David Vitter – R;
*MO_ Roy Blunt – R;
*MS_ Roger Wicker – R; *MS_ Thad Cochran – R;
*NC_ Richard Burr – R;
*ND_ John Hoeven – R;
*NE_ Mike Johanns – R;
*NH_ Kelly Ayotte – R;
*NV_ Dean Heller – R;
*OH_ Rob Portman – R;
*OK_ James Inhofe – R; *OK_ Tom Coburn – R;
*PA_ Pat Toomey –R;
*SC_ James DeMint – R (Ret.); *SC_ Lindsey Graham – R;
*SD_ John Thune – R;
*TN_ Bob Corker – R; *TN_ Lamar Alexander – R;
*TX_ John Cornyn – R; *TX_ Kay Bailey Hutchinson – R (Ret.)/Ted Cruz - R;
*UT_ Mike Lee – R; *UT_ Orin Hatch –R;
*WI_ Ron Johnson – R;
*WV_ Joe Manchin – D;
*WY_ John Barrasso – R; *WY_ Mike Enzi – R;
U.S. Legislative Br.-(R) Senator Mitch McConnell-08666C, (Republican U.S. Senate Minority Leader 2006-2012 – Kentucky, *KY), Votes 100% For Big-Oil Corps; All GOP Senators & A Couple Blue Dogs; 44 Senators on Oil Mafia Payroll, Tar Sands, Keystone XL Approval Amendments inserted repeatedly into numerous “Unrelated Bills without E.P.A. Environmental Impact Study, just an Oil Industry Funded “Study” ::
Shale Gas, Hydraulic Fracking, Poisonous Stew of Chemicals Injected Into Bedrock, Toxic Sludge Blasted into Groundwater ::
{“44 Senators Behind Keystone Bill Took $22.3 Million In Campaign Cash Form Big Oil” ~ Adam Smith, Public Campaign Action Fund, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-30-12}
"Keystone pipeline bill gets 44 senators’ approval"
~ Darren Goode - PoliticoPro, {Subscribe}, 01-30-12 :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/72148.html
>_^_"The Keystone XL Pipeline"/"The Trouble with Tar Sands"
"Tar Sands: A Costly Consideration"
~ USCAN Climate Action Network, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.usclimatenetwork.org/tar-sands
>   ####(05-14-13)*ENKXL*ULRSMM*(*KY)###*
#*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

State Legislators: Governor, Administrators, Senators, Reps, Assemblymen;
Norquist Pledge Signers  on 01-23-13; 1,035 Legislators, 14 Governors ::
(Rich)Americans For Tax Reform :: Link/URL*^*< 

>_^_ bitly shorter :: Link/URL< http://bit.ly/15J75uM

Congress: U.S. House Reps & U.S. Senators;
NORQUIST (GROVER) PLEDGE: 113th U.S. Congress Pledge’s ::
Norquist Pledge Signers: 258/535 Congress (48%) =
219 House Reps. (238 on 08-10-12) & 39 Senators (41 on 08-10-12), 12-10-12,
(Rich)Americans For Tax Reform
:: Link/URL
< http://s3.amazonaws.com/atrfiles/files/files/121012-113thCongress.pdf

ActBlue Directory

Class Warfare-107B, Class Warfare, Election Fraud, POTUS 40 Reagan, POTUS 41 George H.W. Bush, POTUS 43 George W. Bush, Karl Rove ::
Strategist Lee Atwater Describes the Rhetorical Nuances of Racist Republican "Dog-Whistle" Politics of His "Southern Strategy" to elect GOP candidates; Ran the POTUS 40 Reagan Campaign; The Strategy and Interference in Iran Hostage Crisis won him the election  ::
"Lee Atwater secured the elections of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, mentored Karl Rove and George W. Bush, and made the GOP a Southern party, transforming the way media covers elections as the godfather of modern negative campaigning." ~ warnervod, YouTube
"here's how I would quote ...you say stuff like...uh forced-busing, states' rights, and all that stuff, and you getting so abstract now you're talking about cutting taxes, and all of these thing you talking about are totally economic things & the byproduct of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites.
...that abstract and that coded ...we're doing away with the racial problem one way or the other...uh you follow me? ...we want to cut taxes, ...is much more abstract than even the busing thing. ...any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner." ~ (Atwater’s words) CultOfMilitarism
"Lee Atwater's 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy"

~ via CultOfMilitarism, {Subscribe}, 11-16-12, YouTube, 01:39 min :: Link/URL
"MSNBC: Stefan Forbes discusses Boogie Man on Morning Joe"

~ via InterPositive, {Subscribe}, 03-12-10, YouTube, 04:22 min :: Link/URL
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 1"

~ via tim13a, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YouTube, 07:30 min :: Link/URL
"'Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story' discussion, Part 2"

~ via tim13a, {Subscribe}, 11-06-08, YouTube, 09:15 min :: Link/URL
>   ####(03-21-14)*CW*CWP*EF*WB(UE40)(UE41)(UE43)###*
Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Economics-086K, Taxes On The Rich Dropped, GOP Corruption, Jude Wanniski, Republican Strategist, Two Santa Clause Strategy 1974 (Republican Presidents give Tax Cuts to the Rich, Run Up Debt, Deficits, & GOP; Blames Democratic Presidents When Democrats Take the Whitehouse …repeat a lie often enough & voters won’t remember);
Supply Side Economics (enrich Job Creators-(gods) & wait for their spending to stimulate the economy …but they’re prolific hoarders), 1976, Republican Strategy To Give Power To The Rich & Corporations
“Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years”
~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, via Common Dreams, {Subscriber Supported},  01-26-09 :: Link/URL
< http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/01/26-0
>(08-31-13)*ECT*WB(UE40)Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B|

Whistleblower-0666POTUS40-RR09, Corp Spokesmodel REAGAN, Jude WANNISKI, 32 Years of Supply Side Economics, Voodoo Economics, Trickle Down Economics, Reaganomics, Laissez-faire Economics, Presidents Reagan Through Obama ‘09, Reagan Raised Taxes 11 TIMES :: “Supply Siders Raised The Debt 20/20 Years” ::  U.S. Executive Br. (40, R) Pres. Ronald Reagan

“What They Won’t Tell You about the National Debt”
~ via sstoft, {Subscribe}, on 10-19-10, YouTube, 04:15 min :: BB Link/URL
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1bZ-TiX8rA

>_^_ TABLE: National Debt x Presidential Term, 1945 - 2009:: Link/URL*^* http://indiedesign.typepad.com/2010_images/ipd_2010/graphs_charts/national-debt-by-presidential-tenure.png

>_^_ LINE GRAPH: National Debt Compared to G.D.P. - Gross Domestic Product U.S., President By President, 1940 – 2007+
“The national Debt as a Percent of Gross Domestic Product”
~ zFacts.com, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/National-Debt-GDP-L.gif

>_^_ LINE GRAPH: U.S. National Debt by President as Percentage of G.D.P. – 1929 to 09-30-12, Republican Debt vs. Democrat Debt Comparison
“Budget Line Graph 1929 to 2012”
~ zfacts.com, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://zfacts.com/p/318.html

>_^_ LINE GRAPH & TABLE: Reagan-Bush 1-Bush 2 National Debt, One Party’s Presidents Accrued $12 Trillion in the past 31 Years
“Complete Proof of the $12 Trillion GOP Debt”
~ zfacts.com, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL
< http://zfacts.com/p/1170.html

>_^_ LINE GRAPH Categories w/Shading: Pres. George “W.” Bush I, Cheney Deficits, Origins Of U.S. Fiscal Trajectory; Problem From George W. Bush-Era Policies; Tax Cuts To Rich & Wars In Iraq & Afghanistan Left Treasury Poised For A Huge Hit When The Financial Crisis & Economic Downturn ‘08 Further Eroded Fed Revenues”
“CHART: Bush Policies Dominant Cause Of National Debt”
~ Brian Beutler – TPMDC, {Subscriber Supported}, 05-25-11 :: Link/URL
< http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/05/chart-bush-policies-dominant-cause-of-debt.php

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