~ Muckety, {Subscribe/Donate} 10-10-14 _**
“MUCKETY” (Diagrams Links: PAC’S, Think-Tanks & Politicians)
(“M” Search: Shows ties btwn R-Wing Fascists & Corp’s who control Pol’s)
~ M. {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} _**
[017] Koch Tea Party Brother’s: Libertarian psychopaths lead the USA deep state billionaire’s cabal (Word Press Link-Share Blog) https://goo.gl/iGKklB
[017] Koch Tea Party Brother’s: Libertarian psychopaths lead the USA deep state billionaire’s cabal
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[017] Koch Tea Party Brother’s: Libertarian psychopaths lead the USA deep state billionaire’s cabal (Word Press Link-Share Blog) https://goo.gl/iGKklB
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♣ Google blog: better “Link Activation” W.P. blog ↑|Updated: 07-02-17
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[017] Koch Tea Party Brother’s: Libertarian psychopaths lead the USA deep state billionaire’s cabal (a Google Link-Share Blog) zzzz
111.3K ac/59Pages/220Links
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-200|“Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
"Charles and David Koch's father Fred Koch made his money with an oil cracking process in Nazi Germany during the war. When he moved his company to Russia, Stalin seized his assets creating a lifelong hatred of anything Fred considered ‘socialist.’ When he returned to America, Fred brought with him Fascist ideals and his hatred of socialism (Neo-Communists in particular).
Fred Koch and 11 of his friends founded the racist John Birch Society, whose stated aims were to end every social program in America that kept ordinary Americans from dying destitute in the street. Birchers aimed to end Social Security, Medicare, Public Education, Unions, the EPA and Unemployment Insurance, overthrow our Democracy and replace it with Mussolini's brand of Corporatism ….which you can call by its real name, Fascism.
When the Birchers went too far in the 50's by accusing Dwight D. Eisenhower, the last great Republican President of being a Communist plant, William F. Buckley kicked the JBS out of the Conservative movement and forbid any member from publishing articles in the National Review. This effectively barred them from Mainstream Conservative politics. It probably didn't help their cause that the military banned card-carrying Birchers from obtaining a security clearance in the military.
When Charles and David Koch took over Koch Industries, they became as rabidly rightwing fascist as their dad. Though both refuse to say, you can bet they are both card-carrying Birchers. They founded the CATO Institute to spread rightwing propaganda and ALEC to finance hand-picked candidates for office, hook them up with corporate lobbyists who then write the legislation they want presented by their bought and paid representatives at the next session of the legislature.
The Tea Party is the result of this effort by the Koch’s and we saw the power the Koch’s now wield in the number of Tea Party candidates elected in the midterms (2010)." ~ (Thank You) Pat_ K.
Koch Industries business activity includes: oil, chemicals, mining, timber, paper, cattle, meat, and slaughtering government for profit. Worth $50 billion each, they own Kansas, Wisconsin, Indiana and the whole Teahad Confederacy outright. Silver sperm babies, Chucky & Davie, inherited significant wealth from daddie Fred, (who made his fortune exploiting Russian oil resources for Totalitarian Mass Murder Joseph Stalin). Cash-Daddie also put up posters (in Dallas, TX) calling for the death of J.F.K. in 1961 along with fellow 1% psychopath J.B. Hunt. Fred Co-Founded the fascist and racist John Birch Society.
The 2 rotten sibling psychopaths “didn’t fall far from the tree.” Chucky and Davie sponsor a plethora of far-right-wing Political Action Committees - P.A.C.’s, Think Tanks, the Koch Tea Party and Fox Newes-For-Ewes. The Koch’s own a Hedge Fund that speculates in the same commodities they sell, in order to drive up the price, (an outcome of Republican Bill and Law Gramm-Leach-Bliley Commodities “Modernization” Act of 2000 …which deregulated Big Banks, combining real estate mortgage banks and speculative investment banks in the Wall Street Casino). The Kochs park oil in tankers, filled at lower prices, until the price fluctuates to the up side (because of speculation).
Davie & Chucky each cleared $5 Billion in ’09, the bottom of the U.S. Recession. They sponsor Bi-Annual Libertarian Millionaire Billionaire King-Meetings to organize wealth against the lower classes, government, taxation, and regulation. This cabal or coalition buys US Legislators and Judges Outright. @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFPhq @FreedomWorks
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-201| KOCHSWAMP: TRUMP TRANSITION
(Min 22:25) EPA Climate Change Scientist Purge Attempt
"Why Trump's Win is Koch Coup of Our Democracy"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture RT_com, {Subscribe}, 12-15-16, YT, 27:53 _
< https://goo.gl/KFlggc
LIAR BILLIONAIRE: Propaganda & Grievance Industry: Buying Politicians @NCSLorg
”Charles Koch Puzzled Everyone Hates Him” @SenateGOP @HouseGOP
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Subscribe}, 11-03-15, YT, 17:24 _ @GOP @HouseFloor
@Koch_Industries @MSNBC @CKinstitute @AFP < https://goo.gl/Pn3kX9
@PRyan @SenateMajLdr @SenateFloor @freedomcaucus @CSGovts
”Koch Bros Tried To Shut Up Maddow, Bad Idea” @KyleKulinski
~ Secular Talk, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-06-14, YT, 6:58 https://goo.gl/dF00xK
[027] Election Fraud: Koch Crosscheck, A.L.E.C. Voter ID, Gerrymandering & E.V. Machine Hacks https://goo.gl/wp3fLD
>###(01-17)*FK*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(Min 22:25) EPA Climate Change Scientist Purge Attempt
"Why Trump's Win is Koch Coup of Our Democracy"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture RT_com, {Subscribe}, 12-15-16, YT, 27:53 _
< https://goo.gl/KFlggc
LIAR BILLIONAIRE: Propaganda & Grievance Industry: Buying Politicians @NCSLorg
”Charles Koch Puzzled Everyone Hates Him” @SenateGOP @HouseGOP
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Subscribe}, 11-03-15, YT, 17:24 _ @GOP @HouseFloor
@Koch_Industries @MSNBC @CKinstitute @AFP < https://goo.gl/Pn3kX9
@PRyan @SenateMajLdr @SenateFloor @freedomcaucus @CSGovts
”Koch Bros Tried To Shut Up Maddow, Bad Idea” @KyleKulinski
~ Secular Talk, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-06-14, YT, 6:58 https://goo.gl/dF00xK
[027] Election Fraud: Koch Crosscheck, A.L.E.C. Voter ID, Gerrymandering & E.V. Machine Hacks https://goo.gl/wp3fLD
>###(01-17)*FK*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-201|“Koch Brothers” Tea
"When Alex Jones receives a call from a listener asking him about the Koch Brothers, his response is pretty interesting! He calls the Koch Brothers "apolitical" and says they're not all that big of a deal." ~ @SamSeder
(^^^) "Alex Jones Paid By The Koch Brothers?!"
~ @majorityfm,{Donate},10-09-13, 8:13 https://goo.gl/pXUrK8
KOCH INDUSTRIES CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTONS: Mostly to Texas, Iowa, Oklahoma and Wisconsin Republicans;
2009 Federal Election Commission – Schedule B Itemized Disbursements
"Committee: Koch Industries Inc Political Action Committee (Koch PAC)"
~ Doc Query FEC < https://goo.gl/xGAhGn @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute
(^^^) "Back when the Kochs gave to Democrats …" @Koch_Industries (*DLC)
~ Byron Tau/@politico, {Donate}, 03-19-14 < https://goo.gl/2eEDh9
(^^^) "The age of entitlement: how wealth breeds narcissism"
~ Anne Manne/@guardian, {Donate} 07-07-14 < https://goo.gl/fpRc5X
>##(07-17)*FK*E16*E6E*PM##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"When Alex Jones receives a call from a listener asking him about the Koch Brothers, his response is pretty interesting! He calls the Koch Brothers "apolitical" and says they're not all that big of a deal." ~ @SamSeder
(^^^) "Alex Jones Paid By The Koch Brothers?!"
~ @majorityfm,{Donate},10-09-13, 8:13 https://goo.gl/pXUrK8
KOCH INDUSTRIES CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTONS: Mostly to Texas, Iowa, Oklahoma and Wisconsin Republicans;
2009 Federal Election Commission – Schedule B Itemized Disbursements
"Committee: Koch Industries Inc Political Action Committee (Koch PAC)"
~ Doc Query FEC < https://goo.gl/xGAhGn @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute
(^^^) "Back when the Kochs gave to Democrats …" @Koch_Industries (*DLC)
~ Byron Tau/@politico, {Donate}, 03-19-14 < https://goo.gl/2eEDh9
(^^^) "The age of entitlement: how wealth breeds narcissism"
~ Anne Manne/@guardian, {Donate} 07-07-14 < https://goo.gl/fpRc5X
>##(07-17)*FK*E16*E6E*PM##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-201|“Koch Brothers” Tea
Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government
which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
"Bernie Sanders Goes off on Charles Koch" @Koch_Industries
~ @Thom_Hartmann, {Pods/Subscribe}, 07-12-13, YT, 5:24
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arsbO7ay0I0
KOCH TAKEOVER, REPUBLICAN/T PARTY: Koch Tea Party, Karl Rove, Governor Scott Walker, Wall Street Democrats, Blue-Dogs, Right To Work, Taft-Hartley; Populist, Pro-Labor, New Deal Democrats, Wall Street Financiers, Oligarchs, Control Presidency;
Governor Villains; Republican/T Shutdown, Austerity, National Bankruptcy; Walker, Kasich, Snyder, Brownback, Economic Populism v. Cultural Populism, Strategy; Federal Subsidy; Iowa, Senator Joanie Ernst, Plain Folks Technique; Scott Brown, Pickup Truck, Volker Rule, Dodd-Frank 2010; Elizabeth Warren; Permanent Republican/T, Austerity Dictatorship, Christian Fundamentalists, Holy Rollers, Southerners, Confederate States of America Nostalgics;
Republican/T Warmongers, Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Kelly Ayotte; {Arrest McCain For Funding ISIS} United Front Radio;
Republican/T Tax Reform, (tax cuts for the rich), Deregulation, Abolish Nation Labor Regulations Board, Cut Civil Rights Act of 1960’s, Election Laws, Voter I.D., Eliminate Early Voting, Harass Voters; Supreme Court Control, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Texas Voter Suppression Law, Racist Law; Trade Unions, Counter Koch Machine;
Citizens (Corporate Citizens) United, Foreign Money, Export Import Bank; Fascists, Wisconsin, Governor Walker, Gangs, Terror, Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder, American Fascism; Obama, Weak President, Caving, Austerity, Foreign War, Permanent Austerity Dictatorship, Endless War, Reactionary Republican;
Divided Government, Seizing the Fed, Corporations, Tentacles of Wall Street, Henry Ford, Supporting Hitler; Koch Brothers, Low Wage Economy, Underbid China; High Value Economy; Extractive Industries, Low Wage; Reactionary Republican/T Party; Political Oligarchy, Oligarchic Southern Mind, Rush Limbaugh, Hatred, Fear, Radicalism, Anti-Obama, Anti-Immigrant; Party of National Sabotage; Privatization, Predatory Use;
Minimum Wage Ballot Initiatives; “The economic point of agreement is well to the left of the Democratic Party”; Economic Populism;
Militant Reactionaries, Fred Koch, Mussolini, John Birch, Mormon Church
{This audio is explains the 2014 status of the Republican/T Party and the Democratic Party. Tarpley apparently does not comprehend the urgency of responding to impending climate disaster, the 6TH Extinction. ~ IGRPP }
"Webster Griffin Tarpley (born 1946) is an American author, historian, economist, journalist and lecturer. He is not a member of any political party and a former member of the U.S. Labor Party."
"Webster Tarpley on Koch controlled Republican Party"
~ mengutimur, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 58:13 _
< https://goo.gl/ylguEi
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" a book, by Jane Mayer
"Well, what you have to understand is the Kochs have built kind of an assembly line to manufacture political change. And it includes think tanks, which produce papers. It includes advocacy groups that advocate for policies. And it includes giving money to candidates. And you put those three together, and they’ve pushed against doing anything about climate change on all those three fronts at once." ~ Jane Mayer
(2010)"I then went down to a weekend meeting that the biggest Koch group was holding, Americans for Prosperity, in Austin, Texas, and there they were giving seminars to tea party members on how to organize." ~ JM
"He (Charles Koch) was more preoccupied with becoming a kind of a radical economic libertarian, meaning that he wanted to get the government to just let businesses do what they wanted to do and let the free market rule America." ~ Jane Mayer
"Dark Money: Jane Mayer on How the Koch Bros. & Billionaire Allies Funded the Rise of the Far Right"
~ @democracynow/@JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-20-16, Video, 31:30 < http://www.democracynow.org/2016/1/20/dark_money_jane_mayer_on_how
KOCHS: Koch's are funding climate denial groups to the tune of $67 million.
"Koch Bro David Koch has spent more than $67 million to fund groups that deny the mountain of science documenting climate change."
"Hey there, Lowdowners"
~ @JimHightower/@HightowerNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, (2015) _ http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50709/blastContent.jsp?email_blast_KEY=1316493
WIND ENERGY HARPOONED: Capitalism, Corporations, Billionaires, Political Action Committees; Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Industry, Propaganda, Attacking Renewable Wind Turbines, Corp Movement Protesting Wind Farms
“Shocking New Oil Propaganda Plan To Fool Americans”
~ Shawn Lawrence Otto/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 05-08-12 _
< https://goo.gl/MsyNpO
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/2fJV2e
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action < https://goo.gl/tEUfjd
>##(01-16)*E6E*E16*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Bernie Sanders Goes off on Charles Koch" @Koch_Industries
~ @Thom_Hartmann, {Pods/Subscribe}, 07-12-13, YT, 5:24
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arsbO7ay0I0
KOCH TAKEOVER, REPUBLICAN/T PARTY: Koch Tea Party, Karl Rove, Governor Scott Walker, Wall Street Democrats, Blue-Dogs, Right To Work, Taft-Hartley; Populist, Pro-Labor, New Deal Democrats, Wall Street Financiers, Oligarchs, Control Presidency;
Governor Villains; Republican/T Shutdown, Austerity, National Bankruptcy; Walker, Kasich, Snyder, Brownback, Economic Populism v. Cultural Populism, Strategy; Federal Subsidy; Iowa, Senator Joanie Ernst, Plain Folks Technique; Scott Brown, Pickup Truck, Volker Rule, Dodd-Frank 2010; Elizabeth Warren; Permanent Republican/T, Austerity Dictatorship, Christian Fundamentalists, Holy Rollers, Southerners, Confederate States of America Nostalgics;
Republican/T Warmongers, Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Kelly Ayotte; {Arrest McCain For Funding ISIS} United Front Radio;
Republican/T Tax Reform, (tax cuts for the rich), Deregulation, Abolish Nation Labor Regulations Board, Cut Civil Rights Act of 1960’s, Election Laws, Voter I.D., Eliminate Early Voting, Harass Voters; Supreme Court Control, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Texas Voter Suppression Law, Racist Law; Trade Unions, Counter Koch Machine;
Citizens (Corporate Citizens) United, Foreign Money, Export Import Bank; Fascists, Wisconsin, Governor Walker, Gangs, Terror, Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder, American Fascism; Obama, Weak President, Caving, Austerity, Foreign War, Permanent Austerity Dictatorship, Endless War, Reactionary Republican;
Divided Government, Seizing the Fed, Corporations, Tentacles of Wall Street, Henry Ford, Supporting Hitler; Koch Brothers, Low Wage Economy, Underbid China; High Value Economy; Extractive Industries, Low Wage; Reactionary Republican/T Party; Political Oligarchy, Oligarchic Southern Mind, Rush Limbaugh, Hatred, Fear, Radicalism, Anti-Obama, Anti-Immigrant; Party of National Sabotage; Privatization, Predatory Use;
Minimum Wage Ballot Initiatives; “The economic point of agreement is well to the left of the Democratic Party”; Economic Populism;
Militant Reactionaries, Fred Koch, Mussolini, John Birch, Mormon Church
{This audio is explains the 2014 status of the Republican/T Party and the Democratic Party. Tarpley apparently does not comprehend the urgency of responding to impending climate disaster, the 6TH Extinction. ~ IGRPP }
"Webster Griffin Tarpley (born 1946) is an American author, historian, economist, journalist and lecturer. He is not a member of any political party and a former member of the U.S. Labor Party."
"Webster Tarpley on Koch controlled Republican Party"
~ mengutimur, {Subscribe}, 11-04-14, YT, 58:13 _
< https://goo.gl/ylguEi
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" a book, by Jane Mayer
"Well, what you have to understand is the Kochs have built kind of an assembly line to manufacture political change. And it includes think tanks, which produce papers. It includes advocacy groups that advocate for policies. And it includes giving money to candidates. And you put those three together, and they’ve pushed against doing anything about climate change on all those three fronts at once." ~ Jane Mayer
(2010)"I then went down to a weekend meeting that the biggest Koch group was holding, Americans for Prosperity, in Austin, Texas, and there they were giving seminars to tea party members on how to organize." ~ JM
"He (Charles Koch) was more preoccupied with becoming a kind of a radical economic libertarian, meaning that he wanted to get the government to just let businesses do what they wanted to do and let the free market rule America." ~ Jane Mayer
"Dark Money: Jane Mayer on How the Koch Bros. & Billionaire Allies Funded the Rise of the Far Right"
~ @democracynow/@JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-20-16, Video, 31:30 < http://www.democracynow.org/2016/1/20/dark_money_jane_mayer_on_how
KOCHS: Koch's are funding climate denial groups to the tune of $67 million.
"Koch Bro David Koch has spent more than $67 million to fund groups that deny the mountain of science documenting climate change."
"Hey there, Lowdowners"
~ @JimHightower/@HightowerNews, {Subscribe/Donate}, (2015) _ http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/50709/blastContent.jsp?email_blast_KEY=1316493
WIND ENERGY HARPOONED: Capitalism, Corporations, Billionaires, Political Action Committees; Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Industry, Propaganda, Attacking Renewable Wind Turbines, Corp Movement Protesting Wind Farms
“Shocking New Oil Propaganda Plan To Fool Americans”
~ Shawn Lawrence Otto/@thehuffpost_, {Subscribe}, 05-08-12 _
< https://goo.gl/MsyNpO
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/2fJV2e
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action < https://goo.gl/tEUfjd
>##(01-16)*E6E*E16*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-202|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government
which has final say over federal and red state lawmaking or law breaking.
In 1973 a Koch Brother co-created “A.L.E.C.” - un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council.
It produces and distributes model legislation with the help corporate members and sponsors.
A.L.E.C. cookie cutter bills passed in red and “Confederate States” are industry designed laws “shoved down our throats.” The bills also known as “boiler plate bills” (identical to the letter) which are spread to red state legislators. A.L.E.C. corporations and regional economic warlord billionaires and multimillionaires effectively “steal democracy” to serve their own “profit charter nihilism.”
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
Koch and ALEC objectives include: Limited Government, and Free Market Federalism" (i.e. privatization, "profitization," class warfare, no social safety net, and corporate dominionism.)
“American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Model Legislation
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _***^ http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council
-/\/- A.L.E.C. Website with “Model Legislation” Keyword Search
"ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Home _
< http://www.alec.org/model-legislation/
-/\/- FIND Corporations that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corporations who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking “by proxy” operation
“A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write and promote industry-written laws)
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _**
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=ALEC_Corporations
-/\/- Anonymous Contributions to “Industry Trade Organizations” get comingled and still go to support A.L.E.C. 4TH Branch operations. The C.E.O.’s cut “formal ties,” but these corporations can’t be trusted, Period!
“Corporations Which Have Cut Ties To A.L.E.C.”
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Subscribe/Donate} _***^
-/\/- A.L.E.C. worked to pass “Jim Crow” voter restricting I.D. Laws that were passed in 33 States. They promoted "Stand Your Ground" arguably "Legalized Murder" Laws Passed in 23 States. Koch-A.L.E.C. and their Tea Party promoted: No Women's Reproductive or Equal Pay Rights, No Labor Laws, No Collective Bargaining, No Child Labor Laws, No Right To Sue In Wrongful Death, No Class Action Law Suits, No Minimum Wage, No Regulation of Any Kind, No Corp Taxes, and (considering all that) No Civilization. A.L.E.C., The Tea Party, and many dozens of other Foundations and Political Action Committees are Koch funded organizations. And these psychopathic founders want to control 50 states like warlords.
“ALEC-Related Contributors”
~ Al Shaw & Otis Beckett/@ProPublica, {Subscribe}, 08-01-11 _**
< http://projects.propublica.org/alec-contributions/
-/\/- CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _**
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/ALEC_Politicians
-/\/- “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council; State and Federal Legislator Members of A.L.E.C.
“ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that.”
*AK; *AL; *AR; *AS; *AZ; *CA; *CO; *CT; *DC; *DE; *FL; *GA; *HI; *IA; *ID; *IL; *IN; *KS; *KY; *LA; *MA; *MD; *ME; *MI; *MN; *MO; *MP; *MS; *MT; *NC; *ND; *NE; *NH; *NJ; *NM; *NV; *NY; *OH; *OK; *OR; *PA; *PR; *RI; *SC; *SD; *TN; *TX; *UT; *VA; *VI; *VT; *WA; *WI; *WV; *WY;
State “ALEC Politicians”
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD/@RightWingWatch, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} 50 _s/URL’s by State
(^^^) *AL_ Alabama ALEC Politicians-R (10 Reps/4 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AK_ Alaska ALEC Politicians-R (4 Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AR_ Arkansas ALEC Politicians-R (16 Reps/11 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AZ_ Arizona ALEC Politicians-R (18 Reps/16 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *CA_ California ALEC Politicians-R (1 Assembly/2 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *CO_ Colorado ALEC Politicians-R (9 Reps/6 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *CT_ Connecticut ALEC Politicians-R (20 Reps/2 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *DE_ Delaware ALEC Politicians-R (2 Reps/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *FL_ Florida ALEC Politicians-R (24 Reps/6 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *GA_ Georgia ALEC Politicians-R (27 Reps/16 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *HA _ Hawaii ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/1 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *IA_ Iowa ALEC Politicians-R (Gov./U.S. Rep./12 ST Reps/5 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *ID_ Idaho ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Sen./1 U.S. Rep./14 ST Reps/9 ST Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *IL_ Illinois ALEC Politicians-R (14 Reps/8 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *IN_ Indiana ALEC Politicians-R (16 Reps/9 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *KS_ Kansas ALEC Politicians-R (30 Reps/17 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *KY_ Kentucky ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/18 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *LA_ Louisiana ALEC Politicians-R (22 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MA_ Massachusetts ALEC Pol’s-R(3 Reps/_Sen. verified) _
(^^^) *MD_ Maryland ALEC Politicians-R (19 Del./5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *ME_ Maine ALEC Politicians-R (_Reps/4 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *MI_ Michigan ALEC Politicians-R (9 Reps/13 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *MN_ Minnesota ALEC Politicians-R (17 Reps/4 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MO_ Missouri ALEC Politicians-R (30 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MS_ Mississippi ALEC Politicians-R (19 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MT_ Montana ALEC Politicians-R (11 Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NC_ North Carolina ALEC Politicians-R (29 Reps/2 Sen’s verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _ http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/North_Carolina_ALEC_Politicians
(^^^) *ND_ North Dakota ALEC Politicians-R (23 Reps/7 Sen’s verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *NE_ Nebraska ALEC Politicians-R (17 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NH_ New Hampshire ALEC Politicians-R (23Reps/2Sen’s verified);
{Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *NJ_ New Jersey ALEC Politicians-R (5 Ass’y/3 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NM_ New Mexico ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/5 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *NV_ Nevada ALEC Politicians-R (_Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NY_ New York ALEC Politicians-R (1 Ass’y/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *OH_ Ohio ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Gibbs (R-7)/27 ST Reps/9 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *OK_ Oklahoma ALEC Politicians-R (26 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *OR_ Oregon ALEC Politicians-R (15 Reps/3 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *PA_ Pennsylvania ALEC Politicians-R (47 Reps/12 Sen’s verified) {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *RI_ Rhode Island ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/4 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *SC_ South Carolina ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Duncan (R-3)/15 ST Reps/7 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _ http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/South_Carolina_ALEC_Politicians
(^^^) *SD_ South Dakota ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Noem (R-6)/14 ST Reps/5 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *TN_ Tennessee ALEC Politicians-R (26 Reps/13 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *TX_ Texas ALEC Politicians-R (43 Reps/13 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *UT_ Utah ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/12 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *VA_ Virginia ALEC Politicians-R (27 Del’s/8 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *VT_ Vermont ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *WA_ Washington ALEC Politicians-R (8 Reps/9 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *WI_ Wisconsin ALEC Politicians-R (33 Ass’y/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *WV_ West Virginia ALEC Politicians-R (1 US Senator Manchin (D)/ ST Delegates/_Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *WY_ Wyoming ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/10 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) “ALEC Task Force Politicians”
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} _
-/\/- bitly SHORTER _ http://bit.ly/1fJBpdh
DAVID KOCH: Election Spending, Citizens(Corp’s)United & McCutcheon v. FEC
David Koch is asked about his campaign spending by Barbara Walters; Martha Raddatz - ABC Powerhouse Roundtable
Panel Discussion of 12-13-14 Cromnibus Budget Deal including dismantling Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010, allowing Banks to risk deposits on Derivative bets on bets on bets, and raising the campaign contribution limit to many times what it formerly was. (*D-F10)
"Koch Pretends He’s A Social Liberal And Barbara Walters Calls Him On It"
~ Wendy Gittleson/@AddInfoOrg, {Donate}, 12-14-14 , Vid, 08:23
@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute < https://goo.gl/LRBJtm
"In a sweeping 5-4 ruling, the US Supreme Court on Thursday struck down several longstanding prohibitions on corporate political contributions, saying legislative measures to control such spending infringed upon corporate First Amendment free speech rights."
"Supreme Court Shreds Campaign-Finance Laws, Lifts Corporate Spending Restrictions"
~ Jason Leopold & Kyle Berlin/@truthout, 01-22-10 < https://goo.gl/6ho3FE
>###(04-15)*FK*### CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
##* 15.7k ac
In 1973 a Koch Brother co-created “A.L.E.C.” - un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council.
It produces and distributes model legislation with the help corporate members and sponsors.
A.L.E.C. cookie cutter bills passed in red and “Confederate States” are industry designed laws “shoved down our throats.” The bills also known as “boiler plate bills” (identical to the letter) which are spread to red state legislators. A.L.E.C. corporations and regional economic warlord billionaires and multimillionaires effectively “steal democracy” to serve their own “profit charter nihilism.”
[A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings]
Koch and ALEC objectives include: Limited Government, and Free Market Federalism" (i.e. privatization, "profitization," class warfare, no social safety net, and corporate dominionism.)
“American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Model Legislation
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _***^ http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council
-/\/- A.L.E.C. Website with “Model Legislation” Keyword Search
"ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Counsil" Home _
< http://www.alec.org/model-legislation/
-/\/- FIND Corporations that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corporations who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking “by proxy” operation
“A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write and promote industry-written laws)
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _**
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=ALEC_Corporations
-/\/- Anonymous Contributions to “Industry Trade Organizations” get comingled and still go to support A.L.E.C. 4TH Branch operations. The C.E.O.’s cut “formal ties,” but these corporations can’t be trusted, Period!
“Corporations Which Have Cut Ties To A.L.E.C.”
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Subscribe/Donate} _***^
-/\/- A.L.E.C. worked to pass “Jim Crow” voter restricting I.D. Laws that were passed in 33 States. They promoted "Stand Your Ground" arguably "Legalized Murder" Laws Passed in 23 States. Koch-A.L.E.C. and their Tea Party promoted: No Women's Reproductive or Equal Pay Rights, No Labor Laws, No Collective Bargaining, No Child Labor Laws, No Right To Sue In Wrongful Death, No Class Action Law Suits, No Minimum Wage, No Regulation of Any Kind, No Corp Taxes, and (considering all that) No Civilization. A.L.E.C., The Tea Party, and many dozens of other Foundations and Political Action Committees are Koch funded organizations. And these psychopathic founders want to control 50 states like warlords.
“ALEC-Related Contributors”
~ Al Shaw & Otis Beckett/@ProPublica, {Subscribe}, 08-01-11 _**
< http://projects.propublica.org/alec-contributions/
-/\/- CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators
“ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: )
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate} _**
< http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/ALEC_Politicians
-/\/- “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council; State and Federal Legislator Members of A.L.E.C.
“ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that.”
*AK; *AL; *AR; *AS; *AZ; *CA; *CO; *CT; *DC; *DE; *FL; *GA; *HI; *IA; *ID; *IL; *IN; *KS; *KY; *LA; *MA; *MD; *ME; *MI; *MN; *MO; *MP; *MS; *MT; *NC; *ND; *NE; *NH; *NJ; *NM; *NV; *NY; *OH; *OK; *OR; *PA; *PR; *RI; *SC; *SD; *TN; *TX; *UT; *VA; *VI; *VT; *WA; *WI; *WV; *WY;
State “ALEC Politicians”
~ @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD/@RightWingWatch, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} 50 _s/URL’s by State
(^^^) *AL_ Alabama ALEC Politicians-R (10 Reps/4 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AK_ Alaska ALEC Politicians-R (4 Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AR_ Arkansas ALEC Politicians-R (16 Reps/11 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *AZ_ Arizona ALEC Politicians-R (18 Reps/16 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *CA_ California ALEC Politicians-R (1 Assembly/2 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *CO_ Colorado ALEC Politicians-R (9 Reps/6 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *CT_ Connecticut ALEC Politicians-R (20 Reps/2 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *DE_ Delaware ALEC Politicians-R (2 Reps/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *FL_ Florida ALEC Politicians-R (24 Reps/6 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *GA_ Georgia ALEC Politicians-R (27 Reps/16 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *HA _ Hawaii ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/1 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *IA_ Iowa ALEC Politicians-R (Gov./U.S. Rep./12 ST Reps/5 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *ID_ Idaho ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Sen./1 U.S. Rep./14 ST Reps/9 ST Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *IL_ Illinois ALEC Politicians-R (14 Reps/8 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *IN_ Indiana ALEC Politicians-R (16 Reps/9 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *KS_ Kansas ALEC Politicians-R (30 Reps/17 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *KY_ Kentucky ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/18 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *LA_ Louisiana ALEC Politicians-R (22 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MA_ Massachusetts ALEC Pol’s-R(3 Reps/_Sen. verified) _
(^^^) *MD_ Maryland ALEC Politicians-R (19 Del./5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *ME_ Maine ALEC Politicians-R (_Reps/4 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *MI_ Michigan ALEC Politicians-R (9 Reps/13 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *MN_ Minnesota ALEC Politicians-R (17 Reps/4 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MO_ Missouri ALEC Politicians-R (30 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MS_ Mississippi ALEC Politicians-R (19 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *MT_ Montana ALEC Politicians-R (11 Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NC_ North Carolina ALEC Politicians-R (29 Reps/2 Sen’s verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _ http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/North_Carolina_ALEC_Politicians
(^^^) *ND_ North Dakota ALEC Politicians-R (23 Reps/7 Sen’s verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *NE_ Nebraska ALEC Politicians-R (17 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NH_ New Hampshire ALEC Politicians-R (23Reps/2Sen’s verified);
{Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *NJ_ New Jersey ALEC Politicians-R (5 Ass’y/3 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NM_ New Mexico ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/5 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *NV_ Nevada ALEC Politicians-R (_Reps/5 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *NY_ New York ALEC Politicians-R (1 Ass’y/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *OH_ Ohio ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Gibbs (R-7)/27 ST Reps/9 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *OK_ Oklahoma ALEC Politicians-R (26 Reps/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *OR_ Oregon ALEC Politicians-R (15 Reps/3 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *PA_ Pennsylvania ALEC Politicians-R (47 Reps/12 Sen’s verified) {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *RI_ Rhode Island ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/4 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *SC_ South Carolina ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Duncan (R-3)/15 ST Reps/7 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _ http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/South_Carolina_ALEC_Politicians
(^^^) *SD_ South Dakota ALEC Politicians-R (1 U.S. Rep. Noem (R-6)/14 ST Reps/5 Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *TN_ Tennessee ALEC Politicians-R (26 Reps/13 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *TX_ Texas ALEC Politicians-R (43 Reps/13 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *UT_ Utah ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/12 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *VA_ Virginia ALEC Politicians-R (27 Del’s/8 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *VT_ Vermont ALEC Politicians-R (1 Reps/2 Senators verified) _
(^^^) *WA_ Washington ALEC Politicians-R (8 Reps/9 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *WI_ Wisconsin ALEC Politicians-R (33 Ass’y/11 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) *WV_ West Virginia ALEC Politicians-R (1 US Senator Manchin (D)/ ST Delegates/_Senators verified); {Thanks Lisa Graves + Staff!} _
(^^^) *WY_ Wyoming ALEC Politicians-R (13 Reps/10 Sen’s verified) _
(^^^) “ALEC Task Force Politicians”
~ @sourcewatch, {Subscribe/Donate} _
-/\/- bitly SHORTER _ http://bit.ly/1fJBpdh
DAVID KOCH: Election Spending, Citizens(Corp’s)United & McCutcheon v. FEC
David Koch is asked about his campaign spending by Barbara Walters; Martha Raddatz - ABC Powerhouse Roundtable
Panel Discussion of 12-13-14 Cromnibus Budget Deal including dismantling Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010, allowing Banks to risk deposits on Derivative bets on bets on bets, and raising the campaign contribution limit to many times what it formerly was. (*D-F10)
"Koch Pretends He’s A Social Liberal And Barbara Walters Calls Him On It"
~ Wendy Gittleson/@AddInfoOrg, {Donate}, 12-14-14 , Vid, 08:23
@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute < https://goo.gl/LRBJtm
"In a sweeping 5-4 ruling, the US Supreme Court on Thursday struck down several longstanding prohibitions on corporate political contributions, saying legislative measures to control such spending infringed upon corporate First Amendment free speech rights."
"Supreme Court Shreds Campaign-Finance Laws, Lifts Corporate Spending Restrictions"
~ Jason Leopold & Kyle Berlin/@truthout, 01-22-10 < https://goo.gl/6ho3FE
>###(04-15)*FK*### CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
##* 15.7k ac
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-203|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Koch Investigation:
"Koch Brothers Exposed is a hard-hitting investigation of the 1% at its very worst. This full-length documentary film on Charles and David Koch—two of the world's richest and most powerful men—is the latest from acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: the High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, Rethink Afghanistan). The billionaire brothers bankroll a vast network of organizations that work to undermine the interests of the 99% on issues ranging from Social Security to the environment to civil rights. This film uncovers the Kochs' corruption—and points the way to how Americans can reclaim their democracy."
“10 Shocking Facts on the Kochs…
1. Koch Industries, which the brothers own, is one of the top ten polluters in the United States - which perhaps explains why the Kochs have given $60 million to climate denial groups between 1997 and 2010.
2. The Kochs are the oil and gas industry's biggest donors to the congressional committee with oversight of the hazardous Keystone XL oil pipeline. They and their employees gave more than $300,000 to members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in 2010 alone.
3. From 1998-2008, Koch-controlled foundations gave more than $196 million to organizations that favor polices that would financially enrich the two brothers. In addition, Koch Industries spent $50 million on lobbying and some $8 million in PAC contributions.
4. The Koch fortune has its origins in engineering contracts with Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.
5. The Kochs are suing to take over the Cato Institute, which has accused the Kochs of attempting to destroy the group's identity as an independent, libertarian think and align it more closely with a partisan agenda.
6. A Huffington Post source who was at a three-day retreat of conservative billionaires said the Koch brothers pledged to donate $60 million to defeat President Obama in 2012 and produce pledges of $40 million more from others at the retreat.
7. Since 2000, the Kochs have collected almost $100 million in government contracts, mostly from the Department of Defense.
8. Koch Industries has an annual production capacity of 2.2 billion pounds of the carcinogen formaldehyde. The company has worked to keep it from being classified as a carcinogen even though David Koch is a prostate cancer survivor.
9. The Koch brothers' combined fortune of roughly $50 billion is exceeded only by that of Bill Gates in the United States.
10. The Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs accused Koch Oil of scheming to steal $31 million of crude oil from Native Americans. Although the company claimed it was accidental, a former executive in this operation said Charles Koch had known about it and had responded to the overages by saying, 'I want my fair share, and that's all of it.'"
Koch Brothers Movie:
~ bravenewfilms, {Donate}, 05-20-14, YT, 55:56 < https://goo.gl/mHtbIX
-/\/- “Robert Greenwald discusses the personal attacks waged against him by the Koch brothers. Greenwald also talks about how the Kochs' are the worst of the 1%.”
“Robert Greenwald on the Ed Schultz Show: Not Backing Down from the Kochs” @NewswithEd @RT_America
~ @BraveNewFound, {Donate}, 04-06-12, YT, 8:30 _< https://goo.gl/l6CWxp
“The Koch Brothers Exposed…” (Video Removed/Many Reference Links/RED)
~ james/The Everlasting GOP Stoppers, 04-07-13 < https://goo.gl/NK0Z1I
-/\/- Controlling Economic Departments in 150 American Colleges, Curriculum Agreements, Strings, Professor Tenure, Professor Selection, Professor Retention
{ The Koch’s sponsor: Laissez-(un)faire Economics, “Fried”man Chicago School Economics, Austerity, Economic Shock Therapy, Privatization, Weak Government, Federalism and Crooked Crony Capitalism for 1%. ~ IGRPP }
>#(07-16)*E6E*E16*FK*ED##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Koch Investigation:
"Koch Brothers Exposed is a hard-hitting investigation of the 1% at its very worst. This full-length documentary film on Charles and David Koch—two of the world's richest and most powerful men—is the latest from acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: the High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, Rethink Afghanistan). The billionaire brothers bankroll a vast network of organizations that work to undermine the interests of the 99% on issues ranging from Social Security to the environment to civil rights. This film uncovers the Kochs' corruption—and points the way to how Americans can reclaim their democracy."
“10 Shocking Facts on the Kochs…
1. Koch Industries, which the brothers own, is one of the top ten polluters in the United States - which perhaps explains why the Kochs have given $60 million to climate denial groups between 1997 and 2010.
2. The Kochs are the oil and gas industry's biggest donors to the congressional committee with oversight of the hazardous Keystone XL oil pipeline. They and their employees gave more than $300,000 to members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in 2010 alone.
3. From 1998-2008, Koch-controlled foundations gave more than $196 million to organizations that favor polices that would financially enrich the two brothers. In addition, Koch Industries spent $50 million on lobbying and some $8 million in PAC contributions.
4. The Koch fortune has its origins in engineering contracts with Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.
5. The Kochs are suing to take over the Cato Institute, which has accused the Kochs of attempting to destroy the group's identity as an independent, libertarian think and align it more closely with a partisan agenda.
6. A Huffington Post source who was at a three-day retreat of conservative billionaires said the Koch brothers pledged to donate $60 million to defeat President Obama in 2012 and produce pledges of $40 million more from others at the retreat.
7. Since 2000, the Kochs have collected almost $100 million in government contracts, mostly from the Department of Defense.
8. Koch Industries has an annual production capacity of 2.2 billion pounds of the carcinogen formaldehyde. The company has worked to keep it from being classified as a carcinogen even though David Koch is a prostate cancer survivor.
9. The Koch brothers' combined fortune of roughly $50 billion is exceeded only by that of Bill Gates in the United States.
10. The Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs accused Koch Oil of scheming to steal $31 million of crude oil from Native Americans. Although the company claimed it was accidental, a former executive in this operation said Charles Koch had known about it and had responded to the overages by saying, 'I want my fair share, and that's all of it.'"
Koch Brothers Movie:
~ bravenewfilms, {Donate}, 05-20-14, YT, 55:56 < https://goo.gl/mHtbIX
-/\/- “Robert Greenwald discusses the personal attacks waged against him by the Koch brothers. Greenwald also talks about how the Kochs' are the worst of the 1%.”
“Robert Greenwald on the Ed Schultz Show: Not Backing Down from the Kochs” @NewswithEd @RT_America
~ @BraveNewFound, {Donate}, 04-06-12, YT, 8:30 _< https://goo.gl/l6CWxp
“The Koch Brothers Exposed…” (Video Removed/Many Reference Links/RED)
~ james/The Everlasting GOP Stoppers, 04-07-13 < https://goo.gl/NK0Z1I
-/\/- Controlling Economic Departments in 150 American Colleges, Curriculum Agreements, Strings, Professor Tenure, Professor Selection, Professor Retention
{ The Koch’s sponsor: Laissez-(un)faire Economics, “Fried”man Chicago School Economics, Austerity, Economic Shock Therapy, Privatization, Weak Government, Federalism and Crooked Crony Capitalism for 1%. ~ IGRPP }
>#(07-16)*E6E*E16*FK*ED##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-204|DEEP STATE: KOCH,
“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council”|
Right-Wing Donors, Buying Red State Capitals:
THE AMERICAN AUDCITY List of Billionaires Against Obama:
(Pictured) Harold Simmons, Sheldon Adelson, David and Charles Koch, Rupert Murdoch, Steve Schwarzman, Donald Trump, Bob J. Perry, (Ron's Paul's Money Man) Peter Thiel, (Santo's Money Man) Foster Friess (Pic)
<<>> (Listed)
Ken Langone (Home Depot);
Charles Koch (@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute - Oil/Gas, refineries, etc);
David Koch (@Koch_Industries @AFP –Oil/Gas, refineries, Manufacturing);
Phil Anschutz (Ent., Staples Cntr, Oil, railroads); Justice Neil Gorsuch backer
Rich Devos (Amway); Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos
Foster Friess (Investment Fund Manager, Real Estate);
Jon Huntsman Sr. (Chemicals, Manufacturing);
Ken Griffin (Citadel, Hedge Funds), Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Cohort;
Harold Simmons (Texas Corporate Raider);
Jerry Perenchio (Real Estate, Sold Univision);
Robert Rowling (Oil, Hotels, Investments);
Bradley Hughes (Self Storage King);
Rupert Murdoch (Fox News, Wall Street Journal);
Donald Trump (Real Estate);
Trevor Rees-Jones (Shale Oil & Gas);
Sam Wyly (Oil, Mining, Michaels Stores);
Ross Perot (Investments);
T Boone Pickens (Oil/Gas, Hedge Funds);
John Paulson (Hedge Funds);
J.W. Marriott Jr (Hotels);
Meg Whitman (HP …Computer, former CEO);
Sheldon Adelson (Casinos, Real Estate, Investments);
Peter Thiel (PayPal, Hedge Funds); @peterthiel
Bob Perry (Texas Home Builder);
Dawn Arnall (Ameriquest);
Alex Spanos (Real Estate);
Alice Walton (Walmart, Horse Racing);
John T. Walton (Walmart);
Jay Van Andel (Amway);
Robert C. McNair (Oil, gas, Biotech, Horse Racing, Houston Oilers);
Carl Lindner Jr. (American Fin. Group, Chiquita Bananas, Cinci Reds);
Aubrey McClendon (Chesapeake Energy Corp., Oklahoma Investments);
<<>> Other Big Super PAC Donors:
Dick Farmer/Cintas Corporation $2,079,291;
John Childs/J.W. Childs and Associates $2,016,350;
Stan and Karen Hubbard/Hubbard Broadcasting $1,383,720;
John and Joan Hotchkis/Ramajal LLC $1,083,555;
Jack and Rose Marie Anderson/Culver Corp. $1,078,930;
Fred and Marlene Malek/Thayer Capital Partners $1,034,380;
Ken and Anne Griffin/Citadel Investment Group $877,210;
Jim and Dorothy Patterson/Gulf Stream Petroleum $839,580;
<<>> Million Plus Donors To GOP Super PAC’s
Lewis Eisenberg (Goldman Sachs partner) ;
Woody Johnson (New York Jets owner) ;
Wayne Berman (Ogilvy Government Relations Chairman) ;
Paul Singer (Elliott Management hedge fund);
Donald and Muffy Miller;
Stephen Ross;
Anthony Scaramucci (Skybridge Capital founder); @Scaramucci
David and Ginny Knott (Hedge funders) ;
Patrick Durkin (Bush Ranger) ;
Richard Breeden (Former Securities & Exchange Commission Chairman)
"GOP Right Wing Billionaires At War With President Obama”
~ The American Audacity: An American Politics and Foreign Policy Political Blog, {Subscribe/Donate}, 03-18-14 < https://goo.gl/7YYB2l
>###(04-17)*FK2*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“A.L.E.C.” the un-“American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council”|
Right-Wing Donors, Buying Red State Capitals:
THE AMERICAN AUDCITY List of Billionaires Against Obama:
(Pictured) Harold Simmons, Sheldon Adelson, David and Charles Koch, Rupert Murdoch, Steve Schwarzman, Donald Trump, Bob J. Perry, (Ron's Paul's Money Man) Peter Thiel, (Santo's Money Man) Foster Friess (Pic)
<<>> (Listed)
Ken Langone (Home Depot);
Charles Koch (@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute - Oil/Gas, refineries, etc);
David Koch (@Koch_Industries @AFP –Oil/Gas, refineries, Manufacturing);
Phil Anschutz (Ent., Staples Cntr, Oil, railroads); Justice Neil Gorsuch backer
Rich Devos (Amway); Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos
Foster Friess (Investment Fund Manager, Real Estate);
Jon Huntsman Sr. (Chemicals, Manufacturing);
Ken Griffin (Citadel, Hedge Funds), Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Cohort;
Harold Simmons (Texas Corporate Raider);
Jerry Perenchio (Real Estate, Sold Univision);
Robert Rowling (Oil, Hotels, Investments);
Bradley Hughes (Self Storage King);
Rupert Murdoch (Fox News, Wall Street Journal);
Donald Trump (Real Estate);
Trevor Rees-Jones (Shale Oil & Gas);
Sam Wyly (Oil, Mining, Michaels Stores);
Ross Perot (Investments);
T Boone Pickens (Oil/Gas, Hedge Funds);
John Paulson (Hedge Funds);
J.W. Marriott Jr (Hotels);
Meg Whitman (HP …Computer, former CEO);
Sheldon Adelson (Casinos, Real Estate, Investments);
Peter Thiel (PayPal, Hedge Funds); @peterthiel
Bob Perry (Texas Home Builder);
Dawn Arnall (Ameriquest);
Alex Spanos (Real Estate);
Alice Walton (Walmart, Horse Racing);
John T. Walton (Walmart);
Jay Van Andel (Amway);
Robert C. McNair (Oil, gas, Biotech, Horse Racing, Houston Oilers);
Carl Lindner Jr. (American Fin. Group, Chiquita Bananas, Cinci Reds);
Aubrey McClendon (Chesapeake Energy Corp., Oklahoma Investments);
<<>> Other Big Super PAC Donors:
Dick Farmer/Cintas Corporation $2,079,291;
John Childs/J.W. Childs and Associates $2,016,350;
Stan and Karen Hubbard/Hubbard Broadcasting $1,383,720;
John and Joan Hotchkis/Ramajal LLC $1,083,555;
Jack and Rose Marie Anderson/Culver Corp. $1,078,930;
Fred and Marlene Malek/Thayer Capital Partners $1,034,380;
Ken and Anne Griffin/Citadel Investment Group $877,210;
Jim and Dorothy Patterson/Gulf Stream Petroleum $839,580;
<<>> Million Plus Donors To GOP Super PAC’s
Lewis Eisenberg (Goldman Sachs partner) ;
Woody Johnson (New York Jets owner) ;
Wayne Berman (Ogilvy Government Relations Chairman) ;
Paul Singer (Elliott Management hedge fund);
Donald and Muffy Miller;
Stephen Ross;
Anthony Scaramucci (Skybridge Capital founder); @Scaramucci
David and Ginny Knott (Hedge funders) ;
Patrick Durkin (Bush Ranger) ;
Richard Breeden (Former Securities & Exchange Commission Chairman)
"GOP Right Wing Billionaires At War With President Obama”
~ The American Audacity: An American Politics and Foreign Policy Political Blog, {Subscribe/Donate}, 03-18-14 < https://goo.gl/7YYB2l
>###(04-17)*FK2*TS###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-205|“Koch Brothers”
"Can Koch Brothers Lock In Fatal Climate Delay For $889 Million In 2016 Election?"
~ Joe Romm/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 01-27-15 _
< http://@thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/01/27/3615930/koch-brothers-climate-delay-889-million-2016-election/
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/2fJV2e
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action < https://goo.gl/tEUfjd
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Can Koch Brothers Lock In Fatal Climate Delay For $889 Million In 2016 Election?"
~ Joe Romm/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 01-27-15 _
< http://@thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/01/27/3615930/koch-brothers-climate-delay-889-million-2016-election/
"Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'”
~ @thenation, {Podcasts/Donate}, 01-24-11, YT, 21:49 _
@noamchomskyT < https://goo.gl/2fJV2e
"Bill McKibben: Why Climate Change Is the Most Urgent Challenge We Face" (After this 2011 talk, hell and high water events continued in the US.)
~ @thenation, {Subscribe}, 01-24-11, YT, 28:10 _
@billmckibben @350 @350action < https://goo.gl/tEUfjd
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-206|“Koch Brothers”
"Koch Pledge Tied to Congressional Climate Inaction"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe}, 06-30-13 _
< http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/koch-pledge-tied-to-congressional-climate-inaction
(^^^) "Koch brothers push GOP officials to sign anti-climate pledge"
~ Steve Benen/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 07-03-13 _
>##(08-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Koch Pledge Tied to Congressional Climate Inaction"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe}, 06-30-13 _
< http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/koch-pledge-tied-to-congressional-climate-inaction
(^^^) "Koch brothers push GOP officials to sign anti-climate pledge"
~ Steve Benen/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 07-03-13 _
>##(08-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-207|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
SEDITION, CORPORATE FASCISM: Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; GOP Budget, U.S. Budget Battle 2012, Debt Ceiling Battle, Aug/Dec 2012
Boehner, Cantor & GOP Tea Dismantling America’s Credit Rating AGAIN For Koch Qaeda Cabal’s Treasury Bond Interest; Tax Payers Will Pay More In Treasury Interest To Billionaires as the 1/10th of 1% Turn America Into Greece {Koch Brothers Makes More Money From Debt Crisis & Bond Rating “DOWNGRADE”}
“How the Koch’s make millions if Republican’s Crash the Gov?”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture RT_com, {Subscribe}, 05-31-12, YT, 6:42 _**
< https://goo.gl/8KEB02
DT: China, War, Tech, TPP/Health Care,122216,27:25 https://goo.gl/qknBhB
>##(01-17)*FK*EC*ULRRJB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
SEDITION, CORPORATE FASCISM: Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; GOP Budget, U.S. Budget Battle 2012, Debt Ceiling Battle, Aug/Dec 2012
Boehner, Cantor & GOP Tea Dismantling America’s Credit Rating AGAIN For Koch Qaeda Cabal’s Treasury Bond Interest; Tax Payers Will Pay More In Treasury Interest To Billionaires as the 1/10th of 1% Turn America Into Greece {Koch Brothers Makes More Money From Debt Crisis & Bond Rating “DOWNGRADE”}
“How the Koch’s make millions if Republican’s Crash the Gov?”
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture RT_com, {Subscribe}, 05-31-12, YT, 6:42 _**
< https://goo.gl/8KEB02
DT: China, War, Tech, TPP/Health Care,122216,27:25 https://goo.gl/qknBhB
>##(01-17)*FK*EC*ULRRJB##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-208|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Governments. The Koch Brothers funded the Astroturf Tea
Party movement. It features attentive
shock-collared sheep. The Tea
Party gets its funding from Stalin.
"Tea Party Financiers Owe Their Fortune to Josef Stalin"
~ Yasha Levine/@AlterNet/@Truthdig, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-18-10
< https://goo.gl/1j4ffO
>###(01-17)*FK*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Tea Party Financiers Owe Their Fortune to Josef Stalin"
~ Yasha Levine/@AlterNet/@Truthdig, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-18-10
< https://goo.gl/1j4ffO
>###(01-17)*FK*PM###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-209|“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party
Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep.
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. Founded & Funded the (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil
“The Truth About A.L.E.C.”
~ @americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio, @ringoffireradio, w/Cliff Schecter, {Podcasts/Donate}, 06-22-11, Video, 11:36 _**
< http://www.ringoffireradio.com/2011/07/22/papantonio-the-truth-about-alec/
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. Founded & Funded the (un)American Legislative Exchange Counsil
“The Truth About A.L.E.C.”
~ @americaslawyer, Mike Papantonio, @ringoffireradio, w/Cliff Schecter, {Podcasts/Donate}, 06-22-11, Video, 11:36 _**
< http://www.ringoffireradio.com/2011/07/22/papantonio-the-truth-about-alec/
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-210|”Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal
– The 4th Branch of Government|
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
“Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 _**
< https://goo.gl/xNPBpS
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
"The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute < https://goo.gl/CTNk8q
>###(04-17)*FK2*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
“Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 _**
< https://goo.gl/xNPBpS
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
"The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute < https://goo.gl/CTNk8q
>###(04-17)*FK2*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-211|“Koch Brothers”
Higher Education, Economics Department, Grants, Positions, Book Selection; Propaganda, Milton Freedman, Chicago School, Shock Doctrine, Austerity
"Koch Funding of Universities Shrouded in Secrecy"
~ Kalin Jordan/UnKochMyCampus/@prwatch, Admin, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 04-20-15 _
< http://www.prwatch.org/news/2015/04/12795/unkochmycampus-article
-/\/- Duncan Gilchrist, UnKoch My Campus; Economics Department
"Duncan Gilchrist, UnKoch My Campus, joins Thom. Charles and David Koch - the Koch brothers - are best known for bankrolling Republican politicians and conservative lobbying groups. But over the past few years they've also emerged as big-time donors to colleges and universities all across the country."
"Over the past few years he has given $68 million to colleges."
"Students Speak Out - UnKoch My Campus!"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Pods}, 11-06-15, YT, 5:16
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3kKPcAtR6U
(^^^) "Students Speak Out - UnKoch My Campus!"
~ Thom Hartman, {Subscribe}, 11-06-15 _
< http://www.thomhartmann.com/bigpicture/students-speak-out-unkoch-my-campus
(^^^) “College Students Launch ‘Unkoch My Campus” Campaign”
~ Aleister/College Insurrection, {Subscribe}, 11-05-14 _
< http://collegeinsurrection.com/2014/11/college-students-launch-unkoch-my-campus-campaign/
>###(11-15)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Higher Education, Economics Department, Grants, Positions, Book Selection; Propaganda, Milton Freedman, Chicago School, Shock Doctrine, Austerity
"Koch Funding of Universities Shrouded in Secrecy"
~ Kalin Jordan/UnKochMyCampus/@prwatch, Admin, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 04-20-15 _
< http://www.prwatch.org/news/2015/04/12795/unkochmycampus-article
-/\/- Duncan Gilchrist, UnKoch My Campus; Economics Department
"Duncan Gilchrist, UnKoch My Campus, joins Thom. Charles and David Koch - the Koch brothers - are best known for bankrolling Republican politicians and conservative lobbying groups. But over the past few years they've also emerged as big-time donors to colleges and universities all across the country."
"Over the past few years he has given $68 million to colleges."
"Students Speak Out - UnKoch My Campus!"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Big Picture @RT_America, {Pods}, 11-06-15, YT, 5:16
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3kKPcAtR6U
(^^^) "Students Speak Out - UnKoch My Campus!"
~ Thom Hartman, {Subscribe}, 11-06-15 _
< http://www.thomhartmann.com/bigpicture/students-speak-out-unkoch-my-campus
(^^^) “College Students Launch ‘Unkoch My Campus” Campaign”
~ Aleister/College Insurrection, {Subscribe}, 11-05-14 _
< http://collegeinsurrection.com/2014/11/college-students-launch-unkoch-my-campus-campaign/
>###(11-15)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-212|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Libertarian, John Birch Society/Racist Anti-Communist, Free-Market; Koch Industries; Rules For Oligarchs, Manipulating Commodities
“Tea Parties First Protest Rally February 2009” ~ Mark Ames
"Dylan Ratigan Makes It Official: Mark Ames & Yasha Levine Broke The Koch Brothers’ Takeover Of America"
~ Team eXiled, {Subscribe/Donate} @MarkAmesExiled & Yasha Levine, 03-24-11, @MSNBC, Video, 8:23 _
< http://exiledonline.com/dylan-ratigan-makes-it-official-mark-ames-yasha-levine-broke-the-koch-brothers-takeover-of-america/
OCCUPY’S BULL HORN LIVES: Dylan Ratigan Speaks Out
”The DNC & RNC Are Soulless: Is It Time To Move On?” @DylanRatigan
~ @TYTPolitics, {Donate}, 05-26-17, YT, 2:08 < https://goo.gl/rM5Q7u
DR-Frmr MSNBC, now w/TYT & @HelicalOutpost http://helicalholdings.com/
Dylan Ratigan, @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/Ekj5Nj
DYLAN RATIGAN: Broken Political System, Crooked Politicians, Collusion
”Who Is More Corrupt: Trump, Clinton or Obama? Surprising Answer!”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 05-23-17, YT, 15:21 < https://goo.gl/BLXhlj
BELTWAY TRIBE, PATOMICLAND: DC Warriors, Bipartisanship, Blood Sacrifice, Amazons, A-Team GOP, B-Team Democrats, DC Reporter’s Greek Chorus; Deep State Flying Monkeys, Revolving Door, Legendary Lobbyists
Book: “Homo Politicus” ~ Dana Milbank, (2008)
(^^^) "The Strange and Scary Tribes that Run Our Government"
~ The Film Archives, 05-28-17, YT, 57:53 < https://goo.gl/GwOSBt
(^^^) "The Kochs' Anti-Civil Rights Roots: New Docs Expose Charles Koch's Ties to John Birch Society"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 07-08-14, YT, 6:17 < https://goo.gl/VOpmEc
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Libertarian, John Birch Society/Racist Anti-Communist, Free-Market; Koch Industries; Rules For Oligarchs, Manipulating Commodities
“Tea Parties First Protest Rally February 2009” ~ Mark Ames
"Dylan Ratigan Makes It Official: Mark Ames & Yasha Levine Broke The Koch Brothers’ Takeover Of America"
~ Team eXiled, {Subscribe/Donate} @MarkAmesExiled & Yasha Levine, 03-24-11, @MSNBC, Video, 8:23 _
< http://exiledonline.com/dylan-ratigan-makes-it-official-mark-ames-yasha-levine-broke-the-koch-brothers-takeover-of-america/
OCCUPY’S BULL HORN LIVES: Dylan Ratigan Speaks Out
”The DNC & RNC Are Soulless: Is It Time To Move On?” @DylanRatigan
~ @TYTPolitics, {Donate}, 05-26-17, YT, 2:08 < https://goo.gl/rM5Q7u
DR-Frmr MSNBC, now w/TYT & @HelicalOutpost http://helicalholdings.com/
Dylan Ratigan, @wikipedia < https://goo.gl/Ekj5Nj
DYLAN RATIGAN: Broken Political System, Crooked Politicians, Collusion
”Who Is More Corrupt: Trump, Clinton or Obama? Surprising Answer!”
~ @jimmy_dore Show, {Donate}, 05-23-17, YT, 15:21 < https://goo.gl/BLXhlj
BELTWAY TRIBE, PATOMICLAND: DC Warriors, Bipartisanship, Blood Sacrifice, Amazons, A-Team GOP, B-Team Democrats, DC Reporter’s Greek Chorus; Deep State Flying Monkeys, Revolving Door, Legendary Lobbyists
Book: “Homo Politicus” ~ Dana Milbank, (2008)
(^^^) "The Strange and Scary Tribes that Run Our Government"
~ The Film Archives, 05-28-17, YT, 57:53 < https://goo.gl/GwOSBt
(^^^) "The Kochs' Anti-Civil Rights Roots: New Docs Expose Charles Koch's Ties to John Birch Society"
~ @democracynow, {Donate}, 07-08-14, YT, 6:17 < https://goo.gl/VOpmEc
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-213|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep.
Political Ideology, Libertarian Koch-Tea Party, Tobacco Lobby Playbook
"...the billionaire Koch brothers planned the formation of the Tea Party movement more than a decade before it exploded onto the U.S. political scene."
“…astroturf effort was curated by wealthy industrialist’s years in advance.” The purpose of forming the Tea Party is to “evade accountability for the fossil fuel industry's role in driving climate disruption.”
"Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco & Billionaire Koch Brothers"
~ Brendan DeMelle/Huff Post Green, {Subscribe}, 02-11-13 _
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brendan-demelle/study-confirms-tea-party-_b_2663125.html
>##(11-15)*CW*FK*PI#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Political Ideology, Libertarian Koch-Tea Party, Tobacco Lobby Playbook
"...the billionaire Koch brothers planned the formation of the Tea Party movement more than a decade before it exploded onto the U.S. political scene."
“…astroturf effort was curated by wealthy industrialist’s years in advance.” The purpose of forming the Tea Party is to “evade accountability for the fossil fuel industry's role in driving climate disruption.”
"Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco & Billionaire Koch Brothers"
~ Brendan DeMelle/Huff Post Green, {Subscribe}, 02-11-13 _
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brendan-demelle/study-confirms-tea-party-_b_2663125.html
>##(11-15)*CW*FK*PI#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-216|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage;
Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, Corporatocracy, or Oligarchy
"The 1% Have a Stranglehold on Politics: New Al Jazeera Documentary Sheds Light on the Koch Brothers"
~ Stephen Lacey/Think Progress Green, 10-29-11 _
< http://@thinkprogress.org/romm/2011/10/29/356067/the-1-has-a-stranglehold-on-politics-new-al-jazeera-documentary-sheds-light-on-the-koch-brothers/
(^^^) Koch Brothers Search, #Aljazeera, 38 Articles _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage;
Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, Corporatocracy, or Oligarchy
"The 1% Have a Stranglehold on Politics: New Al Jazeera Documentary Sheds Light on the Koch Brothers"
~ Stephen Lacey/Think Progress Green, 10-29-11 _
< http://@thinkprogress.org/romm/2011/10/29/356067/the-1-has-a-stranglehold-on-politics-new-al-jazeera-documentary-sheds-light-on-the-koch-brothers/
(^^^) Koch Brothers Search, #Aljazeera, 38 Articles _
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-217|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
"GOP Mega-Donor Koch Brothers' Company Tied To Global Criminal Misdeeds In Bombshell Article"
~ Zeke Miller/@businessinsider, {Subscribe}, 10-02-11 _
< http://www.businessinsider.com/gop-mega-donor-koch-brothers-tied-to-global-criminal-misdeeds-in-bombshell-article-2011-10
-/\/- "Koch Industries one of the top ten air polluters in the United States."
"The report showed that, from 2005 to 2008, the Kochs vastly outdid ExxonMobil in giving money to organizations fighting legislation related to climate change, underwriting a huge network of foundations, think tanks, and political front groups." @exxonmobil
(^^^) "Covert Operations The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama."
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 08-30-10 _
< http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/08/30/covert-operations
>###(10-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"GOP Mega-Donor Koch Brothers' Company Tied To Global Criminal Misdeeds In Bombshell Article"
~ Zeke Miller/@businessinsider, {Subscribe}, 10-02-11 _
< http://www.businessinsider.com/gop-mega-donor-koch-brothers-tied-to-global-criminal-misdeeds-in-bombshell-article-2011-10
-/\/- "Koch Industries one of the top ten air polluters in the United States."
"The report showed that, from 2005 to 2008, the Kochs vastly outdid ExxonMobil in giving money to organizations fighting legislation related to climate change, underwriting a huge network of foundations, think tanks, and political front groups." @exxonmobil
(^^^) "Covert Operations The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama."
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 08-30-10 _
< http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/08/30/covert-operations
>###(10-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-218|“Koch Brothers”
Brothers Astroturf Tea Party Movement; Sens.
Joni Ernst (R*IA), Rep. Tom Cotton (R*AR)
& Rep. Cory Gardner (R*CO)
"Myths And Facts About The Koch Brothers"
~ Denise Robbins/Media Matters, 08-27-15 _
< http://mediamatters.org/research/2014/08/27/myths-and-facts-about-the-koch-brothers/200570
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Myths And Facts About The Koch Brothers"
~ Denise Robbins/Media Matters, 08-27-15 _
< http://mediamatters.org/research/2014/08/27/myths-and-facts-about-the-koch-brothers/200570
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-219|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage; Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, Corporatocracy, or Oligarchy
Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, U.S. Oligarchy:
"ALEC: Shaping US politics behind the scenes"
"Anger over the group's influence on a range of legislation affecting the environment, education and labour rights has been a major issue among Occupy protesters across the country. ...ALEC members say the group does nothing more than bring together members of the general public, private sector and federal government to develop policy."
"Who is behind the American Legislative Exchange Council and how much influence does the group have on US state laws?"
~ @Aljazeera, {Subscribe}, 04-07-12 _ http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestoryus2012/2012/04/20124712440737436.html
(^^^) A.L.E.C. - Search, Aljazeera, 26 Articles _ http://www.aljazeera.com/Services/Search
>###(01-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Economic Sabotage; Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, Corporatocracy, or Oligarchy
Non-US Media Reporting on U.S. Plutocracy, U.S. Oligarchy:
"ALEC: Shaping US politics behind the scenes"
"Anger over the group's influence on a range of legislation affecting the environment, education and labour rights has been a major issue among Occupy protesters across the country. ...ALEC members say the group does nothing more than bring together members of the general public, private sector and federal government to develop policy."
"Who is behind the American Legislative Exchange Council and how much influence does the group have on US state laws?"
~ @Aljazeera, {Subscribe}, 04-07-12 _ http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestoryus2012/2012/04/20124712440737436.html
(^^^) A.L.E.C. - Search, Aljazeera, 26 Articles _ http://www.aljazeera.com/Services/Search
>###(01-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-220|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
US Senator Harry Reid, (on the Senate floor), talking about the un-American Koch Brothers, Charles & David Koch, buying US Elections; Funding dozens of Political Action Committees
A.L.E.C. – (Un) American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council, Americans For Prosperity – Tea Party
"Reid Calls Koch Brothers 'Un-American'" @SenatorReid
~ Washington Free Beacon, 02-26-14, YT, 2:32 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1hUvkfObbg
-/\/- AFP – (Tea Party) Americans For Prosperity – CEO, Tim Phillips talks about the 2014 election and the effects of ObamaCare
“Harry Reid really hates the Koch Brothers. Here’s why.” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Cillizza/@washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 03-04-14, Video, 02:19 _
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2014/03/04/harry-reid-really-hates-the-koch-brothers/
(^^^) "How Harry Reid's attack on the Koch brothers is paying off"
~ Joan McCarter/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 07-08-14 _
@SenatorReid < https://goo.gl/imoIzx
>(04-15)*FK3*ULDSHR#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
US Senator Harry Reid, (on the Senate floor), talking about the un-American Koch Brothers, Charles & David Koch, buying US Elections; Funding dozens of Political Action Committees
A.L.E.C. – (Un) American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council, Americans For Prosperity – Tea Party
"Reid Calls Koch Brothers 'Un-American'" @SenatorReid
~ Washington Free Beacon, 02-26-14, YT, 2:32 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1hUvkfObbg
-/\/- AFP – (Tea Party) Americans For Prosperity – CEO, Tim Phillips talks about the 2014 election and the effects of ObamaCare
“Harry Reid really hates the Koch Brothers. Here’s why.” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Cillizza/@washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 03-04-14, Video, 02:19 _
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2014/03/04/harry-reid-really-hates-the-koch-brothers/
(^^^) "How Harry Reid's attack on the Koch brothers is paying off"
~ Joan McCarter/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 07-08-14 _
@SenatorReid < https://goo.gl/imoIzx
>(04-15)*FK3*ULDSHR#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-221|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
Senator Harry Reid (D*NV) exposes Citizens United, Shadowy Shell Group
“Reid sees GOP as ‘addicted to Koch’” @SenatorReid
~ Rachel Maddow Blog – MSNBC, {Cable Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 03-04-14, Video, 12:56 _
< http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/reid-sees-gop-addicted-koch
>##(04-15)*FK*E16(*ULDSHR)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
Senator Harry Reid (D*NV) exposes Citizens United, Shadowy Shell Group
“Reid sees GOP as ‘addicted to Koch’” @SenatorReid
~ Rachel Maddow Blog – MSNBC, {Cable Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 03-04-14, Video, 12:56 _
< http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/reid-sees-gop-addicted-koch
>##(04-15)*FK*E16(*ULDSHR)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-223|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
32 Millionaires & Billionaires Attending a Libertarian Republican Cabal
Buy Politicians & Reduce Their Taxes, Destroy Civilization & Environment
“Koch Brothers Caught On Tape – Obama & Osama Compared”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 09-07-11, YT, 5:30 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTUjYyae2zw&feature=fvwrel
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
32 Millionaires & Billionaires Attending a Libertarian Republican Cabal
Buy Politicians & Reduce Their Taxes, Destroy Civilization & Environment
“Koch Brothers Caught On Tape – Obama & Osama Compared”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 09-07-11, YT, 5:30 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTUjYyae2zw&feature=fvwrel
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-224|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: ALEC – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council
"Pence has been a long-time supporter of ALEC, joking that he was for it before it was cool." @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN
(^^^) "Gov. Pence speaks at ALEC meeting in Indianapolis" (*EC)
~ Katie Heinz/The Indy Channel, 07-29-16, Vid., 1:38 < https://goo.gl/4eaLGk
American Legislative Exchange Council, @wikipedia https://goo.gl/Weqio3
[005] Forbes 400 King’s and Koch’s Political Action Committees
(^^^) "Mitch McConnell Faces Backlash After Audio Leaked From Secret Koch Meeting"
~ Scott Gaudinier/Liberty Voice, {Subscribe}, 09-02-14 < https://goo.gl/iVihd6 @SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP
Merrick B. Garland, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/OlQvzy
-/\/- "At a secret strategy meeting for millionaire and billionaire donors hosted by the Koch brothers, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) outlines his agenda should Republicans take control of the Senate in November."
(^^^) "EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Mitch McConnell's Senate Agenda”
~ The Undercurrent, {Subscribe}, 08-26-14, YT, 1:32 _
@SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP < https://goo.gl/Avv0V6
Mitch McConnell-Koch Donor Summit, 082614, 23:11 https://goo.gl/nS46s1
(^^^) "Obama Just Singled Out Mitch McConnell As The Culprit of 'Do-Nothing' Congress"
~ Lou Colagiovanni/@OccupyDemocrats, 10-04-16 < https://goo.gl/ZgtSQG
KOCH’S Tea Party billionaire cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Keith Olbermann/@MSNBC Countdown and Matt Taibbi/@RollingStone, Author, Book: “Griftopia” ’09 (covers financial crash causes & Koch Tea Party origins);
Koch Brother’s Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Philip Anschutz (Justice Neil Gorsuch backer);
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia;
Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN;
Rep Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice;
GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan;
David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Stephen Bechtel;
Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK);
Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO; Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks;
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom” @FoxNews
(^^^) "Koch-Topus" @mtaibbi @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFP
~ tigerone1970, {Subscribe}, 10-25-10, YT, 6:59 < https://goo.gl/Ftx8q
(^^^) ”Olbermann: The Kochtopus” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ videosift(.)com, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, Video, 6:59 < https://goo.gl/KoWiYr
(^^^) “Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ Velvet Revolution, {Subscribe}, 10-21-10, YT, 7:04 https://goo.gl/3MZ0YK
Koch Watch, {Subscribe/Donate} < http://www.kochwatch.org
-/\/- “Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Palm Springs Koch Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending
“To encourage new participants, Mr. Koch offers to waive the $1,500 registration fee. And he notes that previous guests have included Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, Gov. Haley Barbour and Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, and Representatives Mike Pence (@VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN), Tom Price (@RepTomPrice), and Paul D. Ryan (@SpeakerRyan @PRyan).”
“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names;
Letter From Charles Koch, Climate Change Alarmism, Gov’t Growth
"a presentations on 'microtargeting' to identify like-minded [idiot] voters ...featuring Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity, the political action group founded by the Kochs in 2004..."
Attendees and Presenters include: Glenn Beck, John Childs, Cliff Asness, Steve Schwarzman, Ken Griffin, Phil Anschutz, Rich DeVos…Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos, Steve Bechtel, Kenneth Langone, Foster Friess, Fred Malek and former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and "Nancy Pfotenhauer and Annie Dickerson, who also runs a foundation for Paul Singer, a hedge fund executive..."
"Koch Industries, a Wichita-based energy and manufacturing conglomerate run by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, operates a foundation that finances political advocacy groups, but tax law protects those groups from having to disclose much about what they do and who contributes."
(^^^) "Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead" @Koch_Industries
~ Kate Zernike/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 < https://goo.gl/fepPpG
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?”
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R*SC) and Tom Coburn (R*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice, and Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
(^^^) “Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ @thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-28-11 _
@Koch_Industries < https://goo.gl/KlqXMF
"The news that justices Scalia and Thomas have attended Koch strategy sessions is adding to the growing buzz over a planned demonstration against the billionaires."
(^^^) "Koch Brothers Feel the Heat In DC, as Broad Coalition Readies Creative Action to Quarantine the Billionaires Gathering in California Desert"
~ Don Hazen/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-26-11 _
< https://goo.gl/i9eJy5
(^^^) "Alito, Thomas Headlined Political Fundraisers Chaired By Leading Right-Wing Donor Paul Singer"
~ @lhfang/Center For American Progress/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-26-11 < https://goo.gl/P44r2m
(^^^) "At a right-wing political fundraiser, Alito says SOTU is too 'political'"
~ TP Clips 6, {Subscribe}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:51 https://youtu.be/eHEkWjBMuiE
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
(^^^) "The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 < https://goo.gl/uEWV46
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
(^^^) “Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 https://goo.gl/xNPBpS
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
(^^^) "The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute < https://goo.gl/CTNk8q
>#(04-17)*EC*FK3*IN*PI*TS#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: ALEC – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council
"Pence has been a long-time supporter of ALEC, joking that he was for it before it was cool." @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN
(^^^) "Gov. Pence speaks at ALEC meeting in Indianapolis" (*EC)
~ Katie Heinz/The Indy Channel, 07-29-16, Vid., 1:38 < https://goo.gl/4eaLGk
American Legislative Exchange Council, @wikipedia https://goo.gl/Weqio3
[005] Forbes 400 King’s and Koch’s Political Action Committees
(^^^) "Mitch McConnell Faces Backlash After Audio Leaked From Secret Koch Meeting"
~ Scott Gaudinier/Liberty Voice, {Subscribe}, 09-02-14 < https://goo.gl/iVihd6 @SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP
Merrick B. Garland, @wikipedia, {Donate} < https://goo.gl/OlQvzy
-/\/- "At a secret strategy meeting for millionaire and billionaire donors hosted by the Koch brothers, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) outlines his agenda should Republicans take control of the Senate in November."
(^^^) "EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Mitch McConnell's Senate Agenda”
~ The Undercurrent, {Subscribe}, 08-26-14, YT, 1:32 _
@SenateMajLdr @McConnell Press @GOP < https://goo.gl/Avv0V6
Mitch McConnell-Koch Donor Summit, 082614, 23:11 https://goo.gl/nS46s1
(^^^) "Obama Just Singled Out Mitch McConnell As The Culprit of 'Do-Nothing' Congress"
~ Lou Colagiovanni/@OccupyDemocrats, 10-04-16 < https://goo.gl/ZgtSQG
KOCH’S Tea Party billionaire cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Keith Olbermann/@MSNBC Countdown and Matt Taibbi/@RollingStone, Author, Book: “Griftopia” ’09 (covers financial crash causes & Koch Tea Party origins);
Koch Brother’s Meeting at Palm Springs, CA – “addressing threats to American Free Enterprise & Prosperity;” Goal: “develop Strategies To Counter The Most Severe Threats Facing Our Free Society…”
Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity P.A.C., Guest Of Honor include:
Philip Anschutz (Justice Neil Gorsuch backer);
Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas & Antonin Scalia;
Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN;
Rep Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice;
GOP KochTea Rep. Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan;
David Chavern – C.O.O. non-U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Stephen Bechtel;
Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK);
Stephen Schwartzman – Hedge Fund CEO; Amway, Home Depot, Fox News & all these Think-Tanks;
Glenn Beck Address ~ “Is America On The Road To Serfdom” @FoxNews
(^^^) "Koch-Topus" @mtaibbi @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @AFP
~ tigerone1970, {Subscribe}, 10-25-10, YT, 6:59 < https://goo.gl/Ftx8q
(^^^) ”Olbermann: The Kochtopus” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ videosift(.)com, {Subscribe}, 10-20-10, Video, 6:59 < https://goo.gl/KoWiYr
(^^^) “Olbermann Discusses the Koch Brothers & Their Extremist Corporate Agenda” (Duplicate, Backup)
~ Velvet Revolution, {Subscribe}, 10-21-10, YT, 7:04 https://goo.gl/3MZ0YK
Koch Watch, {Subscribe/Donate} < http://www.kochwatch.org
-/\/- “Koch Brothers” Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Palm Springs Koch Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending
“To encourage new participants, Mr. Koch offers to waive the $1,500 registration fee. And he notes that previous guests have included Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, Gov. Haley Barbour and Gov. Bobby Jindal, Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn, and Representatives Mike Pence (@VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN), Tom Price (@RepTomPrice), and Paul D. Ryan (@SpeakerRyan @PRyan).”
“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Palm Springs Koch Qaeda Cabal, JustaSSes Scalia & Thomas Attending, Naming Names;
Letter From Charles Koch, Climate Change Alarmism, Gov’t Growth
"a presentations on 'microtargeting' to identify like-minded [idiot] voters ...featuring Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity, the political action group founded by the Kochs in 2004..."
Attendees and Presenters include: Glenn Beck, John Childs, Cliff Asness, Steve Schwarzman, Ken Griffin, Phil Anschutz, Rich DeVos…Betsy DeVos: Education Secretary; @BetsyDeVos, Steve Bechtel, Kenneth Langone, Foster Friess, Fred Malek and former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and "Nancy Pfotenhauer and Annie Dickerson, who also runs a foundation for Paul Singer, a hedge fund executive..."
"Koch Industries, a Wichita-based energy and manufacturing conglomerate run by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, operates a foundation that finances political advocacy groups, but tax law protects those groups from having to disclose much about what they do and who contributes."
(^^^) "Secretive Republican Donors Are Planning Ahead" @Koch_Industries
~ Kate Zernike/@nytimes, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 < https://goo.gl/fepPpG
“Oil billionaire and health industry big wigs;” Stephen Bechtel, Philip Anschutz, David Chavern – COO (NON) U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Glenn Beck – FOX News address “Is America On The Road To Serfdom?”
Past attendees were Gov. Haley Barbour (R*MS) and Gov. Bobby Jindal (R*LA), Senators Jim DeMint (R*SC) and Tom Coburn (R*OK), Representatives Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Tom Price (R*GA) @RepTomPrice, and Paul Ryan (R*WI) @SpeakerRyan @PRyan, Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
(^^^) “Koch Brothers Palm Springs Gathering Draws Billionaires”
~ @thehuffpost_, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-28-11 _
@Koch_Industries < https://goo.gl/KlqXMF
"The news that justices Scalia and Thomas have attended Koch strategy sessions is adding to the growing buzz over a planned demonstration against the billionaires."
(^^^) "Koch Brothers Feel the Heat In DC, as Broad Coalition Readies Creative Action to Quarantine the Billionaires Gathering in California Desert"
~ Don Hazen/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-26-11 _
< https://goo.gl/i9eJy5
(^^^) "Alito, Thomas Headlined Political Fundraisers Chaired By Leading Right-Wing Donor Paul Singer"
~ @lhfang/Center For American Progress/@thinkprogress, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 01-26-11 < https://goo.gl/P44r2m
(^^^) "At a right-wing political fundraiser, Alito says SOTU is too 'political'"
~ TP Clips 6, {Subscribe}, 01-25-11, YT, 2:51 https://youtu.be/eHEkWjBMuiE
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
(^^^) "The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 < https://goo.gl/uEWV46
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
(^^^) “Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 https://goo.gl/xNPBpS
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
(^^^) "The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute < https://goo.gl/CTNk8q
>#(04-17)*EC*FK3*IN*PI*TS#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-226|“Koch Brothers”
"Robert Reich unpacks the Koch brothers' influence network, and how the Koch brothers are trying to use their wealth to impose their self-interested agenda on the rest of us."
"Robert Reich on America's Koch Problem" @RBReich
~ @MoveOn, {Subscribe}, 06-27-14, YT, 3:01 < https://goo.gl/461FLZ
>###(03-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Robert Reich unpacks the Koch brothers' influence network, and how the Koch brothers are trying to use their wealth to impose their self-interested agenda on the rest of us."
"Robert Reich on America's Koch Problem" @RBReich
~ @MoveOn, {Subscribe}, 06-27-14, YT, 3:01 < https://goo.gl/461FLZ
>###(03-17)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-227|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Cabal Guests include: Rep. Paul Rayn (R*WI), Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK), Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck;
{GOP-Libertariayn-Rand-Anarchist-Chaos-Religious Tribalism}, Transcript, GOP, Audio
“Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar”
~ @TheBradBlog/@MotherJones, {Subscribe}, 09-06-11 _
< http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/09/exclusive-audio-koch-brothers-seminar-tapes
-/\/- Million Dollar Donors Red Aloud, Charles Koch’s Remarks, 06-26-11, Audio, 04:00 _
< http://www.bradblog.com/?page_id=8700
-/\/- In our exclusive recordings, David Koch introduces the New Jersey governor as ‘my kind of guy’ and ‘a true political hero.’” Top Secret Trip
“Audio: Gov. Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab”
~ @TheBradBlog/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-07-11, Short Gov. C.C. Audio >> listen close _
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/09/audio-chris-christie-koch-brothers-seminar
>(04-15)*FK(*UJSC)(*NJ)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Cabal Guests include: Rep. Paul Rayn (R*WI), Rep. Mike Pence (R*IN) @VP @mike_pence @GovPenceIN, Sen. Jim DeMint (R*SC), Sen. Tom Coburn (R*OK), Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck;
{GOP-Libertariayn-Rand-Anarchist-Chaos-Religious Tribalism}, Transcript, GOP, Audio
“Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar”
~ @TheBradBlog/@MotherJones, {Subscribe}, 09-06-11 _
< http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/09/exclusive-audio-koch-brothers-seminar-tapes
-/\/- Million Dollar Donors Red Aloud, Charles Koch’s Remarks, 06-26-11, Audio, 04:00 _
< http://www.bradblog.com/?page_id=8700
-/\/- In our exclusive recordings, David Koch introduces the New Jersey governor as ‘my kind of guy’ and ‘a true political hero.’” Top Secret Trip
“Audio: Gov. Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab”
~ @TheBradBlog/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-07-11, Short Gov. C.C. Audio >> listen close _
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/09/audio-chris-christie-koch-brothers-seminar
>(04-15)*FK(*UJSC)(*NJ)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-228|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Meeting; Governor Chris Christie’s (R*NJ) Secret Trip
“Christie for President”
~ Aaron Ross/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-07-11 _
< http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/09/christie-president-koch-brothers
>###(04-2015)CWP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Libertarian Tea Party Billionaire Multi-Millionaire Meeting; Governor Chris Christie’s (R*NJ) Secret Trip
“Christie for President”
~ Aaron Ross/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-07-11 _
< http://motherjones.com/mojo/2011/09/christie-president-koch-brothers
>###(04-2015)CWP###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-229|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy
Radical David Koch ran for President in 1980 as VP of the Libertarian Party
"Astounding: David Koch's 1980 VP Run: Kill Medicare, Social Security, Minimum Wage, Public Schools"
~ caleylaw/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate}, 04-10-14 _
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/04/10/1291095/-Astounding-Charles-Koch-s-1980-VP-Run-Kill-Medicare-Soc-Sec-Min-Wage-Public-Ed
>###(04-15)*FK*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy
Radical David Koch ran for President in 1980 as VP of the Libertarian Party
"Astounding: David Koch's 1980 VP Run: Kill Medicare, Social Security, Minimum Wage, Public Schools"
~ caleylaw/@dailykos, {Subscribe/Donate}, 04-10-14 _
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/04/10/1291095/-Astounding-Charles-Koch-s-1980-VP-Run-Kill-Medicare-Soc-Sec-Min-Wage-Public-Ed
>###(04-15)*FK*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-230|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas Both Attended Koch Brothers Billionaire-Multi-Millionaire Libertarian-Tea-Anarchist Cabal Meetings
“Advocacy Group Says Justices May Have Conflict in Campaign Finance Cases”
~ Eric Lichtblau/@nytimes - Politics, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-19-11 _
< http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/20/us/politics/20koch.html?_r=2
>##(04-15)*FK*UJSC#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia & Clarence Thomas Both Attended Koch Brothers Billionaire-Multi-Millionaire Libertarian-Tea-Anarchist Cabal Meetings
“Advocacy Group Says Justices May Have Conflict in Campaign Finance Cases”
~ Eric Lichtblau/@nytimes - Politics, {Subscribe/Donate}, 01-19-11 _
< http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/20/us/politics/20koch.html?_r=2
>##(04-15)*FK*UJSC#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-233|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
Koch Brothers, CEO’s, Lobbyists, Legislators, Billionaire Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, Donors, Libertarians
The Kochs are determined to control state and Federal government.
They've already won and now the 1% are dividing America up amongst the Regional Warlords and Corporations listed below by Mother Jones.
"A list of one-on-one meetings between VIP donors and the Kochs and their operatives offers …look into their mighty political machine."
"After the brothers and their allies failed to win the Senate or unseat Obama in 2012, David Koch told Forbes that this setback would do little to deter them: ‘We're going to fight the battle as long as we breathe.’ At the Palm Springs conference, as the left-behind-list of VIP meetings shows, the Kochs are lining up serious financial firepower for the political fights of 2014 and beyond.”
"Read the meeting list, along with a guide to the participants..."
"The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 < https://goo.gl/uEWV46
>###(04-17)*CW*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
KOCH CONFERENCE 2014: Billionaires, AFP – Americans for (Koch & billionaire) Prosperity, Freedom Partners
Koch Brothers, CEO’s, Lobbyists, Legislators, Billionaire Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, Donors, Libertarians
The Kochs are determined to control state and Federal government.
They've already won and now the 1% are dividing America up amongst the Regional Warlords and Corporations listed below by Mother Jones.
"A list of one-on-one meetings between VIP donors and the Kochs and their operatives offers …look into their mighty political machine."
"After the brothers and their allies failed to win the Senate or unseat Obama in 2012, David Koch told Forbes that this setback would do little to deter them: ‘We're going to fight the battle as long as we breathe.’ At the Palm Springs conference, as the left-behind-list of VIP meetings shows, the Kochs are lining up serious financial firepower for the political fights of 2014 and beyond.”
"Read the meeting list, along with a guide to the participants..."
"The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference—Read It Here"
~ Andy Kroll & Daniel Schulman/@MotherJones, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 02-05-14 < https://goo.gl/uEWV46
>###(04-17)*CW*FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-234|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Palm Springs Summit:
Freedom Partners Action Fund; Kochs Open Meeting & Influence; Shadow Republican Party; Personal Koch Meetings: Senator Rand Paul (R*KY), Senator Ted Cruz (R*TX), & Gov. Chris Christie (R*NJ); Kochs Funding University Positions
Planned Live Stream of Koch Palm Springs Meeting (01-24-2015) Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, & Ted Cruz on stage live stream;
Exposed Professor Art Hall – PHD – University of Kansas, Center for Applied Economics; Koch Funded School at University of Kansas; Students for a Sustainable Future made and open records request; KU, $1,800 Documents Fee; Charles Koch Foundation, 4 pages of Koch Funded Positions at American Universities
“Students fight to expose Koch influence”
~ Rachel @maddow/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, w/Nicholas Confessore/@nytimes Political Reporter, 01-22-15, Video, 19:19 _
< http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/watch/students-fight-to-expose-koch-influence-388013123513
(^^^) Shorter _
< http://on.msnbc.com/1BOraPb
(^^^) "Palm Springs Weekend"
~ Sharon Kyle/LA Progressive, Bob Edgar/Common Cause, {Subscribe}, 01-2015 _
< http://www.laprogressive.com/palm-springs-weekend/
>##(04-15)*FK(*KS)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Palm Springs Summit:
Freedom Partners Action Fund; Kochs Open Meeting & Influence; Shadow Republican Party; Personal Koch Meetings: Senator Rand Paul (R*KY), Senator Ted Cruz (R*TX), & Gov. Chris Christie (R*NJ); Kochs Funding University Positions
Planned Live Stream of Koch Palm Springs Meeting (01-24-2015) Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, & Ted Cruz on stage live stream;
Exposed Professor Art Hall – PHD – University of Kansas, Center for Applied Economics; Koch Funded School at University of Kansas; Students for a Sustainable Future made and open records request; KU, $1,800 Documents Fee; Charles Koch Foundation, 4 pages of Koch Funded Positions at American Universities
“Students fight to expose Koch influence”
~ Rachel @maddow/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, w/Nicholas Confessore/@nytimes Political Reporter, 01-22-15, Video, 19:19 _
< http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/watch/students-fight-to-expose-koch-influence-388013123513
(^^^) Shorter _
< http://on.msnbc.com/1BOraPb
(^^^) "Palm Springs Weekend"
~ Sharon Kyle/LA Progressive, Bob Edgar/Common Cause, {Subscribe}, 01-2015 _
< http://www.laprogressive.com/palm-springs-weekend/
>##(04-15)*FK(*KS)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-235|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
All levels of law enforcement were spying on Occupy Phoenix and A.L.E.C. meeting Protesters. Police and anti-terrorism units collaborated with A.L.E.C. – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council. The Arizona Fusion Center sent a “Face Sheet” to A.L.E.C. Security.
“giving downtown banks everything they need”
“destroyed Levy Guidelines”
Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder was “waging war on whistleblowers” and Occupy Protest against Wall Street banks.
Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder is/was a whistleblower nemesis and Wall Street Covington & Burling Corporation’s (Big-Bank Defense Law Firm) favorite Atty General.
"Editor of The Progressive Calls For Eric Holder to Resign Over Spying on Press, Occupy Protesters"
~ @democracynow, w/Matthew Rothschild/@theprogressive, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 05-22-13, YT, 6:15 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_Dii2fJpDI
Spying on Press/Occupy, D. Now, 052213, Video, 9:20 https://goo.gl/zfyy8s
>#(07-17)*FK*USA*WB*(*PI)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
All levels of law enforcement were spying on Occupy Phoenix and A.L.E.C. meeting Protesters. Police and anti-terrorism units collaborated with A.L.E.C. – American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council. The Arizona Fusion Center sent a “Face Sheet” to A.L.E.C. Security.
“giving downtown banks everything they need”
“destroyed Levy Guidelines”
Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder was “waging war on whistleblowers” and Occupy Protest against Wall Street banks.
Attorney General Eric “Big-Bank Hand" Holder is/was a whistleblower nemesis and Wall Street Covington & Burling Corporation’s (Big-Bank Defense Law Firm) favorite Atty General.
"Editor of The Progressive Calls For Eric Holder to Resign Over Spying on Press, Occupy Protesters"
~ @democracynow, w/Matthew Rothschild/@theprogressive, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}, 05-22-13, YT, 6:15 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_Dii2fJpDI
Spying on Press/Occupy, D. Now, 052213, Video, 9:20 https://goo.gl/zfyy8s
>#(07-17)*FK*USA*WB*(*PI)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-236|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
AFP Fighting Against Affordable (Health) Care Act ACA 2010 through a plethora of whipped up Not-For-Profit Charity Organizations & Web Sites
[like S-Court 5 Rent-Boy Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni at Liberty Central]
[ObamaCare – envisioned as “guaranteed access” to Health Insurance, (exceptions being the uncooperative 25 Koch A.L.E.C. controlled Teahad Plantation Rebels-For-Greed & RTW - Right-To-Work as a Slave-w/a-Night-Pass States)]
"The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity"
~ Pam Martens/Wall Street On Parade, A Citizens Guide to Wall St.; (See “Publishers Must Reads”), {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-19-10 _
< http://wallstreetonparade.com/the-koch-empire-and-americans-for-prosperity/
-/\/- (V3) ~ Pam Martens/@NatCounterPunch, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 _
< http://www.counterpunch.org/2010/10/19/the-koch-empire-and-americans-for-prosperity/
State Policy “Tea Anarchy” Network, “Deregulating Charity Orgs” – 501(c)3 “ed org”/Free Market Think Tanks; at least one in every state
Writers/Spinners Wanted: "Find Your Audience for Freedom,"
"Turn Crisis into Opportunity," "Become a Storyteller for Liberty"
“…vision for SPN as a service and networking organization that would help coordinate state and national efforts to promote free enterprise.”
“…independent, market-oriented, state-focused think tanks. Today …59 representing all 50 states”
SPN | About _ {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
< http://www.spn.org/about/page/background
KOCH ORG RUNDOWN: Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Club for Growth, American Energy Alliance, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Generation Opportunity, 60+, Freedom Partners, Cato Institute, Independent Women's Forum described …and many others listed
“Organizations to Watch” {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
~ Koch Problem, {Subscribe/Donate} _
< http://www.kochtracker.com/explore/OrgsToWatch
>###(07-16)*EC*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
AFP Fighting Against Affordable (Health) Care Act ACA 2010 through a plethora of whipped up Not-For-Profit Charity Organizations & Web Sites
[like S-Court 5 Rent-Boy Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni at Liberty Central]
[ObamaCare – envisioned as “guaranteed access” to Health Insurance, (exceptions being the uncooperative 25 Koch A.L.E.C. controlled Teahad Plantation Rebels-For-Greed & RTW - Right-To-Work as a Slave-w/a-Night-Pass States)]
"The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity"
~ Pam Martens/Wall Street On Parade, A Citizens Guide to Wall St.; (See “Publishers Must Reads”), {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-19-10 _
< http://wallstreetonparade.com/the-koch-empire-and-americans-for-prosperity/
-/\/- (V3) ~ Pam Martens/@NatCounterPunch, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 _
< http://www.counterpunch.org/2010/10/19/the-koch-empire-and-americans-for-prosperity/
State Policy “Tea Anarchy” Network, “Deregulating Charity Orgs” – 501(c)3 “ed org”/Free Market Think Tanks; at least one in every state
Writers/Spinners Wanted: "Find Your Audience for Freedom,"
"Turn Crisis into Opportunity," "Become a Storyteller for Liberty"
“…vision for SPN as a service and networking organization that would help coordinate state and national efforts to promote free enterprise.”
“…independent, market-oriented, state-focused think tanks. Today …59 representing all 50 states”
SPN | About _ {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
< http://www.spn.org/about/page/background
KOCH ORG RUNDOWN: Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Club for Growth, American Energy Alliance, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Generation Opportunity, 60+, Freedom Partners, Cato Institute, Independent Women's Forum described …and many others listed
“Organizations to Watch” {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
~ Koch Problem, {Subscribe/Donate} _
< http://www.kochtracker.com/explore/OrgsToWatch
>###(07-16)*EC*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-237|“Koch Brothers”
US Senate , William A. Clark, Copper Barron; Corruption; Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, Tea Party Movement, FreedomPartners, Koch Industries, Keystone XL Pipeline
"Spending hundreds of millions to buy as much political power as they can for a project that could earn them over $100 billion."
"The Kochs' Brazen Buyout of Our Democracy Is Right Up There with the Worst Oligarchs in American History"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Thom Hartmann Show, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Radio}/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-23-13 _
@Koch_Industries < http://www.alternet.org/economy/kochs-brazen-buyout-our-democracy-right-there-worst-oligarchs-american-history
>###(09-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
US Senate , William A. Clark, Copper Barron; Corruption; Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, Tea Party Movement, FreedomPartners, Koch Industries, Keystone XL Pipeline
"Spending hundreds of millions to buy as much political power as they can for a project that could earn them over $100 billion."
"The Kochs' Brazen Buyout of Our Democracy Is Right Up There with the Worst Oligarchs in American History"
~ @Thom_Hartmann/Thom Hartmann Show, {Podcast Subscriber Supported Radio}/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-23-13 _
@Koch_Industries < http://www.alternet.org/economy/kochs-brazen-buyout-our-democracy-right-there-worst-oligarchs-american-history
>###(09-15)*E16###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-238|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government
Republican National Convention Coverage, Bastardization of TV Journalism
David Koch promised $400 Million (in Citizens {Corp’s Free & Unlimited Ad Speech}United money) to elect Republican/Ts in 2012 election cycle.
(In January 2015, he pledged $889 million to elect Republican/Ts in 2016 election cycle. Charles Koch, Dick Cheney and war hawks favor Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election cycle.)
"When Mitt Romney walked down the aisle toward the stage Thursday night ...hands he shook ...conservative billionaire and major political donor David Koch. But it was a moment missed by the tens of millions of viewers at home." ~ Amy Goodman
"The Romney-Koch Handshake That Network TV Missed"
~ @AlterNet/@democracynow, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-01-12, Video, 2:00 _
@Mitt Romney @AlterNet < https://goo.gl/HgSIhR
Romney Koch H Shake,@democracynow,083112,1:56 https://goo.gl/c3NKhw
>#(01-17)*FK*E12*E16*PJ##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Republican National Convention Coverage, Bastardization of TV Journalism
David Koch promised $400 Million (in Citizens {Corp’s Free & Unlimited Ad Speech}United money) to elect Republican/Ts in 2012 election cycle.
(In January 2015, he pledged $889 million to elect Republican/Ts in 2016 election cycle. Charles Koch, Dick Cheney and war hawks favor Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election cycle.)
"When Mitt Romney walked down the aisle toward the stage Thursday night ...hands he shook ...conservative billionaire and major political donor David Koch. But it was a moment missed by the tens of millions of viewers at home." ~ Amy Goodman
"The Romney-Koch Handshake That Network TV Missed"
~ @AlterNet/@democracynow, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-01-12, Video, 2:00 _
@Mitt Romney @AlterNet < https://goo.gl/HgSIhR
Romney Koch H Shake,@democracynow,083112,1:56 https://goo.gl/c3NKhw
>#(01-17)*FK*E12*E16*PJ##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-240|“Koch Brothers”
History: Nazi Oil, Communist Oil; Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Koch Industries Corruption, Oil
Fred Koch worked for the Nazis and later for Communist Joseph Stalin; Fascist psychopaths in The Family Tree; Daddie Fred co-founded The John Birch Society;
Sons Charles & David Koch sponsor Political Action Committees, Foundations, & Think Tanks include A.L.E.C. (un-American Legislative Exchange Counsil ), Citizens for a Sound Economy, Libertarian Cato Institute, Reason Magazine, The Manhattan Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Democratic Leadership Council, Triad Management Services, etc, etc…
“Report: The Koch’s, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right”
{Link Reference Cluster & Highlights/Bottom/Corruption & Suppression}
~ Unknown Journal, (Word Press Blogger), {Subscribe}, 10-06-10 _
< http://unknownjournal.wordpress.com/2010/10/06/%E2%96%BC-report-the-kochs-their-nazi-past-american-oil-the-foundation-of-republican-ideology/
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
History: Nazi Oil, Communist Oil; Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Koch Industries Corruption, Oil
Fred Koch worked for the Nazis and later for Communist Joseph Stalin; Fascist psychopaths in The Family Tree; Daddie Fred co-founded The John Birch Society;
Sons Charles & David Koch sponsor Political Action Committees, Foundations, & Think Tanks include A.L.E.C. (un-American Legislative Exchange Counsil ), Citizens for a Sound Economy, Libertarian Cato Institute, Reason Magazine, The Manhattan Institute, The Heartland Institute, the Democratic Leadership Council, Triad Management Services, etc, etc…
“Report: The Koch’s, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right”
{Link Reference Cluster & Highlights/Bottom/Corruption & Suppression}
~ Unknown Journal, (Word Press Blogger), {Subscribe}, 10-06-10 _
< http://unknownjournal.wordpress.com/2010/10/06/%E2%96%BC-report-the-kochs-their-nazi-past-american-oil-the-foundation-of-republican-ideology/
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-241|“Koch Brothers”
North Carolina *NC, Education
"The Conservative Ideas The Koch Brothers Want To Sneak Into Schools"
~ Caitlin MacNeal/@TPM,{Subscribe/Donate}, 12-10-14 _
< http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/koch-brothers-north-carolina-history-class
>###(01-17)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
North Carolina *NC, Education
"The Conservative Ideas The Koch Brothers Want To Sneak Into Schools"
~ Caitlin MacNeal/@TPM,{Subscribe/Donate}, 12-10-14 _
< http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/koch-brothers-north-carolina-history-class
>###(01-17)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-242|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Governments. | Boycott
Products List
Boycott Koch Products – Boycott Koch Brothers | Home _
< http://boycottkochbrothers.com/
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Boycott Koch Products – Boycott Koch Brothers | Home _
< http://boycottkochbrothers.com/
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-243|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
KOCH BROTHERS EXPOSED; Attack U.S. Federal & State Governments, Attack Social Safety Net, Social Security Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Raising Retirement Age from 67 to 70 (POTUS 40 Reagan Raised it from 65 to 67)
"Koch Brothers Exposed"
~ Bernie Sanders, {Subscribe}, 06-22-11, YT, 3:46 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPeUrJF6AM8
__Antron ®
__Brawny Brand paper towels & other products
__Colhogar ® European brands
__Comforel® fiberfill
__CoolMax ®
__Cordura ® fabric
__DBE ® dibasic esters
__Delica ®
__Demak’Up ®
__Dixie® Brand cups plates & other products
__Georgia-Pacific Lumber & paper products
__Inversoft ®
__Kitten Soft ®
__Koch Agricultural – operates cattle ranches
__Koch Fertilizers
__Lotus ®
__LYCRA ® man-made fabrics and fibers
__Mardi Gras brand paper goods
__Matador Ranch – A Hunting Ranch
__Moltonel ®
__Northern Brand toilet paper
__Nouvelle ®
__Oxyclear ™
__Performa ®
__Polarguard ®
__Polyclear ®
__Polyshield ®
__Soft-n-Gentle® brand toilet paper
__SolarMax ®
__Somerelle ® bedding
__Sparkle Brand paper goods
__Sparkle Brand paper napkins
__Stainmaster® carpet and fabric care products
__Supplex ® fabric
__Sure Sol ® & other chemical products
__Tactesse ® carpet fibers
__Tenderly ®
__Thermolite ®
__Tutto ®
__Vanity Fair Brand paper napkins
__Zee Brand paper goods
"Senator Bernie Sanders Exposes Massive Koch Brothers Corruption…"
~ Leslie Salzillo - Liberals Unite, {Subscribe}, 08-04-13, Video ^ _
< http://samuel-warde.com/2013/08/senator-bernie-sanders-exposes-massive-corruption-of-the-koch-brothers-video/
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
The 4th Branch of Government; Billionaire’s Cabal; Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage
KOCH BROTHERS EXPOSED; Attack U.S. Federal & State Governments, Attack Social Safety Net, Social Security Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Raising Retirement Age from 67 to 70 (POTUS 40 Reagan Raised it from 65 to 67)
"Koch Brothers Exposed"
~ Bernie Sanders, {Subscribe}, 06-22-11, YT, 3:46 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPeUrJF6AM8
__Antron ®
__Brawny Brand paper towels & other products
__Colhogar ® European brands
__Comforel® fiberfill
__CoolMax ®
__Cordura ® fabric
__DBE ® dibasic esters
__Delica ®
__Demak’Up ®
__Dixie® Brand cups plates & other products
__Georgia-Pacific Lumber & paper products
__Inversoft ®
__Kitten Soft ®
__Koch Agricultural – operates cattle ranches
__Koch Fertilizers
__Lotus ®
__LYCRA ® man-made fabrics and fibers
__Mardi Gras brand paper goods
__Matador Ranch – A Hunting Ranch
__Moltonel ®
__Northern Brand toilet paper
__Nouvelle ®
__Oxyclear ™
__Performa ®
__Polarguard ®
__Polyclear ®
__Polyshield ®
__Soft-n-Gentle® brand toilet paper
__SolarMax ®
__Somerelle ® bedding
__Sparkle Brand paper goods
__Sparkle Brand paper napkins
__Stainmaster® carpet and fabric care products
__Supplex ® fabric
__Sure Sol ® & other chemical products
__Tactesse ® carpet fibers
__Tenderly ®
__Thermolite ®
__Tutto ®
__Vanity Fair Brand paper napkins
__Zee Brand paper goods
"Senator Bernie Sanders Exposes Massive Koch Brothers Corruption…"
~ Leslie Salzillo - Liberals Unite, {Subscribe}, 08-04-13, Video ^ _
< http://samuel-warde.com/2013/08/senator-bernie-sanders-exposes-massive-corruption-of-the-koch-brothers-video/
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-244|“Koch Brothers”
"Koch Group’s IRS Report Unlocks A Few Mysteries"
~ Robert Maguire and Viveca Novak/@OpenSecretsDC, 09-18-13 _
< http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2013/09/koch-groups-irs-report-unlocks-mysteries-details-giant-trade-group/
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Koch Group’s IRS Report Unlocks A Few Mysteries"
~ Robert Maguire and Viveca Novak/@OpenSecretsDC, 09-18-13 _
< http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2013/09/koch-groups-irs-report-unlocks-mysteries-details-giant-trade-group/
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-245|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
Montana, *MT
"Americans for Prosperity spent a bundle to kill Medicaid expansion in Montana. Here's why they lost."
"Kochs Defeated in Montana: 6 Lessons America Can Learn From This Rural Western State"
~ Eric Stern/Salon/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-21-15 _
< http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/kochs-defeated-montana-6-lessons-america-can-learn-rural-western-state
>###(08-15)*FK(*MT)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Montana, *MT
"Americans for Prosperity spent a bundle to kill Medicaid expansion in Montana. Here's why they lost."
"Kochs Defeated in Montana: 6 Lessons America Can Learn From This Rural Western State"
~ Eric Stern/Salon/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-21-15 _
< http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/kochs-defeated-montana-6-lessons-america-can-learn-rural-western-state
>###(08-15)*FK(*MT)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-246|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Network, Foundations, Organizations
“How the billionaire brothers have spread their web of influence across every sector of American society.”
“The Koch 130”
~ Julia Lurie, Daniel Schulman, & Tasneem Raja/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 11-03-14 _**
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/11/koch-brothers-web-influence
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Network, Foundations, Organizations
“How the billionaire brothers have spread their web of influence across every sector of American society.”
“The Koch 130”
~ Julia Lurie, Daniel Schulman, & Tasneem Raja/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate}, 11-03-14 _**
< http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/11/koch-brothers-web-influence
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-247|“Koch Brothers”
Charles Koch, John Birch Society, Freedom Partners, Cash Transfers, $250 Million, Election, Koch Industries
"The Kochs’ Anti-Civil Rights Roots: New Docs Expose Charles Koch’s Ties to John Birch Society"
~ @democracynow, w/Lisa Graves, @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Support Journalism/Podcasts Donate}, 07-08-14, Video, 09:00 _
< http://www.democracynow.org/2014/7/8/kochs_anti_civil_rights_roots
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Charles Koch, John Birch Society, Freedom Partners, Cash Transfers, $250 Million, Election, Koch Industries
"The Kochs’ Anti-Civil Rights Roots: New Docs Expose Charles Koch’s Ties to John Birch Society"
~ @democracynow, w/Lisa Graves, @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, {Support Journalism/Podcasts Donate}, 07-08-14, Video, 09:00 _
< http://www.democracynow.org/2014/7/8/kochs_anti_civil_rights_roots
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-248|“Koch Brothers”
Charles Koch
"Charles Koch scolds the 1 percent: The plutocrat’s surprising moment of clarity"
~ David Sirota/@Salon, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-16-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Charles Koch scolds the 1 percent: The plutocrat’s surprising moment of clarity"
~ David Sirota/@Salon, {Subscribe/Donate} 08-16-15 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-249|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Billionaire’s Cabal; Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; Brave New Films
“Vote for 5 Worst Things the Koch Brothers Have Done: Brave New Films Unveils New Documentary Series”
~ Robert Greenwald/@bravenewfilms/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-31-11 _ http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/545140/vote_for_5_worst_things_the_koch_brothers_have_done%3A_brave_new_films_unveils_new_documentary_series
(^^^) Movie Koch Brothers Exposed 2014, click “see full movie”
“Koch Brothers Exposed 2014”
~ @bravenewfilms, {Subscribe}, (2014), YT, 1:56 _
< http://www.bravenewfilms.org/koch2014
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Billionaire’s Cabal; Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; Brave New Films
“Vote for 5 Worst Things the Koch Brothers Have Done: Brave New Films Unveils New Documentary Series”
~ Robert Greenwald/@bravenewfilms/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-31-11 _ http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/545140/vote_for_5_worst_things_the_koch_brothers_have_done%3A_brave_new_films_unveils_new_documentary_series
(^^^) Movie Koch Brothers Exposed 2014, click “see full movie”
“Koch Brothers Exposed 2014”
~ @bravenewfilms, {Subscribe}, (2014), YT, 1:56 _
< http://www.bravenewfilms.org/koch2014
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-250|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; Buying The U.S. Political System
"Awesome! Rolling Stone Outs the Kochs!"
~ Tommymac/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 09-25-14 _
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/09/25/1332440/-Awesome-Rolling-Stone-Outs-the-Koch-s
-/\/- "Together, Charles and David Koch control one of the world's largest fortunes, which they are using to buy up our political system. But what they don't want you to know is how they made all that money"
"Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire"
~ Tim Dickinson/@RollingStone, {Subscribe}, 09-24-14 _
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/inside-the-koch-brothers-toxic-empire-20140924
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; Buying The U.S. Political System
"Awesome! Rolling Stone Outs the Kochs!"
~ Tommymac/@dailykos, {Subscribe}, 09-25-14 _
< http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/09/25/1332440/-Awesome-Rolling-Stone-Outs-the-Koch-s
-/\/- "Together, Charles and David Koch control one of the world's largest fortunes, which they are using to buy up our political system. But what they don't want you to know is how they made all that money"
"Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire"
~ Tim Dickinson/@RollingStone, {Subscribe}, 09-24-14 _
< http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/inside-the-koch-brothers-toxic-empire-20140924
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-251|“Koch Brothers”
Dark Money, Libertarian Summit
"Secret Tapes Reveal Koch Bros Master Plan To Minimize Wages & Maximize Profits"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 09-03-14, YT, 12:46 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrFv3eSYNRw
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Dark Money, Libertarian Summit
"Secret Tapes Reveal Koch Bros Master Plan To Minimize Wages & Maximize Profits"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 09-03-14, YT, 12:46 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrFv3eSYNRw
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-252|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Employee Voter Intimidation and Propaganda
“Koch Bros’ Citizens United Propaganda Exposed”
~ Kalich/@dailykos/@AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 04-24-11 _ http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/567092/koch_bros%27_citizens_united_propaganda_exposed/
(^^^) pdf copy of Koch Industries 2010 Election Letter To Koch Employees; Elect To Prosper, U.S. & State Candidates Suggested _
< http://www.thenation.com/sites/default/files/Koch%20Vote%20Record-2-WM.pdf
(^^^) “Responding to Falsehoods in Article by The Nation”
~ Koch Industries Inc, KochFacts.com, {Subscribe}, 04-21-11 _
< http://www.kochfacts.com/kf/responding-to-falsehoods-in-article-by-the-nation/
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Employee Voter Intimidation and Propaganda
“Koch Bros’ Citizens United Propaganda Exposed”
~ Kalich/@dailykos/@AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 04-24-11 _ http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/567092/koch_bros%27_citizens_united_propaganda_exposed/
(^^^) pdf copy of Koch Industries 2010 Election Letter To Koch Employees; Elect To Prosper, U.S. & State Candidates Suggested _
< http://www.thenation.com/sites/default/files/Koch%20Vote%20Record-2-WM.pdf
(^^^) “Responding to Falsehoods in Article by The Nation”
~ Koch Industries Inc, KochFacts.com, {Subscribe}, 04-21-11 _
< http://www.kochfacts.com/kf/responding-to-falsehoods-in-article-by-the-nation/
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-253|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Firing American Workers by the Thousands:
Americans for Prosperity/AFP
"Koch Brothers Threaten Rachel Maddow, Maddow Backhands The Brothers"
~ FEDX50's channel, {Subscribe}, 10-20-11, YT, 7:17 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh8O7tZ2GD4
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Firing American Workers by the Thousands:
Americans for Prosperity/AFP
"Koch Brothers Threaten Rachel Maddow, Maddow Backhands The Brothers"
~ FEDX50's channel, {Subscribe}, 10-20-11, YT, 7:17 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh8O7tZ2GD4
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-254|“Koch Brothers”
Fred Koch, Charles Koch, John Birch Society, David Koch, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Family Feud, Tea Party, Fascist Regimes, Communism, Right To Work, Kansas, Libertarian, Free Market
"Sons of Wichita: How the Koch Brothers Became America’s Most Powerful and Private Dynasty." ~ Daniel Schulman
"Behind the Koch Brothers: New Book Spills the Secrets of Nation’s Most Powerful & Private Dynasty"
~ @democracynow, {Pods/Donate}, 05-21-14, Video, 14:00 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Fred Koch, Charles Koch, John Birch Society, David Koch, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Family Feud, Tea Party, Fascist Regimes, Communism, Right To Work, Kansas, Libertarian, Free Market
"Sons of Wichita: How the Koch Brothers Became America’s Most Powerful and Private Dynasty." ~ Daniel Schulman
"Behind the Koch Brothers: New Book Spills the Secrets of Nation’s Most Powerful & Private Dynasty"
~ @democracynow, {Pods/Donate}, 05-21-14, Video, 14:00 _
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-255|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
OIL GAS COAL: Dark Money, Think Tanks, Republican Congress, Corporate Welfare, Deregulation, Pollution
Koch Industries fossil fuel money to Congress = $7,339,104 + since 1999;
Listing the top 250 US Politicians taking Koch Industries campaign money;
“’Dirty Energy Money’ is an interactive tool that tracks the flow of oil, gas and coal industry contributions to the US Congress.”
“Dirty Energy Money” (Interactive Chart) @Koch_Industries
~ w/Data from @OpenSecretsDC, {Donate} _< https://goo.gl/YZATLc
>(05-17)*CW*FK*CBWS*E6E*ULC**CopyPShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
OIL GAS COAL: Dark Money, Think Tanks, Republican Congress, Corporate Welfare, Deregulation, Pollution
Koch Industries fossil fuel money to Congress = $7,339,104 + since 1999;
Listing the top 250 US Politicians taking Koch Industries campaign money;
“’Dirty Energy Money’ is an interactive tool that tracks the flow of oil, gas and coal industry contributions to the US Congress.”
“Dirty Energy Money” (Interactive Chart) @Koch_Industries
~ w/Data from @OpenSecretsDC, {Donate} _< https://goo.gl/YZATLc
>(05-17)*CW*FK*CBWS*E6E*ULC**CopyPShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-256|“Koch Brothers”
This is a “pdf” letter to Koch Brothers, Koch Industries Employees pressuring them to vote for Republicans. 09-24-10 < http://images2.americanprogressaction.org/@thinkprogress/secretkochmeeting.pdf
>###(10-15)*FK*JL###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
This is a “pdf” letter to Koch Brothers, Koch Industries Employees pressuring them to vote for Republicans. 09-24-10 < http://images2.americanprogressaction.org/@thinkprogress/secretkochmeeting.pdf
>###(10-15)*FK*JL###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-257|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
“The Koch Brothers’ Crimes”
~ Lloyd Lofthouse, {Subscribe}, (00-00) _
< http://lloydlofthouse.org/tag/the-koch-brothers-crimes/
>###(03-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“The Koch Brothers’ Crimes”
~ Lloyd Lofthouse, {Subscribe}, (00-00) _
< http://lloydlofthouse.org/tag/the-koch-brothers-crimes/
>###(03-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-258|“Koch Brothers” Libre Initiative, Courting Latino Voters,
Food, Aid; Brave New Films
"Koch Brothers’ LIBRE Initiative Tries To Buy Latino Support At Latinos’ Expense"
~ John Paul Brammer/Blue Nation Review, {Subscribe}, 06-03-15 _
< http://bluenationreview.com/koch-brothers-libre-initiative-tries-to-buy-latino-support-at-latinos-expense/
"How the Koch Brothers Deceive Latino Voters • Exposing The Libre Initiative • Koch Brothers Exposed"
~ @bravenewfilms, {Subscribe}, 03-09-15, YT, 1:43 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuQnKoSayoQ
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Koch Brothers’ LIBRE Initiative Tries To Buy Latino Support At Latinos’ Expense"
~ John Paul Brammer/Blue Nation Review, {Subscribe}, 06-03-15 _
< http://bluenationreview.com/koch-brothers-libre-initiative-tries-to-buy-latino-support-at-latinos-expense/
"How the Koch Brothers Deceive Latino Voters • Exposing The Libre Initiative • Koch Brothers Exposed"
~ @bravenewfilms, {Subscribe}, 03-09-15, YT, 1:43 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuQnKoSayoQ
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-259|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
“…the wealthy complain… doing very well during the Obama years
“Corporate profits are higher now than they have been since the 1020’s”
“This is a grab for status and power.”
“Why the rich never stop complaining”
~ Chris Hayes/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 04-17-14, Video, 7:21 _
< https://goo.gl/uAX5bD
The Koch Brothers Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; FOX Newes-4-Ewes, Sean Hannity, States Rights, Cliven Bundy
Rancher Cliven Bundy (160 acres) surrounded by Bureau of Land Management Federal Scrub Land; Casino Owner Sheldon Adelson; Home Depot Founder Ken Langone; NRA Wayne LaPierre; The Koch Brothers;
Harry Reid Labels Bundy Supporters Domestic Terrorists;
The squatter owes the Federal Government over $1 Million accumulated grazing fees and fines over the last 21 years
“The real ’Grievance Industry’” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Hayes/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 04-17-14, Video, 7:04 _
< https://goo.gl/ep2TMr
>###(01-17)*TS*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“…the wealthy complain… doing very well during the Obama years
“Corporate profits are higher now than they have been since the 1020’s”
“This is a grab for status and power.”
“Why the rich never stop complaining”
~ Chris Hayes/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 04-17-14, Video, 7:21 _
< https://goo.gl/uAX5bD
The Koch Brothers Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Economic Sabotage; FOX Newes-4-Ewes, Sean Hannity, States Rights, Cliven Bundy
Rancher Cliven Bundy (160 acres) surrounded by Bureau of Land Management Federal Scrub Land; Casino Owner Sheldon Adelson; Home Depot Founder Ken Langone; NRA Wayne LaPierre; The Koch Brothers;
Harry Reid Labels Bundy Supporters Domestic Terrorists;
The squatter owes the Federal Government over $1 Million accumulated grazing fees and fines over the last 21 years
“The real ’Grievance Industry’” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Hayes/@MSNBC, {Subscribe}, 04-17-14, Video, 7:04 _
< https://goo.gl/ep2TMr
>###(01-17)*TS*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-263|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Veterans Administration, Privatization, Vouchers:
"Watch Sarah Palin push a Koch-backed scheme to kill the VA and replace it with vouchers"
~ Travis Gettys/@RawStory, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-25-15 _
< http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/watch-sarah-palin-push-a-koch-backed-scheme-to-kill-th-e-va-and-replace-it-with-vouchers/
>(03-15)*FK*EC*PM*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Veterans Administration, Privatization, Vouchers:
"Watch Sarah Palin push a Koch-backed scheme to kill the VA and replace it with vouchers"
~ Travis Gettys/@RawStory, {Subscribe/Donate} 03-25-15 _
< http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/03/watch-sarah-palin-push-a-koch-backed-scheme-to-kill-th-e-va-and-replace-it-with-vouchers/
>(03-15)*FK*EC*PM*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-264|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Big Oil Profits:
Keystone XL, POTUS 44 & State Department Decision
Moyers & Co. Quote ~ McKibben says the answer basically comes down to money and power. “The American Petroleum Institute told the president two years ago, ‘you do what we say on Keystone or there’ll be political trouble,’” McKibben tells Moyers. "We’ll find out how scared he was." ~ End Quote
"Bill McKibben on Why the White House Wants to Approve Keystone February 7, 2014"
~ Bill Moyers interviews Environmentalist Bill McKibben - Moyers and Company, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-07-14, Vimeo, 01:44 _
@350 @billmckibben @350action < https://goo.gl/3sV5O6
-/\/- Keystone XL story by Tara Lohan – Moyers & Co; notes and quotes
XL Southern Leg opened in 2011 “…a 485-mile strip of Oklahoma & Texas”
XL Northern leg "...environmental impact statement... Environmental Resources Management, and paid for by TransCanada itself. ...later found that the State Department intentionally kept the public in the dark about the connections. …Conflict..."
“Dark money ...by the Kochs to counter climate change action …Donors Trust and Donor Capital to cover their tracks because such donations don’t need to be made public. ...Donors Trust doled out …$63 million by 2010.”
"…2013 speech at Georgetown University, Obama …approve the pipeline if it didn’t exacerbate climate pollution."
"Cushing ...’pipeline crossroads of the world.’ ...hosts a terminus of the Keystone pipeline …Obama fast-tracked the southern leg of Keystone XL to help move crude out of Cushing and toward the Gulf …exported."
“…observers documented dozens of anomalies and problems apparently caused by TransCanada contractors not following …engineering code.”
"The southern leg crosses 631 rivers and streams in the Lone Star State alone. ...The Keystone pipeline (So. Leg) had 12 spills in its inaugural year."
"The Keystone XL Pipeline’s ‘Accidental Activists’"
~ @TaraLohan/@WaterDeeply/@MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 01-22-14 _
< https://goo.gl/QFECrj
>##(04-17)*E6E*FK##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Big Oil Profits:
Keystone XL, POTUS 44 & State Department Decision
Moyers & Co. Quote ~ McKibben says the answer basically comes down to money and power. “The American Petroleum Institute told the president two years ago, ‘you do what we say on Keystone or there’ll be political trouble,’” McKibben tells Moyers. "We’ll find out how scared he was." ~ End Quote
"Bill McKibben on Why the White House Wants to Approve Keystone February 7, 2014"
~ Bill Moyers interviews Environmentalist Bill McKibben - Moyers and Company, {Subscribe/Donate}, 02-07-14, Vimeo, 01:44 _
@350 @billmckibben @350action < https://goo.gl/3sV5O6
-/\/- Keystone XL story by Tara Lohan – Moyers & Co; notes and quotes
XL Southern Leg opened in 2011 “…a 485-mile strip of Oklahoma & Texas”
XL Northern leg "...environmental impact statement... Environmental Resources Management, and paid for by TransCanada itself. ...later found that the State Department intentionally kept the public in the dark about the connections. …Conflict..."
“Dark money ...by the Kochs to counter climate change action …Donors Trust and Donor Capital to cover their tracks because such donations don’t need to be made public. ...Donors Trust doled out …$63 million by 2010.”
"…2013 speech at Georgetown University, Obama …approve the pipeline if it didn’t exacerbate climate pollution."
"Cushing ...’pipeline crossroads of the world.’ ...hosts a terminus of the Keystone pipeline …Obama fast-tracked the southern leg of Keystone XL to help move crude out of Cushing and toward the Gulf …exported."
“…observers documented dozens of anomalies and problems apparently caused by TransCanada contractors not following …engineering code.”
"The southern leg crosses 631 rivers and streams in the Lone Star State alone. ...The Keystone pipeline (So. Leg) had 12 spills in its inaugural year."
"The Keystone XL Pipeline’s ‘Accidental Activists’"
~ @TaraLohan/@WaterDeeply/@MoyersNews, {Subscribe}, 01-22-14 _
< https://goo.gl/QFECrj
>##(04-17)*E6E*FK##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-265|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Dangerous Chemical Storage, Fertilizer Storage, Charles Koch, Chase Koch, Campaign Donations
Public no longer allowed to know where explosive chemicals are stored
"Secret Dangerous Chemicals (Extended)"
~ Wendy Davis, {Subscribe}, 07-08-14, YT, 11:07 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96hS6Hb-ocA&x-yt-cl=84503534&x-yt-ts=1421914688
>##(04-15)*FK(*TX)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Dangerous Chemical Storage, Fertilizer Storage, Charles Koch, Chase Koch, Campaign Donations
Public no longer allowed to know where explosive chemicals are stored
"Secret Dangerous Chemicals (Extended)"
~ Wendy Davis, {Subscribe}, 07-08-14, YT, 11:07 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96hS6Hb-ocA&x-yt-cl=84503534&x-yt-ts=1421914688
>##(04-15)*FK(*TX)##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-266|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Keystone XL Pipeline
Rep. Henry Waxman-CA, Investigating Koch Bros. Railroading XL Pipeline Through Congress, Republicans Stonewall Investigation, Waxman Confronts Rep. Ed Whitfield-KY, $279,500 Koch & Koch Employee Donations to 22 Republicans on Energy Committees
“Koch Bros. Accused of Stonewalling Congress on Their K. XL Pipeline” @GOP
~ Elizabeth McGowan/@Reuters, Inside Climate, {Subscribe}, 02-25-11, _
@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @SenateMajLdr < https://goo.gl/KtRTdU
>##(04-17)*FK*E6E##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Sedition, Corporate Fascism, Conspiracy, Keystone XL Pipeline
Rep. Henry Waxman-CA, Investigating Koch Bros. Railroading XL Pipeline Through Congress, Republicans Stonewall Investigation, Waxman Confronts Rep. Ed Whitfield-KY, $279,500 Koch & Koch Employee Donations to 22 Republicans on Energy Committees
“Koch Bros. Accused of Stonewalling Congress on Their K. XL Pipeline” @GOP
~ Elizabeth McGowan/@Reuters, Inside Climate, {Subscribe}, 02-25-11, _
@Koch_Industries @CKinstitute @SenateMajLdr < https://goo.gl/KtRTdU
>##(04-17)*FK*E6E##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-267|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Koch Industries Benzene Emissions:
“They didn’t know what to do with me… They were really kind of baffled that I had ethics.” ~ Whistleblower Sally Barns-Soliz, Koch employee
“91 metric tons of uncontrolled benzene” (emissions) …15 times higher than allowed;” Levels certain to cause cancer in exposed workers within 5 years 6 metric tons of Benzene are allowable by EPA Standards Koch pled guilty & fined $20 million dollars
"Koch Brothers Benzene Emissions"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 10-04-11, YT, 4:51 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqbayoSK_II
>(04-15)*FK*E6E*JL*WB(EP)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Koch Industries Benzene Emissions:
“They didn’t know what to do with me… They were really kind of baffled that I had ethics.” ~ Whistleblower Sally Barns-Soliz, Koch employee
“91 metric tons of uncontrolled benzene” (emissions) …15 times higher than allowed;” Levels certain to cause cancer in exposed workers within 5 years 6 metric tons of Benzene are allowable by EPA Standards Koch pled guilty & fined $20 million dollars
"Koch Brothers Benzene Emissions"
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, 10-04-11, YT, 4:51 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqbayoSK_II
>(04-15)*FK*E6E*JL*WB(EP)#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-268|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Oil & Gas Speculation:
Koch Industries parks tankers full of oil in ports until the price goes up. The buy low and sell high. A barrel of oil traded at $145 in July 2008 and $35 in December 2008.
“Koch Industries Lackeys Admit to Manipulating Oil Prices …And Gloat About It, Too”
~ Yasha Levine/The Exiled, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-15-11 _
< http://exiledonline.com/koch-industries-lackeys-admit-to-manipulating-oil-prices-and-gloat-about-it-too/
>#(04-15)*FK*EC*E6E*PM##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Oil & Gas Speculation:
Koch Industries parks tankers full of oil in ports until the price goes up. The buy low and sell high. A barrel of oil traded at $145 in July 2008 and $35 in December 2008.
“Koch Industries Lackeys Admit to Manipulating Oil Prices …And Gloat About It, Too”
~ Yasha Levine/The Exiled, {Subscribe/Donate} 04-15-11 _
< http://exiledonline.com/koch-industries-lackeys-admit-to-manipulating-oil-prices-and-gloat-about-it-too/
>#(04-15)*FK*EC*E6E*PM##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-269|“Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. | Koch Industries, A.L.E.C. & Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton:
pdf file: Arkansas Farmers hurt by Koch, ALEC & Sen. Tom Cotton (R*AR)
“Selling (Out) The Farm: How the Koch Agenda Hurts Ag in Arkansas”
~ Bridge Project, {Subscribe}, _ @Koch_Industries, @SenTomCotton http://realkochfacts.com/app/uploads/sites/13/2014/09/SellingOutTheFarm_final-2.pdf
>###(04-15)*FK(*AR)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
pdf file: Arkansas Farmers hurt by Koch, ALEC & Sen. Tom Cotton (R*AR)
“Selling (Out) The Farm: How the Koch Agenda Hurts Ag in Arkansas”
~ Bridge Project, {Subscribe}, _ @Koch_Industries, @SenTomCotton http://realkochfacts.com/app/uploads/sites/13/2014/09/SellingOutTheFarm_final-2.pdf
>###(04-15)*FK(*AR)###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-270|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Governments. | ObamaCare Attack
"The Koch Cash Behind the Latest Attack on Obamacare"
~ Katrina vanden Heuvel/@thenation, {Subscribe}, 03-02-15 _
< http://www.thenation.com/blog/199793/koch-cash-behind-latest-attack-obamacare#
>###(03-15)*FK*EC*UJSC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"The Koch Cash Behind the Latest Attack on Obamacare"
~ Katrina vanden Heuvel/@thenation, {Subscribe}, 03-02-15 _
< http://www.thenation.com/blog/199793/koch-cash-behind-latest-attack-obamacare#
>###(03-15)*FK*EC*UJSC###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-271|”Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Kochs Influence University Economics Education:
Friedman – Chicago School austerity economics is backed by the Koch Brothers. These Anarcho-Libertarians sponsor and fund university economics departments. They choose curriculum, books and professors.
Florida State ($1.5 Million), George Mason, Clemson, West Virginia ($480 k), Brown ($419 k), Troy ($3.6 Million), Utah State ($700 k), Beloit ($130 k)
“6 Universities With Far-Right Academic Centers Funded by Koch Industries”
~ @lhfang/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 05-12-11 _
>###(04-15)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Kochs Influence University Economics Education:
Friedman – Chicago School austerity economics is backed by the Koch Brothers. These Anarcho-Libertarians sponsor and fund university economics departments. They choose curriculum, books and professors.
Florida State ($1.5 Million), George Mason, Clemson, West Virginia ($480 k), Brown ($419 k), Troy ($3.6 Million), Utah State ($700 k), Beloit ($130 k)
“6 Universities With Far-Right Academic Centers Funded by Koch Industries”
~ @lhfang/@AlterNet, {Subscribe/Donate} 05-12-11 _
>###(04-15)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-272| “Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep.| Commenting on the sale of faculty positions, Washburn said, “This
is an egregious example of a public university being willing to sell itself for
next to nothing.”
The Koch Brothers are funding 150 university economics positions at state universities in the U.S. It’s an “Affront to academic freedom.” Charles Koch pledged $1.5 million for 2 faculty positions at Florida State University.
{The Koch Brothers select free market Friedman “Chicago School” Economics textbooks and professors, thus controlling what is taught. Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” is an example of a book they like. ~ IGRPP }
“Billionaire’s role in hiring decisions at State University raises questions”
~ Kris Hundley/Tampa Bay Times, {Subscribe}, 05-09-11 _
< http://www.tampabay.com/news/business/billionaires-role-in-hiring-decisions-at-florida-state-university-raises/1168680
>###(07-16)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
The Koch Brothers are funding 150 university economics positions at state universities in the U.S. It’s an “Affront to academic freedom.” Charles Koch pledged $1.5 million for 2 faculty positions at Florida State University.
{The Koch Brothers select free market Friedman “Chicago School” Economics textbooks and professors, thus controlling what is taught. Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” is an example of a book they like. ~ IGRPP }
“Billionaire’s role in hiring decisions at State University raises questions”
~ Kris Hundley/Tampa Bay Times, {Subscribe}, 05-09-11 _
< http://www.tampabay.com/news/business/billionaires-role-in-hiring-decisions-at-florida-state-university-raises/1168680
>###(07-16)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-273|“Koch Brothers”
"How The Koch Brothers are Intentionally Trying to Destroy Renewable Energy"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 09-05-15 _
< http://ringoffireradio.com/2015/09/how-the-koch-brothers-are-intentionally-trying-to-destroy-renewable-energy/
>###(10-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"How The Koch Brothers are Intentionally Trying to Destroy Renewable Energy"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 09-05-15 _
< http://ringoffireradio.com/2015/09/how-the-koch-brothers-are-intentionally-trying-to-destroy-renewable-energy/
>###(10-15)*FK*E6E###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-274|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Thou Art Pope of North Carolina and a psychopath or multi-billionaire, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMPCWNLOxRE
-/\/- “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_ Politics, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/21/art-pope-koch-brothers_n_2342932.html
>###(04-15)*FK3*NC##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Thou Art Pope of North Carolina and a psychopath or multi-billionaire, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMPCWNLOxRE
-/\/- “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_ Politics, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/21/art-pope-koch-brothers_n_2342932.html
>###(04-15)*FK3*NC##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-275|“Koch Brothers”
Meeting, Palm Springs, Koch Industries; Uncloak the Koch’s, Common Cause, Van Jones, (Former) US Senator Russ Feingold (2016); Liberty, Democracy, Justice
"UC Santa Cruz professor G. William Domhoff, ‘the average income of the top 400’ richest Americans — many of whom are attending the Koch’s secret event — 'tripled during the Clinton Administration and doubled during the first seven years of the Bush Administration.'”
"…threatening the “four essential human freedoms” articulated by President Frank Delano Roosevelt: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, from want, and freedom from fear."
"Rallying Against The Koch Agenda, Van Jones Warns Of ‘Excessive Concentrations Of Economic Power’"
~ Brad Johnson/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 01-31-11 _
< http://@thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/01/31/141528/koch-van-jones/
(^^^) "Van Jones: 'We Will Not Live On A National Plantation Run By The Koch Brothers'"
~ climatebrad, {Subscribe}, 01-30-11, YT, 1:52 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_X8ZBFPopM
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Meeting, Palm Springs, Koch Industries; Uncloak the Koch’s, Common Cause, Van Jones, (Former) US Senator Russ Feingold (2016); Liberty, Democracy, Justice
"UC Santa Cruz professor G. William Domhoff, ‘the average income of the top 400’ richest Americans — many of whom are attending the Koch’s secret event — 'tripled during the Clinton Administration and doubled during the first seven years of the Bush Administration.'”
"…threatening the “four essential human freedoms” articulated by President Frank Delano Roosevelt: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, from want, and freedom from fear."
"Rallying Against The Koch Agenda, Van Jones Warns Of ‘Excessive Concentrations Of Economic Power’"
~ Brad Johnson/@thinkprogress, {Subscribe}, 01-31-11 _
< http://@thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/01/31/141528/koch-van-jones/
(^^^) "Van Jones: 'We Will Not Live On A National Plantation Run By The Koch Brothers'"
~ climatebrad, {Subscribe}, 01-30-11, YT, 1:52 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_X8ZBFPopM
>###(08-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-276|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
The Wichita Business Journal, Wichita, KS; 1,065 Articles/ {Access Denied}
Wichita Business Journal, Various (1,065) “Spit Shine” Articles _
< http://assets.bizjournals.com/wichita/search/results?q=Koch
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
The Wichita Business Journal, Wichita, KS; 1,065 Articles/ {Access Denied}
Wichita Business Journal, Various (1,065) “Spit Shine” Articles _
< http://assets.bizjournals.com/wichita/search/results?q=Koch
>###(03-13)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-277|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
Public School Teacher Talks Turkey To A.L.E.C.
“This Organization has no legal authority to make such policies”
"Speaking Truth to #ALEC"
~ Sabrina Joy Stevens, {Subscribe}, 12-02-12, YT, 1:48 _
>###(07-16)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Public School Teacher Talks Turkey To A.L.E.C.
“This Organization has no legal authority to make such policies”
"Speaking Truth to #ALEC"
~ Sabrina Joy Stevens, {Subscribe}, 12-02-12, YT, 1:48 _
>###(07-16)*FK*ED###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-278|“Koch Brothers” Funded Astroturf Tea Party
Movement features attentive shock-collared sheep. | Rigging
the Electoral College with Dark Money
Tax Exempt 501(c)4 “Social Welfare” Orgs; *PA, *IA, *AZ, *DC, *KS
"…thanks to ‘Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington’ (CREW), a nonpartisan government watchdog… organizations with ties to billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch"
"…mysterious nonprofit called 'All Votes Matter' ...didn't disclose its donors, nor did it have to. The group is organized as a 501(c)4 "social welfare" nonprofit… it can spend money on politics while keeping its donors secret. (…not supposed to spend more than half of their budget on political causes, but IRS enforcement is slack.)"
"Koch-Tied Groups Funded GOP Effort to Mess With Electoral College Rules"
~ Mariah Blake/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-31-14 _
< https://goo.gl/VP7dr0
>###(01-17)*EF*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Tax Exempt 501(c)4 “Social Welfare” Orgs; *PA, *IA, *AZ, *DC, *KS
"…thanks to ‘Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington’ (CREW), a nonpartisan government watchdog… organizations with ties to billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch"
"…mysterious nonprofit called 'All Votes Matter' ...didn't disclose its donors, nor did it have to. The group is organized as a 501(c)4 "social welfare" nonprofit… it can spend money on politics while keeping its donors secret. (…not supposed to spend more than half of their budget on political causes, but IRS enforcement is slack.)"
"Koch-Tied Groups Funded GOP Effort to Mess With Electoral College Rules"
~ Mariah Blake/@MotherJones, {Subscribe/Donate} 01-31-14 _
< https://goo.gl/VP7dr0
>###(01-17)*EF*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-279|“Koch Brothers”
"Koch Brothers Caught Manipulating Wikipedia to Scrub the Truth About Them"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 09-10-15 _
< http://ringoffireradio.com/2015/09/koch-brothers-caught-manipulating-wikipedia-to-scrub-the-truth-about-them/
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
"Koch Brothers Caught Manipulating Wikipedia to Scrub the Truth About Them"
~ @ringoffireradio, {Subscribe/Donate} 09-10-15 _
< http://ringoffireradio.com/2015/09/koch-brothers-caught-manipulating-wikipedia-to-scrub-the-truth-about-them/
>###(10-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-280|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party Billionaire Cabal is an organized 4th Branch of Government which has
final say over Federal and Red-State lawmaking or law breaking.
“Bradley Foundation” for Corporations Mob Pay-offs
Mitch Daniels’ and FOX Newes-4-Ewes Roger Ailes’ received payoffs of $250k, the Bradley Award, from a conservative political think-tank, the Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.
Heritage Foundation; American Enterprise Institute; Cato Institute; FreedomWorks; Americans for Prosperity; American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC);
Koch Brothers Cabal, Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels; Education
"Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, ...promoting 'American democratic capitalism.' ...has given away more than $400 million to fund conservative causes, including school voucher campaigns, anti-union ‘right to work’ laws, pro-marriage initiatives, global warming denial groups and efforts to combat voter fraud. (Translation: Throw Democrats off of old and new Confederate Red State voting rolls & initiate complex Voter ID requirements that the poor, young, an elderly can't comply with.) …quietly donated far more to the conservative causes than the Kochs.”
Bradley Cabal "dollars fund ...Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the libertarian Cato Institute. ...help to bolster corporate-backed, tea party astroturf groups ...look like grassroots initiatives ...FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)."
"Named for its two founding brothers, the Bradley Foundation attracts less attention than the half-dozen different family foundations controlled by the better-known billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David." Previous Bradley Corp Mob payoff award Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Attorney General Edwin Meese and conservative commentator George Will
"Bradley Foundation Awards $250,000 Prizes To Roger Ailes, Mitch Daniels"
~ Christina Wilkie - Huffington Post, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13 _**
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/12/bradley-foundation-awards_n_3430858.html
>##(08-16)*FK2*E6E*ED##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Bradley Foundation” for Corporations Mob Pay-offs
Mitch Daniels’ and FOX Newes-4-Ewes Roger Ailes’ received payoffs of $250k, the Bradley Award, from a conservative political think-tank, the Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.
Heritage Foundation; American Enterprise Institute; Cato Institute; FreedomWorks; Americans for Prosperity; American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC);
Koch Brothers Cabal, Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels; Education
"Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, ...promoting 'American democratic capitalism.' ...has given away more than $400 million to fund conservative causes, including school voucher campaigns, anti-union ‘right to work’ laws, pro-marriage initiatives, global warming denial groups and efforts to combat voter fraud. (Translation: Throw Democrats off of old and new Confederate Red State voting rolls & initiate complex Voter ID requirements that the poor, young, an elderly can't comply with.) …quietly donated far more to the conservative causes than the Kochs.”
Bradley Cabal "dollars fund ...Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the libertarian Cato Institute. ...help to bolster corporate-backed, tea party astroturf groups ...look like grassroots initiatives ...FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)."
"Named for its two founding brothers, the Bradley Foundation attracts less attention than the half-dozen different family foundations controlled by the better-known billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David." Previous Bradley Corp Mob payoff award Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Attorney General Edwin Meese and conservative commentator George Will
"Bradley Foundation Awards $250,000 Prizes To Roger Ailes, Mitch Daniels"
~ Christina Wilkie - Huffington Post, {Subscribe}, 06-12-13 _**
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/12/bradley-foundation-awards_n_3430858.html
>##(08-16)*FK2*E6E*ED##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-281| “Koch Brothers”
Funded Astroturf Tea Party Movement features attentive shock-collared
Resistance Music
Music, “Koch Bros – It’s the evil thing.”
~ other98, KochBlocked.com, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-17-11, YT, 1:38 _
(*UJSC)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Resistance Music
Music, “Koch Bros – It’s the evil thing.”
~ other98, KochBlocked.com, {Subscribe/Donate}, 05-17-11, YT, 1:38 _
(*UJSC)*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-282|“Koch Brothers”
Tea Party was set up to practice economic sabotage in Red State and Federal
Governments. | Super PAC Spoof
“Colbert Super PAC – Thank You”
~ Steven Colbert,{Cable Subscriber Support} Video, 02-02-12 _**
@colbertlateshow < http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/407712/february-02-2012/america-s-biggest-super-pac-donors
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X 96.8K ac/53Pages/183Links
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| KOCH BROTHERS CABAL
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY
“Colbert Super PAC – Thank You”
~ Steven Colbert,{Cable Subscriber Support} Video, 02-02-12 _**
@colbertlateshow < http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/407712/february-02-2012/america-s-biggest-super-pac-donors
>###(04-15)*FK###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
# XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X 96.8K ac/53Pages/183Links
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| KOCH BROTHERS CABAL
||<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>#<<>>|| AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-301|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
Corporate interests and the Koch Cabal built the Tea Party monster that
is designed to disable the not-for-profit service infrastructure of government
so it can be more justifiably privatized (profitized).
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-302|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
(AFP), State Policy Network (SPN), “Deregulating Charity Orgs”
AFP Fighting Against Affordable (Health) Care Act ACA 2010 through a plethora of whipped up Not-For-Profit Charity Organizations & Web Sites
[like S-Court 5 Rent-Boy Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni at Liberty Central]
[ObamaCare – envisioned as “guaranteed access” to Health Insurance, (exceptions being the uncooperative 25 Koch A.L.E.C. controlled Teahad Plantation Rebels-For-Greed & RTW - Right-To-Work as a Slave-w/a-Night-Pass States)]
"The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity"
~ Pam Martens/Wall Street On Parade, A Citizens Guide to Wall St.; (See “Publishers Must Reads”), {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-19-10 _
< http://wallstreetonparade.com/the-koch-empire-and-americans-for-prosperity/
-/\/- (V3) ~ Pam Martens/@NatCounterPunch, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 _
< http://www.counterpunch.org/2010/10/19/the-koch-empire-and-americans-for-prosperity/
State Policy “Tea Anarchy” Network, “Deregulating Charity Orgs” – 501(c)3 “ed org”/Free Market Think Tanks; at least one in every state
Writers/Spinners Wanted: "Find Your Audience for Freedom,"
"Turn Crisis into Opportunity," "Become a Storyteller for Liberty"
“…vision for SPN as a service and networking organization that would help coordinate state and national efforts to promote free enterprise.”
“…independent, market-oriented, state-focused think tanks. Today …59 representing all 50 states”
SPN | About _ {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
< http://www.spn.org/about/page/background
KOCH ORG RUNDOWN: Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Club for Growth, American Energy Alliance, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Generation Opportunity, 60+, Freedom Partners, Cato Institute, Independent Women's Forum described …and many others listed
“Organizations to Watch” {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
~ Koch Problem, {Subscribe/Donate} _
< http://www.kochtracker.com/explore/OrgsToWatch
>###(07-16)*EC*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
(AFP), State Policy Network (SPN), “Deregulating Charity Orgs”
AFP Fighting Against Affordable (Health) Care Act ACA 2010 through a plethora of whipped up Not-For-Profit Charity Organizations & Web Sites
[like S-Court 5 Rent-Boy Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni at Liberty Central]
[ObamaCare – envisioned as “guaranteed access” to Health Insurance, (exceptions being the uncooperative 25 Koch A.L.E.C. controlled Teahad Plantation Rebels-For-Greed & RTW - Right-To-Work as a Slave-w/a-Night-Pass States)]
"The Koch Empire and Americans for Prosperity"
~ Pam Martens/Wall Street On Parade, A Citizens Guide to Wall St.; (See “Publishers Must Reads”), {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-19-10 _
< http://wallstreetonparade.com/the-koch-empire-and-americans-for-prosperity/
-/\/- (V3) ~ Pam Martens/@NatCounterPunch, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10 _
< http://www.counterpunch.org/2010/10/19/the-koch-empire-and-americans-for-prosperity/
State Policy “Tea Anarchy” Network, “Deregulating Charity Orgs” – 501(c)3 “ed org”/Free Market Think Tanks; at least one in every state
Writers/Spinners Wanted: "Find Your Audience for Freedom,"
"Turn Crisis into Opportunity," "Become a Storyteller for Liberty"
“…vision for SPN as a service and networking organization that would help coordinate state and national efforts to promote free enterprise.”
“…independent, market-oriented, state-focused think tanks. Today …59 representing all 50 states”
SPN | About _ {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
< http://www.spn.org/about/page/background
KOCH ORG RUNDOWN: Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Club for Growth, American Energy Alliance, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Generation Opportunity, 60+, Freedom Partners, Cato Institute, Independent Women's Forum described …and many others listed
“Organizations to Watch” {DEAD LINK NOT FOUND 2016}
~ Koch Problem, {Subscribe/Donate} _
< http://www.kochtracker.com/explore/OrgsToWatch
>###(07-16)*EC*FK3###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-303|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
“Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 _**
< https://goo.gl/xNPBpS
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
"The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute < https://goo.gl/CTNk8q
>###(04-17)*FK2*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Griftopia” ~ Matt Taibbi, 2009; (financial meltdown & Tea Party explained),
David Koch is caught orchestrating the Tea Party Summit at an Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Event. He had previously denied the affiliation and the funding. David Koch is exposed as a LIAR!
Goals… “Like leading the charge to repeal health care reform and continue the climate change denial crusade” …Elimination of Public Schools
“They are happily campaigning and almost adoring candidates who explicitly campaign on things that totally undermine that future… specifically their group.”
Tea Party “They’re gonna believe what they wanna believe.”
“But the reality is that these people are just going to turn around and give their votes to the same Republican Party that got them upset in the first place. And it’s just going to turn into an endless cycle of non-action, incompetence, despair, and more anger.”
“If we sell this thing correctly they will come into the cages by themselves.”
(min 06:05) “The Tea Party is a real grass roots movement in some respects. And I think there are people like (D.C. Think-Tank/Political Action Committee CEO’s) Dick Army (CEO – Freedom Works), Karl Rove (CEO – American Crossroads & Crossroads GPS), and the Koch Brothers who saw an said we have to get a piece of this and corral it. And they’ve done that. I think they’ve effectively appropriated the movement.”
“Countdown: Keith Olbermann & Matt Taibbi Discuss How Corps Are Behind The ‘Tea Party’ Scam”
~ Thingy, @KeithOlbermann/GQ, @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe &Support Journalism/Donate}, 10-14-10, YT, 7:17 _**
< https://goo.gl/xNPBpS
-/\/- "Matt Taibbi takes down the far-right monster and the corporate insiders who created it."
"The Truth About the Tea Party"
~ @mtaibbi/@RollingStone, {Subscribe/Donate}, 09-28-10 _
@AFP @Koch_Industries @CKinstitute < https://goo.gl/CTNk8q
>###(04-17)*FK2*PI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-304|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
Chucky & Davie “Koch” Sucking Tea Baggers For Billionaire’s Cabal; Thou Art Pope of North Carolina and a psychopath or multi-billionaire; A.L.E.C.
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMPCWNLOxRE
-/\/- “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_ Politics, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/21/art-pope-koch-brothers_n_2342932.html
>##(04-15)*FK3*NC#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Chucky & Davie “Koch” Sucking Tea Baggers For Billionaire’s Cabal; Thou Art Pope of North Carolina and a psychopath or multi-billionaire; A.L.E.C.
Amendment To Get Big Money Out Of Politics, Citizens{Corps}United Killing Democracy
"...helps shine the light special interests North Carolina and what you can do to stop the growing threat of big money in politics."
Art Pope, A.L.E.C., Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity, etc "Spent $40 Million Dollars Funding 20 State Legislative Races & Winning 18" "Pope Funded Elections"
"Your Voice, Their Money"
~ NCVCE, {Subscribe}, 12-17-2012, YT, 13:07 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMPCWNLOxRE
-/\/- “A conservative multimillionaire has taken control in North Carolina, one of 2012’s top battlegrounds."
"State for Sale"
~ @JaneMayerNYer/@NewYorker, {Subscribe/Donate}, 10-10-11 _
-/\/- “Pope ...spent years building a massive conservative infrastructure in the state (NC) in the mold of the national network funded by the billionaire Koch brothers."
"Art Pope, Koch Brothers Ally, Picked To Run North Carolina Budget"
~ Paul Blumenthal/@thehuffpost_ Politics, {Subscribe}, 01-29-13 _
< http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/21/art-pope-koch-brothers_n_2342932.html
>##(04-15)*FK3*NC#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-305|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
US Senator Harry Reid, (on the Senate floor), talking about the un-American Koch Brothers, Charles & David Koch, buying US Elections; Funding dozens of Political Action Committees
A.L.E.C. – (Un) American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council, Americans For Prosperity – Tea Party
"Reid Calls Koch Brothers 'Un-American'" @SenatorReid
~ Washington Free Beacon, 02-26-14, YT, 2:32 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1hUvkfObbg
-/\/- AFP – (Tea Party) Americans For Prosperity – CEO, Tim Phillips talks about the 2014 election and the effects of ObamaCare
“Harry Reid really hates the Koch Brothers. Here’s why.” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Cillizza/@washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 03-04-14, Video, 02:19_
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2014/03/04/harry-reid-really-hates-the-koch-brothers/
"How Harry Reid's attack on the Koch brothers is paying off" @SenatorReid
~ Joan McCarter/@dailykos, 07-08-14 < https://goo.gl/imoIzx
>(04-17)*FK3*ULDSHR#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
US Senator Harry Reid, (on the Senate floor), talking about the un-American Koch Brothers, Charles & David Koch, buying US Elections; Funding dozens of Political Action Committees
A.L.E.C. – (Un) American Legislative (& Judicial Judas) Exchange Council, Americans For Prosperity – Tea Party
"Reid Calls Koch Brothers 'Un-American'" @SenatorReid
~ Washington Free Beacon, 02-26-14, YT, 2:32 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1hUvkfObbg
-/\/- AFP – (Tea Party) Americans For Prosperity – CEO, Tim Phillips talks about the 2014 election and the effects of ObamaCare
“Harry Reid really hates the Koch Brothers. Here’s why.” @SenatorReid
~ Chris Cillizza/@washingtonpost, {Subscribe}, 03-04-14, Video, 02:19_
< http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2014/03/04/harry-reid-really-hates-the-koch-brothers/
"How Harry Reid's attack on the Koch brothers is paying off" @SenatorReid
~ Joan McCarter/@dailykos, 07-08-14 < https://goo.gl/imoIzx
>(04-17)*FK3*ULDSHR#*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-306|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
“Koch” Qaeda “Bros” Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Chucky-n-Davie
WI - Wisconsin, Koch Brothers Buy Wisconsin Governor Election Twice ($40-60 million in 2012), Koch Funded “Munchhausen Syndrome - Judas” Film Clip By Wisconsin State Workers – sponsored by Americans For Prosperity Foundation & The Maciver Institute; Koch Qaeda Cabal Setting Up To Buy The National Election In 2012, Break Unions In Any State
“GOP pumping millions of dollars into elections to buy them”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, & Robert Greenwald/Brave New Films, {Podcasts/Donate}, 06-08-12, YT, 3:48 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n5dkTTzK3I&feature=g-all-u
>###(03-13)*FK*WI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
“Koch” Qaeda “Bros” Teahad & Billionaire Cabal, Chucky-n-Davie
WI - Wisconsin, Koch Brothers Buy Wisconsin Governor Election Twice ($40-60 million in 2012), Koch Funded “Munchhausen Syndrome - Judas” Film Clip By Wisconsin State Workers – sponsored by Americans For Prosperity Foundation & The Maciver Institute; Koch Qaeda Cabal Setting Up To Buy The National Election In 2012, Break Unions In Any State
“GOP pumping millions of dollars into elections to buy them”
~ @TheYoungTurks, {Donate}, & Robert Greenwald/Brave New Films, {Podcasts/Donate}, 06-08-12, YT, 3:48 _
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n5dkTTzK3I&feature=g-all-u
>###(03-13)*FK*WI###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-307|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
State*WI_ Wisconsin, Democrat, Senate Candidate Tammy Baldwin (D*WI); Koch Tea Bagger “Astroturf Group - Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Has Launched A $3 Million Dollar Ad By In US Senate Races”
“Koch-funded AFP Launches Attack on Tammy Baldwin as US Senate Race Heats Up”
~ Harriet Rowan/@prwatch, @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate}, 06-26-12 _
< https://goo.gl/1LIYyj
>##(04-17)*ULDSC*WI##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
State*WI_ Wisconsin, Democrat, Senate Candidate Tammy Baldwin (D*WI); Koch Tea Bagger “Astroturf Group - Americans 4 (Trickle-Down) Prosperity Has Launched A $3 Million Dollar Ad By In US Senate Races”
“Koch-funded AFP Launches Attack on Tammy Baldwin as US Senate Race Heats Up”
~ Harriet Rowan/@prwatch, @sourcewatch/@EXPOSEDbyCMD, { Support Journalism/Donate}, 06-26-12 _
< https://goo.gl/1LIYyj
>##(04-17)*ULDSC*WI##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Forbes 400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-308|“Americans
For (Koch Trickle-Down Golden-Shower)
Prosperity” is a Tea Party dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and
pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization run by Tim
Phillips, the organ-grinder monkey CEO.
"Rachel Maddow-"You are parasites" she tells Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity"
~ StartLoving2, {Subscribe} {Subscribe}, 10-16-09, YT, 8:48 _
@MSNBC < https://goo.gl/DXxibP
>###(01-17) *FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
400 King Billionaire Anarchists-666ELFKU-309|“Americans For (Koch Trickle-Down
Golden-Shower) Prosperity” is a Tea Party
dolt-whispering-snake “recruitment” and pistol-whip sound-bite ad organization
run by Tim Phillips, the organ-grinder
monkey CEO.(^^^)
"Rachel Maddow-"You are parasites" she tells Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity"
~ StartLoving2, {Subscribe} {Subscribe}, 10-16-09, YT, 8:48 _
@MSNBC < https://goo.gl/DXxibP
>###(01-17) *FK2###*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
Tennessee, Montana, Propaganda
Jenk Eviscerates Koch Brother’s Billionaire Front Group
AFP – Americans For (Koch) Prosperity calls town hall without notifying “Elected” Representatives for Fascist Propaganda against expansion of Affordable (health) Care Act 2010 to Red States
"Koch Brother Minions Booed At Montana Medicaid Townhall"
~ @TheYoungTurks, Wolf-PAC(.)com; {Podcast Subscriber Supported Journalism}, 02-13-15, YT, 8:35 _
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW8hmelOtgk
>#(02-15)*FK2*EF*TN*MT##*CopyPasteShare↑CreativeCommonsEDU B|
## XXXX XXX XX X XXXX XXX XX X 11.6Kac/07Pages/17Links
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